#Owen underhill
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My favorite ship dynamic 😍🥰
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arwainian · 3 months
Reading This Week 2024 #27
Counting Out Stitches by chinuplargepup (chinuplilpup) on ao3 ough... Dick and Joey....what an excellent point in time to set this too
The King is Dead, Long Live the King by Havendance on ao3 an excellent fic about what if Batman actually for real died and stayed dead. sad, interesting, very well written, I'd been meaning to finish it for ages and just this past week finally read the third and final chapter
a conversation at 4:30am by xscintillate on ao3
the rest of the Lesbian Historic Motif Podcast's fiction backlog:
"Cardinal's Gambit" by Catherine Lundoof, narrated by Onerae Clark "Your Fingers Like Pen and Ink" by Jeannelle M. Ferreira, narrated by Violet Dixon "Give Us This Day" by Jennifer Nestojko "A Soldier in the Army of Love" by Diane Morrison, narrated by Laura Pinson "The Adventuress" by Catherine Lundoff, narrated by Heather Rose Jones "Margaret" by Eleanor Musgrove, narrated by Heather Rose Jones "Moon River" by Mandy Mongkolyuth, narrated by Heather Rose Jones "Abstract" by Kat Sinor, narrated by Jasmine Arch "Palio" by Gwen C. Katz, narrated by Violet Dixon "The Spirit of Cabassus" by Ursula Whitcher, narrated by Heather Rose Jones "A Farce to Suit the New Girl" by Rebecca Fraimow, narrated by Violet Dixon "The Wolf that Sings on the Mountain" by Miyuki Jane Pinckard "From the Bird's Nest" by Jennifer Nestojko, narrated by Emma Ross "The Pirate in the Mirror" by Catherine Lundoof, narrated by Heather Rose Jones "To the Fair Muse who, Loving Me, Imagin'd More" by Annemarie KD, narrated by Heather Rose Jones "The Salt Price" by B. Pladek, narrated by Jasmine Arch "Battling Poll" by Rose Cullen, narrated by Heather Rose Jones "Daughters of Derbyshire" by Daniel Stride, narrated by Heather Rose Jones
my favorites were "A farce to suit the new girl" and "Battling Poll"! check them out, and check out the whole podcast
We Could Be So Good by Cat Sebastian like I said last week when I started reading it, enjoyable but not super compelling! But i like the relationship dynamic that's set up between the leads, so it was sweet and I finished it
"Consent" by Emily A. Owens absolutely a must read in terms of thinking through what the place of consent is in discussions of sex and sexual violence
"Sexual Violation and the Question of Experience" by Linda Martín Alcoff
"On Not Being a Victim: Sex, Rape, and the trouble with following rules" by Mary Gaitskill an essay on date/acquaintance rape, and how we understand being and feeling violated. it takes a little digression into attitudes about PC moral purity in opinions about media. all of it written from a personal anecdotal perspective that I think is written deeply compassionately to one's past self and will be sticking with me. however I don't like how it picks up race as a topic at the beginning and then quickly drops it
"Convicted Rapists' Vocabulary of Motive: Excuses and Justifications" by Diana Scully and Joseph Marolla
"The Right (Way) to Represent: The Emotional Politics of Remembering Mass Rape in Germany After 1945" by Katherine Stone
Always the Almost by Edward Underhill recently released YA romance I read for the queer lit bookclub bc its a gay romance involving a newly out trans boy. I have many complaints but the group chat has already heard them
Witch Hat Atelier, Vol. 12 by Kamome Shirahama, translated by Stephen Kohler I finished reading this RIGHT before I saw the trailer for the anime. i am overjoyed! excellent art and storytelling as always
Uzumaki by Junji Ito finished reading this right after the new Shelved by Genre episode came out, bc its due back at the library soon! has the sort of dramatic denouement that I was missing in Tomie
"The Unwanted Guest" by Tamsyn Muir borrowed @quiriusblack's copy of Nona the Ninth to finally read this bonus story. i love palamedes he's so insufferable
What Did You Eat Yesterday? Vol. 11 by Fumi Yoshinaga, transalted by Jocelyn Allen cute as always
You Should be So Lucky by Cat Sebastian set in the same friend group as we could be so good, this one has marginally more plot and I'm liking in better! love the main couple, and I like that they have similar struggles to the first around like living authentically as gay people in the 1950s and 60s and also trying to live safely
The Way of the Househusband, Vol. 11 by Kousuke Oono thought I had already read this but I guess I had not! as always light silly fun
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frodispatch · 2 years
Okay, so Dreamcatcher—which previously hadn’t had an any gay further than Beaver’s lesbian solidarity boots—just got gay.
I’ve been ignoring Owen Underhill calling Henry “beautiful” for too long. I was at first just thinking it was only sarcasm—I’m too used to Stranger Things right now so every queercoded comment feels like a queerbait—but now he’s just doin’ it to do it. Two fucked up, Byrus covered, suicidal men in a sno-cat (King loves those, doesn’t he? The shining has one too. I’ve never seen a fucking sno-cat in my life) getting shot at by a character that in the movie even being played by Morgan Freeman couldn’t save.
I can’t help it, I ship them like no tomorrow motherfuckers. Ah, fuck me Freddy. Also, tell me The Beav isn’t bisexual. Sir ladder-laces his docs because he gets all the bitches and I love him and his Fonzie jacket. He’s the original motherfucker.
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cannithebear · 3 years
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Dreamcatcher Characters as Santa Clarita Diet Screenshots
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Owen Underhill
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Mr. Gray
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hslades · 5 years
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Sam Underhill and the curse of the disallowed try ft Marius Jonker Vol.2 
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
“Just as Patriot and Hunter’s Lodge leaders were frequently found in the leadership ranks of Freemasonry in the northwest, so too did they dominate the freethought movement. The free enquirers had held annual civic celebrations on Thomas Paine’s birthday since 1825, which finally coalesced in the first national freethinkers’ organization in 1836, the United States Moral and Philosophical Society for the General Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. The founding of the Moral and Philosophic Society was the culmination of a decade-long crusade by “free thinkers” against the “fits of political religion” infusing the Whig-anti-masonic-evangelical alliance. Free enquiry embraced the central narratives of secular civic republicanism, hence overlapping with Masonic irreligion. This movement, whose central ritual was the celebration of Paine’s birthday, had as its goal the establishment of a secular civil society in a renewed republic.
This society was founded on 1 August 1836, at a national convention at the lyceum in Saratoga Springs where Isaac S. Smith of Buffalo was elected as its president. Smith, as we saw earlier, had also been the Working Men’s Party candidate for lieutenant governor of New York in 1830 and the Locofoco candidate for governor of New York in 1836. The Ohio Moral and Philosophical Society, a branch of the national freethought organization, was founded in 1836 with Underhill as president and Harmon and Bierce as vice-presidents; all were prominent in the organization of the Ohio Patriot lodges. A.  D. Smith and Williams were also directors of the Cleveland branch of the Ohio Moral and Philosophical Society.
The freethought movement was first organized as the Free Press Association, in 1827, in defense of George Houston, publisher of the Correspondent, an early journal of biblical criticism in an era when blasphemy convictions were still possible. Houston had helped found America’s first Owenite community at Haverstraw, New York, in 1826–27; Underhill, later president of the Ohio Moral and Philosophical Society and publisher of the freethought Cleveland Liberalist, had briefly joined that community before moving to the Kendal Community in 1827–28. A surprising number of Patriot leaders had taken an active role in the relatively small number of utopian socialist colonies of the Old Northwest, and almost all of them were veterans of the Owenite faction of the Working Men’s Party. Besides Underhill, Harmon (aide-de-camp of Bierce) had lived in the Owenite Kendal community. Following the Patriot War, more yet – including Thomas Low Nichols, editor of the Patriot newspaper the Buffalonian, and Dr. Edward A. Theller, Patriot organizer and newspaper publisher in Detroit – led Fourierist communities.
The short-lived Correspondent was eventually superseded by the Free Enquirer, the official organ of Robert Owen’s New Harmony community in Indiana, edited by his son Robert Dale Owen and Fanny Wright between 1828 and 1832 in New York. During this time, Robert Dale Owen sought to introduce the philosophic skepticism of the freethought movement into the Working Men’s Party in New York City. The Working Men split, as did many Owenite communities, over these attacks on revealed religion. It was the Owenite faction of the “Workies” that went on to form the Equal Rights Party (or Locofocos) in 1836 in New York. The freethought wing of Owenite socialism was moved by a particular vision of civil society and citizenship that set their political agenda. The freethought movement was imbued with the secular civic republicanism of Thomas Paine: 
“Free enquirers viewed their opposition to political religion as an extension of the American Revolution and the political ideas it sustained.... [They] viewed the Revolution as an ultimately successful challenge to the idea that civil society and political power required any foundation in revealed religion.”
Drawing on the works of Paine, the free enquirers – and hence the Equal Rights Party – “believed that full citizenship required what they variously termed ‘mental freedom,’ ‘mental liberty,’ or ‘mental emancipation.’ Free enquirers argued that one could possess the full rights and meet the full obligations of citizenship only if one was mentally emancipated, which could come about solely through free enquiry.” The critical elements of free enquiry were thus its opposition to organized Christian reform, on the one hand, and its dedication to Painite civic republicanism, on the other. By their very choice of name – a Society for the General Diffusion of Useful Knowledge – the freethinkers were associating themselves with the British Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, a working-class educational publishing initiative connected with the Mechanics’ Institute movement and its American imitator, the lyceum movement. As Nichols would later write, the lyceum movement made “courses of lectures ... a national and pervading institution. Never, probably, had the lecturing system such a development; nowhere has the platform such a powerful influence.” These initiatives were the major means by which the freethinkers sought to popularize the “sciences” of phrenology and animal magnetism (hypnotism) and their secular rationalist methodologies for the working class.
As the lyceum movement spread throughout New England, New York, and Ohio in the decade 1826–36, it helped forge a sense of a mass public as speakers moved along a well-developed circuit following the Erie Canal. It not only “expressed a national culture; it was one of the central institutions within and by which the public had its existence.” The institutionalized debate with the rule-governed rational consideration of controversial subjects was one of the ways that the lyceum successfully evoked this public, “suggesting that to be ‘American’ was to be engaged in public debate.” Lyceum debates were patterned on those of the ubiquitous collegiate literary societies that many Patriot leaders, as doctors and lawyers, no doubt attended. Such debates were not without their constraints, hence formal controversy (the carefully selected question for debate) was enacted in a controlled agonistic setting that allowed for formal adjudication but not compromise.
Crucially, these formalized debates granted freethought reformers a platform for attacks on organized religion; for example, the highly publicized debate between Robert Owen and prominent evangelical clergyman Alexander Campbell in 1829 in Cincinnati, in the midst of the Second Great Awakening, forced revivalists to reframe their arguments from revelation to rationalist criteria. The terms of the debate were clearly on Owen’s side: “The focus of the debate was on religion, with Owen out to demonstrate the superiority of rational unbelief and Campbell taking equally rationalist grounds to argue the merits of biblical Christianity.” As early-19th-century Protestantism was transformed, beliefs (of which there were many) were newly “conceived of as a choice rather than an obligation, the cause of practice rather than the effect.” This emphasis on Enlightenment rationalism became a critical element of Protestant theology as it dropped Calvinist notions of predestination in favour of free-will evangelicalism predicated upon conversion experiences. Hence, in these debates, “Owen was pushed to defend his doctrine of environmental determination against attacks by Campbell, who saw free will as essential to Christianity.
Participation of the Hunters’ Lodge leadership in the lyceum movement is not itself unusual given the movement’s widespread popularity and secular rationalist biases. However, their utilization of that didactic forum to introduce what are now widely regarded as pseudosciences – phrenology and animal magnetism – is idiosyncratic. Many of the Patriot leaders were physicians, and many were also leading phrenologists. Demonstrations of phrenological head reading and hypnotic trance (“animal magnetism”) through lyceum lectures and debates provided visceral and highly public proofs of materialist forms of explanation of human nature. A.D. Smith was a lecturer in phrenology in 1837 and helped form the Cleveland Phrenological Society. 
Duncombe attested to the truths he had witnessed in a series of public lectures and hypnotism experiments in Rochester in 1843; the committee of which he was a part found that “to those, however, who have seen experiments in Animal Magnetism, it will appear as it is, true; for to them, the fact is by no means new that the power of both the muscles and phrenological organs, is vastly augmented by being magnetized.” Public demonstrations of the hypnotic “magnetizing” of a phrenological “faculty” on a participant’s head, and the intensified performance of the behaviors associated with that faculty, were persuasive materialistic evidence of phrenology’s truth. These vivid public demonstrations served as a potent substitute for religious revivalism.
These highly charged public demonstrations and the conversion to a materialist outlook they induced were matched by more individualized disciplinary measures. “It took no great effort to read into phrenology a social philosophy that would appeal to progressives: men are not born corrupted by original sin; they inherited varying sets of characteristics which could be individually determined and altered. The role to be played by education in such a philosophy was, of course, crucial. It was for this reason that pedagogues such as Horace Mann and Robert Owen were attracted to the doctrine.” 
The standard of this social philosophy was the Scottish phrenologist George Combe’s 1828 Constitution of Man (which he referred to as his “bible of secularism”), one of the most popular books of the late 1830s; it transformed phrenology from a physiological science to a program of moral reform that could serve as a challenge to evangelical moral campaigns. Patients who had been examined phrenologically would be given a record of the size of their individual faculties and instruction on how to cultivate or curb them in relation to their overall harmonious development. Phrenology’s craft sought to reach a person’s moral centre, now defined as “inner character,” rather than outward self-presentation – much like the “new view of human psychology” imbuing the ritual discipline of the higher degrees of Freemasonry.
Phrenology was, in other words, increasingly viewed as a scientific, nonreligious method for instilling moral values, much like Freemasonry’s “sublime science,” in what an increasingly fearful urban middle class viewed as a depraved working class. The scientific cachet of phrenology was such that this program of self-discipline as vehicle of moral development was ultimately deployed in the treatment of criminality at Sing Sing prison in New York in 1846. The most important element of this reform was a system of public schooling that would provide child-centred teaching methods geared towards maturing minds, training their developing “faculties” and providing them with the knowledge of the scientific principles that governed their physical and social beings. Phrenology – and Coombe’s moral philosophy, in particular – was adopted by the founder of the common school revival movement, Horace Mann, in 1837 as the basis for this extension and renewal of the lyceum movement.”
- Albert Schrauwers, “Tilting at Windmills: The Utopian Socialist Roots of the Patriot War, 1838–1839.” Labour / Le Travail 79 (Spring 2017): p. 68-74.
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skrilladeville · 3 years
Lil Dicky - Pillow Talking feat. Brain (Official Music Video) from Giant Propeller on Vimeo.
Lil Dicky Pillow Talking Music Video Created by Giant Propeller - giantpropeller.com
Written and Performed by Lil Dicky/Dave Burd "Pillow Talking" produced by Charlie Handsome and the Digital Rick Flair aka Digi
Directed by Tony Yacenda tonyyacenda.com
Starring Dave Burd, Taylor Misiak and Brain
Director of Photography - Alan Gwizdowski
Edited by Brian Vannucci
Production Design - Cody Fusina
Production and Visual Effects by Giant Propeller giantpropeller.com
Executive Produced by Jordan Freda and Mike Bodkin
Produced by Tom Quinn
VFX and Post Producer - Oscar Velasquez
VFX Supervisor - Marek Jezo
First AD - Lyon Reese Script Supervisor - Sara Geralds
Cast Lil Dicky - Dave Burd Girl - Taylor Misiak Brain - Brain God - John C Reilly Soldiers - Owen Rousu, Derek Pratt, Carlos Lopez, Isaac Lopez, Kiyano La'vin, Nick Coolidge, Sean Carrigan, PJ McCabe
Crew Camera First Assistant - Erin Douglass Camera Second Assistant - Sarah Grenwald MOCO - Simon Wakely MOCO Assistant - Chris Toth DIT (Digital Imaging Technician) - Daniel Woiwode DIT Assistant - Alessia Assissi Art Director - Taylor Frost Set Dresser - Tao Grasham Property Master - Taylor Wolf Gaffer - David Cronin Key Grip - Kevin Keirstead Best Boy Grip - Vassily Grip PA - Jason Kierstead Wardrobe Stylist - Kassey Rich Hair and Make Up Artist - Liza Lash BTS Photographer - Yulia Shcherbinina Office Production Assistant - Eric Cepeda Set Production Assistants - Lars Slind, Alexxa Slind, Vickram Bhoyrul Board Operator - Phil Gailer Playback - Bob Tiwana Choreographer - Ian Eastwood youtube.com/user/DJIcon Casting by Kerry Baker Catering by Diane Timmons Animal Trainers - Barbara Edrington, Chris Edrington, Heather Long
Second Unit First Assistant Director - Boma Pennebaker Second Assistant Director - Colin Weinburg Director of Photography - Steeven Petitteville Camera First Assistant - Melissa Spom DIT (Digital Imaging Technician) - Joe Hedge Art Director - Joel Sappington Gaffer - Ace Underhill Key Grip - David Nunez Best Boy Electric - Ian Crawley Dolly Grip - Mikey Gilmore Armorer - Logan Freda Wardrobe Stylist - Heather Flores Hair and Make Up Artist - Kseniya Durst Still Photographer - Morgan Schmidt VFX Supervisor - Marek Jezo Production Coordinator - Rachael Campbell CG Lead - Lubomir Timko Lead Compositor - Adam Dusa Compositor - Oliver Popellar Matchmove and Roto Artist - Lhbomir Jezo 2D Artist - Rober Hruska 3D Artist - Raphaela Klein Concept Artist - Byzwa Dher FX Artist - Ondrej Polacek, Mikas Saduskas 3D Artist - Rober Spicuk, Tomas Krizan, Dominik Liscak, Oliver Otruba, Martin Kaperak, Lukas Jankovcin, Rudo Herstek, Erik Mascak Animator - Tomas Danay, Andrea Jacevicova, Adam Sadion, Vladimir Krajniak, Lukas Figel, Marian Villaris, Standa Sekela Animation - Samuel Puchovsky, Martin Durmik Storyboard Artists - Mishi McCaig, David Green Pre-Vis Artists - Vlad Streitsov, Omrah Menkes Post Production Company - Giant Propeller Colorist - Sebastian Perez-Burchard Post Producer - Oscar Velasquez Audio Post Services - Voodoo Highway Sound Designer - David Brian Kelly Re-Recording Mixer - Richard Segal
Thank you to MeUndies meundies.com
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mysticalhearth · 4 years
The King and I - Brazil - 2010 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Tuca Andrada (Rei), Cláudia Netto (Anna Leonowens), Luciana Bueno (Lady Thiang), Bianca Tadini (Tumptim) The King and I - North Shore Music Theatre - September-October, 2011 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Kate Fisher (Anna Leonowens), Lorenzo Lamas (King of Siam), Lisa Yuen (Lady Thiang), Manna Nichols (Tuptim), Joshua Dela Cruz (Lun Tha), Ron Wisniski (Sir Edward Ramsey) NOTES: Proshot. Performed in the round, one camera on a tripod and sound patched in from the soundboard. The King and I - West End Revival - November 29, 2018 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Kelli O’Hara (Anna Leonowens), Ken Watanabe (King of Siam), Ruthie Ann Miles (Lady Thiang), Na-Young Jeon (Tuptim), Dean John-Wilson (Lun Tha), Edward Baker-Duly (Sir Edward Ramsey), Jon Chew (Prince Chulalongkorn), Edward Baker-Duly (Captain Orton), Billy Marlow (Louis Leonowens), Takao Osawa (Kralahome), William Michael Lee (Phra Alack) NOTES: Ruthie uses a walking stick throughout to aid her recovery from a previous car accident and loss of her two children. She gives an amazing performance. King Kong - Broadway - August 10, 2019 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Christiani Pitts (Ann Darrow), Eric William Morris (Carl Denham), Erik Lochtefeld (Lumpy) NOTES: The full show, recorded from the rear orchestra on a phone. Most of the video is the August 10th recording but occasionally some promotional footage and the February 9th video are edited in to provide other views. The recording starts off with a lot of wandering, shakiness, and washout but gets better somewhat better as it goes on. Still not as good as an actual video filmed with a camera, but it exists. 1920x1080p, 4.29 GB. King Kong - Broadway - October, 2018 (Preview) (House-Cam's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Christiani Pitts (Ann Darrow), Eric William Morris (Carl Denham), Erik Lochtefeld (Lumpy), Harley Jay (Barman), Rory Donovan (Captain Engelhorn/Chief of Police), Jon Hoche (Voice of Kong) NOTES: Full stage shot with clear audio direct from soundboard. Kinky Boots - Broadway - March 15, 2013 (Preview) (Lanelle's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Stark Sands (Charlie Price), Billy Porter (Lola), Annaleigh Ashford (Lauren), Celina Carvajal (Nicola), Daniel Stewart Sherman (Don), Marcus Neville (George), Jonah Halperin (s/b Young Charlie), Marquise Neal (Young Lola) NOTES: Fun show with a pertinent (but not obtrusive) message, Billy Porter is just amazing. This is somewhat more obstructed than other shows because the person in front was leaning forward and moving a lot, so there's a head in some of the scenes. Some shakiness and wandering in between, particularly at the beginning, but otherwise a good video with nice closeups. Complete show including curtain call. A- Kinky Boots - Broadway - July 17, 2018 (NYCG8R's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: David Cook (Charlie Price), Stephane Duret (s/b Lola), Carrie St Louis (Lauren), Caroline Bowman (Nicola), Daniel Stewart Sherman (Don), Marcus Neville (George), Corey Mach (Harry), Eugene Barry-Hill (Simon Sr.), Stephen Berger (Mr. Price), Adinah Alexander (Milan Stage Manager), Cooper Lantz (Young Charlie), Jesús Del Orden (Young Lola) NOTES: Quite a few latecomers that walk in front but nothing too distracting; otherwise very well filmed HD video with clear picture and sound throughout; great video A Kinky Boots - Broadway - May-August, 2017 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Brendon Urie (Charlie Price), J Harrison Ghee (Lola), Taylor Louderman (Lauren) NOTES: Starts at Sex is in the Heel Kinky Boots - First National Tour - April 17, 2016 (SJ Bernly's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Adam Kaplan (Charlie Price), J Harrison Ghee (Lola), Tiffany Engen (Lauren), Charissa Hogeland (Nicola), Aaron Walpole (Don), Jim J Bullock (George), Josh Tolle (Harry), Shawna M Hamic (Trish), Horace V Rogers (Simon Sr.), Tom Souhrada (Mr. Price), Zach Adkins (Richard Bailey), Patty Lohr (Pat), Annie Edgerton (Milan Stage Manager), Aidan Passaro (Young Charlie), Jomil Elijah Robinson (Young Lola) Kinky Boots - Netherlands Tour - October 27, 2019 FORMAT:  MOV (HD) CAST: Jonathan Demoor (Charlie Price), Naidjim Severina (Lola), Vajèn van den Bosch (Lauren), Linda Verstraten (Nicola), Dennis Willekens (Don), Paul Donkers (George), Jeroen Phaff (Mr. Price) Kinky Boots - Pre-Broadway/Chicago - November 4, 2012 (Closing Night) (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Stark Sands (Charlie Price), Billy Porter (Lola), Annaleigh Ashford (Lauren), Celina Carvajal (Nicola), Daniel Stewart Sherman (Don), Marcus Neville (George), Andy Kelso (Harry), Jennifer Perry (Trish), Tory Ross (Pat) NOTES: Another beautiful HD capture of the last performance in Chicago before Broadway, where it would go on to win the 2013 Tony. This performance has many changes from the other Chicago Dvd of the first performance. Includes the new song written towards the end of the Chicago run and many line changes. Also includes curtain speech by Stark! A+   Kinky Boots - UK Tour - December 26, 2018 (Matinee) (shoeroom's master) FORMAT:  MOV (HD) CAST: Joshua St Clair (u/s Charlie Price), Kayi Ushe (Lola), Paula Lane (Lauren), Helen Ternent (Nicola), Demitri Lampra (Don), Adam Price (George), Daniel Conway (u/s Harry), Niki Evans (Trish), Fred Smiley (Simon Sr.), Andy Watkins (Mr. Price), George Grayson (u/s Richard Bailey), Lizzie Bea (Pat), Mary Fox (Maggie), Shaun Dalton (Hooch), Alfie Parker (Mutt), Portia Harry (Gemma Louise), Scarlet Gabriel (Milan Stage Manager), John Dempsey (Referee), Connor Collins (Angel #1), Toyan Thomas-Brown (Angel #2), John Dempsey (Angel #3), Chileshé Mondelle (Angel #4), Joshua Lovell (Angel #5), Damon Gould (Angel #6) Kinky Boots - UK Tour - September, 2018 (hitmewithyourbethshot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Joel Harper-Jackson (Charlie Price), Callum Francis (Lola), Paula Lane (Lauren), Helen Ternent (Nicola), Demitri Lampra (Don), Adam Price (George), Joshua St Clair (Harry), Niki Evans (Trish), Fred Smiley (Simon Sr.), Andy Watkins (Mr. Price), Daniel Conway (Richard Bailey), Lizzie Bea (Pat), Scarlet Gabriel (Milan Stage Manager), Connor Collins (Angel #1), John Dempsey (Angel #2), Damon Gould (Angel #3), Joshua Lovell (Angel #4), Chileshé Mondelle (Angel #5), Toyan Thomas-Brown (Angel #6) Kinky Boots - West End - November 27, 2018 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Killian Donnelly (Charlie Price), Matt Henry (Lola), Natalie McQueen (Lauren), Cordelia Farnworth (Nicola), Sean Needham (Don), Antony Reed (George), Jordan Fox (Harry), Anna Stolli (Trish), Robert Grose (Simon Sr.), Graham Kent (Mr. Price), Jonathan Carlton (Richard Bailey), Rosie Glossop (Pat), Emma Odell (Milan Stage Manager), Charlie Underhill (Young Charlie), Temba Mliswa (Young Lola), Jak Allen-Anderson (Angel #1), Jed Berry (Angel #2), Louis Clarke-Clare (Angel #3), Daniel Downing (Angel #4), Jemal Felix (Angel #5), Jon Reynolds (Angel #6), Abbey Addams, Ben Jennings, Ben Larcombe, Christopher Parkinson, David Haydn, Fred Wilcox, Hannah Price, Jude Muir, Kayleb Rene-gray, Keith Higham, Momar Diagne, Olivia Winterflood, Rio Lewis, Robert Jones, Samson Wakayu, Suzie McAdam, Tom Scanlon NOTES: Pro-shot. Filmed live on stage at the Adelphi Theatre (London, England) and distributed commercially. Kiss Me, Kate - British Television Production - April 21, 1964 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Patricia Morison (Lilli Vanessi / Katharine), Howard Keel (Fred Graham / Petruchio), Isabelle Lucas (Hattie), Millicent Martin (Lois Lane / Bianca), Irving Davies (Bill Calhoun / Lucentio), Eric Barker (Harrison Howell), Danny Green (Gangster / First Man), Bill Owen (Gangster / Second Man) NOTES: This version was rewritten and abbreviated to fit within its 95-minute time slot. A little on the dark side, in black and white with a slight blue tinge, has producer’s counter numbers hard-coded on the screen in the upper third. This version of the show was produced for the launch of a new station in the UK. After months of preparing the launch of the new television station—with it’s brand-new 625 line resolution (until then UK TV’s had a resolution of 405 lines)—the night turned out to be a disaster. 50 minutes before the launch, a fire broke out at a local power station, cutting power to most of London but not the television station. They started the evening’s news show which was to be followed by this broadcast, but it soon became clear that there was no audience, and after a few minutes, the schedule was abandoned. The production was instead shown the next day. The date that’s superimposed on the video is April 20, 1964—the originally scheduled night. It is unclear if this is a fi Kiss Me, Kate - Third Broadway Revival - March, 2019 (NYCG8R's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Kelli O’Hara (Lilli Vanessi / Katharine), Will Chase (Fred Graham / Petruchio), Adrienne Walker (Hattie), James T Lane (Paul), Stephanie Styles (Lois Lane / Bianca), Corbin Bleu (Bill Calhoun / Lucentio), Mel Johnson Jr (Harry Trevor / Baptista), Terence Archie (Harrison Howell), John Pankow (Gangster / First Man), Lance Coadie Williams (Gangster / Second Man) Kruimeltje de musical - The Netherlands - 2012 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Joes Brauers (Kruimeltje)
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Richard/Jack from The Talisman & Henry/Owen from Dreamcatcher gotta be the most Taylor Swift coded Stephen King couples....
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aussiboris · 4 years
We made it to the Semi-final! England versus New Zealand
October 26th 2019
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That had been the plan. To see England play. To hopefully see them in a quarter final match. We had gambled and got tickets for both quarter finals so they didn’t even have to top the group. We would get to see England play in a competitive match. We did see them and it was a fantastic day. We watched their victorious win over Australia. Now we could enjoy the semi final and finals - whoever may be in them at our local rugby pub. 
Then, on the bus back to our hotel after the seven hells of Beppu exploration, we reminisced about how great it had been. How it would be so nice to support England in the semi-final. They were going to lose I reasoned, they were up against the two-time World Cup holders New Zealand, but wouldn’t it be great to be there to support them... Were we really ready for our live World Cup journey to be over? Ok, let’s see how the tickets are going on the resale sites. Not horrendous. The price would only increase closer to the day. We didn’t have to worry about accommodation, and we could get the shinkansen up on the day as it didn’t start until 5pm. So we did it. In a tourist information shop with dodgy internet connection in Beppu, we splashed out on the tickets which would continue our World Cup Dream. We were going to Yokohama to watch England fight for a chance to make the World Cup Final. 
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It was a lovely sunny Saturday morning. We donned our festive supporters gear, borrowed the England flag from Mel and made our way to Yokohama. We wanted to get there early to soak up the atmosphere in the fanzone!
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We arrived by 1.30pm and already the place was filling up. There were stalls, photo stops, food and drink available. We took photos with a few people who appreciated Mel’s flag. We grabbed some food to eat whilst the big screen replayed other World Cup matches. 
We knew we wanted to get to the stadium early to soak up the atmosphere and enjoy every moment we could, so we headed to the train station at about 3pm. Once there we followed the continuous flow of people and the helpful games makers towards the stadium. 
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Outside the stadium we chatted with a few English fans, taking photos for each other. We were particularly impressed with the couple with the Ren Ji hats, if a little jealous. 
We had a good wander around the whole stadium and finally made our way to our seats. We found we were sat next to some lovely English boys; Jamie and Sam and pretty quickly convinced them to help us wave our flag. 
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The stage was set, the Japanese weather was again putting on another beautiful sunset. 
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The atmosphere was electric. There were a lot of England fans but there were a lot of All Blacks fans too. The numbers of the Kiwi supporters were swelled by the Japanese who worship the All Blacks as their second team. 
The warm up complete it was time for the iconic Haka. The All Blacks formed their arrowhead shape and in a shocking turn of events the England team formed a V outflanking the All Black team. At one point it looked like Billy Vunipola and Joe Marler were actually going to advance on the All Blacks, but they were ushered back behind the halfway line by the match officials. 
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The crowd were audibly shocked and the normal hush that accompanied the sacred Haka was disrupted. Owen Farrell, England’s captain, looked on from the top of V with a satisfied smirk. Everyone in that stadium knew that the gauntlet had been thrown down. England were ready, they had made an incredibly bold gesture, now they had to back it up with action. 
England were kicking off. Straight away they set to confuse the opposition by making it appear as if George Ford would kick but as the whistle blew he passed it back to Farrell. England began with real intent. Anthony Watson skipped along the line evading defenders, and offloaded across the pitch. The whole team were involved in passing and carrying the ball towards the All Blacks’ try line. It felt like an inevitability then when Manu Tuilangi completed the attack my diving over the try line just two minutes in. The vaguely stunned crowd erupted. England had come to play.
England’s line out was working like a well oiled machine. They suffocated the All Blacks attacks by ushering their wingers into touch and turning over the ball with frightening efficiency. The forwards showed their skills as they tackled with ferocious brutality and carried and passed with silky ball skills. Finally at 24 minutes it looked like England had cleaved their way through the All Blacks defence as Sam Underhill charged over the try line. After consultation with the TMO however, Nigel Owen decided that Tom Curry had obstructed a defender from tackling the ball carrier and therefore the try was disallowed.
Just a couple of minutes later, Owen Farrell received a dead leg that would continue to haunt him for the rest of the match. After a bad kick by Ford the All Blacks capitalised but the attack was finally naturalised as three white shirts forced Jack Goodhue into touch. 
Just a couple of minutes from half time England are 7-0 ahead of New Zealand. The All Blacks are on the attack but Tuilagi’s sudden presence makes the usually confident Richie Mo’unga hesitate, giving Sam Underhill the opportunity to make the tackle and get over the ball. The resulting penalty taken by George Ford brings the English side to 10-0 over the World Cup holders at half time.
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We couldn’t believe what we were seeing. At no point did I relax and think England had this in the bag. This was the All Blacks team who had torn Ireland apart just the week before, surely after half time they would come back and show their class. 
Shortly after half time there was a messy bit of play that saw England lose their attacking ball to the All Blacks; however, the England forwards piled in with Maro Itoje forcing a penalty. After a swift kick England activated their set piece. From the line out they created a maul and drove towards the line. The ball was released to Ben Youngs who spotted the space and wove between defenders for the try. 
Unfortunately, during the replay of the points being scored, a close up showed some shifting of the ball during the maul. After careful TMO scrutiny, it was decided that the ball had been lost forward in the maul and regathered and therefore, another try was disallowed. At 49 minutes the All Blacks gave away another penalty and George Ford with apparent little effort makes them pay with his precision kick to take the points to 13-0. 
At 55 minutes Slade and Tuilagi had to sprint across the pitch to halt Sevu Reece from scoring in the corner. This tackle had to be examined for foul play but Slade was given the benefit of the doubt as he tried to wrap one arm. The result was an England line out. Jamie George confidently throws the ball high as he has been doing all game. This time something went wrong with the machine, either the jumper has not reached the heights he needed or George has overthrown. Ardie Savea needed no more encouragement, he catches the loose ball and dashes for the line. Finally the All blacks have points on the board. After the Richie Mo’unga conversion the All Blacks  coming back 7-13. Within five minutes to go, the All Blacks are desperately defending their try line from the onslaught of the powerful England forwards. They give away a penalty and again George Ford takes 3 points with a kick.  
I keep expecting for the All Blacks to come back at England but the men in White contain the opposition effectively. So much so the usually clinical Kiwis end up giving away another penalty that leads to points, making the score 19-7.
By the 80th minute the All Blacks were labouring across the field but their repeated attempts were dashed against the rock hard wall of white shirts.
Nigel Owens blew his whistle to end the game as Jordie Barrett attempted to keep the ball alive. 
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England had done it. They had looked in control of the game. Every member of the team had played exceptionally. Maro Itoje had frustrated the All Blacks at the break down and looked supremely confident in the line outs. He was influential in attack and defence and rightly deserved man of the match. Considering we thought there was a sliver of a chance of a win against the clinical All Blacks, we were delighted to have been there to experience it. But the question now was could they overcome the final hurdle and lift the World Cup?
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frodispatch · 2 years
So I just officially finished Dreamcatcher and I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s not gay until the minds touch.
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Ignore how beat up it is, i got this copy from my local haunted used bookstore, but here it is being once again relinquished to my Stephen King shelf.
This book has fucked with me many times. It has caused me immense pain. I am way too attached to the characters. I miss Beaver. I have started chewing on toothpicks instead of picking my skin. I am thinking of changing my name to Jonesy. Help. But also don’t help, I am fine. It’s over. The aliens have been defeated.
Goodnight shit-weasels. SSDD.
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jminter · 3 years
Turning Point Ensemble presents TPE Interactive
Tune in for #TPEInteractive presented by @TPE_Vancouver June 11 #VirtualConcert recorded at @ChanCentre
On June 11th, Turning Point Ensemble (TPE) is presenting TPE Interactive, an online concert featuring works by two innovative composers David Eagle and Mauricio Pauly. Since founding in 2002, Turning Point Ensemble (TPE) continues to meet its mandate to increase the understanding and appreciation of music composed during the past hundred years.  large chamber ensemble (16 instrumentalists and…
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Okay, Dreamcatcher love, the 4 friends, but you know, Underhill was my fave.
Literally just bought it for the Pennywise Lives line, and is now one of my fave.
I freaking LOVE Owen Underhill!!! He is also my favorite and I NEVER see any love for him!!! @grownups-are-the-real-monsters can confirm that I never shut up about Owen
I went into Dreamcatcher thinking I was going to hate it (based on how other SK fans talked about it), but it ended up being one of my very top favorites. I'm so happy I read it!
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Live Video Hub - World Rugby
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While by far most of New Zealand homes will approach web fit for spilling the RWC there are a few regions which are lamentably yet to get too associated, anyway Jeff says Spark isn't abandoning anybody. "Each Rugby World Cup pool and thump out match highlighting the New Zealand All Blacks will be accessible for nothing, communicate on TVNZ 1 and spilled on Spark Sport." "New Zealand pool games and the (sought after) New Zealand quarter-last will play for nothing with a 1-hour delay, while the semi-finals and last will play live... Altogether, 12 of the 48 matches will be accessible allowed to air by means of TVNZ."
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On the off chance that your home web can't stream the matches and you need to watch live, check your neighborhood bar or club to check whether they're playing the game. Anyway you plan on watching, Jeff says ensuring you're arranged presently will satisfy come September 20. "Try not to hold back to get set up. It is route simpler to deal with any issues you may have ahead of time, so you can have an incredible encounter on match day. What's more, on the off chance that you experience issues or have questions, you can approach the Spark Sport group for assistance."
Before it can get to Italy in September, the English Rugby World Cup squad must test the karma of the Irish group. Here's the means by which to live stream the England versus Ireland coordinate that should demonstrate which group can acclimate to weight this at an early stage. Britain's back-column will look somewhat changed, addingboth Sam Underhill and Tom Curry for breakdown smarts and dexterity. Per the starters you'll see beneath, England are putting George Ford and Owen Farrell together in the lineup, which hasn't been seen since the 2018 South Africa visit. 
Altogether, England have won 77 of the 134 test coordinates that the pair have played. Notwithstanding 8 draws, Ireland would have more than the 49 successes in this arrangement of play that is stretched out since 1875. Britain's starters: E Daly, J Cokanasiga, M Tuilagi, O Farrell (Captain), J May, G Ford, B Youngs, J Marler, J George, K Sinckler, M Itoje, G Kruis, T Curry, S Underhill, B Vunipola. Britain's substitutions: L Cowan-Dickie, M Vunipola, D Cole, C Lawes, M Wilson, W Heinz, P Francis, J Joseph
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