#Paintball 3
xboxissues · 11 months
New Xbox Games for October 23rd to October 27th 2023
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autopsytableromance · 1 month
People have been so fucking mean this weekend I want to killlllllllll
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could you do a fit for the Paintball Mask? It's a cool piece of gear but aside from sporty looks it's kinda out of place
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I think the Fashion Splash Shirt, stained as it is, is a pretty good fit for a paintball mask, though the presence of a paintball mask in Splatoon at all does raise some questions. Like. Is paintball a thing in the world of Splatoon, separate from Turf Wars?
Anyway, since the shirt and mask are primarily white, I went with the Zedfry Slip-Ons to spruce things up a bit.
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inkykeiji · 4 months
low quality con day outfit for when it’s pouring rain ft. boyfriend’s hoodie (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚✧
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i still look pretty cute all things considered (˶ᵔ �� ᵔ˶)
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orangejuice-squid · 1 year
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The boys :)
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sergeantjessi · 7 months
Hi na, ich hab hier zufällig noch ein paar DUDW Gifs rumliegen
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lesbicona · 9 months
why is season 6 of community your favourite /genq im just curious !! :]
the short answer is frankie
the long answer is: im very particular about endings, not in that i need them to have specific qualities (like sad or happy or epilogue-esque or what have you) but in that i need them to have narrative intent. we came close to living in a universe where basic story and basic sandwich closed community's story, and as much as i do genuinely like those episodes (mostly for comedy reasons), i only like them in the context of the full show we have now. i was not old enough to appreciate the show as it aired, but looking back i can see opinions at the time of the ending were divided. season 5 in general, honestly, seems close to season 4 in people's minds- in the post you're referencing where i expressed this opinion, season 5 received literally 0 votes. season 4 is controversial, but season 5 commits a worse sin- it's forgettable. (and i do like it, i really liked prof hickey which is truly a take on this webbed site, but this is my impression of the public opinion of it).
so in just existing, season 6 elevates my personal opinion of the show, but i mentioned public opinion in the paragraph prior because season 6 often gets lumped in with 4 and 5 as 'bad'. now while i have my own set of takes about even just season 4 (really guys, it's fine, it's just an ok season of tv in an excellent show, but it's not BAD) i will try very hard not to get into here, it is an objective divide between the widely acclaimed seasons 1 through 3 and the more controversial rest. my opinions of season 6 are very influenced by this, because it's like my little meow meow i must protect from the haters.
i feel season 6 closes up the themes of community, as evolved and changed as they are, in a satisfying way, and gives the characters themselves a logical narrative end. i especially enjoyed the themes of growing up continued from season 5, which are very pressing in a show about college. of course i realize this is a silly sitcom we're talking about, so i'm not saying that it put forward anything groundbreakingly subtle or even new, but any long-running show (especially one which could not keep the entirety of its main cast) that can wrap up so satisfyingly deserves praise.
and yet, because of the season 4 hurdle, which leaves many people with a bad taste in their mouth for the rest of the entire show, it is not as acclaimed as i think it deserves to be. i don't think people realize how much the show was probably going to change in season 4 even without dan harmon's departure. the idealized season 4 in people's minds seems to be season 3 part 2, which could not have happened for a successful season of television. seasons 1 through 3 are all already very different from each other despite being clumped together. yet people despise every single change to the show from season 4 onward indiscriminately. so of course season 6, with its many, many changes, is so far from season 3 that people blinded by the latter's glory cannot even see the former.
but most if not all of the changes season 6 brings are purely beneficial in my perspective. frankie and elroy are excellent additions to the cast; they are great comedic forces, with a strong role in relation to the others. they both play the almost-straight man jeff used to be, normal in reaction to most of the shenanigans of the original cast while bringing in their own insanity. they also represent the aging of the show. by bringing them in instead of, for example, freshmen students, the new, more grown perspective of the show is reinstated. the bits of their lives outside the committee that we get to see are interesting, funny, and bring them depth.
of course in particular im fond of frankie, who's normal to the point of pathology, whose line deliveries have a 90% chance of obliterating me on the spot, and who is just like me fr fr (a lesbian). she does not budge in her responsibilities, leading to her fluctuating role in the eyes of the cast, antagonist in some episodes and co-lead in others. her presence adds something new for each character to compare themselves to, for the better. in particular, annie, jeff and the dean are all improved because of her.
britta also receives some focus she hadn't since a few seasons past, and while i do not agree with the narrative framing of all of it (as clearly the show itself does not side with her in disliking her parents, as much as she, as a character, has proper reason to), the contents are extremely enjoyable to me. getting a chance to analyze the wannabe-therapist's relationship with her parents is perfectly ironic just as a concept.
season 6 offers some of my favorite comedy of the whole show. while my favorite line forever remains "i need help reacting to this" (which i saw you also enjoy <3), i was in tears of laughter at the end of a majority of season 6 episodes on my first watch. elroy's addiction to encouraging white people is absolutely unforgettable.
sorry for the Whole Fucking Essay! the medium answer, which you unlocked by reading the long answer, is: though perhaps not the objective best community has to offer, i love season 6 twice as fiercely to protect it from its undeserving haters. stan frankie, bring me 6 cans of olives, goodbye.
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anarzaabloodladen · 5 months
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Minimal thoughts rn just him
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jessicanjpa · 11 months
the hair
(An excerpt from this chapter of 2003, in which Edward invents the hairstyle he has when he meets Bella two years later. The Cullens and Peter/Charlotte are playing vampire-level paintball here.)
By the third hour, we were almost out of bullets, but it really didn't matter. It turned out paintball was one of the sports where we should have split up the couples between the teams, because all the scattering and hiding meant the couples kept finding little love nests throughout the playing field and ignoring their teammates. Rosalie and Emmett's rendezvous in the treetops was especially treasonous, what with their being on different teams, but it ended with a spectacular marital shootout that left them both more orange and purple than not.
Still, it was annoying... until I suddenly realized the strategic value of being single and promptly abandoned the field to get myself the first shower back home. I even had to use shampoo for once, what with all the paint in my hair, and even then, it took nearly half an hour to get it all out. It was a grand thing, having a long, hot shower all to myself without anyone shouting for me to hurry up.
My hair was so fuzzy after its torture that I decided to forage around in Alice's bathroom closet and borrow some hair gel. I usually didn't bother; my hair did what it liked. Esme liked to tease me that I was still recovering from her ruthless habit of making me use pomade back in the '30s, and she wasn't wrong. The '80s had been a rather cathartic decade in particular when it came to letting my haystack hair live free and wild. In any case, we teenage vampires couldn't be beaten for our dogmatic refusal to pick up the personal habits our mothers insisted on instilling in us.
But I really did look like something had built a nest on my head. It was as good a time as any to try a new look. I wrestled a comb through my hair and slicked everything back like in the old days. The smell was much better, I had to admit. Then I swept everything forward the wrong way, jammed whole fistfuls of hair out of formation, and gave the mirror a defiant grin. A few extra streaks of gel and tweaks to the ends, and I had an anime-inspired style guaranteed to shock Esme to the rafters.
-----(later in the chapter)-----
Esme didn't disappoint. The minute she walked in the door, she stopped in her tracks and let out a little gasp. I turned on the piano bench and gave her a cheeky grin.
"What on earth have you done to your hair?" she demanded.
"Don't you like it?" I asked innocently.
"No, it looks terrible! Tell him, Carlisle!"
Carlisle put up his hands in surrender and continued on up the stairs. Esme darted over, determined to smooth my hair back down. I dodged and batted her hand away, snickering. The new hairstyle was a keeper, all right.
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double--cross-d · 1 year
Still not over the fact there's an Episode of that old Mario cartoon where Cheatsy and Kooky INVENT RACISM.
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peach-pot · 11 months
so in my version of community that lives in my head jeff comes out as trans to britta in the first paintball episode, to abed in critical film studies (which I just decided), and to shirley (accidentally, but nonetheless) in the foosball episode. still need to figure out when he comes out to annie.
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ofdetonation · 2 years
a nagging thing i must share: playing paintball/airsoft with katsuki.
all you hear is dark souls boss music before he’s got you down with a flurry of pellets. bc i bet he’s ridiculously good at it and my god he WILL bruise the shit out of you, even if you’re wearing all the protective gear.
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zeveth · 2 years
( @4o77th asked: hey, maybe you haven’t been keeping up on current events, but we just got our asses kicked, pal! (igor)
"that's what you think! --pal!" already dripping in yellow paint, she loads up another gun. there's a gleam in her eyes that belongs more to the antagonist in a horror film than someone from the cities with shine on her shoes. she shoves the loaded weapon into igor's hands and grabs an empty one. "i'm not giving up so easily."
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pra370r1an · 2 years
After all is said and done
Gus: Then we went to a zoo, which is where humans keep animals from all over their planet so they can teach others about them. The giraffes were no help and I’m glad we banished them. But the food court was pretty good.
Boscha, roasting a squirrel on a stick over a fire: uh-huh...
Gus: Then we experienced Halloween, which is a human holiday where you dress up and they give you candy!
Boscha, wearing the rags of her old Hexside uniform: You don’t say...
Gus, taking a sip of his drink: Yeah, it was a lot of fun! I dressed up as a human from the future/past! But anyway, enough about our summer. How have you been?
Boscha, staring at Gus in the middle of a wrecked Bonesborough: Oh, you know... Same old...
Gus: Nice, nice.
Gus finishes his drink and looks around for a trash can
Boscha: Oh, you can just leave that anywhere...
Gus looks around one final time before setting his cup on the ground
Gus, backing up and pointing away from them: So, I’ll just...
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orangejuice-squid · 1 year
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New banner because I’ve been playing as PB lately
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ff2-soda-pop · 1 year
happy 8th anniversary splatoon!
since i cant draw today or anything i will instead post one of the most Iconic Splatoon 1 Ads and also the one that has haunted my brain for years now <3
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