#PS2 Accessories
voomwa · 2 years
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Shop PS2 Accessories at Discount from Voomwa
Refurbished high-quality PS2 accessories, consoles, and video games. Voomwas offers a wide range of gaming merchandise in good condition. We sell goods from major brands like Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft. Everything is inspected before being dispatched. Plus, we provide you with shopping benefits like free shipping, easy returns, and quick delivery. Hurry, shop now.
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posthumanwanderings · 8 months
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kinokoshoujoart · 9 months
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please pray for my husband Rock, the first and only SOS character to experience rapid twink death and age faster than his extremely very biological parents
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based on this meme
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flojocabron · 1 month
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05/08/24: I had a most excellent fleamarket day! Found lots of goods for the hoarder/collector in me. The first purchase was eight blurays and three dvds for $11. Then I found two Xbox 360 Lego games for $7.00. The next seller hooked it up with the comics! I found three different titles, along with a Newtype USA anime magazine and a dvd of the 70s sci-fi movie Logan's Run. It was all for $10. And the guy threw in the case for ps2 Dragonball for free. The biggest lot I got today was all for $40 bucks. I got some more ps2 and OG Xbox games. Plus, some 60s b-horror cinema and some classic 3 Stooges Movie shorts. Plus, two NES controllers, a lone genesis game, and yet again some more empty ds, ps2 and Xbox cases. For a dollar, it looks like I found a Go-bot that may have been a cereal box prize. After that it was three more movies for a dollar each. And another guy on his table had a UMD movie and a Wii U game, both for $5.00. And the last thing I purchased will bring back memories to you 90s kids. I found a Goosebumps Aladdin lunchbox for $2.00! It even had the thermos! Lots of good stuff. Thanks for looking at my gets!
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shootingstarrae · 11 months
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Slowly getting the video game collection in order…
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vimbry · 2 years
I do have sims 2 ps2 just lying about which means I can recreate my old household if I want and yessss just as I remember it being. clunky to control and full of 2000s fashion
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demilypyro · 1 year
is that zombie your gf or something?
So anyway I've been a Batman fan for as far back as I can remember, probably starting when I played Lego Batman on my old second-hand PS2 as a kid, and the Arkham games always stood out as some of the purest Batman vibes you could get outside of the comics and the classic Animated Series, but one thing that's always stood out and disappointed me about those games was the treatment of the female cast.
Perhaps the then-current state of the comics is to be blamed, but Arkham seems to make no effort whatsoever to give any of its female characters agency. Harley Quinn is a mere henchman of Joker with zero depth, and she seems to lack the intelligence that is otherwise supposed to be archetypical of her character. Batgirl is stuck in her "Oracle" role, never really doing more than being Batman's guy in the chair. Poison Ivy is only an incidental accessory in Joker's grand schemes, and ends up dying in the third game for no good reason. And Catwoman, while she arguably gets the best deal, is relegated to a sidekick role at best, and just plays second fiddle to Batman. In fact all the female characters seem to just exist to make Batman look cooler and smarter.
As someone who grew up admiring these morally flexible women, I'm always sad when I replay the Arkham games, and I wish we lived in a timeline where they had been done justice in what are otherwise the best Batman games to date.
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jainiss · 9 months
bringing reactions of buggy, shanks, ace, law and mihawk, from one piece, when someone flirts with yn (who they have a crush on).
Hope you guys like it ~~
Ps: forgive me if there are english mistakes. English is not my native language. 
Ps2: these are guesses at what I think it would be. all fictional.
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Buggy had always been a bit of a ladies' man. But there was one person who had captured his heart – you. Whenever someone dared to flirt with you, Buggy's reactions were nothing short of comical.
One sunny day on the Grand Line, as your crew rested on a beautiful island, a suave pirate from a neighboring crew approached you. He flashed a charming smile and said, "Hey there, gorgeous. Care to join me for a drink?"
You smiled politely, but before you could respond, Buggy, in his flamboyant attire, appeared out of nowhere, surrounded by his loyal followers. His eyes widened dramatically, and he exclaimed, "Ah, my sweet y/n! How could you even consider such a lowly suitor when you have the honor of my presence?"
He struck a ridiculous pose, puffing out his chest, which was adorned with an assortment of flashy accessories. His crew roared with laughter as they watched their captain's over-the-top antics.
The suave pirate was taken aback, unsure of how to react. You stifled a giggle, trying to defuse the situation. "Buggy, you're being quite dramatic."
But Buggy was on a roll. He produced a bouquet of oversized, glittering flowers from thin air and presented them to you with a flourish. "My dear y/n, these flowers can't compare to your beauty, but they are a token of my undying affection!"
As your crewmates joined in the laughter, the suave pirate, now thoroughly embarrassed, retreated in defeat. Buggy beamed triumphantly, thinking he had successfully defended your honor.
You couldn't help but shake your head in amusement. Buggy might be a clown, but he was your clown, and his antics always left you with a smile.
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Shanks couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy as he watched someone flirt with you. He had always been a laid-back and easygoing pirate, but when it came to you, his heart raced like never before.
As the flirtatious exchange continued, Shanks couldn't ignore the knot in his stomach. He took a sip of his sake, his eyes locked on you and the person talking to you. His crewmates, including Benn Beckman and Lucky Roux, noticed his unusual demeanor and exchanged knowing glances.
Benn leaned in and whispered, "Captain, you look like you've seen a Sea King. What's bothering you?"
Shanks clenched his fist around his sake cup. "It's nothing, just some guy flirting with someone I care about," he muttered, trying to sound nonchalant.
But his crewmates knew better. Lucky Roux chuckled and patted Shanks on the back. "Captain, it's about time you did something about it."
Shanks' brows furrowed as he pondered Roux's words. He knew he couldn't let this opportunity slip away. With newfound determination, he put down his sake cup and walked over to where you were standing, the flirtatious conversation still in progress.
Clearing his throat, Shanks interjected, his voice oozing confidence, "Sorry to interrupt, but I couldn't help but overhear this interesting conversation. Mind if I join in?"
The person flirting with you looked taken aback, but you smiled at Shanks, your heart skipping a beat. "Of course, Shanks! We'd love to have you."
Shanks' bold move not only surprised his crewmates but also left a lasting impression on you. The flirtatious interloper, realizing they were outmatched, excused themselves, leaving you and Shanks alone.
As the night went on, Shanks and you continued to talk, laugh, and share stories. The crewmates watched, nodding in approval. Shanks had finally taken the first step in pursuing his feelings for you, and it was clear that his boldness had paid off.
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Ace watched from the sidelines as you laughed and chatted with a fellow pirate at the bustling tavern on an island they'd docked at. He couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy as he saw the stranger lean in closer, their words laced with playful charm.
"Hey, beautiful," the rival pirate said with a smirk, reaching out to brush a strand of your hair away from your face. "You must be the most striking person I've met in weeks."
Your smile remained polite, but Ace could see the tension in your eyes as you subtly edged away. Unbeknownst to you, flames began to flicker at the edges of Ace's fingers, a telltale sign of his growing irritation.
Before things could escalate, Ace couldn't contain himself any longer. He strode over, his demeanor cool but with a fiery glint in his eyes. "Is there a problem here?" he asked, his voice carrying the weight of a warning.
The stranger turned to face Ace, not realizing the dangerous territory they'd just ventured into. "No problem at all," they replied, their confidence unwavering. "Just getting to know your lovely friend here."
Ace's jaw clenched, his flames dancing dangerously on his skin. He glanced at you hoping for a cue, and you gave him a subtle nod, indicating that you'd appreciate his intervention.
With a half-smile, Ace leaned in closer, the fire in his eyes intensifying. "Well," he said, his voice low and dangerous, "you should know that she's off-limits. Best move along before things get heated."
The rival pirate gulped, suddenly realizing the gravity of the situation. They stammered an apology and quickly retreated, leaving you and Ace alone.
You turned to Ace, a grateful smile on your face. "Thanks, Ace. You always know how to handle things."
Ace, still seething with jealousy but relieved that you were safe, managed a small smile in return. "No problem. I've got your back."
As the tension in the tavern dissipated, Ace and you returned to your conversation, both of you secretly reveling in the protective fire that burned within Ace's heart.
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Trafalgar Law's usual stoic demeanor was momentarily disrupted as he watched someone flirt with you. His sharp, calculating eyes narrowed as he observed the interaction, a mix of jealousy and concern bubbling beneath his calm exterior.
As the flirtatious banter continued, Law's grip on his sword's hilt tightened, his knuckles turning white. He couldn't help but feel a surge of protectiveness wash over him, as if he needed to shield you from any potential harm, even if it was just harmless flirting.
Finally, unable to contain his emotions any longer, Law stepped forward, his voice laced with a rare hint of irritation. "Is there a reason you find it necessary to bother them?" His tone was cool and controlled, but there was an undeniable edge to it that sent a clear message to the interloper.
The person flirting with you blinked in surprise, taken aback by Law's sudden intervention. You glanced at Law, noticing the intensity in his eyes, and couldn't help but feel a flutter of hope in your chest.
Law's protective reaction hadn't gone unnoticed, and it left you wondering whether there was more to his feelings than met the eye.
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The sun was setting over the calm waters of the Grand Line as the Straw Hat Pirates docked at a remote island. You, Mihawk's former subordinate, had decided to join Luffy and his crew for a short adventure.
As the Straw Hat Pirates explored the island, they encountered a group of local villagers who were throwing a festive celebration. Among the villagers, a charming young man named Leo had taken a particular interest in you, the object of Mihawk's affections.
Mihawk watched from a distance as Leo engaged you in lively conversation, his charming smile captivating everyone around him. Mihawk's grip on his sword tightened, his jealousy boiling beneath his stoic exterior.
You, oblivious to Mihawk's feelings, laughed at Leo's jokes and engaged in friendly banter. Mihawk couldn't help but scowl as Leo leaned in closer to you, your faces inches apart. The jealousy within him surged.
Just as Mihawk was about to storm over and intervene, you excused yourself from Leo's company, claiming fatigue from your journey. Mihawk's heart skipped a beat as you made your way back to the ship, leaving Leo behind.
Mihawk followed you discreetly, his heart pounding in his chest. When he finally caught up with you on the ship, he couldn't contain his emotions any longer. "Y/n," he said in a low, almost possessive tone.
You turned to see Mihawk standing there, his normally composed demeanor shattered by jealousy. "Mihawk, is something wrong?" You asked, puzzled by the intensity in his eyes.
Mihawk took a step closer, his gaze locked onto yours. "I couldn't stand watching that Leo flirt with you," he admitted, his voice husky with emotion. "I... I have feelings for you, and it's driving me mad to see you with someone else."
Your eyes widened in surprise, your own feelings for Mihawk suddenly becoming clear. "Mihawk, I... I didn't know you felt that way," you confessed, your cheeks flushing with a mixture of surprise and joy.
Mihawk, his jealousy dissipating, took your hand in his. "I should have told you sooner," he murmured, his thumb caressing your hand gently. "But now that you know, would you consider being with me instead?"
You smiled warmly at Mihawk, your heart filled with happiness. "Of course, Mihawk. I feel the same way."
And as the sun set on the Grand Line, two hearts found solace in each other's company, your love stronger than any hint of jealousy that had once plagued Mihawk's heart.
© jainiss ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
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beardedmrbean · 9 months
Chrono Cross Gale vs. Radical Dreamers Gale. Radical Dreamers is an alternate sequel to Chrono Trigger that was originally released only in Japan in 1996 for the Super Famicom's Sattelaview accessory, which could download games from a satellite into a blank cartridge. It was released internationally in 2022 as part of Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamers Edition.
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What the hell that's awesome, got a friend I was asking about different things that used the different ports on the different older consoles since I pretty much only remember that the PS2 one had a hard drive and that was the first thing I could specifically remember that actually took advantage of those, that and the Game Cube thing for playing Game Boy games.
Sega Genesis had the deelie bober that went in the cart slot so you could put carts from the master system in but that's not the expansion slot.
I will be telling him about this, he likely may go, oh yeah I forgot about that one.
That or I may finally have a scrap of info he doesn't already know.
On the music those two sound pretty close to the same just a different key being the big difference I'm hearing in a quick listen.
I'm really just stuck on this whole satellite thing though, that's so rad.
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losergendered · 28 days
hiii prbbly a weird question do you have any media suggestions? especially songs, bands, comics, shows and the like ... asking you bc i like your tastes lawlsies :]
oh my god ANON… i love you… putting this under the cut cause i have a Tonnn and a lot of em need content warnings LOLL
- Inside Mari (manga): a popular high school girl and an asocial hikkikomori swap bodies! …or do they. a bodyswap manga with a horrorfic emotional twist. its really visceral and transgender. cws for sexual content, unreality/dissociation and child abuse
- Erased (manga/anime): a disillusioned mangaka has a supernatural ability that involuntarily sends him back in time in order to prevent tragedies. when tragedy strikes close to him, hes sent back to investigate a series of murders that happened when he was in 5th grade. cws for mentions of pedophilia, child abuse and child death in both versions, but the manga has more explicit sexual assault and suicide
- The Lost Boys (movie): two brothers and their mother move to a beach town that is super infested with 80s biker vampires. no(?) cws really? i mean its kind of a horror movie by virtue of vampires but its not like super violent or anything. its kinda just campy
- Bang Bang You’re Dead (movie): following a student making a false bomb threat, a theater teacher decides to cast him in a play about a school shooting, much to the disdain of the rest of the community. its basically about a kid escaping the mentality of violence through theater and it made me cry. cws for an (attempted) school shooting, uh, you know. that kinda shit. but this one has a happy ending actually i promise
- Les Demoiselles de Rochefort (movie): BARELY a plot. its like a bunch of 1960s french people falling in love surrounding a music festival? its mostly just pretty looking. its also a musical. no cws! that i can remember at least
- Beryl and Sapphire (donghua): a series of alternate universe vignettes of the characters beryl and sapphire! sometimes theyre boys, sometimes theyre girls, sometimes theyre rivals, but theyre mostly in love with each other :) some of the episodes are angsty/have death but its mostly lighthearted!
- HOPEUROKAY (music): a duo of two trans people makin cool electronic music! electropop i guess?? digicore?? genres are fake but their music fucks. and they have like 500 monthly listeners. fave songs: ghostinthecorner, day 400, insight, pink ps2
- Gezebelle Gaburgably (music): do you LOVE electronic incelcore? do you wish that it was made by a woman so you felt less bad for liking it? boy do i have the gal for you. fave songs: quarter pounder, death by dodgeball, heads up, sanrio girl
- Fairy Idol Kanon (manga): a kids manga about three girls on their journey to become idols with the help of a fairy princess! meanwhile, they must also use the power of song to save the fairy realm from the dark faires!
- What Happens Next (webcomic): a trans guy who was an accessory to murder as a teenager has to navigate the rest of his life. follows both him and the other affected parties, through the lens of modern day internet culture. cws for WHOOH BOY. (child) death, gore, trauma, transphobia, abuse, ableism, self harm. like everything basically. but the comic also provides cws itself
- SoraMafuUraSaka (music): a four person utaite group made of soraru, mafumafu, uratanuki, and tonari no sakata! they make yearly videogame themed songs together, as well as each being just like. independent artists in their own right. if you've seen the rpg animation meme, that songs by them! my personal fave of theirs is noryoku hikitsugi de otome game no sekai ni tenseishitaken ni tsuite, though i also like their most recent one (jinsei muri game)!
indiv song recs now!
- Tonari no JK (The Highschool Girl Next to Me) by Konori feat. GUMI: ok yeah the lyrics might be a little questionable but it SLAPS.... konori's metal vocals combined with gumi's melody combined with the cheery backing music... its just perfect. and "watashi wa watashi, ne! "ne"?! JANEE YOOOOOO" is like the best part of any song ever
- A Favor House Atlantic by Coheed and Cambria: so this is off of a concept album, apparently, which i haven't actually fully listened to, so i dunno what this song's actually about, but it IS really good. it's got that high-pitched male pop punk vocals (esp on the line "good eye sniper") and it reminds me of vrisrezi like a lot
- Chuis Bo! by PZK: do you like early 2010s french dance pop. would you like to. Les Filles Adorent and Ce Matin Va Etre une Pure Soiree are also bangers
- My Magical Romance by Sophie's Magic Diary: Sophie's Magic Diary is actually a really cool series of animated shorts about a girl with a crush and her puppy fairy familiar thing who tries to help her woo him. hilarity ensues. my magical romance is an original song made by the artist to accompany the story! its a banger
- Tamara is a Punk by The Queers: a punk jam about having unrequired feelings for a girl named tamara! got into this song cause my mutual made ocs based off of it.
ok that was LONG. but im an enthusiast. feel free to ask for more random recs this ask lowkey made my day sjgfbh <3
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metaljesusrocks · 3 months
Radical Reggie is back w/ a brand new Sony PlayStation 2 (PS2) BUYING GUIDE for 2024: Main Consoles, HDMI video solutions, Accessories + Best Games & HIDDEN GEMS! Do you still play or collect for the mighty PS2?!
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blazeraptor · 5 months
MMD Traditional Bad Apple from Blaze Raptor on Vimeo.
Duel Maru (c) Bandai/ Sunrise The models are from the SD Gundam Force: Showdown PS2 game. Ripped, converted and rigged by me
Song, Motion and Camera:
Song - 【Gakupo Extend Whisper+Native】 「Bad Apple Traditional」 by Sarah Lynn - youtube.com/watch?v=28iUNZEipRM
Motion and Camera - Bad Apple Traditional - nicovideo.jp/watch/sm17569412
-Folding fans* - nicovideo.jp/watch/sm17577952 *Sakura pattern found on freepik.com
Autoluminous4 and Diffusion7 - onedrive.live.com/?cid=EF581C37A4524EDA&id=EF581C37A4524EDA%21108 Color from HariganeEffectUpdatePack - harigane.at.webry.info/201203/article_1.html AutoAmbient - seiga.nicovideo.jp/seiga/im8722365 PostMovie by Beamman - 3.atwiki.jp/beamman/
Akitsu Mori Night Courage Party-Evil-Destroying Entertainment - aplaybox.com/details/model/bQwO1bQFmw3p Skydome from Skydomes Vol. 4 by Ussy-P - deviantart.com/themysticalmediator/art/Skydomes-ENGLISH-file-names-DL-313265212
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flojocabron · 4 months
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01/31/24: It was an awesome atari accessory day today! Way better stuff than last week at the fleamarket. First buy was three books, a Disney bluray and an empty Switch case for $5.00. Next for $20, it was five atari 2600 joysticks, a comic, a gameboy advance game, four dvds and two Blurays. Then for $3.00, two more blurays. Addams Family, plus Bill And Ted Trilogy! Next stall at first seemed expensive, but I realized it's been a few years since I last saw some atari 5200 controllers and other atari things. So I had to accept that the $30 was good for everything. The guy was surprised too, he thought he sold off all the atari stuff at another fleamarket. He had the 5200 console and sold it to someone else. I then found five empty Switch cases at a dollar each. And then three persona Manga for $10. And lastly I got a lot of 10 games at a dollar each. Guy wanted them gone and said if I took them all they'd be that. Some got scratches, but most look okay.
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mysticallandchild · 2 years
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This weird bootleg Soul Calibur III I found at a flea market...
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When I put in the game, I got a blank thumbnail and it just said "New Soul"
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More blank screens, and one of the characters on the title screen was some random CAS male dancer, and Link, who isn't even supposed to be in III. Oh well, why am I questioning this? The screen also flickers and blacks out frequently. The colors are also very dim, something I saw throughout playing. Also, the game is either silent, or plays same song plays throughout the whole game, a terrible rendition of this: https://youtu.be/sIO0haikkPg . Well, you also get the classic soul calibur sound effects when you select anything.
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Once I tapped the screen to start, it led straight into the character select, with Soul Calibur II portaits on the top. The available characters are Link (From the Legend of Zelda and the Gamecube version of Soul Calibur II), Cassandra, Talim, Yoshimitsu, Heihachi (From Tekken and the PS2 version of Soul Calibur II), Necrid, Xianghua, and Spawn (In the XBOX version of Soul Calibur II. The dancer on the title screen wasn't there either. Use the d pad to scroll through the selection, then tap to pick character.
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These are how the graphics look, terrible stop motion graphics. My opponent (Link) was mostly just standing there, only swiping at me once in a while. At first, I wondered why my buttons didn't work, until I realized I HAD TO USE THE TOUCH SCREEN TO DO ANYTHING!!!
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After the match was over, the screen went black and cut straight to the character creation. It looked like terrible clipart, flash animation and the accessories were all poorly drawn. I made my character anyway, but every now and then, the screen would fade out and flash to a full body portait of some random Soul Calibur character with glowing eyes. When it cut back to creation mode, I just finished my character. The screen faded to black again and this time, nothing happened. After several minutes, I decided to restart the game. After tapping the title screen, it just cut to black with an animation of red smoke with the words "the end". Then it just froze. The game was so terrible and boring, I didn't bother with it again.
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mrmallard · 7 months
I read recently that one of the inspirations behind Kingdom Hearts is that Tetsuya Nomura wanted to make a "Super Mario 64-like" game. And the same way that Super Mario 64 was foundational for the future of 3D platforming - and arguably 3D gaming as a whole - I think Nomura builds on the concept to create one of the first great 3D action RPGs.
Kingdom Hearts is absolutely a foundational game, and with later re-releases ironing out all the kinks from the PS2 original (like no auto-camera, you have to manually move the camera with the triggers in the original release) it's honestly kind of perfect.
Like replaying it, it's a game that's just packed from head to toe with fun content from a wide enemy variety, very addictive storytelling and stakes that's a bit silly but also extremely fucking hype, a wide variety of weapons, accessories and abilities, like 10+ playable game worlds with a bunch of stuff you can come back to find with new abilities - and all of it is rendered very well for a launch PS2 game.
If you've never played it before, it's a solid 40+ hour odyssey that takes you from humble beginnings to the most batshit anime combat ever. If you're an old pro - very respectable 30+ hour experience at most, especially if you want to shoot for 100% completion which is where tedium sets in.
Like I never thought about it before, but the first Kingdom Hearts is probably in the top five best video games for me. I think KH2 refined the gameplay a lot, and I enjoy it plenty - I have a 100% save file on PS2 - but as a standalone gameplay experience I think KH1 is incredibly robust and easily stands on its own. It's one of those incredible foundational games that nails exactly what it's going for.
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jakethesequel · 6 months
I love emulators very cool. I love FPGA/hardware emulators too very cooler. However my favorite thing is when some enterprising little bastards decide to re-create a whole console physically. That's badass. That's peak emulation to me right there. It can take original cartridges and disks? Mwah! It uses the original controllers? Hell yes! It interfaces with obscure original console accessories? Now you're just showing off! That's the dream, anyway.
Don't get me wrong PC emulation is great and I love you but even as a kid there were still games and consoles (mostly Nintendo tbh) that I knew I could emulate but still wanted to buy a real copy. The physical copies provided a felt, tactile difference in the play experience. Real buttons on a GBA vs a phone, the DS's screens and stylus, the 3DS's 3D; plus all of them had local multiplayer stuff that was hard to emulate. The Wii and Wii U had unique designs that are still hard to emulate properly, although we're much closer now; even the N64 isn't the same without its freakish Zaphod Beeblebrox controller, and Smash nerds are married to the Gamecube controller. Even MGS3 on the PS2 has some controls that rely on pressure-sensitive buttons (this is because Kojima is a genius). Of course some of that was just me having a collector's spirit and wanting to own physical copies, but I think there's definitely something to it that makes emulating the physical aspect of games just as worthwhile as the software.
The physicality and tactile design of games is underrated when it comes to talking about game design in general. Everyone will complain if a controller is uncomfortable or breaks down, but the solutions are treated as obvious and expected, when I doubt most people could actually tell you what design a controller needs to last hundreds on hundreds of game-hours without degradation to itself or its players' variably-sized hands. Add on "while equally supporting suitable control schemes for developers of wildly different game genres but without straying too far from the gamers' expectations" and "that can be mass-produced at a reasonable enough price to include a couple with the console and not bankrupt your customers if they need another." I think that's part of why I've always been primarily a PC-and-Nintendo gamer (besides my old PS2). Nintendo was always adding hard-to-emulate tactile differences to their consoles, while Sony and Xbox (despite having better generic controller designs) rarely ever made me think "this PS/XB game would be better enjoyed on the original console rather than the PC port/emulation." From early on they had Gunpei Yokoi replacing the joystick with the D-pad & buttons (becoming the default layout for future controllers, especially after the SNES upgrade) and sucessfully introducing portable consoles with the Game Boy; later the N64 introduced 3d gameplay and tried to handle that with its triclops controller, the DS and Wii both had unique designs that distinguished from the competition, the 3DS and Wii U added even more distinctive features on top of the DS/Wii framework, and the Switch broke free of the trap of consoles competing with PC through being the first real home/portable hybrid console. There were a lot of reasons to say "this GBA/DS/3DS/Wii/WiiU/Switch game would be better on the original console rather than PC."
By now though, people are catching up! Software emulation is getting better at managing the unique designs of consoles like the DS and Wii families, and 3rd-party physical peripherals are filling in the tactile elements. I hope to see that trend continue, especially as the originals -- like the DS and Wii families -- are breaking down over time. I did worry that the physical elements of those games could have gotten lost to time! It's great to see! I wish the software+hardware emulator devs and designers the best of luck; and I wish all Nintendo's C&Ds against them explode, setting the Nintendo legal department on fire. Fuck off, these games are a decade old and you don't even sell physical modern-console ports of them. Let the fans preserve, they do it better!
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