#Opulent Ambiance
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Step into a world of sophistication and comfort as you enter the lobby of Grand Plaza Serviced Apartments. Our exquisite lobby sets the tone for your stay, offering a warm welcome and a glimpse of the opulence that awaits you throughout your time here. Relax in style and start your London adventure with us.
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paletteofpatricia · 10 months
Moroccan Mystique: Unveiling the Magic of Moorish Interior Design
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egypsianrubie · 14 days
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egypsianrubierb · 14 days
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fantasyflash · 1 month
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"The Narcissimus": Enjoying with Self-Love
Amidst the bustling cityscape, a place has emerged for those who cherish their reflection as much as their meals. Welcome to "Narcissimus" – an enchanted haven for narcissists and self-lovers.
Upon entering this unique restaurant, one is immediately greeted by a shimmer of mirrors and crystal chandeliers. The walls and ceilings are artfully adorned with mirrors, reflecting light in every direction, transforming the space into a sparkling fairy tale. Crystal chandeliers hang from the ceiling and adorn the tables, capturing the light and bathing the room in radiant glow.
Yet, what sets "Narcissimus" apart are not just its sparkling decorations – it's the tables themselves. Each table is equipped with a mirrored tabletop, allowing guests to gaze upon themselves as they dine. A truly narcissistic delight, inviting guests to lose themselves in their own reflection while indulging in culinary delights.
Amidst this dazzling ambiance sits a young man at one of the tables, gazing at his own reflection. Surrounded by sparkling crystal light and in the company of his own reflection, he awaits a culinary adventure that not only tantalizes the palate but also indulges the ego.
"Narcissimus" is more than just a restaurant – it's a place where self-love and enjoyment go hand in hand. Here, guests can mirror their own beauty as they are seduced by exquisite flavors. Welcome to "Narcissimus" – where self-admiration takes center stage, and every meal becomes an act of self-love.
www.facebook.com/horst.waschinski www.flickr.com/waschinski
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levona23534 · 9 months
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Black Velvet Essential Oils by LevoNascent - Elevate your senses with refined scents. Elevate your sensory journey with LevoNascent's Black Velvet Essential Oils. Immerse yourself in a symphony of scents that transport you to a world of tranquility and refinement.
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beingjellybeans · 10 months
Rediscovering Chinese flavors at Xin Tian Di
If you’re on the lookout for a remarkable dining experience that blends the essence of classic Cantonese flavors with a modern twist, look no further than Xin Tian Di. Located on the fourth floor of the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Quezon City, this restaurant is a haven for those seeking an elevated take on Chinese cuisine. The name “Xin Tian Di,” which translates to “New Heaven and Earth,”…
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Infernal Shadows 03
Synopsis: Being one of the most powerful overlords in Hell, you like to keep up with colonies and overlord plans. Recently with the new extermination date out, you hold your annual gala sooner than usual. You hadn’t expected to get in the middle of the already heated feud between the Radio Demon and the head of Vox Tech.
Warnings: She/Her pronouns used for the reader, mentions of blood, voodoo?, Angel Dust being a horn-bag, Reader is referred too as Madame to the public. Vox and Alastor feud because I live for it. Carmilla and Velvet feud because I also live for that. I also really favor Zestial for some reason as a calm mediator.
Song for this chapter: Ludwig van Beethoven’s Violin Concerto in D major, Op. 61
A/N: Thank you all so much for your positive feedback & feedback in general on the last two posts!! I really didn’t think this would catch so much attention but I’m so glad people like it. For some reason Tumblr’s being weird and doesn’t want to let me tag certain people, I don’t know why but if anyone does please let me know because I really don’t like that ;/ But I hope you all enjoy this chapter!! Please note that some blogs cannot be tagged, so I recommend checking this post and to check your settings to make sure I can tag you! If anything I can always just message you when the next chapter comes out, and yes I am making this series longer :) it’ll also be posted on my Wattpad soon!
Word count: 3890
Taglist: @dollops-of-delusion @nebusokuxp @scrunchss @rosedasy @valluvz @chesstras @pishybowl @iaaeav @forgotten-blues @22carolina08 @roboticsuccubus83 @doflamingadonquixote @froggyferrets @frompeach @absurd-ash @sillysillyxinnabun @urdariingdoll @delectableworm @immahuman @justaproudslytherpuff @local-mr-frog @angeli-fucking-cat @coldsweetsenthusiast @jadekomaeda @iaaeav @coffeethoughtsandanxiety @lunalixya @pretty-puppy-stuffies @lemonrolls @asimplikeallyall @lunalixya
Navigation!! // Masterlist!!! // Serendipity Writes (event) // Part One. // Part two. // Part four.
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Engaging with guests throughout the night had become an exhausting endeavor, and a part of you yearned for the solace of your absence. Nevertheless, you maintained the façade, acknowledging every sinner whose smile dripped with crimson mischief. Having greeted each guest, you discreetly slipped into a shadowed corner, your shadows enveloping your figure quickly, seamlessly disappearing from the expansive room in mere seconds and emerging into an intimate gazebo outside, meticulously arranged beneath the sweeping branches of a weeping willow, you marveled at its unique ambiance. Unlike the earthly counterparts that stood white, the willow in your realm bore a deep crimson hue, its leaves adorned with a subtle, luminous sheen. A gentle smile graced your lips as you leaned against the sturdy black iron railing, delicately cradling a piece of the weeping willow between your fingertips. In the distance, the grand mansion hosting the gala loomed, its opulence contrasting with the simplicity of your secluded retreat. Despite the awareness of etiquette dictating against leaving guests unattended, the need for a mental break led you to this haven, a safe space for you. Reflecting, you acknowledged a desire for better preparation and rehearsal with the shadows, realizing the repetitiveness of conversations with the familiar sinners had rendered the night somewhat lackluster. It almost felt like you had come out of hiding for nothing. Quite the disappointment.
You sigh, massaging your temples, the lace fabric on your fingertips only slightly soothing the growing headache. However, not too far behind, you hear the sound of soft grass. You straighten up and turn around, seeing none other than your long time friend Zestial, who just smiled, nodding at you.
“Why art thou out here all alone on this crimson night?” Zestial inquired, standing by your side with his back against the railing. You resumed your original position, taking a moment to appreciate his father. Mentally noting how much of your grandfather Zestial reminded you of, you kept the sentiment unspoken.
Tonight, Zestial adorned himself in an outfit resonant with his time period, preserving his distinctive color scheme. A dark, meticulously tailored coat with lime green accents draped over his slender frame, capturing the essence of his demonic class. The cloak, adorned with lime green spider webs, unveiled a mesmerizing display when unfurled—his lime green eyes radiating, the upper pair embellished with vivid red irises. Instead of the customary big top hat, Zestial selected a smaller, more appropriate hat with a touch of flair. Dark as the shadows you command, it featured a light grey patch at the front and was finished with a grey-colored skull and a lime green and red-striped feather on the right side, adding a distinctive touch that mirrored his nature.
“Why art thou out here all alone on this crimson night?” Zestial repeated, shifting toward you a bit. Yet you resumed your original position, savoring the quiet ambiance before finally answering him. “What shall we discourse upon during our repast this eventide?” Zestial asked. Though his wording occasionally posed a challenge for others, having grown up in a family of eloquent speakers, you easily deciphered his intent. Something he truly appreciated. Though he was learning to speak more ‘modern’, or as modern as he could be.
“Quite unsure of that. Everything is changing, and I fear I might be left behind,” you expressed bluntly. Zestial sighed in response, a mix of understanding and concern evident in his lime green eyes.
“Madame, thou art timeless,” Zestial said with a bow, his cup proofing into smoke. “I pray thee, vex not thyself o’er so trivial a matter,” he added, his words resonating with both reassurance and genuine care.
You nodded, handing him a card. His surprised expression upon finding two cards instead of one didn’t escape you. “What manner of thing is this?” Zestial inquired, prompting you to summon a shadow for yourself, knowing he would find his own means back to the Gala.
“Carmilla. I am no fool to the both of you,” you said, amusement coloring your words as Zestial shook his head.
“Thou dost astonish me on every occasion,” Zestial remarked, standing by your side as you walked into your portal. Two seats vanished, leaving four empty seats at your table and six occupied.
In your study, you floated scripts in front of you, checking off names on the table list for tonight. With a few overlords left to choose from, Alastor and Charlotte secured seats based on trust and connections. Vox, Zestial, and Carmilla, an unspoken but potent couple, promised intrigue. Reconsidering Velvet for her potential devolution, you weighed each decision with strategic acumen.
Valentino, the Von Eldritch twins, and other weaker options were dismissed, maintaining a careful balance of power and influence. As you weigh the option of inviting Rosie to the gathering, her unpredictable nature adds a layer of excitement and potential surprise to the upcoming discussions. However, this unpredictability could also introduce challenges, creating an air of uncertainty around her contributions. Hopefully with Alastor around, she’d feel more inclined to behave. You check her name off the list.
In considering Stolas, the Goetia prince, his personal issues and tarnished reputation pose significant hurdles. Divorcing from his wife, sleeping with an imp for fun, as well as losing control of his daughter on Earth, it all seemed too risky to get involved with. While his wisdom and influence could contribute positively, the shadows of his struggles may complicate the dynamics, stirring potential conflicts and requiring delicate handling. Someone might get out of line with a comment towards him. His power was incredibly useful, but not worth the risk.
Husk’s transformation from a former overlord to a bartender signals a decline in power and status. While his laid-back demeanor might bring a sense of unpredictability, his diminished influence raises questions about the relevance of his involvement in the current political landscape of hell. Though he was your friend, you needed to keep your reputation pristine.
As the you contemplate the overlords assets, a mix of excitement, caution, and uncertainty envelops the decision-making process. Each overlord’s potential positive contributions are balanced by the looming negatives.
“Madame?” One of your shadows materialized, prompting a nod for them to proceed. “There seems to be some trouble in the lobby between the guests. What would you like us to do?” it inquired. A grimace crossed your face, hoping the disturbance wouldn’t mar your night. “Let me handle it,” you declared, snapping your fingers, causing the script to vanish. The shadow nodded, blending back into a wall for you to step through.
Upon reappearing, you assumed the form of a taller shadow. The room surrounded by guests revealed Vox, Velvet, Alastor, and Carmilla standing in the middle. Zestial, seemingly composed, stood close behind Carmilla, observing the situation. Carmilla appeared visibly upset, with Velvet in proximity, a pointed finger dropping as soon as she noticed your arrival. Alastor maintained his usual wide smile, though it bordered on the eerie, revealing a glimpse of his gums. The scene unfolded, presenting a potential challenge to the serene atmosphere you aimed to maintain during the gala.
Everyone seemed to stop, slowly turning toward you to see your face. Except there was no expression, just the large shadow you had taken form of. In seconds the shadow disappeared, leaving you in the fog, the expression on your face anything but calm.
"Madame I-" Velvet began, but her words were halted by the sight of your lace glove, your hand rising to silence her. Approaching the overlords, you spoke with an air of cold authority.
"My quarters. Now," you commanded, and with a snap of your fingers, smoke enveloped your spot as you vanished. Shadows materialized around the overlords, guiding them to your quarters, leaving the stunned guests in the lobby.
"Well, that was interesting," Valentino remarked.
In your study, the overlords found you seated in your tall, black chair. Its ebony surface featured intricate carvings of black glass, elegant swirls, and patterns tailored to your essence, creating an atmosphere of undeniable authority and refinement.
"I hope you all had fun acting like children," you chided sternly. The overlords lined up, forming a unified front. Leaning against the right side of your chair, you crossed your legs, elbow on the armrest, pinching the bridge of your nose with a sigh. Annoyance laced your words as you questioned, "What did you feel the need to argue about now?" Before Velvet, Vox, and Carmilla could respond simultaneously, you halted them. "One at a time. I'd assume you all handle this like adults, if you even can." The tension in the room hung thick as the overlords awaited their turn to address your inquiry.
“She wants me at her table Vaggie! Me!” Charlotte said excitedly. Vagatha just smiled.
“That’s good! Now you can tell them about the hotel, and maybe someone will be interested.” Vagatha said, and Charlotte just nodded.
“Maybe they-“ Charlotte stopped, observing as people began to crowd around the center of the lobby. Charlotte and Vagatha stood from their spots at the bar to walk toward the center, where the overlords stood. Velvet and Vox were next to each other, while Carmilla, Alastor and Zestial were across. Carmilla and Velvet were face to face. “What’s going on?” Charlotte asked as Vagatha and her pushed their way through the crowds of people.
“Come on, Carmilla, always the mood-killer,” Velvet scoffed, a disrespectful tone tainting her words. Carmilla shot her a stern look, ready to assert her authority.
“Watch that tongue, Velvet. I will not let your insolence slide,” Carmilla retorted, attempting to rein in the escalating tension.
Vox, ever the smooth talker, chimed in, “Ladies, ladies, let’s not turn this into a drama fest. We’re all here for a reason.” Vox said, sternly giving a tight lipped smile to Velvet, silently telling her to keep her shit together.
Carmilla shot a glare at Velvet, who replied with a defiant smirk, “Drama or not, Vox, some of us aren’t here for the ballroom charm.”
Alastor, drawn to the brewing chaos, couldn’t resist adding his flair, “Well, well, a bit of spice never hurt a party, does it?”
Carmilla, unfazed by the chaos, spoke with a calm authority, “Velvet, your insolence is unnecessary. This is not a playground; it’s a gathering of overlords. Act accordingly.”
Velvet, seemingly undeterred, shot back with a dismissive laugh, “Poor Grandma, always trying to play the responsible one. Maybe loosen up a bit? Have a drink will you?”
Vox, ever the smooth talker, added with a slick comment, “Perhaps we can focus on the matters at hand. Save the theatrics for later ladies.”
Alastor, intrigued by the unfolding drama, simply grinned, “Oh the picture box has spoken! Quite intriguing.” The room continued to buzz with tension as each overlord, except Rosie, added their own flavor to the brewing turmoil. As the tension thickened, Vox, with a sly grin, couldn't resist adding his own slick comment to the mix.
"Ah, Alastor, the radio days were quaint, but it seems you're a bit outdated. Television is the future, perhaps you should tune in sometime," he quipped with a wink, the words delivered with a calculated smoothness. The room momentarily hung in a charged silence before the verbal sparring resumed, adding another layer to the complex interplay of personalities at the gala.
With Vox's comment about Alastor being outdated sinking in, the radio demon responded with a sly grin, sharp teeth on display, his eyes displays dials, as the rooms lights began to deepen, "Ah, Vox, your television endeavors are impressive, but remember, I'm not just audible; I'm unforgettable. A little screen time won't change that," he retorted, “This face was made for radio.” He said with a grin, tilting his head to the side, a sharp snap in his neck, his words carrying a mix of amusement and confidence. The verbal exchange between the two overlords added another layer to the already charged atmosphere, each comment becoming a piece in the intricate puzzle of conflicts and egos at the gala.
“See what you did grandma, now you’ve got the two of them fighting.” Velvet said, pointing a finger into Carmella’s chest. She scoffed, shoving her away.
“Don’t you dare get disrespectful on me you brat.” Carmilla said, beginning to heat up with anger.
That's when Madame stepped in, reappearing in the form of a taller shadow, casting a lengthened silhouette in the room brimming with guests. Vox, Velvet, Alastor, and Carmilla found themselves at the center of the unfolding tableau, and Zestial, seemingly composed, lingered just behind Carmilla, quietly observing the escalating drama. Carmilla's visage betrayed a hint of distress, her pointed finger lowering as she registered your reappearance. Alastor, with his trademark grin, bordered on eerie, revealing a glimpse of his gums. The unfolding scene disrupted the serene atmosphere you had meticulously aimed to maintain during the gala, presenting an unexpected challenge.
A hush fell over the room as everyone turned their gaze toward you, anticipating your reaction. However, your face remained expressionless, concealed within the depths of the large shadow you had taken form of. In mere seconds, the shadow dissipated, leaving you in a misty veil. Yet, beneath the calm exterior, a storm brewed, ready to challenge the delicate balance of the evening.
Now, here you all were, sitting in the study after Carmilla had explained the situation.
“Madame, with all due respect,” Carmilla spoke, looking down. “I truly do not believe Velvet is mature enough to be at our table tonight.” Carmilla said.
“Are you questioning my judgment?” You asked sharply, to which Carmilla stiffened quickly, shaking her head then.
”No Madame, I would never-“
“Then do not say foolish things.” You said. Sighing, you shut your eyes, feeling the weight of the situation. Tonight sensitive information would be revealed and Carmilla did have some point here. Velvet clearly could not hold her tongue.
”Vox, control your associate please, or you both will be cut from the dinner tonight.” You said finally, to which he nodded nervously.
“Of course Madame.” He said, nodding to you.
“I wasn’t finished.” You said, looking to Alastor.
“I want none of this technology talk either.” You spoke, staring at Alastor who just smiled with lidded eyes. You knew he was very much upset, but you had forbidden anyone to fight in your home, anyone but you of course. “You all will act like mature adults wether you like it or not. I am not your guardian, I should not be having this conversation with overlords who should know better.” You said, standing. ”Now, all of you, out.” You said, snapping your fingers. Quickly the shadows began to move, ushering everyone out of your study. Everyone except Carmilla. “Not you.” You said to her, Zestial nodding to you and her as he stepped out, giving you both privacy.
“Madame, I didn’t mean what I said-“ Carmilla said quickly. You waved her off, straightening yourself out.
“Nonsense Carmilla, I know you meant well.” You said with a stoic expression. You sit back down, crossing your legs and snapping your fingers to form a chair in front of your desk, ushering her to sit. “I wanted to speak to you about your weapons.” You stated. At this her eyes went wide, before dropping again.
“Oh, very well then. What would you like to know?” She asked. You grinned, before standing again.
“Well, how much would I need to give you for you to make me a personal bayonet?” You asked. She went silent for a moment, before answering.
“Nothing at all Madame.” She said, standing to look at you. “May I ask what for?” She questioned. You shook your head.
“No, just to have on display. I want a new one, the old one I have is quite out of style for me.” You replied. She just nodded, before you waved to her, sitting back down and summoning a script again. “You may go now, and please, do not argue with children.” You commented. She just smiled and nodded, leaving you to your own vices.
It was half-past eleven, five minutes till the midnight bells chime. Everyone in the lobby was beginning to get excited for the entertainment you had planned for the night. Oh, you knew you would not disappoint.
“Madame would like everyone to accompany her on a journey tonight. She has sent me to retrieve you all. She would like to formally welcome you to tonight’s entertainment.” The large shadow said, standing from the topic of the stairs. Behind it was a large portal. It stepped backwards, into the portal, and nodded for the guests to start coming through.
The custom-built coliseum stands as a testament to Madame's vision, a grand fusion of opulence and dark elegance. The circular structure boasts towering columns, but instead of conventional pillars, thick chains rise, intricately linked and serving as both ornamental decor and structural support. The arches, molded in black, curve gracefully around the circumference, evoking a Victorian Gothic aesthetic that permeates the entire venue.
Two larger-than-life statues of Madame herself flank the entrance, capturing her regal poise and adding a touch of imposing authority. The statues serve not only as decorative elements but as a representation of the gala's hostess, a constant presence overseeing the proceedings, she is always watching, all seeing, perfection.
The overall ambiance is one of grandeur and mystery, with the black molding on the arches casting shadows that play into the darker undertones. Every intricate detail, from the chains to the statues, contributes to the unique Victorian Gothic feel of the coliseum, matching Madame’s home perfectly, matching her perfectly. The venue, finally being unveiled to the guests, now welcomes them who are treated to an appetizer course, surrounded by the striking architecture and entertained within the darkly enchanting atmosphere Madame has meticulously crafted.
Numerous shadows, dark and formless, line the entrance walls, extending silent greetings to the arriving guests. Their presence adds an air of mystique and intrigue as they blend seamlessly with the Gothic architecture. As attendees make their way into the coliseum, these shadowy figures create an ethereal welcome, embodying the unique atmosphere of Madame's custom-built venue.
At a separate entrance reserved for the handpicked members of Madame's esteemed dinner table, a solitary shadow stands guard. This entrance, reserved for a select few, hints at the exclusivity and importance of those who will partake in the upcoming dinner. The shadowy sentinels serve not only as silent greeters but also as guardians of the event's secrets, casting an enigmatic allure over the gala.
A singular shadows escorts Charlotte, Alastor, and the rest of the overlords to the exclusive section, leading them to an elevator to bring them to the best seats in the coliseum. The elevator’s interior is a striking display of elegance, with white and black checkered flooring lending a timeless touch. The walls, enveloped in darkness, exude an air of mystery, while black, smokey glass engravings on the ceiling add intricate detailing that dances in the ambient light. Each number on the elevator, indicating the ascending levels, glows a vibrant red, creating a vivid contrast against the monochrome palette.
“Oh I’m so excited! What do you think we’re gonna see? Gladiators? Sinners fight? Oh actually I hope not, I don’t want people to die.” Charlotte said to Alastor. Carmilla just chuckled at her antics while Zestial eyed her with curiosity. Where did Alastor find such a girl and why the princess of all people?
The elevator stops at the top floor, revealing the opening in the middle, which was surprisingly covered with water.
“What is Madame playing at?” Carmilla questioned as the overlords sat in a row at the top. From there they could see everything and everyone.
“I am quite uncertain, yet my anticipation is stirred nonetheless.” Zestial said. The lights around began to dim, and shadows began to pour glasses of water in front of all the guests. Down in the middle of the coliseum was the tallest shadow, the one that seemed to be Madame’s favorite, since it always spoke for her.
“Greetings all. It is Madame’s pleasure to invite you all to the special entertainment tonight. Madame has put together some of hell’s finest performers for your entertainment tonight. I would like to present, preforming here tonight, The Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra preforming Ludwig van Beethoven’s Violin Concerto in D major, Op. 61.” The shadow said with a bow, before it vanished just as quick as it came. Then, other shadows appeared, but this time they were different. They were people, performers, with clear outlined silhouettes, faces and expressions, even clothes.
“Hey, Al?” Charlotte asked, leaning over in her seat to Alastor. He let out a ‘hm?’ In response.
“Does Madame own those souls down there?” Charlotte whispered, but before Alastor could answer, a shadow had already cut in.
“Yes. All the shadows here, even yours, Madame owns.” The shadow said quietly, filling Charlotte’s glass cup with water. Charlotte nervously, perked up, but said nothing as she shadow carried on with it’s catering.
The ethereal notes of the music filled the air as the performance unfolded. Around the musicians stood ballet dancers, their movements a delicate poetry in motion. Clad in all black, the performers created a stark contrast to the dancers, who emerged with an otherworldly grace akin to figures rising from the depths of water. The dancers moved with an angelic fluidity, their forms intertwining seamlessly with the haunting melody, creating a mesmerizing tableau that captivated the audience. The visual symphony of black-clad musicians and the whisky-hued ballet dancers painted a scene of enchantment and mystery within the grand coliseum. Even down to the dancers, this had Madame written all over it.
Velvet's keen eye captured the essence of the dancers' ethereal movements on paper. With each stroke of her sketch, she depicted the dancers as if emerging from a watery abyss, the fog enveloping their feet creating an illusion of water flowing upward. The intricate details on her sketch paper brought to life the dancers' graceful forms, their figures seemingly intertwined with the rising mist, evoking the enchantment of a waterspout captured in a moment of sublime artistry. Velvet's artistic interpretation added a layer of depth to the performance, transforming the ephemeral dance into a tangible and captivating visual narrative.
Water had begun to swirl, the dancers moving around it, the water getting taller and taller, similar to the way it had when you had first made your entrance at the beginning of the Gala. Now, it was water, and from Charlotte’s seat, she had struggled to make out what was going on. She turned to Alastor to see him holding a pair of opera glasses in his hand. Without you having to ask, he tapped the armrest of her seat. Charlotte turned to the side to see a pair tucked neatly against the front of the armrest. She grabbed them quickly, before looking through them and at the waterspout now forming in the middle. Her jaw flew open, as well as the loud screech of Alastor’s track playing. Vox had short circuited, and Carmilla gasped loudly. Velvet stood silent, but there was evident confusion on her face, while Zestial sunk into his seat, conflicting emotions flowing through him.
“Madame- she’s-“ Charlotte stuttered, and Alastor nodded, swallowing thickly.
“With an exorcist. I know.”
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rheya28 · 5 months
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The Crown [ Lounge + Bar] ♥ The Sims 4: Speed Build // CC
Welcome to The Crown, a haven of refined indulgence that seamlessly shifts from an upscale morning restaurant and lounge to a sophisticated evening gentlemen's club. In the daylight hours, experience culinary delights in an ambiance of polished dark wood accents, moody lights, and soft jazz.
As the sun sets, The Crown transforms into an intimate and stylish club, where discreet luxury meets thrilling entertainment. With an emphasis on sophistication, The Crown offers an unforgettable fusion of exquisite dining and sensual experiences in an atmosphere of opulence.
Additional Notes: ● In order for the adult club function to work, you must download the wicked whims mod [Download at your own risk]. ● This build does not have to be a club, it can be set as a restaurant, a lounge, or a bar. ● I am not 100% familiar with wicked whims so I will not be answering questions regarding the mod. However, I played around with it and did some playtesting as a club owner and everything is functioning correctly on my end. I advice that you look up tutorials if you're not sure to how this lot type works.
● Please make sure to turn bb.moveobjects on! ● Please DO NOT reupload or claim as your own. ● Feel free to tag me if you are using it, I love seeing my build in other peoples save file ● Feel free to edit/tweak my builds, but please make sure to credit me as the original creator! ● Thank you to all CC Creators ● Please let me know if there's any problem with the build
00:00 Beginning 00:02 Intro 1:25 Speed Build 15:52 Photos Sim's Featured in the video are by the talented @rhdweauni0 <3
Lot Name: The Crown Lot type: Gentlemen's Club/Str*p Club [Can be set as a lounge, restaurant or bar] Lot size: 30x30 Location: Windenburg or San MyShuno
● Tool Mod by Twisted Mexi ● Wicked Whims by Turbodriver [optional: This is only required if you want to set this lot as a club] ● Functional Pool Table by Utopya
Note: I reuse a lot of the same cc in all my builds, specifically cc's from felixandre, HeyHarrie, Tuds, and Pierisim so if you're interested in downloading past, present, future build from me i suggest getting all their cc sets to make downloading a little easier! other creators include Sooky, Charlypancakes, Sixam, Thecluttercat, Myshunosun, awingedllama, Peacemaker. This will also ensure that the lots are complete and are not missing any items upon downloading ! CharlyPancakes ● Miscellanea [books] ● Soak [ Floor pattern, wall lamp] Amelie ● Vintage Art print #3 Severinka ●Aura Bedroom - Ceiling lamp V01, V03 ● Ceiling lamp Alpha ●Industrial Light II Ceiling B, Ceiling D Sooky ● Dark Academia Victorian Oil Paintings 01 ● Horizontal Oil Painting - landscape ● Horizontal Oil Painting - Still Life ● Vertical Oil Painting - Landscape ● Vertical Oil Painting - Portrait ● Vertical Oil Painting - Still Life The Clutter Cat ● Dandy Diary pt 1, 2 ● Hello Horses FelixAndre ● Chateau [all ] ● Berlin pt 1 ● Colonial pt 2, 3 ● Florence pt 2 ● Gatsby ● Georgian ● Grove [ all ] ● London Interior ● Paris pt 2, 3 ● Soho pt 3 House of Harlix ● Harluxe ● Livin Rum ● Orjanic Harrie ● Brownstone [all] ● Baysic ● Brutalist ● Coastal pt 2, 3, 8 ● Klean pt 3 ● Kwatei ● Octave pt 2 ● Shop the look pt 1, 2 ● Spoons pt 3 ● Jardane Kiwisim4 ● Block house dining [dining chairs] Lilac Creative ● The classic Collection Little Dica ● The even Grander Piano Myshunosun ● Garden Stories [patio lights] ● Lottie [candle] ● Simmify pt 2 [book clutter] Pierisim ● Coldbrew pt 3 ● Combles [chair] ● David Apartment pt 1, 2 ● Domain du close pt 2, 3 ● MCM pt 1, 3 ● Oak House pt 4 ● Tilable ● Winter Garden pt 1, 2 ● Wood Land Ranch pt 3 Plush Pixels ● Parisian Apartment [coffee table only] Simcredible ● Bossa Nova Ceiling lamp Simplistic ● Rusticlife area rug Sixam ● Boho Bathroom [floor tiles] Taurus Design ● Lilith Chilling Areas MycupofCC ● The Modernist [wall lamp] Tuds ● Ind Syboulette ● Ratatouille [Sign ] Utopya ● Pool Table [mod]
● Tray File: Patreon Page ● Origin ID: Applez ● Twitter: Rheya28__ ● Tiktok: Rheya28__ ● Patreon: Rheya28 ● Youtube: Rheya28__
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st4rfckerz · 7 months
house sitter | anakin skywalker x reader
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word count: 2.5k
warnings: MDNI 18+, kinda non con ???, somnophilia, groping, unprotected sex, creampie, infedelity, mild degradation, fingering, oral (f receiving), age gap (anakins in his 30s, reader is an adult), anakin's a pervert.
summary: you watch over the skywalker's home while they're out on a date.
a/n: this might be all over the place so i apologize BUT this is actually the idea i was talking about when i posted "i just woke up with the horniest fic idea."
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house sitting was without a doubt the easiest job you'd ever had. all you had to do was lounge around in expensive homes and watch out for intrusions, which, for the record, hardly ever happen.
the famous skywalker family had employed you to watch over their house while they went on dates, visited other planets, etc. you had gotten to know the couple pretty well, especially anakin since he was always friendly with you and often times would spend time speaking to you, although it was never anything more than just light conversation for him.
you noticed that anakin had spent more time talking to you lately and was starting to become a little bit more attentive towards you, he had always been kind and friendly but you felt his friendliness had become more... intentional, but maybe you were just imagining things.
padmé called you to inform you that she and anakin were going out to dinner and would be gone for the majority of the evening.
you've just pulled up to the skywalkers' driveway, parked your car, and started approaching the stone walkway. after a few knocks, anakin finally opens the door with a small grin plastered across his face. he couldn't help but feel a certain thrill at the thought of having you around again.
"hey, glad you could make it." anakin greeted you at the door, his dark blue eyes took you in for a moment before he steps to the side to let you in. padmé approaches you while still putting in her earrings.
"thank you so much for watching the house while we're gone," she beams.  padmé's enthusiastic behavior always made you smile. 
"of course, padmé. your house is in good hands." you replied with a gentle smile. anakin caught your gaze and you couldn't help but notice the way he was looking at you. his eyes had an almost dreamy but slightly lustful gleam about them. you choose to ignore it and bring your attention back to padmé.
"we'll be back at around midnight." as anakin and padmé bid their farewells and depart for their much-anticipated date night, you find yourself standing alone in the grandeur of their house. the silence envelopes you, broken only by the soft hum of the air conditioning.
you take a moment to admire the opulence surrounding you, marveling at the elegant decor and lavish furnishings. the house was a reflection of anakin and padmé's status and influence, a testament to their power. as you explore the various rooms, you can't help but imagine the passionate moments that must have unfolded within these walls.
the master bedroom beckons to you with its inviting ambiance - a room that surely holds countless memories for anakin and padmé. you imagine them tangled in each other's arms, their bodies entwined, lost in a world of whispered promises and shared desires. a wicked thought creeps into your mind - a fantasy of being the one who arouses such passion in anakin.
shaking off the enticing daydream, you divert your attention to the rest of the house.
you stumble upon anakin's personal study. your interest is sparked because, although it was normally locked, it was slightly open. it was a room filled with ancient jedi texts and mechanical tools. it's here that his true nature is laid bare. the forceful fervor with which he delves into his studies mirrors the intensity with which he pursues everything else in his life. you can't help but be drawn to his passion, intrigued by the raw power that lies within him.
you come across a bookshelf filled with an assortment of literary gems. pulling out a weathered book, you settle into a plush armchair, relishing the tranquility. lost in your thoughts, you find yourself sinking into anakin's chair, surrounded by his aura.
you open the book slowly, the faint smell of aged paper wafting up to greet you. each word holds the potential to shape the very fabric of your understanding of the force.
as you begin to read, the words dance across the page, captivating your attention. the author's insights into the force captivate your imagination, revealing ancient practices and techniques that have long been forgotten. you find yourself engrossed in the descriptions of lightsaber combat, the delicate balance necessary to harness the power of the force, and the connection between the physical and spiritual realms.
lost in the world of the book, you almost forget the reason for your presence in this house. the vivid descriptions transport you to a realm where you are the jedi, wielding a lightsaber with grace and precision, matching anakin's own skills in the heat of battle. you imagine his presence beside you, his body pressed against yours, his lips brushing against your neck, leaving a trail of fiery kisses. your mind is left with the image, a luring invitation to give in to the craving.
a sense of guilt washes over you like a bitter tide. anakin is still married to padmé, having these thoughts feels wrong. thoughts of anakin, his intense gaze, and his tempting touch linger. anakin and padmé's love is palpable, their connection evident in every glance and tender gesture. you brush off your thoughts and pick up the book to divert your attention once more.
you make your way down to the living room, with the book in your hand, and you find a cozy spot on the plush couch. the room is dimly lit, casting a soft glow on the surroundings. settling into the cushions, you open the book, eager to immerse yourself in its pages.
as you continue to read the exciting stories within the book, a wave of drowsiness washes over you. the cozy atmosphere of the living room lulls you into a tranquil state.
your eyelids grow heavy, and you find yourself sinking deeper into the plush cushions of the couch. the words on the pages begin to blur, the lines fading into a hazy backdrop and before you know it, sleep claims you completely.
about an hour or so later, anakin arrives home unexpectedly. stepping through the door, an unexpected sight greets his eyes. there you are, sound asleep on the couch, his gaze drifts down to the book resting against your stomach.
"nosy girl." anakin mutters. his mouth curves into a sly smirk as a sinister thought starts to take shape. he sets the forgotten item aside, his attention now fixated on the curves of your body, the rise and fall of your chest with each breath. slowly, he approaches, his footsteps barely audible against the soft carpet.
with a gentle touch, he brushes a few strands of hair away from your face, his fingertips lingering on your skin for a brief moment. he contemplates waking you, but the feeling of his dick twitching from inside his pants leads him in a different direction.
you looked so peaceful, so perfect. anakin finds himself yearning for the sound of your voice, the touch of your skin against his, the taste of your lips.
anakin's hand reaches out tentatively. his fingers brush against your cheek, the touch soft and delicate. with each stroke of his fingertips, anakin's touch becomes bolder, his hand gradually sliding downward. his fingers trail lower, caressing the delicate curve of your collarbone before continuing their descent.
he runs his fingers over the top of your breasts, then reaches down to cup one, giving it a light squeeze. he groans slightly, feeling his growing erection press harder against the zipper of his pants.
anakin's hands began to slide up under your shirt, rubbing small circles over your hardening nipples. his fingers moved slowly along the soft skin of your stomach, grazing your hip bones before coming to rest at the waistband of your pants. he watched intently as your body responded to his touch, a soft sigh escaping your lips. with a confident yet tender touch, anakin begins to slowly slide your pants down your legs. his eyes devoured the sight of your panties.
a grin tugged at the corners of his lips as he noticed the adorable pattern of small flowers adorning the white fabric, adding an innocent touch to the moment.
"oh poor baby." he coos. his fingers skimmed lightly over the fabric that covered your core. feeling the dampness seeping through the fabric, anakin's eyes sparked with desire. unable to resist, he carefully slipped his hand beneath you, skillfully removing the delicate fabric and stashing them in his pocket without disturbing your peaceful slumber.
anakin marveled at the sight before him, the delicate folds of your wetness glistening in the dim light of the room. he couldn't help but be captivated by your beauty. the sight of you laid bare, vulnerable and inviting, sent a surge of anticipation through his veins.
with a gentle touch, he traced his fingers along your inner thighs, relishing in the softness of your skin. his gaze locked onto your core, his desire burning hotter with each passing second. he wanted nothing more than to taste you, to bring you pleasure in the most intimate way possible.
anakin lowered himself onto his knees, ensuring every movement he made was as silent and gentle as possible. he positioned himself between your legs, his eyes never leaving your pussy.
as he prepared himself to taste you, anakin carefully parted your folds. with a controlled release of his breath, he lowers his mouth onto your cunt, his tongue tracing a path along your folds. anakin moans lowly as he inserts a single finger inside of you, feeling how tight and warm you were.
anakin's movements were gentle yet purposeful, each lick and slow curl of his finger intended to bring you closer to the edge of pleasure. he was careful to maintain a rhythm that wouldn't wake you up.
as his tongue danced across your heated pussy, he couldn't help but be entranced by the way your body responded to his ministrations. the twitches and shudders, the soft moans that slipped past your lips—each one only fueled his own desire to give you more.
anakin pulls himself away from your drooling cunt once he feels that you're getting close.
"not yet baby, i wanna feel you cum on my cock." he whispers while pulling off his belt and shoving his boxers and pants all the way down to his ankles. his cock stands proudly, a small bead of precum dribbling down his shaft. anakin strokes himself a few times before carefully positioning himself between your legs and entering your pussy completely.
a moan escapes his lips as he firmly thrusts into you. he moved cautiously at first, savoring the exquisite tightness of your embrace as he began a slow rhythm, each thrust drawing him further into a frenzy of arousal.
anakin reveled in the feel of your cunt gripping him tightly, the way your walls massaged his length with each thrust. he was lost in the intoxicating sensation, focusing solely on the raw pleasure that consumed him.
you gasp loudly in shock, finally emerging from your sleep, and anakin hastily turns to face you.
"anak-" anakin's large hand abruptly covered your mouth, silencing your words before they could form completely. his intense gaze bore into your eyes, his face dangerously close to yours.
"finally awake now huh?" he teases, his voice laced with a hint of delighted amusement. he allowed himself a moment to revel in the fear that flared in your eyes, the allure of pushing boundaries and igniting forbidden desires too tempting to resist.
as he continued thrusting into your abused cunt, his motions grew more purposeful and commanding.
anakin's voice, dripping with authority, took on a more degrading tone. "my little bookworm couldn't help herself, hm? just had to go snooping around." he nods in the direction of his office.
"been thinking about this pussy ever since i hired you," he pants in between thrusts. "i've seen the way you look at me. eye fucking me every chance you get, right in front of my wife too? dirty, dirty girl." anakin chuckles, shaking his head.
as your bodies entwined, he deliberately increased the intensity of each thrust, the sound of skin slapping against skin bouncing off the walls.
anakin felt a mixture of ecstasy and need flood his senses as your core compressed around his length, causing his breath to get caught in his throat. the intensity of the moment fueled his own arousal, pushing him closer to the edge of his own climax.
"cum for me baby, i know you're close." his words sent a shiver of anticipation down your spine, fanning the flames of your arousal. anakin's hands gripped your body with an undeniable possessiveness, his body moving with an inescapable rhythm that drove you closer to the edge of release.
anakin's hand remained firmly covering your mouth, your moans muffled as you finally tip over the edge. he continued to thrust into you, his pace steady as he chased his own orgasm. anakin's body convulsed, his cock twitching deep within your pussy. you could feel his hot cum painting your insides. anakin's movements finally come to a stop before he pulls out of your sore cunt.
he swiftly pulled up his pants and underwear, his movements were tinged with a cold detachment. without a word, he threw your pants in your direction, his actions lacking the tenderness he had displayed moments before. the forceful gesture caught her off guard, leaving her momentarily stunned as she caught the garment.
"next time, we'll put that pretty mouth to good use." his hand gently cupped your cheek, giving it a few taps. his touch a mixture of possessiveness and affection.
with a last lingering look, he slowly made his way towards the door, leaving you behind, savoring the remnants of your passionate encounter. the room carried the heady scent of your intimacy, an echo of the fervent connection you and anakin had shared.
as you put your pants on, you see the book on the floor that you carried down from anakin's office. you close it after picking it up and place it on the coffee table in front of you. the weight of guilt bore down on you, tainting the air in the room with a mix of remorse and self-doubt. your head buried in your hands, you grappled with the conflicting feelings that threatened to overwhelm you.
the memory of your intimate connection replayed in your mind, it almost made you feel sick. a pang of empathy pierced through you. padmé flashed in your mind, her image haunting and filled you with concern.
you continued to house sit, carrying the weight of your guilt alongside your duties. in the midst of the forbidden desires that you and anakin shared, you sought solace in fulfilling your responsibilities, hoping that in time, the guilt would fade, and clarity would guide you towards a resolution.
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linktoo-doodles · 5 months
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Happy Last Scarland day! Here's my Rolling Down Mainstreet and Hotel Architecture work for @scarland-artbook🎈🎈
process vid:
The entire scene uncropped:
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Hotel Drafts:
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For the hotel, I thought about the hallways and the general opulence and ambiance when you walk in (chandeliers, check-in counter, tiling on the floors). I mapped out all of the rooms (e.g. the outdoor patio, the lounge, the café/deli, & Scott and Fwhip's decorated rooms).
A few inspirations I took were the following:
Sun & Thirteen Cantons in Soho
Great Central Pub at The Landmark London
Prince of Wales Hotel at Niagara-on-the-Lake
I also wanted to consider an elevator for access... And if I had more ideas outside of the hotel layoutway honestly I'd keep designing with laundry chutes and more hallways and a pool. I love hotels
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kyloherrera · 4 months
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 ۫ 𑄼ల۫  ۪ FEB 8 — PROPOSE
featuring: dot, , abel, rayne, odler, mash, lance. finn, abyss x gn! reader
note: hope you like, this is very fluffy, and a big comfort for me <3
summary: how would mashle boys propose to their s/o
genre: fluff || event || patreon
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-Mash has decided that its time to take the next step in his relantionship with.
-While grand gestures and elaborate plans aren't mash style, but he wants to make this moment special nonetheless.
-One day, Mash takes you on a walk to their favorite spot in the forest, a serene clearing surrounded by towering trees
-As you stroll hand in hand, Mash's heart pounds with anticipation, but he tries to keep his composure.
-Finally reaching the clearing, Mash pauses and turns to you , his eyes filled with unwavering love and determination.
- He takes a deep breath and begins to speak from the heart, expressing his gratitude for their unwavering support and the happiness you've brought into his life.
-Then in his characteristic straightforward manner, Mash kneels down before you and reaches into his pocket,
-He pulls out a small, crudely crafted ring made from twigs and vines. It's not flashy or extravagant, but it's a symbol of his sincerity and devotion.
-With a voiced emotion reflected in his voice, Mash asks you to spend the rest of their life with him, promising to always stand by your side and protect you with all his strength.
-Lance would orchestrate an extravagant evening at the most luxurious venue in town.
-He would spare no expense in creating an ambiance of opulence, with twinkling lights, fine dining, and a live band playing romantic melodies in the background.
-Lance would take your hand and begin to express his feelings, weaving words of love and admiration with his signature charm and wit.
-Then, in a moment of theatrical flair, Lance snaps his fingers, and fireworks burst into the sky outside, illuminating the night with a dazzling display of colors. The crowd gasps in awe, and you look on in astonishment.
-With all eyes on you, Lance drops to one knee, producing a velvet box from his pocket. Inside gleams a stunning diamond ring, reflecting the brilliance of the fireworks above.
-In a voice filled with sincerity, Lance pours his heart out, expressing his unwavering devotion and his desire to spend eternity with his beloved. He asks the all-important question, his eyes shimmering with anticipation.
-Finn most likely would propose in a place that holds special significance for both him and you.
-A serene meadow where they often go to unwind and connect with nature. He carefully chooses the time, waiting for the perfect sunset to cast a warm glow over the landscape.
-A vast expanse of wildflowers swaying gently in the breeze, with the colors of the setting sun painting the sky in hues of gold and pink. show in front of your eyes.
-With a gentle smile, Finn takes your hand and leads you to a spot in the meadow's center, where a picnic blanket is spread out under a towering oak tree
- He invites you to sit beside him, taking a moment to savor the tranquility of the moment.
-As you watch he sun dip below the horizon, Finn begins to speak from the heart, expressing his love and gratitude for you.
-Then, reaching into his pocket, Finn pulls out a small, intricately carved wooden box. Opening it, he reveals a simple yet elegant ring, crafted from a rare wood found only in the deepest parts of the forest.
-With trembling hands, Finn takes your hand and gazes into their eyes, his voice steady but filled with emotion. He asks you to be his partner for life, promising to cherish and support them through every challenge and triumph.
-Dot decides to propose in a place that holds sentimental value for both them and you.
A quaint café where they shared their first date. He chooses a time when the café is relatively quiet, allowing for an intimate and personal moment.
-He leads you to a secluded corner of the café, where a table is adorned with flickering candles and a bouquet of your favorite flowers. Soft music plays in the background, adding to the romantic atmosphere.
-With a nervous but determined smile, Dot takes your hand and begins to speak from the heart. They express their love and admiration, recounting the moments you've shared together and the ways in which you had enriched their life.
-Then, reaching into their bag, Dot retrieves a small, beautifully wrapped gift box. Inside lies a carefully crafted scrapbook filled with cherished memories—photographs, ticket stubs, and handwritten notes documenting your journey as a couple.
-As you flipped through the pages of the scrapbook, tears of joy well up in your eyes. Each memory serves as a testament to the depth of your love and the bond you share.
-With trembling hands, Dot takes your hand and gazes into their eyes. They pour their heart out, expressing their deepest desires and their unwavering commitment to your happiness.
-Finally, with a nervous laugh, Dot presents a velvet box containing a delicate ring—a symbol of their love and devotion. They ask you to spend the rest of their life with them, promising to stand by their side through thick and thin.
-Abyss chooses a secluded and mystical forest shrouded in mist and shadow. They choose a moonlit night when the stars are bright, casting an ethereal glow over the landscape.
-When you reach a clearing deep within the forest—a place untouched by time, where magic seems to linger in the air. In the center of the clearing stands a stone altar, illuminated by flickering torches and adorned with mystical runes. Abyss takes your hand and leads them to the altar.
-Their eyes gleam with determination as they begin to speak in a voice that resonates with power and authority.
-Abyss expresses their love and admiration for you, weaving words of mystery and intrigue with a hint of vulnerability. They recount the moments you 've shared together, the challenges you've faced, and the bond that has grown between you.
-Then, reaching into the folds of their cloak, Abyss Razor retrieves a small, intricately carved box—an artifact of ancient origin. With reverence, they open the box to reveal a ring unlike any other—a band of blackened metal adorned with a single glowing gemstone, said to hold the power of the abyss itself.
-With a solemn expression, Abyss Razor looks into your eyes and speaks from the depths of their soul. They ask you to join them on a journey of darkness and light, of mystery and adventure, promising to stand by your side through every trial and tribulation.
-Like Dot, Rayne decides to propose in a place that holds sentimental value for both them and you.
-a secluded beach where you often go to find solace and tranquility. They choose a time when the sun is setting, casting a warm glow over the sand and sea.
-As you arrive at the beach, you are greeted by the soothing sound of the waves crashing against the shore, the salty breeze, and the soft hues of the setting sun painting the sky in shades of pink and gold.
-With a gentle smile, Rayne takes your hand and leads you to a quiet spot near the water's edge.You sit together, watching the sun dip below the horizon, enveloped in the serenity of the moment.
-As the last rays of sunlight fade away, Rayne begins to speak from the heart, expressing their love and gratitude for you. They recount the moments you've shared together—the laughter, the tears, and the deep connection that binds you.
-Then, reaching into their pocket, Rayne retrieves a small, intricately crafted shell—a token of their affection. He, offers you the shell, explaining its significance as a symbol of their love and devotion.
-He selected a a serene botanical garden filled with exotic plants and flowers. He choose a time when the garden is in full bloom, bursting with vibrant colors and intoxicating fragrances.
-With a warm smile, Odler takes your hand and leads them along the winding pathways, pausing to admire the beauty of each flower and plant you encounter. You share stories and laughter, lost in the magic of the garden.
-Finally,you both reach a secluded spot in the heart of the garden—a hidden alcove adorned with blooming roses and twinkling fairy lights.
-With a tender expression, Odler begins to speak from the heart, expressing their love and admiration for you. They recount the moments you've shared together—your conversations, your adventures, and the deep connection that binds it.
-Then, reaching into their pocket, Odler retrieves a small, leather-bound book—a collection of poems and love letters they've written for you. With trembling hands, they read aloud a passage that captures the essence of their love and devotion.
-In a voice filled with sincerity, Odler looks into your eyes and speaks the words they've been longing to say. They ask you to spend the rest of your life with them, promising to cherish and support them through every moment, both joyful and challenging.
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@stvrlightt123 @Mysticalpersonpoetry @mailkyeom03
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soulofapatrick · 6 months
Jealousy, Jealousy - Roronoa Zoro x Reader
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Summary: A party held by Boa Hancock makes Zoro admit his feelings for you
Words 2.4k
Warnings: heated make-out session only
As the ornate gates of Boa Hancock’s mansions swung open, a hushed awe falls upon us as we step into the opulent halls. It’s a sight to behold, adorned with intricate designs and lavish decorations that whisper tales of luxury. To my right stands Sanji, a protective presence, a testament to our mutual wariness towards Hancock’s extravagant invitation. 
The air hums with an aura of elegance, the mingling scents of perfumes and exotic flowers infusing the atmosphere. Amidst the revelry, I catch Zoro’s intense gaze, his eyes fixed on me, Robin at his side as Hancock has paired us off. It’s an unspoken acknowledgement, a silent understanding amidst the glittering masks and elaborate attire. 
Boa Hancock, draped in regal elegance, moves through he crowd effortlessly. Her presence demands attention, yet your caution remains. We tried carefully, observing, while the festivities cascade around us. 
Sanji, never one to miss a chance to charm of course, offers compliments and flirtatious banter, yet his gaze shifts to ensure my safety as the ‘baby’ of the group. I appreciate his protective stance, even amidst the allure of this enchanting gathering. 
With Sanji distracted I make a swift move towards the bar, the need for a momentary respite calling me while everyone dances in vibrant colours and are having loud and bubbly conversations and elegant attire. At the bar, the ambiance shifts to a quieter melody. The bartender, a silent witness to many such gatherings, nods with a knowing smile as I order a drink, seeking a temporary sanctuary from the whirlwind of the night. The crystal glass in my hand holds the promise of respite, a momentary escape from the enchanting, yet overwhelming, allure of the mansion.
Nami appears by my side, her presence a familiar comfort in the middle of the grandeur. We exchange a glance laden with unspoken understanding, the shared sentiment of finding solace in each other’s company in these unfamiliar territories. The elegant chime of her laughter adds a touch of familiarity to the sophisticated air of the gathering. I should be appreciating the place with awe and wonder but none of the Straw Hats know that I came from something like this before they found me. 
The drink in my hand carries a subtle complexity—a blend of flavours that dance upon my tongue, a crafted elixir meant to soothe amidst the whirlwind of the evening. Its hue, a deep amber, catches the soft glint of the ambient lights, casting delicate reflections that mirrors the opulence surrounding us. 
As Nami points out how extravagant and probably arrogant all these people are here, I steal a moment to glance around, taking in the splendour of Boa Hancock’s extravagant affair. The grandeur is not lost on me; the mansion, adorned with elegance, holds a familiarity that echoes with distant memories that taste something sour in my throat. 
The soirée, a realm of sophistication and polished façades, is a stark contrast to the life I led before the Straw Hats found me. None of them are aware of my past, of the world I once navigated with practiced grace—a world akin to this one, where elegance with both a shield and a cage. I should be socialising and mingling, finding out what I can from these upper-class, self-entitled people probably being one of the best to do so, other than Sanji. 
Observing the gathering, my eyes catch a sight that speaks volumes—a moment frozen in time between Sanji and Boa Hancock. His trademark charm is in full display, evident in the way he gazes at her, a delicate hand placed strategically on her lower back. Boa's subtle blush betrays a hint of vulnerability beneath her regal composure, an unspoken exchange that resonates with unspoken truths. Their interaction, a dance of subtle gestures and lingering gazes, unravels before me. It’s glimpse into the intricate web of dynamics within this enigmatic world, a world where even the most confident souls reveal vulnerabilities in fleeting moments. 
As my gaze shifts, I find Luffy, his infectious enthusiasm palpable even from a distance. Usopp stands by his side, engaging in animated conversation, their laughter resonating through the room. Their camaraderie, a testament to the unbreakable bond forged though shared adventures, offers a grounding familiarity. 
However, it’s Zoro who captures my attention next—a figure of strengths and stoicism engaged in a conversation with Robin. His usual air of aloofness sees softened in her presence, their discussion veiled in layers of quiet intensity. The subtle gestures, the shared glances—they paint a picture of understanding and mutual respect between two individuals whose depths run deeper than what meets the eye. 
As I watch Zoro and Robin, a pang of unfamiliar jealousy stirs within me—a feeling foreign yet potent. Their connection, veiled in unspoken understanding, tugs at the edges of my composure, awakening a part of me I thought I'd left behind—the echoes of a past self yearning to resurface. 
Excusing myself from Nami’s side with a feigned smile, I set out to mingle, seeking a distraction in the vibrant tapestry of guests. Amidst the opulence and sophistication, I spot a striking figure—a man exuding an air of confidence and allure that beckons with temptation. I slip back into the persona I wore before I joined the Straw Hats—a façade of charm and sophistication, a mask that once defined me in a world I thought I'd left behind. Engaging effortlessly in playful banter and coy smiles, I mirror the flirtatious exchanges that used to be second nature.
The handsome stranger, a willing participant in this dance of fleeting connections, becomes my temporary refuge—an embodiment of the person I once was, a remnant of the world I once navigated with practiced ease. In his company I rediscover facets of myself that lay dormant, submerged beneath the adventures and camaraderie that define life aboard the Thousand Sunny. The pulse of the night quickens, the energy of the gathering fuelling the sparks of a persona that feels strangely familiar yet distant.
The charismatic exchange with the stranger is abruptly interrupted by a sudden weight on my waist, a sturdy hand claiming possession. Startled, I turn my head to find Zoro standing besides me, his presence commanding, a stark contrast to the templar refuge I sought in the strangers company. 
“Piss off.” Zoro’s voice is tinged with an edge that brooks no argument, cuts through the chatter of the gathering as he tensely dismisses the man. The interloper retreats with a flustered no, leaving a trial of confusion in his wake. Zoro’s firm grip on my waist remains, a silent assertion of his claim in the midst of the chaotic evening. Without a world, he guides me away from the commotion, leading us towards a secluded hallway—a sanctuary away from prying eyes and murmurs of the party. 
Leaning against the wall, I find myself entranced by Zoro’s commanding presence as he paces with deliberate steps. His usual attire, synonymous wit a rugged warrior’s spirit, is replaced by a tailored black suit that moulds to the contours of his frame. The fabric, sleek and refined, whispers softly as he moves, exuding an aura of understated power. 
Underneath the dark suit jacket, a forest green silk shirt peeks out, a subtle flash of color against the monochrome palette. The fabric, delicately woven and contrasting against the dark backdrop, accentuates the strength in his broad shoulders and the defined lines of his physique. His movements are controlled, each step measured yet purposeful, creating a rhythm that reverberates through the otherwise still corridor. The dim lighting casts a play of shadows and highlights across his features, emphasising the sharpness of his jawline and the intensity in his gaze. 
As I stand there, an array of emotions stir with me. My heartbeat quickens at the sight of him—Zoro, the swordsman whose strength I've always admired, now clad in this unexpected guise of refined elegance. The sight of him in this attire, so far removed from his usual rugged persona, tugs at the strings of my heart, evoking a sense of awe and longing. 
“Are you gonna stop pacing and say something?” The words escape my lips, breaking the charged silence that had enveloped us. Zoro's restless pacing, a testament to the simmering tension between us, continues as he grumbles under his breath, his agitation palpable.
Finally, he does halt, in front of me, his intense gaze locking with mine. His eyes, dark pools of determination and depth, sweep over me, and I feel his scrutiny like a tangible caress. There’s an unspoken question lingering in the air, a tension thick enough to be sliced with a blade. The dress I wear, chosen for the occasion, drapes around me in delicate layers of midnight blue. Its fabric, a dance of silk and lace, moulds to my form with a grace that contrasts sharply with the tumultuous emotions swirling within. The dress, simple yet elegant, accentuates curves and hints at vulnerability, a stark contrast against the backdrop of the secluded hallway. 
As Zoro crowds me against the wall, a myriad of emotions surge within me—a mix of apprehension and anticipation. His hands, placed firmly on either side of my head, are a testament to his strength, yet they evoke a sense of protection rather than fear. There's an undeniable intensity to his proximity, a closeness that crackles with unspoken desires and unresolved tension.
As my gaze flickers down to Zoro’s lips, a rush of nerves tingles through me. His growled question pierces the charged silence, the intensity in his voice sending a jolt through the air, “Why were you flirting with that guy?” His worlds, rough and direct, catch me off guard, the weight of his inquiry echoing in the tense space between us. 
Meeting his eyes again, I sense the vulnerability underlying his intensity, “Why were you flirting with Robin?” I shoot back, my voice carrying a mix of defiance and uncertainty. The tension in the air tightens, the unspoken emotions swirling between us like a tempest. 
Zoro’s eyes roll in exasperation, his response sharp and abrupt, “I wasn’t flirting with Robin you dumbass.” His words, laced with frustration, hang int he air, echoing in the hollow silence of the hallway, the muffled chatter and music fading to silence as all I can focus on is Zoro. 
Before I can protest or rationalise further, his proximity intensifies. The world dissolves into a whirlwind of sensations as Zoro’s hand finds the curve of my neck, tilting my head upwards with a gentle yet firm touch. His lips crash against mine in a fervent collision, igniting a fiery storm of pent-up emotions and desire. 
The kiss is everything I expected from Zoro—hot, heavy and charged with an intensity that sends electric pulses coursing through my body. His mouth moves against mine with a raw hunger, a passionate urgency that leaves no room for doubts or hesitation. There’s a fervour in the way he tastes, a heady blend of passion and restraint mingling in the heat of our entwined mouths. His lips move against mine, teasing and exploring, each movement setting my senses ablaze with a fire that refuses to be contained. 
The heat of the moment amplifies the sensations—a mingling of fervent desire and unspoken yearning, an uncharted territory where emotions collide in a tempestuous dance. It’s a kiss that speaks volumes, conveying a depth of emotions that words could never capture. 
As the fervour of the kiss begins to ebb, Zoro breaks away, his lips trailing a searing path along the sensitive skin of my neck. The sensation is electric, sending shivers down my spine as he leaves behind a trial of intense marks, sucking gentle hickeys into the soft flesh. His touch, both possessive and tender, electrifies my sense, awakening a torrent of desire that courses through me. The intensity of his actions speaks volumes, conveying a depth of passion that words could never encapsulate. 
Simultaneously, his hand, previously at the curve of my neck, journeys down my side, navigating the bend of my knee, coaxing it upwards. His touch is insistent, yet surprisingly gentle, guiding my leg to bend and part slightly, inviting and intimate. With a deliberate move, his hand slips beneath the silky fabric of the dress the contact sending a jolt of anticipation through me. His touch on my bare skin ignites a whirlwind of sensations—a mix of heat and tenderness, each caress leaving a scorching trail in its wake. 
The silkiness of the dress offers no barriers to the warm h of his touch as his hand trails along the length of my thigh, massaging the skin and setting my nerves ablaze. The sensation is almost overwhelming, a tantalising blend of desire and anticipation, as his touch explores the uncharted territory of my skin. 
Finally, he pulls his lips from my neck, and his eyes roam over my face and chest, capturing the rise and fall of my breath, a testament to the charged atmosphere between us. In that moment of heightened tension, I find myself mumbling almost incoherently, "Don't be in love with someone else.”
A guttural groan escapes Zoro, accompanied by a frustrated facepalm, as if my words cause him a mix of annoyance and exasperation. His demeanour shifts abruptly, and with a firm grip, he grabs my face in his hands, forcing me to meet his intense gaze. With deliberate slowness, he enunciates each word, his voice carrying a weight that leaves no room for doubt. "I am in love with no one else except you." His declaration, spoken with unwavering conviction, hangs in the charged air between us, resonating with a depth of emotion that pierces through the tumultuous emotions and uncertainties.
His eyes, searching mine for any trace of doubt or disbelief, hold an intensity that reflects the sincerity of his words. In that fleeting moment, enveloped by the gravity of his confession, the world around us seems to fade, leaving only the raw honesty and vulnerability in his declaration of love. 
“Okay.” He nods once, “Let’s go back to the party.” 
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One Piece Masterlist TAG LIST - updated 21st Dec 2023
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andy-15-07 · 3 months
Our legacy begins
masterlist ! pairing: Coriolanus Snow x reader
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In the opulent world of Panem, Y/n found herself entangled in an unlikely romance with none other than Coriolanus Snow. Despite the stark differences in their backgrounds, their love flourished, transcending societal expectations. As whispers of their relationship echoed through the Capitol's corridors, a new chapter unfolded—a chapter that would shape their legacy.
One crisp evening, Y/n and Snow sat in a lavish penthouse, the soft glow of city lights casting a warm ambiance. The news of their impending parenthood hung in the air, a delicate secret shared between them. Y/n's fingers traced circles on her growing belly, a silent conversation passing between the couple.
"Coriolanus, we're going to be parents," Y/n finally spoke, her eyes meeting Snow's intense gaze. The revelation brought a soft smile to his lips, a rare display of warmth that few had witnessed. "Our own piece of eternity in this world," he replied, his voice holding a tenderness that belied his reputation.
As the news slowly trickled into the public domain, the Capitol's high society buzzed with speculation and gossip. The union of Y/n and Snow defied convention, sparking discussions about power dynamics and societal expectations. Yet, amidst the scrutiny, the couple remained resolute in their love.
One day, as Y/n navigated the bustling streets, a reporter ambushed her with intrusive questions about her relationship and impending motherhood. Snow, ever vigilant, intervened with a stoic presence, shielding Y/n from the prying eyes of the Capitol's relentless media.
"Do you have any comments on the rumors surrounding your relationship with President Snow?" the reporter prodded, attempting to capture a reaction. Snow's icy gaze met the journalist's, a silent warning that left no room for further inquiry.
"Personal matters are just that—personal," Snow declared, his authoritative tone cutting through the speculative chatter. "Our focus is on the prosperity of Panem, not the gossip columns." With those words, the couple retreated from the public eye, determined to shield their growing family from the Capitol's insatiable curiosity.
As Y/n's pregnancy progressed, Snow surprised her with moments of unexpected tenderness. He attended prenatal classes, his stoic exterior momentarily softened by the joy of impending fatherhood. Late nights were spent discussing baby names, with Snow suggesting traditional choices that echoed the grandeur of the Capitol.
In the quietude of their home, Y/n and Snow found solace in preparing a nursery, an oasis of warmth and love amidst the cold grandeur of the Capitol. Dialogues flowed seamlessly, a blend of affection and anticipation.
"I never imagined this for us, Coriolanus," Y/n confessed one evening, her hand resting against her abdomen. "But I can't imagine it any other way now." Snow, his gaze fixed on the future, replied, "Our legacy will be extraordinary, my love. A testament to the strength found in unconventional love."
As the day of their child's arrival approached, Y/n and Snow faced the unknown together, their bond fortified by the challenges they overcame. In the delivery room, Snow's stoicism crumbled, replaced by an overwhelming sense of awe as he held their newborn in his arms for the first time.
"Our legacy begins," Y/n whispered, a sentiment echoed by Snow as they gazed at the tiny bundle that united their worlds. In that moment, the formidable President Snow became a father, and Y/n witnessed a side of him few knew existed—a man captivated by the profound magic of parenthood.
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verstappensrealwife · 3 months
Home is you - Fernando Alonso x Reader
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age-gap. not specifically mentioned but the reader is younger.
approx. 1000 words
fernando alonso masterlist - here. f1 masterlist - here.
Seated in the luxurious confines of his private jet, en route to Bahrain for the electrifying Grand Prix season opener, you found yourself ensconced in a cocoon of anticipation and desire. Across from you lounged the man who ignited flames of passion within your soul, his intense gaze igniting a firestorm of longing and yearning deep within you. As you gazed out of the window, ensnared by the mesmerising spectacle of clouds stretching endlessly across the cerulean expanse, his voice, velvety and laden with desire, pierced through the tranquil ambiance.
“Go on a date with me,” he murmured huskily beside you, his words dripping with an intoxicating blend of sincerity and playful allure.
You turned to him, a soft laugh escaping your lips at the unexpected proposition. “Pardon?” you replied, your voice laced with amusement and a hint of teasing.
“Please~ go on a date with me?” he pleaded, his smile infused with the heady scent of whiskey that hung in the air, a testament to his valiant efforts to ease his nerves during the flight.
Amused by his endearing persistence, you leaned in closer, revelling in the magnetic pull between you. “I don’t know if my dad will approve of you, sir,” you teased, a mischievous glint dancing in your eyes.
“What!” he exclaimed, his offence giving way to a grin of delight. “Let me talk to your dad, sweetheart, I’m sure I could convince him.”
After a brief pause, he regarded you with a dreamy expression, his eyes alight with adoration. “You’re pretty,” he declared softly, his gaze tracing the contours of your face with reverence. “D- Do you have a boyfriend, pretty?” he hiccupped slightly, his smile widening with each passing moment.
You nodded, a tender smile playing on your lips. “A husband, actually,” you replied, your tone infused with affection and determination.
His brow furrowed in confusion, his expression a mixture of disbelief and jealousy. “Leave him, be with me!” he urged, his words slurred with the remnants of alcohol. “Who is this man?” he demanded, his concern palpable.
With a knowing smile, you retrieved your phone, turning the screen towards him to reveal his own reflection staring back at him. “Wh- Wait, I am your husband!” he exclaimed, realisation dawned on him. “So can we go out on the date I planned?”
You nodded in agreement, squeezing his hand affectionately before attempting to release it. However, he held on tightly, his grip a reassuring anchor in the swirling sea of emotions.
Later, in the privacy of the opulent hotel room, he began to sober up (barely), the lingering effects of alcohol fading away as he prepared for the evening ahead. With meticulous care, he adorned himself in his finest attire, his efforts a testament to his unwavering devotion to you. As you emerged from the bathroom, your beauty was enhanced by the artful application of makeup, his breath caught in his throat, his heart swelling with an overwhelming surge of desire.
“Whoa… Hola Cariño,” he joked, his voice husky with desire as he approached you, his hands tracing the curves of your body with electrifying precision. “I could just cancel dinner, then we could skip right to dessert?”
You blushed, a playful glint dancing in your eyes. “Shut up,” you countered, a coy smile playing on your lips. “But no— I just dressed up all nice for you— so you are gonna wine and dine me.” With a gentle press of your hands against his chest, you planted a tender kiss on his cheek, his grin widening as he playfully smacked your ass before guiding you towards the door, anticipation burning like a blazing inferno between you.
Under the soft glow of twinkling fairy lights strung overhead, you and your partner find yourselves nestled in a cozy corner of the enchanting garden café. The air is still alive in the evening, with the melody of chirping birds and the gentle rustle of leaves, lending an ethereal quality to the evening.
As you sip on glasses of sparkling champagne, your fingers intertwined with Fernando's, you can't help but marvel at the sheer magic of the moment. Across the table, his eyes sparkle with affection, mirroring the starlight above as he leans in closer, his breath mingling with yours in a sweet symphony of intimacy.
With a playful twinkle in their eye, your partner reaches for a delicate rose nestled in a vase on the table, presenting it to you with a flourish. "For the most beautiful woman I've ever set my eyes on," He whispers, his voice a tender caress against your ear.
Your heart swells with warmth as you accept the flower, its petals soft beneath your fingertips. "Thank you," you murmur, your voice filled with gratitude and love.
Together, you share laughter and stories, each moment infused with a sense of joy and wonder. The world fades away as you lose yourselves in each other's company, the hours slipping by unnoticed in the embrace of your love.
As the night deepens, he rises from his seat, extending a hand towards you with a smile. "May I have this dance?" he asks, his eyes sparkling with mischief and longing.
You accept with a smile, rising gracefully to your feet as he leads you to a makeshift dance floor bathed in the soft glow of moonlight. With gentle movements and whispered promises, you sway together in perfect harmony, lost in the rhythm of the music and the embrace of each other's arms.
In that moment, time stands still, and all that exists is the two of you, wrapped in a cocoon of love and affection. With every step, every touch, you feel your bond deepening, your souls intertwining in a dance as old as time itself.
As the song draws to a close, you find yourselves reluctant to part, the magic of the evening lingering like a sweet, lingering dream.
el fin
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nayziiz · 4 months
Team Dynamics | LN4
Summary: To celebrate the launch of their 2024 car for the upcoming F1 season, McLaren hosts a masquerade gala event that sees two souls connect and lead to a whirlwind romance. Unfortunately, the pair realise soon after that they are to work together quite closely after they agreed it would only be a one-night thing.
Warnings: Smut, alcohol, one night stand, unprotected sex
Pairing: Gemma (I don't like writing with Y/N or reader) x Lando Norris
Series Masterlist
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Lando's decisive hand grabs Gemma's, and with an unspoken understanding, he leads her towards the exit. The vibrant energy of the party fades into the distance as they collect their coats, preparing to venture into the cool night air. Stepping outside, they scan the surroundings for the approaching Uber, a temporary refuge from the lively chaos they've left behind.
The car arrives, and they slide into the backseat, the leather cool against their skin. The quiet atmosphere inside the vehicle contrasts with the echoes of music and laughter lingering from the event. A sense of anticipation hangs in the air as the driver smoothly navigates the city streets.
In the dimly lit confines of the car, Gemma feels the echo of her own heartbeat, a rhythmic reminder of the intensity of the night. This intimate encounter with Lando has stirred something within her, and she grapples with a mix of excitement and longing. This connection is a rarity for her, only the second time she has found herself entangled in such intimacy.
The silence between them is heavy with unspoken desires as they navigate the city's labyrinth of streets. Gemma steals glances at Lando, her curiosity and yearning evident in her eyes. Sensing the unspoken tension, Lando's fingers find their way onto her lap, a silent invitation for a connection that transcends words. His fingers curl and intertwine with hers, forging a tactile link that speaks volumes in the quiet confines of the car.
As the city lights streak by, Gemma and Lando share a moment of quiet connection, fingers entwined, hearts entangled in the echoes of the night. The anticipation lingers, and in the soft glow of the passing streetlights, a subtle understanding forms between them—an acknowledgment that this shared journey extends beyond the physical confines of the car, weaving a thread of intimacy that binds them in the enchantment of the night.
The Uber glides to a smooth stop outside Lando's apartment building after a ten-minute drive through the city. Lando, maintaining the air of confidence that has marked their connection throughout the night, guides Gemma inside with a subtle yet possessive touch. His palm rests on the small of her back, a gesture both protective and suggestive, as they make their way towards the entrance.
The lobby of the apartment building welcomes them with a hushed ambiance, a stark contrast to the lively scenes they left behind. The elevator doors open, and they step inside, the anticipation mounting. Lando's hand, still resting on the small of Gemma's back, subtly guides her closer as the doors close, enclosing them in the privacy of the elevator. The anticipation builds, and as Lando confidently presses the button for the penthouse, a signal of the exclusive destination that awaits them.
With a quiet hum, the elevator ascends, and Lando's fingers trace gentle circles on Gemma's back, an unspoken reassurance in the intimate space. The elevator's soft chime signals their arrival, and as the doors slide open to the penthouse foyer, Gemma takes in the luxurious surroundings. The foyer, a prelude to the opulence within, leads towards the penthouse doors. Lando, emblematic of his wealth, produces a set of keys to unlock the entrance to his London home.
“Penthouse? I thought you said apartment?” Gemma comments.
“Didn’t want to scare you away.” Lando mumbles, his hand trailing up and down her spine and finally resting on her butt.
“Do you have butlers too?” Gemma teases.
“Not usually.” Lando shrugs. “My housekeeper has the night off, actually.”
I’m way in over my head here, Gemma thinks. As Gemma steps into Lando's opulent London penthouse, the stark contrast between their worlds becomes even more apparent. Lando's affluence is undeniable, evident in every meticulously tailored detail of his attire, from the sleek suit to the polished shoes and the glint of carefully chosen jewellery. It's a world that seems a million miles away from Gemma's own, represented by the thrifted dress she carefully selected from a humble charity shop and the shoes that carry the sentimental weight of her college graduation.
“I hope you’re not appalled by that.” Lando comments when he sees her eyes wander.
“No. Not appalled. I didn’t know what I was expecting, honestly.” Gemma admits.
Gemma is met with an interior that echoes the minimalism of a high-end design magazine. The furniture is sleek and contemporary, with a distinct lack of personal touches. It's a stark contrast to the warmth and lived-in feel of Gemma's own modest belongings.
Gemma, momentarily taken aback by the minimalist aesthetic, begins to shed the layers that shield her from the night's chill. She gracefully removes her coat, a humble garment from her recent thrift store find, and hands it to Lando. In the act of hanging up their outerwear, there's a subtle exchange of worlds—a fleeting moment where their differences, both in material wealth and personal style, hang in the air. Yet, in the midst of this juxtaposition, there's a palpable connection, an unspoken acknowledgment that their individual worlds are converging in the quiet expanse of Lando's penthouse.
“My Monaco apartment is much more homier.” Lando comments. “I don’t spend a lot of time here, except for when I'm here during the winter break.”
Gemma's fingertips delicately graze the headrest of the charcoal grey couch as she explores the refined simplicity of Lando's penthouse. Her eyes trace the lines of the furniture, taking in the sleek design and the absence of personal artifacts that typically define one's living space. Lando observes her with a curious gaze, trying to decipher the thoughts flickering across her face as she studies her surroundings.
In the quiet interlude, Lando reflects on the encounter that brought them together. From the moment Gemma approached him with her lighthearted joke in the corridor, he sensed a refreshing genuineness about her. She wasn't swayed by the trappings of his wealth or status. Her lack of recognition, combined with her genuine curiosity and absence of probing questions, conveyed a down-to-earth authenticity that set her apart.
As Gemma explores the penthouse, Lando appreciates the fact that she sees him not as a symbol of affluence, but as a person. The initial anonymity provided a rare glimpse into a connection untainted by preconceptions. It becomes evident that Gemma is not here to exploit or be enamored by the opulence surrounding her. Instead, she treats Lando as a fellow human being, not as some mythical figure elevated above the rest of the world.
Lando's curiosity about Gemma's perspective deepens, and a subtle smile plays on his lips as he watches her navigate the space. In her unassuming presence, he discovers a sense of connection that transcends societal divides—a connection grounded in the shared experience of this night, the quiet exploration of a penthouse, and the unfolding of a unique bond between two souls who met amidst the serendipity of a bustling event. 
“It’s quite grey.” She states, her candid observation about the predominantly grey surroundings elicits a chuckle from Lando.
“That it is.” Lando agrees.
“Could do with some colour.” She continues. “Papaya, maybe.”
“Thanks. I’ll run that past my interior decorator.” Lando nods.
“I just hope it’s not the same interior decorator who styled it like this, because, wow!” She adds, gesticulating her displeasure for the colour palette and furniture. Lando laughs at her as she stumbles over the rug and lands comfortably on the couch. “Not a very pretty couch but very comfortable.”
“That’s good, then, no?” Lando jokes as he makes his way to sit next to her.
“I suppose so. Kind of depends on what you do with the couch.” She teases, winking at Lando.
Their eyes lock, and a brief pause hangs in the air, charged with unspoken tension. In the next instant, Lando seizes the moment, grabbing Gemma by the hips and effortlessly pulling her onto his lap. She straddles him, and their proximity intensifies the connection between them.
“What? Kind of like this?” Lando asks her, brushing her hair out of her face.
“Mmh. It’s a good start.” She nods.
Lando kisses her again, but gentler this time. Her hands rest lazily on his waist before they slowly start moving up and start unbuttoning his shirt. His hands slowly move down to her hips as he pulls her closer. She can feel his bulge pressing against her through his dress pants and it instantly arouses her. His hands move down her thighs and up the inside of her dress. He pulls her dress over her head, breaking their kiss for a brief moment. Her underwear matches her burgundy dress and suits her complexion. She gasps at the coldness that hits her skin as she shuffles the shirt from his shoulders.
“You’re so beautiful.” Lando tells her when he gets a good look at her body and meets her eyes again.
“All girls are beautiful when they’re pretty much naked.” Gemma mumbles, suddenly growing shy. He kisses her again and pulls away.
“Oh, don’t get shy now.” He assures her and plants several kisses down her neck as her hips grind against his.
His hand grips the hair in her nape and gently pulls her head back as he kisses her Adam’s apple and down her chest, over her collarbones and then to her covered breasts. A soft moan escaped her lips as she grinds harder against him.
“You really are beautiful.” He mumbles against her skin, sucking on the skin just above her left breast.
Her hands struggle to find a resting place and eventually land in his curly brown hair. When he’s done sucking on her skin, he helps her unbuckle his belt and unzip his pants. He lifts himself ever so slightly off the couch to pull down his pants to his ankles. She immediately spots his hardened cock still covered by his briefs. Gemma slides off the couch and takes off Lando’s shoes and socks and proceeds to pull his pants off completely. When she attempts to straddle him again, Lando lays her down on her back and returns the favour for her.
He takes his time to undo the straps of her heels. When he’s chucked them aside, he proceeds to kiss her ankle and then her calf and then her inner thigh. She wriggles under his touch and breathy kisses and pulls him up for a kiss on her lips.
Lando pulls away for a second as he watches her body shiver when his fingers trace her arms and shoulders.
“This is a one time thing.” She warns him.
“I’ll make it good then.” He counters. “Maybe you’ll be running back for more.”
“Don’t flatter yourself.” Gemma teases. “I don’t run.”
Lando stifles a laugh at her self-deprecating joke. He loves her humour and how easy she gets back at him, like it’s such a natural thing. He grabs her chin in between his fingers making her look at him.
“No strings?” Lando asks her, even though he really hoped he’d see her again.
“No strings.” She confirms.
“You tell me to stop at any point and I will.” Lando informs her. “Words. You’re so good with your words, so use them.”
“Yes, Lando.” She agrees and he smiles at her answer.
“So obedient.” He gushes.
“Don’t be a tease.” She warns him, her nails digging slightly into his biceps.
Lando caves at her words as he moves down and kisses her stomach below her bra and teases her pantyline before he curls his fingers around her lace panties and pulls them off.
“Such a pretty sight.” He whispers as he throws her panties aside.
He leans over her and unclips her bra, allowing it to fall off her shoulders. Gemma throws her bra to meet her dress and panties close to the coffee table. Lando’s fingers trail her thighs and move towards her hole as her legs spread wider. His fingers tease her folds, but he can feel her already clenching and wet.
“You’re so wet already.” He whispers before sliding a single finger into her. His words make her shiver.
After a few strokes, he inserts a second finger and Gemma instinctively starts thrusting her hips onto them. His fingers are completely covered by her wetness.
“You’re so tight.” He mumbles into the skin of her neck as she arches her back. She grips onto his curly hair as his pace increases, tempting a third finger. She moans into his neck as she seeks her climax thrusting harder onto his fingers. “What do you want, Gem?”
“You.” She breathes. “I want you.”
“What do you want me to do?” He asks as she moans yet again.
“I want you inside me, please.” She begs, her breathing fast and shallow as she nears her climax.
“Anything princess wants, princess gets.” He assures her as he removes his fingers from her and removes his briefs.
He runs his glistening fingers over his hardened shaft, lubricating it. Gemma peers up at him as he aligns himself between her legs.
“Please, Lan.” She begs again, her voice strained and clinging to her climax.
Her words send him into another dimension as he enters her. She instantly moans, but muffles it against his chest as he thrusts slowly. As he continues to thrust, her moans become louder and more difficult to contain. She grips onto his biceps as he brings her closer to her climax once again.
“There’s no one else here, you can be louder.” Lando tells her in between thrusts.
“Please, harder.” She pleads against his shoulder, her grip tightening on his arms.
Her pleas are heard loud and clear as he thrusts harder, louder groans escaping his lips. They continue with their moans and groans until Gemma combusts, her limbs shaking from her erratic orgasm.
“Where do you want me to cum?” He asks, not intentionally mischievous, but rather genuinely asking so it would be easy to clean.
“Inside me.” Gemma quickly answers, not realising the seriousness of Lando’s question.
Her dirty answer sends him right over the edge as he erupts within her. He stays in his position for a few moments as he catches his breath before sitting upright and pulling her into his lap. Gemma clenches her thighs together as his juices seep out of her. He reaches down and uses his fingers to push it back in, careful not to overstimulate her. She’s still sensitive and groans as she feels his finger wipe up his cum and slide back in. This continues for a few minutes before they’re able to catch their breaths and calm their heart rates.
“Your ex clearly did not appreciate you enough.” Lando mumbles as he kisses her shoulder.
After another few quiet minutes, Lando can feel Gemma’s body relax in his embrace. He sits her down on the couch as he gets up, his semi-hard cock on full show for her. She avoids looking at it as he pulls on his briefs and disappears down a hallway. She’s unsure of what to do and attempts to stand, but his juices are still seeping down her thigh and landing on the couch’s material. Lando returns to the living room with a washcloth and some clothes.
“Let me clean you up.” He tells her.
He kneels in between her legs and wipes up his cum with the washcloth before discarding the washcloth on the coffee table.
“Do you want your underwear?” Lando asks her and she’s finally able to look him in the eyes.
“You can keep the panties.” She tells him with a crooked smile.
She’s the one, she must be, he thinks as he smiles at her. He pulls one of his t-shirts over her head. He then slips on a pair of sweatpants onto her hips. This can’t just be a one night thing, his thoughts trail. They’ve sobered themselves up enough to both realise that a one-night-stand may not be the endgame for them.
“Do you need anything? Water maybe?” Lando asks as he stays kneeling between her legs.
“I’m alright, thank you.” She assures him with her fingers caressing his cheek.
“Then we should maybe get some sleep.” Lando urges her as he gets up and extends a hand for her to grab.
Gemma, caught in the moment and sensing a shift in the atmosphere, gently takes Lando's hand. With a silent understanding, he leads her down the hallway to his room. The air is charged with a mixture of anticipation and a newfound intimacy as they enter the space that holds a different kind of quiet.
Once inside, they find solace in each other's arms. The ambiance is soft, the only illumination coming from the gentle glow of ambient lights. They settle into a comfortable embrace, the warmth of shared connection enveloping them. The earlier intensity mellows into a tranquil intimacy as they exchange soft words and tender gestures.
Cuddling together, they allow the calmness of the moment to wash over them, creating a cocoon of shared comfort. The world outside the room fades away, and in the quietude, they find a reprieve from the hustle and bustle of the night. As the rhythmic rise and fall of their breaths synchronise, Gemma and Lando gradually succumb to the tranquillity of the night, drifting into a peaceful slumber wrapped in each other's embrace.
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