fairyofshampgyu · 1 year
Random but also nct dreams album is saur good
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rainbowangel110 · 7 months
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othervee · 6 months
Finale thoughts!
Interesting to find out that Hillerska has had multiple warnings over several years and still didn't pull their heads in. Clearly they thought they were invincible.
Vincent and Nils stepping up to the plate when they see August's genuine distress, the way Vincent is stroking his arm. There's real friendship and love to be found, but you only see it when you're honest. Similarly, their reactions when they find out that August is backup. August receiving the posioned chalice. What else can he do now, though? He's lost Arnas, or at least part of it. He has to do the military service; he's in the position Wille has been in.
Haha, the housemaster having a drink with the boys. What else is he going to do?
Loved the scene with Felice dragging Wille to the party. Her facial expressions, she's so cute. Wille negotiating with Malin shows a level of maturity, but the male bodyguard is SO not impressed as he follows them to the palace, LOL.
LOVE that Simon brought Rosh and Ayub to the white party. And Ayub reassuring Rosh, after Stella shows herself for who she is. She's chosen the Hillerska way, all the way.
The scene between Wille and August in the clubroom. He didn't know it, but that was the closure he needed. THat they both needed. They've made peace, they can even develop a familial relationship again into the future, but right now this is as close to peace as they can have at this stage.
Nils, you giant dork. And also... They're shocked he didn't say anything earlier,  but would things have been different if he had?
No Royal house, no Prince, no socialist, no drama. No before. No later. Only now. As the previous song said, back to basics. Back to the pure connection they have with each other.
The lake scene. So beautiful.
Simon's Song! Did Felice initiate that, do we think? A few of the choir were smiling at Simon. Nice to see they all (or most of them) wanted that and not the musty old version.
Oh, Kristina, that really is too little too late, but I'm glad you came through in the end.
The little token the Queen and Duke put around August's neck is a frog prince. The symbolism would be a sledgehammer if the direction or script drew attention to that, but they don't.
In the car, Wille beginning to feel the panic attack happening, the constriction of the collar around his neck, and realising what that means. This is an unhealthy system and if he stays in it, this will be his life. The constriction, the desperation, literally struggling to breathe. Echoing Simon's words to him, "I've seen how it makes you feel". Being calm because he's no longer coming from a place of despair, a place where he has no control. And Kristina knows it. It was important for Wille to tell his parents he loves them. He's coming to terms and making peace with everyone.
That closing scene, oh my god. The montage was cheesy as fuck and I am here for it. The dialogue and the execution were not cheesy. They established the important things. Wille is doing this for his sake, not for Simon's. For the first time in his life he is making an informed, calm, active choice.
Simon's FACE. OMG. The shock, barely daring to believe it, but knowing when Wille says 'For my own sake' that this is it. It's real. And then! The tears, the gasping, the incredulous joy! Omar is a natural who stepped it up even more this season, and I do hope he continues to take on acting roles because he is amazing.
Wille's FACE. The joy but more importantly the PEACE.  His entire being, his posture, his aura changes and he radiates rightness. Edvin is incredible.
Also? They both look so, SO beautiful in this episode. This closing sequence, but really the entire episode.
Heading off into the sun, in white, whooping and cheering, Felice with her legs up on the dashboard, free.
And now I want LOADS of future fic about The Adventures of Wille, Simon, Sara och Felice. Tack, Lisa, for leaving it so open for us to do that!
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rrcenic · 10 months
if they had tumblr on the lotf island simulator bc silly :))
🐚 thechief Follow
God I love him so much. Every time we kiss I feel so alive.
🔥 csharpmf Follow
🐚 thechief Follow
…this is literally about us
🔥 csharpmf Follow
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🦎 helloitssimon Follow
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found a ton of these beautiful leaves and made a flower crown!!
🦎helloitssimon Follow
so. piggy has informed me that the rash on my arms and head is due to the posion ivy ive been wearing for a week.
#everything itches :,(
(23 notes)
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🐷 number1ralphstan Follow
Greetings and salutations! This is my first official Tumblr post. My name is Peter. I use primarily he/him pronouns but do not mind they/them.
If you’re a supporter of J*ck or The H*nters DNI!!! I am a Ralph supporter!!! You choir boys make me sick!!!
I have asthma and I am gay. If you insult me, or call me fat, YOU WILL BE BLOCKED!!!
If you are anti-Ralph, I’m not afraid to call you out as the CONCHPHOBE you are!
🐺 xX_RogerTheHunter_Xx Follow
lmaoooo kys piggy
🐷 number1ralphstan Follow
#I AM SO ANGRY RIGHT NOW #YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF #tw h*nters #tw conchphobia #tw j*cks tribe
(341 notes)
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👬 sam-and-eric-the-twins-alt-account Follow
#we’re personally more ralph-leaning #but not picky
(15,326 notes)
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🔳 mulberry-boy-deactivated
t hebeasty i know it’s there i lnow the hel p help theyre is a beastie pleas
😭 PercivalWemdeysMadison Follow
hey op are you ok
😭 PercivalWemdeysMadison Follow
(40k notes)
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🤡 sillybillymaurice Follow
brooo my homies @xX_RogerTheHunter_Xx and @csharpmf were talking about their kill streaks and i said “do you play on an open server or a private world” and they just looked confused 😭😭😭 like bro did. were. were you not taking about minecraft????
🐺 xX_RogerTheHunter_Xx Follow
🤡 sillybillymaurice Follow
girlie help?????
#ur so silly like wtf
(12 notes)
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🔥 csharpmf Follow
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bro check out this fire art i whipped up this afternoon 💪💪💪 nothin much just a quick doodle 💪💪💪
🐷 number1ralphstan Follow
Hey OP. Maybe do some research on famous art before attempting to plagiarize the Mona fucking Lisa. You disgusting credit thief.
🐺 xX_RogerTheHunter_Xx Follow
maybe you should learn what a joke is lmao
(31k notes)
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🐚 thechief Follow
This is your daily reminder to take care of yourself! Drink water and eat some pig! AND FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DONT LET THE SIGNAL FIRE GO OUT!!!
🔥 csharpmf Follow
…i forgor
🐚 thechief Follow
#literally so pissed /srs
(2,176 notes)
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🐺 xX_RogerTheHunter_Xx Follow
i am #strong. i am #emo. i listen to #mychemicalromance. i am #dark
*lifts black hair off face, revealing black eyeshadow* i cannot feel love. i care about no one. because i am #EMO!!!! /srs
🦎 helloitssimon Follow
🐺 xX_RogerTheHunter_Xx Follow
no!!! don’t be sad- *bites black lipstick covered lip and glances away* i… i love you
🦎helloitssimon Follow
🐷 ralphsnumber1stan Follow
Oh my God. And you call ME cringe.
#no hate on Simon even though he’s a weirdo #but Roger is like a different breed of freaky #tw h*nters #tw j*cks tribe #tw conchphobia
(865 notes)
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tsunamiscale · 6 months
Hello everyone I'm back for another round of "Things about the httyd books that make me feral". this time, quotes! (with occassional commentary). Only have ones for books 1-8 right now, the rest will be up Eventually
"We're all snatching precious moments from the peaceful jaws of time."
"Listen," said Hiccup, happily, just before passing out. "The supper is singing."
And I bend my head, not too close, and I am sure I can just hear very, very faintly:
Once I set the sea alight
with a single fiery breath….
Once I was so mighty that I thought
my name was Death….
Sing out loud until you're eaten,
song of melancholy bliss,
For the mighty and the middling
all shall come to THIS….
The Supper is still singing.
"I'm rotten to the core and I like being rotten. The treasure has got me and I like being got." (love this one it sums up Alvin so well)
"But then if Hiccup had been a traditional Hooligan Hero, he would have been dead as a kipper several books ago."
"There were heroes when I was a Boy" (the callback to there were dragons is so good)
"Stories come from somewhere," said the witch. "The past haunts the present in more ways than we realize." (our first hints into how important cycles are to the story)
"It was the second time Grimbeard the Ghastly had tried to kill his son. And this time he succeeded" (this one does things to me. the resigned tone alone is enough but oh man the context of the witches story added on?)
"I should warn you, Boy-Who-Has-a-Name-I-Once-Loved, that not a speck of that love remains. Not a jot. Not a whisper. One hundred years of captivity has drained every last drop of that love from me, and I am cured for ever." (This. oh god this. The fact that Furious' love for his brother has ended in believing love is posion? heartbreaking)
“You have to have a heart to make a promise.” Growled the dragon, “And my heart was broken long ago. With the half that is left I'll keep HALF my promise.” (This line is my other favorite, because of how cleverly worded it is. and for Furious to use his broken heart as justification when he thinks love is bad is a whole other concept)
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bloopitynoot · 21 days
Reading SVSSS: Chapter 3
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For those who don't know, I am reading SVSSS for the first time and sharing my thoughts!
If you have not read it, there will be spoilers! Consider this a warning.
Also- if you want to follow along, I am aiming to post updates daily. You can find all the posts in the tag bloopitynoot reads SVSSS. You can also check out the intro post for context on my read.
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oh, that's good, he's (Shen Qingqiu/Shen Yuan) not dead p135
also not related to my read, but this time I am actually writing at my table (instead of cocooned in a blanket on my couch) so hopefully these note are easier to read (Read: I am trying to have neater handwriting for ✨aesthetic✨). All I need with my notes, book, and tea is a candle and i'd be living my ancient academic fantasy.
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If anyone wants to know this chapter is accompanied by a white tea that tastes like loquats. It's my favourite nostalgic tea. My family used to travel south when I was small and my grandparent's house there had a loquat tree. I haven't had loquats in over a decade (canada lol) but this tea tastes jut like them.
Anyways! Back to SVSSS!
Give me patience: the amount of dislike I have anytime Ming Fan is present p135
oh dang, this boy can cook! p138
Re: this boy can cook- Bye LOL "Luo Binghe's excellent cooking skills were his foremost lady-killing technique." p138
boo, I am upset that the Abyss scenario still needs to happen (But I get it, of course it can't be that easy- we do need plot for this book) p139
I can't XD he really is falling into the plot/character of Protagonists Love Interest. First the congee cooking and no the "Poison cure" p142
RE: WAIT: I am crying LOL
But like could he 👀 "Like, he knew that the going at it with the protagonist could have cured the poison, but like he could do that! Could he? Ha ha ha ha..." p145
Not Liu Qingge over here thinking Shen Qingqiu is possessed (not really wrong though) p147
once again we have Ming Fan -> honestly I would not be surprised if he ended up the new villain/scum character role p148 there is nothing likeable about him
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this line is killing me "Shen Qingqiu was astoundingly oblivious to the fact that, thanks to the divine wingman abilities of his useless teammate, Ming Fan, Luo BInghe's favor has again risen to a new high" p.150
Oh god, he's in Luo Binghe's dream world. I am so nervous for this. p. 152
Dang. Why so many deductions for failure -1000 is a LOT for him p154
okay but this dream subplot is feeding my theory that Shen Qingqiu is switching character roles from villain to Love Interest p155
Oh no :( not his childhood bullies p160
omg and now his mom's death p161
Shen Qingqiu has been taking a constant beating for 164 pages- how is he not dead p164
LOL Shen Qingqiu really said "i'm not paid enough for this emotional labour" p167
Also Shen Qingqiu "I finished my friendship performance; I can finally leave work now" p169 what a vibe
Even the Dream Demon Lord is over how much Luo Binghe talks about Shen Qingqiu (p172)
uuuugh the foreshadowing RE: if you don't learn the demon path and the seal breaks you are basically fucked p.173
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You tell that demon, Luo Binghe! RE: "right now, you are discussing terms with me, and you are free to say anything...but if you harm Shizun, any agreement is void!" p177
LOL "Aura of Badassery" p177
Shen Qingqiu after a very bad no good series of days "pls I dont want to see you omg leave me alone I am v tired" p179 this guy can't catch a break
The dichotomy of Shen Yuan acting in this though. Outward: I definitely can handle this. Inward: I'm so fucking scared, I do not got this. Is so real p180
Shen Qingqiu "I want this kid to remain optimistic and feel positive with his heritage (so he does not turn evil and mass murder me and everyone else)"Luo Binghe "I am going to be the strongest of strong possible so that I can protect Shen Qingqiu" p182
Oh gods, not him asking him to move in with him (to basically have a servant but like Luo Binghe has just had his entire life changed) p185
okay so age check- suddenly he's 15??? I thought this kid was 14 like 3 days ago?? p186
Points to Shen Yuan though for noting that how Luo Binghe was being treated was child abuse. p188
YAY! He's going to train with Meng Mo (also it made me laugh at how pissed Meng Mo is about not having the teacher title) p190
That's all for this chapter!
next one aiming for tomorrow :D
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familyofpaladins · 5 months
You ever just get stuck by the silliest au idea and then suddenly its consumed your mind?
Anyway TMNT Princess Bride au
Most characters taken from the 2003 series, but personality of turtles might be closer to Rise series
(I wrote this in the notes of my phone so forgive typos and weird thought process lol)
Casey is buttercup. April is westly (Originally, and what inspired this whole thing. Was that karai was buttercup and Chapman was westley lol)
The turtle bros work for stockman (bishop?) Because he says he has he will help them find their father's killer. A man who has 3 scars along his chin.
Casey just a simple farmer (oh my god. The farm house) with April there to help feed chickens and milk cows and such and such (Would she only say as you wish?? Would she be that submissive? Idk. Maybe she would as long as he promised not to call her babe lol) (LMAO HER PHRASE IS DONT CALL ME BABE INSTEAD OF AS YOU WISH LOLOLOL)
Eventually she goes off to maybe get soem schooling or soemthing. But her ship gets [sunk/destroyed] by the Dread Pirate Krang. April doesn't return and after years Casey believes she died.
Then the local royalty happens to pass by and the princess (karai)(who is told needs to find a husband so she can finally become queen) decides to make Casey her groom.
Casey still in a depressive gloom doesnt do much to reject her.
One day when Casey is out on a run (one of his few joys) he gets kidnapped by 4 demihuman turtles . :D
But then. A stranger begins to follow them. A (wo)man in black
I've mostly been going from 03 inspiration of character. But the turtles might be a little more Rise based.
Leo is inigo foil. The master swordsman. And the banter. "You seem a decent fellow, I hate to kill you" "you seem a decent fellow. I hate to die" I am not left handed. He Asks april "ever seen a man with 3 scars along his chin?" "Do you ask everyone that question?
Raph is Fezzik . Big. The muscle. (Kind) Mikey doesnt have a direct foil. May have his own individual fight with april or possibly works with raph. The muscle and taunting words and stuff idk
Stockman is arrogant and thinks hes the smartest around. Accepts April's challenge.
Don is there to keep a hold on Casey. (He plays the game a long in his mind that it doenst actually take any posion). Once stockman is dead, Don just asks for th truth about what happen to the rest of his brothers, April tells him they are just knocked out and will be fine. He says he doenst really care about keeping casey as they were just doing it to work with stockman and well he's dead so no point. Bye crazy smart lady and sad prince to be. And he leaves to meet up with his brothers.
Cue april trying to lead casey away and him being like. Oh you're the pirate that killed the love of my life! Blah blah blah so you can shove it babe!
*falling down hill* doooon't caaaaaall me baaaaaaabe! Oh my sweet april ehat have I done!? *throws self down cliff*
They go through the forest (lmao splinter as rous) (not actually but the image is funny)
And Karai and her advisor Oroku Saki meet them and casey begs her to let april go instead of killing her.
April notes that the advisor has 3 scars a long his chin. That's right. Shredder is what's his face and killed splinter. (Sorry splints. You had to die in this au)
April is taken to Bishop who experiments on his death machine. Just doing his job and having fun with his toys.
shredder shows up when he learns about the demihumans and asks too many questions about the demi humans shes ever encountered. (Theres a small but decent population in the kingdom) but especially that turtles she encountered last. April doesn't care (she does but more concerned about casey) and asks instead about casey and telling him shes never going to stop.
Karai may or may not visit April… idk. But honestly she doesnt really care about marrying casey but she needs to in order to get the crown.
Anyway its shredder who throws a hissy fit and cranks up the machine "killing" april
Meanwhile the turtles have regrouped but leo is super depressed because he failed and now theh have no lead on their father's killer. Brothers eventually pull him out of it.
They hear aprils cry?? They want "the woman in black" to help them??
Idk they go look for her
("Father guide my sword" is SUCH a thing Leo would do and the humor of it hitting the tree then opening the door is peak tmnt.)
Oh no shes dead
Enter miracle max. I mean the ancient one."she is only MOSTLY dead"
Tang shen: "I'm not a witch! I'm your daughter!" (Maybe. This might change)
They all have to push raph on the cart to break into the castle. Hun is the door keeper lol
Leo goes after shredder. Raph is hauling April around. Ikd what mikey and don are doing exactly. Maybe they split off to look for karai and/or casey
Raph: sighs and puts april down carefully and goes knocks down the door for leo. Comes back to everyone gone. "Now whered everybody go??"
April somehow gets to Casey's room. Casey is thrilled.
Karai shows up… idk. Ask why she really is doing this. Is it what she really wants? Or is it just what shredder has convinced her she needs to do (marry become queen go to war and take over other kingdoms)
Karai seems to consider it (maybe) but still cant have her groom just be carted off. April says okay let's fight then. I've taken on demihimans and been dead and came back, you really want to fight?
Karai considers and concedes. They tie her up so it doesnt look like she just wlt them go.
Karai let's them all leave and ends up marrying one of the chamber men[squire/stable boy/man servant] (is that a real term???) Chapman.
Leo don and mikey all catch up and somehow raph went and found them all horses to ride out on. Happily ever after
Cody is the grandson. Hamato yoshi/splinter is the grandfather
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galebrainrot2024 · 8 months
God Gale x Tav Part II
I likely won't be able to write tomorrow, so I figured I'd crank this out before I went to sleep.
Part II of Gale wanting to become a God, post Elder Brain.
Your head thrums violently as sea sickness washes over you. The glaring light of day stirs you to rise and you feel the dryness of your mouth, as if your saliva was replaced with sawdust. Gale is hovering over you, eyes shut as his hands brush over your body while chanting something that you can’t make out. 
It takes a moment for you to realize where you are, what’s happening. Your entire body is drenched and you’re shaking violently, your lips blue. As Gale is murmuring and you feel the cold leave your body, warmth returns to your toes and finger tips. Your teeth chatter together and you turn over to heave out a mouth full of water. 
“OH!” Gale suddenly exclaims, nestling your head in his palms, pulling it into his lap. “Oh, thank the Gods,” he heaves, his shoulders shaking as if he already counted you dead, “I thought I lost you,” he strokes the wet hair out of your face, holding you in his lap. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry…” Your eyes try to adjust, and you’re still unsure what he’s apologizing for as your brain synapses start to re-fire. 
The river. You were exploring the river. You were... you were diving. Breathing underwater, looking for the crown. The crown. Gale had sworn the transmutation spell was safe, that it was a spell most casters learned early in their extensive studies - he was an archmage, once one of Mystra’s chosen - water breathing was a simple parlor trick. At least, that was what he said. 
As the realization dawns on you, as you begin to understand that you nearly drowned because his spell failed… it made your skin crawl. Yes, he could always get a message to Shadowheart, but to be resurrected, it needed to be done promptly. 
Gale had no such abilities. 
You swallow hard, your body still trembling and the sun feels almost too bright. You close your eyes and turn to the side to cough up more water. “My love? Say something, please -“ his voice was urgent, a touch unhinged, and although Gale could see you are awake his eyes search yours beseeching, almost pleading. “Please…” he murmurs, still brushing your wet hair from your eyes as if to will you to speak. 
“What happened?” You croak, your throat feeling like a hot iron was thrust down it and you grip your neck, sitting up. Gale kneels beside you, rubbing your back. Although the gesture is supposed to be soothing, for the first time since you began the search with him, you feel the seeds of doubt and fear plant themselves into your veins and spread like posion. 
“I -“ Gale sighs, turning his face from you and the crease in his brow deepens. “Let’s get you back - dry and fed, first…” He grunts as he stands, pushing himself up. He holds out his hands to you, his eyes full of regret, dismay and you take them cautiously. “Come here a moment.” He pulls you into him, cradling your head against his chest, the other resting tightly around your waist. You feel him inhale deeply, as if disbelieving you’re still here, and you feel his lips press to your head. 
“I wouldn’t mind getting dry… I’m freezing,” you say, your teeth chattering together and he drapes a thick robe around you, summoning it as simply as breathing. 
When you and Gale are back in the small room you’ve been renting as you scourged the Chionthar, it feels as if your heart has been replaced with a lead weight. It had hardly been a ten-day since you and Gale began your search for the crown and the feeling of dread you had on the docks returns to you. 
You disrobe and put on fresh clothes. Gale’s eyes bore into you as if when he blinks you will disappear. He holds his face in his hands, the look of distress evident in the etch in his brow, the crease that continued to deepen as your search once more turned up fruitless. 
You stand at the edge of the bed, toweling your hair, watching Gale watch you. You could cut the silence with a knife. “What happened Gale?” 
The color drains from his face and he shakes his head, looking away from you. “I - I don’t know. One moment the spell was working exactly as it should and then the next…” he closes his eyes, his voice catching. It sounds almost defeated. “The next it felt like the weave disappeared from my reach.. it was barely a moment, but it was too late…” He stands and pulls at his hair nervously, running his fingers through it. “I just do not understand how that could have happened.” 
“I have my ideas..” You murmur and Gale looks to you, eager to hear them. “How do you know Mystra didn’t revoke the weave… she did request you bring her the crown, after all.” 
Gale’s look sours and his tone ices over, “I don’t know how to explain it to you again, but I shall try. With the crown in my hands, I would be unstoppable… we would be unstoppable. The Karsite Weave would be mine to command… I would no longer be at the mercy of the orb,” a slow, wolfish glint manifests in his eyes, consuming them, “The orb would answer to me.” He stands, stepping towards you, “I would be more than the greatest wizard who ever lived. I would be a God. What do you not understand?” 
“Why do you need to do this?” 
“Want… need.. deserve.. choose whatever word you prefer, but it is what I’m gong to do.” 
“Don’t you hear yourself?” You whisper, letting the towel drop from your hands, too surprised by the person before you. Yes, he was full of hubris, ambition, self-importance… but callousness was not a feature you were accustomed to. 
“Mystra has dictated the terms of my potential for long enough,” Gale says through gritted teeth. “The crown will grant me control of my own destiny at last. Think of all I could achieve… I stand on the threshold of divine ascension… don’t be a hinderance now when you’ve been such a considerable help.” 
You feel the mist begin to form in your eyes before you register Gale’s expression, how it twists from condescension and lust for power to shame, seeing the impact he’s had on you. Gale steps towards you, holding your shoulders and rests his forehead against yours. “Please. I do not want to do this without you.” His eyes close and his breath is hot against your lips. 
You sigh, feeling feverish as his breath brushes against you, pulling you back in. “Okay,” you say, surrendering to him. He smiles, taking your wrist and kissing the inside of it, the sensation sends waves of pleasure down your spine. The way he locks his eyes on you, as if you are his prey. You feel helpless, a moth drawn to light even though you know it will be your undoing.
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sanyu-thewitch05 · 1 year
Love Potion Apocalypse Alt. Ending
A/N: I made an alternate ending to Love Potion Apocalypse as promised to celebrate this tumblr having 1000+ followers! Hope you enjoy it!
The smoothies were no good. It wasn't strong enough to fix them. Unfortunately, Yuu came crying back to NRC, missing her friends. 
"Oh, Yuu, you came back," Malleus coos, holding a crying Yuu in his arms.
Yuu looks at Malleus with red eyes and tries not to cry herself to death. 
"Yuu, won't you tell me your true feelings?" Malleus asks, leading her back inside NRC.
Everyone is sitting in the auditorium, waiting for Yuu to speak. Yuu looks at the microphone and feels eerily comfortable. She steps onto the stage and nervously looks at everyone.
"Um...I...I really love everyone here. You all were so kind to me when I first got here. Ace, Deuce, you two were my first friends. You helped me make friends along the way, and I saw so many magical things I would've never experienced back home. I made some of you better people. And for that, I'm eternally grateful and will never forget you," Yuu says, the auditorium suddenly turning dark.
Everyone applauds after Yuu's speech, and suddenly she's in a black, sparkly dress. Yuu's holding flowers, and the students throw roses onto the stage.
"Thank you. Thank you," Yuu says like a movie star at the Oscars.
Her smile grows, tears flow down her cheeks. The lights turn on, and they're so bright her vision goes white.
"Oh my God, she's waking up! Give her space!" Some man screams as Yuu's vision clears.
Her eyes open, and everyone is looking down at her.
"Is this some sort of love cult ritual ya'll created?" Yuu asks, getting a confused look from everyone.
"No. You ate some of Lilia's cooking during the culinary class. You passed out immediately," Crewel tells Yuu.
"Oh, so there was no love potion accident?" Yuu asks, sitting up. 
"Are you kidding me?! Of course not! I'd never let these kids make a love potion! Do you know how badly that would end?!" Crewel exclaims, his eyes going wide. "In fact, we had to bring Professor Radcliffe from RSA just to get over the food posioning Lilia gave you."
A boy with light brown hair in a Royal Sword uniform walks by, and Yuu's eyes twinkle.
"What are RSA students doing here?" Yuu questions, not believing her eyes.
"Radcliffe asked for some of the students to help you. They're his best students," Trein answers, handing Yuu a cup of water.
Yuu puts down the cup of water and runs out to the hallway, trying to catch up to the brown-haired RSA boy. She ignores the calls of her friends and the staff, catching up to the RSA boy. You fall down, and your thud gains the attention of the brown-haired RSA boy.
"Are you ok?" The boy asks, grabbing your hand and helping you stand up. "Do I know you from somewhere? I could've sworn I've seen you beore."
"I'm fine, and I could say the same thing about you," Yuu responds, failing not to blush. 
"Are you blushing because of the food poisioning or because of me?" The boy flirts, kissing your hand.
"Well then, I'll have to see you around more often. What's your name?"
"Yuu. What's yours?"
"Hey! Get away from our friend you flirtatious prince!" Ace yells, chasing after Phillip.
Phillip kisses your hand then runs away. You feel something in your hair, and put out a rose. It's red petals have a phone number spelled out on them. All Yuu can do is smile at the memories of the dream Phillip. Yuu returns the rose to her hair, and waves goodbye to a Phillip, who's running away from Deuce. 
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kairos-in-space · 9 months
Edit: help, it's been out for a day and I've listened to it like 49 times-
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onlyjaeyun · 11 months
i just had this random thought as i was rereading posion (as one does) and it would be sooooo cute when yn finds out about heeseungs priv??? i feel like yn didn’t use her priv twt THAT much, but hee wrote EVERYTHING in there.
it would happen when one of 02z (read: jake. LMAO) ‘accidentally’ told yn how during the beginning, heeseung always typed shit in his phone and jake believed it was some secret journal or something with super cringey stuff. he wants this shit for blackmail ofc, and who better to get it from than the girl hee is the weakest for. yn wouldn’t go through his phone but instead, as they cuddle on their bed that night, she straight up asks heeseung who immediately goes red in the face. he (embarrassingly) shows her his priv acc, which hasn’t been used for a while, and yn scrolls ALL THE WAY DOWN and-
“oh my god??? we spoke like 3 words and you wanted to eat me out???”
hee’s even more red in the face and he tries to defend himself that it was out of love and that he just really wanted you—and then it gets to the part where hee said thaf he bet jiung didn’t even know where the clit was and yn’s jaw just DROPS. bc HOW WAS THIS MAN THIRSTING OVER HER SOOO MUCH when she was here thinking he hated her😭😭😭
but the takeaway here is jake never gets his blackmail bc yn keeps those tweets stored in her memory. whenever she wants to get hee riled up or embarrassed, she’ll go “remember that time you said ____ about jiung…”
hee goes on his knees to beg you to not mention it again. and you agree, as long as he stays on his knees to pay you back if ykwim. but hee’s always happy to worship you, so is it really payment???
(okay you tell jake like one tweet heeseung wrote and he blocks you for a day to recuperate)
YOUR BRAIN SEND IT TO ME SO I CAN KISS IT BC FUCK YES!!!!!! i oove this so much and am absolutely gonna make this a bonus chapter and give you credit! thank you so much for this baby 🥺🤍
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starythewriter · 10 months
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KINKMAS 15 thor x you thor falls for a goddess.
you got up, feeling amazing, but somewhat nervous as you had a date with the god of thunder and storms. you had some nice pink classy heels. preparing for this date was nerve wrecking usually you didn't care or give much importance however, this was the god of thunder, he was handsome and so hot.
THOR's pov: I got ready to see the beautiful Y/N, I was excited but a little nervous the goddess was hot and known for seduction, tricks and leaving men in love with her for years.
your POV: you were anxious "I need to make a good impression" your friend alex came bursting in. "I already know how you are. everything will be ok…" you gave a nervous chuckle "how do you know?" "because, you've literally done this hundreds of times you do not need to worry what's so special about him anyways?"
"because alex… hes the god of thunder, and war. he's mighty hes not just a normal everyday person" you said as you put on some eyelinear. you stared at alex through the mirror. she smiled "really? you will be fine." if anything goes wrong I will be there" you were ready, you went to asgard, seeing thor.
"hey Y/N. how are you?" "im good how are you?" "im great here lets order some drinks" alex stayed back watching, she saw an amazing garden and went to check it out. you saw as thor snapped his fingers ordering a sex on the beach his buttoned up shirt tighted around his large biceps and his veiny wrists. you smiled ordering a martini. "you rule all of asgard?" "yes of course darling…" he gave you a bright smile that made your heart light up. he set his drink down explaining how much he loved his place. as he set his drink down you noticed his biceps, your eyes fluttered as he stared into your soul.
"I know you are well versed in glamour and seduction…" he said with curiosity. his eyes were searching deeply for a response. "yes I am, I dont rule much but Ive been known to seduce any man ive come into contact with. sometimes it depends, some men easily get sucked in, but some need some risk, like showing off my potions of posion."
"I see… I can see the intrigue… I wouldnt say thats totally fair tho as you are a ruler of all men in a way." he said finishing up his drink, giving you a glint within his eyes, you finished up your drink.
you both ordered a 2nd round. you were beyond attracted to thor… his blond hair, his perfect biceps the way that he dressed all of it. "tell me how has the progress with asgard been ever since its destruction" you saw a lump build in his throat. "pretty good…" he said stumbling on his words. "its been rough with architecture but the progress has been fast" he said a little shocked at the question. you saw alex, she had found some pumpkins and she kept looking at how beautiful things were. but they were also far apart, this place was far beyond what you imagined.
alex walked in, you didnt notice "hey, hey thor I am alex nice to meet you" alex said having a smile on her face being as welcoming as possible. "nice to meet you alex tell me a bit about yourself" "I am a archer, best one of my town along with a spice of witchyness."
"ha nice, heres a ticket to an archer event being hosted in asgard the both of you are invited" "oh thank you thor." "Y/N ill be over here with an old friend wave if you need me" "alright love ya" "love ya Y/N" thor asked "so.. are you gonna take me up on that offer" he said with a stern smirk, you noticed his jaw, it was perfect and beyond smooth" you licked your tongue thinking about how handsome he was. "I dont think so I would love to get a tour of your place."
"someones egar to see my palace huh?" he said with a grin "lets go" you said slapping his bicep, you got an eletric touch from skin to skin contact is felt amazing. you also noticied him shiver. you arrived to the palace it was big, just like him… you got your mind out of the gutter as he showed you all of the rooms. bathrooms everything was carefully placed.'their was no speck of dust. everything was protected, you noticed a large bubble around the palace. protecting it from any danger. to be fair this was your first date in awhile, not your first date ever but, the first one in a long time.
"wow this place is pretty thor.." "just like you my darling" he said with a grin. fuck you said to yourself you he was so hot, you noticed the way he was standing and how he would stare at you. he scratched his back nervously. he showed you his room, you found a gold necklace "whos is this?" "its a magic necklace… used for the seductress I have others one for poseidon, one for eros." "wow its so pretty" he got face to face. you saw his hot nose, his soft and sharp jawline, you squirmed, feeling a shock of bliss. you gave him a kiss. the first one in months. he shivered it was almost as the both of you had a shockwave of bliss sent through one anothers bodies.
"you are beyond beautiful." said thor. your stomach has butterflies as he kissed your stomach, you took his shirt off and then his pants "careful darling" "love you in the color blue looking so sexy…"
"you know your biceps are amazing" you both had smirks but you were flushed beyond your comprehension. you were entranced by him. but thor was so handsome. you rubbed your hand across his biceps, he groaned as almost if he had gotten a massage. "what about you… I wanna see that beauty underneath the blue" your cheeks flushed.
"just relax handsome" he had a strong gaze you kissed his abs. slowly taking off your dress. you took off his boxers. you kissed him "are you comfortable darling" "yes thor, I just need you to fuck me up" you wished you didnt say that but your doubt quickly went away and you gripped onto his arms, you switched your position you were no longer ontop of him you were now laying on the bed. he kissed you as he slowly entered.
the feeling was crazy like never before, somehow you knew you were at the right place and at the right time you had never felt this. tingling sensation in your cunt but also all over his body. he let out moans groans "fuck darling… you… send… tingling through my entire body." his words flew out with a arrow of bliss you hand was gonna slip off the bed but thor didn't let that happening keeping you in a comfy position.
"fuck" you moaned, "someone's needy" you moaned as he went faster. "dont hold back thor" he went faster. now your legs were a puddle of wetness while thor was turning into a fireball.
"I guess a god like you has good taste" "of course I do especially with a respectful person like you Y/N" as he said that he kissed your cunt slowly licking it as if you were ice cream. you moaned titling your head back. almost as if his tongue gave you an orgasm. he went back to fucking you deeply. you both did not stop moaning as every movement was like an orgasm.
"fuck darling… I see why your the rightful ruler of men" that alone sent you off you both moaned loudly as you reached your peak. a burst of energy was sent out not only from you but from him as a storm and rain set in stronger then any other you've seen.
"I love you" you both hugged eachother tightly. planning to set off together into asgard as it rained. still feeling a tingling senstation of bliss.
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junee-e · 1 year
(im reasonably early this time lets go)
ramblings and random thoughts follow :D
who’s this chip guy i love him he’s so silly
ive decided i dont like the pet guy hes insulted my new favourite character chip hoffman
‘no he said he didnt like me…and when you think about it thats sort of a challenge’ REAL i love this guy
‘i knew i’d need some help to turn the mood in my favour so i poisoned everyone :D’ cHIP OH MY GOD
bro really posioned everyone and was like ‘you know what everyone else has passed out this would be a great time for some family bonding’ and honestly gotta respect him for that
hey what if lydia…..doesnt seem poisoned…..chip…..does…..but also chip is….a silly guy…..and now i’m…..confused
im suspicious of the bird guy he seems mean :[
ive got attached to a criminal in 15minutes kevin why and how?
i say that as if 3/4 of the people in this podcast arent also criminals and arent also my favourite
juno being in wonder of of chips plan to just pretend to pass out for literal hours to avoid talking about something…..juno…..juno no…..
ok ok lydia she seems kinda mean but also like…..reasonably straighforward? i dont know if i like her?
you know what i still love chip stealing from the bird guy is justified
yeahhhh she never had the poison fish!!! im right all the time ever about everything
*rita, very excited*: ‘oh boy whodunnit mista steel??’ rita is so me i love her
‘monty has a habit of repeating things?’ ‘repeating things??’ ‘repeating things.’ LMAO i love this show
‘whoever your searching for, they arent going to fill the hole you think they will. nobody ever does.’ NO SHUT UP. JUNO DONT STOP LOOKING FOR NUREYEV PLEASE
‘we are not puzzle pieces destined to click together’. BUT THEY ARE NO
‘do you recognise that?’ ‘i do. but i need to find him Dr Hoffman. He’s in trouble’. HELL YES JUNO ASJKDFKSJGE
fuck yeah we really got the best ending: dont help the piece of shit bird man, help the nice lady, still get what we need
the fact that the moment juno says ‘we’ i know hes talking about nureyev…..*insert sounds of me screming into a pillow*
‘what nureyev was offering was the kind of clean cut lydia was talking about. the chance to start fresh somewhere else….with someone else.’ BUT YA DIDNT
THE ?DOKANA? (i dont know how to say it) GROUP A NEW LEAD YAYYYY
‘and of course lydia hoffman. she seemed like the happiest of the sad and she’d done it by cutting ties with her past cleanly’ ISTG IF THIS SEASON ENDS WITH JUPETER LEAVING EACHOTHER I WILL NOT SURVIVE
annndd thats the end. we got new answers new leads new angst. i am not ok.
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fullstcp · 7 months
"Snow Angel" by Reneé Rapp Sentence Starters
"It didn't feel like a dream."
"Don't think I could love you more."
"So what the hell does it all mean?"
"I'm taking everything I see as a sign."
"I know it's crazy but what if it's right?"
"I'm here again, talking myself out of my own happiness."
"I wonder if we should just sit here in silence."
"I think I talk too much."
"That's just the deal that I made."
"Having said all that, do you still wanna be with me?"
"I wanna be with you, like maybe even forever."
"Holy shit, okay, maybe not forever."
"I mean like I'm, I'm not saying not, forever."
"I actually have no idea what I'm saying."
"Are you mad at me?"
"But like, if, if you are then I'm gonna resent you."
"Do I actually hate you?"
"Like, do you still love me?"
"You got to be a big hometown hero."
"Why'd we have to cover so much ground?"
"As far as I'm concerned, they should just burn the whole city down."
"God forbid, you're not the center of attention."
"You must be exhausted."
"Don't you miss me?"
"Casual's the way you chose to leave."
"You're written all over every single street."
"You get on my nerves."
"You're so fucking annoying, you could poison poison."
"You're the worst person on earth."
"Forgiving you is pointless."
"It didn't have to be like this."
"You almost got away with it."
"But unlucky for you, I am that bitch."
"I hate you and your guts."
"Never know who you're gonna get."
"We're in love or we never met."
"Every day I'm different."
"I talk shit then I bite my tongue."
"I exist on a pendulum."
"You're so fucking perfect."
"How come I'm not feeling more?"
"Yesterday was heaven, now I'm bored."
"I bet you're sick of it."
"I should just be better to you."
"What's misery without company?"
"It's hard to laugh when it's hard to breathe."
"I'll make it through the winter if it kills me."
"Smiles hide what secrets keep."
"Can't tell a lie if you never speak."
"I tried so hard, I came so far."
"I met a boy/girl, he/she/they broke my heart."
"I blame him/her/them cause it's easier."
"But I still look for him/her/them in her/him/them."
"I loved back then what I hate today."
"I wish I went a different way."
"But if I went back, I would do the same."
"I found out from a friend of a friend that you're here again."
"What gives you the nerve to come back to the city that I live in?"
"So what now?"
"Should we talk?"
"Do you tell your friends that things ended well?"
"Both of us like to pretend."
"If I miss your call I'm gonna cry."
"It was timeless like you and me."
"You are my one, you set my world on fire."
"I know there's Heaven, but we must be higher."
"I'm gonna love you 'til my heart retires."
"Forever we'll last."
"Why'd you have to mess it all up?"
"Why'd you have to burn it all down?"
"You say that I'm your favorite."
"You think that I'd be flattered."
"It's pathetic cause you're right."
"This conversation's classic."
"I can predict this shit, line by line."
"I like a straight jacket, but it feels like it's a little tight."
"Yeah, your boyfriend's/girlfriend's cute."
"Oh, shit, yeah, he/she/they can come too."
"You'll be his/hers/theirs in the morning anyway."
"I can't believe I let you hit it."
"In hindsight, that might be the worst part."
"Oh, I taught you everything you know."
"Some goodbyes are forever."
"So what's that mean for you and I?"
"I thought we'd always be together."
"I know too much now."
"I'm not ready for you to go."
"It hasn't even happened."
"I've been mourning since I was ten years old."
"Stay a little longer."
"Looks like you're still getting used to being fully grown."
"I know it's hard to slow down."
"There's still more to go."
"Maybe it's just how you're treated."
"Only so much you can explain over the phone."
"So I'm coming to you."
"Don't cry."
"It's my Jordan year."
"I thought this shit would look good on me."
"But I just feel weird."
"I still can't fly."
"Thought I'd be ahead, but I'm down by five."
"Everything looks good on paper."
"I still haven't learned how to calm down."
"It feels like everyone hates me."
"How old do you have to be to live so young and careless."
"My wish is that I cared less."
"So don't pretend now that we're cool."
"I hope I'll understand me more."
"But I'm afraid to care less."
"You think I'm so laid back."
"And you love that I move fast."
"You don't notice one red flag."
"On the surface I'm too perfect."
"I know you just met me."
"Right now you've got nothing against me."
"I know how to make myself crazy."
"Loving me gets messy."
"Half of all my exes regret me."
"I leave a key in my mailbox just for you."
"It's the only time that I'm ever sleeping next to you."
"I thank my lucky stars, but, it's tearing me apart."
"You don't see us like I do."
"You don't see us from my view."
"When we're saying, 'I love you', I mean it different than you do."
"That's the closest to God that I will ever be."
"We don't need to talk, our eyes can speak."
"I only need one sign to match your energy."
"Everyone knows it's us against the world."
"I'll love you 'til there's no blood left in my heart."
"I'm up in the middle of the night again."
"Same beginning, middle, but still no end."
"Back at the beginning with you."
"I'm gonna toss and turn."
"How could waterboarding feel so good at first?"
"Dreams of us, they turn into nightmares."
"If it's love then why do I feel scared?"
"I never stood a chance."
"The original ending of a true romance."
"Guess I'm destined for the role of Juliet."
"Rather be dead than confused."
"How can we get out of this with no bloodshed?"
TUMMY HURTS (remix feat Coco Jones)
"Sin is a cycle."
"Lied to my face, it's your hobby."
"Boy, you're fine as hell for a psycho."
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rosiethevoxobesser · 7 months
the day in the life of a famous girly
pixie was walking around town one-day in a pink ish limo catered to by valentino and vox the limo came to a halt infront of a club it was dimly-lit as a small little niffy sized demon with 2 eyes and long curly hair-came out and posed with her ass-sticking her hand on it like sugar and made a snake like sound she giggled-and trotted inside before her perofmrnace-she was there because valentino wanted her to dance for the erotic club-doing her basic "she's such a bitch routtine" (watch mirage's talent show from rupual s16) as she saw valentino watching her with his pink smoke as it surrounded her and she giggled- during the perofrmance sucking on her finger-a little bit to tease valentino-as she got up onto the pole-dance with her pink heels-as she finished her performance with her ass up on the air-she walked down from the stage getting close to valentino- pixie would say "h-hey..babe how was the show..?" pixie was dancing around valentino-a little bit-smiling as she looked up at his tall fiqure tempted to touch his moth wings but holding herself back-
valentino would grin-spoooning up the girl-surrounding her in his aphrodisiac smoke-aka "posion" as he smoked in her face wiserping "beautiful..absousltuey ravisihing..i hope its okay that..i have a recording darling..conjetia." pixie would blush-as she purred- "of...course valentino..im delighted." as the fans were throwing rose's at the both of them-as valentino took pixie back into the limo where him and vox-would be waited for once she got into-a more..comfy sweater outfit (the one in the photo of my pfp)
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elishkaacademia · 1 year
Im really trying to remember the good stuff that happened after experiencing THAT, ill add to this if i bring myself to rewatch the first 5 episodes and a half
That first scene was probably the best thing they could open with, like oh my god angel Crowley is such a cutie pie and that hair and we was just so perfect
I like they bring back Crowley created the stars and stuff
With the car and Crowley swatting Aziraphale hand away was such a cute scene i watched it so many times
and Azi driving the car was so amazing and i really love (also the yellow gave me such Great Gatsby vibes)
The apology dance immediately reminded me of Grunkle Stans apology dance from Gravity Falls
Also the enphazises on theyeve both got use out of their apartment, they know what they where doing
Drunk Crowley on the posions was the best thing on the planet, it was gold
Also they let David be Scottish for alittle!!!!!!!!
Good Old Fashion Lover Boy played when Crowley was driving to Aziraphales!!!
The magic backstory was so cute and i love how Crowley was supportive before the act
oh my god 40's is still so fine
Azirphale was such a cutie pie most of it
The way Azirpahle got all excited to dance was the cutiest pulling Crowley to the dance floor
When Azirphale in 19th century Scotland said "The Doctor" about Crowley when they where pretending made me so happy man cause it was so on purpose
We know Crowley was a high up angel cause of his clerence and stuff so the Raphael theorys are looking good
Muriel is so sweet and i hope theyre doing well, thats all
Crowleys car crank from apolcyspes is for when he made the stars and im so happy there is a nodd to why having it was special
Oh my god Crowley is the reason Azirphale loves food!!!! I was dying at the part man was hungry
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