#People fighting with Yugioh cards
shuttershocky · 5 months
FF7Rebirth out of context
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bynineb · 9 months
What pieces of media are your biggest creature design inspirations?
ooh how fun! let's see...
Pokemon Crystal (Ken Sugimori)
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(src: Bulbapedia)
I had a Pokemon Crystal strategy guide with all 251 Pokemon in it that I studied religiously when it came to making monsters of my own. I love Ken Sugimori's illustrations so much - the dappled paint makes it so soft, gives everything the feeling of being struck by light dancing down from foliage above. The subtle implied detailing with line strokes and shadow allows the imagination to run wild. They, truly, feel like creatures to have adventures with. And of course, Pokemon is a juggernaut of an RPG, facilitating those childhood fantasies, and then there's a TV show showing them playing and shouting their name and fighting... No wonder so many people got hooked on it!
Dragon Warrior Monsters 2 (Akira Toriyama)
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(src: Dragon's Den)
Since they're designed as enemies foremost, Dragon Quest's monsters can get a lot kookier & scarier than Pokemon can. And Toriyama gives his monster designs so much charm and personality! You feel like he always has fun coming up with them, and it makes every Dragon Quest game more delightful for having them be your foes (and sometimes friends). Also, all the English names are puns and portmanteaus and other fun word things!
After Armageddon Gaiden (artist unknown - dev is PandoraBox)
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(src: Bogleech, who also wrote a wonderful article on these critters: https://bogleech.com/halloween/hall18-aagolem)
Uniquely grotesque beasts from a deeply obscure Japanese RPG named After Armageddon Gaiden, the second in a duology about player-controlled demons fighting alien invaders. Some of the designs get quite gory or disturbing, fair warning. But in a cool way!! The sheer strangeness of these designs are something to behold!... And they have the best names ever, like "Barabumblebo"...
YU-GI-OH early card art (Kazuki Takahashi)
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(src: Yugioh fandom page)
Yu-Gi-Oh's early monster designs are something I think about a lot. I don't know what that says about me, but I do know they're unbelievably cool, a blend of genuinely scary Egyptian-flavored horror and wacky, tropey, cartoony fantasy. The fact that these ridiculous designs are frequently art for a card that's completely worthless in terms of winning duels, combined with their randomly specific descriptions about how unbelievably powerful they are, gives them a certain mystique. It's as if the creature you see depicted truly exists as a part of some greater fantasy world...
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
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(src: me, many moons ago)
Seeing properly scary monsters inside a strange virtual world in Ocarina of Time was quite the experience for my young self. For example, I had nightmares about the Stalchildren who used to burst, endlessly, from the ground of the strangely empty Hyrule Field. But that also made it feel like such an adventure! The thrill added to the experience. And even many of the game's races are quite monsterlike; Gorons, Zora, Deku, and so forth. This had me imagine turning a "bad" creature into a friend, a concept I cherish to this day... hence Love-Love here.
Well that's that! Thanks for asking, this was fun to write : )
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gx-gameon · 6 months
Every few years Yugioh comes back and takes over my life.
And as I rewatch the anime I can’t stop thinking about a world where Jaden was raised by Yugi.
I don’t know if you all remember but a few years back there was a creator on here and they had an au were the Gx gang were raised by the Duel monster gang. But they are gone now and I can’t find their stuff😢 but it’s okay. I’ve got my own ideas on this!
Instead of having the whole Gx gang raised by the DM gang we are just going to focus on Jaden.
When Jaden is four all the drama with Yubel happens. His parents aren’t around very often, and Yubel is being Yubel. She sees Jaden fighting and losing duels so she lashes out at the other duelest because in the dark world if Jaden lost that duel he’d be dead. She’s just protecting him. He designs the Neo-spacians and they get sent into space, and his parents make the request for Yubel to be sent up as well (I know in the show it was Jaden but we’re going to say it was his parents idea first)
Jaden is now having horrible nightmares about Yubel and his shadow magic is lashing out. He’s four. He has so much power and no idea how to control it. So his parents, afraid of their child take him to get ‘help.’ Whatever it is that they do it blocks out Jaden’s powers and his memories. He can’t remember Yubel, he can’t see spirits. But it’s to late. He’s already branded a social pariah and his parents are scared of him and he doesn’t know why. His parents just can’t take it anymore and drop the kid off at a fire station (don’t know if this is a thing in Japan but in some states you can drop a kid off at any age at and just leave) or maybe they just die. Either way they are gone and he’s in an orphanage. Alone, scared, no spirits, parents, or friends.
Here is where Yugi comes in.
Our boy just graduated. DSOD just happened. (Jaden’s cards going to space were Kaiba testing things for his satellite thingy) Kaiba is AWOL. But Yugi doesn’t know why…yet.
Maybe he’s in town for a tournament, or college, but for some reason he’s in town, and what he does find is this kid dueling by himself in a park. No one will go near him and he looks so lonely. And Yugi knows that feeling. So he goes over and plays with the kid. Jaden is ecstatic, the king of games wants to duel him! Best day ever.
Over time the two keep running into each other until Yugi learns about the kids situation. No family, no friends, he’s alone in the world. And Yugi, he just can’t stand that. Yes Jaden is a little loud and over excited but he’s a great kid and Yugi can’t even comprehend why his parents would abandon him. So he makes the decision to go and adopt this kid.
But the adoption’s weird. He expected a lot of questions. He’s 18 after all, and while he’s got his grandpa’s support, he’s still 18 years old trying to adopt a 4 year old. But the orphanage basically throws the kid at him happy to be rid of the problem. (Everyone in that part of town knows what used to happen when Jaden dueled.) and Yugi is perplexed. He’s not mad, it’s the outcome he wanted, but why is everyone so scared of the kid?
He tries to find out but there are no records of Jaden. Who his parents are, or what happened. (Rich people have the ability to get certain records closed) so he goes to the one person he can think of who might be able to find those records, Kaiba. But when he gets there Mokuba is barely keeping it together. Yugi asked where Seto is and the kid just breaks down, telling him all about Seto’s trip to the afterlife to duel Atem and Yugi is floored. Why would he be so stupid. Mokuba begs Yugi to go after his brother. But Yugi hesitates, he’s got Jaden to worry about now.
“Who’s Jaden?” And it’s in this moment that Yugi realizes he was so wrapped up in adopting Jaden, getting him home, and trying to figure out why that whole town was scared of a 4 year old, that he didn’t tell anyone about Jaden! So he quickly explains to Mokuba who Jaden is and what is happening and why he needs Seto’s help.
Mokuba didn’t think he could like Yugi anymore then he already did, after all Yugi has helped him and Seto a lot, but now! After learning he saved a kid for an orphanage and an awful upbringing like he and Seto had, he adores this man. (Now if Seto would just get his head out of his butt and realize that Yugi isn’t just his rival but also a perfect match. He’s the biggest rivalshipper) but he needs Yugi to go after Seto, after all who else can?
So Yugi calls Joey to watch Jaden. And Joey is experiencing so many different emotions, having so many breakdowns. What do you mean you got a Kid Yug? What do you mean Kaiba went to the Afterlife to duel Atem? What do you mean you’re going after him? Why? I’m so confused!!
But he instantly loves Jaden. They both love dueling, they both have empty heads. Uncle Joey is in the house! He offers to go after Kaiba for Yugi, Jaden can’t lose him, but Yugi insist he go. He wants to see Atem, but he also knows he has a better chance than Joey at coming back.
So after Kaiba Yugi goes. Jaden’s safe with Joey and Mokuba.
And if this isn’t in the top 5 weirdest thing Yugi’s ever done, which is saying something.
He meets up with Kaiba and Atem. And Atem has spent the last month yelling at Kaiba for coming here because the man didn’t plan on how to get back. And here comes Yugi, Atem sees him and starts to lose it because, either Yugi is dead or he followed Kaiba here and he doesn’t know which is worse. Until Yugi starts yelling at Kaiba as well. Because “I had to leave my son to come get you!” And hold up now Atem and Kaiba are Floored because “son?”
Atem’s wondering if it’s been way longer than he thought and Yugi and Kaiba have just aged well, or did he miss something THAT big when he was with his aibou.
So Yugi has to explain who Jaden is. (Kaiba’s in love but he doesn’t realize it) and Atem is so proud.
Yugi drags Seto back down to earth but not before some adventures in the afterlife. That may end with Atem coming back down with them by accident. (A gift from the gods, Atem didn’t plan or ask for it, but he will forever be grateful for this second chance at life) Uncle Atem gets to meet his nephew and he’s pumped.
Jaden grows up so loved. Learning from the best. Seto finds out about Jaden’s past and Atem works with the kid on unlocking his powers once again while Kaiba tries to retrieve Jaden’s cards from space. (They are his soul cards, he’s suppose to have them, just as Kaiba is suppose to have Blue-eyes, or Atem the Dark Magician. And Seto just sent them to space!! Yugi was not happy when he found out, he doesn’t blame Seto, but he’s not happy)
Jaden grows up going to all of his dad’s tournaments. They give the kid a baseball hat and sunglasses so no one knows what the ‘prince of duels’ looks like.
Eventually Yugi and Seto get their crap together and start dating/get married. Seto is the most over protective Oto-san ever. Only rivaled by uncle Atem.
When Jaden is fourteen he’s ready to go to duel school. He enrolls are Jaden Yuki. His transcript does not mention his parents, as Jaden doesn’t want any special privileges at the school.
Yugi gives his son winged kuriboh on his way to his entrance test. The whole gang is there in a private sweet to watch the entrance exams and see Jaden’s duel against Dr. Crowler.
Seto is furious at his staffs behavior but Yugi and Atem are more focused on Jaden finally being able to see spirits again. They’re so excited. Seto less so, he’s happy for his son but he’s so focused on his employee bullying a child, his child. (Lets just say Crowler owes keeping his job to Jaden, he will have no clue of this until after Jaden graduates)
Gx is so much funnier because Kaiba is hearing about all the crazy things his staff is doing and he’s ready to fire everyone, but his son keeps saying he likes them, the school, the adventure. Jaden so desperately doesn’t want any of his classmates to know who his parents are, not wanting to be treated differently. So Seto can’t fire them, yet. But once Jaden graduates he is overhauling this school.
Yugi is at a cross between laughing at Atem and Seto being over protective and also losing his mind because who stored the dark lords at this school! “Seto, did you know about this?” (Seto’s never been more scared of his husband)
Season one is uninterrupted. But season 2 is close. Even Yugi wants to step in when the evil cult comes to light. But it’s season 3 that makes the family lose their minds.
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mixelation · 28 days
do you recommend yugioh? i saw a screencap of the guy who's like "no more white wine spritzers before bed" or something and it kinda made me want to watch the show. but some shows (cough naruto cough) are like. i wouldnt recommend this to anybody even though i liked it. i'd tell them to watch specific episodes or fights but forget the whole show yk
oh boy. would i recommend it........ hmm. definitely i would recommend looking up an episode list/guide and skipping filler if you do decide to watch it. but for the rest.... depends on what you are looking for in a show!!
first, do not let my blog fool you. yugioh is about playing a card game. all conflict is solved with card games. all of it. every once in a while someone throws a punch or they have to escape a burning building, but usually somehow these events will also involve card games. somehow. there is ancient dark magic, but it doesn't come up nearly as much as just playing a card game. there are compelling characters and friendships, but most of their shonen-style friendship bonds are forged through the card game. you need to accept this in order to enjoy the series.
(the first few volumes of the manga use a variety of games and challenges instead of focusing on the main card game. the chapters are mostly episodic with a few longer arcs, and the focus is on yugi's friendships. also the ghost possessing him sets at least two people on fire. if you're dubious of the card game aspect but interested in getting to know the main cast, this might be up your alley.)
for the anime, a lot of the zanier lines you see in screen caps are from the english dub, which has nostalgic "call the rice ball a donut" and "give this character a ridiculous accent for no reason" vibes. sometimes the dub is genuinely funny. sometimes it's annoying. if you want an entertaining and over-the-top old school-ish anime, you might enjoy the dub.
the original Japanese is slightly more serious. for example, in the dub, Yugi does a magical girl transformation every time he uses the puzzle. this doesn't happen in the original. there's fewer bizarre ad-libbed lines (like the wine spritzer joke). in some ways it makes the show less fun? but also some of the zanier situations get a little more fun if, for example, the buzzsaws set to chop off your legs if you lose a card game aren't edited out. it is still VERY firmly a show about playing card games, but it takes itself more seriously.
honestly, if i did a rewatch, i'd probably watch the dub for duelist kingdom (the first arc) for the nostalgia and then switch to the japanese for the rest. my recollection is that post duelist kingdom is when the weird voice acting choices started to get grating, and also bizarre editing choices got worse (like changing buzzsaws to.... glowing disks that send you to the shadow realm. or something)
OR you can try YuGiOh the Abridges series, which is housed entirely on youtube and leans fully into how ridiculous YGO is as a concept. I've only seen a few rando episodes of it, but it's very well-loved. (also a warning that apparently it's very "of its time" so there might be some jokes that.... would not be acceptable in 2024.)
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bobbertmoss · 1 month
Yugioh is like the best game ever but the frustrating part about it is that I refuse to believe that it is intentional, it's like Konami has people throw ideas at the wall and see what sticks, leading to a whole lot of just terrible periods in the games history. It just also happens that they are really lucky and accidentally made the card game equivalent of a fighting game
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the-dragon-girl-27 · 2 months
Soooo uhhhhh
Now that you're watching ygo...
What characters are your favorite :3?
basic answer but Seto Kaiba is simultaneously so fucking cool and so stupid i love him for a lot of reasons (he's a very dragon girl character i feel)
i think whats so fun about yugioh is despite how conceptually over the top and goofy it is the show takes itself 100% seriously and its really fun and Kaiba kinda embodies that he's so shamelessly over the top
i like the majority of the main cast tho :D
(anyway prepare for me to rant about Kaiba because i need to get this all out) (this is what happens when you ask me about one of my intrests)
some miscellaneous things i need to rant about:
i'm at the end of the battle city arc its very funny that kaiba certafied does not believe in any of the magic bullshit happening around him like people are summoning gods and fighting in the shadow relm seeing the future and getting possessed and kaiba just doesn't believe in any of it its so fucking funny
also i find it fun that he's obsessed with blue eyes white dragon i think thats also funny like other characters have their favorite cards but like theres a difference betweed yugi going "golly gee i love my dark magician" and kaiba just building shit thats blue eyes white dragon shaped for no practical purpose other than he just really really likes this card from a childrens card game
also i think its very cool and funny and wholesome how Mokuba is the only person he's nice to their dynamic is really fun and the shitposts people make about them are god tier
also the kaiba shitposts in general on tumblr are god tier
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mirpuzzle · 8 months
You know those two grown men that hang out with Ghost whose names I can never remember? Who are they and why are they hanging out with a 15 year old? Did they meet at Duelist Kingdom and after being betrayed by Keith they just decided to stay friends? Are those his cousins? His dads? Just some friends of his?
I'm asking you because I think you're the only one who has even the slightest idea who those guys are and why they're hanging around Ghost.
Hello! ✨ I'm glad you ask, because I love those two, and they rarely get any attention from the fandom, except for a few devoted fans. I hope you don't mind long posts TwT I'll write everything under the cut.
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My guess is that the three of them met at Duelist Kingdom when Bandit Keith brought them together. However, I like to think they could've been friends before that. After all, there's so little information about them that we practically are forced to make up headcanons.
In the manga, that's the only time they appear. They weren't with Kotsuzuka during his Duel against Yami Bakura.
I'm glad they did stay together in the anime. Unlike when they followed Bandit Keith's orders, Kotsuzuka's gang seems to have no leader. They treat one another as equals, so much so that they were okay with working together to get at least one of them to the Battle City finals. It would mean achieving what they couldn't at Duelist Kingdom because of Keith. I see them as close friends.
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The red-haired one is Kiyoshi Takaido, or Sid in the dub. His full Japanese name is shown in the episode where we see their rarest cards.
Takaido seems like the kind of friend who backs you up from afar. He doesn't talk much compared to the others. However, he can have an explosive personality, and has no problem with provoking others. He can be a bit of a coward, too. We didn't get to see enough of him. I think his character holds great potential to explore in terms of trust, bonds, and self-improvement.
His rarest card being Firewing Pegasus, along with his hair being red and shaped like a flame, has led many of us to assume that he could be a Pyro/FIRE duelist.
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The black-haired one is Satake, or Zygor in the dub.
The scene I mentioned earlier doesn't last long enough to show his first name. However, he may actually have one. I plan to make a post specifically about this in the future.
Satake seems to have experience fighting, so I wonder if he tends to get into fights often or what kind of past he carries. He's shown to be very supportive of Kotsuzuka. I like to see him as the protective one, and the one who keeps the group together.
Due to his rarest card being Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon, and the shape of his hair, many of us assume he plays a Thunder Dragon deck, or specializes in Thunder monsters.
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I doubt they have canon ages. We are lucky they even have names in the anime, since they were nameless characters in the manga. They could be 20, or they could be 17. Who knows? I guess we'll have to resort to headcanons, much to my disliking.
With Yugioh, there's no way to tell a character's age based on their appearance alone. Tell me about it. I frown every time I see someone assume Kotsuzuka is 10 or something just because he's short. Sometimes I want to yell 'Kotsuzuka is 15, people, fifteen!!!' at them. He's only 1 or 2 years younger than Yugi's group.
This is one of the reasons why I like to imagine Kotsuzuka, Takaido and Satake as childhood friends. If that's not the case, meeting for the first time at Duelist Kingdom, getting along, and then bonding after Keith's betrayal (like you said) also works.
Thank you SO much for the ask! I love these three guys with my life, and I could talk about them for hours.
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imbadatwrighting · 2 years
Hey, are your orders open? if so could you do headcanons of the yugioh characters reacting to s/o who has an obsession with the mystical elf card?
Nah cuz I had to search up the card cuz I forgot what it was 💀💀 also I was using a different fanfic site and just saw it so I kinda rushed to get dis done lmao 😭
Yu-gi-oh boys reacting to their S/o having an obsession w/ the mystical elf card
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Yugi Muto
He honestly didn’t notice-
I mean he picked up on how constant you used it and talked about it but at the same time he does that to a lot of cards in his deck so didn’t think anything of it
He’ll listen to what you’re saying always though
Doesn’t matter how many times you have been talking about this card, he’s gonna act like it’s his first time hearing about it from you
He got you a keychain that had the mystical elf on it because he knew you would like it but he didn’t know you would like it that much
You were basically jumping with joy on this
He was too-
As long as your happy he’s happy
He listens to you repeat the same story over and over and over again about using the Mystical elf card and doesn’t get tired of it ever
“Ok so like I was battling this one dude who was all about offense and guess what?!?”
“You have to guess Yugi!”
“Uhh, let’s see here… you used a spell card?”
“No! I got the mystical elf; she protected me and she helped me not lose…”
“Oh wow.”
“She really is my guardian angel. She must have sent you down as a gift for me.”
“She really is spectacular… and you know who else is?”
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Yami Yugi
He’s always listening
He loves to hear you go on and on about her; it doesn’t matter if it’s 1am or 4pm, he’s always interested in what your saying
He got you a rare mystical elf card for your birthday and you burst out in tears
He’s definitely in love with you and while he doesn’t tell you he shows it in multiple ways
Lots of people get upset when you repeat a story but he’s the exact opposite
He gets happy knowing you’re so happy that you forgot that you already told him this
Yami always says that you only hot headed when it comes to the mystical elf
The amount of times he cleaned you up after getting in literal fights all because of that card
So when he gets hated on you just say their ‘insecure’ but when it’s about the mystical elf you’ll get in a fight?!
Starting to sound like you love the card over him
“Ok! So the other day I was heading to the grocery story and these imbeciles where talking about how ‘ThE mYsTiCaL eLf Is StUpId’ blah blah blah and I walked over to them and started a fight!”
“Well maybe next time don’t go up to them.”
“It’s their fault! They threw the first punch!”
“I know but I don’t want you to get hurt… sometimes you have to let things go.”
“No I just want you to be safe and not die from some weak kids that have nothing better to do then fight random people.”
“Tell me, how did you first ‘fall in love’ with the mystical elf card?”
“You should know better than anyone how you can fall in love with your cards pharaoh.”
“I know but I love hearing your stories.”
“Is it because you love me, Yami?”
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Joey Wheeler
He understand completely because he’s the same way towards his Red-Eyes Black Dragon
If you are hot headed and get into lots of fights about it then you’re even more alike
You and him are constantly venting about the amount of people that don’t appreciate these cards
Neither one of you are talking about anything else except this stuff
That’s all of your conversations every single day
What’s his favorite color? Don’t know you never asked him that. You’re always talking to him yet you never asked him what his favorite color is? Correct.
My bro is poor af and so are you so both of you have little to no merch
Unless it’s Christmas or your birthday you ain’t getting shit
Sorry not sorry
He’ll try to draw you the mystical elf but it turns out looking like a blob with leaves on it
You guys are always talking about which one is better
Neither one of you win the argument though
If you are a little violent and use that as a way to make people like your favorite card then expect him to be cheering you on… from a safe distance
You might be able to fight but he sure as hell can’t
“Go baby! You can do this!”
“Why don’t you come over here and help me why don’t ya!?”
“Didn’t you say you were independent!? Why do you be needin’ me!”
“2 is better than 1!”
“So?? Since when did you care!”
“Since now! Your over there tryin’ to act slick by leaning against that wall like you’re the one that is beating up these people meanwhile I’m over here working my ass off!”
“I’m not just ‘lEaNiNg AgAiNsT tHe WaLl’ I’m cheering you on too!”
“Yeah from 30ft away! Joey get your ass over here and help!”
“They’ll win!”
“You know they said that they found the Red-eyes Black Dragon useless.”
“Count me in!”
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Seto Kaiba
Bro definitely acts like he doesn’t care
And it’s true-
Bro could not give a single f whether or no you like a card or not
I mean he definitely doesn’t constantly buy you things related to the Mystical elf
It doesn’t matter how expensive it is
If it looks nice then it’s yours
In Kaiba corp he has a whole room dedicated to the merch that he bought you and you couldn’t fit it in your house
He be buying so much it’s as if he’s the one in love with her
He’s not obsessed with her though, he’s obsessed with you
Not that he would ever tell you that
Not to mention the stuff that Mokuba gets for you
Dating Seto is like a two in one package
You get a boyfriend and a loving younger brother
Seto will subtly tell Mokuba what you would like and Mokuba will make/draw it for you
Sweetest boy alive oh my Lordy
Seto acts like he’s annoyed by your rants but honestly he doesn’t really care
He actually loves them
You usually sit in a spiny chair while he sits in his office chair, working, and you just talk about your day
And the mystical elf card of course
He will always tell you when you repeated a story
“Ok so the other day I was out, just walking around you know? Then all of a sudden I saw this guy in the alleyway and- ”
“You told me this already.”
“Oh right! Well there was also this time where I was at the mall and-”
“I was with you.”
“Oh. Well how about this one time where these two guys were trying to gang up on me because I ‘insulted their favorite cards’ by saying that mine was better-”
“You pressed the alert button on your watch that day and my guards took care of that.”
“Oh haha! I forgot!”
“I can tell. Why don’t you tell Mokuba about your day? He was asking how you were today. I’m sure he would enjoy seeing you.”
“Ok I will! I have a couple things to give him anyways! Bye Seto!”
“Be a little more quiet will you, please.”
“Oh sorry.”
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people think yugioh is a card game it's not it's a fighting game
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theminecraftbee · 2 years
okay for the record because i haven't stopped thinking about it if i did a ygo-based au for the hctcg i think it would go something like. years ago, a game developer, vintage beef, vanished for two months. when he came back, he came back with HERMITCRAFT, a card game about a war between various fantasy kingdoms said to be set in another dimension, as well as half the specs for special goggles that allowed people to experience that game as though it were really happening. the game spread like wildfire, growing increasingly popular, and quickly began to be treated like a sport, especially due to the spectacular way the hermits would fight when viewed with the goggles.
beef then, despite being possibly now one of the most revered designers of anything on the planet, dropped into obscurity. or, well, not obscurity - everyone knows his name, after all. just... out of the public, leaving his game to spread, and spread, and spread.
our protagonist - going back and forth on who this would be, honestly, but i'm really tempted to say this is etho - is a semi-popular HERMITCRAFT player who films himself playing exhibition matches to entertain, as well as to earn money for his small community. also, if he feels a strange, almost eerie connection to the game... well, that's for him and him alone to think about.
one day, he, along with several other competitors, get a mysterious letter. it's from vintage beef himself - he's holding a tournament? etho nearly doesn't go. only, that prize money... he could do a LOT for his town with that kind of prize money. it's all-expenses, too. he can attend. the worst that will happen is he loses, and given that he'll probably get more notoriety as a player ANYWAY at such an exclusive event, it'll turn out alright, right?
of course, this is a yugioh au. that tournament is more than a simple tournament, and etho's hardly the only one with a strange connection to this game...
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tubbytarchia · 11 months
My very not so condensed overview as to why Mizakai is such a nuanced #deep Yugioh pairing (AKA Mizakai propaganda)
Mizakai is really fucking good and I need everyone to understand this
If anyone out there is on the fence about Mizakai please allow me to convince you to the best of my ability
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Right off the bat, Mizael is supposed to be fighting for the Barian World yet he focuses on his rivalry with Kaito instead from their first encounter, and why was Kaito there anyway? An average viewer might say it was because they're both Galaxy-Eyes users but WRONG it was Mizael's homosexual pull. Shark was literally rearing up to duel Mizael when Yuma no longer could but then Kaito flew in like "no, me". And let me remind you how Zexal I ended: Kaito proclaimed that he had no reason to duel once Haruto was safe - he only ever dueled for him - to fight, while Yuma taught him how to duel for fun. And Kaito's first proper appearance in Zexal II where he duels is the episode he turns up to face some gay sassy blond when he didn't need to. So a bunch of homosexual banter, bla bla, and at the very end before their duel can conclude, as the last thing, Mizael gives Kaito his name
What happens the next time they meet? Kaito calls out his name <3
Anyway Sargasso time!!! All the Barians put into effect a card that causes damage to every player, but they also each have a card to protect themselves from said damage. Mizael however doesn't use it, because he wants an even fighting ground with Kaito. Later, when they observe Yuma having an epic 13yo breakdown for awhile, at some point Kaito decides 'that's enough of that' and instead asks Mizael "where are you looking?" (ep 98) like ok sir. Don't forget that Kaito and Yuma are literally friends too but this ain't about Yuma!! He can deal with this extremely traumatizing event on his own, Kaito's given him enough encouragement already
So Mizael is just soooo down bad and so desperate to just finish ONE singular duel with Kaito and is doing everything he can to make that happen. So naturally after killing 2 children, an autism creature and Kaito's ex, he goes to the Moon to duel Kaito because this matter simply can't wait. But he had the right idea because this is just the right place to duel anyway, and tension is significantly stronger in space than it is on Earth!
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Que Kaito telling Mizael of his past as Mizael struggles to come to terms with it. As he is conflicted though, Kaito sees right through him and understands him better than he himself could. All this time Mizael was seeking to duel Kaito to prove that he's the real dragon tamer, when in this duel, as Kaito is dying, he without hesitation declares Mizael the true dragon tamer without Mizael having to beat him, or before the duel even concludes (which Mizael simply cannot fathom). And as practically a dying wish, Kaito asks "Mizael, if we were to meet again, wouldn't you tell me, what happened to you?" before he makes the finishing blow and yet, kind of reverses the odds as he ends up dying instead of Mizael despite every other duel ending in the death of the person that lost. Kaito in his dying moments breathed so much wind into Mizael's wings for him to "keep fighting for what you believe in".
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But what does Mizael believe in? Well, Kaito was teaching him to believe in people just as he had been taught to. Mizael might have been the true dragon tamer, but in his pursuit trusted no one but dragons. He was raised by a dragon before his people failed him, and seeing as they had, Tachyon then protected Mizael from any further evil of mankind. As Tachyon can seal up into a weird bento box, seemingly shielding itself in the process, it shielded Mizael. How could Mizael ever accept that Tachyon was his curse? But Tachyon had been cursed by Don, just as Mizael had. No matter what they fought for then as a result, they stuck together of their own beliefs. But what made Tachyon Mizael's curse was that it stopped Mizael from moving on from the past. Even as time passed (and even if Barians don't age), Mizael's mindset never changed until Kaito came in to reap him of this shield that Mizael had put up. With Tachyon's effect of rewinding time, Mizael hoped to change the past, but Kaito showed him a future, thus removing his curse
Kaito taught Mizael that he was (or even is) human, a fact that Mizael does not want to accept one bit, literally shown visually as Mizael is forced into his human form, in rage then transforms back into his Barian form, only to be reduced back to his human form by the end anyway. And note that he STAYS in this form, he doesn't change back again!! Which is especially driven home when you see Nasch literally right there, Mizael's last surviving comrade, and yet he stays in his human form, as if to show that he is paving his own path now. And he is, because he's free of his curse. He's technically still a Barian but in a metaphorical sense, his curse has been lifted thanks to Kaito. Mizael was still fighting for the Barian World even if his focus shifted to some blondie, but in his final duel, he isn't dueling for the Barians, he's only dueling for himself. He gives it his very best shot to defeat Don on his own terms and, you know, despite the bullshit that Don pulls, Mizael doesn't look all that upset to die. I think that even as he was dying, he had found some fulfilment and was content to leave the rest to Nasch and Yuma
And speaking of Yuma - in his dying breaths, Kaito bestows Numeron Dragon onto Mizael (And don't forget that character A giving character B their card is basically a marriage proposal in Yugioh. Even within Zexal, think Yuma/Trey and Yuma/Shark among other instances). What does Mizael then do? He bestows the card on Yuma - The person who had taught Kaito to believe in people, just as Kaito had now taught Mizael. Sometimes Zexal is so beautiful in how it comes full circle, it makes me want to cry, and Mizakai comes in SUCH a circle it is INSANE.
When Kaito had nothing to defend anymore, he lost his reason to duel - but he refused to let Mizael lose his reason, even as Mizael had lost everyone except for Nasch, and so Mizael found a reason to duel (by virtue of finding what he really believed in)
I couldn't find a better place to put this but also just how visually beautifully tragic it is that Mizael, who can't for the love of him stop yapping, in his endless stubbornness, cannot bring himself to say anything as Kaito dies right before him with a smile on his face. All Mizael can do then is cry
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So of course Mizakai would be a goldmine in a post-zexal scenario too. I'm gonna yap about more headcanons rather than canon stuff but bear with me
Two characters mending together is always such good hurt/comfort shit but ohhh my god Mizakai... Compare Mizael's and Kaito's traumas and imagine how they would handle them in one another's presence. Mizael would probably project an immense amount of his frustration onto Kaito subconsciously or otherwise, but with how understanding Kaito was, his patience to deal with it must be limitless. Mizael seeks the Kaito that would challenge him - just as Kaito would challenge him to duels in Zexal II, he wants Kaito to challenge what he says, and it would take time for him to adjust to the fact that Kaito isn't some miracle noble being - he's human just like Mizael, as selfless and self-sacrificing as he is, and what he did or does for Mizael is from this tangible human care - something Mizael needs time to come to grips with, as he's still new to this whole "being human (again)" thing. Another wonderful place to bring up the Galaxy-Eyes', as Mizael is just as "noble" as Kaito. He always fought for what he believed in but he got lost along the way with the cursed Tachyon, whereas Kaito chose Photon (who was always pure and never cursed) to fight alongside him (even if he acted somewhat selfishly in taking people's souls etc, he was doing it for someone he loved) (harkening back to the idea of Kaito freeing Mizael from his curse (and the idea that Mizael's curse was his own personal dilemma, not the fact that he was a Barian, even if that was the case literally speaking)). In the end they both had their Galaxy-Eyes' to ensure that they were never truly fighting alone, even with Don's curse in Mizael's case. Just as they valued an even fighting ground in duels, Kaito wants to even it now too to stop Mizael from putting him up on a pedestal to such a degree that it frustrates him, because they're really not so different
Anyway Kaito is a sickly little victorian man, seeing how bad of a state he was in all throughout Zexal and especially by the Moon duel. You could argue that the Numeron Code is perfect and would bring everyone back in a perfect state, but I say there is no perfection, nothing is ever "perfect", as everything is always in motion and changing (but that's getting too semantic and philosophical (but then, what is Yugioh if not that?)). If the Numeron Code really did bring everything back "perfectly", wouldn't it erase the character's traumas and stuff too, instead of just bringing them back to good physical health? So my point is, Kaito is still a sickly little victorian man, but fighting is all he knows. This plays into why he went out to duel Mizael as well - it's... all he knows!! He needs to fight and if there's nothing to fight then he works. Just as he was denied rest or nourishment in his training and number hunting, he is hardwired to deny those things to himself. But now imagine how it makes Mizael feel, when he sees Kaito tired or even fainted. He absolutely cannot allow Kaito to die again (even if Kaito is sure that this photon illness aint gonna get the best of him), because he already struggles to forgive himself for what he did.
Kaito doesn't know all of his past, yet it damn near feels like he knows everything about Mizael, and did everything for him, even arguably dying in Mizael's stead. What else would Mizael want to do but to return the favor? To want to learn about Kaito and to be able to understand his troubles, and not only help care for him physically but also help him deal with past trauma once he begins to get over his own. Mizael, who is so deeply emotional and vocal practically forces his troubles upon Kaito, but as he starts to figure himself out, he convinces Kaito to talk to him, and shows him that it's okay for him to be emotional. Because Kaito very much suppresses his emotions and would rather bury his troubles at the back of his mind rather than deal with them healthily. He's much more prone to making quick easy decisions and adjustments for the sake of others, like for example forgiving his father because it's easier than not, even though he has a lot of complicated feelings that he just refuses to dwell on
Basically they switch roles lol and there's just something really beautiful and poetic about that. Even if that way, Mizael ends up adopting this selfless patience that so greatly frustrated him about Kaito in the beginning
Kaito had never once stopped fighting for the people he loved, until Mizael came around and Kaito made the choice of his own volition to face him. But when did anyone really dedicate themselves to Kaito that same way? Well, Mizael sure would!! And Kaito likes how tangible Mizael makes him feel through affirmation and touch - grounded in the reality that he himself seems to be at a disconnect with, the same reality that he brought Mizael to. He reaped Mizael of his shield and basically forced him into this new ironically alien world, but he was here for Mizael to land safely, and Mizael wants to be there to help him stay grounded. If Kaito needed a friendly face in Heartland Tower to make it bearable to even still be there, or if he needed someone to give him a reality check mid breakdown, or if he needed someone to bring him coffee and carry him to bed, then Mizael would be that someone
In conclusion:
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derangedanomaly · 3 months
very funny to be watching pretty cure and then go “oh i just had an idea for unfiltered interactions with my oc :D” but yknow how it is
Lusine (probably her name since it means moon and sounds cute), Kris and Lillian all meeting up because Blade, Ace, and Ted are all together a lot of the time. She’d probably watch shows with all of them. Blade is throwing himself at Ace and attempting to kill him because Ace will not shut up about how “really now, you’ll make fun of whatever I like when you’re watching magical girls friendship blast these people” and it may have escalated to “you’re so utterly insecure it’s laughable, you have to THREATEN your so called ‘partners’ into submission. do they even love you?” and “Are we REALLY pulling the insecure card when you’ve got your stupid fucking hood on all the time? I bet your broth-“ followed by a bone smacking him off his feet.
Lillian is cheering on Blade while Kris holds Lillian back from helping in the fight, believing Ace can handle himself. They’re both fairly calm with each other, chatting about their lovers over the laser beams. Lusine pauses the show, staring at Ted and apologizing quietly while she hands him a star themed cookie. He frowns at the loud noises but nods at the gift, taking it and chewing on it to distract from how irritatingly loud the two are.
“When Nightmare comes home he’s not going to be happy… Do you think he’d like a Shakespeare themed cake? That might not be enough for the damages…” Lusine whispers to Ted, concerned for inevitable rage of Nightmare seeing his beloved records turned to dust. Ted stares at her with a stern look, probably not wanting to talk about Nightmare right now. It’s understandable. She leaves him with the small box of cookies and heads to the kitchen to prepare.
- yugioh anon, gift to the sillies :3
This was so good! Me, as their creator just standing there watching this all go down like- 🧍‍♀️🍿
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magicalblerdpenn · 11 months
So yesterday I finished watching the subbed version of Yugioh GX for the first time and while this wasn't a perfect series, it resonated a lot with me due to its protagonist Judai Yuki.
He started out as kid who could see duel spirits and only wanted to have fun dueling. Then he experienced the darker side of duels, had his school and friends repeatedly threatened by evil shit. A big turning point occurs when the school is sent to the dimension inhabited by duel monsters and he and the others have to survive and find a way back to the real world.
You see, not everyone makes it back. A valuable friend got left behind in the duel monsters world so Judai tries to go rescue him. In the process, Judai loses himself because he realizes that he can't afford to enjoy a duel if he wants to find his friend without dying, because losing a duel in the other world is a death sentence.
As a result, Judai becomes a fallen hero, betrays his friends, and does horrible things in the other world because he lacked the true strength he needed to find his friend. It takes a couple of duels before his friends get through to Judai and he becomes normal again but he's still traumatized by what his evil self did that he can't even use his signature cards. It takes a friend sacrificing himself to give Judai the will to fight again and confront the source of all the alternate dimension stuff: Yubel, an androgynous duel monsters spirit Judai knew as a kid but sent to space because it was a danger to other people.
In order to make amends with Yubel and prevent different worlds from merging, Judai merges his soul with Yubel and disappears for a whole month before returning to Duel Academy. By then, he's so used to fighting for his life in a duel that he has to remember how fun dueling can be while facing Darkness, a physical manifestation of the doubt in duelists' hearts that represents their fear of the future.
I've seen some people say that Judai Yuki was too naive and happy go lucky because he just wanted to have fun dueling. Fuck that. He didn't ask to be able to see duel monsters or to have the responsibility of being a hero thrust upon him.
Judai Yuki represents anyone who forgot their passion for something because of trauma and life difficulties and is trying to find it again. His story gave me hope that I can and will regain my passion because there's more to life just than trying to survive.
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team-frightfur · 8 months
The more I watch Zexal, the more I begin to slowly, unironically believe that A5 may actually be the second best Gallop Yugioh series.
Now, I say this and you think "HUH!? But Xyz Arc!!!! Most of Fusion!!! Synchro's Length!!! The poor Time Management!!!! The poor use of the Side Cast!!! How can you defend that!?!?!?!?"
I'm not defending it. That's all true. Thing is, Zexal, GX, and 5ds all use their casts just as poorly, have just as much filler, manage their time with just as much incompetence, and have just as much nonsense going on.
Remember when GX just killed off half its sidecast for a season? Remember how Aki was relegated to benchwarmer and Ruka and Leo got sub 10 duels over 142 episodes? Remember how Zexal brainwashed and hostaged the numbers club 5 separate times?
Remember the 30-episode gap between 5ds Dark Signers finale and the WRGP where nothing of value happens? Remember, like, the entirety of Zexal I, the temple run arc of Zexal II, and the fuckin Mr Heartland and his miniboss-trio-mini-arc created purely to clumsily jam the Tron bros back into the script? Remember GX season 1 and 2?
You know what A5 has that all those series don't have? A single continuous narrative that doesn't awkwardly jump between seventeen tenuously connected arcs. A final boss that is foreshadowed in Episode 1. An established, if lame as fuck, main villain. An emphasis on card games that doesn't occasionally leap into people fighting monsters with swords. A consistent, if shitty as fuck, set of themes.
I, myself, cannot believe I'm saying this, but I think A5 is genuinely, like, one of the good eggs.
What is this franchise...
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roseofcards90 · 9 months
10, 16, 37, 18 👀
Hi hiiiii dear beloved moot of mine Seari <333 thank u for the ask!
10: when was your last physical fight?
Oh god, uhhhh 😭 hm, I think it was in 5th grade iirc??? It literally over the dumbest thing lmao, but basically there was kid I was "friends" with who would continually STEAL MY YUGIOH CARDS JUST FOR THE SAKE OF IT??? LIKE HE WAS JUST KNOWN AS A THIEF IN THE CLASS BUT NATURALLY I WAS PISSED YOU KNOW???
Anyways yeah I got into a physical fight with him in gym class and punched him in the face <3 and other kids broke up the fight but he never messed with me again AND I THINK I GOT MY CARDS BACK TOO??? But yeah there's some Rose lore for ya lmao
16: how exactly are you feeling at the moment?
Kind of content! A bit anxious though 😭 The school semester is gonna start again on Monday, so that'll be more work piled on top of me again (although graduating is my main goal this year so it's something I'm willing to get through), and also tomorrow I'm apparently supposed to give a speech for this girl's party or something like ??? 💀 idk I'm trying to get out of that fr
18: are you scared of spiders?
I used to be! Now though, I'm much more chill around them. They're just funny little guys who chill and hang out like good for them <3
37: is it easier to forgive or forget?
I have never forgotten anything that has happened to me ever because I am hyperaware of everything that happens around me 😭 it's so much easier for me to just forgive people tbh
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simple-seranade · 2 years
Okay back on my bullshit now I’m free from Jail aka my job. I saw you post about card games therefore-
A world where you can fight people with magic summoning cards that either summon beings or effects and the dark version if you lose a battle your soul gets trapped into a card yugioh style,
But also like Bakugan you have a main sentient humanoid bro that is like bonded to you though it’s there choice really. It’s sorta like the being choses whatever schmuck. And some are notoriously picky. They have their own will and dislikes and what not. They are a person
Cue Jimmy being a card user that has the equivalent of a deck of the worst buffs (Example he has cards that give him bad luck he can’t get rid of) or newb monsters On the level Like Kuriboh (Yugioh) or caterpie (Pokémon) and like his only useful card is the one that gets him canary wings but to use that card he has to use one of his bad luck cards as well.
Cue Jimmy after probs about to be a victim of his soul getting trapped into a card yugioh style after losing to a evil dude that does shadow realm esque villainy. Finally managed to get his main dude that’s his ace and gets bonded to Tango right before he dies.
Tango is a chimera class bonded which means that he is a sentient dude that can switch elements which is very rare. He is even more powerful because his elements (ice and fire) are completely opposite. Usually even after the whole you got bonded to a dude the being can decide their relationship or what not. And idk mate Tango sees the worst card player ever and thinks ah yes this is the one.
So Jimmy hears all these stories about how the card players have to like show their worth to their bonded and Jimmy is like Tango never puts me in trials yo get his respect. Meanwhile Tango is hear thinking he has the greatest dude as his partner and maybe perhaps wanting to smooch him (which is not uncommon in this universe)
Jimmy accidentally makes Tango Uber powerful because he falls into the thing in Pokémon the more friendly you are to your Pokémon the more they will be op (in Pokémon case literally forcing itself to stay at 1 if it was crit hit or being the matrix)
And Yes Jimmy eventually figures it out that Tango loves him. But it takes a while solely because Jimmy isn’t the sharpest tool. Once they get together tho they legit become feared. Because again Tango is a OP monster being that’s hella rare and even rarer to counteract against all his powers. And Jimmy goes through like a typical card game protag and get gud.
as someone who gets very emotional when my pokemon affection crit/dodge/heal a status effect i can imagine jimmy being like. “man tango is so cool and strong. i hope he likes me.” and his Best Buddy (i think either scott or grian) would be like “um. dude you do realize part of why he’s so powerful is because he really likes you right”
cue jimmy learning that affection actually affects power and being very flustered because “oh so that’s why he keeps annihilating everything in his path. because he cares about me. ok. ok.”
but yeah. dramatic anime duels, they go on a quest to find one of the rarest cards in the game (aka the warden card) to defeat whoever the rival is
actually stream of thought while i’m doing this, joel is the rival. i think that would fit. can’t believe he has the super powerful ocean queen AND the insanely crazy ninja cards. wild
your aus >>>>>
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