#Overlord 4
grailfigure · 11 months
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Entoma Vasilissa Zeta // Overlord IV
F:Nex (1/7) by FuRyu
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nkrvd · 2 years
Overlord Fanarts
Shalltear and Renner
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msmimundo · 7 months
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In which Angel Dust gets big on politics
EDIT: Part 2
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leemontoast · 5 months
'Yeah so Rose and Blaze Empress present as like feminine and uh fucking- Ocean Overload presents as male. Like masculine. Enderking is just a fucking bitch. He's an absolute bitch. Uh, he's like a spoilt king bitch. *laughs* Spoilt king bitch, that's his official title.'- Philza, 24/4/24
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this-hazbin-quoted · 1 month
Rosie: So, how’s parenthood treating you?
Alastor: Good. I didn’t expect this much crying, though.
Rosie: Don’t worry, it’s normal for babies.
Alastor: What? The baby’s fine. I was talking about Lucifer.
Lucifer, sobbing from Rowen's room: I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!
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Ok I was shocked about the "Husk was an overlord" reveal but I have seen some people being like: "well actually In the pilot you see Husk's and Nifty's shadow alongside Alastor and other overlords so I predicted this ages ago". While yes, true and wow good eye I was rewatching the pilot and...damn I am soo stupid...
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Shadow or not he is LITERALLY RIGHT THERE when Vaggie is explaining the backstory...
Also Nifty as far as I can tell doesn't get her dedicated shot so I don't think she actually was an overlord...but could be fun
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Nice hair angel.
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eevanta · 10 months
as someone obsessed with phils hardcore lore, this stream is quite literally a dream come true for me. the fact that not only were we right in assuming the first letter was from rose, the flower goddess, we also were right in assuming that the ender king was the one sending the second letter.
for ease of comprehension, everytime i use qphil, i will also be talking about hcphil!
i also find it fascinating that this suggests the ender king is alive. for those unaware, in the current time of phils hardcore world, the ender king has been defeated. you may be familiar with the endlantis project; the flooded end realm phil made. the whole reason endlantis exists is because it was how the ender king was defeated, the other 5 deities in the world redirected his attempt to merge all 3 realms together to an overworld ocean.
so the fact is seems the ender king is alive, and not only is alive, he is ACTIVELY looking to help qphil? we know the ender king is selfish and only does things with a motive to gain power, so, is the ender king looking to take over quesadilla island?
but even then, there holes in that theory, because the ender king isnt the only one to reach out from the hc deities. rose has too. albeit a lot kinder and gentler in making him realise his 'dreams' weren't dreams, she still reached out. so is the pattern to continue? is the blaze empress going to reach out? is the ocean overlord going to? it strangely seems as though the deities are united in this, even if the ender king has ulterior motives to do so.
its going to be really interesting to see how they incorporate the hardcore lore, its already been interesting seeing how the admin writing the letters interprets their personalities. i hope the ocean overlords letter is like 'hiya m8, sorry for this, sure this is baffling. but uhh i wanna help u man'
its also going to be interesting to see how they handle the black concrete. the qsmp uses black concrete as a way to represent the shadow virus, but hcs4 uses it to depict void; hence the nethervoid. we've already seen a difference in how it's affected qphil versus, say, qforever
anyways this is my roman empire i think
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dr-spectre · 2 months
Splatoon Fighting Game Ideas.
Y'all, hear me out on this.... I've had this idea for a while now...
A Splatoon fighting game based on the gameplay style of Marvel vs Capcom and other team based fighting games.... You swap between three characters and the roster includes the Idols, Agents, some of the villains and other characters. And there's a special meter with 3 levels and cinematic hyper combos inspired by Final Smashes from Smash Bros. Ultimate.
Like if Nintendo wants to expand the Splatoon franchise, they need to make spin offs dude and a fighting game would be incredible, that's all I'm saying. And you know what? I'm gonna go over the roster and talk what i would do if i was in charge in making a Splatoon fighting game and you can't stop me!!!!!!! If you don't get the fighting game terms that will be in this post then look them up. I also won't go into SUPER DUPER detail and just go over general things i would do.
Also also, i haven't played every single fighting game in existence and I'm just basing it off of the games I've played (Street Fighter, Capcom vs series, Smash Bros for reference.) Without further ado, let's get into it.
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I can imagine Callie's playstyle to be a powerhouse, someone who gets up close and just deals a ton of damage. but she has exploitable weaknesses like slow moves that have a lot of recovery time. She uses a themed Dynamo Roller based on her and can do air combos mixed in with Splat Bombs. Some of her moves also take inspiration from her dance moves found in her Amiibo performances and Bomb Rush Blush remix in Splatoon 2. Callie is a chaotic fighter who is unpredictable and moves pretty damn fast. Her max hyper combo could be her spamming every bomb from every game in the series at the opponent as Bomb Rush Blush plays. She then rushes to the opponent and swings her roller around at insane speeds, it then ends with her slamming the roller into the opponent like a baseball bat, sending them flying into the horizon and she does her "Stay Fresh!" pose to finish it off. Her main taunt is her facing the camera, doing her iconic pose and then giggling while her covering her mouth.
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Marie could be a zoner that uses her Hero Charger and her parasol when doing close courters attack. Heck it could be her shield too. I would imagine her combos to be very hard to pull off as her shots are slow and you need to time the attacks just right so that you can keep your opponent in the air and deal as much damage as you can. Her max hyper combo could be running you over with the Sheldon truck that appears in Splatoon 2 to start the combo, then she gets onto the truck and snipes you with a barrage of shots until finally jumping off the truck with Sheldon. And then the truck collides with you and explodes in a giant green explosion. Her main taunt is her facing the screen, giving a thumbs down while blowing a raspberry. She then chuckles while doing her classic grin.
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Pearl could be a rushdown like character where she is incredibly fast with her themed dualies and is just a general pain to deal with. She can also turn into her drone form when in the air to slow down her descent and trick opponents up. Imagine how fun it would be to play as her and just dash around and be an annoying little shit. Her max hyper combo would be of course her Princess Cannon, she slams it down on the ground and if you get hit, you'll be trapped in the combo and Pearl will scream her lungs off like she did in Octo Expansion and Side Order. Her main taunt is her pulling out a megaphone and screaming at the screen.
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Marina is a character who's all about machinery and hacking and i think she would fit the trapper archetype pretty well. While she wields a Splat Brella to deal close range damage, she mainly uses traps like ink mines, sprinklers, and machinery to get enemies and string together combos. She is a very hard character to master, but those who love the trapper archetype will LOVE playing her and find her incredibly fun. Maybe you can trap an opponent with Marina and then bring in Pearl to deal some quick damage. Her max hyper combo could be transforming into her Order outfit and floating in the air while holding her keytar. She locks onto you and then fires off a barrage of ink blobs, Super Chumps and her Hyperbombs while jamming out. The combo ends in a giant teal explosion and Marina returning to her normal self, awkwardly laughing off the chaos she just caused. Her main taunt is her giving an embarrassed smile and wave at the screen.
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Shiver would be a footsies/brawler type character and be good on the ground and moving around, however she doesn't have a good air game and crumbles in the air. She uses a modified version of her sensu fan that she uses in Splatfests to poke at enemies and slash at them like a blade. She also uses a Tri-Stringer to do anti air attacks to stop opponents from attempting an air attack on her. Shiver is all about reading opponents and punishing them for messing up. Her max hyper combo would be her doing a small performance like what she does in Splatfests which causes Fizzbangs to spawn around the opponent and do damage. Shiver then quickly becomes more wild eyed and summons Master Mega. She rides on him and collides with the enemy which causes a massive explosion. Shiver jumps away at the last possible second and stumbles into a backflip because she's both a girlboss and girlfailure. Her main taunt is her arching her back and laughing like a maniac before quickly snapping back and gaining back her composure.
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Frye would 100% be a glass cannon, someone who's amazing at damage but crumbles when getting hit. She uses a themed Splatana Stamper to whack enemies and it has pretty decent range for a sword. However it has a mechanic where it deals less damage if you hit opponents with the base of the Splatana, so you must be precise and hit opponents with the tip to deal the most amount of damage. Her max hyper combo is her calling her eels with her flute. Frye starts spinning around which creates a huge tornado of eels. The tornado flies at the opponent and sucks them into a barrage of eels, the tornado subsides and Frye looks down at the fallen opponent and laughs while striking a pose. Her main taunt is her sitting on the ground cross legged and looking very annoyed. This taunt lasts forever until Frye gets hit or you press a button.
Big Man
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Big Man would be the grappler archetype where he must get up close to his opponent and use command grabs and other moves to deal damage. He can also throw out Splat Bombs and bellyflop in the air. His max hyper combo is him covering himself in ink and spawning copies of himself, the copies surround the opponent in a circle and all charge towards them. It ends with Big Man jumping onto the clones until he reaches the top, and then he does a giant bellyflop onto the opponent which causes a huge wave of ink. His main taunt is him facing the screen and jumping up and down to get your attention.
DJ Octavio
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DJ Octavio would be a heavyweight and have incredible damage and decent speed, but his hitbox would be massive and he's easy to combo. However his mech is shrunken down from it's Splatoon 1 size for balancing reasons of course. Octavio would use a mix of his retractable fists, Octorpedos and send out Octotroopers of different variety that run on the ground. If you have played Marvel vs Capcom and played as the characters Sentinel and Tron Bonne then he's pretty similar to them. His max hyper combo is him sucking up the Great Zapfish into his mech which engulfs it in a huge electric glow. Several more retractable arms made out of electricity appear from the back of his mech and charge up. They attack the opponent in the melody of the Onward! jingle, with the last punch creating a giant electric blast, causing Octavio to laugh manically. The opponent flies into the air and the fists all gather in front of the mech to charge up a giant killer wail, blasting the opponent away. His main taunt would be him dancing to his theme song. He does some DJ hand poses with his mech arms alongside this.
Mr. Grizz
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Mr. Grizz is both a heavyweight and zoner, using his claws to send out waves of purple ink. He can also summon Fuzzy Octohoppers and Octocopters to throw out bombs and splashes of ink. His regular close courter attacks are slow but they deal a fair amount of damage too. He can even teleport away by sinking into the floor and reappearing on the other side of the enemy. His max hyper combo would be him standing above the opponent and laughing as he carries the rocket seen at the end of Splatoon 3 ROTM. He throws it down at the opponent and it explodes, causing a giant fluffy explosion that's seen from outer space. His main taunt is him playing around with some glass vials containing the fuzzy ooze.
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Overlorder would be a glass cannon character but they would need to be obviously shrunken down because well... they are fucking massive. They would play sort of like Venom in the Marvel vs Capcom games where they use black ink and tentacles to send enemies into the air and do devastating damage. It can even send out Reefsliders as powerful air launchers. Their max hyper combo would be them Grayscaling and glitching out everything, Overlorder then grabs the enemy and drags them across on the floor. They are then trapped in a Jelleton portal and spiraled upwards. The portal then explodes with glitchy effects, Overlorder then says "grayscaling completed..." Their main taunt is them facing the screen and glitching it out for a brief period to scare players.
Captain 3
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Captain 3 would be an all arounder and perfect for beginners, they don't have any real obvious strengths and weaknesses but they can get the job done in a lot of areas fairly decently. They would obviously wield their Hero Shot and pack some Autobombs for range. They also use a Hero Slosher, Roller and Blaster for specific moves and combos. Their max hyper combo would them standing on the UFO that appears in the Inner Agent 3 battle and they stare down at you. They dive down and do a Splashdown, launching the opponent into the air, they use the Bubble Blower special and causally chuck a Splat Bomb when the opponent lands on the ground. The opponent is sent crashing into a wall from the huge blast and is completely stunned, then Captain 3 stares them down and picks up the treasure they used in Splatoon 3 ROTM and cracks a small smile. They tear up the opponent and it cuts to white. Their main taunt is them facing the camera and doing the hand movements they do when posing with the Squid Sisters. A little booyah appears at the top of their head too.
Agent 4
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Agent 4 is a clone of Captain 3, but focuses more on being aggressive and their moves have a Splatoon 2 theme to them. So instead of Splatoon 1 Hero Mode weapons, it's Splatoon 2's. Agent 4 is like Ken and Captain 3 is Ryu if you understand what I'm trying to say. Their max hyper combo would be them grabbing a Rainmaker and charging towards the opponent, they fire off 4 Rainmaker shots that send the opponent flying into the air. Agent 4 leaps up high and then SLAMS the rainmaker onto the enemy, smashing them to the ground which causes a huge explosion. Their main taunt is them pulling out a mini zapfish plush and snuggling it for a second and then putting it back.
Agent 8
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Agent 8 is vastly different compared to Captain 3 and Agent 4 and focuses more on defense and mobility. They have a lot of tricks up their sleeve when it comes to weaponry and main the Octo Brush for most of their moves. They also wield an Octo Shot and E-Liter 4K for range. Agent 8 is a nimble fighter and highly technical which gives them a noticeable skill gap compared to the other agents. Their max hyper combo is them clasping their hands together and closing their eyes. Color chips circle them and Agent 8 floats into the air. The chips go inside them Super Sonic style and Agent 8 is engulfed in a rainbow aura. Agent 8 pulls out their Octo Shot, dash down to the opponent and uppercut them. They swarm the airborne opponent and do rapid fire shots with the Octo Shot. Just before the opponent reaches the ground, Agent 8 spins around and SMACKS them with the Octo Brush, sending them flying into the sky. A giant 8 firework appears in the sky and Agent 8 takes a selfie. Their main taunt is them taking a picture at the screen and giving a thumbs up.
Neo Agent 3
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Neo Agent 3 would be the most interesting out of the agents as they would be the puppet archetype with Smallfry being the puppet. During certain combos or inputting a certain command, Smallfry will be sent out and will copy some of your moves. If Neo Agent 3 does a series of punches and kicks for example, Smallfry will move their body in the air like they are a flying blade. (Think of Rosalina and Luma in Smash Bros.) Heck in some moves Neo Agent 3 will chuck Smallfry at enemies and it'll latch onto them and deal damage over time for a little while. Their max hyper combo would them being in space and holding out Smallfry in their hands. They crack a smile and Smallfry floats into the air, they glow a bright blue and transform into Hugefry. It then shoots itself towards the opponent while dragging a tsunami, the opponent is sent flying into space from the force of the wave from Hugefry. Their main taunt is them pulling out an ink bag and drinking it. They wipe their face and pat their belly after they guzzle down the ink.
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Harmony is a trapper character just like Marina where she has different gadgets to trick up opponents, she's also sort of a joke character as her moves are more comedic and is a character to use if you wanna mess around and have some fun. She can use her Ultra Hand to grab enemies from afar and reel them in for a command grab. She uses a Wii Remote and Nunchuk for air attacks, a GameCube console as a weapon because it has a handle on it, an N64 controller as a boomerang attack and she even chucks Game Boys at opponents that go in an arc. Her max hyper combo is her getting the band Chirpy Chips, going on stage and jamming out to a random song made by them. Sound waves and notes collide with the opponent, dealing damage. The sound waves and energy form into a giant Game Boy and the giant console collapses onto the opponent (think of that one Donkey Kong Land commercial. You know the one.) Her main taunt would be her sitting on the floor and playing with an Ultra Hand like how she does in Hotlantis. There's even a rare chance for her to play with a Game Boy instead.
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Figuring out a moveset for Acht was surprisingly difficult but i have thought of some ideas for them. Acht would be a martial artist and be the most standard character out of the roster. They don't wield any weapons but can do lots of different punches and rapid fire kicks that have ink effects to them to spice it up. They can also throw out vinyl records at opponents which act as air launchers. Their max hyper combo is them getting on stage and playing around with some turntables. They increase the volume and Acht gets covered in a blue and red aura. Acht leaps over the turntables and strikes through the opponent multiple times like a ricocheting bullet. Acht flies into the air and their right hand is covered in a blood red aura. They slam into the ground and punch the opponent with a ton of force. Their main taunt is them listening to music on their headphones and moving along with the music. Depending on the stage music, their head movements will match the speed of the song.
Stage Ideas
Inkopolis Plaza (day and night variants, if Callie or Marie aren't selected, they'll perform behind you on their trucks)
Inkopolis Square (day and nights variants, same thing with Pearl Marina)
Splatsville (day and night variants, Deep Cut will perform if they aren't picked)
Urchin Underpass
Moray Towers
Starfish Mainstage
Goby Arena
Marlin Airport
Undertow Spillway
Octo Valley
Enter the Octobot King!
Octo Canyon
The Crater
Alterna - Future Utopia Island
Ruins of Ark Polaris
Lost Outpost
Bonerattle Arena
Shifty Station (general Shifty Station area that combines different aspects of all of them)
MC. Princess Diaries (NILS Statue is in the background along with Commander Tartar as a cameo)
Floor 30 (Overlorder will be in the background watching the fight if not selected)
I also wanna quickly add that each fighter would have plenty of alt outfits too and some have different animations and effects.
Some examples are, Callie in her Octo outfit, Marie in her Alterna outfit, Pearl in her big ol' space jacket she has in Side Order, Marina in her Octo Expansion clothes, Shiver in her Splatoween attire, Frye wearing a school uniform, Big Man wearing his Ian BGM disguise, DJ Octavio in his Octobot King L3.Gs mech, Mr. Grizz with a wooden texture, Overlorder but a white color pallet that references Smollusk, Agent 4 with their Parallel Canon design, etc. Maybe some of the characters could also get looks from their concept art too.
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So that is it for my Splatoon fighting game ideas! If you have any ideas of your own like a moveset for Commander Tartar because jesus christ how the HELL do you make a moveset for a literal telephone, then let me know!
I'm curious to see what you guys think and what some of your own ideas are!
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cyjammy · 8 months
Vox and Valentino: A Display of Trust
Not going to lie, I was the most excited for this dynamic and it just barely beats out Vox and Alastor’s rivalry. For four years they were both the big unknowns only seen for about 30 seconds in the pilot.
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There were theories about their dynamic that I hoped to god wouldn’t be true in the show.
Because they didn’t make sense, they looked friendly with each other when they hunkered down for the extermination. And there was no way one sinner (Val) could create an empire alone.
Valentino being hot headed and brash was not on my 2024 bingo card, but I’m here for it.
(Yes, he’s a bad person. So is everyone else in the show. Alastor hangs out with cannibals and most likely participates. It’s a show about Hell.)
I LOVE HIM. I love everything about him down to the voice, the fluctuating emotions, the drama, the possessiveness — ALL. OF. IT.
I love me some fucking drama and I was LIVING for the back and forth between him and Vox.
Valentino is in charge because of the power he has.
He’s not a words guy, he uses action. He refuses to change his ways because that’s what got him to the top. He’s ready to hunt down Angel just for moving out.
Mind you he still goes to work and fulfills his side of the contract, Valentino just can’t handle not having control.
Micromanaging Angel’s life down to the smallest of details. Controlling who he can talk to, what he can wear.
He wants his plaything back in his sight, he doesn’t want him getting defiant. He wants his leash short so he doesn’t get any ideas.
And the way he gaslights the fuck out of Angel hit hard. Getting away from an abuser and then having the distance you finally need to heal, but being forced to be in contact with them is so restricting that it hurts.
Jesus that was fucking with me.
You don’t necessarily have to be smart to manipulate people, and Val knows that. Val plays the part of the fool so people underestimate him.
He feigns impulsiveness.
When asked for strategic advice he plays dumb.
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That’s calculated, and it may just be written off as idiotic, but that’s probably what he wants.
He has to be playing dumb, there is no way he has survived this long by pure luck.
Vox makes do with him by his side because Val can gain trust and place sinners under his spell.
That makes him a valuable asset. Vox supplies the equipment and Valentino supplies the merchandise.
Because that’s all he considers those who are under his employ.
They’re things to be sold to an audience.
But Vox might not see the subtle ways Val messes with him.
Val’s a bratty, unsympathetic, monster that will do anything to get his way. With the guidance of someone with a more grounded personality removed from his issues is when he is able to see reason.
And Velvet can’t even do that, only Vox.
That shows respect and trust.
Even when Vox was spelling it out for him slowly it wasn’t a slight against him, it was a reminder and it held no malice.
If it did, Vox would have lost his temper as he did with Alastor. He kept himself measured for Val and reigned himself back in.
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He may know that it won’t get him anywhere after dealing with him for so long. If Vox didn’t see Valentino as a worthwhile investment, he wouldn’t even go through the effort.
Vox knows the best way to get Valentino to listen.
Valentino is extremely self centered. Vox speaks in a way that makes Val want to care, while still making sure it benefits him as well.
“OUR brand”
“Any idea what YOU would look like chasing random whores around town”
“OUR image”
Their partnership is of the upmost importance. Vox needs to make sure the empire remains, that the Vs have their power. That they’re on top.
And that’s a goal Valentino can get behind.
Valentino backs off with disappointment, because he enjoys violence. And he wanted there to be a show.
So instead he throws out something that could really get under Vox’s skin.
Val could have used this information to cripple Vox, make him vulnerable during a time where he needed to stay focused.
But instead, he uses it now.
Val was bored, he knew how Vox would react, and he wanted a show.
And a show he received. Pressing all the right buttons to see his partner go mad.
I want to see more of Valentino. So far his actions could be read as surface level — dumb and erratic — or strategic.
As of now, I’m assuming he knows what he’s doing.
Anger clouds your judgement and both Vox and Val were subject to that effect within a few minutes. That doesn’t necessarily mean Val is a fool and that Vox calls ALL of the shots.
Val acts idiotic around his colleagues because he knows they won’t take advantage of him. Until I see how he is around Angel Dust outside of those voicemails or around his other employees is when that can be settled.
I’m hoping this is a strategic play, because that would be an amazing use of misdirection. All the signs are there, and it could be so.
I also love how Vox is never fearful of Val and vice versa. They both would take steps toward each other that would be misconstrued as advancing toward violence.
Neither flinch. They look a bit surprised, sure, but never scared.
The respect is there and I love the relationship Val and Vox have.
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a1sart · 8 months
what's his relationship to the other overlords? do they know that Alastor owns his soul now? What do they think of him? What was his rise to power like? Just HOW powerful is he actually? What is he holding back if he's holding back at all? Did he lose that power or does he still have it? How long was he in power for? Was his rise and fall quick? Is that why no one at the hotel seems to recognize him?
Angel says he isn't one for politics in the pilot so it makes sense why he wouldn't know but what about Vaggie? She seems like the type of person to keep track of that kind of thing. Did he rise to power and then lose it before she arrived in hell? Or does she recognize who the man behind the bar used to be?
And what about products he could have made? Are there old playing cards with his face on them scattered around hell? Poker chips with his branding on them? Abandoned casinos with his name on the sign? Slot machines with dapper little cats on the casing?
How does HE feel about his time as an overlord? Does he miss it? Does he regret it? He regrets gambling his soul away but if he could go back and change that, choose not to gamble with his soul, would he quit while he's ahead or continue to be an overlord? Did he himself own any souls? What happened to them after Alastor got his? Would Alastor own them too?
All questions that could be addressed in the show, but honestly I doubt they will be. We only have 4 episodes left in the season and they're not gonna spend all that precious time on Husk's backstory, no matter how interested I am by it. We might get one or two questions answered though and I would consider that a win :)
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simdertalia · 1 year
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🐈‍⬛ Cat Offerings Set 🐈‍⬛
Sims 4, Base game compatible. October is Black Cat Awareness Month If you are considering adopting, do consider a little house panther! (but be careful not to let kitties roam outdoors) 22 items, functional items will require Cats & Dogs for the tunings.
Always suggested: bb.objects ON, it makes placing items much easier. For further placement tweaking, check out the TOOL mod.
Set contains: -Bastet Statue | 10 swatches to include originals | 404 poly -Bed (decor & functional versions. Decor version has a slot) | 15 swatches each | 861 poly -Cat Grass | 7 swatches | 1518 poly -Cat Tower (functions as a bed) | 6 swatches | 1350 poly -Collar Decor - Diamond | 6 swatches | 694 poly -Collar Decor - Leather | 1 swatch | 650 poly -Food & Water Dish Decor | 5 swatches | 1202 poly -Food Cans 1 & 2 | 5 swatches each | 694 poly -Litterbox Decor | 7 swatches | 1105 poly -Mouse Toy (decor & functional versions) | 7 swatches | 192 poly -Rug | 1 swatch | 964 poly -Chicken Jerky Bag | 1 swatch | 55 poly -Chicken Jerky Treat Decor | 1 swatch | 55 poly -Fish Cookies Bag | 5 swatches | 501 poly -Fish Cookie Treat Decor | 1 swatch | 210 poly -Fish Jerky Bag | 5 swatches | 602 poly -Fish Jerky Treat Decor | 1 swatch | 110 poly -Heart Cookies Bag | 5 swatches | 554 poly -Heart Cookies Treat Decor | 1 swatch | 146 poly
Type “cat offerings" into the search query in build mode to find  quickly. You can always find items like this, just begin typing  the title and it will appear.
📁 Download (SFS, No Ads): HERE
📁 Alt Download (still no ads): HERE
As always, please let me know if you have any issues! Happy Simming!
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Thank you for reblogging ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
@sssvitlanz  @maxismatchccworld @mmoutfitters  @coffee-cc-finds  @itsjessicaccfinds  @gamommypeach  @stargazer-sims-finds  @khelga68  @suricringe  @vaporwavesims  @mystictrance15 @public-ccfinds
The rest of my CC
There are some deco pets here that include a lying down kitty, that might be able to be used on the deco bed, for people who do not have the Cats & Dogs expansion.
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sakurafigures · 8 days
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♡ Shalltear Bloodfallen (Overlord) - FREEing
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peapeapeapa · 7 months
Fantastic Four
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isa-ghost · 5 days
Hardcore Deities: Worship Style
Represents darkness, infinity, the cold, greed, overidulgence, power, tenacity, ego, stubbornness, abandonment, hubris, & catastrophe, among other things.
Offerings are pretty easy to guess. Obsidian (both kinds), amethyst, End crystals, shulker boxes, chorus fruit, endstone, anything & everything End basically. Also takes offerings in the form of riches like diamonds, emeralds, gold, etc. Honestly hoarding anything, especially of value, works for him. Just collect something obsessively.
He's a wrathful and selfish god, always hungry for more, infinitely insatiable. He cares little to none about his followers, their lives and limbs mean nothing to him compared to his desires and materialistic goods.
Examples of devotional acts to him mostly boil down to hoarding and self-centered acts. Always put yourself first, always value what you can gain over anything else, money is power, everything has a price.
He has no servants, he has no people. The Endermen forsake him after the Endlantis calamity. Ender King can control them, but they do not voluntarily bow to him.
He's disgraced by the other gods for his attempted (or successful) thieving of their domains. Worshiping him is considered by most to be taboo.
Represents fire, heat, intellect, wisdom, loyalty, strength, honor, righteousness, ferocity, protection, & courage, among other things.
Offerings are also pretty easy to guess. Blaze rods, gold, flint & steel, lava buckets, torchflowers, orange tulips, anything from any of the Nether biomes & mobs,
She's a bold and stern, but still very loving goddess. She's a no-bullshit kinda gal. She cares deeply for her people and the ones she loves, ready at all times to do anything for them. She is strict but endlessly proud of her followers.
Examples of devotional acts for her include fighting for what you believe in, activism, acquiring knowledge & new skills, learning anything PVP, soaking in hot water (lava if you're a species that can handle that), brewing potions, protecting your loved ones & what you care about, cooking on a campfire, and meditating.
Unlike most of the deities, Blaze Empress has two demigod servants, He & She! They have a fraction of her power and an unbreakable degree of her trust.
Represents nature, prosperity, love, generosity, beauty, fertility, rebirth, creativity, discovery, balance, the seasons (especially Spring) & animal husbandry, among other things. Like Blaze Empress, she also represents protection.
Offerings include anything & everything natural! Plants, mob drops (wool, beeswax, etc), candles, food (LOVES crops & berries!), paintings. Honestly, if it comes from nature or you made it with love, she'll take it! Her favorites are flowers and berries though.
She's absolutely overflowing with love for most things (really what little ire she has is reserved for Ender King). She's bubbly, kind, patient, and very forgiving. But like the nature she commands, she has a terrifying and cruel streak for those that earn or deserve it. You do NOT want to be on the receiving end of it.
Examples of devotional acts include walking in nature, planting flowers or crops, farming, animal husbandry, research, creating art/music, writing, exploring, and self-care.
She's frequently one of the first deities to reach out to mortals. If it weren't for Goddess of Death, she'd be considered the most social deity in the Hardcore World.
Represents the ocean & all it's life, leisure, easy-goingness, abundance,
Offerings include anything from the ocean (he LOVES nautilus shells!), beach-going items, prismarine, seafood,
As chill as chill can be, Ocean Overlord can be so laid back that it may cause trouble for himself, his followers, or others. But he means well! Due to this, he's considered air-headed by many (ironic for a man made of water), but make no mistake: he can be as sharp as a sword. When he wants to be!
Examples of devotional acts include swimming, surfing, sunbathing, fishing, sailing, scuba diving, lounging on the beach, taking naps, taking time for yourself, & cleaning the ocean.
You may think he's easy to take advantage of, given that he can be so absent-minded and easy-going. You'd be wrong. Do not take his lazy himbo nature for granted. The Ender King and his monument-stealing feat are an outlier.
Obviously represents death and mortality. Also represents grief, sorrow, but also love and memory, among other things. She herself is also symbolized by crows.
Offerings include anything & everything purple, alcohol, candles, yummy food, wither skulls & roses, alliums, gravel (get it? (grave)l. She thinks it's funny!)
She's a surprisingly bubbly goddess, sociable and loving. She loves humor, often focuses on the positives of things,
Examples of devotional acts include drinking alcohol, resting, visiting gravesites, remembering those who have passed. She's a pretty typical death deity, but with a silly side! Get creative, she likes that!
Given that in Hardcore, death (for humans) isn't so serious, she's considered a minor deity! Her focus is mainly on mobs and plants, working in tandem with Rose.
Represents, well, chaos. As well as spontaneity, whimsy, humor, change, unpredictability, and fun, among other things.
Offerings include anything and everything orange. Why? Fuck you. He likes orange. As God of Chaos he doesn't have to explain why he prefers the offerings he does. He also enjoys offerings of obnoxious shit (so long as it's not him it bothers). LOVES note blocks, redstone noise machines, and horns.
In the Hardcore World, there's not a lot for a minor god like Ian to do, and not a lot of reasons for people to follow him in a way as formal as worship. And frankly, he kinda prefers it that way, it means he can do whatever the fuck he wants. No obligations means all the more time to do whatever his whims desire. He spends his time playfully harassing Phil, egging on the Murder to do the same, and being a loveable menace with Kristin.
Examples of devotional acts include quite literally just about anything and everything. Be funny, be loud, be goofy, bother Phil, commit to the bit, enjoy yourself, wear orange. He doesn't give a shit, chaos is such a broad concept, it's not hard to commit devotional acts in his name!
Don't forget that Chaos can be dangerous. :)
Represents darkness, corruption, the apocalypse, spite, loneliness, fear, the unknown, hunger, & desolation, among other things.
Offerings include anything & everything deep dark, XP via any means (bottles of enchanting, smelting, breeding mobs, etc), diamonds, lapis, bones, god apples, infested stone, and beacons. It likes things that are enchanted, shiny, valuable, corrupt, or corruptable.
Is a dead god. An abandoned god. It's followers are dead and you should not want to be one. It does not want you. It wants your life force. It wants to be f͘re̷e. ̵F̢re͞e ̢i̶t. F҉r̕ee ͝it̶. Fr̸ee it.̴ FRE҉E͜ ͘IT̛.̵
Examples of devotional acts include spreading sculk, defending ancient cities from intruders, mob farming, releasing Wardens on the surface, sitting in silence and/or darkness, fre̴eing ́i̶t fr̷om ̛it̷s̷ underg͘ro̢und͠ ̸s̛hackles̛.
Is often thought of as a similar entity to The Ender King, but there's a distinct difference: Ender King favors material wealth, taking all for himself as it is to collect it. The Sculk Scourge wants to corrupt everything, to remake it in their image and MAKE it theirs, not just claim it.
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nyaskitten · 2 years
What the Overlord said: "Grieve not, you will soon be joining him."
What the Overlord meant: "Hey, kid, don't cry. Death is a natural part of life, everyone dies it's inevitable. Someday, you'll die too, and you can reunite with your father! :D"
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