#Parent Andrew Minyard
rwnjun · 1 month
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andreil if they were birds ..!
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attineilde · 3 months
its embarrassing how I giggle and squeal over these aftg socmed stuff
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thatoneluckybee · 5 months
aftg textpost (just one)
because I need to affectionately torment people. thank you @quintessential-candles for choosing who went where as I still need to fINISH THE THIRD BOOK. No time to check for mistakes (school) will fix later if any
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i am not finished with this series so appreciate it if you're vague with spoilers but don't mind too much either way
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jtl-fics · 7 months
If I ever wrote a Renee fic it'd be that somehow, despite everything, she just never heard the term wingman until she was in college and does not know the actual definition of the word.
Due to this and due to the lens that she views things through she misunderstands it to be a Christian Thing (tm) since she thinks it has to do with Angels. So she believes it is her Christian duty to wingman as hard as humanly possible for Andrew and his big gay crush on the new kid (Neil).
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Having thoughts abt Robin Cross doing post game interviews with Neil and being asked abt her friendship with Andrew and Neil and she's just like "yeah it's kinda like hanging out with my parents but they're nice enough to argue and flirt in languages I don't speak"
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moonsnqil · 8 months
i feel like if aftg were real and after andrew goes pro there would definitely be twitter threads with people being like "why you shouldn't support andrew minyard:" and the first post would be something like "he threatened a waiter" or "he called my wife a bitch when we were at a bar" etc etc i just think andrew would definitely be one of those celebrities that so many people have horror stories about
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hauntingsunshine14 · 30 days
summer olympics 2028 in a universe with no exy we have:
star gymnast neil josten
heavyweight champion andrew minyard
tennis pro kevin day
rugby goddess allison reynolds
d pole laxer matt boyd
marathon swimmer renee walker
volleyball libero aaron minyard
hockey forward dan wilds
synchronized diver nicky hemmick
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palmettoshenanigans · 2 months
I don't wanna look too into things... buuuuuuut
Abram (later Abraham from Genesis), Joseph (robe of many colors), and Michael (archangel)???
Listen, my religious trauma will NOT stop me from busting out a bible and doing bible study for the first time in over ten years just to see if the dots are connecting and if i've connected them
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aftgficrec · 2 months
Anonymous asked: Is there any new Nicky and or/twinyard centred fics or any Kevin wymack bonding ones?
Or wymack parenting the other foxes?
Here’s part 2, Kevin bonding with Wymack under various circumstances! - S
NB: Nicky/twinyards centered fics here, parental Wymack here
also see…
Kevin & Wymack bonding here
changes by ParkeRose [Rated M, 15588 words, incomplete, last updated July 2024]
After Tetsuji Moriyama gives him up at the age of fourteen, Kevin Day goes to his father with one letter in his pocket and infinite hope in his heart.
dreams fall hard by cloudberrysoda [Rated T, 1979 words, complete, 2024]
Part 2 of human behavior (do as you please)
"You look like shit, kid." Kevin talks to his dad (and accidentally reveals too much). Set during vanilla baby. Read that first
tw: implied/referenced alcohol abuse
These Green Eyes (Hers, Yours) by maydaykevin [Rated G, 1649 words, complete, 2024]
Kevin and David share a quiet moment.
tw: implied/referenced abuse
stamps by mostly_micro (mostly_maudlin) [Rated G, 100 words, complete, 2024]
The first arrives a week after Wymack gets home.
a lot's gonna change by neverlyxox [Rated T, 7347 words, complete, 2023]
Kevin started going to therapy at the beginning of the fall semester. It hadn’t been his idea, nor was he particularly happy about it. He could barely talk to the Foxes about his issues– and when he did, he definitely wasn’t sober– so how was he supposed to talk to a total stranger about it?
tw: alcohol abuse
boiling alive (at least it's what it feels like) by redinmyveins [Rated G, 1031 words, complete, 2023]
Part 2 of by the end of the day, we only have ourselves
Kevin Day is the best, but unfortunately his immunity system isn't and he ends up with the worst flu he ever had. By the way, that's also the first time David Wymack has to deal with the feeling of caring about someone of his kids sick. More specifically, his kid. His son. Or the first time David Wymack experiences one of the first experiences of being a parent: Having to take care of your kid when he's sick.
tw: negative self talk
one is chance, two is coincidence, and three's a pattern, (but let’s stop at two, okay?) by mistyrie [Rated M, 11396 words, complete, 2023]
It's the summer after winning championships when David Wymack gets a rude wake-up call. Apparently, an old acquaintance of his has passed and left behind a son in her wake — a son who may turn out to be David's... Another Kevin, so to say - and just as he and David are starting to figure it out together. – Because if it happened once, then why wouldn't it a second time?
tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: implied/referenced alcohol abuse/alcoholism
loveless is no way to live by orphan_account [Rated T, 5934 words, complete, 2021]
just kevin crying, really (+ wymack trying to be a good dad)
tw: anxiety, tw: emotional isolation, tw: implied/referenced abuse, tw: emotional abuse, tw: ptsd, tw: nervous breakdown
i’m so sorry, dad by grievingfortheliving [Not Rated, 1215 words, complete, 2021, locked]
The missing scene where Wymack learns he has a son
Tapes by Marmeladeskies [Rated G, 781 words, complete, 2019]
Wymack declutters and finds an old VHS tape.
Kevin’s call to Wymack at thanksgiving by @ninyard [tumblr, 2024]
it’s such a good reason as to why i could put him on the stand. like perfect kevin day trying to explain why he’d seen a dead body and called wymack before anything else? and how that phone call went as well? what if they played it?
tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced murder
When team USA wins Olympic Gold for the first time… by @exy-shmexy [tumblr, 2023]
like father, like son 🫶 by @deklo
wymack and lil kevin 🫶 by @deklo
Wymack and Kevin’s first Christmas by @jojen-hewitt
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aftg back to the future au where the second gen of the monsters travel back in time to neil’s freshman year and majorly mess things up. they don’t know how long it took for neil and andrew to get together so when they act cold to each other they freak out and assume they ruined the timeline. shenanigans ensue
aaron’s future daughter: so neil, what do you think of andrew? do you like him
neil, freshly out of his first edens trip: no
aaron’s future daughter: … okay, well do you think he’s cute?
neil: isn’t he your uncle?
kevins daughter after interacting with the monsters: why are you all acting like white trailer trash? stop it.
aaron’s son meeting medicated andrew for the first time: um… why is he like that… is he supposed to be like that… why is he smiling… someone… help… he won’t stop throwing salt at me
they meet riko at some point and it goes like this
riko: being an evil dick
kevin and aaron’s daughter: giggling and looking at him
riko: why are you laughing
them: no reason *start laughing even harder*
and boom riko is defeated by the power of bitchy teenage girls
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aftg-stuff-lol · 6 months
HC that Nicky struggles with chronic depression and Erik is the only one who sees how dark it gets. When Nicky doesn't feel the need to clown around for an audience he just crumbles.
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kjones-fandom · 26 days
Just a reminder that we will have the new short stories in a few months ❤️
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riceballannie · 2 years
Part 1 of The Minyard-Josten Family - Nicky meeting Asher Minyard-Josten for the first time.
Asher means "happiness", "fortunate" and "most blessed son" and I think it's very fitting.
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prince-peachie · 2 years
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He’s a little confused but he’s got spirit
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ninugh29 · 4 months
Does anyone have any teen parent Neil Josten fic recs?? Preferably one set in canon where everything is the same except Neil has a kid hanging around!
If anyone else is looking for one Hope Was a Dangerous Disquieting Thing by BisexualChaosDemon on Ao3 is my favorite!! I also really like The Sun Still Rises by mordax also on ao3 (but that one has Neil with a little brother instead of a kid)
Anyways yeah if anyone has any recs send them my way!
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kazbiter · 2 years
one thing about me is seeing the phrase "Andrew wants." when talking about Neil in a fic is going to do it for me EVERY. DAMN. TIME. signed, sealed, and fucking delivered.
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