#Pati John
neweramuseum · 4 months
NEM Streets 89 - Curated by Armineh Hovanesian
FEATURED WORKS BY: Alon Goldsmith, Robi Gallardo, Roger Guetta, Jack Schim, Mota Isfil, Donna Donato, Pati John, Douglas Wagner.
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sheltiechicago · 11 months
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My own little cosmos within reach
by Pati John in the Netherlands
The Art Of Building Competition 2022
Chartered Institute of Building
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world-of-wales · 6 months
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1 JUNE - William and Catherine attended the Marriage of Crown Prince Hussein of Jordan with Miss Rajwa Al Saif at the Zahran Palace. Afterwards, they attended the State Banquet in Hussein and Rajwa's honour. 2 JUNE - William held a Meeting with Jack Beeton, a crash survivor he helped save while he was with the air ambulance. 3 JUNE - William attended the Men's FA Cup Final between Manchester City & Manchester United. 6 JUNE - William held a Meeting to mark Pride Month. 7 JUNE - He received the Rt. Hon. Sir Keir Starmer MP (Leader of Opposition). 8 JUNE - William was received the Deputy Lieutenant of Greater London as he opened the Oak Cancer Centre at the Royal Marsden. 10 JUNE - He took the salute at the Colonel's Review of The King's Birthday Parade. 13 JUNE - William was received by the Lord-Lieutenant of Greater London as he opened Centrepoint's Reuben House housing development. Afterwards, he held a Meeting with Dr. Jayne Brady (Head of Civil Service, Northern Ireland) via telephone. Subsequently, he was joined by The Duchess of Edinburgh for the Screening of "Rhino Man". 14 JUNE - William held a Meeting with the Rt. Hon. Humza Yousaf MSP (First Minister of Scotland) via telephone. Later, he had a telephonic Meeting with the Rt. Hon. Mark Drakeford MS (First Minister of Wales). 16 JUNE - William and Catherine attended the Senior Colonels' Conference and Dinner at Clarence House. 17 JUNE - William took part in The King's Birthday Parade on Horse Guards Parade. Later, he appeared on the Balcony along with Catherine and their children for the RAF fly-past. 18 JUNE - William appeared in Father's Day Portraits released by Kensington Palace with George, Charlotte and Louis. 19 JUNE - William and Catherine attended a Chapter of the Most Noble Order of the Garter in the Throne Room at Windsor Castle. Afterwards, they were present at the Luncheon Party for the Companions of the Garter. Subsequently, they attended the Order of the Garter Installation Service at St George's Chapel. 20 JUNE - William visited St George's Park and was received by the Lord-Lieutenant of Staffordshire. He wrote a letter to Oscar Burrow congratulating him for his fundraising efforts. 21 JUNE - William celebrated his 41st Birthday. To mark the day, Buckingham Palace released a Birthday Portrait featuring William and The King. He visited Eton College with Catherine and George. 22 JUNE - William received Ms Hannah Jones (Chief Executive, the Earthshot Prize). Afterwards, he held a Meeting at Windsor Castle. He appeared in a video message marking Windrush Day. A special documentary - 'Pride of Britain: A Windrush Special' with an appearance from Willliam was announced. 23 JUNE - William and Catherine attended the Ascot Races. Later, they were spotted at KOKO. 25 JUNE - William launched 'Homewards' and held a Meeting with Homewards Advocates. 26 JUNE - William appeared in a video for Homewards. He embarked on a 2-Day Homewards Launch Tour and visited Mosaic Clubhouse in London, where he was received by the Deputy Lieutenant of Greater London. Afterwards, he was received by His Majesty's Lord-Lieutenant of Dorset at St John's Church Hall in Poole. Subsequently, William visited Maindee Primary School & Hill Street Housing Development and was received by the Vice Lord-Lieutenant of Gwent. 27 JUNE - William visited East Belfast Mission in Belfast and was received by His Majesty's Lord-Lieutenant of the County Borough of Belfast. Afterwards, he was received by the Lord-Lieutenant of the City of Aberdeen at the Tillydrone Community Campus. Finally, he visited Verdon Recreation Centre in Sheffield and was received by the Vice Lord-Lieutenant of South Yorkshire. 28 JUNE - William held an Investiture at Windsor Castle. 29 JUNE - He was received by His Majesty's Lord-Lieutenant of Norfolk at the Royal Norfolk Show. 30 JUNE - William appeared in a video for Pride Month along with Michael Lister, Alexis Caught and Sharvari Patil discussing mental health in the LGBTQ+ community. He also appeared in a video message for the 2023 Diana Award.
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lily-in-thevalley · 6 months
The Start of Something New Pt. 1
The start of a small story detailing your shared journey with Brian into starting your family (˶^ з^(〃‿〃♡)
TW’s: mild anxiety, mild insecurity
Important note: While writing this series, the reader/(y/n) was envisioned as AFAB/non-binary, so they’ll be referred to with primarily gender neutral pronouns and endearments as per their preference.
Blimey dears, it’s been quite a while since I’ve gotten myself to actually write anything due to a remarkably intense semester in uni. I hope to make this a small series I actually complete for myself and you all. Enjoy !!!
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This wasn’t something new. In all honesty, the thought had first appeared to you many many years ago. Back when you and Brian were still children and growing up together. It was understood, between the two of you, that you longed to start a family together one day. Privately, it only truly hit you some random day in 1974.
It was before you and Brian had actually become an official couple, opting for “secret” kisses and obvious pining from not-so-afar. At the time, Queen were touring in Finland, and had been asked to attend a press conference for a few international papers and many local papers. Among the bustling writers and photographers was a young boy. You never learned his name, but he was truly sweet and had melted Brian and Freddie’s hearts particularly (John was getting ready to have his own child and thus was slightly nervous, and Roger seemed a tad impartial). This boy had asked several questions of Freddie, Roger, and John by the time he’d reached Brian and had seemed to run out of what might have been deemed professional questions. Much to Brian’s delight, that meant the more creative and unique questions were reserved for him. 
From your spot somewhere to the left of the band, you listened and watched Brian participate in his interview with the young boy. You watched and admired the way that his voice softened, and he grinned politely as more questions were prepared for him. Your heart picked up pace as he took each question to heart, seriously considering his answer for each one (“Chocolate penguins” being his favourite candy in particular made you smile). As Brian answered more questions, a thought floated into your mind quite suddenly.
I want him to care for my children…
Had you not been mostly secluded from the majority of the crowd, it would have been quite obvious how your cheeks went bright red. While it caused you to blush, the realization itself truly wasn’t too severe a surprise. You had, somewhere in the back of your mind, always desired this.
Just moments after your mind had started to wander into the intricacies of your revelation, Brian was excused from the press conference for a break and found you sitting by yourself. He waved a soft wave and sat next to you, offering you a sip from his bottle of water that you gladly accepted. 
“Are you alright back here love? It’s not become too overwhelming has it?” he spoke quietly, hoping to not worsen any sensory issue you may be having. In response, you shook your head slightly.
“Nothing like that no, I’m ok Bri. Was your interview ok?” At your question, Brian’s gentle smile returned.
“I’ve actually just had quite a lovely interview with a young lad. He had some of the best questions I’ve ever been asked, I'll tell you. Really getting into the important business.” His grin grew, radiantly expressing his fondness of the interview. Brian turned his head to look at you as you nudged his shoulder gently with your own.
“I saw…” you hesitated for a moment, deciding whether or not you should speak the entirety of your mind, “It was really cute to see you interacting with that kid.” 
Brian could tell you had more to say, and he gave you room to gather your thoughts and calm yourself if need be. Yet another two traits you loved and admired about your Brimi (a nickname he’d earned for his ever improving guitar skills and impressively curly mane). His unwavering support and patience through all of your little ticks and quirks, and his ability to read your subtle body language when it counted the most. After a few beats of silence, the words seemed to spill from you as they needed to.
“I want to have your babies Brian.” You could admit, rather readily in fact, that you hadn’t intended to confess such a thing so boldly. That was hardly the kind of communication pattern you and Brian had fallen into through recent years, making it a fight to bring yourself to look to Brian’s face. 
It wasn’t a look of horror or embarrassment on his face, not even pity or of being disturbed. He almost seemed… amused and relieved? As though he were stuck between wanting to laugh at how cute and sudden your exclamation was, and wanting to hug you until you passed out. He could see your head starting to overthink however, and opted for a light hug and running a hand softly through your hair. 
“Oh my angel,” you could hear the smile in his voice as he practically purred “I’m so glad you said that, I’m glad you feel the same way I do.” He quelled any possibility for your fickle mind to take what he said and twist it into something it wasn’t despite the minute waver in his own voice (stemming from nerves he sought to hide, not wanting to give your mind any chance to think he was bluffing). With a gentle kiss to your head, he looked down at you. “Can you tell me what you’re thinking?”
“I…Brimi I’m really embarrassed that I just yelled that out suddenly and I’m slightly overwhelmed with the knowledge that you might want that too and-” A pair of the softest lips cut you off from continuing your anxious train of thought. Ever so skillfully, Brian soothed your worries with the consistent and tender press of his lips against yours, a pressure that simultaneously kept you grounded in reality and made you feel like you were flying. Low and sweet, a purr rumbled in Brian’s chest as he felt you begin to calm and relax into the kiss.
With your heart light (and full of a love you dare not fully express), you pulled away slightly from your shared kiss. You made eye contact with Bri and watched the full body shiver that ran through him bring a light blush to his cheeks and a sheepish chuckle from his lips. A chuckle that you shared with him, feeling slightly light-headed with relief from the knowledge that Brian, too, hoped to start a family with you one day.
More recently, after celebrating your tenth anniversary with Brian and months of planning your wedding after his proposal that night (Freddie will never stop teasing the two of you for taking ten years to finally get engaged), you found yourself reading through one of the astronomy magazines that could be found lying about your home in bed. You and Brian practically shared everything these days, so it was no far stretch for you to read bits of his literature and for him to read bits of your literature. Taking a sip of your rapidly cooling tea, you noticed Brian standing in the doorway of your bedroom with his eyes set on you. From his posture, it was evident that there was a topic on his mind that would keep him awake if it wasn’t discussed as soon as possible. You set aside your magazine and made eye contact with him, causing Brian to shift slightly on his feet.
“Is something wrong, my love? Come sit with me.” You pulled the comforter up from his side of the bed and settled into the pillows, a combination of movements that you both knew meant it was time for a cuddle. Instantly there was a noticeable change in Brian’s posture and his evident anxiety seeped away as he crawled into bed next to you, shedding his clothes eagerly on the way. He found his place curled up against your side, feeling quite safe and comfortable despite the lingering questions on the tip of his tongue. 
“Now, what’s on your mind Bri? I can tell you need to talk,” you placed a little kiss to the top of his head and started working your fingers through his thick curls, an action that you knew he found comfort in “Whenever you’re ready sweetheart.”
“I think… I know…” he needed a moment, a feeling you truly understood “Now that we’re engaged and our wedding is next month…(y/n), I think it’s time we truly discussed having kids.”
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Quid est martyrium? Mortem pati pro Christo. Quid est Christianum? Christum sequi*
- St. Augustine
What is martyrdom? To suffer death for Christ. What is a Christian? To follow Christ.*
After the restoration of the western towers of the Abbey had been completed in 1995, it was decided to fill the 10 gothic niches above the west doorway with statues. The lower part of the towers date from the 15th century and the tops of the towers were completed in 1745. The niches never had statues, although this was obviously the plan of decoration.
It was decided to use the ten niches not just to commemorate saints or worthy figures from the past. So instead of traditional figures of kings or saints, the abbey decided that martyrs of the 20th century should be remembered. The West entrance was to proclaim a message of which too few people are aware: the 20th century was a century of Christian martyrdom. Although the statues are of individual martyrs they are intended to represent all those others who have died (and continue to die) in similar circumstances of oppression and persecution. Their statues were drawn from every continent and many Christian denominations.
Four sculptors completed the statues, carved from French Richemont limestone. The Archbishop of Canterbury, George Carey, unveiled the statues in July 1998 at a service attended by HM Queen Elizabeth II.
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The ten Christian modern martyrs are (from left to right):
Maximilian Kolbe: a Catholic priest who helped Jews in Poland and who died in Auschwitz in 1941 after offering to take the place of a condemned man.
Manche Masemola: a 16-year-old girl from South Africa who was killed by her parents in 1928 when she converted to Christianity.
Janani Luwum:  the Archbishop of Uganda who was murdered on the orders of Idi Amin in 1977.
Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna: a member of the Russian Imperial family (by marriage) who founded a convent but was murdered by the Bolsheviks during the Russian Revolution.
Martin Luther King: the American civil rights campaigner who was murdered in 1969.
Oscar Romero: the Archbishop of San Salvador, murdered by a death squad in 1980.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer: a Lutheran theologian who was implicated in the bomb plot against Adolf Hitler and executed in 1945.
Esther John: a Pakistani nurse and Christian evangelist who was murdered by a Muslim relative in 1960.
Lucian Tapledi: an Anglican in New Guinea who was killed by invading Japanese troops in 1942.
Wang Zhiming: a Christian pastor in China who was executed in 1973 during the Cultural Revolution.
In June 1953, during Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s coronation, she entered through the west door of London’s Westminster Abbey. During her arrival, she was received by massed choirs singing “I was glad when they said unto me, we will go into the house of the Lord” (Psalm 122, 1-3,6, 7.)
On 6 May, King Charles III and Queen Consort Camilla will be crowned at Westminster Abbey. For many, this will be the first coronation they have ever seen. The ceremony will follow a pattern laid out in the Liber Regalis, kept at Westminster Abbey and which has informed the pattern of coronations since the 14th century. The service which will see the Coronation of King Charles and Queen Camilla will include the same elements as the historic coronations which have gone before and everything starts with their entry to the Abbey. This means King Charles III will enter the Abbey through the West door and under the statues of these 10 Christian modern martyrs.
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For King Charles III it will have a particular personal resonance as he will walk under the soulful gaze of his great-great aunt through his father’s side (the late Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh), Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna.
Elizabeth of Hesse-Darmstadt was born on 1 November 1864. Her mother died when she was a child, and she came to England to live with her grandmother, Queen Victoria. Her childhood was Lutheran and her adolescence was Anglican. Elizabeth married Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich, the fifth son of Tsar Alexander II of Russia in 1884, and joined the Orthodox Church in 1891.
When her husband was assassinated in 1905, she gave away all her jewellery, sold her most luxurious possessions, and opened the Martha and Mary home in Moscow. Elizabeth and 17 of her companions formally became nuns in 1909. They soon opened a hospital and began other philanthropic works.
The Tsarist state collapsed in March 1917, and the Bolsheviks seized power in October 1917. Elizabeth was arrested with two sisters from her convent on 7 May 1918, and transported across country to Perm, then to Ekatarinburg, and finally to Alapaevsk. On 17 July, the Tsar and his family were shot dead. During the following night, Elizabeth, Sister Varvara, and members of the royal family were murdered in a mineshaft. Elizabeth was recognised as a saint by the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad in 1984 and by the Moscow Patriarchate in 1992.
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Had there been more than ten niches available, there would have been other candidates available for inclusion in Westminster Abbey. As it stands, this memorial makes a powerful statement about the fact that people are still dying for their Christian beliefs in the present age. Although most cathedrals only seem to commemorate people who are long-dead and long-forgotten, Westminster Abbey bucked the trend in a dramatic and highly poignant way.
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scotianostra · 8 months
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On October 24th 1682 the portrait painter William Aikman was born near Arbroath.
Our second painter today, William Aikman might not be as well known to most of you, but the third pic I have posted her is instantly recognisable, well in my opinion anyway, as the subject of a recent post, the poet Allan Ramsay. My favourite however is pic three of Patie Birnie, the Fiddler of Kinghorn, what jovial looking man, don’t you agree?
Aikman had planned a career in business. His cousins ran a well established import-export business at Leghorn servicing Anglo-Italian trade. The deaths of his elder brother and father made him, as a very young man, laird of his family estate at Cairnie, on the edge of Arbroath. He came under pressure from his mother’s family, the Clerks of Penicuik (his uncle was John Clerk of Penicuik), to study for the Bar but became neither lawyer nor merchant. After a decade of artistic study and travel he emerged as the leading Scottish painter of his generation.
After a short stint in Edinburgh he had moved to London by 1704 and continued his own training. He visited Italy, and through contacts of his cousins, went on to Turkey and Greece. The funds for this extended trip were raised through the sale of the family estate and property in New Jersey.
Aikman returned to Scotland in 1711, perhaps precipitated by the news of his early mentor, John de Medina ’s death whose role he took over as painter to the Scottish aristocracy and gentry. He was perfectly placed to do so as there were very few other portrait painters in Scotland at that time. In addition, Aikman belonged to the society that he painted and his family and friends helped speed the introductions to Scottish patrons and the Scottish community in London.
William Aikman spent the last decade of his life there painting amongst others the prime minister, Sir Robert Walpole, and various royal sitters. He died on 7th June 1731.
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By: Miriam Grossman
Published: Aug 2, 2023
I was contacted by lawyers in Salt Lake City about a 13-year-old boy whose divorced parents were in litigation over his social transition. Zach had recently declared himself a girl, and his mother was 100 percent on board—new name, pronouns, dresses. His father wasn't going along with it.
I reviewed the records from Zach's recent psychiatric hospitalization. Staff listed gender dysphoria as one of his diagnoses and consistently used his girl's name and female pronouns, but the reasoning for those clinical decisions was absent. The hospital records indicated Zach heard voices and saw "ghosts." I searched for more information about the voices and the ghosts but found none.
Was it possible no one had asked? Psychotic symptoms such as auditory or visual hallucinations always warrant further questions. An obvious one: what did the voices say? Was Zach hearing voices telling him he's a girl?
These were questions that demanded attention from his clinicians prior to affirming a new identity. Maybe Zach's gender dysphoria was related to his disordered thinking and hallucinations. Perhaps instead of lip gloss he needed Risperdal (anti-psychotic medication).
I found similar problems in the care of 17-year-old Nicole in Boston. Nicole's life had been chaotic; her father left when she was two, her mother had five other kids with two other men, she was sexually abused by a neighbor, and her family had been homeless for months on several occasions. She had an IQ of 68 and was on three psychiatric medications to treat hallucinations, ADHD, and depression. When she discovered her mother was pregnant, Nicole came out as a boy.
At the time I was consulted, Nicole was in foster care due to charges of physical abuse by her mother.
Nicole wanted testosterone. I was asked by the court to provide my professional opinion regarding "gender-affirming" care, including testosterone, for her.
Having read this far, I trust you can figure out what I said. No testosterone for Nicole.
Zach lives in Utah and Nicole in Massachusetts—both states that ban "conversion therapy" for minors. That means any approach that fails to immediately affirm a child's new identity is prohibited.
I put myself at l risk when I argued that Zach and Nicole should not be affirmed but instead have their long-term mental health issues treated.
At least with those two consultations, my role was to provide my professional opinion. But that wasn't the case with David, a patient in Colorado with whom I worked directly.
One day David told his parents that he is transgender and asked to be called Zoe, "she," and "her." He wanted blockers because the hair sprouting over the corners of his lips and his cracking voice reminded him he's a boy. If only he could take estrogen, he told me, having breasts and wider hips would make him feel confident and secure.
The medical establishment, the DSM-5, and the state of Colorado say the only permissible response is to act as if he was a girl. David must be in the driver's seat—forget about "do no harm." If he picks a different gender identity, name, and pronouns next week, I must use those. I am to instruct parents to tell everyone—family members, school staff, his piano teacher and dentist—to do the same. His mom, dad, and I are all supposed to celebrate what doctors at Johns Hopkins call David's "evolving sense of self."
Celebrating an evolving sense of self sounds fine and dandy. But I happen to know that when David first appeared at a family event in a dress, his mother—a strong feminist and lifelong liberal who supported gay marriage and survived 9/11 and breast cancer—had to flee to a restroom, where she had the first panic attack of her life. I also know puberty blockers might be followed by estrogen and perhaps even orchiectomy—castration. He could end up disfigured and infertile and still not be satisfied with his body.
When David is ready, I must share those dangers with him. I took an oath to prevent harm, no matter what the gender medical establishment or the state of Colorado might say.
For refusing to validate the opposite-sex identities of David and many others, I risk an investigation, but I'll live with that. I'm going to do what's best for my patients.
Miriam Grossman MD is board certified in child, adolescent and adult psychiatry. The author of five books, Dr. Grossman's work has been translated into eleven languages. She has testified in Congress and lectured at the British House of Lords and the United Nations.
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richwall101 · 1 year
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Blaise Castle House - Bristol - UK
In the later 18th century the estate was owned by a sugar merchant and investor in the slave trade, Thomas Farr, who bought it from Astry's descendants in 1762; Farr went bankrupt when ships he owned were blockaded during the American Revolutionary War, and the estate was bought in 1778 by Denham Skeate, a lawyer from Bath. Eleven years later he sold it to John Harford, a wealthy Bristol merchant and banker, who demolished the old house in 1789 and had the present two-storey Neoclassical Blaise Castle House built in 1796–1798, designed by William Paty. It is a square stone block with adjoining domestic offices which are faced with stucco. The north west entrance front has five bays with a central semicircular projecting porchwith Ionic columns. It is a grade II* listed building, though described by Simon Jenkins as "solid, simple and unexciting". John Nash added a connected conservatory or orangery around 1805 or 1806, and in 1832–1833, Charles Robert Cockerell designed the Picture Room for Harford's son, John Scandrett Harford, who had inherited the estate after his father's death in 1812. The Picture Room extends into a portico which has six Ionic columns. This now houses a display of paintings from the Bristol City Museum and Art Gallery. The hall has bas-relief medallions by Bertel Thorvaldsen.
The lower picture of the house was taken by Martin Hewer (2023)
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neweramuseum · 5 months
NEM Architecture 30 - Curated by Noah Fentz
FEATURED WORKS BY: Antonieta Monteiro, Jack Schim, MaryJane Rosenfeld, Rosalie Heller, Mota Isfil, Maria Faial, Pati John, Leah Chossid, Michael Brunsfeld.
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tommyarashikage · 5 months
OC Masterlist
This is a full list of my fandom ocs + a select few characters from my original works that I've mentioned or talked about before, in text post format for easier access on mobile! No links included because it would break the post into oblivion. But important tags are fully listed.
Last updated: 18.02.2024
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Far Cry 5
— Laurie Devin. she/her { ♡ Jacob Seed } tag; #oc: laurie devin | ship tag; #x: feed the hungry
— Aiden Hunter. he/him { ♡ Faith Seed } tag; #oc: aiden hunter | ship tag; #x: darkest before the dawn
— Toni Hunter. she/her { ♡ N/A } tag; #oc: toni hunter
Call Of Duty (Modern Warfare Reboot)
— Paz "Avis" Acosta. she/her { ♡ Simon "Ghost" Riley } tag; #oc: paz acosta | ship tag; #x: under sunlight
— Arlene "Ace" Harlow. she/her { ♡ König } tag; #oc: arlene harlow | ship tag; #x: two of a kind
— Laura "Lux" Siemon. she/her { ♡ Nikodim "Rodion" Egorov } tag; #oc: laura siemon | ship tag; #x: to see you shine
— Janaína "Omen" Mendes. she/her { ♡ Velikan } tag; #oc: janaína mendes | ship tag; #x: keep it silent
— Emilia Hellström. she/her { ♡ Rodolfo Parra } tag; #oc: emilia hellström | ship tag; #x: back to back
Mortal Kombat 1
— Santana "Serpent" Ruiz. she/her { ♡ Kenshi Takahashi } tag; #oc: santana ruiz | ship tag; #x: snake charmer
— Huo "Phoenix" Liang. she/her { ♡ Kung Lao } tag; #oc: huo liang | ship tag; #x: between wind and water
— Yawen Zhao. she/her { ♡ Tomas Vrbada/Smoke } tag; #oc: yawen zhao | ship tag; #x: underneath it all
— Quhiri. she/her { ♡ Raiden } tag; #oc: quhiri | ship tag; #x: moth to a flame
— Kheira Rane. she/her { ♡ Guzma } tag; #oc: kheira rane | ship tag; #x: my sun moon and stars
— Alysha Faye. she/her { ♡ N/A? } tag; #oc: alysha faye
— Cato Rye. he/him { ♡ Serena } tag; #oc: cato rye | ship tag; #x: something so sweet
— Nova Shepard. she/her { ♡ Garrus Vakarian } - Mass Effect tag; #oc: nova shepard | ship tag; #x: no me without you
— Sara Hypatia "Pati" Ryder. she/her { ♡ Reyes Vidal } - Mass Effect tag; #oc: sara hypatia ryder | ship tag; #x: you're someone to me
— Ashalya Lavellan. she/her { ♡ Solas } - Dragon Age: Inquisition tag; #oc: ashalya lavellan | ship tag; #x: var lath vir suledin
— Wendy. she/her { ♡ John Hancock } - Fallout 4 tag; #oc: wendy | ship tag; #x: good morning sunshine
— Yasemin. she/her { ♡ Deacon } - Fallout 4 tag; #oc: yasemin | ship tag; #x: happens great happens sweet
— Valentina "V" Voigt. she/her { ♡ Goro Takemura } - Cyberpunk 2077 tag; #oc: valentina voigt | ship tag; #x: never fade away
— Scarlet. she/her { ♡ Dum Dum } - Cyberpunk 2077 tag; #oc: scarlet | ship tag; #x: chrome blood and roses
— Yunith. she/her { ♡ Astarion? } - Baldur's Gate 3 tag; #oc: yunith
Misc. Games
— Dawn. she/her { ♡ Argus } - Deponia tag; #oc: dawn | ship tag; #x: with you until forever ends
— Magdalena "Mags" Wilhelm. she/her { ♡ Genji Shimada } - Overwatch tag; #oc: mags wilhelm | ship tag; #x: my never ending thought
— Yuna Neuer. she/her { ♡ Danny Johnson } - Dead By Daylight tag; #oc: yuna neuer | ship tag; #x: take my heart
— Paloma García. she/her { ♡ Sam Drake } - Uncharted tag; #oc: paloma garcía | ship tag; #x: where I want to stay
— Aroa Ridley. she/her { ♡ Cayde-6 } - Destiny tag; #oc: aroa ridley | ship tag; #x: your soul is golden
— Evelyn. she/her { ♡ Simon } - Detroit: Become Human tag; #oc: evelyn | ship tag; #x: awakening
— Romy Schulz. she/her { ♡ Mark "Mute" Chandar } - Rainbow Six: Siege tag; #oc: romy schulz | ship tag; #x: silence the sound
— Irene Varano. she/her { ♡ Johnny Slaughter } - The Texas Chain Saw Massacre Game tag; #oc: irene varano | ship tag; #x: written in blood
— Bonnie "Bo" Wulff. she/her { ♡ Luke } - Coral Island tag; #oc: bonnie wulff | ship tag; #bonnie x luke
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Marvel (MCU / XCU)
— Luna Richards. she/her { ♡ Loki Laufeyson } tag; #oc: luna richards | ship tag; #x: feel again
— Niteia. she/her { ♡ Adam Warlock } tag; #oc: niteia | ship tag; #
— Brooke King. she/her { ♡ Erik Lehnsherr/Magneto } tag; #oc: brooke king | ship tag; #x: halcyon
— Catalina Cruz. she/her { ♡ Alex Summers/Havok } tag; #oc: catalina cruz | ship tag; #x: light of my life
DC (Watchmen + DCEU + Arkhamverse / Nolanverse)
— Carol "Haunter" Kovacs. she/her { ♡ Bruce Wayne/Batman } tag; #oc: carol kovacs | ship tag; #x: ghost around
— Rose "Virtue" Adams. she/her { ♡ Adrian Chase/Vigilante } tag; #oc: rose adams | ship tag; #x: head in the clouds
— Nadya. she/her { ♡ Edward Nigma/The Riddler } tag; #oc: nadya | ship tag; #x: creative minds inspire others
— Sadia Jamali. she/her { ♡ Harvey Dent/Two-Face } tag; #oc: sadia jamali | ship tag; #x: have all of me
— Harper Ray. she/her { ♡ The Joker } tag; #oc: harper ray | ship tag; #x: your sickening desire
Star Wars
— Shireen Oqir. she/her { ♡ Maul } tag; #oc: shireen oqir | ship tag; #x: to your deepest low
— Kieda Tarnji. she/her { ♡ The Inquisitor (TOTJ) } tag; #oc: kieda tarnji | ship tag; #x: come away with me
— Vayorrah Fen. she/her { ♡ Ima-Gun Di } tag; #oc: vayorrah fen | ship tag; #x: only time will tell
— Kane Desegh. she/her { ♡ Axe Woves } tag; #oc: kane desegh | ship tag; #x: at the sharp end
— Shal'toki Zanarri . she/her { ♡ Tarrek Amai } tag; #oc: shal'toki zanarri | ship tag; #x: try again
— Maina Amai. she/her { ♡ Luvas Kor } tag; #oc: maina amai | ship tag; #x: whatever whenever
— Fala Mox. she/her { ♡ Garazeb "Zeb" Orrelios } tag; #oc: fala mox | ship tag; #
— Aho Mox. he/him { ♡ Ahsoka Tano } tag; #oc: aho mox | ship tag; #x: blame it on me
— Gahya Astan. she/her { ♡ Kylo Ren/Ben Solo } tag; #oc: gahya astan | ship tag; #x: set in darkness rise in perfect light
House Of The Dragon
— Aelys Stark. she/her { ♡ N/A } tag; #oc: aelys stark
— Aerenya Targaryen. she/her { ♡ Benjicot Blackwood } tag; #oc: aerenya targaryen
— Rhaegor Targaryen. he/him { ♡ Taryne Strong } tag; #oc: rhaegor targaryen | ship tag; #taryne x rhaegor
— Taryne Strong. she/her { ♡ Rhaegor Targaryen } tag; #oc: taryne strong | ship tag; #taryne x rhaegor
Misc. Movies & TV
— Zoiya. she/her { ♡ Marcus } - Arcane tag; #oc: zoiya | ship tag; #x: you frustrate me incredibly
— Giulia "Juliet" Romano. she/her { ♡ Monty Fiske } - Disney tag; #oc: juliet romano | ship tag; #x: always beside you
— Alexandra Joe "Wraith" Colton. she/her { ♡ Tommy Arashikage/Storm Shadow } - G.I.JOE tag; #oc: alex colton | ship tag; #x: on the other side
— Kayla Johnson. she/her { ♡ Jackson Leung } - Transformers tag; #oc: kayla johnson | ship tag; #x: no matter what
— Michelle Eva Jones. she/her { ♡ Adam Milligan } - Supernatural tag; #oc: michelle jones | ship tag; #x: as above so below
— Manuela "Marie". she/her { ♡ Minho } - The Maze Runner tag; #oc: manu | ship tag; #x: way back to you
— Liliana Martínez. she/her { ♡ Steve Harrington } - Stranger Things tag; #oc: liliana martínez | ship tag; #x: skip a beat
— Helena Winter. she/her { ♡ Yuichi Kimura/The Father } - Bullet Train tag; #oc: helena winter | ship tag; #
— Yártien. she/her { ♡ Legolas } - The Lord Of The Rings tag; #oc: yártien | ship tag; #
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— Sól Guevara. she/her { ♡ Sean Thian } - Snowfall tag; #oc: sól guevara | ship tag; #x: I'll give you everything of me
— Jaye. she/her { ♡ Dex } - Outer Rim tag; #oc: jaye | ship tag; #x: snake fodder
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ygmitsu · 6 months
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taught my younger cousins how to skate 🫶🏻 pati my aunties actually pero ofc di sila natuto kase they were so afraid na ma-fall HAHAHA we had a good laugh about it
hay kakatuwa to share my random interests w them! I think eto rin advantage being an only child na jill of all trades hahaha lowkey entertaining ka sa eyes ng younger ones
(dec 23rd, on our way to Uncle John’s for some ice cream kahit na it’s 🥶-downhill to kaya x2 speed HAHAHAA)
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miguelmarias · 1 year
TOP 2022
Great recent movies (made since 2018) seen for the first time in 2022:
 Les Passagers de la nuit(Mikhaël Hers, 2021/2)
 Rachel Hendrix(Victor Nunez, 2022)
 Memoria(Memory;Apichatpong Weerasethakul, 2021)
 O Trio em Mi Bemol(The Kegelstatt Trio;Rita Azevedo Gomes;a.Éric Rohmer)
 Ouistreham(Emmanuel Carrère, 2021)
 The Ride(Ride;Alex Ranarivelo, 2018/9)
 Pan de limón con semillas de amapola(Benito Zambrano, 2021)
 Twist à Bamako(Mali Twist;Robert Guédiguian, 2021/2)
 Mulher Oceano(Djin Sganzerla, 2020)
 Greta(Neil Jordan, 2018)
 Albatros(Xavier Beauvois, 2021)
 À vendredi, Robinson(Mitra Farahani, 2022)
 El Rey de todo el Mundo(Carlos Saura, 2021)
Great older movies (made before 2018) seen for the first time in 2022:
Saikai(Kimura Keigo, 1953)
Yuwaku(Temptation;Yoshimura Kōzaburō, 1948)
The Very Thought of You(Delmer Daves, 1944)
Dunia(Jocelyn Saab, 2005)
Strangers in Good Company/The Company of Strangers(Cynthia Scott, 1990)
Lawn Dogs(John Duigan, 1997)
What happened was...(Tom Noonan, 1993/4)
Tigerstreifenbaby wartet auf Tarzan(Rudolf Thome, 1997/8)
Rot und Blau(Rudolf Thome, 2002/3)
Yawaraka na hou(A Tender Place;Nagasaki Shunichi, 2001)
Tin ngai hoy gok(Lost and Found;Lee Chi-ngai, 1996)
The Journey of August King(John Duigan, 1995)
Off the Map(Campbell Scott, 2003)
Bed of Roses(Michael Goldenberg, 1995/6)
The Cake Eaters(Mary Stuart Masterson, 2007)
Trigger(Bruce McDonald, 2010)
Lian’ai yu yiwu(Love and Duty;Bu Wancang=Richard Poh, 1931)
Sparrows Dance (Noah Buschel, 2013)
Aoi sanmyaku+Zoku aoi sanmyaku(The Green Mountains 1+2/Blue Mountains 1+2;Imai Tadashi, 1949)
Du hast gesagt, dass du mich liebst(You Told Me You Loved Me;Rudolf Thome, 2005/6)
Yūwakusha(The Enchantment;Nagasaki Shunichi, 1989)
Nishi no majo ga shinda(The Witch of the West is Dead;Nagasaki Shunichi, 2008)
Hachi-kō Monogatari(Kōyama Seijirō, 1987)
Spoken Word(Victor Nunez, 2009)
The Missing Person (Noah Buschel, 2008/9)
The Devil Makes Three(Andrew Marton, 1952)
Christmas in Connecticut(Peter Godfrey, 1945)
Berlin Chamissoplatz(Rudolf Thome, 1980)
Rauchzeichen(Rudolf Thome,2005/6)
Among the Living(Stuart Heisler, 1941)
Voice in the Mirror(Harry Keller, 1958)
Glass Chin(Noah Buschel, 2013/4)
The Mule/Border Run/La frontera del crimen(Gabriela Tagliavini, 2012)
BigEden(Thomas Bezucha, 2000)
Endoretsu warutsu(Endless Waltz;Wakamatsu Kōji, 1995)
Keith Richards:Under the Influence(Morgan Neville, 2015)
Kōfuku no genkai(The Limit of Happiness;Kimura Keigo, 1948)
Friends(Elaine Proctor, 1993)
The Stone Boy(Christopher Cain, 1983/4)
Frau fährt, Mann schläft(Rudolf Thome, 2003/4)
Pêcheur d’Islande(Pierre Schoendoerffer, 1959)
Awdat mowatin(Return of a Citizen;Mohamed Khan, 1986)
Les Portes tournantes(The Revolving Doors;Francis Mankiewicz, 1988)
Remarkable recent movies:
Ras vkhedavt, rodesac cas vukurebt?(What Do We See When We Look at the Sky?;Aleksandr Koberidze, 2021)
Degas et moi(of 3e Scène)(Arnaud Des Pallières, 2019)
Ergej irekhgüi namar/Harvest Moon (Amarsaikhan Baljinnyam, 2021/2)
Viagem ao Sol(Journey to the Sun;Ansgar Schaefer & Susana de Souza Dias, 2021)
Illusions Perdues(Xavier Giannoli, 2021)
Petite Solange(Axelle Ropert, 2021)
Pacifiction/Tourment sur les îles(Albert Serra, 2022)
Where The Crawdads Sing(Olivia Newman, 2022)
The Batman(Matt Reeves, 2022)
Jaula(Ignacio Tatay, 2018)
Prapti(Receipt;Anuraag Pati, 2021)
Limbo(Soi Cheang, 2021)
Avec amour et acharnement(Both Sides of the Blade/Fire;Claire Denis, 2021/2)
Armageddon Time(James Gray, 2022)
Beurokeo(Broker;Kore-Eda Hirokazu, 2021/2)
America(Ofir Raul Graizer, 2021/2)
Faridaning ikki ming qo’shig’i(2000 Songs of Farida;Yalkin Tuychiev, 2020)
El sustituto(The Replacement;Óscar Aira, 2020/1)
Pokhar Ke Dunu Paar(On Either Side of the Pond;Parth Saurabh, 2022)
The Gigantes(Beatriz Sanchis, 2021)
Farha(Darin J. Sallam, 2021)
In My Own Time:A Portrait of Karen Dalton(Rich Peete & Robert Yapkowitz, 2020)
Barbarian(Zach Cregger, 2022)
Between Earth and Sky(The Lie;Veena Sud, 2018//20)
Watcher(Chloe Okuno, 2021/2)
A Christmas Mystery(Alex Ranarivelo, 2022)
A Hollywood Christmas(Alex Ranarivelo, 2022)
Les Intranquilles(Joachim Lafosse, 2021)
Unrueh(Unrest;Cyril Schäublin, 2022)
Malintzin 17(Eugenio & Mara Polgovsky, 2016//21/2)
Coda(Siân Heder, 2020/1)
Work in progress, Agosto 2022(José Luis Guerin, 2022)
A pesar de todo(Despite Everything;Gabriela Tagliavini, 2019)
They’ll Love Me When I ‘m Dead(Morgan Neville, 2018)
Pretend It’s A City(Martin Scorsese, 2020)
The Glorias(Julie Taymor, 2020)
Land(Robin Wright, 2021)
Chavalas(Carol Rodríguez Colás, 2020/1)
Alam(Firas Khoury, 2022)
Remarkable older movies:
Watashi no Niisan(My Older Brother;Shimazu Yasujirô, 1934)
Liu mang yi sheng(Doctor Mack;Lee Chi-ngai, 1995)
Hunt the Man Down(George Archainbaud, 1950)
Happy Here and Now(Michael Almereyda, 2002)
Hold That Co-Ed(Hold That Girl;George Marshall, 1938)
Transcendence(Wally Pfister, 2014)
Mr. Fix-It(Allan Dwan, 1918)
Down Home (Irvin V. Willat, 1920)
The Tall Stranger(Thomas Carr, 1957)
Pagdating Sa Dulo(At the Top;Ishmael Bernal, 1971)
Maowid ala ashaa(A Dinner Date;Mohamed Khan, 1981)
Zawgat Ragoul Mohem(The Wife of an Important Person;Mohamed Khan, 1987)
The Eclipse(Conor McPherson, 2009)
El Rebozo de Soledad(Roberto Gavaldón, 1952)
Desert Hearts(Donna Deitch, 1985)
Manhandled(Lewis R. Foster, 1949)
Accused of Murder(Joseph Kane, 1956)
The Marauders(Gerald Mayer, 1955)
Ramuru/Aibu(L’Amour/Caress/Love;Goshō Heinosukē, 1933)
Amerasia(Wolf-Eckart Bühler, 1985)
Careless Love(John Duigan, 2012)
Sieben Frauen(Formen der Liebe III)(Rudolf Thome, 1989)
Flirting(John Duigan, 1990/1)
One Night Stand(John Duigan, 1984)
Mouth to Mouth(John Duigan, 1978)
Kissed(Lynne Stopkewich, 1996)
Strike!/All I Wanna Do!(Sarah Kernochan, 1998)
In Old Kentucky(George Marshall, 1935)
Hei jun ma(A Mongolian Tale;Xie Fei, 1995)
Kojima no haru(Spring on Lepers’ Island;Toyoda Shirō, 1940)
Jack Higgins’ ‘A Prayer for the Dying’/A Prayer for the Dying(Mike Hodges, 1987)
Whispering City(Fedor Ozep, 1947)
Maytime in Mayfair(Herbert Wilcox, 1949)
Derby Day(Herbert Wilcox, 1952)
Hell’s Half Acre(John H. Auer, 1954)
Without Honor(Irving Pichel, 1949)
Big Night(Stanley Tucci & Campbell Scott, 1996)
In Old Arizona(Raoul Walsh & Irving Cummings, 1929)
Storm Over Lisbon(George Sherman, 1944)
Chant d’hiver(Otar Iosseliani, 2015)
Die rote Zimmer (Rudolf Thome, 2010)
Das Geheimnis(Rudolf Thome, 1994/5)
Der Philosoph(Rudolf Thome, 1988/9)
Winter of our Dreams(John Duigan, 1981)
Just Married(Rudolf Thome, 1997/8)
Ins Blaue(Into the Blue;Rudolf Thome, 2011/2)
The Sky Pilot(King Vidor, 1921)
Wine of Youth(King Vidor, 1924)
The Family Stone(Thomas Bezucha, 2005)
Les Deaux Souvenirs(Happy Memories;Francis Mankiewicz, 1981)
Istoriia Grazhdanskoí Voíny(Dziga Vertov & Nikolai Izvolov, 1922)
Jes’ Call Me Jim(Clarence G. Badger, 1920)
Jubilo(Clarence G. Badger, 1919)
Marguerite Duras:Worn Out with Desire to Write(David Wiles & Alan Benson, 1985)
Bestsennaia golova(V boevom kinsbarnike 10)(A Priceless Head;Boris Barnet, 1942)
Taifuken no onna(Ōba Hideo, 1948)
The Hasty Heart(Vincent Sherman, 1949)
A Kiss in the Dark(Delmer Daves, 1948/9)
Anesthesia(Tim Blake Nelson, 2014/5)
The Half-Breed(Stuart Gilmore;uc.Edward Ludwig, 1952)
The Two Fister(William Wyler, 1927)
Croupier(Mike Hodges, 1997/8)
Paranoid(John Duigan, 1999/2000)
The Leading Man(John Duigan, 1996)
Aucun regret(Emmanuel Mouret, 2015)
Tout le monde a raison(Emmanuel Mouret, 2017)
Invisible Agent(Edwin L. Marin, 1942)
Full Body Massage(Nicolas Roeg, 1995)
Saya no iru tousizu(Saya:Perspective in Love;Kimata Akiyoshi=Izumi Seiji, 1986)
Race Street(Edwin L. Marin, 1948)
The Wife(Tom Noonan, 1994/5)
Molly(John Duigan, 1998/9)
The Phenom (Noah Buschel, 2015/6)
Live A Little, Love A Little(Norman Taurog, 1968)
Café Com Canela(Coffee with Cinnamon;Ary Rosa & Glenda Nicácio, 2017)
And Now Tomorrow(Irving Pichel, 1944)
On An Island With You(Richard Thorpe, 1948)
One More Tomorrow(Peter Godfrey, 1946)
Il tradimento(Passato che uccide)(Riccardo Freda, 1951)
The Magnificent Dope(Walter Lang, 1942)
Hands Up!(Clarence G. Badger, 1926)
Venus im Netz/Venus.de-Die bewegte Frau(Venus Talking;Rudolf Thome, 2000/1)
Les Bons Débarras(Good Riddance;Francis Mankiewicz, 1980)
Beverly of Graustark(Sidney Franklin, 1926)
Millennium(Michael Anderson, 1989)
Gibraltar(Fedor Ozep, 1938/9)
Great movies watched again:
JLG/JLG(Autoportrait de décembre)(Jean-Luc Godard, 1994)
Yuki fujin ezu(Mizoguchi Kenji, 1950)
The Ten Commandments(Cecil B. DeMille, 1956)
They Were Expendable(John Ford;coll.Robert Montgomery, 1945)
The Civil War(from How The West Was Won;John Ford, 1962)
The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes(Billy Wilder, 1970)
The Bitter Tea of General Yen(Frank Capra, 1932)
Return of the Texan(Delmer Daves, 1952)
You Can’t Take It With You(Frank Capra, 1938)
Kiss Me Deadly(Robert Aldrich, 1955)
Desert Fury(Lewis Allen, 1947)
Japanese War Bride(King Vidor, 1951/2)
Storm Warning(Stuart Heisler, 1950/1)
The Circle(Frank Borzage, 1925)
There’s Always Tomorrow(Douglas Sirk, 1955/6)
A Romance of the Redwoods(Cecil B. DeMille, 1917)
Shockproof(Douglas Sirk, 1949)
Sergeant Rutledge(John Ford, 1960)
Bad Girl(Frank Borzage, 1931)
Interlude(Douglas Sirk, 1957)
The First Legion(Douglas Sirk, 1950/1)
Captain China(Lewis R. Foster, 1950)
Passage West(Lewis R. Foster, 1951)
The Invisible Man(James Whale, 1933)
Slávnyí malyí/Novgorodtsy(Boris Barnet, 1943)
Alyonka(Boris Barnet, 1961)
Hurry Sundown(Otto Preminger, 1966)
Gideon’s Day(Gideon of Scotland Yard;John Ford, 1958)
Anjô-ke no butôkai (Yoshimura Kôzaburô, 1947)
The World Moves On(John Ford, 1934)
Black Tuesday(Hugo Fregonese, 1954)
The Raid(Hugo Fregonese, 1954)
One Way Street(Hugo Fregonese, 1950)
Seven Thunders(Hugo Fregonese, 1957)
La Femme d’à côté(François Truffaut, 1981)
Double Messieurs(Jean-François Stévenin, 1986)
Fighter Squadron(Raoul Walsh, 1948)
State of the Union(Frank Capra, 1947/8)
The Lady Eve(Preston Sturges, 1940/1)L
Shchiedroe leto(Boris Barnet, 1950)
The Year My Voice Broke(John Duigan, 1987)
Liedolom(Boris Barnet, 1931)
All I Desire(Douglas Sirk, 1953)
Illegal(Lewis Allen, 1955)
L’Homme qui aimait les femmes(François Truffaut, 1977)
Very good movies watched again:
Crack-Up(Irving Reis, 1946)
Twilight For The Gods(Joseph Pevney, 1958)
Wide Sargasso Sea(John Duigan, 1992/3)
Ivanhoe(Richard Thorpe, 1951/2)
Polustanok(Boris Barnet, 1963)
Odnazhdy nochyu(Dark is the Night;Boris Barnet, 1944/5)
Mystery Submarine(Douglas Sirk, 1950)
Battle Hymn(Douglas Sirk, 1956/7)
Tomorrow Is Forever(Irving Pichel, 1945/6)
The Gypsy Moths(John Frankenheimer, 1969)
Amok(Fedor Ozep, 1934)
I’ll Be Seeing You(William Dieterle, 1944)
The Lady(Frank Borzage, 1925)
Torrents of Spring(Jerzy Skolimowski, 1989)
Starií naezdnik(The Old Jockey;Boris Barnet, 1940)
The Honeymoon Machine(Richard Thorpe, 1961)
The Flame(John H. Auer, 1947)
The Jack Knife Man(King Vidor, 1920)
Cheyenne (Raoul Walsh, 1947)
Dakota(Joseph Kane, 1945)
Singapore(John Brahm, 1947)
The Brasher Doubloon(John Brahm, 1947)
Junior Bonner(Sam Peckinpah, 1972)
Family Plot(Alfred Hitchcock, 1976)
La Femme et le Pantin(Jacques de Baroncelli, 1928/9)
My Reputation(Curtis Bernhardt, 1946)
The Reluctant Debutante(Vincente Minnelli, 1958)
Annushka(Boris Barnet, 1959)
Stranítsy zhizni(Boris Barnet & Aleksandr Macheret, 1946//8)
The Lady Pays Off(Douglas Sirk, 1951)
Schluss-akkord(Detlef Sierck=Douglas Sirk, 1936)
Whirlpool(Lewis Allen, 1959)
City That Never Sleeps(John H. Auer, 1953)
April! April!(Detlef Sierck, 1935)
Byzantium(Neil Jordan, 2012)
Too Many Husbands(Wesley Ruggles, 1940)
All The Brothers Were Valiant(Richard Thorpe, 1953)
Crosswinds(Lewis R. Foster, 1951)
Casbah(John Berry, 1948)
The Eagle and the Hawk(Lewis R. Foster, 1950)
Body of Lies(Ridley Scott, 2008)
La larga noche de los bastones blancos(Javier Elorrieta, 1979)
Wives Under Suspicion(James Whale, 1938)
Home Before Dark(Mervyn LeRoy, 1958)
Podvig razvedchika(Boris Barnet, 1947)
The Two Mrs. Carrolls(Peter Godfrey, 1947)
Barricade(Peter Godfrey, 1949/50)
Escape Me Never(Peter Godfrey, 1947)
The House of the Seven Hawks(Richard Thorpe, 1959)
Sugarfoot(Edwin L. Marin, 1950)
Room For One More(Norman Taurog, 1951/2)
El Paso(Lewis R. Foster, 1949)
Jamaica Run(Lewis R. Foster, 1953)
Vértigo(Antonio Momplet, 1946)
The Manchurian Candidate(John Frankenheimer, 1962)
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scotianostra · 2 years
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On October 24th 1682 the portrait painter William Aikman was born near Arbroath.
Our second painter today, William Aikman might not be as well known to most of you, but the second pic I have posted her is instantly recognisable, well in my opinion anyway, as the subject of a recent post, the poet Allan Ramsay. My favourite however is pic three of Patie Birnie, the Fiddler of Kinghorn, what jovial looking man, don’t you agree? 
Aikman had planned a career in business. His cousins ran a well established import-export business at Leghorn servicing Anglo-Italian trade. The deaths of his elder brother and father made him, as a very young man, laird of his family estate at Cairnie, on the edge of Arbroath. He came under pressure from his mother’s family, the Clerks of Penicuik (his uncle was John Clerk of Penicuik), to study for the Bar but became neither lawyer nor merchant. After a decade of artistic study and travel he emerged as the leading Scottish painter of his generation.
After a short stint in Edinburgh he had moved to London by 1704 and continued his own training. He visited Italy, and through contacts of his cousins, went on to Turkey and Greece. The funds for this extended trip were raised through the sale of the family estate and property in New Jersey.
Aikman returned to Scotland in 1711, perhaps precipitated by the news of his early mentor,  John de Medina ’s death whose role he took over as painter to the Scottish aristocracy and gentry. He was perfectly placed to do so as there were very few other portrait painters in Scotland at that time. In addition, Aikman belonged to the society that he painted and his family and friends helped speed the introductions to Scottish patrons and the Scottish community in London.
William Aikman spent the last decade of his life there painting amongst others the prime minister, Sir Robert Walpole, and various royal sitters.  He died on 7th June 1731.
the final two pics are Aikman’s group Portrait of Four Girls and a Boy in a Landscape, c. 1720  Queen Caroline in about 1730, the wee guy beside her is her son William, many of us Scots know him better as  “Butcher Cumberland”, who orchestrated the end of the Jacobite Uprising and the bloody aftermath inflicted upon defenceless Highlanders. 
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nastasyafilippovnas · 2 years
I was tagged by @lucas-sinclairs, thank you dear! <3
nicknames: dara
sign: pisces
height: 1,52m
last thing I googled: the result of the man. united match (fulham 1 x 2 man. united, yay!)
song stuck in my head: there'd better be a mirrorball - arctic monkeys
number of followers: 3.9k
lucky number: let's go with 13 too. the best number in brazil ;)
amount of sleep: from 6 to 8 hours
movies and books that summarise you: omg. i probably put way too much thought into this. movies: la notte (1961, dir. michelangelo antonioni); cat on a hot tin roof (1958, dir. richard brooks); fish tank (2009, dir. andrea arnold); rear window (1954, dir. alfred hitchcock); la haine (1995, mathieu kassovitz). books: the brothers - milton hatoum; beirut, i love you - zena el khalil; a russian journal - john steinbeck; ladies coupé - anita nair, the joke - milan kundera.
favorite song: too many! but let's go with little faith and all dolled-up in straps, both by the national.
aesthetic: uh...is that for interior or clothes or in general? in terms of interior, i love that scandi mix of cozy and modern minimalism, but tbh my place looks nothing like that (yet!lol). for clothes/in general, it's more like a chic boho lawyer vibe ;)
favorite author's: milan kundera and fyodor dostoevsky.
favorite animal noise: cats purring.
random: this took me way too long to answer, lol.
I tag:  @eireneofathens, @its-a-state-of-angst, @elcctra, @laufire, @gothkendallroy​, @missbrunettebarbie and @paty-ofarrell
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upismediacenter · 1 year
OPINION: Baling Balita: Ang Pagpokus sa Showbiz News ng Midyang Pilipino
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Photo credit: Anna Dalet
Alam mo bang walang nakuhang wreath sympathy flowers si Ogie Diaz mula kina Liza Soberano at Enrique Gil noong burol ng kaniyang ina? Noong Holy Week Break, nabalitaan mo bang in-upload ni Barbie Forteza sa kaniyang Instagram ang bikini photos kasama ng kasintahang si Jak Roberto sa Panglao, Bohol? Isa pa, narinig mo ba ang kahilingan ni Ellen Adarna na magkaroon ng isang “masaya at maayos na relasyon” ang ex-boyfriend niyang si John Lloyd Cruz at ang kasalukuyan nitong kinakasama na si Isabel Santos? Pero nabalitaan mo rin bang labis na nakapokus ang mga peryodista sa personal na buhay ng mga artista?
Kapansin-pansin na napupuno ng kwentong showbiz ang headlines at segment news ng mga tanyag na news program gaya ng TV Patrol ng ABS-CBN News at 24 Oras ng GMA News. Naging laman ng kanilang balita ang mga personal na isyu, gaya ng hiwalayan ng mga artista, pag-unfollow sa social media, pati na ang mga bagong relasyon. Sa hanay ng mga istoryang itinuturing na “balita,” alin ang may pakinabang para sa publiko? Ano nga naman ang maidudulot sa atin kung ikinasal, nag-away, naaksidente, lumipat, nanganak, o nagbakasyon ang mga sinusubaybayan nating artista?
Una sa lahat, ang showbiz o “show business” ay nakatuon sa buhay ng mga sikat na tao at iba’t ibang porma ng entertainment na nakaiimpluwensiya sa kultura’t madla. Sinasabing ang pagbabalita tungkol sa mga sikat na personalidad ay may kakayahang pumawi ng stress kaya malimit itong balik-balikan. Kung gayon, hindi na kataka-takang maging sentro ito ng mga kumpanya sapagkat ito ay isang halimbawa ng matalinong pagnenegosyo.
Ang balitang showbiz ay lubos ding tinatangkilik sa iba’t ibang panig ng daigdig. Tulad sa Estados Unidos, naitala noong 2007 na 40% ng kanilang publiko ang nagsabing mas nakatuon sa midya ang balita tungkol sa celebrity news at Hollywood stars. Ito ang ibinabalita habang kasagsagan ng iba’t ibang isyu—gaya ng digmaan sa Iraq, pulitika, at krimen. Ayon pa rito, hindi rin gaanong naiuulat ang mga isyung pang-edukasyon, pangkalusugan, at ekonomiya. Isa namang artikulo ang nagtampok na kinahihiligan ng mga tao ang balitang Bollywood kung saan pinatingkad ang pwesto ng mga tinedyer sa midya ng India. Samakatuwid, nagkakatulad din ang mga bansa pagdating sa lagay ng kanilang pag-uulat sa midya.
Sa Pilipinas, buhay din ng mga artista ang laman ng mga balita. Nakita noong dekada ‘80 ang pagyabong ng mga palabas at balita tungkol sa entertainment industry na tuluyang “nagpabago sa cultural landscape” ng bansa. Hanggang nitong 2022, marami naman ang nag-search sa Google tungkol sa aspeto ng entertainment na nagpapakita ng patuloy na interes ng mga Pilipino sa larangang ito. Ilan sa mga hinanap nila ay ang mga bagong pelikulang Disney at k-drama, mga manlalaro ng basketball tulad ni Ricci Rivero, at mga popular na tao sa mundo gaya nina Johnny Depp, Cara Delevingne, at Ahn Hyo-seop. Dito, maaaring mahinuha na ang mga ganitong klase ng pag-uulat ay malapit sa mga tao sapagkat nais nilang makapagpalagayang loob ang isang artista sa pamamagitan ng paglubog ng sarili sa mga balitang showbiz na nagbibigay-daan sa pagpapagaan ng kanilang mga pinagdadaanan.
Dahil sa lumalawak na saklaw ng balitang entertainment sa iba’t ibang porma ng midya, mas madalas nitong napapaligiran ang mga tao. Ayon sa pag-aaral, kabilang ang balitang showbiz at celebrity gossip sa “Circles of Concern”—mga bagay na hindi kontrolado ng mambabasa pero mas binibigyan ng “reaksyon.” Kilala ang may taglay ng katauhang ito bilang “reactive” o tumutugon nang walang pagkilos. Ang ganitong midya na nakasalalay sa reaksyon o magiging damdamin ng mambabasa ay maaaring ng makaaapekto sa inisiyatibo nilang solusyunan ang isang isyu. Isa pa, maaari ring mahubog ang ganitong pag-uugali sa mga usaping may kinalaman sa lagay ng kanilang kababayan. Kaya naman, imbis na aktwal na tumulong sa naghihirap, hanggang sa pag-like sa social media na lamang ang nagagawa ng taumbayan. Walang kongkretong aksyon na pinaplano o isinasagawa. Dahil sa pagtuon sa personal na buhay ng mga artista, nalilimitahan nito ang kamalayan ng mamamayan na masabayan ang mga mahahalagang pangyayari sa lipunan. Samakatuwid, posibleng hindi maging produktibo ang resulta ng kamalayan nila ukol dito.
Kaya’t bilang mga tagapagbalita, mahalaga ang pagiging responsable sa pagpili ng mga kuwentong ibabahagi. Mas mainam na isantabi ang mga walang kabuluhang intriga; sa halip, dapat bigyang-pansin ang mga isyung may malawak na implikasyon sa lipunan tulad ng karapatan ng mga manggagawa sa industriya ng showbiz, epekto ng showbiz sa kultura at pag-uugali ng mga Pilipino, at iba pang mga usaping kaugnayan ng lipunan at ekonomiya. O hindi kaya nama’y maaari ring itampok ang artistry ng isang artista kaysa sa kaniyang kasikatan. Anu’t anuman, kailangang bigyang-pansin ang pangangalap at pagsusuri sa mga impormasyong may kinalaman sa panahon, presyo ng bilihin, COVID, at iba pa. Hindi ba’t layon ng isang dyornalist na pagtuunan ng pansin ang mga isyung bumabagabag sa bayan?
Bukod sa pagbigay ng malalim at tamang anggulo sa mga kwento, mahalagang maipakita rin nila ang analisis ng isang balita. Kung gayon, kinakailangan nilang gamitin ang kapangyarihan upang maipaunawa sa mambabasa ang balitang artista sa pagsalaysay nito. Halimbawa, maaari nila itong ilatag bilang leksyon, inspirasyon, o gabay para sa masa. Sa halip na maghatid lamang ng impormasyon tungkol sa industriya ng showbiz, maaaring ang ipamahagi ay isang makabuluhang kuwento mula sa buhay ng mga kilalang personalidad. Maaari ring maging paksa ang kwento ng isang artista na nagtagumpay sa kabila ng mga pagsubok na kinakaharap. Sa ganitong paraan, mas mapalilitaw ang danas ng determinasyon nila; magsisilbing inspirasyon ang ganitong klase ng balita sa ibang tao, at hindi pawang mga life updates lang.
Lumulubha na ang sakit ng pamamahayag sa Pilipinas: ang pagbibigay-tuon sa mga pang-showbiz na balita ay binabago ang tunay na diwa ng dyornalismo. Unang patunay: nagpopokus na lalo ang lokal na balitang midya sa mga katuwaan at personalang nagaganap sa likod ng industriya at pag-aarte. Kung ano ang mas sikat, ito ang mas palalaguin ng mga taong midya. Ikalawa, dahil ihinalintulad sa isang pag-aaral na ang usaping artista ay produksyon ng kanilang mga kwento, maaaring palalain ng ganitong paraan ng pag-uulat ang kapitalismo sa hinaharap. Syempre, sino ba namang aayaw sa tone-toneladang kitang kalakip ng kontrobersyal at tao-sa-tao na mga usapin? At kung walang agarang sahod na makukuha mula sa isang artikulo, madali pa rin nilang mabibingwit ang pampublikong pansin ng mga susubaybay sa susunod pang mga ulat.
Sa kabuuan, parte man ang showbiz at entertainment ng kultura ng mga Pilipino, mahalaga na baguhin ang diskarte sa pag-uulat sa industriya ng showbiz sa tulong ng paggamit ng midya bilang magbigay ng mahalagang kabatiran sa kasalukuyan. Sa pamamagitan ng pagtatampok ng mga kwento’t isyung may kabuluhan na may malawak na implikasyon sa lipunan, maaari pang mabago ang pananaw sa showbiz na hindi lamang ito para sa negosyo; isa rin itong pagkukunan ng mga naratibo ng aral at gabay na agarang nasasagap ng mga mambabasa. Sa gayong paraan, naitataguyod pa rin ang esensya ng isang mambabalita kahit sa pag-uulat ng mga kwentong showbiz.
Nakakabahala na ang porma ng pag-uulat ngayon ay nagtatangkang lumihis sa gampanin ng dyornalismo, sapagkat dapat sana’y tumutulong ito sa pagbibigay at pagbubusisi ng kritikal at tamang impormasyon para sa mga mahahalagang pagpapasyang ginagawa ng sambayanan. Kaya habang maaga pa, kinakailangang maisulong ang pagkakaroon ng reporma sa pamamaraan ng pag-uulat ng midya sa Pilipinas, upang maitulak at maimulat ang mga tao sa mga balitang napapanahon at higit na kapaki-pakinabang. //nina Monique Gervacio at Zaeda Wadi
Mga sanggunian:
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nonlovesongoftheday · 2 years
We Choose To Go To The Moon - Christopher Tin feat. Danielle de Niese, Pene Pati, ModernMedieval, Pembroke College Girls' Choir, Royal Opera Chorus, and The Assembly. 
Lyrics taken from John F. Kennedy’s Address at Rice University on the Nation's Space Effort, 1962.
We choose to go to the Moon... We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard.
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