#Originally Posted on 20 April 2016
shamrockaceart · 10 months
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A white and red bunny made of polymer clay and designed after the Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog. Originally posted to Instagram on 20th April 2016. Watermarks have been added where previously there were none.
Posting for Archive.
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offender42085 · 4 months
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Post 1258
The victim's father expressed compassion for the young defendant, who stood to the side of the courtroom in prison garb, with his hands cuffed.
Alan Faynzilberg, New Jersey inmate 821030E, born 1997, incarceration intake December 2017 at age 20, released November 2023
Vehicular Homicide -- Reckless Driving, Manufacture/Distribution/Dispense of Controlled Substance
In October 2017, a Belleville New Jersey man was sentenced to eight years in prison for a drunken head-on collision that took the life of a young father of two in May 2016.
During a somber afternoon hearing in Superior Court in Newark, the judge said he had seen other victims' family members express forgiveness toward their loved one's killer. But none, he added, had ever done what Pietro Davila did following the death of his son, 33-year-old Luis Davila.
"I've never had a victim's family member come before me and request that he be put on the defendant's visitation list," said Superior Court Judge Ronald D. Wigler.
And while Wigler wished defendant Alan Faynzilberg, 20, success in eventually turning his life around, the judge was not as forgiving as Davila's family, and refused to reduce the 8-year sentence recommended by prosecutors in a deal that led to Faynzilberg's guilty plea earlier on June 26.
Faynzilberg was jailed for 10 months following the incident, then released, but has been back in custody since the prior week, when he turned himself in on what was supposed to be his original sentencing date.
Pietro Davila, 59, of Jersey City, was one of three people who made victim impact statements. But rather than condemning Faynzilberg, DaVila expressed compassion for the young defendant, who stood to the side of the courtroom in prison garb, with his hands cuffed.
"I feel content, because we are Christian," Davila said through an interpreter. Turning to Faynzilberg, he added, "This young man, Alan, on my behalf I forgive him."
The victim's sister, Giselle Davila, was equally compassionate, telling Faynzelberg, "I hope that when you complete your sentence, you change your life for the better."
Assistant Prosecutor Betty Rodriguez said during the hearing that Faynzilberg admitted using alcohol, marijuana and the tranquilizer Xanax prior to the crash. She told the judge that in that and prior arrests for drug-related offenses, Faynzilberg had repeatedly shown "a complete disregard for the law."
With his lawyer, William Fitzsimmons, at his side, Faynzilberg made an emotional plea for leniency.
"Let me express my deepest and most sincere apologies for May 27, 2016," Faynzilberg said, sobbing at that point and others during the hearing.
"I'm sure it was sincere," said Wigler, the presiding criminal judge in Essex County.
That said, Wigler told Faynzilberg that, under his plea deal, the prosecutor's office had already agreed to downgrade the vehicular homicide charge against him from first degree to second degree, sparing him several years in prison under sentencing guidelines.
Wigler added that Faynzilberg's prior record included two drug arrests, one in which he avoided a criminal conviction by being accepted into a pre-trial intervention program, or PTI, on April 15, 2016 -- just six week before the drug-fueled crash that killed Luis Davila.
"What's concerning is you don't learn from your past mistakes," Wigler told Faynzilberg. "And a family was destroyed."
A friend of the Faynzilberg, Alexandra Roth, made a statement on his behalf, assuring the court that he would have the loving support of his family to help him overcome his drug dependence and reintegrate him into society upon his release.
"The level of remorse that he felt was not of the kind, 'What's going to happen to me?' but truly of the magnitude of what happened," Roth said.
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highladyjane · 27 days
I haven't seen this pointed out by anyone else, so I'm posting it...
ACOTAR-ACOFAS were usually announced on a Wednesday in mid-November (except for ACOMAF). Then released the first Tuesday in May. I think ACOSF was initially delayed due to the pandemic which eventually also affected Sarah's schedules for CC, book tours, etc.
ACOTAR was introduced on Wednesday, November 19 2014 - released Tuesday, May 5 2015
ACOMAF had its title announcement on Wednesday, October 14, 2015 - released Tuesday, May 3 2016
ACOWAR had its title announcement on Thursday, November 17 2016 - released Tuesday, May 2 2017
ACOFAS had its title announcement on Wednesday, November 15 2017 - released Tuesday, May 1 2018
Following the original pattern, I'm crossing my fingers for a 🤞✨️Wednesday, November 20 2024✨️🤞announcement - which is by the way, our favourite and most handsome, most delightful, and most cunning High Lord Rhysand's birthday 💜😉 Or even a November 13 announcement, the Wednesday before, just because it numerically fits and so as to not take away Sarah's attention from Josh on his birthday.
And a 🙏✨️Tuesday, May 6 2025✨️🙏 release - right about ACOTAR's 10th anniversary 😊
So let's not lose hope just yet for at least an announcement this year!
Y'all also already know my guess for the title 😊
P.S. It could very well be a close call with Bloomsbury UK's distribution and logistics move to Hatchette in April, but I'd like to believe they've planned ahead with their promise of a "smooth transition", so it would be right on time and a perfectly great start to their first year of partnership and financial year of 2025! In the worst case, there could be a delay in distribution in the UK and Europe... But let's 🤞🤞
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hotasfahrenheit · 9 months
So you wanna get into NCT eh?
Let's do this.
NCT - Neo Culture Technology - is naturally an intimidating group to get into - there's twenty members but there have been members added and people have left and there's another group set to debut and there's subgroups and everything seems all over the place all the time, but if you're willing to jump into it all it's so absolutely incredibly worth it and less complicated than it seems at first! Let me walk you through some basics- I'll do more posts to get deeper into each group later, but this will be a primer for getting you started.
Where to start? NCT officially debuted in April 2016 with fifteen members after promoting for a while as trainees and with other trainees (including future members of Red Velvet) under the SM Rookies banner. Part of the original plan for NCT as announced at their debut was to continuously add members with no end in sight, and to expand into a group with members from all over the world who could promote in different areas at the same time. This... didn't really come to fruition ultimately, tho they do have members from seven(ish) countries. (Taiwan is a free country y'all, that makes seven. Macau is a "special administrative region of China", that's the ish.) There will be one more unit added to NCT soon, the final new set of members, but this post is going to proceed with only the current groups and subunits since The Babies (as I like to call them) aren't officially debuted yet and I don't feel like explaining them here since this is already going to be long enough. Either way, NCT's unlimited expansion has officially ended which hopefully removes that bit of intimidation.
Now on to some music!
The first song and MV that NCT released was under the broad NCT U umbrella, and started with The 7th Sense. (Wait what the heck is NCT U, you ask? I'll get there, trust me, keep reading)
The 7th Sense unit was comprised of Taeyong, Mark, Jaehyun, Doyoung, and Ten, five of the fifteen debut members.
The next day, NCT U released Without You, sung by Doyoung, Taeil, and Jaehyun, so two boys we saw already plus a new one.
The full list of members (that I and no one else expects you to remember at this point) at debut were Taeil, Taeyong, Johnny, Yuta, Ten, Doyoung, Jaehyun, Winwin, Mark, Haechan, Jaemin, Jeno, Renjun, Chenle, and Jisung.
Since debut, members have been added, growing NCT to 23, and then a few left, dropping it back to 20. In 2018, Kun, Jungwoo and Lucas were added; in 2019, Xiaojun, Hendery, and Yangyang were added; in 2020, Shotaro and Sungchan were added. In 2023, Lucas was removed after being on hiatus for almost two years because of a scandal, and then Shotaro and Sungchan were pulled from NCT and re-debuted in SM's new boy group, RIIZE. (No, we're not going to get into my opinions or emotions about any of this right now, yes, I have a lot of opinions about both things and a lot of emotions about SungTaro. Maybe in a different post if people really wanna know.)
So what do I mean when I call NCT U an umbrella? Is that what the U stands for? No, not really, tho it's a handy way to think of things! U stands for United (or Unlimited, depending on who you ask) and is a flexible title that allows them to release songs using any members of the whole group. This lets them pick from a pool of currently 20 different members with different skills to best fit the concept of a song, and has allowed them to do things like release songs with multiple lead vocalists, songs with a collection of rappers, etc. It's super flexible- some U songs have only two members performing, some have nine, etc. (Once you become familiar with all of the members, the U songs become a lot of fun when it comes to seeing who gets mixed and matched for projects!)
Overall, don't worry too much about NCT U yet. Having the basic knowledge that it could be anyone is really enough to get you going and you can come back to all of the NCT U releases later. NCT has released four albums now as a full group (Empathy, Resonance, Universe, and Golden Age) that have both fixed subunit songs and NCT U songs with mixed members so there's a bunch of fun with all that later once you've gotten more of the basics down.
The key to getting into NCT is splitting it into the sub-units, of which there are currently four, including U.
NCT U - flexible subunit of varying combined members
NCT 127 - 9 member fixed unit, concept being that they're focused on Seoul (127 is the longitude of Seoul)
NCT Dream - 7 member fixed unit, original concept involving the fact that they were the seven youngest members at debut
WayV - 6 member fixed unit, releasing music primarily in Mandarin with a focus on promotion in China
The easiest thing to do if you want to take on learning all 20 members (plus the 3 former members which are at least in past MVs and content so you'll come across them either way) is to pick one of the three fixed units (NCT 127, NCT Dream, or WayV) and learn the members of that group before moving on to the next. NCT 127 and NCT Dream also share two members, which gives you a little leg up when you get to going from one to the other!
I'll make posts getting into each group more in depth soon to talk about members and with my fave songs and recommendations etc, so for each of the fixed units, I'll put in here their debut plus a recent song so you can get a grasp of how each group has grown and changed.
NCT 127 was the first of the subunits to debut, releasing Firetruck in July 2016.
127 debuted with Taeil, Taeyong, Yuta, Jaehyun, Winwin, Mark and Haechan. The fashion and hair in this MV is uhhhhhh wild? Yeah we'll go with wild.
127 has gone through some lineup changes over the years as they've changed and grown- they added Johnny, Doyoung, and Jungwoo, and then Winwin went on indefinite 127-hiatus when he joined WayV in 2019.
Their most recent release was in October of this year and is so good that it managed to make it into my top 5 songs of this year on Spotify in slightly over a month so uhhhhh yeah here's Fact Check-
NCT 127 is known for having music that's a little more experimental and sometimes just straight up weird, so you'll see a lot of mixed opinions of them on the internet (I've seen people calling some/all of their songs just noise music) but they're ultimately like most kpop groups and have released stuff in all kinds of styles with different mixed influences, so it's worth listening to at least a few things before forming any kinds of opinions about their music if you don't like the first song or two you hear. I mean. It's worth it EXTRA if you do like thier music obviously. Anyway.
Next up!
NCT Dream debuted not long after NCT 127 in August 2016 as a bunch of ACTUAL BABIES, aged between 14-17 at debut. Yeah that's right, Chenle and Jisung were both 14. They debuted with the now iconic Chewing Gum, that involves some wild hoverboard choreography that isn't shown as much in the MV but was probably more dangerous than a bunch of kids should have been doing on stages all the time (especially one time outdoors in the rain???), but they all survived so I guess it's fine?
NCT Dream debuted with Mark, Haechan, Renjun, Jeno, Jaemin, Chenle, and Jisung. Yes, Mark and Haechan are also in the NCT 127 list! They are workaholics who can't stop won't stop basically. (Yes, we also all worry about their health. It's A Thing.)
The original concept behind Dream was that it would be the youngest members of NCT, and when members grew old enough they would graduate out, and new younger members of NCT would be added in turn as members were added to NCT. The only element of this that was ever put into practice was graduating out Mark in December 2018 as he was the eldest member; no new members were added however, and eventually the whole plan was scrapped and Mark was re-added to Dream in 2020 (back where he BELONGS) and Dream officially became a fixed unit like 127 and WayV.
The boys are now between the ages of 21-24, and their music has grown a lot as they've grown out of their cute concepts and into more mature looks and sounds. Their most recent release was in July of this year, ISTJ.
They're still known for having a more youthful, optimistic vibe, and there's something incredibly uplifting and exuberant about them in general at basically all times. These boys have been together for half of their lives at this point and really grown up together and- yeah I have a lot of emotions about Dream that I'll save for later.
Moving on!
WayV time! WayV officially debuted in 2019 with the Mandarin version of Regular.
(NCT 127 released both Korean and English versions of Regular as well, and they are the last NCT 127 MVs that feature Winwin before he became 127-inactive and became fully active with WayV instead.)
WayV debuted with Winwin, Kun, Ten, Xiaojun, Hendery, Yangyang, and Lucas. Lucas has since been removed from NCT and WayV and the other six members have continued to promote as a six member group.
WayV has hit some snags, especially with things out of their control like the pandemic- they live in Seoul when they're not promoting or touring, and travel into and out of China has been difficult for obvious reasons for the past few years, which has made it harder for them to be pushing into the Chinese music industry when they haven't been able to travel in China as freely as they could have under other circumstances and couldn't do things like concerts or fanmeets. They have started touring and promoting more heavily in Southeast Asia more recently, and some of the members like Winwin and Ten have spent time in China over the past few years working on things like acting in dramas, participating in variety shows, or judging on Chinese dance competition shows as well. Xiaojun is also currently a host on one of the the Korean weekly music shows, SBS's The Show.
WayV's most recent comeback was actually last month but I'm gonna use their comeback from the VERY end of last year (Dec 28) in this post because I'm still obsessed with this song-
WayV mix a lot of different elements into their music and are the most multilingual of the groups- since they're based in Seoul, they've often performed on the weekly Korean music shows with English versions of their songs, and they have the NCT member who speaks the most languages in Ten, who is Thai, and speaks Thai, Mandarin, Korean, English, and Japanese, as well as multiple members who speak four (Hendery and Xiaojun both speak Cantonese, Mandarin, Korean, and English; Yangyang speaks Mandarin, English, Korean and German). They also have Kun, who is both a licensed airplane pilot and licensed sky diver (who promoted Phantom by skydiving with a banner for it) as well as being a music producer AND the only member of NCT to have a university degree. Basically WayV is a bunch of overachievers who deserve the whole world.
So..... that's all the subunits! I hope this breakdown gave you a place to start with. Feel free to use this as a base to go look up more information about each subunit, or watch the videos I included here and the ones I linked throughout in the text in various places to get started. I will also make some more posts about each subunit to get into more about the members and more songs by each so you can hang out and wait for those too!
Related things to come from this? More NCT posts, possibly more kpop posts in general like this? I've talked to a few people about how to get into NCT in basics, and this post is dedicated to @catatonicrainbow most specifically as being the most recent internet pal to want to get into NCT and being the one who finally got me to make some kind of thing like this. Meanwhile, @poetry-protest-pornography and I have been discussing starting a kpop podcast where I teach her about different groups as my knowledge is vast and deep and has been accumulating in my brain since around 2008 and she's MUCH newer to kpop than me, and I often infodump at her already about various groups. So like. Now that we're both talking about that publicly I guess we really gotta do it. Maybe I'll make companion posts on here to go with the podcast? Or something. We'll see. But there will be more of this stuff coming! So hopefully if you've read this far and enjoyed this content, you'll be excited for more? Whee!
Also like yes obviously I know other people have probably made these kinds of posts and there's videos and podcasts and etc out about this kind of stuff already, but I figure since everyone processes information differently, having multiple sources for this kind of information and different ways it's presented will probably be helpful to SOMEONE so I'm gonna make the content I feel like making either way. :) Cheers!
[So you wanna get into NCT eh? 1 | 2 | 3]
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7grandmel · 6 months
Todays rip: 06/04/2024
Tactical Three-Time Grammy Award-Winning Action
Season 2 Featured on: A HOT ONE
Ripped by Harmony Friends
It's funny: for a surprising number of posts now, I've been sort of writing "around" the works of the ripper Harmony Friends, without ever - excluding collaborative projects like Balcony Fusion Collab - actually covering one of those works for a post. Which is a damn shame!! Because in their four-year tenure on SiIvaGunner, Harmony Friends had a pretty notable impact on the channel's life, from making Donkey Kong a mainstay of the channel's identity through creating the Coconut Gun Rap as referenced in CG Man HD Remastered Edition, to directing the incredible King for Another Day Tournament and pushing the boundaries of the channel's scope as described in NIGHTMARESCAPE 〜Unrestrained HyperCam 2〜 (Final Boss Phase 2), and many ways more. But, most importantly of all, they led the trend for a series of very silly YTP-esque sentence mixing rips on the channel, of which Tactical Three-Time Grammy Award-Winning Action remains a personal favorite.
So what am I referring to with these "very silly YTP-esque sentence mixing rips"? Well, if you'll recall just earlier this week, the April Fools rip Our Sweet Parsley was made specifically in tribute to Harmon Friends' work of this kind - the ones that edit and twist easily-identifiable song lyrics, primarily from Sonic the Hedgehog games, to pure comedic off-the-wall effect. Sentence-mixing is an age-old skill of the YouTube Poop trade, yet it feels as if Harmony Friends' work with rips like Thunder, Rain and Lightning, A Ghost's Bean Soup, and of course The Coconut Gun Rap were what turned said work into a mainstay on SiIvaGunner in particular, to show the potential sentence mixing had as a method of effective bait-and-switching, messing around with the track *just* enough to feel wrong in a fun way whilst still being easily missable up to a certain point in the song. Yet this bait-and-switch appeal was, as I've mentioned many times before, something that primarily worked within Season 1 itself, within 2016, when the channel's mere existence was still so novel, unknown to so many. Season 2's shift to having more takeovers and events was a brilliant way to keep the channel fresh, whilst also directing several rippers in the team to try their hand at once specific joke within their individual style. And THAT is where Tactical Three-Time Grammy Award-Winning Action comes in: on the day of Smoothness.
It feels as if I've talked enough about the Grammy-Award Winning 1999 Hit Smooth by Santana feat. Rob Thomas of Matchbox Twenty for a lifetime already back in Haltmanna feat. Rob Thomas of Matchbox 20, but its appeal should be pretty obvious to anyone who's ever heard the song. Put succinctly, is at once incredibly memorable and well-composed, and has lyrics that are as memeable as can be. Pair those traits with the iconic status Snake Eater from Metal Gear Solid 3 already has in gaming circles, and with Hinchy's aforementioned knack for the silliness, and the result was a rip that felt destined to occur at one point or another. The moment the rip starts, the moment you start anticipating the James Bond-esque opening fanfare to Snake Eater, only to be met with the all-too-familiar first riff of Smooth, you KNOW exactly what the rip is going to be, and you KNOW just then and there how perfect of an idea it is. I'm already a huge fan of rips that do completely original vocal covers with new lyrics such as Maskettaman - Dr. Pavel's Fly​-​So​-​Good, but something about how Tactical Three-Time Grammy Award-Winning Action keeps ping-ponging from Snake Eater to Smooth's vocals scratches a very particular part of my brain - as if I'm waiting with every line to see how it could be merged with Smooth's lyrics. And at every turn, I'm rewarded oh so blissfully.
From outright replacing the bridge's bellowing "But you're so supreme!!" with Smooth's "'cause you're so SMOOTH", to the way that the pause in "not for honor but for you" is removed to give way for extra syllables on the part of Smooth's vocals, together forming "not for honor but / to suit your mood", each change feels oh so deliberately done to maximize both sides of the rip. Althewhile, just like My Sweet Parsley and its contemporaries, the original instrumental still plays - Smooth never overtakes the running Snake Eater melody, merely complimenting it with flourishes from its own vocals or guitar riffs. Yet by the time they actually DO overtake the song as the chorus builds, it all feels so natural already, the Snake Eater instrumentals fit Smooth's emotional high so well at this point - its shocking how well the balance is maintained throughout the whole rip. And because of that, Tactical Three-Time Grammy Award-Winning Action is more than just very funny: it's a genuinely great take on Snake Eater, as the contributions from Smooth in a way help punctuate the song's existing high points, althewhile of course still being very funny.
It's really quite hard to go wrong with a Smooth rip in general, of course - but there is a real magic to listening to Tactical Three-Time Grammy Award-Winning Action after knowing already just how good Harmony Friends are at doing this particular flavor of rips from their work in the prior Season. It's the kind of rip that felt, perhaps not destined to happen, but like...with a Smooth rip underway and Harmony Friends on the team, it was such a natural extension of the joke to create, and one that was followed through on in spades of quality. And after having spent so many posts alluding to one particular ripper, I'm happy to have finally gotten to make one on the ripper behind it all.
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jeffannieresource · 1 year
My (long, long, very long) List of Favorite Jeff/Annie fics -- Part 1b
Click here to read the notes for this list Click here for Part 1a
Tell the World That We Finally Got It Right by ameliajessica Rated: T Date Originally Posted: Feb 06, 2015 "IT'S A BEAR DANCE!" Chaos ensues! Riot! Food fight! Jeff and Annie hiding from the mayhem!
Inevitable by Waffleberry Rated: T Date Originally Posted: Feb 7, 2015 He has thought about it so many times in the summer break; of course he has; and what he has deduced is that it wasn’t just Racquel that broke in that lab. Something between them fractured.
Cry Uncle by Fayth82 Rated: T Date Originally Posted: Feb 21, 2015 He's had those words running around his head all week and it was slowly driving him crazy. It will only take one little thing to tip him over the edge.
DVD Extras by PepperF Rated: T Date Originally Posted: March 16, 2015 Movie-making, romantic melodrama as proxy, the art of subtle manipulation, and ghost (?) ninja alien robots.
If It’s Real (It Stains Your Hand Like Wine) by wright_or_wrong Rated: T Date Originally Posted: May 2, 2015 “But I think to really sell it,” Abed muses. “We need a kiss. I mean, you guys are about to die. What would keep you from going for it?” Alternate/Missing scene for 6x08.
When a Resistable Force Meets a Moveable Object by PepperF Rated: T Date Originally Posted: May 5, 2015 Things are fine, really. The kissing is just an aberration. WAS. WAS an aberration.
only fools rush in by ameliajessica Rated: E Date Originally Posted: May 7, 2015 - Aug 3, 2015 Jeff and Annie are terrible at casual sex. Well, Annie is.
Coming Clean by thebaddestwolf Rated: E Date Originally Posted: June 8, 2015 to Aug 3, 2015 It almost didn’t seem real -- that he’d finally, finally, told her, that he’d kissed her -- that she’d asked him to. After the mess he’d made of everything, all the self-sabotage and self-loathing and other self-inflicted pain, the solution boiled down to something as simple as coming clean to her. A missing scene fic, starting after the S6 finale study room kiss. Spoilers, obviously.
You’ll See How Well We Rhyme by wright_or_wrong Rated: T Date Originally Posted: June 9, 2015 "It’s probably why he’s felt so envious of Annie, going out and changing her life, chasing something new and better – and it’s probably why it was so easy to come up with alternate scenarios for the future after she got her internship. There’s got to be something better out there for him too." Post S6 finale
Advanced Manipulation and Mindfulness Techniques by PepperF Rated: T Date Originally Posted: Jan 31, 2016 Fours all have this look: alert, cunning, and ravenous. It may be hell at the bottom and heaven at the top, but one level down the pressure is enough to forge diamonds. But Annie thrives under pressure.
Intro to Freudian Slips by randomramblesff Rated: G Date Originally Posted: Feb 11, 2016 “By which you mean, Chang emails me rankings every day and I don't respond, because if I did, it would always be Annie one, Britta two.” An alternative ending to Basic Email Security (Season 6, Episode 6) where Jeff is a gupti-gupta who accidentally said something he probably shouldn't have said.
Basic Truth by PepperF Rated: T Date Originally Posted: March 20, 2016 What if Annie had been in the study room instead of Britta?
Aimless Walking and Significant Moments by greendalecoolcat Rated: T Date Originally Posted: April 10, 2016 Jeff reveals information to Annie. She takes him on a walk.
Emotional First Aid for Amateur Busybodies by PepperF Rated: T Date Originally Posted: April 21, 2016 School's out and Annie's going away and nothing really matters. Which doesn't explain why he's awake at 2 a.m. worrying about it all.
Open Doors and New Beginnings by greendalecoolcat Rated: M Date Originally Posted: June 1, 2016 An alternate version of the finale.
One More Goodbye by Nostalgia_101 Rated: T Date Originally Posted: June 5, 2016 Annie's last night in Greendale before leaving for D.C.
Five Times That Annie Seduced Jeff, and One Time She Got Distracted and Forgot (But It Worked Anyway) by PepperF Rated: T Date Originally Posted: June 7-8, 2016 I'm just going to let that title speak for itself.
Lecherous by CeleryLapel Rated: T Date Originally Posted: Aug 18, 2016 to Sept 9, 2019 Canon Divergent fic immediate post Remedial Chaos Theory
Alternative Teleologies of Narrative: A Holistic Approach by jeffwik Rated: T Date Originally Posted: Sept 3, 2016 "Or maybe the dean was right?" Annie asked. "About us?" She searched his features, looking for confirmation of what she'd been so certain of when she'd come up with the whole stupid crack-Troy-and-record-a-taunting-message-to-get-Jeff-to-admit-he-wanted-her plan.
Certainty by CeleryLapel Rated: K Date Originally Posted: Jan 22, 2017 Post-S6. Jeff and Annie are dating. They haven't yet told his mother.
Tell Me by randomramblesff Rated: M Date Originally Posted: March 20, 2017 When he first tells, her he feels partly pathetic and partly terrified. He’s been thinking about it for a while, mulling over all the ways he could screw things up. It’s not that he has a common history for ending things because of what happens in the bedroom - well, technically he doesn’t have a common history for any of it seeing as he’d only really class two or three of his past relationships as just that, genuine relationships – but he knows there’s some sort of expectation floating above him like a cloud. (or... Jeff and Annie take things slow when she gets back from DC)
You Are the Opera (Always on Time and in Tune) by PepperF Rated: T Date Originally Posted: March 23-26, 2017 It had been a long week. Hell, it had been a long forty years, and by the end of Friday he was feeling the weight of every weary minute. So he chose to blame the tiredness for what happened—that, and the tequila. He could never get the hang of tequila. It wasn't his fault he couldn't be strong for even one more minute.
Fill in the Gaps by randomramblesff Rated: T Date Originally Posted: April 27, 2017 “I’m Annie,” She stood forward, her champagne free hand ready to shake. “My fiancée.” “Pffft, ugh, sorry,” She tapped at her chest with the palm of her hand, knocking even more wind out of her than Jeff had already just done, “the, erm, the champagne, I think, didn’t settle right.”
Resolved by NE8675309 Rated: T Date Originally Posted: June 16-29, 2017 Jeff has been forced to realize his feelings for Annie just as she has decided to ignore his very existence. While Jeff is trying to make up for his own past indifference, Annie is trying to make a new start free from her own naivete. Angst and misunderstandings ensue. Post S5. Takes place during the Summer as an Alternate S6.
Basic Booty Call Etiquette by Pigzxo Rated: E Date Originally Posted: Aug 19, 2017 Their yam isn't murdered but Annie still sends that text. You're about to be screwed in the bio lab.
Just Like Always by greendalecoolcat Rated: T Date Originally Posted: Sept 2, 2017 It wasn’t just a debate kiss, or school dance make out. It wasn’t small spaces under blanket forts and it wasn’t smiles from across the room. It was sex and the most intimate moment of her life because it was with the man she loved.
Introduction to Sex Toys by Pigzxo Rated: E Date Originally Posted: Sept 11, 2017 All Annie wants is to buy a discounted vibrator at Dildopolis in peace. Unfortunately, with Jeff insisting on walking her to her door and the flash sale only lasting ten minutes, this quickly becomes impossible. The result? A messy, bumpy, totally unhealthy venture into friends-with-benefits territory.
Emotional Consequences of Cross Country Migrations (x) by cgkm2099z Rated: PG-13/M Date Originally Posted: Oct 3, 2017 This takes place mostly in between the final scene in Study Room F and when Jeff drops Annie and Abed at the airport. It's my own answer to the question: "what happened in that week in between?"
#AndAMovie by albatross9 Rated: G Date Originally Posted: Feb 16, 2018 Post season 6. Annie is surprised to find Jeff Winger on her doorstep and even more surprised when he volunteers to escort her an important work event when her real date flakes. All goes according to plan until their friends decide to crash the gala. Frankie has a surprise for everyone and the group decides that crashing Annie's work event is the best course of action. What can possibly go wrong?
The Mistakes Not Made under the Moonlight by Natalie_Carson Rated: G Date Originally Posted: May 14, 2018 During Basic RV Repair and Palmistry, Jeff sneaks out of the RV late at night unable to sleep only to find that one of the other Greendale seven couldn't sleep either.
I know that other things are not of consequence by middlemarch Rated: T Date Originally Posted: Aug 1, 2020 Something was ringing. It wasn't his alarm. It was his fucking doorbell.
Theories of Romantic Expressionism by Little_Annie_Adderall Rated: T Date Originally Posted: Aug 13, 2020 Annie's 21st birthday party. She rarely thinks of herself as "the young one" in the group anymore. But there's always one person who points out her tender age at every ill-timed opportunity. Tonight, she wants to prove her new adult identity. Although whether she wants to prove this new identity to herself or to... him... she isn't entirely sure. So on December 19, the study group gathers to celebrate Annie Edison finally going to a bar without having to be Caroline Decker from Corpus Christi. And once there, she receives a gift that changes everything.
Falling off the Precipice by HarmonizingSunsets Rated: G Date Originally Posted: Sept 29, 2020 Annie and Jeff aren’t a thing. If they were a thing, Annie would know about it. I mean…she thinks she’d know… Annie and Jeff are done with the will-they-won’t-they thing.
Casting by L56895 Rated: T Date Originally Posted: Oct 13, 2020 Jeff isn’t sure why he agreed to be casting director.
Constants and Variables by Raj_Sound Rating: T Date Originally Posted: Oct 21, 2020 to Jan 21, 2023
Advanced Beginner Knots by jeffwik Rated: T Date Originally Posted: Dec 3, 2020 In the aftermath of “Intro to Knots” Jeff and Annie hook up.
Countdown by practicingmypurpose Rated: T Date Originally Posted: Dec 16, 2020 sight, smell, taste, sound, feel.
Five by onenotewaffles Rating: E Date Originally Posted: June 16, 2021 to August 19, 2021 Set after the events of E304 in timeline 5, my third-favorite timeline.
Pottery for Dummies by naboojakku Rated: T Date Originally Posted: July 18, 2021 Annie tries pottery. Jeff quietly—then not so quietly—loses his mind.
Psychology of Deception by andropithecus Rated: M Date Originally Posted: July 21, 2021 to Aug 6, 2021 Jeff has always been pretty good at lying, and at getting out of things that he doesn't want to do. But what will he do when his Mom corners him into Christmas dinner and asks him to bring the girlfriend that he (lied and) told her he had? Lots of fluff, lots of fun, and an irritated Annie will ensue.
Cruel Summer by Olivia Sprite Rated: E Date Originally Posted: Sept 13, 2021 Jeff comes out to DC to visit Annie during her summer internship, and it takes everything in Annie not to mention 'The Annie of it all,' lest her heart is broken one more time.
All I Want for Christmas by Olivia Sprite Rated: E Date Originally Posted: Dec 24, 2021 Jeff and Annie are dating, and all Annie wants for Christmas is you-know-what. But a mysterious present means it's time to team up and investigate! A little mystery, a little snow, a classic caper; will our beautiful dummies get what they want this holiday season?
Social History and Holiday Revisionism by PinkCanary Rated: E Date Originally Posted: Dec 4, 2022 Seven years after Annie leaves Greendale, she comes back for the holidays.
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black-arcana · 2 months
LACUNA COIL Enlists LAMB OF GOD's RANDY BLYTHE For New Single 'Hosting The Shadow'
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Italian goth metallers LACUNA COIL have released a new single, "Hosting The Shadow". After their successful collaboration with Ash Costello of NEW YEARS DAY on previous single "In The Mean Time", the new track includes a guest appearance by Randy Blythe from LAMB OF GOD.
LACUNA COIL comments: "'Hosting The Shadow' is a trip through light and dark, where silence reveals its hidden secrets. Obscure moments can become occasions to evolve, to learn to master one's own shadow — which is crucial in order to prevail.
"Randy Blythe did an incredible job on this track. We absolutely adore his voice and his evil laugh! Our admiration for him is infinite and to have him as a guest on this song is a dream come true. Partnering with a friend you respect immensely, that also kicks ass on stages around the world: it doesn't get any better than this. We're looking forward to the day we can perform 'Hosting The Shadow' live together!"
Blythe adds: "I was super excited when LACUNA COIL asked me to sing on a song with them. Not only am I a big fan of their music, they are truly beautiful souls who have been like family to me for 20 years now. We've played shows together all over the world, and I've always wanted to jump onstage and sing with them. I can't wait until it actually happens with 'Hosting The Shadow'!"
This past June, LACUNA COIL announced the departure of guitarist Diego Cavallotti.
Cavallotti, who joined LACUNA COIL in 2016, initially as a fill-in guitarist following the exit of Marco "Maus" Biazzi, later said in a social media post that "this decision is not the result of my dissatisfaction or desire to explore new opportunities."
When LACUNA COIL announced Cavallotti's departure on June 17, the band wrote in a statement: "As we step into a new cycle, writing and recording our next album, we are parting ways with Diego 'DD' Cavallotti. We thank him for the many unforgettable moments shared over the years and wish him the best of luck in his future endeavours.
"All future live plans remain unchanged and the new songs are taking form, we can't wait to share them with our fans."
LACUNA COIL recently completed the "Ignite The Fire" U.S. tour with support from NEW YEARS DAY and OCEANS OF SLUMBER.
In April, LACUNA COIL released "In The Mean Time", featuring Costello. The song's title is a reference to the mean times the world is living in, as well as a reference to the state the band itself is in, between cycles.
In July 2023, LACUNA COIL released the official lyric video for a new track called "Never Dawn". For the song, the band partnered with CMON, the renowned board game publisher behind the popular game "Zombicide".
In a recent interview with Brazil's Sonoridades Inc., LACUNA COIL singer Cristina Scabbia spoke about the progress of the writing and recording sessions for the band's follow-up to 2019's "Black Anima" album. She said: "I can't really tell you a lot. I can tell you that we are progressing very fast. We are almost, like, 100… We completed, let's say, the demoing. We still have to record the rest of the songs, but we will soon — probably after the tour, after the [May 2024] North American tour. And if everything goes as projected, before the end of the year [it] will be released. And that's already a big news, because we always say, 'We don't know. Maybe.' … I absolutely love the songs. I'm part of the process. But I'm very pleased."
Asked if "Never Dawn" will be on the upcoming album, Cristina said: "I think it will be. I think it will be, 'cause it will make sense. And it also fits with the other songs — it really fits with the other songs. Many heavy songs."
LACUNA COIL has spent some of the last couple of years promoting "Comalies XX", the "deconstructed" and "transported" version of the band's third album, "Comalies".
"Comalies XX" was made available on October 14, 2022 via Century Media Records.
"Comalies" was originally released on October 29, 2002 through Century Media Records. The LP, which featured the band's breakthrough single "Heaven's A Lie", has reportedly gone on to sell over 300,000 copies in the United States alone.
Photo credit: Cunene
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foxes-that-run · 11 months
2018 Haylor Timeline
Timeline Tag, or years 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024..
1 January - Harry in Palm Springs, Saturn jumper. Karlie Kloss posts swish swish basketball (Katy Perry Taylor diss track)
4 January - reports camille met Harry's family. KK posts Swish Swish
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11 January - End Game video released - Haylor references galore. Joe in Italy.
14 January - Joe at Prada fashion show in Milan no Taylor
17 January - Harry gym in LA
13-22 January - Harry wrote Fine line: "Fine Line" I wrote [during] a gap in the tour. It was January 2018 and I was at my friend Tom's house. Harry was seen in la in the last 2 weeks.
22 January - Harry in LA with Camille from 13th to 29th
21 January - Taylor in Italy, Harry in NYC 25th
24 January - Harry NY
25 January - Harry London
26 January - Harry performs at Fleetwood Mac person of year, Xander there
27 January - Taylor and Cara in Milan possibly with Joe
9 February - End Game BTS with text Scrabble game with 'him'
18 February - Taylor in LA Repu-hersal,
20 February - Taylor in Big Sur
18 - 24 February - Harry in on 18th and 24th London
3 March - Harry london gym
4 March - Harry shot the Gucci Campaign with the chicken in St Albans, England
7 March - Taylor and Joe hike with Joe in dark jeans and Nikes in Malibu. Blind staged.
11 March - Live on tour starts again in Switzerland, Anna and Medicine played live for the first time and added to the rest of the tour setlist.
12 March -Delicate MV released
10 April Harry in London
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13 April - Taylor releases Earth, Wind, Fire cover with 28 September. It accompanied Delicate vertical video the original release said is ““Taylor says that she chose ‘September’ for sentimental reasons. She’s always loved the classic tune by Earth, Wind & Fire, and notes that the month of September is especially meaningful to one of her relationships.” - Spotify” the ‘one of relationships’ part is later edited out of the Spotify press release!
16 April - Camille at Harry’s Dublin Show, last time seen together till June.
20 April - Babe released
21 April - Taylor posts video thanking fans for responding to Babe, she wore the Evil Eye ring that appeared in Rep.
23 April - Taylor has Robbie Williams on Rep and plays Angels.
5 May - Harry played a mystery melody before Two Ghosts
7 May- Joe and Taylor post photos with a cactus, kiwi vibes.
May - Harry GQ Australia Article with "There's a good story about Winston's wife bumping into a very naked, very blonde, very famous pop star making toast downstairs one morning if you ever get a chance to ask" It starts and ends with folklore.
8 May - November Reputation tour, Joe at opening night
30 May - Joe and Taylor papped getting lunch
31 May - Blind that Joe and Taylor trouble with attention
9 June Taylor plays Manchester the. Is not seen till the 16th, Joe and family there
15 June - Xander, his parents and Anne at Harry’s Phili show.
16 June - Harry was full of beans in Toronto and wore a pink jacket with snakes and cats with wings embroidered on. Taylor played HYGTG in Dublin, only time on Rep tour.
19 June - Taylor posts Meredith, Joe heard in background
22 June - 2 days after a year since Robin passed Harry emotional performing Sweet Creature in New York.  Taylor has Niall as guest in Wembley the same night, Niall wore a NYC shirt. Joe was this show. Harry performed Shania Twain's Still the One. Taylor referenced this suit in the Me! Video. Harry invested in the Calm App. Harry photographed with Max and Xander, he looks really sad. Rumour he was staying with Xander. Xander, Jeff, Maxwell, Tommy at show. Camille flew to attend, had not been seen with Harry for some time.
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24 June - Harry performed in Washington, he seemed flat, dropped a flag at the end of kiwi. He later talked to Stern (at the start in 2022) as his voice being dehydrated and it being his least favourite show, thought to be this one. He was not wearing the rose ring.
28 June - Taylor performs Reputation secret session for AT&T in Chicago. When introducing new year day talks about 2 NYEs ago jumping into an icy pool, the version Taylor Nation had posted has only this speech cut out from the full video.  (24:38) Harry unseen
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30 June - Harry has a show in Chicago! Taylor unseen! This suit is one referenced in Me!
1 July - Harry energetic in St Paul, the Medicine recording and sang “running with you” not wolves in MMITH. Last Heart kiss till 2021 in Only Angel
3-4 July - People reports Taylor and Joe 'frolic' in Turks and Caicos
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7 July - Harry golfing in Idaho
8 July - Joe and Taylor pap photos in Daily Mail
9 July - Trailer for Joe's new movie, The Favorite drops
12 July - Harry leaves garage in yellow Ferrari Dino in Beverly Hills. Taylor likes a Tumblr quote “For what it’s worth: It’s never too late to be whoever you want to be. I hope you live a life you’re proud of, and if you’re not, I hope you find the strength to start over.” - F Scott Fitzgerald
14 July Taylor’s delicate basket malfunctioned and she played Wildest Dreams a cappella. Harry wore the “whos Jeff azanoff” shirt backstage, Xander there also. Camille at last Harry show she attended, not seen together gain
18 July- live on tour ends
21 July - Taylor played Clean, first time since 2015. Rain show.
22 July - Joe & Family at Rep
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31 July - Harry and Camille break up. Harry pictured with Karlie Kloss on Yacht in Italy with Sunflowers.
1 August - Harry driving Maserati in Italy
3 August - Harry gym London sweaty
4 August - only time CBBH played before 2023, never on red or 1989 tours, this 1 on rep and 2 Eras shows.
7 August - Nick posts photo of Harry to IG, then tweets about a couple and is photographed with a fan near Harry’s house. The fan was pictured with Louis wearing the same shirt a week earlier. 8 August Harry Toronto
13 August- blind Taylor controlled Joe's social media accounts
14 August - Reputation show in Tampa filmed for Miss Americana which shows Joe, he is only seen at this and the first show.
17, 18 August - Harry Mexico James Corden's birthday
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22 August - Joe Taylor double date. Joe looks angry walking with Taylor in London
26 August - Karlie attends rep, posts photo, Taylor doesn't like it
2 September - Golden maybe recorded, Harry told rolling stone The first song written for Fine Line, on the second day of the sessions at Shangri-La Studios in Malibu. Photographed in yellow pants. At 41 mins in of the Zane interview he describes writing it as his favourite memory of making fine line.
15 September - Harry Eagles Concert LA
21 September - blind that Joe was ‘picked for role of BF’ by professor, Joe does interview saying he wants to keep relationship private
28 September - Taylor went to Favorite NYC premiere with Joe. Harry at dinner in London. Both wore red. Taylor played Wonderland as the Surprise song, one of 6 ever plays.
1 October - Harry lunch in La Xander
9 October - Harry arrived in Japan looking like jagger and japan Dec 18 - Jan 19
8 October - Harry’s lion ring first seen in Tokyo
14-30 October - Harry LA Nobu LA, 17 Studio LA
19 October - Taylor doesn’t go to Kk wedding
17-28 October - Harry in LA on 15 and la 26th
19 November - Taylor signs with republic records and posts about it
21 November - last rep show which is in Tokyo. Plays emotional set of surprise songs are wildest dreams (1 of 3 times she played it on the Rep tour) and So it goes (one of 8 times it has ever been played live), dancing with our hands tied and I know places. Harry writes little freak in Tokyo and leaked ophelia (I feel ya) that refers to staring at her in Tokyo missing her and fantasising. Taylor posts about finishing tour, her last big machine records commitment
11 December - Taylor goes to goes joes movie premiere then next seen back in NY with Joe. Harry in LA 12th
25 December - Taylor spent christmas in a castle in Ireland
Continue in 2019
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overthinkingbelle · 2 years
Aaron Tveit appreciation post.
Movie appearances/roles:
2008-Ghost Town (Anesthesiologist)
2010-Howl (Peter Orlovsky)
2011-Girl Walks into a Bar (Henry)
2012-Premium Rush (Kyle)
2012-Les Misérables (Enjolras)
2013-A Dream of Flying (The Young Man) Short film
2015- Big Sky (Pru)
2016-Undrafted (John "Maz" Mazzello)
2016-Better Off Single (Charlie) Previously named Stereotypically You
2017-Created Equal (Tommy Reilly)
2018-Out of Blue (Tony Silvero)
TV roles/appearances:
2009–2012 Gossip Girl (William "Tripp" van der Bilt III) 10 episodes
2010 Ugly Betty (Zachary Boule) Episode: "All the World's a Stage"
2010 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit(Jan Eyck) Episode: "Beef"
2011 Body of Proof (Skip) Episode: "Point of Origin"
2011 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (Stevie Harris) Episode: "Personal Fouls"
2011 The Good Wife (Spencer Zschau) Episode: "Executive Order 13224"
2013–2015 Graceland (Mike Warren) Main cast; 38 episodes
2016 Grease Live (Danny Zuko) Television movie
2016 BrainDead (Gareth Ritter) Main cast; 13 episodes
2017–21 The Good Fight (Spencer Zschau) 3 episodes
2019 The Code (Matt Dobbins) 5 episodes
2020 One Royal Holiday (Prince James Gallant) Television movie
2021 American Horror Stories (Adam) Episode: "Rubber(wo) Man Part Two", (Jay Gantz) Episode: "Feral"
2021–present Schmigadoon! (Danny Bailey) Main cast; 6 episodes
Theatre works:
2003 Footloose (Garvin) Merry-Go-Round Playhouse [2003 Regional production]
2004 Rent (Steve, u/s Roger, Mark) US national tour [January – December 2004 National tour replacement]
2005–08 Hairspray (Link Larkin) US national tour [August 2005 – July 2006 First national tour replacement], Neil Simon Theatre [July 18, 2006 – January 18, 2007; April 1 – May 4, 2008 Broadway replacement]
2007 Calvin Berger (Matt) Barrington Stage Company: [July 3–14, 2007 Original regional production]
2007 The Three Musketeers (D'Artagnan) North Shore Music Theatre [August 21 – September 9, 2007 Regional production]
2008–10 Next to Normal (Gabe Goodman) Second Stage Theatre [January 16 – March 16,2008 Original Off-Broadway production], Arena Stage [November 21, 2008 – January 18, 2009 Original Washington, D.C. production], Booth Theatre [March 27, 2009 – January 3, 2010 Original Broadway production]
2008 Saved! (Dean) Playwrights Horizons
[May 10 – June 22, 2008 Original Off-Broadway production]
2008–09 Wicked (Fiyero Tigelaar) Gershwin Theatre [June 24 – November 9, 2008;
January 20 – March 9, 2009Broadway replacement]
2009–11 Catch Me If You Can (Frank Abagnale, Jr.) 5th Avenue Theatre [July 28 – August 16, 2009 Original Seattle production] Neil Simon Theatre: [March 11 – September 4, 2011 Original Broadway production]
2010 Rent (Roger Davis) Hollywood Bowl: [August 6–8, 2010 Limited engagement]
2014–15 Assassins (John Wilkes Booth) Menier Chocolate Factory: [November 21, 2014 – February 8, 2015 Off-West End revival]
2017Company (Robert) Barrington Stage Company: [August 10 – September 10, 2017 Regional revival]
2018–22; 2023 Moulin Rouge!(Christian) Emerson Colonial Theatre: [July 10 – August 19, 2018 Original Boston production] Al Hirschfeld Theatre: [June 28, 2019 – March 11, 2020, September 24, 2021 – May 8, 2022, January 17 – April 9, 2023 Original Broadway production; paused due to COVID-19 , Won 2020 Tony Award for Best Actor in a Musical, Returning for limited engagement in 2023]
Feb. 9-May 12, 2023 Sweeney Todd (title role) Broadway revival, Lunt-Fontanne Theater (replacement)
Source: Wikipedia
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xpuigc-bloc · 3 months
Toni Hamel
Born (1961) in Italy. Lives and works in Kingston, Ontario, Canada.
Toni Hamel describes her work as “an illustrated commentary on human frailties“. Rooted in story-telling, her art practice draws from personal experiences and outward observations to create thematic bodies of work that reflect on and interpret the psychological unease of this anthropocentric age. Virtues and vices, the holy and the profane, the good and the bad all share equal weight in her work and supply an infinite source of material for her investigations. Pointing to historical references, popular culture and our current conceptual standing, Hamel’s satirical narratives ultimately seem to question our behaviour while alerting us about the repercussions of our current thinking models.
Hamel is the recipient of three Ontario Arts Council grants (2011, 2012, 2014). Her work has been exhibited in public and commercial galleries in Canada and abroad, and is included in the art collections of J. J. Abrams, Whoopi Goldberg, the Government of Ontario, the Omer DeSerres Corporation, the Robert McLaughlin Gallery and many other private collections around the world.
Hamel’s work is regularly featured in Arts & Culture publications including Colossal (March 7, 2023 – September 16, 2020), My Modern Met (April 24, 2022), CBC-Arts (Canada, short-doc; Season 3/Episode 20, 2018), Hi-Fructose (September 16, 2017 / August 8, 2015), Lowdown (Germany, Issue #98, 2018; print and online); Courrier International (France, October 2017; print), Colossal and BOOOOOOOM (digital), Frankie (Australia, October 2018; print), The Affair (Taiwan, July 2018; print), Efflorescence Culturelle (France, September 2016), Mud Season Review (USA, Issue #28; print – online see art and interview) and many other print and digital outlets.
Hamel holds a BFA from the Accademia di Belle Arti of Lecce (Italy, 1983), a post-graduate Certificate in Computer Graphics from Sheridan College (Canada, 1991), the Golden Key National Honour Society Award from the University of Toronto (Specialist Programme in Psychology, 1997). She is the recipient of the Lubiam Prize (Milan, 1983) and many other awards.
New works for a solo exhibition titled “In lieu of better days” at CK Contemporary in San Francisco, CA USA. Opening July 6, 2024
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#Toni Hamel #ilustration painter
#original art #artist painter #art
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frauhupfner · 1 year
Sims Tag
Got tagged by @esotheria-sims​​, thank you. :)
1. What’s your favourite sims death?
I try to avoid death in my games when it comes to my favourite Sims.
2. Alpha CC or Maxis Match?
At the moment it’s more maxis match, mostly with clay hair but for my Sim Hendrik I also like to use Alpha hairs sometimes.
3. Do you cheat when your sims gain weight?
Never. I let them do what ever they want.
4. Do you use move objects?
In my test hood all the time when it comes to picture taking, but in normal gameplay I don’t use it that often.
5. Favorite mod?
Can’t say, I have way to many which I always need in my game.
6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got?
It’s always with Pets, no matter which Sims part it is. ^^ I need pets in my games. :)
7. Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing?
I don’t know what it means or why it’s important. o.O
8. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made?
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Julia Zimmermann. :)
9. Have you made a simself?
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Yes. Mary-Jean Baker was my first self-Sim, the newest version was Avalonia.
10. What sim traits do you give yourself?
Lazy, cat lover (is there a trait for shy introvert?)
11. Which is your favorite EA hair color?
The red looks nice. 
12. Favorite EA hair?
I will steal this one from Esotheria:  hairshortcombed . ^^ It’s always the only one that I never have a default for in my game.
13. Favorite life stage?
Adults, sometimes teens (depends on the Sim).
14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay?
I’m bad at building worlds or houses- I’m mostly in for gameplay or CC testing in my test hood.
15. Are you a CC creator?
I wouldn’t call myself a creator. o.O I sometimes upload stuff I made, but not on a regular basis.
16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad?
I made some friends on here and I hope they are not angry about me when I don’t reply messages that often. :(
17. What’s your favorite game? (1, 2, 3, or 4)
My first love was TS1 and now it’s TS2. The other two are only fun for me since I recreated Hendrik.
18. Do you have any sims merch?
19. Do you have a YouTube for sims?
20. How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing?
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I guess this picture answer it very well. The one in black is how my original Hendrik Hupfner looked like, that’s how my game 10 years ago looked like, with glittery skin, more realistic hair and eyes. The other version of Hendrik is how he mostly looks like in my TS2-game, more maxis match skin and eyes, tattoo boxes (who ever invented them, they are the reason why Hendrik finally can look like he always should: with lots of tattoos. ^^)
21. What’s your Origin ID?
I have one but I gave it to only one person on here, I have nothing to offer over there.
22. Who’s your favorite CC creator?
There are so many wonderful people that make great CC that I love in my game. To name everyone would take years!
23. How long have you had a simblr?
My first post was in April 2016 so I guess that was the start.
24. How do you edit your pictures?
I sometimes use Reshade (different sets) but never for CC previews! Next to that I only crop my pictures, that’s all.
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next?
Not planing to get anything for any Sims soon.
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far?
All EPs with Pets (all four games). ^^
I often tag people who never reply so I’m not tagging someone. If you like to do it feel free to jump in. :)
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Hi, I have two questions I thought y'all might be able to answer for me! First of all, how old is Cassian really? I know when Rogue One came out he was supposedly 26 but now with Andor I'm not so sure...
Second, what's the origin of the ship name Rebelcaptain? I think it's absolutely hilarious but I'd love to know from someone who was there when it was created and why! Also, I assume Rebel refers to Jyn and Captain to Cassian?
Thank you so much for taking to time to anwser my nerdy questions - it's really appreciated! And keep doing what y'all are doing - It's awesome :)

Thank you! Welcome to the fandom, and we're glad you're enjoying TRCN 🧡
Sadly, we're not able to give a definitive answer to either of these questions. The response still got very long, so the rest of it is below a cut...
1) The "RebelCaptain" ship name
The first teaser trailer for Rogue One was released in April 2016. Most fans assume that the "rebel" part came from Jyn's iconic line (which ironically didn't make it into the final cut of the movie): "This is a rebellion, isn't it? I rebel." However, Cassian isn't referred to by name or title in that trailer, so the "captain" part must have come from supplemental promotional materials. 
The earliest stories tagged "rebelcaptain" on AO3 are dated June 2016, but they're orphaned, so we don't know who wrote them. (It's also possible that they were edited sometime after posting to include that tag.) Tumblr's search feature is useless for this purpose, of course, and Google Trends isn't much help either; there's no obvious peak and a few outlier searches long before Rogue One was even in production which muddy the waters. Once the film itself was released in mid-December 2016, the term seems to have taken off immediately.
So if any fan remembers exactly where/when the ship name started or can take credit for coining it, they should step up!
2) Cassian's age
Short answer: it depends which source you choose; long answer: neither age makes perfect sense, so who the hell knows.
Although no ages are given onscreen, when Rogue One was released, Cassian was stated to be 26 and Jyn 21 in official tie-in sources like the Ultimate Visual Guide. (Even at the time, plenty of fans felt that was ridiculous given the actors' ages.) Cassian was also given a few scraps of backstory (born on Fest, Separatist family, etc); if you're curious, images of the relevant pages are at the end of the post.
Then Andor Season 1 came out, and Cassian's backstory was completely altered. Now he's considerably older, likely to avoid (then) 39-year-old Diego Luna playing someone supposed to be in his early 20s. The current Wookieepedia article has a decent rundown of the cumulative evidence for his age in the film now being 33.
This was a controversial choice among longstanding fans, because it significantly delays Cassian's commitment to the Rebellion and makes his statement in Rogue One that he's "been in this fight since [he] was six" much more ambiguous.
Here are a couple of Tumblr posts with fandom reactions:
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guerrerense · 1 year
Classy Carolina Varnish por David Blazejewski Por Flickr: Amtrak Train 75 the afternoon southbound Piedmont from Raleigh to Charlotte is just about to depart from its station stop in Salisbury at the splendidly restored 1908 Spanish Mission style depot. There is no doubting the heritage of these rails as the whistle post guarding the East Council Street crossing is unique to the Southern Railway. Rather than use a W or an X they mounted these heavy aluminum canoe paddle style signs in posts that spelled out the whistle signal for a grate crossing: two longs - a short - and a long. This train is funded by NCDOT as one of Amtrak's state supported services. As described in Amtrak's five year plan: "Across the country, 29 routes are funded by 21 partners from 18 states, including state departments of transportation and authorities chartered specifically to administer individual rail corridors. Collectively, these transportation departments and other entities are referred to as State Partners, and the routes they fund are referred to as state-supported routes. All routes are under 750 miles in length as defined by 49 U.S.C. 24102(13)." While Amtrak provides the equipment for the interstate New York City to Charlotte Carolinian that NCDOT also funds the state's rail division provides the equipment for the strictly intrastate Piedmonts. 1859 seen here is an EMD F59PH built Dec 1988 as GOT 534 serving GO Transit out of Toronto. The train consists of refurbished "heritage" equipment built by Pullman or St. Louis Car Co. originally for the UP and/or KCS. NCDOT owns a total of 8 locomotives, 5 cab cars, and 20 other cars including coaches and baggage/lounge cars. All are adorned with this unique livery based on the North Carolina state flag. This is MP 333. on Norfolk Southern's Charlotte District Mainline. Interestingly despite this being the heart of NS' north south Wasghinton to Atlanta mainline this particular stretch of railroad is not NS but actually the North Carolina Railroad Company. The NCRR is a privately owned non-operating company whose shares are 100% held by the State of North Carolina. Long leased to the Southern and its predecessors since the 1870s the NCRR today is operated and maintained by NS under and exclusive trackage rights agreement. Salisbury, North Carolinan Monday April 11, 2016
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toonabby · 1 year
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Today marks the 5th anniversary of Zuzubaland, also known as Zuzubalândía in Brazil. For context, Zuzubaland is a Brazilian animated series created by Mariana Caltabiano. The series was based on the book Jujubalândía, published in 1997, and serves as a reboot of the children's live-action series of the same name, which premiered on April 13, 1998, making that series 25 at the time of this post. The show revolves around Zuzu, a cute little bee girl who lives in the titular world of Zuzubaland/Zuzubâlandía (in the original book, it was called Jujubalândía) along with all her friends and dreams about being a famous singer in spite of her ear-grating voice. Zuzubaland is a kingdom ruled by King Appetite where everything is made out of food, right down to the character names being puns of the food they represent (e.g. Marsha Mallow is a pun on "marshmallow"). The main antagonist is the Green Witch (or Anorexic Witch in some sources, but I would prefer to call her "Greenhilda" - a portmanteau on "green" (her skin color) and the name "Brunhilda"), who hates food, joy and Zuzu's singing and wants to destroy Zuzubaland. But the only way to break the magic of the grandmothers that protects the kingdom is to get the magic crown that King Appetite keeps under a lock and key. Garfedia is her assistant, but she isn't really malicious as she's somewhat ineffectual but kind; she has a doll she keeps every day called Kellen. She also has a bad habit of farting (albeit unintentionally) when she laughs a lot. (source: Wikipedia PT)
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Funnily enough is that this wouldn't be the first time we would see Zuzu and friends in animated form: Gui e Estopa was another animated series created by Mariana Caltabiano originally launched in 2000 as a children's website called Iguinho, with the mascot being a puppy of the same name (at least initially). He is best friends with Estopa (a dog), is in love with Croquette the beautiful, and has a rivarly with Pitiburro. A series of films were made before finally becoming a cartoon in 2009 that aired on Cartoon Network. They even have an official YouTube channel. (source: Wikipedia PT)
A crossover episode simply titled "Zuzubalândia" was released on July 20, 2016, two years before Zuzubaland premiered. Unfortunately its only available in Portuguese without subtitles (or at least the English subtitles) and I don't know much about the episode's plot other than it being a proposed pilot for Zuzubaland. But if I want to summarize this plot, it's basically Gui having a dream about going to Zuzubaland alongside Estopa. I also forgot to mention that it also had a musical in 2013, though I could only find one image of that one.
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While this show, and by extension franchise, is hardly well-known in the West, it didn't stop Zuzubaland from having it's own YouTube Channel AND official English dub by none other than Bang Zoom! Entertaiment!
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The English dub is not only easily my favorite EN dubs of Brazilian cartoons next to Ba Da Bean (both recorded by the same studio), but it also introduced me to the series. The cast includes Dino Andrade as Zuzu, Aleks Le as Sundae, Amber Connor as Popcorn, Zeno Robinson as Rocky, Joe J. Thomas as Hot Dog, Ryan Bartley as Marsha, and Jason Marnocha as King Appetite, but I think the best performance hands down would have to be Wendee Lee (the titular character from Haruhi Suzumiya, Konata Izumi from Lucky Star, Faye Valetine from Cowboy Bebop, Blanc/White Heart from Hyperdimension Neptunia, and Lyn and Veronica from Fire Emblem) as The Green Witch, whose loud-mouth, nasally Wicked Witch-esque voice perfectly suits her character. In fact, I first noticed this while looking at Lee's BTVA page. I was honestly shocked knowing that she has the same voice actors as Blanc and Faye. And for the cherry on top, it has an official website (albeit in Portuguese). The website includes characters pages, video clips, games, comic strips, art, online books, music etc., so at least isn't completely obscure online unlike other South American cartoons (*cough* Underdogs United *cough*). Mariana Caltabiano also has her own official website deticated to herself and her cartoons.
In conclusion, Zuzubaland is and forever will be my favorite Brazilian cartoon of the 2010s and my favorite Brazilian cartoon of all time (Ba Da Bean is a close second). Thank you for reading this post, and if you are a fan of Brazilian cartoons, did you watch it (in English or its original Portuguese language) and whats your opinion of this underrated foreign cartoon.
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scruffyplayssonic · 2 years
Are the ArchieSonic comics actually an 80's/90's syndicated cartoon? Episodes 1 - 5: The Origin Story!
It’s been awhile since I first teased this, huh? Sorry, but this ended up taking me a lot longer than I expected. Life got in the way. And Sonic Frontiers. And Pokemon Violet. And I only have up to episode 13 or so actually written up at this stage. But I wanted to start getting this out there, and considering I’ve already written so much on this, I thought it might be easier for everyone to enjoy in smaller segments. So I’m going to attempt to release this one episode at a time on a daily basis and see how that goes.
So, to business. Are the ArchieSonic comics actually an 80’s/90’s syndicated cartoon? Obviously the answer to this question is, “What? No, of course not. ArchieSonic was a comic book, not a cartoon. Are you thinking of SatAM? Or Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog? Are you just high? How did you come to this ridiculous conclusion?” And okay, that’s fair. But consider this  - syndicated cartoons from the 80’s and 90’s shared a lot of the same story tropes. Gotta pad out those 65 episodes, right? And interestingly, the ArchieSonic series happens to have used a lot of those same tropes across the 20 plus years it was running. I refer you to the following Discord conversation:
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Well, that sounded like a challenge to me. When I first saw this I replied with yays or nays to each item on the list just off the top of my head, but I thought it would be fun to do a more in depth analysis. So let’s have a look at our list here, shall we?
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There’s a lot to go through, so let’s get straight into it with today’s episode! Or in this case, episodes.
1 - 5: Origin story. Make it a week-long event. Really pad it out. Can sell it later on VHS as The Movie.
There’s actually several instances that explore the origins of Sonic and the Freedom Fighters. Naturally, the first instance is the very beginning of the comic series.
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Issue 0 was released in November 1992 - holy crap, that’s now more than 30 years ago! - and was essentially the pilot episode for ArchieSonic. It was the first issue of a four issue mini series with the main series later launched in April 1993 with Sonic the Hedgehog #1. The mini series isn’t a continuous story arc, like this trope suggests the first five episodes of 80’s and 90’s syndicated cartoons were, but it did introduce Sonic, Robotnik, and the Freedom Fighters (except for Bunnie, she wasn’t brought in until issue #3 of the main series). The second story of issue 0, “Oh no, Robo! No Mo’ Mobo’!”  explained in a flashback how Robotnik took over the planet and Sonic joined up with Princess Sally and the other Freedom Fighters. 
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This history would be eventually retconned in the main series, but I’ll get into that later. This story by itself doesn’t fit the multi-episode requirement, but if you include the entire mini-series as the origin story then I think it works well enough. There’s also a story in mini #3 that recounts Sonic and Robotnik being raised together as kids…
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…but that turned out to be a dream, so let’s not dwell on it.
Interestingly, when the ArchieSonic series was cancelled after Sonic #290 in December 2016 - over 24 years after issue 0 was released - the final issue was also telling the origins of that world. When ArchieSonic underwent a soft reboot in issue 252 the entire backstory of the world saw a lot of changes, and this was explored in the “Genesis of a Hero” arc that was supposed to run from Sonic the Hedgehog issues 288 - 291.
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As you can probably tell from the covers, the post-reboot comics’ backstory was much more heavily linked to the story of the games. The first three issues explored how the events of Sonic the Hedgehog (Mega Drive/Genesis version), Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Mega Drive/Genesis version), and Sonic CD happened in the comics. 
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The final issue of this arc would have been about Sonic 3 & Knuckles, but to the despair of many a fan (including myself), the series was cancelled after issue 290 and so issue 291 was never released. There’s some incomplete art of the issue over at the Sonic News Network if you’d like to see it for yourself though.
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As sad as it is that the ArchieSonic series was cancelled after lasting for so many years, it’s interesting to note that both the first and the last comics that were published both told part of Sonic’s origin story. It actually makes for a pretty neat bookend.
There’s an argument to be made that the Sonic Genesis arc that ran from issues 226 - 229 also counts as an origin story.
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This story was the result of Dr. Eggman rewriting the world with the first Genesis Wave. Like Genesis of a Hero, this arc also showed what the world of ArchieSonic could look like if it was more heavily influenced by the games.
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This history re-write was undone by Super Sonic in issue 229, but it’s still worth mentioning for this category, I think. 
There are two other instances I can think of that explore the origins of the characters, but I’m going to save those for another episode. I think this one is beefy enough already. But for the record, I’m thinking of Sonic #43 and the two Sonic Kids super specials. 
Tomorrow’s episode: body swap! Stay tuned for the chaos and shenanigans!
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nct-maew · 2 years
Get To Know Me ✨
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+ about
#stage name - maew {MEW} #birth name - kittiya ayutthaya #birth name meaning - 'kittiya' means 'fame' and her last name 'ayutthaya' means 'unconquerable' or 'invincible' #korean name - seo-yoon #english name - kathy (ka-tee) #birthday - july 10th, 1999 #birthplace - bangkok, thailand #hometown - bangkok, thailand #nationality - thai #ethnicity - thai #languages - thai (native), mandarin (fluent), english (almost fluent), korean (conversational/learning), cantonese (conversational) #MBTI - ESFP (the entertainer) #representative emoji - 😺/🐈 #zodiac - cancer | #chinese zodiac - tiger
+ appearance
#look alike - minju, actress & former member of iz*one #natural hair color - black #natural hair type - straight #eye color - dark brown #height - 169cm (5'6'') #blood type - O- #dominant hand - right hand #special features - #birthmarks/scars - not notable #modifications - coming soon
+ religion
#family religion - her family is not part of a religion #own religion - she is not part of a religion #philosophy - It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop
+ career
#occupations - vocal (100%), dance (85%), rap (40%) #positions - vocalist, dancer #company - SM Entertainment (2015-present) #training period - 4 years (2015-2016) #group debut - April 9th, 2016 (NCT U) January 17th, 2019 (WayV) #debut age - 17 years old (internationally) & 20 years for WayV #years active - 7 years (2016-present) #associations - SM Entertainment, NCT U, WayV
+ statistics
vocals: 10/10 rap: 6/10 dance: 9/10 acting: 5/10 variety: 2/10 modeling: 8/10 songwriting: 2/10 producing: 1/10
+ health
#mental - maew struggles with separation anxiety #physical - she has a weak immune system but is physically healthy otherwise #phobia - nyctophobia (fear of the dark) #allergy - latex & ibuprofen, which is a pain medication
+ personal
#strengths - bold, original, aesthetics and showmanship, observant, excellent people skills #weaknesses - sensitive, conflict-averse, easily bored, poor long-term planner, unfocused #talents - deep vocals, modeling, singing, learning quickly #hobbies - baking, modeling & taking selfies, singing & dancing, spending time with her members, candle & soap making, hula hooping, playing electric guitar #likes - cookies, the color red, warmth, spending time in the kitchen, strawberries, baked goods, watching characters in movies/shows have great chemistry, cherries, cats (especially shorthaired), baking with her loved ones, the smell of cinnamon, spring & fall, the smell of soap, scented candles, electric guitars, anime #dislikes - burning herself, sparkling water, burned food, the cold, bitter foods, cleaning, strong wind, the taste of wasabi, being alone, getting lost, summer, her biological mother, people joking about her family/past, no scents/smells, the smell of garbage, warm weather, too intense scents
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Hey, thanks for giving this post your time and I hope you will enjoy my stories. I appreciate you ❤️
Fight for your dreams, and your dreams will fight for you.
Disclaimer: All the pictures are from Pinterest and are not mine. Credit to the owners. ©︎ nct-maew - all rights reserved. do not copy, repost, or translate my work on Tumblr or other platforms.
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