#Out Of The Darkness
science70 · 7 months
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Out of the Darkness (Thailand, 1971 dir: Chatrichalerm Yukol).
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alvxprodz · 9 months
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Manu Rios and Matthew Daddario as Sebastian Reed and Patch Walsh in 'Out Of The Darkness'.
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badlucksav · 8 months
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fanficshiddles · 2 years
Out Of The Darkness, Chapter 19 (Final Chapter)
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When Grace woke up, the first thing she realised was she wasn’t in her room. In-fact, it didn’t look like she was somewhere familiar. She panicked a little, but as soon as she sat up, she spotted Loki sitting by a window at the side of the bed and instantly her panic disappeared.
Loki’s head shot up from his book, it vanished from his hands as he rose up and rushed to her bedside. ‘Hey, petal. I’m here.’
‘How… how long was I out for?’ She asked as Loki took her hands into his.
‘Just over forty-eight hours.’
‘What?’ Grace’s eyes widened.
‘You clearly needed the rest though, it took a lot out of you emotionally and physically.’ Loki brought her hands up to his lips so he could kiss her knuckles.
Grace nodded. ‘Yeah, so it seems.’
She definitely felt better than she did before passing out. She had been an absolute wreck, but after resting she didn’t feel quite as bad for doing what she did.
‘Tell me what you’re thinking, please?’ Loki was worried that she was going to panic about being somewhere different, he was surprised she hadn’t asked yet.
‘I… I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I still feel bad that I… killed someone willingly. But, he won’t hurt me or anyone else again.’ She closed her eyes and a few tears rolled down her cheeks, in sheer relief.
Loki wiped her cheeks with his thumbs. ‘You’re right, he won’t hurt you or anyone else ever again. You are free, petal.’
‘I wouldn’t have been able to do it without you, Loki. Thank you. So much.’ Grace smiled and opened her eyes.
Loki smiled back at her, he leaned in and kissed her forehead.
‘I’m kind of surprised you’ve not asked where we are yet?’ Loki chuckled.
‘That was going to be my next question. But I trust you, Loki. I know that you only want to protect me, and wherever we are must be for a reason.’
Loki felt his heart exploding in utter happiness. Having someone trust him so much, really did mean the world to him. He’d never had that before Grace.
‘It seems that the team are regretful of what they did, however Fury isn’t so… happy about Kilgrave being killed. Or more, an asset that they could’ve used, was more his words. Fury was going to be interrogating you before you were even rested. I was going to wait until you were awake again before discussing about leaving with you, as I feel being there is no longer safe. But Clint told me about this place and gave me the key, said we can be safe here for a while until we decide on what to do… But if you want to go back, I will take you straight back. I won’t take you anywhere or make you do anything you don’t want to.’
Grace took what he said in. It didn’t really surprise her that Fury would have seen Kilgrave dying as a missed opportunity for a weapon. Like what Stark thought of him too, before-hand anyway.
She shuffled across the bed a bit more and hugged Loki tightly, he wrapped his arms around her and hugged her back just as tight.
‘I don’t care what we do or where we go next, as long as I am with you, Loki. I’m free now, I don’t have Kilgrave to worry about. I just want to be with you.’ She whispered.
Loki squeezed her extra tight for a second and buried his face into her hair. Then he leaned back slightly and stroked her hair, smiling softly at her.
‘If we go on the run, I don’t know where in the Universe we will end up. Other realms are a high possibility to stay off the radar of the Avengers. I have broken my deal, if Odin finds out and I am caught, I will likely be sent back to Asgard. It means we might have to do some… unlawful things to stay under the radar.’
‘I don’t care. You’ve helped me and kept me calm and sane, perhaps I can help you now. If you need to be on the run, then we will do it. Seeing other planets wouldn’t exactly be a bad thing.’ Grace said honestly.
Though the thought was a little bit nerve wracking, it was exciting too. And she would be with Loki, which was all she wanted. All she would ever want.
‘And I’m pretty sure I’m going to hell for some of the things I’ve done before, under control and… not under control. So if we end up in hell, it won’t be so bad since we will both be there.’
Loki grinned and pressed a longing kiss on her forehead, then he pressed his forehead against hers as he held her hands again.
‘I’ll catch you if you fall, and you’ll catch me if I fall.’ Loki whispered.
‘I love you, Loki.’ Grace whispered back.
‘I love you too, Grace.’
Grace fell in love with the villa in Spain that Clint had let them use. But they knew they couldn’t stay there for too long. Loki got some supplies from the nearby village, of course being under disguise. He did a few adjustments to the quinjet to make sure it was suitable for far travel and living in, if need be.
They were planning on leaving in the morning, after being in Spain for a week, just relaxing and enjoying being in one another’s company. Planning and gathering supplies.
‘Are you sure you’re ready?’ Loki asked, kissing Grace’s shoulder as they bathed together. Loki had her encased between his legs, her back pressed against his chest. He was trailing his fingers up and down her arms, making the hairs on her body stand up on end from his touch.
‘I’m sure.’ She nodded, turning her head to the side so they could kiss softly.
‘Providing you give me a long lie first, if you wake me before eight then I will kick you in the balls.’ She mumbled over his lips, teasingly.
Loki chuckled and slid his hands around to her sides, tickling her.
‘I best try and let you have a long lie first then.’ He growled playfully and began nibbling along her shoulder while she squealed and giggled.
Grace and Loki knew it wasn’t going to be an overly easy and relaxing time ahead for them. They wouldn’t be able to stay in one place for longer than a month, if even that. But they were looking forward to doing it together, to being together.
To being free.  
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whoa-myninja · 11 months
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battinscnz · 1 year
Patch was the language Sebastian understood.
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eilti · 2 years
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mmmkayla · 5 months
I will be joining the Out of The Darkness Walk this year! Feel free to donate to help #stopsuicide!
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leonide-poet · 6 months
Faking and fetching
those things you don't know
Chasing and tasting
dark things that don't show
Seeming and being
way far from yourself
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soulinkpoetry · 2 years
If you’re feeling that it’s impossible to pull yourself out of the darkness, know that you’re stronger than you think. Every time you doubt yourself reach in for that last drop of strength and keep going , because you’re inspiring someone who’s close to you, even if you don’t know it.
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May 6, 2023 Campus Walk.
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momoksha · 1 year
out of the darkness (live acoustic original song)🎶
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alvxprodz · 1 year
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fanficshiddles · 2 years
Out Of The Darkness, Chapter 17
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Loki took a few deep breaths as he prepared himself. His heart was already broken into a million pieces that Kilgrave had Grace under his spell again.
Grace’s hands were shaking so bad, but Kilgrave knew that she would do what he said. He just continued to smirk as she apologised to Loki in tears.
‘I’m sorry…’ She cried.
Then to everyone’s surprise, Grace too, she turned at the last second and aimed the blaster at Kilgrave. She pulled the trigger quickly, Kilgrave barely had time to react. He was blasted into the wall, with no chance of survival from the close range.
Loki was stunned for a second, but quickly snapped out of it when he watched Grace wail out in distress as she dropped the blaster and started screaming hysterically.
He ran over to her and caught her in his arms as she began to collapse.
‘It’s ok, Grace. It’s ok. You’re safe, I’m here.’ He slowly lowered himself and Grace to the floor so he could hold her properly while she cried into him, shaking like a leaf.
‘I killed… I killed him…’ She sobbed repeatedly.
‘I know, petal. I know. It’s ok. It’s all going to be ok now. I promise.’ Loki whispered and kissed her head as he rocked her gently back and fore, making sure she didn’t try and look round at Kilgrave’s mangled body, parts everywhere from the blast.
The team and SHIELD agents came running down to find Kilgrave. With him dying his control over everyone instantly vanished, so they were able to move instead of staying in the one place like he’d told them to.
Loki just held Grace, and didn’t respond to anyone as they rushed around them like mad. Trying to tidy up the mess.
‘Grace, are you ok?’ Tony asked as he went to crouch down by them. But Loki growled at him angrily and didn’t let him near Grace.
‘Leave her alone!’ Loki snarled.
Loki teleported the two of them back to her room. It took a while for Grace to calm down enough to stop shaking, her eyes were dry as she had no more tears left.
‘I’m so sorry, petal.’ Loki said sadly.
Grace shook her head. ‘Why… Why are you sorry?’
‘I failed you. I told you I would keep you safe, but I let him get you again.’
‘No, no you didn’t. It was… them. How could they be so idiotic to let him out?’ Her voice went a bit higher in her anger, her body needed to cry more but she just couldn’t.
‘I… I killed him… I killed someone, in cold blood, without being controlled… I know it was him. But I still did it, I took a life.’ She said quickly, shakily as her breathing got quicker in a bit of a panic.
Loki put his arm around her again and rubbed her back. ‘Breathe slowly and deeply, petal. You did what… what was needed to be done. I am sorry it was you that had to do it. But you’ve saved many from being controlled by him, you’ve saved many lives.’ He said calmly.
Grace put her face in her hands as she tried to calm down like Loki said. But it wasn’t easy. It was bad enough to kill someone when you had no option to, when under his control. But to do it, willingly… Even though she knew if she didn’t, then Loki would’ve been in danger. If she had refused to kill him, Kilgrave would likely have ordered someone else to do it.
Loki ended up wrapping her up in her duvet and stayed cuddling with her on her bed.
‘I am so proud of you, Grace. You were able to fight him off, out of your mind. You were able to overcome his control.’
Grace turned slightly to look at Loki and the realisation hit her too.
‘I… I did… didn’t I?’ She smiled a tiny bit.
‘You certainly did.’ Loki nodded and stroked her cheek gently. ‘Now get some rest, my darling.’
Loki stayed with her until she passed out from sheer exhaustion. Not only was she drained emotionally, but mentally too. After Kilgrave getting into her mind again and then her being able to fight him out, Loki wouldn’t be surprised if she slept for days.
Taking a few deep breaths of his own, he quietly left her room but he set an illusion up to keep an eye on her. Incase she woke up upset or in a panic that he wasn’t there. Then he made his way to find the others.
And he was absolutely furious with them.
The team were all together, with Fury as well, in the kitchen. They had just finished with the big clean up, now they were trying to explain to Fury about what happened. But when Loki stormed in, everyone tensed up in a bit of a panic.
‘What the hell do you all think you were doing letting him out of that cell?’ Loki roared.
‘We… had to do something. We thought we had it under control, it wasn’t meant’
‘CLEARLY YOU DID NOT HAVE IT UNDER CONTROL.’ Loki launched at Stark and was ready to strangle him, but Thor rushed over and hauled Loki back.
‘Loki, don’t! This wont help.’ Thor tried.
‘Thanks to all of your idiocy, Grace is in tatters in her room right now. Completely distraught at having to do what you all wouldn’t let me do in the first place. He almost had her again, do you know what could’ve happened to her if she hadn’t been able to fight him out of her mind?’ Loki almost lost his voice a moment at the mere thought, but he managed to push his emotion out of it.
‘Fuck. We are so sorry, Loki. We will explain to Grace, too.’ Steve seemed genuinely sorry for what had happened. But it would never be good enough for Loki. Or Grace.
Loki shook his head. ‘No, no amount of apologies will ever be enough. You are not to come near her, any of you.’ He growled in warning.
‘Loki, we will need to speak to both of you. Especially Grace. About what happened. She did kill him, after all. Who could’ve been a great asset to us.’ Fury said.
Clint and Natasha looked at Fury like he had suddenly grown another head. They couldn’t believe he just said that, never mind on front of Loki of all people.
Everyone could practically see the fire blazing in Loki’s eyes as he stalked towards Fury. It took Steve, Thor and Natasha to hold Loki back. But they all knew that if he really wanted to get at Fury, then he would’ve. Loki was holding back because he knew Grace needed him.
‘You are not getting near Grace. She has nothing to talk to any of you about. Once she’s fit and able, we are leaving. We can’t trust any of you again, ever. She’s not safe here with you lot.’
‘You can’t leave, Loki. You know the deal.’ Tony sighed.
‘Shove the deal. My only concern is Grace, and I will not allow her to be in danger again.’ Loki snarled and then vanished right on front of their eyes.
When Loki returned to Grace, she was still sound asleep. He began pacing at the bottom of her bed. He didn’t know what to do for the best.
Of course, he wanted to let her sleep. But he knew he had to get her out of there, sooner than later. Fury’s words really rattled him. He didn’t want Grace to be interrogated either for doing the right thing.
But he didn’t want to just take her away somewhere without speaking to her first.
Though he knew he was quickly running out of time, and was going to have to make a decision fast.
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eldritch-elrics · 6 months
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obsessed with the april fools day joke from the another crab's treasure devs
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battinscnz · 1 year
and Sebastian was almost too afraid to get to know him.
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