#Over the rainbow Precure
I'm making A kinda episode 1 to my fancures so here I guess @shinysparklesapphires since she asked
....Fire engulfs the land of A kingdom as A monster chases A taller man in prince like clothing holding A 3 year old girl in A dress there clothes are tattered and burnt as they try to escape. as the monster lunges at the two two maids and two butlers cast A barrier around them. "YOUNG LORD RETREAT AT ONCE" A older man says as he sends A weak burst of fire at the monster and another one behind the royality.
"But...WHAT ABOUT YOU 4 YOU MAY BE ALL WE HAVE" The prince shouts of tears in his eyes the smoke and fire damaging his lungs as the princess cries.
"MY LORD WE PROMISE WE WILL BE WITH YOU SOON JUST TAKE THE RAINBOW NEAR US TO THE HUMAN WORLD AND FIND THE FINAL PRECURE" A younger butler says as A weird humanoid monster lunges at the prince in which he was blown away with some wind. "I CAN'T LET THAT HAPPEN" He lunges again clearly not damaged but it was to late as mournfully the Prince jumped into one of the rainbows floating off the side of the island like A waterfall then it disappeared tears in both his and the princess's eyes as the prince coughs out and in A poof of smoke he turns into A rabbit still holding onto the princess tightly crying.
Haru opens his eyes looking around only to see his normal bedroom the sun beaming from his curtain "....what was that?".
Episode 1
"I want to be better I promise to be better!" CURE RAJIN MAKES HIS DEBUT
Haru walks through the empty sidewalks of the city A earbud in his ear deciding to go through the less populated areas of town to avoid getting swept up in A crowd all was Peaceful untill he heard small "fu fu fu" as A weirdly big and weridly shaped Rabbit rabbit carry A small baby over it's head which Haru just walked past at first then he fully processed what he just saw.
"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!?"He says pausing and staring at it in A mix of confusion and fear of what the hell that is as the Rabbit turns to him seeming to have just noticed him as well and its face contorts out of fear "OH HUMAN PLEASE DON'T TELL OTHER ABOUT U-"
It couldn't finish its sentence as Haru starts screaming out of fear "IT SPEAKS TOO WHAT KIND OF HORROR CREATURE AND IT'S KIDNAPPING A BABY WHERE ARE THE COPS WHEN YOU NEED THEM!?" he screams out before quickly running away and the Rabbit tries to chase after it but fell down with the baby falling on him leaving the rabbit stuck.
After A few minutes of running Haru stops to catch his breath "what in the hell was that maybe I was just seeing things.....of course it was A rabbit talking somehow having the strength to not only walk on there back paws AND hold the baby I doubt that was anything more than that" his thoughts run rampant preferring the thought of him going crazy than any of that being real.
"and what was I supposed to do!? that thing could be some lovecraftian horror if it could speak....or I doubt I could do much in general" Haru sighs standing up straight and looking around...."Where is the school....FUCK I LEFT THE PATH"
"damn it and I got up early just to be A good student and I don't know where I'm going" complaints leave his mouth looking around trying to spot anything familiar in this unfamiliar town untill he saw A girl around his age with A backpack on "...maybe she is heading to school too" he walks up to her shouting out A "hey" making the girl jump glaring at him mad grabbing something in her jacket pocket with A hand that didn't have A ring on and then Haru spots A pure blue crystal like ring on her finger but was quickly distracted by the girls "Who are you catching attitude with because I know it isn't me?"
While Haru knew he was in the wrong for his mistaken tone but her raising her voice at him activated A switch in him "OH sorry I spoke out of line but uh I have A question and if you can stop being rude for A se-"
"Well I refuse to answer"
"It's really A simple question!"
"I still refuse"
Haru grits his teeth trying to stop himself from being rude again "Oh fine Miss. Prissy Can't even ask someone for simple directions huh" he was just about to walk off but the girl spoke up "Have you never heard of Google maps" and it took all of Haru's willpower not to run away from embarrassment.
"Of course I did! I just...wanted to learn how to get places without help..." Haru wanted to just wanted to sink into the earth at what he said and how hard he lost this argument and the girl was about to speak up again but Haru ran away before she could say anything leading to her yelling "Glad you know how wrong you are"
Haru wanted to scream but he totally lost that argument and somewhat felt bad for starting A argument where it wasn't needed and in shame he turned on his phone and went to Google maps "I swear I don't know if I want to say sorry or avoid her completely if I see her again"
After A quick walk he finally arrived at his new high school grabbing his schedule from the office walking to his first class from the direction of the office lady gave him and entering thankfully it was before class while most kids were in the lunchroom for breakfast but A certain someone catches his eyes and the same could be said for said person
"YOU!" Haru and the girl from eariler say at the same time leading to the few kids in class staring at them confused and annoyed as the girl quickly walks up to Haru dragging him to the back of the class where less eyes are and giving A icy glance at anyone still staring taking most eyes off of them "what are YOU doing here?" she whisper yells at him
"Is it not obvious that I'm here cause I'm A student?"
"damn it I could tell you were new but I thought you were be A younger student with that punk personality "
Haru looks at the girl up and down "Our heights says otherwise" the girl lands A slap on the back of his head which resulting to him doing the same thing to her but she barely dodges with A slight *bomp* before she goes to grab her pencil to stab him and him doing the same thing but they are forced to stop and hide the pencils behind them as the teacher comes in as they start pretending to act all buddy buddy.
"oh Miss Ako are you two acquainted?" the teacher asks her and she nods "friends already Miss." she lies through her teeth and Haru stares at her with A face of someone wanting to rip her throat out but the teacher eithers don't notice or doesn't care as she is not paid enough to care "oh that's good class is not starting for A bit so maybe take him for A tour"
"of course miss!" she says dragging him out the room panting like she was holding her breath the whole time "listen bra-"
"BRAT!? SHOULDN'T YOU BE IN A MIDDLE SCHOOL RIGHT NOW" Haru yells out getting A kick in the leg making him wince in pain and he karate chops Ako on the head "Yeah you BRAT I refuse to let you even have A chance of ruining my perfect reputation with the teachers so you will take this tour we will be nice to each other for the class and part ways and pretend we don't hate each other for the rest of the year"
"And if I don't?"
"Well I can't be specific on if you don't BUT if you do I'll let you copy off my homework and notes whenever you need"
Haru thinks it over "hmmm could be worth it....fine" he nods his head he can act friendly and who knows could maybe tell her he's sorry at some point...if he feels like it.
"good now lets start this tour" she says walking off Haru following "this can't be so bad" he thinks to himself.
"I CAN'T GET RID OF THEM" is all the both of them can think of class after class they can't be separated and it always starts the same they seperate after A class happy to finally be rid of each other for the day just to end up at the same destination surprised and then find some way to compete with each other to best the other.
It started off with social studies it was A simple online map quiz game where it's A competition on who can list all 50 states first and despite never caring for this stuff before and being hardly able to list more then 10 he was somehow keeping pace with Ako and won first place in A exact tie not even A milisecond off but the teacher noted to one of the more talkative students in class that he chats with that Ako had A smile that wasn't common for her in class and The new student was the same although hard to tell if it was A grin of wanting to best the other to rub it in or actual fun
and this went on making A competition of everything even A simple worksheet was one and despite Haru commons B's and C's in his old school he was working like A honors student and it was the final class them completing A test that Haru didn't even need to do to begin with at the same time and there were A few minutes of free time before class ended and the two were together for some reason defaulting to each other.
"How did you keep up I'M supposed to be the top student not some new kid" Ako glared at him speaking as if to pierce him like her words were swords but he just scoffs the words away "well I refused to let someone that pissed me off do better than me even if I couldn't be lazy"
"Jeez talk about petty"
"Girl I know you aren't talking"
"whatever brat but I guess someone like you I wouldn't mind pretending to be your friend more often you sure know how to fake it able to fool all the teachers into thinking all of that wasn't because of hate"
"Friend?" The word rings in his head as memories flash through his head of people he wish he could forget the faces of sadness some he caused... then the bell rings "sorry I gotta refuse" before Ako could say anything else he quickly walks out of the room leaving her in shock "jeez what's his problems" she mumbles to herself before her jewel blue ring starts glowing "huh...something finally happening?"
"HOW DID I FUCK UP THAT BAD" Haru shouts to himself in the confides of his room just glad his mom isn't currently home to yell at him as he wallows in self pity "I'M BETTER THAN BEFORE I WON'T BE AS BAD BUT WHY CAN'T I FORCE MYSELF TO JUST ACCEPT!?" he flails his legs in the air as he rapidly presses the button on his switch after putting up the first hack n slash game he found when he turned it on.
"...I don't want to hurt anyone but....that's no excuse....I'M SO FUCKING DUMB WHY IS IT SO HARD TO JUST CHANGE!" he puts his switch to his side as he grabs A pillow and throws it at his window out of frustration pausing from what he said.
"...is that baby flying....WHAT IS THAT MONSTER CHASING IT AND IT'S THE ONE I SAW EARILER" He didn't know what took over him in that moment but he got up putting on his hoodie and shoes and start rushing out of his house following the scene which was something he could only imagine in A anime, A small 3 year old light brown hair baby with A small rabbit on it's back getting chased by A man in black knight armor.
eventually they reach the outskirts of town and enter the forest and Haru is wondering how he was somehow surviving such A long run but forced himself to run as fast as he could after he saw the baby get strucked down by A bear beam on energy falling to the ground but Haru grabs her before she hit the ground running deeper into the forest.
the baby looks to Haru confused on who he is but seeing how he was probably more scared then her by the flying man chasing them in the air eventually entering A part of the forest that had no sunlight unable to be observed from above Haru takes A right to throw the man off and then hides in A bush looking around "crap I hardly know the city how am I supposed to get out of here no less get to the police".
The girl was about to speak or well as well as A 3 year old can speak normally untill Haru puts his ring finger on his finger telling her to hush "Don't worry I promise I'll get you out although if the guy could fly who knows what else he got so just hold on to your rabbit bud gotta get him A vet too UGH" Haru stands up starting to walk to the right slowly well before A blast of that same dark energy swipes in front of him making him back away falling on the ground as the knight in armor walks up to him his armor clanking as he walked.
"Are you finally done being miss runaway Princess?" he said lunging at the child but Haru gets in the way sending him flying into A tree leaving him damaged but he quickly tries to get up getting in front of the baby but kneels down grunting out small complaints but not moving "huh so stubborn aye? well I'd rather not kill you so I guess I'll just make you another pawn for my queen"
"Come now show me darkest depths of your personality! come my monster!" A heart shaped heart appears on his chest and out in A cloud of darkness come memories he wished to forget.
A memory of his laughter at another's tears along with others another of him being nice just to reveal another's secrets to others and one of his alone after A betrayal he experienced all of it takes shape as A huge snake revealing itself to the world bursting from the trees "Ahh A betrayal story how pitiful now come to your cage" A cage made of pure dark steel appears about to drag Haru in well untill Haru near lifeless eyes catch The baby crying her eyes out grabbing onto his legs trying to pull him away then the line connecting him to the cage breaks light bursting as the snack recoils back wincing.
"huh!? HOW!? JUST COME TO YOUR CAGE LIKE TRASH LIKE YOU BELONG" he tries to drag him again but he just slaps it away standing up straight holding up the baby with him all of his injuries somehow gone "OH SHUT UP"
"I KNOW HOW TRASH OF A PERSON I AM I'M NEVER GOING TO DENY IT I HAVE NO RIGHT TO BUT I WANT TO CHANGE I WANT TO STOP HURTING PEOPLE WHO DON'T DESERVE IT, I WANT PEOPLE TO ACTUALLY BE CLOSE WITH, AND I WANT TO PROTECT PEOPLE LIKE ME AND RIGHT NOW ALL I SEE IS A MANIAC WHO IS ATTACKING A BABY SO I WON'T GIVE INTO MY SADNESS AND ANGER AT MYSELF RIGHT NOW BECAUSE I PROMISED MYSELF I'LL CHANGE AND THAT MEANS SAVING THIS BABY" He shouts out loud enough it would be A surprised he hasn't lost his voice as he steps forward A beam of light weakening the monster more and 4 figures dressed in strange outfits look in shock with one saying "I'd never expect this from him eariler..."
The baby grabs his hand then A yellow crystal ring appears on his hand and she screams "PRECURE OVER THE RAINBOW" then lighting covers the two in A cocoon and when it uncovers them Haru looks totally different as bits of lighting come off him his glare never disappearing ingoring the madness of all this then the baby starts floating again next to him "name?" Despite it being one word he knew what he meant he thinks it over before speaking.
"Hero of the thunderstorm making way for A rainbow to connect everyone" he does A twirl then balancing himself on one leg and his arms pointing horizontally like A lighting bot "I'M CURE RAJIN"
Then like A lighting bolt he jumps up high to the snake uppercutting it then he looks down in surprise at the height he jumped but quickly refocus when the snake charges at him but he grips onto part of the snake launching himself over the monster sending A lighting bolt at the back of the snake's head making it fall back then the knight flys up to him summoning A sword to slice at him but Rajin dodges kicking him into the snake's agape mouth.
when landing on the ground he grabs the snake tail the jumps back getting A good grip then overhead throws the monster breaking many trees with the fall, the baby flys over to Rajin and shouts "FINISH IT" and Rajin nods in response.
"PRECURE" -his fists surrounds itself in lighting as he lunges at the monster's head basically flying over the rest of the monster more lighting gathering as the knight teleports away "FLASH BANG" he fist lands on the monster erupting into A explosion of bolts of lighting and the heart that once formed the snack regains it's rainbow color returning to Haru's chest and the snake disappearing.
Rajin falls on his butt he rubs it as he untransformed all of lighting going into the yellow ring on his hand as the baby flys up to him hugging him crying tears of joy and other weirdly dressed people come out detransforming to and one takes his attention most "AKO?"
"Geez A hello would be nice instead of such rude name-calling." Ako rolls her eyes putting out A hand to help Haru up which he takes as A 16 year old girl with A green ring takes the baby into her arms with the rabbit already there "how did you get the ring...you aren't A chosen one" she scoffs and walks off with the baby giggling just waving good bye to Haru.
"WAIT WHAT THE HELL GIVE HER BACK" he starts to stomp over to the girl but Ako holds A arm in front of him to stop him "oh calm down they are one of us look at at there ring" Haru looks at it and at the two other teen's that are also walking away with unfriendly looks on there face.
"....WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!?" he yells out Ako slapping him on the head "OH CALM DOWN I'LL EXPLAIN EVERYTHING LATER JUST DON'T YELL" Haru just glares her down before he remembers something just sighing.
"....Ako...I'm sorry for being rude and running away later...I'd like to be your friend...FAKE FRIEND I MEANT!" he was blushing not looking her in the eye as A smug grin comes onto Ako's face "Oh I don't know hmmm should I?"
"You bit-"
"OH FINE because I'm so nice!" she says then lets out A laugh before going silent looking away "But I was A bit rude to you back so I guess I should be A bit sorry so....I'm A BIT sorry" she says and now it's Haru to give A cocky laugh as Ako blushes.
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bobi200samatar · 3 months
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The color wheel challenge is done!
Red- Katherine (Tales of Alderwood)
Orange- Wander (Wander over Yonder)
Yellow- Top Cat (Top Cat)
Green- Speedy the Bird (Archie Sonic the Hedgehog)
Cyan- Jenny Wakeman (My Life As A Teengae Robot)
Blue- Mew Mint (Tokyo Mew Mew)
Purple- Blaze theCat (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Pink- Cure Miracle (Maho Tsukai Precure)
Black- Shall Fen Shall (Sugar Apple Fairy Tale)
White- Sariphi (Sacrificial Princess and the King of Beasts)
Brown- Rowlet (Pokémon)
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kukuandkookie · 1 year
I was wondering why Cure Sky’s design felt a little familiar, and it was only when someone joked that she was a Snow Miku that I realized…
Her hairstyle being pigtails and having a gradient from blue to pink kind of reminds me of Yan Keke, from Balala the Fairies: Magic Star Fate Castle. 😆
I mean, they’ve got the gradient from blue to pink in the hair, the pigtails, the straight bangs (that even vary in style across the whole shape), the things on the top of the head (wings vs cat ears), the bared shoulders even with sleeves, the yellow/gold heels on their boots, the bow(s) at the waist, the heart on their collar accessory…
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There is also the fact that this is the first time we’re getting a leader that’s not a pink Cure (or isn’t equated to pink, the way Cure Black sometimes is)—and is also a blue Cure. Balala the Fairies has been known for having non-pink leaders before, as seen with the yellow lead Shirley (Xiao Lan)’s prominence in the early seasons up to Finding Melody, but also with Azure (Na Xiya), who was the blue lead in Ocean Magic.
Don’t get me wrong though!! Even if I find the parallels amusing, I’m not dunking on Precure or anything lol. I’ve just personally found it fun how the latest Precure seasons constantly have reminded me of Balala the Fairies in some way, which is just like…a little fun detail I enjoy as a fan of both ahaha.
For example, Tropical Rouge Precure does vaguely remind me of Balala the Fairies: Ocean Magic, if only because their themes are both island-esque. I guess the different coloured strips of hair (and gradients) and the purposefully multi-coloured eyes—with Ocean Magic featuring stars while Tropical Rouge features hearts in the eyes—also help make the parallel a bit more evident, although the designs aren’t necessarily that similar overall.
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And of course Healin’ Good Precure’s Cure Sparkle is actually quite similar to Amy (Yin Xiaomin) from Balala the Fairies: Over the Rainbow…and this similarity does have me raising an eyebrow more, if only because the coincidences in design here are way more obvious. 😂
I know a lot of people joked about Precure taking design ideas from Balala back then, which is a fun turnaround considering Balala’s first few seasons started by being inspired by magical girls shows (and specifically Precure) lol.
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I actually did wonder if Precure was—as some anime recently have—focusing a bit on the Chinese market, what with Cure Yum-Yum’s introduction, which is obviously Chinese-themed. I mean, it does make sense to introduce a Chinese-themed Cure for the season about food, although I did find it kind of funny since Cure Precious is Japanese-themed, Cure Yum-Yum is Chinese-themed, and then I guess…Cure Spicy is western-themed because…bread? It makes her category feel a little more underrepresented though ahaha.
I actually really like Cure Yum-Yum’s design despite my slight griping about her falling into many of the Japanese anime tropes about what makes an outfit/character visibly Chinese (the hair ornament-like buns that are reminiscent of buns, the qipao-inspired dress, and…well, it’s not in Cure Yum-Yum’s design but is in her family’s restaurant: the excessive amounts of pandas). At least they didn’t pull a Shaman King and slap a panda right on her chest slfjskdjs.
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Despite containing a visible reference to China, Delicious Party Precure’s designs don’t remind me as much of Balala the Fairies… Although if I had to force a parallel, maybe I’d draw one with Finding Melody? I think it’s just because Cure Precious’ pigtails along with the rest of her hair being down reminds me of Michelle Lin (Lin Meixue), the pink character for that season…plus the big heart being in the centre of the bow tie at their chest, along with some of the ruffles on their sleeves and skirt, and even with their flower-shaped hair accessories holding the pigtails in place along with a headband, and finally with their skirt’s shape opening to reveal an underskirt. 😆
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Final note though: I make these comparisons all in good fun! Especially since magical girl designs will obviously cycle through similar design choices and elements and tropes, so don’t think of this as a diss. I like both series and as an overall donghua fan I can’t help but insert my fascination with donghua wherever I go, and I haven’t been able to help making such parallels since the Cure Sparkle comparison to Amy (Yin Xiaomin) all those years ago ahaha.
Anyway, I’m actually quite excited for Hirogaru Sky Precure!! I haven’t posted about Precure in quite some time (not since Hugtto), but I do enjoy the fandom from the periphery now and I get hyped for every season’s new designs. I was especially hooked by Cure Yum-Yum’s design for Delicious Party, although I did hear that that season was rather lacklustre, so I look forward to Hirogaru, since it seems like they’re pulling out all the stops for the series’ 20th anniversary. 👀
I mean, after all these years of asking, we’re finally getting a boy Cure!! I do still think Rio and Henri were kind of robbed of that chance in Kirakira and Hugtto respectively, although I understand the need for baby steps. But seriously, Rio would have worked so well as Cure Waffle…
And hey, at least this means we’ll see Cure Wing get a proper transformation sequence!! To bring this post back since I got sidetracked here, this kind of reminds me of my excitement over Prince Noah (Youle-wangzi) from Balala the Fairies: Finding Melody, who also got his own transformation sequence!
I guess even Cure Butterfly’s role as the older one in the group (being the first Cure to be 18—although I do agree she seems younger than the previously established 17-year-old Cures) can be considered reminiscent of Shirley (Xiao Lan)’s role as the older member of the Balala the Fairies team for multiple seasons, since she’s 19-years-old—physically anyway, as it is hinted she and Noah (Youle) could be actually around 100.
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^ (Bonus Note: The above shot is still my favourite [from the Finding Melody OP] because like…all they did was touch hands while grabbing popcorn but then they react like this… It still cracks me up that Noah (Youle) is drawn “like a shy girl” here bwahaha. But yeah, he and Shirley (Xiao Lan) did make for a cute ship. ^^)
Alright, to wrap this up, here’s to a new good season of Precure! I’m looking forward to it~ And of course, a happy 20th anniversary to these badass girls (and now one boy)! 🥂
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meringuejellyfish · 1 year
people who believe that modern precure is “falling off” are kind of insane i think
#very broad statement because i totally understand what they mean. i feel like a lot of more recent precure series' have been a little#more on the forgettable/mid tier (saying this just purely based on appearances alone. because thats a huge factor for me)#but thats always sort of been the case ... theres eh precure series from every point#kira kira has some of the most delightful designs and one of the strongest casts from any precure series#and i just was looking at a bunch of tropical rouge stuff (i will finish it someday LOL) and my gawd the fight scenes go hard#and the stylization in tropical rouge in my opinion is really lovely. it has sort of that average anime look to it but defines itself with#really fun shapes and expressiveness. i also think the color usage is just really good#wont ever get tired of the rainbow lineups where every cure just gets 1 color basically because its still done in a very appealing way#but i like when cures in a series get more interesting palettes#anyway - theres always more to want from precure. i know id go crazy if i made my own precure series. but theres also so much about precure#thats just so delightful and its quite a shame i think that its crazily popular in japan but was never properly brought over here#and when it was with smile precure (turned into glitter force) it was ... mangled#they also brought over doki doki (still under the glitter force title) and i only ever watched a bit of the dubbed version ... but i think#they might have kept it more intact ? but also havent tried any series after those two ?#i dont know all i remember is draculaura voiced the main girl (cure heart)#anyway my point was something. something something oh yeah i think the only thing id say aside from various things id hypothetically want#from future precure series (the list could go on forever) that i'll say right now is. i wish they went a little crazier with the styles for#each series. of course the style differs from series to series already but i want ...even more stylized ones#of course id be saying this when my second favorite series is heartcatch which has the coolest style and animation ever but oh my god#precure is precure and is basically appealing no matter what but ... also im a guy who just leans towards more interesting styles#i would like to continue star twinkle precure of course and think it is cute for what it is style wise but its also not my favorite#kind of style. this is more nitpicky hyper specific tastes though. im just rambling#most appealing looking precure series' in my personal opinion are futari wa. heartcatch. kira kira a la mode. and tropical rouge
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aemulatorizrafel · 1 month
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I can finally post the Cure Peace I did for the Over the Rainbow PreCure collab!
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mahou-furbies · 4 months
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57 years of magical girls!
List of series they're from:
Pic 1
Row 1: Sally the Witch, Himitsu no Akko-chan, Cutie Honey, Mahou Shoujo Lalabel, Minky Momo, Creamy Mami
Row 2: Persia the Magic Fairy, Magical Emi, Pastel Yumi, Sailor Moon, Magic Knight Rayearth, Wedding Peach
Row 3: Nurse Angel Ririka SOS, Saint Tail, Cardcaptor Sakura, Mahou Tsukai Tai, Revolutionary Girl Utena, Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne
Pic 2
Row 1: Ojamajo Doremi, Corrector Yui, Time Stranger Kyouko, Tokyo Mew Mew, Cosmic Baton Girl Comet-san, W.i.t.c.h.
Row 2: Pretear, Princess Tutu, Mermaid Melody, Kamichama Karin, Sugar Sugar Rune, Winx Club
Row 3: Futari wa Precure, Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha, Uta Kata, Fushigiboshi no Futagohime, Happy Seven, Shugo Chara!
Pic 3
Row 1: Futari wa Precure Splash Star, Powerpuff Girls Z, Nanatsuiro Drops, Yes! Precure 5, Balala the Fairies, Kaitou Tenshi Twin Angel
Row 2: Fresh Precure!, Invaders of the Rokujouma!?, Umimonogatari, Heartcatch Precure!, Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt, Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Row 3: Wish Upon the Pleiades, Suite Precure, Magical Lollipop, Symphogear, Smile Precure!, Magical Girl Ore
Pic 4
Row 1: Vividred Operation, Doki Doki! Precure, Day Break Illusion, Magical Girl Site, Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya, Katsute Mahou Shoujo to Aku wa Tekitai shiteita.
Row 2: 6 Hearts Princess, Kill la Kill, Samurai Flamenco, Happiness Charge Precure!, Magica Wars, Machikado Mazoku
Row 3: Yuuki Yuuna is a Hero, Lolirock, Go! Princess Precure, Miss Guillotine, Mahou Shoujo Nante Mouiidesukara, Sleepless Domain
Pic 5
Row 1: Punch Line, Apricot Cookie(s)!, Magical Girl Spec Ops Asuka, Concrete Revolutio, Miraculous Ladybug, Magical Suite Prism Nana
Row 2: Myriad Colors Phantom World, Nurse Witch Komugi-chan R, Mahou Tsukai Precure!, Flowering Heart, Mahou Shoujo? Naria☆Girls, Magical Girl Raising Project
Row 3: Matoi the Sacred Slayer, Flip Flappers, Balala the Fairies: Over the Rainbow, Pop in Q, Acro Trip, Kira Kira Precure a la Mode
Pic 6
Row 1: Märchen Mädchen, Twin Angel Break, Re:Creators, Magia Record, Cloudy Wondrous, Strawberry Seafoam
Row 2: HUGtto! Precure, Balala the Fairies: Ocean Magic, Tsukurotte Piature, Gushing Over Magical Girls, Star Twinkle Precure, Stellar Witch LIPS
Row 3: Healin’ Good Precure, Catch Teenieping, Mewkledreamy, Dame Daffodil, Sasaki and Peeps, Tropical Rouge! Precure
Pic 7
Row 1: Blue Reflection Ray, Magical Mom, Magilumiere Co. Ltd., Tea Tea Cherry, Delicious Party Precure, Balala the Fairies: Magic Star Fate Castle
Row 2: Hirogaru Sky! Precure, Magical Destroyers, Magical Girl Tsubame: I Will (Not) Save the World!, Wonderful Precure!
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bestanimatedmovie · 1 year
Tumblr's favorite animated movie, Round 1!
Classification round | Round 2 | Round 3 | Round 4
Round 1:
Results overview
A Monster in Paris vs Sailor Moon R: The Movie
A Silent Voice vs Shaun the Sheep Movie
A Troll in Central Park vs Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Asterix: The Mansions of the Gods vs Lu Over the Wall
Astro Boy vs Ferdinand
Azur and Asmar: The Princes' Quest vs Puella Magi Madoka Magica the Movie Part III: Rebellion
Barbie & the Diamond Castle vs The Great Mouse Detective
Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus vs My Little Pony: Equestria Girls
Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper vs Revolutionary Girl Utena: The Adolescence of Utena
Barbie Princess Charm School vs Turning Red
Batman and Mr. Freeze: SubZero vs Robots
Batman Ninja vs Barbie Fairy Secret
Belle vs 101 Dalmatians
Birdboy: The Forgotten Children vs The Princess and the Goblin
Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie vs All Dogs go to Heaven
Chicken Run vs Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
Cinderella III: A Twist in Time vs Green Snake
Despicable me vs Wreck-it-Ralph
Fantastic Mr Fox vs Wendell & Wild
Fantastic Planet vs Anomalisa
Gnomeo & Juliet vs Ernest & Celestine
Home on the Range vs A Goofy Movie
Hoodwinked! vs Lupin the Third: The Castle of Cagliostro
Ice Age vs WALL-E
In This Corner of the World vs We're Back! A Dinosaur's Story
Interstella 5555: The 5tory of the 5ecret 5tar 5ystem vs The Tale of John and Marie
Isle of Dogs vs Weathering with You
James and the Giant Peach vs Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind
Klaus vs Summer Wars
Kubo and the Two Strings vs Bambi
Liz and the Blue Bird vs Tekkonkinkreet
Madagascar vs Encanto 
Mary and Max vs The Sea Beast
Monsters vs Aliens vs Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit
My Little Pony: Equestria Girls – Rainbow Rocks vs Night Is Short, Walk on Girl
Night on the Galactic Railroad vs Metropolis
One Piece: Baron Omatsuri and the Secret Island vs Star☆Twinkle Precure the Movie: Wish Upon a Song of Stars
Paprika vs The Secret of Kells
ParaNorman vs Suzume
Penguins of Madagascar vs The Sword in the Stone
Persepolis vs The Garden of Words
Phineas and Ferb: The Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension vs Invader Zim: Enter the Florpus
Planet Hulk vs Zombillenium
Pocahontas vs The Tale of the Princess Kaguya
Pokémon Heroes vs Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva
Porco Rosso vs Meet the Robinsons
Quest for Camelot vs Digimon Adventure: Our War Game
Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas vs The Nightmare Before Christmas
Spookley the Square Pumpkin vs Kirikou and the Sorceress
Tales of the Night vs Stormy Night
Tehran Taboo vs Emesis Blue
The Adventures of Tintin vs Bee Movie
The Book of Life vs The Aristocats
The Boy and the Beast vs Waltz with Bashir
The Brave Little Toaster vs Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker
The Breadwinner vs Millennium Actress
The Congress vs The Legend of Hei
The Fabulous Baron Munchausen vs Ringing Bell
The Jungle Book vs Wolf Children
The LEGO Batman Movie vs Kung Fu Panda 2
The Lego Ninjago Movie vs Barbie in the 12 Dancing Princesses
The Lion King II: Simba's Pride vs Watership Down
The Little Prince vs Loving Vincent
The Pagemaster vs Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade
The Phantom Tollbooth vs The Sorcerer's Apprentice
The Secret World of Arrietty vs 9
The Thief and the Cobbler vs Felidae
The Wind Rises vs Brother Bear
Tokyo Godfathers vs 5 Centimeters per Second
Trolls World Tour vs Promare
Unicorn Wars vs Batman: Gotham by Gaslight
Whisper of the Heart vs Batman: Under the Red Hood
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silvermoon424 · 8 months
For any of your OCs do you have inspiration(s) for their attacks? What they would look like or how the animation style would be like, etc.?
Ahem, yes, I have given some thought to their attacks!
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Her main weapon is a bow. She fires arrows made out of magical energy. She has powers over holy light and love.
Basically a LOT of inspo for her bow attacks comes from Madoka Kaname, especially how her attacks are animated in Magia Record. Her finishing move is firing an arrow into a sigil she made up above, which then shoots down a huge beam of energy (very "Pluvia Magica" coded)
Because she's the super special MC, she also has a secondary weapon: a stereotypical magic wand (I haven't decided yet whether the weapon was born through her own power or inherited from a former/fallen magical girl).
The attacks with the magic wand are more Sailor Moon-coded, especially Rainbow Moon Heartache, Silver Moon Crystal Power Kiss, etc. There are also some original attacks I've come up with that I don't really know how to explain lol. Just imagine huge pink energy hearts everywhere!
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Her weapons are a pair of chakrams (haven't 100% decided on that but that's what I'm going with for now). She has powers over space and the stars/planets as well as the ability to create wormholes.
A lot of her attacks have to do with wormhole creation (if an enemy is too powerful or annoying, she'll just yeet them into space or a different dimension lmao)
Her star-based attacks are inspired largely by star-based Cures from Precure.
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I honestly haven't given much thought to her weapon yet, but I was thinking it's a fancy gun of some kind. She has powers over fire.
She also utilizes an electric guitar to help her control flames and get them even wilder (each of the girls has an instrument that's their signature and that they play both in and out of battle btw- Erina's is the flute, Iris's is the tambourine, and Luna's is the violin- but I imagine that Rhae uses her instrument the most)
She's all about the raw destructive power of fire. LOTS of inspo from Sailor Mars here (who heavily inspires Rhae in general, lol). Some of her powers have more pinpoint accuracy, drawing energy from the flames themselves.
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Her weapon is a halberd. She has the ability to create as many of them as she wants (similar to Mami Tomoe with her muskets). She has powers over water primarily, and some powers over ice.
Her fighting style is very elegant. She can summon massive amounts of water from thin air and can drown opponents or fire water at such high pressure it can cut through anything.
Like Rhae, she can also draw out the energy of water in her attacks.
Some of her attacks involve summoning dozens of halberds and unleashing them all at once on her opponents.
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tomatoteddy · 5 months
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Finished drafting her design today so lemme introduce y’all to a new fanseries of mine called DREAMCATCHERS!! Pretty Cure
This is a rewrite/redesign of an old Precure fanseries I made back in 2019. Anyways, this is the new lead cure of the team, Cure Fantasy! She is the daughter of the rulers of the Dreamland Kingdom, and was sent to Earth to find the Legendary Pretty Cure to stop the Nightmare Realm from taking over! Her name is Princess Celestia (no relation to the horse) but goes as Celeste while on Earth and she is a white/rainbow cure!
The main themes of this series revolve around dreams, both the ones you have when you sleep and your aspirations. The rest of the cures are all childhood friends who ended up falling out later in life, and Celestia finding a way to bring them all back together.
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(sorry for the graphic-design-is-my-passion level editing)
6 brackets! 192 characters! 96 pairs enter, 1 character leaves! (Well, it's weeded down to 6 characters, then we have some semi finals, and THEN 1 character leaves!)
The voting will begin Wednesday, March 15. First, Round 1 of Bracket 1 will be posted, then the next day, Round 1 of Bracket 2, and the day after, Round 1 of Bracket 3, and so on and so forth. They will be under #orange poll. Propaganda (if anyone chooses to make any) is under #propaganda. Each of the polls will be up for 3 days, so each round of voting follows each other.
Under the cut is all the pairs and their respective brackets. Get ready to vote!
Garfield (Garfield) VS Applejack (MLP)
Hinata Shouyou (Haikyuu!!) VS Kel (Omori)
Broken Vessel (Hollow Knight) VS Claus (Mother 3)
Cole Brookstone (Ninjago) VS Skylor Chen (Ninjago)
Rory the Builder (Club Penguin) VS Orange Puffle (Club Penguin)
Emma (The Promised Neverland) VS Ava Ire (Ava's Demon)
Raihan (Pokemon) VS Misty (Pokemon)
Dexter Grif (Red vs Blue) VS Felix Gates (Red vs Blue)
Zenitsu (Demon Slayer) VS Nami (One Piece)
Stella of Solaria (Winx Club) VS Amber the Orange Fairy (Rainbow Magic)
Orange Inkling Girl (Splatoon) VS Crash Bandicoot (Crash Bandicoot)
Ernie (Sesame Street) VS Pepe the King Prawn (The Muppets)
Jack (Candies 'n Curses) VS Jack Pumpkinhead (The Marvelous Land of Oz)
Tintin (The Adventures of Tintin) VS Toad (Frog & Toad are Friends)
Orange Blossom (Strawberry Shortcake) VS Jade Chan (Jackie Chan Adventures)
Leo Tsukinaga (Ensemble Stars) VS Ren Jinguji (Uta no Prince Sama)
Annoying Orange (Annoying Orange) VS Orange Side (Sanders Sides)
Davesprite (Homestuck) VS Tavros Nitram (Homestuck)
Merida (Brave) VS Scar (The Lion King)
Numbuh 4 (Code Name: Kids Next Door) VS Lazlo (Camp Lazlo)
Nemo (Finding Nemo) VS Marlin (Finding Nemo)
Sundrop (FNAF: Security Breach) VS Jack Kennedy (Day Shift at Freddy's)
Waai Fu (Arknights) VS Jodie Caldwell (Super Lesbian Animal RPG)
Shannon (OK-KO!) VS Penny Polendina (RWBY)
Panette (Fire Emblem: Engage) VS Pandreo (Fire Emblem: Engage)
Marine The Raccoon (Sonic franchise) VS Cream The Rabbit (Sonic franchise)
Kyo Sohma (Fruits Basket) VS Asuka Langley Soryu (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
Hagumi Kitazawa (BanG Dream!) VS Chika Takami (Love Live!)
Pump (Spooky Month) VS Pumpkin Pie Cookie (Cookie Run)
Scooter (The Muppets) VS Gobo Fraggle (Fraggle Rock)
Pukin (Magical Girl Raising Project) VS Top Speed (Magical Girl Raising Project)
Scootaloo (MLP) VS Sunburst (MLP)
Darwin Watterson (The Amazing World of Gumball) VS Wander (Wander Over Yonder)
Winnie (Scooby-Doo and the Ghoul School) VS August (Cryptid Crush)
Grillby (Undertale) VS Seam (Deltarune)
Phineas Flynn (Phineas & Ferb) VS Candace Flynn (Phineas & Ferb)
Calcifer (Howl's Moving Castle) VS Ponyo (Ponyo)
Juri Arisugawa (Revolutionary Girl Utena) VS Sailor Venus/Minako Aino (Sailor Moon)
Gordon Freeman (HLVRAI) VS Darnold (HLVRAI)
Morshu (LOZ: The Faces of Evil) VS King Harkinian (LOZ: The Faces of Evil)
Aang (Avatar: The Last Airbender) VS Starfire (Teen Titans)
Hamtaro (Hamtaro) VS Heathcliff (Heathcliff)
Cure Soleil (Star Twinkle Precure) VS Cure Sunny (Smile Precure)
Zora Salazar (Epithet Erased) VS Arthur Kingsmen (Mystery Skulls)
Oz (Monster Prom) VS Ritsuka Fujimaru (Fate/Grand Order)
Mo Guan Shan (19 Days) VS Beebi (Wonderlab)
Orange Bird (Disney) VS Peacock (Skullgirls)
Olette (Kingdom Hearts 2) VS Gumi (Vocaloid)
Naruto Uzumaki (Naruto Shippuden) VS Narancia Ghigira (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)
Tigger (Winnie the Pooh) VS Hobbes (Calvin & Hobbes)
Leon Kuwata (Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc) VS Hiyoko Saionji (Danganronpa: Goodbye Despair)
Puss in Boots (Shrek Universe) VS Firestar (Warrior Cats)
Torchic (Pokemon) VS Tepig (Pokemon)
Tangy (Animal Crossing) VS Orange Cookie (Cookie Run)
Gordon Freeman (Half Life) VS Chell (Portal)
Amanda O'Neill (Little Witch Academia) VS Lotte Jansson (Little Witch Academia)
Mothra (Mothra films) VS Timid Bookworm (Sky: Children of the Light)
Matt (Wii Sports) VS Daisy (Super Mario Bros)
Levy McGarden (Fairy Tail) VS Hazuki Fujiwara (Ojamajo Doremi)
Futaba Sakura (Persona 5) VS Yosuke Hanamura (Persona 4)
Tracy Reznik (Identity V) VS Andy (Raggedy Ann & Andy: A Musical Adventure)
Vee (The Owl House) VS Coran (Voltron: Legendary Defender)
Yoimiya (Genshin Impact) VS Edna (Tales of Zestiria)
Rena Rouge (Miraculous Ladybug) VS Takao Kazunari (Kuroko no Basket)
Tails (Sonic 2, 1992) VS Handy (Happy Tree Friends)
Padparadscha (Steven Universe) VS Jasper (Steven Universe)
Opened Can of Well Cheers (Lobotomy Corporation) VS SCP-999 (SCP Foundation)
The Second Coming (Animator vs Animation) VS King Orange (Animator vs Animation)
Giraffe Furby VS Witch Furby
Chester Cheetah VS Tony the Tiger
Tsukasa Tenma (Project SEKAI) VS Tsukasa Ebisu (Revue Starlight: Relive)
Kuruto Ryuki (AI: The Somnium Files) VS Roman Torchwik (RWBY)
Son Goku (Dragon Ball) VS Ichigo Kurosaki (Bleach)
Velma Dinkley (Scooby-Doo) VS Fry (Futurama)
Saki Nikaido (Zombieland Saga) VS Toralei Stripe (Monster High)
Beelzebub (Obey Me!) VS Tohri Nishikikouji (Hatoful Boyfriend)
Gaius (Fire Emblem Awakening) VS Hershel Layton (Professor Layton)
Retsuko (Aggretsuko) VS Flame Princess (Adventure Time)
Kiri Koshiba (Beauty Pop) VS Sakura Chiyo (Monthly Girl's Nozaki-kun)
Asano Gakushuu (Assassination Classroom) VS Akito Shinonome (Project SEKAI)
Mikey (Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) VS Dirk Strider (Homestuck)
Troy Barnes (Community) VS Oluwande Boodhari (Our Flag Means Death)
Tigress (Kung Fu Panda) VS Tigress (Carmen Sandiego)
Kim Possible (Kim Possible) VS Tulip Olsen (infinity Train)
Waddle Dee (Kirby) VS Morpho Knight (Kirby)
Ace (Katamari Damacy) VS Shikao (Katamari Damacy)
Kim Possible (Kim Possible) VS Tulip Olsen (infinity Train)
Orange Juice (Inanimate Insanity) VS The Lorax (The Lorax)
Athena Cykes (Ace Attorney) VS Damon Gant (Ace Attorney)
Rio Ranger (Your Turn To Die) VS Gin Ibushi (Your Turn To Die)
Caleb Widogast (Critical Role) VS Neil Josten (All For The Game)
Tracer (Overwatch) VS Samus Aran (Metroid)
Portia (The Arcana) VS Navra (The Arcana)
Sphene (Houseki no Kuni) VS Zircon (Houseki no Kuni)
Penny (Big Top Burger) VS The Sorceress (He-Man)
Ahiru (Princess Tutu) VS Sara (Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch)
Kipper (Kipper the Dog) VS Ruff Ruffman (Fetch! with Ruff Ruffman)
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roseofcards90 · 2 months
Hi! I wanted to start watching Precure. Which one should I start with?
There are a lot of series in the franchise, so I think it’s ultimately up to you with whichever one you want to start with! I would read up on the summaries of all of them and see which one interests you the most and pick that one. They’re all (mostly) in their own universes, so they don’t have an overarching plot/order you need to watch them in
But if you’re still not sure, I can recommend to you a few of my faves, as well as some series that imo are good for people who haven’t watched Precure before:
- This is the one I recommend the most for new Precure watchers! It’s a great series that strikes a good balance between being serious and light-hearted. It has great characters and a good story, and beautiful and consistent animation all around.
- Another one just like Heartcatch that’s good to watch first! In contrast to Heartcatch, Smile is more lighthearted in tone with less serious moments, so if you prefer that kind of atmosphere, I would suggest this one instead.
Hirogaru Sky
- This is one of the more recent series that just finished in February! It is very good, and also the one with the first official male precure as well! Hirogaru has a diverse cast of cures and is a new take on the typical Precure formula we haven't seen much before.
Healin Good
- The tone of Healin good is a lot more down to earth? If that’s the right way to describe it. It’s very homey and vibrant, it's not the most flashiest Precure series, but it's one of my faves because of how simplistic it is. It has the vibes of drinking hot chocolate on the couch with a blanket over you on a cold winter night <3
- COMPLETELY AND TOTALLY DEFINITELY NOT BIASED but Fresh is genuinely very good! My top favorite Precure series, Fresh is more darker in tone (I would say even darker than Heartcatch), but its characters and story are very endearing, and it's one that means a lot to me personally.
Go Princess
- This one is similar to Heartcatch in terms of overall tone! It has more fluid animation because of it being more recent. This one focuses a lot on plot than other aspects, so if you want a dynamic and more detailed story, then I would recommend this one!
Futari Wa
- I have to recommend the one that started it all lol kjdfnfk Futari Wa will be different than compared to the rest of the other series because of its duo dynamic (and how it sets up a lot of the Precure tropes we still see today), and its plot can be iffy at times, but what makes the series so strong is the duo's relationship, which help carry a lot of the emotional impact throughout the series.
These are just my personal suggestions though!!! Whichever one you decide to start with first is up to you! I love all of them tbh, even with series that aren't my complete favorite, I feel like all of them have something to offer <3
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precuredaily · 4 days
Precure Day 242
Episode: Yes! Precure 5 Go Go! 43 - “Terrifying! Eternal's Director!" Date watched: 14 April 2024 Original air date: 14 December 2008 Screenshots Precure Metamorphose Gallery 1  Gallery 2 | Sky Rose Translate Gallery Project info and master list of posts
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The moment has arrived! Eternal’s Director finally steps out of his office and reveals himself to Nozomi and the Precures for the first time! Are they ready for this encounter? Let’s find out!
The Plot
Eternal’s Director dreams about his first visit to the Cure Rose Garden, where Flora rejected him and locked him out because he wanted to take control of it. Knowing that Flora has given Nozomi the access he was denied, he decides to finally see her for himself.
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All the girls except for Nozomi are hanging out at Natts House, doing homework and studying for an upcoming exam. Nozomi has chosen to study at the library instead, so she doesn’t end up relying on her friends too much. She struggles and they miss her, but they let her do her thing.
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When Nozomi finally leaves, she notices it’s very gusty outside. She stops to ponder a large tree, and is joined by Otaka the principal/lunch lady, who tells her it used to be small and weak, but it withstood and grew big and strong (this is a metaphor). Nozomi then realizes she forgot something and rushes back to the classroom, where she stops at the teacher’s desk and acts like she’s presenting a class. Coco shows up to give her some encouragement, but they keep getting interrupted by more wind. Suddenly they detect a powerful presence like they’ve never felt before, and rush outside.
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In the school’s courtyard is none other than the Director of Eternal, in all his masked giant chair glory. He interrogates Nozomi, asking why she wants to go to the Cure Rose Garden, and she says it’s because Flora invited her to do so. Coco tries to defend her honor, but is attacked, and so Nozomi transforms into Cure Dream.
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The Director uses shadows to blow holes underneath Dream and Coco. Dream attempts to punch him, but he blocks her with an energy field and strikes her with his shadowy wings. He makes a speech about how everything in the world can be classified as either something of value, or of no value, before destroying Otaka’s tree, and then the entire school and surrounding forest, leaving nothing but a giant crater in the ground.
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Cure Dream is in shock, and the director declares her to have no value, but just then the other Cures and Milky Rose appear to back her up. The Director turns his shadow wings into five Hoshiina orbs that plant themselves in the shadows of everyone aside from Dream, spawning color-coded Hoshiinas shaped like demons. The girls use their special attacks, but the Hoshiinas absorb them, distort them, and return fire, leaving everyone strewn about. Dream steps forward, giving an inspirational speech that all the items and places he erased were things that could have grown to become much greater, and that he does not get to universally decide the worth of anything, especially them.
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Coco gives them power and the Cures all perform Rainbow Rose Explosion on the Director. He turns the Hoshiinas into a dark rose to counter their attack, and it seems that he can repel the attack, but Mint turns to Dream and reminds her, via the metaphor of the tree, to hold to her beliefs so she can grow and support her friends and teammates. This is the encouragement she needs to push through the Director’s defense. He is overwhelmed, and moves out of the way of the attack. He stands up, weakly, but before he can try to attack again, Anacondy shows up and teleports him back to Eternal. As he reflects on what just happened, he thinks to himself that maybe the cures do have some value after all.
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Over at Natts House, everyone is looking at the still sleeping King Montblanc and worried about the future….. Except Nozomi, who reiterates that she can grow and become unshakeable for the team, while eating a special pancake that everyone made for her earlier. Everyone is cheered up by her positivity and that ends the episode.
The Analysis
What I Liked
As we near the endgame, things are starting to escalate. The Precure have faced many formidable threats so far, but this first taste of the danger posed by the Director is different. His absolutist attitude towards things of value is fearsome and his only desire is to impose his will and control everything.This is of course why Flora denied him entry into the Cure Rose Garden, but he believes he has the strength to impose his will. While he doesn’t wipe the floor with the heroines like we’ve seen evil leaders do before, he is able to match their energy without great effort.
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Feeding into his ideology, the Director fights mostly by erasing things and copying or reflecting things. He removes things he perceives to have no value, and doesn’t have the creativity or desire to use his own attacks so he just copies the cures’ abilities. He doesn’t even see them as having value enough to destroy, so he just wants to remove them as an obstacle.
I admire Nozomi’s drive. She recognizes she has been a bit lackadaisical in her studies previously, so now she’s overcorrecting by trying to do it alone. She struggles a lot with it, but dang it she’s trying. Otaka’s speech to her is also positive encouragement, and builds into the lesson of the episode: lay the foundation today so you can grow strong in the future. This is going to be the push that she needs to make it as a student and a future educator herself, and it’s enough to give her the confidence to overpower the Director during Rainbow Rose Explosion.
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On a lighter note, there are several clever scene transitions in this episode, one that stands out is during the Rainbow Rose Explosion, the Director sees a vision of Flora, which turns into Cure Dream. There’s also a cute one where one of Syrup’s pancakes transitions into the sun.
What I Didn’t Like
I think I speculated earlier in the show that the mysterious relationship between Flora and the Director was romantic. This certainly seems to squash that theory. As I’ve said before, I did watch this show once before, but that was over a decade ago at this point and I binged it while working on a craft project so I clearly didn’t retain many of the finer details.
At first it looks like we’re getting a new Dark Precure 5, but it’s actually a group of Hoshiinas that absorb each cure’s abilities and warp and reflect them back. Interesting footnote on the list of copy and evil cures.
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Milk does not appear in her fairy form in this episode.
King Montblanc is still asleep.
This is a thrilling episode, the transition point between the bulk of the show and the endgame (with a bit of a pause for the Christmas episode in between). We finally get our clearest look at the mindset of the Director and he makes himself known to the heroines. Unknown to him, they have been given the necessary tool and encouragement to overcome his destructive, isolating nature. The two sides will come to a head very shortly. But first…
Next time on Precure Daily: Santa Claus is coming to town! Look forward to it!
Pink Precure Catchphrase Count: 0 Kettei
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hikaruhoshina · 1 month
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I was part of the Precure Over The Rainbow art collab on Twitter and I drew Cure Flower from Heartcatch Precure!
(This was like my first time in years drawing fanart of a canon character because I only ever draw ocs recently lol).
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hikaru-hoshina · 1 year
You guys probably know how big of an obsessed I can be over Precure but today I went quite curious over a fact Ageha said about herself in the most recent episode which is that her birthstone is peridot.
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A quick online search told me that peridot is the birthstone of august and so I thought that it could be a nice detail if august will actually be her official birthday, but as you might know sometimes scripts for the episodes can be random and they might forget about official facts given by the sites and so on. But I went overly curious and, knowing that Precure staff likes to set the Cure's birthdays on national days that resemble their elements (like Sora being born on Japan's national sky day and Prism being born on national rainbow day) I did some researches on August's Japan national days, cutting off the days that are already officially taken by other Cures. Well, turns out that August 8th is Japan's national butterfly day and children's day (and yall already know Ageha's dream about being a kindergarten teacher)!
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However there's still no official news about her birthday yet, so please don't take my words as reliable sources! It would be crazy if I actually got it right but let's wait until Toei's announcement! :)
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riacte · 7 months
Weee more hermitgals precure au brainstorming <3
Stress: finding love and joy even in the most mundane of activities, it's the little things: a warm cup of floral tea, the flap of a butterfly's wings, the way light shines through crystals, the scratchy texture of a picnic blanket. Maybe not everything inspires creativity, but anything can.
Cure Allium? It's Stress' favourite Minecraft flower, and it can represent the decorative items of Minecraft— may be "worthless" in the sense of mechanics, but they breathe life into the game. (and the universe said you are stronger than you know)
False: the everchanging flow of creativity, water and ice and wind and snow, they're made from the same thing but they fill up space differently, big shapes and fluids, knowing how to manipulate elements and fill in empty places.
Cure Prismarine? Cure Diamond? (I know Cure Diamond already exists but I like her a lot and her song that goes "this heart is an unbreakable diamond heart, I cannot get hurt" has such a clutch over me. I am a Cure Diamond defender.) This represents the "elements" (minerals?) of Minecraft and how they can be modified for different needs. (and the universe said everything you need is within you)
Cleo: noticing all the little details that make people people, the creativity of connecting unrelated items to form a coherent picture, finding life in the undead.
Cure Blaze? I suppose Cleo is inevitably linked to fire because of their hair and theme colour. I think Blazes aren't an undead mob (?) but they're from the Nether and that's the representative of hell and monsters and undead and fire so... close enough. (and the universe said you are not separate from every other thing)
Pearl: finding coherence in the jagged mass of the alien darkness, weird and wacky but harmonious, moonlight shining through shadows, the creativity of clashing contrasting colours and elements together but creating beauty out of it, constantly pushing the limits and challenging yourself.
Cure Moon. I think that's the best choice given her yellow scheme. Her outfit is also a bit purple-y for the shadows and a bit rainbow-y for the pearlescent part. Her villain name is probably something like Lunar or Eclipse. This represents the End / the Void dimension of Minecraft, a place that seems dangerous but you can find wacky yet beautiful things in it. (and the universe said the light you seek is within you)
Gem: the whimsy and wonderful world of fantasy, the creativity of merging wild nature and livable places, beauty and elegance without missing a hint of playfulness, creating magical worlds from epic castles to cute hideouts.
Not really sure honestly? She has a nature / Overworld theme but it might overlap with Stress. I mean I'm not naming her Cure Birch. Or I might actually do it. For the birch forest bit. This broadly represents the Overworld, all the biomes and trees and plants. (and the universe said you have played the game well)
Ren: the improv storyteller, subtly connecting people and things together, the sincerity and shamelessness of being immersed into creating art (and the universe said you are not alone)
Iskall: the audacity to be brave and bold, daring to dream, daring to create, persevering, falling down and getting up and trying again, learning the rhythm of the slow gears that make the world turn, determined to keep moving forward but still goofy enough to enjoy the small moments of life (and the universe said the darkness you fight is within you)
And all of them together, their powers combined:
and the universe said you are the universe tasting itself, talking to itself, reading its own code
and the universe said I love you because you are love.
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kirric-the-fan · 15 days
Wonderful precure ep 17 and I'm becoming more and more convinced they're regularly sneaking in deliberate references to other seasons now.
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Look, I'm surprised they haven't done more of this in other seasons already: precure has been going on for so long and already has an established cross-over setup between seasons with all the All Stars films (plus what they did in Hugtto) that it would be more surprising if they didn't drop references in.
But while I was making jokes about the Hugtto/Cure Yell Hooray Hooray! and the anti-bear sihlouette looking a bit like Cure Mofurun, this week sees another reference from another season: Star Twinkle. Firstly that the above point in Nyammy's transformation looks a lot like the skirt of another Cat cure: Cure Cosmo Which on its own is still a bit ~ in being a reference because there are only so many ways to depict a rainbow, but coming from a cat cure, where they still had other options to show the same thing (normal rainbow curve, or showing the colours within snowflakes or a snowflake shape) it does seem a bit too much of a coincidence.
And then we did get a little oyo from Mayu this week. (Right before her bunny cuddle puddle fantasy)
IDK. I do think it is funny quite how many references are appearing now. It's fun, and honestly something I'd love to see as more of a regular thing quietly slipped in like this.
My only thought is 'Is there a particular reason they're doing this for this season?'
To which I have no answer just yet. Guess it's going to be a case of 'wait and see'.
(Also on a semi-seperate note, given all the mirror references, and ignoring the animal-shape god we saw last week, I think it would be quite entertaining if the god that created the mirror stone was Blue, who did it ages ago and is now trying to tidy up the mess without worrying the Hap. Charge team.)
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