#Our Hands Together; Our Souls Intertwined
sassysero · 3 days
In the garden of life, a flower blooms,
A soulmate best friend, like rare perfumes.
Through laughter and tears, hand in hand,
Together we walk, a bond so grand.
In whispers shared beneath the moon's soft glow,
Our hearts connect, a friendship to grow.
Through trials and triumphs, we navigate,
Guiding each other, our destinies intertwined, fate.
With words unspoken, our spirits align,
In silence, we find solace divine.
Through seasons of change, our bond holds strong,
A melody of friendship, an eternal song.
In the tapestry of time, you're the thread,
Binding my soul, where love is spread.
My soulmate best friend, forever true,
In you, I've found my home, my soul anew. @ktskibkg0
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neoncherryblossom · 6 months
Faithful depiction of me reading Our Hands Together; Our Souls Intertwined:
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Have fun with the sequel!
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1980ssunflower · 8 months
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stylesispunk · 5 months
"The not so invisible string"
not outbreak! Joel Miller x f! Reader
masterlist | next chapter
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summary: you and Joel were made right for each other in the wrong time. Now, thirteen years later your paths crossed when both of your daughters get in trouble at school. Would be the right time for you now?
word count: 5k>>
warnings: angst, implications of cheating (emotional). Probably some grammar mistakes because I write things fast.
a/n: New fic alert! Hello, I got this idea and I wanted to write it, so this is going to be a series depending on how this part performs. Reblogs and comments are always appreciated. Happy reading 💌
dividers by @/saradika
When you’re young, you’re naïve
When you’re young, you know everything
But when you’re young, they assume you know nothing,
That’s why two people falling in love at the age of seventeen doesn’t seem interesting. People will assume a love like that, at that age is just a phase with a tragic ending. Tears, broken hearts, and the promises of never falling in love again.
But this one was different. You and Joel were different, two souls that had met at the age of five, growing up together as best friends, until one fell and then the other. One shared a kiss, and the best friends turned into lovers. 
Isn’t that typical?
It was. Both of you knew, but still, you didn’t listen. Both of you become one soul, destined to be together since you were two kids playing hide and seek together. 
Joel and you traveled the twisting roads of adolescence hand in hand as the years passed. Your shared love was a tapestry woven from the thread of shared dreams and whispered secrets. 
Everything around you changed as well. From the carefree days of children to the turbulent storms of adolescence, your friendship has survived it all. Some tears fell like soft rain, washing away the doubts that crept into our hearts, and there were times of joy that resonated through the halls of your shared history.
Yet, with every rock on the road, you found the strength to rise again, your hands tightly intertwined. Joel became your confidant, the keeper of your fears, and the little light of hope during the darkest nights.
When you both turned seventeen, the very age at which outsiders claimed to be the year of mistakes and growing, one kiss changed everything. The connection between you both only deepened. And when the world might have seen you as naïve, you understood the profound love of your bond. It wasn’t a youthful infatuation; it was a love story written in the stars long before you were aware of its existence. 
People whispered their doubts, predicting heartbreak and the inevitable end of your love story. Yet, in the quiet moments when it was just Joel and you against the world, you knew that your love was timeless. The promises made weren't born out of youthful exuberance; they were the solemn vows of two souls who had found their way to each other, over and over again, since the age of five.
Not even when you left Austin to go to college, the odds against you weren’t able to separate you. The odds seemed stacked against you, with skeptics murmuring that the challenges of a long-distance relationship would surely spell the end of your story. But you defied those expectations.
Letters and late-night calls became your lifelines, bridging the physical gap between you. Each word written and every shared moment over the phone felt like a testament to the enduring strength of your love. You didn’t let the rust grow between you, neither did he. 
He was there the day you graduated, being the first face, you found across the room smiling back at you with proudness. Through that look and grin, there was an oath behind, not only the survival of your love but to distance emerging even stronger. He being there meant that, after this, you both could build your life together, get married, have children, and grow old together. 
“I can’t wait to marry you” he whispered against your lips that night as you made love. 
“And I can’t wait to be your wife” you whispered back, whimpering under his touch.
But with the past of the months, the fights started. He coming home late from work, and your struggling with finding a job added a layer of stress to your relationship. Frustration crept into our conversations, and what were once gentle whispers of love turned into heated exchanges, grappling with the frustration of job rejections and the sense of inadequacy that came with each disappointment. Joel, burdened by the demands of his career, found solace in the late hours at the office.
Spending time with a colleague you dislike because of their closeness, because he seemed to treat her the way he wasn’t treating you now. 
Conversations about the state of your relationship became unavoidable. One evening, as the weight of your unspoken grievances hung heavy in the air. 
"Joel, we can't keep going on like this. I need more from our relationship, and I can't shake off the feeling that you're finding solace elsewhere."
His response was a defensiveness grunt, speaking about the pressure at work, how he needed to prove himself, and how your job search struggles only added to his burden.
“So is it my fault?” You shouted. 
Joel's expression shifted, caught off guard by the sharpness of my words. The defensiveness waned, replaced by a hint of realization. "No, it's not about fault," he began, his voice softer now, "but the pressure at work has been consuming me. I feel like I'm drowning, and I don't know how to balance everything." He sighed, “And you’re not even able to find a job” he added, the words hitting like a sharp jab amid our emotional battlefield.
He ended up calling you a mistake, and you called him a coward. 
 The room fell silent for a moment as the weight of your words sank.  The frustration that had been simmering boiled over into a heated exchange. "A mistake?" you retorted, your voice edged with hurt and anger. "Is that how you see me? As some kind of burden or failure?"
Joel's expression shifted again, torn between regret and the lingering pressure that had driven him to lash out. "I didn't mean it like that," he began, but his attempt to backtrack only fueled the growing storm.
As the argument escalated, each word became a weapon in our emotional battlefield. Accusations flew, and the once-clear path of our relationship was now obscured by the fog of resentment and hurt. The dreams we had whispered to each other now seemed distant and unattainable, replaced by the harsh reality of you present.
“Maybe we should break up,” you said, motionless, tired of the fights. “And I will leave, and take the job I didn’t want to because I didn’t want to leave you here” 
continued, the weight of the decision evident in my voice. The sacrifice echoed the painful truth that sometimes love, even when genuine, isn't always enough to weather the storms life throws your way.
Joel's eyes reflected a mix of surprise and realization, the gravity of the moment sinking in. The prospect of parting ways, of unraveling the life we had built together, cast a shadow over the room.
“Oh, are you surprised I’m not the failure you thought I was?” you asked, a bitter laugh escaping through the tears that spilled down your cheeks.
The room felt charged with the emotional storm of your shared history, the dreams you had woven now frayed and brittle. The vulnerability of that moment exposed the raw truth that love, no matter how deep, could sometimes prove inadequate in the face of life's relentless challenges.
Love has not always survived. 
Joel's silence spoke volumes, his eyes reflecting the complexity of emotions that swirled within. The air felt heavy with regret, sadness, and the painful realization that a choice needed to be made.
And when the lack of words persisted, and in the heavy silence, you walked towards the bedroom, the weight of the decision settling into every step you took. The room, once a shared bright sanctuary, now witnessed the dismantling of a life we had built together.
In the dim light, you fumbled for your suitcase, hands trembling as you threw clothes inside. Each piece of clothing now felt like a painful reminder of what was slipping away. The vulnerability of that moment, intensified by the tears that blurred your vision, underscored the reality that sometimes love, despite its depth, couldn't shield us from the harshness of life's trials.
The sound of the zipper closing echoed in the room, marking the final choice that had been made. Joel remained in the doorway, a silent observer of the disintegration of a shared reality. His eyes, a mosaic of conflicting emotions, spoke of a recognition that what once was could no longer be sustained.
As you carried the suitcase, its weight mirrored the heaviness in your heart. The room, filled with the echoes of your memories from the past, felt emptier with every step toward the door. The unspoken pain lingered a palpable energy that accompanied you through the threshold of a life I had known so intimately.
The choice had been made, and in that moment, the gravity of our decision settled in—the dreams you had shared now relegated to the shadows of what could have been. The door closed behind you, and at that exact moment, you didn’t know how you were anymore, not when this was the first time you would start navigating life without Joel.
And then, when the months passed by, you were face to face again. He tried to change the ending, but it was late. He was going to be a father of a child that wasn’t yours. 
And weeks later, on a night you were out, drinking all your tears and sadness, you met a guy, and three months after, you found out you were pregnant.
Joel and you were going to become parents, but with different people. 
And it seemed like all people were telling the truth. 
When you’re young you know nothing.
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Thirteen years later...
Eyes focused on the road, breathe in, breathe out, thoughts wild around your head. 
You were driving back to Austin, back to your past self, to the five-year-old you, back to the seventeen-year-old you, back to…
No, you thought.
Tara was sitting in the backseat, earphones in her ears probably listening to a song that would take her away from her reality, from moving from her home, leaving behind every single thing she grew up loving.
Just like you, you said to yourself. 
“Hey, sweets are you okay?” you asked, glancing at her through the rearview mirror.
“Can we stop for a burger? I’m hungry” She avoided the question, again
“Your father is waiting for us at our new house, then we will get lunch, okay?”
She nodded, not uttering more words. She nodded, offering no more words. Then, she broke the silence. "I’m mad. I’m mad at you for leaving your life behind for Dad."
Confused, you asked, "What are you talking about?"
“You just had your job that you loved back at home; you had your friends. I had my life too and now we have to move here just because Dad said so?” Tara's frustration spilled out.
“He got a better job, that means—”
“That means nothing,” she interrupted. “Look, Mom, I know he loves me, and that he may love you, but he has always loved himself more than us. I think it's unfair for you to leave all that behind just for him.”
“Tara,” you whispered, struck by her perceptiveness. You thought it was incredible how at thirteen she was so aware of every single detail, and how much he knew you.
“I know if it weren’t for me, you wouldn’t leave that life behind,” Tara spoke, her words cutting through the tension in the car. "I know there’s no man you would have done that for.”
You took a moment to collect your thoughts, the weight of the revelation settling in before you spoke. "There was one man before," you confessed, catching Tara’s attention. "His name was Joel," you said, the words heavy with the weight of memories, almost feeling a lump forming in your throat.
As you mentioned Joel's name, the car seemed to carry an unspoken history. Tara's eyes widened with curiosity and surprise.
“He was my best friend when we were kids,” you began, a nostalgic smile playing on your lips. “We grew up together, faced the challenges of growing older, and eventually, we fell in love.”
“What happened to him?” she asked. 
"We broke up, and just when we tried to get back together, he found out he got another woman pregnant," you explained.
"He cheated," Tara concluded, a hint of judgment in her tone.
"No, he didn’t, but... I couldn’t bear to be with him, so I left."
"And then you met Dad," she deduced.
You nodded, acknowledging the sequence of events that had shaped your life. The car carried the weight of shared revelations, and the road to Austin became a journey not only through physical landscapes but also through the landscapes of your history.
Tara sat in the backseat, absorbing the complexities of your past.
"But," you added, "even though Joel and I didn't end up together, he will always hold a special place in my heart. People come into our lives for a reason, and Joel was a significant chapter in my story."
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The air inside the car was a combination of anxiety and reflection as it approached its new home in Austin. Tara sat quietly in the backseat, her thoughts appearing lost in the stories you had told, still absorbing the specifics of your past.
As you approached the curb, your tires crunched on the cobblestone driveway. The foreign exterior of the new house appeared before you like a blank canvas waiting to be painted with the colors of your new existence. Dwight, your husband, stood on the porch, a bright smile on his face as he noticed the car.
Exiting the vehicle, you opened the back door for Tara, and the three of you stood together in the driveway. Dwight approached, a mixture of excitement and curiosity in his eyes.
"Welcome home!" he exclaimed, wrapping both of you in a warm embrace.
Tara offered a half-smile, still processing the weight of the move and the revelations that had unfolded during the journey. Dwight, ever perceptive, sensed the mix of emotions in the air.
"How was the drive?" he inquired, glancing between you and Tara.
"Long," Tara replied tersely, her eyes flickering with a hint of weariness.
Dwight, aware of the challenges the move presented, placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "I know it's not easy, Tara, but I promise you'll find your place here."
The aroma of fresh starts penetrated the air as the three of you entered your new home. Dwight gave Tara a quick tour of the house, pointing out the right closets and stating to her that moving would be a good thing.
Dwight and Tara began to develop their rhythm of connection while unpacking boxes and settling into the unfamiliar home. The new place of residence began to turn from a new area to an area where shared memories would be established as the day progressed.
You couldn't help but think about Joel as you gazed around at the shifting landscape of your life, the echoes of the past fading into the background as you welcomed the present and the promise of a new chapter in your life in Austin.
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It had been a week since Tara started school here, and she had begun to settle at the new school, at the unfamiliar hallways, and faces that were yet to become friends. Adjusting to a new environment, especially in the tumultuous teenage years, was never an easy feat. 
That’s what you feared the most. 
One afternoon, as you were going about your routine at the new house, your phone rang. The caller ID displayed the school's number, and a wave of concern washed over you. You answered with a sense of trepidation, already fearing the worst.
"Hello, this is Mrs. Evans from High School. Am I speaking with Tara's mother?"
"Yes, this is her mother. Is everything okay?" you asked, your heart racing.
"I'm calling to inform you that there was an incident at school today involving Tara. There was a fight, and we need you to come in for a meeting to discuss the situation." 
A mix of worry and confusion filled the air as you tried to process the information. A fight? This was entirely out of character for Tara.
"Of course, I'll be there," you replied, a knot forming in your stomach.
As you arrived at the high school, a knot of anxiety tightened in your stomach. The unfamiliar hallways seemed to close in around you as you made your way to the principal's office. Tara and another girl with curly hair stood outside the door,
Behind the curly-haired girl, a man loomed, and for a moment, your heart skipped a beat at the possibility, dismissing the improbable thought as wishful thinking. As you walked ahead, the distance between you and the trio narrowed.
Entering the principal's office, the air seemed charged with tension. Mrs. Evans greeted you, her expression stern but professional. However, your attention was drawn to the man beside you, and when you finally looked, Joel stood there, his mouth agape, his eyes locked onto yours.
Time seemed to hang suspended in that moment as a flood of emotions washed over you—surprise, disbelief, and a surge of memories that had long been tucked away. The collision of your past and present felt surreal, and the room seemed to blur around the edges.
You were 22 again.
Neither of you said anything, instead, you allowed the principal to talk about the situation that had happened. 
Mrs. Evans, proceeded to share the details of the incident with a measured tone, bringing the focus back to Tara and her well-being. As she spoke, you and Joel maintained an uneasy silence, glancing at each other intermittently with expressions that betrayed a mixture of emotions.
"There was an unfortunate incident earlier today," Mrs. Evans began, her gaze shifting between you and Joel. "Tara and another student, Sarah, found themselves in a situation where a group of boys was bothering Tara. Sarah intervened to defend her, and the situation escalated into a physical altercation."
Your concern for Tara heightened, but a glimmer of gratitude surfaced as you heard about Sarah's protective stance. You stole a glance at Joel, whose eyes betrayed a complex mix of emotions—perhaps a reflection of his own memories and regrets.
"Both Tara and Sarah are being appropriately addressed," Mrs. Evans continued, her eyes shifting between the individuals in the room. "We take any form of violence seriously, but we also recognize the need to ensure our students feel safe and supported."
As the principal delved into the steps being taken to address the situation, you couldn't help but feel a sense of unease at the reunion with Joel in such unexpected circumstances. The shared concern for Tara momentarily bridged the gap of years and unresolved emotions, creating an unspoken connection.
The meeting concluded with an agreement on counseling for Tara and a commitment to monitoring the situation closely. As you rose to leave, the weight of the encounter lingered. So, you took Tara, delicately by the arm, and walked away from the ghosts from your past. 
“Hey, Tara wait!” The voice of Sarah called out, getting closer to us. 
Tara stopped in her tracks and turned to face the girl with beautiful curly hair, with a smile on her face.
“What?” Tara asked delicately.
“I want you to know I don’t regret what I did for you” She began, “And I have no idea what is like to be in new a place because I’ve always been here, and I also want you to know that you have a friend here. I will defend you from all those stupid guys making fun of you” 
A grin appeared on your daughter’s face at Sarah's words, and she enveloped the girl in a hug murmuring a quiet “thank you” you had still been able to hear. 
Your heart burst, not only for the happiness of your daughter finding a friend but for the tranquility she would feel from now on. Yet you couldn’t bear to lift your gaze from the girls because you knew once you did it, you would have to look at the same face that made you leave this city.
“Okay, Tara it’s time to go home,” you said, delicately grabbing your daughter’s arm, “and thank you, Sarah, for what you did for her”
“No problem” she said, smiling at you.
Once you both, said goodbye, you and Tara walked toward the car until a voice made you both stop your pace, and your heart beated like a drum.
“Yes?” you turned around, finding the strength to face Joel.
“I think it may be great for us to talk about our daughters” Joel spoke, buying some more seconds of your presence.
“Everything is clear." your voice came in a monotonous tone.
“But not between us” he said, with an undertone.
But instead of words, a heat overcame you, and you felt the skin around your eyes burn, you lifted you hand to your eyes, preventing the tears welled up in the corner to fall. But once you did it, you started crying, not knowing how to react and facing your past in front of you, how facing the man you had loved your whole life after thirteen years without any trace of him.
Joel took a step closer, his expression concerned. "I didn't mean to upset you," he said, his voice softening.
You took a deep breath, attempting to compose yourself. “It’s okay,” you said, taking a step back from his touch “I’m just stressed with all the changes” you lied, and grace a tiny smile towards him “We can talk another day when I’m settled.”
He simply nodded, caressing his chest with the palm of his hand in an attempt to take away the pain and confusion of seeing you again. 
With a daughter, and probably married to another man.
“Drive safe,” he said, with a caring touch in his voice.
You nodded, turning on your heel, walking towards the car without looking back. 
“You know her, don’t you?” Sarah asked his father, after seeing his longing expression as he watched you walking away from him. 
“I did once,” he said, still looking at your car as if you would get out and tell him you wanted to try again. 
And inside the car, the events weren’t different from outside. Once you put your seatbelt, Tara kept looking at you as if you were going to break at any moment. 
“He is that Joel, right?” She asked you carefully, trying to get her answer. 
You nodded. 
Tara nodded, her expression was pure concern "Are you okay, Mom?"
You managed a reassuring smile, even though the tears still lingered in the corners of your eyes. "I'll be fine, sweetheart. It's just unexpected to see him again after so many years." 
You took a glimpse in the rearview mirror as you drove away from the curb, leaving Joel standing there. As your mind lingered on a sudden encounter, the familiar surroundings began to blend as well. Your heart was heavier with the burdens of the days gone by, and the tears you pushed back threatened to spill over, again. 
As you drove home, the stillness between you and Tara was loaded with unspoken feelings. Your mind raced with old memories, and you couldn't shake the overwhelming feeling of weakness that Joel's comeback had caused in you.
What were the odds? You thought.
Meanwhile, Joel stood still, watching the car disappear into the distance. The question asked by Sarah still hanging in the air. "You know her, don't you?" Sarah questioned her father, who appeared to be absorbed in the memories that your presence had triggered.
As he tried to make sense of what was happening, his mind was in a rush of emotions. It felt strange and overwhelming to see you after thirteen years. The agony of the past came forward, and he felt for just a moment like an outsider in his own life, watching the movie of the both of you being played all over again.
Joel paused briefly before breaking the silence. "I've missed you," he said, his eyes scanning your face for signs of reconciliation.
You nodded, attempting to conceal the residual worries that had grown during the three months you had spent away from each other “I've missed us as well. Perhaps we should try again," you reasoned.
However, as the talk progressed, the truth began to appear like a storm on the other side of the sky. Joel's hesitation hinted at something more serious, something he had been holding him back. 
"But first, I need to tell you something," he finally admitted, looking down at the floor. "I got involved with someone else during our time apart."
The look on your face was enough for him to know that the news he was about to deliver was going to change everything between the both of you.
“She is pregnant.” He confessed, almost inaudible. 
The room seemed to shrink as the weight of his words settled in. Shock and disbelief mingled with the pain of what it seemed as a betrayal in your mind, but you knew it wasn’t. You had hoped for a fresh start, but this revelation shattered those hopes.
He had a girl to take care of, a baby he was going to love.
"You're going to be a father?" you repeated, your voice barely above a whisper. The reality of the situation was a heavy blow, and you struggled to comprehend the magnitude of the news.
Joel nodded; his eyes filled with remorse. "I didn't plan for this. It just happened."
“No. I don’t need an explanation of what you did when we weren’t together” Hurt, and resignation welled up inside you. "But we cannot be together. No, when you’re going to have a child with someone else. It’s not fair to any of us.” 
Joel's remorse-filled gaze met yours, and he nodded in acknowledgment of the reality you both faced. The dreams of rekindling what once was seemed to crumble in that moment, replaced by the harsh truth of divergent paths.
"This doesn’t change anything between us," Joel whispered, his voice laden with regret, trying to reach for you.
“It does!” you called out, “It does change everything” You took a deep breath, steeling yourself against the waves of emotion crashing within. "I hope you find the happiness you're looking for, Joel. But it can't be with me."
You stepped closer to him, cupping one side of his face with your hand, tracing his cheek with your thumb, and trying to take a picture of him with your eyes. 
One last picture, the last time you will have him this close to you. 
And you leaned in, sealing this goodbye with a last kiss, savoring the sweet taste of his lips mixed with the salt of his tears streaming down your face. He grabbed your face with his last strength holding you back from slipping from his fingers, but once you pulled away, and looked at him one last time. 
Then, you turned away, leaving the room, and, in a way, leaving a chapter of your life behind. The door closed with a soft click, sealing the end of a love story that had once held a promise, but it ended with Joel losing his princess. 
“Let’s go, baby girl,” he said after a moment, wrapping his arm around Sarah, and walking to the car. 
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Tara kept stealing glances at you from the passenger seat, sensing the urgency of the scenario. The worry could be seen in her eyes, and you couldn't help but notice how perceptive she had become.
The car pulled to a stop in front of your house, which had become your new home in a place of spirits of the buried skeletons plotted to ruin your life. Tara unbuckled her seatbelt and turned to face you; her face filled with apprehension. "Mom, if you ever want to talk about it, I'm here."
You smiled, grateful for the depth of understanding and maturing in your daughter's eyes. "Thank you, sweetheart. I appreciate that."
As you both entered the house, the now familiar surroundings did little to ease the whirlwind of emotions within you. The past had a way of resurfacing when you least expected it, and Joel's reappearance had reopened wounds you thought had healed.
Once inside, in the quiet living room, your Dwight welcomed both of you with a smile on his face, “Hey is everything okay with you Tara?”
“Yes, Dad, just a misunderstanding,” he said, as if the matter wasn’t important, passing beside upstairs. 
As you and your husband were left alone, he sensed something wrong with you.
"Hey, love, is everything okay?" he asked, his eyes searching yours for a glimpse of the truth.
You forced a smile, attempting to push away the turmoil that threatened to surface. "Yeah, just a blast from the past today.”
Dwight wrapped his arms around you, a gesture of comfort that, for a moment, allowed you to forget the complexities of the day. He pressed a gentle kiss on your lips, and as the warmth of his touch enveloped you, a pang of guilt swept through the figment of your mind, and you couldn’t help but feeling ashamed of yourself for tasting the lips of a man you had settled with because you couldn’t stay with the love of your life.
And you feel disgusted of wanting for him to be Joel.
And at the same time in a different place in the same city, Joel was dreaming of you again.
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moronkombat · 7 months
can you write headcannons on marriage proposals from the Lin Kuei trio? How nervous do you think they would be? Lol
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Kuai Liang:
He knew for awhile now that he has wanted to marry, to have you and him be intertwined in the most sacred of promises
The devotion carried for you has climbed steady and smooth and how he wishes to seal it together but he wants it to be at the right time
Problem with that is he unsure when that special time is. Should it be where you two first met? Should it be when the two of you have your morning conversations?
His mind spins and spins about the hows and wheres. He is not too concerned with your answer. The love that flows through the two of you thick and heavy
The nerves that shake his spine are how to make the proposal memorable and meaningful. How can it possibly convey all this love for you?
This the primary reason why it take him quite a bit of time to offer his life to you. The idea has been there, ruminating and ruminating but his execution forever changing
Kuai Liang would settle for somewhere that is known just to you and him. A private place that you two escape to when you only wish to know each other and forget about the entire world
The proposal is done without rings or bands of gold. He takes you hands into his before slowly your fingers spread apart to match and rest against his
A smile so soft his upon him and he speaks of his love for you, how much you mean to him and how long he has wanted to say this
He says to you then "I would be a lucky man if you were to marry me" and your future together is now set
His thoughts of marrying you have been shared with his brothers as Tomas wants them to know his upcoming intentions along with hoping to find some encouragement
Kuai Liang affirms his decision, tell Tomas that he would be a good husband and that the two of you would be happy together. Bi-Han tells him "It sounds like your mind is already set. You don't need our opinions. Go and do it"
He wants to just go and do it as Bi-Han said but there are nerves tingling all throughout him. What if you say no? What if this is too much? Tomas does not wish to suffocate you
So then why has he already bought the ring? It a simple wedding band, one he purchased out of tradition. There are scattered memories of his mother's wedding ring but the image of it is unclear
Tomas brings the ring with him wherever he goes, taking time to gaze upon it during moments of free time. Should he ask? Should he not?
It is an accident that you happened upon the ring. You catch him, his back turned to you and hunched over, and you figure he must be looking upon something
You ask him to show you but he is quick, too quick to say it is nothing and so you persist and as you try to see, peering over him and pulling at him playfully, the ring is dropped
It is you hand that picks it up despite his attempt to stop you and when you look at the ring, you know what it is and slowly you place it in his palm
Then slowly, you hold you your hand to him, your ring finger elevated slightly and Tomas smiles with a small and sheepish nod before sliding it on your finger
Tells no one of his plans to marry you, keeping it exceptionally obscured. Though there have already been rumors about it
You have taught him how to love pure and true. You are at his thoughts when he awakes and rests. You mean absolutely everything to him and so he wants to bind your souls together
Problem is he is quite at a loss of how to go about such a task. Does he ask you directly? Does he plan something?
A full on occasion seems...gaudy. Would it not take away from the moment? Yet to merely ask is...dull?
And what of your answer? Is this what you truly want or is he selfish as so many of called him before?
Bi-Han isn't sure and that frustrates him, irritates him. He tries to drop hints to gauge your feelings towards marriage but they often come out as awkward and he is getting nowhere
He'll toss and turn obsessing over this idea of matrimony and suddenly he is beginning to lose sleep over it and it doesn't go unnoticed
Bi-Han is considerably more irritable around his subordinates but never with you but you can't help but take notice in his stress
Over the course of many months, Bi-Han juggles the idea of prosing to you. He looks quite scary when he thinks about his choices. Brows knit close together, eyes narrowed and foot tapping incessantly
He can take no more of this and so he approaches you when you in the middle of a task. He says your name, takes in a deep breath and tells you "I am Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei and it is my duty to lead but...I am also a man. A man who wants you by his side for the rest of my days and so I ask you will you marry me?"
You're stunned, shocked and whatever you had been holding in your hand has gone dropped to the floor. Once the shock has left you smile to him and tell him "Okay"
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zorosq · 8 months
whipped ; roronoa zoro
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↻ fluff, zoro is head over heels for you, luffy being clueless about love, a little bit suggestive towards the end :0
↻ pairing ↬ zoro (opla) x f!reader!
anonymous requested: Hey! Can since your accepting opla zoro or sanji requests, can I request opla zoro dating the (fem) reader, and it takes place during the time the strawhats visit Kaya’s mansion? After zoro picked out his clothes, zoro wants to see what his gf wants to wear, but she pushes him out and wants to to be a surprise cause she wants to see the look of awe on his face when he she’s her cause I’ll make her very happy. Zoro begrudgingly agrees and when she comes down the stairs, he’s indeed in awe cause his baby looks so pretty!! Idk, I thought it’d be cute. Maybe you could have it end in smut if your comfortable (checked you rules and didn’t see if you were okay with it or not, so if you are, can you end it as such? But if not, that’s okay too!!)
a/n sorry but i cant write that last part of your request bcs im still a minor!
you were in awe with how big the mansion is. surely one couldn't have got a mansion this big unless they probably sold their soul.
"hey, stay close to me. you'll get lost," zoro muttered, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword. you chuckled lightly in amusement. "but aren't you the one who always gets lost?" you teased him. "i don't get lost. you're the one who leave me out of nowhere and get lost," zoro rolled his eyes, determined to win this light banter.
you only chuckled again and intertwine your hand with his. "well, let's just go and get our clothes change. we wouldn't want to be rude to miss kaya when she's already been kind enough to us," you squeezed his hand.
"which one is better? this or this?" you asked the orange haired girl. "hm... well i think red really suits you," nami smirked. "i can just imagine what the other's are going to react when you greet them downstairs," she chuckled.
your short conversation was cut off by the harsh knocks at the door. "babe, you still in there?" zoro asked. you quickly came out of the room and closed the door behind you. "yes? you need something?" you smiled.
"you still haven't change? what's taking you so long?" zoro huffed and crossed his arms together. "well, i'm still choosing for the right dress," you chuckled at him. "whatever, i'll just help you choose," the male sighed, trying to walk pass you but you quickly held him back. "no! you can't come in!"
he raised an eyebrow in confusion. "why?"
"because it's a surprise!" you pouted. "i rarely ever get to dress up! i want to give you something good once in a while," zoro only grunts and left.
after a while, you finally decided which dress you were going to wear. you stood in front of the mirror, making a small twirl. "he's going to love this," you smiled softly.
you stood on the stairs, staring down at zoro who's got his eyes on you. despite the stoic look, you could tell that he was in awe from the look in his eyes. you walked down the stairs, feeling every burning stares he's giving you.
when you finally reached him, he gave you a smirk and took your hand in his before giving it a light kiss. "you look..." he trailed off, his eyes flicking up and down your body.
"ravishing," he whispered in your ears. you could feel him squeezing your hand lightly. "i would like to see you without it tonight," he kissed your earlobe.
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euphoricfilter · 7 months
domestic daydreams:
[cheese sandwiches at the park tomorrow]
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pairing: influencer! jungkook x f. reader
genre: fluff || established relationship || non-idol au ||
summary: a window into the life of jeon jungkook
word count: 1.2k
tags/ warnings: just lots and lots of fluff its sickening
notes: am slightly tempted to turn this into a mini series because there's so much to talk about...
where you can find all my other stuff!!
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆.
Jungkook thinks both you and himself had always been connected by the delicate knots of the red string of fate. Possibly a constrictor knot, because it only ever seemed to grow tighter with every moment you spent together, impossible to untie as your souls start to intertwine and lives mingle into one.
His ever-growing infatuation with you, evident to his online audience.
Because he had no issue showing you off, talking about you in videos and sharing you with the wider world. He thinks it must be a tingly sort of satisfaction he gets, knowing that no matter how many faceless people love you, he will forever love you more. No matter how many people compliment you with how pretty you are, comments flooded with praise for your mere existence, he will forever appreciate you the most. Your entire being a precious little thing that he has sewn into his fragile human heart, yours forever to keep.
He knows he’s able to touch you in ways no one else can. He knows he’s able to wake up to you each morning, press soft lips to soft skin, warm under calloused hands as eye lashes tickle tender skin as the sun leaks through the curtains. Each passing moment peacefully quiet until you murmur his name, fingers pressing into his skin as you pull him closer for a kiss.
He’d started posting online only months before meeting you, a little creative outlet to get rid of that itch of not taking media, but rather choosing game design. A subject he loved dearly, though desperate to visualise his life through moving image and all the cool things that come with that.
And during the months of you talking, his presence online slowly started to take off. What had once been only a creative outlet morphing into such a huge part of his life. Something he had wanted to keep from you for so long, a little whisper in his brain worried it would send you running. With some of the comments he received, dms from both men and women alike, he wasn’t exactly sure how to bring it up to you.
And he knows in hindsight it was a silly little worry because you loved every part of him. Loved that he shared little parts of his life with so many people. Passions clipped into videos, well-loved equipment laying around his apartment, something so wholly Jungkook you found yourself beaming whenever he would get the tripod out to film himself cooking, or planning a design for an assignment, or just little clips of nature when the both of you go on walks.
Because what had once been a video diary for Jungkook had slowly become a video diary for you too, perfectly crafted memories that you find yourself watching when you’re alone. Always so hard to keep the smile off your face as you see how happy you are. Because that’s what Jungkook makes you; incredibly happy.
You watch as he tries to balance his phone against a bag of pasta neither of you had wanted to put away the night before, chin resting on the palm of your hand as you watch him struggle.
“Why don’t you get the tripod?” you murmur, catching his attention.
Jungkook turns to look at you, eyes a little wide, “Because I just want to film me making our lunch” he tells you.
“Besides—” he continues, “that would mean I have to go into the bedroom, and I don’t feel like being apart from you today” he says as he turns back to his phone, fiddling around with the settings a little so the light from the kitchen window wouldn’t look so harsh.
Your lips quirk up into a smile, toes curling into the floor.
“I would come with you” you sit up a little straighter, catching a glimpse of his face on the screen of his phone, “we could even hold hands too”
Jungkook pauses, hands pressing into the counter as he narrows his eyes at you over his shoulder, “Are you patronising me?”
Your nose scrunches up at that, “No” you start, “just so you know, I love holding your hand”
He hums, “Well then I guess you’re lucky… I like holding your hand too”
“Oh—” your eyes widen, “It’s gonna fall”
Jungkook winces when his phone tips forward, bottom lip tucked between your teeth as he lifts it back up again.
You push the chair away from the table, slipping your own phone out of your pocket, laying it flat against the counter so his will stop slipping.
“Thank you, baby” he leans down, pressing a kiss to your cheek, face only an inches away from yours when he decides it isn’t enough and presses a firm kiss to your lips too.
“Now,” he nods, “let’s make us lunch”
You push yourself to sit on the counter by his phone as he hits record, smiling up at you as he starts talking.
“Me and Y/n went shopping earlier and saw this new cheese I wanted to try, so I’m gonna make us sandwiches for lunch” he says, pulling the chopping board closer to himself as he pulls the drawer open to get a knife.
“Cucumber” he shows the camera, quick as he cuts it up, “and today we’re having tomatoes, but none for the pretty girl because she doesn’t like them” he explains, showing off the produce his dad had been growing in their garden, proud smile on his face as he hands you a slice of cucumber to eat while he finishes preparing lunch.
You slip off the counter when he calls you over, hesitant to step in frame and see yourself on camera. Jungkook steps a little closer to you, arms slipping out of frame to hold your hands as he looks down at you, so much adoration in his eyes.
“I wish you could see yourself through my eyes” he whispers, already knowing where your hesitation stems from, “always such a pretty little thing”
You glance over at the camera, video still recording, “Jungkook… your video” you murmur.
“Doesn’t matter” he shakes his head, “you know you don’t have to be in it if you don’t want to” he tells you, “Whatever you’re comfortable with, yeah?”
“We could film something tomorrow” you say, “we should go to that park again, maybe have a picnic?”
His lips quirk up into a smile, “I’d like that” he nods, “And if this cheese is any good, we can make even better sandwiches”
“Good point” you nod, “I’ll have to take you up on that offer if you make a solid lunch today” you step away from him, eyeing the finished sandwich sat on the chopping board.
“I always make the best lunches” he tells you, reaching into a cupboard for two plates.
“Our favourite girl doesn’t want to be on camera today” Jungkook mumbles, mouth half full of food as he looks at himself before glancing at you on the opposite side of the table, “But what’s the verdict, baby?”
You chew, nodding as you give him a thumbs up, Jungkook returning the gesture as his eyes curl up into a smile.
“Love you” he swallows.
“Love you too” you pucker your lips, watching as he leans over the table to press a kiss to your lips.
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fyodorloveclub · 8 months
self-indulgent fyodor x gn!reader fluff because my heart is still so so broken :( no warnings! wc: 0.7k (divider by cafekitsune)
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“I think that you and I would find each other in every universe.”
“Hmm?” your lover prods, pulling you closer against his chest and tipping your chin up with his finger. His violet eyes glowed in the waning light of the setting sun, slightly obscured by the raven fringe that swept across his forehead. “How do you mean?”
Taking advantage of the early summer weather and your approaching anniversary, you and Fyodor skipped work in favor of dedicating the day to your love. Starting with, of course, sleeping in, followed by a brunch you and him made together, visiting your favorite art museum, and ending the day with a picnic in a sprawling field within a nearby nature preserve.
It was like a movie, the way he hand-fed you strawberries and kissed away the juice that trickled down the corners of your lips with the laugh you could recognize anywhere. Prose and poetry danced off Fyodor’s lips as he read from the tote bag full of books you had lugged with you, reading stories of immortalized love and poems ignited by insurmountable passion as you laid your head in his lap. A few Russian novels had snuck their way into the collection as well, Fyodor gracing you with the heightened level of elegance and finesse in his voice as he spoke in his native tongue.
But now the two of you, pleasantly exhausted from the day, lie on the blanket laid out in the grass, surrounded by sprouts of baby’s breath and daisies in the cozy drowsiness of a summer haze.
You take the opportunity to press the gentlest of kisses against his warm lips, and he smiles softly as he returns the gesture. “I mean that… I don’t think there’s any version of us in any world, in any universe, in any timeline that don’t find each other. That never feel the touch of the other.”
Warmth blooms in Fyodor’s chest and spreads to each of his limbs, painting a rosy red on his cheeks that only you have ever been able to put there. “And why do you say that, my love?”
 “Because… I just know it. Our souls are intertwined. Don’t you feel it?”
It makes sense in your head. The way you perfectly compliment each other. The way you felt like you’d known him your whole life the second you met him. The tilt of his head and the almost mischievous spread of his lips felt like those of an old friend, and you hadn’t even known his name yet. And in that moment, too, you already knew you’d know him forever.
And yet, you weren’t two halves of a whole. You always found that expression to be reductive. To insinuate you were incomplete people without each other was incorrect – you would always be you, and Fyodor would always be Fyodor. But you made each other… better. More complete.
“Your handprint is forever burned on my soul, Fyodor,” you explain.
“I feel it,” he nods, answering your question from earlier as locks of your hair twirl between his fingers. “Like the roots of a thousand-year-old tree curl around each other and cement themselves into the earth, I feel it.” His hands leave your hair in favor of intertwining your fingers together, as if to illustrate his point.
 I fear we are stuck, you and I,” he chuckles, and you giggle along too.
“For better or for worse,” you say. “In every universe.”
“Through heaven and hell, and everything in between, above, or below. I’ll find you, my darling.”
The sun had finally dipped below the horizon now, casting your lover in a faint glow that made him seem ethereal, almost angelic. Your free hand, the one not enveloped in his, came to touch the delicate, porcelain skin of his cheek.
“You promise, Fedya? That you’ll find me?”
“I swear.”
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bitchy-craft · 6 months
A Love Letter From Your Future Spouse | Pick A Pile
Hello and welcome to this Pick A Pile! In here you'll find out about a love letter that your future spouse wrote. I hope you guys enjoy and find this useful. Do make sure to leave comments down below on your experience! I do want to remind you all that this is a General Pick A Pile which means this is for a lot of people; therefore keep what resonates and leave what doesn't.
Masterpost > Questions > Paid Readings
Pick A Pile!
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Pile 1:
To My Beloved [Name],
As the sun sets and the stars fill the sky, my thoughts are consumed by one person— you. Words alone cannot express the depth of emotions that surge within me whenever I think of you. You have become the center of my universe, the reason behind my smiles, and the beating of my heart.
From the very beginning, you captured my attention with your grace, intelligence, and compassion. Your mere presence illuminates the darkest corners of my soul, bringing forth a love that grows stronger with every passing day. Your gentle touch and the sound of your laughter are etched in my memory, comforting me even in your absence.
In your arms, I have found a sanctuary—a place where I feel safe, accepted, and cherished for who I truly am. Your love has shown me the beauty of vulnerability, the power of trust, and the profound joy of a genuine connection. With you, I can be my authentic self, unafraid and unreserved.
My beloved, every moment we share is a treasure to be cherished. From stolen glances to whispered secrets, our bond deepens, weaving our lives together in a tapestry of love. You have become an irreplaceable part of me, and I cannot imagine a future without your love by my side.
Today, tomorrow, and for all the days to come, I promise to stand by your side through thick and thin. I will hold your dreams as dearly as my own and support you in every endeavor. Together, we will conquer the world, hand in hand, and build a love that withstands the tests of time.
With all my love and devotion,
[Future Spouse]
Pile 2:
My Dearest [Name],
I find myself constantly amazed by the depth of emotions you awaken within me. From the moment our paths intertwined, my life took on a new meaning, and my heart found its true home in you. The love we share is a gift I treasure above all else, and I cannot imagine a life without your presence.
In your embrace, I find a sense of belonging that surpasses any words or gestures. Your touch sends shivers down my spine, igniting a fire that burns passionately within me. With you, I feel a connection that reaches beyond the physical realm—a connection of souls that is rare and beautiful.
You have seen me at my best and my worst, yet your love remains unwavering. You have embraced my flaws and imperfections, loving every part of me unconditionally. Your acceptance has allowed me to grow and blossom into a better version of myself, and for that, I am eternally grateful.
Every day spent with you is a new adventure, filled with laughter, shared dreams, and a love that knows no boundaries. We have weathered storms together, emerging stronger and more resilient each time. Our love is built on a foundation of trust, respect, and a deep understanding of one another.
My love, I promise to nurture our relationship with care and devotion. I will be there to lift you up in times of doubt, to provide solace when you need it, and to celebrate the triumphs we achieve as a team. Together, we can conquer any obstacle and create a future filled with love, happiness, and endless possibilities.
As the seasons change and years pass, my love for you only grows deeper. I am grateful for the memories we have created and excited for the moments that lie ahead. You are my forever, my soulmate, and with you, I have found a love that surpasses all expectations.
With all the love in my heart,
[Future Spouse]
Pile 3:
As I sit here, pen in hand, trying to capture the depth of my feelings for you, words seem to fall short. Yet, I cannot let another day pass without expressing the immense love I hold in my heart for you. You are the person who has touched my soul in ways I never thought possible.
From the moment our eyes first met, a spark ignited within me, and it has only grown stronger with time. Your smile, your laughter, the way your eyes light up when you talk about your passions—every aspect of you fascinates and captivates me. Your presence alone brings warmth and joy to my life.
In your arms, I find solace and comfort, knowing that I am loved unconditionally. Your love has transformed me, opening my heart to a world of possibilities. You have shown me the true meaning of happiness and taught me to embrace every moment, cherishing the beauty of our shared journey.
When we are apart, I yearn for your touch, your voice, and the way you make me feel alive. Every second spent away from you feels like an eternity, and I find myself counting down the minutes until we can be together again. You are the missing piece that completes me, and I am forever grateful to have you by my side.
My love, I promise to cherish and protect what we have built together. I vow to support your dreams, to be your rock when life gets tough, and to celebrate your victories with unwavering enthusiasm. Together, we can conquer any obstacle and create a love story that will stand the test of time.
With all the love in my heart and soul,
[Future Spouse]
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heartfullofleeches · 2 months
father has returned and it is a joyous moment. i, v official simp, have also returned and would like to request spider woman cuddling small darling please father 🙏
Yan Spider Queen + Smaller Spouse Darling
Your wife has never been big on physical affection. The torment she faced in her past life at the hands of those she only wished to aid had left its mark no matter how she swore she was no longer that same woman. She carries you on her hip whenever you are together, but to her it feels more like a duty than an act of tenderness. It's quite difficult for someone to steal the only soul capable of making her cold heart beat anew with her hands and eyes on you at all times. The love she has for you is a poison - infecting her with unbridled need for your love in return, and your touch.
"Should we continue?"
Fingers intertwined with hers, you await your Queen's response, stroking the backs of her talons with your thumb as reassurance and acceptance drips from your bright smile. If only her former kingdom has quarter of your patience. Without uttering a single word, the hand just below the one still locked with yours unfurls from its uncertain position at her chest - hooking around your midsection, bringing your body closer to hers. Your tiny frame fits to hers like the missing piece to a puzzle. More hands fall to your knees, fitting your legs around her broad waist leaving null space between you.
Taking your spare palm with her fifth arm, the Queen guides your fingers to her lips - dangerous fangs brushing the skin as dotingly as a woman of her caliber could.
"Our people consider me a devil yet it is you who leads me further into temptation.... Thank you for waiting for me....my love."
Her sixth hand rises to your face, features framed in her large paw as she lowers her lips to yours in a gentle kiss.
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almonds-nsfw-world · 4 days
ੈ✩‧₊˚ I still remember you - Yingxing (Blade)
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༉‧₊˚. summary → Being on the Luofu once more despite his new status, Blade finds himself at the place of your final rest...his heart yearning to rest besides you once more.
༉‧₊˚. pairing → Yingxing / Blade x gn! reader
༉‧₊˚. status → pre-established relationship, married, romantic
༉‧₊˚. situation → sexual encounter, memory, mentions of death, blood, he blames his self, his mara stirs, angst
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His arms tightened themselves around the blade he held close to his chest while the crimson of his eyes stared down at the stone that protrudes out from within the soft waves of the sand. The smell of the water filling his nose as his gaze shifted the next stone beside it, resting within the sand that swayed along to the soft breeze of the air.
He closed his eyes, a soft grunt spilling from his lips, "Even after so long, you're still here." He slowly raised his eyelashes, gazing upon the name inscribed to the stone that's turned blunt from age...your name.
"I'm sorry, I failed you. That I failed our promise. I may have forgotten most...but I remember it", his voice rough like the edges of your stone...the very one he had placed down for you after he buried you within the warmth of the golden sands. A grunt escaped him as his jaw had clenched, exhaling deeply, "I still remember you."
His hand moved towards his sword hilt, drawing it from his grasp only to be holding it limp beside him while he crouched down, allowing his other to graze itself along the rough stone...tracing the outlines of your carved out name.
His heart could only tighten and twist uncomfortably no matter how straight his face was...no matter how icy the blackness of his pupils remain - even now as he replayed the memory that would be forever engrained into his mind...into Yingxing's mind.
A laugh escaped your lips as his fingers calloused from the forge traced the skin along your ribs. His lips curling upwards against your neck while a hum vibrated from within his chest. "It's true. Don't laugh at me", he pulled away from your neck, cupping your cheek, "I promise, we'll be together forever. I'll even have my grave beside your own. I can't have my spouse away from me now."
"We just got married and now you're talking about us being buried together?", you wrapped your leg around his waist, cupping his cheek with a soft giggle, "so morbid." "It's not morbid, it's a fact", he smirked at him, allowing his fingers to trail across your stomach. He felt your breath hitch and it only stoked the fires to his built up pride, "and the fact is that I love you. Deeply and truly. My muse, my lover and my heart." His lips brushed against your own, a smile gracing his features. "You flatter me too much, Yingxing", you teasingly pouted, pulling back to gaze into this deep, violet eyes of his that were dazzled in the blue of the sea.
"I don't flatter you enough", he hoarsely whispered, smashing his lips against your own once more, his desire stirring once more as his fingers reached upwards to knot themselves into your hair, positioning himself above you while his cock stirred along your walls once more. A groan could only fall from his throat, making him reluctantly pull back, "I promise. We'll be beside one another forever. Until we're old and grey...until we find one another in the next life and the next." His hips rolled themselves against your own, a moan spilling from your lips before he silenced you with a searing kiss - leaving no doubt in your mind how much he cherished you.
"I'm sorry", he whispered, a pain striking through his soul, causing a grunt to leave him while he arose to his feet - his eyes glancing to the stone beside your own...one empty of any rotting body that should've been intertwined with your own. That should've been intertwined in your grasp...seeking solstice in hopes to be with you in the next history you both shall make.
Blood splattered upon the soft gold of the glistening sand, a deep exhale and a moan of pain could be heard from him as the sight of his broken blade was pierced into his chest...into his scarred heart.
His breathing was rugged, his eyes staring at the carved name that read, 'Yingxing.'
"Bladie?", Kafka's voice caused him to bring his fingers to the hilt, pulling out the sword as the sight of his blood splattered into the air...staining the grave where a man who was once in love was supposed to lay.
But Blade couldn't help but stare at the two tombstones he had placed and made himself...staring with a longing that begged to slither through the harshness of his sealed face.
His lips tightened themselves together before he turned towards Kafka, "Manipulate me. The mara is starting to awake again."
His mind felt as though he was being torn apart at the memory he had to relive once more...the aching far worse than the pain of his blade that was etched into his heart.
Kafka stared at him knowingly, crossing her arms over her chest as her purplish eyes softly gazed at him, "Are you sure?" His eyes casted a glance at her over his shoulder, his jaw clenching before he brought his eyes back to your name upon the stone, his hand tightening around his hilt.
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©2024 almond, do not steal, use or repost elsewhere.
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neoncherryblossom · 1 year
Snippet of the final chapter of my Darius and Eberwolf story. If you’re a fan of Darius, you’ll know he loves so fiercely and he lost so much. He deserves to be held and hugged no judgement. He deserves to have some of that love reciprocated, not in a romantic way, but a way that says ‘I’ll be here forever, if you let me. I’ll be by your side, for now and forever, if you would just stop pushing me away.’
It was... 
Eberwolf glanced down at him but continued running his paws through Darius’ hair. His hair that was free of his abomination and his hair tie, resting on his neck.
“Don’t worry,” Eber’s breaths were so close to his face he felt himself freeze on instinct. “I washed my paws.” 
Darius let out a shaky laugh at that, because that was exactly what Eber would say, except in a far more teasing tone. 
And not in a tone that sounded so soft and so tired. 
And not when he was lying on top of the small demon, nuzzling himself deeper into the crook of Eber’s neck and hugging himself closer-he was so alone and so tired of it- and this wasn’t normal. 
Normal people don’t do this. He’s self-conscious enough to know that. 
Normal friends don’t act like the small spoon for their far smaller friends, but Eber’s head rested on top of his and his arms wrapped around his head and paws going through Darius’ hair and this was the most comfort loved he’s felt in a while. He really didn’t feel like getting up, not when this was the closest he’s been to anyone in a long time. 
Not when this is the longest he’s touched anyone in a long time, longest time he’s been hugged and hugged back in so long- 
(When did he get so old?) 
Edit: I’m dumb and realized I probably should link the fic in question it’s here I’m sorry.
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artists-ally · 7 months
I think Harvey would be thw type of person who makes love specially when he’s feeling sad. Like he needs comfort and to be as close to his s/o as possible, fingers intertwined and all that nice shit. How do you think reader would comfort him after he had a discussion with someone of his family?
{Oh, My Human Heart} Harvey Specter x Reader
So my mind went to [SEASON 8 EPISODE 5 SPOILER WARNING] where Harvey went up to Boston to defend his brother against his wife's divorce. That shit crushed my soul man, so this is based on that! Enjoy!! Title is a lyric from this song.
Word Count: 3,191
Warnings: fluff, hurt/comfort, angst, smut, Season 8 Episode 5 Spoilers
Summary: When Harvey returned home from visiting his brother unexpectedly, there is an obvious weight to his shoulders as he slumps inside. And it’s your mission to find out what it is and wipe it from his memory.
Tagging: @kjbg-fantasymoon (your request is next babes <3)
The door slammed. Hard. Concerningly hard. 
“Harvey?” You shouted out into the kitchen, taking off the towel from your shoulder and set it on the counter. No one responded. Worry coursed through you, and you grabbed the knife from the cutting board. Just in case. 
Your husband rounded the corner and you jumped, but let the fear drain from your held breath and set the knife down. “Jesus Harvy, you could’ve… hey, what are you doing back here?”
Harvey looked indecipherably pissed. He had hard creases in his face and his lips pressed in that flat line that meant someone was about to see that side of him that meant he was gonna raise hell. He opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out, and he let his hands fall to his sides. 
“Okay, okay come sit, love,” You reached for him and guided him to the island. “Do you want to talk about it? A distraction? To be left the hell alone?”
That communication strategy had worked wonders when Harvey came home from a lethal case. All the details you knew about this one involved his brother and a divorce from his wife. It had already shattered Harvey’s heart to hear they were splitting up, but this was… this was rage. Raw fury. 
“I am going to open my mouth and let the floodgates go with it, and I just need you to try and make sense of it. Because for reasons only known by Jesus-fucking-Christ himself can this be possible.”
You just nodded, letting Harvey take some deep breaths. You noticed his hands were shaking. He was shaking. What the fuck happened in Boston?
“Marcus called me up there to represent him for his divorce,” Harvey started, thumbs in his eyes. “He told me that it was because she had an affair. I was ready to go kick down her door and take their kids away myself. Turns out, he lied to me. She was divorcing him because he started gambling again and he told Haley not to tell Katie.”
Your blood ran cold, all remorse leaving your body for Marcus. How could he fucking do that? 
“So, tell me this Yn. Why would my own god damn brother, who I spent my money on to build him a dream restaurant, lie to my fucking face? Not once. Not twice. Four times. Four opportunities he had to tell me and he waited till the last fucking second. I-I can’t even begin to describe how sick it makes me feel to have Haley be put in that position.”
“It is wildly unfair for her, and for their son,” you felt awful for them. They were the sweetest kids and didn’t deserve to have that weight on their shoulders. 
“I mean, was he not apart of the fucking family when mom did that to me? Did he suddenly just show up on our doorstep one night looking for a place to sleep like a stray cat? No, he didn’t. He’s my fucking brother. He was there when mom did it to me. And he saw what it did to our family. What it did to me. He was the one trying to fix our fucking fucked up family. To piece it together after the fall out and he expects me to do the same when he did the one thing worse than practically fucking cheating on her.”
“Harvey I think that's a little-”
“Now he’s destroying his own life. No, not even destroying, destroyed. He has ruined all chances of working things out between him and Katie and honestly, I can’t be fucking bothered to watch it crumble to the ground. And the worst part of it is he had the audacity to ask me to win this case. He doesn’t deserve to win let alone ask me. What a selfish, lying son of a bitch-”
“Harvey,” you placed a hand on his shoulder to keep him from walking away. He had been moving around animatedly, now up out of his seat and waving around. “Take a deep breath. Please.”
He did.
“Good,” You smiled softly. 
He took another. And another. “Sorry… just- sorry.”
“It’s okay,” You came and stood in front of him, hands flat on his chest. “Let’s go and get you changed and we can keep talking through it. If you’d like.”
Though Harvey’s eyes were harsh, that anger wasn’t directed at you. You’ve dealt with him like this on more than one occasion, and you’ve learned to recognize the difference. He didn’t dare look at you the way he is now.
After taking his hand and leading him up stairs, you took your time undressing him so he could be more comfortable. Once upon a time he had told you that the feeling of your hands on him could make him forget anything and everything. It was only in your best interest to do that for him now. To calm him so he could see the full picture.
Starting with his tie, you walked to the closet and hung it up in the empty space from where you picked it out this morning. Much the same with the jacket, tossing his still crisp white-shirt in the laundry. He handed you his belt and shoes, and while you put them away, he took off his dress pants and put on sweats by the time you came back. 
“Better?” You asked, placing his hands across your middle. 
He smiled, “Better.” 
Harvey was still sitting, but he rested his forehead against your stomach, just breathing. With calm hands you massaged his scalp and neck, his shoulders and arms. It was important to give Harvey his space at times like this, letting him speak when he wanted. Otherwise he’d just get defensive and shut down. That was not beneficial to either of you.
“I’m so fucking mad at Marcus, Yn.”
“I know, my love. I know,” You spoke softly, kissing the top of his head. “So am I.”
“I just don’t understand how he could do that after what mom did to me. I thought- I thought we were brothers again.” 
His voice cracked, and you could feel the first tear drops soak through your shirt and cool your skin. Your stomach clenched and dropped. You know Harvey and Marcus have been rocky for decades, but since he forgave his mom and started rebuilding their relationship, things naturally got better with Marcus. 
So much for all that hard work. And you had been so proud of him for taking those steps. And you knew the toll it took on him. Now it was all back at square one. 
“I am so sorry, Harvey.”
“What the fuck do I do?”
You paused for a long while. “I don’t know.”
When he looked up at you, eyes all red and bleary, you wanted to fly to Boston and smack Marcus yourself for putting Harvey right back where he was when he was sixteen. He may not have been the one asked to keep a secret this time, but he knows what it’s like to be in that situation. To feel so pinned and powerless. The looming decision of whether he should betray his mom or dad, a constant threat, and either outcome will ruin the family. 
“Are you up for listening to my ideas or do you still need to get things off your chest?” All you got was a shrug and a few spilled tears. “Okay, there’s no rush.”
“I just don’t know what to do, Yn. I have no fucking clue what I’m supposed to do. I want to beat him into the dirt the most. I want to hold Haley and tell her that none of this was ever her fault and she is not the one to blame. Goddamn do I want to hug Haley right now…”
You had to close your eyes. You didn’t want to see Harvey in this position, especially because you knew what this did to him. It stirred up all those memories and emotions from decades ago. Now they were all at the surface, controlling every one of his thoughts. And there isn’t a whole lot that you can do to get them to stop.
“I think you’re angry.”
“You’re goddamn right I’m angry,” Harvey huffed, making you let out a weak chuckle. 
“And I also think that I know you when you’re angry. And that you don’t think clearly when you are. So, how about we distract you for a while and then we get some sleep. Then, maybe in the morning, we lay it all out again and go over what we know. Look at all the facts and whatnot. Because, despite your very much warranted anger towards Marcus, he is still your brother. And family means more than anything to you, Harvey. I can’t let you spend the next thirty years in regret for not trying. You owe that to yourself. Not anyone else.”
“I don’t even know where to start with all this bullshit.”
“That’s where I come in,” You smiled, sitting in his lap with one leg on each side of his. “Look Harvey, you have every single right to be upset. I am pissed at Marcus for doing that to Haley. But I will not let this drive another cavern between you and him. The two of you have been through enough. He fucked up, and he knows it because you’re Harvey goddamn Specter and you told him he did. But you forgave him once. And you forgave your mom. It is worth a shot to hear him out, and I’m not saying it has to be right away either. Just eventually.”
Harvey’s brown eyes darted around your face, that tight line still on his lips. When you tilted your head and batted your lashes, he sighed out, nodding. “Okay, okay fine you’re right.”
“Of course I am,” your smile made him finally unclench the space between his brows. “It’s because I’m really good at knowing who you are, and knowing how to approach a situation. You’re good at being a kick-ass lawyer and I’m good at taming that kick-ass lawyer.” “You love it when I let that animal out of the cage,” he smirked, hands stroking down your thighs. 
“If you refer to yourself as an animal in a cage again I will walk out that door and spend the night at Donna’s.”
“Okay okay,” he grinned ear to ear, pressing kisses on your cheek, then down your neck. “I’m sorry for being so… hostile. Thank you, Yn. For calming me down.”
“You’re welcome, my love.”
“I don’t know what it is that you do, but you make it all disappear.”
“It’s my secret,” you whispered, kissing his lips. “And I won’t ever tell.”
“I bet I could make you tell me,” Harvey winked and grabbed around your waist, taking you with him when he leaned back. 
“Oh, is that a fact?” “No, but it is a challenge.” 
He tangled his hand in your hair, bringing your mouth to his. He tasted like whatever cheap whiskey he had on the plane and mint. You let your body form to his and didn’t mind the way his tongue found yours. Harvey’s hands were gentle as they peeled away the cardigan on your shoulders, tossing it away to be picked up later. 
He took his time, slowly stripping you and easing you on your back. You wrapped your legs around his waist and needed to have his mouth on yours again. He was such a good kisser. So thorough and precise with what he wanted to do to you. 
And he was always very thorough. 
Harvey placed kisses down your chest, down your stomach and to each hip.
“Shh,” he hushed. “Just let me do what I want. You just lay back and look pretty. Fuck do you look pretty, my love.”
Your heart melted. Normally he had a wicked, dirty tongue but tonight was obviously different. He wanted something to focus on, and if that was going to be you, then so be it. You surely weren’t going to stop him from spreading your knees and tucking his head to your core. 
If Harvey could do one thing for the rest of his life, he’d sure have a hard time picking between you and the law. While he loved his work, your mind and body were two things even the high of winning couldn’t compare to. Harvey loved you. Ferociously. With every part of his body he loved you. 
His tongue circled your clit, and your hand went in his hair to keep him there. The laugh that tumbled from him was nothing short of star-seeing. One thing about Harvey is if you weren’t satisfied and thensome, neither was he. He loved making you cum on his tongue, loved how you tasted. 
It wasn’t long before you warned him you were close, and he just hummed into you, vibrations making you arch up off the bed, tugging equally as hard on his hair as you did the sheets beside you. 
“I will never get sick of making you feel good, Yn. I love that I am the one who gets to spend these moments with you.”
“Harvey,” you swooned, cupping his face to bring him back up so you could kiss him. Your scent was strong on his lips and made you only need him that much more. All it took was a few impatient grabs at his shirt to make him take it off so you could finally get your hands on that body of his. 
All that time in the boxing gym surely paid off. 
Harvey brough your knee up and pushed it flat on the bed, pulling the other one around his hip. He pushed in, chest to chest with you as he sat still for a few moments. 
“I love you so much, Yn,” Harvey whispered, thumb training down your cheek, your neck. He slid it all the way down your arm and laced your fingers together, kissing them as he pulled back. He wouldn’t leave your lips alone, not that you wanted that in the slightest. He was all soft words and pleas of desperation. Telling you how good you felt.
It was like your wedding night all over again. When the two of you met, it had been in a fury of hands and tongues. All fast because there wasn’t a second to waste when it finally happened. But on your big day, he laid you down, just like this, and worshiped you all night long. 
Every word from his mouth was just him telling you how much you meant to him, his body seconding that omission. He was so dedicated to you, to making you feel good. It was all long, smooth strokes of his body inside yours, the warmth of your combined breaths. Swallowing each other's noises of pleasure.
“I am so in love with you,” Harvey smiled. “I am so fucking in love with you.”
You couldn’t hide your smile if you tried. It wasn’t rare that Harvey was affectionate– per say– but this was an illusive moment. He wine and dined you whenever you asked, you were always his plus one anywhere in the world. But it was these small, yet enormous moments of intimacy that you cherished the most. This was a side of Harvey that took a very long time to bring to the surface. And he too realized the weight of just taking his time and being soft with you. 
“I love you too, Harvey,” you whispered against his face, his mouth now busy with the side of your neck. Harvey couldn’t keep his hips slow for long, and they snapped to yours. Air pushed out of your mouth and right into his ear, right where it drove him crazy to hear what he did to you. 
“Fuck, my love, if you keep making those sounds this isn’t exactly going to be how I-”
“Now it’s my turn to take care of you,” you responded, locking your ankles together behind his back.
A shiver ran through his shoulders and he dropped to his elbows, hips driving into you faster and faster. Harder. It didn’t take him long to reach his high, fucking you through it. His heart pounded underneath his skin so hard you could feel it. A slight sweat at the back of his head where hair met skin. 
When he lifted his head, his eyes looked less… weighted. He looked much more himself. Muc more like Harvey and a little less like Mr. Specter. 
You mentally patted yourself on the back. 
There wasn’t anything you could do to convince him to not drag you into the shower down the hall. The warmth of the water, the heaviness in your body only made his fingers on your scalp that much better. He kissed all over, giving your ass a loving smack when getting out before wrapping a big towel around the both of you. 
“Promise in the morning that we can do this all again and then I can make you a big breakfast?”
“Only if you promise that there will be sausage and bacon,” your eyes were droopy, but the smile reached them anyway. 
“Good thing Postmates will go to the grocery store nowadays,” Harvey slipped one of his shirts over your head, straightening it out over your body. “You look so adorable in my clothes.”
“I know, why do you think I wear them when you’re gone?” “You wear my clothes when I’m gone?” You pff’ed out some air, “Don’t act like you don’t notice the suspiciously large pile of your laundry in the hamper when you come back.”
“I don’t think you know how happy that makes me, Yn,” Harvey’s smile was nothing short of pure adoration. He was never short on pure adoration when it came to you. 
“Yes I do,” You smiled, wrapping your arms around his neck. “Why do you think I do it?”
“Because you know me. Really really well.”
“That I do.”
Harvey breathed out, shaking his head. “Thank you.”
“You don’t need to thank me for something anyone would do for their husband.”
“Well, in my experience, most wives aren’t nearly as observant or as dedicated as you are, Yn. And I want you to know how much I appreciate you and everything you help me through when I don’t know how to help myself.”
Your eyes melted, much like your heart when he hugged you. Nice and tight and just how you liked them. You always felt impossibly safe with him, and his hugs were impossibly your favorite thing in the world. 
Harvey would listen better in the morning. Especially after a good night's sleep. You just hope that all your efforts will lead him in the right direction. And that direction isn’t the clearest right now, and that’s okay. Both of you know it’s okay to not make a decision as big as something like this.
But you know Harvey will try. And that is all you can ask of him.
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ezekiel-krishna · 1 month
Message From Your Future Spouse ✉️
Memories linger, whispers in the air,
Longing for that someone, always there.
- The Poet
Please remember that this reading is not personalized, so only take which resonates with you.
For Personalized Readings, Message Me
Pick a Pile
Close your eyes for a quick moment and take a deep breath in. When you open your eyes slowly, pick the one that stands out to you the most!
|| 1 > 2 > 3 ||
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Pile 1
As I look up at the night sky, my dearest, I am reminded of the everlasting connection that binds us together. Much like The Star, our love radiates brightly, guiding us through life's uncertainties and lighting up our path.
When I gaze into your eyes, I witness the reflection of my dreams and ambitions, a ray of hope that guides me towards a future overflowing with love and happiness. My heart overflows with gratitude for the privilege of having you in my life, with every passing moment. Together, we face the challenges that cross our path, fully aware that our love is a wellspring of strength and resilience.
As we venture through life hand in hand, let us continue to treasure and nurture the bond that unites us, for it is a love that surpasses all barriers of time and space. Always remember that you are my guiding star, my eternal source of inspiration and solace. Countless adventures await us, and I eagerly look forward to them, knowing that with you beside me, everything is possible. Forever and always, I am yours.
Pile 2
Our connection goes beyond the boundaries of this world, as if our destinies were aligned in the cosmos. In your presence, I find solace and strength, a sanctuary where I can truly be myself. With each passing moment, our love grows deeper, like the roots of a mighty tree that withstand the test of time. We are two halves of a whole, perfectly complementing each other.
Your touch ignites a fire within me, a passion that burns brightly and never fades. Together, we navigate the ups and downs of life, hand in hand, facing challenges with unwavering faith in our love. In your embrace, I find peace and understanding, a sanctuary where I am embraced and cherished for who I am. My love for you knows no boundaries, transcending the limitations of this world. You are my rock, my confidant, my partner in all things.
With you by my side, I feel complete and ready to embrace whatever the future holds. Please know that my heart beats for you, my soul yearns for you, and my love for you will endure for all eternity. You are my everything, my one true love, and I am grateful every day to have you in my life. Together, we are bound by a love that is pure, deep, and everlasting. I love you now and forevermore.
Pile 3
Looking up at the moonlit sky, I am reminded of the mystical and captivating connection that we share. Like the ever-changing phases of the moon, our love ebbs and flows, exploring the depths of our souls with a sense of awe and enchantment. In the darkness of the night, I find comfort in knowing that you are my guiding light, illuminating the path towards our intertwined destiny. Just as the moon reflects the hidden truths and emotions within us, our bond is built on a foundation of trust and understanding.
Amidst the uncertainties and shadows, your presence shines like a beacon of hope, leading me towards a future brimming with love and endless possibilities. Your intuition and wisdom navigate me through life's twists and turns, offering solace and reassurance during moments of uncertainty. Together, we dance under the moonlight, embracing the mysteries of the universe and the depths of our hearts. Our love transcends the constraints of time and space, weaving a tapestry of dreams and desires that bind us together in a cosmic embrace.
In your eyes, I see the reflection of my soul, a mirror of love and acceptance that fills me with a profound sense of belonging and purpose. As we embark on this journey through life's phases, know that my love for you will never diminish, for you are my moon, my guiding star, my eternal companion. May our love continue to radiate brightly, like the moon in the night sky, casting its gentle glow upon our shared path. I am forever grateful for the precious gift of your love, and I eagerly anticipate a future overflowing with infinite possibilities and boundless love. With you by my side, I am whole, I am complete, I am home.
Check out my Masterlist in My Profile for More!
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swapper · 10 months
Late Night Jog
In the cool, dark embrace of the night, I found myself pounding the pavement, my feet rhythmically hitting the ground with each stride. It was an ordinary evening jog, or so I thought. Little did I know that this run would turn my world upside down most thrillingly and sensually imaginable.As I rounded a corner, I collided with someone. It was my neighbour, Amir, the epitome of a Greek god with a chiselled jawline and a sculpted body that glistened with sweat. The impact was electrifying, and for a moment, time seemed to slow down as we locked eyes.
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Apologies and heartbeats intertwined, something inexplicable happened. It felt like our souls intertwined as if a cosmic force pulled us together and triggered a mysterious phenomenon. The next thing I knew, I was standing there, bewildered, in Amir's stunning body, and Max stood in mine, looking equally bewildered.
My former body seemed to regain its senses first, as it darted away with a quick confused apology. I ran my new hands through Max's short, damp hair, trying to make sense of what had just happened. The realization hit me like a thunderbolt—I was trapped in this incredibly hot and muscular body.
Feeling the power and strength in every movement, I flexed my new muscles. The sensation was beyond anything I had experienced before, every fibre alive with energy and vitality. The sweat clung to my skin, accentuating every curve and sinew, heat radiating from my body and I couldn't help but revel in the intensity of the moment.
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Drawing a deep breath, I lifted my top, exposing my now six-pack abs, each ridge highlighted by the moon's glow. The sensation of the cool night air against my exposed skin sent shivers down my spine, and I marvelled at the sight of my own body, transformed into something I had only dreamed of. Feeling alive and daring, I couldn't resist but indulge in a display of my newfound strength. My arms rose, and I flexed, watching the muscles swell and contract with each movement under my control. I smelled the musk emitting from my body which a so erotic I could only imagine in my dreams. The feeling of power coursing through me was intoxicating, and I could hardly believe that this was now my reality.
As the initial shock subsided, I noticed I was sporting a full raging hardon visible through my shorts. I started rubbing it with one hand and the other hand feeling my pecs and abs. I could only moan softly as intense pleasure hit me as I stroked my rock-hard cock.
Amir in my old body looking equally confused but also slightly amused. It seemed he was enjoying the situation too. With a cocky grin, I decided to make the most of this incredible opportunity. I reached out to Amir, now in my body, grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him closer. Our eyes met, and in that instant, I pushed him down towards my crotch. He kneeled and pressed his face deep into my crotch, feeling dampness and the sweat of my balls. he rubbed his nose along the bulge of my cock. as he reached the top I pushed the waistband down and pulled my raging cock and plunged it into his mouth. I could almost feel the sensations running through my body as he kept sucking my monster of a cock. I kept face fucking him until I couldn't resist myself and I closed my eyes and moaned with each wave of pleasure as I unleashed torrents of cum in his throat. As my orgasm resided I pulled him up and kissed him deep only to have a taste of this body's cum. After that, I said “See you around” and start jogging again.
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I don't know how this happens or if this will happen again but I am going to enjoy Amir's body to its fullest.
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heart4reigns · 10 months
hii, It’s possible to get an jey uso x reader where reader is a very confident wrestler who openly flirts with jey all the time and makes it know to the whole wwe universe that’s her man when they’re not even together. jey laughs it off because he thinks it’s all for the cameras till reader stops flirting with him and ignores him because she thinks jey doesn’t like her like that. jey realizes that he does like her and now he has to chase her now
REALITY, jey uso.
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warnings: curse words, pet names
summary: you will never know what you have until it's gone
IT was well known that you were head over heels for the man sitting down next to you with a beautiful smile plastered on his face. every single person inside this building knew that you were practically in love with him. it all started as an inside joke with the creative board that they were going to pair you up with none other than the main event, jey uso. but you caught real feelings and it wasn’t for the show anymore.
he was everything that you have ever wanted in a boyfriend. kind, funny, and most importantly–he was patient. you loved him with all of your heart. “you look handsome.” you winked at him. “thanks, how do you like my new hair, (y/n)?” “beautiful as always.” you grinned. “you’re such a flirt.” jey chuckled, opening the door for you. “hey, i only flirt with you, baby.”
you fixed his mic and he helped you with yours. “ready?” “yep!” you were going to shoot a video with him on your day off. “the undisputed tag-team champions are here! this is (y/n)!” you introduced yourself to the camera. “jey uso right here and welcome back to playback!” he continued the introduction. you were shooting a youtube video with him today. “we’re gonna watch one of our best matches ever… god, this was life changing! my man and i against becky and seth.” you narrated the fight.
"that stomp was so devastating." you cringed at the memory. "got my ass complaining backstage." jey added. "right! i felt my soul flying as soon as his boot connected with your neck." you shuddered. "my man takes all the bumps and i have to take care of him backstage. countless medic dates with him." you nudged him with your elbow. "but i still love you." you snickered. "yeah, yeah. she takes care of me a lot."
“and… cut!” you immediately stretched out your body, still feeling sore after yesterday’s workout session. “looking pretty tired, mama.” he patted your back. “still have the energy for tonight though.” you were going to help jey unpack with his furniture, he recently moved to your neighborhood. jimmy and trinity were also going to help, the 4 of you were a pack, even after trin left the company. “should i buy you a housewarming gift?” you suggested. “it’s such a shame you moved before us getting married! you could’ve moved in with me, hubby.” you teased him. jey just shook his head in response. "whatever you say, mama."
several crews were paying attention to the two of you. “are they married?” one of them whispered. “oh, you must be new here. nah, (y/n) just likes to flirt with him.” the other one replied. even the staffs knew that you were always attached to the hip with him. people were practically wishing that the two of you would end up together. “come on, baby. let’s go. trin is spamming me with messages.” you intertwined his hands with yours. “yeah, yeah. we’ll go now.”
you picked up a box, putting it down in his living room. "i can't believe we're neighbors now!" you were practically jumping with excitement. "i mean... i think it was about time that i moved, that apartment was falling apart." jey chuckled, remembering his old place. "and lucky for me to have my hubby near me." jey ruffled your hair. "hey, don't touch my hair!" you pouted. "yeah, what are you gonna do about it?" "i'm gonna fight you." you threatened him in a joking way. "bring it on." that commenced the play fighting you had with him.
"okay, maybe we came in at the wrong time." jimmy opened the door, seeing you on the floor with jey. "hi guys!" you greeted them with a smile. "what were you doing?" trinity put the cake on the counter. "fighting him like usual." you had jey on headlock, causing him to groan. "i swear if we weren't acting on stage, you could actually beat my ass." he sighed. "let's get to work so we can eat cake!" you grinned, letting go of his head.
trinity and jimmy knew that the love you had for their little brother was pure. but jey uso was just unaware of that. he'd brush it off, acting as if this was all a long-running joke. "okay, i think i'll take my leave now. i have to call my brother tonight." you announced to your best friends. "oh, you're not staying here?" jey tilted his head. "i'd love to have a sleepover with you, hubby! but i can't, i'll stay over next time. bye!" you went over and kissed the top of his head, only causing him to chuckle.
once you were out, jimmy shook his head. "swear no one loves you like she does." "nah, it's just a best friend thingy. she doesn't love me like that, dawg." jimmy and trin groaned in unison. "whatever you say, man."
friday came by and you arrived early to run some lines with jey. the two of you were going to cut a promo together, building up for a match against sami and kevin. “hiiiii!” you greeted him, walking into the locker room. “hey.” he replied with a smile. you couldn’t help but to feel butterflies in your stomach. “soooo,” you paused for a second, taking a seat next to him. “are we gonna kiss tonight?” jey rolled his eyes in a joking way. “you’re always trying to kiss me, mama.” “maybe that’s because i like you and i think you’re pretty.” you winked at him.
“the undisputed tag-team champions, jey uso and (y/n) (l/n)!” as usual, you were walking hand in hand with jey, your belts hanging off the your left arm. “let’s go, let’s go!” you hyped yourself up, taking in the energy from the crowd. “ay, ay! miami, we are in your city!” jey yelled to the microphone, lifting his finger up, playing out the script. “hiiiiii everyone!” you greeted the crowd with your usual cheery tone, earning a ‘hiiiii’ from them. “right, right. it’s about to be brutal for sami and kevin, i love their asses but they attacked my man last week! i’m gonna make it personal.” you played out the part.
jey was standing next to you, fully paying attention to you. he loved how you were so passionate about your work. especially your role. he thought that your flirty act was part of the joke, so he was used to you flirting around. but jey never thought of it being serious. with the gimmick you played out together as boyfriend and girlfriend, he grew accustomed to your flirty nature.
“damn, what a promo we did.” jey jumped on the locker room couch, feeling tired. “you did great babe!” you teased him. “and you look very boyfriend-ish today with your outift.” you added, winking at him. “i don't get it why you still flirt with me, it's so funny to me that you still play out your roll when we're off stage. that's very funny to me, i respect your dedication, (y/n).” he chuckled. his sentence made your heart drop.
your felt a pang on your chest. oh… oh, you thought. you didn't say anything. "you're riding with me right?" you shook your head. "actually, i think i'm sitting with bayley, she was trying to tell me something earlier." you lied, still trying to hold back your tears. he thought you were just messing around this entire time and that hurt your feelings. "oh, okay."
thankfully, you spotted bayley coming out of the locker room with iyo and dakota. "i need help." you muttered. "you looked stressed out, what's up?" she raised a brow. "can i just ride with you guys?" the women immediately knew that you were trying to avoid someone. "our bus is always open for you, babe." dakota patted your back.
jey didn't spot you on the way back to the bus. "anyone seen (y/n)?" he asked his coworkers. "she went with bayley, their bus left like 10 minutes ago." bianca replied, not looking up from her phone. "oh." jey took a seat on the back of the bus, alone, of course. "weird seeing you not sitting with (y/n)." montez added. "this is my first time not riding with her in years." jey admitted. it does feel weird, he thought. but like usual, jey immediately brushed it off, plugging in his headphones, not wanting to think about anything.
the night felt long to you. you sighed, brushing your wet hair as you felt a pang on your chest, replaying the conversation from earlier. “hey gir- are you okay?” trinity picked up the phone, clearly concerned about your current situation. “are you with jimmy?” trinity shook her head. “jey thinks i’m just joking around babe, isn’t it obvious that i am in love with him?” trin immediately understood your sentence. “i’m sorry, babes…” she sighed. “whatever, i guess. i’m being dramatic. i don’t want to deal with him.” you wiped the tear stain on your cheek.
“maybe i should just distance myself, trin. yeah… i'm not going bowling tomorrow.” trin smiled at you, pity plastering her face. “you know what’s best for you, babes. i’m here if you need to talk okay? i’ll even beat his ass if you want me to!” that sentence made you chuckle. “you don’t need to do that trin… i guess i’ll just watch some sad movies. good night, i love you.” “i love you too! let me send you some ice cream!” as soon as you sat down on your couch, you heard your notifications going off.
jey!!: still up for bowling tmrw with roman and the others?
jey!!: i’ll pick you up if you want to
jey!!: hellooooo?
jey!!: damn did you pass out or something?
jey!!: aight text me when you wake up good night
he furrowed his brows, waiting for you to respond. it had been a day and you still haven't replied. “(y/n) didn’t reply all night, you know where she at?” jey asked trinity. “nope, she didn’t reply to me too. think she’s out cold.” trin lied, trying to keep your secret. “damn… she loves bowling. i guess i’ll take her next week.” trin wanted to roll her eyes but she just nodded.
jey was walking alone in the arena. you didn’t reply to his text messages and it felt weird walking alone, not having you near him. “I’VE BEEN SAYING LIKE… THAT SHIT WAS SO FUNNY!” he heard your loud voice, decorating the empty hallways. jey immediately smiled and went inside the locker room, expecting you to jump in his arms, hugging him. the two of you hadn’t seen each other in a week and he missed your positive radiant energy.
you didn’t realize that he entered the locker room, you were still laughing with bayley over some dumb incident that happened weeks ago. “(y/n)! where have you been?” jey greeted you. this time, the hug he was expecting wasn’t there. all he saw was your smile dropping and a simple wave. “anyways, i need to go get ready for my interview, see you bayley.” you walked pass him. after closing the locker room door, he heard your laugh again. “iyo! hi, missed you!”
that was weird, jey thought. but he brushed it off as usual. sure, you had your days where you were not your usual self, but this was all new to him. you never ignored him before. showtime came and you were going to come out with him like usual. jey was already in gorilla position, waiting for you to come. “where were you?” he asked, clearly confused. “i was with iyo.” you shortly replied, not looking at him. “are you okay?” jey furrowed his brows. “perfect.” your music started and you immediately took his hand like usual.
“you killed it, mama!” the segment ended and the two of you walked back to the hallways. “thanks.” once again, you shortly replied. before jey could say anything, you walked to the bathroom, avoiding further interactions. you really didn't have the energy to talk to him. you loved him but he didn’t feel the same and you were still in denial about it. so you chose to push him away–despite wanting to hold his hands like usual, you couldn’t.
“anyone know what’s wrong with (y/n)?” jey entered the bloodline's locker room, earning glances from his faction. “what do you mean?” roman asked, furrowing his brows in confusion. “i don’t know, she’s ignoring me and my texts.” jey sat down on the bench, feeling all confused. “she asked me what tie i was wearing so we could have matching sets.” paul joined the conversation. she even replied to paul, jey thought. you hated replying to the old man’s messages because it would end with a long paragraph about taking care of your own health. something was definitely wrong.
practice day came and jey was in front of your house, waiting for you to come out. you didn’t pick up his call and replied to his messages, but he was still going to pick you up like usual. his train of thought was cut off by his phone ringing. “dude, where are you? everyone’s here and we’re waiting for you!” sami’s voice was loud and clear. “i’m waiting for (y/n), in front of her house right now.” “what do you mean you’re waiting for (y/n)? she came here with roman like an hour ago. they’re warming up.”
“okay, i’m here now!” jey saw the entire faction, sami, and kevin waiting for him. “shit, (y/n). i didn’t know you went with roman, could’ve replied to my texts or calls.” jey complained. he was expecting a snarky or sarcastic reply, or even a flirtatious respond, but you only nodded at his sentence. “sorry.” you muttered. “you wanna go now?” sami asked you. “sure!” your tone switched when you replied to sami.
you got into the ring with sami, practicing the choreography. jey watched you from the side, puzzled with your cold behavior at him. you were all smiles when sami accidentally tripped over your foot. “come on, get up!” you chuckled. “sorry, sorry! it was my fault.” sami replied, pulling you up from your current position. “come on, (y/n)! you can do this.” you looked at jey and didn’t respond, only focusing on hitting a punch on sami’s shoulders. “wanna tag me in?” jey jumped inside the ring. “just wait a bit, i was having fun with sami.” you stared at him with a deadpanned expression.
“did i do something wrong?” jey finally asked the question. “no?” you raised a brow. “then why are you acting cold to me, (y/n)?” you shrugged your shoulders. “nothing is wrong, jey.” you never said his name after you gained feelings for him, it was always cute pet names like ‘baby’ or even ‘hubby’. but hearing you say his name, his chest tightened a bit. “just tag in,” you paused for a second, slapping his hand in a quick motion. “i’ll be with kevin in the ring next room if you need anything.”
"good practice guys!" you smiled at them, not paying attention to jey, who was still in the ring. "alright, let's go, you haven't packed right?" roman spoke up. "yeah, thanks for reminding me. let's go home!" you nodded. "you're not riding back with me?" jey spoke up. "no, i came here with roman." "you know his house is like a 30 minute drive from ours right?" he raised a brow. "and? he offered to drive me home, jey. do i see him complaining?" you stared at him. everyone felt the tension surrounding the two of you. "okay, okay. calm down." solo patted your back, completely diffusing the situation.
roman definitely knew what was going on. "so, you broke up with him or what?" he asked. "no... we weren't even dating, uce." you sighed. "but why the hell are you acting all cold to him?" you went over the story of how he thought you were just joking around. "damn, that man really needs a reality check." roman said after you finished your ranting. "maybe he just doesn't like me and i'm trying too hard or i am just being dramatic." you sighed. "nah, (y/n). we all know you love him, just don't be too hard on yourself."
jey ended up riding with jimmy. "you look pissed as hell, what's up?" jimmy asked, munching on his food. the two brothers were in a random parking lot, eating their feelings out. "(y/n) has been very cold to me. i don't know what i did." he sighed. "what do you mean by that?" jimmy furrowed his brows. "she never replied to my texts, she doesn't flirt around with me, avoided every interaction, she's not touchy, and overall... it feels weird without her." jimmy smacked the back of his younger twin's neck.
"are you fucking serious?" jimmy groaned. "what?" jey gritted his teeth. "bro, do i really need to be the one saying this to you?" "just say it." jimmy sighed. "she's in love with you, bro. do you think it's all an act? she's been in love with you since day 1. i know it's all for the gimmick, acting out as boyfriend and girlfriend," he paused for a second. "but she's head over heels for you. what the fuck did you say to her to make her act distant?"
then it hit him. "i laughed it off. i told her that she could drop the act since the cameras weren't rolling..." "i swear if you weren't my brother, i'd beat your ass right now." jimmy rolled his eyes. "now, do you love her back?" that question made jey drop his phone on his lap. do i love her? he thought. jey had never felt so comfortable with anyone but you. jey loved seeing your cheery attitude, he loved the way you could light up the room with your laugh, he loved the way you were always there for him, and he just realized that he loved you.
jey breathed out the cold air of december. he was in front of your house, carrying a bouquet. it took him only 5 minutes to walk to your house as you were neighbors now. he knocked on your door, waiting for you to open it. his heart was beating faster than usual as he tapped his foot in nervousness. "wait a bit!" jey heard your footsteps. you opened the door, seeing him with a smile on his face. "yes, how may i help- jey?" "i'm sorry."
"what are you doing here?" you furrowed your brows. "just... hear me out," he paused for a second. you crossed your arms, listening to him. "i'm sorry." he repeated. "for what?" you barked at him. "i'm sorry for not taking you seriously, i should've realized that you were in love with me and i was blinded by the fact that i thought it was an act..." your cold persona dropped after hearing his sentence. "i'm sorry that i brushed it off." you sighed.
"thank you for apologizing. i know that you don't see me the same way, i'll just stop the way i act-" before you could finish your sentence, he dropped the flowers and pulled you closer. jey kissed you and you were over the moon. "i love you, please don't ever ignore me... i'm sorry, baby." he apologized once again. "you love me?" you looked up at him. "i do." his sentence made you smile. "sorry for ignoring you, i thought that would make it easier for me to stop loving you." you admitted. "please don't ever ignore me again, i could literally die without you." he kissed your forehead. "i'll bother you until the sun burns out."
a/n: OMGGGGGGGGGG I LOVED WRITING THIS i hope y'all enjoyed it because i did... i love writing jey so much tbh like i just love him omg!!!! <3 feedbacks are highly appreciated like usual <3
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