#Perfusion Machine
octopusmedical01 · 6 months
Sorin Stockert 3T Heater-Cooling System manufacturer & supplier in India: Octopus Med Pvt Ltd. 
In the realm of medical technology, innovations play a pivotal role in enhancing patient care and outcomes. Among the many advancements, the Sorin Stockert 3T Heater-Cooler System stands out as a crucial component in cardiac surgeries, ensuring optimal temperature management during procedures. As a trusted manufacturer and supplier of Sorin Stockert 3T Heater-Cooler System in India, Octopus Med brings you the Sorin Stockert 3T Heater-Cooler System, delivering unparalleled performance and reliability. 
About the Sorin Stockert 3T Heater-Cooler System 
The Sorin Stockert 3T Heater-Cooler System is a sophisticated medical device designed to regulate the temperature of patient's blood and organs during cardiac surgeries. It consists of advanced heating and cooling components that maintain precise temperatures, critical for the success of complex procedures. Octopus Med offers the Sorin 3T Heater Cooler Systems, recognized for their superior quality and performance in the medical community. 
Key Features of Sorin Stockert 3T Heater-Cooler System: 
Precision Temperature Control: The Sorin Stockert 3T Heater-Cooler System ensures precise temperature management, allowing surgeons to maintain optimal conditions throughout the surgical procedure. 
Reliable Performance: With its robust design and advanced technology, the Sorin 3T Heater Cooler guarantees reliable performance, contributing to seamless surgical experiences and positive patient outcomes. 
Enhanced Safety Features: Sorin Stockert 3T Heater-Cooler Systems are equipped with enhanced safety features to mitigate risks and ensure patient safety during cardiac surgeries. 
User-Friendly Interface: The intuitive interface of the Sorin Stockert 3T Heater-Cooler System facilitates ease of use for healthcare professionals, enabling efficient operation and monitoring during procedures. 
Buy SORIN Stockert 3T at Best Price in India 
Octopus Med offers the Sorin Stockert 3T Heater-Cooler System at the best price in India, making advanced medical technology accessible to healthcare facilities nationwide. Our commitment to affordability and quality ensures that healthcare providers can procure essential equipment without compromising on performance or budget. 
Why Choose Octopus Med for Sorin Stockert 3T Heater-Cooler System? 
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Customer Satisfaction: At Octopus Med, customer satisfaction is paramount. We strive to exceed expectations by providing timely support, seamless transactions, and personalized service to our clients. 
Nationwide Reach: Octopus Med's extensive distribution network ensures prompt delivery of Sorin Stockert 3T Heater-Cooler Systems to healthcare facilities across India, enabling timely access to essential medical equipment. 
In conclusion, the Sorin Stockert 3T Heater-Cooler System from Octopus Med India represents a paradigm shift in cardiac surgery technology, empowering healthcare providers to deliver superior patient care. With its advanced features, reliability, and affordability, the Sorin Stockert 3T Heater-Cooler System is a valuable addition to any cardiac surgery suite. Contact Octopus Med today to buy SORIN Stockert 3T at the best price in India and elevate your surgical capabilities to new heights. 
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industryupdate · 10 months
Organ Preservation Market is Led by UW Solution
The organ preservation market will grow at a rate of 7.7% by the end of this decade, to touch USD 442.6 million by 2030. This has a lot to do with the increasing cases of multi-organ failure, the growing count of organ transplants and organ donors, and the rising elderly population. For example, according to the UNOS, over 42,800 organ transplants occurred in 2022 in the U.S., an increase of…
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thefandomlesbian · 10 months
Thinking about House's infarction and recovery and based on the scar, I think he would have had a wound vac for a significant period of time.
(Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, this is conjecture for the sake of fandom, any misconceptions are my own.)
So this is House's scar, per the screen grab I can get off of Google.
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In my opinion, the scar seems like it wasn't well-approximated at the time of closure, which makes sense; it's consistent with the idea that his leg was opened and necrotic tissue was debrided, leaving wide margins that couldn't be secured with sutures. (This is a guess; muscular infarctions are incredibly rare and I haven't found any information online on standard procedure for clearing necrotic muscle tissue surgically.) Combine with the fact that an infarction is a clotting issue that can interfere with circulation and perfusion, I think House may have been discharged with a wound vac.
A wound vac is an electronic negative pressure device that assists with wound closure for open wounds, ie the outermost layer of skin isn't sutured/stapled and underlying tissue is exposed. These devices are usually in place for a few weeks.
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(This is a stock image I swiped from Google associated with a study on the efficacy of wound vac closures.)
Basically, the tubing hooks to a machine that provides suction for any drainage and helps everything remain clean, among other things. The dressing is generally changed every 48-72 hours and is pretty painful, the adhesives involved are strong to provide total suction (the machine will flag if there is any leak and start beeping, so it must be completely airtight). I've had it described to me as, "It feels like they're peeling your skin off and digging around in your wound."
So from pain alone, this is not something House would've been able to do well by himself. He also eschews nurses, so I find it most likely Wilson provided this care for him. As a surgeon, Wilson is well-acquainted with wound closure techniques and with stages of healing, this is his area of expertise. This is something that needs to be done every 2-3 days, for 3-4 weeks, maybe longer depending on how the wound healed.
Again, based on scarring, it looks like there may have been healing complications. Which, granted, it's House. We see him perform bathtub surgery with no sterile technique or gloves (he also might have had a wound vac for that, too). House attempting to perform his own dressing changes, or worse, foregoing them altogether because it's too painful, except now the suctioned drainage is green and the periwound is hot and bright red and his leg is starting to swell. He needs help, he can't do this himself.
Wilson wants to take him to the hospital to sedate him for debridement and provide IV antibiotics, but House won't go, he's afraid of losing his leg if he's anesthetized again, he'll sooner die of sepsis. Wilson, against his better judgment, does what he must. Clears the dead tissue, cleans the wound, replaces the wound vac dressing, new tubing and canister, all while House is biting a towel like a civil war soldier because he won't be anesthetized again. Wilson fills oral antibiotics to control the infection. Going forward, he religiously changes the dressing, because if the wound becomes gangrenous he knows House will die before he consents to an amputation.
We all discuss House relying on Wilson for mobility after the infarction, which I also think is true and deserves a spotlight. But wound care is such a personal act with regards to House's profession and personality that the notion of Wilson providing for House in this way has me salivating.
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vibratingskull · 1 year
Fake dating part 2
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I took @al-astakbar​‘s idea and run with it.
Resume : Alone on an strange planet with a little chiss girl you walk desesperatly trying to reach coordinates given by a beacon. Here you are saved by Grand Admiral Thrawn’s crew and he proposes you an incongruous solution to your problem...
You silently follow the Grand Admiral through the numerous corridors of his ship, it’s enough for you to lose your way you worry. There are so many paths and doors, it hurts your brain. You do your best to follow his long strides on the cold metal floor without shoes. You cross paths with some officers, they all stop on their track to salute their superior and then you feel their curious gaze on you, wondering who you might be and why you’re here, you quickly avert their gaze and lower your head in their presence, careful not to anger anyone. Apparently they are not used to seeing their Grand Admiral followed by someone with a slave collar, that thought is somewhat reassuring. You look at the back of the head of the man holding your life in his hands, detailing his height and imposing measurements. The tight fabric of his uniform does not hide his muscles and Makers know you want nothing to do with them. Those are his assets to kill… You shudder at this thought.
“Here we are.” He softly announces.
He engages himself in a corridor with a large bay window giving on to an operation room, and on the table is…
“Moarorou!” You shout, pressing yourself against the window.
“She is in good hands.” He simply says “I trust them to save her.”
Asleep and perfused, the little girl seems at peace while the droids operate her. You wish you could hold her hand.
“I want to be with her.” You ask, turning towards him.
“Out of the question, it is a sterilized room.” He flat out refuses, “You will see her once they are done.”
You lower your gaze and turn back to the little girl. Poor sweetheart… You feel a burning gaze on you and you don’t dare meet it.
“We should head towards the second room, you need treatment too.” 
You do? You’re so used to being beaten and bruised by now… But it is true, you have scars all over your arms and legs and a burnt wound on your flank.
You obediently follow him to a room where a droid greets you and guides you to an infirmary bed. As the Grand Admiral leaves to give you some intimacy, it proceeds to do a complete check up, from weighing you to blood test and mandatory vaccines after dressing your wounds. You mechanically obey the machine, too used to receiving orders, it would have asked you to shake hands like a dog you would have without asking any questions, this is how deep it is ingrained in you…
“Here.” says Grand Admiral Thrawn right behind you.
You jump out of your skin. When did he come back?
He hands you a pair of boots exactly your size. You take them, unsure. You didn’t have the right to own shoes as a slave, you forgot how it feels. You pass them on after thanking him. It feels like a second skin. Strangely you feel more confident with them. You thank him again.
“Do not mention it, I cannot have anyone walking bare feet in my ISD. Now, do not move.” He slides behind you and you feel him manipulating your shock collar.
He must check your number to verify their registers. You refrain from sighing, an imperial remains an imperial, whatever happens.
You hear a click.
And your collar falls on your lap. You look at it, dumbfounded.
You thought he would have waited for your response and sold you back on the black market if you refused his offer…
“You thought I would not get rid of it?” he asks, seeing your confused expression.
“Well… no, not before I gave you my answer at least…” you explain.
“You brought me back a valuable person. Consider it the payment of my debt to you.” 
You massage your throat, touching it for the first time in years.
“You… you have the right to free someone?” you ask with a small voice.
“I am a Grand Admiral, little is forbidden to me.”
You accept his answer as a fact and don’t press the matter. You mask it but hope is flourishing in your stomach, after so many years… finally!
Karyn Faro enters the infirmary, saluting the Grand Admiral.
“Sir! You asked for me.” She asks in a strong and clear voice.
“Yes, I want you to guide our guest to her new quarters, I will go back to the bridge.” He orders
She nods and signifies to follow her and quicker than that. You hop on your feet and follow her in another maze of corridors, but you start to recognize the patterns, you’re less lost this time.
“There it is.” She opens a large door with a card that she hands you “Do not loose it.”
You enter the room, or rather the suite and stop, turning back to her.
“Are you sure this is the good room?” You wonder.
“Yes. Is there a problem?” 
Well it's… Big. You’re standing in a small living room with sofa and kitchenette, giving on a large bedroom and a privatized bathroom. You’re more used to the cell shared with several other slaves.
“No, it’s… it’s perfect. Thank you.” You bow to her.
She simply nods and goes back to her duty.
You walk into the living room, timidly, afraid to take too much space, to make too much noise, even though you’re alone. You find a remote on a table and press the buttons, curious. A part of the wall opens for a TV screen to appear, you press another one and music starts. Another one pushes a bar off the wall. Okay that’s too much. You tidy, close back the walls and cut the music, put the remote where you found it, like you never touch it and go see the bedroom. It is a large room with a double bed, a wardrobe, a big mirror and a bay window giving on space. The wardrobe is full you notice, with a safe hidden as a drawer. The bathroom is white and clean, with a bath and clean towels, you touch them, they are soft and fluffy. everything for maintaining basic hygiene is here. You can’t resist the urge to brush your teeth when you see the new toothbrush waiting for you. It feels so good and fresh! What a delicious sensation! 
Returning to the bedroom you notice a datapad on the bedside table. You take it and turn it on. You’re curious of that Grand Admiral Thrawn. You search the holonet about him, finding different biographies and videos of him at different ceremonies. An article of the Universal Encyclopedy informs you of his greatest victories and gives you a resume of his life, or at least his life since he appeared in the Empire. What you suspected was right, him and Moarorou aren’t from the Empire, but are from the Unknown Region. He accepted to answer interviews of journalists of the regime but consistently refused to answer anything about his life previous to the Empire. So you got an incomplete portrayal of the man. 
You don’t know much about military things, but his record seems impressive, victory after victory, promotion after promotion, from one medal to the other he seems to supplant any adversaries. Except on the political field. It appears each and everyone of his victories came with a political scandal. 
But he manages to get out of it everytime.
You reopen your eyes when you hear knocks on the door. You must have drifted to sleep without realizing it. You open the door to Faro, awaiting for you.
“The Grand Admiral awaits you for dinner.” She indicates with her strong voice.
You must have slept more than first anticipated, dinner already?
You nods hurriedly and close the door behind you. She looks at you up and down, clearly judging you but says nothing.
“This way, please.”
You walk in silence behind her but curiosity devours you.
“Is it in your prerogatives to take care of priso… of guests?” you dare ask.
“No.” That is all she answers.
“Oh… Then why you-”
“He orders and I obey, simple as that.” And like that, the conversation ends.
You don’t dare raise your voice anymore, and she’s not one to do small talk.
You reach a door with stormtroopers guarding it, she gives one of her cylinders-thing and they step to the side.
“Here.” She says, and left you here, alone with the guards.
The door open and you enter a large suite, rich with decors. The Grand Admiral is standing, hand clasped behind his back, observing something.
You don’t say a word, to not disturb him, fidgeting your fingers.
“Come closer.” He simply says, without even turning towards you.
You approach. He seems enthralled by some vase on a stand.
“What do you see?” he inquires
What? Is he asking you your opinion on how he decorates his chambers?
“A vase.” you answer neutrality.
Never give your opinion.
You approach again, observing it more intently. It’s a terracotta of three complimentary colors, surely a wine carafe. It has fine details and some speck of gold sprinkled in the clay.
“Huh… Looks like a hutt jug.” You notice.
He slowly nod.
“Indeed. Can you see anything else?”
“That’s the kind of jug we find in their northern worlds, the south would have used metal. But outside of that…” You shrug, unknowingly.
“That is well.” He murmures. “Dinner is ready.” and he heads to the dressed table. 
He pulls a chair and gallantly invites you to take it, as you approach he looks you up and down. 
"You did not change clothes ?" He asks, puzzled. 
You could ? You do not touch what your masters don't need. 
"I thought the order was to come immediately." You explain 
"You could have taken the time to put on more comfortable clothes than this hospital pajamas. I would not have held it against you, you are my guest." 
Yes, you heard that. 
You sit down and he pushes your chair forward, like he would have done to a high Lady. The table smells deliciously good, making your mouth water with different types of salads and vegetables, a main course with fuming meat, rice and lentils and a bottle of wine. He opens it and serves you first, then himself. 
"Because I brought you someone important ?" You ask as he sits down. 
"And if I did not ?" 
"What do you mean ?" He inquires, cutting his meat.
"If you only found me, a slave alone in the forest, would I still be your guest ?" 
He looks into your eyes with a stern expression 
"Does it matter ?" 
"Yes." You try to control the shivers in your voice "It matters to me."
He doesn't respond, letting silence take place. 
"No. Probably not."
You sigh internally. You knew it. Under his gallant behavior and nice dispositions, he remains an Imperial. A slave trader. 
"Those hypotheses do not matter." He says camly, taking a bite of his dish "The fact is you came together, and you took care of her. I cannot let this good deed go unreward-"
Your stomach growls suddenly, a deep hollow sound. Deeply embarrassing. You flush immediately. 
"Why do you not eat ? Is it not to your taste ?" 
"No !" You hurriedly says "I just… Waited for your permission to eat" You confess
He raises an eyebrow. 
"This is an order you had to obey ?" 
You nod. 
"Those times are behind you." He designates the table filled to the brim, encouraging you.
You slowly serve yourself, a little of each, not too much and start eating delicately using table manners you've seen your masters use. 
He looks at you intently, like he would observe an animal behind bars. 
Your stomach growls again but you don't press yourself. 
"There is nobody to impress here, eat as you please." He says casually.
You look at him to see if he's serious. 
Then you dive on the meat, with your hands you bite into it hungrily, tearing it apart, getting back from years of malnutrition. 
Maker this is so good ! It has been years since you had meat. You gulp it down feverishly, licking the sauce off your fingers, growling with satisfaction. 
He looks at you, caressing his chin. 
You stop. 
"Too much ?" You ask embarrassed, sauce dripping from your chin
 "Everything is well." He shakes his head. "Like I said, those times are behind you. Let's focus on the future."
You listen, munching down your meat with lentils. 
"About this offer I made, you might want to know what it entails." 
You nod, mouth full. 
"You would hold the role of the wife of a Grand Admiral, it comes with some… Obligations. You will need to escort me to galas, ceremonies, spending time with high ranked rich people and pretend you are from the same world. Adopt their codes and customs, abide by their rules. Everywhere you will go you will represent me and all I stand for, your failures will be mine. We will make you a proper high standing lady and need to get your education right as Moarorou's, we will train her and care for her like true parents. There will be a lot of stress and pressure."
"Until we sent her back ?" 
"Indeed." He nods
"And after ?" 
"After you will be free, you could live your life as you want." 
"And if I refuse ?" 
"Then we will disembark you from the ship on a nearby planet with some money and your new life will start that day." 
You slowly nod, wiping your mouth with a napkin. 
"And Moarorou ?" 
"She will need to remain hidden on the Chimaera, alone in a cabin with only droids or complete strangers she can't communicate with to care for her. It would be an oppressive and uncaring environment for a child her age. If you accept, she will get to have two parental figures and a proper education you would take part into, you could use my apartment on Coruscant and offer her, and yourself a better lifestyle."
"For a time…"
"For a time" He concedes
"Why not simply send her to Coruscant ?" 
"I cannot send her alone in this black vipers nest."
"Why? You speak of her so highly, is she some kind of Royalty in your world ?" 
He smiles enigmatically 
"She is so much more valuable than Royalty."
It doesn't advance you. He rises from his seat. 
"Sleep, and tell me your answer tomorrow. The choice is yours."
You follow him to the door, hiding a burp behind your hand. You eat too much. 
"You said I could see her!" if he thought you would forget that…
"Once she wakes up from the operation, you will be free to see her."
He politely escorts you back to your room. You don’t say a thing but you you’re tremendously disappointed, you hoped to Moarorou right after dinner.
“Is there something wrong?” He suddenly asks, stopping in his track.
“No… No.” you lie. 
You castigate yourself. ‘Hide what you think, hide what you feel. Do not let them see.’
He shrugs and continues.
"I wish you good night." He greets you and disappears. 
You spend the night tossing and turning in those fresh clean sheets. Questions assault your mind, and memory of the crash alike. 
What to do ? What to do ? 
Remaining with him could give you protection against your masters, but remaining with an Imperial ? 
Could you do it? Close your eyes on all the atrocities he will commit ? 
But you can't leave Moarorou alone with him. She trusts you. You can't abandon her… 
You sigh. 
In the morning you pass on decent attire. You wince, there are only dresses. You take the most concealing one and walk directly to the Grand Admiral's office. It seems like he's at work for several hours already. 
You inhale deeply, gathering your courage.
"I accept" 
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doctorvictoria10 · 5 months
A stressful admission
Tags - ED admission, nervous patient, slight cardio, slight ageplay, medical trauma, comfort.
Bright lights. Beeping machines. Fast paced conversations. Orders.
“Get her hooked up to the sats monitor”
“What’s her heart rate doing now?”
“Her peripheral perfusion isn’t great, can we get an IV sited please?”
“She’s coming round! Chloe, can you hear me?” An older woman’s voice rings in her ears. “Chloe, squeeze my hand if you can hear me.” A warm hand slips into her own and brings her round that bit more. Chloe squeezes her hand as tightly as she can, but her fingers only move slightly.
“Well done Chloe.” The older woman praises. “She’s responding,” she calls out to the other voices.
“What’s happening?” Chloe croaks out quietly, still very disoriented. Her eyes focus on the woman next to her holding her hand. She’s maybe in her forties, with blonde hair and hazel eyes, a stethescope around her neck and glasss perched on the end of her nose.
“You’re at the hospital Chloe, you were found collapsed and brought in by the ambulance. Do you remember what happened?” She asked calmly.
“I, I don’t remember. I didn’t feel well, I was so tired, I had pain.” She trailed off, her brow furrowing trying to summon the blurry memories to the forefront of her mind.
“You had pain where?” The woman pushed.
“Here.” She replied, bringing her hand slowly up to her chest, and the woman’s eyes widened slightly.
A bustling noise of flimsy curtains alerted Chloe someone else had entered her room. The nurse looked up from Chloe to the person who had just entered.
“What’s the story?” A male voice asked in a rushed tone.
“This is Chloe, a twenty six year old female, found in a car park collapsed. Obs are stable now apart from a slight tachycardia, she has just come round and told me she felt unwell and had chest pain before she became unconscious. That’s all we have at the moment.” The nurse replied quickly.
“Okay, let’s get an IV in, bloods sent, fluids running. ECG. Have we got a blood glucose yet?” The male voice rushes. A wave of panic surges through Chloe, she hates hospitals, always has since she was a little girl and she had her appendix removed as an emergency surgery. And she hated not being involved in the conversation when it involved her body, especially if it was going to be unpleasant. She worked in obstetrics herself and knew how often doctors sadly didn’t respect their patients bodily autonomy.
“No, not yet, I can get a reading for you now if you like?” The nurse spoke and stood up, rummaging in the drawers by Chloe’s bed.
“Yes, let’s get that quickly and see what it is.” The doctor said.
Panic swelled again. “I don’t want that.” She spoke timidly, and she felt the gaze of the nurse and the doctor on her. “I’m not hypoglycaemic, I don’t need it. And I don’t need an IV. I’m going to go home now.” She tried to sit up but was too weak and she fell back onto the bed on her side.
The nurse looked at her with pity. “Chloe, we don’t know why you had chest pain and collapsed, but that’s not normal for a girl of your age, we need to rule things out so we can look for the issue and make you feel better.” She tried to calm her down.
“I already feel better, I’m fine! Can you call me a taxi please?” She tried to sound convincing. If she spoke with enough confidence maybe they’d let her go.
The nurse chuckled quietly. “No no, you won’t be going anywhere darling. Just relax so we can take care of you, it’s no good getting upset or worked up, it’ll just increase your heart rate more which we really don’t want! Are you from a medical background?” The nurse caught on.
“Yes, I work here at the hospital but over in the outpatient obstetric unit.” She spoke even quieter, she was feeling dizzy again.
The nurse nodded, preparing a lancet and cotton ball for a glucose reading. “Have you worked there long?” She tried to distract the anxious girl. The doctor was in the corner preparing an IV.
“Stop stop stop!” Chloe flailed. “I don’t want any of this! No needles! I want to go home! I hate hospitals! Please let me go home!” Her voice began to crack and her eyes began to shine with the promise of tears.
The nurse paused and looked at her slightly surprised. The doctor spun around too, walking up to her with the IV set in his gloved hands. “Chloe,” he began firmly, “are you going to let us look after you or not?” He continued.
“No.” She answered hurriedly. He sighed and looked at the nurse a little exasperated. Part of her felt bad, he’d probably had a really long day of difficult patients, she was just adding to his mental load but she couldn’t help herself - the panic she was feeling was taking on a mind of its own, taking over her body and putting her into a more childlike and defensive state of mind.
“Okay. What if we try and get a doctor from your department to come over and treat you? Would that be better?” He tried. Chloe thought it over. She knew they weren’t going to let her go like this, and she didn’t feel well at all. Having someone she knew do the scary bits might not make it as scary… even if the doctors she worked with weren’t necessarily the type of doctors she’d want to be looked after by, their bedside manner a little abrupt and harsh for her liking. Before she could properly think, she was nodding and pulling her knees close to her body, resting her elbows on them.
The doctor looked at her making herself as small as possible and knew she was retreating inwards. “Chloe, you said you don’t like hospitals, or being a patient I suppose is a better phrase as you work in one, but can I ask why that is?” He spoke a little more gently.
“When I was nine, I had my appendix out, it was an emergency and it was terrifying. I never want to feel like that again, so vulnerable and having my autonomy taken away from me…” she trailed off. The doctor nodded, he understood how traumatic emergency surgeries could be, especially to children who had a reduced understanding of the situation.
“I understand how that experience can make you feel nervous now. Thank you for telling me. I’ll try and organise for a doctor that you know to come over and sort your care. But in the meantime, please try to keep your heart rate down, or I will need to put that IV in myself.” He spoke. He meant for it to be comforting but he realised after the words had left his mouth that it sounded a bit like a threat. He cringed slightly at his words, knowing they may not be received well by the anxious girl in front of him. He patted her knee lightly and nodded to the nurse to follow him out of the room. “This is your call bell. If you feel worse please let us know.” He handed her a remote with a yellow button at the top.
“Okay, thanks.” Chloe spoke timidly and watched them leave the room. She sat there for what felt like an hour, in a tiny ball on the bed, she began to feel cold but there was no blanket in the room. Her anxiety was rolling in her chest, threatening to bubble up out of her. ‘Stay calm, stay calm’ she told herself on repeat, and then, there was a knock at the door.
Part 2?🖤
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kendrixtermina · 1 year
This is how one rests at ease:
There is no point in panicking.
The world has never not been
falling apart all around you.
These bodies have never once not been transparently filled,
with bones and blood and mechanical parts.
Inflatable epoxy raisin easy to look through:
I can only pray that you’ll be gentle with my corpse.
Draped as it is, upon a stricked dead tree,
one juicy, opened meal for the crows to descend on.
Something merely hanging,
as painjobs cracking off, the rubbery smell of fried machine guts,
bleeding out, tainting the shore,
oils and rare earths
a creature that cannot return, even in death from the alien soils that it sprung from,
straining and aching and coming about,
with every touch, every exposure to the harsh elements.
A trail of oozing, soiling blackness, staining any hand of yours that would touch.
Rotten aquariums, their stench perfusing everything,
spreading everywhere – runaway growths, plain bacterial catastrophe
The long hairs of a waterlogged corpse hiding the worst of her algae-blue skin
of the tainted green whiteness
Heaps of defective doll parts lolling around,
waiting, maybe, for some bizzare collector to make a pet project of it.
For you to step past the wall I’ve dissappeared into,
so I could listen, for a while, to your sounds.
Have I not always approached you clad in scabs and gore?
Have I not pulled off the face right at the greeting,
answering your concern by removing all doubt?
I’ve got to have you convinced that it was some filegree artistic arrangement of the parts,
just to trick you into kissing me under a shower of blood.
The red is all I have to write with,
the very last drop of anything juicy in the dried up plain of salt,
the eternal starkness of bloody red on bony whiteness,
the oldest form of vivid coloring,
the beast’s devouring hunger,
and the spectral shade’s long wait,
sitting patienty on her knees in the lab’s watery container tank.
Bloody needles, and concrete wall-plates,
bottles of acrid-smelling products, grimy cleaning closets and discarded bandages
every corner, where the discolorations accumulate.
It’s hard enough to exist when it’s only just for me.
What I’m saying is -
What I am not sure of is -
how will I manage not to come apart in your hands,
if you should ever try to embrace me?
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hello-mrpresident · 1 year
Tell us about organ failure, king!
I'm glad you asked. I am pulling up my diagrams and mood and pain charts. Grab a chair. It sucked!
It starts off as a fever, thankfully I was already in the hospital when my fever started and we knew the effects of the poison used on me, It works fast.
Mentally you do become rather delirious and you feel elevated, it's not as painful as you'd think, but sometimes there can be pain. For me, I was feeling feverish and very very delirious.
A decrease in renal perfusion, which is connected to your kidneys, functions basically. This will reduce cardiac function. Which can lead to severe dehydration, hypovolemia, hemorrhage, cardiac failure, systemic inflammatory response syndrome, and sepsis. Oh also, you'll urinate less
Reduction in respiratory function, this is simple enough to explain, you have severely labored breaths, and typically you'll be hooked up to a machine to assist with breathing.
As I mentioned above you'll have greatly reduced cardiac function I can't exactly describe how this feels but you do feel off. Due to the heart failure starting you'll have a deranged metabolic status; which is just a cluster of conditions that disturb or disrupt the normal order of the body and its metabolic process of your metabolism.
You'll have a compromised fluid balance, which you can at least associate to water in your body and how it's distributed. Again, dehydration.
Physically you'll feel clammy, and cold, and you'll be sweating a lot. You will lose color in your skin. You'll look as if you're seconds away from dying. You'll feel cool to the touch.
Your blood pressure will drop due to decreased cardiac output. This happens over time. You are actively dying slowly basically. It's horrendous to experience.
Thankfully I only had decreased cardiac output and became very dehydrated. Thanks to many great technology advancements here and also my suit delaying the worst, I survived and was pulled from the cold hands of death.
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lboogie1906 · 1 month
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Dr. Samuel Lee Kountz Jr. (August 20, 1930 - December 23, 1981) surgeon and pioneer in organ transplants was born to Samuel Kountz, Sr. and Emma Montague in Lexa, Arkansas. His father assumed the role of nurse and his mother was a midwife.
He graduated from Arkansas Agricultural, Mechanical, and Normal College with a BS. He received an MS in Biochemistry from the University of Arkansas and became the first African American admitted and graduated from medical school. He married Grace Akin (1958). The couple had three children.
During his residency at Stanford University School of Medicine, he focused on surgery, becoming interested in kidney transplants. Up until 1960 such transplants were impossible unless the donor and recipient were twins. Transplants between those distantly related or unrelated ended in rejection by the transplant recipient.
He and Roy Cohn performed the first successful kidney transplant between two people who were close relatives but not twins. He researched the process of kidney transplants in dogs. He discovered that monitoring blood flow into the new kidney and administering methylprednisolone to the patient after surgery allowed the body to accept the new organ.
He joined the faculty at Stanford University Hospital and Medical School and became the chief of the kidney transplant service at the University of California at San Francisco. He worked with Folker Belzer to create the Belzer kidney perfusion machine. This innovation kept kidneys alive for 50 hours after being removed. The institution’s kidney transplant research center became one of the best in the country. He created the Center for Human Values at UCSF, to discuss ethical issues concerning transplants.
The State University of New York, Downstate Medical Center recruited him to become the professor and chair of the Department of Surgery. His pioneering work has made kidney transplants routine today. He won numerous awards and was elected president of the Society of University Surgeons. He traveled the world to share his expertise. He contracted an unknown disease while in South Africa, which caused serious brain damage. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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cosmostraveler · 2 months
Le contexte : j'ai une vie qu'on peut qualifier de merdique. Il m'est arrivé beaucoup de choses, beaucoup de traumas. Et comme exutoire j'ai trouvé l'écriture. J'ai comme projet d'essayer de créé une petite biographie.
Voici une première partie qui raconte mes 18 premières années sur cette Terre.
"Chapitre 1 : Les Racines de la Douleur"
Je suis né le 10 juillet 1998 à Verdun, dans la Meuse. Mon arrivée dans ce monde fut tout sauf conventionnelle, marquée par une histoire de douleur et de résilience qui commença bien avant ma conception.
Pour comprendre pleinement les circonstances de ma naissance, il faut remonter dans le passé de ma mère, une histoire si douloureuse qu'elle éclipse presque la mienne. Son enfance fut un cauchemar dont les séquelles l'ont poursuivie toute sa vie. Dès son plus jeune âge, elle fut victime d'abus sexuels répétés de la part de son propre père. Ma grand-mère, au courant de ces actes odieux, choisit le silence, devenant complice par son inaction.
Mais l'horreur ne s'arrêtait pas là. À l'âge tendre de huit ans, ma mère fut victime d'un viol en réunion, son père la "faisant tourner" au sein d'un groupe d'amis chasseurs. Désespérée, elle tenta d'alerter la Direction de l'Action Sociale (DAS) de l'époque. Mais sa voix fut étouffée par l'image respectable que ma grand-mère projetait dans la communauté. Active dans la vie de la ville, aidant de nombreuses personnes, notamment handicapées, dans leurs démarches administratives, ma grand-mère était perçue comme une véritable samaritaine.
Lors d'une convocation devant le juge, juste avant d'entrer dans la salle d'audience, ma grand-mère menaça ma mère, lui intimant que ce qui se passait à la maison devait y rester, et qu'elle nierait en bloc toutes les accusations. Prisonnière de ce silence forcé, ma mère se retrouva sans défense face à ses bourreaux.
La violence ne se limitait pas aux abus sexuels. Un jour, pour une raison aussi futile qu'un café renversé ou servi froid, son père lui planta un couteau dans la cuisse. Ces actes de brutalité physique s'ajoutaient aux sévices psychologiques constants, façonnant un environnement de terreur permanente.
Une décennie plus tard, alors qu'elle pensait peut-être avoir échappé à ce passé cauchemardesque, ma mère fut à nouveau victime d'un viol. Cette fois-ci, c'était dans la rue, sous la menace d'une arme blanche, par un homme d'origine marocaine. Ce viol tragique allait mener à ma conception.
Lorsque ma mère apprit qu'elle était enceinte de moi, fruit de cette violence, sa réaction initiale fut empreinte de désespoir et de rejet. Dans sa détresse, elle a tout tenté pour mettre fin à cette grossesse non désirée. La consommation excessive de drogues dures - héroïne, cocaïne - est devenue son refuge et son arme. Elle s'est même jetée à plusieurs reprises dans les escaliers, espérant que la chute mettrait fin à ma vie in utero.
Malgré ces tentatives désespérées, j'ai survécu. Face à cette résilience inattendue, ma mère a pris la décision de me faire adopter dès ma naissance. Une famille était prête à m'accueillir, présente le jour de mon arrivée. Mais le destin avait d'autres plans.
Je suis né prématuré de deux mois, portant déjà le fardeau d'une dépendance aux drogues. Mes premiers jours furent une lutte. Au lieu des doux bercements et du lait maternel, j'ai dû endurer une cure de désintoxication, un sevrage forcé pour un corps à peine formé. Les bips des machines remplaçaient les berceuses, les perfusions tenaient lieu de câlins.
Pourtant, lorsque ma mère m'a vu pour la première fois, quelque chose d'inexplicable s'est produit. Un coup de foudre maternel, aussi soudain qu'inattendu. Malgré la douleur qui l'habitait, malgré le fait qu'elle voyait en moi les traits de l'homme qui l'avait violée, elle a été submergée par un amour qu'elle ne pouvait ni expliquer ni combattre. Dans un revirement qui allait changer le cours de nos vies, elle a décidé de me garder.
Les cinq premières années de ma vie se sont déroulées dans un appartement de la côte Sainte Catherine à Bar-le-Duc. Notre foyer se composait de ma mère, ma demi-sœur Marie, et François, le père de Marie et compagnon de ma mère. De l'extérieur, nous aurions pu passer pour une famille ordinaire. Mais derrière les murs de notre appartement se cachait une réalité bien plus complexe.
Malgré sa décision de me garder et l'amour qu'elle me portait, ma mère luttait contre ses propres démons. L'ombre du traumatisme qu'elle avait subi planait sur notre foyer, se manifestant parfois de manière violente. Je me souviens encore des cris, des portes qui claquent, et de cette fois terrifiante où François a poussé la violence jusqu'à mettre la tête de ma mère dans les toilettes.
À l'âge de quatre ans, j'ai vécu ma première agression sexuelle de la part d'une belle-tante. Peu après, à cinq ans, je me suis retrouvé exposé à des images pornographiques en présence d'un adulte dont je ne me souviens plus l'identité. Ces expériences ont semé les graines d'une méfiance qui allait croître avec les années.
Les moments où nous n'étions pas chez nous étaient souvent synonymes d'autres formes de danger. Ma mère nous confiait fréquemment, ma cousine Morgane et moi, à un ami accro aux paris hippiques. Un soir, après avoir perdu ses paris, cet homme nous a insultés et nous a mis à la porte en pleine nuit. J'avais cinq ans, Morgane en avait sept.
Le jour qui a véritablement marqué un tournant dans ma jeune existence reste gravé dans ma mémoire. C'était l'heure du déjeuner, purée et saucisses au menu. Ma mère me grondait pour avoir mis trop de ketchup quand soudain, la sonnette de l'interphone a retenti. Ce qui a suivi ressemble à un cauchemar : ma mère nous faisant cacher, l'arrivée des policiers, ma mère hurlant emmenée sur un brancard, et moi, confié à une assistante sociale.
À cinq ans, j'ai été placé pour la première fois par l'Aide Sociale à l'Enfance (ASE), séparé de ma demi-sœur Marie. À six ans, nouveau changement : un foyer à Metz où j'ai retrouvé Marie. Mais ce répit fut de courte durée. De sept à douze ans, j'ai vécu dans une famille d'accueil à Dainville-Bertheleville, une expérience qui s'est avérée être la plus éprouvante.
Dans cette nouvelle "famille", la violence était psychologique, insidieuse, constante. L'amour et l'affection étaient totalement absents, remplacés par le dénigrement systématique et un contrôle obsessionnel. Je me souviens des repas dont j'étais privé en guise de punition, des séances humiliantes aux toilettes où chaque feuille de papier était comptée.
C'est dans cet environnement hostile que j'ai sombré dans un désespoir profond. À huit ans, j'ai fait ma première tentative de suicide par pendaison. Le fait que ma tentative ait échoué me laissa à l'époque un goût amer d'échec supplémentaire.
Les années qui suivirent furent une succession de placements de courte durée, chaque nouvelle famille apportant son lot d'espoirs vite déçus et de nouvelles blessures.
Finalement, à quatorze ans, je suis retourné vivre avec ma mère, qui s'était installée dans le sud, à Barry, près de Tarbes. J'aurais pu penser que c'était la fin de mes malheurs, le début d'une vie normale. Mais le destin avait d'autres plans pour moi.
Ces premières années de ma vie ont forgé l'homme que je suis devenu. Chaque épreuve, chaque trahison, chaque moment de désespoir a laissé sa marque. Mais ils m'ont aussi donné une force que je ne soupçonnais pas, une résilience née de la nécessité de survivre. Mon histoire ne s'arrête pas là, loin s'en faut. Mais ces premières années ont posé les fondations de tout ce qui allait suivre, pour le meilleur et pour le pire.
"Chapitre 2 : L'Adolescence Tourmentée"
À l'âge de 12 ans, une lueur d'espoir est apparue dans ma vie. Le juge des enfants a décidé que ma sœur et moi pouvions retourner vivre avec notre mère. Ce retour tant attendu a été rendu possible grâce à la stabilité apparente que ma mère avait trouvée auprès de son nouveau compagnon, Eric.
Au premier abord, Eric semblait être l'homme parfait pour notre famille brisée. Chaleureux, sympathique, avec une bonne bouille qui donnait envie de l'aimer. En 2011, il a même décidé de m'adopter, me permettant ainsi de porter son nom au lieu de celui de mon grand-père maternel, ce violeur qui hantait notre passé. Ce changement de nom avait aussi une raison de sécurité. Mon géniteur biologique, l'homme qui avait violé ma mère, m'avait retrouvé sur les réseaux sociaux et tentait de me convaincre de venir vivre avec lui au Maroc. Ce n'était pas sa première tentative : quand j'avais 3 ou 4 ans, il avait déjà essayé de me kidnapper, ce qui avait conduit à ce que je sois escorté par des policiers à la maternelle pendant une semaine.
Malheureusement, la réalité derrière la façade d'Eric était bien loin de l'image qu'il projetait. Certes, je n'étais pas l'enfant modèle. Au collège, j'étais perturbateur, avec de mauvaises notes et un comportement problématique qui se traduisait par des heures de retenue et des jours d'exclusion. Ce comportement était probablement le reflet d'un profond mal-être à la maison.
Alors que ma mère restait relativement conciliante, se contentant de me faire la leçon sans jamais vraiment me punir de façon extrême, Eric, lui, n'hésitait pas à franchir les limites. Ses punitions frisaient souvent la maltraitance, et parfois les dépassaient clairement. Je me souviens encore de cette fois où il m'a sauté dessus alors que j'étais assis sur mon lit, me prenant à la gorge. Ou de cette autre fois où il m'a jeté au sol dans la cuisine avant de me rouer de coups de pied dans le ventre et à la tête. Ma mère, présente lors de ces scènes, n'est jamais intervenue. Elle a laissé faire.
Ma sœur Marie n'était pas épargnée non plus. Un jour, suite à un accident de cuisine où elle avait involontairement provoqué un départ de feu, Eric l'a insultée de tous les noms, la traitant de sorcière et de connasse, avant de lui asséner plusieurs coups de poing au visage.
Cette période de ma vie a également été marquée par des actes dont je ne suis pas fier, des actes qui me hantent encore aujourd'hui. Depuis mon agression sexuelle à l'âge de 5 ans, j'avais développé une fixation malsaine sur le sexe. Cette obsession a conduit à des comportements inappropriés avec ma demi-sœur, qui ont commencé quand j'avais 7 ans et ont continué jusqu'à mes 15 ans. Ces actes, bien que mutuellement consentis vers la fin, restent une source de profonde culpabilité et de regret.
Heureusement, malgré la violence qui régnait souvent à la maison, il y a eu des moments de tendresse et d'attention de la part de mes parents. Lorsque j'ai été victime de harcèlement scolaire à l'âge de 15 ans, subissant des insultes racistes liées à ma couleur de peau métisse, mes parents ont pris la situation au sérieux. Quand j'ai commencé à entendre des voix, ils m'ont immédiatement emmené aux urgences, ce qui a conduit à une hospitalisation de trois mois dans un centre psychiatrique pour adolescents. C'est là que j'ai commencé à prendre des neuroleptiques, une expérience difficile qui m'a laissé dans un état quasi catatonique.
Malgré ces trois mois d'absence, j'ai réussi à obtenir mon brevet des collèges, une petite victoire dans cette période tumultueuse. Cependant, les conflits à la maison n'ont pas cessé. Ma sœur Marie a fini par être replacée en famille d'accueil, et les disputes avec mes parents sont devenues de plus en plus fréquentes et violentes.
À 17 ans, j'ai trouvé mon premier emploi, et à 18 ans, j'ai pris la décision de quitter le domicile familial pour prendre mon propre appartement. J'étais alors en froid avec mes parents. Parallèlement, je nourrissais l'ambition d'intégrer l'école d'informatique 42 à Paris. C'est ainsi que j'ai quitté Tarbes pour la capitale, porteur d'espoirs nouveaux et déterminé à prendre un nouveau départ, loin des tourments de mon adolescence.
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How Technology is Transforming Stroke and Paralysis Treatment
In recent years, advancements in technology have significantly transformed the landscape of stroke and paralysis treatment. From early diagnosis to innovative rehabilitation methods, cutting-edge technologies are providing new hope and improving outcomes for patients worldwide. This article explores how technology is revolutionizing stroke and paralysis treatment in Bangalore, with a focus on key innovations and their impact on patient care.
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Early Diagnosis and Intervention
Advanced Imaging Techniques
One of the critical factors in effective stroke and paralysis treatment is early diagnosis. Advanced imaging techniques, such as CT scans and MRI, have become more sophisticated, allowing for quicker and more accurate detection of strokes. Technologies like diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and perfusion imaging provide detailed insights into brain function and damage, enabling healthcare professionals to make timely and informed decisions.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Diagnosis
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is playing a crucial role in the early detection and diagnosis of strokes. AI algorithms can analyze imaging data rapidly, identifying signs of a stroke with high accuracy. These AI systems assist radiologists in detecting abnormalities that might be missed by the human eye, leading to faster diagnosis and prompt treatment initiation.
Innovative Treatment Methods
Thrombectomy and Clot Retrieval Devices
Mechanical thrombectomy is a breakthrough in stroke treatment. This minimally invasive procedure involves the removal of blood clots from the brain's arteries using specialized devices. The success of thrombectomy has been greatly enhanced by advancements in imaging and catheter technology, significantly improving patient outcomes and reducing the risk of long-term disability.
Neuroprotective Agents
Research in neuroprotective agents is showing promising results in stroke treatment. These agents aim to protect the brain's neurons from damage during a stroke. While still in experimental stages, neuroprotective drugs could become a vital component of comprehensive stroke and paralysis treatment plans in the near future.
Rehabilitation and Recovery
Robotic Rehabilitation
Robotic-assisted therapy is revolutionizing rehabilitation for stroke and paralysis patients. Devices such as exoskeletons and robotic arms provide targeted, repetitive motion therapy, which is crucial for regaining motor function. These robots can be customized to meet individual patient needs, offering personalized rehabilitation programs that accelerate recovery.
Virtual Reality (VR) Therapy
Virtual Reality (VR) is making significant strides in stroke and paralysis rehabilitation. VR therapy immerses patients in a virtual environment where they can practice movements and activities in a controlled, engaging setting. This type of therapy not only aids in physical recovery but also helps in cognitive and psychological rehabilitation.
Wearable Devices and Remote Monitoring
Wearable technology, such as smartwatches and fitness trackers, allows for continuous monitoring of a patient's progress during rehabilitation. These devices track vital signs, physical activity, and other health metrics, providing valuable data to healthcare providers. Remote monitoring ensures that patients receive timely interventions and adjustments to their treatment plans, even from the comfort of their homes.
Enhancing Patient Care
Telemedicine has become a vital tool in stroke and paralysis treatment, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Telehealth platforms enable patients to consult with specialists, receive follow-up care, and participate in rehabilitation sessions without the need for in-person visits. This convenience improves patient adherence to treatment plans and enhances overall care.
Personalized Treatment Plans
The integration of data analytics and machine learning in healthcare is leading to more personalized treatment plans. By analyzing vast amounts of patient data, healthcare providers can tailor treatments to individual patient profiles, improving the effectiveness of interventions and optimizing recovery outcomes.
The transformation of stroke and paralysis treatment through technology is opening new avenues for patient care and recovery. From early diagnosis to innovative rehabilitation methods, these advancements are enhancing the quality of life for patients and reducing the long-term impact of stroke and paralysis. As technology continues to evolve, the future of stroke and paralysis treatment looks increasingly promising, offering hope and improved outcomes for millions worldwide.
By embracing these technological innovations, healthcare providers in Bangalore and beyond are setting new standards in stroke and paralysis treatment, ensuring that patients receive the best possible care. If you or a loved one is seeking advanced stroke and paralysis treatment, exploring these cutting-edge options can make a significant difference in recovery and quality of life.
For more information on advanced stroke and paralysis treatment, visit [https://neurowellness.in/].
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ambadyscan · 3 months
Doppler Scan in the Third Trimester: Everything You Should Know
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A Doppler scan is a specialized ultrasound technique used to evaluate blood flow within the umbilical cord and fetal vessels. This diagnostic tool operates on the principle of the Doppler effect, which involves the change in frequency of sound waves reflected by moving objects. In the context of prenatal care, the Doppler ultrasound device emits high-frequency sound waves towards the maternal abdomen. These waves penetrate the tissues and bounce off circulating red blood cells within the umbilical cord and fetal vessels. The Doppler ultrasound machine then detects the reflected sound waves and analyzes the changes in their frequency. By assessing the velocity and direction of blood flow, doctors can glean valuable insights into the circulatory dynamics of both mother and baby. Doppler scans provide information on various parameters, including the resistance index (RI), pulsatility index (PI), and systolic/diastolic ratios. These indices reflect the impedance to blood flow within the placenta and fetal circulation, offering crucial clues about fetal well-being.
One of the primary objectives of Doppler scans in the third trimester is to assess placental function and fetal growth. The placenta plays a pivotal role in facilitating nutrient and oxygen exchange between the maternal and fetal circulations. Any compromise in placental function, such as reduced blood flow or abnormal vascular resistance, can adversely affect fetal development. Doppler ultrasound enables doctors to evaluate placental perfusion and detect signs of placental insufficiency, which may manifest as abnormalities in umbilical artery Doppler waveforms.
Moreover, Doppler scans provide valuable information about fetal cardiovascular health. By examining blood flow patterns in key vessels such as the umbilical artery, middle cerebral artery, and Ductus Venosus, clinicians can identify conditions such as foetal growth restriction (FGR), intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), and fetal anemia. Abnormal Doppler findings, such as elevated umbilical artery resistance or reversed end-diastolic flow, may indicate fetal hypoxia or hemodynamic compromise, necessitating further evaluation and management.
In addition to assessing placental and fetal circulation, Doppler scans are instrumental in monitoring pregnancies complicated by maternal medical conditions. Women with pre-existing conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, or autoimmune disorders are at increased risk of obstetric complications, including preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, and fetal macrosomia. Doppler ultrasound helps clinicians identify early signs of maternal-fetal compromise, allowing for timely intervention and risk stratification. Doppler scans serve as a valuable adjunct to standard prenatal care, providing essential information about placental function, fetal growth, and cardiovascular health. By integrating Doppler ultrasound into routine antenatal monitoring, doctors can detect potential complications early and implement appropriate interventions to optimize maternal and fetal outcomes. However, it’s important to interpret Doppler findings in conjunction with clinical history, physical examination, and other diagnostic tests to ensure comprehensive care for expectant mothers and their babies.
Indications and Timing of Doppler Scan
Doppler scans are typically performed during the third trimester of pregnancy, usually between weeks 24 and 34. doctors may recommend a Doppler scan if there are concerns about fetal growth, maternal hypertension, diabetes, or other medical conditions that could affect placental function. Additionally, Doppler scans may be indicated in cases of reduced fetal movements, maternal age over 40, or a history of pregnancy complications.
Procedure and Interpretation
Like in any USS, during a Doppler scan, a gel is applied to the mother’s abdomen, and a transducer is moved gently to obtain images of the umbilical cord and fetal blood vessels. The Doppler waveform patterns are then analyzed to assess blood flow velocity, resistance, and pulsatility indices. Deviations from normal patterns may indicate potential issues such as fetal distress or placental dysfunction, prompting further monitoring or interventions.
Benefits and Limitations
Doppler scans offer several benefits, including early detection of fetal compromise, facilitating timely interventions to optimize outcomes. However, it’s important to acknowledge the limitations of Doppler ultrasound, such as its inability to predict all adverse outcomes or its reliance on operator skill and interpretation.
Doppler scans in the third trimester play a crucial role in monitoring fetal well-being and identifying potential complications. By understanding the procedure, indications, and implications of Doppler ultrasound, expectant parents can actively participate in their prenatal care and make informed decisions regarding their baby’s health. With advances in medical technology and ongoing research, Doppler scans continue to evolve as a valuable tool in obstetric practice, contributing to improved outcomes for mothers and babies alike.
Ambady Scan Centre, located in Thrissur, stands as a trailblazer in maternal and foetal care, playing a vital role in monitoring pregnancies. Our wide array of scans, offering unparalleled early detection and detailed visualization, significantly contribute to the ongoing evaluation of the developing foetus. Employing state-of-the-art imaging technologies and advanced facilities, Ambady Scan Centre embraces a holistic approach to caring for expectant mothers facing genetic disorder risks. With a proud legacy spanning more than 25 years, the centre excels in genetic screening and remains steadfast in promoting interdisciplinary cooperation.
Get the best Doppler scan in Thrissur from Ambady Scan Centre, providing the best treatment services with experienced and skilled doctors. Book an appointment with us to know more about the scanning procedures and treatments for each individuals.
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bhushans · 3 months
Cardiac Surgery Devices Market Insights: What to Expect by 2034
The  cardiac surgery devices market is on track for notable growth, with a projected valuation of USD 1.7 billion by the end of 2022. Over the next decade, the market is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 3.6%, reaching approximately USD 2.4 billion by 2032. This growth is primarily fueled by the increasing prevalence of cardiovascular diseases worldwide.
In 2021, perfusion disposables led the market, commanding a significant demand share of about 59.1%. These disposables are critical components used in open-heart procedures to address various structural defects in the cardiovascular system. Key applications include coronary artery bypass grafting, congenital heart defect repairs, abdominal aortic aneurysm repair, ventricular remodeling, and cardiac assist device implantation.
Cardiac surgery devices, such as heart-lung machines, play an essential role in cardiothoracic surgery, particularly for performing cardiopulmonary bypasses. As cardiovascular diseases continue to pose major health challenges globally, the demand for these devices is expected to rise, driving market growth.
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By encouraging the use of perfusion disposables, the market for cardiac surgical instruments is anticipated to gain from the rising popularity of heart-lung machine tables. Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, contributing to over one-third of all deaths worldwide and 17 percent of US healthcare costs. According to American Heart Association forecasts, by 2030, 40% of Americans will suffer from cardiovascular sickness, with a direct cost of over $820 billion.
Well-developed Medical Infrastructure Makes North America Keep its Crown
North America has a world-class medical infrastructure coupled with a population that is rapidly ageing and suffering from cardiopulmonary disorders.
This combination all but ensures that the region is larger than both Western Europe and APEJ combined in the year 2017 with a value of just under US$ 555 Million.
North America is on track to witness a CAGR of 4.1% for the period 2017 to 2027 that should see the market in the region touch US$ 830 Million by end 2027.
Most new developments are centred in North America and its high acceptance of modern technology make it an extremely lucrative region in the global cardiac surgery devices market.
Minimally Invasive Surgery Gaining Traction in Cardiac Surgery Devices Market
Coronary artery bypass grafting is anticipated to be the largest contributor in the cardiac surgery devices market by procedure in 2017 and it is unlikely to cede this position anytime soon.
However, modern advancements in cardiopulmonary bypass techniques, surgical approaches and incisions have made minimally invasive surgery increasingly popular in recent times.
Minimally invasive surgery has the advantage of reduced surgical trauma and decreased pain and this is anticipated to propel the cardiac surgery devices market in the long term.
In terms of CAGR these two segments hold the top position in the global cardiac surgery devices market, with coronary artery bypass grafting recording a value CAGR of 3.5% and minimally invasive surgery registering a 4.1% CAGR in terms of revenue during the forecast period.
Focus on Hospitals over Ambulatory Surgical Centres in the Cardiac Surgery Devices Market
The hospitals segment is larger than the ambulatory surgical centres segment by end user in the cardiac surgery devices market and this trend is predicted to continue for the foreseeable future.
An attractiveness index of 1.1 and a market opportunity of almost US$ 1.2 Bn by 2027 end should make all major companies actively target the hospitals end user segment in the cardiac surgery devices market.
Company Dashboard:
The companies actively involved in the global cardiac surgery devices market that have been profiled in the report include Biotronik, Braile Biomedica, Cook Medical Inc., Estech, Abiomed, Smith Medical, MicroPort Scientific Corporation, Edwards Lifesciences Corporation, Angiodynamics, Teleflex Incorporated, C. R. Bard, Inc, B. Braun Melsungen AG, Getinge-Maquet Germany Holding GmbH, Terumo Corporation, LivaNova PLC, Lepu Medical technology Co ltd., Boston Scientific Corporation, Medtronic, and Abbott Laboratories.
Important takeaways:
The increasing preference for minimally invasive surgical procedures is one of the recent trends seen in the cardiac surgery devices market.
In the last decade, minimally invasive cardiothoracic surgery has grown by leaps and bounds mainly because of the reduced pain and surgical trauma after this procedure.
Even though coronary artery bypass grafting is much larger at present, key stakeholders are advised to focus on minimally invasive procedures as patients will almost certainly prefer this form of treatment.
In addition to this, the beating heart surgery system type could see widespread adoption in the days ahead.
Key Segments:
By Product:
Heart Lung Machine
Breathing Heart Surgery Systems
Ablation Catheter
Drainage Catheter
Perfusion Disposables
Centrifugal Pumps
Cardioplegia Delivery System
By End User:
Ambulatory Surgical Centres
By Procedure:
Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting
On pump CABG
Off pump CABG
Minimally Invasive Surgery
By Region:
North America
Latin America
Western Europe
Eastern Europe
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The Role of Heart-Lung Bypass Machine in CABG Surgery
Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG) surgery is a life-saving procedure for individuals with severe coronary artery disease. One of the critical components of this surgical process is the Heart-Lung Bypass Machine, which plays a pivotal role in ensuring the success and safety of the surgery. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the importance and functions of the Heart-Lung Bypass Machine in CABG surgery, shedding light on its indispensable role in modern cardiac care.
Understanding CABG Surgery
Before delving into the specifics of the Heart-Lung Bypass Machine, let's briefly understand CABG surgery. It is a surgical procedure used to improve blood flow to the heart in patients with severe coronary artery disease. During CABG surgery, blocked or narrowed coronary arteries are bypassed using blood vessels harvested from other parts of the body, creating new pathways for blood to reach the heart muscle.
The Role of Heart-Lung Bypass Machine
The Heart-Lung Bypass Machine, also known as the cardiopulmonary bypass machine, is a sophisticated medical device that temporarily takes over the functions of the heart and lungs during cardiac surgery, including CABG procedures. Its primary role is to ensure oxygenated blood continues to circulate throughout the body while the heart is temporarily stopped to perform the necessary surgical interventions.
Functions of the Heart-Lung Bypass Machine
. Maintaining Oxygenation: The machine takes over the oxygenation of blood, ensuring that vital organs receive oxygen-rich blood even when the heart is not actively pumping.
. Regulating Blood Flow: It regulates and monitors the flow of blood through the body, maintaining stable blood pressure and perfusion to critical organs.
. Removing Carbon Dioxide: The machine eliminates carbon dioxide from the blood, maintaining proper pH levels and preventing acidosis.
. Temperature Control: It also helps in controlling the patient's body temperature, ensuring optimal conditions for surgical success and post-operative recovery.
Safety and Efficiency in CABG Surgery
The use of the Heart-Lung Bypass Machine significantly enhances the safety and efficiency of CABG surgery. By temporarily taking over vital physiological functions, surgeons can perform intricate procedures on the heart with precision and minimal risk to the patient. This advanced technology has revolutionized cardiac surgery, allowing for complex interventions with improved outcomes and reduced complications.
Innovation in Cardiac Care
Advancements in medical technology have led to the development of more advanced Heart-Lung Bypass Machines, incorporating features such as improved monitoring capabilities, reduced blood contact surfaces, and enhanced safety protocols. These innovations contribute to better outcomes, shorter recovery times, and overall improved patient experiences in CABG and other cardiac procedures.
Elevating Cardiac Care with PatientSelfTesting's Heart-Lung Bypass Machine
In conclusion, the Heart-Lung Bypass Machine plays an indispensable role in the success of CABG surgery and modern cardiac care. Its ability to support vital functions during complex cardiac procedures has revolutionized the treatment of coronary artery disease and other heart conditions. Partnering with innovative medical technology providers like PatientSelfTesting ensures access to state-of-the-art equipment and solutions, ultimately enhancing patient outcomes and advancing cardiac care standards.
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arientacardio · 4 months
Arineta Cardio Imaging - Revolutionizing Cardiovascular Healthcare
Welcome to the world of Arineta Cardio Imaging, where innovation meets excellence in cardiovascular healthcare solutions. In today's fast-paced world, the need for advanced medical imaging technologies is more crucial than ever, particularly in the field of cardiology. Arineta stands at the forefront as a leading supplier of state-of-the-art CT scan machines, empowering healthcare professionals to make accurate diagnoses and provide optimal care to patients worldwide.
Importance of Cardio Imaging
Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) remain a leading cause of mortality globally, emphasizing the critical role of timely and accurate diagnosis in managing these conditions. Cardio imaging techniques such as computed tomography (CT) scans play a pivotal role in evaluating cardiac anatomy, function, and blood flow, enabling healthcare providers to detect and treat CVDs effectively.
Overview of CT Scan Machines
CT scan machines utilize X-ray technology to generate detailed cross-sectional images of the body, including the heart and blood vessels. These high-resolution images aid in diagnosing a wide range of cardiac conditions, from coronary artery disease to structural abnormalities, with unparalleled precision and clarity.
Arineta's Contribution to Cardio Imaging
Arineta has earned a stellar reputation for its innovative approach to cardio imaging, leveraging cutting-edge technology to develop advanced CT scan machines tailored to the specific needs of cardiologists and radiologists. With a focus on quality, reliability, and patient safety, Arineta continues to redefine standards in cardiovascular diagnostics.
Advanced Features of Arineta's CT Scan Machines
Arineta's CT scan machines are equipped with a myriad of advanced features, including:
High-resolution imaging capabilities for detailed visualization of cardiac structures
Enhanced speed and efficiency, reducing scan times and improving workflow
Low radiation dose protocols, prioritizing patient safety without compromising image quality
Comprehensive software solutions for image analysis and interpretation
Applications of Arineta's CT Scan Machines
The versatility of Arineta's CT scan machines extends across various cardiac imaging applications, including:
Coronary angiography for assessing the patency of coronary arteries
Cardiac perfusion imaging to evaluate myocardial blood flow and viability
Structural heart evaluations, such as assessing valve function and detecting congenital anomalies
Benefits of Choosing Arineta
When you choose Arineta as your cardio imaging partner, you gain access to a host of benefits, including:
Exceptional image quality for confident diagnosis and treatment planning
Seamless integration with existing healthcare systems for enhanced productivity
Reliable performance and minimal downtime, ensuring uninterrupted patient care
Continuous innovation and updates to stay ahead of emerging clinical needs
Customer Testimonials
Don't just take our word for it! Hear what our satisfied customers have to say about their experience with Arineta's CT scan machines:
"Arineta's technology has transformed the way we approach cardiovascular imaging, allowing us to deliver superior care to our patients."
"The intuitive interface and advanced features of Arineta's machines have significantly improved our workflow efficiency, saving time and resources."
"We trust Arineta to provide reliable solutions that meet our evolving clinical demands, ensuring optimal outcomes for our patients."
Arineta's Commitment to Quality
At Arineta, quality is not just a goal; it's a cornerstone of our philosophy. We adhere to stringent quality control measures at every stage of product development and manufacturing, ensuring that our CT scan machines meet the highest standards of performance, safety, and reliability.
Pricing and Affordability
We understand the importance of cost-effectiveness in healthcare. That's why Arineta offers competitive pricing options and flexible financing solutions to accommodate varying budgetary constraints without compromising on quality or service.
After-sales Support
Our commitment to customer satisfaction extends beyond the sale. With Arineta, you can expect comprehensive after-sales support, including:
Technical assistance and troubleshooting
Training programs for healthcare professionals
Regular maintenance and software updates
Future Prospects and Innovation
As pioneers in cardio imaging technology, Arineta remains dedicated to driving innovation and pushing the boundaries of what's possible in cardiovascular diagnostics. We are continually investing in research and development to bring forth new advancements that promise to revolutionize the field and improve patient outcomes.
In conclusion, Arineta Cardio Imaging stands as a beacon of excellence in the realm of cardiovascular healthcare, offering state-of-the-art CT scan machines that set the standard for precision, reliability, and innovation. With a steadfast commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, Arineta continues to empower healthcare providers worldwide to deliver optimal care to patients with cardiac conditions.
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drpriya · 5 months
PET scans have a wide range of applications across various fields of medicine, including:
Oncology: PET scans are extensively used in cancer diagnosis, staging, treatment planning, and monitoring. They can detect cancerous tumors, evaluate the extent of cancer spread (metastasis), assess treatment response, and detect cancer recurrence.
Neurology: PET scans help in studying brain function and diagnosing neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, epilepsy, and brain tumors. They can visualize brain metabolism, blood flow, and neurotransmitter activity, providing valuable insights into brain function and dysfunction.
Cardiology: PET scans are utilized in cardiology to assess myocardial perfusion (blood flow to the heart muscle), viability of heart tissue after a heart attack, and the presence of coronary artery disease. They can also identify areas of ischemia (inadequate blood supply) in the heart.
Psychiatry: PET scans aid in understanding psychiatric disorders by imaging neurotransmitter systems in the brain. They help in studying conditions such as depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and addiction, providing insights into the underlying neurochemical imbalances.
Infectious diseases: PET scans can detect sites of infection or inflammation in the body. They are used in diagnosing infections, assessing the extent of inflammatory processes, and monitoring response to treatment, particularly in conditions like tuberculosis and certain types of pneumonia.
Research: PET imaging is valuable in biomedical research for studying various physiological processes, drug development, and understanding disease mechanisms. It helps researchers investigate molecular pathways, evaluate new therapies, and develop diagnostic tools.
The procedure for a PET (Positron Emission Tomography) scan typically involves several steps:
Preparation: Before the scan, you may be instructed to avoid eating or drinking for a certain period, typically several hours, depending on the type of PET scan being performed. You may also need to abstain from strenuous physical activity to ensure accurate results.
Tracer Injection: Once you arrive at the imaging facility, a small amount of radioactive tracer material will be injected into a vein, usually in your arm. The tracer is often a compound containing a radioactive atom, such as fluorine-18, attached to a substance like glucose or ammonia. This tracer is chosen based on the specific area or function of the body being studied.
Uptake Period: After the tracer injection, you will typically need to wait for a period known as the uptake period. During this time, the tracer circulates through your bloodstream and is absorbed by the tissues or organs being studied. The length of the uptake period can vary depending on the specific tracer and the area of the body being imaged.
Scanning: Once the tracer has had time to distribute throughout your body, you will be positioned on a flat table that slides into the PET scanner. The scanner is a large, doughnut-shaped machine that contains detectors to measure the gamma rays emitted by the tracer.
Image Acquisition: As you lie still on the table, the PET scanner will move slowly around you, capturing a series of images from different angles. The scanner detects the gamma rays emitted by the tracer and uses this information to create detailed, three-dimensional images of the distribution of the tracer in your body.
Data Processing: After the scan is complete, the raw data collected by the scanner are processed by a computer to create the final PET images. These images are then reviewed by a radiologist or nuclear medicine physician, who interprets the findings and prepares a report for your referring healthcare provider.
Post-Scan: Once the scan is finished, you can typically resume your normal activities unless your healthcare provider advises otherwise. The radioactive tracer used in PET scans usually has a short half-life, meaning it decays rapidly and is eliminated from your body within a few hours.
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avimaging22 · 5 months
In the realm of medical diagnostics, ultrasound imaging stands as a cornerstone technology, providing invaluable insights into the human body without the need for invasive procedures. From monitoring fetal development to diagnosing internal injuries, ultrasound has continually evolved, unlocking new potentials and revolutionizing medical practices. Today, we delve into the latest advancements in ultrasound imaging, exploring how technology is reshaping healthcare and improving patient outcomes.
Traditionally, ultrasound imaging has been synonymous with obstetrics, offering expecting parents the first glimpse of their unborn child. However, its utility extends far beyond pregnancy monitoring. With advancements in transducer technology, image processing algorithms, and data visualization techniques, modern ultrasound systems can capture detailed images of various anatomical structures with unprecedented clarity and precision.
One of the most significant breakthroughs in ultrasound imaging is the development of 3D and 4D ultrasound. Unlike traditional 2D scans, these techniques provide volumetric images, offering clinicians a comprehensive view of the target area. This spatial awareness enhances diagnostic accuracy, particularly in complex cases such as fetal abnormalities or cardiac anomalies. Moreover, real-time 4D imaging allows for dynamic visualization, enabling clinicians to observe moving structures like the beating heart or fetal movements, aiding in early detection and intervention.
Another area of advancement lies in contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS), which involves the administration of microbubble contrast agents to improve image quality. These microbubbles resonate in response to ultrasound waves, enhancing the reflection and allowing for better delineation of blood flow patterns and tissue perfusion. CEUS has emerged as a valuable tool in assessing vascular conditions, detecting liver lesions, and guiding interventional procedures, offering a safer alternative to contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
Furthermore, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms has propelled ultrasound imaging to new heights of efficiency and accuracy. Machine learning algorithms trained on vast datasets can analyze ultrasound images in real-time, assisting clinicians in image interpretation, lesion detection, and quantitative analysis. AI-driven automation streamlines workflow, reduces human error, and optimizes resource utilization, ultimately leading to faster diagnoses and improved patient outcomes.
Advancements in transducer technology have also expanded the clinical applications of ultrasound imaging. High-frequency transducers can now penetrate deeper into tissues while maintaining excellent resolution, enabling the visualization of small structures and subtle abnormalities. Additionally, the miniaturization of ultrasound probes has facilitated point-of-care imaging, allowing clinicians to perform bedside ultrasound examinations in diverse clinical settings, from emergency departments to rural healthcare facilities.
Beyond diagnostic imaging, therapeutic ultrasound has emerged as a promising modality for targeted drug delivery, tissue ablation, and non-invasive surgery. High-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) utilizes focused ultrasound waves to generate localized heat, effectively destroying diseased tissue while minimizing damage to surrounding structures. HIFU has been successfully employed in the treatment of uterine fibroids, prostate cancer, and essential tremor, offering patients a non-invasive alternative to traditional surgery.
Looking ahead, the future of ultrasound imaging holds even greater promise. Emerging technologies such as photoacoustic imaging, elastography, and molecular imaging are poised to further enhance the capabilities of ultrasound systems, allowing for deeper tissue penetration, quantitative tissue characterization, and molecular-level diagnostics. Moreover, advancements in portable and wearable ultrasound devices are democratizing access to medical imaging, empowering healthcare providers in resource-limited settings and enabling remote monitoring of patients in the comfort of their homes.
In conclusion, the landscape of ultrasound imaging is undergoing a profound transformation, driven by technological innovation and interdisciplinary collaboration. From improved image quality and diagnostic accuracy to novel therapeutic applications, the advancements in ultrasound imaging are revolutionizing healthcare delivery and transforming patient care. As we continue to unlock the full potential of this versatile modality, the future of medical imaging appears brighter than ever before.
Orignal Source: https://av-imaging.com/unlocking-the-potential-advancements-in-ultrasound-imaging.html
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