#PNW Wrestling
cuntwrap--supreme · 3 months
Something really empty in the universe knowing Big Cat Scott Henson is dead. Funniest furry motherfucker to ever live. One of the funniest guys in general. Really broke the stereotype about furries being pedophiles and assured the public that furries are degenerates in other ways too. Restored my faith in Canadians. A loss to the indie wrestling scene. Rest in pussy, tiger boy.
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sevenalexander · 2 years
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King Deonte Ford bodyslames Jack Hammer from the Hammer Brothers @ TPW: Tough Love 2023
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telekitnetic-art · 1 year
i hope this isn't intruding since i saw your response to a person regarding salmon run's usage of formline art. i've had similar mixed feelings about what the devs decided to do. i want to ask (in your opinion) if there are ways to correctly reference indigenous art (and in this case formline) and utilize it in ways that aren't harmful. with the assumption that the utilization isn't in a harmful/inappropriate context. feel free to ignore this however, i don't want to make anyone uncomfortable being treated as a spokesperson
Hi, thank you so much for the question! (Also sorry that my answer is late, I decided to think on the question for a couple days and then got too busy to sit down and formulate a reply 💀)
I think it is possible to utilize indigenous art and formline art in ways that aren’t harmful, but I think the main question to ask yourself before you utilize formline art is WHY you want to utilize it. Ie, is it because the art or story you’re using has indigenous characters or context? Or is it just because you want to throw it in? Learning to avoid harmful negative stereotypes is important, but it’s also important not to go too far and end up putting indigenous culture on a pedestal/aestheticizing (?) it.
The best example I have for what I’m talking about is this one OVERWATCH skin for a character called Pharah. From my understanding, the character was thought to be Egyptian (her Wiki Page even lists her nationality as being Egyptian) until this skin dropped and it was announced that she was mixed race PNW First Nations
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Similarly to the SR formline, I can see that the IDEA of formline art is there; but again, it looks like the designers simply LOOKED at formline art images instead of looking into how formline itself works. Not to mention that the character in question isn’t LISTED to be of a specific nation or tribe, just “Pacific Northwest”. I don’t think Blizzard intended for their skin to be offensive or racist, but they ended up generalizing Pacific Northwest art and culture by throwing a skin of just “we looked at pacific northwest images for two hours, this is what we came up with” energy.
I read an article on the situation by Kotaku where a game director said ““Specifically when you talk about that Pharah skin, it’s really interesting because the first time that we had seen the concept art of it, we were all blown away. . . We wrestled with like, ‘OK, so Pharah is clearly Egyptian and that’s her heritage. That’s her nationality and we want to respect that and we also want to be respectful of Native American culture.’ We sort of had this moment of asking ourselves, ‘Are we being disrespectful in any way?’ The Native American parts of it feel awesome and feel like an homage and like, ‘Hey, isn’t this cool?’”
I feel like that’s the dividing line between appreciating Indigenous culture respectfully and appreciating it as an aesthetic. The director said they wanted to be respectful of Native American culture, so… why not make an Indigenous character for OVERWATCH instead of giving a skin with a conglomerate of traits that could link to PNW culture but not a specific nation to a POC character who’s not native because “hey, isn’t this cool?” and then going “wait guys she’s actually native” when the backlash starts.
Studying and researching formline art is VERY IMPORTANT TOO, ideally talk to an indigenous formline artist who is a veteran/expert. My dad always told me about how when he first started doing formline art (a logo for an event he was hosting) his mom exploded and lectured him for ages about how he was doing it wrong and he wasn’t supposed to just put shapes down willy nilly. With formline art, there can be specific rules and guidelines for specific shapes. It’s not just a random process. Utilizing negative space and shape balance is also incredibly important, and can set a beginner artist vastly apart from a more experienced one.
Consulting Indigenous people and thinking about WHY you want to utilize their culture is the main things to ponder when you consider using it for your art. I think that’s a given with most marginalized people’s culture; I don’t blame ppl for thinking it’s cool, but it’s important to be respectful for the culture as well so you don’t accidentally use it for simply aesthetic purposes.
I think that’s all I can think of, I hope this helps. Sorry for the late reply, and sorry for accidentally adding a poll
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nextstopwonderland · 11 months
Hmmm, what *would* go on a Bryan playlist? I don't have a pithy title, sorry!
so like, I went with songs that make me think of him. I’ve made a few mixes but they’re pairing based — nevertheless some of them made it onto this because they still fit the general vibe/were more him-coded.
which for me is basically kind of gentle/nature-y/kind/folky.
I get a Peter Gabriel/U2 vibe with him. And just uplifting/whimsy.
(I wasn’t thinking Bryan as a wrestling character when I did this either, which obviously has more of a frenetic/violent energy; hence why there’s none of his theme songs on here)
So here we go:
(click titles for Spotify links)
1. Where the streets have no name - U2
Just such a escaping into nature at Joshua Tree vibe
(If you haven’t played the album while driving through Joshua tTee 10/10 recommend)
2. Life in a northern town -The Dream Academy
He lived in a PNW town. I love the whimsical/meditative nature of this song
3. Solsbury Hill - Peter Gabriel - Spiritual soul-searching and uplifting
I was feeling part of a scenery I walked right out of the machinery. What a Bryan-esque lyric. He’s literally been talking about disappearing after this next year (much to my utter dismay)
4. Closer to Fine - Indigo Girls.
Sticking with the spiritual soul-searching and uplifting vibe. The line (my favorite line) about the college degree doesn't apply to him but he recently talked about that -- like what would've been different if he did have a formal education/if it actually matters at all. (I'm grateful to Barbie for making a new generation of people discover this epic)
4. Gypsy - Suzanne Vega
Again, a very nature/vagabond getting away from the rush of it all. I love the way Yuta described their hike -- how it was so nice to just turn things off and just "be". And Bryan, who literally uses his phone 1 hour per day is definitely all about "just be-ing."
5. The Wind - Cats Stevens/Yusuf
More of the same simplistic living/being/folksy vibe.
6. Northern Sky - Nick Drake
Goes hand in hand with the above for me.
7. Spinning Away - Brian Eno, John Cale
More of that 'just be-ing, experiencing the joy in the little things, appreciating every moment, nature/artistic vibe. I love the way he talks about all the ideas he has in his head, how he's constantly thinking about wrestling and has notebooks upon notebooks of ideas, not just about that but all kinds of things.
8. Kind and Generous - Natalie Merchant
A sappy one to close it out, i love how everyone who talks about him basically calls him the nicest person alive.
If anyone wants all the songs in one place, here ya go
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mycupofstars · 1 year
Random Asks on a Rainy Morning! 16, 32, 46, 67, 95
My beloved, my Tumblr enigma, my beloved Tumblr enigma
16 - Something not in your regional dialect that is in your vocabulary
15 years after leaving the midwest for the pnw I am still an ope-er that seems permanent unfortunately
32 - A character you relate to for whatever reason?
Helen Norville god help me and also everyone at my work
46 - What's something you do differently than everyone else?
Drop off specimens at work! This is still driving one lab tech insane and delighting the other one. "Got some fingies for you" "Who wants some tummy tum tum"
67 - Something in your room that you think is funny for whatever reason?
Hang on I am gonna have to reblog with a pic of this one bc it's a beauty
95 - Do you split the check or expect only one of you to be paying it?
For those of you who do not know, this is my girlfriend publicly gloating over the fact that we arm wrestle for the check on date nights and last Sunday she fucking won again
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spinebuster · 9 months
one thing about me…im gonna regret not going to a pnw wrestling show
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Normally when I go through difficult periods in my life, I get through them with horses, storytelling, drawing, and poetry. That’s why it’s so weird that this time, the only thing that’s really quieting my mind is my guitar.
I haven’t learned a new song on the guitar since high school. I hardly play now, and I wasn’t particularly good as a teenager, either. But lo and behold, I got desperate, and suddenly I’m playing the guitar again. I feel like I can’t really get myself to do much of anything right now, and mostly I’m in a wrestling match with my own brain like never before (and I do mean that — I don’t know if it’s ever been this intense), but I’m also playing a new song very very very badly. And I don’t really care that it sucks, because at least I’m remembering how to breathe. I can have a few minutes where I’m not in the midst of the same circular thought hell I’ve been in 24/7 for the past several weeks.
Now, between this, picking up bouldering as my latest hobby, searching for therapists who specifically do hiking therapy, the whole flow arts thing, getting a little more into spiritual stuff again, considering taking a yoga class despite the fact that I hate yoga, and attempting to set up a consultation with a service dog trainer, I do feel like I might be on my way to becoming one of the PNW-stereotype guys who practically live at REI, have weird takes on trees, somehow always smell like campfire smoke, and have suspiciously well-trained, almost humanlike border collies named Maverick. I’ve found myself researching hiking trails and I kinda want to go camping. I have not yet decided whether this is gender affirming.
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resonanteye · 2 years
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mountain lion was her wrestling name. we talked about carabiners and about coming out, about dandelions and about moving a lot. we talked about the Appalachians and the pnw. was a good day
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razor-ramons-thighs · 2 years
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Brian Adams
Portland Wrestling
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ashymcgee · 5 years
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@Seattle : Hey. It's been cold, dark and rainy without you, Jada. . Me: Dial Tone, Seattle. #totheleft . @Seattle: Gurl. I'm a changed man. I need you. I need your sunshine. I need that brown skin. I need your laughter. I need...your memes. . Me: Go home, Seattle. You are white as extra light Miracle Whip. You think ice water is spicy. You are a booty communicator and your hoodies smell like two day old rain soaked okie-doke. I'm about my BJJ, my books and my bag! Don't need y- . @miltonharshyjr : Pokemon. Dank memes. Mat Time. #diabeetus . Me:.... . @sorrentinojimmy: WWE? NXT? . Me: .... . @arcanecomics: Comics? Nerdy things? ....Squirrels? . Me:.... . Me:.... . Me:....okay..I'll come back. 😔 . Seattle: YAY! . #auroranightsquirrels #comics #nwjja #arcanecomics #blacknerdgirls #blackgirlmagic #blackgirltravel #seattle #puertorico #memes #squirrelgirl #pokemon #wrestling #pnw (at Seattle, Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6zXPioJLZJ/?igshid=17esrmwyhsuge
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tache-noire · 2 years
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thenataliawrites · 3 years
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GENRE ― new adult contemporary with mystery elements?? I’m still figuring this out lol
POV  ― third-person, present
STATUS  ― writing and plotting along the way
CONTENT WARNING(S)― missing persons, panic attacks, existentialism???
MAIN CHARACTERS ― Isla Day, Tal Blythe, Valentina Thomas
SUMMARY ― When Isla goes back to her first year of college as an art student, she is wrestling with dark cloud of art block and a sense of losing herself. At a bonfire night with her roommate Valentina, Isla meets enigmatic law student Tal who would rather do anything than stay in his room and study. When Valentina goes missing without a word after the bonfire and Isla and Tal find her dorm room trashed, they embark on a mission to find Valentina before time runs out and she is lost forever. As they search for Valentina, Isla and Tal step back and look at their own place in the world and what they truly mean in this universe and to each other. 
message me to be added to the taglist!
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babbushka · 5 years
Hey pretty lady! The PNW is gracing us with sunshine and 90° weather today so can I get skinny dipping in the new pool behind the trailer with my fave boi Clyde?
You sure can my dear friend!!
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Everyone thought the Logan brothers were simple minded, but they didn’t mind that one bit. Sometimes it was easier to let people think something like that, it let them get away with a lot more than folks would ever give ‘em credit for. Like robbing the speedway, for one thing. 
Or investing all that money, for another.
Jimmy and Clyde had figured that they wouldn’t get too much from the robbery, once all was said ‘n done, and the money had been split all the different ways it needed to be split, so they had formed a plan to invest a good chunk of their own shares.
To make a long story short, their investments paid off.
You and Clyde Logan had decided to splurge for a nicer house, not quite the mansion Bobby Jo and Moony lived in over across the state line, but nice. It had a lot of property, and you and Clyde decided it might be fun to put in a pool.
Your eyes had lit up at the thought of swimmin’ in the hot West Virginian summers, and once Clyde saw that look in your eye, well shit. How the hell could he say no to that?
“Hey darlin’?” Clyde called from the front yard, covered in grass clippin’s and sweat from where he was mowin’ the front lawn.
“Yes honey?” You called back, putting the finishing ice-cubes in a big pitcher of sweet tea, smiling when your man came into the kitchen.
“I was thinkin’,” Clyde started in that careful way of his, “Hot day like today might be perfect for swimmin’.”
He smiled at you, and you always swooned a little when he smiled. You were swooning now.
“I like the way you think, Clyde.” You replied with a happy nod. It had been just about one hundred degrees outside all day, you didn’t know what the hell possessed Clyde to go out and mow the lawn in the middle of the afternoon, but you had long given up asking why Clyde did what he did. Instead you asked, “Want a glass?”
You gestured to the pitcher of freshly chilled tea, and he nodded, hovering in the doorway so as not to track in wet grass all over the place.
“Yes please,” He nodded with those kind brown eyes of his, “Why don’t you go on ahead? Bring the tea outside, I want to just rinse off all this shit so it don’t go in the pool and clog the filter.”
“Alrighty, don’t take too long now.” You chuckled as you leaned over to kiss him, your man always considerate.
You kissed him once more just ‘cause you loved him with your whole heart, and turned to walk towards the backyard, jumping just a little bit when Clyde playfully smacked your ass on your way past him.
You shot a grin over your shoulder, and thought what the hell, why not have a little fun?
You decided to forgo a bathing suit, content to just strip down to your birthday suit and step into the water. It was deliciously cool against your skin, a great reprieve from the heat. You had set the glasses of iced tea right on the edge of the pool so you or your man could grab ‘em easily, and you had turned on the little battery operated radio for some tunes to cut through the silence.
That was the nice thing about the new house, no neighbors for a long while.
You faced away from the house, setting your eyes on the soft fields just across the way, all the way down to the edge of your property. You were thinkin’ about plantin’ a garden there, one that could make lots of fruits and veggies and herbs year-round.
You were so wrapped up in the thought of your garden that you weren’t paying attention to the sliding door opening and closing, to the gentle splash of someone entering the pool.
It wasn’t until Clyde’s left arm slid around your middle that you snapped back to reality, with a wide smile on your face at that.
“You’re so damn pretty, ain’t ya?” His deep voice pressed into your shoulder as he planted a kiss there, kissed up your neck while he was at it.
“Hey there mountain man.” You turned in his embrace, grinned up at him as you squinted through the sun to see he was just as naked as you were. “Glad you got the memo.”
You laughed and playfully let your fingers walk down his stomach, stopping just shy of his happy trail. He snatched up your hand and bit the wrist playfully, kissin’ it before letting it plop back into the water.
“I couldn’t find my trunks, hoped ya wouldn’t mind.” He blushed, lookin’ sweet as could be.
“How could I?” You replied, sliding your arms around his neck and leaning up to kiss him.
Before your lips could make contact though, Clyde surprised you.
You know, sometimes, you forgot that he had been in Special Forces.
Until, that is, he pulls some sorta stunt – like picking you up and throwin’ you across the damn pool.
“Clyde Logan!” You sputtered with a great big laugh and hair in your face, popping up from under the water.
Clyde laughed openly, a rare sight, all his handsomely crooked teeth on display and his nose all scrunched up.
“Sorry darlin’! You just looked too cute, had to mess ya up just a little.” He teased as you tried righting yourself.
“Clyde this is salt water!” You complained, no real heat in your voice, sudden rush of adrenaline from flying in the air and landing in the water making you laugh all dizzy.
“Here lemme kiss it better.” He beckoned you closer.
Now, you were no fool, so when you swam on over to your man, and he reached out to cup your cheeks in those baseball mitts of his, you jumped on him and pushed him under the water, getting him as ‘messy’ as he had gotten you.
“(Y/N)!” It was his turn to act shocked, hair plastered to his head makin’ his ears stick out something fierce.
“That’s what you get!” You laughed, already swimming away from the great big bear across the pool.
“You’re in for it now.” He warned, all bark and no bite, as he swam after you.
You had rarely seen Clyde as carefree as he was while he was in the pool with you, and if some naked wrestling in the pool and a couple nose-fulls of water were all it took to bring out that side of him, you’d be more than happy to oblige.
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nerdyvixen · 5 years
Okay, so mental health stuff goin’ under a cut, because yeah.
So if y’all want to send out some good vibes for me, that would be great. I’m...not well, honestly. I haven’t been well in a very long time. Moving out to the PNW was a better choice than staying in the Midwest, but it’s not been without its challenges, and losing my medication, my therapist, my psychiatrist, and the support network I’d worked really hard to build in one fell swoop and not being able to afford insurance to try to find resources to replace those things has been...well, pretty fucking shitty, tbh.
I’m not even going to lie a little bit--I’ve been wrestling with suicidal ideation more often than not. I deal with intrusive thoughts on the daily now, which is a super fun and exciting development that I’m just so excited about /sarcasm. I don’t have a sense of the passage of time. I’ve dissociated more often than I haven’t. Food just...doesn’t taste good, most of the time anymore? I don’t sleep through the night most evenings. My executive dysfunction is at an all-time high. My creativity has stalled hard, and that’s creating this fabulous little echo chamber of guilt that I’m living in. The last therapist I saw also suggested, in my final session with him, that I had likely been misdiagnosed--or, at least, not completely diagnosed, so who knows what’s even going on in this stupid fucking brain of mine but a whole heap of nonsense? I’m an alphabet soup bowl of mental health issues!
But I promised two of my most important people that I’d make a call to the local crisis center on Friday to see what kind of resources are available my broke ass. I promised. And they’re two people I absolutely don’t want to let down.
So my friend Melanie is coming over on Friday while I call so I don’t have to do it alone. And if any of you want to send out some well wishes into the universe, I’d really really appreciate it, because it’s really easy to think that I live in a void, and I don’t want to feel like that anymore.
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gorykarleena-blog · 6 years
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I logged into Twitter and this was the first thing I saw!!! 😭💕 PNW homegrown talent @gearlhebner She deserves every second of this. I am so happy and proud of you lady! Shane and I were just taking the other day how you could potentially ref in NXT/WWE someday! I had no idea it would be today! 🤘🏿 keep killing it! #seattle #nxt #pnw #washingtonstate#gearlhebner #youdeserveit #happy#wrestling #321battle
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razor-ramons-thighs · 2 years
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Crush vs Rip Oliver
Portland Wrestling
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