#Paying Bills
bitchesgetriches · 1 month
Kill Your Debt Faster With the Death by a Thousand Cuts Technique
If you’ve got credit card debt, the interest is calculated on the “average daily balance.” So it’s beneficial to lower that balance as quickly as possible. And you can only lower the balance by making a payment… or payments.
The sooner you send a dollar to that debt, the less interest you’ll end up paying! It’s that simple!
Even if you can only afford the minimum required payment every month, splitting it into two payments helps. That can drastically reduce the average daily balance, and thus, the interest you have to pay. So making half of your monthly payment on the 15th of the month and the other half on the 30th (don’t @ me, February) can effectively save you money on interest. This goes for credit card debt as well as home mortgages and car loans.
Keep reading.
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monkeymeghan · 6 months
Taking a break from booping everyone in sight to post an update. I sat down to pay the bills and take care of the ones that mom is still getting. Called one ambulance service, they are taking care of it. Called the hospital system (that she was in both here in NJ and in PA) and since there is a surviving spouse, "according to the commonwealth of Pennsylvania blah blah blah" he is responsible. I told them that there was no estate, no will, no money. That they won't be getting any money from him because there is none. They are going to review the account and I guess I'll see what they say. Then I called another company, emailed them a copy of the death certificate while i was on the phone, and they will review everything and send out a final balance statement once it's all processed. I then tried to call the other ambulance company, but they were already closed. I had a good cry and got a nice hug from dad while I sobbed in his arms. It was just a lot for some reason. I didn't even pay the bills yet. I needed a breather, so I pulled out my laptop and rejoined the Boop War. I'm currently up to 605 boops given, and I will make it to 1000 for that last badge.
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le-livres · 11 months
Please reblog and share. Things have gotten really hard lately and I can use any help available. Thank you so much ❤️
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wronggalaxy · 1 year
"If you had to give your parents all the money you've saved up over the past 5 years for college so they could pay the bills, why do you have a phone?!"
My phone was one payment of $800 that has literally saved my life and in general makes life both easier and cheaper(for example: texting my mamaw to pick me up instead of us paying gas money), bills are a monthly payment of AT LEAST $1000, not including food or other necessities.
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nivchara-yahel · 2 years
Please reblog/help if you are able ...
Until I’m able to reapply for SNAP, we could use some help to get groceries and OTC meds this month. If you can help financially or even just reblog, my sibling and I would appreciate it so much! Any amount, no matter how small, is helpful to us. Thank you!
PP: nivcharayahel
Venmo: heathmarie31
CashApp: $heathmarie31
(Background: My sibling and I are both disabled and unable to work. We are currently sorting through many obstacles to applying for federal disability and other assistance, but in the meantime still need help with paying for food, meds, and about $30 in bills for phone and rental insurance each month.)
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aniseandspearmint · 2 years
*looks at my October power bill of over 100 dollars*
*looks at Novembers bill of 47 dollars*
*squints suspiciously*
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pitroig · 2 years
F*ucking adulthood.
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In Our Future
“And your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left.” Isaiah 30:21ESV
One of the greatest privileges of the born-again Believer in Jesus Christ is having God’s directions throughout life. We’re to listen carefully for His voice, and obey His directions. Sometimes He speaks directly into our hearts. At times He speaks directly from His written word the Bible. Other times He will speak through the mouths of family members, His and ours.
Lou’s mom became very weak, leading to hospitalization for four days. We wanted to go but didn’t feel right in our spirits to go there immediately. She was home for a few days, when it was determined she had gotten COVID in the hospital. Again hospitalized, double pneumonia complicated COVID. I prepared everything to drive to Canada.
Our children stepped forward asking us to wait a few days and watch the developments— [the directions of God from another person.] Each day we hovered between leaving and following God’s instructions to wait.
Momma Veilleux was sent home from the hospital. We knew, if we went to Quebec, we’d stay there at least a month, maybe longer. Once again our children helped us decide to continue to wait. Everyone was at peace as we felt God was in the wait.
One night Lou began feeling very ill. The next morning I settled the discussion by putting him into the car heading for the hospital. Doctors were confused by his symptoms. By the fourth day surgery was performed. After surgery, we were very blessed Lou was still alive. His condition was worse than any of the doctors first imagined.
Every part of these situations had the fingerprint of God on them, His direction was throughout. Did you know God is in our future? In the middle and at the end of our stories too? He sees and knows what tests and trials are being allowed; how much will be allowed. How closely will we obey?
“The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and He delighteth in his way.” Psalm 37:23KJV. USA Medicare will pay for Emergency Room care in Canada— that’s their end of coverage. Imagine the bills with Louis being in the hospital for five days in Canada, surgery, other issues, all coming out of our pocket. Plus— none of our children would’ve been able to be at the hospital— (only one visitor allowed) —if they could’ve even gotten to Canada in the first place. (None of us are wealthy by the earthly standards.)
Had Lou gotten sick and I had to take him across the border into Maine for care, we’d have had nearly 100 miles to travel with him very sick to the hospital. None of our children would’ve been able to go to the Maine hospital and stay in motels. The stress on me and them would’ve been beyond tolerable.
God spared each scenario by keeping us home.
The next time you come into a situation you don’t and can’t understand. Listen carefully for God’s instructions. He leads His children — “…He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake.” Psalm 23:3KJV. His reputation of being the Good God gets sullied so often because His children refuse to listen to His small voice and obey.
Our situations in the world are becoming very dire right now. In our future living, dying, going to heaven, or ending being punished with the wicked will depend on listening and obeying.
Will you listen to “This is the way, walk in it,” when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left” and obey His voice, as He stands in your future? It’s your choice. You choose.
LET’S PRAY: Heavenly Father thank You for leading us. Help us to believe it’s really You speaking and obey, in the name of Jesus Christ I pray.
by Debbie Veilleux Copyright 2022 You have my permission to reblog this devotional for others. Please keep my name with this devotional, as author. Thank you.
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scramratz · 5 months
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Please be normal
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bitchesgetriches · 1 year
Dafuq Is Unemployment Insurance and How Do I Apply for It?
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annalyticall · 7 months
My new favorite excuse for not jumping on new trends or bandwagons is 'I'm 30.' No more explanation needed because anyone under 30 just thinks I'm old and everyone over 30 understands implicitly
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drottni · 2 months
Went to do some banking and realized I had not paid my bills for like 2 months worth and I was just flabbergasted with myself. Looking back I think it might have been with all the family hospital stuff and continuous back to back work shifts that just drained me and I just forgot to do the other half of adulting? My brain was just like "yeah we've reached max adulting capacity, erase the rest, it's rotting in bed time"
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stardustsoakedtouch · 4 months
On top of the paid tarot readings I can also do commissioned writing projects. This would include fan fiction, poetry, lyrics, children’s stories, character back stories, and ect. I am also open to writing smut. For this one it’s individually based since certain project takes more time. I will put rates for poems/lyrics since those are more easy to generalize.
1 poem (Less than two pages) : $5 + $5 for every extra page
2 poems (Less than two pages individually) : $10 + $5 for every extra page regardless of poem
1 song (Any topic or your choosing except sexual) : $5
1 song (sexual or suggestive) : $10
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writing-n-memes · 7 months
I haven’t made my monthly student loan payment in a few months so I’m wondering how much longer that can go on without it effecting me too much? Genuine question
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chanterhailwand · 8 months
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tears-that-heal · 9 months
Reality Strikes Back....
It's Christmas Day and I've now become aware of a large bill I need to pay or somehow get resolved before the end of the month. 😢 Real life never lets up, does it? *deep breathe* This may sound kinda corny, but I'm choosing to trust God in this trial. I currently cannot make a call because it's a national holiday, workers have this day off. I can only wait until tomorrow to take any action. Oh gosh.....I just refuse to freak out and stress myself over something I cannot control. I'm very tempted to have a crying fit cause who likes feeling helpless in this kind of situation. *deep long breathes"
Dearest Father, I need your help! Please guide me in my every step as I try to adult in this new chapter of my life. My anxiety and worry would've consumed me a long time ago, if it was for you. You rescued me from myself and your equipping me to stand strong, and tall as we travel through this world together. I love you Lord! May your will be done in my life. In Jesus Name, Amen!
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