noir-ish-bee · 1 year
two pieces based on @pikaflute's concepts for the rest of max's vices becuase JDJDJDJJDJDHD!!!!!!! KDBDKD!NN!!!!
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rcksmith · 3 years
Mine — Kaz Brekker
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(photo not mine)
Requests: “9 from the fluff prompts with Kaz brekker please? It could be where they're keeping it a secret and it slips out? Thanks”
“Could you possibly do a kaz brekker and reader imagine where they are both like in their mid twenties. Number 9 from the fluff prompts “So you're saying that girl is your girlfriend?" "No, that girl is my wife”, I could just imagine him with the smuggest grin saying it. Your a very good writer and thank you if you decide to write this.”
“Could I get a kaz brekker x reader secret relationship with fluff prompts 5, 7, 12, and 14 please?”
Fluff prompts:
5. ”Don’t smile at me like that. You know it drives me crazy.”
7. “I feel like i cant breathe when i’m around you.”
9. “So you're saying that girl is your girlfriend?!" "No, that girl is my wife!”
12. “I’m not jealous! Its just...you’re mine!”
14. “I don’t like to pretend we’re not together.”
Couple: Kaz Brekker/ Fem!Reader
Warnings: swearing, mention of fights, mention of post-traumatic stress, fluff too.
Word count: 2k.
A/N: Thank you💖 I hope you guys like. I changed some details a little, hope you don't mind
Normal Rules. Smut Rules.
English is not my first language, so I so sorry if have a mistake.
Requests are open. Love you❤️
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Fissure. That's what mercenaries, thieves, assassins and his enemies were looking for. A fissure to drive Kaz Brekker to ruin. Burn his empire, wood for wood, until there is nothing left but funeral ashes swept away by the winter wind. Even the most infinitesimal fissure would ensure that his enemies infiltrate, like hungry parasites, into the heart of the dungeon of his deepest secrets. Swallowing, absorbing, any hint of what could do the infamous the Bastard of the Barrel down to his own knees.
And Kaz Brekker feared that if they looked into the most secluded corner of his dungeons, where it was reserved to hide the greatest truths of his soul, they would find the one only thing to beg on his knees for would be something he would do without hesitation.
You were like the last summer solstice in a world ruled by darkness, cold and empty. Which he kept in a chest locked with seven chains.
If he had to describe you with the five senses, Brekker would remind that, when he was in the bitter cold of the ocean, clutching the stiffness of dead and putrefying flesh like a lifeboat, a ray of sunshine, warm as the summer, it opened up through the thunderclouds and came down to his face, warming that spot of skin like a kiss from the sun.
And it would be with that memory that he would describe you.
Kaz Brekker shouldn't have fallen in love with you. He was the person who most understood the disastrous consequences if he let himself get carried away by the way his heart sped up whenever he saw you. If he allowed herself to taste the way all of your heat radiated into his body and made him feel alive. But he fell in love.
Everything was all too much. The feeling of life every time you said his name, like a devotion, something religious, lyrical. The sweetness in your eyes, the warm voice. Everything had been too much.
And what should he do? Tell you he missed you every time you went on a mission? Saying that he were jealous and envy of Jesper because the man managed to make you laugh with a silly joke and hug you tight, something Kaz still hadn't been able to do? Tell you it was almost religious the way he venerated your smile? Of course not. Because all these things would have been sensible, and Kaz couldn't do anything sensible around you.
Because when he saw life offering him, with such joy, the one thing that had been denied him all his life, and that he swore never to crave, his first impulse was anger. Stupid, irrational anger.
So, for the first few moments, his entire reaction to you had been cold, distant, almost avoidant. Because the way his whole body shook in hot spasms when, in that summery tone, you called his name, it was too much for Kaz to handle.
“Kaz!” You call, one night.
He heard your voice from across the crow club, and had to close his eyes tightly at the way his heart leapt in his chest.
"Hey, hey." You appeared beside him, your cheeks chased away by coral red, the happy smile and the sparkle in your eyes as someone who have the path to true happiness. "Jessy said you were wanting to find a new way to invade that bank."
Oh perfect. In the same way his body exalted when he heard the sound of your name and your lips, hearing you call Jesper by that infernal nickname had a much more destabilizing effect. And fierce.
Kaz raised an eyebrow at you, in a nonchalant gesture but inviting you to keep talking.
“I happen to know of an underground path.” For an instant, the pride in your smile made Kaz want to smile too. “You and I can put together a map today and we'll be right tomorrow to go.”
That was one of the times Kaz should have made some dry, disinterested, trivial comment, something that made you not want to spend time with him, something that made you turn around and walk away. He should have turned around and left. He had done this over a thousand times with other people and knew it to be one of the best outings.
Still, the acid comment didn't come and he couldn't turn his back on you.
So, like the idiot he became whenever it came to you, Kaz couldn't help but spend an hour in your company. Even if it resulted in him lying in bed at the end of the day, alone and feeling the guilt gnawing at him more and more.
So, before he even knew it, Kaz was already in his office with you, listening to you chatter about things he knew he should have been paying attention to. But the way the crackling of the fire flames in the fireplace flashed across your face was a distraction of unimaginable proportions.
“Jessy and I…”
“You want to stop.” He found himself saying before he even realized it. “That nickname is already exasperating me.”
“Why? Jealousy?” You joked, oblivious to the truth.
Kaz looked at you like your comment was the most pathetic thing he'd ever heard. He wanted to screaming: ‘I’m not jealous! Its just...you’re mine!.’ But he didn't. Instead, the words that came out were:
“No. It's childish and immature, and it doesn't fit with...”
"What if I call you ‘Darling’?” You rested your chin on both palms of your hand, your elbows resting on his desk in his office.
Kaz's heart skipped a beat.
“That way you won't be jealous of Jessy's nickname and…”
“It's not jealousy!” He countered, and too late realized that he didn't disagree in the first instance about the nickname, but about the green color that emanated from his body.
And you didn't let that go either.
Your eyes took on a caustic gleam that you quickly hid, turning to the map on the table and going back to drawing the paths. “Okay, Darling.”
After that night, Kaz's self-control began to crumble.
He gave you death glares whenever you called him that nickname, but he never dared contradict or scold you. Much less deny it. The truth was, the core of his soul wanted this. He wanted every part of your caress warm as summer. He wanted to appreciate how perfect you looked when you called him that way. As if that nickname was born just to be used between you.
Something unique.
Over time, his body's physical reactions began to be stronger, coercive and overwhelming. Kaz felt dry, burning, and you soothed and inflamed him at the same time. You were the breath of peace, and also a glass of hot brandy.
And everything that he once felt dead, frozen or putrefying, slowly began to blossom, reborn and shine.
"Darling." You said, going behind the chair Kaz was sitting in, submerged in the Krisha security system sheets in front of he. “You've been there for hours.”
He ignored you, though his body was all too aware of yours behind him, the way your breath hit the top of his ear, how your heat hit his back like a high summer breeze. Kaz swallowed hard, ordering his eyes to stay on the pages.
“What are you reading?”
Your voice rang out from the top of his head, and Kaz felt his heart race into a cardiac arrhythmia the second your hands went to the back of the chair and your face tilted, chin hovering millimeters from his shoulder, your nose almost brushing his cheek.
Fucking Saints! You were hot! It was as if you had sun bathed, swam in the flames of fire, and been born into the summer.
Kaz lost his breath. His sanity. His soul.
“Do not do this.” His voice was no more than a whisper.
You looked at him, the furs not touching but breath hitting each other's cheeks. Kaz followed your gaze, and suddenly the world subtly turned hot. Pulsing and muffled.
“What?” You whispered, your heart so fast.
This was the time for Kaz to use the touche in a very valid argument. To make you move away as fast as you approached. To nip in the bud any path this interaction between you could take. He should have said about the touch. But he didn't remember. Kaz didn't remember his limitation, his traumas, his demons.
In that second, of insanity and magic, you couldn't do that just because…
"I feel like I cant breathe when I'm around you." He said.
After that day, Kaz realized that life no longer made sense without having you by his side to share it. Money didn't have the same value anymore if you weren't there, the robberies didn't make sense anymore if he couldn't tell you how it was at the end of the day, or have you by his side to fight.
Very quickly, Kaz Brekker realized that he had lost the battle against his own feelings. Loving you was inevitable. And having you close to him was made as essential as breathing. That's when things between the two of you developed faster, more solid, more right. The weeks turned to months, the months to years, and your relationship fortified as gloriously as the hilt of a sword.
Kaz still had very difficult moments with touching, days when a single brush of fur was unbearable and the mention of a kiss was impossible. But you stayed there. Firm and unshakable. Giving your summer smiles,your warm winks, and his nickname that had the power to soothe every nerve in Kaz's body.
However, the more Kaz understand that he was need you to he still live, the deeper he hid any trace of public affection for you. Any clue that could sparked the theory in someone that you were the reason, for Brekker, for the sun rose every morning. He couldn't bear the thought of losing you. Never.
Kaz Brekker became very aware that his soul was harnessed to yours. And there was nothing in the world that would take you away from he. Not while he lived, and even seven feet from land, Kaz would still find a way to fight for you.
It was a logical decision when he said you two should get married. Kaz was still trying to maintain his serene posture as his soul burned in a fire too eager and excited to make official anything that said you were his. That he had finally managed to have that ray of sunshine in the midst of the atrocious ocean. You, unlike him, exhaled your happiness in excited squeals, little jumps of joy and a passionate, quick kiss on the man in front of you.
And Kaz understood, as perfectly as the sky are blue, that he would do anything, for the rest of his life, to be worthy of that overwhelming happiness that sparkled in yours smiles.
“Don’t smile at me like that. You know it drives me crazy.” He said, feeling himself smile because your happiness for the wedding was exorbitant.
And you, like the little tease you were who loved to make him piss off, smiled even more and hugged him. He love you. Unconditionally.
But, just like the ocean waves, Kaz and you have had your ups and downs. He wasn't a man who had a lot of patience, and you weren't the most obedient, calm woman in the world. You found him exasperating and he found you as stubborn as a door.
"I already said you can't do that!" And there he was, once again, lecturing you because you showed too much affection, in his mind, for him in a public situation.
And, as Kaz fucking Brekker liked to point out, ‘all walls have eyes and ears’.
"We've been together for six years, Kaz!" You tried to keep your blood calm, but you weren't a person to put up with sermons. “Is this going to be our life? Living as if we have the same connection as a boss and an employee?!”
“And what do you want, Y/n?!” He placed both hands on his office desk, looking at you from the other side “Want us to have a party and tell everyone?! Or do you prefer to hang a red target on your chest?!”
"I did not say that!" You were starting to get really angry. “I'm not asking for a billboard saying we're married and you know it! The only thing I'm saying is that you let me choose to sit next to you, take your hand, or tell you I love you when any of us go off on a dangerous mission!"
Kaz shook his head, impassable, his gaze flashing with anger. How did you not realize he was trying to save you?! Save everything you two built, your lives! And all this for what? Walking hand in hand on the street? It was ridiculous!
“This is indisputable!”
“I said no!” He slapped his hands on the table.
A less brave woman would have cringed. But not you.
“I don’t like to pretend we’re not together!”
“And I don't like a fucking girl who complains all the fucking time about something I do to save her! But it feels like I've been put up with it for six years, doesn't it?!”
The words hit you like a slap. Crackling, burning and electrifying. You felt yourself holding your breath and your shoulders instinctively tightening back. The room was silent. Loaded with tension, as if lightning had just hit the ground.
You looked at Kaz in amazement. And he pursed his lips when he realized what he'd said.
“Put up with? And you call me ‘fucking girl’ ?” You repeated, your voice low, serious and in a mixture of hurt and outrage. “Good to know.”
You turned your back, walking out of the office and slamming the door behind you hard, making the thud reverberate through the corridors of Kaz's soul.
"Y/n!" He called you, striding to the door "Y/n!"
But when Kaz pulled the doorknob and took a few steps down the hall, it wasn't you he bumped into. It was Nina, trying to hide, in a very terrible way, her curious and shocked expression. In female hands she carried a small stack of documents, probably something important that Kaz needed to check.
He had to check that out. But his eyes, restless and quick, wandered the great hall of the crow club below, watching your figure pass between the bodies, advancing towards the exit.
"Sooo…" Nina started, even though the attention wasn't on her. "Couple fights, right?"
But Kaz didn't think before nodding, trying to get past Nina to catch up with you. But of course the girl wasn't going to let Brekker get away with it that quickly. She was betting with Inej how long you two would pretend to have nothing. And now she was going to get the truth!
"So you're saying that girl is your girlfriend?" The smile of shock and excitement was wide open on her face.
Kaz muttered a curse, gently pushing the girl aside and moving towards the stairs, aiming to catch up with you. But not before answering:
"No, that girl is my wife!"
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alygatorwrites · 3 years
can I request a lil something? during the end of the manga or after the timeskip if you haven't read it yet, reiner still has feelings for historia and reader has one-sided feelings for him.
pieck gives reiner a small hint, saying he's wasting time while there's someone close to him that cares for him and points to you. he doesn't understand at first and maybe is conflicted about his feelings for you because of historia. reader is cool about it as she doesn't expect him to reciprocate her feelings.
a rollercoaster of emotions later, maybe there is a happy ending tho? i am curious to see what you can come up with 😭😭 i have dreaming of this scenario before bed and i can't help but get jealous of his crush on historia abjdsndks maybe you can help reiner reciprocate reader-chan's feelings or not
thank u so much aly 💖🥺
pairing: reiner braun x reader
a/n: OMG yesss! honestly, i was kinda annoyed at how reiner still had a crush on historia. i know that isayama wanted to show how everything went back to normal, but i was hoping that reiner would have a bigger role in the allied nations instead of being "dumbed down" to having an obsession with her. MAYBE THATS JUST THE JEALOUSY SPEAKING LMAO 😭 i was hoping this would be longer, although school has been killing me so im really sorry!! i hope its okay 💗💕 thank you honey!
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as reiner is handed historia’s letter, you fold your hands on the table and watch him without a word. when he reads the lines and smells the parchment - jean saying something snarky afterward - you say nothing.
you want reiner to be happy: you want to see him at ease like this more, face soft as the leaf of the page flits from his pinched fingers.
and so you let the man speak about historia like she’s a damn goddess, gushing over her handwriting, and keep your goddamn mouth shut. ignore your jealousy. your feelings.
the truth is, you’re in love with reiner.
you can’t even remember how it happened, but you can remember the first time you looked into those hazel eyes, and how you knew that they were going to stick with you for eternity.
you’ve come to accept his crush on the queen, though. reciprocation was never an option in your mind.
when jean begins to chew reiner out for lusting after a married woman, and reiner says something about jean being a horse, pieck’s gaze lands on you. “you’re rather quiet,” she says softly, resting her head on her palm.
you shrug, turning away from her. “i’m just tired.”
pieck catches your chin between her lithe fingers, and turns you to face her with a tiny smile. the young woman is very perceptive, and you’ve known her long enough. 
that’s when you notice the twinkle in her eye. she’s planning something.
pieck releases your jaw then, sitting up in her chair. “you’re wasting your time, reiner,” she says suddenly. “there’s already someone you know who cares for you.”
you pretend to not hear pieck - and definitely pretend you don’t see her faintly point at you through your peripheral. the movement of her fingers is barely there, but you catch it.
damn you, pieck.
the way you’re now pinned underneath armin, jean, connie, and reiner’s stares makes your stomach tie itself into knots with bubbling reluctance. shit, this is awkward. you want to run away.
still, you peer over to study reiner’s reaction. he looks confused at first, the contours of his face unreadable. you swear you see connie facepalm at the man’s cluelessness.
then reiner’s expression slowly changes: his eyes widen in awe, lips parting slightly, and brows knitting together. he seems genuinely surprised - and conflicted.
conflicted? why?
there’s no time to explain yourself though, because the door creaks open and annie steps in. her words fall on your deaf ears, and when everyone stands up to leave, you’re the first one out of the room. work beckons you as always.
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two days pass.
you’ve been busy filling out tons of paperwork pertaining to the allied nations, so when you’re finally given a day off, you take it with open arms. 
freedom at last.
you lean against a bench outside of headquarters, enjoying the salty breeze that flutters along your skin. it’s dusk, the sky covered in a gradient of neon colors as the sun dips below the horizon.
you haven’t seen reiner since that day in the conference room. you wonder how he’s doing, what he’s thinking, how he’s holding up -
speak of the devil. you glance over your shoulder toward the voice, low and familiar.
reiner approaches you, clad in his uniform: the suit hugs his large frame perfectly, showing every flex of his muscles, and his blonde hair is neatly parted. the black tie looped around his neck just pulls it all together. it has you weak at the knees every. single. time.
“hey,” you answer, giving reiner a smile as he stops beside you.
and that’s when your heart lurches at the sight of him.
the sunset highlights reiner’s profile in gold, a heavenly shine that settles upon his blonde lashes and the flawless slope of his nose. the flecks in his irises sparkle – a beautiful mixture of soft browns and muted greens. the only thing you can do right now is admire the man. 
his words are what breaks you out of your daydream.
“work has been crazy lately, huh?” reiner says, focused on the candy-floss clouds and their fluffy shapes.
“well - yeah, pretty much. i don’t want to look at a pen or a piece of paper ever again.”
“that bad?”
“you have no idea. i almost regret marley and paradis reconciling.”
reiner chuckles gently at the joke, but it’s strained. his forehead remains creased, and he’s not really smiling. the emotion there is more … doubtful. it’s like he’s having some sort of inner conflict.
hopefully reiner’s not acting cautious because of the other day. you know he doesn’t return your feelings, and that’s totally okay. you’re happy enough being with him like this. “i’m not mad or anything, y’know.”
reiner stiffens at that. there’s a white flash of teeth when he chews on his lower lip. “i know.”
“good,” you hum, breathing out a sigh of relief. your core twists with envy when you force a grin. bite it back. tease him like always. “so about historia … ”
reiner’s eyes go wide almost comically, and you hear the breath in his lungs leave his firm chest in one exhale. there’s a light blush staining his cheeks now. it’s funny; he’s so goddamn big, yet he’s such a teddy bear.
“y-yeah,” reiner mutters. you observe the way his brows pinch together as he awkwardly shifts in place. it takes a while before the man composes himself again, which is strange.
is he scared or something? what the hell?
“pieck,” reiner hesitates for a moment. the golden strands of his hair ruffle in the wind and he appears ... well, lost. “was she being serious?”
the question is a shocker - jeez, he could have at least let you prepare yourself. a firm ‘no’ almost slips out, but you’ve never been much of a liar. not to reiner, anyway. crossing your arms against your chest, you inhale sharply and nod. avoid staring at him face-to-face. “yep.”
“ … why me?”
reiner says the words with a mixture of spite and anguish, a casual and rumbling voice. you immediately turn your head, frowning. “what?”
“i’ve done so many horrible things.” reiner exhales heavily and stares down at his hands; perhaps he’s imagining all the blood they’ve been stained with. “i betrayed everyone. i killed innocent people - all because i was selfish.”
it’s no surprise that reiner is broken after everything he’s been through, but it pains you to know that he continues to suffer in silence. whatever war is raging inside his ribcage tears him apart piece by piece, and you wish you could carry the burden. 
there’s probably nothing you can say to convince reiner that he was just a kid, a victim of circumstance. there’s nothing that can persuade him to see himself the way you do.
so you decide to tell reiner why you love him. 
you explain the amount of admiration you hold for him. tell him that you love the way he just wants to be someone his comrades can lean on, like a big brother. tell him that you think he’s the most gorgeous person you’ve ever seen and how you think he deserves the world.
the way you spill your guts out snaps every nerve in your body. you don’t say everything you want to – but you tell him enough. a dark flush spreading across your face, you find the courage to look at him.
the world seems to stop on its axis when you find reiner staring right on back. the intensity of his eyes is stunning; they’re lit up with astonishment and affection.
god, the affection. you see it clear as day. maybe one of the greatest regrets in his life is how he forced himself to see you only as a friend.
that’s when he reaches out to you.
reiner retracts his hand twice, unsure, before slowly brushing his fingertips against yours. the touch is so feather-light that you almost can’t feel it. it’s a test - he’s waiting to see if you pull away. you can’t even move if you wanted to, because his fond gaze keeps you rooted to the spot before him. 
when you don’t recoil, reiner finally moves to gently hold your hand; his palm is so much bigger than yours, and your fingers slot together perfectly, like a jigsaw puzzle’s final piece. 
heart thrumming like a hummingbird has been stuffed into your chest, you’re almost at a loss for words and come to a realization.
this utterly amazing man likes you. always has. 
but reiner shoved away the feelings for one simple reason; you deserved ‘better.’ focusing on the old crush he had on historia was a distraction - an attempt to convince himself to stop thinking about you.
because looking at you everyday and not being able to act upon his feelings was too painful.
“is this okay?” reiner asks lowly. there’s a slight pinkness to his cheeks, the color of a selfless love.
by some miracle, you manage to nod dumbly. “yeah, of course. it’s fine.” it’s amazing is what you actually want to say.  
reiner squeezes your hand at the reassurance, a sigh escaping from his throat. “i really—”
you wait for him to finish, but he doesn’t. reiner just searches your profile for signs of discomfort, and then untwines your hands to bravely swipe a thumb along the length of your cheekbone. 
there’s no time to speak because he’s already leaning down.  
the sensation of reiner’s lips pressing against yours lights your skin ablaze; you can feel the curling flames of passion sear your soul, made even more intense by the warmth of the sunlight on your back.
it’s natural, it’s tender, it’s warm.
reiner’s breath rattles into your mouth when you rest both palms against his solid chest and deepen the kiss. the musky smell of his aftershave and cologne envelops you completely, and fuck, it’s so good. your arms wrap around him, fingers passing over the sharp slopes of his shoulder blades.
as much as you wish the kiss could go on endlessly, there are people gathering outside. avoiding any unwanted attention from nosy strangers is very much appreciated.
you pull away to nuzzle your nose into reiner, and he rests his chin on your shoulder, protective arms moving to loop around your waist. it’s such an intimate caress that it sparks your brain into overdrive.
as the rushing sound of the breeze comes back to your ears through the quiet, you tuck the kiss away to be remembered forever. that’s all there is to it. being close to reiner like this - swaying together like wildflowers in the wind - is more important than anything else.
“i like you,” reiner murmurs.
the suddenness of it makes you laugh, and you can feel the upward quirk of reiner’s lips - a whisper of a peaceful smile and a sweet, sweet promise.
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azurevi · 4 years
Fluff 49 with the octa trio please? Thank you :333
49. “Is somebody jealous?” with octavinelle
Thanks for requesting! I hope this is good enough 😔
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Your relationship with Azul is so secure that one might even comment about how laid back you are. But both of you know better than anyone that you love each other, and there's nothing to worry about at all.
Well, that's what Azul would like to think, but recently his heart has been betraying his words a lot. In his defense, you've been getting pretty close with someone else. It's not as though he doesn't trust you, no, it is your friend whom he doubts.
He's pretty sure he isn't imagining things, that the flirtations and sly glances and unneeded physical touches are signs that your friend wants more than just friendship from you. Although you've never responded to any of his attempts, he still feels a weird feeling boiling in his chest everytime they get a little too close to you.
It sucks more when he has to stay at Mostro Lounge and work overtime, because that means your friend can take the opportunity and snatch you away. He's grateful that you always come back to him after the day, but he can't get rid of the uneasiness. Perhaps he's scared. You may have told him times and times that you love him, but he admits that there's still something which your friend possesses and he doesn't. There's a constant voice in the back of his head, taunting him about how he isn't as good as them. Sometimes it's so loud that he just wishes to turn it off.
Your friend is getting bolder and bolder by day. Even when you and Azul are clearly having alone time, they will shamelessly join in, and being a nice person you never turn them down. Azul wishes you would though, but he doesn't want to upset you by being selfish.
You aren't oblivious though. It's clear as day how uncomfortable Azul acts around them -- his posture stiffens and his head tilts up slightly, eyes ever so cold but his fingers are always restless. He never confirms anything though, so for a while you just decide to let it slide, but he's been looking so bothered lately that you make up your mind to lure the truth out of him.
"Hey," you knock on the door to his VIP room. His eyes basically shine at the sight of you. 
"I thought you're going out with your friend," he says instead, once again lacking subtlety.
"I was, but I turned them down at the last minute,'
Azul flicks his gaze up. "You did? Why?"
"I don't know, maybe because someone is sulking?"
He doesn't have to say anything. His avoiding glances already reveal enough. "I'm not sulking," comes his futile, weak defense.
"Really? Then what's going on?"
After a moment of silence Azul puts down his pen, burying his face in his head as if in exasperation. "It's nothing… you've just been spending time with them a lot,"
Your brow arch curiously. "No way. Is somebody jealous?"
Blood shoots to his cheeks, painting the tips of his ears red. He looks like a child caught red handed for stealing candies during midnight. 
"I'm not- I- fine. I am a little jealous, alright? But I trust you. It's them I don't trust," he nudges his head to the side, as if your friend is standing right there. "I may be overthinking things, but I think they're interested in you,"
"Are they?" you recall the times you spent together, trying to pick up possible hints. At your serious expression Azul waved you off, "As I said, it's just me overthinking. Don't fuss over it,"
"That won't do, you're clearly troubled," you walk to his side, prompting him to turn to you. "How about we do this, I make sure to draw the line between us and spend more time with you. Will that make you feel better?"
"You don't have to. I'm not a child who whines when his mother disappears for a minute."
"No you aren't. What you are is my partner, and I am willing to do anything to comfort you, alright?" you plant a kiss on his cheek, noting how hot his face is. "I'm sorry for neglecting you,"
"You don't have to apologize…" he mumbles, although his originally furrowed brows have relaxed significantly. Knowing that you're going to be there for him no matter what is already enough for him to ease his worries.
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Jade adores you. It isn't anything surprising, basically the whole school knows about it. It isn't as if he tries to hide it anyways. He loves to shower you with affection even when you're in public, more so when you're having alone times. His affection is gentle and understanding, which is one of the many reasons you fell for him, but you've never expected these qualities to become the source of your plaguing worries.
Jade's smile is one of a kind. It can be benevolent and hostile at the same time, and it can be as venomous as it can be soothing. As someone who has to constantly deal with customers by Azul's side, he has mastered the ability to please someone with his appearance. And being the serious businessman that he is, he seldom acts recklessly.
That explains why he's caught the attention of one business partner, and for the past few days they've been asking Jade to accompany them around the campus. You shouldn't feel jealous about it, really, it's part of his job after all, but you can't help comparing the both of you and realizing how you lack the same charisma that they hold. However, you decide to keep it to yourself, not wanting to come off as a clingy and inconsiderate partner.
There's only one thing that you fail to realize, which is how sharp Jade's eyes are. It's true that he has been spending less time with you lately, but during the scarce moments when you're together he can already figure out what is clouding your mind.
"Good evening, my dear," Jade arrives at the Ramshackle dorm after work as usual, to steal more time with you. His workload may be burdening, but he never misses any chance to be around you.
"How's work?" you ask casually, trying not to bring up the fact that he was once again asked to entertain the client and had to cancel your lunch together.
"Work's fine," he reaches out and pulls you towards him just as you walk to hang his jacket, planting a long, deep kiss on your forehead. "How was your day?"
"Fine," you frown a little.
"Is that right? You seem to look upset though," he leans back to get a good look at your face, but you bow your head down in embarrassment. "I'm not upset,"
It seems that you're not going to give up your secret easily.
"Is somebody jealous?"
Your head shoots up, eyes widened in surprise. "What?"
Jade chuckles. "I asked whether you're jealous. I know I've been occupied lately, and I don't want you to feel lonely,"
"I'm not lonely. I understand that you have responsibilities," you mumble, still too stubborn to admit what's going on in your mind.
"That's true, but I am also your boyfriend, am I not? Making you feel loved is my responsibility too," he cups your cheeks with his palms, fitting your face in his hold and looking at you with the soft look that's reserved only for you. "Don't worry. Even when I'm busy, I'm always thinking about you,"
His honesty brings a blush to your cheeks and you wrap your arms around him in an attempt to hide your flustered countenance. 
"Thank you, Jade."
"Of course, my love."
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Dating Floyd means that you're going to be loved for every single moment in your life. Floyd is physically affectionate, and he's definitely going to give you tackle hugs at any given chance. Be prepared to have him stick around and shower you with kisses and touches. With his constantly overflowing affections for you it's really hard for you to feel jealousy and envy.
Well, that's before the rabbit comes between the two of you.
You still can't believe that you're jealous of a goddamn rabbit, but here you are. Perhaps you've been getting too used to Floyd and his intimacy that the moment he averts his attention, you immediately feel hollow.
The two of you found this fellow outside your dorm, shivering in the cold and seemingly lost. Floyd took an interest to the small creature almost immediately and seems to have forgotten about you. You're sure he doesn't intend to ignore you, but suddenly losing his fondness just makes you feel out of place.
You refuse to act on your feelings though. What will he say if he finds out how needy you are? Perhaps he will deem you too hard to please or even a nuisance… you shake your head at the thought, returning to watching him play with the bunny.
"Oh, aren't you the cutest~" Floyd buries his face into the soft white fur, giggling at himself. At your silence he turns to you, only to find you seemingly troubled as your eyebrows knit together. 
"Y/N~" he calls out and pouts when there's no response. He scoots over to you and pokes your face, only then is he successful in getting your attention. 
"Is something wrong?" he asks, resting his jaw on his palm with an interested shine in his eyes. 
"Nothing," you shake your head, nudging your head towards the rabbit. "Why don't you go and spend some more time with it? I'm sure it's getting lonely,"
Floyd is quiet for a while, face blank as the gears in his head work. After a moment, he breaks into a small smile. "I only left for a minute, it's not going to get lonely that easily…" you gulp at his words that suddenly seem to carry a hidden meaning. "What about you? Are you feeling deserted, somehow? Or better! Is someone jealous~?"
"I'm not," you quickly retort. Floyd laughs, throwing his head back carefreely. "I think you are though? Are you sad because I haven't been giving you love lately?"
You grunt, unwilling to answer any more of his questions which he already has the answers to. Seeing your annoyed expression, he decides to drop his teasing. "Alright~ I will show you more love, alright?" he wraps you in his arms, bringing you close to his chest and swaying you from side to side. You're not going to admit it, but you've missed this.
"Next time you want hugs and kisses, you only need to ask~" he says in a sing-songy voice, chuckling as you denies ever having such desires.
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tsukishumai · 4 years
Your First Fight - Akaashi, Kenma, Oikawa, Kageyama (Setter Squad)
A/N - This was for anon, I’m so sorry, I’m not sure what the heck happened to this post >-< but it’s back, and I fixed the links on the other posts as well!
Ace Edition
Word Count: 2.8k T-T 
I may or may not have gotten carried away with this one  (✿◠‿◠) Buckle up, and I hope u enjoy!  ( ˘ ³˘)
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You understand why Akaashi wanted to keep your relationship secret. Really, you did. You could already imagine the barrage of overbearing comments, and the teasing that was sure to be a distraction during practice. With Nationals just around the corner, this was the last thing you both needed.
Being the manager of the Fukurodani Volleyball Club, you know better than most just how rowdy the group could actually be. Bokuto may be the loudest one of the bunch, but all the others can be just as provoking.
And to be honest, the sneaking around was kind of hot. You can’t deny you got butterflies every time Akaashi would pull you into the equipment room for a quick make out session, or when he would give your thigh a secret squeeze under the lunch table surrounded by your friends.
But it’s been months now, and frankly, you were kind of getting tired of it. Sure, it may be slightly more convenient for the both of you, but some days you just want to hold your boyfriend’s hand down the hall without having to look over your shoulder.
You’ve only brought it up to Akaashi once before, but he brushed it off by saying it wasn’t the right time, and you were discouraged to try ever since.
You really weren’t planning to bring it up at the Tokyo Representative Playoffs… you really didn’t. But Konoha’s girlfriend showed up to cheer him on, looking so happy and proud in the stands, you couldn’t fight the tinge of envy that started to take over your body.
Akaashi was observant, and he knew you better than anyone. He could see you stealing glances into the stands, could see the tension in your shoulders whenever Konoha’s girlfriend yelled out cheers for him.
He couldn’t stop himself from following you after you told Yukie you were just going to the restroom.
“No good luck kiss?” he called out once the both of you were a safe distance from the team.
“I’m sure you wouldn’t want anyone to see,” you said bitterly, not stopping for Akaashi.
Akaashi frowned. “Y/N, you know that’s not true.”
“Well, why else wouldn’t you want to tell anyone about us?” you asked, you finally stopped walking, turning around to give him a hard look.
Akaashi groaned in frustration. “Do we really have to talk about this right here? Right now? I told you, it’s just easier this way.”
You scoffed, and Akaashi hated the sound. “Sorry our relationship is such an inconvenience for you.” You didn’t give him a chance to reply, quickly entering the women’s bathroom, faintly hearing the sound of Bokuto calling your boyfriend’s name behind you.
Akaashi didn’t blame you for the loss against Itachiyama, but he definitely blamed himself.
“Have you seen Y/N?” he asked Bokuto after the game, but the ace just shrugged, too upset about the loss to really care. The whole team had all gathered their things, ready to make their way out of the gym and you still were nowhere to be found.
Akaashi’s worries were relieved, but quickly replaced with new ones when Bokuto spotted you down the hall, cornered by someone wearing a Nohebi uniform.
“So tell me, do you have you a boyfriend?” Akaashi heard him ask, and you finally noticed the team approach you. The evil gleam in your eye didn’t escape Akaashi’s attention.
“No, actually. I don’t.”
It was one thing for you to deny it to your teammates, but to other men? Akaashi shouldn’t be mad that those were the words that came out of your mouth; it was his own fault for putting you in the situation in the first place. He knows you’re just doing what he told you to.
But he was furious, and there was nothing that could have stopped him from grabbing you by the elbow, turning you away from the dirty little snake that dared to talk to you, and crashing his lips onto yours.
You weren’t sure what reaction you were expecting from Akaashi, but it definitely wasn’t this. Though, you weren’t complaining, returning his kiss with equal fervor, ignoring the uncomfortable cough from the Nohebi player, and the gasps and shocked exclamations from your teammates.
All you could focus on when he pulled away was Akaashi, blue eyes staring straight into your soul, the next words tumbling out of his mouth was all you’ve wanted to hear for months.
“You’re mine. I’m going to make sure everyone knows it.”
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You’ve been sitting in the same spot on Kenma’s bed for about an hour now. The room was filled with only the sounds emanating from the TV, and your boyfriend’s fingers tapping on the buttons of his controller.
Kenma always did like falling into a hole whenever he bought a new game; you’ve known this about him since you were kids. It wasn’t something you ever really minded, nor did you think it was something you wanted to change. It was a part of him that you simply accepted.
Normally, you were content with reading a book while he played, the two of you sitting in comfortable silence, getting lost in different worlds. You both respected each other’s hobbies, and the fact that you could do them together in the same room worked out so perfectly.
However, you finished your book faster than you anticipated, and in your shortsightedness, you failed to bring with you a second book. You tried to read webtoons online, but the light from your phone began to strain your eyes.
“Kenma,” you whined as boredom got the best of you, and the blonde boy didn’t bother to respond, “I’m hungry. Can’t we get something to eat?”
“After,” he grunted, though there were no specifications to when ‘After’ would be.
You sighed, getting up from your spot on the bed to tinker with his things. You walk around his room, running your fingers along the books lined on his shelf, picking up frames that contained happy memories of his life.
You hear your phone ding, signaling a message and you turned to make your way back to the bed.
“Hey!” Kenma exclaimed suddenly, making you jump, “Could you not walk in front of the TV? I just died because of you!”
You stared at him in shock for a second. You had never heard him raise his voice before “Excuse me? So what, it’s just a stupid game.”
“It’s not a stupid game,” Kenma grumbled, his voice back to his usual soft tone, but still held a slight tinge of anger. “You know I’ve been waiting for this to be released. Can’t you just read your book and be quiet like you usually do?”
Kenma immediately knew those were the wrong words to say, regretting the way you face turned into a pout. He watched you begin to gather your things, a slight panic rising in his chest when he realizes you’re trying to leave. “You know what, let me just leave you alone, since clearly my company isn’t wanted –“
You were cut off by Kenma getting up from his spot, opening the bottom drawer of his TV stand to rummage through it. You eyed him curiously until he finally found what he was looking for; pulling out another controller that he connected to the gaming console.
He quietly took your hand, pulling you down to sit on the floor with him. You sat cross legged and confused, wondering what he was doing until he handed you the controller. You stared at it in your lap, a small smile spreading on your face at his silent apology.
He started the game on easy mode, giving you a quick rundown on the basic controls.
“I’ll order us some pizza,” he said quietly, making you give him a soft peck on the cheek.
“Pizza sounds good.”
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The booming sound of Oikawa’s serves was something that will never cease to amaze you.
Sometimes, it was hard to reconcile your Oikawa Toru – the one that hides behind your hair during scary movies, and asks you to kill the spiders for him – with Aoba Johsai’s Oikawa Toru. To you, they were just two completely different people.
But when you were watching him practice like this, raw power coming from his usually gentle hands, you can’t help but stare at him in awe.
You don’t usually stay this late to watch him practice; on a normal day, your club activities would end at the same time and Oikawa would walk you home, but on days like today where he felt he needed the extra practice, you left him in the care of Iwaizumi.
You were a little surprised, however, when you found Iwaizumi waiting for you at your club room, claiming he really needed to get his part of his group project done by tonight, and if you could please stay and make sure your boyfriend doesn’t kill himself.
How could you say no?
At this point, you’ve lost track of how many times Oikawa practiced his serve, the repetitive sound of the balls bouncing and his grunting becoming a sort of hypnotic rhythm for you. Before you knew it, the sun had BEEN down, and the moon had taken its place in the night sky.
You begin to notice the telltale signs of exhaustion, Oikawa struggling to catch his breath, chest heaving up and down, his form beginning to look sloppy.
“Alright,” you say, jumping down from your spot on the bench, “It’s time to go home.”
“One more.”
“Tsk,” you clicked your tongue, walking around collecting the balls, “It’s been hours, Toru. Rest is also a part of training, you know.”
He ignored you, grabbing another ball from the cart, but you just started taking down the volleyball net.
“What the hell are you doing? I said one more!” “And I said it’s time to go home!”
The ear-splitting sound of the volleyball slamming the floor cut through the gym, leaving you frozen in place. “You wouldn’t understand! You may be satisfied with doing the bare minimum for your practices, but my serves have to be perfect! I have to be perfect!” Oikawa’s voice echoed, glaring at you with red eyes, frustration evident on his face.
You didn’t say anything. You stared at him for a moment, then turned around and began the process of closing the gym. Oikawa also chose to stay silent, brown eyes trained on the floor as he gathered his belongings, silently following you once you turned off the lights and locked the door.
The walk home was quiet; the lack of a reaction on your part weighing more heavily on Oikawa than he expected. He snuck a glance at you, but you kept your head forward, steel faced and neutral.
Each step he took was more agonizing than the last, knowing he shouldn’t have lashed out at you like that. Your house was beginning to come into view, and he couldn’t leave the night like this.
“I’m sorry,” he said softly, and your sharp inhale let him know that you heard him.
“I know.”
“I’m exhausted...” and you know he wasn’t just talking about volleyball.
You finally faced him, and gently grabbed his arm, wrapping it around your shoulders as you snaked an arm around his middle. He felt all the tension his body melt away, half expecting to find it puddled around his feet.
“I know,” you said, “But if you ever talk to me like that again, you’re getting a flying fist to the face.”
Oikawa laughed, drawing one out from your own mouth. He placed a kiss on your temple, and gave you full permission to cut his head off if he ever lashed out at you again. He always appreciated how he never had to tell you anything… you always just knew.
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Kageyama had a pretty good weekend, if you asked him.
He woke up early on Saturday morning to go for a run, then got home and had pork curry for lunch. He figures it’s been a while since he’s brushed up on his basic skills, so he went to the local gym and practiced some drills. On Sunday, he was dragged by Hinata to a study group with Yachi, and admittedly gotten more homework done there than he would have on his own.
It was a nice, productive weekend. He entered his Monday with this positive vibe following him around, even morning practice went by smoothly.
He went about his usual routine of waiting for you by the school gates so he could walk you to class. He only waited about ten minutes until you came into view, and Kageyama subconsciously straightened his posture. He tried to push down the little tickle at the pit of his belly when you made eye contact, not wanting to admit he was excited to see you.
“Good morning,” he said as soon as you approached, but his entire mood completely shifted downward when you simply walked passed him.
Where was his usual ‘Good morning, Tobio-kun!’? Why didn’t you stop to give him his morning peck on the cheek? Why didn’t you let him carry your bag for you on the way to class?
Did he do something wrong?
He was so confused, questions running through his head as he simply trailed after you silently.
“Is everything alright?” He tried to ask once you reached your class, but you just gave him a stern look, turning away from him to enter your classroom and take your seat. He was left there looking like an idiot.
He couldn’t focus in class, trying to wrack his brain on why you could possibly be upset. Did he forget an anniversary? Doubtful, you’ve only just started dating. Were you on your period? Kageyama shook his head. Even he knew that would literally be the worst question to ask.
The bell rang to signal the start of lunch, and Kageyama hurriedly gathered his things so he can go find you.
He didn’t have to look very far, though, because when he exited his classroom, he spotted you down the hall.
The second you saw him, you marched your way over; the dark aura you were giving off had made everyone steer clear of you.
Kageyama gulped, wanting to run away before he remembered that he also wanted to talk to you.
“Y/N –“ “You know, I was going to ignore you the whole day, but seeing you this morning just really pissed me off, and unlike you, I actually can’t stand not talking to you.”
Kageyama blinked, happy to hear your voice, but confused at the words you were saying. “Unlike me? What do you mean?”
You crossed your arms and huffed. “Where the hell were you all weekend?”
Again, Kageyama blinked stupidly. “What do you mean? I was home.”
This seemed like the wrong answer, because now your hands moved to your hips, and for some reason, you were ten times more intimidating like that. “So? You never thought to shoot me a text? Or give me a call?”
“Was I supposed to?” Kageyama asked, and the genuine curiosity in his voice made you face palm.
“Did you not want to?” You asked, though there was no hurt behind the question.
“I did.” “So why didn’t you?”
Kageyama thought about it for a moment. “I went to the gym instead.”
You let out a groan of frustration. Honestly, you should have known. It took you three tries before Kageyama even realized you were confessing to him. It took him even longer to realize that he actually had to tell you he liked you back, and that you had no idea that him buying you yogurt meant he was asking you out.
“Tobio-kun,” you said patiently, “If you’re thinking of me, you should text me or call me to let me know.”
He tilted his head slightly. “Even if I have nothing interesting to say?”
You nodded, looping your arm through his and starting your walk to the cafeteria. “Even then. I just want to hear from you.”
Kageyama nodded his head in understanding. “Okay. That’s good to know.”
Your phone never stopped blowing up after that conversation. RIP your notifications.
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haechanokeh · 3 years
I’m Right For Your [pt. 8]
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[teaser] [ Chapter 1 ] [ Chapter 2 ] [ Chapter 3 ] [Chapter 4] [Chapter 5] [Chapter 6] [Chapter 7]
pairing: popular college! mark x average! reader
genre: romance, smut, angst, series.
warning (general): corruption, oral sex (both receiving and giving), cream pie, rough sex, mention of religion, rough sex, self-esteem, public sex, sub! reader, sex toys. possessive mark two-faced mark
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your eyes were squinting as it became sensitive to the morning ray of the sun. but your breath hitched when the first thing you saw was mark in his serious face.
woke up in the wrong side? why does he look… awfully upset? you asked yourself.
"we need to talk." he said in a serious manner, you could see from his eyes how urgent or determined he was.
you sat up and leaned back against your bed's headboard. he sat up too, one leg on the bed folded, and the other on the floor and he's facing me.
"did you remember anything before you slept on me?" he asked with his eyes slightly wide open as if he's anticipating something but it is something serious.
"you mean before i passed out?" you indirectly made a correction of his statement of you sleeping on him, because you literally passed out. mark fucked your brains out.
you saw from your peripheral view the wall clock, then your eyes widened in shock.
"mark! we're going to be late!" you gasped and kicked the comforter on your legs but he quickly grabbed your hand and pulled you back to bed. your back bounced on your fluffy bed and in just seconds, mark's on top of you straddling over you.
"we're skipping." he said in a low tone voice.
"what?" you were bewildered by what he said. "do you have a fever, are you okay?" your cupped his cheeks.
mark felt like he's going to melt from your touch but he needs to settle things between the two of you first and by force is also in his options.
"y/n, answer me, what do you remember you knocked up?" he asked you again.
"moaning?" you really can't remember anything.
"tsk." he was kinda pissed, he thought maybe this you were trying to push your agenda of not falling for him. you heard something clicked but you're not that curious about what it was.
"moaning? i'm sorry i c- mark!" you yelped when you felt a familiar shaky shape against your bud. "is that my vibrator?" you asked in disbelief and hands about to push him but he quickly pinned both of your hands on the bed with just the strength of his one hand.
"next time, hide it very well. this beautiful thing…." he put it in max that made you swear. "sitting on top of your underwear." he smirked. mark just wanted to dress you but his pervy thoughts won.
mark was pressing the vibrator harder on your clit and sliding it between your folds caused nothing but an increase of libido. right here and there, you wanted to be fucked again.
"mark…" you moaned.
"yes baby?" he whispered into your ear and bit it. You groaned and lifted your hip wanting to push your pussy harder on the vibrator. “y/n, do you remember what you said to me last night? Hmm?” he’s licking the side of your neck and nipping it. Your abdomen hardens in arousal.
“no, I couldn’t…” you honestly replied. You couldn’t the last thing you remembered was that you were a mess and passed out because of the good fuck.
Mark lifted his head and faced you, nose inches away from you. His eyes, those dark dominating eyes are back like at any moment about to make your knees functionless.
“you’re so cruel.” there was a glimpse of disappointment in his eyes. “ you gasped when he inserted a finger inside you but the vibrator didn’t move an inch. “and if i tell you what you said to me, you’ll deny it. you’re always like that, do you know that?”
“ohh sht.” you cried out and clenched his finger when he folded it. every time he folds it he always hits your spot. mark already memorizes your anatomy, he already knows how your body works and what turns you off, that’s when he professes his love for you. “mark, fuck right there… please…” you were a moaning mess and naively begging for him to let you cum.
when you were about to reach your climax he quickly removed his finger and turned off the vibrator. you sat up and frustratingly glared at him.
“why did you stop?” you asked.
“sharing what i felt last night.” he said with a smug look. your brows met.
“you didn't… you know, last night?” but as far as you could remember he reached it too. he just smiled at you, but it didn’t reach his eyes.
“are you satisfied with what we have now?” his voice became soft, him and his quick switching of mood.
oddly, your heart squeezed from his word, afraid that he isn’t satisfied. you were petrified that he’s growing weary of you. is it the sex? is it the presence? or is it mark that you enjoyed whatever you were sharing with each other, regardless of the reason, when he asked you if you were satisfied you suddenly felt scared of losing him. you were thinking ahead of time, once again. you always overanalyze or overthink things.
“why?” your throat became dry, and so you swallowed hard while staring at his eyes.
“because, i am not.”
it was as if you can hear a thud sound when your heart fell.
“wha… what?” you breathlessly mumbled without your prior notice. “what did i do? are you leaving me? i thought you liked me?” there’s another delay in transmission of a message between your brain and mouth that there are things that shouldn’t be told.
he chuckled and shook his head, you clearly like him back, and mark knows that but you always deny it which is extra harder for him to have you.
“what’s with that? where did you get the idea of me leaving you? do you not know how i like you, and you don’t have any idea of what i have become and will have become just for you.” mark was dead serious. while you were sleeping, he was already thinking about how to have you. if the problem is him being too friendly and well known, he swears that he can shut people down. if you want him to ignore people, he can. turn down an invitation, he can. all just for you.
he made sure that this day will not end unless you accept him and your feelings for him.
"then why does it sound like you're not satisfied of whatever we have right now?" your voice was shaking. you're starting to think that you're not good.
and why does it matter? this is what you want in the first place, to get rid of him or to distance yourself and look at you, afraid that you will lose him.
"because i am. i am not satisfied of what we have right now because we both know what we have. i like you, no, i always tell to you that i love you. i want us to have more than whatever we have.” and just like that, mark saw fear and denial in your face.
“no, we can’t.” you shook your head. same story, different personality and heaven and earth-like situation. he’s… to much, that’s what you always say to yourself.
“why?” mark still can’t understand you. “tell me why.”
“i already told you you’re different, you’re… you’re too much for me.” you’re almost choking and chest heaving.
“be more specific, i need to hear it from you. y/n-”
“if you’re just looking for a girlfriend, then you’re with the wrong person, mark.” you bit your lower lip as your lips began to quiver and fight back your tears from falling.
“i’m not looking for a girlfriend, i am looking for you. allow me to enter because i’m already greedy y/n.” mark reached for your hands and hold it.
everything became silent. you see nothing but sincerity in his eye and he’s squeezing your hands as if he has no intention of letting it go, as if anytime you’re going to slip away. mark already determined to not end this day, not making you speak out of your honest feelings.
“i…” you choked at your own saliva, you couldn’t speak properly. mark on the other hand waiting for you to continue and silently pushing you to speak. “i really admire you, mark and it scares me. you almost embodied the word perfection. i, on the other hand don’t have good grades, a wallflower, i bet that even though both of us are not in the classes they will only notice that you’re gone.” tears started to stream down in your face.
mark realizes that it wasn’t because he’s not just different that you dislike him at first, it’s because you want to be like him. you didn’t want to be alone, you want to have friends. you don’t hate noise, you want to be in the noise. you don’t hate attention, you want it. you want to be noticed that you exist. you didn’t say this but mark already understands where these things are coming from. on the other hand, you’re fully aware that you envy him and that you’re lonely but you refuse to accept it because it fucking hurts when every time you want to do the first move it’s was always ending awkward or you were still unnoticeable.
“they will notice, believe me. you don’t know how much they love to befriend you and want to get closer to you but they don’t know how to and we’re so sorry for not trying, i’m sorry that you feel so lonely.” mark words made you cry more. you were whimpering and pouring out the loneliness bottled up inside you. mark was also fighting his tears back and pulled you into his arms. he was kissing the top of your head and caressing your back.
it’s not mark that needs to change because regardless of him changing that doesn’t fix anything. mark sympathizes with you, holding it in for years. you hate being alone at the same time he felt bad for making you feel like this.
“i love you too, i’m so sorry.” you were wailing in embarrassment and sadness. but mark is smiling and happiness engulfed his heart that you finally admit it.
“ouch, why are you saying sorry?” mark pushed you gently to look at you. “goodness, your crying face is fucking sexy.” he joked. you playfully pushed his face away. “why? that’s true!” he was laughing and pulled your face and gave your lips a peck.
“you should be more vocal, people around you are not fortune tellers hmm? at least be more vocal to me, if you’re lonely, call me and tell me. hmm?” mark wiped your tears. “breakfast?”
you shook your head. “you didn’t finish me.” you pouted. mark laughed at you and kissed your cheek.
“you’re vocal now huh.” he chuckled and dove into your wetness.
things went dirty but it was genuine and honest. after sharing an intense orgasm, you took a bath together and mark wore his clothes and went back to their house. he wasn’t asked by his parent because they thought he just went out to jog but asked why he’s still home because they have classes but for the first time he lied that the class was canceled in the first subject. your mom was back and asked you the same thing, you told her the same alibi.
you went back to your room and caught your phone ringing which is on top of your side table. you checked the caller, it’s mark. you answered it.
“let’s go to school together? okay?”
“fine.” you chuckled then he hangs up the call.
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you heard a honk outside and received a text that mark is already outside.
“mom! i’m going to school!” you shouted and ran outside.
mark was hella looking fine crossed legs and leaning against his car. fuck this is the guy who likes me? did i save a country in my past life, i mean i deserve this if that’s the case.
“hi.” you greeted him. mark noticed that you put a little makeup but he doesn’t want to mention it, it may ruin your confidence, so instead…
“you always look lovely.” he kissed your lip.
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you thought you will attend the next subject but…
“mark! oh my god!” your eyes rolled and your arms above your head and flatly on the headliner of the car as your body bounced harshly on mark’s dick. you squirted for the 2nd time in his pants and ruined his car. your jaw dropped and gasped for air and so was mark.
how can we go to classes? we’re both wet mark.” you were slightly annoyed.
you’re in the university’s parking lot but mark’s evil hand touched you everywhere and you’re weak in his touches.
“i have clothes at the back because i’m going to stay at my condo.” he said, still catching his breath.
“how about me? i am going to class… like this?” your hand gestured to show your state to mark.
mark jaw clenched, this sight is only for him and no one is allowed to see you like this but only him.
“who told you we’re going to attend school? we are going to my condominium.” he lifted you and put you on the passenger’s seat.
“mark, my pussy is tired.” you scoffed.
“and so is my dick.” he started the engine. “don’t worry i won’t touch you.”
“you always say that.” you rolled your eyes. he just laughed at you.
he didn’t ask you to be his girlfriend, because mark just wants you to be honest to him and to yourself.
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i'm sorry for the late updates huhuhuhuhu 🙇‍♀️🙏🏻
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lansyuan · 4 years
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do you love fics where wei wuxian and lan wangji parent the crap out of lan sizhui? do you want to read accidental baby acquisition fics until your eyes bleed? would you die as your heart slowly turns to mush from the softness of this family? bitch the fuck, me too. here are some of my personal favourite fics of wangxian ft their turnip son a-yuan. its a range of canon divergence, post canon, thirteen years of inquiry, raising a-yuan at the burial mounds au etc - there’ll be something for literally everyone. enjoy!
the kite string and the anchor rope by fleurdeliser (38k+)
When A-Yuan gets sick and Wen Qing doesn't have the supplies she needs to properly treat him, Wei Wuxian can only think of one place to go for help. 
a crying shame by thunderwear (16k+)
Lan Wangji gets emotionally blackmailed by a toddler. It somehow fixes everything.
to recollect and long for by wonderlands (22k+) *2/3 works posted at time of posting this rec list.
a 3-part series about best boy lan sizhui and his wonderful dads who love him and each other very much.
forgetting envies, remembering your loving hold by cosmicfuss (3k+)
The first time Zewu-jun plays for him he is five and the man is trying to comfort him, playing soft songs good for soothing children. It works to a degree but he wants his gege, he wants his gege to play his lullaby. Zewu-jun apologizes and tells him that his gege is hurting right now, and needs to be alone to get better.
When he plays the xiao, A-Yuan says, "you're holding it wrong!" When he turns fourteen, he learns to play guqin, and is many years ahead of his classmates in that regard. A large factor in that is how much he has practiced Inquiry. He has grown up hearing snippets from the jingshi, of Wangji attempting to reach a spirit that never answers.
When he's sixteen, he hears a familiar tune played in the forest, he and his fellow juniors battling a stone god. It's been years since he's heard it, and he wonders why this man, Mo Xuanyu, knows it so well.
Or, Lan Sizhui grows up and learns, and remembers.
five times wei wuxian tried to embarrass lan sizhui by blackelement7 (6k+)
(and one time he realized just how badly he'd played himself)
or: In which Wei Wuxian starts a fight but Lan Sizhui (with some meddling from Lan Jingyi) ends it.
inquiry by incendir (10k+)
Sizhui cannot fall asleep for a long, long time that night. He hears the ever-familiar melody again. He thinks perhaps he has memorized it by now.
storge by respira (9k+)
Lan Sizhui is a lake.
as the warren grows in number by kore_fics (3k+)
Before Sizhui could take another step he was surrounded by black and red, loud laughter in his ears and warm fingers running through his hair, messing it up. Palms squished both his cheeks together and Lan Sizhui let out a laugh.
Lan Sizhui was home.
tell some storm* by qurbat (31k+) *the moments with Sizhui are in chapter 2, however I highly recommend reading the whole fic, it’s adorable.
"We were raised as a generation of war, A-Yuan," Xian-gege said to him. "If your generation choses to be one of love - well, I don't think any of us would be opposed to that."
In the aftermath of the events at the Guanyin temple, the cultivation world scrambles to understand their current reality. A man roams the countryside with a string of white in his hair. Another sits on the highest seat of power with a ribbon of red around his forehead. The younger generation turns out to be full of romantics. Nie Huaisang is to blame for everything, always. Jiang Cheng realizes that happiness has been more that 16 years overdue.
Wei Wuxian declares that it's time that bitch pays up.
After a generation of war - much to the consternation of the elders, much to the delight of the young, much to the pleased shock of the subjects of the tale - the world welcomes a love story with open arms.
guess we're not eating leaves today by missingnarwhal (2k+)
Baby A-Yuan has cooked up a feast, but only one lucky gege will actually get to taste it!
Set in an alternate timeline where everything is okay after Wei Ying + Wens started living in the Burial Mounds.
response by aki_no_hikari (12k+)
What if Wei Wuxian hadn't been silent to Lan Wangji's Inquiry?
love, in all its small pieces by ynvel (4k+)
Ah Yuan is brought to the Cloud Recesses and exchanges the sun and its ashes for the clouds. Lan Wangji brings a boy home, calls him his son, and renews the promises he made.
Or: Lan Sizhui is adopted by Lan Wangji and learns about his new life. Lan Wangji in turn learns about hope and living again.
child surprise by ariaste (4k+)
He huffs a sigh. “Fine. Just - let’s just make it the law of surprise, shall we? That’s nice and simple, eh? Leave it up to destiny what will bring us back in balance. Let it drop something of yours into my lap, something small, and we’ll call the debt paid.”
Three debts, three repayments.
there's a lunatic in mo village by bastetcg (11k+)
There's a lunatic in Mo Village! And to Lan Sizhui's surprise, Hanguang-Jun has decided to bring the madman back to the Cloud Recesses! How embarrassing!
A mostly canon-compliant look into Lan Sizhui's thoughts and childhood.
on being a big boy by emberloey (1k+)
“My little A-Yuan,” Dad had said the next morning, kneeling down to A-Yuan’s height with a smile, “all grown up now. Soon you’ll be hunting without your poor old dads.”
“Never!” A-Yuan shook his head and latched onto Father’s leg. He smiled up at Father, who smiled back and nodded his head. “A-Yuan always needs Dad and Father!”
in all these shades of blue (i think we found you) by fleetling (5k+)
5 times Sizhui thought about his father's white robes, and 1 time Lan Wangji wore blue.
(Or: Lan Sizhui had never seen his father in anything other than white robes.)
this is when the feeling sinks in, i don't want to miss you like this (come back, be here) by mischievousmurmurs (6k+)
Just now… the butterflies’ conversation. Where did you learn that from, Ah-Yuan?
Ah-Yuan pats his chest. In here, shushu. I feel it in here. And in here, too, he adds, pointing to his head.
Sizhui has never quite been able to remember nor forget the memory of seeing people who he knows loved each other, loved him, and whom he loved in return.
or - a wangxian story, as told by their adopted son.
yours, mine, and ours by casecous (2k+)
When they have both mostly recovered, and A-Yuan is back to his smiling, playful self, Lan Wangji presents him with a forehead ribbon. A-Yuan’s little fingers bump into Lan Wangji’s thumbs as he traces the cloud motif along it.
“You are Lan now. This is very important,” Lan Wangji tells him and A-Yuan looks away from the ribbon to meet his eyes. “You must not take it off as you please. Only family may touch it.”
A series of wangxian family moments.
innocence by snowberryrose (8k+)
In which Wei WuXian gets to raise A-Yuan.
Canon divergence from episode 31.
to recollect and long for by mme_anxious (4k+)
Lan Xichen is there when his brother becomes a father. Lan Sizhui is there when his father's heart breaks, again. Wei Wuxian is there when his son gets drunk for the first time.
Or, the GusuLan forehead ribbon, in three parts.
our little one by writedeku (6k+)
A-Yuan is here. A-Yuan, who Wei Ying loved so much. A-Yuan, who was taught to laugh just like him. Wangji hugs him to his chest and curls over him, ignoring the way the wounds on his back pull and tear. “I have to take care of you,” he says. “I will not leave you.”
(Or: Lan Wangji comes back from Yiling with a child he does not know how to care for and a black hole in his chest. Somehow, he makes it work.)
gathered herbs & sweet grasses by hansbekhart (19k+)
Later, when he’s older, it’s this that A-Yuan will remember most: the stretch of silence, the two of them both dirty and shaking with fever, as he looked at Brother Rich, and Brother Rich looked back at him.
the sacred homeland by particulate (8k+)
He has many names, and some are mouthfuls of blood.
[Or; a chronology of Sizhui, in which he does not forget.]
to the act of making noise by words-writ-in-starlight (19k+)
His father in white plays the song late into the night, and when A-Yuan wakes up confused and afraid, the guqin lulls him back to sleep.
Lan Sizhui hears his father play the same song every night for his whole life, and never, ever get an answer.
when he comes home to you by kika988 (2k+)
Home is Cloud Recesses now, and that's a thing Wei Wuxian is still getting used to. He still feels like a guest here, most days, though Lan Wangji has done everything to make him feel at home. He stands out like a sore thumb amongst the serene disciples and flowing white fabric.
Cloud Recesses has been home to Lan Wangji and Sizhui for years. It is their home, where they've built their family.
The thought warms Wei Wuxian even as it sits a little ill with him. He's an intruder here, in their homes, in their lives, the same way he had been in Lotus Pier.
five times people didn’t know sizhui is lan zhan’s son and one time they did by trilliastra (3k+)
“A-Yuan.” He repeats, reaching out for the boy, growing restless when he can’t touch him. “A-Yuan.”
Oh. Lan Xichen closes his eyes as the tears start to fall. Oh, Wangji.
Carefully, Lan Xichen takes the boy and lays him next to his brother on the bed, Wangji holds him protectively against his chest and A-Yuan stops his little cries immediately.
“Wangji,” Lan Xichen tries again, running a hand through his brother’s hair softly, “who is he?”
“He’s my son.”
5 times the lan head disciple broke the rules by liji (6k+)
“I am not aware of any rule forbidding falling in love,” Hanguang-Jun said at last. There was a quiet sadness in his eye, like he was watching a scene from far away. The novelty of it gave Sizhui the courage to ask his next question.
“Have you ever been in love, Father?” he asked.
(or, five times that Sizhui broke the Lan sect's rules growing up)
the seasons change (but i love you the same) by kdkdkd (7k+)
When did you stop calling me Bàba, A-Yuan?
Lan Wangji had always promised himself that he would never become a poor father like his own had been.
Unfortunately, it feels like he has failed to keep that promise.
✨ bonus round ✨ uncle jiang cheng and nephew lan sizhui
tintinnabulum by respira (8k+)
A small bell chimes, the sound soft and pleasant like the water crashing against a pier, like low whistles in an empty cave, like a guqin playing a lullaby.
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j-amespotter · 4 years
★ cardigan - s. b.
“i knew you’d miss me once the thrill expired.” 
Pairing: Sirius Black x Reader
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x. x. x.
Summary: Your relationship with Sirius is on the rocks, but you loved him and at the end of the day, he was always there. For your own happiness, something had to change. 
Genre/Warnings: angst, alcohol, language, toxic relationship 
Word Count: ~3k
A/N: this took a lot, and i mean a lot of energy. not sure how i feel about it (i am my worst critic) but i really didn’t want a pushover protagonist. ps... communicating with your partner is hot! let me know what you think (and if you think i should make a taglist) :) 
“Ravenclaw girl this time. Blonde… I think I recognize her. Couldn’t see the front of her robes, she might be one of the fifth-year prefects. You know I’m terrible with names. Ask James, he finds it hilarious.”
“You should work for the Prophet, Lils,” you said, without looking up from your toast, which was becoming more and more tasteless with every bite. “What were they doing?” 
“Talking,” answered Lily pointedly. “He ended the conversation fairly quickly when he saw me looking, though.” 
You sighed. This discussion was becoming too routine for your liking, most often with Lily, occasionally with Remus. “Well, if they were just talking, then I don’t see the issue. Lily, it is early. We have double Potions this morning. I really don’t want to deal with your weird suspicions about my boyfriend right now.” 
If Lily sensed your underlying irritation, she chose to ignore it. “I just think you deserve better, that’s all. I mean, James–” 
You finally turned and stared defiantly into your best friend’s vibrant green eyes. “Lily, I hate to break it to you, but James is the exception, not the rule. Just because he’s some angel on earth doesn’t mean all boyfriends are like that, and that’s not even considering the fact that he’s been hopelessly in love with you since second year…” 
Huffing, Lily picked at the fruit off of her plate. “Okay, I get it. I won’t bring it up again.” It was sweet how much Lily cared. James doted on her day and night. It would have been easy to forget about her friend’s love-related quandaries. But that was Lily Evans – always considerate of others.
Truthfully, you were tired. You knew what ‘talking’ with Sirius Black entailed. It did not make you feel as secure as you indicated to Lily. As time went on, it was getting increasingly harder to defend Sirius’s overly-careless behavior. If he wasn’t chatting up girls in random corners of the castle, he stood you up on your scheduled study dates in favor of detention with James. There was only a little comfort in the fact that he wasn’t always like this. If he was, would you have even dated him? Deep down, you knew that as much as Sirius was a thrill-chaser, he was incredibly capable of being a loving boyfriend. For that reason alone, you bore the incredibly painful motions of being in a relationship with him. 
He briefly reminded you of his better qualities when you opened your Potions textbook and felt a feathery kiss on your neck. “Guess who?” whispered Sirius sultrily into your ear. 
You couldn’t help the automatic flush that made its way onto your cheeks. “Hmm… is it Remus?” you whispered back, stifling a giggle. 
“Don’t tease,” he grunted before planting a swift kiss on your cheek. He plopped onto the chair next to you and faced you with a lazy grin. “You look disappointed, love. I’m afraid your usual Potions partner is a bit preoccupied at the moment.” He gestured across the room, where you spotted Lily practically hanging off of James’s lap, distracting herself until the start of her favorite class with his lips. 
“They’re hopeless,” you commented airily, in an attempt to disguise your envy. You felt Sirius’s gaze burning into you. “Missed you at breakfast this morning,” you added in a casual tone.
“Oh, well, you know–” 
“No, I don’t know,” you interrupted, bitterness leaking from your clipped voice. You always let Sirius off too easily. “But I certainly can’t wait to hear your ready-made list of vague excuses. Please, do continue.” There. He had it coming. He deserved for you to throw him off track.
“Baby, it was nothing,” assured Sirius rather predictably. “Just Pippa asking for help with Transfiguration. Honest.” He placed a hand on his heart in mock sincerity, which only angered you further. 
Nevertheless, you chose not to argue. He was incredibly brilliant with his words. There was no way he would understand your plight. Instead, you absentmindedly flipped through your Potions textbook as Slughorn finally entered his unruly classroom. 
Sirius seemed uncharacteristically bothered by your lack of response. With a half-glance at James and Lily, he entwined his fingers into yours. “They’re in their honeymoon phase, you know. You really can’t compare.” 
“There is no comparison, Sirius. James prioritizes Lily. I can’t remember the last time you prioritized me,” you whispered. There was a finality in your tone that you hoped he would hear. It was the most you were willing to discuss the matter. 
Sirius Black was a lot of things, least of all oblivious. He gently squeezed your hand. Silently, he slipped his fingers out of yours, choosing to follow your lead and not pursue the issue any further. 
A part of you was proud of the fact that you finally found it in you to voice your concerns to him, but another larger part dreaded the irreversible distance it put between the two of you for the rest of the day. You weren’t necessarily avoiding each other. Though his smiles were significantly more tender, he seemed reluctant to talk, let alone touch you.
Sick of the mental torment you were subjecting yourself to, you stuffed your unfinished Charms essay into your bag and headed to your dormitory, choosing to retire for bed early. Mid-yawn, you spotted a single red rose on your unmade bed. You didn’t have to read the attached note to know who it was from but felt your heart thudding against your chest as you unfolded the small piece of parchment. 
I’m sorry. I love you. 
There was no signature, but you could recognize his meticulously-slanted script anywhere. You stared at the note adoringly before pressing your lips to the corner of the crumply parchment and marking it with the remnants of your lip gloss. 
Suddenly, you were no longer tired. Skipping down the stairs, you found yourself wishing for a certain map that would tell you the exact location of the only person you wanted to see.
Fate seemed to be on your side when you saw him in the common room, his head bowed as if he was praying. “You’re here!” 
He gazed up at you, his shoulders relaxing when he noticed the smile on your face. “I’m really–” 
You didn’t let him finish. You kissed him hard, throwing your arms around his neck. You felt him smile against your lips. Reluctantly, you pulled away from him. “Don’t worry about it. I was being silly.” 
Sirius’s grin widened. “You’re quite low maintenance, y’know. I thought it would take at least a week and a hundred roses. And if not roses, then daisies, sunflowers, peonies… I was ready to pull all the stops. For future reference, a good snog is all it takes to win me over.” 
You laughed heartily, though you struggled to keep up with his train of thought. You always appreciated his good-natured ability to poke fun at the gravest circumstances. “I just missed you.” 
“Me too, darling. I’ll do better this time, I promise.” 
True to his word, Sirius showered you with a level of affection that could rival James’s for Lily. He spent every spare moment with you in his bed, sneaking into the kitchen for secret dinners, and pushing you against bookshelves in the back of the library, homework-be-damned.
On Tuesday night, you sat on the Astronomy Tower. You glanced at your watch, realizing that Sirius was nearly an hour late. Your eyelids were drooping shut. It had been a long day. Everything in your brain felt scattered. You could’ve been catching up on the mounds of schoolwork you were now falling behind on. Sirius… Did he say midnight? Did you hear him correctly? Maybe he meant for you to pencil it in. Maybe he was hurt. Was it Remus? You stared at the sky, peering at the crescent shape of the moon. It taunted you. Stop kidding yourself. He’s not coming. 
Just as you were about to call it a night, Sirius stumbled into the Tower and onto the floor. Startled, you helped him up. “There you are! Are you alright? I was so worried… Are you drunk?” 
His grey eyes shone in the soft moonlight. The cloudy expression on his face paired with the sloppy grin he sent your way spoke for him. “Lost track of time… we snuck into Hogsmeade,” he slurred. “Rosmerta slipped us some firewhiskey. Here, I brought us a bottle...” He reached into his robes, only to come out empty-handed. “Uh-oh… finished it. Sorry, baby.”
You processed his words very slowly, realization dawning on you with the weight of heavy bricks. “Un-fucking-believable.” 
“Hey! We’re all of age.” He threw up his hands in surrender and widened his eyes innocently. “Next time, darling. I promise.” 
“It’s not about the fucking drink, Sirius! You’re here so you obviously haven’t forgotten that we had plans tonight! I don’t care if you wanted to go to Hogsmeade, but you should’ve told me. I’ve been waiting here like an idiot for an hour. I’m exhausted!”
“Told you,” he grumbled, now irritated, “we lost track of time.” 
You stared at him, unable to comprehend his complete shift in attitude. “Whatever,” you said finally. “I’m going to bed.” 
Spinning on your heels, you swallowed the lump in your throat as you prepared to march away from him with your chin up. Before you could take too many steps, however, a firm hand grasped your wrist. The intensity of the force pulling you back to him felt so otherworldly that you could hardly believe it was a wasted Sirius. 
You had a fleeting thought of pushing him away but instead tilted your head so he could pepper kisses onto the crook of your neck. “I’m sorry,” he whispered over and over again, between his fluttering pecks along your jawline. 
His lips found yours. His hand released your limp wrist as his fingers gently trailed up your arm. “So beautiful,” he murmured, gazing directly into your eyes. You practically melted as your body fell into his. Like always, his arms were ready to catch you, drunk or otherwise. 
“No Sirius yet?” asked your mother, sipping her drink cheerily.
You refused to look her in the eye in fear of giving something away. “No, not yet. Should be here soon, though.” 
“Better be,” said your father, slipping away from a party guest. “He’ll miss cake.”
It was your parents’ twentieth-anniversary party, an occasion made doubly special as their one and only daughter was now officially a Hogwarts graduate. You had planned the party and made Sirius promise that he would not only attend, but also arrive early to help greet your guests as your boyfriend. 
You knew that your parents did not initially approve of Sirius, but as your relationship strengthened, so did Sirius’s standing in your family. Now, post-Hogwarts, you were desperate to not only show your parents that the two of you were committed to one another but also feel yourself that your love would endure the many challenges of adulthood. 
As the last of your family friends trickled out of your childhood home, you failed to hide your disappointment at his loud absence. Like many months earlier, your mind see-sawed between possibilities, some pathetic, others worrying. You were in the middle of a war, after all. You always believed Sirius’s recklessness would be his downfall. 
Fortunately or unfortunately, your worries subsided when you saw him slip into the parlor with a present in hand and a sheepish smile directed at you and your parents. “Happy anniversary! Sorry I’m late, you won’t believe– hey, where’s the party?” 
“It’s over,” you announced bitterly. 
Your mum and dad sensed the tension and tactfully exited the room. “We saved you some cake, dear,” your mother said to Sirius, after politely thanking him for his present. 
“So,” you started as you heard your parents’ footsteps fade away, “where were you? Actually, don’t answer that. Let me talk first. This was important to me, Sirius. You knew that! What will I say to Mum and Dad? Don’t I matter to you at all? Is it always going to be like this?” 
“Slow down,” whispered Sirius. “I’ll explain everything – just listen! I was with James, okay? We were only mucking around on the bike. I was on the way, I swear! But then these Muggle Aurors – police, they’re called – they started chasing us! We were getting away but these three blokes – Death Eaters – caught up to us. Long story short, we got into quite a scuffle and…” He looked at you in an attempt to gauge your reaction. 
Your mouth hung open as you absorbed his story. Regardless of your anger, he presented a legitimate case for himself that you could not quash. “Death Eaters? Thank Merlin you’re alright. How on earth did you get away?” 
“I’ll tell you everything. Your mum mentioned something about cake?”
You stood on your toes, wrapping your arms around his waist and laying your head on his chest. “In the kitchen,” you answered softly. “I wish you would be more careful.” 
He kissed your temple. “Don’t worry,” said Sirius dismissively, “I handled it, didn’t I?” 
“So, what do you think?” 
You and Sirius were standing in the middle of his new studio flat. Primely-located and newly-furnished, it was the picture-perfect bachelor pad. Sirius now had a place to call his own, thanks to a bountiful inheritance from his Uncle Alphard. The walls were bare and the lighting dim, adding an overall sensuality to the atmosphere. 
“It’s nice,” you remarked sincerely, smoothing his plain black bed sheets. You peeked into his wardrobe, smirking to yourself as you noticed it was half-empty. “Lost the rest of your clothes, babe?” 
“No,” answered Sirius quietly. “It’s for you.”
“What is?” 
“The closet space. It’s for your clothes.” His voice was barely above a whisper. 
“For when I come to visit,” you amended automatically. 
You turned to see Sirius scratching the back of his head. “No, for when you live here. With me.” 
“W-What?” Your mind was reeling. You leaned against his side table to steady yourself. “Me? Move in with you?” 
“Well… yeah,” said Sirius as he slowly regained his signature confidence. “We’ve been together for ages, seems about right. Besides, James and Lily are getting a place together.” 
You did not understand why you weren’t over the moon. It was what you always wanted from him – a tell-tale symbol of his otherwise-flaky commitment to you, a sign of your sparkling love. It was the beginning of the next chapter of your lives, and you were meant to start it together. On paper, it was perfect. There was no explanation for the sinking feeling in your stomach. 
Suddenly, the words that would never come were on the tip of your tongue. The answer was clear as day. “No.” 
It was an extremely difficult task to catch Sirius Black off-guard, a feat you used to motivate your argument. “No, Sirius. I won’t move in with you.” 
Shock was written all over his face. “What the hell? Why?” 
“Because… you didn’t even ask me!” 
Sirius stared at you blankly for a long moment before bursting into laughter. “Alright… (Y/N), will you please do me the honor of sharing an address with me? Is that it, then? Shall I get down on one knee?” 
“No, Sirius. That’s not the point,” you said firmly. “The point is that you didn’t ask me. You just assumed that I would say yes – don’t interrupt. I know we’ve been together for years, but can’t you see? You make me so incredibly happy and yet, so unbelievably unhappy at the same time. You’re so good to me, and then so horrible, and then amazing again… I can hardly keep up anymore. I’m a fucking doormat and I’m sick of it! It’s humiliating. I’m tired of feeling humiliated in front of people I care about. It’s starting to become too high a price of being in love with you.” 
You ended shakily, afraid to look at him. When you dared, you saw him wearing an unfamiliar expression. The silence washed over you both for an eternity. You had the horrible thought that perhaps this was it. Perhaps, you crossed a line. Maybe he hadn’t noticed how broken you both were, how broken you were, and now… well, he couldn’t unsee it now. You were over. Without a word, you headed for the door with your head down.
“Wait,” shouted Sirius hoarsely. “Don’t go. I-I’m not sure what to say to make you stay.”
“Try being honest,” you whispered weakly. 
He swallowed nervously. “Okay, here goes. I know that I haven’t put enough effort into this relationship… I know that. I realize that I take you for granted and that you deserve better. I don’t blame you for thinking that. I would never have blamed you for thinking that. But here’s the truth – I am so far gone when it comes to you, you have no idea. I am so in love with you. I think about you morning, noon, and night. And the thing is, here we are, fighting for Muggles and Muggleborns and the good of the world… but above all, I am so utterly afraid of losing you. I think that’s why, actually. That’s why I keep you at arm’s length. I don’t think I mean to, but it just happens. Because I’ve never met anyone who loves me as much as you do, not even my mother. Especially not my mother. I’m torn between keeping you close and pushing you away because the truth is, you’ll always deserve better than me. And I’ve always been afraid of you realizing that.”
His truth was careful but sincere. Your hand slipped off the doorknob. Still, it was not the first time Sirius had rendered you speechless. “How do I know you mean it? That it’s more than just words to you?”
“Let me prove it to you,” he said meaningfully, grey eyes glistening. 
You took slow steps toward him, and he embraced you with the hope of filling all the gaps he may have left open. “Okay,” you said, your voice muffled into his shirt. “Just… leave the closet half-empty for a little while.” 
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knifefather · 3 years
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Hello guys! Uploading this chapter of Tutor Me for yall on tumblr! Only one more chapter to go before the story is complete. It’s been so fun to write this and I hope you enjoy this emotional train wreck of a chapter! Don’t worry though, I plan to finish Reader and Diego’s story with a bang, if you know what I mean! Anyway, I bring to you, chapter 5~
➼ Title: Tutor Me, Chapter 5 ➼ Pairing(s): Diego Brando/Reader, Johnny Joestar/Reader, Johnny Joestar/Gyro Zeppeli ➼ Fandom: JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure ➼ Word Count: 4.3k ➼ Rating: Explicit, 18+ ➼ Contains: Chubby AFAB!Reader, college AU, angst, alcoholism, parental abuse, hurt and comfort. Grab your tissues!
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“This wasn’t supposed to happen...” he proclaimed, his tone growing more grave the more that he talked.
I wasn’t supposed to fall for you, he thought to himself, a crease settling into his brow. You were supposed to be a quick fuck. An experiment. That was all. But now look at where we are...
A soft look passed over his eyes before his expression contorted back to agitation. He angrily wiped the tears from his face and a bit of snot from his nose. When he moved his hand away, his expression was more determined than ever.
“Now get out of my way.”
Diego clasped the buckle on his helmet, straightening his posture and squaring his shoulders, before walking away from you yet again.
You stood behind him, mouth open, unable to even begin to form words. The dirt of the track whipped around you as a breeze passed through the stadium. The dust swirled around Diego as if it parted for him and only him, leading him towards victory.
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The brightly lit stadium was packed to the brim with jockeys, paparazzi, and audience members when you arrived. You drew in a deep breath to calm your nerves, causing the thick, hot air to catch in your lungs. The atmosphere was almost oppressive as you made your way towards the admission line. Johnny, Gyro, and Hot Pants were already down on the track, having practiced for several hours before the actual tournament began. You were excited to see your friends but anxious about seeing Diego. Being around him tonight was a certainty that you had to deal with. Your throat grew dry at the realization, and you fleetingly thought about hitting the concession stand after you said hi to your friends.
You waited in line with the other attendees for God knows how long before the worker behind the counter took your ticket, allowing you entry. Quickly, you zipped past the stands and pushed through the crowds, heading down to the track before one of the staff members could stop you. As you made your way across the dirt, Johnny and the crew noticed you approaching and waved you closer. Your face broke out in a large smile as you neared them.
They all looked amazing: Hot Pants was dressed in her signature pink riding outfit and Johnny in his starry blue one. He looked cuter than you wanted to admit, and you adverted your eyes before you could be caught staring. Gyro looked more or less the same, but something about him seemed a bit more put together than usual. He gave you a distrustful look as you approached.
“Y/n! I’m so glad you made it!” Johnny said happily, wheeling over to you. His bright blue lips were tugged in a warm smile that made you forget about your anxiety for a moment.
“Of course. I wouldn’t miss it for anything in the world,” you replied.
In the distance, you could see the flashes of the paparazzi’s cameras aimed at the racers. There was a group of them nearby, snapping photos of a rider that was posing with their star racehorse. You knew it was a matter of time before the hoard would come to pester Johnny and the rest of the gang with photos and questions. You were correct in your assumptions: After a few moments of chatting amongst yourselves, the paparazzi interrupted your conversation with the crew by tapping Johnny on the shoulder and pushing a camera into his face. The interviewer flashed a too-white smile before looking into a camera that was held by another paparazzi. “And here we have racer number 7, Johnny Joestar! Johnny, tell us a little bit about your horse and hopes for the race,” they finished, whipping the microphone in his direction. His blue eyes went wide for a moment before clearing his throat. “Well…” He answered as swiftly as he could before he was hit with another barrage of questions.
As Johnny was being interviewed, several cameras snapped at Hot Pants, her outfit being praised by the rest of the team. She knew how to pose, too, and struck a different one every few seconds. Meanwhile, you had been more or less been pushed to the side and out of the cameras’ view. You looked at the scene, not envying your friends at all. Strangely enough, you noticed Gyro was standing off to the side as well, a pleased smile on his face. Unsure of how he would respond, you edged closer to him in hopes of making conversation, especially after the strange look he gave you earlier.
“What are you smiling about?” you asked innocuously, raising your voice a bit over the busy sounds of the stadium.
Gyro met your gaze, his expression shifting through a few different emotions before replying to you. “They don’t really like me,” he said.
You cocked a brow. “Why not? You’re a pretty good jockey.”
Gyro’s line of sight shifted from you to a paparazzi that was approaching him, presumably one that was new to the job. “Are you Gyro Zeppeli? Could you tell us a bit about yourself and your horse?” the young man asked, giving him the same treatment as Johnny. His cameraman pointed the filming instrument at Gyro’s face, getting way too close.
“Actually, my name is Inigo Montoya.” Gyro grinned, his gold teeth glinting in the bright lights.
“Oh,” the young paparazzi sputtered. He checked the roster in his pocket again, shaking his head before turning his attention back to him. “Sorry. Inigo. Where are you from? Why are you confident your horse will win the race?” the young man tried again.
“I hail from a land far, far away in the south. Super cold. You’ve probably never heard of it,” he said with a dismissive wave of his hand. “I came to Britain to win the championship with my horse, Ligma,” he answered, deepening his voice to sound more important than he was.
“Ligma?” the young man asked, his brow furrowing.
“You know, Ligma. Like--”
Just then, one of the more experienced paparazzi intervened, grabbing the microphone away from Gyro before he could crack his dirty joke. The other paparazzi harshly whispered to the younger one, and they exchanged glances before giving Gyro a distasteful look and walking away. All the while, Gyro was barely containing his laughter, his stomach and chest trembling with the effort. Once they were finally out of earshot, Gyro wouldn't contain himself and erupted into laughter.
You were taken aback by the scene, but you also found it hard to contain your giggles. You waited until the pair had fully adverted their attention from you and Gyro before speaking. “So, was that why they don’t like you?” you asked, still giggling.
“Yep. I always give them bullshit answers. They don’t really care about where you’re from or who you are, you know,” Gyro explained, his tone becoming more somber. “They just want a good show. To be entertained. That’s it.”
The smile had fallen from your face at his explanation. His green eyes scanned over your face before flickering away, his lips pressed into a thin line.
“Is that why you’re here? Do you care, or do you want to be entertained?” he asked, still looking away from you.
You were surprised at the boldness of his question. “Of course, I care. I want to see you guys do well--”
“Even Johnny?”
You furrowed your brow at this. His eyes met yours, his gaze accusatory as he looked you over. “What does that mean? Are you implying that I don’t care about him?” you shot back, your tone growing more defensive with every word. Gyro had always been aloof around you, but never like this. You wracked your brain trying to figure out the reason.
Gyro ignored your response. “You should get back to the stands. The race is gonna start soon, and the coaches aren’t going to be happy that you’re down here.” He fixed his hat while he spoke, the brim coming down to cast a shadow over his face.
Then it hit you as if the thought were a speeding train. Gyro... liked Johnny.
The cogs in your head were whirring a mile a minute, piecing together all of the times that he was unusually protective of Johnny. You thought back to the soft way that he looked at Johnny during riding practice, or the way Gyro ignored you after Johnny had flirted with you. You were going to argue the point, but he was right. The staff members that had initially spied you were now giving you harsh glances, some pointing now. At this point, the paparazzi had released Hot Pants and Johnny from being their hostages and were retreating to other parts of the stadium. You wished all of them good luck before making your way towards the stands, leaving them behind. Gyro’s words still rang in your ears, making your already complicated emotions about the event even more complicated.
You were still quite a bit away from the stands, but you could see Diego entering the stadium as clear as day. The swarm of paparazzi that obscured your view was a good indicator. From the looks of it, he was just arriving. It’s just like him to be fashionably late, you thought to yourself, making a sour face. Cameras began to flash again and interviewers animatedly asked him questions, trying to fit everything in before the tournament began.
“I’m going to come in first place. Just watch me,” you heard him boldly claim, quite loudly at that. This seemed to please the crowd of interviewers, because the volume of their voices increased as they wrapped up the interview. With only minutes before the jockeys had to take their places, the paparazzi finally dispersed. You were much closer now, able to see Diego clearly. His turquoise outfit was as pristine as ever, every detail carefully planned out. The letters on his equestrian helmet shined when he turned his head.
Before he was able to notice you approaching, a short, fat man hobbled out from the stands and down to the track. Diego’s big, showy smile disappeared and was replaced with a solemn look once he laid eyes on him. He froze in his spot. The man was clearly drunk, his hair unkempt and his clothes disheveled. The look of surprise on Diego’s face graduated to boiling anger, his mouth contorting into a sneer. You couldn’t quite hear what was being said, but you knew how his face looked when he was saying something aggressive. The old man responded with twice as much venom, yelling and shaking his fist at the rider. Diego shrunk under his words, but hatred still twisted his face.
Now, you were curious. You stopped just out of earshot from the scene, only close enough to hear the exchange of words.
“God damn it, I’m your father, Diego! A son does what his father tells him to!” the man slurred. Diego cringed, the alcohol on his father’s breath almost too much for him to handle.
“You’re no father of mine. Fuck off, Dario,” he spat.
This pissed off the old man, because he began to howl in rage at his son. “You’re a fucking disgrace, Diego! You’ve always been a disappointment to me and the rest of the family...It’s a damn shame that you don’t give every pound to help your dying mother in the hospital. A real damn shame,” the man--Dario--rambled, parts of his sentence nearly unintelligible from the slurring.
Though, Diego understood every word. The jockey snapped, his fist shooting out and curling into the man’s shirt. He shook the old man, his lips pulled back in a snarl, teeth bared like an animal. “Don’t you FUCKING dare say that! I send everything I have to support her, and you spend it on BOOZE! If there’s anyone here who is a disgrace, it’s you!” Diego shouted, pushing the man away before the violence could escalate any further.
Your mouth was gaping at the scene, unable to believe that the foul-mouthed drunkard was Diego’s father. He was the complete opposite of his son physically, bearing little to no resemblance to him. You couldn’t imagine his dull grey hair being the same shade as Diego’s blond locks. Though, they both had the same burning look of passion behind their eyes. Nonetheless, you continued to listen in.
“It’s no surprise that I smell booze on your breath. Like always,” Diego growled, his voice much calmer now. His blazing anger had turned cold, his words mechanical in quality.
“You’re a horrible child. A worthless waste of space. Win that money and bring it home to me, or you’ll never see your mum again. You hear me?” Dario said, waving a finger in the jockey’s face. Diego bit his lower lip, looking at the ground defeatedly before nodding his head yes. All of the fight left him, his frame deflating significantly. He understood the implications of his father’s words: The little money that Dario did use to help his mother would stop altogether. And then, she would be gone.
“Good. And after this is over, be useful and bring me a pint,” the old man said, taking a swig from the bottle in his hand before hobbling back off towards the stands.
You were completely at a loss. You blinked slowly, unable to believe the horrible sight that you witnessed. Diego was still staring at the ground, the fist that was once in his father’s shirt now clenched at his side. He was still biting his lip, hard, a small trickle of blood flowing down his chin. You felt horrible that he was clearly being abused by his father, but you were on a mission: You had to get to the bottom of why he was mistreating you, why he had ghosted you and threw you to the side like nothing. You had a sneaking suspicion that the treatment from his father was a part of the reason, but you had to know for sure. You decided to be the bigger person and put your thoughts of confrontation on pause. It could wait until after the race.
You approached him uneasily, taking light steps on the dirt like if you stepped too hard, he’d be disturbed. As you approached him, his eyes slowly rose from the ground and met your form. You were wearing a crop top and high-waisted shorts, along with matching shoes. You were beautiful, glowing, so much more confident than the first time he saw you. You proudly allowed your belly to show with your shirt, and the shorts showed off your legs and hugged the curves of your hips perfectly. It was faint, but a bit of makeup dusted your cheeks and kissed your lashes. You were the same, but different somehow. Something had changed in you along the way. If Diego weren’t devastated, he would be enamored by you. Part of him was, despite his pain.
When your gazes locked, you saw a look that you had never seen on Diego before. His eyes were those of a completely broken, desperate person. You had heard enough to know his secrets, and the both of you knew this while you stared silently at each other.
You flub, not sure what to say for a moment. “I… I had no idea,” you said, your voice small and full of hurt.
“I know.” Diego’s jaw was clenched. He didn’t want you to see him like this, so vulnerable and weak. His first instinct was to hide, to get away from you. Your empathetic gaze made feelings rise in him that he didn’t want to be feeling.
“I’m sorry that you have to deal with that…” you said, feeling stuck. “Is that the reason why you wanted to stay away? What your dad said about your mom?” you asked softly, as if you were comforting a child.
The gentle, caring look in your eyes only frustrated Diego further. He looked away, blinking hard and trying to restrain his emotion. He already made the mistake of arguing with Dario in public, which the paparazzi more than certainly saw him do. He wasn’t going to get emotional and have another scene with you, not when he had a race to win and a mother to save. Diego opted for silence, not giving a response and just looking away.
You sighed sadly before taking a step toward him, your hand outstretched. “Please. I need to know. You don’t have to tell me now, but I want to talk about this,” you tried, setting your hand on his shoulder. He promptly shrugged you off with an exasperated noise.
“I don’t want them to see,” Diego said, already turning on his heel and walking away from you. Your feet were moving before you had time to think about it, making you follow him across the dirt.
“That’s fine. But at least tell me after the race,” you implored, your tone growing more desperate. You swallowed, hard, and tried to get yourself together.
He was quiet again, worrying his lip between his teeth as he struggled to hold back all of the things he wanted to say. Diego tried to keep his eye on the ball, focusing on an image of him holding a 10,000 pound sterling check in his hand. Except, the image grew fuzzy in his mind’s eye, and he saw you instead. Your smile. Your eyes. You, choking on cigarette smoke. You, in the back of his car, blushing and looking at him like the most important person in the world.
You sped up, jogging next to his side. He walked faster, leaving you in the dust.
“Why? Why do you keep walking away from me? Every time? You always deflect and you never want to talk about anything. It’s not healthy, Diego,” you said, your voice breaking. “I’ll leave you alone forever if that’s what you want. If you want to talk about this later, just tell me. Communicate with me, please.”
This got Diego’s attention, and he stopped in his tracks.
“Diego, what’s going on? What are we?” you tried one more time before giving up for good. You were well aware that you were crossing the line, but you needed something. Your hand went to his arm, your thumb gently caressing him.
You didn’t expect the furious expression on his face when he whipped around to look at you. Surprised, you took a step back from him, watching his hands curl around nothing at his sides.
“I don’t know!” Diego yelled, ripping his sleeve from your grasp. His eyes were smoldering with anger and fear in their basest forms. He sniffled a bit at the end of his sentence.
You stopped in your tracks, frozen by disbelief. Tears were now freely flowing down Diego’s cheeks, hot and wet and dripping onto the dirt below his feet. “You saw Dario. What an absolutely disgusting, no-good, drunk fucking swine he is,” he said through gritted teeth. “What’s what I deal with. That’s what my mother deals with. He doesn’t love her, doesn’t care if she dies young. That’s why I have to win this race. I have to have that money in my pocket; failure isn’t an option. I don’t know what we are. This wasn’t supposed to happen...” he proclaimed, his tone growing more grave the more that he talked.
I wasn’t supposed to fall for you, he thought to himself, a crease settling into his brow. You were supposed to be a quick fuck. An experiment. That was all. But now look at where we are...
A soft look passed over his eyes before his expression contorted back to agitation. He angrily wiped the tears from his face and a bit of snot from his nose. When he moved his hand away, his expression was more determined than ever.
“Now get out of my way.”
Diego clasped the buckle on his helmet, straightening his posture and squaring his shoulders, before walking away from you yet again.
You stood behind him, mouth open, unable to even begin to form words. The dirt of the track whipped around you as a breeze passed through the stadium. The dust swirled around Diego as if it parted for him and only him, leading him towards victory.
Where you thought you would feel disappointment, you felt numb. You didn’t know what exactly to feel. You turned around and walked towards the stands, the scene below catching the attention of a few audience members. They looked at you curiously as you made your way towards your seat, but you paid no mind to them. Something in your gut told you that this wasn’t over. And, despite everything, you knew who you would be cheering for once the tournament began.
The thundering of hooves on the dirt and the roar of the crowd reverberated in your ears. You watched as the riders were approaching the last lap, many of them bracing themselves for one last push of speed. Many of the jockeys who started in first place had sunk to the back, and others who had restrained themselves were rising to the occasion. Such was the case for your friends and Diego.
Gyro was currently sitting in 5th place, Hot Pants in 4th, Johnny in 2nd, and, surprisingly, Diego in 6th. You nervously watched as Diego bided his time in the back. A shadow was cast over his face from his helmet, and you and the onlookers alike struggled to read his expression. The announcer was going crazy with play-by-plays, calling out so quickly that the words lost their meaning to you. You wanted your friends to win, but you couldn’t help but cheer for Diego on the inside.
Johnny’s horse was speeding ahead of the contender in first place, the red-headed woman yelling a profanity at him and shooting him a dirty look. She maneuvered her horse to the side, trying to throw him off balance, but Johnny was quick. He swerved, avoiding the collision, and zipped past her into first place.
“Johnny Joestar has taken the lead! Can he keep this up? Do we have the winner?!” the announcer boomed, riling up the crowd. They all clapped and shouted, the sounds making your head buzz. The smell of alcohol was also heavy in the air and it didn’t help the knot that settled in your stomach. You hoped that Dario wasn't sitting nearby.
What are you doing, Diego? You thought to yourself, making a “tsk” sound under your breath.
Hot Pants surprised you next, overtaking the 3rd place racer and claiming their place. There were only a few meters left, and you began to sweat as the end of the race approached.
Suddenly, you heard a gasp from the audience. You flicked your eyes over to the back riders and saw what the audience had seen. Diego was jetting past the other racers, taking 5th, 4th, and 3rd like nothing. You found yourself scooting to the edge of your seat, your hands gripping the edge of the stands hard enough to make your palms white.
Diego was steady for a moment, riding next to Hot Pants, almost as if he was taunting her. Down on the track, he flashed her a cocky grin before snatching 2nd place away from her. Now, he was right behind Johnny, the two riders only a few feet away from each other. The announcer was hollering his head off, but silence settled over your ears. You watched them, side by side, sweat flying off of the both of them.
Johnny looked to his side, his brow furrowed, his upper lip curled in concentration. Diego’s eyes flashed as they locked gazes, a thousand words being exchanged from one intense look. Johnny pressed on, encouraging Slow Dancer to give everything that she had. Diego’s own horse still had a bit left in her, and, with an expert maneuver from her rider, Diego cut perfectly in front of Johnny, making Slow Dancer falter.
You gasped, you hands gripping the metal edge of the stands even harder. For a split second, Johnny’s horse lost her balance, stumbling, but he pulled hard on her reigns and recentered her. By then, it was too late, and Diego was several paces ahead of him, the finish line within his reach. Your heart raced as you watched him, you jumped to your feet and leaned in as close as you could, unable to look away.
“AND THERE HE GOES!” the announcer howled, the entire stadium screaming at the top of their lungs. The moment that Silver Bullet crossed the finish line happened almost in slow-motion. You could see the exact moment that her hoof touched the dirt right over the line, how the beast’s muscles ripped under her hide as she carried them both to victory. Diego was almost standing, braced so forwardly that he almost flew off the horse when they passed the finish line. You could feel the breeze ruffling your hair as he jetted past you.
And just like that, it was all over. Johnny wasn’t far behind him, and neither were Hot Pants and Gyro. Your heart was beating at a million miles a minute, and you couldn’t help but break into a huge smile and join the crowd in their cheering. You cheered until your throat grew hoarse and scratchy, until you couldn’t produce sound any longer.
Diego’s face was broken out in a toothy smile as his horse slowed. “We have our winner! Give it up for Diego Brando!” Everyone did accordingly, many whooping and hollerings taking place. Cheers still sounded off for the rest of the participants, and even though they were dejected, many were still happy to have made it in the top ten. Diego did a victory lap around the stadium, cameras going off like crazy and admirers reaching over the barrier for a chance to be close to the celebrity. He waved, a grin still dancing on his lips while he rode the high of being the winner. You could see from your seat the rise and fall of his chest as he drew in ragged breaths, trying to calm himself down from the excitement.
Slowly, you sat down, your hands stilling from the abundance of clapping. Even as you sat, you were still beaming uncontrollably. You couldn’t help but feel proud of him, to be happy for him at this moment, even though you knew that the happiness was only temporary.
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sophiashortcake · 4 years
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𝟐𝟐. kei shouldn’t be allowed to drink either: the spinoff
𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: kicked out of her home with no place to go, y/n is forced to move into her family friend’s home, who coincidentally is also the family of tsukishima kei, the boy who denied her confession.
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You were already driving Kei crazy and you hadn’t even left your room yet.
You should have left thirty minute ago, but you were still locked in your room supposedly doing your makeup. He could hear your pacing through the wall, so he definitely knew you weren’t still getting ready. You were purposefully avoiding him, but it’s not like you both weren’t doing that anyway. He regretted doing a favor to Kiyoko by driving you to the party. (He had a sneaking suspicion she could have driven you, but she wanted you two to start talking to each other already).
Getting fed up with waiting, he yelled through the door.
“Y/N, are you ready?”
“Uh- Yeah! Just give me a second!”
He sighed in relief, going back to his phone.
Your door slowly creaked open as you emerged from your bedroom.
Kei definitely should have had Kiyoko drive you instead.
He didn’t mean to stare, but it was damn hard to when you looked like that. He didn’t know if he wanted to curse God out or thank him right now for the dress you were wearing. How the hell was he supposed to be in a car with you when he found you, to put it bluntly, hot as fuck?
“Let’s go,” he stated, turning to walk down the stairs.
He hoped you didn’t notice the blush on his cheeks.
To make matters worse, you had been silent the entire car ride, averting your gaze anywhere but him. You couldn’t even look at him, did you really hate him that much?
“Did Yamaguchi ever mention what his plan was?” You asked, eyes still fixed on the buildings rolling through the window.
“No, he said he would handle it.”
“O-Oh, okay.”
What else was he supposed to say? The real topic hung above your heads, but he refused to talk about it as acknowledging it would finally make him realize you were leaving, leaving him. But he knew it would be easier if he could at least brace himself for what was to come.
“So when are you moving out?” He asked, almost wincing as the words moving out left him.
“The end of next week most likely.”
He didn’t realize the time you had left was going to be cut so short. If he had known, maybe he would’ve watched more movies with you in your room, stayed out later when you snuck out for food at 3am, maybe he even would’ve found the right time to tell you he loved you. He would’ve done so much more with you if he knew.
The rest of the car ride was silent, as Kei wished he hadn’t taken the time you were with him for granted.
Kei could already tell the party was going to be a headache the moment he walked in. Terushima had truly outdone himself this time, the party easily could have been mistaken for a full-scale frat party instead of a regular high school party. He guessed MiyagiTea was to thank for that, their promotion had gotten the party to where it was currently.
“Y/N!” A voice called, averting your attention away.
Bokuto emerged from the crowd, with Kuroo, Yamaguchi, and Akaashi in tow. He immediately picked you up into one of his famous spine-crushing hugs, you giggled in response, a bright smile plastered on your face.
He ignored the way jealousy brewed in his stomach despite knowing that you and Bokuto were purely platonic and that Bokuto was more than aware of his feelings for you, and would never try anything. But still, he couldn’t help but be green with envy, wishing you were the one smiling at him like that.
“Nice to see you too, Bo,” You giggled as he let you down.
“And here I thought I’d be the hottest one at this party,” Kuroo sighed melodramatically, “unfortunately, Y/N beat me at my own game.”
“Yes, Y/N does look very nice tonight,” Akaashi chuckled, greeting you with a side hug.
While you were preoccupied hugging Akaashi, Kuroo quipped an eyebrow at him. Kei realized, the motherfucker was purposefully trying to make him jealous.
“You’ll always be the hottest one in my book, Kuroo,” you quipped, punching his shoulder. He grinned brightly, but Kei knew the smile was smug pride, knowing that his little plan to get him jealous was working.
“Please don’t make Kuroo’s ego any bigger than it already is,” Akaashi sighed. Kei was thankful somebody finally put Kuroo in his place (even if they were friends) if it weren’t for Akaashi, Kei probably would have lost it on Kuroo already.
“Tsukki, you can at least pretend you’re enjoying yourself,” Yamaguchi commented.
“I don’t like parties,” he deadpanned. No, more like I don’t like how you’re flirting with Y/N.
“Well, do you like Y/N’s dress?” Bokuto slyly whispered in his ear. If you weren’t staring sheepishly at him, he would’ve strangled Bokuto right then and there.
He thought for a second, about to make his usual sarcastic comment, but the dress you were wearing was living in his head, rent free. His mouth ran dry, and he couldn’t think of anything to say but the truth.
“Yeah, she looks pretty.”
(He thought you looked even better than pretty, but he would’ve killed himself on the spot if he truly voiced what he thought.)
The group fell quiet, all eyes plastered on him as he tried his best to remain calm, as if he hadn’t just complimented you infront of his entire group of friends.
“I’m gonna go find Oikawa and Iwaizumi!” You chirped, breaking the silence. Before anyone could reply, you hurried away as fast as you could on your heels.
“Oh my god, she hates me,” he groaned, burying his face in his hands.
“I don’t think I’ve seen you be nice to somebody, like ever,” Kuroo commented, still stunned at his compliment.
“Much less call somebody pretty,” Akaashi added.
“He really is whipped!” Bokuto cackled, smacking Kei on the back. Kei cringed, hoping nobody heard Bokuto, but it was Bokuto, so it was more than likely.
“I don’t think she hates you Tsukki,” Yamaguchi nervously replying. (Little did Kei know, Yamaguchi was tearing himself apart inside keeping his promise to you.)
“I called her pretty and she ran away,” he grumbled, “I think that’s reason enough to think she doesn’t like me back.”
“You, my friend, need a drink,” Kuroo said, before dragging him off to the kitchen.
The rest of the night, Kei noticed how you dodged and avoided him. You conveniently had to leave the room whenever he walked in, you made an effort to talk to everybody besides him, hell, even his friends got in a proper conversation with you before he could. The alcohol was affecting his emotions more than he would care to admit. Kei was losing hope, the realization you’d never be his settling in much deeper than he thought it would. He wished you were his and much as he was yours.
“Yams, it’s almost 1am and you still haven’t found MiyagiTea, what’s your plan exactly?” Kuroo grumbled, flopped on a nearby couch.
With you heavy on his drunken mind, he forgot the true reason for this party. Despite it being so late, the party was still raging, showing no signs of stopping anytime soon.
“I was hoping I would catch them slipping when some drama happened, but nothing,” he fumed. “There’s been 4 fights, 3 breakups, and Terushima even streaked across the lawn to lure them out! They still haven’t shown themselves.”
“Maybe we should give up,” Akaashi sighed, slumping down on the couch with Kuroo.
“No! We can’t just give up! This stupid tea account is what’s stopping Y/N and Tsukki from being together!” Bokuto cried. Kei took a mental note that you and Bokuto were both crying drunks.
“I hate to break it to you, but the reason we’re not together is because she hates me, and I don’t blame her,” he sighed. However, Kei was also a sad drunk it seemed.
“Tsukki, have you tried talking to her?” Yamaguchi asked, as if the solution was obvious. Kei scoffed in response.
“What do I even say? I love you, I’m sorry I’m such an asshole, please love me? It’s pathetic,” he spat bitterly.
“I hate to break up this little feelings sesh, but what the hell is going on in the living room?” Kuroo questioned, drawing attention to the yelling spouting from the other room.
The group stumbled out of the nearby room and into the living room, where the music had stopped and in the center of attention was you and Oikawa. A crowd had swarmed around you, hushed whispers filling the air.
Were you crying?
“Get the fuck away from me!” You spat, holding yourself as to shield yourself from Oikawa.
“Y/N, I swear I can explain-”
“No! I don’t want to fucking hear it!” You retorted.
Akaashi tapped somebody on the shoulder, “what’s happening?”
“Oikawa Tooru is MiyagiTea!”
Kei’s world stopped.
Oikawa was MiyagiTea.
He leaked all the information about you two.
He purposefully hurt you.
All Kei could see was red, every cell on his body was on fire. He shoved past the crowd, not caring who he pushed. Maybe it was the alcohol fueling the flames in his stomach, but all he could focus on was the fact Oikawa had fucking hurt you. You were crying because of him and if that didn’t make Kei go ballistic, nothing else could.
Kei stormed up to Oikawa and punched him across the face.
“Kei!” You shrieked.
All the noises around him drowned out, as he could only hear the blood rushing in his ears as he grabbed Oikawa by the collar and shoved him against a wall.
“I’m going to fucking kill you.”
Kei could practically feel the venom dripping out his voice, wanting nothing more than to make Oikawa regret ever making you cry, but your grip on shirt made him snap out of his rage.
“Kei, stop!” You cried.
Your touch suddenly made him forget his rage. His muscles eased under your fingertips as he let go of Oikawa, who shamefully backed away from you two. He turned to you, your face making his stomach drop.
You looked scared. You were scared of him.
Iwaizumi pushed through the crowd, as well as Kiyoko.
“Iwa, did you know?” You asked, your voice cracking.
“No! God no, I had no idea- I would never-” Iwaizumi began before sighing to stop himself, “I’m going to take Oikawa, he shouldn’t be here.”
“Y/N, let’s go,” Kiyoko whispered, taking your arm. You nodded, wiping your mascara stained eyes.
“Y/N, wait-” Kei called, reaching out to stop you. But Yamaguchi grabbed him, reeling him back.
“You’ve done enough, Tsukishima,” Kiyoko hissed before taking you away.
Terushima emerged from the crowd, grimacing at the state of the party.
“Everybody, there’s nothing to see here!” He announced, “Go back to uh, partying or whatever!”
People awkwardly began to murmur, going back to the party, the music started up again, the atmosphere of the party slowly returning to normal.
“I- I have to see her-” Kei stuttered, the drunken adrenaline wearing off and realizing what he had done.
“Tsukki, she needs to be alone right now,” Akaashi murmured, helping him sit down on a nearby couch. Kei buried his face in his hands, he had fucked up, again.
“How about we get you home?” Yamaguchi asked, rubbing his back.
The boys piled Kei into the car, and drove him home. The alcohol, exhaustion from the party, and the quiet drive home should have been enough to lull him asleep, but the horrified expression you wore plagued his mind on an endless loop.
He wanted to blame the alcohol, but he knew it wasn’t an excuse. Like you said, he would always hurt.
And for the first time in awhile, Tsukishima Kei started crying.
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𝐟𝐮𝐧 𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐭: terushima did everything in his power that night to lure out @/miyagitea. such things included, streaking across the lawn naked, doing two keg stands, and bodyslamming the pool table (in which it broke in half).
𝐚/𝐧: uhhh... sorry?
𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 (𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐃!): @sinistersith @moronsuke @yougivemebutterfliess @saturnfarie @peachiikichu @what-happens-inside-the-box @nonoszrk @cece-lives-here @belli-jelly @cvlliesstuff @ack-aashi @mindofess @virgoamajiki @natsukitakama @shimy-deko @irenevyas @virgoamajiki @toaster-stick @little-dark-empress @h0ngh0ngh0ng @freyafolkvangr @winunk @estmagnifique @thechaosoflonging @ilovesupersoldiers @simpletype @burntcilantro @starrydaisy @animatedrapture @intothatbluebluesky @resetrestartandreplay @lostmarimoismyhubby @witcherydotcom @kukiisan @not-venice @grapesauze @amberisnotcrazy @tarasaoristark @ammemuts @cloudymotel @loving-unicorns106 @strawberryssel @kakaokenma @cadelinha-de-haikyuu @wowie-issa-me-amario @pruemania @vitalthot @kageyamasgirl @abswrites @kac-chowsballs
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getthembees · 3 years
Royai prompt: They get caught gettingiton by all of Team Mustang, pre frat rules being lifted. (Or making out, if you wanna keep it PG~ honestly I just wanna see the members of Team ‘We-All-Share-The-Same-Braincell’ finding their very professional bosses not being very professional.)
Hello sorry this took so long!! It's here now! This is also a lot more tender than what I think you were expecting haha
Title: flash flood under my bed
Rating: T
Read it here or on AO3
Riza feels herself stretched between the realm of consciousness as if her body is being hauled through a swamp. Sticky and lethargic, her eyelids flutter and fall as her mind claws at the mud. Each time she resurfaces from its depths she can take the world in for only a second—a burning light above her, a white ceiling tile, thin sheets beneath her arms—before she is submerged once again, dragged into the grime.
Her mind wakes before her body does, kicking at the shallows to keep her eyes open. Fear creeps up the back of her neck at the foreign bed under her, the unfamiliar room. She wills her body to move, to secure her surroundings. Her eyes drag to her right, blinking sluggishly at the figure there.
Black hair. It’s messy. Who is that again? A small part of her asks.
Silly girl, a larger part supplies, rattling through her entire body, that’s your Colonel.
My Colonel…
She finally blinks awake, eyes wide. Her body feels like it’s been dumped in ice water after being in a hot spring. She turns her head.
Roy does not acknowledge her movement, he sits on a borrowed hospital chair at the side of her bed, head bowed, fingers twisted in the bedsheets. His eyes are closed.
Her memories catch up with the rest of her—the tunnels, Bradley, Pride, the transmutation circle—she swallows back a choked noise. Her throat is rubbed raw from both the exertion and the yelling, her tongue feels like it’s been turned to cotton, and when she swallows again she tastes iron.
“Colonel…,” she rasps, but it comes out more of a cough than a word.
He hears it, though, and his head shoots up, eyes opening to reveal foggy pupils as he looks in the direction he thinks her head is. “Lieutenant—” he gasps, a quiet noise. Maybe he’s been swimming in a swamp, too. “Lieutenant, are you awake?”
Riza nods. Realizes he cannot see her. She hums an answer instead.
A grin splits his face, and it is a look so utterly relieved that she feels her eyes misting, “I’m so glad,” he whispers, breathless, “I’m so glad you’re okay.”
She wants to answer, wants it more than anything at this moment. To reach out and reassure him with words he’ll need now that he cannot see, to talk, finally, now that the battle is over. But her throat still tastes like metal, and she desperately needs a drink.
“Water,” she croaks, reaching feebly for the table at her bedside.
“Oh, right.” Roy traces the edge of her bed until his hand hits the table leg, brushing upwards until he closes his hand gingerly around the full glass. She meets his hand halfway, closing her fingers around his bandaged skin as he moves the cup to where he thinks her head is.
Riza sits up, the wound in her shoulder smarts as she does so, but she ignores it in favor of guzzling the water, only stopping to gulp down air.
When the cup is empty, and her throat feels less like it’s full of copper cenz, she opens her mouth. “Thank you, Colonel,” she starts, she almost says I’m glad you’re okay, too. But he isn’t okay, his hands are wrapped in gauze, and he’s still blind. What a poor excuse for a bodyguard you are, her mind spits.
“How long have you been waiting here?” She asks instead, an innocent question, a safe question.
“A couple of hours, I think. Though I really can’t tell,” he laughs, but it sounds strained. A string pulled taut. “You’ve been asleep for longer, It took the medics a while to bring me here. How is your neck? Your shoulder?”
“Sore, they itch a little, too. Mei Chang did a fine job, it’s not as bad as it could be.”
His mouth creases in a thin line at the memory of her, the blood, the gold-toothed doctor. “I suppose you’re right. It seems I am indebted to her for saving my precious subordinate’s life.”
Precious. Riza ignores the warmth in her chest and eases back onto her pillow with a heavy sigh. “How are your hands, sir?” She doesn’t ask about his eyes, she knows Amestrian medics don’t have the means to restore his sight from the other side of the gate.
Roy’s head tilts down as if to look at the bandaged limb before he catches himself, snapping his head upwards like it was pulled by a hook. “The surgery was quick, and the doctor said they’ll heal fine. The cuts were clean. Neat, even.” He shoots her a lopsided smile, “still hurts like a bitch to move, though.”
Riza doesn’t have the energy to laugh, her lips quirk instead. “That’s good, Colonel.”
There’s a lull, a tension settles in the air like lightning is about to strike the very room they sit. She hasn’t felt this uneasy in his presence since Ishval. Riza takes a breath, “sir—”
“I am very sorry, Hawkeye.”
Riza freezes, staring at him. She doesn’t speak, she senses he’s not quite finished.
“I apologize for… for everything that happened in those tunnels. For losing my head fighting the homunculus, for yelling at you, for my… attachment to you getting you hurt,” he looks up, and despite the blind gaze, she feels his eyes bore into hers. “I was reckless. Arrogant to think they’d never hold you against me and a fool for thinking I was a good enough man that you would never have to pull your gun on me.”
“Please,” he begs, bowing his head. “Please forgive me, Hawkeye.”
She inhales slowly, turning his words over in her head. She remembers the terror in his voice as he watched her get dragged to the transmutation circle. “You don’t have to apologize for what happened with the doctor. That wasn’t your fault, sir. It was never your fault that they decided to use me against you. You could never have prevented that.” Roy looks like he wants to argue, she forges on, “do not apologize for being a human, Colonel. You are bound to have people close to you. Any one of those could have been used against you, to drop them for any potential threat is a foolish paranoia. Our…” relationship? Partnership? Friendship? “...proximity is nothing to apologize for. I will not have it.”
She pauses, clenching her hands against the pristine sheets of her bed. The battle with Envy flits through her head like an old film, her Colonel’s savagery seems branded in her mind. Riza takes a deep breath. “You lost yourself against Envy. You lost yourself in your anger, and you said horrible things. You almost did horrible things. You pushed me away, Colonel. But…,” she looks at him, his fingernails are digging into the fabric of his pants, knuckles white.
She remembers what he had said to her months prior, before she had been reassigned. I’ve been called a human weapon, a monster, but it’s only when I’m fighting a real monster that I realize I’m just a human. She rests her hand on his, his fingers relax under her touch.
“You didn’t go past the point of no return. You didn’t lose your humanity, Roy.”
Roy sucks in a breath, the sound rattled and hollowed. It makes him look fragile. She curls her fingers around his palm.
“So…,” she begins, her voice no more than a whisper, he leans his head towards her. “I forgive you, Roy Mustang. I’ve already forgiven you.”
Roy turns his hand upwards, slipping his fingers between hers. His eyes are closed again, and there is a small, shaky smile on his face. “I don’t know why you’re forgiving me so easily. You shouldn’t.”
“Well, I’ve never listened to everything you have to say, sir.”
Laughter bubbles from his lips, the sound warm. The knot of stress in his voice seems to have unwound. He bows his head, his forehead nearly touching hers. “Thank you, Ha— Riza.” She can make out the small, newly healed scratches on his face from this distance. “Truly, for everything, thank you.”
The hand he has clasped in hers untangles their fingers and reaches up to trace along the inside of her wrist, up against the length of her arm, her uninjured shoulder, the side of her face, until he sweeps the loose hair that falls over her eyes behind her ear. The movement is slow, tentative, cautious of her injuries and his own blindness. Riza leans into his palm and hums, a soft encouragement. She pushes up on her elbows as his finger traces her cheek, her jaw.
Riza reaches up to hold his hand in hers once more, grasping at his knuckles, brushing against the bandages on his palm. The tension that had crackled before isn’t vicious now. It is still there, palpable in the air, but it doesn’t threaten a flashover, lingering instead with the promise of summer rain.
Roy leans in and pauses a breath away from her, unsure if he’s welcome or unsure where she is, Riza can’t tell, but she huffs a laugh nonetheless. Still useless in the rain, I suppose, she thinks with a smile, and closes the gap for him.
Warmth blooms in her chest and she feels a rush of lightheadedness. This. This is what had been building in them since before the Promised Day, before the homunculi, in the budding years of their partnership. The kiss says a million things, it is the culmination of a thousand stares, a thousand late-night dinners, a thousand confessions buried under propriety and mumbled words. Roy’s palm flexes against her cheek, his other hand moves to grasp at her waist, the heat of his grip searing over her thin hospital gown. Her own hands reach up to tangle in his hair, pulling him closer. Now that she has allowed herself to touch him, she never wants to stop.
Roy has the same mindset, the hand on her waist traveling up and down her side, never quite stilling even as it moves to her lower back, pressing gently into her spine as he tilts into her. His lips are soft, unfairly so when hers are still chapped, and when he opens his mouth to scrape his teeth against her bottom lip she lets out a noise that makes her flush spread to her chest.
They break away only for a heartbeat before meeting again. Roy leans over her now, and a reasonable voice in the back of her head whispers that, maybe, she shouldn’t let her commanding officer press her into a creaky hospital mattress in a crowded building with a door that is, presumably, unlocked.
Riza ignores this thought in favor of pulling down his collar so she can kiss the length of his neck. He grumbles low in his throat, and she feels the noise against her tongue.
She’ll be damned if they stop this now, after years of nothing, she wants nothing more than to lie with him here forever. The bed dips where Roy props up his knee, and she leaves his collarbones to seal their lips again.
And— yes, yes. She refuses to let this go— not when Roy squeezes the skin of her outer thigh, not when she allows herself to rub the wide expanse of his back through the thin hospital shirt, not when he presses his tongue between the seam her lips and makes that noise—
Someone in the room coughs.
Roy freezes just as Riza wrenches herself away from him, face flaming as she whips her head to look for the source of the noise.
Breda stands at the door, looking thoroughly unimpressed. Fuery and Falman flank him, the former of whom has turned a dangerous shade of red and has cast his gaze downwards to lock eyes with the suspiciously Hayate-shaped lump under his jacket. Falman is thin-lipped and tense, his shoulders pressed up against his neck, he averts his eyes to a space in the far corner.
Rebecca stands behind them, body halfway through the door, with the smuggest grin stretched across her face. Riza feels a headache coming on.
“Apologies for the interruption, sirs,” Breda deadpans, raising an eyebrow and shooting her a look that says, really? Riza clears her throat self-consciously. “We just came in to visit the Lieutenant.”
“We can leave if you’re… preoccupied,” Rebecca says, trying, and failing, to stifle her laughter with a cough.
Roy had settled back into his chair as soon as they spoke, his back straight. “That’s quite alright, Second Lieutenant. I’m sure Hawkeye would enjoy the company.” The professionalism in his voice belies the red of his ears. She’s sure the team doesn’t notice, far away as they are, but the attempt amuses her nonetheless.
Breda strolls in, determined to pretend that nothing abnormal has happened, Falman follows in his example, although he has yet to meet her eyes, and Fuery avoids the dilemma entirely by pulling Black Hayate from his jacket and placing him on the floor. Her puppy bounds across the floor, his entire body moving with the wag of his tail.
“Hayate!” Riza cheers as he leaps onto the bed with her, tilting his head as she scratches behind his ears. She pulls him to her chest, pressing her face into his fur, “I’m so glad you’re okay, Braha. You’re such a good boy.”
Hayate chuffs in response, leaning into her hold as his tail whacks her arms. She lays a kiss on his head.
Rebecca sidles up to the bed, brushing the fur between Hayate’s shoulder blades. “It was the Sergeant Master’s idea to sneak him past the staff,” she supplies, nodding back at the man in question.
Fuery rubs the back of his head, meeting her eyes for the first time since he’s entered. “Well, they probably saw him and just ignored it, really. He couldn’t keep his tail still.”
“Maybe a nurse should’ve stopped us. Then you two could have continued with your catch-up time,” she cackles, failing to smother the noise into her fist, and shoots Riza an exaggerated wink.
Roy huffs, his arms crossed over his chest, “I think we get the picture, Catalina.”
“Oh, I’m sure you’re thinking up quite the picture, Colonel—”
“Thank you, Fuery,” Riza cuts in before the bickering could devolve further, “I appreciate it.”
Fuery gives her a nervous smile, “It was no problem at all, Lieutenant, really.”
“Still,” she looks over the rest of the group, “I’m glad you all visited, and that you’re all uninjured.”
Breda waves his hand dismissively. “Yeesh, I didn’t know you were such a sap, Lieutenant. Of course we’d visit,” he cups a hand to his face like he’s about to tell a secret, “It would be cruel for us to leave you here alone with the Colonel for God knows how long.”
“Har har,” Roy mocks as the rest of the room snickers, “if you’re going to be a pest, Breda, you should have at least brought some food with you.”
Breda rolls his eyes, just as Falman pulls a paper baggy from his coat pocket. “One monte cristo and one turkey, lettuce, and tomato sandwich from Zullo’s Deli,” he states in the same tone of voice he delivers his mission reports.
Riza thanks him as he hands her the baggy, she slides Roy his monte cristo as she unwraps her own sandwich. Hayate watches the food curiously while giving her a particularly pathetic look. “No begging,” she tells him, and he lowers his head to her lap once more.
Roy nearly groans as he manhandles his food, “Falman, you are a saint.”
Riza takes a bite of her food, savoring the taste. It tastes like liquid gold on her tongue, but, she supposes, even food from the trash would taste impeccable right now. She nudges Rebecca with her elbow, “did you bring anything for yourselves?”
Rebecca shrugs. “Nah, we already ate about an hour ago. We plan on staying here to chat while you two eat, assuming that’s fine with you.”
“Of course it’s fine, as long as you find your own chairs,” she responds, scanning the room for seating. It’s relatively barren, with there only being two guest chairs in the room, one of which Roy currently claimed. Rebecca took the other chair, pulling it closer to Riza’s bedpost while the other men in the room piled onto Roy’s empty bed.
The team recounts their friend’s whereabouts as they finish their sandwiches. The Elric’s had been admitted soon after she had, and Alphonse currently resides in quarantine, with his only visitor being his brother. Reconstruction of the Central Command building had begun as well, led by Grumman and his men.
They keep the conversation light, they don’t talk about the death toll, or the injured. No one mentions the clouded sheen over Roy’s eyes.
Riza brushes her finger against Roy’s knuckle while the rest of the room laughs at something Breda said. She taps twice, lingering a second before pulling away. His hand chases hers as it retreats, catching it and curling his pinky finger around hers. He taps back, once, twice, thrice. Repeating the motion in sync with the steady beating of her pulse.
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tact-and-impulse · 3 years
@shepherds-of-haven, thanks for the fun prompts! I’ll be collecting my fics on AO3 as well.
She really doesn’t belong here.
Her fingers nervously run over the extra card in her pocket, as she scans the undulating crowd for telltale ashen hair and displeased features. It’s difficult, with the rhythmically flashing lights overhead. She’s tried calling, but with the heavy bass tingling in her jaw, it’s no wonder that Prihine hasn’t picked up. What her roommate could be doing in this downtown club, she has no idea, but she also doesn’t know the other girl that well. Prihine is from a wealthy Norm family, she never cleans up after herself, and from her frequent complaints, she loathes that she’s living in an ancient and cramped freshman dorm with a scholarship student who never goes to parties. But if something unsavory has happened to her, that would be awful.
So, she renews her grip on Prihine’s student ID and heads further into the building. She keeps to the walls, which are speckled with colorful paint and feel slightly sticky. But with her back covered, it’s safer this way. At first. Someone is shoved out of the crush, their solid back colliding into her, and she instinctively freezes. The pressure is brief, but she doesn’t wait to hear an apology, before she’s scrambling for the first exit sign in sight. She hurtles into a side street, ignoring the protests of a draft, and turns the nearest corner before collapsing.
The night air is cold, and she inhales lungfuls, trying to calm down. Trying not to cry. She has to find Prihine soon, and then, she can go back to campus. Where her classes are. Where the Mage clubs are filled with people who all know each other from Capra, while she was homeschooled. Where the Hunter organizations talk around her, forgetting she can understand their conversations. She hasn’t felt truly alone in years, but right now-
She isn’t. There’s someone here. She lifts her head and at the end of the alley, only a few paces away, she can make out the silhouette of a Hunter. White hair, gray eyes, a couple of piercings glinting in one ear, tattoos running up and down his arms. He’s crouched and balanced on his heels, an unlit stick of charch between his fingers, as he stares at her. 
“You okay?” His voice is low and placid, like he’s just woken up. 
“I...I just need a minute. I’m not good with crowds in tight spaces.”
“Yeah, I hate it when people breathe on me.”
She vigorously nods in agreement, before realizing. “Then, why are you here?”
“Band has a gig tonight. What about you?”
“I’m looking for my roommate. She forgot her ID, she can’t get back to our dorm without it.”
He gives a skeptical look, tucking the cigarette behind his unpierced ear for safekeeping. “Are you sure she’s in this club?”
While she answers, she takes out her phone. “She hasn’t returned my texts or calls, but she has Instagram. One of her cousins is famous on there, I think, and my roommate’s competitive, so she posts a lot. It looks like she was here in her last one...oh.” She frowns at the website, blocked entirely by a notification. She never did download the app, only searching for clues via Prihine’s frequently used social media, and now she needs an account to continue viewing.
He stifles a laugh, but his expression is only mildly amused as he extends his open palm. “Can I log in and try?”
“Sure. Thank you.” She draws closer to him, passing her device over, and his hand envelops it entirely. His thumbs are almost comically oversized as he types.
“Haven freshman?”
“Yes. Are you an upperclassman?”
“I dropped out a couple years ago. I’m across the street, at the culinary school. Is this the post you mentioned?” He slants the image towards her and she recognizes Prihine’s selfie, taken while she was waiting in line.
“Ah, that’s it! Have you seen her?”
“No, but one of my friends might have. He helps with the band’s publicity, so he’s around. Mind if I ask him?”
“Please, you’d be really helpful. Thank you, um...” 
“Halek.” He supplies, as he dials another guy named Riel, judging by the brief greeting when the call goes through. 
The conversation is short, and she notices the roommate must be from Leore, but she focuses on locating Prihine for the time being, only speaking to provide information and her own name. Riel doesn’t remember seeing the other girl, but he’ll check with security and will call back when they find her. The line dies, and with her phone back in her hands, she hesitates.
Fortunately, Halek pats the adjacent pavement. “Feel free to wait with me. Band’s not on again for another hour, so I’m not leaving.”
Relief sweeps over her, and she sits down, inquiring. “What do you play?”
“None of the others can agree on a genre, but I’m on drums. We perform around town, sometimes on campus if you’ve heard us before.”
“I don’t think so. Sorry.” She reflexively apologizes. “I don’t get out much.” Certainly, nowhere other than lecture auditoriums and the dining halls.
“What’s your major?”
“Biology, I’m pre-med.”
“Ah, that explains it. You’d get along with my twin brother, he’s currently applying and I don’t envy him. Everyone in our family’s invested in his acceptance, since somebody needs to live up to their standards. He’s not at Haven, but I can give you his number if you have questions.”
“I don’t want to bother him, if he’s stressed out.”
“He’s always stressed out though. That’s just how he is.” Nevertheless, his tone is fond.
“You must be close.” She draws her knees up, interlacing her fingers around them. “Your family doesn’t approve of your career?”
“They never did, they wanted me to be a politician.” He makes a disgusted expression. “No thanks. Too much work.”
“It definitely is. Signing papers, holding press conferences. A lot of people would be breathing on you.” She does her best to maintain a straight face.
“Exactly.” His gaze shifts to meet hers, and she’s not sure who breaks first, but in the next moment, they’re both laughing. Her hair’s fallen loose, and as she recovers her composure, she tucks it behind her ears. Not for the first time, he glances at the white streak, but he doesn’t mention it. Instead, he fishes in his back pocket, removing a small punch card that doubles as an advertisement. “Politics would mean quitting my job at the café too. It’s quiet, we have some Haven students like you.”
She accepts it, noting the offer of a free meal after five purchases. “What kind of food do you serve?”
“Here, I’ll show you.” He pulls up his Instagram, scrolling through vibrant pictures of their daily specials, each plate unique. It all seems appetizing, especially in the short cooking videos. In the clips, his steady fingers arrange sandwiches, work over pans of sizzling ingredients, and decorate confections.
There’s one motion in particular that intrigues her. “How’d you do that? Break an egg with one hand?”
“It’s just easier for me, keeps my other one available.”
“You make it look natural.” She attempts to figure out the trick, imagining an egg in her palm and flexing her knuckles.
“One of the waitresses can do it too.”
“So, is it a hiring requirement?”
He laughs again. “No, the other one breaks every egg she touches. You can meet them and see for yourself. You’d probably get along with them.” There’s a pause, as he gives a thoughtful expression. “Thanks.”
Too surprised, she stammers. “F-for what?”
“Usually, I’m too tired for these late night gigs, but right now, I feel fine. I can make it through tonight.”
“...Me too.” She softly says. Her earlier panic has been forgotten, and Halek’s presence is comforting. She’s having fun, just sitting out here and talking. Laughing, which she hasn’t in a long time. Already, she feels closer to him than anyone on campus.
Riel’s return call interrupts them, with the news that her roommate is currently detained at the club’s entrance and clearly unhappy by the screeching in the background. It’s her cue to go, and she hastily brushes herself off, thanking Halek again.
“No problem. Are you going back to your dorm?”
“I thought I would.” She hesitates for just a second, before venturing. “Or I can stay? And listen to your band’s performance?”
The corner of his mouth lifts. “If you want, I can let you in backstage. Take a nap, eat the snacks I brought. You don’t have to worry about crowds at all.”
Oh. That’s very kind of him. Her heart skips a beat, and she hopes she’s not blushing. “Okay then. I’d like that. See you soon?”
“See ya.”
Squaring her shoulders, she makes her way to the front. She braces for whatever abrasive words are in store, but she’s made up her mind. For the first time this semester, she’ll try to have an enjoyable college experience.
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nighthaikyuu · 4 years
letters | 02
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they were just words on pieces of paper. words he never wrote himself. but those words were enough to make you go from living a fairytale relationship to one filled with burning questions, envy and uncertainty.
m.list ch.1 ↞ ch. 2 ↠ ch.3
pairing: kuroo tetsuro + gf! reader
word count: 1.8k 
genre: established relationship! au + angst, fluff
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Taking the letters out, your eyes scanned for the dates. To your dismay, many of them were sent to him after you guys got together. Taking a deep breath, your grip on the letters tightened before you let yourself fall into a deeper hole, feeling your heart shatter as you read every single word, one after the other. 
I miss you. 
except you probably already know that right? after all, I've only said it about a million times in these letters.... i sometimes wonder whether you even read them when you never reply, but after everything I did it wouldn’t surprise me if you saw these and just ripped them apart. 
god, I miss you so much kuroo. ever since that day, every day without you has been a reminder of how badly I messed up, how badly I fucked up and let you go. i’ll never forgive myself for that.❞
You quickly realized maybe this was why Kuroo never brought up his past relationship to you. From what you read, it wasn’t hard to see that it didn’t end well. 
Thoughts raced through your mind, what did happen? You wondered if she cheated on him, but the thought in itself caused a surge of anger within you. Placing the letter back into the box, you read the next one. 
sometimes I think about the nights we spent just lying outside the gym after practice, staring at the stars as we whispered promises of forever’s and always’ to each other. 
life is a funny thing isn’t it? 
but I meant every word kuroo, every single word. I wasn’t able to keep up my promises but I can promise you every word I said was true and genuine. I loved you so much, and I still do and forever will.❞
Biting down on your lip, you hated how the feeling of jealousy for this girl you didn’t know, burned through your veins. You felt pathetic, after all this was a relationship that was over yet you couldn’t help but feel it was anything but that. 
do you know how many times I’ve blocked and unblocked you on social media? while I never wanted to see you again because your face was the constant reminder of the biggest thing I lost in my life, I couldn’t keep away. not from you kuroo, not when I still see the others around and they pretend to be nice but I know they all hate me for what I did. 
last night I visited nekoma, and that night I went back and unblocked you. however, I really wish I hadn’t. 
she makes you happy, doesn't she? 
it hurt a lot to see. I saw you took her to where you promised we’d go together one day. but more than that, it hurt to see the way you smiled at her, how your eyes were filled with so much affection and adoration for her. it hurt to know I used to be the one who saw those eyes everyday once. how badly I wish I was her.❞
At the mention of you in the letter, your chest tightened. So she did know you existed. 
You frowned softly when you read about the picture she had seen on his social media. The very first couple picture he had posted of you was from the trip the two of you took to the beach during a long weekend break from school. You had always remembered that trip as the time where you really fell for Kuroo, the night where you were lying on the beach with him as you whispered your very first I love you’s to each other, would be something you’d never forget. 
But now you felt sick. 
❝I'm sorry, 
god, kuroo please, please I'm so sorry. please respond to my letters, I don’t know what to do anymore. 
I'm still so in love with you kuroo, from the day I saw you to when I broke your heart, to now. I never stopped and I never will.  please forgive me and come back to me. I promise I'll be better, I promise you kuroo. I still must be there in your heart, please just give me one more chance. ❞
Sitting there as you finished the most recently dated letter, a sudden wave of emptiness washed over you. You had a million questions. You wanted to know the meaning behind every word, every sentence and every letter she had sent Kuroo. 
But more than that, you wanted to know why he still kept them. 
But you couldn’t. You didn’t have the courage nor the strength to ask them or to find the answers. You were too scared. 
You felt the corners of your eyes sting as dangerous thoughts plagued your already weakened mind. Why didn't he throw them away? Was he still not over her? Did he still love her? 
As the voices in your head only got louder, screaming as they overtook the ones   that attempted to give you hope, you pulled your knees to your chest as you choked back a sob. 
Oh how unfair life is. 
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The next time you saw Kuroo was that following night. It was finally the end of the week, and like every Friday the both of you sat on the couch with bowls of popcorn in your lap as you flipped through Netflix to find a movie to watch. 
Usually you’d be cuddled up by his side, head against his chest as he’d rest his in the crook of your neck. Today, you found it difficult to even look his way. 
You knew you had to play it off better than this. Kuroo was quick to realize when things were wrong and it was only a matter of time before you ran out of random excuses. 
“Hey, you okay?” a voice whispered beside you. 
Guess you were already too late. 
Turning to your side, you forced a soft smile on your face before nodding at Kuroo, “Yeah, think I’m just tired this week is all.” 
Concern washed over his features. Frowning, he asked, “You wanna talk about it?” 
"No!” you sputtered out as you eyes went wide. You watched as Kuroo blinked at you in surprise before you immediately shook your head, chuckling nervously, as you attempted to cover up your sudden outburst. “No, it’s okay...it’s nothing new or anything. Just classes and club responsibilities all piling on top of each other, ya know?” 
To that, Kuroo simply nodded but you didn’t fail to notice the skeptical look he gave you as you quickly turned your attention back to the screen in front of you, keeping your face as stoic as possible despite the million thoughts and emotions that ran through you at that moment. 
You were such an idiot. 
After what seemed like nearly forever, the movie came to an end. Grabbing the remote off of the coffee table, you turned off the TV with a yawn as you got up from the couch and stretched your arms up in the air. 
“Kuroo, I should probably get going—Oh!” you yelped in slight surprise as you felt your boyfriend wrap his arms around your waist, his head nestling into the crook of your neck. 
“Mmm, don’t go~” he whispered softly into your ear, “Why don’t you stay over tonight, huh?” 
You almost let out a bitter laugh. 
Any other day and you would’ve gladly accepted, easily making your way into his room to quickly find one of his t-shirts you could wear to bed. 
But there you stood, staring at the door to his room and you instantly felt nauseous. Today, that was the last thing you could do. Not when you’d be sleeping right above the scraps of paper stuffed in a box hidden away from you, right above a secret that Kuroo had kept from you, and that you had found out about. 
Turning around in his arms, you looked up at Kuroo who stared down at you with a sleepy expression; his eyelids were drooping as he gave you a soft smile, lips in a small pout. All you wanted to do was grab his face and pull him into a kiss, to feel that adorable pout against your lips. 
If only I hadn’t found the box... you thought to yourself, biting the insides of your cheeks.
No, if only Kuroo hadn’t kept those letters. you corrected yourself. If only he had thrown them away, you would’ve never found them and you wouldn’t be here, feeling like the world’s biggest joke. 
As you pulled yourself from his grasp, you watched as his pout dissolved into a small frown as you said softly, “I don’t think I can tonight Kuroo, maybe some other time, hmm?” 
Frown deepening, Kuroo only pulled you closer before engulfing you into his arms, your head resting against his chest as he held you tighter. The both of you stood that way for a while until you heard him finally sigh, “Okay, I’ll let you go then.”
Pulling away, Kuroo gave you a soft smile before cupping your face with one hand, fingers grazing your cheeks gently as he started to lean in. 
You felt a sinking feeling erupt in your stomach once you knew exactly what was about to happen. 
Oh god, what should I do? Should I just let him? Will he able to tell something’s off? This is too much—!
Just then, you felt his lips brush against your forehead, kissing it firmly before pulling away slowly. 
Your eyes that had been squeezed shut in fear, opened slowly as you blinked at him in surprise. You almost swore he was going to kiss you...
“Goodnight Y/N.” he said softly, breaking you out of your thoughts.
Nodding, you whispered back a goodnight kuroo before grabbing your things and heading to the door. Opening the door, you turned around and gave him a small wave, which he returned back with a smile. 
Finally stepping outside of his apartment, you let out a breath you didn’t know you had been holding in this whole time. Your whole chest felt like it was on fire, like you had been breathing smoke for the last couple hours from the fire that had been lit in your heart ever since you laid your eyes on those goddamn letters. 
Running your hands through your hair, you let out a soft groan of frustration. It hadn’t even been a day and you were barely able to make it through without wanting to expose everything. 
“You can do it Y/N.” you whispered firmly to yourself, “You just need some time.” 
You didn't exactly know what you were talking about. You didn’t necessarily have a plan either. Were you just going to ignore that the letters existed? Were you hoping on just forgetting they existed? Or were you just waiting for the right day and time to tell Kuroo what you had accidentally found?
Shaking your head, you brushed the questions away. They could wait. 
Now all you wanted to do was get back to your room and get under your sheets, and hopefully not cry yourself to sleep. 
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Faking It Chapter 6
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Hey! I know its been a while so click on the master list if you want to catch up or even start. Im going to try to start updating more frequently in the next few months. Thanks to everyone for reading!!
TW: Language, drinking, sexual references, blood
Faking It Masterlist
Aelin woke with a start to the sound of her phone ringing.
"Shit." She swore, quickly realizing she must've fallen asleep after her conversation with Fenrys. She hung up on the call, silencing that obnoxious ringing as she sat up in bed. Aelin hadn’t bothered to check who it was, but she knew she'd figure it out if she went back downstairs.
It was probably Lysandra, calling to make sure Aelin wasnt already passed out drunk somewhere. It wouldn't be the first time. Groaning internally, she picked herself up off the bed. Despite her falling asleep, the duvet covers looked unruffled. Still, she fluffed the pillow briefly in an attempt to ease her own discomfort at sleeping in Dorian's room.
With one last look to confirm that the room appeared undisturbed, Aelin closed the door shut behind her. She made it halfway down the staircase when the exhaustion hit her. It was a familiar feeling, like when you were abruptly waken from sleep to attend a six am practice at school. Still, she clung extra hard onto the railing for a moment in order to gain her bearings once again.
As her eyes finally focused, she could make out the throng of high schoolers in the living room below her. Her eyes adjusted to the colourful lights as she scanned the area for a familiar face. She saw Lorcan first, and then Rowan beside him, the latter scowling. At first it didn't seem odd, Rowan was always scowling at something. She took another few steps down the stairs, and with closer examination, realized something was wrong. 
She tracked Rowan’s glare across the room, landing on her ex-boyfriend and the guy who’s bed she’d just fallen asleep in. “Shit shit shit!” Aelin said to no one in particular as she hurried down the stairs. She reached Rowan at nearly the exact second that Chaol and Dorian did. 
“Hey guys.” She said, slightly out of breath. Chaol gave her a once over and his brows furrowed at whatever he saw. 
“Pull your skirt down A.” His voice was full of unjustified disdain. “You look like you just got railed in a bathroom.” 
Aelin glanced down at herself. Her skirt was in fact, extremely ridden up, and half her ass was falling out. In her haste to prevent a fight she had forgotten to check her appearance. She knew she should pull it down, what Chaol said was completely logical. And yet, they were broken up, who the hell was he to tell her what to do. 
Aelin shot him her sweetest simpering smile. “Maybe I did.” 
He bit out a harsh laugh, and she felt Rowan’s body tighten beside her. “Who the hell - “ Chaol started to say, but was cut off by his mouth falling open. 
Aelin, tired of hearing her ex speak, had taken action into her own hands. From the left of Rowan, she placed her right hand on his far cheek and spun her body around smoothly, bringing her lips to his. 
For a moment, he didn't reciprocate the gesture and Aelin’s heart began to race. Just as she began to pull away, his arm came around her lower back, and he started to really kiss her. Her other hand tangled in his hair as they stood intertwined. 
The rest of the room seemed to fall away, the music becoming faint and the lights dim as she kissed him. Someone coughed from beside them, pulling Aelin out of her daze. Slowly, she extracted herself from Rowan and turned back around to Chaol. He was staring at them, looking as though he’d just been slapped. 
Aelin delighted in the feeling of power flowing through her veins. She tucked her hands behind her back, and realizing her skirt had ridden up even further, she pulled it down. There were lines that even Aelin wasn't willing to cross to prove a point. 
To Dorian’s credit, he looked incredibly amused with the entire situation, and was clearly trying to stifle a laugh. Chaol’s expression was pretty funny, Aelin noted. 
Unfortunately, it didn't last forever. Aelin recognized the exact second when he went from shocked to angry. Everything about him changed; his eyes, his posture, the way he held his hands. He was on the offensive now, and all Aelin could do was brace herself for the coming verbal assault. 
“You whore.” He spat. 
Un-original. Aelin thought to herself. He really needed new material. 
“I always knew you were fucking him on the side.” Chaol’s whole body was trembling with anger, and even Dorian had the good sense to look unnerved. 
Aelin didn't dare look at Rowan or Lorcan. “Chaol.” She said calmly, “lets go somewhere else to talk about this.” She was quickly growing un-easy. Aelin had wanted a reaction. Yes. But she wasn't expecting the look of pure hatred shining in Chaol’s eyes. The usually soft brown had darkened to a near black, making him look unhinged.  
He ignored her soft request completely. “How long Aelin?” He asked, his voice suddenly deadly soft. “How long did you wait after fucking me before you were back in his bed.” 
Suddenly Aelin felt a little ill. “It wasn't like that.” She hated how quiet her voice sounded. 
“Then what was it like huh?” 
“Please Chaol,” she half begged. “Can we just talk somewhere else?” 
“Why?” The expression on his face had turned evil. “You don't want the whole room to know that you're a fucking whore.”
He yelled the last word, but luckily it got lost in the music. 
“It’s pathetic really,” he turned back on her. “Your constant need for male validation.” 
He gave her outfit a once over, and Aelin found herself wishing she’d worn something more conservative. 
“You are worthless.” He spat the words again, shaking his head with faux-disappointment. “You’re parents probably killed themselves to get away from you.” 
Aelin barely had time to process the words before Rowan exploded. His fist connected with Chaol’s cheek, sending the latter flying backwards. He hit the ground hard, people and plastic cups scattering in his wake. Rowan was on him in an instant, pummelling his face into the tile floor. Blood leaked from Chaol’s face, seeping onto his shirt and the floor. 
Aelin didn't even hear Lorcan swear and run over to Rowan. She was too focused on trying not to scream. Lorcan threw his arms around Rowan, attempting to pull the thrashing high-schooler away. Rowan fought in Lorcan’s arms, before eventually slowing his efforts. 
Dorian, swearing under his breath, knelt beside Chaol. The room was spinning, and Aelin’s head fucking hurt. She stumbled through the room, trying to find the exit. There was a loud roaring in her ears, and spots danced in her vision. 
Fuck. What if she fainted at a high-school party? Aelin would never live that shit down. 
“Oof.” She grunted as she slammed into a wall. Aelin groped about blindly, searching for a door. She nearly collapsed with relief as she found one, and threw herself in, shutting the door. She barely had time to lock it before she was vomiting, most of it landing in the toilet. 
“Fucking hell!” A voice exclaimed loudly. Aelin allowed herself to finish retching before she turned to face her latest stroke of bad luck. Could she not be alone for five fucking seconds?
The male beside her was clearly just finishing up washing his hands, as he was still holding a hand towel. “Aelin?” He asked, his eyebrows shooting up in surprise. 
“Cairn.” She grumbled in reply, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. Aelin had never really liked Cairn. He hated Chaol with a passion, envied her ex-boyfriend for getting the captain spot in sophomore year, a spot that everyone thought was going to Cairn. 
Despite the poor timing, Aelin had been meaning to track Cairn down to talk. Far be it for her to give up this perfect opportunity, vomit and near panic attack aside. She slowly pulled herself into a standing position and nudged Cairn away from the sink so she could splash some water on her face. The cold helped centre her again, and Aelin let herself take a deep breath. 
Cairn was watching her with a look of apprehension, as if watching a slow motion car crash.
“I heard about your bet.” She said in a monotone voice. 
Cairn’s jaw tensed, but that was all the physical reaction he showed. 
“Im not going to try anything.” He said softly, surprising her a little. “I have a thing about vomit.” 
Suddenly Aelin was thankful for the small nearly invisible chunks of throw-up left on her shirt. 
“Am I supposed to thank you for not being a dick?” She asked him
“I didn't ask you to. You thanked me enough with that show out there. I just won 200$ off a bet I made a year ago.” 
“A bet on what?” She asked, unsure of if she really even wanted to know. 
Cairn smirked. “Who would throw the first punch?” 
Aelin couldn't help the way her whole body tensed. “You seem to be betting a lot lately.” 
“I had a thousand dollars on you and me getting together at this party A.” He shrugged as if the loss of that kind of money didn't matter to him. “You owe me.” 
She decided to ignore the last part of the comment. “That’s actually what I wanted to talk to you about.” 
He arched an eyebrow. “You’re going to fuck me?” 
Against her own wishes she bit out a small laugh. The joke wasn't even funny, and slightly offensive, but the look of hope on his face did enough. 
“No. I’m just going to let you tell people I did.” 
He opened his mouth, closed it, and opened it again. “And why would you do that?” 
She tried to hide how much she had riding on his response. “Your going to let Rowan on the football team. Or at least a try out.”
Cairn laughed, a real laugh. “Chaol will murder me.” 
She tapped her foot. “You get a thousand dollars and can tell everyone whatever you want about me.” She paused. “Just nothing too humiliating okay?” 
His answering grin was borderline wicked. “Deal.”
The shook hands briefly. Aelin didn't really mind Cairn telling people about the two of them, it would either be dismissed entirely as a rumour or forgotten soon there after. Besides, she had more important things to worry about. 
The door handle turned and she spun around. “I’ll leave you alone then.” Cairn said, nodding at her. He had stepped mostly out before he paused once again. 
“Sometimes Aelin I wonder if you and me are soulmates.” 
She nearly choked on air. “What.” 
He just smiled, a softer smile than she’d ever seen on him. “We’re just more alike than you think.” With that he left, closing the bathroom door behind him. 
What the hell was that supposed to mean? Cryptic fucking prick. 
Aelin took a few moments to finger brush her hair and straighten her clothes before exiting the bathroom. God high school parties were awful. She just needed to get to the front door without bumping into anyone of note, call an uber, and get the fuck home. Not too bad right? 
She managed to get about halfway before someone called her name. Aelin didn't bother to look around, just kept elbowing through the crowd as if her life depended on it. 
“Aelin!” The voice was louder this time, getting closer too. 
She had just made it to the threshold when she felt a tap on her shoulder. Choosing to ignore it, Aelin flung open the door and half collapsed onto a step, praying that whoever it was could take a hint. 
Unfortunately for her the weight shifted on the wooden porch and Chaol Westfall took the seat beside her. 
She got up to leave immediately, despite her exhaustion, but he reached out a hand. 
“Please.” He said. “Just hear me out. It’ll be quick.” 
Aelin did. But only because she was pretty sure she would collapse if she didn't rest for a little longer. 
“Aelin I'm really fucking sorry okay. I crossed a line.” 
She didn't bother to reply. Aelin couldn't count the amount of times they’d had this exact same conversation. He said something shitty, she walked away, he apologized a day later. 
For some fucked up reason she always forgave him. Aelin didn't have the energy to make tonight any different. She wanted to be on good terms with Chaol, even if that meant taking a slight hit to her dignity. If she had any left. 
“I mean I know you’re not sleeping with Rowan so everything is okay.” 
She whipped her head around to look at him. 
“Is that the only reason you’re apologizing?” 
He gave her a once-over. “I mean yeah.” He paused. “You weren't fucking him so there was no reason for me to get mad.” 
She shook her head, mad at herself for being surprised. “God Chaol. Each time I think you can't be an ever bigger dick, you prove me wrong.” 
She moved to stand leaning slightly on the railing. An Uber was parked along the curb, evident from the odd looking U on the windshield. She stumbled towards it and rapped on the window. 
“Are you Yrene?” The man in the driver’s seat asked. 
Aelin nodded, sliding into the back seat. She closed the door behind her and rested her head against the head rest, fighting off sleep. 
“I am.” 
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pepperful-qt · 4 years
Also I saw that you're into hp too, I'd like to request a hq x hp crossover please! Relationship hcs of kuroo, osamu and semi (separately) with a slytherin s/o? + bonus if there are suggestive hcs as well. I personally hc kuroo to be a fellow slytherin so I'd really appreciate it if you could assign slytherin for him! I'll leave osamu's and semi's houses to you ^^ thanks again!
ahhh this request made me so excited !! funnily enough I hc slytherin for all these babes🙈im one myself haha let's go🐍🐍🐍 this isn’t late shh
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warnings: suggestive situations/language, alcohol (firewhiskey?? & substances)
Kuroo, Osamu, & Semi with a Slytherin s/o HP! AU
Kuroo Tetsurou
he’s an example of a great slytherin leader
definitely a prefect/head boy, quidditch captain, and is in like 3 clubs. you bet he’s a favorite among professors too
he’s the stereotypical slytherin that’s good at potions, but it’s not bc he’s a slytherin it’s bc he’s an actual nerd (chemistry nerd? try potions nerd)  
and he’s just generally smart and good in his classes
and so are you :) a prefect too
in fact, you’re quite popular with all the houses and the professors. most people wouldn’t guess that your slytherin based on stereotypes
Kuroo, however, recognizes what you’re really doing: creating a network for yourself, and he respects it, but he will mess with you
you actually become friends with Kenma first, knowing he’s very intelligent, which is how he hears about you other than seeing you in passing in the common room and your shared classes
the first time he speaks to you is in potions class and brings up Kenma as a common point, and continues just charming his way through the conversation
he’s just too nice. but there’s little hints of provocation in there too
so you make things fun and flirt back, but play innocent hard to get 
the whole time before he actually asks you out is this back and forth witty banter and flirting that drives everyone crazy
which by the way, he keeps dropping hints that you’re going to have to ask first, but when you finally crack and start to he asks instead, making you flustered (which was his goal the whole time)
can i just say: power couple
y’all are just popular and no one knows why really?? you’re just hard to hate. it’s allll jealousy
you’re also the parents of the slytherins too. you keep em in line but also have no issue standing up to anyone
and trust me, no one wants to mess with you two. you have respect for more than one reason, and knowing a nasty hex or two is def one of them
that network i was talking about? comes in handy all the time
he’ll casually mention a specific kind of root he needs for a potion he wants to try in his extracurricular potion lessons (yes he’s that person) and you just go:
“oh Richard has a friend in ravenclaw who’s got a cousin working at a shop in Hogsmeade that gets those regularly. want me to ask?”
he’s good at getting away with his shenanigans. usually. you always catch him and never let him live it down
when he acts all cocky you know just what to say to knock him down a few pegs, or flirt up a storm that makes everyone around you gag at the sexual tension
“yes captain”
honestly, it feels like you’re the only ones who know the other completely, save for Kenma with Kuroo
he’s the type that will cast orchideous when he sees you by yourself and make flowers grow next to you before walking up and revealing himself aw <3
other students would rather hug the giant squid than get in a debate with you two, especially if you’re together. they’re feelings and egos will be permanently scarred
more pda than other slytherin x slytherin relationships. you’re not afraid to show that you belong to each other
it’ll be something like an arm around your shoulder or a kiss on the cheek as a greeting (it’s still subtle)
more than one occasion he’ll come up behind you while you’re working in the library and massage your shoulders while kissing your neck and whispering some suggestions into your ear
it looks very innocent from an outside perspective, but he makes it so hard to concentrate with his hot breath on your skin
and did i mention you’re both prefects? wow do you abuse your privilege sometimes
what’s more exciting than getting a little action in a dark secluded part of the castle by torchlight during your nightly rounds?
need i mention the bath? steamy.. Myrtle’s a blabbermouth too, so the other prefects know what’s up. but really, are they gonna stop you?
not always, of course. shared baths are some of the best times to have real talk and deep conversations
100% supportive of each other and will take over the world one day, we love to see it
Miya Osamu
the temptation to just make him from Durmstrang-
***i just know people will fight me for sorting him into Slytherin. it’s true that he fits in others but he’s flexible, so i stuck him here for now. i already admitted he was a hat stall calm down.
Osamu’s career as a Hogwarts student is made up of 2 things: quidditch and a secret snack and substance smuggling ring he started in his second year
the Miya twins have a reputation with quidditch just like with volleyball (Osamu is a chaser, Atsumu is a beater. great team)
(i imagine they’re pureblood too, not rlly important though. if you’re half/muggleborn, enjoy teaching his clueless ass about basic muggle society)
you’re another proud and competitive slytherin, who somehow has dirt on anyone and everyone
you’re on the quidditch team too, even better. that’s where you grow close to the twins at first, making you guys a power trio in your own right. quidditch dream team <3
not only do you spend a lot of time together, getting to know each other intimately as teammates (beyond the facades) and allowing his feelings to grow slowly yet surely, but Atsumu is also there to provoke and make Osamu subconsciously jealous when he gets feelings
you’re great at talking Atsumu in circles, which frustrates him and amuses Osamu
(more than once the twins have gotten into pseudo-duels and nearly burned the quidditch stands to the ground. lucky your common room is in a stone dungeon omfg)
you obv know about his snack business, initiating a bit of blackmail to get him to do favors for you, but all in good fun. eventually one of those favors is a date ;)
it’s a quiet relationship, not an in-your-face one, but no one can deny the chemistry,, it’s almost suffocating itself
he’d messed around a little, but they never lasted more than a week. so when he realized you’d hit the month mark he was (internally) “oh shit”
you go on Hogsmeade dates all the time <3 he actually laughs when you get a butterbeer foam mustache. it was an accident the first time, now you do it on purpose ;)
you become a business partner for his smuggling ring. your blackmail means you’ve got lots of people under your thumb and lots of favors available to call in. he also trusts your judgement
fangirls are always jealous, but merlin help them if they confront you. if they’re lucky you’ll roll your eyes and ignore them, but usually you’ll decimate them with words and leave them in the dust. you also know how to hex and get away with it (just blame someone else duh)
yeah rumors happen and it’s annoying, bc you really don’t need people staring at you all the time, but neither you or Osamu even address it
both of you are invited to Slughorn’s parties along with Atsumu, you’re that couple
you’re staring someone down and he comes from behind and snakes (ha) his arms around your waist, glaring at them over your shoulder. 11/10 terrifying
sitting in the courtyard talking to your friends, your head on his lap while he plays with your hair
sneaking into the kitchens together. once you tried some cooking charms and the next day everyone’s eggs were neon green at breakfast...oops?
holding hands while you walk through the hallways and the crowd parts around you
Atsumu is secretly bitter his brother has such a cool s/o and he has yet to have a serious relationship, so he’ll bother & tease the two of you a lot to cope smh
though you don’t show it in public and often give off a tough front instead, behind closed doors you’re actually very loving and committed to one another
favorite places for ~special~ time? quidditch locker room & your dorm
you find excuses to stay behind after practice together. your teammates used to think it was just a coincidence until they finally caught on (not that they’d tattle. if you get caught that’s your business)
imo Osamu would probably be willing to try involving charms in some way during sexy times. a spark on your skin, binding, whatever. most of them are one-offs but it’s the thought that counts ig
there’s an unspoken rule in the slytherin boys dorm to stick a drooble’s gum wrapper on the door of the dorm to tell the others to stay out, but Osamu doesn’t trust anyone so he prefers hanging out in your room. it’s quieter and your roommates know not to try anything <3
he smuggles in some firewhiskey and other stuffs for you two to enjoy by yourselves <3
Semi Eita
(debated with gryffindor for him, but ultimately decided nahh)
Semi is less of the sly and underhanded slytherin and more of the ambitious and self-assured kind
idk why, but i’m feeling a love-hate to friendly competition to friends to lovers ?? don’t ask ajsldkf
you’re a top student, mostly bc of your charm though. no one knows if your good grades are real (they are, but it doesn’t hurt being the teacher’s favorite)
though you hop around friend circles, you don’t have a solid group. sort of an outcast in that way
he knows you exist, but no one really expects much from you. aha, big mistake
every single time you sweep everyone in classes, one way or another, you come out on top (hey i won’t question your methods) and oh does it piss him off. you’ve hit a competitive nerve my friend,, little bit of envy too :/
he confronts you, but you evade, maybe with a little challenge or provocation
from then on it’s just little jabs at each other. he corrects your stirring technique. you return the favor in transfiguration with his wrist motion
you two are the definition of “are you flirting or starting a fight?”
he ends up partnering with you in potions, just to see your tricks up close i swear. he didn’t realize that meant he’d see different sides of you when you study. the way you mingle with everyone intrigues and fascinates him, and slowly curiosity takes the place of spite
he saw you prank a gryffindor into drinking babbling beverage, and it was the first time he saw a genuine smile from you (even if it was a little malicious) 
slowly your relationship shifts as you learn more about each other. you’re more than a suspected cheater and he’s more than a hotheaded jock
you two are the definition of “are you flirting or starting a fight?”
both of you are super super stubborn and too proud to admit feelings for each other sigh, cue slytherin bff tendou to the rescue. count on him for some elaborate scheme to finally get you two together. thank god
once you are together, you’re inseparable
you send each other messages on paper birds charmed to fly to the other, wherever they are. it’s gotten you in trouble a few times (Snape will read them out loud, just bc you’re slytherin doesn’t mean you’re spared embarrassment)
you are in charge of his outfits if you ever go on casual dates to Hogsmeade. sorry eita it’s not a debate <3
he’s super fcking protective, and has a bit of a jealous streak. scary when irritated, but no more than you are
most loyal freaking couple ever though
you’ll have heated debates with each other that from the outside look like you’re fighting but five minutes later you’re chilled out on the common room couch reading a book together, him reading over your shoulder as you sit between his legs
deep conversations late at night in the common room, watching the giant squid & cuddling by the fireplace
love talking about your dreams and aspirations, joking about taking over the world together <3
though it takes some convincing for him on your part, you’re great at sneaking out and not getting caught. you know the secret passages like the back of your hand thanks to being stuck in the dungeons, and like hell rules are going to keep you from enjoying what you want
Hogsmeade, down by the black lake/boathouse at night, and your favorite spot, the astronomy tower <3
you’ll go up there at night, casting sparks from your wand that decorate the air like hovering stars, and just enjoy the beauty of magic and each other
the first time you were almost caught, you ended up in a snug secret passage, and that was your first kiss
sometimes you’re almost caught and then it’s a nice flashback to that time
low on pda outside of holding hands, but get a little firewhiskey and you’re all over each other
late night study sessions in the library that often turn into makeout sessions when you’re finally alone what can i say, the possibility of getting caught is exciting
a big part of your relationship is impressing and inspiring each other every day. you understand each others’ passions and habits, and you’re constantly keeping each other in check while also pushing yourselves to be better (tbh top tier slytherin x slytherin dynamic)
a/n: anyone want a fic out of these?? omfg please send more harry potter or au in general
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flooffybits · 4 years
Idol: Kang Seulgi (Red Velvet)
Request: Yep
Anon: A rv Seulgi scenario based on Huh Gak empty words music video but with a more happy ending please. Thank you. :)
Author’s note: After watching the mv, I was wondering how to make this happy in the end, so please forgive me if this is crappy. Also, I made this a college!au
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Your friendship with Seulgi has always been something you held close to your heart. The girl was full of joy and constantly smiling, almost as though she’s never been sad or know the concept of what sadness was. Sometimes, you envied her for it, but most times, it was one of the reasons you’ve fallen for her.
And that was a problem in itself.
You could never tell her. Even when she would do these things that made your heart flip inside your chest, you could never bring yourself to tell her. Seungwan has told you to confess, more than once, because Seulgi always treated you differently compared to all her other friends. She always held you closer. Her eyes always tried to look for you in a crowded room and they would linger far longer than a best friend should, just like her touches.
Her fingers would always brush against your skin, leaving a tingling feeling in their wake. She would push your hair behind your ear when she decides to draw you, stating that you’ve given her some inspiration to draw and she either does not notice the blush crawling up your cheeks or chooses to ignore it.
All of this should have been an obvious sign that she liked you back, right? But just like your mind told you, it wasn’t.
Recently, she’s been around some boy Jisoo’s introduced to your group, and right away, you could see the way her curious eyes lingered on him, just like they did with you. 
And slowly, every little thing she did to you, she did with him.
The class you would share together, he was present. And instead of sitting next to you like she usually would, she would stick by him, her hand on his arm or shoulder while you could only watch from the side.
You caught her in the park, not too far from the campus. Assuming that she was alone, you smiled and made a move to call out to her, but paused when another figure approached her. 
Seeing the two of them so close to each other, you dropped your hand to your side, tore your gaze away from them and forced your feet to take you as far away from the two as possible because you don’t know how much your heart can handle it. 
She distances herself from you now because most of her time, she spends with him. There are times that you’re with each other, but she always invites Taeyong, much to your dismay. To your usual game nights, to the group hangouts.
Your friends would always exchange these looks when Seulgi would have him over before they’re all shooting you a worried gaze. Seungwan looks the most worried as her gaze immediately catches your sad eyes and you offer her a small smile while shaking your head.
“Y/n, seriously, you can’t just bottle it inside.” She said after offering to take you back to your apartment, something she’s been doing lately since Seulgi decided that she would rather spend her time with Taeyong.
You sigh tiredly while running your fingers through your hair, your exhaustion was clear as day. It worried your friends, but you pushed forward, not wanting anyone to worry about you so much despite your already breaking heart.
“I’m fine, Seungwan. There’s just a lot on my plate, at the moment.” But she knows you enough to know that it’s not just that. “You’ve been like this for weeks. Everyone is worried about you.”
Everyone. That was a lie.
Seulgi wasn’t worried about you, or anyone in the group. She was so focused on Taeyong to even bother checking in on anyone. All your texts, they were replied with either ‘I’m busy’, ‘Maybe later’, or just being left on read.
Even though she hasn’t said anything, it was clear that Seulgi had different priorities now.
You just refused to believe it, which was why you often plastered a smile around her.
“I’m okay, I swear. If anything happens, I swear, I’ll tell you.” Seungwan looks like she wants to protest, but with one more look from you, she resigns and nods her head in defeat. “Please, if you need someone, I’m here.” You thank her, and eventually, you’re back in the confines of your apartment.
Taeyong tries to befriend you. He strikes up a conversation every now and then because he knows you’re Seulgi’s best friend. She talks about you, a lot, apparently.
Also, since you’re in the same class, he tries to communicate well with you despite the one-sided conflict ever since his arrival. You act civil and he doesn’t say much because it’s too awkward.
But one day, you’re left in class, Taeyong being present as well. It seemed that you were both having the same plans of finishing as much work as possible because it was already late when you checked your phone.
You contemplated on whether you would talk to Seulgi or not, but sent her a text anyway. And like your previous texts, she’s left you on read. Sighing, you set your phone down and shake your head before turning back to your notes until a ping comes from the person across you.
Taeyong’s face seemed to light up at the text and you don’t have to be a psychic to know who had texted him. It still hurt.
He made a quick move to leave, gathering all his items then moving out of the room. He glances at you, you notice from your peripherals, and says something similar to ‘see you later’, but you’re too focused on trying to shake off the growing pain in your chest to reply.
Minutes later, you come to the conclusion that you can’t focus after what happened and decide to call it a night. With your jacket wrapped tight around you, you hoist your bag onto your shoulders and head for the exit.
While walking down the empty halls, you can’t help the sinking feeling in your stomach with every step that you take. Gripping your bag tighter, you try to hurry out of there as soon as possible.
But when you pass by one of the classrooms, you slowly came to a stop, your heart beating against your rib cage when you see the familiar looking girl from the glass window.
She’s not alone.
Taking a few and hesitant steps back, you can’t help but take a peek inside, and you understand why your heart felt more painful than it usually did.
They were together, yet again. But this time, much closer than ever with Taeyong leaning closer, and she makes no move to push him away.
You should have already known. But to actually see them right before you, watching as her gentle hand cups his jaw while they kissed in the empty room, made your heart break, more so than it already was and you try to keep your tears at bay while leaning against the wall next to the door.
It was as though all your energy was sucked out of you and your teary eyes fall on the bracelet that nestled on your wrist. It was the one you and Seulgi made together where she wore the other one that had your initials on it.
‘Soulmates, huh?’
Your fingers move to wrap around one of the beads, and with a quick move, the rest of it falls to your feet and you watch is fall apart, just like your friendship with her.
There was no use fighting for something that didn’t want to be fought for.
So with a shaky breath, you pull yourself back up and walk away 
When Seulgi spends more time with Taeyong, she realizes how much she enjoys having him around. He was nice, funny, caring.
He acted the way she had expected in a boyfriend, and she would be lying if she didn’t admit that she found him attractive. What she found in him, she found herself comparing to you, and she felt her happiness rise with how similar you both were.
That was why she always asked him to tag along, because she believed that you would both get along and she would have her best friend and with someone she could see herself dating.
But as time went on, she had been giving her entire attention to Taeyong along. She tells herself that it’s because she likes him, so she accepts his offers of hanging out and finds herself looking forward to spending time with him.
When your name pops up on her screen, she smiles and does her best to reply, but most times, she feels guilty for having to push you aside. She figures that you would understand, given it was clear that she was interested in the boy.
The more your texts ceased, the more she opted to give her time to Taeyong and she knows that it’s unfair to you because she isn’t even putting in the effort to try and talk to you.
The one time she decide to see you, she finds you leaving the campus with Seungwan, and immediately, she feels her heart stop when the Canadian pulls you closer to herself, her hand on your back and rubbing it in a soothing manner that makes Seulgi wonder.
You didn’t look okay and Seungwan was fussing over you like a girlfriend would. She watches the both of you walk away and she quietly asks herself. Does Seungwan walk you home now? Since when?
Bothered, she invites Taeyong to meet up to, hopefully, distract herself from the weird thoughts that were creeping into her head.
She avoids you, now. Though it wasn’t a conscious decision, she just found herself seeking comfort in the male rather than with you because, still, she saw you in him and decided that it was okay, just to satiate herself from the way she had gotten so used to having you around.
But the night that she allowed Taeyong to kiss her, it didn’t feel the same as she had thought it would be. There was no butterflies, no sparks, nothing.
So after that night, when they both leave to head home, Seulgi is thrown off by the awkwardness that hangs in the air. She avoids the boy’s gaze when he looks at her and she wraps her arms around herself up until they part ways and he bids her goodnight.
The next day, she ends up looking for you. And since it was a Saturday, she knew where exactly you would be, so she grabs her things and hurries to the paint shop you would frequent in, every weekend.
When she sees you, a smile is quick to form on her lips and she’s giddy as she hurries over to where you were. Judging by the look on your face, you’re surprised to see her, but the smile you show her is off putting, yet she shrugs it off as she laughs and brushes your hair away from your face.
“Hey, you.” She giggles when you try to look small, your hands on your lap. She never really got used to your shyness around her.
You greet her with a quiet hello, and she takes a seat in front of you, quietly observing you. And the more she looks, her smile fades and worry settles in the pit of her stomach. Have you always been this thin? Your eyes were a bit red and puffy, an indication that you’ve been crying, and she can feel her worry growing.
But her eyes catch the movement of your hands, which were hidden in the sleeves of your sweater, and she can’t help but find it adorable before she’s reaching for you.
But you flinch.
She looks up to you in question, but you avoid her eyes, opting to stare at the few paintings you’ve both left from the previous visits you’ve had.
But you don’t reply and stand, moving to stand somewhere else in the room, refusing to be close to her and she feels hurt with the silent rejection.
“What are you doing here, Seulgi?” Your tone is quiet, with an underlying tone of pain lacedin it that shakes her to the core. “Am I not allowed to be here with my best friend?” She asks, unsure.
Your shoulders tense at her words before you let out a breath. “I’m not sure if you’ve gotten the memo, but I don’t think you’re with the right person.” She stares at you in disbelief as she stands up.
“What are you saying? The last time I checked, you’re my best friend.” She scoffs, and you hold yourself from snapping at her because even when she was the one to push you away, she had the audacity to be angry at you?
“And when was the last time you checked?” You ask her instead, and she pauses, eyes squinting as she stares at you. It made you chuckle humorlessly and shake your head. “Forget it.” You sigh before grabbing your bag from the floor.
Frustration builds inside her and Seulgi moves to grab your arm, quickly crossing the room just to stop you from leaving and forcing you to look at her. “What is your problem?” She demands and you turn to glare at her. “Let go, Seulgi.”
But she refuses, pulling you closer so she can get a better look at you. “I’m not letting you go until you tell me what is wrong.” She states, making you grunt and try to yank your hand away, but she’s stronger and you aren’t exactly in the best state.
The action forces your sleeves to rise and she notices the lack of a certain bracelet, making her heart drop and sadness to creep at her chest. “Where’s your bracelet?” She asks softly this time and you bite your lip to keep yourself from breaking under her gaze.
“I threw it away.” You manage to say and her eyes widen when they meet your tired ones. “There was no more reason to keep it, so I threw it.”
You could already tell by her face that she was about to protest, but you beat her to it. “I’m done, Seulgi. I’ve done my part, but you threw me aside. Everyone could see it, I could see it. You didn’t need me in your life anymore, so I’m doing both of us a favor.”
Her heart aches at your words and she quickly shakes her head. “How is this a favor? Who told you that I don’t need you?” She questioned, tears already forming in her eyes and you shut yours just so you can’t see.
“You didn’t say it, but you made it clear.” Your voice cracked and it was like a knife to her heart to hear it. But what was worse was that everything she tried to cover up was coming to bite her back, ten times worse than she had hoped it would.
She was losing her best friend. She’s probably already lost you, but she couldn’t let you go.
“But I need you, Y/n.” 
This time, you scoff. With an unknown strength,you manage to rip your hand from her grasp.“You don’t. You didn’t care about me when all you ever really cared about was Taeyong. You didn’t bother talking to me, or even seeing me. So tell me, when did you need me?”
Her mouth screws shut when your tears stubbornly make themselves known. she didn’t realize just how badly she had hurt you because she was too selfish in wanting someone who didn’t end up for her.
Even after all of that, it was still you that was in her head and she would look back to every little thing you’ve done together before she’s come to realize it.
All the small gestures, the nights you spent awake just to listen to her, the times you’d offer her your food because she forgot her own, when you would share your jacket or umbrella.
All of that just came flashing before her and formed into three little words. You weren’t exactly one to share your feelings, rather you tend to bottle it up, but for the years she’s known you, this was something she understood, clear as day.
“I didn’t mean to take your love for granted.” She whispered, reaching hesitantly to wipe away your tears, fearing that you would recoil from her touch again. But the moment her fingertips come in contact with your skin, a sob comes from your throat and she latches on to you.
Her arms are strong as she holds you, whispering sweet nothings into your ear while also apologizing for her actions and naivety. The last thing she wanted to do was hurt you, yet that was all she’s been doing.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” She murmured again and again, pressing kisses to your temple as you both ended up on your knees.
The damage was done, and she couldn’t undo it. But she would make sure to stay to repair it, even though things were obviously going to be a bit more different between you two from here.
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