#Oof I am Not Sure yet how to tag this
violettduchess · 10 months
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A/N: It was SUCH a close poll but Clavis managed to beat out both Gilbert and Cyran to win so he is the Prince suitor for @aquagirl1978 and my Summer Days Sultry Nights CCC.
The prompt was "Sundress"
I wanted to experiment a little with form. I had written one Leonardo fic last year that was only dialogue and wanted to try it again.
modiste: a fashionable milliner or dressmaker
WC: ~500
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“Clavis? Could you come here a moment, please?”
“Is my lovely wife missing me already? I haven’t even left the room yet!”
“Alright little lamb, I’m coming. Oh dear, am I allowed behind the changing screen? I may see something I shouldn’t and my, wouldn’t that be scandalous.”
“Clavis, we’re married.”
“Ah yes, and what a dream it’s been since the wedding. I have a particularly fond memory of sneaking off during the reception and–”
“I’m here, Mrs. Lelouch and…….ah…..oh dear. Oh dearie me. What have you done?”
“Please help me. When I tried it on at the modiste, she helped me with all the straps. She made it seem so easy to get into this damned dress but now…..I think I’ve made a mess of it.”
“Hmm. I am quite certain that you are exposing body parts that are exclusively for the blessed eyes of your beloved husband and no one else. Let me just tuck that back–”
“Clavis, you have to fix the whole dress. Not just squish me into some of it! Also that hurts. They’re attached, you know.”
“Are they? I should feel again just to be sure and- ouch! My little bunny turns violent. It’s quite charming how fiery you are.”
“I will swat your hands away if you try that again. I just need- oof– help untwisting these straps here. I believe some of them should go across that way.”
“My, who knew garments could be so complex. Where is the style of simplicity?"
“Says the man who wears seven belts.”
“Only on occasion. Now be a sweetheart and bend your arm like so. Just….further down, darling.”
“My arm doesn’t bend that way!”
“Wait…wait…ah, I believe this particular strap goes like this. Much better. I should consult with your modiste when constructing my next trap. She appears to be a natural.”
“She would never. She is a lady.”
“So were you and I still managed to capture your heart, charm you until you couldn’t bear to be without me, fill your nights with dreams of Lelouchian delight.”
“Oh for heaven’s sake.”
“Your tone notwithstanding, I know you are thrilled to be Mrs. Lelouch. And would Mrs. Lelouch care to duck underneath this strap, watch your head. Ah. My, my, would you look at that. It really IS a beautiful dress.”
“You did it!”
“Of course I did. I am a man of my word and also, I’m an incredibly talented– Mmmph.”
“You’re leaving me quite breathless, sweetheart. My eyes close and you kiss me, my eyes open and I see you in this positively marvelous dress with oh so much back exposed. I hardly know what to do with myself.”
“Yes, my lovely wife.”
“You were able to wrangle me into this ordeal of a dress…..”
“Mmm hmm.”
“How about you now wrangle me out of it?”
“Oh?........Oh. OH. With the greatest of pleasure, my dear. The GREATEST of pleasure.”
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Tagging: @alexxavicry @queengiuliettafirstlady @rhodolitesrose @ikemen-writer @bellerose-arcana @thewitchofbooks @aria-chikage @redheadkittys @tele86 @dear-mrs-otome @firestar-otomeobsessed @curious-skybunny @rhodoliteschaos @kpop-and-otome @writingwhimsey @mxrmaid-poet @silver-dahlia @wendolrea @otomefoxystar @nightfoxqueen @myonlyjknight @queen-dahlia @aceuuuuu @scorchieart @bubblexly
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totaldramafan-lauri · 6 months
Make Use Of Me (chapter 1, preview)
Dec. 7 EDIT: ONCE MORE, WITH BRAVERY THIS TIME. No more chickening out. You can read this thing FOR REAL now. Sorry for being weird, and now....sorry if this wasn't worth it. XD
O-OK...here goes....
First thing's first: I am not expecting a lotta people to read this. I'm not asking people to read this. At this point, I'm making this mostly as a passion project, and if anyone enjoys it, it'll be a really cool bonus. My writing style isn't gonna be for everyone, and the characters I write aren't the most....popular characters in the CRK X Reader community, and I imagine this isn't really something a lotta fans'll be demanding more of.
This is LONG. This one chapter is 56 pages long. I am a VERY wordy writer,
So......why'm I posting this preview? Well....partially as an interest gauge for people who WOULD wanna read it, but...mostly as a motivator. As something to remind myself of whenever I get lazy. After all....I can't quit after I made the first chapter public, right? By doing that, I put myself out there...And, hey, I even tagged it, so, if by the off chance, someone did read it, I'm basically promising them more eventually.....
But, again, I'm not forcing anyone to read this.
Not only is it long, but.....This first chapter is probably my least-favorite thing I've ever written. By posting this chapter by itself, I'm testing to see if it does its job of making people wanna read the rest, cuz....right now, I'm not so sure how well it succeeds at that.....
This is the boring part of the story. It's a bunch of setup, and me jumping through hoop after hoop after hoop to just get everything started. I know setup is important and all, but....I'm already a very wordy writer, so....oof....There is some interesting stuff that happens, but it takes a while to get there.
I-I....kinda hate it, actually. The only reason I didn't scrap it is that I didn't realize I hated it until I was about halfway through it and the "good part" hadn't started yet. And I still spent a month writing the thing, so....I finished it.
I'm tagging this...as an experiment. If you wanna read this, go ahead. W-well, read my tags first, THEN go ahead. XD
All I can really say in this chapter's defense is that....I do try my best to salvage it. It's just setup, but I TRIED to make it interesting. And everything that seems like it didn't go anywhere, will later. This isn't the whole story, it's just the beginning of what's gonna be a BIG story. Anything that seems weird in this chapter, gets explored in the other chapters. This does set up a bunch of stuff that becomes important later (The friend character shows up later, the Colosseum becomes relevant later). This chapter is boring, but I tried not to make any of it pointless.
For the future: I'm aiming for five chapters. Chapters 2 and 3 will be a series of smaller vignettes that take place over the course of a few years, chapter 4 will be the climax, and chapter 5 will be something of an epilogue. After that, there will be two endings to choose from (which will make sense when we get there).
This probably won't be my favorite thing I've ever written, but it will be the most ambitious thing I've ever, and probably will ever, write. I haven't written something like this before, and it's all to flesh out this story and make it believable.
Right now, I.....I want to finish this. I'll probably still be writing this in February at the rate I'm going, but...at this point, I've put too much into it to give up on it. However, I'm STILL not completely ruling out the idea of my motivation dying before then. It COULD happen. So, what I'm planning to do is...setting a short-term goal of finishing chapter 3. After I do that, I'll post the first three chapters on AO3 together, and work on the rest. That way, even if I don't finish it, I'll at least have it over half done, and chapter 3 will end on a somewhat high note.
So, yyyyeah....Not a lotta people will read this preview. Overly wordy writing style + boring setup part of story + 56 pages long + assumed lack of interest for X Readers of this character (At least, I haven't SEEN many simps for her, m-maybe I'm wrong, I might be, I-I haven't checked any tags cuz I've been nervous, b-but it doesn't make my writing any better. In that case, this is my first time writing her so I'm trying super hard to do her justice >//////<)
I-if you wanna read this, and see if this first chapter does a good job of making you wanna read the better chapters, then...Go ahead.....
Some notes:
-This is still not the final draft. It's finalized enough for me to share, but I'm still not considering it finished. Even tho I'm working on chapter 3 right now, I STILL go back and edit this, even very recently. So, chances are, even if the story is finalized, small details and sentences are still subject to change. I know for a fact that there are still SOME placeholder bits in here that will change after I get some stuff cleared up. Recently, I even considered chopping off an entire section to make it shorter. I decided not to, but hey, it could still happen. I don't wanna waste anyone's time. The first chapter of a story, even if it's boring, is still very important, and I wanna make sure it's the best version of itself.
(A-and yes, this means that I've finished chapter 2 as well. The reason I'm not sharing it is that, unlike chapter 1, it was finished VERY recently, so I might still need to give myself time to edit it. From what I have, tho, I do like it a LOT more than chapter 1. There are some parts of chapter 2 that I'm legit proud of.)
-Even tho this first chapter is completely clean, I-I should mention that....this fic is for adults. The full version, at least. Chapters 3 and 4 are gonna contain some light N/S/F/W moments (the "fade to black" variety, so nothing explicit) and there'll be other slightly racey comments here and there. Just a heads-up. I'm gonna be uncomfy with minors reading this.
Th-that's all? I-I think that's all.......O-OK, so......h-here goes..... E-enjoy....
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gordonzola-ramen · 5 months
My mutual @alectricblue tagged me in this game tag! I normally dont do these, but I thought it'd be nice to get to know me more (and also meet y'all if you wish to participate)!
It will be long though. Sorry
1. Were you named after anyone?
Was originally gonna be named Andrea after a ballerina my grandma liked! Sadly no one remembered her well, not even grandma, so I don't know much about her.
My deadname was simply just chosen bc it was easy to pronounce, as well as my chosen name Diego (it's what I would've been called had I been male), although when I chose it for myself I liked the JoJo character Diego Brando so there was some correlation there.
Funnily enough, people think I'm nicknamed Lio after the Promare character, but I hadn't met them yet.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Yesterday. At 11pm. Watching OR3O's One Piece song. It was nostalgic ok
3. Do you have kids?
Nope. There's an absurd amount of reasons I don't want them, although not a single one is because I dislike them. I've had to babysit many kids and they've all been very sweet.
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
Oof, my recent sports is taking my dog for a walk. But I used to like volleyball and kickball! And reluctantly played soccer and did swimming! Sports give me a lot of anxiety and i'm not sure why.
5. Do you use sarcasm?
I do a lot of teasing and lighthearted banter that can sometimes be considered sarcasm?
6. What's the first thing you notice about people?
Their eyes! Or anything outstanding like cool hairstyles or visible tattoos.
With online people, I mostly recognize them by pfp or a vague mental pronunciation of their username.
7. What's your eye color?
Dark brown?? Or black??
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Honestly, whatever makes me think more. Unhappy endings tend to do that more though, so I guess scary movies! But of course it depends on the mood, sometimes I just want a nice story to cheer me up.
9. Any talents?
I've been told I am talented at the piano! And music in general, although most of my skills feel less like talent and more like just studying the thing.
10. Where were you born?
So I was born in the US, in Florida, but my entire family is from Costa Rica and I just happened to be born while my parents were studying abroad. I don't remember much from the US though, I came back to CR with my grandma in my first months because she was less busy than my parents, and then they came to live here again. So in my eyes I've been a true Costa Rican since always hehe
11. What are your hobbies?
Playing the piano! Also drawing sometimes (I like to color more than draw, but unless I get my hands on a coloring book I can't do that unless I draw), playing videogames (mostly RPGs and visual novels), and doomscrolling.
12. Do you have any pets?
YESSSS my beloved dog Mia!!!!!!!!!!! I love her so much, she escaped her abusive home and we found her while walking around a plaza, said hi, and she followed us home. She's been with us for 8 years now and I adore her. Reference below because how can I not show her off:
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13. How tall are you?
Excellent question. I forgot but I'm average if that helps!
14. Favorite subject in school?
It changed over the years, in senior year it was English because we had my favorite teacher! I knew him for years because he has a literature club I partook in, so I was very happy to have classes with him. Plus, we saw the Oresteia, which goes tremendously hard especially when your teacher geeks out about all the symbolisms.
Apart from that, computer class! We barely ever had it, and almost had it cut out entirely in senior year, but the few times we did I really enjoyed programming and practicing typing! And when we didn't do anything we could play so.
15. Dream job?
I want to make my own videogame! So I'd say a game developer, although being a part of any videogame, especially RPGs, would be a dream come true.
Well thank you for reading, I hope that was some insight, it was very fun to reply!
Tagging section (no pressure to do it at all, you can also do it if you're not tagged who cares)
@skyllion-uwu @thefrogswhospoke @gorgeousuare @chronologicalimplosion @fishy-lilic @smoothedsmoothie @mx-mind @montied @aspirationatwork @jhofoyitchg @derkhue @mellomaia @federalfazbear @mcfinnigan @mutantsgurls @foxounderscorecube @sweetnessfollowsmp3 @mildredtefoneck @oh-my-stars1969 @unfullbucket @fluffnfuzzxoxo @electriceel69 @scottigyn @stressedsilverware @sapphicrobotenjoer @antjellies @milk1non-tolarantes @ovalbrain @chocokhaos @markdiegamer @astralix13 @atheist-xmas @blktomekurata @monstar-dreams @glass-duke @c--eam @laooneart
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skymoral · 5 months
- Prologue -
Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Category: F/M
Fandom: Mortal Kombat (Video Games)
Relationship: Bi-Han | Sub-Zero/You
Liu KangJohnny CageTakahashi KenshiRaiden (Mortal Kombat)Kung LaoReaderOriginal Female Character(s)Original Male Character(s)Kitana (Mortal Kombat)Mileena (Mortal Kombat)Harumi ShiraiGeras (Mortal Kombat)Tanya (Mortal Kombat)Original Female Character(s) of ColorOriginal Male Character(s) of Color
Additional Tags:
Black Character(s)Family FluffFamily FeelsChildhood FriendsFriendshipAngst and Hurt/ComfortBetrayalBroken FamiliesTournamentsFalling In LoveFirst LoveNear DeathRedemptionPeople Change PeopleLin Kuei Clan (Mortal Kombat)Game 12: Mortal Kombat 1 (2023) .·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
“OMFG Y/N turn off the damn ALARM ALREADY!” Someone said covering there head with a pillow.
you get up with the little energy you have to turn the alarm off the phone. You squint looking at the time on the phone, it shows that it’s 9:20 a.m
You quickly shot up, “FUCK! We’re going to be late for our first lecture. GET YO ASS UP RHONDA!” You quickly got out of bed. Snatching Rhonda’s leg that was exposed from under the cover. Dragging her in the bathroom, which Rhonda left alone being to lazy to fight against it.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
You both rushed out of your dorm room, running through the college to reach to there history class.
They peeked to see if there professor was facing the class, which luckily they weren’t. There back was turned, so you and Rhonda tipped toed inside and quickly head to both your seats, without being detected.
”Nice of ladies to join us today, I hope this doesn’t become a habit.” The professor announced as he was writing on the board.
”Yes Professor Major.” You and Rhonda said in unison.
about 30 min in the class he started going over Egyptian culture and it’s origin. Rhonda was sleep, and you had your headphones in listening to Nicki Minaj's new Pink Friday album. While scrolling through Instagram.
As you were looking at different posts, you had got a text from one of your other friends Tonya
Tonya: “Hey Juicy Fruit, what you doing? :)”
“Nothing on the phone listening to music, and sitting in a boring ass class, PLEASE save a sister 😩😩”
Tonya: “Oof, damn that’s tough… Welp, I’m glad I ain’t you. Bitches like me need freedom 🤪”
”That’s because niggas like you don’t know how to act right. Probably would’ve not lasted either 😂😂”
Tonya: ”Bitch you ain’t funny 😒”
”I am, anyways will Jamika be at the shop today? I wanted to get some box braids done, I already bought some extensions.”
Tonya: “I do know she works today, I ain’t seen her yet. The shop open tho, and we don’t close until 8pm”
”Okay that’s fine, I’m a head straight there with Rhonda. After our classes, thanks boo😘”
Tonya: ”You welcome Juicy, make sure you study hard now. Don’t want my baby to flunk lol.”
”Girl Bye”
Tonya: “😂😂😂”
You put your phone down, as you continue to listen to your music and take notes down from the board for you and of course Rhonda.
Knowing she’s going to ask you to do it anyway. The lecture was finally over and you slapped Rhonda awake. 
“Damn you almost knocked my weave off.” Rhonda told you as she was straightening her hair, putting it back in place. You chucked a little as ya’ll head to your next class.
”Then you need a new hairstylist, as in go to a professional and not do it yo damn self.”
”Nah bitch, just keep them motherfuckin hands to YO SELF.”
”Don’t fall asleep and I will.”
”Whatever, uh oh Ex alert.” Rhonda informed you. You looked up from your phone and noticed your ex-boyfriend Oscar.
”Well what a pleasant surprise, you look stunning as always Y/N.”
”Oscar haven’t you heard a song called, to the left to the left.” Rhonda did a little dance and hand gesture to the left, for him to leave.
Oscar rolled his eyes irritated but went back to his fake smile, “Oh Rhonda I didn’t see you down there. The adults are having a conversation.”
Rhonda wanted to back hand him, but you held her hand back. “What do you want Oscar? We’re trying to get to class.”
”I just wanted to introduce you to my girlfriend. I thought you two might get along, Jovanni!” He shouted behind him, she quickly came towards the group. Hugging him then giving him a kiss.
”Jovanni this is Y/N, Y/N this is Jovanni Simpson, Babe you remember when I told you about her.”
You looked at Jovanni, and you had to admit she was a beauty. Gorgeous milk chocolate skin, with a beautiful smile. Tall with an hour glass figure, long black hair and just everything about her was gorgeous.
”Damn girl, yo baby hair is on TEN! WHO does your ha-OW!” You nudged Rhonda’s side.
”I do my own hair I’m a Hairstylist and cosmetologist on the side and studying to be a nurse. I’ll be interning to the university hospital in Miami, this year. One of the biggest hospitals in our state!” Jovanni told them, with a huge grin.
You know she wasn’t trying to piss you off or try to come off that she’s better than you, but you still take it as such.
”W-Well, my girl Y/N is… you know… AN ACTRESS!”
Everyone looked at Rhonda confused, you gave her the angry smile. 
“Really!?” Oscar and Jovanni questioned looking at you. You just smiled at them nervously and embarrassed.
”Yep and she knows JOHNNY CAGE!”
”The JOHNNY CAGE! OMG! I LOVE HIM!” Jovanni bounced.
”Babe she fuckin wit u, she ain’t no actress nor does she know Johnny Cage.”
”Ha! How would you know? Its okay to admit, that I’ve accomplished more than you."
”Stop cappin! Just admit that you ain’t got shit goin for yo ass. I bet you ain’t got no proof.”
”Oh really!? I’ll show yo ass proof!” You snapped back.
”Yeah she gonna be in Johnny’s Cage upcoming, movie the movie he announced he's producing and directing called, ‘Mortal Kombat’. And you both are invited to the premiere when it comes out.”
“Rhonda hun.” You whispered to her, nervously.
”We’ll even take pictures while we’re on set and post it on all her socials.” Rhonda told the two who looked at Oscar irritated and Jovanni excited and shocked.
”Wow! Damn look at the time, we better getting going to class.” You said quickly dragging Rhonda to ya’ll class. You both quickly settled down, you slammed your head on the desk arms folded.
”Ughhhhh… Why can I never have a good morningggg… WHY DID YOU TELL THEM THAT RHONDA! I don’t know that nigga nor am I gonna be in any movie. I’m already irritated he has a hot successful girlfriend in the making… When I have no evidence, I’m a just be embarrassing my black ass for no reason…. I wanna go home…”
”Listen don’t let that clown and his thot get you down. I know what will cheer you up babe.” Rhonda pulled out her phone and put on BTS “Butter”
”Smooth like butter, like a criminal under cover.” Rhonda began singing to your favorite song and moving to the beat in her seat as they wait for the professor. You looked up smirking shaking your head as you knew she wanted you to sing along to the beat. "Gon pop like trouble breaking into your heart like that." You continued, She got up and pulled you up with her. ya'll started dancing, everyone staring at you both, you both sang " Ooh when I look in the mirror I melt your heart into two I got that superstar glow, so  Ooh(do the boogie, like)."
As you both were singing and dancing, there professor came in behind them looking at them. There professor started dancing behind them badly, the whole class started laughing. You and Rhonda danced turning around and completely stopped when you saw the professor. Rhonda turned the music off laughing at the professor, he stopped looking at the girls smiling. "I've been an ARMY sense 2013." You were definitely shocked by that news, "Well I guess were both apart of the ARMY." you laughed, you did feel a bit better, he had everyone settle down for the class to begin.
It was now 12:00pm ya'll only had two classes for that day, and luckily you didn't have to work at the movie store in the mall today. Like you said earlier to Tonya, ya'll was headed to the shop to get your hair done. You were thinking you and Rhonda could go out for some drinks.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
Ya'll made it to the shop and you greeted the ladies, "HEYYYYYYY!" The four of ya'll say in unison. You were friends with the girls at the salon for a month, but it's like ya'll knew each other forever. You meet them at a club Rhonda took you to, after Oscar cheated on you and you were balling your eyes out to her. So she wanted to do something to get your mind off it, so dressed up really cute but still depressed.
Jamika had complemented you on your outfit when you were at the bar, she came in with Tonya and another girl named Ashanti. You started crying again after saying thank you, and they wanted to know what was wrong. Rhonda gave them the rundown and Ashanti related with your pain, they tried comforting you and everything went well from there and ya'll became friends.
"So how long are we talking babe?" Jamika took you to her chair.
"45 inch and can it be curly at the ends, you know wavy and shit. You know what I mean, I already know it's going to be cute." You sat down giving her the hair. You already took out the old hair with Rhonda's hair.
"I got you babe." Jamika replied, getting ready to feel with what she's working with.
Rhonda sat in one of the open chairs next to you, "Ya'll ain't gonna believe what just happened on campus, I wanted to beat that boys ass so badly!"
Rhonda was telling everyone what happened, which you felt slightly embarrassed, because you didn't want everyone in your business. She even told them about the part of knowing Johnny and now she has to show proof and stuff, "I dug a hole for myself with that one." You said as Jamika was washing your hair. Jamika and the other workers looking at each other, "Is something wrong?" You questioned.
"No it's just that, We a-"
Jamika was cut off as Ashanti entered, "OMG! I'm so sorry I'm late. There was traffic and shit happened at the apartment, al-"
"Mhmm, set up please." Jamika chuckled, she put you under the hair dryer after adding conditioner.
"Hey Ashanti I think ya girl Y/N need to talk to you about something." Tonya shouted to her. "Sure! Wassup girly?"
Tonya pulled her to her whispering in her ears, Ashanti nodding understanding. Ashanti came and sat next to you after setting up her spot, waiting on a client. "So I heard the run down from Tonya, I can help you meet Johnny." She smiled, you looked her confused, "How? You know Johnny?"
As you were getting your hair done, Ashanti told you of how she met Johnny and how they became friends, as well as a date she had a couple weeks ago with one of Johnny's friends. You were so amazed and shocked that you knew them for a month and they never told you this. They didn't think it was there place to say anything and didn't know if they should, plus you were busy with school. You couldn't believe that Mortal Kombat mumbo jumbo was real.
"Johnny told me there having a big get together in a place called outworld next weekend. He invited me, I can ask to see if I can bring any plus ones." Ashanti smiled at you, you wanted to spring into a hug so badly. But remembered who chair you were in, you gave many thank you's.
"I'm up for meeting some cute sexy men." Rhonda said laughing with Tonya.
"You got a cute sexy nigga right in front of you baby." Malcolm blew a kiss and winked at Rhonda. Who only rolled her eyes laughing at him
"So my cousin told me about this bomb ass club down in chinatown. She said is fire, so are you ladies up for a little fun in China tonight after we get off! Malcolm you closing today." Jamika told the girls, Malcolm nodded.
"Girls Night! It's been a minute sense we last had some good fun... Now the question stands... Who paying?"
"NOT IT!" Jamika, Rhonda, Ashanti, and You said in unison quickly. Leaving Tonya to take the bill.
Tonya shaking her head working on a clients hair, "You hoes get on my nerves."
"Tonya make sure to bring me something back, when ya'll done, you know what I like." Fredrick asked her, she nodded.
"I gotchu big poppa."
You were excited, I think you need to let loose again and have some fun with the squad. You definitely gonna snatch a few eyes in the club.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
You wore a cute short black dress, stopping at you're thighs. Strapless just enough to show off your ladies, making them more define. Makeup on hair in a up due and 6 in heels.
Rhonda looked just as cute with her tight leggings and tight crop tight with big poofy sleeves. She had a green and gold look going, You were black and gold of course. The classic style, you were very simple but cute.
Jamika volunteered to drive all of you to the place, she picked you and Rhonda up at 8:30. She was supposed to be there around 8 but Tonya wasn't ready and still getting dressed. "Ya'll already know black people don't never know how to be on time for shit." Jamika said taking a smoke from her blunt before driving off. If ya'll wanted to have fun, ya'll first was going to get high for it.
Ya'll made it to the place, and you had to admit it was poppin. The music was on point and everyone seem to be having fun. You just hope the drinks ain't shit that is your best friend in any place, and you headed straight there. There girls followed you and everyone grabbed a shot of vodka.
"TO GIRLS NIGHT!" Jamika shouted, you and the ladies toasted to that. The burning feeling in your throat felt amazing, you're hoping to find someone nice while here if possible. Some of you took more shots, you having the most. Ashanti already told you and the ladies she'll try to be the most sober one, so everyone else can have fun and be white girl wasted.
Your song came on and you and the girls was dancing to the music, you were having fun as you were lost in the music. Then you accidentally bumped into someone, "Ooh sorry, got to into the music." you apologized, your were a bit tipsy and high but you could've sworn they said something in a different language.
He turned back to you as he was done saying something to his friends, "It's alright, I hope you are enjoying your time um..."
"Y/N! The name's Y/N." You said that louder than you wanted to as the music calmed down, he had an Asian accent and the cutest smile when you told him your name.
"I was going to get some fresh air from the crowd, would you like to accompany me?" He gave you another sweet smile, all you did was nodded slowly. The liquor kicking in stronger, he held out his hand for you to grab and you took it without hesitation.
You don't know why you weren't more caution about following a stranger, but he didn't seem like a bad guy to you and maybe it could lead to something fun.
As you made it outside, the cool breeze felt nice. He took you to the side of the building, he pulled you close to him. Kissing you hard, your eyes bulged out as you tried to push him off you but then you felt something go in the side of your neck. He finally pulled away, you were becoming dizzy. Before completely blacking out, you should've known better than to go with some weird ass man.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
You were slowly regaining consciousness, you had a massive headache. Hangovers are not your thing, as you moved you felt that you were tied up. You moved harder and when your vision cleared you see a bunch of other girls tied up.
You sat up looking around, you were in a car. Your mind immediately ran 80 miles per minute, you didn't know what was going. "W-W-Where am I? W-What's happening." You asked one of the women in the cart with you.
"We're being sold to the Red Dragon Clan, to be a concubine to the head of the Red Dragon." One woman answered you.
You were in the midst of human trafficking and being sold to see random bastard as his personal whore. FUCK THAT!
”We need to get out of here!” You slowly stood up, not trying to make your headache worse.
”And do what, there is no way for us to get out. The door is locked, nothing is in here and they have the keys. So you might as well make yourself comfortable little girl.” One woman looked at you irritated, you can tell she was was trying to make the situation worse.
”I’m sorry, If I don’t want to be sold to someone that wants to SCREW ME TILL I PASS THE FUCK OUT! LIKE A DAMN RAGDOLL! If you aren’t going to give any ideas then please SHUT THE FUCK UP!”
All the girls in there looked at you with wide eyes, not saying anything behind that.
You had to calm down now, you looked around. You could tell the cart is wobbly, one thing she was right. There isn’t anything they can use to get out, except maybe… You looked towards the door, it looked weak and worn out. There was 10 girls in here including you. Only 4 big women, so only one option. You’re praying it works but it’s the only option, and you need to be quick.
”Okay! If you want to get out of here, you have to help me. This cart is not stable and the door looks worn out, if we all slam our weight on that door. Maybe… Just maybe it’ll break and we can get out of here.”
”While there in the middle of the road?” One girl said.
”It‘ll draw more attention if it’s in open place. They wouldn’t be able to risk being in the public eye.” You answered the quiet talking girl.
”And if it fails?” The agitated woman from before asked you.
You sighed, “Then we can have fun getting fucked to death. But if you’re only going to say negative shit, stay your ass over there. Those that want to at least try, stand up.”
They all looked at each other, you were happy to see all of them stand up. You had the biggest and thickest ones up front. Everyone in formation, “Ready… 1… 2… 3!” You yelled.
All the girls slammed on the door having there arms tied they slammed and put all there weight on the one side. Which made a loud sound, and the cart slightly leaned. The door bent a little.
The ladies could hear them talking, so you all didn’t waste no time doing it again. As it was working, and you all did it one last time. The door finally breaking open and all the girls rolled out, cart swinger hard to the right. Making the car lean with it and flip on its side.
You looked around, and noticed you were definitely far from home. You don’t know how long you were knocked out, but you prayed your friends knew you were missing and called for help. If help knew where this was. It didn’t seem like a place with not really anyone around to help you out here.
The men were getting up trying to get out the car. “RUN AND SCATTER!” You yelled to all the girls. You didn’t have to tell them twice.
You ran kicking off your heels, you dipped out as fast as your little feet could run. You heard the men not far from you, you continued to find somewhere to hide, as you were yelling for help. You don’t know why you’re not running towards a city but a forest. You looked behind you as you couldn’t see or hear the men following you.
You slowed down to catch your breath, as you doubled checked behind you. You bumped into someone, quickly turning around and gripped your throat. He looked as though he was dressed in Ninja attire Red and Black.
You were trying to break free as you were losing oxygen. “You’re the reason our pets got away. The master will not be pleased.”
”P-P-Plea… P-Please…” You tried to speak will trying to catch your breath. Tears coming out of your eyes, as your grip became weak.
”As punishment you will die.” He told you, and you couldn’t believe it was going to end like this… You wondered why this was happening to you. You didn’t believe you were a horrible person, but horrible things usually happens.
”I don’t want to die.” You squeaked out what you believed your last words would be.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
A/N: Sorry Bi-Han isn’t in the Prologue :) but he may show up in the next
I hope you ladies like it, I worked a hot minute on it and will be combining the other stories and adding ya’ll friends from the other stories💅🏾
A03: <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/works/53070346"><strong>Unforeseen</strong></a> (3533 words) by <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/users/MoralSky"><strong>MoralSky</strong></a><br />Chapters: 1/?<br />Fandom: <a href="
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survivalist-anon · 24 days
Log 18 prt2: The Magical world of Conspiracy theorists
After an hour so, we head to the car and....see a mail man? A conspicuously large mail man, with wires coming out of his head and connecting to his shoulders. It didn't help he was wearing onlya hat to cover it up and it still looked uncanny from a distance.
The two of us watched as this was clearly another covert Astartes simply placing a package in the now yellow mailbox.
"Oi! What in blazes are ye doin?", Fjord shouted from across the driveway.
The "mailman" just looked at him, "....I am performing my duties as a postal service officer! Nothing to see here citizens of the United States of America.", this clearly was the worst possible acting I have ever seen.
"Hey it's ok! Aldercon knows us!", reassuring him felt strange considering he should have known us.
He stared at us, not really sure what to do. "I do not know who this "Aldercon" is.", now this was getting strange.
I walked up to him and wondered what was going on. "Hey ugh,-", I look at his name tag and it was a generic name, likely because it he wanted to disguise himself, "ugh...Joe....what's going on?", I could see he was looking a little high strung.
"Handler, Aldercon has requested extra vigilance around 50 miles around perimeter of the area and within the confines of the town. Do not fret, this is merely a simple sweep.", he gives me a wink. "Also, here. Supplies for repairs, all the necessary tools for tracking and recording any information and medical ointment.". He hands me THE most heaviest medium sized box.
"Oof! Thanks, I'll put this inside. Have a great day.", I nodded to him as he left into his..... postal truck. Which was literally a large military van with a stolen plated side of a real postal truck.
As he drives off, I wondered as to how nobody has figured out about these guys.
I can tell they knew what to do in terms of espionage and disguises, but it was the equivalent of wearing a groucho marx mustache or the Clark Kent effect....it was obvious but it somehow worked.
Fjord walked up with same level of confusion, ".....I could see his bloody metal hand too....dumb bastard.".
"Wait he had a what??", I literally didn't notice.
Driving downtown once again, I stop by the same coffee shop from a few days ago. From the driver seat, I could see Benedict sitting with his crew again.
"Fjord, follow me, theres someone I want you to meet.", I point to Benedict and his eyes lock on.
"Ah, who is that, another handler?", he scratches his sideburns.
"Nope. This is....an ex-bigfoot hunter.....now he hunts Astartes...or at least he hunts for footage of Astartes.", I turn to see him with a puzzled look on his face.
"... footage? Is that not.... something Aldercon wants to avoid?", he groaned.
"Yep. We're going to see how much he knows... And how much she can tell who is human and who is an Astartes.", he was connected the dots after my statement.
"ah, yes.", as we both leave the car, we enter the coffee shop as if we're getting something.
I turn to Benedict looking at me from the table with that smug yet charmingly dubious grin.
Something tells me....I'm going to have a rather interesting surprise. "So, Fjord, I know we just had some breakfast at home but would you like a snack?", i could see he was sniffing the air and enjoying the smell of the shop.
"Oh no thank you lass. Although everything does smell a bit different. I don't smell the musky reek of corpse starch anywhere.", he crooned a bit.
I... don't want to know what corpse starch is....
"Ah! Miss Drake! A fine pleasure to see you once more.", Benedict announced from his usual table at the right side of the shop. "I see you have a... compadre with you?", he placed his fingers together to act coy.
"Oh Hey Benny.", I joked.
He's grin turned into a small annoyed scowl, "Do not call me Benny.", he pointed.
He than glanced on to Fjord, and gave a huge smile. "COME! Why don't you sit with us. We were just discussing our latest find! I call it, 'the Red legion marine'...", as me and Fjord make a seat for ourselves as best as week could, I could hear the creaking of wood from Fjord's chair.
I was seated on a metal chair, "ugh, you want to switch?", I ask.
Fjord having reconsidering the possible fragility of his seat struggling to handle his bare armorless weight, "ugh...I believe that would be a wise choice."
We make a quick switch.
Benedict was watching us intently, "now....these....are top secret.", he slid a set of four photos, they were of that fast moving marine from the wild cam footage. "I'm... certain you're familiar with this specimen?", I had to come up a bluff.
"...oh wow, ugh, that's absolutely horrifying....but the guys back at the reserve haven't seen this one....yet ....", it wasn't the best lie, mostly because in the past I've people like Benedict walking around the area with the same set of cameras.
Fjord glanced over and made a rather brute observation, "......that's a WordBearer.", he pointed to the symbol on his pauldron, "he has no real allegiance to the Black Legion either....in fact factions have a tough time tolerating each other.".
I give him hard stare. Now that he just stated everything he just said, Benedict may start to suspect on who or in this case what he is....
Fjord, shot me a glance and realized what he had just let slip out, "oh but of course I could just be wrong....I ugh...read it in a book.".
This just made the whole situation almost just as worse, considering that implies somebody wrote a book about Marines.
I can see that the look on Benedict's face along with the rest of his crew we're looking at Fjord with mild suspicion.
"hmmm..... Melissa, care to site what urm....I do believe you haven't introduced yourself to us...", he motions to Fjord.
"Oh, my name is Fjord... I'm very new in town.", giving a smile.
The look of the gang started to go from suspicion to surprise.
"Woah, sweet fangs. Where did you get them done? I've been thinking about doing a set myself but they're expensive as hell", the one I assume is Melissa spoke.
Fjord, understandably having no idea how to answer that again puts us in a deeper hole, "oh they're natural lass, they started to grow when I began my process.".
I give him a little nudge on his leg, "He ugh, did hormone therapy, yeah he was born with a very rare condition and when he was young he started doing this hormone treatment that helped him be a little more physically better... It's just a side effects is hair growth and....teeth growth.", I tried, and most likely I'm failing as much as Fjord is.
Benedict on the other hand was now glaring at the both of us with increased suspicion, "Hmmm..............I have never HEARD of such a thing."
"Actually that sounds cool. Oh my name is Charles McHines by the way.", the beef farmer reached out to shake both of her hands.
After he shook mine, he then as he shook Fjord's, he could see his hand was twice the size of his own. "WOAH, now that's a handshake!".
However what worried me was that Steven, an old peer from highschool, wasn't too surprised.
"Oh and Fjord, this is Steven, I want to highschool with him.", Steven in his usual weird kid self gave Fjord something he liked to call, "The flimsy hand", as a way to determine the personality of those he meets. There's no basis to this handshake, but it is funny to watch as many people get uncomfortable shaking you as possible.
Fjord sort of looks at the hand and tilts his head, gives him an equally flimsy shake of his finger, not wanting to crush his hand.
"...hmm.... bro's got it.", Steven ominously croaks.
"....got...what?", Fjord asked.
"Steven please don't, he's not going to get the joke.", I knew what was coming.
"Bros got....DA BEEEEEEAAAAAANS.", Stevens level of absurdist humor unfortunately is not universal no matter how funny it is to most other people within his circle of Friends
Fjord on the other hand was actively confused. "....what beans? Lorey what beans does this man speak of?".
I lean close to his ear and whisper, "sometimes we call animal paws 'beans' to be affectionate or something.", Fjord just stares at me and then stares at Steven.
"....ok...you have.......rooooots.", and I rather light hearted tone.
Steven has absolutely no idea what did he mean by this but he was just chuffed to hear that Fjord has... Somehow accepted his invitation for friendship.
"wait what does Roots mean in this?", I ask.
He leans to my ear, "I just made it up, your highschool friend scares me. I can't tell what he's thinking.", he cautiously looks at Steven who is now just wiggling and being silly in the seat.
The whole situation was weird but whimsical at the same time, meanwhile Benedict was starting to lose his sense of humor as the seconds go by. "EkEHM....your .... Professional opinion...Lorey?".
"oh I'm sorry, I lost the plot a little bit over there.... But ugh.... I think I have seen this one in one of our wildlife cameras but I'm not certain if it's the same one.... I would really hate it to be another one". I tried my best to be as vague as possible to see how far these guys have done their investigations.
Melissa looks at me and then Fjord, "well you see, me and Benedict have been doing our fair share of hiking as of lately and actually I have collected-", she takes out a small box from under the table, "-some of the things he's been leaving behind! It looks metal as fuck though.", she said opens up the box to show little creepy relics and bits. Stuff that you would imagine people who perform satanic witchcraft or something a lot closer to dark religion would be doing.
I for one am surprisingly shock that someone of her subculture would even dare be so foolish has to even pick it up to begin. If it's a weird creepy thing that somebody made from the bits of the forest that is in the forest, you leave it there and go about your merry way, you don't just pick it up.
"Melissa, I'm not certain if you believe in witchcraft or not but don't you think that this is a bad idea to just pick up what he leaves behind? I mean what if it's cursed.", I dryly ask.
"oh don't worry your little head, I work with this kind of stuff all the time. The only thing I know is that the best way to diffuse dark magic is it a little holy water.", she then on ironically takes out a spray bottle with the words 'holy water', "I had the pastor bless it.", either she knew exactly what she was doing or maybe she is just soaked everything in regular water.
"aye lass, messing with those is dangerous! It could corrupt your soul! WordBearers are tricky bastards!", he then takes a closer look at some of the items and notices that what should have been covered in sigils and blood, now look like they were washed clean. "Ugh?", picks one of the items up and start smelling it. "Why does half of this stuff smell like flowers???".
I didn't pick one up and I start to realize, it smells like Rosemary, bay leafs and basil. "Oh I get it, you did a lot more than just spray it with holy water didn't you...".
I was under the suspicion she knew what she was doing, although to Fjord's displeasure, she was a wiccan.
"yep. I knew there was dark magic when I saw the look of the guy, so I just decided to bring my 'cleaning supplies' and boom! Dark aura no more.", although she's a little bit cliche, I do have to respect somebody who knows how to properly perform all of this.
"yes Melissa took some soap and leaves and that stupid holy water that I'm certain that a Pope has to bless and not some random Pastor from Oregon.... And just washed off the evidence! We could have proven that these marines are actively out there hunting people!", Benedict looked at Melissa with frustration.
"like as if I'm going to take it to the cops, I was going to take it to one of the native reserves around here to investigate if anyone has seen this marine.", she responded.
"oh you were going to take it to us then?", I asked.
"no, to be honest I have no idea who to talk to about this. It's not like as if they're going to take somebody who brought in a bunch of creepy sticks and animal bones macably put together and some weird demonic ritual seriously.", she said with a sigh.
As much as these guys obviously had a lot of time in their hands to the point they would rather risk their lives just to get footage of a Space Marine in the wild, I couldn't help but feel bad or how much exposure they were putting themselves through. I'm wondering by this point if I can just convince Aldercon to let them help.
"hey Fjord, do you think we should go and ask-", he shook his head before I could finish my statement.
"-ask whom?", Benedict stared with anticipation at me. "You wouldn't happen to be holding out on some essential information? Miss Drake? Because I assure you, with your insider information and our resources-", gets up from his seat,"-we will prove to the world that not only these marines live among us..... BUT PLAN ON TAKING OUR MOST PRECIOUS RESOURCE! They plan on harvesting our DNA in order to make more Marines! Creating an army do battle against the lizard people of Los Angeles and the government slaves in Washington! For you see Lorey, they are here to help us fight against the planetary conspiracy of creating a world order between slave all of humanity!", he says this with the reverence of somebody who has discovered a great revelation. As he looks outside the window to dramatically look at the world he's so adamantly believes in danger due to this very specific reason, I can't help but feel more embarrassed at this point.
Mostly because of how on Earth did not only I get into this mess, but these guys who I can only sum up as the heavily discounted Scooby-Doo gang, have become associated with me and Fjord.
By this point, the both of us probably were Scrappy and Scooby in this situation, completely lost in the insanity of it.
"...ugh... Benedict I don't want to hurt your feelings but that is the most insane shit I have ever heard.", I coldly respond to him.
"see I told you that one wasn't going to work.", Melissa chuckled.
"WOULD YOU QUIT BUSTING MY BALLS.", Benedict frustratingly turns around what gave Melissa with a annoyed glare.
Fjord was just absolutely entertained by the whole situation. ".... Well I do suppose they're here to protect humanity. But I don't know anything about any lizard xenos.", this is like the third time he practically puts a neon sign on his forehead saying "I am a Space Marine ".
Benedict turns to Fjord, feeling like as if his conspiracy theory was validated. "Is that so? Are the Space Marines human? Subhuman? Super human?", he means towards him.
Fjord by this point probably didn't want to give away anymore information, "ugh...I don't know. They could be mechanical for all I know.".
"hmmm robot space soldiers here to protect humanity from the forces of intergalactic darkness....sounds.... plausible... logical even.", you're just as glasses with his pinky. "Intriguing, but where are your sources Fjord???", dramatically again turns to him. By this point he was just prodding him for more information.
"Ben, seriously stop scaring the sexy werewolf guy, but seriously are a werewolf? Because your hair is crazy. I love it.", Melissa genuinely asked.
"ugh-", I interrupted Fjord before he could respond, "well look at the time we going to go and get some camping supplies. I've been planning on going on a trek up the mountain boarder for a while and I just remembered we needed a few extra camping gear. Right Fjord?", I ask him hoping he understood what I was doing.
"Oh right! We needed more...twine.", I'll have to commemorate his dedication to trying to be elaborate.
"....hmmmm... Perhaps you would also like this.", Benedict hands me a heavy duty toolbox, as he opens it up it is filled with extra camera gear for me to set up in the middle of the forest.
"wait you want me to put up cameras around the mountain range?", it was then I remembered why he tried to make friends with me in the first place. I was knowledgeable about the forested area enough to know where there could be more cameras.
"perhaps these would be a much better quality than the ones at your government facility, or perhaps a place just a few miles off of one of the campsites.... Specifically the one next to the mountain range?", he gives me this look knowing that if I refuse, he probably knew how to get me to do it.
".... First off I work with the state, second what if I say no?", this is probably a great chance to figure out what he knew. So far he's told me nothing but absolute insane conspiracy theories, surface level information one could only just look up online and a bunch of semi blurry photos.
From the standpoint of somebody who is doing reconnaissance, he barely knows anything.
"well if you say no, then I'm going to have to post on our online blog that there is an armorless space marine walking around with you, either pretending to be a normal person or someone else.", I was completely floored, I know there was enough information he could have deduced something but how did he figure it out so fast.
".... What are you talking about....", I looked a Fjord and he looks back at me. The both I was practically were caught.
"you know exactly what I'm talking about, Miss.Drake, for you see, just about 3 days ago, me and Steven we're hiking up that area in order to find more substantial evidence other than Melissa's silly box of rat bones!", the volume in his voice was starting to worry me.
"dude can you just lower down your voice a little bit, even if you don't want anyone to know what you're talking about, you sound kind of a little cringe.", Melissa spoke.
"yeah come on, we're here to ask for their help, why are you threatening them?", Charles responded.
"Ugh, well because if they don't agree to our demands then we we will have to push extreme measures in order to reveal the truth! Duh! Anyway, I know very well Fjord is likely a 'canis familiarus sapien' from the Orin's belt region of the galaxy, and that his race has made a deal with the Marines to also protect humanity.", again with the absolute confidence of what he thinks is true.
Fjord just stared at him, "I am a what lad?", he looked at him annoyed.
"You, are ....a space dog man!", handing me a file from a website that clearly just made conspiracy theories from all around the world showing a poorly drawn picture of a Wolfman and science fiction garb. "Sited around 1973 in Liverpool, England! This entity suddenly appeared in a grassy field, as a stumbled around attracting the attention of the village folk, he ran off into the forest never to be seen again! Then continued sightings occurred all the way towards the North of Sweden!", it was then he showed me another page from this file.... With a very familiar photo.
"Ugh, Benedict, that's Rupert D. McCainel. This man believed werewolves were real. Oh shit did you get this from his family website or something????", I couldn't honestly believe how stupid he really was to believe in half of this.
"ah, it's dat man from that book you showed me. Toke said he looked like Grimnar.", Fjord was looking at the picture again. Probably now wondering what on earth did this fat weirdo was talking about.
"Sir Rupert D. McCainel was an avid cryptobiologist far ahead of his time! And whom may I ask is this... Grimnar? An ancient Viking lord? Some unrecorded Legendary folk figure?", Benedict by this point was fishing Fjord.
Did he know what Fjord was?
"Ben, come on. Let's not interrogate a potential friend.", Melissa steaming him down. "Sorry about Ben, he's been a little excited ever since he found this concrete wall near the mountains. Seriously only you and Steven found that thing and haven't been able to find it since.".
Bingo. He knew about the Fort wall.
"Oh is it one of those 'abandoned staircases in the middle of the forest' things? I told you those were abandoned properties that built their stairs with much stronger material.", I sarcastically remark.
"Oh please. This was a professionally constructed concrete wall in the middle of the forest, freshly made and laid with equipment tires strooned about! Clearly a secret government facility is underway. This must mean that these marines are intelligent enough to use complex machinery such as forklifts. Mysterious indeed", Benedict remarked.
"Fjord, what do you think of all of this?", I ask worried if he has had any of his feelings somewhat heard about any of this.
"I'm still processing how am I a dog man... I mean I am flattered but I don't think anything that you said is correct lad. I for one, never heard of any Xenos like that.", he remarked. By this point he's probably been more severely disappointed yet somehow entertained.
"Hmmm, xenos you say?", Benedict continued.
"look Benedict we got to go now, we're a little behind schedule and I want to see if I can find some supplies for my next trip up the mountain. I'll lay those cameras for you, just as long as you stop harassing Fjord with all of this complete nonsense. He's not a space dog from some planning on the Orion's belt or anything.", I sternly respond. This whole conversation had begun to become extremely unhelpful.
"fine, but I will be expecting the footage after your trip is complete! Me and my cohorts will be eagerly awaiting such valuable evidence.", he I just as his glasses again.
".... Yeah just take your time, we're not in a rush to get any of it anyway. I hope you stay safe on your survival trip by the way.", Melissa politely wished.
"yeah sorry about the convo, Benedict could get a little bit too excited about his silly theories. We just want to take a closer look at these guys and see how they're like. I mean I heard there's one in Pennsylvania that acts like a superhero! Like Superman or something.", Charles so far has proven to be one of the more reasonable people amongst this crowd of conspiracy theorists along with Melissa who seems to be a reasonable person.
Steven is ...well Steven.
"we very much appreciate this meeting with all of you. You see like a humorous bunch, hopefully we see each other again.", Fjord surprisingly seemed rather ok with this whole silly ordeal.
"well it's been nice knowing you guys, hopefully we'll see each other around and I will bring back the camera footage. Just as long as you guys stay away from the camping areas around Pine Hills. Unfortunately, my boss James has told me that those areas will be prohibited for the summer due to some.... Extraneous and dangerous circumstances.", I give a polite not to all of them and I look to Benedict, "oh and Benny, please don't accuse people of being some random alien from outer space okay. Fjord's feeling were very hurt.", I jokingly reply.
Dude looks at me with a small look of confusion until he realizes what I am attempting to do, "Oh yes. Oh my poor wee and frail constitution, what would me own ma say if she had seen her own son so brutally hurt.", the hammy performance wasn't needed but I loved it.
Benedict however wasn't too pleased with being mocked. Especially by someone who's easily dwarfing him by a good foot and half. "hmmm indeed.... perhaps I had been insensitive. Good day to the both of you.", I swear if he had a fedora he would have tipped it.
The both of us get into the car, heading off to any outdoor activity store we could find.
I look to Fjord, who was slumped in his seat. "Fjord, are you ok? Look I wasn't expecting Ben to be so....stupid...I thought he was just dramatic.", I felt Benedict's comments were way out of line.
He was deep in though but he snapped out of it a little, "oh, don't worry lass. Nothing that fool said actually meant anything. In fact it was rather entertaining. But it's clear here on this planet, most mortal seem to be very unaware of what anything related to Xenos. But...there something I'm wondering.....HAVE you mortals come in contact with ...."dog-men"?", he chuckled a little thinking about it.
"ugh, no... honestly dog-men from space is genuinely something new to me. So...yeah....let's just say there's a lot of extremely bored people in the world....I'm sorry.", from what I've learned today, Fjord's world seems to have its own taboos and issues that I had no idea about.
His more stern look softened a little, "lass you have nothing to apologize for. Being part of the Vlka Fenryka, we tend to have some....remarks. Hmf, none of them bother me whatsoever. So....what shall we do with this?", he holds up the cameras the Benedict gave. "How 'bout we show him some real footage?", I could see he was giving that mischievous smile of his.
It was a contagious smile too, "I think....he would very much appreciate that actually.
End of Log 18 prt2
@kit-williams @barn-anon @egrets-not-regrets @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan @walking-natural-disaster @starfrost740 @squishyowl @sleepyfan-blog @lawnchair86
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stoopid-turtle · 7 months
hello... 😅 uhm, first of all, i truly am sorry in advance for being awkward 😭 but for once i decided not to let my awkwardness keep me from sharing (what i think/hope are) positive thoughts with a stranger on the internet, so here i am.
i'm not around much and legit only made this acc bc like you i'm a late bloomer here and needed as many outlets for my yizhan/wangxian obsession as i could get my greedy hands on, in the big year of 2023... sigh. anyway, as an avid lover of meta/analysis posts since my early fandom days began around 15 (oof 🥲) years ago, finding your acc was such a lovely surprise. i agree with your views a LOT, and really appreciate how eloquent and well-written your posts are! even more so bc there's a lot i still don't know and most of the time the source material is very hard to reach and/or understand due to the language barrier, so having other turtles to rely on to access those, even if filtered by their own biases/opinions, is wonderful. besides, such input coming from a new fan is also comforting and imo refreshing, juxtaposed with that of older fans... it keeps the fandom alive and all that jazz. it's also very brave given how ruthless some folks can be on the internet, and on this corner in particular 😮‍💨 it just felt like reading my own thoughts written by someone else sometimes. i gasped and nodded at your posts soooo many times djskdjdj thank you for that!
(btw you followed me back the other day and i legit fangirled irl bc ??? whatttttt 😅 i still think it was an accident but okay omg djskdjdj AHEM. sorry)
then today i logged in and read your recent posts feeling squeamish about sharing more thoughts and as much as i 100% relate to you saying that kind of attention makes you anxious, i just... idk, i had to let you know i enjoy everything you post, even though adult life has kept me from being able to read it all so far. i understand you stepping back and i respect that decision, i'm not by any means asking you to go against what you know is best for you. at the same time, i can't help but hope you'll still show up every now and then bc your posts will be missed 🥲 i guess the whole motivation behind this is that it just made me sad to think your valuable insights will be something i'm yet again late to, if that makes sense?
djskdjdj again, i'm so sorry for being awkward and weird and dropping all of this on your inbox unprovoked. you don't have to reply (or read this AT ALL omg 😭😭), in fact i'm so embarrassed by this that you'd probably have to reach me through inquiry lmaooo 💀 anyway, have a great life, thank you so much for the great job, bjyxszd etc ❤️💚💛
Oh, don't be anxious! I'm really not a big deal.
Thank you for dropping into my inbox! I love hearing from other turtles, especially relative newbies, like myself! One of my fav parts of coming out of lurking mode is getting to talk to other people. I kinda follow back anybody who follows me, cause it seems polite? I don't know tumblr etiquette. I just follow the tags when I get the chance.
I appreciate the encouragement! I try to avoid dramatics, so I'm sorry for the upset last week. The situation is largely resolved, and I am feeling more okay. I kinda backed off because I wasn't sure of my footing here in fandom as compared to others, especially as I do think I have some takes that fall outside fandom consensus. Again, I don't mean to rock any boats and I'm not invested in convincing anybody that they should have the same opinions as I do. Hearing from turtles who do want me to continue posting gave me some more confidence there.
So, yeah, I expect I'll post some more as I have time. I'd like to post more on dd (cause he's my fav). I'd also like to try to figure out gg cause that dude is so confusing to me. I do have RL stuff going on, and I don't have the time to be super-active outside of occasional posts. But I'd like keep posting stuff. At least until I get all my Yizhan thoughts out.
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nari-writes · 8 months
I KNOW THIS IS JUST BRAIN ROT. I know it. Judge me not!!!
I saw a summary post of the current Batman arc ((Gotham War)) and my brain is full of bunnies so the panel of Jason having that panic attack (<- litcherally went to go find fic of this concept immediately after because HELL yes I want to see Jason suffering. Messed UP, Bruce!!!!!) BUT. The concept of a chip that makes you afraid whenever you feel adrenaline. Oh my god. Oh my god ❤️ fear toxin is already amazing. BUT THIS?? SO good. My tags have jason fic rambles but unfortunately I am Currently a Tim Drake stan first and foremost so my brain went:
Huh, Fake Anxieté? 👀 and was like concept: young!Tim's parents find out about his forays into Gotham and his slowly expanding Lack of fear to consequences (he's faced scarier in Gotham simply walking home from school! He's a teenager now and no teenager is able to understand their own mortality it's a literal Thing!), and thus he is Not being a Good and Obedient Young Son. They will Fix This. And so Tim gets chipped (oof don't think about the dog and leash metaphor in this thank you :)) and I like the angst of him not realising it. Having to deal with this sudden influx of anxiety, barely wanting to leave the house because he's started to get panic attacks when he goes out to photograph things, the human brain tries hard to protect itself. If you're constantly getting flooded by adrenaline and fear your neurological pathways adapt and tell you everything is bad.
And it's. He knows this isn't normal. Tries to get his parents to help, gets assistance from online pysch self-help, struggles so hard with it, and then Jason dying 👀 Tim deciding he has to do something even if he's terrified of the outside world. Using every trick he can to get Dick back in the game and when Dick scoffs and does that (I can't remember it verbatim) but the vibes of well if you think he needs a Robin so bad why aren't you volunteering? line. Bro. The angst.
ANYWAY because this is an au (even if using more fanon!tim characterisation 'cause. Chip) I'm also like. Make him fight scarecrow as his first bust.
...Tim literally stuck here in: I can't mode, but if he doesn't, Batman and Nightwing die- it's not even adrenaline that gets properly triggered by his chip anymore, as soon as any of it starts he just gets flooded with fear and his brain makes it so much worse. Alfred watching him have a total breakdown 🥰 <- bad. Being like Hm I think something is Wrong With This Child. And managing to help enough that Tim - who has spent YEARS battling his (fake, thanks parents) anxiety - powers through and then shakily collapses when he's home.
Also this is when Tim is like okay. This is so not normal. I just had a three day hallucination. And Also that felt a LOT like fear gas. Figuring out adrenaline is the trigger and trying to suppress it...oof. And the coping mechanism he uses to get through Robin is just. Completely shutting down. It is CREEPY to everyone else. There is a subsection of mooks terrified that Batman bought the old Robin back to life through his dark magic and that's why he goes from bubbly poking-Batman to Completely Silent and Darkness.
Alfred like: this young man has an anxiety disorder
Tim: something is greviously wrong and I can't bring it up with batman yet because this is an InternshipTM until Batman is able to function on his own but as I get better at being Robin I'm sure I'll figure out why my brain is so weird and Also how it is that I'm immune to scarecrow's gas (that's weird right?)
Nightwing: this kid is a wreck how on earth is he managing Bruce's mental health so well- oh yeah wait nevermind he probably has lots of help with his own. Hm. Let's make sure he doesn't get hurt- why on earth does he go through missions like a robot this is supposed to be fun and adrenaline inducing does he not like FUN????
Batman: Jason 😔
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felinecryptid · 1 year
Chasing Pasts in Shadows
part 1 | part 2 | part 3
please pay attention to the tags, there's some heavy stuff going on
Mr Reyes was a balding, rotund man in his fifties, who greeted them, showed them around the garden like a realtor and finally invited them into the parlour (A parlour!) to have some tea. Will was currently sat on the long couch with Mike crowding him in towards the right armrest and eyeing the plates suspiciously and worrying the rip in his black jeans . Max took the armchair nearer Mike, picking up one of the sandwiches. Mr Reyes took the last armchair, settling in with a sigh. “Oof. Bad knees, these days. I'm not as young as I was, back in the eighties,” he chuckled, “but you kids don't have to worry about that yet, hmm? I should hope not. Well, take whatever you’d like to eat and you can ask away,” He leant back into the plush of the chair.
Will nodded and reached in for a grape. ”Mr Reyes, before we start, if at any point of time you feel uncomfortable answering questions, do let us know. We want to know as much as possible about the case but not at the cost of your mental health. Do you understand?”
“I do.”
“Good. Max, hand over the recorder, please.”
Max passed it to Mike. Will reached out for it, electricity racing up when his hand briefly brushed against Mike’s. He fought down a shiver, clicking it on and placing it on the middle of the table, among the delicately arranged sandwiches, fresh fruit and cheese and crystal glasses of sparkling water. “Just say your name and age, we’ll take care of the rest.”
“Javier Reyes and 53.”
“Mr Reyes, you called us to investigate some disturbances in, um, your house. Could you please elaborate?” Will asked, chewing on his grape. It was delicious.
“Oh, what do you want to know about?”
“When did they first start?”
“About 10 months ago, I was in the kitchen to get a drink, I think, at 2 am in the morning, because the mini fridge in my room had broken down a few days ago. The entire house had blown a fuse, and some of my appliances short circuited before the fuse. Old faulty circuitry in an old house. So, I was getting a beer from the refrigerator, when the chandelier started swinging, just enough to be visibly moving. I thought nothing of it, going back to bed. Things progressively went worse from there,” Mr Reyes said. Will could see his fingers clenching hard.
“Worse how?” Max asked, reaching for another plate of sandwiches. “These are delicious, by the way.”
“I’m glad, Ms. Mayfield,” Mr Reyes smiled, his eyes losing a bit of their edge. “About your question, well, it didn't get bad right away. At first, it was swinging chandeliers, knives out of the wooden block, on the island or just my phone dying even if I charged it all night,” Mike, Max and Will glanced at each other. What the fuck? Mike mouthed silently.
Just keep listening, Max mouthed back.
Mr Reyes didn't notice their little conversation, continuing, “then I started finding the knives in increasingly weird places, like the library, behind a book I was thinking of reading, in the bath where I could have cut my foot on it, once I found a meat cleaver on the bedside table. I couldn't sleep again for the rest of that night,” Mr Reyes cut off, shivering. Will felt like it, too. Meat cleavers near his head? Will would run, screaming and never looking back.
“Are you okay, Mr Reyes? We can take a break if you like,” Will asked.
“No, no, it’s fine, it’s relieving to get this off my chest. I was so happy when I saw the Facebook ad,”
The what? Facebook? What the fuck was Lucas doing?
“If you are sure,” Will nodded.
“I heard footsteps, first on the floors above or below me, then it got closer, I heard it outside in the hallways, in the room adjacent to the one I'm in, and it always walks towards me. They start silent, barely audible, getting louder and louder til I'm sure there’s someone on the other side. Just there, looking, standing, staring. It’s gotten even closer since the last few days,” Mr Reyes' face was frozen in an expression of confused terror. Will felt sorry for the man. Mr Reyes seemed so optimistic, so happy. No one would ever think he was going through a horror film all the time.
Mr Reyes went on. “The footsteps are always coming from where I can’t see. I was making and eating dinner the day before, when the dreaded sounds came up, thud, thud, thud, behind me,” Mike inched closer to Will, a movement so minute, Will would have missed it if he wasn’t attuned to every single part of Mike. “I whipped around, sure I’d see the intruder, a squatter or something, but there was no one. Nothing. I decided I’d call someone, maybe a priest to have a look around the next morning. I threw away the rotting pb&j full of maggots-”
“Wait, rotting pb&j?” Mike asked, perplexed.
“Oh, yeah. It's been happening for some time but food goes bad the moment I take my eyes off them. It rots away like it's been sitting there for days. Liquified and maggots crawling through them,” Max set her plate of sandwiches down, a bit green in the face. “I'm not sure how that is happening, but I don't eat here anymore, my friends take me out for meals.”
“Mr Reyes,” What the fuck, Will asked, “Do you have any other place to stay for a while? All of this sounds like it’s very intense for you-”
“Oh no, Mr Byers, I can’t leave this place, not after- not after my dear Emily…” Mr Reyes choked up. “I can’t bear to leave this place, no. If I stay over at a friend’s, she won't come to me. She talks with me in my dreams, asks me how I am, we do things we normally do, like cooking together, reading in the library, kissing me, but if I don't come home, Emily doesn't come to me, only the sound of footsteps, getting closer,” A tear dropped down Mr Reyes’ face. Will felt unsettled. The things he was describing did sound like a true haunting, but what if it wasn't?
“Mr Reyes, I think it'd be good for you to take a stroll in the garden, get a breath of fresh air,” Will spoke up. “I insist.”
Mr Reyes slumped, breathing heavily. “Alright,” He said, after staring at his shoes, for what seemed like an eternity, “I'll take a short walk outside,”
Will turned back to the others the moment he left. “How are you guys holding up? If this case is true, it'd would be the biggest one yet, financially and paranormally,”
Max looked at Will. “You don’t believe him, do you?”
“It’s not that, I suspect other things as well,”
“Will,” Mike said, so softly near his ear, Will nearly jumped out of his skin. “I don’t think he's lying,”
“What do you mean?”
“Max, you can feel it right? It’s so heavy around him, It is coming off in waves,” Mike stared at the door Mr Reyes exited from.
“It’s still here though,” Max said. “If he was being haunted, then the intensity of the energy would cease the moment he left, but it didn’t.”
“But it’s different, they are not similar,”
“You mean there are more than one entities in this house?”
“It doesn't have to be an entity, Byers, it can be a object with history as well,”
“But this doesn't feel like an object, it feels separate,” Mike sighed loudly. “I don't understand.”
“So I was way off when I thought it was schizophrenia.”
“You thought it was schizophrenia? Have we not done this shit like a thousand times?” 
“Well, sue me, I was thinking of his mental health, Max. It has happened before, when it was just El, Mike and me.”
“Okay, okay, Max, calm down, Will can’t feel the traces so it’s not his fault. Will, thank you for looking out for us, I, uh, we appreciate it.” Mike looked at Will, eyes soft. Will felt his cheeks heat up.
The door swung open and Mr Reyes walked in, his face noticeably calm.
“I feel better now,” He took his seat. “We can continue.”
“Mr Reyes, can you show us the food thing?”
things are escalating, what is going to happen?
thank you for reading!!
once again this was only betad by grammarly and hemingway editor so please lemme know if there are any errors or weird dialogues bc english isnt my first language and some of it looked funky to me.
some more lore that i can't figure how to put in the story w/o infodumping
el's full name is Janelle Hopper
will and el are still step siblings
lonnie is out of the picture
el is hopper's bio daughter
el was never experimented on and she grew up a happy normal life bc hop and joyce got together when will and el were about 5
mike, will and el met in kindergarten, just like in canon
the only reason el has this backstory is because i personally want el to not have a trauma filled life
next part should be up tomorrow, same time ie 1800 IST, spam me with messages if i don't update ✨✨
tell me what part you liked!!
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OC Tag Game
got tagged again by @shivunin! <3 You're right that this is a curse to do fsdkljfls, i am indecisive af so prepare for rambling
Favorite OC: Wow starting with a mean one :( It rotates and switches between all of them, but Liam and June probably occupy the spot the most often
Newest OC: Uhh i guess Robin? They are In My Brain but i have yet to do a playthrough with them lol
Oldest OC: In general? Des xD (she was a warrior cats oc i made when i was 11 but she's still very dear to me <3). For DA, it's Neira! I played he games in order & she was my first Warden :)
Meanest OC: June for sure lol. Both in that she is very blunt and does not belive in lying for the sake of being nice, and in that she is the most likely to be actively mean on purpose. 2nd Place goes to Noya because she can also be really nasty when she wants to be.
Softest OC: Oof hard pick :') I have come to terms with the fact that i am unable to make OCs who are not softies in some way or another, and they definitely all are. But.. i wanna say Kala? Because she has a big nature vs nurture contrast, and once she has the chance to she is actually very soft, and very deliberately. In that she craves a lot of closeness with loved ones, but also in that she sees the beauty in the small things, and in being determined to spite cruelty through small kindnesses.
Most Aloof/Standoffish OC: Also Kala xD She is. Not sociable at all fsdfjk and is also not overly involved; yes she cares, but she also knows how to distance herself.
Dumbest (affectionate) OC: I wouldn't call any of them *dumb*, but at the same time, all of them are at least A Little Bit dumb <3 Liam is the most likely to have brainlag or head empty moments, June is the one who will do dumb things despite knowing better and/or not think things through, Lilian will have internal "yeah i got this :)" (she has not got this) moments the most, and so on.
Smartest OC: Tie between Ari and June! At least for the traditional definition of smart lol. Ari is very booksmart, is very good at remembering things, processing concrete information, thinking ahead and making elaborate plans. His thoughts are always 5 steps ahead and sometimes it feels like he is thinking for three people at once. As long as he has precise information to work with, he's gonna make it work.
June is the opposite, she is really bad at encyclopedia type knowledge or planning but is super good at conceptualising abstract ideas, at making connections and bending thoughts this way and that, at combining ideas and theorising. She has a good intuition for how conceptual ideas might work in practice, and a creative approach to problem solving.
Bonus shoutout to Var'renan for being the most people-smart. They're very perceptive and very good at reading people and social cues.
OC I'd Probably Be Friends With: Well, i would say i'd probably vibe with Renan or Kala or Ari, but irl i seem attract all the extroverts, so chances are i'd end up being friends with Noya or June or Adriel lmao. Ig Adriel would be the best bet though. Cos she's energetic but not overly so, she'd still be totally down to just hang out and chill; we're both chatty but awkward talkera sometimes and would probably hype each other up really well when we get exited
edit: bruh why did tumblr delete part of the post (part of the last bullet point & the tags got cut off)???? I Do Not have the energy to put in all the tags again, so if you read this, you can consider yourself tagged! If you do it please do tag me, i'd love to read more about all your OCs :3
2nd edit because. It cut off the last category again smh (not the text after this time tho??) and idk why but i am also Not gonna rewrite that again e-e
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petrichoraline · 9 months
bl ask meme:
🎥 fav trope
👀 love triangles
🙄 overhyped
what a delight seeing you in my inbox aaa 🥰🥰
🎥 fave trope
sucker for forced proximity honestly. also found family is great as a main part of the plot or just sprinkled in.
👀 what do you think about love triangles?
ohhh boy hate is a strong word but let's say that if I am on the fence bout a show and see that as one of the tags I am closing that tab and not looking back.
i was literally thinking about this yet again a few days ago like "do I actually hate that trope? I feel like I'm missing something, if it's done well maybe it could be good cause I don't like sad endings but they CAN be good so it should go for love triangles too, right?"
but my gosh I dislike them. I can only tolerate them when the main lead clearly has no interest and shows it and/or the pining one knows when to back down. bonus points if they become friends with the couple, thats super wholesome. it might all stem from the fact I don't like big conflict or that I hate seeing characters hurt from unrequited love or (ughhhhh) going out of their way to be annoying. like we could spend that screen time to develop the main relationship or tie some loose ends. no need to see two characters who like each other but don't act on it and then someone else swoops in to become the main lead, no wish to experience someone obsessing over their childhood friend who doesn't know how to establish boundaries, no desire for looking at two guys measuring dicks and being unnecessarily territorial (esp nasty when one of them is civil and the main guy is being a jerk) (this annoyed me in lbfad too and that's arguably one of the best done love triangles)
that being said, I'm sure it's a good trope, I have some beloved character trios who had to go through that arc. for example I did not enjoy it in Light on Me (I knowwww I know I'm the only one) but I didn't hate it in Hometown Cha Cha Cha (sml was a cutie)
🙄 overhyped
oof that's interesting.. rwrb? i suppose it's more fun for fans of the book but i enjoyed it, thought bout Henry for a week and moved on, idk. it was very fun but also made me eyeroll a few times and near the end I was hoping for smth unpredictable to happen
I am thinking of shows I see way too much of on the dash but I realise there are very good reasons for them to be well liked. and it's actually not that they are overhyped - other shows aren't paid the same attention so it looks like these are being paid too much. it's just that we don't hype others as much, that's all. I cant say that shows I don't like as much as others do are overhyped when I can recognise there are objectively good parts of them so I won't list those (although I've got quite a few apparently pft)
ask game here!
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seb-boo · 2 months
@rebsinthevoid thank you for tagging me!!! <3
Are you named after anyone?
Nah and I likely would have ended up with a Tragedeigh name if I had been born later according to my mom so big oof
When was the last time you cried?
Yesterday I think? I'm an easy crier anyway, but I am overtired with work and grad school so literally anything sets me off (good or bad)
Do you have kids?
My cat!!
What sports do you play/have you played?
I played soccer, basketball, and softball as a kid. Did some track and tennis in high school, but nothing now. Would love a tennis (or I guess even padel) partner, but adult life gets in the way :(
Do you use sarcasm?
Only with my family, which I am sure they love
What is the first thing you notice about people?
Height if they're standing, hair if they're sitting...basically the top of you
What is your eye color?
Hazel, mostly green
Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings!!
Any talents?
Does multi-tasking count? Hah
Where were you born?
What are your hobbies?
Gaming (derogatory) when I have time. I have been playing Splatoon and Fallout sporadically. Planning to play the remake of Paper Mario when it comes out next month (when classes will be done). More consistently is lifting. I haven't done weight training since high school, but I am seeing gains so I am motivated
Do you have any pets?
My child, the cat, yes. She just turned 21, but she doesn't look a day over like, 15? She lives with my mom, but I visit her often. She was so silent and independent when she was young, we would lose her in the house. Something changed with age (and everyone being home for Covid), and she is now the nosiest, clingiest cat ever. She demands to be held all the time, follows us constantly, and wants the main TV to herself. Her favorite thing to watch is (American) football
How tall are you?
5'6" (169 cm)
Favorite subject at school?
English!! Would love to be a science person, but it doesn't make sense to my brain
Dream job?
Law professor/Librarian (I am a TA rn, so not full-fledged yet, but almost there)
Tagging you if you see this >:| I'm kidding, but if anyone wants to play too :)
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spacerockwriting · 5 months
Thank you so much @energievie for the tag!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
24, currently.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
its gotta be like 500k or something close.
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The Moments that Made Us
Fashion Victim
Slices of the Heart
Puzzles and Patronus'
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Almost always. Mostly it's a Thank you! But I try to respond the best I can. Sometimes, however, I just don't have much to say.
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Oof, going JUST off my A03 works (am not touching the FF.net ones) some of my HP ones.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Soft Bitch, for sure. It's just happy Gallavich.
7. Do you write crossovers?
Not really, no. I don't read them much either.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Yeah. On FF.net most of it was just someone getting mad I wrote gay stuff. But on A03, yup, but not as much.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Not much. All my stories are rated pretty maturely, for the most part, but I still don't write smut.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of, and I hope it stays like that.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not yet!
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not yet!
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Hmm. I've got a few: Larry Stylinson, Stan/Kyle for South Park, Justin/Brian, Queer as Folk, and Nico Di Angelo/Will Solace, Percy Jackson.
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Everything on my FF.net profile. I'm WORLDS better than I was at like, 14 writing.
15. What are your writing strengths?
I really don't know? The tone? Knowing the characters? i'm really not sure. But if I don't know something and it's plot crucial i research the hell out of it.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Would you like to meet my emotional support comma? Also i repeat things a lot and stuff.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I might write it, but I don't bracket translate anything for a fic. I don't like the flow of something like that.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Codename Kids Next Door, probably. In middle school.
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
I am really enjoying my time writing Gallavich. So i dunno.
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
My SBB really. I'm really excited about it. That, or The Moments that Made Us. But my SBB tops it all, I think.
Tagging: @ian-galagher, @skylerwinchester, @mybrainismelted
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moonchild-in-blue · 3 months
darya 👀👀👀👀 you maybe happen to have more women x death imagery like the one by Appolonia Saintclair? i can kneel and bow and do chores and i can cook decently if you care and i can kiss your knuckles tenderly btw … whatever it takes
Sophi honey, I am so sorry about the upcoming infodumping...... This is probably not quite what you asked at all, but alas. The art graduate jumped out. I don't have many sexy naked ladies riding Death for you, so here's a very brief overlook of Death and The Maiden depictions in art instead?
(i accept the cooking and kisses and return them tenfold)
For those who are wondering, this is referring to this beautiful piece by @apolloniasaintclairofficial, tasteful drawing of a naked woman sitting on Death's lap, while he holds a dagger. Beautiful and erotic.
I mentioned in the tags how much I loved seeing depictions of Death and women in art. Now, in art history, this is a recurring motif dubbed Death and The Maiden, often with erotic and sacrilegious undertones, and particularly prevalent amongst German artists. I did a quick google research on the origins of it, and according to the internet, was a common theme since the Middle ages, originating from the Danse Macabre allegories, with a significant revival in the Romantic Period. (wikipage here)
The allegorical motif of ‘Death and the Maiden’ (a young girl, often in a passionate embrace with a skeletal figure) had been popular with German artists and musicians since the Middle Ages, and its reminder of transience and mortality was especially appropriate during this period of foreboding (referring to WWI). [taken from the Tate's entry about Meidner's Death and the Maiden]
Here are some very interesting articles about Death and The Maiden throughout history - Paintings for our time: Death and the Maiden and Death and the Maiden. From Schubert to Schiele. I read them both while researching this, super informative without being overtly verbose. Great selection of art pieces.
Tumblr media
Death and the woman, by E. Munch
I'm very fond of this drawing by Munch (huge fan of his lol). Every time I see Death and Women embracing each other so tenderly, my heart breaks for a second. There's just something that is equal parts sensual and tender, something that transcends the inherent sexual appeal of erotic art, something poetic and poignant. Oof.
Here are some selected pieces by K. Kollwitz - X X, and this beautiful piece by E. Schiele (a student of Klimt, you can see the similarities in style).
Also, the revival during the Romantic period was in great part due to Schubert's Der Tod und das Mädchen (Death and the maiden), a lied he wrote based on this beautiful poem by Matthias Claudius, which would later be used in his piece String Quartet No. 14, also known and Death and the maiden. The poem:
The Maiden: Pass me by! Oh, pass me by! Go, fierce man of bones! I am still young! Go, dear, And do not touch me. And do not touch me. Death: Give me your hand, you beautiful and tender form! I am a friend, and come not to punish. Be of good cheer! I am not fierce, Softly shall you sleep in my arms!
Also! I found this super interesting book (it's a free english pdf) called Erotism - Death and Sensuality (og. L'Erotisme) by Georges Bataille, which explores in depth the relationship between erotica, death, taboo, sacrifice, Christianity, and many other themes. I haven't read it but this does look incredibly interesting so. I know what I'll be reading next.
I could go on and on and on about WHY I am so fascinated by these themes, but that would result in yet another big-ass post, and I think this is enough info for one day lol.
(before I forget, I just want to point out that this directly overlaps with depictions of Hades and Persephone, seeing as Hades was often times associated with Death itself - even though Thanatos is the one who embodies the Reaper figure in the Greek myths. So I'm sure you'll find some other tasteful pieces if you go down that route).
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forabeatofadrum · 8 months
randomised trope/tag grading game
@captain-aralias tagged me in this fun challenge. I did a trope rating one a while ago, but this one is randomised!!
Rules: Generate your own personal list of 10 AO3 tags to rate. How much do these tags affect your decision to click on a fic? -10 -> very dissuaded 0 - don’t care either way +10 -> very enticed nope -> if it’s a hard no and you’d never click on a fic with that tag or or you even have the tag blocked or you’d insta click out of the fic if it wasn’t tagged Bonus points for explaining the rating and whether it’s conditional.
Drag Queens - 5
5 feels like a good mid-point, because I've never actually read a fic where a character doing drag has a central role, but I do love drag queens in real life, so I wouldn't mind. I just never thought to seek it out. Maybe I should.
Virtual Reality - 0
Define "Virtual Reality". Do you mean the blorbos playing some sort of VR game of the blorbos actually being in a VR-generated world? The first one sounds, uh, kind of boring. The second one sounds more interesting. (Not a fic, but the Hank Green duology really does this well). But also... not really interested in the first place.
Retirement - 0
Look, I just turned 25. I don't have any idea what to think of retirement yet. Ask me again in 40 years.
Feel-Good - 1000
FUCK YEAH. I don't believe that fic necessarily has to be a form of escapism, but it can be and feel-good and pure fluff is my JAM.
Loneliness - idk
This is a tough one, hence the idk. I think it is a great topic to explore, but as someone who's felt incredibly lonely, it's also a tough cookie. So it can be cathartic to see my (past) feelings reflected, but it can also be daunting, so I guess it depends on the mood.
Cardinal Virtues - ????
I had to Google what this means and I am still not entirely sure. I feel like I should, cause I literally study philosophy these days.
But, like, what does this mean for fic tropes? Does this mean a fic is all about a character being just or what not?
Post-Canon - 10
YEAH. I mean, it does depend on how much I love the canon (looking at you, Glee, fuck off!), but if I do love how the show/series/whatever ended, I do like the idea of checking up on these characters, so to speak.
Animal Traits - -10
Meh. I also don't really know what this means. I assume it has something to do with hybrid fics and that is not my thing and it never has been. This assumption is because traits like "loyalty" aren't inheritely for animals, for example dogs. Wait, is THIS what's meant with Cardinal Virtues? (jk)
Unhealthy Relationships - 2
Oof, okay. I was literally just thinking today on how fiction allows you to explore things you don't want to occur in real life and this is one of them. I mean, guys, I love Snowbaz. That isn't particulary healthy, especially in Wayward Son. I suppose it depends on how unhealthy (there's a difference between miscommunication and personal problems getting in the way and straight up physical violence) and how it's explored. If it's romanticised in any way, it's a big no, but to come back to the Wayward Son example, I do like the exploration.
Cannibalism - -100000
Tagging @quizasvivamos @spookyklaine @urban-sith @thnxforknowingme @captain-aralias @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @justgleekout @cerriddwenluna @tea-brigade @bookish-bogwitch @confused-bi-queer @cutestkilla​ @wellbelesbian​ @artsyunderstudy​ @martsonmars​ @facewithoutheart​ @rockitmans @bitbybitwrites @blackberrysummerblog @whatevertheweather
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mudbloodpotter05 · 8 months
Fic Writer Asks!
I was tagged by @read-and-write- and happiness-of-the-pursuit
ao3 username: Muddbloodpotter05
Fandoms: I have only written for and published for two fandoms- EastEnders (British Soap), but I write for my Ben and Callum “Ballum”, specifically. They are my ride or die ship for that show. I also write for Red, White and Royal Blue.
(Though I did write for HP and crossed that over with Charmed way too many years ago, 😅)
Number of works: 11! (Four are for my EastEnders, Ballum ship and Seven are for RWRB, though one of those for rwrb is my catch-all for any drabbles or drabbles that exceeded the 100 word only requirement).
Work I spent the most time on: this one is a bit harder to answer…of my published stories, I would have to say it is between 3 stories. Two of them fall in my EE fandom for Ballum and those are Someone to Watch Over Me and Your Final Words. For RWRB it would have to be my Now and Then. All three of these took about the same amount of time (roughly two ish months) for each of these because I tend to agonize over my writing and wanting to make sure I frame it and get the flow how I want).
This is likely to end up changing due to the current story I am working on, which is tentatively titled “Time and Time Again” for RWRB.
Work I spent the least time on: besides any drabbles…it would be between two stories If Only for One Night, for EE and Ballum and then Lacrosse My Heart and Hope… - both of these stories just flew out of my brain and into a doc within a single day and then posted to ao3 a couple days later after my wonderful Beta went over them!
Longest fic: this would have to be Now and Then for RWRB. Again, this is likely to change as my new story is currently sitting a little over 8k and that is just chapter 1!
Shortest fic: my drabbles, definitely, though some exceed the 100 word maximum, so I will also list Is that my sweatshirt for RWRB. (It my newest story and contains smut and was inspired by some amazing art of Henry running while wearing one of Alex’s jersey’s.)
Most hits: Bump In the Night which clocks in at 5,540 hits!
Most Kudos: that would be Is that my sweatshirt and has 206 kudos! I love this for my one shot! (Again, mind the tags for Smut).
Total word count: 105,989 (published at this exact moment)
Favorite work of my own: oof, this question sort of hurts, 😅, but if I have to pick I would say any of those listed in the question about the ‘work I spent the most time on’. Those three have to be the ones I’m most proud of!
Fic you want to rewrite or expand on: it would probably have to be Now and Then, but only because I have ideas/thoughts that didn’t make it into the story.
Share a bit of a wip: this is from chapter 1 of my current multi-chapter story-
It’s old. Worn, but still seems to be in good condition. An antique. One of the drawers seems to be stuck, maybe locked. The last time he saw one that looked like this was on a trip to the Smithsonian in his Junior year. So yeah, a fucking antique it may be, but it was the only desk that Alex had found that sparked any sort of joy. (Thank you, Marie Kondo!)
That joy being: it was dirt fucking cheap and he was past being picky.
Well, not exactly. Or not only the price, exactly.
He didn’t know why, but when he looked at it…Alex felt wistful.
Maybe it was his lack of sleep. Maybe it was the air of history hanging about it. Maybe it was haunted! (Not that he believed in ghosts and crystals, voodoo and magic…that was all his sister, June) Or it could very well be the curry from the back of his fridge that he should’ve thrown away. Still, none of those were going to stop him from making this purchase.
And I am tagging….. @orchidscript @historicallysam @everwitch-magiks and @ethel0123 , but only if you want and haven’t done it yet!
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befuddledcinnamonroll · 10 months
Thai QL Favorites Tag game
Aw, @plantsarepeopletoo, I think you are the first person to tag me on here, thanks for that! Also, I adore your name.
Favorites are a tricky thing for me, I tend to love a lot of things, and am not big into ranking...so these answers might change depending on the day.
Favorite Thai QL: Until We Meet Again was one of the first I watched, and it hit me deeply. There is something about the beginning with Dean & Pharm, and how they know they’re connected, but unsure why. Total chills. I know some people find it slow, but I never felt like that. Just really good storytelling. And I also have to say Not Me. It’s just so unique in terms of BL. I love a good secret twin story, but also the incredible acting and social commentary really took a hold of my heart.
Favorite Pairing: I’m someone who doesn’t really like fanservice or people being trapped into one pairing (I love First & Khaotung together, but they have too much charisma with literally everyone to be permanently a pair). That being said, gotta give it to MaxTul. And I am a little bummed we won’t get just one more series from them.
Most underrated actor: Ooh, this is a tough one. I can’t think of anyone I feel is really underrated, but I do wish actors were given more of a chance to break free of some of their typecast roles. I feel like some of them are underestimated in what they could do if offered the right material. Like everyone knows Fluke Natouch and Earth Katsamonnat are incredible actors, but I’d love to see them do something where they get to play more confident and assertive, not to mention morally dubious. In real life Earth is always looking so fierce! I want him to be sassy and fashionable in a show.
Favorite Character: Yok, from Not Me. I can’t explain fully why, just love that man so damn much.
Favorite Side Character: Nam, Chon’s mom from Tonhon Chontalee. I didn’t really like the show, but I love and her fire so much. May we all have someone in our lives who would love us and fight for us so fiercely.
Favorite scene in a QL: Oof...there are so many good ones! The Pride flag scene in Not Me is an amazing one. I like the rooftop scenes in both Bad Buddy & Why R U. I’m sure I could come up with more, but we’ll stick with that for now.
Favorite line in a QL: I’m terrible at remembering to write down lines I enjoy. I’ll add if I think of one later!
Most Anticipated QL (& why): I really like Perth Tanapon, so I’m interested to see what he does with Dangerous Romance. Honestly, I’m just happy we’re starting to see more BLs that are playing around with genres like historical or thriller. Give us all the types of BL!
Healthiest relationship in a QL: This is tricky, because of how many couples have that random miscommunication that should be solved in 5 minutes, but has to take that extra episode. Maybe Le Jian and Amber from DNA Says Love You? I don’t remember perfectly, but they were very sweet. Also, I think I gotta say Phayu & Rain from LITA are pretty strong. I know not everyone vibes with their dynamic, but they’re both good at understanding what the other needs from them.
Most toxic relationship in a QL: Oh, that one from Love by Chance, with Techno...and that other guy I can’t remember. Gross & creepy.
Guilty pleasure series: The first half of Love in the Air, and History 1: Obsessed. Obsessed has so many tropes I should hate, but it somehow works in a “I know how this is supposed to go in another universe and I’m losing my mind here because I know I got you killed with my stupidity” kind of way.
Most Underrated Series: I think I have to go with Ghost Host, Ghost House. I almost never see people mention it, but I flipping adored it. 
Apologies that I have no idea who hasn’t done this yet... but if you want to jump on, consider yourself tagged!
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