#Pathetic cat dudes doing crimes
jasontoddsno1simp · 3 months
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Yeah, asks typically stay off because I've been on this hell site for ten years (made my first account back in 2013) and I've been subjected to some SHIT!!
Could be convinced to turn them on, though~
Anyway, the name of the game when it comes to Jason Todd is gaslight gatekeep girlboss, because there is no way in hell some of these bitches rly think he's as bad as they say he is. Especially when you compare his shenanigans to the shenanigans of characters like Bruce or even Tim.
Yes, he kills people. Yes, he can be pretty uncaring about the collateral of his plqns.
But guess what?!
The only difference is that we, as Jason Todd enjoyers, know what we're here for.
As for the Helena stans and their beef with Jason, idk what to tell ya, mate. Well, other than it's madness, of course!!
There's definitely a convo to be had about male characters getting more space to be complex than female characters, but that's not what's going here. What's going on here is a treasure trove of fandom feminists have decided that Jason has far too many ~feminine~ traits and that he doesn't deserve to have the support he has within the fandom. Why they’ve come to this conclusion is so inane and idiotic, I refuse to dignify it with a response, but it’s that type of shit why I rly want us to go back to the days of decentralized fandom spaces. Spaces where mods actually had the power to cull and reject nonsense, before it started to spread like a virus. It wasn’t perfect (it bred an air of smug exclusivity that stank of unwashed ass), but it’s better than having to deal with assholes spreading liberal nonsense like”Jason Todd is a cop cause he kills and uses guns”.
As if cops are only dangerous because of the extra judicial killings and the apparatus most associated with them 😒😒😒
Anyway, I would bet money that most of those so called Helena stans don't even care about her like that as a character; they just hate Jason.
Which kinda sucks, cause I find Hintress - like all the Gotham vigilantes - to be fascinating characters. But my want to actually pursue any new info on her has been dead on arrival, because her stans are fucking assholes.
Bottom line, Jason’s story resonates with a lot of people. If you don’t get it or can’t bring yourself to understand, then like… Don’t. You don’t have to. The world would be so much better off if people learned that sometimes… the media you consume is just as personal as it what it says about you publicly.
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spiderlegsmusic · 14 days
Debate notes
First, he’s a fuckin idiot.
She totally set him up to talk about crowd size. His advisors said for him not to talk about the crowd size or eating the cats which was a false claim. And he’s talking about both. And saying that he saw it on television…
She’s nailing him with comments by his former staff members. He says he fired them all.
He’s talking about the 2020 election “I got more votes…” He can’t stay on target.
Millions of criminals. He’s about to say he’s going to kill all the immigrants. More destroying fabric of the country. “Migrant crime.” He says it’s a thing. It’s not a thing. She’s nailing him with his criminal record.
Weaponization again. No, dude, you’re a criminal.
He’s absurd. She’s debating, he’s just repeating the lies he’s already said. But she’s nailing him with facts. He looks like an idiot.
He just said she’d do transsexual surgery on illegal aliens in prisons…🤣🤣🤣
They told him not to talk about the 2020 election and he is. He’s still doing it. He’s saying there’s proof but they never showed.
He turns everything into his immigration bullshit. Millions of criminals.
She said world leaders make fun of him. He brings up Victor Orban. Yeah good!
He’s calling Biden weak and pathetic. Look in the mirror Trump.
“If I were president Russia wouldn’t have invaded Ukraine . Hamas wouldn’t have attacked Israel.”
“The whole place is gonna explode.” He’s a know nothing idiot. I really can’t stand to hear his voice because everything he says is a lie. You can’t stop the war in Ukraine, Trump, you stupid fuck.
She’s nailing him on his love of dictators. He’s sitting there making stupid faces. And he’s back to immigration. He cannot stop himself. No, Trump, those world leaders think you’re horrible.
“We have a president who doesn’t know he’s alive!” said Trump…
Do you have a plan? “I have concepts of a plan.”
At the end Trump said they were corrupted for taking money from another country. Bitch! You took $2 Billion from Saudi Arabia. Shut your fucking mouth!
Kamala so kicked trump’s ass. Most everything he said was the same pack of lies he’s been saying. He talked about shit his handlers told him NOT to talk about. And he just denies reality. He looks like a buffoon. She kicked his ass.
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scarlet-cookie · 2 months
Got to LOTM Volume 3!!!!!! Yippee!!! Oh, man, the story just keeps getting better and better. Miss Ctrl+alt+delete really saved Klein’s ass back there in the Vol 2 end fight (RIP Old Kohler I liked him noooooooooooo why Cuttlefishhhh). Will halt the LOTM art every time I finish a volume thing for now. I wanna do a thing when I finish all the volumes and make a collage or something.
Vol 2 thoughts :
-man I want that quill burnt along with Zangwill
-Emlyn is just living the life fr. Beyonder powers since birth, cool (and alive) family, lawful, honest jobs, hobby that doesn’t hurt anyone. Dude is just chilling and doing his own thing here.
-Xio : works to death, risks her life multiple times due to the Fool
Klein : mhm.
Fors : ow curse oh no losing control
Klein : yea you’re in
Klein I have no issues against that but- please don’t forget our girl Xio… (I love Xio. She’s just kicking ass and living with pride right now.)
-Why is Trissy suddenly pathetic…..
-There was a period of time that I got so paranoid of Brody that I ended up googling if Brody was some secret enemy. Glad to know he’s just a cat. Glad to know we can still enjoy cat doing cat things here without freaking out if it’s some secretly horrific entity.
-Klein agrees to help catch an affair and gets tangled in ten other matters at once. Purely through. Coincidence. Sure. Sure sure. Yeah. Haha. Coincidence. Right..
Vol 3 thoughts so far :
-Danitz is hilairous. I absolutely adore his character and his chaotic energy when combined with Gehrmann. It’s a weird variant of stupid and smart except it’s stupid by circumstance and smart outside, panicking inside. Anyways it’s a great combo of flavors.
-I love, love the Gehrmann Sparrow persona and Klein’s occasional contradictory thoughts and internal panic. That said, the latter makes me sad reading them sometimes. Like he’s just. On high alert. Dude is like “o yea this is nothing I’ve seen/heard/encountered worse :D” like it’s a good thing… the only way it’s a good thing is that if you’re Klein and Klein specifically.
-“this is madness” I felt something there and it’s a bad feeling
-Klein’s list of jobs so far : secret police, detective, cult leader, professional schemer, dropshipper, seer, clown, magician, Batman, assassin, food enthusiast, adventurer, bounty hunter, and also, babysitter
-Klein’s list of crimes grows in adjacent to his list of occupations
-Forget horrifying entities, The Fool’s real weakness is food and money
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Silly Moriarthree “Analysis”
(TW for mention of the Baskervilles arc in the manga, which I think just generally needs to be warned for. Only talking about the Louis parts through.)
Louis is scary in such a different way than his brothers, and I love it.
Albert is probably the scariest in terms of being potentially unpredictable and most likely to kill from a place of passion and hatred. The guilt he feels does not mainly seem to be for his crimes, but rather for (in his view) dragging William into sin. He seems like the one who, if he wasn’t checked by William providing a clear path to follow, would be most likely to murder you for having stepped on his toe three years ago and never apologized. 8/10 on the scary scale, most likely to be an irl serial killer.
William is a pathetic wet cat of a man who is dangerous, but not scary. He does have a sincere and passionate hatred for evil but he doesn’t genuinely believe he has any right to pass judgement, and he feels bad for every time he does so. He is a sad gay babygirl. He really just wants to read books, and teach people about math and eclipses, and give his hubby little smoochies. 3/10 scary, embarrassingly cute.
Louis is so interesting though! His speech right before he burns a dude alive is  at first glance way more psychopath-y than anything his brothers get up to. (Quoting official English manga translation here -- once again I am desperate to edit the wording, the official translation gives me fits.)
A long time ago, I burned down an entire family of nobles, manor and all...and I felt nothing while doing it. Except maybe a sense of relief. Relief for the large fire I had caused for my brothers’ sake...that’s all.
And there is Louis’ core motivation. His brothers.
Anyway, it’s like...William’s motivation is that childlike black-and-white pursuit of justice. Bad people are hurting good people and must be stopped, even if doing so makes him a bad person who also must be stopped.
Albert’s motivation is a more personal indignation over hypocrisy, mixed with OCPD. People who claim to be good are doing bad things, and it’s out of order and twisted up and they must be stopped.
Louis’ motivation is so much more contained and specific. He loves his brothers, and he will follow where they lead and align himself with their goals and utterly crush anyone who harms them or stands in their way. He will make their targets his targets. He will ultimately prioritize their safety even over their own plan. And even becoming M is his way to protect and nurture the world William was trying to create; his primary motivation is not so much justice as a concept as it is carrying on William’s work. Not that he doesn’t care about justice! He does! But I think it’s a less driving force for him than his love of his brothers is.
All of which is to say: Louis if you’re just chilling, minding your own business is 2/10 scary, just mildly intimidating because he can seem very formal. Louis if you cross his brothers or are marked by them as evil: 15/10 you are about to be atomized. Run.
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musicallisto · 11 months
CLARA BELOVED!!! I am so happy you’re back, and this event is amazing!! Could I pretty please ask for a 🐚 with the zoom zoom boys in Formula One??
Some stuff about me:
So, my name is Dolly (you knew that), and I’m a panromantic asexual person. My gender is… weird (😂), because really I think gender is an odd social construct and I don’t really care what people refer to me as. I’m also autistic, and some of my special interests include musical theatre, books, true crime, superheroes, and mythology of all different kinds and cultures. I don’t get the opportunity to talk about my special interests a lot, but once I do, you’ll have a hard time getting me to stop talking.
As for hobbies, I spend most of my time either reading or writing fanfiction (and sometimes original short stories), listening to music, and watching movies or TV shows. I mostly like all kinds of music, but I’m not really the biggest fan of rap. I’m also really into true crime podcasts, and I have a love for older TV shows, such as M*A*S*H and The A-Team, as well as all the Marvel and DC movies and TV shows. I’m also a pretty decent singer, at least depending on who you ask. I really love books, and my ultimate career goal is to be a librarian (although if you asked me my absolute dream job, the answer would be a voice actor). I’m also a half-decent singer, at least depending on who you ask.
Personality-wise, I kind of cycle between being bubbly and cheerful and quieter and shyer (a textbook ambivert, me), but no matter what, I always do my best to be a good listener and to make my friends (which includes you!!) happy, because I am very loyal and I love them a lot.
Alright, hopefully that wasn’t too much (😅), or even if you need more, just let me know! Thanks in advance, I’m excited to see your answer, and I hope you’re doing well, love!! 🩷🩷🩷
okay, so I know that you are partial to the one and only danny ric (because who isn't?? literally who dislikes this dude. you are not seeing the pearly gates.) but let me introduce you to this underrated but very interesting association: you and charles leclerc ✨️
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we all know charles is musically inclined in his spare time, so he'd love to listen to you sing around the house when you're absorbed in whatever you're doing and forget he's even there. he just can't get enough of your voice and begs you to send him voice notes so he can listen to you when he's away
he'd even ask you to duet him on his piano compositions!! fans go absolutely feral
he's more of a chill homebody than a party rager himself so expect a lot of movie night dates with snacks and warm blankets
i can see him being into true crime documentaries and other fucked up stuff as well, it's the morbid curiosity <3 and also the violent urge to murder his engineers and get away with it <3
which by the way it's a great thing you're a good listener because BOY is he gonna vent to you about ferrari's piss poor tactics asjfksjfdjdj
we love our pathetic wet cat of a man so much
also gaming nights with the boys (: you're reading in the background even though he told you he's probably gonna be loud and overexcited and that might disturb you, but you're just glad to sit quietly in his presence especially since he isn't around that often because of his work
all his friends make it a point to say hi to you as obnoxiously as they can and to embarrass charles in front of you :)) idiotic gamer boys. we love them
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okadaizoirl · 2 years
ummmmm i want more mutuals post-twitter so uhhh
my name is alex, pronouns he/him, man who likes dudes, man that's transmasc, started T on 5/23/2023
i am unashamedly neurodivergent
my opinions on discourse are uhhh. 1) it's okay to reclaim slurs that apply to you, so i'll tag things with slurs in them but just know that. 2) where i live, america, is a post-capitalist dystopia that can probably only be fixed by a guillotine and gutting corporations. corporations are where the country is really ran, the government is nothing more than a band of puppets having their pockets greased by ill-gotten gains. there's no bigger criminals than the ones on our televisions. 3) weed is cool and should be legal and possession should not be a crime, the presidential pardon for those serving sentences for possession was great but where's the followup? 4) trans rights are human rights and the fact that gay culture is incredibly phallo-centric at times is a bit alienating, however there are strides being made in accepting trans men that i'm very happy about. we should see t-dicks represented as much as cis dude dicks. 5) i objectify myself due to trauma but i'm always going to be angry about the sexualization of minors and that weird shit some parents do with shirts for literal infants containing sexual innuendo. 6) terfs and radfems use women as a scapegoat for hatred for other groups which is inherently misogynistic as generalization of women based entirely off women you perceive as 'worthy' is kind of part of that whole thing buddy. terfs and radfems hate women. they just are more open about hating trans women, their 'based' form of woman-hating. it's pathetic imo. their mistreatment of trans men also stems back to sexualization of and a feeling of sexual entitlement to dfab people and wowee zowee that's a chauvinist classic! 7) that said i'm kink friendly and my content is more suited for adults only, so display your age in your bio please and minors DO NOT INTERACT.
i am currently converting to Judaism
i have a cat his name is link he is stinky please look at him
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i'm in the southeast USA, save me, they were right when they said it's really hot in hell
i like anime, video games, dudes, jerma, justin whang, tom scott, breaking bad/better call saul, a lot of shit
i write dirty words for fun
i'm just okada izou from FGO irl. massive kinnie alert.
follow me ig
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nan0ka · 4 months
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summary. you two actually want to reach other a lot better. and it starts with a picture. the first one together.
content. highschool au, fluff, slowburn, childhood friends to lovers, umemiya may seem ooc, little angst.
wordcount. ~2.53k.
❨📁❩ ← previous. ❨🗂️❩ → masterlist. ❨📁❩ → next.
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 “YOU'RE in the wind, I'm in the water.”
The music from your headphones blasted through your ears as you dipped the brush into the paint, drawing lines on your canvas. One line, two lines. You easily drew a rose as always. Whenever you began to draw, the first thing you can see is a rose. Now again. The same pink colored rose. But then you get a blackout. You don't know what to draw next. So you just let your hand do your thing.
"—Nobody's son, nobody's daughter. Watching the chemtrails over the country club."
And the moment you think you're done, you pull your hand away to see what you've drawn. "Oh." is the only word that escapes your lips while you were looking at the whole picture. You think you have drawn hundreds of the same picture. A rose being held by a man. White hair. Shining blue eyes. Bright smile. It's always the same thing you draw. It's hard for you to not paint him.
"—Suburbia, The Brentwood Market
What to do next? Maybe we'll love it."
You sighed out annoyed as you leaned your forehead against the canvas, causing your skin to get wet by the fresh paint. But you couldn't care less. After last night, you couldn't think straight anymore. The worst part is, you couldn't even sleep. You tried to erase the very existence of that man out of your mind. Yet everytime you closed your eyes, it was the same picture appearing in your mind.
"—White picket chemtrails over the country club."
Curse him. Curse him for everything. You closed your eyes as you furrowed your eyebrows. Hot breath. Hushed whispers. Warm hand brushing softly against your cheeks. The sweetest smile. This man. You're going crazy. You want to punch him in the face and just leave him confused on the spot. And then you'd still worry about how much it hurts. Was the punch painful? Did it even hurt at all.
"Because I honestly would never forget you."
You also wouldn't forget him.
"I'd be crazy otherwise."
How hasn't he gone crazy yet? You're already going insane because of him.
"Quit gawking at me."
"Can't. Too pretty."
Stupid white-haired man. What's up with him and his brain?
"Promise, I'll take good care of the rose."
He won't break the promise, right? Because he's Umemiya Hajime. And Umemiya Hajime doesn't break promises.
"...May I.. touch your face?"
Every word of his is engraved into your head. They are lingering thoughts. Your ears feel hot. And your face doesn't make it better. You're happy nobody can see you in your pathetic state right now. You think you can't look him straight in the eye anymore. What's up with you? You never had a problem when you both had accidental touches the years before. Now you're getting weak knees.
Sighing, you leaned back and saw the painting again. "I don't want to see you ever again." and with that, you just punched the canvas, making a hole in it. "Stupid dude." you muttered before standing up to wash up your forehead. And when you were done, you took your camera and left your apartment without giving it a second glance. Not even bothering to throw it away.
Because the painting only had a hole beside his head.
─ ⊹ ⊱ ☆ ⊰ ⊹ ─
 You looked at the blue sky and you couldn't even spot one cloud. This is a crime. You were robbed. Where are the clouds who look like cats. You explored the town further to find your inspiration to draw. The people around you greeted you with the friendliest smile while you tried to return it, resulting into a rather awkward one. Gosh how could you only forget that you hated it to be alone on the streets.
"Come over here, boys!"
"—this is our thanks for always saving us!"
"Please visit us again, yeah?"
"You're doing the shopping for Kotoha-chan, right? Take those eggs with you!"
Curiously, your eyes went to the shouting and tumult. But the crowd was so full, you couldn't even see anything. It was probably furin again and you couldn't care less about that school. A sigh left your lips as you walked past them, the grip around your camera got tighter with every second passing. It was loud. Too loud for your liking. And unfortunately, you didn't go unnoticed by the pair of blue eyes.
Oh. You should've known he was there when Kotoha's name was mentioned. You should've known. With that, you picked up the pace to avoid public attention and didn't even looked into his direction. But it got so bad, you heard how he literally yelled sorry's while pushing the people around him gently away to get his way to you. "Oh god..." you muttered and began to run away from him.
"Hah!? Where is he even going?!"
You could literally hear the despair in his voice.
─ ⊹ ⊱ ☆ ⊰ ⊹ ─
Silently, you hid in an alley while panting heavily. The sweat rolled over your cheek as you wiped it away with your arm. "That... crazy g-guy..." you mumbled and standing straight up again to lean your back against the wall. "He really did shout my name until he couldn't see me. He even tried to follow me." you closed your eyes and sighed out. "But I was enough lucky enough to escape..."
A yelp escaped your lips as your head immediately turned the unknown voice. There stood a tall young man with brown curtained hair and eyes, paired with a leather eyepatch on his right eye and yellow tassel earrings hanging off a red gem on either side. He wore the Furin High uniform layered on top of a light-colored changshan, loose black pants, and flats in the same color for footwear.
"Oh, it seems like I surprised you a bit. I apologize." he gave you a kind smile with his hands behind his back.
"What do you want, brat." you couldn't even hide your distaste for those furin boys and talked like you were a lot older than them.
"Nothing, really. I was just curious why Umemiya-san wanted to follow you." you groaned at the mention of his name. "I assume you both are acquaintance?"
"Please just leave me alone. I have enough of him. And furin. What did I even do to deserve this?"
"I'm sorry for prying into private matters." he apologized again.
"A sorry doesn't make it up."
"Well, then..." he looks up for second, his finger on his chin while thinking. "Oh! Wanna know what he thinks of you and what he said just moments ago?"
Now you're listening. Your curiosity is going to be your death one day honestly. And the worst part is, you don't wanna act like you're dying to know. What does he think of you? What does he say about you? If someone asks you something like that, you couldn't answer, because you don't know. He could think anything about you. You could even imagine how he thinks of you like a sister.
"Tell me."
Do you even want to know from a complete stranger?
"Wait, i'm changing my mind." you interrupted him, while still thinking about it.
The brown-haired boy sweatdropped and shut his lips again, his smile told you that he was rather amused by you. "I don't know if I want know." was your answer. "I don't know if I wanna hear it from you. I wanna hear it from himself." those questions broke your mind. You are dying to know. Does he think positive of you? Does he think negative of you? Does he see you like a sister?
"Who are you?"
"Seems like I forgot to introduce myself. How rude of me." now his smile was apologetic. "Hayato Suo, first year of furin. May I ask for your name, ma'am?"
"[lastname] [name]. I hate violence."
"Ah, I heard a lot about you-"
"[name]-chan, found you!"
Out of nowhere, two arms wrapped around your tensed body, restraining your arms, and his loud voice made you flinch. "H-Hey! Don't touch me, you-" your head turned to him. Oh. You closed your lips, holding yourself back to complain. His face was really close, but then he leaned his forehead against your shoulder. You noticed that he was out of breath, panting like you did.
Crazy, how he didn't even sweat.
"Let me stay like this for a while... please." he whispered.
Your cheeks were painted in a light red color as you stayed still. A sigh left your lips once again as you looked ahead to Suo, who chuckled. "You two are really close and that answered my question already. I won't pry anymore." a first-year was watching. How embarrassing. You could die on the spot. And he even thought wrong now. That adds more weight to the embarrassment.
"You said you heard a lot about me." you brought up his last sentence before he got interrupted by Umemiya. "Does he talk... good about me?"
"Curious, aren't we?" he chuckled. "How about you ask him yourself?"
And with that being said, he just turned his back to you and walked away, leaving you alone with the white-haired man who refused to let you go. "Traitor." you whispered blankly. "I hate kids. Kids these days are pretty rude." you're talking like you weren't rude at all as a kid. You're still rude. To people you dislike or straight up hate. And you kept your mean thoughts for yourself. Most of the time.
"Let go."
"Please let me hug you longer. I don't get to do it very often." he sounds like a defeated puppy to be honest.
"...fine." you sighed, going to your usual self around him.
"Why did you run away from me?"
"Because." ah. You don't have an explanation. Not a good one. "I just felt like... having a quiet rest day for myself. And you aren't the calmest one."
"You should've told me."
"It would've hurt your feelings." you muttered. "And yet... At the end I still told you."
"[name]." he lets loose, making you think you're free from his hold, only for him to place his hands on your shoulders and turn you around. "It saddens me it if you take distance from me. But I can absolutely not stand it if you run away from me. I thought my life was over."
Your eyes widened as he said that with a complete serious face. Since when could he make such a face? Oh gosh, you have a lot more things to learn about him. His ocean like blue eyes locked into your [e/c] ones. "I despise being away from you. Everything tastes so bitter. Even Kotoha's omurice. And I love her omurice. Like hell, it's my favorite dish on earth." he doesn't sound serious at all.
"Hajime. What am I to you?"
"The best part of my day."
While your questions accidentally slipped out of your lips, his answer came out immediately. Like he was waiting forever. He didn't waste or hesitate a second to answer your question. Now you feel silly. Silly for doubting him. Silly for not being aware of his answer. "I'm such a fool." you sighed out, closing your eyes and laughing out. Please. When was the last time you laughed?
"Me too. We can be both fools together."
"No, I thought I know a lot about you, but in reality. I know little to nothing about you. And this irritates me."
"Then let's start over. I'll begin to teach you what I like and you'll teach me. I really wanna know a lot more about you. The curiosity is killing me. You're killing me." he begins to ramble again with the most excited smile. "But it's fine if you do."
"You're insane." you insulted him and took his wrist. "I think you're the real fool."
"Let me be your fool!"
"Absolutely not."
His eyes went down to your camera. "Wait." he said and took out his phone to look at the back of his phone case which was full of pictures. "We know each other for... eight years and still didn't take one picture of us together. Let's take one, right not, shall we?" he suggested with a smile, while he was literally beaming at his own idea. Oh. Right. Have you ever taken a photo with him?
"Sure." you watched as his hands wandered to your camera. "But not here. We're in an alley."
"Doesn't matter. Every picture looks good if you're on it." he's still smiling.
You sighed with the smallest smile on your lips as you watched how he carefully took your camera. "How does that work?" he asked and fumbled with your precious camera before turning it on while you were watching him. "Oh... uh and now?" he questioned and pressed every button to test it out. "Oh! There are a lot of photos of childhood pictures of me!" his eyes began to sparkle.
"What." the smile dropped in seconds after you realised what he just said.
Quickly, you grabbed the camera from his hands with a red face. How could you forget?! Gosh, this day couldn't get worse. You scrolled through the gallery and noticed how many pictures you had of him, while shutting your mouth completely. Aren't you a stalker? "Let's just get it over." you grumbled and gave him back the camera. "I hope you know how to shoot a photo."
"Right, right!" he chuckled amused.
As he hold the turned camera out with his one arm, he wrapped his other arm around your neck. "Three... two... one." he counted, but at the last second he twisted his face to you and placed his soft lips against your forehead. The flash blinded you, not giving you much time to react as he kissed your head. And when the flash came the second time, your small smile dropped.
─ ⊹ ⊱ ☆ ⊰ ⊹ ─
 "Please send me the picture." Umemiya plead liked a kicked puppy.
"But I need it, [name]-chan!" he whined. "I need it! I want to put it in my phone case."
"That's what you get." you rolled your eyes. "Besides that, isn't your phone case already full with other pictures? If you add one more, it'll explode."
While he was complaining the whole time, you both walked out of the alley towards town. On topic inspiration, you didn't even find anything you wanted to draw. The only reason you crawled out of your apartment. Yet you didn't even do what you intended to. How unlucky you are. But still, it was worth going out. Only because you met him again. That guy you didn't even want to see. He still makes you happy. Crazy, right?
"Yeah, I think so too." he took his phone out and looked at the pictures. "They all are pretty old. How about I replace them all with a new one?"
"You wouldn't lay all those pictures to the side for our picture." you chuckled lightly, knowing he only joked around.
"Oh believe me. I would for you."
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- NAN0KA [ june 3rd, 2024 ]
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holylulusworld · 4 years
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Request: A/B/O dynamic, where omega! reader just agrees to everything her Alpha (Bucky) says, no matter how embarrassing or humiliating it is. Arranged marriage set up. Please.... Huge fan of your angsts. (He's embarrassing her on perpose, because he just doesn't like her at all. But omega! reader is just so docile and just won't talk back cuz she's raised like that. I think AU would be better, but I'll let you decide that. Happy ending. You are great. Thank you so much.)
Pairing: Alpha!Mobster!Bucky x Omega!Reader
Characters: Alpha!Steve x Omega!Peggy, Omega!Natasha Romanoff x Alpha!Clint Barton Bruce Banner, Brock Rumlow (oh look he’s not the bad guy this time), Sam Wilson 
Warnings: angst, humiliation, degrading, collars, obedient omega, starving, implied smut, snippets of smut, heat, pain, abusive relationship, arranged marriage, shitty parents, medical treatments, Bucky being a shitty partner and asshole, suicidal tendency (I think?), mentions of violence, mentions of biting
Words: 2,8 k
A/N: This one took me ages as it was out of my comfort zone to write Bucky as an abusive alpha. Honestly, I was tempted to let Steve rip him apart limp by limp, but I saw this one as a challenge. I left the ending open as I could not write it as a happy ending, not with the way he treated her. Sorry.
Please be aware of the trigger warnings and do not proceed if any warning offends you! This is a warning not an advertisement!
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Steve feels uncomfortable, just like Peggy when you kneel next to your husband or rather master as he likes to be called by you.
While Peggy uncomfortably shifts in her seat, tries to not glance at you kneel next to Bucky in your underwear wearing a collar calling you slut, Steve glares at his friend.
“What the fuck, Bucky! I thought you wanted to introduce your wife and mate to us, not embarrass her,” Steve finally grits out. He may be a mobster, a hard man on the outside but Steve never liked alphas treating their mate like a piece of meat.
“I did, Stevie,” Bucky pats his thigh and you sit on his lap, not meeting Peggy nor Steve’s eyes.
You should protest, scream at the way your husband treats you but raised to an obedient omega who gets punished for misbehavior you hold back the tears and swallow the tiny amount of pride you had left.
“This is bullshit, James,” Peggy angrily tosses her napkin onto the table when Bucky pushes you off his lap. He even tosses food to your feet, smirking as he simply has to snap his fingers to make you eat the food.
“That is enough, Bucky,” Steve gets up to pull his wife’s chair, holding out his hand. “I know you like to be the dominant part like to show your power but treating your mate like a dog doesn’t make you a tough man,” Steve grits his teeth, looking at you with pitiful eyes, “it makes you look pathetic.”
“I didn’t want to marry her, Steve,” pointing toward you Bucky scrunches up his nose. “Look at that pathetic little omega eating food from the floor like a dog.”
“Steve, I want to go, now,” Peggy already walks toward the door, giving you a sympathetic look before she backhands Bucky.
“She may not fight back but I am telling you that she deserves better than being forced to bear you and your behavior,” inhaling sharply Steve watches Peggy slap his friend’s cheek again. “You are the lousiest alpha I ever met, James Buchanan Barnes, you make me sick.”
Steve nods in agreement, not meeting his friend’s eyes he sighs deeply. “I thought you are a better man, Bucky. I’ll need a few days or weeks without you. Call Sam or Clint of you need anything.”
The moment the door slams shut Bucky falls onto the chair. He does not recognize you didn’t eat the food or that you suppressed desperate whimpers.
“Great, you ruined the dinner too,” Bucky spats. “Get up, on the bed and present. I will fuck my frustration out before I hit the club to meet a real woman.”
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It’s always rough, fast, and without any pleasure for you. “At least you are a good fuck,” pushing off you Bucky slaps your ass, smirking as you dare not to move. “On your place, leave my bed.”
You hurry to leave the bed to lie on the tiny mattress he placed in front of the large window. All you own is a blanket and a pillow, so you cover your bruised body with the blanket to hide your face in the pillow.
“Next time, you’ll look happy,” Nodding you try not to anger your alpha. Your father’s strong hand, the conditioning on turning you into a perfect obedient omega do not leave any room for arguments. “I’ll be back in a few hours; you will stay like this.”
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“Great you come to movie night,” Bucky exclaims. He is in a good mood. The last deal with Rumlow was a success and now he wants to watch a classic movie with Clint and Natasha who look at each other, not daring to say a word.
“What? Does she disturb you?” Natasha eyes you warily. She can see the sadness behind the fake smile while you kneel next to Bucky, not daring to move a muscle as you try to hide your pain. “She can go.”
“Steve wasn’t joking,” Clint finally chokes out. “I thought that you had a fight or something and that he told us you forced your wife to kneel on the floor during dinner was a bad joke.”
“I want to go, now,” Natasha will not stay any longer in the room watching you suffer. “Let the poor girl sleep, James. She looks like she’s about to pass out any minute.”
“Did you ever treat the girl with kindness, Bucky?” Clint can’t believe the man who used to be his paragon treats his wife like that. “I have to agree with Steve, this is just not right. Arranged marriage or not, Y/N is a human being.”
“Asshole,” Natasha adds walking toward the door, not waiting for her mate. “I’ll find a way to help the poor girl. I’ll call her parents.”
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“What the fuck do you mean with that’s her purpose?” Steve balls his hands into fists, glaring at your father. “He’s treating your daughter like a dog and you have the guts to tell me that’s what you want?”
“She got raised to become an obedient omega, Mr. Rogers,” your father explains, not intimidated by Steve’s demeanor. “James wanted an obedient omega, he got one. Everyone is happy.”
“Everyone but your daughter,” Natasha grits out while Peggy tries to talk to your mother. “Mrs. Y/L/N, please. We need to find a way to get Y/N out of the cycle of obedience. She looks sick, thin, and sad.”
“She will not answer you, omega scum,” your father dares to say and Steve’s hand twitches. “Now out of my house and stop acting as if it’s a crime to treat an omega as she deserves.”
Steve must hold Natasha back, grabbing her wrist carefully as she was about to slap your father’s face.
“Don’t, Nat. You know he has enough power to let all of us disappear. I just thought the great Y/F/N is a better man, someone to look up,” Steve shakes his head. “You’re all the same…”
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“Any ideas?” Peggy sighs looking at Clint who tries to find anything in the papers your father signed to seal your fate. “Clint?”
“Nothing, Peg’s,” Clint sighs deeply. “The contract, the papers, and marriage are ironclad. There is nothing I could do.”
“This can’t be true, alpha,” Natasha looks over her mates’ shoulder, sighing as he points at the papers. “There is nothing we can do to help her?”
“We could just kidnap, Y/N,” silence fills the room as Steve quirks a brow at Sam who was silent the whole time. “Sam, anything from you?”
“I still got the keycard to his house,” Sam steps closer to the table now, looking at the papers. “We go in, get the girl, and are out without Bucky noticing us. Of course, someone needs to lure him and his men out,” Sam ends his plan and Steve nods, liking the idea.
“Alright, it’s settled then,” Steve clears his throat, pointing toward Rumlow who watched the scene, an amused smirk on his lips. “Will you help us or just grin like the cat that got the cream?”
“I hate to admit I like your plan, Wilson,” Brock smirks, eying Natasha’s ass shamelessly. “I like omegas, like when they are soft and obedient just like I love a feisty wildcat scratching my ass,” now he gets up to crack his neck. “But I do not like someone treating an omega like a dog. Let us fuck Barnes over.”
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“We got a problem,” Rumlow whispers watching the guards open the gate to let Peggy in. “According to my information, Barnes is out of the house for at least three days. No reason for me to lure him out. What’s with the plan now?”
“They let Peggy in, Brock. Don’t pee your pants yet,” Sam muses pointing toward Peggy walking into Bucky’s house. “She’ll fake an emergency, the guards will check on her, while Steve, Clint, and Natasha will use the back entrance to get Y/N out.”
“Shit did Barnes make her kneel next to the table and dropped food on her,” Brock blinks as Sam reluctantly nods. “Such an asshole calling me a jerk. Who fucked with Barnes's brain, dude?”
“Can you not talk the whole time,” Steve groans via intercom. “I can hear you the whole time. Check on the guards and Peggy. Tell us when it’s time to,” Sam yells ‘now’ and Steve picks the lock to sneak into Bucky’s house.
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“Y/N, hello,” Natasha can smell your distress before she can see your weak form. Lie on the makeshift nest on the ground you shake in pain. “Fuck, Steve she’s in heat. God, we need to get Barnes.”
“No,” it is a silent whimper leaving your lips when you shake your head until you feel dizzy. “He’ll not help me, refuses to knot me,” close to drifting into unconsciousness you give Natasha a weak smile. “Let me die, please. I don’t want to live like that, but I do not know anything else.”
Tears spill out of your eyes when you lose consciousness right when Clint sneaks into the bedroom. “We got to go, guys. Grab the girl and run!”
“Y/N said she rather dies than living like that, guys,” Natasha sniffles. “How fucked up is James Barnes to refuse to help his mate during her heat? That asshole didn’t even knot her as any alpha would.”
“We got no time to discuss Bucky is the asshole of the century. Let me get her and we bring her to a hospital,” Steve carefully covers your body with a blanket before he cradles you in his arms. “Lead the way Clint, Sam we are on our way, need back-up and the car. Y/N is in heat and it’s life-threatening.”
“I am on it, Brock already storms toward the,” Sam groans, “gate. Too late he’s taking Bucky’s men down, laughing like a mad man.”
“Got it,” Steve walks toward the door, followed by Natasha who tries to hold back the tears when her mate grasps for her hand. “We’ll help you, darling.”
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“I sedated her, gave her something to ease the pain,” Bruce explains. “Her fever is still too high for my liking, but I got it under control. Did she eat lately?”
“We don’t know,” Peggy chokes out. “According to Brock’s information, Bucky was away for like three days.”
“I assume she hasn’t eaten for one or two weeks, at least not properly,” Natasha gasps while Steve prefers to ram his fist into the wall. “Her condition is still life-threatening, but I hope we can bring the fever down.”
“Can we see her?” Peggy pleas but Bruce shakes his head, sighing deeply. “We will wait then, right Steve?”
“We will wait and help her find a place to be after she recovered,” Steve declares. “Whatever we have to do to stop James' abuse.”
“Count me in, Rogers,” Brock smirks. “Whatever I can do to piss Barnes off floats my boat.”
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“She’s my wife, let me pass!” Bucky yells through the hallway, gritting his teeth. He has Bruce pressed against the wall glaring at the man saving your life. “Where is she?”
“Intense care, Mr. Barnes. We still do not know if she is going to survive her heat. She starved too, this adds to her bad condition, followed by your treatment,” Bruce is, by all means, no coward, so he purses his lips, glaring at the mobster.
“Starving? No, she got food,” Bucky gasps. “Maybe she forgot to eat while I was away over the last three days?”
“I must tell you your wife,” spatting the word ‘wife’ Bruce clenches his fists hard enough to hurt, “starved for more than two weeks, maybe even longer. She must have barely eaten anything. If not for Mr. Rogers and his friends, she would be dead by now.”
Bucky drops his hands, nodding silently as he steps back to make space for Bruce to leave. “I must ask you to not be that loud at the hospital. If you at least could show some decency and leave the poor girl alone after almost letting her die, I would be grateful,” Bruce walks off to talk to Steve and Peggy about your condition.
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“Doll,” Bucky whispers sneaking into your hospital room. His eyes widen at the sight of you. Barely breathing, IV at your arm you lie on the hospital bed, not opening your eyes. “Shit, omega.”
Feeling like someone stabbed his heart Bucky steps closer to your bed, carefully reaching out to stroke your hair.
His claiming mark, the one he left after your wedding is a reminder of the way he treated you. It’s messy, too deep and barely healed as he repeatedly bit you to remind you of your place.
“Doll, m’ sorry,” Bucky whines now, sitting on a chair next to your bed. “I hated you for messing my bond with Dolores up, Y/N. I wanted to claim her but that’s no excuse for hurting you.”
“What do you want here?” The door flings open when an enraged Steve Rogers enters your hospital room. “Didn’t you do enough? Do you want to end her right here to get your precious Dolores back?”
“Stevie, I didn’t mean to,” Bucky gasps when his best friend wraps his hand around his throat to slam him into the wall. “Steve…”
“No more Stevie, you monster. Do you know what she told Natasha,” Steve grits out as Bucky struggles against his hold. “Y/N preferred to die, Bucky. That girl over there chooses death over a life with you.”
“She…did?” Coughing Bucky falls to the ground when Steve lets go of him. He’s nervously running his fingers through his hair, pacing as he doesn’t know if he shall attack his friend again or just shove him out of your room.
“H…hello,” voice hoarse you blink your eyes open when your alpha hits the nearby wall. Steve just threw your mate across the room; not caring Peggy screams his name. “S…Steve?”
“We are here, darling. Do not worry,” Natasha whispers as you slowly sit up, looking at your alpha who crawls toward your bed.
Bucky gasps when you flinch away, not daring to meet his gaze. “m’ sorry for leaving the house. I swear I did not want to. I was not conscious when they brought me here. Please,” Steve blinks a few times when you start crying. “I’ll be good, daddy….”
“Why is she calling you daddy, Buck?” Ludicrous your mate shakes his head. “I don’t know, Steve. She never said much to me, to be honest.”
“Y/N,” Natasha tries again but you curl into a ball, whimpering silently. “Please, no more punishment,” your desperate sobs let Bucky get up to rush to your side.
“Doll, I am not your dad, it’s me, Bucky,” purring he tries to gently cup your cheek but you shake in fear. “Shhh, I’ll not hurt you, Y/N. You need to look at me and count to ten to calm.”
Weakly lifting your head you look at Bucky who counts for you. “1,” you take a breath, “2,” another breath and you feel lightheaded, “3 just like that,” Bucky praises while Steve runs out of the room to call for Bruce.
“She’s confused, disoriented and called Bucky ‘daddy’, Bruce. I think she’s…I dunno,” Steve watches Bucky sit on your bed to run one hand carefully over your hair.
“Just like that, doll. Look at me, no one is going to punish you, okay,” nodding you sniffle silently while Steve’s heart clenches in his chest.
“They’ll know you are not satisfied with me,” more tears run down your face when you hide it in the pillow.
“I am the one to blame, not you Y/N,” whispering the words Bucky grasp for another blanket to cover your still shaking body. “I’ll do anything to make you feel better, promised. Please, give me a chance.”
“Bucky, she’s confused, on strong meds to suppress the symptoms of her heat and starved,” Steve grabs his friends’ arm, tries to get him out of your room.
“If you want her to get better and start to act like an alpha, leave her alone for a few days. Let Peggy and Nat take care of her and if Y/N is willing to give you a chance, we will tell you so.”
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Two weeks later…
“I think I am ready to talk to him,” whispering the words you look up at Steve and Peggy.
“What will you do now?” Peggy asks helping you into the chair to watch out of the window. “Y/N?”
“I don’t know yet, but I can’t let him do this to me again,” voice trembling you feel Peggy’s hand on your shoulder.
“Whatever you will decide to do, Steve and I will help you figure things out,” you nod, hearing the door open as Bucky silently walks into the room. He looks as if he did not sleep, eat, or shower for weeks.
“She’s ready to talk to you,” Steve says walking toward the door. “If she decides to go, we will take her with us.”
Nodding Bucky steps closer, looking at you before he kneels next to you, not saying a word he whines low in his throat. “I’ll do anything…”
Part 2
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ajdrawshq · 3 years
Fandom ask for the pmd games 👀
👀👀👀 im only gonna use characters from Explorers of Sky and Super pmd bc i either havent played or dont have attachment to the others djdkdjsk
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most): THIS IS SO HARD THERES SO MANY.. ok im gonna narrow it down to the Super pmd hero and partner bc like. dude. their relationship and story is So fucking good it hurts and i legit think abt them every day not even kidding here (but the EoS hero n partner duo also give me hella brainworms)
scrunkly (my "baby", character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped): ESPURR (SUPER) MY BELOVED.. lil baby cat who is so strong. this child goes thru so much and shes not even one of the main duo and her characterization is just!!!!!!! oooughh i love her dearly. also the Marill n Azurill bros from EoS they are just fjckkng baby
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave): where do i fucking start. does the entirety of Wigglytuff's Guild count?? im particularly fond of Bidoof, Sunflora, and Chimecho but theyre all such fun characters!! Kangaskhan (EoS) is also vv sweet, it was always nice to check in with her bc of how much she cared abt the main duo.. and i do like the Expedition Society members a bit too tbh. and Mew!! just a lil guy
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won't shut up about it for a week): when i first saw Grovyle and Celebi from EoS appear in Super i yelled out loud so do with that what u will
poor little meow meow ("problematic"/unpopular/controverial/otherwise pathetic fave): Dusknoir (EoS). repressed gay ass <3 i also like Dark Matter (Super) for . some reason
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason): Grovyle but in the way that its just funny to see him pissed off
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell): Darkrai (EoS) going to superhell for darkness crimes
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thegreymoon · 3 years
Every time I think I can watch/read multiple things at the same time, I prove myself wrong, it never works, but I can finally return to this drama, now that I am done with Ever Night. 
Luo Yunxi, baby, I’ve missed your pretty face! 🖤
This fucking creep.
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I can’t believe I thought he was a nice guy. 
Good choice, Mo Li! Break his fucking face. 
These jealous layabouts do nothing but gossip all day. 
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Toxic workplace is toxic. 
Is this supposed to be funny? I’m trying to get a read on these scenes with the two of them and they are 1) boring and 2) awkward af. 
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Their chemistry is non-existent, she looks bored and he is giving me insane amounts of second-hand embarrassment. The only thing I can think of is that this is supposed to be comedy but if it is, it’s falling flat on its nose. 
One thing men should do more of is shutting up. Especially when all they do is spew nonsense like you do. 
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Oh, shut up, you disrespectful, pushy, idiotic brat.
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No means no means no. It’s complete sentence, and her giving any kind of explanation is a courtesy. You going behind her back to bug her coworkers to ‘prove’ how she actually has time to do something she already refused is just obnoxious behaviour. If you were my sister, we would have been no contact the moment I left home. 
I wonder if screenwriters and producers intentionally decide to torture their viewers. Like, they make them suffer through the likes of idiot sister and Qin Bin so that they will be super grateful and relieved when they finally get a morsel of what they are actually watching the show for in the first place. Is this a tactic? Because I don’t understand. 
Just watch this witch try to sabotage the last batch now 🙄
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Wait! He’s going to sabotage it?? 
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Oh, Mr Sun, I expected better from you 😠
Ahahahaha, Xiaoshan is onto him!! Don’t mess with a spy, asshole. 
Oh, thank fuck.
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I was already bracing myself for a weekend full of idiocy. 
Yes, please!
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This is so much better than spending a weekend on Qin Bin’s shitty company bonding getaway. Thank you for not putting me through that!
Oh, so it’s this idiot after all 😠
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I can’t decide what would be more pathetic. Mr Sun instigating her and her being willing to get her hands dirty on his behalf, or him not approving of this and her doing it anyway. 
This should teach Jianing to fire shitty, sabotaging coworkers. 
LMAO, I’m so mad this moron even has a job.
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Please fire her and make sure she never works anywhere ever again. I wouldn’t trust her to stack boxes in warehouse. 
Oh, thank goodness. 
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A sense of shame is a good thing to have. Thank you for not disappointing me, Mr Sun! 
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What is this nonsense? What is even the message this shitty story is trying to send? 
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Cover up for your colleagues at all costs, regardless of how highly unprofessional and illegal their actions are, even when they are scheming directly against you?? Are they serious??? 
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LMAO, her making a complete fool of herself in front of him is like something straight out of Pride and Prejudice 🤣🤣
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Caroline Bingley would be proud. 
These ad placements are hilarious.
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I’m upset every time you two wastes of space show up on my screen.
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LMAO, his dude rolling his eyes at this nonsense is a whole mood.
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LMAO, he’s so mad at getting cockblocked by him 🤣🤣
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I am so done with these two rude, pushy assholes.
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Just because they are too polite to tell you to fuck off in public doesn’t mean you stand any chance with them. 
This entire situation in the club is cringey and awkward and it’s killing me with second-hand embarrassment. It’s very unenjoyable, but OK, whatever.
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I’m really going to need these characters to grow a brain soon. Any one of them. Anytime now. 
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herocentral · 4 years
Possible Hero 6
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Authors notes: Well folks this is it we’re in the endgame now, so watch as the final countdown to catastrophe begins!
Kim Possible & Big Hero 6 (c) Disney
Chapter 10: Countdown to Catastrophe Pt 3:
It was now daytime over San Fransokyo however all was not well Baymax in his armour was carrying Hiro, not on his back but held him by his left arm. Hiro struggled to get free from his friends grip but couldn’t. 
“Baymax you have to listen to me!” Hiro pleaded but had no response as Baymax’s eyes glowed red he knew it was no longer his friend but he was under the control of someone else. 
Hiro tried reaching for his armour access port so he could remove the chip that was responsible for this but couldn’t reach. Baymax then turned to him. 
“Do not.” He said in a deep voice and Hiro just gave up. 
The robot flew towards a cliff side far from the city and there was a small cave entrance. They flew in and at the end of the tunnel was a steel door which upon Baymax’s landing opened to reveal a tunnel.As they entered Hiro struggled to break free from Baymax’s grip but couldn’t. 
“Resistance will result in further injury.” Baymax advised in a deep voice. 
Hiro looked in surprise just then the door in front of them opened and they walked inside. They passed Momakase who was busy dicing sushi with her graphene katanas she took a moment to look and see their new prisoner. 
Meanwhile Globby and Noodle Burger boy were busy playing poker as Hiro and Baymax walked by. 
“Golly mister, I’ve got a noodle supreme with all the fixings.” Noodle burger boy said as he showed his hand. 
“Gah knock it off with all the fast food jabber its confusing!” Globby groaned. 
Baymax escorted Hiro down the hall of this strange complex then suddenly the young genius heard the sound of a familiar voice.
“Hi Hiro.” Said the voice. “Trina?” Hiro said and he looked to see the head of a brown haired girl with greyish blue eyes sitting on the table near him and there were wires coming out of it. 
“GAH!” Hiro said in shock! “Y, you’re a..” “A robot, obviously” Trina answered as her body tapped Hiro’s shoulder it was wearing a pink shirt with grey pants and dark red shoes and wore black fingerless gloves on her hands. 
Hiro was shocked to see and find out that a friend he met at the bot fighting arena and was responsible for using some of the contestants robots to commit crimes was really a robot the whole time.
“Uh obviously.” Hiro said stuttering “You never figured it out? Thats so pathetic it’s cute.” She said as her body did the gestures. 
Hiro just looked back on the robot and then suddenly realised how her voice sound a lot like Kims a rather strange coincidence really. Baymax and Hiro continued down the hall way until another voice emerged one he was all too familiar with indeed. 
“Well well well look who it is.” Hiro looked to see Shego leaning on the left wall filing her nails and smirked. 
“Are you ever not going to get captured by the bad guys kid.” She said practically gloating. “Still this does make a change from last time doesn’t it, but it’s kind of ironic that your so called family is the one to bring you to the bad guys instead.” She walked over and looked him in the eyes. 
“Yeah why don’t you take a picture Shego it’ll last longer.” Hiro glared. 
“Hm not a bad idea.” Shego said as she pulled out her phone and took a picture of Hiro being held hostage by Baymax. 
“I still can’t believe you decided to work with Obake!” Hiro glared.
“Hey nothing personal kid it’s just business, besides for once I’m on the winning side.” Shego smirked. 
“Yeah and what happens when the winning side cuts you loose.” Hiro said as controlled Baymax pulled him away. 
“Talk to the hand kid.” Shego brushed off. With that Baymax took Hiro to the end of the corridor and saw a glowing green light from the doors window. 
The door opened and Hiro saw standing over a collection of monitor screens showing a map of the city a surveillance footage of his friends, Ron and Rufus in the Lucky Cat Cafe and some schematics for a device and the man watching them was Obake himself. 
“Hiro Hamada, welcome.” Obake greeted as he turned to face his captive. 
Hiro’s Garage Lucky cat Cafe:
Meanwhile back at the garage at the Lucky Cat Cafe the rest of Big Hero 6, Ron and Rufus were present, but Honey Lemon waited at the garage door rather anxious as a certain young genius was no where to be seen. However Ron was worried too he still hadn’t heard from Kim about what happened at Night Market. 
“Oh Hiro was supposed to meet us.” Honey said holding a lock of her hair. 
“Its not just him I still can’t get word from KP do you think she’s okay?” Ron said still brooding over the Kimmunicator.
“Ron relax I’m sure she’s fine she’ll get here soon.” Wasabi assured and Rufus backed that up with a consoling tap on Rons shoulder.
“Its defiantly weird.” Everyone then turned to Fred looking over the conspiracy board. 
“People who make elaborate conspiracy boards are usually pretty reliable.” Fred then said. 
“Uh huh.” Rufus agreed. “Great but it still doesn’t tell us what the bad guys planning.” Wasabi said. 
“There has to be a pattern somewhere?” Gogo said, Ron looked over the board himself and he wished Kim was here as she could figure out the pattern faster than anyone. However when Ron looked over the board he suddenly noticed something and just like that something clicked. 
“Hold the nacos guys!” Ron exclaimed getting their attention. “I think you’ve been looking at this all wrong!” 
“Ron, explain now!” Gogo said simply wanting to know what he was talking about. 
“You shouldn’t be looking for a pattern in the threads, you should be looking at the things that have been raised from the pattern.” Ron explained and it seemed everyone seem to know what he was talking about. 
“Obake has the magnet from the school.” Gogo said looking at the large magnet that was stolen on Halloween night. 
“And he was doing something in the bay.” Fred added. 
“Yeah hence why he helped you guys stop that Baron Von Steamer dude right, but why?” Ron then asked Wasabi then realised something. 
“What if he was turning H2O into D2O?” Wasabi said 
“D20?” Ron asked. “Yeah it’s known fact that sea water if properly converted can be turned from H2O into an element known as D2O.” Wasabi explained. 
“Which means what?” Ron asked again still confused. 
“Heavy water, that can be used as fuel.” Gogo then explained. 
“Uh huh I mean I don’t get it but ah huh.” Fred said.
“Oh right I think I had that on a science test once, I think it was one of the questions I got wrong.” Ron realised. “But fuel for what?” 
“I don’t know but we know he was obsessed with Shimamoto.” Honey said looking at an old newspaper clipping about the city rising painting. 
“Okay okay but what about the energy amplifying thing, Granville said he tried to make one but failed, and you said Yama blackmailed Hiro into stealing that ornament from her desk which we know was said amplifier.” Ron listed. “So what could he want with a magnet, water fuel then trick Hiro into making the amplifier for him? I mean I may not be smart but I’m getting a doomsday machine vibe from this.” 
“Great minds think alike my man.” Fred said and Rufus nodded. 
As they talked Honey Lemon began to think about all the components that their shadowy adversary had stolen in the past few months and what they could be assembled into. Then suddenly a horrifying realisation hit her he’d stolen Shimamotos journal during their confrontation at SFAI and given what they recently just learned there was only one clear conclusion. 
“The Great Catastrophe!” She gasped. “He’s trying to recreate the Great Catastrophe!” 
Everyone looked in horror knowing what said catastrophe did all those years ago to the city and most importantly the people. 
“Wait wait the catastrophe that destroyed the entire city years ago the one Shimamoto said she created in her message that Great Catastrophe!?” Ron questioned in fright.
“Yep thats the one.” Wasabi said in a scared voice. “Oh no!” Rufus squeaked. 
“And he has everything he needs.” Gogo realised, this was Obake’s endgame. 
“Okay it’s official this is the insanest bad guy plan in the history of bad guy plans he’s going to kill thousands of innocent people!” Ron exclaimed. 
Just then the kimmunicator ring tone sounded off which to Ron was a great relief it had to be Kim calling in from Night Market. So Ron hurried to answer it.
“Kim KP you there!” Ron called but it wasn’t Kim but Wade. 
“Ron guys!” Wade called. “Wade whats wrong?” Gogo asked seeing the worried tone in his voice. 
“I’ve lost contact with Kim, she found Obake’s hidden secret but the cellar was drowning the signal!” Wade panicked. “When I managed to get through I could hear some kind of explosion! Somethings wrong!” 
“Oh no Kim!” Ron exclaimed. “Ron put whatever you’re thinking out of your head, lets get down to Night Market square and…” Gogo was interrupted by a groaning sound coming from the garage entrance everyone turned and saw something that made them gasp in shock. 
“Oh my..” Honey gasped.
What or rather who they saw was Kim Possible, not dead and certainly not buried under the rubble of a building. She was panting with exhaustion and was completely covered in soot from head to toe and her left armour gauntlet was cracked and fried. 
“Hey guys.” She breathed before she collapsed to the ground in exhaustion. 
“Kim!” Ron exclaimed as everyone ran over to her unconscious body 
Kim was barely conscious but she could see the faces of Ron Honey, Gogo, Wasabi, Fred and Rufus standing over her but then she passed out. 
Sometime later she began to hear voices around her and could faintly make out the voices as her friends and her parents. 
“When she came in she just collapsed.” Honey explained rather worried. 
“Its okay Honey you and the others did the right thing calling us.” Ann said assuringly. “She’s okay just badly shaken and bruised but she’ll come around in a few minutes.”
Slowly her eyes opened to see her parents and friends looking over her.
Normal view
She groaned as she woke up and found herself on the couch in the garage. Her armour had been removed as well as her equipment belt and gloves. She slowly managed to sit up.
“Easy Kimmy cub don’t try and stand.” James warned with care. 
“Uh Dad, Mom guys.” Kim groaned. Just then Ron came through to see her and just wrapped her in a hug.
“KP you’re okay!” Ron breathed in relief. “Ow ow Ron easy.” She groaned as he hugged her too tight and Rufus came and hugged her face. 
“Kim what, what happened?” Ron asked. “Oh you know just another disagreement between me and a mad man you know how it goes.” Kim said casually. “Obake just tried to bring a building down on my head.” 
“What?” James said “Why?” “I’m betting so she wouldn’t interfere with his plan.” Gogo guessed. 
“Kim we just figured out what Obake’s plan is!” Fred then said. 
“Let me guess he’s trying to recreate the Great Catastrophe.” Kim said much to everyones surprise especially Ann and James.  
“How did you…” “Figured it out when he showed me…” Kim answered Wasabi but she suddenly remembered. 
“Hiro!” Kim breathed and suddenly summoned the strength to stand up from the couch. 
“Obake’s got Hiro we need to find them now!” Kim said in a serious tone
“What!” Honey exclaimed. “Kim whats going on?!” Gogo asked. 
“It’s Obake he’s been watching all of us!” Kim began explaining. “He has surveillance footage set up every where at your homes, the hotel where I’m staying, Hiro’s lab at SFIT and the Lucky Cat!” Kim listed. 
“He’s been watching us, but that means..” “He knows who we are!” Gogo interrupted Wasabi who then realised how.
“Noodle Burger Boy! He can scan customers and analyse their food needs Obake must have taken him so he could scan us during the fight and learn our identities!” Wasabi figured. 
“And this mad man plans to create the same catastrophe that destroyed the city!” Ann gasped. “But why?” James said. 
“To make what he calls a new world he won’t care about those who get hurt and he had Noodle do something to Baymax during the fight at Krei tech to get control of him.” Kim explained as she put her equipment belt back on. 
“A sleeper!” Fred gasped. “But how do we find Obake we don’t even know where he is!” Honey said. 
“Yeah without Baymax we can’t track him!” Wasabi pointed out.
“What about the tracking through the data chip thing we used before?” Ron suggested. 
“Obake was the one who suggested that so he’ll make sure we can’t use that to track him.” Gogo shot down.
Kim then put her gloves back on and activated the Kimmunicator to call Wade.
“Kim oh man am I glad to see you.” Wade gasped in surprise. “Yeah likewise Wade, can you get a fix on Hiro’s position?” She then asked. 
“On it!” Wade replied. “Wait you can find him how?!” Wasabi asked. 
Flashback to Granville’s office.
Kim placed a consoling hand on Hiro’s shoulder after hearing Granville’s story but when she removed it a small blue device was now on Hiro’s neck under his hair.”
“I placed a tracker on him just in case something like this happened.” Kim said. 
Present day:
“Wow way to think ahead.” Fred said. Then Wade buzzed in.
“Got him!” Wade said now they knew where Hiro was.
Obake’s lair
Deep in Obake’s lair the villain is showing his captive Hiro some footage shedding some light on what happened during their fight at Krei tech. 
“Noodle Burger boy.” Hiro guessed.
It showed Noodle burger boy swinging down to Baymax’s chest and inserting a certain chip into his data port which caused him to go haywire then later take Hiro straight to the villains lair.
“I should have been there.” Hiro said with a look of guilt realising he was to blame for Baymax being like this now. “but I was…” 
“Doing vital work.” Obake interrupted then showing him the energy amplifier he unknowingly created on his behalf. “For me.”
He gestured for Baymax to let the young genius go which the robot complied. Obake then placed the amplifier into a container for storage then showed him a monitor of a painting done by a certain artist. 
“Lenore Shimamoto?” Hiro wondered. “I’m a big fan.” Obake said as he unveiled her creation as the other villains in the room watched. 
“Shimamoto built a rather unique machine.” Obake moved the visuals showing the schematics of said machine. “It created a star.” He then showed a holo vis of an energy star. 
“A star?” Hiro wondered. “It collapsed quickly.” Obake described in the visual. 
“Th, that would create a giant shock wave.” Hiro then had a horrifying realisation. “Wait thats how she caused the Great Catastrophe!” 
“Oh you are sharp.” Obake complimented then moving the slides to show San Fransokyo in the past and present day. 
“But new San Fransokyo is much larger now, so I need a bigger bang!” He then explained. “I improved upon Shimamoto’s inadvertent discovery, it should be quite a show.” 
“Why didn’t I listen to Granville.” Hiro said to himself in guilt. 
“Because like me you were meant, to push limits.” Obake said to his fellow genius showing him a simulation of the star exploding and destroying the entire city in the process.
Hiro smacked away from the mad genius Obake seeing he really was insane. 
“But everyone will be….Aunt Cass!” He breathed in horror. “ I, I have to warn her!” Hiro hurried to try and exit the room but Baymax stopped him.
“If it’s any comfort, even if she left now she wouldn’t make it out of the city in time.” Obake said coming over giving Hiro false consolation while Globby stuffed his face with sushi but realised what Obake was planning to do. 
“Wait he’s going to destroy San Fransokyo?” Globby questioned. “Even Joes Diner?” He got into Momakase’s face.
She responded by slamming the sushi tray into his face. “Your breath smells like garbage!” She said and Noodle just giggled. 
“Besides Globby, he’s a bad guy this kinda thing goes with the territory thats what you signed up for right?” Shego smirked liking Obake’s ambition more and more. 
However the glob villain bore a rather doubtful look in his glowing green eyes, he never signed up for this, he just wanted to be recognised but not when people he knows are going to get hurt. 
Freds Mansion:
At Freds Mansion the rest of the Team Possible and Big Hero 6 were suited up in their armour. Kim had just set out to try and rescue Hiro from Obake but decided to go solo as this required stealth, meanwhile James and Ann were told to take the boys and look after Aunt Cass at the cafe and be ready to move at a moments notice. This left the rest of the team waiting figuring out what to do next. 
“Hiro, Hiro.” Honey tried on the coms to no success. “Nothing.” 
“There has to be something we can do to help.” Gogo said. 
“If we had Baymax we could scan for him and go help.” Wasabi thought just as Mini Max entered Freds room carrying  a tray of asparagus. 
Then Fred had an idea. “Well can you scan for people Mini Max?” 
“Sure within a mini radius.” Mini-Max answered. 
“How mini is mini?” Ron asked. “This room” Mini Max answered and began scanning. 
“I do not detect Hiro Hamada.” Mini Max said much to Freds disappointment. 
“Asparagus spear.” Mini Max offered which immediately perked Fred up a bit. However Ron had just had enough. 
“Guys we can’t just sit here and do nothing!” Ron said. “What can we do Ron, Kims benched us and we don’t know how we can help find Obake.” Gogo said.
“But we can’t give up, I know sometimes I screw up on missions sometimes and heck I’m not to afraid to admit I get scared!” Ron then began to say. “But I’m still there beside Kim through thick and thin, because you never abandon your friends in a time of need.” Everyone listened to what Ron was saying. “KP’s doing her part now we need to step up and do ours.” 
Everyone was amazed and surprisingly inspired by Rons speech and deep down they knew he was right.
“Wow good speech.” Fred said amazed. “Uh huh.” Rufus said hopping onto Honey Lemons shoulder. 
 “Now come on we have big brains in this room now is there a way we can find Obake or at least his Catastrophe machine!” Ron then said. 
“We know his machine will out put a lot of energy.” Honey Lemon pointed out. 
“We are able to scan for an energy surge.” Wasabi added. 
“Let’s pick up our equipment from SFIT, and get to the highest point in the city.” Gogo decided. 
“Find Obake.” Wasabi said determined. “Find Hiro.” Honey said determined. 
“And stop this countdown to catastrophe.” Ron said determined. 
“You know Ron sometimes you are really surprising.” Gogo admitted. 
“Thats what you get when you underestimate the Ron man! A BOOYAH!” Ron cheered. 
“Now if only you could solve the losing your pants problem.” Gogo then said as they took their leave. 
“Aw man way to undo the Booyah.” Ron said rather down. 
“Hey she does that dude.” Fred acknowledged. “There there.” Mini Max consoled. 
Obake’s Lair:
“You’ll be quite safe here with me, two visionaries just hanging.” Obake said as he was typing on the keys to his computer and plugging in Noodle Burger boy.
“Its not about me your going to hurt millions of people!” Hiro tried. 
“Together we’re going to create a star, congratulations Hiro thats some final project.” Obake merely said.
“NO!” Hiro said. “Just because you can doesn’t mean you should.” He reasoned but Obake knew where he’d heard that before.  
“Ech thats Granville talking.” Obake just gagged. 
“Because, Granville was right.” Hiro began to see what his teacher was trying to tell him about having limits. “She’s been right all along.” He said in guilt. 
“Nonsense!” Obake disagreed. “Do you know why Icarus plunged to his doom?” He then asked. 
“Because he flew too high.” Hiro answered. “Because he needed better wings.” Obake said putting his hands on the geniuses shoulders looking at him squarely in the eye.
“We have the ability to remake the world!” Obake said. “Starting with this city! The worthy survive” He then said with a sadistic smile, whilst Hiro looked with worry as he was helpless.
Elsewhere deep in the lair near the water filtration system, a grate was raised from the floor and out from it was a certain red headed teen who was now wearing a wet suit with an air tank. She had to admit Obake was smart putting his lair hiding in plain sight under the San Fransokyo bay where no-one would think to look it was a wonder why none of her arch enemies had thought to do that yet.She removed her air mask and goggles then activated the Kimmunicator.
“Wade I’m in.” Kim said. “Right according to the tracker Hiro should be somewhere in the control room some kilometres east to your position.” Wade relayed. “Ron and the others are trying to locate Obake’s machine.”
“Please and thank you.” Kim said as she turned off the Kimmunicator, took off her flippers and as her bare feet touched the cold metal ground she went off to find Hiro. 
Elsewhere in the city:
Meanwhile the rest of the team were in Wasabi’s car heading through the city after collecting their equipment. However, they were going at an unbelievably slow pace probably because the neat freak of the group was driving despite some protest. 
“Wasabi step on it!” Gogo said “Way ahead of you we are currently five percent over the speed limit.” Wasabi said looking at the speedo. 
“Uh dude no offence and all but we are kind of in a hurry so can we please pick up the pace!” Ron said. “Uh huh yeah Floor it!” Rufus agreed. 
“This is a quick enough pace.” Wasabi said. “Okay I can’t believe I’m saying this but maybe we should have let Gogo drive.” Ron said but be careful what you wish for. 
“Way ahead of you.” Gogo said pulling out what looked like a remote control for a toy car. “New driver!” 
With that they accelerated forward with Wasabi yelling in terror as they did swerving round cars and speeding through the streets like something from a Fast and Furious film. Gogo worked the controls on her remote. Not to say there was a side effect to this for one of the passengers in the back seat with Ron, Rufus and Honey Lemon. 
“Uh guys, heads up I get a little car sick.” Fred warned as he started to gag as he wasn’t feeling so good “In the back sometimes.” 
Honey moved a little closer to Ron who blushed a little whilst Rufus hid behind her head to avoid the coming vomit crisis. 
Back at Obake’s Lair:
Obake carried Hiro’s energy amplifier as he Baymax, Noodle Burger Boy and Shego escorted the young genius down the hallway. But Hiro still didn’t know the reason for being here. 
“Why am I here?!” He demanded. “You have my energy amplifier what more do you want?” 
Obake stopped outside a door Hiro then stopped only for Noodle to crash into him and Hiro pushed him back.
“A student.” Obake then answered. “I’m sorry?” Hiro questioned. 
“Granville doesn’t understand your potential but I do!” Obake then said with an evil look. “When my new city is complete, it will be a paradise for learning and research I can’t wait to see what you’ll accomplish!” He said rather eagerly. 
“What we’ll accomplish.” He said calmly. Hiro couldn’t believe what he was hearing Obake wanted him as a student in this new world of his he really was crazy. 
“What!” He said in disbelief. “You’d have to be crazy to think that I would ever join you!” He exclaimed. 
“You’re a bit worked up right now.” Obake observed ignoring his comments and he moved for Baymax to open the door to what looked like a prison cell. 
“But you’ll understand, tragedy has moulded us, intellect has driven us, now we stand at the doorway to greatness!” Obake said with determination. 
“Once it’s all over and theres nothing left to save you’ll see things differently.” He predicted.
“No I won’t!” Hiro disagreed. “I’m not like you!” 
“Aren’t you?” Obake questioned whilst holding up the energy amplifier the young genius made despite the protests from his tutor. Hiro then began to wonder if he was right. Before he could answer Baymax pushed him into the cell and shut the door behind him before he tried to get out. 
“Go set the wheels in motion.” Obake said as he handed the amplifier to Noodle Burger boy. 
“Oo oo oooo!” Noodle cheered. “An order of the secret menu!” 
“JUST GO WILL YOU!” Shego exclaimed. With that Noodle just hopped away to do his job. Obake then turned to Hiro in his cell. 
“Oh and Hiro in case you were thinking that Mrs Possible might try and come to rescue you.” Obake said as he then activated a video of Kim inside the basement of the Night Market Square building she was trying to get out but then a huge explosion consumed the room and then it switched to the outside view and Hiro looked in horror to see the building crumbling down to the ground with her still inside. Shego was in shock too. 
“No!” Hiro breathed in horror. “I don’t deny my method is, harsh.” Obake said smiling. “But winning tends to settle any arguments.” Hiro just glared at the villain in disgust as he left. 
“Hold up glow face!” Shego then said as he turned to see Shego rather angry.
“Is there a problem my dear?” He asked. “Yeah who said you could get rid of Kim Possible Thats my job!” Shego argued as the honour of defeating Kim was stolen from her. 
“Was it though?” Obake questioned to which Shego looked confused. “Time and time again you’ve had the chance to defeat your enemy multiple chances in fact and every time you’ve squandered them.” He explained. “In fact you have the potential to be a great villain yourself but insist on working with amateurs like Drakken instead of pursuing your own path to greatness.” 
Shego was still listening to what her new ‘boss’ was saying to her and began to question herself. 
“I have merely shown you what you should have done from the start because unlike those other so called ‘super villains’ I don’t hold back and let those who interfere get the chance to do so again, and isn’t it clear that you're smart enough to take over the world?” Obake then questioned. “If I didn’t know any better I’d say that you like being the hired help.” 
He then walked away from the scene to his control room but Shego wasn’t letting this freak insult her right to her face. 
“Oh really!” She said as she ignited her plasma blasts but before she fired them they suddenly disappeared. She tried to use her powers even her gauntlets but they didn’t work.
“What w, what happened to my powers?” Shego gasped. 
“Oh I’m sorry did you forget who you’re speaking to?” Obake said then pulling out of his pocket a small remote device. 
“You see I anticipated you would stoop to something like this my dear, so I made sure to take the necessary precautions.” he explained. “Those gauntlets not only enhance your powers, but can also neutralise them with the touch of this remote.” 
“WHAT?” Shego exclaimed. “You see what I have given you I can also take away, see to it you remember that.” He then pressed the button again giving Shego back her powers and left. 
Shego knew she had been duped and she looked to the young genius in the cell and realised he was right Obake would betray her and who knows maybe even cut her loose.
Later Hiro was trying to escape his cell, he charged the door but instead of busting the door down it really hurt his arm as he hopped around in pain. He then tried pulling on the locking wheel multiple times even turning it but that didn’t work. All seemed hopeless until. 
“Looking for a way out?” Hiro looked up and saw Globby sliming into the cell between the cracks. Hiro shrieked as he let go of the handle and fell on the floor. 
Globby then fully entered the room just as Hiro stood back up again. 
“What are you..” Hiro then realised what Globby was trying to do. “Wait, you’re going to help me escape?”
“Yeah I knew Obake was crazy, but I thought it was a fun crazy.” Globby explained. “Plus I don’t want to destroy the city all my friends live there.” he then said. “Felony Carl and urm?” He tried to list his other friends. 
“Felony Carl.” He then said again. “Thats the whole list isn’t it?” Hiro asked with a knowing raised eyebrow. 
“Yeah.” Globby said with a frown. 
Outside the cell Momakase was busy tossing her Graphene knives at the opposite wall just out of pure boredom as she stood guard over the prisoner. Suddenly the door from Hiro’s cell was knocked down by Globby now in the form of a bull she turned and saw him and Hiro together.
“Me and the kid are breaking out!” Globby said and Hiro just smiled and waved. 
“Counter proposal No!” Momakase denied as she drew her katana. She charged forward and sliced at Globby with her katana trying to strike him but every time she sliced at him he just reformed into his original shape. 
“Globby are you okay?” Hiro asked out of concern. 
“Yeah it looks worse than it feels.” Globby replied as the ninja chef keeps slicing. 
Momakase jumps away and draws her second Katana. “Lets see if we can change that.” She twirled them round but before she could attack
KLUNK! Something hit her in the head or rather someone. She fell to the floor and revealed it was Kim in her wet suit holding a piece of piping in her hand showing it was her who knocked her out. 
“What? You never learned a sneak attack in ninja school?” Kim cracked. 
“Kim!” Hiro said amazed as he ran over and instantly hugged her which she just returned. 
“But I thought, Obake?” “So did he but he clearly forgot who he was dealing with.” Kim smiled interrupting Hiro.
Flashback: Several hours earlier:
Kim sees the count down is about to reach zero, and suddenly sees a grate in the ground as she scans the room, she pulls up the grate then jumps into it just as the clock reaches zero and destroys the building. In the rubble some debris started to move and it revealed Kim with her gauntlet shield pushing up the debris to get clear she succeeds and pushes the slab away but the effort shorts out her gauntlet. She coughs in the dust but then walks away to head for the garage. 
Present Day
“Besides, it’s not the first exploding building I’ve escaped from and it probably won’t be the last either.” Kim pointed out.  
“But how did you find me?” He asked and she answered by pulling from his neck the tracking device she placed on him earlier and then he knew. 
“Obake’s not the only one who’s one step ahead.” Kim smirked. 
“Oh clever.” Globby said as he looked Kim was about to attack but. 
“No no Kim it’s okay Globby’s on our side now.” Hiro explained.  “Oh well good enough for me, now let’s get Baymax and get out of here.” She said 
“Yeah but first.” Hiro gestured to Momakase as she was regaining consciousness. “Glob her” They said and instantly Globby fired some of his goop and pinned Momakase to the wall.
“Ha who’s breath smells like garbage now?!” Globby gloated. “Still yours!” Momakase said as she was then gagged with goop. 
The three then headed down the hallway to look for Baymax without being seen but suddenly as they turned a corner they saw a certain green female with energy blasts standing between them. 
“Well well well, I guess Obake’s full proof plan didn’t work, you’ve got more lives than a cat Kimmy.” Shego taunted. 
“This isn’t a game Shego innocent people are going to die I can’t let that happen.” Kim said. “So you can either stand aside or we can go another round.” She warned moving into a battle stance. 
Surprisingly however Shego didn’t take up her own combat stance, instead she powered down her plasma hands then turned to move out of the way. 
“You’re ballon friends down this hall way fourth door on the left, if you plan on saving him you better hurry.” She then said. 
This left Kim, Hiro and Globby confused Shego was letting them pass regardless of the consequences. 
“What?” Hiro gasped in disbelief. “GO! Before I change my mind.” She then warned. With that the three ran past before Globby turned back to the green villainess. 
“Thanks.” Globby said and he left. Shego then looked at herself and wondered why she just let them go like that. 
“Since when did you grow a conscious?” She said to herself and to cover her tracks she ignited her right hand in plasma then shocked herself knocking her out onto the ground. 
Hiro and Kim peaked into the room that Shego directed them to and found Baymax powered down in a dark room. Hiro snuck into the room and slowly approached his de-powered friend and reached for his data port to remove the chip. 
“Whoa what are you doing!” Globby whispered. “He’s a bad robot now!” Hiro reached for Baymax but Kim put a hand on his arm to stop him he turned to her. 
“I’m sorry Hiro, but it’s too great a risk right now we’re unarmed and out numbered and it’s to dangerous to escape with a bigger group.” She said then putting her hands on his shoulders knelling down to his level.
“But I promise we’ll come back for Baymax as soon as possible, but we have to go before we’re discovered.” She said and deep down Hiro knew they were right. He takes one last look at his friend. 
“I’ll come back for you Baymax.” Hiro promised as the three took their leave of the room leaving Baymax de-powered and alone in the evil lair. 
They soon arrived in the main control room and looked for a way out of the lair but scanning the room there wasn’t one. 
“Theres no way out.” Hiro said. “And we can’t leave the way I came in I only brought one air tank.” Kim pointed out. 
“Oh isn’t there?” Globby then said rather confident with his glob hands on his hips. 
He reached for the grate on the floor and pulled it out of the floor revealing a potential escape route. Globby jumped down the manhole. But then came up again and grabbed Kim and Hiro with his glob hands. 
“Hold your breath!” He called as he pulled them down the tunnel. “WHOA!” They cried as they went down. 
Outside the lair which was a network of pipes and a circular entrance running straight into the bedrock under the bay Globby with Kim and Hiro inside quite literally escaped through the water pipe that lead from the lair to a pipe cover in the bedrock. The locking wheel turned and opened Globby made himself into an air bubble for his passengers to breath and in an instant they floated up to the surface and emerged on within the bay area. 
Hiro and Kim then began running inside of Globby to make him move in the water towards the shore. 
“You know I swear I’ve seen this once in a movie.” Kim then thought out loud.
 “Did it involve superheroes lost in a jungle running away from bladed discs?” Hiro guessed since he’d seen that film once before when it was Freds turn for group movie night one time.
Upon making the shore Globby swung from building to building carrying both Kim and Hiro across the skyline. They soon landed in an alley way just opposite the Lucky Cat Cafe, with that Kim and Hiro dismounted. 
“Wait here.” Hiro said as he left. “Why can’t I come in?” Globby asked. 
“Are you seriously asking that?” Kim wondered. “I don’t have time to explain to you.” Hiro said as he left leaving Globby with a frown. “Rude.”  
“Come on we’ll go round  back to the garage.” Kim said as she pulled him towards the back of the cafe. “But I get it.” he then said. 
Hiro then entered the Cafe completely drenched in water and was greeted by a welcome sight. “Hiro.” He looked to see his Aunt Cass serving coffee in the cafe. 
“You’re okay.” she said in a relieving voice and Hiro gave a warm look to his aunt as he was afraid he wouldn’t see her again. 
“Aunt Cass.” He breathed with joy nearly tearing up as he enveloped her in a hug. 
“Whoa you’re all wet.” Cass noticed by the wetness of his clothes and hair. 
“Yeah, ah freak down pour.” Hiro explained. “It didn’t rain here?” Cass questioned. 
“Actually Cassie it did.” 
Hiro and Cass looked to see Ann and James Possible sitting at the table enjoying some lunch in the cafe whilst at the same time keeping an eye on Cass should the worst happen.
“Yeah a surprising down pour earlier today, read it on my phone.” James added.
“Uh y, yes it happened three blocks away the weirdest thing.” Hiro agreed. 
“There are fresh towels in the laundry room.” Cass accepted as she refilled someones coffee then had an idea. “Oh we should go out to dinner tonight your pick you know celebrate the end of your first semester.” she suggested. 
“In fact Ann why don’t you and your family join us.” She then said. “We’d be delighted Cassie we’ll buy.” Ann offered. 
“Oh I don’t think…” “Oh come on its our last day in San Fransokyo its the least we can do.” James agreed. 
“Well okay then.” Cass said. Hiro just looked down a little guilty thinking if first finished semester could very well be his last. 
“Thanks Aunt Cass.” Hiro thanked “Love you.” He said hugging her. 
“Oh watch the hot coffee!” Cass warned lifting the two coffee pots in her hand. Then tilted her head embracing her nephew. 
After a minute they broke their hug but Cass couldn’t help but notice the look on Hiro’s face. “Is something…” 
“Uh gotta go.” Hiro said as he walked away to get himself dried off. “Don’t forget dinner tonight!” She called. 
Hiro looked back and gave a warm smile to his aunt then looked to the Possible who nodded and wished him luck for what lay ahead. 
Hiro’s Garage:
Meanwhile in the garage Kim was changing back into her mission outfit and told Globby to wait outside whilst she did. She slipped her black crop top back on and was now fully dressed in her mission outfit. Just then Hiro entered the garage. 
“Hows your aunt?” Kim asked. “Oh yeah she’s fine.” Hiro said in a depressed mood. To which the cheerleader noticed. 
“Hiro, whats wrong?” She asked and in response Hiro just swiped away the tools on his bench in anger.
“This, this is all my fault.” Hiro stuttered almost on the verge of a nervous break down. 
“No this isn’t on you.” Kim tried. “Kim don’t you get it I disobeyed Granville I created that amplifier I set this in motion it is my fault!” Hiro said nearly on the verge of tears. 
“I was so stupid, I wanted to prove I could accomplish the impossible that I didn’t realise that I was just handing the final piece that Obake needed right into his hands!” Hiro cried. “The city’s going to be destroyed and it’s all because of me and my ego!” Some tears started streaming down his face.
Kim sat down on the stool near Hiro’s work bench and put a hand on his shoulder. 
“Hiro, look at me.” She said and Hiro looked at her and listened. “Mistakes are going to happen it comes with the job be it as a super hero or even a young genius in university.” Kim said. 
“Thats easy for you to say, you haven’t made any mistakes that have lead to a catastrophe.” Hiro then said given how perfect she seemed. 
“You honestly think I haven’t made my own fair share of mistakes?” Kim questioned in surprise. “Well guess what I have.” this got the young geniuses attention. 
“You see not to long ago Ron wanted to try out as a cheerleader for an extra curricular activity.” Kim described. 
“The Mad Dog?” Hiro then remembered. 
“Yeah and well as you can imagine the rest of my squad weren’t too fond of the idea and well instead of supporting him I sided with the cheer squad.” Kim explained. “And well it lead to a fight between me and him, since we’ve known each other since pre-k and I didn’t stand by my best friend.” 
“All because he wanted to be a mascot?” Hiro questioned. “Hey he was foaming at the mouth I’m only human.” Kim then exclaimed. 
“Anyway after a fight with Drakken and his Bebe robots I realised that I’d made a mistake that my friendship with Ron was more important than the opinion of the cheer squad and it turns out they liked his act.” Kim continued which left Hiro more than surprised. 
“Then sometime later I made the mistake of suggesting that Ron should get a hair cut.” Kim explained which had gotten Hiro more confused. “But it changed him into something he wasn’t all because I thought what was best for him, and I realised he was better the way he was him and his Ronness.” 
“So you see that was me making a mistake and it wasn’t the only one.” Kim then said. “We all make mistakes Hiro but whats important is how we make right by them.” 
“But it’s not just that, Obake says I’m like him and, I can’t help but wonder if he’s right.” Hiro then explained. 
“You’re not him, thats not the kind of person that you are.” Kim comforted. 
“Then what kind of person am I?” Hiro wondered Kim then scooted closer to the young genius. 
“The kind of person who cares whether or not all those people outside live or die in this visionary world of a deranged mad man.” Kim then gestured to the outside of the garage. “Obake believes he knows whats best for everyone, but you knew that the things that he was doing to accomplish that was wrong” She explained. “You know the difference between right and wrong and are not willing to blur the lines between them.” Hiro listened to what his friend said. “That is the kind of person you are, and thats what makes you different than Aken.” Kim said pointing to his chest. 
“Being smart isn’t a thing you are Hiro, it’s what you do with it.” Kim then said. “The way that Tadashi raised you to do with it.” 
Hiro looked up hearing the name of his brother and in that moment he knew she was right, he wasn’t like Obake at all. Sure he’s done some questionable short cuts and took dangerous risks and heck even made some mistakes but he’s always put right his mistakes. He then remembered his brothers dying words. 
“So what are you going to do?” Kim then asked and after a minute Hiro responded. 
“Theres someone out there who wants to hurt people.” Hiro said with determination. “Someone has to help!” 
“Someone has to help.” Kim smiled. “You know for a moment there you sounded just like my brother.” Hiro noticed and so the two set to work. 
Meanwhile high above the city on the city’s highest structure which was a rather tall radio tower, which was actually the place where Big Hero 6 had their second fight with Globby. 
The rest of the team were still trying to track down Obake or his device using a small radar dish scanning for energy surges. Ron held the Kimmunicator attached to the radar as Wade was doing his part too. Gogo was using her tablet to run scans of the city too whilst Wasabi, and Honey Lemon watched Fredzilla meanwhile was looking down from the tall structure
“Wait you’re not scared to be up here Wasabi?” Fredzilla asked. 
“Oh I’m quite terrified.” Wasabi acknowledged. “I’m just more afraid of the city being wiped out. 
“You’re not the only one.” Ron agreed. 
“The tall sky scraper or the city being wiped out?” Gogo asked already knowing the answer. 
“Both.” Ron said. Rufus stayed close to Honey Lemon as he too was a little scared she petted him for comfort.
“Any luck Wade?” Gogo asked. “No nothing so far no sign of a surge of energy.” Wade relayed and then at that moment. 
“Guys are you there?” Called a familiar voice on the coms. “HIRO!” Everyone exclaimed. 
“Where are you? is Kim with you?” Wasabi asked. 
“Yeah she’s with me, listen” Hiro relayed 
Hiro’s Garage:
“Obake has control of Baymax, he used him to capture me.” Hiro said as he was putting his armour glove on and in the background Kim was doing the same with her newly repaired gauntlet.
“I only escaped because of Kim and Globby.” He then said and said Globby then landed next to Hiro.
“I’m a good guy now!” Globby said in joy
“Yay Globby!” Said a joyful Honey Lemon on the coms “I knew you weren’t all bad.”  and Globby formed a glob ear on his left side then stuck himself to Hiro’s helmet and pulled it off his head and he fell over. 
“Hey it’s the tall girl!” Globby said rather happy as Kim helped Hiro up. “She believed in me all along.” 
“I’m really not that tall.” Honey then said. 
“Its probably the shoes she wears.” Kim guessed. 
Obake’s lair:
Momakase is still stuck to the wall by Globby’s goop she struggles to free herself but to no avail. She tries to reach for her katana with her foot only for it to be picked up by another certain individual in the room. Obake proceeded to pull the glob gag off the ninja.
“The idiot glob helped the boy escape.” Momakase explained.
The left side of Obake’s face glowed in anger knowing his future apprentice escaped. 
“And thats not all, the Possible girl is still alive!” She then said. “What!” Obake exclaimed and the glowing part of his face glowed brighter. “Thats impossible she couldn’t have survived that!” 
“Yeah well thats the thing Obake.” Obake turned to see Shego limping towards him looking a little beat up. “Kimmy isn’t one to go down easy guess your plan to eliminate her wasn’t as full proof as you thought.” She said. 
Obake just glared in anger then turned to Momakase and used the katana to cut her free. “Bring him back!” He exclaimed. 
Momakase broke free from her goopy bonds “Why bother?” She then questioned. 
“Yeah he’s clearly a lost cause and doesn’t want to be your student.” Shego agreed. 
“He needs guidance, my guidance.” Obake said as he handed Momakase the katana and took his leave. 
“Does he seem to be losing it?” Shego said to the ninja. “Finally something we can agree on.” Momakase agreed as she departed on her mission. 
Elsewhere a distance from the city:
Meanwhile at a lighthouse a distance away from San Fransokyo Noodle Burger Boy on his hover claw vehicle arrived at  the lighthouse with the energy amplifier in hand. He departs his vehicle and enters the top of the lighthouse. 
“Noodle Burger, we deliver.” Noodle said as he opened the doors inside lay a large looking device and a group of machines surrounding it the machine that Obake built from the specs left behind by Lenore Shimamoto. 
“Helooooo.” He called as he hoped inside the building. “he he he he he.” 
Noodle hopped onto the control console and began flicking buttons and switches turning on the machine. He opened a compartment located in his head and pulled out the energy amplifier and inserted it into its desired slot in the centre of the machine. The amplifier twisted open inserting itself in the console. 
Noodle then jumped from the machine. “This Noodle Burgers gonna ring everybody’s bell! He he he.” He said as he pressed a button and the power began building from one percent capacity and climbing. The amplifier then hummed into life surging power all over the room and so Noodle Burger Boy took his leave.
“Time to fry the noodle!” He sang as he entered his claw vehicle and fled the scene back to Obake. 
Back with the team:
Whilst Gogo studied her tablet with Wade the radar suddenly detected the energy surge they were looking for. 
“Gogo I’ve got something!” Wade relayed. Gogo checked the data and triangulated the location. 
“Hiro, Kim it’s in the Kittyonpoint lighthouse.” Gogo relayed.
“Copy that.” Hiro relayed. 
“How are we going to get there?” Honey wondered. 
“Yeah without Baymax we can’t fly there and I’m not sure these jet packs can take passengers.” Ron agreed gesturing to his armour jet pack.
Hiros Garage: 
Hiro was still trying to pull his helmet from Globby’s sticky face until finally he got it free and puts it back on.
“I’ll go.” Hiro said. “Not alone you’re not I’m coming too.” Kim said to which Hiro nodded. 
“Okay you guys stay where you are.” Hiro said “Globby go be with the others. 
“Okay but what are you and red going to do?” Globby asked. 
“Something I’ll probably regret.” Hiro said. “I was afraid he’d say that.” Kim said to the fourth wall knowing where this was going. 
 “YAHHHHHHH!” Hiro was screaming as he rode his Skymax pod towards the lighthouse something he defiantly regretted as Kim flew along side with her armour jet pack. 
“Your right you would regret it!” Kim called. “I MISS BAYMAX!” Hiro exclaimed. 
The head of the Skymax pod turned to face Hiro and just blinked if it had a face it would probably raise and eyebrow at that remark. 
“S, sorry heh heh.” Hiro chuckled innocently. 
They approached the lighthouse to see it surging with bolts of purple energy. Hiro dismounted from Skymax and Kim landed and retracted her jet pack. They looked through the open door and saw the amplifier hooked up to Obake’s Catastrophe machine. They then saw the power was up to ninety two percent power. 
“Oh no!” Hiro panicked. “Wade! The amplifiers linked to Obake’s machine and its building power, can you hack in and shut it down?!” Kim asked on her visor Kimmunicator. 
“I can’t get through the firewalls they’re too thick, Obake made sure of that!” Wade relayed. “You’re going to have to remove it manually!” 
Hiro moved forward to try and remove it but a bolt of energy shocked him back sending him flying off the lighthouse railing.
“HIRO!” Kim exclaimed as she fired her grappling hook from her gauntlet which Hiro caught with his magnet glove and was pulled back onto the railing. Hiro then noticed how the power surge was attracted to his magnetic glove then an idea sparked from this. 
“Kim I’ve got an idea, get behind me.” Hiro said and Kim complied standing behind him. 
Hiro then proceeded to activate his magnet gloves by rubbing his hands together and drew the energy towards them and and tossed it away before they overloaded. This enabled them to move forwards clearing a path. As Hiro flung the bolts away Skymax moved to avoid them eventually hiding behind the door. Hiro kept pressing forwards and eventually he and Kim reached the amplifier and he tried to pull it free from its mountings. However it wouldn’t move and the power kept climbing to ninety five percent. Kim then leaned in to help and together they pulled and pulled trying to free the amplifier. 
“Together now!” Kim growled as they tried to pull it free but it still wouldn’t move and time was running out. 
“Skymax!” Hiro called and the unit popped out of its hiding place at the sound of its name. The bot revealed its limbs as it pulled on Hiro’s waist in an attempt to pull the amplifier free. 
The power climbed to ninety six percent and rising, the heroes growled as they kept pulling and pulling until with one final tug as the device reached ninety seven percent the device was pulled free as they and Skymax were flung out of the lighthouse. The machine lost power and deactivated. 
Skymax lifted Hiro into the air and Kim activated her jet pack to hover in place and saw they had succeeded. 
“Whew oh that was so close.” Hiro breathed in relief. “Yeah that was kinda cutting it close.” Kim agreed as they flew away with the amplifier in hand. 
However, all was not as it seemed for in the mounting where the amplifier once stood a bolt of energy slowly materialised and powered the machine to ninety eight percent and rising. 
Hiro rode Skymax to the tower where the team waited with Kim close behind on her jet pack. They landed on the tower and hurried to them.
“Guys! We did it!” Hiro exclaimed and they were greeted by Fredzilla leaping onto them and hugging them.
“AW YEAH!” Fred congratulated. “Up high Hiro!” Hiro granted Fredzilla a high-five as Ron rushed up and gave a high five to Kim. 
“BOOYAH I’d call that situation resolved!” Ron cheered. “yeah!” Rufus agreed as he flew onto Rons shoulder. 
“Great job guys!” Honey Lemon said hugging Hiro and Kim. 
“Thanks Honey but we’re not finished yet.” Kim reminded. 
“Yeah now we get Obake.” Gogo agreed. However their joy was short lived. 
“Uh whats that?” Globby asked and everyone looked to the lighthouse that from a distance was still surging with power. The top of the lighthouse suddenly exploded in a blast of energy and within a circle of smoke they saw a small glowing object, it was the star that Obake wanted to create. 
“Uh that shouldn’t be happening, why is that still happening?!” Ron then pointed rather afraid. 
“The reaction became self sustaining.” Honey Lemon explained in horror. 
“Oh no.” Rufus squeaked in horror. 
“Obake did it.” Gogo said horrified. “We were too late.” Hiro breathed in horror. Kim looked in horror too they thought they had thwarted the bad guys plan but it was far from over. 
“Wade, are you seeing this?!” Kim breathed. “Unfortunately yes that stars building up power and at the rate it’s going it’ll collapse in on itself and explode taking the city with it.” Wade analysed from his computer screen.
“How long?” Hiro asked. “At this rate, I’d say an hour.” Wade estimated. 
“What do we do?” Fredzilla asked. “We need to evacuate! as many as we can!” Gogo suggested. 
“We’d never get them all out in time.” Kim disagreed. “What about Global Justice?” Ron asked. 
“No they’d never make it!” Wade relayed.
“They’re right we have to stop that shockwave!” Hiro said. 
“Theres no way to stop something with that much force!” Wasabi questioned. 
“Yes there is” Hiro explained. “with an equal opposite force.” 
“He’s right thats the only way to stop that thing!” Wade agreed doing the math. 
“But with what?” Ron questioned. “We’d need something enormous.” Honey Lemon explained. 
“Enormous!” Hiro said having an idea in his head. “We got that.” He said turning to the group. 
San Fransokyo Docks:
Honey Lemon, Gogo, Wasabi, Ron, Rufus and Kim stood waiting for something at the harbour then emerging from the water in front of the docks was the Mega Kaju mech. The mech kneeled down and the cockpit opened to reveal Hiro and Fred at the controls. 
“If we use the amplifier to make the Mega Kaju super jump into the bay…” “The giant wave will counteract the stars shockwave.” Gogo finished Hiro’s sentence. 
“Then its bye bye star!” Ron said. 
“Guys the city needs us, we were the ones who decided to be super heroes nows the time, to be super.” Hiro declared. 
“Hiro’s right we can do this!” Honey Lemon agreed. 
“We stopped Drakken’s Destructo Yamas and we will stop Obake’s Great Catastrophe remake!” Kim said.
Soon everyone was in Wasabis car driving down towards the fishing village that was within the exploding stars path standing between two large rocks in the bay entrance. 
“Globby, Honey Lemon you guys need to create a breaker to protect Fish Town.”
Globby swam towards the two giant rocks whilst Honey lemon created a path of ice with her chem balls across the bay. 
“Wasabi, Gogo, Kim, Ron keep people away from the shoreline!” 
On the shoreline Kim, Gogo, Wasabi, Ron and Rufus evacuated the civilians away from the docks. A small child was holding onto the dock crying in fear, Gogo skated over and held her hands out to the child which he accepted as she carried him out of danger. 
“Hiro we’re nearly done getting the people out.” Kim called on the coms. “Good we’re almost ready.” Hiro relayed. 
“Hiro, I know we need to protect these people but they aren’t safe as long as Obake’s out there and he still has Baymax.” Kim reminded. 
“I know but the stars going to blow we can’t let it happen” Hiro relayed. 
“I know thats why I’m going back to get Baymax you and the others focus on your tasks.” Kim relayed as Ron and the others listened in on her conversation. 
“If you’re going after Baymax then I’m coming with you KP!” Ron announced. 
“No Ron you’re needed here.” Kim said “He’s right Kim you’re going to need someone watching your back inside that lair.” Hiro relayed. 
“Yeah cause I’m pretty sure you miraculously rising from the dead is gonna attract his attention.” Wasabi agreed. 
“If it hasn’t already.” Gogo agreed. 
Kim took a moment to consider and they were right by now Obake knows she survived his trap and will more than likely suspect an attempt to rescue their absent companion. 
“Okay Ron let’s do this!” Kim agreed to which Ron nodded then turned to Rufus on his shoulder. 
“Rufus stay with Gogo and Wasabi.” Ron instructed to which Rufus nodded and used his armour jet pack to fly onto Wasabi’s shoulder. 
“Kim.” Hiro called on the coms. “Promise you’ll get Baymax back safe, he means the world to me.” 
“To all of us.” Honey Lemon agreed.
“I will Hiro, and I’ll make sure I bring Obake back in handcuffs.” Kim said with a determined voice. 
With that Kim and Ron fired up their jetpacks and took to the skies. From their vantage point they see Globby expanding himself to create a water breaker between the two rocks.
Honey Lemon ran along the ice path she created and fired from her Chem purse blue chem balls which created blobs along the top of the breaker reinforcing it. 
She then arrived to see Globby's glowing eyes and face. “You’re very brave Globby.” Honey said admiring his courage. “Good luck.” 
“If I don’t make it, tell Felony Carl that..” Globby struggled to say this next part. “..He was my whole list.” He smiled. 
“I don’t know what that means, but I promise.” Honey said as she fired a red chem ball from her purse and threw it at Globby which created a heart shape which made him smile and surprisingly blush. 
Kim and Ron flew the skies seeing the star grow larger and larger then Wade called in on their visors. 
“Sitch me Wade.” Kim answered.
“Kim, Global Justice is about two hours out.” Wade notified. 
“That’ll be too late, did you run the search I asked for?” she then asked.
“Yeah I’ve run scans of the area round the bay for traces of vapour trails given off from Baymax’s wings and jet boots and I’ve found an identical set that lead into a cave entrance near your current position.” Wade relayed looking at the radar screen showing Kim and Rons icons on the screen. 
“Okay that just screams secret entrance.” Ron called. 
“Yeah Hiro did say when he was captured he was taken through a cave, that must be it.” Kim realised. 
“So thats the plan sneak in the same way you did before?” Ron guessed. 
“No, we have to assume Obake knows we’re coming so he’ll expect us to break in the same way I did before.” Kim relayed. “So no surprises or stealth this time, we’re going in through the front door.” 
“Good enough for me let’s do it KP!” Ron called shooting his hand into the air which caused him to nearly lose his balance in his flying shaking slightly. He regained his balance and followed Kim downwards. Behind them the star grew ever larger in the gathering clouds. 
Meanwhile in the cockpit of the Mega Kaiju Hiro was pushing buttons and moving switches which moved the mech into the bay and towards the star. 
A distance away Gogo was skating away carrying two children in her arms with Rufus close behind as they continued to evacuate the area. She carried the kids to a school bus where everyone was being loaded onto. 
Wasabi helped the children get on board the bus. Gogo skated off to find some more but suddenly without warning a certain ninja came in slicing at Gogo with her katana it knocked Gogo off balance and she fell to the ground. It was Momakase who couldn’t have picked a worse time to pick a fight. 
Rufus flew in front of Gogo in a fighting stance. “Bring me the boy and you’ll be spared.” Momakase simply demanded. 
“Ugh.” Gogo groaned as Momakase had the worst timing. 
“No way!” Rufus squeaked in defiance but then Wasabi stood in front of them both. 
“You and Rufus stay with the bus and protect the kids.” Wasabi said as Gogo skated away with the naked molerat close behind. 
“I’ll take care of Momakase.” He then said to which the ninja smirked and drew her katana blade. 
“We both know you’re no match for me.” She smirked as her hair blew in the wind. 
Wasabi energised his plasma blades. “Actually since we last met I watched some instructional fencing videos online.” 
The scene cuts to Wasabi watching online videos about fencing in the darkness of his lab looking at a computer screen. The video informed him how to block and attack. 
“So bring it!” Wasabi said as he took up a fighting stance and the two engaged in combat just as Gogo drove the bus away. 
The two clashed blades and Wasabi blocked Momakase’s incoming attacks then slid past her as she tried to strike him with her katana. He’s about to attack her from behind but she is quick to turn and attack but he blocks the attack. Wasabi then makes multiple blade swings at Momakase who tries to block them but forces her back towards the village and Wasabi sets off in pursuit. 
Meanwhile in the bay the Kaju mech begins its walk towards the star and in the cockpit Hiro sat ready for the plan. 
“You ready for this?” He asked his co pilot which was Fredzilla who came in on his own chair.
“Yes I am.” Fred answered with seriousness in his voice. 
“No you’re not!” Called a voice and then flying into the mechs cockpit was a certain small robot now clad in his blue armour as he flew into the cockpit. 
“Not without Mini Max at your side.” The little robot declared and gave Fred a high five.
“Sweet dramatic entrance Mini Max, you’re getting the hang of this.” Fred complimented. 
Hiro then took the controls and pulled the control levers which stopped the Kaju a distance away from the star. He inserts the amplifier into a holding frame, but does not activate it yet. 
“When that star implodes we jump.” Hiro said and waited for their moment. 
Back in Fish Town:
Momakase slashes down her blades from the air cornering Wasabi into a wooden wall as he blocks her attacks. She breaks through his attacks and kicks him into the wall and he stops himself from falling over by digging his blades into the ground. 
Momakase slashes her blades at Wasabi which seemed to do nothing but in actual fact it sliced off his right shoulder pad and some of his dreads in his hair. 
“AH MY DREADS!” Wasabi screamed. Then a piece of Wasabi’s right gauntlet lost a pice exposing its inner circuitry rendering it useless.
Momakase tosses away her katana leaving her with only one blade, and Wasabi readied his remaining plasma blade preparing himself as the ninja raised her blade ready to finish off her opponent. 
However before she could strike a certain armoured naked Mole rat flew up in front of her. 
“Hello.” Rufus squeaked. “What?” Momakase said confused. Rufus then performed several kung fu poses before he kicked Momakase in the face which did hurt. 
“Gah!” She growled and swung her blade at him trying to slice the mole rat to pieces but missed every time. 
“Irritating rodent!” She growled and performs one final slash which seemed to do nothing however it did as Rufus’s armour was sliced clean off and he had nothing keeping him in the air. 
“Uh oh!” he squeaked and dropped to the ground. He was then met by the blade of Momakse she raised the blade waiting to finish the rodent and Wasabi off. Suddenly speeding in was a mag lev disk which bounced off the walls and Wasabi ducked to avoid it as it headed to the ninja the disk split in half with cables coming from it tying her hands. 
“Gah!” She growled and the owner of the disk came skating into the scene and threw her remaining disk at the ninja who was fleeing the scene only for the disk to tie her legs together causing her to trip up and fall to the ground on her back.
“YEAH!” Wasabi cheered and Rufus squeaked with joy. “BOOYAH GOGO!” 
Behind her the occupants of the school bus were cheering for their heroes and Gogo smiled with pride whilst Wasabi looked at Gogo with a raised eyebrow and arms crossed. As Rufus scurried up Gogo to reach her shoulder. 
“We got bored waiting on the bus.” Gogo shrugged. “Right Rufus?” She offered her finger for a tiny high five which the small mole rat accepted. 
“Oh yeah we bad!” Rufus squeaked. 
Deep in the gathering gloom of his lair Obake oversaw his accomplishment grow in power as he typed on the keyboard of his computer. Shego and Noodle Burger Boy watched the show as well. 
“Wow mister, your plan seems to be working.” Noodle burger boy observed. 
“Seems?” Obake questioned rather loud. “I bet a song will..” Noodle burger boy was then shut up by a blast in the back compliments of Shego’s plasma blast from her finger. Noodle Burger boy then fell to the ground deactivated.
“Hm you read my mind.” Obake mused. “He was getting on my nerves.” Shego just shrugged. 
Obake then looked to a certain red clad armoured robot in the room with them. “Perhaps you’ll be better company.” He mused as he pressed a key on his keyboard and Baymax’s eyes returned to their normal black circles bringing him back to his old self. 
“Hello I am Baymax.” He greeted in his normal voice but found himself unable to move his arm. “I am unable to move.” 
“Well I can’t have you running off, but I thought a chat might be nice.” Obake said. 
“Oh great the only chat he’ll get is about health advice.” Shego groaned to herself. To which Baymax blinked. 
He took a scan of Obake and highlighted a certain part of his brain which was shown in purple and red as he spoke.
“I’ll be remembered forever because of whats about to happen.” Obake said in a rather happy tone. “Impressive isn’t it.” 
“You are in need of medical care.” Baymax noted. Which did get Shego’s attention. 
“Oh this?” Obake said as his face glowed purple when he touched it. “A souvenir from a childhood mishap.” He dismissed. 
“Uh what kind of childhood mishap?” Shego asked the healthcare robot. 
“The damage is significant and growing.” Baymax diagnosed from the scan. “it is affecting his temporal parietal junction.” 
“The part of the brain that allows one to tell right from wrong, I know” Obake said but didn’t look concerned. 
“Well that explains a lot.” Shego said to herself. 
“Your condition is treatable.” Baymax then diagnosed only for Obake to laugh to himself. 
“Why would I want to do that?” Obake said as he turns his chair round to face Baymax and Shego and they see his face glowing neon purple. “Its been quite liberating.” 
Baymax tilted his head in confusion, however Shegos attention was focused on something else on the monitors. 
“Heads up looks like we have guests.” Shego pointed out and Obake turned to see on the monitor of footage showing Kim and Ron enter the lair through the lift and ran down the corridor. Obake just smirked at this prospect. 
Kim and Ron ran down the hallways of the lair in search of their missing companion. They found the room he was previously in but he was not there now. 
“Wait where is he?” Ron questioned. “He must be in the main control room, and I’m betting thats where we’ll find Obake.” Kim guessed. 
“I must say Mrs Possible you never cease to impress me.” Called a voice on the intercom then a hologram of Obake himself appeared and they could see that the left part of his face was glowing. 
“Whoa Freds right that is a creepy dude!” Ron grimaced. 
“Surprised to see me Aken!” Kim smirked. 
“A little I’m a little surprise you survived my trap.” Obake admitted. 
“Uh what part of she can do anything did you not comprehend?” Kim said in a gloating way. 
“I admit I have made a number of miscalculations involving the two of you, but your presence cannot stop the tide of progress.” Obake mused. 
“Dude you call murdering millions of innocent people progress your delusional!” Ron exclaimed.
“Which by the way is so not happening, Big Hero 6 will stop your exploding star, and when they do Global Justice will be waiting for you with hand cuffs!” Kim said pointing at the mad man. 
“I doubt it, but why not entertain yourself whilst you watch a new world being born.” Obake said chuckling. 
At the other end of the hallway illuminated by a glowing green light from her hands was Shego standing in their path.
“I’ll leave you to your work my dear.” Obake said as his hologram disappeared. The two opponents stared each other down like a pair of wolves ready to attack. 
“Ron, go find Baymax I’ll take care of Shego.” Kim looked to her sidekick with a serious look in her eyes. Ron nodded and took his leave and Shego let him pass which left the two women completely alone. 
“I don’t get it Shego, you let me and Hiro escape and knowing what you do now you’re still working with him!?” Kim questioned. 
“What can I say princess I’m a complicated girl you of all people should know that.” Shego smirked. 
With that the two take up a combat stance then charged forwards as their fists met each other in the air. 
Back at the Bay:
Inside the Kaiju mech, Hiro, Fred and Mini Max continued to watch the star grow but did not act as it was not the right time. 
“Is it time now?” Fred asked eagerly. “Now? how about now? oh oh I know how about now? 
However they still waited then right before their eyes they began to see the reaction taking place. The time was now. 
“Now!” Hiro slammed a button on the console and activated the energy amplifier which surged with energy inside the cockpit Hiro buckled himself in the seat and the buckle had the Big Hero 6 logo printed on it. Hiro looked with a determined glare. 
“Its Kaiju cannon ball time!” Hiro said determined and moved the lever forwards bringing the mech up to full power its eyes glowed purple and it prepared itself for a jump raising its arms in the air then taking off into the sky like a rocket. It ascended into the air leaving the city nothing but a spec below.
Hiro, Fred and Mini Max looked forward with determined frowns until Fred spoke up. 
“I just want you to know, that being a super hero with you had been an honour.” Fred smiled to which Hiro replied with a smile of his own. 
“You guys are the best.” Honey agreed on the coms. 
“I’m proud of what we’ve done.” Wasabi said as he buckled himself into the drivers seat of the buss. 
“Same.” Gogo merely said. 
“I’m glad we met you guys,” Kim said as she blocked Shego’s attack with her gauntlet shield. “And I know Tadashi would be proud of all of you if he could see you now.” 
“Yeah and no matter what happens next, if we go out we might as well go out with a blaze of glory together!” Ron agreed as he ran through the base. 
“Uh huh!” Rufus agreed on the coms. 
“Inspiring words.” Mini Max agreed. 
“Guys, I know I’ve made some mistakes but…” Hiro confessed. 
“We’ve all made mistakes.” Honey Lemon said. 
“Yeah some big, some little and some that can’t be forgiven.” Ron agreed as he continued his search. 
“But we get through it because we’re a team.” Wasabi said determined as he drove the bus away tires screeching with the evacuated citizens on board. 
“Whats important is how we make right by those mistakes and not let them define who we are.” Kim mused as she jumped to avoid blasts from Shego who then formed her plasma blades from her gauntlets and charged towards Kim who formed her shield and blocked the blades. 
“Not bad words, but kinda pointless, you think those losers can stop this plan thats being a bit optimistic isn’t it?” Shego questioned. 
“They have more courage then you or Obake will ever have and they have what he doesn’t a real reason for what they do!” Kim glared with effort.
“Oh please.”Shego said as she then generated a giant plasma blast which catapulted Kim across the floor and damages her armour destroying her left shoulder pad and leaving her with one gauntlet on her right wrist. 
“You know we’re even right?” Shego said. “We’ve both been armed by geniuses with toys to further our potential.” 
Kim groaned as she tried to stand up and could see her shield wasn’t working but when she reacher for her pocket she felt something and she instantly knew what it was. 
“We’re practically a couple of walking armouries!” Shego exclaimed. 
“Maybe Shego.” Kim said standing up. “But lets see how well you do without your toys!” Kim turned and fired her laser lipstick at Shego like a wave and she blocked the blast with her arms but it wasn’t her Kim was trying to hit. 
Shego looked and saw the laser blast had destroyed her energy enhancing gauntlets she saw them crumble to the ground. She growled as she lit up her hands with plasma energy and charged at Kim like wise Kim charged back and flipped over her with a jump then performed a leg swipe tripping Shego up. 
High above, the kaiju mech shot through the cloud bank and inside the crew readied themselves for the big one. 
“Lets make some big waves!” Fred said waving his arm for empathises and he grabbed a large lever above his head and together Hiro and Fred pulled the levers which commanded the mech to curl into a ball just as they reached the atmosphere. The mech came crashing down from the sky back down to the sea. 
Honey Lemon was still reinforcing Globby’s breaker with her blue chem balls. She looked up and saw the mech falling from the sky. However she then turned to the collapsing star which began to collapse in on itself shrinking down into a smaller humming star. 
On land Gogo was gathering up a cat as she looked to see the star collapsing and Wasabi saw it from the bus window as did Rufus as the two looked at each other. Wade was watching everything from a satellite view of the area and was sweating like mad with nervousness. Honey looked with great concern, Fred’s look changed from a confident look to a concerning one. Ron stopped in the base and looked up into the air knowing the star was nearly ready to blow. Kim struggled against Shego but looked considerable worried. Hiro looked with determination. 
In a flash the star collapsed and disappeared and silence fell over the whole area. With an almighty bang the star exploded letting out a shockwave of energy causing an explosion equivalent to that of 10 million Hiroshima bombs just as the Kaiju mech crashed down into the bay with a huge splash letting loose a powerful wave. 
Gogo knelt down as she shielded the cat from the gale force winds that followed the explosion. From a distance away Wasabi watched the star explosion and the wave forming around it as Rufus stood on his right shoulder with a concerning hand on his face and Wasabi placed a hand on his. He then felt someone holding his hand and it was a little girl who looked on. 
Wade was watching everything unfold from his room as he sat tensed up on his chair. 
“Please please please please please.” he begged with crossed fingers hoping and praying this would work. 
The wave had just covered the entire explosion and the reaction happened the entire explosion was cancelled out and the waves retracted carrying the Kaju mech with it and the massive tidal wave headed for the water breaker.
“I’m questioning all my life choices!” Globby said rather scared. 
“You got this Globby!” Honey Lemon encouraged which brought a determined look on the glob monster turned heroes face. 
The wave crashed into the breaker with devastating force and Globby growled with ferocity as he tried to keep the wave back Honey Lemon pushed on the other side as the water built up, when suddenly the breaker sprung a leak and another one  which Honey quickly sealed up with her chemballs generating blue goop balls. 
Globby reformed his face just as a boat crashed into him and he looked rather horrified he closed his eyes as he held out. Then slowly the water receded and swept back into the sea just as the dawn broke on sunrise. The catastrophe was over. 
Globby opened his eyes and saw it was all over and he survived. “Ha ha ha! It worked!” He laughed with joy.
“OOO I knew you could do it!” Honey Lemon said hugging the glob wall. On land the people cheered with praise knowing the heroes had succeeded in saving not just their village but also their lives.
“Yes!” Wasabi and the girl cheered. “YES!” Rufus squeaks as he hugged Wasabi’s face with joy. 
“You know I shouldn’t but what the heck.” Wasabi said. “A BOOYAH!” He cheered. 
Gogo came out of a wooden house behind a door hat fell to the ground still carrying the kitten in her arms. Then just behind her more kittens emerged meowing in joy knowing they were safe and Gogo bore a smile of relief. 
“YESSS!” Wade cheered from his room practically spinning on his chair. “IT WORKED KIM IT WORKED ITS ALL OVER! YOU DID IT GUYS!”
Obake’s lair:
Inside the lair it began to collapse the shockwave from the wave also hit Obake’s underground lair as a result the structure was becoming unstable and began to collapse.in the hallways and during the fight Shego stopped and saw this happening. 
“What, what just happened?” Shego questioned.
“He did it!” Kim gasped knowing what had just transpired. “Its over, Hiro did it! He saved the city!” she exclaimed in joy. 
“BOOYAH! THATS MY MAN HIRO!” Ron exclaimed with joy as he heard it over the kimmunicator line. But was snapped back to reality when he saw the falling rubble. 
“Oh yeah right find Baymax now celebrate later!” Ron said as he kept running through the base. 
“Thats it I’m out of here!” Shego said running from the collapsing lair leaving Kim in the dust. 
“Yep defiantly bad.” Kim agreed as she hurried to find Ron and Baymax. 
From the control centre of his lair Obake watched the events unfold on the monitors which were blacking out one by one as his lair collapsed around him. He had seen Big Hero 6 had succeeded in stopping his grand vision. 
“Hiro, how could he possibly?” Obake said in disbelief and utter shock. 
“Hiro is clever and resourceful.” Baymax pointed out as Obake looked completely distraught. 
The rest of his surveillance monitors blacked out and he faced the reality that his so called visionary scheme had been undone, by one who he thought could be his very equal but he was wrong. He was completely despondent. 
“My new city, my dream.” Obake said in loss. “They still remember Shimamoto they revere her.” He stumbled backwards from the collapsing rubble around him. 
“My scan indicates that, this structure is sustaining damage.”Baymax diagnosed the lair falling apart around them and some rubble bounced off his head. 
“This wouldn’t have mattered!” Obake said as he touched the glowing area of his face. “I would have lived forever, the man who remade the city into something perfect!” He said in disbelief and anger that he was denied his glory. 
He lowered his head down and lost all sense of hope realising his dream was shattered and that there was nothing left for him now. He turned to Baymax opened his access port and removed his Obake chip reactivating all of the healthcare robots functions including his movement. 
“There there.” Baymax said patting Obake’s shoulder. 
“You should go.” Obake said releasing him. “You are in danger.” Baymax noted. 
“Yes I’m aware of that!” Obake said almost as if he didn’t care. “Do I have your permission to help you?” Baymax questioned. 
“Go to him go to Hiro!” Obake lashed out before looking down. “Tell him, I still think we would have done great things together.” 
“I am a personal healthcare companion, I cannot leave until you say you are satisfied with your care.” Baymax explained as Obake turned around and took a seat in front of his console and after a minute of silence. 
“I am satisfied…with my care.”He said simply and that was the command for Baymax to leave. 
With that Baymax turned around and began to leave the room, but he turned his head to take one last look at Obake who sat in despair as his world collapsed around him. The healthcare companion wanted to help him despite everything he’s done but the robot had to do what his programmed command tells him to do. And so he left the control centre as the villain accepted his decided fate. 
Elsewhere in the base Kim was running from hallway to hallway looking for any sign of Ron in the hopes he had found Baymax or Obake. The lair was collapsing faster and faster in a minute this would be a collapsed wreck at the bottom of the bay. She turned a corner and found what looked like an escape pod it maybe their only means of escape. She hurried and tried to open it but it was locked and it turns out with good reason. 
“Ah ah ah.” Said a voice and Kim looked in the window of the pod to find a certain green villainess standing inside it. 
“All full I’m afraid Kimmy, its been a blast!” Shego said as she powered up the pod and it rocketed off into the air and out of the collapsing base.
“Great.” said a rather sarcastic Kim. “A perfect end to a perfect day.” 
“Kim!” Called a voice and she turned to see Ron running towards her. 
“Ron! Wheres Obake?” Kim asked “We can worry about that later this lair is falling apart and Shego took the only escape pod.” 
“Oh no she didn’t, look what I found.” Ron said and they soon heard footsteps approaching and Kim saw something that made her gasp with joy. 
On the surface Hiro and Fred were having problems of their own. The Mega Kaju mech was in pieces sinking to the bottom of the bay after the hit it took from the shockwave. In the cockpit Hiro, Fred and Mini Max were trying to get out before they drowned kicking the cockpit doors/eyes of the mech to force them open. Hiro tried and tried again to force the cockpit door open but it was no good it was jammed and the water level kept rising. 
Fred emerged from the water and looked to Hiro. “Everything’s jammed!” Fred relayed. 
Hiro kept kicking and kicking the door with all his strength but it still wouldn’t shift. He looked to Fred shaking his head there was no way out, in saving the city it looked like they doomed themselves. 
All of a sudden a red armoured hand dug into the porthole and tore it off the mech and it was Baymax who ripped off the porthole entrance and then tossed it away. He then turned to his compatriots. Then appearing on his back were Kim and Ron in tow. 
“Hey boys, look who we found.” Kim smiled and Hiro gasped and laughed with joy as his friend was safe. 
“I was alerted to your need for..” “Baymax!” Hiro interrupting him and wasted no time in hugging him. 
“Hiro.” Baymax returned the hug, whilst Kim and Ron put their hands on the young genius too. 
Fred escaped from the mech and hopped onto Baymax’s left arm and Mini Max used his own armour jet pack to fly out. 
“We are still sinking.” Mini Max pointed out to which they were. 
“It is time to go.” Baymax agreed. “Then let’s fly big guy!” Ron said.
On the shore the rest of the team, Rufus and Globby waited for the arrival of their friends hoping they were okay. Honey Lemon paced with worry whilst Globby looked out onto the open water. 
Suddenly Globby noticed something on the horizon and he could instantly see what it was. 
“THERE THEY ARE!” He called out and flying in  from the distance was Baymax carrying, Hiro, Kim, Ron, Fred and Mini Max. 
Globby laughed in joy to know they were safe whilst the rest of the team looked with faces of joy whilst Rufus jumped up and down with happiness to know his friends were alive. 
Baymax landed and everyone dismounted as his wings retracted. “You guys are okay!” Honey Lemon said with joy. Hiro met with his friends for Honey Lemon to pull him into a hug, and did the same for Ron and Kim. 
“We did it we saved the city!” Honey lemon cheered. “Was there ever any doubt!” Ron agreed as he hugged Honey Lemon too and Rufus hopped over and hugged Rons face. 
“Nice job genius.” Gogo said to the young genius rather harshly. “You helped the bad guy create a star.” 
“Way to ruin the moment Gogo.” Kim said. “Yeah I I know” Hiro stuttered only to receive a hit in the arm.
“You also saved the city.” Gogo said happily. “Aw yeah thats the attitude we like to hear!” Ron said pulling Gogo into a hug. 
“Ron no hugs!” Gogo said with a strict face.
“Thanks but, none of this would have happened, if I hadn’t been so…me.” Hiro admitted with some guilt still. 
“True being you did put the city in danger.” Kim pointed out much to everyones surprise. “But being you also made things right and saved the city, and I learned a long time ago that being yourself is more than enough to save the world.” 
Hiro then gave a smile to that sentence. “Tadashi was right,” Baymax said hugging him. “You are a good kid.” 
With that everyone joined in a group hug to share the moment and even Globby joined in wrapping himself around the group of heroes with a smile. Despite Wasabi being a little grossed out. They enjoyed the moment and then broke off from the hug. 
“Yeah we saved the city but Shego got away.” Kim then said. 
“What about Obake?” Hiro asked. “I don’t know man I didn’t see him get out.” Ron said as they all looked out over to the rising sun. 
“Do.. do you think he survived?” Wasabi wondered. “I wish I knew Wasabi, I wish I knew.” Kim said as her hair blew in the wind. 
Lucky Cat Cafe:
In the cafe a newscast about the near catastrophe was broadcasting on the television by Bluff Dunder. 
“It was a countdown to catastrophe, but thanks once again to the combined efforts of Big Hero 6 and teen hero Kim Possible I am fine.” Bluff reported but then realised what he just said. “A, and the city is too which is what I was worried about.” He covered up
“Who are these mysterious do gooders?” Bluff then wondered to the audience. 
“They did it.” Ann said with pride. “Thats our girl.” James agreed.
Mochi let out a meow whilst Aunt Cass was eating a cup cake in worry her fifth one. Then the tweebs noticed a certain young genius, his health care companion and their sister and friend arrive at the cafe in their casual attire, enter the store and the sound of the bell got their attention. 
“Aunt Cass.” Hiro breathed in happiness, Cass turned to see her nephew standing in the doorway. 
“Hiro!” Cass startled as she tossed her cupcake to Mochi and hurried over to her nephew. “Kimmy!” Ann said as she and James hurried over too. 
Cass embraced Hiro in a hug whilst James and Ann embraced their daughter in a hug too. 
“You’re safe where were you?” Cass said rather worried. “There was a star and and this huge wave and the city almost..”
“I saw it.” Hiro said “You saw it?” Cass asked and Hiro acted quickly to cover it up. 
“Uh I saw it on my phone while I was safely hiding at school.” Hiro explained the best he could. 
“Yeah uh where me and Ron took him to hide at school before we went to help those Big Hero 6 guys.” Kim covered up too. 
“Yeah also my phone battery died at school.” Hiro added smiling innocently but Cass wasn’t sure she felt like her nephew was hiding something. 
“Is there something your not telling me?” Cass asked. 
“Yes.” Baymax said with a knowing finger “We are..” 
“Starving!” Ron then covered up quickly. “Well I’m starving.” Hiro added. Baymax then looked over Hiro and Ron and diagnosed their ‘hunger’
“Starvation is not imminent,” Baymax showed a calendar on his viewing screen. “It would take weeks without choleric sustenance to…” 
“Okay let’s have some breakfast.” Cass decided stopping Baymax’s sentence. 
“Ah thanks Aunt Cass.” Hiro said thankfully. “Its good to be home.” He then hugged his aunt. 
“I don’t suppose theres room for us in that breakfast?” Kim asked. 
“Oh of course there is for all of you.” Cass said kindly. “Well I help with that.” Ann said. 
“Really if I recall in home mech back in high school you were always second to me?” Cass teased. “Hey Cassie I’ve improved since then.” Ann teased back  heading up stairs to cook. Followed by the rest of the family and their friends. 
“You all did good kids, you saved a lot of people.” James whispered to Hiro and Kim. 
“We saved a lot of people.” Hiro agreed as they headed upstairs. 
The following afternoon:
Kim and Hiro arrived at SFIT and stood outside the door to a certain deans office, and Hiro held his energy amplifier in hand but was nervous about what was to come. 
“Hiro, you ready for this?” Kim asked. “Yes I’m prepared to accept the consequences of my actions.” Hiro said knowing he’d probably lost his place at SFIT. 
“I’ll be waiting outside for you.” Kim said and Hiro knocked on the door.
“Come in.” Granville’s voice called and Hiro looked back to Kim who gave a thumbs up in response as he entered the office. 
He found Professor Granville typing on her computer at her desk and he approached a little nervous. 
“So uh, about my final project I..” “Getting an A.” Granville interrupted turning her computer around to show Hiro what she was looking at and it was photos of Big Hero 6, Kim and Ron with the civilians they saved.
“For showing ingenuity, and for saving the city.” Granville said smiling as she scrolled down the photos. And Hiro was amazed despite everything he achieved his passing grade for the semester. 
Hiro then looked up to his tutor with an apologetic look. 
“Thank you Professor Granville, uh for everything.” Hiro thanked. “For trying to teach me about limits, I I think I get it now.” He handed his amplifier to the professor smiling. 
“Its a lesson I’ve had to re learn a few times myself Mr Hamada.” Granville admitted. “Everyone makes mistakes.” 
“But, it’s how we learn and make right by them that matters.” Hiro then realised to which Granville did crack a small smile knowing he was learning well and took the amplifier to her safe. 
Hiro cracked a small smile as Granville placed the amplifier into her safe in the wall and typed in a code to seal it away for safe keeping. 
“But don’t get too comfortable.” Granville then pointed out which changed Hiro’s look a little. “Next semester will be even more of a challenge, I hope you can handle it.” 
With that Hiro looked with a confident smile and nodded as he took his leave of the office and Granville did crack a small smile as he did, however.
“Hiro.” She then said getting his attention as it’s the first time the professors ever called him by his first name. 
“Do you or miss Possible know what happened, to him?” Granville asked wanting to know the fate of her former student. 
Hiro looked to the professor wanting to answer that question but he himself wasn’t sure about the fate of Obake after stopping his Great Catastrophe. 
Later in deep beneath the bay:
Sometime later Baymax and Hiro donned their aquatic gear which was coloured black and Prussian blue Baymax’s suit had some red lines on his suit and some jet propellors on his shoulders with red pipes leading to his chest. His head was his normal face encased in a glass bubble. Hiro wore similar armour with fins on his helmet and a rebreather on his helmet with a jet pack to move him through the water. 
The two were searching what was left of Obake’s base looking for any signs of life before Global Justice could arrive to salvage the wreck.
Baymax ran a scan with his sensor but could detect no signs of life on the ocean floor, not human life anyway. 
“I do not detect Aken comma Bob.” Baymax relayed as Hiro swam with his tablet scanning the area with Wade. 
“He’s right Hiro I’m not picking up anything.” Wade agreed.
“He couldn’t have survived this it’s impossible.” Hiro doubted as they swam and continued the search. 
“As you have said nothing is impossible.” Baymax mentioned as they kept searching.
However they didn’t notice on the bed of the ocean floor close by some sand blew away to reveal a certain chip lying in the sand, could Obake have survived I guess we’ll never truly know the answer. 
Authors notes: The city is safe the catastrophes over but is Obake truly gone for good? Who knows.Upon watching the final part of the episode I thought it would be a good idea for Hiro to have some form of nervous breakdown given he’s been building up a lot of guilt over his part in Obake’s master plan. But Kim reminded him that being smart isn't what he is its what he does with it.
The story not over yet folks see you at the epilogue and post Epilouge.
11 notes · View notes
chibivesicle · 4 years
Golden Kamuy chapters 239 & 240 - character background arrives for Kikuta
Hello all, this is a much belated meta for the past two chapters.  I was very busy with work last weekend and I’m feeling the usual work related exhaustion with the covid-19 situation on top of it.  I’m currently living in a part of the States which still has a much stricter social distancing policy and it is still unclear when I can return to work, even if we follow new social distancing policies.  Suffice to say, it has been a huge struggle for me.  I’m already more prone to suffer from depression and this situation has just been really hard with friends and family very far away from me.
I usually like to give my all into my meta analysis of a chapter but I really didn’t like chapter 239.  The sense of humor that underlies the “midnight shoot out” just well - well.  I wasn’t keen on it.  I have a pretty dirty sense of humor so it isn’t even the fact that it is a part of male body part humor; just how it was implemented.
So I’m just going to go with this.  Usami and our “Jack” convict are men cut from the same cloth who link sexual acts with violence.  The only difference between them is that Usami was found and groomed by Tsurumi, thus appearing to be a more contributing member of society (as a member of the military), while “Jack” has been left to his own devices and is a free roaming serial killer.  Usami is the correct member of the 27th to do the field work for this convict.  What is more interesting is teaming him up with Kikuta.  After Usami and Jack’s “shoot out” Usami pursues him on foot while he’s on horseback.  Usami’s general response is to try to beat someone via brute force.  It isn’t surprising that he just jumps for the man only to get knocked down, he acts on instinct.
Kikuta has a much more tempered response as he first had Usami and him split off to try to pinch him off between the alleys/streets.  It gives him a clear shot at Jack.  Here he’s using one of his revolvers in his right hand.
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Jack is lucky as Kikuta hits his top hat. This pause in action allows Kikuta to spring into action.  He sprints towards Jack tossing his revolver so that he can grab onto the convict with his right hand.  What I really like about this is how is shows how Kikuta thinks very quickly on his feet as we saw at the hot springs.
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He’s able to use his left hand to reach into his coat where he likely has at least another revolver in a holster.  It should be game over for the man as he tells him that he’s got him with the revolver to the back of his head.
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Unfortunately, Kikuta is defeated by “Jack’s” manly abilities and it is just plain gross and unnecessary.  Kikuta is one of my fav current members of the 27th, I just didn’t like this entire scene.  As a result he escapes and Kikuta is likely feeling - well feeling used, gross and assaulted.
Usami and Kikuta continue to pursue him and hear a woman scream.  Sure enough he managed to kill her and Kikuta looks shocked as they find the body.  The fact that Usami looks at Kikuta from the corner of his eyes makes me think that Usami is not surprised by anything our killer does.
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In contrast, despite his years of experience, Kikuta is uncomfortable with this type of criminal activity & violence.  He’s no stranger to violence but he clearly has a strong moral compass.
The next day, they return to the scene of the crime in daylight.  The sketchy and questionable police officer is there with our sad and pathetic reporter.  Kikuta muses what the killer is thinking.  Due to all the things that have transpired so far, it is clear that Kikuta is really trying to rationalize things.  In contrast,’knowing’ his mind, Usami just offers an explanation that makes sense to him since it takes one to know one.
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This only further highlights the difference between these two men.  It is clear that Tsurumi wants them to keep working together, even if Kikuta is really uncomfortable with Usami.
Usami is eager to visit the other crime scene, Kikuta hangs back and lets Usami go ahead.  He uses this time to casually approach Ariko. Everything about Kikuta’s body language, behavior and vibe scream - spy/secret agent.  He’s able to address Ariko with a calm demeanor and then when Ariko almost panics he instructs him how to behave.
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Kikuta cuts the tension by teasing Ariko, stating that he’d recognize his figure anywhere and to think he’d be difficult to recognize is a bit of an insult to Kikuta’s intelligence.
He’s able to approach Ariko about his role as an unwilling double agent.  Since he’s there under direct orders from Tsurumi he knows that for the time to being he should be in the loop as far as Hijikata’s movements.  If Ariko is in Sapporo, it is a logical extension that Hijikata is there as well.
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The chapter then wraps up with Tsurumi leading most of his men to Sapporo leaving only two to remain near Otaru to look for Asirpa.  He reports that Kikuta is the one who sent him the telegram about our convict, Jack.  If Tsurumi is reporting the truth to his men, it means that Kikuta only reported on the convict and requested backup but Kikuta may be withholding information about Hijikata being there as well.  This chapter leaves it up in the air as it shows Tsurumi looking military dictator-ish while Hijikata stares off into the distance.
What is most important in this chapter is setting up how Kikuta is going to be some sort of player in the hunt for this convict in particular. 
Chapter 240 begins to bring the manga plot back to the aspects that I like of it, more intellectual, big picture moves of the different groups as well as a side of good old fashioned spy business.
The chapter title page helps us to establish Ariko’s and Kikuta’s personalities even more.  Ariko is playing cat’s cradle with Tanigaki in the trenches while Kikuta literally has Ariko’s back and he watches them.
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This shows several things.  1.) Kikuta is similar to Ogata as he’s always watching.  Since he was one of the “Russian” kidnappers, we know he has a background in intelligence and he’s a clever guy.  We also know that he cares about Ariko as a person, hence comfortable enough to lean up against his back as well as cover that back. 2.) It let’s the reader know that Ariko is similar to Tanigaki.  He’s a large, soft, dopey man.  He is simple, he’s outwardly friendly and like Tanigaki he has natural outdoorsman/hunting skills but that he’s an okay solider and but isn’t the most intelligent.  Neither man is a good liar and they are predictable.
Ariko is 100% out of his element and trying to be a double agent is pretty much a situation ripe for failure.  He just can’t do it.  In direct contrast, Kikuta looks completely natural and at ease.  He’s used to doing things like this and he’s confident with the games of espionage and intelligence.
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Ariko is barely able to hold himself together, voice unsteady, sweating, looking like he’s got no out.  So Kikuta tells him to team up with him in contrast to Hijikata and Tsurumi.
Of course Ariko is shocked by this statement.  Kikuta continues his argument. He frames himself as Ariko’s only option. They survived the war together, they saw that same moon together.  The flashback shows, Kikuta reaching out to touch Ariko while he goes to hold his hand.
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They’ve survived together against the odds.  So Kikuta is willing to ask Ariko to ignore everything else.  Forget about his father’s involvement in the gold theft and his murder and the fact that Tsurumi will try to get his cooperation by threatening family.  He summarizes it doesn’t matter which man he tries to align himself with, the outcome is same - it is terrible. So then he let’s him know that “central” is going to let things play out in Hokkaido.
This is enough information for Ariko to figure out why Kikuta was so keen to regain Tsurumi’s trust.  He’s the spy for central that Tsukishima has been always on the look out for.
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The angle of this panel is just great, Ariko is in shock while Kikuta adjusts his bowler hat.  And with that, a running joke that originated on a discord server when Kikuta first showed up became the truth.
With Kikuta’s appearance several of us tried to figure out what is role would be and we came up with a nickname for him, “Roger”, which was coined by Merdopseudo.  This was due to how he looked like Roger Moore, one of the actors that played James Bond.  I 100% agreed with the Roger nickname and as a result, I struggle to write any meta post about Kikuta without referring to him as Roger instead.  I personally was leaning toward a more Clark Gable inspired look but Roger was just better.
The chapter then has Jack hanging around a church with no informative text.
The action then shifts to Hijikata’s group which is all in disguise.
The wee babe, Kantarou is a newsboy, selling newspapers.  Hijikata is a goldfish vendor. Ushiyama and Toni are buddhist monks, and Kadokura is a Koya-san pilgrim.  Ogata is a filial piety puppet performer and Nagakura and Ariko are just random looking civilians. Kirawus remained as himself.  Perhaps they thought if he tried to blend in as Japanese it would be obvious? 
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Our morally bankrupt reporter, is able to elaborate on the details of the Sapporo serial killer - calling him a copycat of Jack the Ripper.  The Cliff Notes version of things is that if this is a true Jack the Ripper copycat, the fifth and final murder will happen 40 days after the two murders from the night before.  It seems proper that Hijikata is the one to summarize the situation that his group is in.
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Interestingly, Kadokura, Kantarou and Kirawus are shown sweating in the background while Ogata is deadpan.  Clearly, Ogata is not bothered by the 40 day time limit.
This makes a nice transition to Sugimoto, Shiraishi and Asirpa now in Barato.  Shiraishi, being the smart dude that he is, points out an interesting article.  Sugimoto assumes it is about “Jack” but instead he notices children have gone missing.  Boutarou is able to immediately connect these crimes to another tattooed convict.
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Asirpa looks nervous as, well she’s a child and she was teased additional information than what Sugimoto got from meeting him.  Boutarou is upfront and immediately is able to identify him for the rest of the group.  Asirpa is totally freaked out as the identifies him as the candy peddler.
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Sugimoto then has murder eyes and angry screentones as he concludes that he is of course one of the convicts. 
This chapter is setting up a clear confrontation between all the different groups.  I like how it finally begins to ratchet up the the tension and put pieces in place. Usami showing that he’s terrible at spying and discretion both makes them stand out but also tips Kikuta off that something else is likely afoot on Tsurumi’s side. 
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The missing children are a trail indication the direction of Ueji Keiji.  I like how Shiraishi and Sugimoto are looking at the paper while Boutarou towers over them and looks at the paper.
The chapter ends with our two shaded convicts surrounded by swirling newspapers.  Both men are making their actions clear to the public.  I would guess are both reading the newspapers as Jack let’s his activities know while Ueji is potentially communicating with him as his own actions are showing his direction, moving towards Sapporo.
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The chapter then ends with a dark Ogata joke.  He’s really into his filial piety act and has to be yelled at firmly by another member of the group. 
Overall impressions on 240 and some brief ponderings.
1.) I love Roger, er Kikuta so much.  His character has a level of class and sophistication that many characters lack.  He is also a ‘self’ made man who rose through the ranks to be a valuable member of military intelligence.  It is clear now why Tsurumi would have kept his distance from him and why he was so insistent on getting back into Tsurumi’s inner circle.  It is clear that Kikuta is not a “Tsurumisexual”.  He is also the type of man who Tsukishima was suspicious of going back to his showdown with Ogata.  Tsukishima is livid that Ogata sniped Maeyama and told him that he’s the pet cat of “central” he’s waiting to sell out the 27th to gain position in the military establishment.
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Therefore, our three “Russian” kidnappers are all originally enlisted men who likely gained a lot of skills working for a fallen elite like Tsurumi.  Tsukishima stresses loyalty to comrades.  Ogata has never shown much loyalty to those around him, but it is obvious that Kikuta has loyalty to Ariko.  He had to put on an act to look like Ariko had betrayed him and Tsurumi.
I have begun to wonder if Ogata is the red herring deflecting the focus from Kikuta.  Ogata doesn’t believe in the words of Tsurumi that are used to stir loyalty and dedication to a cause.  Is this because Ogata believe it is complete bullshit or that he’s aware that Tsurumi uses these types of concepts to control most people?
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What I want to know now is if Ogata is working with or in parallel to Kikuta.  I still don’t see Ogata as a spy for central.  It goes against by gut reading on Ogata.  I could see Ogata and Kikuta being aware of each other and their objectives where Ogata may have even tried to make it look like he’s the spy to deflect attention from Kikuta.  Again, Ogata’s goal from this entire situation is still completely unknown.  Was Kikuta linked to the rebel group - RIP bear death trio.  I still haven’t forgotten you.
But based on Tsukishima thinks of Ogata as a putative spy, it fits Kikuta’s personality better.  Kikuta still has loyalty and connection to others from the 27th, e.g. Ariko.  His discomfort working with Usami on Jack’s trail shows that Kikuta has a stronger moral compass and thinks about what actions are justifiable and which are more ‘evil’ or morally questionable.
2.) Ogata needs a therapist.  Of all of the “disguises” he could choose, Ogata picks the filial piety puppet show. >_<  He put on makeup to look like his own father, and a son puppet that has a striking resemblance to his half brother Yuusaku.  Therefore, the bastard child is performing an act where his devoted brother does everything he’s expected to do as a model son for their asshole father.  The fact that his line is “What a dutiful son. Please give him the reward that he deserves.” can be read on several levels.  Basic text reading - Yuusaku was a good son, and he truly deserved the reward for being a good son.  He kept his virginity and purity, was un-corruptable by Ogata and therefore, he had no choice but to snipe him.  Subtext reading - due to Ogata’s clear “daddy” issues, he is actually the dutiful son and he wants the reward that he deserves.  Ogata entered the military and performed well both in intelligence for Tsurumi, on the battlefield as a sniper and did everything that was asked of him before he liberated himself from Tsurumi.  In that regard, Ogata was an excellent solider if not better one that Yuusaku with hands on/real world experience long before Yuusaku was a flag bearer.  I think this situation should both be read on the text and subtext level.  ‘Cause it is Ogata dammit and he’s not some obvious character.
Ogata is a character who wants and desires nothing more than love and acceptance.  Of course being the cynical intellectual that he is, he would pick something like this. . . . it just makes you want to cringe and go “Ogata . . .”
The fact that they almost left Ogata behind indicates to me that he’s acting out his own plan for - something.  Our man of mystery - Ogata.
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ohyangchon · 5 years
A Dance with Death
The crossover nobody wanted but I exclusively deserve 
All characters belong to Ryu Youngjae and TvN, since he says his works all take place in the same universe, thanks dude. 
Iterations belong to myself because I love Doyoung and thus he would suffer and @cel-aerion, who lovingly crafted Heesung(s) after Pied Piper ended. They are my favourite boys and I will fight you if you send me hate about Liar Game. 
Spoilers for Liar Game, Pied Piper AND Psychopath Diary. You’ve been warned. 
When Inwoo’s eyes adjusted to the light, he glanced towards the two figures that sat across him and narrowed his gaze, confused. He hadn’t received any visitors since he had been imprisoned, and he preferred it that way. From the hunter, he was the hunted now. There was little joy to be derived in that, and he saw everyone who came to visit him (well, just these two really) to be here for the sole sake to mock him. 
He eyed them both warily, suspicion mired in curiosity as he studied the unlikely duo before him. One was a tall and pale man, his grey streaked hair barely kept and icy eyes staring back at him almost derisively: but what caught his attention first was the large orange tabby on his lap, the man’s hand stroking it rhythmically and calmly. The other was shorter, stockier, his features obscured by a large set of spectacles and a cap, but his glare was unyielding when his gaze fell upon them. 
The cogs in Inwoo’s brain, much less scheming than before from lack of use and being worn down, began to turn as he struggled to put names to faces. It was difficult to reconcile predator from prey, especially he knew how they were both people he should fear. Watching Inwoo think, he watched the grey-haired man placed his cat down and it dashed towards Inwoo, taking a swipe out of his ankle. Inwoo flinched, expressionless- thankfully it was his bad leg, and the cat seemed satisfied at this before returning to its owner with a mew. 
Swiping at him however jogged Inwoo’s memory, and he leant forward, handcuffed fists tightly clenched at who he was now up against. 
“Kang Doyoung, who hosted Liar Game and was then imprisoned for economic crimes, you vanished the night before your court hearing and was never seen again,” Inwoo began smugly, watching the man look utterly and completely unfazed by the motion. He was thrown off by this, his sneer fading slightly, but plowed on, relentless and with little to lose, “You tried to stage your own suicide packaged as entertainment, and are known to fool even lie detectors by being completely emotionless. You’re no different from me.” 
His glance fell on the bespectacled man, his malicious swagger quickly returning realising how similar his company was with him. “Yoon Heesung. One of the best reporters of the country, turned terrorist and confessed on live television. You even nearly crashed a plane, but last reports said you were shot and slipped into a coma. You’re the Pied Piper. Killed people in the name of justice. You’re a skilled hunter yourself, I’ll give you that.” What he didn’t expect was his sneer being matched by a primal snarl from Heesung himself, one that seemed almost entirely ignored by Doyoung and his cat. 
Inwoo relaxed again, turning to them with a wide, charismatic smile. “I suppose we must’ve gathered here because our goals are aligned,” he began, fluidly slipping into his original persona to start pitching, but was interrupted by the grey-haired man raising a dismissive hand. The cat stopped rubbing against its owner’s leg, instead crouching down with eyes focused on Inwoo himself. Doyoung smiled to himself as though he had remembered a secret he couldn’t tell, eying Inwoo up and down before looking to his companion. 
“Fearful and broken,” he declared to Heesung, and Inwoo visibly bristled at being seen through so easily before letting out a growl at his next words, “Yet so willing to put up a desperate song and dance in the hopes of us helping him escape. It’s almost adorable.” Doyoung’s words were sickly sweet and deeply sarcastic, but he seemed too confident to be able to talk the way he should. Heesung’s glare fell upon Inwoo again, and to his credit, Inwoo shrank slightly and fell silent knowing his place. 
“I don’t like this,” Heesung grunted reluctantly, searching Inwoo once again, “But you could be onto something. A stopped clock’s still right twice a day.” Inwoo fidgeted, placing his hands in his lap- suddenly his prison uniform seemed very interesting. He felt someone examine him, roughly lifting his head by the chin with a gloved hand before Heesung examined him deeply, eyes gleaming. Seemingly satisfied, he pushed Inwoo back against the chair and stood up, hands jammed in his pockets as he turned to Doyoung once again. 
“He’s glib and smart. We’d need to work on some reconditioning, but I think he could be a useful attack dog,” Heesung confirmed, and Inwoo’s gaze shifted from fear to anger and finally resigned incredulity. Reconditioning? Attack dog? What were they babbling about? Who gave them the right to move him- Seo Inwoo, the hunter, and put him on a leash? His wounded pride manifested as a snarl across his features, glaring now at them both from his pathetic spot eating it on the ground. 
Doyoung nodded to himself, standing up as well before he turned back to Inwoo. “You were mostly right,” he replied, though the tone he took had suddenly become eerily cold and self-assured, “We diverge in the way we hunt. Of course, we would value a resource like yourself, but we need to stamp out some...bad habits first. I would have assumed prison would have taken care of that. It is quite the shame that it did not.” 
Inwoo’s pupils shrank at what he immediately knew was a threat. “W-what do you mean?” he managed to eke out, unable to stop the fear from creeping into his voice- a sociopathic genius and a domestic terrorist joining hands to recruit him? What was happening to him? “What do you w-want from me?” 
The man across his cell had told him he should be happy to be prey. Suddenly, compared to being a chained beast under the service of these two? It seemed extremely appealing to Inwoo as he struggled to his feet, quaking slightly in his shoes as he staunchly avoided their gazes. 
He had unfinished business beyond his cell, but this was the last way he had wanted to gain access into settling them. 
For the first time in a long time, Seo Inwoo was terrified. He knew what they were capable of, and their combined capacities far outstripped his ability to manipulate them both. Every motion he made and mask he put on only accelerated playing into their hands, and being unable to formulate a game plan against them was what threw him off the most. 
“We will return,” Doyoung’s voice was quiet, but exerted control: Inwoo reached for his neck unconsciously, already sensing the collar rapidly tightening around him, “By then, I would be certain you would have come to a decision.” Heesung gave a confident smile as he placed a hand on Doyoung’s shoulder and they began to leave, the cat trailing behind. It glanced at him once last time, letting out a hiss of annoyance at his presence, before it exited, leaving Inwoo shivering in the corner of the waiting room. 
He sank to his knees before hugging himself tightly, almost catatonic. 
Not like this. 
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[Did this for the Arkham Garlley Zine which is free to download here
or check them out at @arkhamgalleryzine ]
The condiment king rethinks his life choices   
By H.T.Vitols
 Gotham was home to some of the most menacing and hostile villains in the whole world. There was the clown prince of crime with his schemes and sick sense of humour, the fear of Gotham with his toxins and elixirs, the calculating cat that always hits her marks, the ecoterrorist with a deadly kiss and a man with a frozen heart and body. These people have made their names through fear, dexterity and their own brand of a repugnant trademarks. Each of them as cruel as they were unusual, Gotham was always at its finest went it was covered in darkness.        
Then there’s the Condiment King, Mitchell Mayo, the scourge of Gotham’s fast food chain’s if for no other reason that he steals all their ketchup and mustard packets and containers. His is as ludicrous as his name indicated and just as pathetic. He was Gotham’s biggest shame and from the city that is home to the Joker that is saying something. For it was not his deeds that made Gothamites collective decide to forget and ignore his existent but rather an idiosyncratic sense of pride that they could not quiet name or ever care to admit to having. Though their city was filled with freaks and maniacs, they were at least competent freaks and maniacs. The Gotham rouges stood for something, even if what that was can change, sometimes literally at the flip of a coin. They all made sense, in a Gotham sort of way, they had their deadly jokes, they wanted to see fear on Gotham’s face or simply wanted you to answer their riddles and play their games. These were people to be feared and to not be messed with, their names infamous throughout the world, all of them so uniquely Gotham. They gave Gotham a global spotlight and a reputation that cannot be matched. No matter how many alien’s Metropolis has or how many captain themed thieves Central City has, they cannot compete with Gotham’s flare. But if one is comparing flames a garbage fire tends to burn brighter and hotter then wood and paper. But the Condiment King was one particular garbage fire no one wanted to admit lived in Gotham. Condiment King was less the fire and more the garbage if we are to continue with this allegory.
This leaves Condiment King with an unusual advantage over the notorious criminals in Gotham, no one ever saw him coming or saw him as a threat. Hence, the average Gothamite is easy to take from, for they are so bewildered by his get up and motif that Condiment King can take their wallets, cover then in the condiment combination of his choice and get three blocks away before they even process what has happened. This is no easy feat as the average Gothamite is used to mass hysteria and city wide panic as if it was a minor inconvenience, having something that can shock them is not only rare but jarring like being ready to catch a ball but instead you get thrown a fish, harmful no, but perplexing in the most fundamental of ways.  
However, the obvious downside to this is that Condiment King gets no respect, or recognition by anyone. But that was something he was going to change, tonight. He had it all planed out, robbing a bank here, causing mass panic there, then he could do it, bring out the Batman and kill him where he stands. This, this is what will get him respect and recognition he thinks he deserved.
The trap was set at the bank, he went in overnight and placed mustard bombs and before you start to think Michelle had any sense of perceptive malice then I regret to inform you that the bombs are not made with mustard gas but the bombs were filled with house hold yellow American spicy mustard. He placed a device in every vent and hidden in all the pot plants. He has also poured maple syrup all over the floor it was so thick you could only take a few steps before becoming stuck to your ankles. After Batman was stuck to the floor and the mustard went off covering Batman, he would fire his relish gun (with a well-timed pun) and fill the dark knights mouth with it, then he would finishes him off with he would drop four industrial sized ketchup barrels onto his head crushing him to the sticky floor as he drowned in the relish.
It was perfect. No longer will he be a joke, who could laugh at him then, no one in this city or any other, his name will be known throughout the world more than any other rogues has ever been before. Then on one will wilfully ignore him ever again because history will remember him as the man who killed Batman.
Everything was set, he had his hostages and his plan now all he needed was the Batman. With a sudden burst through the widow there he was. The Batman, wait no, that wasn’t Batman, it was a child in a red and green suit. Where is Batman? And where are this boy’s pants?
‘Wow, really, Condiment King, how are you holding these people here?’
‘With this.’
He pulled out a gun and faced it to the boy. The boy then throws a knife, a god damn knife, at Mitchells’ hand making him drop the gun. This is the robin he has been hearing so much about he thought they were just rumouring that Batman had a kid. Oh well, the boy will have to do for now he is Batman’s bird after all.
‘Well little boy you have made a big mistake, you won’t relish coming here.’  
He then fires his weapon at the boy as he cartwheels to the side.
‘Dude not only was that lame, but it makes no sense. Try and ketchup’
The boy then flipped over the syrup trap with a duck and tumble jump, how did he flip over five metres of the floor with barley a run up. The boy then swiped his feet from under him as his back firmly planted into the syrup. He was stuck like a turtle on its back, the boy giggled and leaned down to him.
‘Hey, why didn’t you rob the place when you set all this up?’
‘I wanted the Bat.’
‘And I wanted to meet Superman tonight, but I guess both of are plans got ruined.’
Then boy then waved to the room of now free hostages had them put down some tables so they could walk over the sticky floor and flipped over the syrup again, he was just rubbing it in now. The boy then held open the door for the hostages and then the police as they came in, the boy then vanished into the night.
The cops where laughing and taking pictures and Condiment King struggled on his back. He then gave up and contemplated how his life came to this.
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honeylevesque-blog · 6 years
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HEH ,, hey guys!! i decided to make an entirely different muse and ditched dahlia. yipes, i’m sorry if we had plots w / her .. things just weren’t working. but here’s my brand spankin new little wallflower, honey levesque! they’re a bit pretentious but ultimately very sweet nd shy shfksk .. OKAY. this is their STATS, nd i’ll put some more info / wanted connections under the cut!! :-)
extends themselves into academics HEAVILY. some people consider them pretentious, other’s see it as ambition. they just have a very persistent need for knowledge. it’s rare to find them outside of the library when they’re not listening intently to the lecturer in classes. though they are very persistent in their education, they do not have any consistency within their goals. they find it hard to pin themselves down to one thing.
they are a bit of a poet, a bit of a writer, a bit of an artist, a bit of a mathlete, a bit of a baker. they know a lot of things, but they don’t know enough to be a master at any of them. a bit of a jack of all trades ig?? they prefer creative mediums, but are highly intelligent in other areas. they want to be the best at all they do but they sometimes get a little too caught up!!!! they like studying with other people, and it’s one of the few things they find genuine comfort in. 
they have expensive tastes, but don’t have the money to do anything about it. they LOVE thrift shopping, and often find some beautiful things that others looked over. they may seem like they’re on the top of the food chain by the way they tend to present themselves, but their cold exterior isn’t purposeful. they’re just shy.
they hadn’t always been that way - but their life changed a lot after middle school. their entire world was thrown on it’s axis when a little high school party turned into a crime scene. nobody has ever been certain of the details, but the host and six other students turned up dead that night. honey KNOWS who hurt them, but was always too fearful to speak up. now their voice is quiet, and honey is constantly looking over their shoulder.
their paranoia has seeped into her college life now that tatiana’s turned up dead. still, they have far too much trust in others. naivety has only ever lead them astray, but their feelings are easy to manipulate. they are very emotional, and very empathetic!! just a ball of mush. an absolute mess.
gets a new crush every week but doesn’t talk to them EVER. will leave them notes, or poems from time to time in hopes of catching their attention but they know it’s fruitless when they leave no clues of their identity. one day they want to fall in love for real, but right now they are heavily focused on passing their classes and crushes are small and forgettable as time passes. 
their sister is a grad student with a background in biological sciences. their relationship isn’t much to write home about, but honey looks up to them. tatiana and honey’s sister dated for a short while before they had a falling out, and the entire time - honey honestly thought that tatiana’s jaws wound unhinge and they’d be swallowed whole. they never expected for the earth to swallow tatiana - always found her terrifying, and loathsome but ultimately respected her. they don’t blame themselves, but they do feel guilt for being a part in someone else’s twisted game. 
they play piano, and have written a few of their own songs. none of them are particularly good. 
they have a collection of old antique dolls hung up on a shelf in their room. they love them, but most people may consider them an unsettling addition to someone’s living space. 
they didn’t realize that they were gay until getting to college and experiencing everything first hand. there was some odd moments of realization, but ultimately honey’s glad for it. 
loves driving, was a mathlete, hosts a bookclub, hates getting their picture taken, has a fat cat named ginger snap, is an old soul, LOVES romance.
they take after their father and are a bit of a wizard in the kitchen, and they love giving their treats to other people. it’s a subtle joy, but a lot of people enjoy their desserts. 
they’ve been kissed a total of five times, but are otherwise a virgin. they’ve never had a completely successful relationship and they DO blame themselves for that. 
is a huge book geek.
when they first got to college, they tried to impress people and get into the party scene. has puked on a pair of designer boots because they downed way too much alcohol in one-go. it was an embarrassing moment. it wasn’t their last though. they’ve had a few moments where they felt pressured to join the fun and absolutely fell on their face in the process. 
would die for the people they care about HONESTLEA. one of the sweetest people alive if you manage to actually get to know them. first impressions don’t do honey any justice.
an ex-boyfriend - ONE guy that they were super into but realized quickly that their attraction just wasn’t there. was probably their first kiss, and helped them realize they were definitely not into dudes!!
ex-girlfriends? - short-lived relationships that they tried. they really wanted things to work out but they weren’t open enough and the relationship fell apart. is probably a little awkward about it, but is still friends with them!
close friends - people that they are fully themselves with?? probably creative souls. platonic cuddles, gives them lots of gifts. very soft!!! there could even be something more creeping beneath the surface but neither acknowledge it. or if a guy, is completely unrequited. 
study buddies / tutor - someone that is solely their friend through academia. they go to them for help with their homework or if they need to proofread their essay. little things like that!! probably a lot of time spent in the back of the library. their relationship is comfortable, but not extremely close. they talk about surface-level interests and are maybe book geeks together skfkl
a crush - honestly like? someone that honey is super into!! they probably seem pretty obvious with it, but they haven’t said anything that alludes to it. it’s a lot to do with their body language. could go along with any of the other connections tbh?? honey leaves them notes and poems about their admiration for them kdfgjk. maybe even someone that has a crush on honey?? i don’t know if anybody would, but they’re a very sweet person and have a whole lotta heart tbh
someone that they wanted to impress and went a little overboard trying to be somebody else. humilating moments, embarrassing crushes. all that good stuff.
people they don’t get along with. maybe a person that doesn’t care enough to break through to them and therefore thinks they’re snobbish and rude?? maybe someone that finds them to be weak / pathetic. i don’t know man, i’m down.
they fell in love with one of their sisters exes and kissed them. used to be super close, but is super not close with them anymore. makes for awkward situations constantly. probably a few years older than them. 
uhhh someone that goes thrifting with them, fellow poets, people that are maybe in a book club with them, ex-bullies, other exes of their sister .. u know ones they didn’t kiss, just friends!! sleepover buddies!! someone that tries to like push them out of their shell and make them explore the world .. rebellious types ya know? someone that drags them out to parties and teaches them about the fun college life tm. i’m really down for whatever!!!! someone that tried to get in their pants at a party, an old crush, someone from their childhood maybe?? 
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Survey #64
“i won’t let you say goodbye, and i’ll be your reason why.”
do you believe in climate change?   yes like damn i know i'm conservative but i'm not stupid. what is the first thing you do when you get on the computer?   check facebook. do you sing in the shower?   VERY rarely. what do people most pick on you about?   the fact i'm always on the computer. you get one full day with the one you love. what would you do?   omg... to do anything?  and does he love me again?  i'm assuming that's the only way he'd hang out with me, so... but anyway.  i'm pretty sure the whole day would be a mix of making out, making love (yes i'm fucking old i actually say that term), and catching up with one another. if you could dye your hair one color, what would it be?   gray.  mom won't let me. would you ever try fear factor for one million dollars? why or why not?   try it?  sure, because that's a lot of money.  i highly doubt i'd get far, though. if you have a camera, when do you use flash?   almost never. do you look better with red lipstick or black lipstick?   i personally like myself more with black. the last person you talked to on the phone and the last person you held hands with are in a burning building and you can only save one; who?   mom or best friend?  i'm saving my mom. do you remember who the first person you ever had a sleepover with was?   most likely, brianna. when was the last time you were in a hot tub?   years ago, when i lived with jason in the apartment.  they had a hot tub. do you ever watch films and rip them apart for their inaccuracies?   YYYYYUP.  i got very bad at doing that after binge-watching cinemasins stuff with j. what's your favorite tree?   weeping willow describe the darker side to your personality.   i can apparently be murderously jealous.  my words can be fucking blades on rare occasions.  i'm very impatient with most things.  i'm a pessimist. what, without fail, makes you cry?   talking about jason. have you ever seen a shooting star?   i think so.  i've also seen a star explode. favorite forest animal?   deer. if you’ve stayed overnight in a hospital, how did you entertain yourself?   it's literally impossible to entertain yourself there.  each time, i could only try to sleep... what's something you should be sorry about, but aren't?   idk, really.  i'm pretty much sorrow for any wrong i've done that i can think of... how do you feel when it's your birthday?   i guess i kinda feel special.  for once. will you cry at your wedding?   OH GOD YEAH you get arrested, what for?   i feel the most likely crime i'd commit punishable by arrest would be attacking ashley. do you like the song crush by david archuleta?   DO YOU CATCH YOUR BREATH, WHEN I'M HERE WITH YOU?  ARE YOU HOLDIN' BACK, LIKE THE WAY I DOOOO? have you ever had a dream where you could understand a foreign language?   i have not. do you know anyone who has road rage?   jason's mom.  BAD.  she's a fucking savage italian new yorker lmao. have you ever had a particularly disturbing dream? about?   i've dreamt of being raped by someone i know; i woke up sobbing.  i'm most certain i've had more, i just can't think of any. would you ever consider getting an abortion, under any circumstances?   NO.  UNLESS it's considered an "abortion" when you end an ectopic pregnancy.  i don't think it is, but if it is, i mean, they're kinda necessary...? what do you think of people who get abortions?   i feel an immense amount of pity for them. do you ever argue or debate with people about your beliefs?   not so much anymore, but occasionally, yes. when was the last time you felt turned on?   some time ago, not sure... thinking too much about someone... would you rather suffer from anorexia or bulimia?   what the fuck?  neither!  they're both terrible illnesses! do you think it’s okay for a survey to ask if you’ve been raped? why?   ... good question.  like, it could REALLY trigger somebody, but at the same time, surveys are sorta supposed to ask lots of questions...? do people say you have an accent?   i definitely had an accent when i was younger, but i barely have one anymore.  when i say certain words, you can occasionally detect that i'm from the south. a guy is beginning to treat you like a total booty call. what do you do?  ... i'd tolerate it, probably, if it was jason, because i'm that fucking pathetically desperate for his attention.  anyone else?  ha.  fuck you, dude. do you still have pictures of you & your ex?   i still have every picture we've ever taken together.  ripriprip have you ever been into a real cave?   no, i wish! what is something you and your significant other do that may seem weird to others?   i don't have a s.o., so can i talk about my "crush" because i love talking about him/find it therapeutic to talk about him so much??  okay!  honestly, he's just weird all around, and i love it.  perhaps the thing he does that most people would consider odd though is play "magic: the gathering," a card game pretty popular amongst people like geeks.  it's pointlessly ridiculed a lot. how long have you liked the person you like right now?   five years... who was the last person to be mad at you?   colleen.  pretty sure she hates me by now. when was the last time you had sex?   never.  i'm a virgin. are you going to anytime soon?   anytime soon, almost certainly not.  i won't until i'm either with jason again or married. name all the people that you talked to today. online, through texts, and in person.   colleen and jax. do you know anyone who self-harms?   anyone who does it currently?  no, thank heavens. what are your parents’ names and what do they do for a living?   donna (pharmacy worker, home care provider) and ken (mailman) do you know a schizophrenic person?   i have a half-sister who's schizophrenic, but i've never met her.  i also met schizophrenics at the mental hospital, but wouldn't say i "know" them. did you ever watch sailor moon? if so, who is your favorite?   omg yes!!  i don't recall who my favorite was... i know i really liked the two cats, though. have you seen the game show “baggage”?   i have.  i really dislike jerry springer, but i enjoyed the show solely because i liked seeing the weird facts about people.  there was some whacky shit. name the last 3 people you kissed and list one nice thing about each one.   i've only ever kissed jason, and he's very creative. when was the last time you felt EXTREMELY depressed? why is that?   i am a clinically depressed person; it's different from just being depressed.  i am, literally, always depressed, but yes, the intensity varies.  the last time it was super bad was last night, because my best friend in the whole universe was being a shallow-minded bitch. would you ever dye your hair pink?   the whole thing, just pink?  no, unless i was being paid, hm, maybe like at least $50. what is your favorite type of muffin?   chocolate chip. what is the last type of salad that you ate?   who even knows.  i don't like salad much. what do you usually put on your waffles?   peanut butter and syrup do you ever stop and look up at the sky?   i have a massive appreciation for natural beauty, so definitely. would you rather be a successful writer or artist?   artist. do you have any best friends that you only know online?   not anymore.  i've had two people i consider to be former best friends that i knew purely online: megan and minuette/mini.  i evicted megan from my life for lying obsessively to me and mini just kinda... stopped talking to me.  we talk what, maybe three times in a full year?  i still love her to death, i just don't think she likes me.  i have multiple friends i know only online, but i wouldn't consider any as my "best" friend. have you ever gotten into a physical fight?   i have not.  got real fucking close though when rachel decided it was cool to snatch me by the shoulder and pull me down to her level.  bitch. is it okay for people to cheat if it’s only online?   fuck that!  cheating is cheating! do you pretend to be something you’re not to make friends?   i guess... kinda.  not much, but kinda.  when i'm first getting to know you, i'll admit to my depression, yeah, but i try to act like i'm in control of my disease when i'm really not.  i try to act like my illnesses haven't beat me down into the ground.  i try to act stronger. do you always respond to chain letters?   nope, i don't care who it's from. if you could, would you want to stay young forever?   if i could live forever at like... 23, yeah, i'd do that. when is your birthday?   february 5th!! c: what is one word that you can’t stand?   "the c word," used to refer to a certain body part of a woman.  i don't really like "the p word" that refers to the same thing, too. did you believe in santa claus as a kid?   of course!  the only person i've ever met that HASN'T is jason.  i feel so bad for him knowing he didn't...  it was so magical as a child. :< have you ever been drunk?   i've been mildly drunk, yes. do you like french toast?   hell yeah! are you good at bowling?   lmao nope. when is your father’s birthday?   sometime in april... are you interested in anime?   sure, yeah.  i like some. are you part german?   that's a good part of my heritage, yes. do you wear lipgloss?   no, i use lipstick. do you dream of being a porn star?   uh.  no. do you play guitar?   not anymore, no.  i took some classes my freshman year of high school i think, or maybe it was my last in middle school, but it was difficult.  i mean my teacher said i was learning pretty quick, but i could mess myself up easily.  i truly do believe the guitar is a very hard instrument to learn.  i also had a hard time feeling enpassioned to even play... do you have a niece or nephew?   i have a good number of "half" nieces and nephews, but i have one of each that are immediately related to me. did you take geography at school?   isn't it common core?  so yeah.  i enjoyed it. favorite fantasy creature?   dragons!! how do you feel about people who get a sex change?   ... i'm going to only say i'm very conservative on this matter.  you can figure out the details. would you ever have a child with someone just to make them stay with you?   NO.  not even for jason.  i would not put a child through so much misery. have you got any half or step siblings?   i have four half-siblings.  both my parents were involved with someone else before meeting each other. do you like kids’ movies?   generally, yes, they tend to be very cute.  now movies for like, young toddlers that do almost nothing but sing and break the fourth wall asking the audience to help and such, no. have you ever been to the beach? if so, tell me the name of the beach you last went to and when.   i've been a number of times.  i last went to a beach whose name i forget in north carolina last may. how often do you change your underwear?   the answer is simple: just don't wear underwear. have you ever been to court for something other than a traffic ticket?   i was at a court before, yes, but it wasn't the kind of hearing you're expecting.  when i was in the mental hospital once, i believed they wanted to keep me longer than necessary (they wanted me there a full month), and some guy/lawyer/something visited the hospital checking up on all the patients, telling them about how we had the right to question our time in front of a judge at court.  i wanted to, so i went, and it was honestly the scariest time of my life.  we were cuffed at our arms and feet, and i had to go into a van with people far crazier than i to ride to the court.  i honestly wondered if i was going to be attacked in that van.  at the court, i had to muster up all strength imaginable to present my case to the judge, alone, to see if my time would be lessened.  it was.  i actually wrote a poem about this time in my life while i was at the hospital after this event. don’t you hate it when people suddenly love a celebrity when they die?   yes, i do, because it's a shame people only seem to be important once they're gone. do you actually read privacy policies when signing up for new things?   no, i don't. what do you usually order from mcdonald’s?   mcdouble, fries, drink.  i'm such an american. do you like to draw very detailed drawings, or just stick figures?   as detailed as i dare. do you own a shirt that says “vote for pedro”?   ha ha ha, no, i should! has anyone ever tried stealing your boyfriend/girlfriend away?   yep.  when i "dated" juan, which lasted less than 24 hours, rachel made up some bullshit that she had sex with him over the weekend and told me during lunch by flat-out mildly assaulting me.  because i realized i believed he would do that, i broke up with him.  i'm perfectly aware now that no, he did not have sex with rachel, she just lied so i'd break up with him.  it was clear as day that she was very, very possessive over juan and would do anything to have him.  honestly?  i'm glad she made up that story, because i can't imagine a relationship with juan having gone well.  in the end, they never ended up dating. then, i dated jason.  you know when you change your relationship status on facebook, your friends are alerted?  well.  jason and rachel were "friends" on facebook because they're also exes.  when he changed his status, oh, did she have shit to say riiight in public on his life event.  i have no idea what was said, as when i asked jason what was said, he told me something like, "just stupid shit, so i laughed and deleted her."  so she obviously wasn't happy about me dating her ex.  too bad, slut. (: do you think you could have a relationship with the last person you texted?   romantically, no.  i'm not interested in women like that. what do you have in common with the last person you kissed?   more like what don't we have in common.  we were extremely similar.  i guess i can list one thing though, and that'd be that we were both gamers. can you whistle?   i'm not good at it, but yeah. if you had a child at the age you’re at now, do you think you’d be a good parent?   it's not my age i'm worried about, it's my mental state.  i doubt i would be. what's the heaviest song you actually enjoy?   i mean, how do you personally define "heavy?"  Heavy as in emotional, or heavy as in bassy?  emotionally heavy, uhhh, "hurt" by johnny cash, i guess.  heaviest in the guitar sense, if i understand what you're asking, would TOTALLY be "here to stay" by korn.  the sound and depth of that guitar riff slays. have you ever shared a shower or bath with someone as an adult?   no, and i don't find it to be ideal. are you bitter about anything?   HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA- is there anything in your possession that probably shouldn’t be?   i don't think so. do you listen to music to fall asleep?   maybe like only a couple times a year.  i have to feel like it'll help. do you use emojis?   i do sometimes.  not nearly as much as i did when i was younger, though.  i only do if i feel like it truly enhances the sentence/clarifies my tone of "voice." who's the last person you talked to about sex?   jax.  i'm asking her advice on something. does the sight of blood make you feel sick?   it doesn't. how do you feel about dreads on women?   the same way i feel about dreads on men: if they're well-taken care of, they're fine. would you date someone three years younger than you?   nope. by society's standards, are you attractive?   no, because i'm fat. would you let your kid smoke weed?   if they want their asses whooped. are you a good artist?   i mean... i'm decent, i guess? are you a tease?   i've seen this question a lot lately but i've never given a direct answer lmao???  anyway, honestly, hell yes.  the only person i've ever been serious with had a love/hate relationship with it in the sense it was sexually frustrating but was evidently also a turn-on, so.  i don't plan on changing that. what do you think of people who save it for marriage?   very good for you.  i honestly think that's great and borderline magical knowing you'd wait for someone until your marriage night, odds are.  but after 21 years of believing so, i don't think it's for me. have you ever had a one-night stand?   nope. has someone ever pressured you into doing something you didn’t want to do?   well... kinda.  i both did and didn't want to do something. would you date someone who was addicted to drugs?   hell naw. how long should people be together before they propose?   i don't really judge that by time, but rather the sincerity of the connection you've established.  in general though, i'd wait like three years. what about a song can get you to love it instantly? what can make you dislike a song right off the bat?   omg give me a good, heavy riff!!  i won't automatically dislike the song, per se, but i'd probably stop listening to it if the quality's bad. when making a big decision do you tend to make it on your own or ask for advice from others?   i ask for my friends' advice. if your car broke down would you call a friend or family member to pick you up or would you call aaa (or something like it)?   errr.  depends on the problem, i guess. do you like it when other survey takers post pictures in their answers? how often do you post pictures in surveys to accompany an answer?   i do like it, because it gives you a more in-depth peek into their lives. (:  i only ever do it if the question asks me to or if it's too good an opportunity to pass up. do you think that deep down, everyone is good at heart?   no, i don't believe that. how many people have you kissed?   one romantically, one semi-romantically on the cheek. are most silences awkward for you?   FUCK MAN YES. do you think some people are better than others? if so, why?   as far as your worth goes, no.  we are all equal under god, and even if you're not religious, well, we're all equal in the same skin.  but when it comes to morals and such, let's face it, some people just are??  ex., i firmly believe someone like mother teressa is at least 50 times "better" than a rapist??? did you ever see the movie good burger when it came out?   not when it came out, but i've seen it and love it!  it's so funny! are you easily angered?   i'm honestly not, just so many things have been happening lately that are capable of pissing me off... what's your sexual preference?   i like dick. name a song you've really been digging lately.   i've been into a good number lately, but i'm really digging "this is gospel" by panic! at the disco. do you ever delete questions from surveys?   yes, i do.  i don't generally answer questions that i've answered a thousand times, are common sense ("have you ever missed somebody?" bitch i'm human what you think), or are just flat-out boring.  i hope it makes my surveys more fun to read, and they're also more enjoyable to do. have you always had a core group of friends, or have your friends come and gone throughout the years? what’s your situation like now with friends – do you have a set of people you can depend on over others, or do you find the older you’ve gotten, the more people have drifted apart?   throughout my whole life, i've definitely not had one solid group of friends.  they've come and gone.  now as i'm older, i have less friends, but they're more solid. do you believe that there is such a thing as unconditional love? assuming you loved someone with all your heart and did not want to lose them, would there be any “condition” that might force you to reconsider your feelings?   i know good and well it exists because i feel it for jason.  i don't claim it to be a good thing, though.  like if he did do something very, very stupid... i feel like i'd still be there to tell him i love him.  i also have unconditional love for my pets. when was the last time you caused somewhat of a scene in front of others? were you embarrassed, or did anyone say anything to you about it? or, have you ever witnessed someone else (such as an intoxicated person) do something in front of others that was extremely embarrassing or inappropriate?   i can't remember the last time i caused a scene, but yeah, i've seen plenty of people do stupid shit. do you enjoy driving? if you were to take a road trip and were asked to be either the driver, the front passenger, or a backseat passenger, which would you prefer?   NO.  i panic terribly.  if we were taking a roadtrip, i like shotgun. have you ever donated blood? is this something you’d be interested in doing? do you know what blood type you are?   i did in high school, but i don't think i'll do it again because it was SUCH an anxiety-inducing span of time.  my blood type is a, like my dad. have you ever struggled with your weight or experienced an eating disorder? do you think that others’ opinions have had a negative impact on your perception of your own size? how is your body image these days?   eeek.  i'm overweight.  i was perfectly healthy until jason left me; to try to fill the emptiness i felt, i ate like a mindless zombie, and it never worked. ... i've gained 100 pounds since he left.  fucking embarrassing.  society's opinion of big people has definitely controlled how i view my body, and my body image is horrid.  i despise how i look. have you ever yelled at or berated a person who provided you with terrible customer service? has someone ever done this to you while you were working? do you think there is ever a case where this is justified?   i have not, but i have been very passive-aggressively.  it involved how the cash register cannot be opened without ringing up an item.  pretty sure an old man wanted to kill me once.  i was still in training... i nearly puked from the anxiety.  and i mean i understand it had to be a little bit annoying, but damn, no need to look at me like i killed your firstborn child. do you think being diagnosed with being a sex addict is actually a real excuse?   excuse for what, though?  it really depends.  i mean if you claim you raped someone because of a sex addiction, uh no, that's not an excuse. do you feel like an idiot every time you step into hot topic?   ... the fuck?  no???  some people, myself included, just find their style aesthetically pleasing??? what do you think about like 3oh!3 and hollywood undead?   i only like like two songs by 3oh!3, and hollywood undead's okay. how many people of your preferred sex have told you that they loved you? how many do you think actually meant it?   two, i think, and i believe only one meant it. when was the last time someone called you “gorgeous”?   probably when i was ready for my senior prom.  i was so beautiful then. if you needed advice about sex/contraception, who would you be most likely to go to?   my mom when wrapping up gifts, do you ever leave the price tags on?   no, i don't.  just doesn't seem right somehow. you’re watching tv with your parents and a sex scene comes on. what do you do?   probably try to make a funny comment while feeling quite embarrassed inside. is it possible to be ‘in love’ with someone, if they don’t love you back?   of course it is. were you the girl who always looked at failed relationships and said, “that’s never going to happen to me”?   yes and no.  i wanted to avoid dating in high school for just that reason, because i knew most failed.  but i also thought i'd be a smart enough person to do my part in solving any problem my s.o. and i would have.  but he's gotta meet me halfway, turns out. do you sleep in t-shirts?   no, i sleep in tank tops and camis. are you a fan of adam sandler?   he's rather funny, yeah. do you keep magazines by your toilet?   nah. did the one person who hurt you the most in your life apologize?   he said, "i'm sorry how things worked out."  "worked out" my ass.  i genuinely don't believe he meant it. ever call your boyfriend 'daddy'?   OH MY FUCK NO PLS STOP THIS TREND what’s something you need to go shopping for?   tank topssss do/did you do good in school?   all the way from elementary through high school, yeah.  i crashed and burned in college. do you write?   well, i'm a forum rper, so i do creative writing any time i do that.  i'll write a poem every now and again. what’s your zodiac sign?   aquarius.
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