#Overhaul fanfic
cherry-queens-blog · 4 months
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Overhaul x Reader
Summary- You were brought in by Chrono who had witnessed your quirk and knew you would be useful to the shie hassaikai gang. After bringing you in, you are questioned by the big man himself Kai chisaki. After months he takes quite the liking to you and wants you to fully be his and is ready to claim you. Content- Overhaul x reader, shower sex, nsfw, telekinesis quirk, blood spill, violence, consensual sex, killing.
Note- It took me a bit to come up with a start of this and I think reader having a strong quirk that would be of use to overhaul was a good idea in order for reader to join the gang members. I hope you all enjoy the story!. I have a few other stories coming soon involving Dabi or shigaraki, and All Might. This took me a good 7 hours to type out. it was a one shot fic.
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It was starting to get a bit late in the day around 8:34, the sun no longer visible in the sky as Chrono and mimic stepped outside having a chat about the things that had happened today only to have their chat cut short by some noise coming from the alleyway that was next to the shie hassaikai building they had came out of. Chrono and Mimic looked towards each other before looking towards the dark alley wondering if someone was was looking for a way in or something else. They begin to walk over to check it out, Chrono keeping his hand on his gun just in case until his and Mimics eyes land on the scene before them. Through the dimly lit alley they spot a young woman who had her arm extended with a man pressed against a wall by some invisible force holding him firmly against the hard brick wall when she closes her hand into a fist and the man began to yell. "AHHH wait WAIT!" Chrono and Mimic watches as the man yells out, and when she turns her hand and opens it the mans head bursts into pieces, blood splattering all over the wall and getting on the girl. Chrono and Mimics eyes widen a bit at what they just witnessed and honestly thought that, that was rather impressive and would be useful for yakuza. Mimic looks at Chrono who looks back at him. Mimic: are you thinking what I'm thinking? Chrono: she would be a good ally for the yakuza...
Overhaul was sitting in his office going through some papers when he hears a knock on his door, looking up to see Chrono and Mimic walking in with some girl who had some blood painting her which made him feel agitated a bit, A look of disgust forming on his face as he sees the filth on your body.
Chrono: Hey boss I brought someone who might be of interest to you
Chrono says allowing you to step forward. Overhaul glared a bit but he was curious to know why you were here. What was it that Chrono had brought you here for? What was so interesting about you?. Mimic goes over and sits on the arm rest by Kai ready to see how things will play out and if you would agree to join and work under their boss.
“And what about her should be of interest to me?”
Kai asked, raising a curious eyebrow.
"her quirk... it's like a telekinesis quirk.." Chrono responded as Kai's interest was now peaked. He set his pen down on the table. He was definitely interested in people that held useful quirks, and this one wasn’t half bad. He stood up, staring over you with an intense gaze.
"A telekinesis quirk hm?"
He questioned a bit now wanting to see it for himself. "Show me then, I would like to see this" He stated and without much hesitation you raised your hand up quickly and Chrono had flew back hitting the wall pretty hard knocking the breath out of him. Kai’s eyes widened at the demonstration and He definitely found that interesting. Useful, even. He nodded, agreeing with Chrono that you would be of use to their plans.
“Indeed. I could see her being extremely helpful.”
He said while returning his gaze back to you with a slight smirk appearing on his face. "What's your name girl?"
"it's Y/N" You respond. answering his question as he took a few steps up to you but not getting to close and keeping a rather appropriate distance since you are filthy and if anything he hates anything dirty. He eventually stopped looking you over.
“I am Kai Chisaki, you can call me Overhaul. I run this business here. And I must say, your quirk is indeed interesting.”
He said, the grin staying on his expression under his mask. Chrono stands up and dusts himself off and looks at overhaul.
"What do you plan to do with her boss?"
He asks Kai who glanced at him with an amused expression.
“I want to take her in. She’s going to be an useful addition for the Shie Hassakai. An asset, if you will.”
He responds casually to Chrono as Mimic watches from the couch quietly. Kai looked at you once more.
“What do you say, girl? You want to work with me?”
He asked you but you did have slight doubts about it, thinking it over and having questions of your own to ask this man in front of you.
"What will I be doing exactly?" You ask him wondering what kind of work he will be having you do. It was a good question to ask him since it would be good to know so you could make up your mind on rather you want to or not.
“You’ll be working for me directly. I’ll have you by my side for various operations and duties. You’ll be trained by me, personally.”
He said with a slight shrug. You think about it more and decide to trust this man and with a nod you agree to work under him. He nods back before looking at Chrono.
"Show her to the bathroom so she can get cleaned up and make sure she doesn’t snoop around and keep an eye on her. Wouldn’t want anything going wrong, now would we?”
Kai demanded Chrono who nods as Kai goes back to his work looking over the documents he had. Chrono takes you out of the office and towards a small room where he grabbed a gown for you to wear for now which looked like something a hospital would make a patient wear before leading you to the bathroom, showing you where the towels were before taking his exit shutting the door and standing by the bathroom door waiting for you to be done. The shower was nice, as the hot water ran down your skin washing away the dried up blood from the guy you killed awhile ago before Chrono and Mimic brought you in to overhaul their boss. When you stepped out Chrono nodded and guided you back to Kai for sleeping arrangements to be made. You sat on the couch across from Kai who looked at you and chrono. Kai was finishing up his work for the night as he glanced over at the both of you. "where will she be sleeping boss?" “She’ll be staying in the room across from mine. She needs to be under close watch - make sure she’s settled in.” "Yes boss, understood"
Chrono agreed give a slight nod as he spoke. Kai turned back to the little bit of work he had left. He then gestured for Chrono to take you to your room that will be across from his own. It was clear Kai didn't fully trust you quite yet but he might eventually if you behave and follow his orders.
Chrono helps you out with getting settled into the room you were put in before taking his leave and letting you sleep for the night. When morning rolled around you sat up in your bed and realized it was around 7:56 in the morning. Tossing the blanket off you stand up and head towards the door opening it and stepping out of the room to see a few men walking by talking to each other. One seemed drunk as all hell holding a bottle in his hand while the other guy was a pretty large guy and pretty buff as well. Kai approaches you while you watch the men walk down the hall. "Did you sleep well?" The sound of his voice had slightly startled you a little bit as you didn't expect him to suddenly appear behind you. Turning around you look at him as he chuckles slightly knowing he had slightly startled you a little. "Oh uh... yeah" You said rubbing the back of your neck while looking down at the ground. Kai narrows his eyes a little feeling displeased that you didn't look him in the face as you spoke to him. "Look at me when you speak to me, That's an order not a request" You lift your head up to look at him seeing the slight annoyance in his eyes as he said that. "Sorry.." You muttered to him making his expression soften a bit as you apologize to him. You didn't know the rules yet so he would have to go over them with you if you're gonna be staying with the yakuza.
"Since you're new and don't know the rules around here, I’ll give you a pass this time, but whenever you speak to me or even address me, you need to look at me straight on. Don’t look at the ground, or at anything else. Only look at me. Understand Y/N?"
He was pretty strict already but you nod your head in understanding of how he would like to be addressed by you.
"Good… Now, I’ll be having someone bring you some clothes today. I cannot have you wearing that all the time, you need something more practical." He stated to you putting his hands in his pockets as he looked down at you with his golden eyes. "Now I'll be showing you what you'll be doing while your hear. Come with me" He ordered you. You start walking by his side as he continued to walk, keeping a slow pace so you could keep up. He was heading towards a certain area in the building, not saying anything as he walked towards that location. He took a glance at you as he decided to speak up again.
“You might be able to tell, but I very much care about hygiene and making sure the environment around me is clean. If I see anything that doesn’t meet my expectations, I’ll make sure it’s gone. So don't be filthy here.. You make a mess you clean it up"
"Yes sir... I understand" "Good, and while you are here you will listen to my orders, and act exactly how I want you too, I am the boss so you follow what I say when I say it. Got it?" "I understand sir"
"Good. Now for right now I'd like to really test your quirk out. See how long you can use it until you reach your limit." You decide to agree to the testing he wants to do as you both step into a room together. It was pretty spacious and empty as if it was made for training or something. When you look over at Kai you watched him pull his glove off of his hand and you started to wonder if training was gonna be an actual fight against him. You weren't worried really since your quirk was strong and you could just keep him away from you at all times which will just be a piece of cake. Kai stuffed his glove into his pocket as he stepped forward towards you calmly bringing his hand up and grazed your shoulder with his finger.
Everything had went black after that until you started to feel an unpleasant amount of pain as if your body was being reconstructed back together. It hurt so bad for a good minute or so as Kai was building your body back up after blowing you to pieces with that simple touch of his finger. Your eyes began to open and you looked at him.
"What the hell was that?" You muttered as he finished up the process of reconstructing you. He smirked a bit as you asked him that. You thought he was just gonna explain what was gonna happen not kill you on the spot then bring you back?. You were confused big time as you laid there on the floor.
"I just gave you a feel of my quirk" He stated as he stood up with hives now on his face.
"Now get up, and don't hold anything back either. Wouldn't want to disappoint me" He walked over to the middle of the room as you stood up from the floor looking at him. Kai definitely wanted to fight you and see what you could do for himself, and get an idea on how long you could hold off against him. Without warning Kai drops down and touches the ground a large amount of spiked rock came at you which surprised you but in a good way. You put your hand up and every single one shatters into pieces and with a swift motion of your hand the rocks fling towards the wall. Kai smirked under his mask knowing this will be interesting and not boring like all his other opponents. This will be harder and more entertaining for him. "Not bad Y/N, But I'm just getting started" He growled out before pulling off his other glove tossing it to the side ready to come at you with everything he's got. Kai placed both hands on the ground now sending out more your way which You react the same shattering the spiked rock, slamming them on the ground before finding the right opening to use your quirk to throw him against the wall only to release him due to your body growing tired and weak already. Kai looks at you and could see an opportunity to strike you down since you were becoming exhausted which showed him you couldn't use your quirk for to long. You lift your head up to look at him just as his hand touched the ground and sent the spiked rock towards you, impaling you in three different spots.
Your eyes watered up due to the pain you felt, the tears running down your face. Blood dripped onto the ground from your wounds he in flicked on you, leaving the sharp rock pierced through your shoulder, leg, and side. You couldn't help but cry from the pain until he reconstructed the ground the spiked rock fading back to the floor. You drop to the ground, blood coloring the floor as Kai walked over placing his hand on your body and reconstructing the wounds which sucked for you. After that Kai stands up and dusts himself off, the hives still on his skin.
"I need a shower.." He muttered before turning his gaze back to you sitting on the floor drying your tears off your face.
"Were gonna work on that quirk of yours.. I can't have you getting tired after 5 minutes" He stated in a rather harsh tone feeling a bit annoyed at the filth.
"Get up and go shower as well.. You're filthy" He said gesturing for you to following him. You stand up and follow him out of the room. You both go to separate bathrooms to clean up. Once you both finished Kai offered for you to join him for breakfast which you did, enjoying the rest of the morning with him as he showed you around the place, going over everything with you.
Months soon passed and you were able to last for a good hour now using your quirk thanks to Kai himself training you every morning and night every single day and pushing you past your limits none stop. You stood up from the ground as Kai was walking off before he stopped and looked back at you.
"Oh and if you could do so and be a good girl for me, I'd like you to join me in the shower tonight.. And don't make me wait on you, yeah?. It would be a real shame to have to wait on you." He stated making you pick your head up to look at him, a faint blush spreading across your face as he walked away. You were frozen in place for a good minute trying to figure out if you actually heard him correctly. He wanted to shower with you? really? you wondered to yourself though you will listen to him and do as you're told. You head to your room first grabbing some clean clothes and made your way to the bathroom Kai was in and walked in shutting the door, seeing him pulling off his jacket and setting it aside. His hands move up undoing the straps to his mask pulling it off as you sit there just staring at him as if your in a trance just admiring him.
"You know it's quite rude to stare, now get undressed" You snap out of it as he pulls off the rest of his clothing as you start pulling your clothes off. He steps into the shower letting the water run down his body. You step in after him, his eyes roaming over your body with a slight smirk forming on his lips before he grabs a sponge and tosses it to you. "Now scrub yourself thoroughly. I won't tolerate any impurities."
His voice was stern leaving no room for disobedience. You put soap on the sponge and started washing your body with it as he watches you, never breaking eye contact. Once you finished scrubbing yourself down with the sponge Kai grabbed you and pulled you close to him under the running water, bodies touching each other, as he lowered his head to your neck while his fingers tangle in your hair, gripping it firmly as his mouth brushes against your neck. You close your eyes and your mouth falls slightly open as butterflies are felt in your stomach being this close to him like this as the water cascades over the both of you. He kisses up your neck getting up to your ear, taking your earlobe between his teeth and pulling on it till it slips away.
"You're mine now and I'm going to claim you"
He says before pulling away and having you turn around so your back is against him and he places his arm around your neck as he positions his hard member at your entrance before pushing it in. A faint moan escapes your lips as he enters your heat.
"do you like that?. Good" He mutters in your ear as he began to thrust at a nice slow even pace letting you adjust to him.
"mmm.. Kai" You groan out in a gentle breaths. Your hand hold onto his arm as your head falls back resting on his shoulder, lowering his arm a bit until his hand is resting on your breast, gently kneading it as he thrusts into your warm wet heat.
"You feel amazing Y/N" he purrs sliding his other hand around, fingers brushing against your sensitive nub making your body twitch a bit from the contact, placing kisses on your neck.
"I love you Kai" You muttered through slight short gasps as his fingers play with your nub as he thrusts.
"I love you too Y/N"
He began to pick up his pace a little bit making your moans grow a bit louder, your grip on his arm tightening slightly as he pounded his member deep inside your pussy.
"mmm Kai" You moaned, pushing your self against him to to make him go deeper while the water pours down your bodies.
"You feel so fucking good"
He groaned in your ear before placing a kiss on your neck, hand gripping on your breast firmly, finger playing with your nub making you twitch and squirm a bit as gasped moans fill the room with the sound of running water. You started to feel close as your body started to tense up a bit.
"hmm you don't get to cum yet unless I say so" Kai mutters pulling his hand away from your sensitive nub being a tease. He slows his thrusting down a bit as he keeps his eyes on you.
"Kai please.. let me cum to you" You begged him making a smirk appear on his lips.
"Well since you asked so nicely."
He bends you over placing one hand on your waist and the other hand on the shower wall and begins to pick up his pace again being more forceful with his thrusts. You began to gasp with moans escaping your throat, as he pounded into your tight heat.
"ngh fuck Kai.. I'm close" You whimpered out as your body tensed up.
"I am to.. fuck" With one last thrust he spills his hot seed deep inside you as you gasp out your last moan as you hit your orgasm same time he does. Kai keeps ahold of you as he pulls out letting the shower wash away the fluids that dripped out of your pussy. He holds you as he sits up against the shower wall with you in his arms in the shower pushing your hair behind your ear and kissing your forehead.
"That's a good girl"
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kikyoupdates · 2 months
Goddess Wink ⭑˚💘⭑ 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑢𝑒
bnha x f!reader
reverse harem, my hero academia x fem!reader, slowburn
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Ever since your Quirk first manifested, you’ve been the apple of everyone’s eye. With the goal of becoming a hero, you enroll to U.A. and soon find yourself drawing the attention of many. Will you form genuine connections with others, or is this all just your power's will?
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You were four years old when it happened.
As far back as you could remember, you’d lived in an orphanage. You’d never met your real parents, nor did it seem like they had any intention of coming to get you, just based on how your caretakers would act. They tried to convince you that your parents must have had their reasons; that they might not have been in the right place to take care of you, but it served as little reassurance. You felt unwanted, unloved. You wondered what you could have possibly done that your own parents wouldn’t want to be with you—why all of these children were missing their families. You didn’t understand, but it felt unfair. For whatever reason, you were undesirable. At least, that’s the way you felt.
On a rather uneventful day, you were out on the playground with some of the other kids from the orphanage. They were all playing together, but you were off by the sandpit on your own, fiddling with the outfit on your doll. At some point a cluster of them had broken off, and one of the boys came right up to you, grinned, and snatched the doll straight out of your hands.
You frowned at him. “Give it back.”
“Nuh uh,” he jeered. “You’re always so boring, [Name]. You never play with the rest of us.”
“I’m not in the mood to play right now. Can you please give me my doll back?”
“What’s so fun about these dolls anyways?” The boy squinted at the toy in his hands, and without wasting a beat, popped one of the doll’s legs clean off. “Whoa!” he cried out. “They break so easily!”
You felt like you should be bursting into tears, but oddly enough, the tears didn’t come. You were eerily composed, a sense of calm washing over you. Something was telling you there was no reason to get worked up. You felt your chest growing warm, and your eyes began to glow a faint, pink shade. You stepped up to the boy and grabbed him by the wrist.
“You ruined my doll,” you said. “Apologize.”
“Huh—?” He stared back at you, dubious, and something akin to realization overtook his expression. He began to grow red in the cheeks, his breaths became irregular, and he swayed unsteadily on his own two feet. The boy stared down at the doll and its now missing leg in shock, as if he couldn’t believe what he’d just done. “I-I’m so sorry!” he spluttered. “I didn’t mean to… [Name]. I’m really, really sorry!”
You’d never seen the boy act like this before. He was always up to some sort of mischief, and it wasn’t uncommon for him to go around teasing the other girls. You glanced down to where your fingers were laced around his wrist. You tightened your grip, watching the way his blush only deepened.
“I want a new doll,” you told him.
“Of course! I’m so sorry… I’ll tell the supervisors what happened and get you a new one right away, I promise!”
Even his accomplices seemed to be confused. “Dude, why are you apologizing to her? She thinks she’s so much better than everyone else!”
“She thinks she’s too good to play with the rest of us!”
You pulled away from the first boy and stared at the other two. Still hesitant, you reached over and placed a hand on each of their shoulders. You felt something rushing or pulsing through your body. The air felt like it tasted richer, sweeter. And this time you were sure of it—the moment your hand made contact with their bodies, each of the boys grew red in the face and started rocking on their feet as if they were drunk.
“Apologize,” you ordered again.
“We’re sorry, [Name]!”
“So sorry…”
You took a step back and marveled at what had just happened. All three of them were staring at you with flushed, puffy cheeks, as if they were awaiting your next command. Your small limbs were practically oozing with power. You were sure that this must have been what everyone was always talking about—the birth of your Quirk.
“You guys can leave me alone now,” you said, crouching back down inside the sandpit. “Please make sure I get a new doll and tell the supervisors that you were the reason it broke in the first place.”
They nodded their heads furiously, already rushing over to confess their wrongdoings. You hugged your knees to your chest and inhaled shakily. You didn’t know exactly what kind of power it was, but the feeling of others being so helpless before you… it was oddly exhilarating.
You explained to the caretakers the gist of what had happened, and they began speculating as to what type of power you had. It was worth noting that while some became more interested in you as a result of your newly-developed Quirk, others were a bit more apprehensive after finding out what had happened to the three boys. The teachers and caretakers instructed you not to use your Quirk on others needlessly, since you presumably had a power that could control people.
Of course, you didn’t listen.
The next couple of weeks cleared up some questions you had about your Quirk. To be more exact, you weren't consciously using it. It was a difficult power to control, and you would find that it activated on its own without your awareness. It became evident that your Quirk didn’t simply enable you to control others; there were other aspects to it that you were struggling to grasp. You were too young and naive to make sense of it all, but the one thing that was seemingly apparent was that your powers relied on attracting others to you.
You’d been rather quiet and reserved for the majority of your stay at the orphanage, but now the others flocked to you like birds. The boys especially seemed most susceptible to your powers. They would follow you around for near hours at a time, even going so far as to give you presents that you hadn’t even asked for. On some occasions, the caretakers themselves would tilt their heads and smile, saying what a “cute, charming girl” you were, before letting you get away with things that normally wouldn’t have been allowed.
At first, you thought you liked your Quirk. You were getting more attention than you ever had, and for the first time, you felt loved and desired. You thought that maybe if you’d been born with this power, your parents might not have abandoned you. All of the boys in the orphanage loved you, all of the girls wanted to be your friends, and they would each go to any lengths to make you happy. You could get anything you wanted. Truly, it was the best possible Quirk.
But this too, was a fleeting feeling. Before long, the attention became overbearing. You could never get away from it all, from the looks of desire and adoration. The friendships you’d developed with the children started to feel less genuine and more fabricated. You felt like they weren’t really your friends; that your power was just forcing them to be. These ugly thoughts started to pile on more and more, to the point that you began to resent your Quirk. You couldn’t control the power leaving your body, and it felt as if you were living life trying to navigate through a misty pink haze.
Several months passed, and a visitor came to the orphanage.
“I’ve come to take you in, [Name].”
It was a man with pin-straight black hair and striking red eyes. He introduced himself as Mikael, and declared that he’d already filled out all the required paperwork to adopt you. The orphan children began to cry, lamenting the fact that you would be leaving them. You were both relieved and anxious. Even if you couldn’t control your powers, here, at least, you could rest easy knowing that everyone adored you. You’d spent all of your life in the orphanage, and you were a little afraid to leave.
This guy will probably listen to anything I say anyways…
Mikael held you by the hand and led you outside once you’d bid farewell to everyone. He looked down at you, eyes gleaming, a faint smile ghosting across his lips. “I think you’ll find that your Quirk will have no effect on me, descendant of Aphrodite.”
You stared up at him, confused. He didn’t answer your question and instead chuckled to himself.
“Not to worry. I will teach you how to control your Quirk in due time. You’ve been blessed with a gift, young one. A beautiful power capable of touching the hearts of many.”
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More chapters are available on Quotev or Wattpad!!
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myfandomprompts · 1 year
You Were Always With Me | Masterlist [completed]
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Pairing: possessive!Aemond x Reader
Warning: Mature, smut, explicit, angst, blood, spoiler for Fire & Blood, fluff
Synospis: You are a lady from high birth, daughter to an important man of the court. You were raised in King’s Landing along with the Targaryen princes. You always felt close to Aemond, as you had much in common. But he always seems so inaccessible to you, particularly as he grew up. Now you make the decision to leave, and Aemond is not really happy about it.
A/N: Did a fic overhaul. To future readers, the beginning might seem a little weird, but it gets better, I promise.
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Chapters: [AO3]
(1) / (2) / (3) / (4) / (5) / (6) / (7) / (8) / (9) / (10) / (11) / (12) / (13) / (14) / (15) / (16) / (17) / (18) / (19) / (20) / (21) / (22) / (23) / (24) / (25) / (26) / (27) / (28) / (29) / (30) / (31)/ (32)/(33) / (34) / Epilogue
Annexes: (Bonus chapters) (1)
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[The ship in 5 Minutes]
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eggtartz · 1 year
✧ 4th October ✧
Overhaul // Hygiene Comes First (f! quirkless reader)
kinktober masterlist
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warnings : manipulation, mention of abuse, usage of sanitizer as lubricant, hints of breeding kink if you squint, a tinge of stockholm syndrome
it was undeniable at how you were kai's favourite, given that you are quirkless that he views you as pure and isn't plagued by the sickness of these so-called quirks. given on your condition, once you were at a legal you were outcasted by your own family. by society but not him. not kai.
instead he sees you as a perfect pair for him, a bride and a wife fitting oh so perfectly by his side. it was too easy taking you away from the streets, not a single hero patrolling are when his members took you forcefully. though, he was impressed. when you arrived you were smeared with blood which was obviously not yours. he smirked behind his mask, deeming himself as incredibly lucky. "sit down, little one" he said as his members left, leaving him sitting on a couch while spreading his legs. "what do you want from me? I don't have anything valuable!" you sniffled, wrists restrained against the cuffs.
He stood and closed the distance between the two of you while slowly removing his mask and revealing his face that even the shie hassaikai rarely sees "i see you as valuable" he said in one breath "you are someone that im interested in "he pulled your hand, his gloved hands caressing yours "you might be abandoned by everyone but not me" you looked up "h- huh?"
"im asking if you would like to stay with me darling," he said almost sweetly, manipulation seeping into your vulnerable state and letting you ponder as your senses started to get cloudy. your hand started to shake with weakness "but.. why me? a quirkless person?" tears started to swell as he took your chin in hand, thumb caressing gently. "that's why. it's because youre not tainted, sweet heart. you're special" he whispered and you flinched at his warm his words affecting your heart even your soul. he smiled gently
"do you agree, y/n? i promise, you'll never have to suffer again" he coaxed you, even allowing himself to hug you despite the filth clinging to your body.
~ ♪
it was nice of kai to bathe you, occasionally squeezing your body too endearingly and too affectionately making you shudder. it felt odd when you were finally naked on the bed as kai spread your whole body with lotion with a vanilla fragrance. "you want this, right?" he asked again, hands dangerously around your crotch as he squirted more lotion into his hand
"y-yeah.. I don't know how to.. do it though" you managed to said in a squeak as he smiled "no worries, just lay down and relax yeah?" you nodded as he reached for the sanitizer on the nightstand. he might've scrubbed your body clean with antibacterial soap but your insides haven't. he needs more than soap in order to penetrate you properly.
"h-huh?" you looked down when he cocked the head of sanitizer at your cunt but shushes you. he pumped the sanitizer inside, the cold substance making you jump as it felt foreign (also considering you're a virgin) "need to make sure you're clean, sweetheart" he smiled and pushed two fingers inside, sanitizer as lube. you whimpered, as he pumped more sanitizer and added a third finger. he pushed them slowly inside and outside as you blinked away the tears. "t-too much!" you yelped
"you can do it, it's okay" he cooed, gloved hands went to squeeze your breast. you tried your best not to writhe but he eventually stopped. you saw how he unzipped his trousers and pulled out his cock from his boxers. "h-hah.." you panted, salivating at the curve of his tip which was leaking with precum.
"I need to clean you, darling. inside and out" he said, rubbing his cock while pumping sanitizer as lubricant. you hissed, the sanitizer becoming colder as it was exposed to the wind. kai made sure to pumped excessively so it'll fit just right I to pussy and he pushed. you groaned and bit your fist as kai's eyes rolled to the back of his skull. it was such a contrast on how cold the sanitizer felt but how warm your pussy was.
it fitted like a glove, just right and perfect. he gently held your hips and did one thrust before pumping one more of sanitizer before the bottle ran out so he threw it on the floor. he held your hand and thrusted slowly, making you mewl in pain as blood appeared on his cock and popped your cherry. he bit his gloves off and slowly flicked your clit making you see stars. "o-oh.." your eyes were wide as your breath was stolen, the feeling of your most sensitive bud getting toyed around was enough to send you over the edge.
"did my love just came? filthy girl, I need to seriously clean you now" he frowned although you can hear a hint of amusement in his tone. he started to pick up the pace, the sanitizer as lube drying up as he pounded into you. your back arched from the bed as you moaned "mmh!"
"that's a good girl, be my wife hm?" he mumbled againts your ear as he grunted, pressing his body on yours. your hands flail around as you find something to hold on, scratching his back "need! to- a-ah!" you moaned, squeezing your eyes tight as he pounded deeply into you. he straighten his body and stilled as he came inside you with a groan.
"take it.. take it and be the mother of children.. my perfect wife.." you panted as your body went limp, kai sat up abd observed your glossy pussy with oozing cum
"you're all clean now."
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bonkwrites · 2 years
Good Girl
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Warnings: afab!reader, dom!kai, blowjob, mention of cockwarming, sub!reader, dirty talk.
Relationship: Kai Chisaki x fem!reader
Kai thinks you were made for this: being his. You’re on your knees at his feet, his cock in your mouth, squirming like you can’t take it, spit around your mouth and tears in your eyes. He groans, fists your hair, and you shake like a leaf in response. You’re so much more than this, he knows that, but having you reduced to this crying, shaking, begging mess just ruins him every time. 
Your hands twist in the silk they’re bound behind your back in, your knees spread open wider until they’re pressing against his ankles. His mind conjures up the image of you last time, screaming for him, legs pressed wide open, pussy swallowing him up and you still being greedy enough to beg for more. 
“God,” he moans, pulling your mouth off of him by your hair. You gasp, mouth still open, and you lean forward to try and put him back in your mouth. 
“Please,” you lick your lips and look up at him through your wet eyelashes, “K-Kai, put it back in, please,” 
“Have patience,” he growls, fingers tightening against your scalp. You bite your lip and whimper. Kai thinks you’re a fucking siren, a creature of myth, sent to seduce him and test his limits. It’s fucking working. 
“Puh-” Kai reaches out with his free hand and hooks his thumb into your cheek when you open your mouth to beg again. You splutter, looking up at him with a glazed, nearly confused look in your eye. It’s almost like you’re asking him why he won’t let you suck his dick, like he’s committing a crime against you by being withholding. 
“P-ease,” you slur, eyes blinking slowly up at him. Kai takes a deep breath and then he’s releasing your cheek. You lean forward with the help of his hand in your hair and wrap your mouth around him again. 
He moans and his knees spread open further to allow your shoulders more room. You gag and Kai’s eyes roll back. You’re so strong, his partner in crime, intelligent and beautiful and a complete woman but when you’re down between his knees, begging him to fuck your mouth until you’re crying, hands tied behind your back, all he can think about is how you’re made for this. You’re made to be used by him. And he was made to use you. 
“Fuck, that it’s, good girl,” Kai growls, hips lifting up and hand in your hair driving you down, “good fucking girl,” 
Your eyes roll back, body pulsing, whimpering and moaning just for him and the way he uses you. Kai pushes you down and grips you tight as he cums. He’s shaking, sweating, dirty, and it starts to disgust him before he looks down at you and watches you swallow with those fucked out eyes trained right on his. He lets go of your hair slowly, his fingers sore, but you won’t move until he tells you to. You’d stay there all day if he let you. He runs the back of his knuckles against your cheek and your eyes flutter closed. Content. 
“Good girl.”
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mishy-mashy · 3 months
Got my hands on a Ultra Analysis BNHA book from a library
Some points I liked (I focused more on 1B since they don't get a lot of attention)
1B once had a Tetsutetsu BBQ. They heated him up and cooked food on him. He proceeds to ruin it when he declares his sweat is the salt to their food
Yui is canonically the prettiest first-year
Mineta has no sex appeal at all, but he thinks being a hero will make him lucky
Class B does respect Monoma. He's sharp-minded, witty, and has a way with words
Monoma sometimes wanders into 1A's dorm just to throw down a mean speech, and heads back to 1B
Juzo probably isn't helping Monoma's confrontations with 1A, since he just always asks him why he can't say it to their faces whenever Monoma complains about them
Shiozaki tries to be polite even in a fight
Pony hosts anime parties, so 1B knows a lot about anime. Vice-versa, they teach her Japanese, and everything nasty is Monoma's fault
Tokage was a gyaru
Tsuburuaba, Kaibara, and Kuroiro get worked up whenever they talk about girls
Manga likes Kenranzaki
Awase's family runs a small factory. He also restrains Monoma whenever Kendo isn't available
1B likes hearing Rin say "Aiyah", so he does it for them
Kamakiri is obsessed with cutting into things
Class B's play was really successful
Tamaki is scared of Kirishima's energy
1C was planning a send-off party for Shinsou for his upcoming hero transfer. They didn't doubt he would make it, ever since the Sports Festival
Shishikura (meatball Shiketsu boy) might've chosen Shiketsu because he likes the uniform's hat
Nakagame and Yo are dating
Tsuyu's family gets to spend a lot of time together now, since their parents' busy jobs have calmed down
Tsubasa (devil wing kid in Midoriya's memories) suspiciously lost touch with Midoriya and Bakugo in middle school (his Wiki page confirms Garaki - his grandfather - turned him into a Nomu)
Torino likes goofy gags. This rubs off on All Might (ex. when Midoriya thought he died when Torino fell with ketchup. People don't know whether to laugh or be concerned)
Nighteye has yellow streaks in his hair as a homage to All Might
Nezu likes worming into tight, dark places, so he likes Aizawa's scarf. They went into detail, describing why Nezu likes it, such as material to crawling in, etc.
Recovery Girl has to travel around Japan regularly to help people with her Quirk (as in, she uses her Quirk to help them. Healing Quirks are SO rare)
Hojo, Tabe, and Sestuno are kept in the same jail, so at least they're not separated
#wish i had vestiges other than nana but even she isnt a lot of info here#since the book ends with villains from the overhaul arc i think thats where the series was when the book published#im not doing the math but the book was 2019#also i am not tagging all these characters. thats gonna throw the limit on the floor and give me nothing to work with#1b#class 1b#1-b#class 1-b#spoilers#boku no hero academia#bnha#my hero academia#mha#mha spoilers#bnha spoilers#ultra analysis book#a limit of 30 tags and 1b alone is 20 ppl? no thank u#recovery girl's Quirk is actually the ideal typical heal ability you see on fantasy series#magically heal cuts and wounds? in a quirk-way we need a way to explain it#and recovery girl's quirk is the best way to explain it: she speeds up a body's healing process#thats just what happens when u use healing magic or something in a TV show#this was my explanation for why a pokemon cant use healing moves on broken bones (HC stuff for a fanfic) before i made the connection about#recovery girl being ideal in her quirk#because if u use it on a bone to speed up the healing. it might heal incorrectly or beclme cancerous instead#so recovery girl is just “natural healing of the body” rather than “i speed up ur bodys natural stuff”#so ur cells dont multiply so fast and wrong that u now have a tumor or cancer#do i know if these points are in their wiki pages? no. honestly im not going through their pages i just think these are interesting facts#neito monoma#hitoshi shinsou#yui kodai (yup tag limit immediately)
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talyns-fanfics · 5 months
Hear me out. How about an MHA AU where the heroes constantly fail it’s young heroes and the people in danger.
This could be taken in multiple different ways. Deku becomes a villain, Bakugo was never saved in season 2, Todoroki puts a lock on his fire permanently. The list could honestly go on, but I wanna focus on two specific characters. Eri and Nejire.
I saw an edit on Tik Tok comparing the Big Three of UA to Aizawa, Mic, Shirakumo when they were at UA. The edit compared Nejire to Shirakumo, and honestly I haven’t been the same since.
Ok, picture this: Mirio and Deku never run into Eri, and therefore have no clue of her existence. Without that fated meeting, the heroes wouldn’t have been able to think of a plan to save her from Overhaul. Instead, Nejire goes snooping around with zero protection or even backup. She has a run in with the 8 bullets of the Hassaikai, leading to her death.
Overhaul, impressed by her Quirk and her fighting capabilities, brings her back to life, but she’s not the same. She had lost all memories of being a hero-in-training and beforehand. She’s like a completely blank canvas but with a strong power. Overhaul assigns her to the job of watching over and protecting Eri from any outside threat. Nejire, who sees this man as her savior, agrees to his demands as repayment for her life.
Practically making Nejire and Eri their own versions of Kurogiri and Shigaraki…
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isabeauwolf · 5 months
I'm curious to all my fellow MHA writers. What do you or your oc's call your lovers or nickname? What do they call your OC's?
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Mary's(my villain oc) nickname for Kai: My mate, my dearest, my devil, my birdy
Kai's nickname for Mary: His angel, his goddess and light, his vixen and naughty huntress, his little wife
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Mary's nicknames for Dabi: Pyro, Dark Knight, Casanova
Dabi's nicknames for Mary: Yakuza Princess, his beauty, firebrand
Let me know what you think of my name choices? I know Dabi's has a lot of work. lol
Plus, I know I've talked about my villain fanfic and figured I would share a bit of a sneak peak here and there. Kai would probably use, "angel" the most and as for Dabi it would probably be "princess."
The way I looked at it while thinking of these nicknames was both Overhaul and Dabi think of themselves as no longer human since they gave up their names to become villains.
Overhaul becomes "A demon with no heart," as Pops calls him.
Dabi falls farther into the darkness and becoming a beast or monster.
Mary being a wolf shifter has her own inner beast. If she loses control in a fit of bloodlust or anger, she could hurt someone.
With Kai, it starts with an arranged marriage between both yakuza clans into love as the pair feels the pull of a "mated pair," between a human and a wolf.
Kai's known since he's reunited with her that she's his, he can't explain it, theirs this undeniable pull he feels towards her, the only woman for him.
With Dabi, he accepts her dark side, gives his support no matter if she kills her targets, random who offended her clan's honor, or under the haze of blood lust; he accepts it all without judgement.
He see's the fire burning within her and beast wanting to be free from it's golden cage. Even covered in the blood of her enemies, he can still see the innocence and kindness in her mismatched eyes. Dabi's a greedy bastard and he wants his princess for himself, he doesn't care if she's married or not.
It's the push and pull, darkness and light, carnal and feral desires, beauty and the beasts, human and inhuman, sanity and insanity; in laws of the underworld, villain don't get happy endings, or do they?
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slayfics · 5 months
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The venue is nice and extravagant, the restroom is no exception to that. Mirrors line the walls from ceiling to floor, fresh napkins handed to you by an attendant.
That’s when she comes around the corner. She’s just washing her hands, but the aura she holds demands your attention. Her dress leaves you speechless. She has to be someone, but you don’t know who.
“That’s a beautiful dress,” you compliment her.
She turns to you with a striking smile, “Oh thank you darling, you’re looking beautiful yourself.” She says and saunters out of the restroom. Where she returns to the man waiting for her.
His hands are gloved and clasped behind his back as she makes her way to him. If there’s a smile it’s covered by the elaborate mask on his face. As alluring as her aura was his was dangerous. As though a sheer brush against him would call for your last breath.
He walks and she falls into stride with him. He looks down his nose at the crowd with golden eyes, disgusted by them all. Disgusted with everything expect the beautiful women by his side.
Beautiful women, where did you find this dangerous man?
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lostiolite · 21 days
Hey! throws this at you and runs away
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Hurt no comfort (I'm sorry), not proofread, WC: 1.4k
If people saw you two, they wouldn’t believe you’re married.
You no longer slept in the same bed. revolving back to square one, not surprising considering his nature.
You met in middle school. He thought you were another annoying pest. He always sat away from everyone, you included, an invisible space between him and you.
Things changed when you were getting picked on by a few kids, notorious for being pricks, whom also insulted the Yakuza. Little Kai coming to beat their asses and unknowingly saving you.
A while later, someone asked you your opinion of the Yakuza, why? You don't know, but this moment seemed to lock in your fate with Kai.
You stated your admiration for the thugs, to both your classmate and Kai’s surprise. Why wouldn’t you respect the Yakuza? You were young and your only encounter with the Yakuza was being helped and protected by them, (even if that wasn’t his intention).
From here on out, Kai respected you, (even if you had no idea). He became hyper aware of you.
You were sitting on a bench once, waiting for your guardian to pick you up. You were looking around the gardens and admiring the newly blooming carnations. You thought they were pretty, it was always the highlight of your day walking by the flowers after school.
Kai so happened to be passing by as well, along with his father. They were conversing. You however, paid them no mind. You were more interested in the glowing carnations. Your face displaying pure fascination. They were beautiful. The carnations emanated warmth and love, true genuine love. You wondered how it felt.
You weren’t pretty, at least in the conventional standard. No one ever really bothered to ask you out or hang out. That was fine for the most part, it just got a little bit lonely. You wondered how different things would be if people swooned over you like they did popular boys and girls. Your eyes half-lidded as you are lost in thought.
Your smile was warm. Thats what he thought as he was lost in thought, er- more so staring at you. His head few thoughts in it as his conversation with Pops had come to its conclusion and they were now walking in silence. Thats when he noticed you sitting on the bench. Your legs were swaying and you were staring at something. Though he pays no mind, hes more fascinated by the look on your face. His gaze unknowingly softening. What catches his Pops’ attention though, is him slowing down. He looks back at Kai, taking note of the young boys expression. It doesn’t take a genius to come to the conclusion.
He reaches out to the young boy, ruffling his hair. Truth is, he was sort of worried for chisaki. he was Anti-social in every regard and went over board in his devotion to the Yakuza. Kai expressing interest in something non-yakuza related was new, a new thing we would welcome.
”Do you like them?”
Its a simple question, but a complex one to the young boy as he stares back into his fathers eye trying to understand. You looks back at you.
The look on his face betrays his words.
”If you like them, you should talk to them”
He knows Kai better by know. He knows this small push will give him the power to approach you, sooner or later.
it was sooner.
You were eating lunch on the same bench, staring at the flowers for entertrainment, though, it was like watching paint dry. If the paint was a really pretty painting. Your legs swinging like usual, and a look of warmth and content on your face.
he calls your name.
You look at him, confused. eyebrows furrowed in confusion. You wondered if he wanted something from you- or worse, you pissed him off. Your eyes widening as you considered the possibility.
He thought the face you made was cute.
He made up something on the spot. uncharacteristically, he didn’t think out what he was going to say to you before he approached you.
“Can I talk to you for a class project?”
You nod unsure as you swallow your food and the young boy comes closer. He sits on the bench next to you. He pulls out a notebook and pencil. “First, what’s your name”? He already knows it, he overheard it from other conversations, he just wanted to hear it from you.
You tell him your name. “How do you write it”? He hands the notebook to you. You take the pencil gingerly. He waits in anticipation as you write down your names. Your Japanese legal kanji, and the one your family calls you in its native text and Katakana. You hand it back to him, you hope he doesn’t make some mean comment about your name.
He stares at it, he repeats them in his head a few times. He looks back up at you as he takes a go at pronouncing your native name, using the katakana for guidance. “Am I right? How do you say it”. He leans closer to you unconsciously.
“___” you reply.
He stared for a moment, “___”?
He pauses for a moment. Leaning back, he thinks of something, “alright ___, do you have any dogs at home?”
You answer him with sway of your head. He promptly gets up, “alright thank you”. Leaving you confused, he went through all that just to ask you about dogs?
As he retreats back into the classroom, he wishes he had asked you more, he was nervous, something he wasn’t used to. He looks at the page with your names on it, a small smile trying to tug on his lips. There’s notably a bit more pep in his step with Pops’ picks him up.
“Did you talk to ‘em”? He nods. They both smile, though kais is more faint.
Chisakis aversion to touch was something you were fully aware of. Fleeting touches and maybe kisses if you were lucky. That’s why him being comfortable enough to sleep in the same bed as you as an achievement. It was exhausting on your end, especially as someone who feels affection through touch. but, it was worth it. Breaking down his walls was excruciating.
You didn’t notice the lack of effort on his part. Or the way he started distancing himself when becoming manic on his cure for the world.
He was paranoid or maybe regretfull for putting Pops in comatose.
He disliked it when you called him Kai, he preferred overhaul now.
You couldn’t do this anymore, not because his sociopath tendencies multiplied. You feel like a bad person because what ticks you off most, is the other side of the bed being cold.
You couldn’t take being an afterthought anymore, if you even took up space in his thoughts.
The yakuza, like yourself was divided in half. One siding with Kai and the other with Pops.
The only reason you hadn’t left earlier was because of the comfort you received from the ones who disliked chisaki. Not only did he ruin the boss, but his spouse was now In shambles.
If he couldn’t keep his family intact, how could he keep the yakuza intact?
That boy doesn’t know what he wants, it’s clear.
He flip flops between showing remorse for the elder and saying it was for the “greater good”, apologizing to you for the lack of attention and ignoring you like you were a pest.
He had his chance at having a good family, but he ruined that.
You couldn’t take it anymore, you weren’t happy anymore.
An impulsive thought, but one so strong you didn’t care. You grab your most valuable jewelry. Small enough to carry lots, and a big cash reward that would have you set for a while.
You make your way down the steps, you're leaving, you don’t care what anyone says, you don’t think anyone (important) would care.
You see chisaki near the exit door. His eyes glued on the paper handed to him by a subordinate. You pause for a moment. In a quiet voice you mutter,”I’m going out, overhaul”. You spew the last word with a bit of disgust, anger, sadness or a weird mixture of the 3. You don’t think he even heard you, you exit and you don’t look back.
“Overhaul” catches his attention, but he doesn't show it. That’s new, you’re obviously upset. He makes a mental note to check on you later.
You wonder if he will feel the same as you waking up to a half empty bed, and seeing the bedside carnations wilted.
In truth, you don’t have a destination. You have no idea where you’re going. But that’s okay, anywhere away from the yakuza, him, overhaul and mourning the death of your husband.
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xxoolii · 1 year
my brain is doing that thing where it imagines BLEEP BLEEP BLEEP BLEEP BLEEP and then they BLEEP BLEEP BLEEP BLEEEEEPPPP until i can’t think, you get me or what??
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nataliepruitts · 5 months
Our Precious Gem | Possessive!Bully! Tomura, Touya, & Kai x Reader
Chapter 2
Tomura pulls you by the arm over to the desk where you will be sitting and you soon find yourself sitting between him and Kai with Touya sitting next to Tomura. You heard some of the other girls groan in disappointment, they were hoping the boys would sit next to them, especially Kai. It never failed, at every school you guys went to the girls would always throw themselves at the three boys and you know it's mostly because of their families and their positions. A lot of girls like to think that they would be the most popular in town if they got with one of the three boys who rule the town.
But the boys always see straight through them, Tomura always notices the slight grimaces or looks of disgust some girls give when they look at him, even when they try to flirt with him. He knows that the girls are only after him because of his status in town, but even if a girl didn't look disgusted by his appearance he still would reject them. Touya always got a lot of girls throwing themselves at him because of his handsome baby face and the bad boy vibes he gives. But he always brutally rejects them each time. They hate everyone in society, everyone in this town, especially these girls who are looking to raise their status in town or looking to get their money so they can get fancy stuff.
Kai always seems to be the main one getting the attention, girls are always drooling over him. But he never acknowledges any of them, he always looks disgusted by everyone. He sees everyone as giant walking germs that he needs to avoid. Every time a girl tries to touch him he just pushes her away and starts calling her bad names while telling her to never touch him again, then he runs to the nearest bathroom and washes her germs off him.
You couldn't help but laugh at all the girls who would try to get close to them, the girls who thought they would be the one to capture one of their hearts and get one of them wrapped around their little finger only to be devastated when they get pushed away and mistreated. Eventually, all the girls become too scared to approach them and you always feel sorry for them. 
You watch the girls in the classroom as they try to give flirty looks to the three boys and you feel so bad for them, they obviously have the same thoughts the other girls did and you know they're gonna end up getting hurt.
You're brought out of your thoughts when Kai leans over and starts whispering to you, "Get rid of this stupid idea that you can escape us because you can't. No matter where you go to get away from us we will track you down and find you."
You look into his eyes and your blood runs cold, the seriousness in his eyes scares you. But along with the seriousness you see something else there, something that's been in all of their eyes since you showed them that kindness in grade school. The same thing you kept seeing in their eyes all through middle school, even when they would bully you it would be present in their eyes. You were never able to understand what it was until now, when you discover that there's nowhere in this town you can go to escape them because they will find you wherever you run to. You now understand what it is…
Obsession and possessiveness.
You look down at your desk as your heart races, it can't be true. There is no way these three boys who have been bullying you since grade school have become obsessed and possessive over you. It's not true, they hate you too much.
You push the thought out of your head as you pay attention to the teacher, it's a ridiculous notion. When the class ends you quickly get up to go to your next class, hoping they're not in that one too. You run down the hall in hopes that they're not gonna follow you, you just want to get away from them, but luck isn't on your side. You heard the sounds of running feet behind you as their voices echoed through the hall. "Y/n! Y/n, stop!" Their voices send shivers through your body because they sound really pissed.
You make it to the classroom and find the teacher there getting ready for the lesson, "Y/n, is everything alright?" She asked after seeing the slightly scared and worried look on your face. You just nod before going to take your seat. "Are you sure?" She questions you again but before you can answer Tomura, Touya, and Kai come walking into the classroom, "Oh, you must be the new students. Welcome, take a seat anywhere."
Your eyes widened. They’re in this class too? You see them walking toward you with a pissed off look on their faces and you quickly sit down at the table you've been sitting at. You see Kai take the seat next to you while Touya pulls a chair over to the side of the table, sitting on the other side of you, a bit too close for your comfort. Kai scoots his chair over a bit so Tomura can squeeze in at the table as well, they refuse to sit at the other tables where they would have to deal with the other students so you find yourself wedged between Touya and Kai.
You're so close to them that your arms and legs are touching theirs and Touya shifts himself where his shoulder is pressed against yours. "Why the fuck did you run?" Touya asked through gritted teeth.
"And after I told you to get rid of this stupid idea that you can get away from us," Kai added.
"I wasn't trying to run away, I was just trying to get to my next class." Well, it wasn't a complete lie.
"Liar. You better stop trying to get away from us because you're stuck with us," Touya said with a smirk. "We already arranged to be in all the classes you're in."
You let out a groan as you laid your head on the table with your forehead pressing against the surface. You feel fingers brush through your hair before the hand goes down to rub your back, you lift your head and see that Kai is the one rubbing your back. This boy confuses you, he hates coming into contact with people because he doesn't want to get their germs and he looks at everyone with disgust except for Touya and Tomura. But every so often he touches you and doesn't seem to care, he doesn't even look disgusted by the thought of being in contact with you.
"Um… Excuse me…" You look up to see the boy who was your seatmate, "That's my seat you're sitting in."
You felt Kai tighten his grip on the back of your shirt like he felt that if he didn't get a grip on you then you were gonna slip away again. "Your seat?" Kai asked as he glared at the boy. You could tell they were tensing up.
"I'm sorry, Ling. These are my friends from middle school, they got a bit of a late start on high school and we've been catching up. I told them that they could be my seatmates since they don't know anybody here, so you're gonna have to sit with someone else. Sorry."
"Oh, it's no problem, I didn't know they were old friends of yours. Can we still have lunch together?"
"No, she'll be eating with us," Touya answered before you could. And there goes all the friends you could have made in high school, by the time they're through, nobody will even want to talk to you.
Ling didn't say anything else as he scampered away to sit at another table, he was scared by just the glares he got from the three. You look over at Kai, "Kai, are you sure you don't want to sit over where Tomura is?"
Kai glares at you, "You don't want to sit next to me or something?"
"No, no, it's nothing like that. I know how you hate being so close to other people because you hate germs and with how close we're sitting it's kind of hard not to come into contact with each other." Your cheeks start turning red at the thought of being so close to both Kai and Touya. You look down at your arms as you pick at the stitches on your sleeves, "I just don't want you to be uncomfortable," you finish before looking back over at him.
If you didn't know any better you would swear that you saw affection in his eyes, maybe some endearment. If there was anything there it quickly vanished when he started laughing. "I don't need a pathetic loser like you worrying about me. I'm just fine."
You heard Touya and Tomura chuckling, you need to remember that you're nothing but amusement to them.
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kikyoupdates · 1 month
Made to Destroy ⭑˚💎⭑ 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑢𝑒
bnha x op!reader
op!reader, my hero academia x fem!reader, reverse harem, over powered reader, f!reader
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You are the product of a series of twisted experiments, an anomaly that shouldn’t have ever existed in the first place. Thankfully, you are taken into the arms of a hero and given a new purpose in life. But as you soon discover, it isn’t easy to deny your true nature, especially when you were made to destroy.
story masterlist | next
You awaken.
It's a strange feeling, to go from complete darkness to a world of bright, shining artificial lights. The sudden exposure sends your senses into overdrive and causes you to blink repeatedly, to the point that your eyes start watering. 
“...I can’t believe it,” you hear someone mumble. “It actually worked. I’m a genius!”  
There’s a man in front of you. He’s got a bushy mustache and a pair of distinct, thick-rimmed goggles that prevent you from seeing into his eyes clearly. An elderly man, although it’s hard to tell his exact age. The only other noteworthy thing about him is that he’s wearing a white lab coat. 
And based on how widely he’s grinning, he seems to be rather pleased about something.  
He quickly clears his throat. “Ahem. I suppose I shouldn’t get too ahead of myself. I need to test all your senses first. You can hear me, I’m assuming? You’re certainly reacting to visual stimuli, like the light shining in your eyes. If you can hear me and understand what I’m saying, nod your head once.”  
At first, you just blink, still disoriented and confused, but soon enough, his words sink in. 
You nod, and the man—Dr. Garaki—seems even more pleased than he was just a few seconds ago.  
“Excellent!” he exclaims, and you watch as he scribbles something down onto a clipboard. “Language comprehension is working just fine too. Although now it’s time for the real test. Listen closely, please. I’ve decided I want to call you [Name]. Can you try saying that? Try saying your name for me, little one.” 
You stare at him for a few moments, and even though you understand what he’s asking of you, it still takes a while for your mouth to move the way you want it to.  
But eventually, you succeed.  
“[N-Name],” you repeat, sounding a bit uncertain at first. You knit your brows together and try again, and this time, it’s far less shaky. “[Name].” 
“Oh, marvelous!” Dr. Garaki praises. He even claps his hands together, incapable of hiding his excitement. “Yes, what a truly wonderful job! Well done. It suits you, too. I really have a knack when it comes to naming my creations.”  
He doesn’t ask you to say anything else, so you sit perfectly still, just staring at him. However, you’ve just learned something. You have a name. 
For some reason, it makes your heart clench, and you’re not quite sure how to describe what you’re feeling.  
Perhaps that’s another thing you have yet to learn.  
“You really are a masterful, prodigal creation,” Dr. Garaki says, stroking his mustache. “It’s incredible. All of your senses appear to be fully functional, and not only that, but you can understand things and communicate, just like a real human would. I always thought that creating Nomus would be the greatest exploit of my career, and I failed so many times before when I tried to artificially engineer a human without a corpse as a base... but you managed to surpass all my expectations. Perhaps I should call you my little miracle.” 
You don’t understand what he’s trying to say, but once again, he seems rather pleased.  
“Best of all is your appearance,” he continues, brushing a finger against your cheek. “Just looking at you, everyone would assume you’re an ordinary little girl! I truly have outdone myself this time around. The Nomus are beautiful in their own way, but you are a carbon copy of the human race. A perfect replication.”  
This man sure likes to talk a lot. Or maybe he talks a perfectly normal amount, but you just don’t have any other frame of reference to compare it to.  
Dr. Garaki steps closer to you and smiles. “Now, then. I still have some tests to finish running, so be a good girl and sit still. Don’t worry. It’ll only take a moment.” 
You don’t really have any idea of what’s normal or not, which is why you don’t move a single muscle as he straps your limbs down to the chair and makes sure to tighten the fastenings shut, so that you can’t break free.  
You are ignorant. You can’t possibly know any better. So, when Dr. Garaki inches towards you, gripping a scalpel between his fingers, all you do is stare at him quietly.  
And then there’s just pain.  
It’s like nothing you’ve ever felt before, and you scream out at the top of your lungs as Dr. Garaki slices into your flesh, showing zero remorse.  
You’ve only ever spoken your name, so you’re not quite sure what to say to get him to stop, but eventually, the words bubble up to the surface.  
“S-Stop... stop it! It... hurts...” 
“Oh-ho!” he muses. “Already assembling sentences on your own, I see. You register pain just like a normal human would too. It’s truly splendid!”  
Despite your outcry, he doesn’t stop. He doesn’t even bother to apologize. He just keeps carving you up, ignoring all of your tortured, anguished screams, as well as the look of sheer desperation on your face.  
It feels like you’re about to die. You’ve only known what it’s like to live for a few brief moments, and already, it’s going to be taken from you.  
All this pain, all of this blood... and yet, you still haven’t died yet.  
“Ah-ha!” Dr. Garaki exclaims. He steps back and grins cruelly. “It took a while for your body to respond, but there it is! The regeneration is finally kicking in. For a moment, I was worried I hadn’t transplanted the Quirk correctly. Thank goodness everything is in order.” 
He finally stops. You let out a shuddering breath, and you’re suddenly aware of a damp feeling on your cheeks, as well as the fact that your vision is blurry.  
Oh. You must be crying.  
“No need for tears, little one,” Dr. Garaki reassures. “Go on, take a look. Your body is repairing itself as we speak. Everything is going to be just fine.”  
He’s right. Just a few moments ago, you were in so much pain that it felt like you would cease to exist, but now you watch as your bloody, mutilated skin pieces itself back together, until you’re practically brand new. 
The injuries are gone, and so is the pain.  
Dr. Garaki smiles. “See? There’s no reason to be afraid. I’ve made you durable. An incredible creation you may very well be, but you’re of no use to me if you break right away.”  
Something about what he just said doesn’t exactly sit right with you. A voice in your head is telling you to trust this man and listen to everything he says. To follow all of his orders without fail and carry out his ambitions.  
But another voice in your head—admittedly, a much smaller one—is telling you the exact opposite.  
And for some reason, that’s the voice you choose to listen to.  
“It hurt,” you mutter accusingly. “I asked you... to stop.”  
Dr. Garaki frowns, clearly bewildered. “Hm? You sure are becoming increasingly talkative. You must be absorbing information even faster than I thought you would. But like I said, you’re fine. You can handle far more damage than this. Trust me. You can always trust me, alright?”  
No. You get the feeling that you shouldn’t trust him. You shouldn’t trust a single word that comes out of his mouth, and if you stay here, there’s a very good chance that he’ll hurt you again.  
So, the solution is obvious.  
You need to leave.  
“I’m leaving,” you declare. Dr. Garaki proceeds to stare at you in disbelief, and he even sets his clipboard aside so that he can give you his undivided attention.  
“You’re not leaving,” he frowns. “And why would you want to leave? I’m your creator. I brought you to life. I engineered you specifically so that you would serve me and obey my commands, and you say you want to leave? How does any of that make sense? Is it possible I made a mistake somewhere...?”  
He scratches his mustache, unable to make sense of the situation. Even now, there’s still that irritating voice that’s telling you to obey, but you grit your teeth and fight against it, refusing to succumb to the pressure.  
And then you feel it. Something wells up from deep inside you, and as you stare down at the infuriating bindings that are tying you down to the chair, you suddenly realize: Oh. I can break these. 
So, you do.  
“...what in the world?!”  
Dr. Garaki lets out a squeal as you break free of the restraints and kick the chair to the side. He instinctively reaches for the scalpel, then points it towards you, most likely as an act of self-defense.  
Unfortunately, seeing that bloody scalpel again elicits painful memories, and it makes you really, really angry.  
You feel it again. It’s as if something is bubbling up inside of you, desperately seeking release. It pulses and flows, moving through your body in the form of energy. Power. Strength.  
“You’re out of your mind!” Dr. Garaki screams. “You’re supposed to listen to everything I say! What’s wrong with you?! You’re a faulty product! You're damaged goods! Now, sit back down and stay put before I—”  
He doesn’t get to finish his sentence. You swing your arm out, and he should be thanking his lucky stars that he managed to jump away in time.  
Destruction unfolds. You’re not quite sure what you did, but you made sure to channel all the strength you could muster, and now the room you’re in—which upon closer inspection, is some kind of lab—has practically been torn to shreds.  
Dr. Garaki is trapped underneath a pile of rubble, and he whimpers helplessly. “I-I don’t understand. The only Quirk I gave you... was the ability to regenerate. Is this... some kind of mutation? But how did it...”  
He passes out, either from shock, pain, or some combination of the two.  
It’s then that you spot a hole in the wall that must have formed when you unleashed your attack earlier. It’s quite small, but you’re fairly small too, so there’s a good chance you’ll fit.  
You drop to your knees and crawl. It’s a snug fit, but you manage to wiggle your way through, and after a brief patch of darkness, you emerge on the other side.  
A bright sky greets you. It’s sunny and warm, and you decide that you quite like this feeling. It’s certainly far more pleasant than being inside the lab, with its murky scent and unnatural lights. It seems as though your decision to leave was the right one after all.  
You clench your hand into a fist. That strange burst of energy you felt earlier is completely gone. You must have used up all your strength. But it’s okay. You’re free now.  
You’re free, and you will discover all that life has to offer.
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somorrow · 2 years
Fanfics: Naruto: The Flames of Love (Reader/Shisui/slight!Itachi) 18+ In Hell (Reader/Itachi/Obito/past!Shisui) 18+ Bound By Soul (Reader/Otsutsuki Indra) 18+ Dance (Reader/Madara) 18+ Venom (Reader/Sasuke) 18+ Good Morning (Reader/Itachi) 15+ Let Me In, Drag Me Out (Reader/Obito) 18+ All In (Reader/Tsunade) 15+ This Sucks (Reader/Itachi) 18+ This Bites (Reader/Sasuke) 18+ Exsolutus (Reader/Shisui) 18+ My Hero Academia: Three's A Crowd (Reader/Dabi(Touya)) 18+ Karma (Reader/Dabi(Touya)) 18+ Death Note: Rebirth (Reader/Light) 18+
One(+) Shots: All Naruto One Shots (ratings vary; use discretion)
Failed Creations (Dark Link/Reader) 15+, Refocus (Ike/Reader) 13+, Interview (Kiro/Reader) 13+ Three's A Party (Touya/Reader/Keigo) 18+ Tumblr Exclusive Scenarios: Naruto, 18+ My Hero Academia, 18+
If you are a minor, DNF, and do not interact with anything rated 18+. You will be blocked.
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eggtartz · 2 years
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cw : voyeurism, public sex, kai is your boyfriend, cockwarming, spanking
word count: 685
holiday special
your boyfriend was leading one of the biggest yakuza in the area and he has been wanting to expand his power so he did a pact with the league of villains, believing that they could help him achieve his goals. while in the meeting, shigaraki entered the underground room that has been hidden well by kai. shigaraki saw the sight of you whining on kai's lap, however his eyes weren't focused on you.
"thought you didn't liked getting dirty?" shigaraki asked while gesturing at you, who were giving him hickeys around his neck while panting. what goes noticed is also how his cock was inside your pussy, your thighs straddling him.
"she's the only exception" kai said while adjusting his seating, making you gasp because he accidentally deepened his cock inside you. kai has promised you before that if you manage not to cum while he had this meeting, he'll give you the best sex of your life but of course the villain had other plans. he intended to do that while cockwarming you, making you whine for more, for any action.
you squirmed on his lap, him spanking your butt for that. "behave" he said, muffled by his beak mask. you whimpered while trying to roll your hips when he was talking away with his companion. you didn't even minded at the people in the room, you rocked your hips slowly then clenched your pussy around his cock, making him hiss and another spanking.
kai always did this with you, he would make you cockwarm him while he was doing paperwork, while he was bathing you. he loved that warm, pulsating feeling that your pussy gave when he inserted his cock. it felt amazing and kai didn't wanted to pull out anytime soon.
however, he was getting distracted.
your hip rolls were nudging his cock, the movement giving his cock a new sensation when his cock slid right into your cervix. he almost groaned, voice contained as he kept talking about his plans with the league of villains.
he again got distracted as you kissed his nose, him pinching your nipple making you wince. "behave"
"ca-cant. kai.. wanna.. wanna cum.."
"then? help yourself, im busy" you wasted no time and started bouncing on his cock giving soft mewls at the feeling. you weren't too far from your climax so while bouncing on kai's cock, you slithered your hand to rub on your clit making you whine louder.
kai held your lower back, silently asking you to go faster because he was near too. your hands were busy and your lips were busy too showering him with hickeys while bouncing deliciously around his cock. shigaraki was trying his hardest not to feel aroused with your sweet whines, your pleas that sounds too silent as if the pleas aren't meant for kai.
you finally came with a gasp but kai hasn't yet. with a growl kai had to excuse himself, "wait here" he told shigaraki as he had to finish.
he lifted your limp body, his cock still buried in your pussy and went inside the nearest room. inside, he slammed your body at the wall, him going too fast with his thrust that made you felt dizzy. you draped your arms around his shoulder while your legs around his waist, pulling him to get deeper, faster.
"you couldn't even wait? pathetic" he whispered againts your ear, making you whine softly. he was pounding inside your pussy ruthlessly, not having any control because at how good your pussy felt.
he groaned, feeling his cum shooting inside you. he pulled out, some of his cum dribbling but he took out a plug from his behind pocket.
he collected the cum and shoved them back inside then took the plug and plugged it inside your pussy. he took out some wipes from the nearby drawer and gave it to you.
"clean yourself and stay here. i'll finish things up" he said while zipping his pants back, adjusting his mask that was all messy and not in place.
niyou laid there all exhausted and full. so, so happy.
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wisteriasymphony · 4 months
hahaha whats the deal with juleka and marinette 👀 another case of childhood friends drifting apart and marinette ending up alone like always 😔?
yes!! i've realized i have a habit of combining show characters in order to keep the cast small (mylene's activism got repurposed for alya, max's compsci stuff got given to nino), so i decided to merge juleka with socqueline.
and when i say childhood friends, i mean they were little. like 5 or 6
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their friendship started to go south in middle school, as that's when their interests really began to diverge and juliette started to lean into scene/alternative fashion like her older brother luka. this is when she starts going by juleka and dying her hair purple and such, and marinette is much more of a shoujo coquette kind of girl and started to find juleka's more extroverted behavior and "cringiness" off-putting (though, when you eventually have a body pillow of your favorite celebrity, can you really judge your ex-best friend for having a yaoi paddle)
of course, their friendship gets truly severed in high schoolwhen juleka starts dating rose and prioritizing her relationship with rose over her friendship with marinette. of course, considering rose's general disposition and love of pink is somewhat similar to marinette's... it's safe to assume that juleka found the same things attractive in marinette, but thought she would never return the feelings. marinette reluctantly dating luka later on is yet another punch to the gut.
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