#Barista Simulator
transfem-tripfan · 3 months
They be chill until I say I’m grinding beanus then they litter my shop with cigarettes and clone my trays :(
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xboxissues · 8 months
New Xbox Games for October 23rd to October 27th 2023
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cyberstorm189 · 1 year
I think Sega looked at Shadow and all his cool outfits he's had so far this year...
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And then said "OH NO! He's got too much drip now! We need to take it down a notch!"
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So now we have Starbucks Barista Shadow.
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farmlesbians · 2 years
anyone want to cover my shift tomorrow
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lunarianbeams · 1 year
was working solo on pit today (and also kinda on bar) and kept the timer under 1:30 for most of it 😌
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shawow · 2 years
every time i read like two sentences of a “modern au” headcanon longpost i just get progressively more mad because some people don’t seem to understand the quirks and flaws a character has at any point in a piece of media is inherent to THAT universe and that the experiences they go through - either explicitly shown in that piece of media’s canon or just alluded to - cannot necessarily be substituted with something that will vaguely enact a similar emotional response from that character. fuck. fuck!
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orphancookie69 · 1 year
Nintendo Switch: Coffee Talk
I last played this on Xbox from Game Pass, and it was lovely. I believe that the person who made it recently passed as well? Anyways, how did this come back up? My sister wanted a nice easy going game that was a different pace from Dragon’s Dogma. Let’s jump in. 
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Coffee Talk is a game about listening to people’s problems and helping them by serving up a warm drink out of the ingredients you have in stock. It is a game that depicts lives as humanly as possible, while having a cast that is more than just humans. More info here: https://www.nintendo.com/store/products/coffee-talk-switch/
My Thoughts On The Game: 
The price was on sale for $7, full price is $13. At full or sale price, there is a lot of value to this game. And there is a demo to boot! We love “Try Before You Buy”! And there is an official website for this game! Honestly, since I have played the game before, I actually have a different perspective when writing a review. 
How so? Well, the game sets the scene and throws you right into your shop as a barista. You talk to people and make drinks. It is that simple and that hard. Funny enough, it is probably drinks you have ordered yourself in real life, but do you know how to make your own order? The game has been out long enough, that if you don’t know how to make something-you can google it. But funny enough, you never know how much money you make in a day or how much you charge your customers. It is sometimes, not about the money. 
I love this game and was super happy to see it getting a sequel coming out soon! There is an “Coffee Talk Episode 2: Hibiscus & Butterfly” coming out on 4/20/23...Stay Tuned! The world full of not just humans is kind of refreshing too. Is it too soon to call it home? This is a great game, if you like a slow pace game in your collection. Have you played this game yet? Would you replay it on a new system? Inquiring minds want to know! 
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cindytoast404 · 5 months
hatchetfield dashboard simulator
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🎧average-theater-enjoyer Follow
whoever got the last tickets to mamma mia i hope you fucking die
☄️harbringeroftheapotheosis Follow
I have good news for you, op!
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running for honey queen this year, wish me luck!!!
🛍️ queenb-deactivated20210503
Alright, Liz Cunningham from Clivesdale.
🌻fuck-clivesdale1935 Follow
🪶birdwatcher Follow
To be fair, she was from Clivesdale. Anyway, respect for whoever got rid of her. You’re an icon.
🪻thetheoristsofhatchetfield Follow
oh my god this post is so interesting. there’s doxxing. both original commenters are now missing or dead. did some research and apparently the honey queen pageant winners have kept turning up missing every year. what is going on over there
☁️floatingupabove Follow
that’s just the average beauty pageant experience
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🐽theonewhofeastsinthedark Follow
cannibalism 👍
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📱alicewoodward Follow
does anyone else think we should shut down watcher world? i mean that place has gotta be violating at least 5 different safety rules, right
ihaven’t eaten in a week! ::)
📱alicewoodward Follow
jesus christ don’t you guys have like. a union or something
we would, but then he’d get mad! :::)
📱alicewoodward Follow
god. can someone get these bitches a lawyer
👨‍⚖️garygoldstein-attorney Follow
Hi, Gary Goldstein, Attorney at Law-
📱alicewoodward Follow
does this town really only have one lawyer
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👁️ watcher-world-official Follow
This is your friendly reminder to tell a Watcher World employee if you see a sniggle acting against the rules. This includes accessing social media of any kind, including tumblr. It is forbidden by the Watchers, and any sniggles caught using it will be reprimanded.
On another note, ticket prices are now 50% cheaper! Stop by for a weekend of fun. You’ll never want to leave!
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🪴emma-the-crabby-barista Follow
some guy just walked into beanies and just ordered a cup of black coffee for once. see this is how it should be. no fancy drinks, make my life easier. tall random stranger i am in love with you
🪴emma-the-crabby-barista Follow
update: we’re dating
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🖼️ horror-lover Follow
okay but why is wiggly kinda… 😳😳
☁️ floatingupabove Follow
THE DOLL??!???
🍏 uncle-wiley Follow
I literally sold my soul for that bastard and this still threw me for a loop.
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🤓pete-has-been-waiting-for-five-fucking-years Follow
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Why is there blue in my hot chocolate.
☄️ harbringeroftheapotheosis Follow
i recommend you drink it!!! :)
🤓pete-has-been-waiting-for-five-fucking-years Follow
🤓pete-has-been-waiting-for-five-fucking-years Follow
i feel like singing.
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hitechlatte · 1 year
Game On - Rise!Future!Donnie X GN!Reader
All 4-1 Challenge Fanfiction
Prompt: Reader continually uses TERRIBLE pick up lines on your choice of turtle, trying to drop the hint.
(I may been VERY lenient with the prompt, but I hope you enjoy nonetheless)
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Warnings: Lots of Swearing
This is based in future timeline, several years after start of Kraang Invasion.
Saw some entries for this and got invested so I wanted to whip something up real quick for it lol.
ALSO WARNING! My fic is SFW and so anyone can read but a lot of the other fics in this contest are not, so just wanted to give peeps a heads up if they look at other entries, which you should if you are of age because they are rad, but warning has been given.
Challenge Hosted by: @turtle-babe83 @thelaundrybitch @leosgirl82 @nittleboo @tmnt-tychou and @post-apocalyptic-daydream
Also stole puns from here: https://thedarkestroast.com/coffee-puns/#Jokes_About_Drinking_Coffee
Game On
Clutching tightly to the mug in your hand, your steps echoed in the corridor. It had only been your second day in the NYC safe haven and some lady named Cassandra had already found you a job on base.
And of course, even in the apocalypse, you were still working as a barista.
But at least this way you could be helpful and show your gratitude. If the recon team hadn’t found you hiding in that decrepit Stock & Shop when they did…
Well... You didn’t want to think about what could have been.
As you reached the end of the cave’s offshoot, you found a large metal door built into the natural structure of the tunnel. With a perplexed look, you gazed at the panel towards the right of the entrance and pressed the ‘call’ button.
“What.” A voice curtly snapped.
“Is this uh… Derek? Your brother Mikey said to bring you some coffee.” You told the panel.
“Ah.” The voice spoke back, “And did this brother of mine tell you to play into the role of barista by perpetuating the stereotype that those who handle coffee somehow lose their ability to correctly recall a name? If this is his poor attempt to simulate normalcy when I’m already stressed out, you can inform him I’m not amused.”
Fuck... You groaned in your mind, ecstatic to be making such great first impressions.
“Did you at least get my order right? Or is that part of your performance as well?” The voice continued.
“It’s just a double espresso. It’s kind of hard to fuck that up” You commented.
“Well at least you’re not entirely inept.” The voice groaned, “Bring it to my desk.”
As you harshly cursed at yourself, you could hear the whirls of an engine. To your left, the metal door slid open, showcasing a large cavern filled with machines and wires.
Slowly stepping into the space, your eyes tried their best to take everything in. Machines flickered and buzzed all around you, while monitors stretched across the walls. The large screens lined out routes of the kraang activity and the recon teams. As you walked deeper into the room, you could hear the clattering of a keyboard. 
Following the noise, you could see one of the turtles sitting at a desk with several monitors. Numerous windows were scattered across the screens as he fervently typed away.
“Here’s your double espresso.” You flatly commented.
“Doppio, you mean?” The turtle corrected without looking away from his screen.
You rolled your eyes, “I’m surprised you actually know what it’s called.”
“I, unlike many residing in these halls, have class.” The turtle commented, “Besides, I’m the reason we even have an espresso machine.”
You let out a soft chuckle as you turned to head out of the room. However the turtle spoke up again, stopping you in your tracks.
“Has anyone walked you through how to use your communicator yet?” The turtle asked, his nose still buried in the monitors.
Turning back with a confused look you nodded, “Yeah, I got the rundown.”
“Good. I’m adding your device to a pager. Do whatever your typical duties are unless you receive a ping from me. The kitchen should already know this, but prioritize my orders. If I pass out when I’m supposed to be monitoring missions that will not end well.”
“Is that… uh… healthy?” You inquired.
“No, but what other choice do we have?” The turtle flatly stated as he seemed to read through something on his screen.
“Touche.” You shrugged your shoulders.
You went to take another step towards the exit, but then stopped once more.
“Oh guess I should apologize about the name mix up. What um. What is it actually?”
“It’s Donatello, or maybe I should have you simply refer to me as Donnie or even D. Since that may be easier for your poor mind to remember.” Donnie mocked with a devious tone in his voice.
Two can play this game. You thought.
With a snicker you commented back, “Ah Dennis? Cool. I can remember that.”
You could hear the turtle groan as he turned his chair around to glare at you. He seemed like he was going to chew you out until he saw the grin plastered across your face.
“Oh... You were kidding.” Donnie said, as he roughly rubbed his forehead, “Just go and let me get back to my work.”
“Sure thing, Daniel.” You called back as you made your way out of the room. 
Over the next several weeks, the purple turtle seemed to slowly warm up to you. Your quick order drop off with whatever name you chose to call him that day, eventually turned into longer chats. You’d stick around for a bit, asking him how his work was going or to share gossip you’d heard from around the settlement.
One particular morning, you walked with a pep in your step. The prior night's recon team returned with a bunch of fancy coffee grounds from a nearby Whole Foods. You couldn’t help but bask in the smells emanating from Donnie’s mug.
Typing your code into the panel of the lab door, the metal whooshed opened and you swiftly headed to Donnie’s desk.
“Morning Deiphobus. Got a batch of fancy new grounds this morning and I have a feeling you’ll really like them.” You smirked.
“I’m sorry, Deiphobus?” Donnie asked as he turned to you with a grin on his face, “What is this 1250 BCE?”
“I’m running out of names!” You exclaimed, “It’s not my fault you drink like 4 coffees a day. Besides, how is that any worse than Donatello?”
“Donatello is a classic.” The turtle said, puffing out his chest as he turned back to his monitor, “Besides, where did you even find that name?”
“Some Shakespeare book.”
“Someone’s getting desperate.”
“I’m sorry it's not like we still have google and I can look up one of those stupid 3 billion baby name lists.”
“Oh if anything I commend your research.” Donnie snickered, “I’m just surprised you can actually read Shakespeare. I thought baristas were notorious for their illiteracy.”
“You’re awful.”
“Or maybe you’re just jealous you’re not as witty as myself.”
“If anything you’re jealous! I’m hella whitty.” You quickly defended.
“Oh it’s Game On, asshat.” You laughed, “Just wait, next time you see me you won’t know what hit you.”
A few hours passed when you heard your pager ping again. With a smirk, you whipped up his doppio and proudly made your way over to the lab.
As you reached his desk, you loudly cleared your throat. The noise caused the turtle to turn his chair and meet your gaze.
“Yes?” He asked.
“I, as I’m sure you’re well aware, am incredibly witty.” You said as you held the mug close to your chest.
“And someone as witty as myself, knows when a schtick has to end. So here is my new proposal.”
Donnie gave you a look of disbelief as he waited.
“Hello there, Donnie.” You began.
“Ah, my actual name. How witty. He said sarcastically.”
“Shush. That’s not it. Let me finish.” You flailed.
The purple turtle rolled his eyes as he leaned his elbow on his desk and propped up his chin.
“I just wanted to say… I made this cup of coffee, espresso-ly for you.”
The purple turtle stared at you, his eyes going wide.
"No." He said.
"Yes." You smirked.
“Oh god please no!” Donnie groaned loudly and buried his face in his desk. 
Your laughing echoed throughout the room as you nearly spilled his drink. Placing the mug down on the desk, you clutched onto your stomach and tried to stifle your laughter.
“Oh- oh that was too perfect. Leo was so right.” You cackled.
“Of course he’s in on this.” Donnie mumbled into the desk.
“Hey, he's the hero of this story. He���s the one who gave me the book.”
Donnie sat up straight and gave you a perplexed look, “Book?”
“Oh yeah, you know that run to the library last week? Leo found a book of ten thousand puns.”
“T-ten- THOUSAND?” Donnie could barely choke out.
“Yep!” You smirked, “And there’s a whole chapter just dedicated to coffee.”
Donnie groaned as he planted his face back down onto the desk.
Each pun got progressively worse as you made your way through the list. Occasionally a joke would elicit a slight chuckle from the aloof purple turtle, but the other 90% of the time, he would simply groan or threaten to have you kicked out of base.
However, as the next few days turned into weeks, you began running out of material.
Or well… Material you felt comfortable using.
One section in the coffee chapter was titled Coffee Puns About Love and Romance. Every time you searched for a line to use, you always quickly skipped past that portion of the list. 
But, desperate times call for desperate measures.
Selecting the least aggressive pick up line from the options provided, you made your way over to his lab.
As you reached his desk, you placed the mug down on the surface without a word and sighed harshly.
“Ah, has the day come? Have you finally exhausted that grotesque list?” Donnie chuckled as he turned to you.
“No. But we are scraping the bottom of the barrel now.”
Shaking out your hands and taking another breath you stared at the turtle. Your lips were reluctant, but you were able to form the words.
“You’re brew-ti-ful.”
His eyes went wide and his face blushed a harsh red.
“Oh god.” He groaned, “Please tell me ‘bottom of the barrel’ doesn’t mean the only puns left are awful pick up lines.”
“I mean I could tell you that, but then I’d be lying.”
Donnie groaned as he roughly slapped his own face.
The pick up lines were much more entertaining than you expected. Seeing how madly he’d blush or stammer at your commentary was adorable, and you proudly played your part. For the days you were feeling extra adventurous, you‘d even pair the line with a wink or by blowing him a kiss.
However, when the list of lines was depleted, you did everything you could to keep the game going. On your offtime, you’d sit for hours, trying to concoct more coffee based pick up lines to try on him. You even found yourself practicing in the mirror to make sure you got the words just right.
And as this next chapter of the game continued on, you soon found yourself perplexed.
You don’t know when or how it happened…
But you started meaning what you said. 
To no avail, you kept trying to pinpoint when everything changed. Was it when your generic lines became more personalized? Or was it when your supplemental teasing went from playful winks to gentle fingers tracing the edge of his jaw.
Although you couldn’t find the answer you were looking for, you did know this.
It wasn’t your fault. 
If he didn’t have such vibrant reactions, you wouldn’t have become so obsessed with the game. 
It still would have been just a game. 
Late one night, your pager beeped at you. As you tapped on the device you groaned.
“He knows it’s 4am right?”
After slowly trudging out of bed, you lethargically made his drink and headed over to the lab.
Rubbing your eyes, you mistyped your code a few times before finally opening the door.
The turtle was hunched over his desk. The taps of the keys sounded slower than usual.
“Dude, you owe me for making me get my ass out of bed.” You yawned.
“Blame Leo.” Donnie groaned, “The idiot winded up setting off a Kraang patrol unit.”
“Everyone, okay?!” You exclaimed.
“Thankfully.” Donnie sighed, “But I lost some of my search drones. Had to play distraction for a while so they could make an escape. Everything seems calm now, but I want to stay up for a bit longer just to make sure they return safely.”
“That’s good to hear.” You sighed, “Well... here’s your drink.”
“Ahh finally run out of lines?” Donnie groggily mocked as he continued to look at the screen.
His snarky attitude woke something up inside of you. 
Leaning forward, you gently grasped his chin, turning his face to meet yours. His cheeks burned vibrantly as he stared at you. With a devious gaze, your lips curled up slightly. 
“Oh I’m sorry. I almost forgot. Thanks for reminding me.” You snickered as your fingers still softly held his chin.
But while you tried to search your mind for the pun you had thought up on the way over, you couldn’t help but continually drop your gaze down to his lips. Silently cursing your tired stupor, you tried to regain focus. 
Donnie just sat there, barely breathing, as you continued to filter through your thoughts. He too, struggled to meet your gaze as his eyes continued to fall upon your lips.
However after a few more breathless moments, the line finally returned to your mind. With a slight blush on your cheeks, you smirked as you spoke.
“Words cannot express how much you mean to me.”
Both of you sat there frozen. Your eyes widened as the words left your lips. 
“Fuck I said it wrong! Sorry it’s late and-” You began to splutter.
But you were cut off by Donnie’s lips crashing into yours.
Game Over.
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dekubreaksbones · 2 months
Post-canon Shigaraki Tomura fic recs
Japan v. Shigaraki (2237) SCOJ No. 4401 by anubisisms
Shigaraki's trial, through social media, newspapers, and texting applications.
The More Things Change by LandofWordsandNonsense (Lieutenant_Nonsense)
Second in a series, and not focused on Shigaraki. Check out the first fic first.
Natshig [Natsuo X Shigaraki]
The Todoroki In-Laws by aphrodaisyacs
Natsuo and Shigaraki match on a dating app, 10 years after Jakku and 7 months after Shigaraki was let out of prison on parole.
Househusband Simulator by aphrodaisyacs
A regular day in the life of Shimura Tenko, Natsuo's househusband.
i'm not tryna be with you, now (but i could be your crush) by constellore
Natsuo flirts with barista Shigaraki to piss off his brother, but manages to get himself a real date.
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marasiatheferret · 4 months
💜Yandere Smg3 Simulator💜AU
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Hello everyone✋I came with another things and characters that will be in the au.
•SMG3 with colours💜
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•the every single one of 10 male rivals will be like from the original game (they will have own personality).
*the 1 rival will kinda like osana but different,
*the 2 rival will be from the cooking and baking club like amai from the original,
*the 3 rival will be from drama club that Tari is a Leader in,
*the 4 rival is kinda a leader in occult club,
*the 5 rival is a leader of gimnastics and sports club,
*the 6 rival is from Saiko's gang of deliquents,
*the 7 rival is kinda a Leader of the school like megami,
*the 8 rival is from photography club,
*the 9 rival will be from gardening club,
*the 10 be that new student.
•the students will have a profile picture of themself and info too.
•Smg3 will have new eliminating and killing methods like: burn students face on stove, matchmaking with someone else, push to a speeding train, drowning in the pool, be arrested by killing someone, pushing student at the stairs, snap students neck and that's all for now.
•Smg3's rock band will be called "Wild Birds" or something like that (+Smg4 can join the band).
•the look of Smg4
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•Smg3 can go out to town at night, to buy something or can work at the Coffee as Barista (he can sometimes see Smg4 working there as Waiter).
•SMG4 with colours💙
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crownedinmarigolds · 8 months
Does anyone have any game recommendations where you play a coffee barista and just make various cool coffee drinks? Similar I would guess to Chilla's art Closing Shift Incident but without the horror. 😂 I just never know where to look but I can't imagine someone hasn't made a decent coffee shop simulator!
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softquietsteadylove · 4 months
Ahhhh second first date! Second first date! Of course i need to know how it goes!!
"And the server was definitely super jealous of me."
Thena laughed again. That was all she'd been doing since they left the house, she was quite sure. Since Gil 'picked her up', that was to say.
It was very sweet. He had showed up at her guest room door, dressed up and with a charming smile, even making an attempt to look nervous. He asked if she was ready, offered his arm; he was the perfect gentleman for their first date.
Her second chance.
Of course she had to know more about their first-first date. And Gil was happy to elucidate her once she insisted enough that telling her that much would not cause her brain to catch fire (as the doctor seemed to have implied in some way).
"But it was a nice dinner, then I walked you back to where you were staying at the end of the beach," he recounted, his eyes completely starry. "I had never gotten to actually have a romantic walk on the beach, before. Total bucket list stuff."
"It sounds lovely," she remarked mildly, without much choice with no memory of it for herself.
"The moon was out and everything, and it looked really pretty with your hair and your white dress, and the shawl thing-y you had on over it." Gil gestured vaguely to simulate the flowing garment she had worn over her bare shoulders. It certainly painted a picture, and she was quite sure she knew what he was referring to, having glimpsed a long white shawl in their closet.
She tried not to laugh too hard, mindful of the gentle atmosphere of the bakery. The tables were really just for people waiting for orders. They didn't have a fancy coffee machine, or an official barista. But Gil did bring out cups of real, boiled hot cocoa from the back--a secret only for their own, of course. They were waiting on their fresh baked pastries to come out and cool.
"I was so distracted by you that I didn't even realise when we were back at your doorstep," he sighed, but his comedic tone faded. He looked at her more softly, leaning his cheek against his hand. "I told you flat out that I was having such a good time I wished you were staying further away."
Thena attempted to laugh into her mug, this time.
"You laughed at it then, too." He sounded more wistful now. "But I told you I was serious and asked if I could see you again. I don't know why you were so surprised."
Probably because she had never been one to be asked out by someone like him. Men, sure, but not very sweet, very funny, very honest gentlemen like Gil. Just...men. She wasn't approachable enough for someone as sweet and charming as Gil.
She still thought that, to a degree.
"But you agreed, and I asked if I could kiss you too," he at least smiled at this part of the story, although his longing for the past remained. "You said I didn't have to ask, which wasn't a yes, but I guessed I was supposed to read between the lines."
Again, the Thena in the story and Thena herself in the present were different people. But she felt her stomach clench faintly at the idea.
"I did kiss you," Gil sighed, returning to his lighter, more jovial tone. "And it totally blew my mind. I mean if I wasn't in love with you already, that would'a done it."
"Gil," she admonished lightly, partly laughing and partly sheepish at the description of this passionate kiss she couldn't remember at all.
"What?" he chuckled before taking a sip of his own hot chocolate. "You wanted to know. And that date changed the rest of my life, sweetheart."
She liked it when he called her that. She nodded, looking down at her mug. "I suppose I did. It's a nice story."
"Yeah," Gil concluded, although his sigh felt a little heavier.
She still didn't have any memories of her own to contribute. But she attempted to jump over that wave of guilt, trying to put a smile back on his handsome face. "What was our second date like?"
He clearly knew what she was trying to do, but he kept quiet about it at least. He pulled himself up in his seat and started his next story. "Well, we were still on vacation. I asked a little more about you, and you at least told me you were an artist, and you were there on leave because you found teaching wasn't really your thing."
Thena winced faintly. She was sure that was an understatement. She did have memories of teaching before moving to their current residence, and none of them made her glad to have them instead of memories of Gil.
"I told you that I had been a boxer in college, and that I was just working some boring office job and also wanted," he paused to shrug and make a face, "a change of scenery."
They were both in the midst of becoming different people when they met. How fascinating, Thena mused. Although she was quite sure Gil had always been sweet and charming and funny. Just a feeling.
"It was actually you, on that date, who asked what I liked to do for fun," he admitted much more quietly. He looked down at the table, picking at a chip in the lacquer. "I told you I liked baking and you said I could try working part time in it, just to see if I liked it enough to make it my job."
"It sounds like something I would suggest," she agreed. It was hard to imagine the man she knew now doing anything else, really. Although it was almost funny to imagine him stuffing those muscles of his into a regular office suit.
"I said I'd give it a try," he chuckled, reaching for her hand. She gave it reflexively, sense memory knowing Gil much better than her own mind. He kissed her knuckle. "And now I have the best job in the world."
She smiled down at their adjoined hands as well, feeling as if the weight of the world were on top of them. "The date, Gil?"
"Right, right," he chuckled, allowing her to move the story away from the more emotional of the topics. "Well, you suggested that, and I asked about your art some more. And since the restaurant looked kind of full, and I didn't think that was your scene, I asked if you wanted to walk along the boardwalk a little first."
"We walked by a bakery there, and you asked me what everything was, since I was 'the expert' and all."
That also sounded like something she would say; Thena attempted not to roll her eyes at herself.
"I pointed out the regular stuff," he shrugged and even looked at the pastry cases in front of them in the moment. "Croissants, cupcakes, they had some tarts. You asked about one in particular."
Thena tilted her head as he paused, but she leaned back as he did, having been so sucked into the story that she didn't even notice Ajak coming over with two small plates.
"Thanks," Gil smiled at the petite woman, obviously familiar with her.
"Thank you," Thena added, keeping her eyes on the woman who only smiled and waved in response. Ajak knew her, Thena was aware, but Gil had been determined that they could meet formally when Thena felt more ready to reintroduce those parts of their life to herself.
"This is called a petit four, just a small cake," he chuckled, turning his own plate so she could admire the little dessert from all sides. "It's pretty old school, but you asked me about it when I pointed it out to you. I bought one so you could sample it, even though you told me not to."
Thena eyed the little dessert. It seemed to be vanilla, small and glazed completely white. There was something on the top of it.
"I add just a little sea salt to mine. Call it a secret ingredient."
It was just a hint of salt, but it sank into the sweetness immediately. Just like on that day five years ago, she had tasted the saltiness of the ocean air around them as she took a bite. She could remember the wind on her skin, and how warm Gil's hand was in contrast. The smell of the little shop and the breeze around them, and Gil's cologne wafting gently over to her.
Thena whipped her head up at him. He blinked at her sudden movement but didn't say anything. He was trying to read the expression on her face.
She didn't have any other memories of it. Just that one moment had jumped out at her as she had tasted that same taste--perhaps an improvement upon it. She could remember Gil's smile as she had told him that she liked it.
"You promised."
She blinked, trying not to cry over a silly little cake. "You promised you would make me one sometime. I told you I expected it to be better, since you were indeed, 'the expert'."
Gil teared up immediately. Of course he did, the gentle hearted giant. "Y-You-"
She looked down at her cake again, the pressure immediately mounting. "It's just that one moment. I can't remember past that. But-"
Thena startled as he launched from his seat across the tiny cafe table from her. He caught her lips at a funny angle, but they both tasted like chocolate and vanilla and sea salt. Her eyes fluttered.
"Sorry," he chuckled, offering a sheepish grin as he seated himself, ignoring the worried glances of other bakery patrons. "Couldn't help myself."
"Hm," she pursed her lips faintly, and he returned to his cake, unable to keep himself from staring at her. She dabbed at her lips, resisting the urge to fan herself. She still had her coat on, but it felt far too hot now in their little corner by the window. "Whatever happened to asking?"
"You told me I didn't have to ask."
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leonbastralle · 3 months
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i've been seeing a lot of this in gif form but i do not have the energy or video material and also i'm late but i rly wanted to make a post where i say a lil bit abt all the games i played and how i liked them!
pokemon platinum, soulsilver, white, white 2, y, sun, alpha sapphire & shield: i started a big mainline pokemon marathon in 2022 but most of it fell on 2023. it was a lovely time tbh and i miss it! platinum was a bit too grindy (but we love cynthia) and soulsilver traumatised me for glitch reasons. my favorites out of this lineup were definitely gen 5 in terms of storyline and pokemon selection, the later ones were a bit too handholdy and slow for my taste, and alpha sapphire could not compete w the og emerald which is my favorite pokemon game of all time. i did rly love shield though but that's bc i'm a) a football girl and b) i played it on my wife's sofa askfjhkasjf. anyway music is bangers all around and i do love The Concept of pokemon so i didn't hate any of them.
lonely people potion shop: this was an absolute surprise indie gem that i found on my wife's itch.io in 2022 but i replayed it for her in 2023 so it counts. this game is a rly short very fruity visual novel where you make potions for people and chat with them. it's one of the most heartwarming and gentle games i've played, every character is so lovely and caring towards each other and also to you the player! 100% would recommend i cried a bit several times.
validate: i really wanted to love this game because a dating sim/visual novel/narrative fiction type game w a super diverse cast (in terms of backgrounds, body types, gender, sexuality, and mental health struggles) and such a lovely art style? sounds perfect! and it would be if the characters weren't so...unlikeable sjfhaksjfa. it eventually got so difficult for me to root for them and also kind of frustrating bc the routes overlap in a way that even if you get good outcomes in one route, you can still mess up the relationship in a different route (because you have routes for each of the characters) so i ended up not finishing it.
neo cab: another one i never finished but was rly intrigued by! another visual novel but choices matter type deal where you play as a taxi driver in a dystopian world where you're being replaced by self driving taxis. the mechanics and cast are really cool and if the storyline didn't stress me out so much i would've finished it by now but i definitely will one day!
coffee talk 1/2: barista simulator meets visual novel in an urban fantasy setting where you also kinda save the world one drink at a time! i loved the first one so so much and finally played it last year in preparation for the second one coming out that i'd been anxiously awaiting, it's so vibey and the characters and their storylines are so interesting and i loved seeing their heartfelt interactions! also the first game was giving such strong queer vibes but they kinda dropped the ball w that in the second game trying to backtrack on that. ruined the experience for me a little bit but still a very solid game w cool additions to the already great cast of the first game!
skyrim: not much to say about that one. my favorite classic walking simulator that i keep coming back to, still very much playable and so pretty even on the switch! unfortunately also incredibly broken so i can't finish the solstheim questlines kjsfhkajsfas fuck you todd howard
calico: wonky little game where you explore the world and also bake and own a café that you can fill with all sorts of animals from cats to snow foxes to capybaras because why the fuck not! absolutely delightful, 10/10
later alligator: lovely little puzzle game w great old timey detective vibes and a banger soundtrack where everyone is alligators. these characters are such great fun, i loved the writing and i loved learning about all of them and doing tasks for them! the minigames got a bit frustrating at times bc i was lacking the coordination skills or just general strategy and there are some completionist things i could never do because of that and the main character (the main guy you're doing things for, not the player character) can get on your nerves pretty quickly but otherwise a lovely game w a great twist in my opinion
strange horticulture: this one made it into my all time favorites too. you play as the owner of a supernatural plant shop in a place where A Lot of strange things are going on. it has a bunch of really cool mechanics like plant identification and a lot of map related puzzles to find new plants, secrets etc. the overarching story that gets revealed bit by bit from an unknown person's pov outside of the gameplay while related events are also happening in real time was so interesting, and there are a lot of cool choices you can make that lead to various more or less unsettling outcomes. the spooky vibe is SO good but at the same time it has a very calming homey feel AND YOU CAN PET THE CAT 10000/10
penko park: another absolute indie banger. probably something like a pokemon snap but the beasties look fucking stupid and kinda creepy and the lore is cursed as hell. throughout the game you explore the remains of a park that was built upon the abuse of all sorts of cute little creatures (and big creatures) and while you mostly try to take pictures of every weird looking fella in their different emotional states that you bring upon them in various ways, maybe there's something you can do to right the wrongs of the park founders! who knows! (also special shoutout because these are german devs and as a german, i am especially demanding when it comes to german games and this one knocked it out of the park) (haha the park get it)
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renegadesfic · 7 months
Hello everybody new fandom new pinned new me. I am DETERMINED to establish myself as The verneider author on whatever platforms I post on SO. Here we go.
I'm Nathan, or Angel. We are a system, our main blog is @renegadessys and you can always message us there, that's also where we follow from. Our pronouns are he/it. Most of the stuff we write is highly self indulgent and written for our fictives of various characters but especially with the list that will follow lots of this is just for fun!
Our main fandom and the one we will be posting a lot for as of now is Reverse: 1999, our main ships are Schneider/Vertin, Sonetto/Vertin, Lilya/Sonetto (rarepair central LMAO), and some poly variations thereof (Vertin has two hands!!!!).
Fic ideas and links below!
1. A followup to the first smutfic I wrote on ao3, Vertin/Schneider reuniting post Storm resolution and having some wonderful heartfelt moments and then. You Know. POSTED HERE
2. A followup to that followup - several months later, their anniversary.
3. An alternative followup - Vertin wakes up from a nightmare and there is comfort and also You Know.
4. College AU - Vertin meets Schneider at a party. There may be follow up oneshots to this one! POSTED HERE
5. Vampire Schneider/Vampire Hunter Vertin AU. Mostly just insane flirting and nsfw. POSTED HERE
6. Either standalone or potentially a followup to 4: Schneider inviting Sonetto to join her and Vertin
7. Lilya and Sonetto fuck around after that one scene in the story where they do the training simulation together. (NOTE: in this fic and all other fics I write with Lilya in them I will be writing her as a non-op trans girl. This is for one of our system members' sake because that's how she identifies. Don't get weird)
8. Schneider/Vertin and Sonetto/Lilya partner/sub swap. Very simple.
9. College age Vertin meets Schneider after she and her friends visit a bar that is not expressly a gay bar but sure comes close!
1. Vertin being diagnosed with some variant of Hanahaki disease while in the artificial somnambulism treatments post-chapter 2. Very angsty. NOW POSTING HERE
2. Vertin/Schneider coffee shop au. Someone has to do it. Vertin is a perpetually tired college student, Schneider is a perpetually flirty barista.
3. Future domestic oneshot where Vertin and Schneider are??? Married???? Have kids??????? Idk I just live here
4. End of chapter 4, Sonetto finds out when Z's birthday is and convinces everyone to throw her a surprise party as thanks for helping Vertin and co. (NOTE: I will be referring to her as Dr. Z regardless of canon, she worked hard to get a phd in whatever weird science she does and I refuse to discount it)
5. Ghost Schneider AU. Basically Vertin is "haunted" by Schneider's ghost after the Storm takes her, presumably due to some arcanum fluctuation that sticks her to Vertin (handwaves away the details). Romance. But sad.
6. Time travel fix-it - Vertin goes back in time to try to stop Schneider's death. NOW POSTING HERE
I will update this list as I get more ideas and write these. Please send me asks or let me know if there's one in particular you want to read!
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writtengalaxies · 1 year
Omg a prompt idea! Cafe owner/Barista! Reader who delivers coffee to actor mark multiple times for a couple awhile now so they have seen him through ups and downs even tho just for tidbits and on their recent encounter, they heard him mumbling "Through thick and thin, you've proven time and again that you're the unwavering pillar I can lean on"
and the reader being all oblivious going like 'yeah same, coffee is my motivation too! :D'
Idk why buy I find it hilarious when a character tries to make a move to the most oblivious ones
Okay so anyone who knows me knows I love coffee shop themed things. I've written an entire Coffee Shop AU based off @mothgodofchaos' Dating Simulator AU. So this? THIS? 100% up my alley.
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The Actor sighed, smiling fondly at the barista the cafe sends him. This latest shoot has been a nightmare, with the crew at each other's throats half the time. He's lost his own cool more than once, he has to admit, but that's what'll happen when you're now over a year past projected filming times.
But one of the perks of being where he his for this shoot means he gets to see you almost daily. Clearly not on your days off, of course, he would never ask that. But your cafe knows you're more than happy to do the delivery. You've seen him at his absolute worst and lowest points, the days where he considered throwing away what little humanity he still held onto, or where the past weighed on him like an anchor in the deep ocean. You've seen him at his highest high, jubilant and feeling like maybe, maybe it was all meant to come to this. No matter his mood, you had been there for him, taking a bit of time to celebrate with him (and, on one memorable occasion though he apologized profusely afterwards for not asking first, the way you stumbled and flustered when he had kissed you. Oh, how he wanted to see that blush on your cheeks again--), or else you were there to console him, your gentle hands guiding him back to steady ground until he could breathe once more.
The days you didn't work, the cafe would send someone else, who would get starstruck or linger too long, making a nuisance of themself. You never did, able to read the room to know when you had to leave, though he despised the idea. He never wanted you to go, he--
The Actor blinked, pulling himself together. You placed your carefully balanced tray of drinks down, flashing him that gentle smile that had stolen his heart years ago, when this shoot began. As you made sure his drink was just right, refusing to add anything to his coffee until it was right there so you could guarantee it was still hot when he got it, he sighed.
"Through thick and thin, you've proven time and again that you're the unwavering pillar I can lean on," he spoke softly, looking at you with the utmost fondness.
You simply turned, smiling wider and nodding in agreement. "Oh, yeah, same! Coffee's like, the one thing that helps me get through the day. No matter how I'm feeling, coffee's great."
Ah, yet again you missed his attempts at trying to express how you made him feel, how much he feels as though he needs you. All it does is strengthen how much he knows this feeling is, cementing you further into his heart. But today, he had told himself, he was going to make today, this terrible date on the calendar that haunts his memory, a good day. Or else, should his attempts fail, it would simply continue to be a horrendous day. No use making an otherwise ordinary day awful.
"No, no. Not the coffee, my dear. You."
He watched you blink once, then again, before your face flushed.
"I. Wh. Heh?"
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