merakisphere · 11 months
It was such a mess when I dropped my entire container of beads on the hardwood floor. But as the beads trickled down the edge of the table, I could hear each individual bead clacking against the ground. *listen* It was a light, but pleasant sound, and while I was frustrated, I felt soothed by this noise. And that's how Orbi-Loops was created.
Realizing I had 1000's of beads in inventory for my Fidget Blooms, I thought of a new and different kind of fidget that could replicate the sound of beads falling. When you get the right weight, and material of beads together, you create this beautiful combination of tactile, and audible sensations.
I realized this was a hit when I came across the last hangtag of 2000 hangtags. My customers absolutely love them...thank you!
Check out my Orbi-Loop reviews and see why customers love using this for stimming. Whether it's for stress relief, relaxing, concentration, or just simply to keep their hands busy, this is a great tool for that.
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lilikags · 8 months
Baddie and Ringo era
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bracketsoffear · 3 months
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Codex Seraphinianus (Luigi Serafini) "The Codex is an encyclopedia in manuscript with copious hand-drawn, colored-pencil illustrations of bizarre and fantastical flora, fauna, anatomies, fashions, and foods. It has been compared to the still undeciphered Voynich manuscript, the story "Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius" by Jorge Luis Borges, and the artwork of M. C. Escher and Hieronymus Bosch. The illustrations are often surreal parodies of things in the real world, such as a bleeding fruit, a plant that grows into roughly the shape of a chair and is subsequently made into one, and a copulating couple who metamorphose into an alligator. Others depict odd, apparently senseless machines, often with delicate appearances and bound by tiny filaments. Some illustrations are recognizable as maps or human faces, while others (especially in the "physics" chapter) are mostly or totally abstract. Nearly all of the illustrations are brightly coloured and highly detailed. The false writing system appears modeled on Western writing systems, with left-to-right writing in rows and an alphabet with uppercase and lowercase letters, some of which double as numerals. Some letters appear only at the beginning or end of words, similar to Semitic writing systems. The curvilinear letters are rope- or thread-like, with loops and even knots, and are somewhat reminiscent of Sinhala script. In a talk at the Oxford University Society of Bibliophiles […] Serafini stated that there is no meaning behind the Codex's script, which is asemic; that his experience in writing it was similar to automatic writing; and that what he wanted his alphabet to convey was the sensation children feel with books they cannot yet understand, although they see that the writing makes sense for adults. Take a look for yourself"
Voynich Manuscript (Unknown) "Many call the fifteenth-century codex, commonly known as the “Voynich Manuscript,” the world’s most mysterious book. Written in an unknown script by an unknown author, the manuscript has no clearer purpose now than when it was rediscovered in 1912 by rare books dealer Wilfrid Voynich. It's a strange code describing alchemical formulae and unknown life forms, and no one understands it. It's a mystery waiting for you to lose yourself in its pages, as Voynich himself was lost. There's an episode of Mystery Files about it!"
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theclaravita · 1 year
Warframe OC Lore - Clara the Drifter
More Warframe OC lore! This time it's the alternate reality version of Claros! An agender gunslingin queen, trapped in an infinite loop of DEATH BY IMPALEMENT! She takes no shits and gives no shits: it's Clara the Drifter!
CONTENT WARNINGS gender identity | mental illness | trauma | death | suicide | spoilers
Name: Clara Age: appears mid 30s Gender: None School: None Loadout: Nova | Dragon Nikana Callsign: Drifter
Clara and Claros have a shared history up to the Jump. Not much is known about how things deviated for Clara after that point, though it is clear that she did not have the support of her friends. Orbis Vitae was never formed in her timeline, and she remained trapped in the Void for an extended period of time, eventually escaping into the greater Void and creating Duviri from her emotional memories of faerietales of her time.
It was during her initial experiences in the Void that she began to reject her inborn gender identity. She was able to gradually morph her body to a more ideal, androgynous form using Void energy, though it fractured her mind and made it difficult for her to live safely. She didn't care; she wanted to be someone else, anyone else, to distance herself from her trauma and pain... Even if that someone else was utterly insane.
The first time she experienced a spiral reset was during a particularly violent episode of schizophrenic rage wherein she committed suicide. She awoke in the middle of a large town square, her body having been reverted to before she changed it, her mind mended from the harm she had inflicted on herself. She was immediately seized by strange skeletal Dax that hauled her before an imposing general. He declared her a traitor and that she would be executed via death by impalement. The Dax behind her ran her through with a sword, and once again the world went dark...
...and once again she awoke in the town square. Immediately she knew what was coming and attempted to flee, only to be cut down before she could leave the square.
This went on and on, over and over, dozens, hundreds, thousands??? of times. Eventually she gave up. She began mocking the general. The executioner. The Dominus they all served. No matter what, it all ended the same: "DEATH BY IMPALEMENT." It got to the point that she didn't even feel the blade pierce her anymore. She'd become so conditioned, the Dax doing it exactly the same every single time... It became a personalized Hell, just for her.
But then, one day, out of all the countless looping deaths and rebirths, routine for her every minute or so... Things changed.
Before the Dax could whet its blade on her lifeblood, she felt a new blade skewer her very soul. This was different. The Dax never missed the exact spot it always stabbed. And she was... Still alive?
A meteor came raining down. All in attendance stood in awe, but Clara knew she had a single, glorious chance to break the cycle, heralded by that prismatic bolide aimed directly at her...
She dove! The ground behind her ruptured and her entire body recoiled at the sound. The Dax, the general, the executioner, all obliterated, their bodies tossed aside like broken dolls. Clara approached the smoking crater and discovered a severed hand... Tendrils! Reaching out! Too fast, they gripped around her wrist and arm, the hand folding disturbingly like a gauntlet around hers... And POWER rushed through her body. A feeling like no other, the ragged pincushion for Dax swords felt for the first time in what felt to be eternity... Strength. Rushing forward with uncharacteristic vigor, she snagged the Sirocco pistol from the general's corpse, and made good her escape!
After convening with Teshin, claiming new weapons, learning the art of Transference, and freeing Duviri from its cursed cycles, Clara knew that she had a greater destiny beyond the door in the cave. That back on the hellish prison of a ship, there was a portal to another world, another timeline, another hope.
She traversed the frayed, twisting strands of time as Claros's timeline ended and hers began. The ends joined together, and together they became one.
After defeating the Archons and revitalizing Natah's broken form, Clara met her alternate self for the first time. Once alive, now alive again, Claros deigned to give Clara the chance to take hold of fate, to direct history with her newfound power. Gladly she accepted, her heart racing with eager determination to take control and finally be the arbiter of her own destiny.
Defeating Ballas should have felt good. Saving Natah, winning back her will and power should've been a victory. But it was short-lived. The Void hungers, as it always does. The Wall cracked, and the Man within reached out. The Veil was breached, and the reborn Lotus held the line... But the Man In The Wall appeared to be... Allowing her to hold it back. Clara could see its wicked grinning face, torn asunder into an eldritch semblance that was both human and alien. The gremlin child, a duplicate of Claros, cackled with joy atop the Wall, that infernal chanting filling her ears, her mind, her heart, her soul--!
And then it was gone.
Barely holding herself together, Clara carried the exhausted Lotus back to Claros's ship. She delivered her charge to the nexus on Lua, where she took on her new identity, the Lotus Radiant. Her job done, Clara ceded control back to Claros who was overjoyed to see his mother returned at last.
But Clara was not alright.
She returned to Duviri, knowing that there was more for her to do. And no matter what she did, she saw it whenever she closed her eyes.
The Wall with the Man within.
Towering over her, enveloping her, ripping her apart, remaking her, killing her, birthing her...
An utter paradox of logic, emotion, physics, time, and thought.
A paradox she now would never live without.
Clara's story is not over! Far from it, in fact. I have headcanons that she steps in for Claros sometimes. Whenever a hard fist is needed to rattle the skulls of the enemy, that's Clara's job. Nova befits her perfectly, with explosive power and an elegant grace Clara could only dream of embodying without her. Of course, her time in Duviri swordfighting Dax taught her to love the balanced beauty of the Nikana, so she mastered single edge grace.
I hope to have some actual narrative pieces written up soon, so stay tuned!
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rotterdamvanalles · 22 days
De Mariniersweg op 6 augustus 1961.
Deze straatnaam herinnert aan het optreden van de mariniers in de meidagen van 1940. De Mariniersweg heette van 1942 tot 1947 Admiraal de Ruyterweg. Laatstgenoemde naam werd op 10 april 1947 gegeven aan de verkeersweg, die van het Pompenburg naar de Vondelweg loopt.
De rol van de mariniers is in de loop van de geschiedenis een eigen leven gaan leiden. Een paar dozijn mariniers voerden moedig en doortastend strijd, maar met hen honderden gewone infanteristen, genisten, alsmede luchtmacht- en marine depottroepen. De rol van de mariniers wordt zwaar overdreven. De actie van mariniers en marinedepottroepen op 13 mei was weliswaar moedig, maar tactisch een drama en de hardnekkige weigering van hun korpscommandant om degelijk met de landmacht samen te werken leidde ertoe dat ze niet wisten dat er Duitsers al vier dagen in het bankgebouw aan de kop van de Willemsbrug zaten waardoor de actie mislukte en menig marinier het leven liet.
Het Korps Mariniers is het marine-infanteriekorps van de Koninklijke Marine en een van de oudste onderdelen van de Nederlandse krijgsmacht. Het korps herleidt haar wortels naar het Regiment der Marine dat op 10 december 1665 op initiatief van raadpensionaris Johan de Witt en luitenant-admiraal Michiel de Ruyter werd opgericht. Van oudsher lag het voornaamste werkterrein van het Korps Mariniers buiten het moederland: aanvankelijk vooral op de vloot; later ook in de koloniën. Dit komt tot op heden tot uiting in de wapenspreuk: Qua patet orbis (Zo wijd de wereld strekt).
De fotograaf is Jos Niehorster en de foto komt van de site www.rovm-digitaal.nl. De informatie komt uit het Stadsarchief Rotterdam, van Allert Goossens en van Wikipedia.
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dwainratten0495 · 4 months
Battery Powered Water Guns: Fun Like No Other!
Crouching behind dumpsters and parked vehicles, police ordered him to drop the gun, in keeping with police. "Drop it now, or you'll be shot! After 24 minutes, Dentmond leveled what looked to officers like an assault-sort rifle and started strolling. Nine officers opened hearth and didn’t stop till the gun fell from his hand. He died at a hospital. After the shooting, police saw Dentmond’s weapon had damaged in two, in response to a state report. When picking up the items, an officer observed that their weight "did not really feel right" they usually appeared to be plastic. Officers did not be taught till the next morning that Dentmond’s gun was a toy gun, an Airsoft rifle with the orange tip removed. "Some of them broke down in tears," Alachua County Sheriff Sadie Darnell stated. "It’s not a high-5 situation. Grant McDougall, the psychotherapist who evaluated the deputies after the capturing, said they all wished that they might return and change the outcome.
Anonymous tip reporting We'll take turns to shoot Flintlock Frontier Criminal Justice Studies - AAS Two handle carrying possibility Number of abdominal exercises
Without mature frontal lobes to attract on, adolescents and teens are less in a position to weigh detrimental consequences and curb probably dangerous conduct like excessive video gaming, which also impacts frontal lobe growth. Violent video games are of concern to many experts. In a study of forty five adolescents, taking part in violent video video games for under 30 minutes immediately lowered activity in the prefrontal areas of the brain compared to those who participated in a non-violent game. Previous analysis confirmed that just 10-20 minutes of violent gaming elevated activity in the brain regions associated with arousal, anxiety, and emotional reaction, while simultaneously lowering activity within the frontal lobes associated with emotion regulation and govt control. The dopamine release that comes from gaming is so powerful, say researchers, it could possibly almost shut the prefrontal regions down. That's one cause why gamers like Rosner can play for 18 hours straight. And for teenagers like Rosner, who really feel like social outcasts, excelling on the earth of gaming can provide a sense of mastery and confidence missing from their actual lives.
Encourages youngsters to have interaction in violent habits Battery Operated Motorized Automatic Electric Super Water Gun Soaker Blaster: Pink Orby gun M4: Essentially the most famous rifle exists in orby model What Are Water Guns Made From Uses Elite darts Frontier Pistols
Pull the pencil out. Tie the ends of the thread across the loops, and pull the knot tight. Cut loops to make a pom-pom. Glue the underside of the pom-pom into the acorn cap. Glue a security pin to the again of the acorn cap. Continue studying to learn to make even more luck this St. Patrick's Day -- grow your personal. St. Patrick's Day by growing your own Lucky Sprouts. Download the PDF of a shamrock stencil that will help you trace and cut out a shamrock form from the compressed sponge. Dampen the sponge so it expands, and squeeze out any further water. Set the sponge on the plate or pie pan, and sprinkle the seeds on prime of the sponge. 2. Your seeds should sprout in a number of days (see instructions on the seed package) if you're taking good care of them. Through the evening, cowl the sponge lightly with plastic wrap to help it stay moist.
The stretched supply traces can slow down attackers' momentum and wear them out, too. A breakout is usually tried when a defending power realizes it can't hold a place for a variety of reasons, resembling a lack of supplies or inadequate terrain. Make sure that you could have a very sturdy and defensible place. Be prepared for annihilation. You may have to hold out longer than you think, particularly if you are surrounded. It means they're effective in opposition to automobiles even when those autos do not cross straight above the mine. If an attacker cuts your provide traces on the decrease slopes, you lose the advantage of the excessive floor. The uneven strains help push attackers towards areas the place defenders can hearth on them from a number of instructions. The attackers hit weak factors first but then get sucked into combating stronger factors; in those areas they're vulnerable to fire from a couple of course.
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The present model of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, DSM-V, states that more research needs to be finished earlier than "Internet Gaming Disorder" can be formally included. Still, specialists agree gaming has addictive qualities. The human mind is wired to crave instantaneous gratification, quick pace, and unpredictability. All three are happy in video video games. David Greenfield, Ph.D., founder of The center for Internet and Technology Addiction and assistant clinical professor of psychiatry at the University of Connecticut School of Medicine. That gives avid gamers a rush-but solely quickly, he explains. With all that further dopamine lurking around, the mind gets the message to supply less of this crucial neurotransmitter. The tip consequence: players can end up with a diminished provide of dopamine. Take a sport like that away from addicted adolescents and so they usually show behavioral issues, withdrawal symptoms, even aggression, in keeping with Dr. Greenfield. But not all gaming is unhealthy.
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deborahsinnett5 · 4 months
Marched Off At Gunpoint In Crimea
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In France, they ran along the primary rail traces, while in Australia they had been used as swap engines. Easily transported by amphibious landing craft and by air, the jeep went in all places. It was reported that a jeep was the first motor vehicle to conquer the steep climbs and dense jungles of a new India-China route supplanting the Burma Road. To keep these jeeps from falling into enemy fingers, authorities turned them over to British troops and to anyone else who would drive them north. Stories of the jeep's wartime feats have long since become a part of American folklore. There was, for instance, an incident that befell in 1944 during the Battle of the Bulge. A Belgian sentry at a checkpoint stopped a jeep carrying three men carrying U. S. Army uniforms. Speaking German, he immediately demanded their surrender. One of the more hair-raising jeep stories was reported by Homer Bogart, of the new York Herald Tribune. It took place throughout General Douglas MacArthur's march on Manila.
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Payback Pumpkin - parts record and diagram for "alarm"ing pumpkin Sling mounts Easy to fireplace USS Forrest (DD 461/DMS 24). Ellyson class, commissioned 1942/44 Outline The Shape Of The Gun
Cut doilies in half; reduce away stable centers. For the jabot, you will have five doily halves. With first doily half, fold sides again so doily is about 6 inches wide, with gold side on prime; adhere sides with double-sided tape or glue stick. For second doily half, fold sides back, with white facet on high. Tape or glue as before. Keep repeating instructions until all 5 doily halves have been taped, alternating between gold and white sides. Tape first doily half to again of first, putting it 2 inches beneath top. Continue until all doily halves have been taped together. Measure round child's neck and add four inches. Cut a 2-inch strip of white felt this length. Glue high edge of doily jabot to center of felt size. Add hook-and-loop tape to ends of strip to close round child's neck. For cuffs, layer three doily halves, placing each 1/2 inch beneath the final.
Cut out the ears to provide them a cardboard backing, and glue them to the sides of the knit hat. Cut and glue a 1-inch strip of fur to suit round the bottom of the hat. Glue remaining pieces of fur to the footwear. When it's time to head out for Halloween night time, use the face paints to create a werewolf face -- as scary as you want. Have baby put on fangs and plastic nails to complete the transformation. Must be a full moon! Say scary is not the course your child wish to go where her costume is anxious. This subsequent getup is certain to make its wearer the most well-liked merchandise within the room! Visit the subsequent page for instructions on making an easy cellular phone kids' Halloween costume. Halloween Decorations: Bring Halloween vacation spirit to any location whenever you create these fun and festive decorations. Halloween Masks: For a fast, fun costume and a disguise, follow the following tips for creating your own Halloween masks.
If parents feel uncomfortable, focus the discussion on your own baby, Sanfilippo urged. "Say, ‘I don’t know what my youngster would do if he discovered a Orbi Gun. I feel he can be really interested in it, and so we try to ensure that any houses that he goes into, that he can’t entry a gun,’" she said. As worrying as it is to lift children in an period of mass shootings, try not to switch your anxiety to them, stated Marc Zimmerman, co-director of the Institute for Firearm Injury Prevention on the University of Michigan and co-director of the National Center for School Safety. It’s vital to consider prevention: how educators, mother and father and children might help to create a supportive faculty climate so youngsters don’t feel isolated or bullied, he mentioned. Wherever you or your child go, be vigilant and report anything that appears out of the odd.
The soldier maintaining us in his sights is carrying Russian army-type camouflage, however without any insignia. Two extra run as much as us a minute later. One has a Kalashnikov assault rifle, the opposite is also laden with a sniper rifle and grenade-launcher. I believe they've fairly overestimated the menace posed by our digital camera staff, however I do not inform them that. It seems impossible to refuse such an offer. We march on, past a couple of trenches. The folks sitting in them watch us, trying stunned. We enter a small, dilapidated brick constructing. There are some bullet holes within the walls. I say, attempting to be light-hearted. The troopers then smile and put their weapons down. Things get a bit calmer. We show what we filmed with the digicam and open a rucksack. That morning we haven't recorded a lot - and clearly it is of no interest. But they ask us to wipe it anyway, simply to be sur
Slowly I retrieve a water bottle and chocolate bar from the rucksack. We carry on emptying the rucksack - and attain the primary help package. Instantly the soldiers increase their rifles again. I ask. Tense silence. The soldier who has just accused me of spying appears to be like straight in my eyes. Judging from his behaviour with the other soldiers he must be of a higher rank. Under his camouflage jacket I see a vest with blue stripes. Then I spot a tattoo on the again of his hand: "za VDV", signifying he's a "paratrooper". He has simply approached us, and seems to be the senior officer. The officer takes me to one aspect and explains how vital it's now to keep away from provocations, how biased Western journalists are, and the way important it's for everybody to do an honest job. Before saying goodbye the soldiers photograph us on their cell phones. They are saying they'll do a search on a database and find out about our spying. They present us find out how to get again to the primary street and ask us once more not to look bac
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wendyrosario862 · 4 months
Toy Guns Mistaken For Real Throughout U.S
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Or, are you able to recall the nickname for the well-known German fighter ace later parodied by a comical dog? The historical past of World War I is a horrific time in historical past, however thanks to buffs such as you, we'll be cautioned in opposition to repeating the previous. Are you able to arm the trenches and take up this quiz? It's time to guide the assault! What occasion is credited with beginning the conflict that led to WWI? The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria began the world on the highway to conflict. Lofting first penned tales about Dr. Dolittle in illustrated letters to his children. In chilly hard money, what was the U.S. Best estimates place the overall at round $32 billion. To place that into perspective, the figure is a little bit over half of the U.S. The famous phrase is a quote from Woodrow Wilson. How many years elapsed between WWI and WWI
On a heat September evening in Columbus, Ohio, panicked witnesses referred to as police to report that a gaggle of boys had robbed a man at gunpoint and fled right into a maze of alleys and fences on the city’s east aspect. In the fading mild, Officer Bryan Mason cornered two of the boys in an alley, where, according to police, 13-yr-previous Tyre King pulled a gun from his waistband. Mason fired three rounds, placing the teen in the top, chest and torso. The black gun police recovered on the scene regarded like their own division-issued, polymer-framed Smith & Wesson Military and Police semiautomatic pistol. It even had a laser sight. But police would soon be taught that King’s weapon was a BB gun - a facsimile of the gun Mason used to shoot and kill the teen. At a news convention the following day, Columbus Police Chief Kim Jacobs waved a stock photograph of the BB Orbi Gun.
Payback Pumpkin - parts record and diagram for "alarm"ing pumpkin Sling mounts Easy to hearth USS Forrest (DD 461/DMS 24). Ellyson class, commissioned 1942/forty four Outline The Shape Of The Gun
Cut doilies in half; cut away strong centers. For the jabot, you'll need five doily halves. With first doily half, fold sides again so doily is about 6 inches vast, with gold side on high; adhere sides with double-sided tape or glue stick. For second doily half, fold sides back, with white aspect on top. Tape or glue as before. Keep repeating directions until all 5 doily halves have been taped, alternating between gold and white sides. Tape first doily half to again of first, putting it 2 inches below prime. Continue until all doily halves have been taped collectively. Measure round kid's neck and add 4 inches. Cut a 2-inch strip of white felt this length. Glue high edge of doily jabot to middle of felt length. Add hook-and-loop tape to ends of strip to close round child's neck. For cuffs, layer three doily halves, putting each 1/2 inch beneath the last.
Known for areas of strength for its different spouts, this one is number one amongst water champions. Betheaces Water Guns is a implausible improvement on your pre-summer weapons retailer. These distinctive water weapons are undeniably appropriate for youths and manage an vital extent of water-releasing tomfoolery. They're anticipated for ease of use and come in energetic, eye-getting colours that youngsters love. With Betheaces Water Firearms, you may keep the youthful ones engaged whereas remaining cool and invigorated during these singing mid-yr days. Plan for quite a while of outside energy with these robust and foolish water blasters! The NERF Fortnite TS-R Super Soaker Water Blaster Toy joins the excitement of Fortnite with wet and wild open-air fun. Arranged with baffling Fortnite-pushed nuances, this water blaster provides a gaming go to your water battles. It offers an inconceivable reach and is nice for lovers of the properly-recognized Pc sport. Hence, gear up for a Fortnite-themed water perception and keep the depth streaming the entire day with this fascinating water blaster toy!
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You could find them here - we promote a pack of 10,000 of the little colorful balls for less than you’d buy a pack of Nerf bullets. These balls are biodegradable, too. At first, you could also be a bit disillusioned at the colorful state of your yard. However, after the primary rain, and even before them, you won’t even know they were there. Unlike the Styrofoam of Nerf bullets, Orbeez won’t hurt the planet. In fact, the polymers in Orbeez are often utilized in gardening. Because of their potential to retain moisture, gardeners use these polymers to maintain plants hydrated. Ultimate Orbeez bullets are non-toxic to pets and to youngsters. However, understand that they shouldn’t be swallowed. Just by nature of the product, they’ll broaden when they make contact with moisture, and this can be hazardous if your littlest kids or your pets swallow them. Once you order the final word Orbeez gun, and secure a pack of Orbeez refills, you’re in all probability going to marvel, "How within the heck do I do that?
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josecardwell512 · 4 months
Did We Mention There Can Be Spoilers?
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However, that doesn’t take away from the distinctive work that SWAT groups do, nor the considerable hazard they place themselves in for the wider security of most of the people. SWAT groups type the backbone of regulation enforcement within the United States - defending the general public from essentially the most severe threats by deploying specialist tools, intelligence, and expertise to neutralize these threats once they emerge. Many people ask - what do SWAT teams do when they’re not in active responsibility? First, it’s value considering how SWAT groups are composed. Rather than being a separate pressure, most SWAT groups are as an alternative pooled from the ranks of patrol officers, detectives, and other members of law enforcement - all of whom have been trained to the requisite normal. In this way, SWAT work is an addition to what they already do. However, given the character of what SWAT groups do, there is an immense amount of intense coaching required each month. When SWAT groups should not on active responsibility, each month they hone their specialist skills.
The earliest evidence for the invention of the water gun is an 1896 patent by J.W. Wolff. However, a quote from General William T. Sherman thirty-one years earlier references the machine. Water guns at present are an exceptionally in style outside (hopefully!) children’s toy. Water guns use a selection of different water-propulsion mechanisms. These methods include squeeze bulbs, pistons, motorized pistons, air pressurized reservoirs, air-based mostly separate pressure chambers, water pressure chambers, hydropower, springs, peristaltic pumps, and more. Water guns are used and disposed in tens of millions each summer time. Repairing and fixing these can potentially tackle a whole lot of waste. Common problems in water guns embody leaks, inner tubes getting disconnected or snapping, and seals on the set off and piston leaking. Water guns are normally comparatively small in measurement and easily portable, unless, of course, you occur to have Mark Rober’s water gun. Water guns are usually made from plastic. They are available quite a lot of colors and are made by quite a few manufacturers, however all of them embody a couple of key parts: a handle, a water tank, a trigger, and a nozzle of some type.
When the ideas have been hashed out for about six months, the water gun firm enlists engineers to make a preliminary mannequin. This first mannequin is called a "bread field." The bread field has the working options the water gun firm has requested, however the nozzle and pump are fitted into a box looking little like the finished product. The options are evaluated for his or her efficiency only at this point; how the gun looks is one other query fully. The bread box might endure alterations several times. Once it's permitted by the company personnel working on the challenge, the engineers make drawings of the inner structure of the required components. Next, designers begin their work, making drawings of how they think the water gun should appear. The designers could make half a dozen to a dozen drawings. The company team critiques the drawings, and will mix and match elements of various designs. For example they may desire the handle on one design, and the nozzle on another.
Encourages children to interact in violent habits Battery Operated Motorized Automatic Electric Super Water Gun Soaker Blaster: Pink Orby Orbi Gun M4: The most famous rifle exists in orby model What Are Water Guns Made From Uses Elite darts Frontier Pistols
Pull the pencil out. Tie the ends of the thread across the loops, and pull the knot tight. Cut loops to make a pom-pom. Glue the bottom of the pom-pom into the acorn cap. Glue a safety pin to the again of the acorn cap. Continue studying to discover ways to make even more luck this St. Patrick's Day -- grow your personal. St. Patrick's Day by rising your own Lucky Sprouts. Download the PDF of a shamrock stencil that will help you hint and lower out a shamrock shape from the compressed sponge. Dampen the sponge so it expands, and squeeze out any extra water. Set the sponge on the plate or pie pan, and sprinkle the seeds on high of the sponge. 2. Your seeds ought to sprout in a number of days (see instructions on the seed package deal) if you are taking good care of them. During the evening, cover the sponge frivolously with plastic wrap to help it keep moist.
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This text comprises content material offered by Twitter. We ask on your permission earlier than something is loaded, as they could also be using cookies and different applied sciences. You may want to learn Twitter’s cookie policy, exterior and privateness coverage, external earlier than accepting. To view this content select ‘accept and continue’. The BBC is just not answerable for the content of external websites. This Twitter post cannot be displayed in your browser. The BBC just isn't accountable for the content material of external sites. This text accommodates content provided by Twitter. We ask for your permission before something is loaded, as they could also be utilizing cookies and other technologies. Chances are you'll want to learn Twitter’s cookie policy, external and privateness policy, external before accepting. To view this content material select ‘accept and continue’. The BBC is not answerable for the content of external sites. Google's replace is predicted to seem in Android 9.Zero - the subsequent model of its cell operating system.
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markwatkinsreviews · 2 years
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Music hard PRESSED into 384 pages. Knowledgeable Irish witter, Paul Gorman, successfully distils decades of rock criticism by flicking through the back pages of music magazines / newspapers past, so giving the reader TOTALLY WIRED, THE RISE AND FALL OF THE MUSIC PRESS - a return to yesterday in a lilac wine cover.
On leaving school, I became a “reserve at your local newsagents” subscriber to Record Mirror and The History Of Rock (published by ORBIS). The old and the new (charts) if you like.  
Then came SFX, a fantastic (but sadly short-lived) cassette pop magazine with  the latest pop news and top interviews sprung fortnightly on a loop. A Podcast before there were podcasts. 
Later - and more mature,... in years I mean! - came Mojo, Uncut and Word as my monthly regulars with an irregular Rolling Stone. 
Paul covers the majority of these and many others in this great book. Who can forget SELECT in a cereal box?! And Blur v Oasis being fought out in the Britpop years in the NME and Melody Maker?
The RISE. Those were the days, my “Frendz”, when to be informed you sourced your research materials from a department of WH Smiths or John Menzies. 
The FALL being the “free” aspects of the internet & social media generally.
That’s to oversimply, to some degree and Gorman’s “essential” essays delve a bit deeper whilst retaining the British and American humour. Author, journalist & broadcaster, Miranda Sawyer sums this up well:  
“Paul Gorman has given us the book that the music press deserves; fun, factual, glamorous, gritty, packed with mad anecdotes as well as cold-eyed truth. Essential”.
Rating: 10/10
Available to buy from publishers Thames & Hudson from 29 September, 2022: 
Mark Ellen & David Hepworth interview Paul here: 
Mark Watkins, Dare radio, 11 October, 2022
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lilikags · 8 months
Guys my code won't compile on BlueJ....
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doccywhomst · 3 years
i feel like we don't talk enough about how the eighth doctor lived for over a thousand years (continuously/not in a time loop 👀), which is longer than his first seven incarnations combined.
all of the comics - Doctor Who Magazine's comic strips (RTD was a fan!), Radio Times, Titan Comics, etc.
all of the books - 73 BBC books, the Telos novellas, the movie novelization, and more
all of the audios - hundreds of hours of audios that are still being made 25 years after the movie
and the movie! he's one of the only doctors to have a solo movie!
he officially has more content than any other doctor (seven is close competition 👀), but few fans know anything about him, and even fewer consider his era "canon."
he's... so old. like, so old, you can't really conceptualize how old this guy is. the only way he keeps it together is amnesia. most doctors have a handful of companions, maybe six to fifteen, but this dude has...
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thirty-five. that's a subjective/incomplete list of JUST HUMAN COMPANIONS - not including C'Rizz, Ssard, Shayde, Selta, Anstaar, Susan, Alex, etc. etc. - and that's not taking into account that he spent six hundred years in almost total isolation on Orbis. this guy is so impossibly old and they're still making more stuff about him.
and fucking... ow.
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being an eight fan is like volunteering to walk through a car wash a hundred times and growing increasingly less excited and more battered and weary every time but you always get back in the car wash because he's your very very old dad/son/wine aunt and you want to see whatever fresh hell he's being exposed to this time
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paradoxkinspace · 2 years
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Self Care for Eridan Ampora with sharks
Orbi-Loop Fidget |  Scarf |  Thinking Putty
Candle |  Chainmail Fidget |  Rings
Float Pen | Flexible Fidget |  Bath Bomb
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rotterdamvanalles · 6 months
De Mariniersweg op 6 augustus 1961.
Deze straatnaam herinnert aan het optreden van de mariniers in de meidagen van 1940. De Mariniersweg heette van 1942 tot 1947 Admiraal de Ruyterweg. Laatstgenoemde naam werd op 10 april 1947 gegeven aan de verkeersweg, die van het Pompenburg naar de Vondelweg loopt.
De rol van de mariniers is in de loop van de geschiedenis een eigen leven gaan leiden. Een paar dozijn mariniers voerden moedig en doortastend strijd, maar met hen honderden gewone infanteristen, genisten, alsmede luchtmacht- en marine depottroepen. De rol van de mariniers wordt zwaar overdreven. De actie van mariniers en marinedepottroepen op 13 mei was weliswaar moedig, maar tactisch een drama en de hardnekkige weigering van hun korpscommandant om degelijk met de landmacht samen te werken leidde ertoe dat ze niet wisten dat er Duitsers al vier dagen in het bankgebouw aan de kop van de Willemsbrug zaten waardoor de actie mislukte en menig marinier het leven liet.
Het Korps Mariniers is het marine-infanteriekorps van de Koninklijke Marine en een van de oudste onderdelen van de Nederlandse krijgsmacht. Het korps herleidt haar wortels naar het Regiment der Marine dat op 10 december 1665 op initiatief van raadpensionaris Johan de Witt en luitenant-admiraal Michiel de Ruyter werd opgericht. Van oudsher lag het voornaamste werkterrein van het Korps Mariniers buiten het moederland: aanvankelijk vooral op de vloot; later ook in de koloniën. Dit komt tot op heden tot uiting in de wapenspreuk: Qua patet orbis (Zo wijd de wereld strekt).
De fotograaf is Jos Niehorster en de foto komt van de site www.rovm-digitaal.nl. De informatie komt uit het Stadsarchief Rotterdam, van Allert Goossens en van Wikipedia.
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xponentialdesign · 5 years
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Hospites multiplices ex orbis. DOWNLOAD ULTRA HD 4K VIDEO LOOP FILES 
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apothecarywormcrud · 4 years
Cappucino, bubble tea and mocha for whoever you like?
gnna do hazama for this one bc i dont think ive talked abt him like. at all yet. 
Cappuccino: what was your first date like? Whose idea was it? Did it go well?
astoria: for the last time captain you need to stop trying to take me on dates, its highly unprofessional   hazama, pulling out a case file at the top of the ferris wheel: what date i brought you out here so we could go over recent intelligence astoria: sir this is an amusement park and you asked if they had a couples discount hazama: do you have any idea how thin the department budget is currently spread 
(arguably they’ve had hundreds of ‘first dates’ given the time loops but only hazama remembers them, and they’re all him being a stinker @ astoria bc he knows they like him but they refuse to admit it bc dating your superior officer is a bad move. he likes to refer to random business outings as dates. one time they went on a date to his apartment and he watched astoria try to process the fact that the only thing in it was a carton of eggs in the fridge) 
Bubble tea: do you ever like to surprise each other? What kinds of surprises?
yea hazama surprises astoria on the regular by revealing he’s actually the vessel for a god of pain and destruction and then stabbing them in the back. then the timeline resets, they forget that it happened, and he gets to do it again! we like to have fun here at the novus orbis librarium intelligence department. 
Mocha: what is your favorite kind of date with your f/o(s)?
sometimes they stop to have tea on the way back from an intel mission and it’s actually a mildly pleasurable experience except for when hazama keeps asking the waitress if they have any boiled eggs. 
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