#PSL ready to play
dizzydreamerz · 1 month
fall love
Kenma Kozume x reader
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The leaves. The rain. The décor. The smells. The vibe was set, and autumn is here. Well, in your world, it was. The whole apartment was set and decorated with cute pumpkins, and PSL scented candles
Expect Kenma's gaming room.
The apartment had a warm glow to it, from the candles and the fairy lights. But coming from under Kenma's door was a canvas of RGB hues, and it was ruining your perfect vision of the perfect fall home
It's been like this every year since you guys lived together. Every holiday or season that has a set theme, you had the whole apartment fitting the vibe. Every part of the house except for the blondes office.
The closest you've gotten to decorating the room was putting a garland on the door.
Currently, you were behind kenma, who was sitting on the edge of the bed, playing Minecraft. You had your arms draped over Kenma's shoulder whining in his ear about how sweet of him it would be if he let u decorate his office
"Please kozuu," you whining, "it's soo unfair, the whole apartment is decorated top to bottom and and your L.E.D's are throwing it off.". You were right in Kenma's ear, and it was starting to annoy him. He didn't want to flat out tell you that you were getting on his nerves, so he decided to respond with a small grunt.
"Like you said, the house is decorated to your liking. Why do I have to change the only place I get to myself ?"
This caught you off guard. You never thought about it like that. He let you have the whole house to fulfill your dreams of a cozy living space. He hasn't once bothered you about anything to do with your decorating style. But you've been constantly nagging him about changing the one room where he could be himself.
As your mind starts to wonder off realizing your mistake, you start to unintentionally loosen your grip on his shoulders.
He noticed the shift in mood and thought you must have taken it the wrong way.
"Don't get me wrong. I love the way you decorated everything." He starts, trying to find the right words to get his point across. "I think it's cute how much effort you put into this kind of thing, but I like to have my own space match my vibe, you know?" he continues, his voice smooth and gentle.
You pause for a moment, taking a minute for his words to click in your head. "I-" you cut yourself off by tightening your arms around Kenma and pull the both of you down so your laying on to of each other.
"I'm sorry.. I didn't realize how, " You pause, staring at the ceiling thinking about your next words," controlling I sounded." Your voice was just above a whisper.
Kenma lifts his head up slightly to look at you through his lashes. "There's nothing you need to apologize for." He says, "just next time, please consider my feelings, yeah?"
You let out a sigh of relief, feeling the warmth of Kenma’s understanding envelop you. His words resonated deeply, making you appreciate his patience and the space he provided for his own comfort.
You shifted slightly, so you could look into his eyes. “I’ll be more understanding in the future. I just want us both to be happy in our home. And you’re right, your gaming room is your personal space, Not something I can use as a extra room for my dollhouse ” You giggle.
Kenma’s gaze softened, and he gave you a small, reassuring smile.
Feeling a renewed sense of understanding and connection, you snuggled closer to Kenma, enjoying the closeness and the warmth of his acceptance. The cozy, fall-themed apartment was still perfect in your eyes, but now it felt even more special knowing that you and Kenma were in sync.
And as you lay there, the glow from the fairy lights and the soft hum of Kenma’s game in the background, you both felt content and ready to embrace the season—together.
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A/N: sorry ive been gone so long, i was preparing for school and stuff😔 ANYWAY first drabble, hope u like!!!!
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bunbeeplays · 4 months
The Lemon Legacy: Generation 1, Chapter 87 - Adventures in Sistem-Sitting, Part 1
Ophelia and Xander were able to set up most of the basic furniture, but not much decor yet. It'll have to wait. They're watching Marcie and Joaquin's kids while they honeymoon in Tartosa!
Ophelia probably shouldn't drink a PSL with how queasy she is but it's too tasty to resist.
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The Sistems have arrived. Time for hellos and goodbyes!
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Marcie: Now you boys better get along while Dad and I aren't around. I don't want you giving Ms. Ophelia and Mr. Xander trouble.
Vince: I'm really good, I promise, Ms. Ophelia. Valentin's the one who starts everything.
Marcie: I heard that, mister.
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Marcie: I mean it, if you two act up and embarrass us, I'm going to make you sleep in the treehouse until you learn to get along.
Valentin: You're bluffing.
Marcie: You want to take that risk?
Valentin: Not really.
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Marshmallow comes outside to see what all the commotion is about.
Violet: Hi, kitty!
Marshmallow: i sense greatness from you, small one
Violet: Hehe, fluffy.
Marshmallow: thank you for giving me your blessing, tiny hooman. i do not take this honor lightly
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Marcie: Thank you again, you guys are amazing. We really would have been fine with just the sightseeing day.
Ophelia: You're out of your mind if you think I'd let you make your honeymoon less than a day. Now go on, have fun.
Marcie: Oh we will!
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Ophelia figures the kids could use something to eat so she takes advantage of their new air fryer and quickly makes them some garlic parmesan chicken wings.
Violet "helps" by playing in the counter drawers.
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Valentin wants to strike a deal.
Val: You don't want to sleep in the treehouse, I don't want to sleep in the treehouse. Let's just stay out of each other's hair for the next few days.
Vince: I always do, you're the one who's constantly annoying me.
Val: Be less easy to annoy.
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Ophelia joins them after getting Violet settled and grabbing herself some leftovers.
Ophelia: What are you boys talking about?
Vince: Nothing! We're being nice, I swear!
Ophelia: Guys, I don't think your mom was being serious about the treehouse thing.
Val: Oh, she was.
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Violet eats her wings with a spork and somehow still manages to make a mess.
Xander feeds Velma in the living room because you apparently can't sit with an infant on a barstool? Guess it makes sense on paper. Babies are bad bar clientele. They constantly throw up and never tip!
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Once everyone's done eating, Vince helps out with the dishes. He's a good kid and he wants to prove that to Ophelia and Xander. He's not a troublemaker like his jerk brother!
Xander thanks him for grabbing Velma's empty bottle as he gets the baby ready for some playtime.
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Val: So how's the retraiting thing going?
Ophelia: Great. I actually just finished. I picked the loyal trait.
Val: That's a good one!
Ophelia: Thanks, I thought it fit me pretty well.
Ophelia wonders if Val is still interested in changing his klepto trait too.
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Ophelia: You know, I asked my old therapist, and she said there are plenty of retraiting therapists who specialize in working with kids and teens. I'd be happy to talk to your parents about it if you want.
Val: Really? Is it expensive?
Ophelia: It depends.
Val: I dunno…
Val: What if it costs too much?
The poor kid clearly doesn't want to get his hopes up.
Ophelia: You let the adults worry about that. But no matter how this shakes out, you're a good kid, okay? You just have some hurdles other kids don't. You're more than just your trait.
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Ophelia: And I meant what I said, I'm always here if you need to talk.
Vince comes to finish his self-assigned chore.
Val: I can wash that.
Vince: Yeah but you never do.
Ophelia: Vince, I appreciate your help but please don't put Valentin down. He's not doing anything wrong.
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Vince's plan to look like the better brother has backfired a bit.
Vince: Oh, uh, I'm sorry.
Ophelia: It's okay, hon.
As Vince walks off, Ophelia lowers her voice so only Val will hear.
Ophelia: Vince just doesn't understand how hard it is. He will someday when he's older.
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Xander goes to put Velma down for a nap while the other kids watch the Brainchild Learning Channel.
Val: Mr. Xander, can we watch something else?
Xander: Yeah, sure. Pick whatever you want.
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Either way, Violet is bored of TV and comes to ask Ophelia for something.
Violet: Can you read me a story?
Ophelia: Sure, sweetie. Our bookshelf has a couple books you might like. Go pick one out!
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Valentin turns on the ScareMax channel.
Vince: I don't think this is what Mr. Xander meant.
Val: He said whatever.
Well, Vince can't argue with that logic. I mean, he could, but he's going to try to be the bigger Sim and get along.
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Vince: Sorry about before.
Val: It's not like you were wrong. I suck at doing dishes. I don't wanna make Mom mad though, so I'm trying hard not to start fights, at least here.
Vince: I guess I'll try a little harder too.
Watching spooky movies is a great time for truces.
Valentin throws his brother a bone, since he knows what a goody two shoes he is.
Val: Ms. Ophelia's not mad at you, by the way. She just has to remind us to get along cuz she's the adult.
Vince: That's true.
Val: And I checked the backyard, there's no treehouse.
Vince: Phew.
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The previous owners were parents, so they left some old kid and infant furniture behind after selling to the couple. Convenient.
Xander: Time to get some shuteye, Velly Bean.
Velma does a pretty good job soothing herself, but Xander helps soothe her to sleep as well.
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ireadyabooks · 6 months
Pumpkin Spice & Everything Nice: Read an Excerpt
Gilmore Girls fans! Pour yourselves a hot cup of tea and get ready to fall in love with this cozy YA romance that will have you dreaming of autumn all year long.
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Fall is a big deal in Briar Glen, a quaint and charming village in New England. That's when tourists from all over the country descend upon this picturesque town to see the babbling brooks and colorful leaves while sipping hot chocolate or pumpkin spice lattes.
But sixteen-year-old Lucy Kane hates the uber-popular PSL. She finds it overrated -- especially when you consider the fact that there isn't even pumpkin in it! -- which is bad because she works at Cup o' Jo, the local coffee shop her mom owns. Business at Cup o' Jo hasn't been great in the off-season, but that's okay because it always picks up during the fall ...
Until Java Junction, a multinational coffee chain, opens across the street and makes things harder for the small shop. And to make matters worse, it turns out Jack Harper, the new kid in school and Lucy's secret crush, is the son of the owner. Suddenly, fall doesn't seem like it'll be all it's cracked up to be. Will Lucy find a way to save her mom's coffee shop?
Apple Books
Barnes & Noble
Google Play
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scurvgirl · 11 months
Weekly Tag Wednesday!
Thank you @deedala @energievie @jrooc @gallawitchxx @mybrainismelted for the tags!
Name: Scurv is the word
Age: 28
Favorite color: Generally? Fuchsia but also...whatever is on my nails (so it changes a lot!)
What emoji best describes your current mood? I answer this on desktop, lol. Probably the one that's asleep because a bitch be sleepy
What season is it where you are right now? Fall...kinda
Were you up before or after the sun this morning? I think it was before
Are you currently in possession of a pumpkin? I am not and this needs to be remedied
Do you prefer to carve or paint your jack-o-lanterns? Oh I love both but ultimately - carve for the at night effects
Do you have a favorite pumpkin-spice flavored treat? If so, what is it? I like the PSL, gotta say. I also loooooove pumpkin muffins, oh man, they are GOOD
What's your favorite season and what's your favorite pie that you associate with it? Favorite season, you know after answering this so many times with different answers I think...I just don't have one. Not in the "I always hate it", but I've genuinely come to love different aspects of each and I love them all for very different reasons. That said...I am not a pie person
We're having a pot-luck, what are you going to bring? Remember those pumpkin muffins I talked about? Yeah, I MAKE them and they're dairy free and DELICIOUS
It's chilly outside and you need a hot drink in your hands, what are you drinking? Coffee, peppermint mocha flavored creamer, BIG MUG
Will you be wearing a costume for Halloween? Is it ready? Maybe? It's to be determined. It's on a Tuesday this year which is logistically rough on me due to my work schedule.
Finally, what's something you've made or done recently that you're proud of? I'm pretty proud of my latest Kinktober fic, Kindest of Kisses, Softest of Hearts. I feel like I really accomplished everything I set out to do with it.
I love y'all and I am too worn out to tag - but if you see this, consider yourself tagged!!! Now I am off to play Baldur's Gate and trying to smooch a stupid vampire, toodles
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percervall · 2 years
Pumpkin spice lattes
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Player: Jan Oblak Words: 1221 Requested: - Warnings: Mentions of injuries A/N: Jan seemed like the kind of person who'd secretly enjoy a PSL 🤷‍♀️ Let me know what you think!
Autumn masterlist
Click here if you'd like to be added to the taglist
“Hey,” she said, peering around the doorframe, “ready?”
Jan turned around and groaned when he saw it was her, making her grin. 
“Come on, you know you’ll feel better afterwards.” 
Jan rolled his eyes at that.
“She’s right, it’s important to build up strength through low impact exercise,” his physical therapist said.
“Not you too,” Jan groaned.
“Come on sunshine, I’ll buy you a coffee.” 
The prospect of something that tasted better than the stuff they offered in the dining hall finally swayed him. Jan sighed and got up from the massage table. 
“Fine,” he grumbled, following her out of the training facility. It was a hell of his own making, if he was being honest. They had met during an Atletico press day a few years ago. She had played as a goalkeeper for the women’s team, so they ended up chatting about the differences between the men’s and women’s leagues, and swapped stories about their favourite saves. Long story short, they became best friends. And then she suffered a career ending injury. Jan came to see her every day while she was still in hospital. When she got out, Atletico offered her a job on the social media side of things. During the first six months, he would come by her office and drag her along for walks while her shoulder was still healing, and later he’d drag her along to the gym for workouts. And now she was returning the favour while he was recovering from a ligament injury in his ankle. 
“You get to pick, 1k or 2k?” she asked, referring to the distance. Jan knew he should go for the longer distance, but that involved stairs which he wasn’t looking forward to after today’s session in PT.
“1k, my ankle already took a beating thanks to Óscar.” She chuckled and linked her arm with his.
“Alright, 1k it is then.” 
Jan was grateful to be able to sit down once they got to the café they both loved. His ankle wasn’t hurting per se, but it had started to throb. He let himself fall on the bench with a groan.
“Same as always?” she asked. Jan nodded as he tried to breath through the pain. He turned sideways so he could rest his leg on the bench as well, and the elevation eased some of the pain. Jan enjoyed the sunshine for a while, closing his eyes and tilting his face up. He noticed her leaving the café, pretty much dancing towards him. 
“An Americano for the grump and a PSL for me!”
“A PS-.. What’s a PSL?” Jan asked as he took his coffee from her. He pointedly ignored her calling him a grump. It was one of her nicknames for him and he begrudgingly accepted that. To be fair, he was grumpy. The rehab was taking longer than he’d like and it was wearing him down. She lifted his injured leg and sat down, resting his foot in her lap. 
“Only a gift from the coffee gods; Pumpkin spice latte. I was hoping they’d have them. These are my fave this time of year,” she beamed at him. 
“Can’t say I’ve ever had one,” Jan said, taking a sip from his own coffee. She gasped, turning to look at him with wide eyes. 
“Jan Oblak, you my friend have not truly lived. Here,” she said, handing him her cup. He looked at her, not fully trusting she wasn’t pulling his leg, and took a tempative sip.
“Jesus,” he muttered. She laughed and took the cup back.
“That’s diabetes in liquid form!” Jan said incredulously. 
“I know,” she said, eyes twinkling with mirth, “isn’t it the best?” 
He threw her a look, eyebrows raised as if to say are you kidding me? which only made her laugh again, head thrown back. Jan shook his head and took another sip of his black coffee to rinse out the overly sweet drink. 
“I don’t always get them, but I came to realise life’s too short to only drink boring coffee,” she said, shrugging one shoulder and taking another sip of her latte. They were quiet for a moment while he mulled that over in his head. If he was honest with himself, Jan had to admit that she was right; life was too short to only do the things you had to do and not do the things you loved. 
“Could I try another sip, now that I know to expect pure sugar?” Jas asked. She chuckled and handed him the cup. Jan took another sip, picking up on the different spices this time. Yes, it was still sweet, but it was.. Nice. The spices were very autumnal. He could see the appeal.
“Not bad. Still prefer something that won’t decrease my lifespan with each sip, but I can see why you like them,” he admitted. 
“I’ll make a PSL-lover out of you yet, just you wait,” she said with a grin, taking her coffee back from him.
“The club nutritionist will love you for sure,” he said sarcastically.
“They don’t have to know I’m smuggling you PSLs. I ask for an extra pump of the pumpkin spice syrup, but they’re normally not this sweet. Make you a deal: if you can run 1k without pain on the treadmill, I’ll treat you to one.” She held out her hand. Jan thought for a moment. Maybe this was the kind of bribery he needed to get through physical therapy. 
“Deal,” he said, shaking her hand.
“How’s it going, sunshine?” she asked as she walked into the gym of the training facility. It had been five weeks since they made their deal and Jan had been working hard in PT to reach his goal. He grunted a response from his position on the floor. She waited for him to finish his reps before she spoke again.
“Heard you’re making vast improvements,” she said. Jan nodded, wiping the sweat from his brow.
“A little birdie told me you ran even more than 1k this morning,” she continued. Jan looked at her, eyebrows raised. He then threw a glare at his physical therapist. Óscar raised his hands.
“Don’t look at me, Oblak. Wasn’t me.” 
“Marcos told me,” she explained, “he and I go way back. But great job Jan! 1.3 kilometres, that’s huge!” Jan grumbled a reply, not looking at her. 
“Oi, if you keep up this act I’ll just have to give this to someone else. Maybe Marcos will appreciate it. Or Anto. That man loves his sugary drinks,” she said, pulling a to-go cup from behind her back. 
“Ah, now it all makes sense,” Óscar said with a laugh. Jan slumped his shoulders.
“I’m sorry for snapping at you. It’s been… It’s been a week,” Jan said. 
“I know. Here,” she said gently, holding the cup out to him. Jan took it from her, wrapping his hands around it.
“Thank you,” he muttered, taking a temptative sip. Jan would be lying if he said he hadn’t been looking forward to this. After she had introduced him to the PSL as she called it, he’d gone back a couple of times to get one himself with less of the syrup. He absolutely loved them now. 
“You’re welcome. Told you I’d convert you to a PSL-lover,” she said, grinning wide. 
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shirtsbargain · 1 month
Fabrics That'll Save Your Fall Fashion Game
Hello fashion squad! 🍂👚
Let's discuss in real about dressing for autumn, because let's agree on it - nobody wants to freeze their butt off while trying to look cute for the pics.
Fall Weather: The Moodie Bestie
Okay, so fall weather is similar to a friend who cannot decide what mood they are in. One second you are sweating, in the next, you are shivering. That's how it works. That's why picking the right fabrics is important if you want to avoid ending up looking like a hot mess (actually).
Fall Fabrics
1. Wool
Wool's like that reliable friend who is always with you. It keeps you warm AF but won't make you feel like you are wearing a sauna. Merino wool? That's the fancy cousin who's soft and bougie. Slap on a cool wool blank sweater and boom - instant fall vibes.
2. Flannel
Flannel is known as “socially acceptable pajamas”. It shouts "I might go apple picking, or I might just Netflix and chill." Either way, you look comfy and cute. Win-win.
3. Corduroy
Corduroy's making a grand comeback, and honestly? I am here for it. It's like wearing a sweet hug, but make it extra fashionable. Plus, that swish-swish sound when you walk? Extremely satisfying.
4. Fleece
If clouds were wearable, they'd be fleeced. It's stupid soft and made for those "I can't even" days. Throw on a fleece blank jacket and suddenly you are outdoor-ready (even if you are just heading to a nearby Starbucks).
5. Denim
Jeans are the actual MVPs of fall. They go with everything and hide the fact that you have been inhaling pumpkin pie like it's your dream job. A denim jacket? That's just *chef's kiss*.
6. Leather (or Faux Leather)
Wanna feel like a badass while grabbing your PSL? Leather jacket. Boom. Done. And if real leather's not your favorite, faux options are the best even your wallet won't know the difference.
7. Tweed
Tweed is for when you want to look fancy but also kinda feel cozy. It's like the fabric equivalent of drinking wine out of a mug - classy, but comfy.
The Bottom Line
Fall fashion is all about not freezing your tush off while still looking like you could be in a cozy autumn commercial. Mix these fabrics, layer like you're playing fabric Tetris, and remember - if you're comfy and feel like hot apple cider personified, you are doing it right.
Go outside and enjoy fall to the fullest! Whether you are jumping into a pile of leaves or just trying not to spill your latte on your new outfit, you have got this. And if anyone judges your third pumpkin spice anything of the day, just tell 'em it's for the aesthetic. 😉🎃☕
Embrace the fall vibes and reign like the fall kings you are!👑🍁
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viksolve · 7 months
PM Shehbaz Sharif Statement Against Imran Khan | 04 March 2024 | Viksolve
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Shehbaz Sharif Ready for Prime Ministerial Responsibilities
Shehbaz Sharif is ready to take over the responsibilities of Vizarat Uzma, Sadre Malikat Dr. Arif Alvi will take oath from Nine Ministers Wazir Azam today, Pur Waqar will arrive at Awane Sadr at around 3:00 pm, apart from Sarban of Ittehad Zaman, all three Services Chiefs and Safirs of the two countries will also participate. On reaching the Wazir General House, the Guard of Honor will be presented to Mia Shahbaz Sharif, Not only today, I again offer Misak Mashat, along with this I invite them to a free Misak. By sitting together, we will ride the fate of Pakistan, a tribute to the political regime of Wazir Azam Shahbaz Sharif and a free feast, an offer to the opposition to sit for Intekhab Allah, a promise of release of women and underage prisoners, a promise to uproot terrorism and the missing people. 
Also Read: Viksolve Headlines 1 AM | Increase in cold – Weather Update | Viksolve
Prime Minister Denounces Opposition’s Letter to IMF
Wazir Azam calls Bani Tehreek Insaaf‘s letter to IMF termed as national enmity, says PTI on May 9, Mulki Salmiya, wounds of that day are still fresh, the law will take its course, inflation will come down, employment will increase, the subsidy will increase Barara will go to the farmers to increase the IT verandah, they will work together to lay the network of public transport, Mia Shahbaz Sharif PU Azam said that the people of the new government, the emperors of friend policy will start coming in a year, not to be a part of any great game and to take CPAC forward. Announcement of Government will have to come to us for the release of political prisoners. Shahbaz Sharif had nothing to sell in the first title and today Islamabad United and Pisha and Zalmi will be added to the HPL PSL line Gujarat Rose Multan Sultan defeated Karachi Kings Defeated and secured a place in the play-off stage.
Stay connected with this viksolve.com website to get the same updates further
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redwineconversation · 9 months
Vanessa Gilles OLPlay Interview (December 12, 2023)
Lyon's favorite chaotic wine aunt sticks around to create mayhem and out players' secrets for a little longer.
Blah blah standard disclaimers apply; @OL Comms Dept a PSL or a medicine ball would do nicely; stans were, are, and forever will be annoying and should be banned from stadiums; y'all know the speech by now.
Timothee > your club's journalist.
Timothee: Vanessa, you extend your contract today, one more season with Olympique Lyonnais. How do you feel once it's done, once everything has been signed?
Gilles: [laughs] Yeah, really good. I said it when I arrived, I said last year, I'll say it again, you don't turn down Olympique Lyonnais. It's been a dream to be here since the beginning. I'm happy the dream continues.
Timothee: What were the factors? Did you hesitate at any moment? Was your decision made from the start?
Gilles: Ah, it's hard to hesitate when Lyon wants you to stay and you feel good [with the team]. The club, the team, the staff, they all welcomed me with open arms. I have a little family here. I'm really happy here and I didn't hesitate at all.
Timothee: And I imagine you still have lots and lots of things to accomplish with this club. You still have a lot of ambition, I imagine.
Gilles: Well, I hope so. For now I've won my very first trophies with the club. There's one more which still motivates me that I'm missing.
Timothee: We get the feeling that everyone is focused on the Champions League this season. You're on a bit of a mission.
Gilles: Well I think that Lyon is on a mission every year to win everything, to smash everything. But it's true that this year with the team that we have, the means that the new owner, Michele Kang, puts at our disposal, we're motivated, we're ready. It's true that it's one of the objectives for the end of the season.
Timothee: About precisely that. How did things change over the summer? The staff strengthened itself, a lot of people arrived. Do you feel that you have exceptional conditions now?
Gilles: Yeah, for sure. We already recruits who arrived who do a lot of good [to the team], it must be said, both in the locker room and on the field. The staff as well, they do a lot of good. I think that the staff who was already there feel much more supported and feel that they are able to focus on many more things. As for us as players, for sure it makes us feel like professionals, like when you join your National Team and you come back, you have the same means, you have the same resources. So it does a lot of good. And that allows us to continue, to be really well supported mainly, and to perform well.
Timothee: Can you explain a little bit to us what has changed in your game? And as a human being, how has your arrival at Olympique Lyonnais changed you? What have you learned by being at Lyon?
Gilles: I don't think I've changed that much. But for sure I've really progressed, especially on the field with the ball. Lyon is a team who dominates possession and who really expects their defenders who be present when attacking. So learn how to combine, learn how to find space, learn how to create space, etc, those things I wasn't used to doing. But I think a lot of people who don't play for big teams aren't used to that. So already that. And in terms of the human aspect, I think I found some great friends, great teammates and I think that moves things forward. It makes you feel at ease. As a person I haven't changed, but I found this motivation and love of life again to be in a club and to train, to play, go to sleep and do it all again. When the hours are so long it really helps to have that.
Timothee: Yeah, we really feel there is a cohesion where in the moments where you have to make an effort for each other, it's easier. And the cohesion is a thing - it looks like it's something you hold dear to you, because you work really hard for it. You bring a lot to the team in that sense.
Gilles: Yeah, I think that it's one of Lyon's main strengths even before I arrived and long after I will have left. I think Lyon will always keep that mentality, that culture of helping each other. Because at the end of the day, yes, we have great, great players, but it's a team who wins games. I think Lyon understood that really well and cultivates that mentality so that the new recruits understand that and work on that so we can go get the trophies.
Timothee: And you also speak the two languages [English and French]. It's a real advantage to be able to talk to everybody and be the link as well.
Gilles: Yeah, obviously it helps. But as I said, the French players speak English, the English [speakers] speak French. So I think that when you come and you only speak one language, you're quickly welcomed and you learn quickly how to understand each other on and off the field.
Timothee: The season when you arrived, it wasn't the easiest. You came and the context wasn't easy because there were endless injuries. This year it's off to a good start. What are your feelings on the start of the season? Are you satisfied with how things are going for the moment?
Gilles: Yes, obviously you can only feel good about the start of the season. As competitors we look back at each game and see where we can improve, because there is always room for improvement. But that's sport, it'll never be perfect. So it's exactly that mentality which will help us goin forward and throughout the whole season. But I think that as I said, we have recruits who are doing us an enormous amount of good. We had players come back from the World Cup with a lot of hunger and a lot of motivation to start this season. So it's different from last season. We have so, so many less injuries, thankfully. That's something which affected the team mentally last season and isn't weighing us down this season.
Timothee: You arrived in September [2022]. I think your first goal was in January [2023], maybe even right at the beginning of February. I think it's January. There's been quite a few since then. You're beginning to also be decisive in the other box. Is that important for you?
Gilles: Yeah, I think it's something I can bring to the team, that I can help the team with. Headers are one of my qualities, maybe not shooting with my feet. [laughs] No, but I think this team is stacked with the ability to score from the number of corners or free kicks that we have. Being able to score is the least we could do.
Timothee: Are you looking forward to the decisive games in the UWCL? We felt this was a team who was really growing into themselves last year, and was halted in their tracks. You were on the score sheet that night at Stamford Bridge. Are you eager to play those games again and show that you're still there?
Gilles: Well we still have the group stage to play first. We don't take anything lightly, and we really take advantage of each game that we're able to play. So we don't look too far ahead, we take pleasure out of it when we can and for the moment that's two games against Brann, a game against Fleury. Those will be good games to play. Whether it's a game at Stamford Bridge or a game in Norway, it's football and it makes us happy. It motivates us the same way.
Timothee: Well, we're really happy that you're staying longer with us.
Gilles: Thank you. Me too.
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adamgant · 11 months
Flourless Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Bars
Flourless Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Bars https://ift.tt/vda2UC7 Re-sharing this post because it’s a yearly staple for us and I know so many of you love them, too!! These flourless pumpkin chocolate chip bars are SO good and I usually have all of the ingredients for this healthy fall dessert on hand and ready to go. Let the avalanche of all things pumpkin continue. I feel like this year, a lot of people are playing it cool when it comes to pumpkin. You know, trying not to act *too* excited about its arrival. (Also it could totally be the fact that many of us are still experiencing true summer weather.) And then, there are people like me who have already enjoyed many PSLs, and upon seeing the shelf of pumpkin-filled cans at Trader Joe’s, I did the slow-mo run to them, arms wide open, and a creepy smile on my face. I just can’t help myself. While the Pilot doesn’t go crazy for pumpkin at all, I gave birth to two pumpkin-obsessed little friends, who share my enthusiasm for this festive gourd. Flourless Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Bars This afternoon, I decided to embark on my first pumpkin baking adventure of the season, with chocolate chip pumpkin bars. It was a twist on my beloved flourless blueberry breakfast bake (recipe is in the book!), and uses creamy almond butter and egg as the base. The result: a dense, buttery, perfectly spiced, and sweet healthy pumpkin dessert or snack. It’s also amazing in the morning with some butter and a side of scrambled eggs. Here’s this healthy pumpkin recipe if you’d like to give it a try! and a video! Print Flourless pumpkin chocolate chip bars Print Recipe ★ 5 Stars ☆ ★ 4 Stars ☆ ★ 3 Stars ☆ ★ 2 Stars ☆ ★ 1 Star ☆ No reviews A festive and delicious dessert or snack option for the fall season! No flour, grains or refined sugar. Prep Time: 10 Total Time: 10 minutes Yield: 8 Ingredients 1/2 cup creamy almond butter 1 egg 1/2 cup pure pumpkin puree 1 tablespoon coconut sugar (or brown sugar) 1 teaspoon vanilla 3/4 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice 1/4 teaspoon baking soda Pinch of sea salt 1/2 cup chocolate chips Cook Mode Prevent your screen from going dark Instructions 1. Preheat the oven to 350 and spray a 9-inch baking dish with nonstick spray or grease with coconut oil. 2. In a large bowl, use a fork to whisk the almond butter until fluffy. Add the egg and mix well. 3. Stir in the pumpkin and remaining ingredients, gently folding in the chocolate chips. 4. Pour into your prepared baking dish and bake for 20-25 minutes, until slightly golden and set. Allow to cool completely before storing covered in the fridge. Did you make this recipe? Tag @fitnessista on Instagram Nutrition stats are here. xoxo Gina Something to talk about: Pumpkin fanatic: yes or not so much?! What’s your favorite fall dessert recipe? The post Flourless Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Bars appeared first on The Fitnessista. via The Fitnessista https://ift.tt/gsW6LkK October 23, 2023 at 06:22AM
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playescapeak · 1 year
It’s not quite cold yet, but Fall does officially begin on the 23rd of this month, and we want to be ready for all things pumpkin at the first sign of breath in the air.
Can you find all the differences in these pumpkin spice latte images (there are six). Bonus points if you’re drinking a PSL while playing.
Scroll for the answer.
Are you sure you’re ready to see the answer? If so, keep scrolling.
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rocknews · 2 years
Shadab Khan is ready for Pakistan captaincy: Hasan Ali names Babar Azam's replacement
Pakistan pacer Hasan Ali reckons that Islamabad United captain Shadab Khan is ready to lead Pakistan. When asked if Shadab could lead the national team, the pacer stated that the Islamabad United skipper is always ready to take on any challenge.
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Babar Azam's captaincy has come under the scanner and faced criticism after Pakistan failed to win a single Test at home against England and New Zealand under his leadership. New Zealand then defeated Pakistan in the recently concluded ODI series, adding more pressure on Babar.
"He is ready [for the Pakistan captaincy]. He has proved himself as a captain in PSL. I think he has also led Pakistan in two matches, so I think he is ready. He is always ready for any challenge and gives his best," Hasan said when he was asked to share his thoughts on Shadab as the next Pakistan captain.
Hasan and Shadab both play for Islamabad United in the Pakistan Super League (PSL), with the latter leading the team since 2019. Shadab is also Pakistan's limited overs vice-captain, but Shan Masood replaced him for the New Zealand series, which the spinner missed due to injury.
Shadab has led Islamabad 32 times, with the team winning 17 and losing 15. The Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) is rumoured to be considering splitting the leadership role and potentially replacing Azam as captain in one of the formats.
Shadab is Pakistan's vice-captain in limited-overs cricket. However, due to injury, he missed the recent ODI series against New Zealand, and Shan Masood was named vice-captain for that series. Azam will captain the Peshawar Zalmi in the Pakistan Super League (PSL).
The latest PSL season began on Monday, with Lahore Qalandars defeating Multan Sultans by one run in the season opener. The match also marked Shaheen Shah Afridi's return to competitive cricket after being sidelined for several months due to a knee injury. Read More On...
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qaumiakhbar · 6 years
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PSL's biggest competition today آج پی ایس ایل کاسب سے بڑا مقابلہ پشاور زلمی اور کوئٹہ گلیڈی ایٹرز آج پلے آف میں مدمقابل ہیں فاتح ٹیم فائنل میں جائے گی، ہارنے والی ٹیم کے پاس ایک لائف لائن ہوگی
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amanda-glassen · 3 years
PSL Hell
Alex and Serena attempt to distract their girlfriends before the annual dorm decorating competition.
For the Pumpkin Spice Latte square on @storiesofsvu #storiesofsvufallbingo
With two hours left until the judging began for the annual Halloween dorm decorating contest, Olivia was putting the finishing touches on the decor with her roommate, Abbie. The contest was supposed to be an immersive experience for the judges and, instead of merely decorating their dorm rooms, those who participated in the contest were expected to create a storyline to act out in three minutes or less that also included opportunities for the judges to participate. 
Abbie and Olivia’s theme was The Purge. They had set up screens to project their backdrop as city streets on Purge night as well as integrated audio clips of the Purge siren and announcement. Their characters were two heavily-armed girls who went out on Purge night, risking their lives to protect those who couldn’t protect themselves. Their chosen ensembles were simple: black Soffe shorts and white t-shirts that they ripped holes in and splattered with fake blood. Olivia’s shoulder-length hair was wavy and unkempt and she and Abbie had splashed fake blood on their arms and legs for good measure. 
Meanwhile, across the hall and four doors down, Alex and Serena were in PSL Hell. They had decorated their dorm room with every autumn blog stereotype, complete with Hocus Pocus playing in the background. Their storyline was the judges were Serena’s party guests and, as a dare, they were to stand in front of a mirror and say ‘Pumpkin Spice Latte’ three times to see if Autumn Girl would appear. Those unlucky enough to summon her would be transported to PSL Hell, an abode of the damned where it was always October and Autumn Girl would continuously tell you everything she liked about the season with no end in sight. 
Although there were two hours left, Alex and Serena were already prepared for the judges. Alex was clad in her Autumn Girl attire: a cream colored sweater, jeggings tucked into a pair of brown knee-high boots, and a chunky plaid flannel scarf. There was a pumpkin spice latte, a jack-o-lantern cookie, and an uncarved pumpkin readily available for her to use as props. Her plan was to say “Leggings and lattes!” while holding up her pumpkin spice latte, get out her phone and take autumn aesthetic pictures of the jack-o-lantern cookie, and even ask one of the judges to take a picture of her tossing fake leaves in the air. “Did you get my good side?” she was going to ask them, along with, “Is it good enough to post?” Autumn Girl was probably going to be the most obnoxious character in the contest but with the stress of midterms now behind them, Alex was ready to fully immerse herself in the character and have some fun.
...even if some of that fun was going to come at the expense of her girlfriend.
 “I’m going to say hi to our girls,” Serena told Alex now that they were all prepared. “Don’t you want to see Liv?”
“I could use some time with my girlfriend,” Alex agreed. “And you should definitely see Abbie. There’s still two hours left. Why don’t you take her somewhere secluded and exciting if you get my drift.”
Serena grabbed her key card and her phone. “I know exactly what you’re getting at and I have no qualms with using a makeout session to distract my girlfriend.”
Abbie immediately kissed Serena when she arrived, but Olivia was hesitant to even hug her girlfriend. “You shouldn’t be here, Alex. We agreed not to see each other before the contest.” 
“Is that how you greet the love of your life?” Alex smirked.
“Serena and I are heading out,” Abbie said to the two of them, her arm now wrapped around her girl. “We’ll be back in an hour.”
“An hour?” Olivia asked in disbelief. “Abigail, we still have to do a sound check. We have to make sure our lighting is okay. You’re not even in your costume.”
Serena whispered something in Abbie’s ear and Olivia knew her roommate was a goner. “Chill, Liv,” Abbie told her. “You’re really going to do all this for a gift card?”
“This is not about the gift card. Gift cards get spent,” Olivia insisted. “This is about the glory of winning. Glory is forever.”
Abbie and Serena left the dorm room without any care for Olivia’s quest for glory. It was now just the two of them and Alex had every intention of seducing her girlfriend to make her forget about the contest.
“I love when your hair is like this,” Alex said as she ran her fingers through Olivia’s hair. “The tousled look reminds me of when I’m on top of you and-”
“I’m going to stop you right there,” Olivia interrupted. “I know you told Serena to go make out with Abbie and I know you want to do the same in hopes of distracting me but, need I remind you, you made the mistake of having sex with me last night. I’m not sexually frustrated right now no matter how beautiful you look and how much those jeans hug you in the right places.”
Alex took off her sweater so as not to get it stained with fake blood and laid down on her girlfriend’s bed. “Okay, I am responsible for making Serena distract Abbie, but it serves you right. I thought you’d be a good girlfriend and sign up for me when I was in class so all the good themes didn’t get taken. I told you to sign me up for Stranger Things because Serena and I wanted something ‘80s and you intentionally signed us up for PSL Hell because you thought it was the worst theme.”
Olivia laid down next to her, hoping she could resist any temptation to go any further with Alex. “Well, that serves you right for eating the last serving of brownie goo in the dining hall and not just the last serving of the day. That was the last serving of brownie goo for the whole week. It’s only served on weekends. You took it from my plate when I went to get ice cream to put on top of it. That was my goo, Alex.”
“I only ate the last serving of brownie goo to get back at you for-nevermind,” Alex laughed, thinking about how obsessed her girlfriend had become with the gooey brownies that were served in the dining hall. “This could go on forever. I love you, Olivia.”
Olivia kissed her girlfriend’s hand. “I love you, too, and I only chose PSL Hell for you and Serena because I know you two are gonna kill it with that theme. You’re the cutest Autumn Girl.”
Alex wrapped her arms around her girlfriend, holding her as close as she could. “Let’s make a bet. If I win, I get to shower with you tonight while you wash off all this fake blood.”
“I’ll take that bet.” Olivia pretended to be deep in thought about what she should suggest if she won. “And how about if I win, you still shower with me while I wash this fake blood off. Plus, you spend the night with me.”
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pulsdmedia · 3 years
The Week Ahead 9/19-9/25
Taking a peek at the weather forecast, it may still be a bit too warm to break out those sweaters - but nobody is stopping us from ordering daily PSL’s and lighting up those Trader Joe’s Honeycrisp Apple candles. This week, there’s parties to attend, food festivals to devour, celebrity sightings, and, of course, FREE OYSTERS! 
$39 Ticket To A 3 Hour Open Bar Party With DJ & Dancing
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This weekend, consider starting it off with a bang at Jon Harari’s Friday Night After Party, held at the chic Skorpios restaurant, which will be transformed into a nightlife haven full of boozy fun all night long! 400+ stylish New Yorkers will socialize and sway amidst the sophisticated nautical decor, soaking in the good vibes as a live DJ fills the air with the hottest jams ideal for grooving to the beat at this energetic soirée. For 3 hours, savor bottomless wines, cocktails, and beers served throughout the night so you can sip, boogie to the music, and admire what will be a weekend to remember in the city that never sleeps...
Anderson Cooper Chats With Andy Cohen About His New Book
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For most of his life, CNN anchor, 60 Minutes correspondent and New York Times bestselling author, Anderson Cooper intentionally distanced himself from the Vanderbilt dynasty his mother was born into. But after Gloria Vanderbilt’s death, Cooper began going through old journals, letters, and Vanderbilt family documents. Intrigued, he began researching the lives of his ancestors, and when his son Wyatt was born, decided to write a book Vanderbilt: The Rise and Fall of an American Dynasty to one day help him understand this fascinating branch of his family’s history. Join Cooper and Emmy Award winning Andy Cohen for a revealing and intimate look at one of America’s most famous families.
$39 Ticket: 3 Hours of Unlimited Beer, Live Music, Food & More
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This is your last weekend to celebrate Oktoberfest! Go big at Black Forest with unlimited beer, live music, and tasty eats - all for just $39! You'll swig from your stein and enjoy the likes of HB Original, HB Dunkel and HB Oktoberfest as the live band begins to play a jig. By round 2, you'll be ready to hit the dance floor, rejoicing in the festivity. When hunger strikes, German sausages, giant pretzels, flatbreads, schnitzel, and more will be available for purchase to tide you over and add to the authentic German atmosphere. Don your finest pair of Lederhosen, gather your friends, and come celebrate...
Raising Funds to Support Rehoming Efforts For Dogs in Need
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The 10th Anniversary Badass Bash is the Brooklyn Dog Rescue‘s biggest fundraiser of the year, essential for raising funds to support medical, rehabilitation and rehoming efforts to dogs in need. Join Littlefield as they celebrate finding homes for 3,000 dogs with an evening of cocktails, small bites, a live auction & raffle, and more!
$19 Ticket; Outdoor Festival With 100+ Beers, Wines, & Spirits
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Another boozy soirée to add to the social calendar this weekend - a day of revelry and drinking await at The 2021 Staten Island Summer Beer, Wine, & Spirits Festival!  Beer lovers, drink enthusiasts, and brew aficionados, and casual sippers alike will adore this spectacular Saturday of festive fun taking place on a magical summer day. Expect a libation celebration of epic proportions where your palate will be treated to a showcase of liquid greatness! Live music sets will set the soundtrack for the day, while cuisine from Taste of Poland and other beloved foodie favorites will be on deck to satisfy any cravings at this rollicking gathering...
Oyster Party by Towd Point Oyster Co.
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What's better than oysters? Free oysters! So head over to the trendy Moxy Hotel in Chelsea as Towd Point Oyster Co. hosts a free oyster party. All you need to do is RSVP, show-up and throw them back!
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Meet-Cute (2) Masterlist
Links Last Checked: April 6th, 2022
part one, part three
All the Stars in the Sky (ao3) - benotafraidofwriting
Summary: Dan is a journalist who works on the advice column and horoscopes. Bored with his job and his only friends being the ones he met on the Internet, he wasn’t ready for Phil Lester to come in and turn his life upside down.
baby, you put a spell on me (ao3) - The General Phanchild (panicked_introvert)
Summary: Magic is common in Phil's world. But even spells and potions can't explain his seemingly supernatural affeciton for his roommate...
black butterflies and deja vu (ao3) - kae_karo
Summary: Once upon a time…there was a little boy, his name was- well, that’s not important. There was a little boy, and he didn’t have lots of friends. But don’t worry, this isn’t a sad story, even though it sounds like it, I promise.
Do it for the ‘gram (ao3) - RachelxAnnex
Summary: Dan is Phil trash number one (with a popular stan tumblr to show for it) after a surprise meeting in the local coffee shop that Dan visits purely for the aesthetics they bond over PSL’s and maybe find a little snapshot of happy along the way.
Is your dog passionate about democracy? (ao3) - sierraadeux
Summary: Blame Dan's increasing public interest in politics for me not being able to stop thinking about a different universe in which political campaign canvasser Dan meets corgi dad Phil on his route. A rare story of the one time in recorded history in which a stranger ringing your doorbell isn't annoying.
Je m'appelle Claude (ao3) - sierraadeux
Summary: The time when Phil told us they went to the Frieze art fair and played a game where they made up fake names, but make it a meet-cute.
Life’s Beauty is in its Impermanence. (ao3) - phansb
Summary: Daniel Howell and Phil Lester live in Kingston upon Hull, and begin chatting after a moment of striking bravery at a café. Over the next few days, they become increasingly more attached to one another, until Phil must leave to Isle of Man for Christmas.
Modern-day Cinderella - gravityplant
Summary: Phil’s awakened by a loud party a few floors down. In his quest for a good night’s sleep, he meets pretty and mysterious Dan who seems to be in need of some company.
On the threshold of something - gravityplant
Summary: Dan misses the train and all the chances he’s ever had but he wins something else…
Promise? - gravityplant
Summary: A young man ends up in the hospital and the celebrity Phil is to blame… right?
Quite Fetching (ao3) - carltzmann
Summary: Phil likes to take his dog on walks around the neighborhood. Dan works at the local elementary school.
slow love (ao3) - CapriciousCrab
Summary: Dan impulsively attends a speed dating event and sweeps a handsome stranger off of his feet.  Literally
someone to you (ao3) - outphan
Summary: It's Valentine's Day and Dan got stood up.
Steamy Brew (ao3) - dijon
Summary: There’s a cute stranger talking to Phil in a coffee shop. Just your everyday meet-cute while getting coffee.
tell me that you'll wait for me (ao3) - t_hens
Summary: Dan's flight gets delayed because of a storm, but at least he's got his phone, and the company of the attractive stranger sharing the same outlet on the wall.
you be the art, I'll be the brush (ao3) - t_hens
Summary: Phil is a harried art student just trying to do his best and he may have just a little bit of a crush on his sketching class' new model Dan.
You glanced my way and gave me a wave (ao3) - NeverBeenAWriter
Summary: Phil walks in on something he shouldn't and gets drawn in by the small looking boy in pastel pink.
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kruideniers · 5 years
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Jehan Prouvaire is sitting in an empty bathtub smoking out of an enormous clear glass bong.
It’s Tuesday. The bathroom is the only room in the apartment well ventilated enough that the neighbors don’t complain when he smokes; it feels juvenile, but it will have to do.
Prouvaire cannot afford to get evicted again.
A Joy Division song plays tinnily from a cracked cell phone balanced precariously on the edge of the counter, haphazard between a tube of toothpaste, and nail clippers, and bottles of facial cleanser, and a stack of battered play scripts, for some reason. Montparnasse sits on the floor with his back to the door, and he’d like to ask himself how he got here: here smoking marijuana in a cramped bathroom like they’re teenagers again, effectively sitting at the feet of someone so strange, who’s dressed so badly - in pantyhose and an Insane Clown Posse t-shirt, three sizes too big on his bony frame.
He’d like to ask himself how, but they both already know.
Jehan Prouvaire is beautiful.
Jehan Prouvaire is beautiful and all the other adjectives in his poetry chapbooks and Jehan Prouvaire has got Montparnasse by the balls; like a vice; like every cliche in the book and then some.
A slender leg hangs over the edge of the bathtub, bare except for the sheer black pantyhose. The crappy stick-and-poke tattoos on Prouvaire’s calf and ankle are visible; his toenails are painted black, and chipped. He exhales sticky-sweet, skunky smoke into the air between them and hands the bong to Montparnasse with a pale, freckled hand.
Montparnasse pretends to ignore the subtle eroticism of it all; pretends he’s not powerless in the dynamic that’s at work here.
“Can I ask you a question?” Prouvaire asks, breaking the comfortable silence they’ve been sharing with Ian Curtis. He drags his foot slowly across the leopard print bath mat barely disguising the cracks in the linoleum floor.
“Okay,” Montparnasse says, inhaling deeply. He closes his amber eyes.
“You don’t have to answer, I guess. But like - uh. Hmm.” Prouvaire, eloquent and infuriatingly well-spoken even at the worst and most intoxicated times is rarely at a loss for words. He bites his chapped bottom lip.
“Spit it out,” Montparnasse says, ever delicate and sensitive to the needs of others. His eyes are still closed.
“Were you always comfortable with your gender identity?” Prouvaire asks. “I mean - did you always feel like you had the right language for it?”
“What?” Montparnasse asks. He opens his eyes and hits the bong again. His black eyeliner is smudged. “I don’t know. I was a poor, dumb kid growing up on the South side. I didn’t have the language for anything. I don’t think it was comfortable - I just knew I was a boy, and everyone else had to live with it as much as I did.”
He doesn’t know why he’s revealing this part of himself to Prouvaire, except that he had asked. Prouvaire brushes his fingers, reaching for the bong, electric.
Montparnasse inhales again, clean air this time, and counts slowly inside his head: One, two, three…
Prouvaire looks regal in the bathtub, despite the holey Insane Clown Posse t-shirt and the drug paraphernalia. His long strawberry blonde hair is piled on top of his head and his wet, glassy eyes are faraway, lost in thought. He breathes out smoke like a dragon.
“Why do you ask?” Montparnasse says finally, and it mostly doesn’t come out as a croak. “You’re one to talk about comfort,” he dares. “You always seem so comfortable with everything.”
Prouvaire hums softly. He holds the bong reverently; stares into the dirty water at the bottom as if it might possibly hold all the answers. “I don’t know,” he says. “I suppose there’s always comfort to be found, even in chaos.”
His cracked iPhone is playing a Bauhaus song now.
Then he says: “I don’t think I have a gender. I don’t think I ever have.”
“Okay,” Montparnasse says. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“I don’t know. I don’t think it really matters. It’s just something I’ve been thinking about, I suppose.”
“It only matters as much as you want it to matter, I guess,” Montparnasse says, feeling ineloquent and inadequate. Surely one of Prouvaire’s faux-impoverished intellectual friends from the punk house is more well-versed in queer theory and more well-suited to be having this conversation than he is.
(But Prouvaire is sharing this with him, and Montparnasse won’t dwell on what that means any more than he won’t dwell on the soft scritch of Prouvaire’s pantyhose still scraping against the bath mat.)
“That’s true, isn’t it? Things only ever have as much meaning as we ascribe to them.”
There is a sharp knock on the bathroom door.
“Will you come out, please?” asks Prouvaire’s roommate, Combeferre. “I need to get ready for my meeting.”
Montparnasse scrubs a hand through his artfully messy black hair. “A prayer meeting?” He asks, arching his eyebrows exaggeratedly at Prouvaire, who stifles a laugh with their bony fingers.
“A PSL meeting,” Combeferre says evenly, their voice tinged around the edges with annoyance and their apparent distaste for Montparnasse. “Please?”
“Just a minute,” Prouvaire calls. He rolls his eyes exaggeratedly, but the look on his face is mostly fond. He sets the bong down next to the bathtub and stretches luxuriously.
“Well,” he says, softer now. “Thanks for listening to me.” 
He pauses. 
“Do you want to have sex?”
“You’re not going to the prayer meeting?” Montparnasse asks stupidly, mouth dry.
“Not this one. I’m an anarchist, not a communist.” There is a glint of mischief in his watery, bloodshot eyes. “I asked you a question: do you want to have sex with me?”
“Yes,” Montparnasse says, equally as stupid as before. “Yes, I do.”
“Get up,” Prouvaire tells him, and Montparnasse complies; will always comply. 
He brushes dust and hair off of his designer jeans, and helps Prouvaire out of the bathtub.
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