#Persona 1 Tamaki
I found this meme template in the wilderness of the internet and I had to fill it out with my Megaten blorbos and just underrated characters I'm obsessed with lately (you'll never know who exactly falls into which category haha), enjoy the result:
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made elly and lisa cosplays :3
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randomkposts · 4 months
Tamaki Uchida as a Persona user
I want Tamaki fic. From If to P2. As she went to two schools that had demon outbreaks, became a devil summoner/part time detective while going to  college, then was probably awake during the dark hour, and that's probably the most in the know POV possible over multiple games. Unless you do Philemon or Nyarlathotep's POV, I guess. 
She was traumatized by the first one, refused to participate in the second one, and had moved city's and a world ending event happened.
Then the dark hour
I want Eriko/ Elly to drag her into the quest
They are both on the fencing team. Eriko is fascinated by The supernatural. And brave. And Tamaki knows the supernatural well from personal experience
So P1 protagonist, Mark, Nanjo Kei, Maki, and Reiji are doing the SEBEC questline. 
Yukino, Brown, Yuka, and Elly set out on the Snow Queen quest. Eriko notices Tamaki knows her Demon lore, and refuses the sword she offers, instead pulling her into the party
So on one hand Tamaki and Tadashi being a Devil Summoner duo is a cool concept if you choose to forget he's a self insert. Weird pairing, apparently canon. 
He is probably a strong source of support to her canonically, if you choose to view him as a character divorced from the self insert nature. But also we don't see it in focus often, so… I could take or leave him. 
But it would be interesting to have  a character who can summon Personas and Demons, and she is a crossover of 3 fandoms with her appearances in games. 
I would say Tamaki’s arcana is Strength for her starting persona.  The other bests are Justice, and chariot to start. Bads are, hanged man, the devil.
In persona 2 IS ,her goods are lovers, and the other 3 affinities.
In EP, one of her bests has changed to magician. Judgment has shown up in good. Possibly in place of lovers.  Hanged man is neutral. 
Anyway as a Strength arcana, I'm thinking her starting persona might be Hervor. (From wikipedia)
Hervor was born after her father Angantyr's death (he died during a duel against the Swedish hero Hjalmar) to his wife Svafa, who was daughter of a Jarl Bjarmar. Rather than take on sewing or be raised as a bond-maid like other girls, Hervor proved to be as strong as the boys and learned archery, swordsmanship, and horse riding.
She dressed like a man, fought, killed and pillaged under her male surname Hjörvard. When she learned of her father's identity she decided to live as her father and to find Tyrfing, the magic sword."
One day, she arrived with her fleet to Munarvágr on Samsø (Samsey), but she was the only one who dared to embark on the haunted island. The remainder of her crew feared the nightly activities around the barrows on the island. As she approached the barrows she saw a fire shining above them, and she approached the largest one. She then talked with a loud voice summoning her father Angantyr to reveal himself. She said that as his daughter she was entitled to her rightful inheritance, Tyrfing. Then, she also summoned her eleven uncles and she did so with such a loud voice and such harsh words that finally, her father's voice was heard and he asked not to pursue her quest. She did not give in but continued to ask for her rightful inheritance.
Finally, the grave opened and in its centre a fire was shining. There she saw her father, and he warned her not to ask for the sword. It would bring death to their whole clan if she used it. Still, she persisted. Finally the sword was cast out of the grave, and she eagerly gripped it, bid farewell to her dead kinsmen and walked to the shore.
However, when she arrived at the shore, the ships were gone. Her crew had been scared away by the fires and the thunder from the barrows."
Eventually, she managed to leave the island and arrived at the court of Gudmund of Glæsisvellir. She still dressed herself as a man and called herself Hervarðr. Cunningly, she helped the king to win playing tafl. However, she also slew a courtier who tried to unsheathe Tyrfing after she had left it on a chair. Then, she resumed her Viking activities, and travelled far and wide.
After a while she grew tired of the adventures and returned to her foster-father Bjartmar. At Bjartmar's residence, she betook herself to sewing and embroidering like other girls, and was considered to be a beautiful and good-mannered girl.
King Gudmund's son Höfund, then arrived to ask for her hand, and she said yes. The old king Gudmund arranged a grand wedding, and entrusted the kingdom in the hands of the young couple. They lived happily and had two sons who were given the names Angantyr and Heidrek.
The sword Tyrfing would continue its ill work, and Heidrek slew his brother Angantyr with the sword. "
Tamaki does not so much go searching for a sword, but answers the call and receives a COMP. She goes on a journey and potentially saves her school or damns it. 
Then she tries to get out, to go do fairly normal girl stuff, fencing,and  avoid future Devil instances.
Of course, that doesn't work long term, but she tried.
For Evolved persona, am considering Bradamante.
(From Wikipedia)
“Bradamante, a female Christian knight in the service of Charlemagne, is the sister of Rinaldo and the daughter of Duke Amon, the duke of Dordognes.[4] She falls in love with a Saracen warrior named Ruggiero, but she refuses to marry him unless he converts from Islam. An expert in combat, she wields a magical lance that unhorses anyone it touches, and rescues Ruggiero from being imprisoned by the wizard Atlantes.She is described as wearing white, with a white shield and a crest of a pennon.
She is one of the French warriors fighting during a Saracen invasion into France. She is in the middle of fighting a Saracen warrior, Rodomont, when another Saracen warrior, Ruggiero, informs her that Charlemagne is retreating. Bradamante tries to leave to join the rest of the French forces, but Rodomont keeps her from leaving. Ruggiero, finding Rodomont’s actions dishonorable, steps in to fight Rodomont to allow Bradamante to leave. However, Bradamante is unable to catch up to Charlemagne’s army and instead returns to Rodomont and Ruggiero, feeling guilty for leaving someone else to fight in her place. Rodomont is impressed with the honor of Ruggiero and Bradamante and rides off, leaving Ruggiero and Bradamante together. They are mutually impressed with one another and share their identities. Bradamante also removes her helmet, revealing to Ruggiero for the first time that she is a woman. An ambush then manages to separate them.
The two lovers are separated many more times in the story, and Bradamante faces many challenges. She travels to a castle made of steel to rescue Ruggiero from the wizard Atlantes with the help of the sorceress Melissa and a magic ring, escapes from a castle full of illusions,and encounters many other difficulties.
After the lovers are reunited, Rinaldo grants Ruggiero his blessing to marry Bradamante. However, her parents reject the suitor even after Ruggiero converts to Christianity, preferring a Leo, the son of the Greek emperor Constantine. Bradamante manages to convince King Charlemagne to decree that she will only marry a man who can withstand her in battle, greatly angering her parents, who nonetheless reluctantly agree. Ruggiero, meanwhile, sets off to kill Leo. On the way, he finds the Constantine’s forces battling the Bulgarians. Ruggiero immediately enters the battle to assist the Bulgarians, who had been losing, and manages to turn the tide of the battle. However, he is captured and imprisoned by the Greeks. Leo, impressed with Ruggiero’s valor, 4frees him. He then asks for a favor, and Ruggiero, grateful for his freedom, promises to grant whatever Leo asks. Leo, having learned of Bradamante’s challenge and knowing he isn’t strong enough to win against her, asks that Ruggiero fight Bradamante on his behalf. Ruggiero reluctantly keeps his promise and disguises himself as Leo to fight Bradamante. He wins the match and retreats to the woods, wishing to die. There, Leo finds him and asks what is wrong. After Ruggiero reveals his identity and that he is in love with Bradamante, Leo annuls the engagement to let Bradamante and Ruggiero wed. At the end, their marriage gives rise to the noble House of Este, who were patrons to both Boiardo and Ariosto.
The poems drew from legends of Charlemagne, chansons de geste, and blended recurring motifs found in the Matter of France and the Matter of Britain. Bradamante and Ruggiero's romance is most likely made to parallel the romance of Angelica and Orlando. Bradamante and Ruggiero's love is reciprocated and honorable, whereas Orlando is driven mad with love and Angelica despises him. Bradamante also spends much of Orlando Furioso chasing down her love to save him, contrasting with Angelica, who spends most of the story running from Orlando."
Key word here is tries. In contrast to the first legend where she tries to give up the call and find love, the second legend has her keeping the call and finding an equal. Coursr that also depends ln keeping her OG arc. Or shifting to give her a new role in the stories.
I don't think the first Persona game was as thematically tied to legends origins. Also there's Nanjo, who has his butler as his ultimate so yolo.
One of her other bests are fortune dependant of Nova from SMT If. 
-Chariot for strength
-Magician for speed
-Temperance for balanced
-Wheel of fortune for luck
The other is justice, as she can either uphold fair decisions and consequences, and save the people, or she can turn on that and make decisions that are unfair, and lack accountability, and dishonest, as per SMT If.
The ones she is at odds with are hanged man and devil.
Hanged man is a card of stasis. A lack of a decision. Which she is at odds with. After all, she's always making some kind of decision be it active or passive.
-Upright card (keywords): Breaking old patterns, Circumspection, Letting go, Metamorphosis,
-Reversed card (keywords): Egotism, Inability to change, Missing an opportunity
And devil, a decision card. 
-Upright card (keywords): Bondage, Enslavement, Fear, Feeling trapped, Materialism, Temptation, more
-Reversed card (keywords): Breaking from addictions, Divorce, Freedom from restraints
Tamaki is not a character to stay still, take stock. It does not vibe with her strength Tarot. But as the hanged man card reveals she is keeping still, and the devil indicates she is the one trapping herself in it.  To make the best choices for her heart, she needs to reflect on what she wants, and cast off the self restraints keeping her from it. 
Of course, I'm not a Tarot expert. This is mostly with what I look up online. Feel free to add more in the comments or reblogs if you like. 
What Arcana's do you think Tamaki would have affinities for if she could summon a persona? And what Personas would you give her? 
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cake-apostate · 2 years
You know who should cameo in the next Persona game? Tamaki Uchida, the heroine of Shin Megami Tensei IF. Since IF was the proto-Persona and the bridge between SMT and Persona, she’s a great way to show that both games coexist.
Mostly though, it’s because weird stuff seems to follow her wherever she goes. After her second year of high school ended in disaster because of the whole ‘dumped into Hell’ incident, she transferred schools, only for her to get dumped into Hell again. Then after graduating, she moved to a completely different city for college, which then proceeded to go to hell. Twice.
I think that she should be a teacher at whatever school in Persona 6, and when things inevitably go to hell, she just throws her hands up in the air and shouts, “Oh, come on!” Then she draws her sword, summons high-level demons, and kills all the Shadows before the protagonists can even react. She’ll protect the rest of the students and provide a safe haven while the protagonists save the school.
It would also be funny if she seems like just another crackpot teacher until this happens, who rambles on and on about mythology and claims that magic is real. 
Or she’s a seemingly clueless detective who goes down the wrong avenue of investigation, only for it to turn out that she was right about a lot of things. 
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 5 months
Guide to Persona MC names
Just a small guide to help newcomers understand all the names and nicknames/fannames for their fav Persona MCs. Keep in mind this is main games/nameless MC's only (so I won't list Aigis in the P3 but I will mention Maya as well as the notes at the bottom, this is due to how I structured P2 vs P3 sections) (Edit: may add to this list later but it's pretty complete for now)(Edit 2: Note that Shunjiko translates as Protagonist/Hero/Main character):
Persona 1:
P1MC: shorthand for Persona 1 Main Character
(P1) Hero/Shunjiko: Japanese generic title
Boy with Earring: In-game moniker
Naoya Toudou: Manga name
Yuuya Narumi: (one of the) DramaCD names (note: other dramaCD is just labeled "protagonist")
Jihei Suzakuin: Novel name
Persona 2:
Tatsuya Suou: MC for P2 Innocent Sin, can be renamed and it'll carry over in EP (and Katsuya's last name will change as well)
Maya Amano: MC for P2 Eternal Punishment. Cannot be changed, just like Aigis
Kazumi Kiba: MC for the manga Persona: Tsumi to Batsu. (not really related to the games but it takes place right before P2EP, Edit: mentioned him because I've seen some people think he's suppose to be an adaptation of Tatsuya or something when he's just a different character all together)
Persona 3 (Male):
P3MC: Short hand for Persona 3 Main Character
(P3) Hero/Shunjiko: Japanese generic title
Kitaro: The Japanese Fanname, due to his resemblance to the main character Kitaro from Gegege no Kitaro.
Minato Arisato: Manga name
Makoto Yuki: Movie name (*gets adopted later into games)
Sakuya Shiomi: Stage Play Name
Leader: Generic Name for MC in Drama CDs and such
Roger: A name used in AtlusUSA marketing (maybe related to this line in the game?)
Door-kun: (English) Western fandom joke nickname, spoiler reasons.
Gettaro/Tsukitaro* Yamada: provisional name for P3MC in the movies' script. A play on Kitaro. (thanks @aliliceswonderland for reminding me, as well as the other's! TToTT)
Persona 3 (Female):
P3FeMC or just FeMC (sometimes/old variations FeShe or MShee): Shorthand for (Persona 3) Female Main Character. Since SMT if/Tamaki, Maya, and Aigis have fixed names (in Persona canon), this one is usually who people mean when they hear "FeMC." Though some might use this word as a "what if" for P4/5/6 having a female protagonist. But it's usually for the P3 one.
Leader: Generic Name for FeMC in DramaCDs and such
(P3) Heroine/Josei Shunjiko : Japanese generic title
Hamuko (Arisato): The Japanese fanname, IF Arisato is used, it's derived from the P3MC's manga name.
Minako Arisato: The Western Fanname, derived from Minato Arisato but making it "ko" since a lot of females use that name (note: Minato is actually a unisex name to begin with)
Makoto Yuki: P3MC's movie name. SOME adopted this name after the movie was release due to being a unisex name)
Kotone Shiomi: Stage Play Name (*only official name she's gotten, and unlike P3/4/5MCs whose names were taken from anime adaptions, she's the only one to have her's taken from the stage play).
Door-Chan: (English) Western fandom joke nickname, spoiler reasons.
Canon-chan/Non-canon-chan: (English) Western fandom joke nickname, usually in regards to her canon status. (answer: she is canon)
Lunako Gekko: Name used for Famitsu article
Persona 4:
P4MC: Short hand for Persona 4 Main Character
(P4) Hero/Shunjiko: Japanese generic title
Leader: Generic Name for MC in Drama CDs and such
Bancho(u): Japanese Fan Nickname (he's also called this in Arena's files, short hand for his Arena fighter title)
Souji Seta/Soji Seta: Manga Name
Yu Narukami: Anime Name (*was later used for games)
Various Stage Names: Unlike the P3MCs who have a fixed stage play name, P4's gimmick was to change the name each showing. The ones used in the DVDs are: "Yuuya Seta" for the first one, "Hayato Asakawa" for the second. (complete list, at least for the 2nd stage play coming soon)
Charlie "Chuck" Tunoku: Giant Bomb Endurance run of P4 (I think this is the more famous one)
Kenpachi Ramasama/Ramasama Kenpachi: Two Best friends play P4
Chad: (English) Western fandom joke nickname, something something blame the anime (originated around it's run) esp the scene with the King's game. He got all the chicks or something.
Persona 5:
P5MC: Short hand for Persona 5 Main Character
(P5) Hero/Shunjiko: Japanese generic title
Joker: His in-game code name
Akira Kurusu: Manga name
Ren Amamiya: Anime Name (*was later used for games)
Various Stage Names: Like P4, they adopted the gimmick of doing different names each showing. The ones used on the DVDS are: "Itsuki Onda" for the first one, "Naoki Toudou" for the second one, "Nozomu Akase" for the third one, and "Kaito Shinno" for the forth/last one. (complete list here)
Chair-kun: In reference to the original teaser for P5 (there were a lot of chairs)
Pego: Fan nickname for P5MC, usually english fandom from what I've seen. Stands for Pe(rsona) and Go (aka 5 in japanese). It's a very common one and I...literally forgot TT0TT
Akiren: Alternative fan nickname for P5MC, for fans that like both Akira and Ren's names but don't want to choose I suppose.
Persona 5 X:
P5XMC: Short hand for Persona 5X Main Character
(P5X) Hero/Shunjiko: Japanese generic title
Wonder: His In-game code name
Fun facts/other notes:
FeMC is the only one who breaks the streak of using anime names (due to not having an anime adaptations), it also causes P3 to cross between two different kinds of supplementary canon. (see more on this reblog)
Not all of P4's various stage names are known, namely (haha) the first stage play. If you dig you can find all of the 2nd ones (I should really post that list one day DX)
Despite P1MC not having a consistent chosen name, Atlus seems fond of Naoya, specifically using Naoya/Kazuya together (Devil Survivor 1 manga and P5 Mementos Quest mission) with characters. If you read the P1 manga you'd understand why they put those two names together.
Kitaro and Hamuko were used as place holder text for the P3MC and FeMC chars names for PQ2.
Banchou was used for P4MC's mocking title card in Arena/Ultimax, it was translated as "Kingpin" in english.
Some other chars I didn't listed as having "Leader" could very well be called "Leader" at some point.
Shin Kanzato is the MC to the anime Persona: Trinity Soul, a series that takes place 10 years after P3. It's in it's own separate canon from the P3 we know, Edit: but I'm mentioning him because of it being the original sequel of P3 for a brief period.
Aigis' name obvie can't be changed just like Maya, but she is the MC of both The Answer, as well as the Aigis: The First Mission cellphone game. (sometimes fans refer to her as a "toaster"...bc she's a robot)
Edit: Anna is the MC of P2's novel adaptations iirc, and Naoto and Yosuke are protagonists of their own books/novels/manga. There are most likely others but I will probs end it there (as I just wanna stick with games/original MCs and having Aigis/Kiba/Shin was a bit dicey)
Similar to Pego, P3MC may also be referred to as Pesan, and P4MC as Peyon. I haven't personally seen it (considering the other more prominent names they've had) but I wanted to list it just in case.
To update: Since I mentioned Roger, it's only fair I dig for all the other ones used for other characters (it's just Roger is the most popular, and it's not used often even at that).
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weeb-polls-with-pip · 5 months
Autistic Anime Boys Round 1 Matchups!
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Side A
L Lawliet (Death Note) VS Muichirou Tokito (Demon Slayer)
Gohan (Dragon Ball Z) VS Kiibo/K1-B0 Idabashi (Danganronpa)
Haruka Sakurai (Milgram) VS Seishirou Nagi (Blue Lock)
Satoru Gojou (Jujutsu Kaisen) VS Seto Kaiba (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
Umetarou Nozaki (Monthly Girls’ Nozaki-kun) VS Tamaki Suoh (Ouran High School Host Club)
Gin Gagamaru (Blue Lock) VS Taisei Yoshida (Assassination Classroom)
Itona Horibe (Assassination Classroom) VS Souichi Tanuma (Those Snow White Notes)
Light Yagami (Death Note) VS Tenma Matsukaze (Inazuma Eleven)
Shouto Todoroki (My Hero Academia) VS Sunny (Omori)
Broly (Dragon Ball Super) VS Kaworu Nagisa (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
Yu Narukami/Souji Seta (Persona 4) VS Sechs (XBlaze)
Kiyotaka Ishimaru (Danganronpa) VS Kento Nanami (Jujutsu Kaisen)
Nate River/Near (Death Note) VS Kyouya Ootori (Ouran High School Host Club)
Mash Burnedead (Mashle: Magic and Muscles) VS Noiz (DRAMAtical Murder)
Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist) VS Kabuto Yakushi (Naruto)
Lan Wangji (Mo Dao Zu Shi) VS Rui Kamishiro (Project Sekai)
James (Pokémon) VS Monkey D. Luffy (One Piece)
Yuusuke Kitagawa (Persona 5) VS Tsubasa Yuunagi (Hirogaru Sky! Pretty Cure)
Hitoshi-san (Nyan~ Neko Sugar Girls) VS Illumi Zoldyck (Hunter x Hunter)
Mikazuki Augus (Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans) VS Wakatoshi Ushijima (Haikyuu!!)
Homare Arisugawa (A3!) VS Kamille Bidan (Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam)
Subaru Mikazuki (My Roommate is a Cat) VS Atsushi Murasakibara (Kuroko no Basket)
Tanaka (Tanaka-kun is Always Listless) VS Natural Harmonia Gropius (Pokémon)
Haru (Tsuritama) VS Giorno Giovanna (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure)
Floyd Leech (Twisted Wonderland) VS Laios Touden (Dungeon Meshi)
Touma Akechi (The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.) VS Trafalgar D. Water Law (One Piece)
Lotte “Roy” Carmine (BlazBlue) VS Gon Freecss (Hunter x Hunter)
Nahoya “Smiley” Kawata (Tokyo Revengers) VS Senkuu Ishigami (Dr. Stone)
Ash Ketchum (Pokémon) VS Mafuyu Satou (Given)
Alhaitham (Genshin Impact) VS Shichirou Balam (Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun)
Shintarou Kisaragi (Kagerou Project) VS Izuku Midoriya (My Hero Academia)
Toshinari Seki (Tonari no Seki-kun) VS Takashi Natsume (Natsume’s Book of Friends)
Side B
Haruka Nanase (Free!) VS Tsukasa Tenma (Project Sekai)
Takeo Gouda (My Love Story!!) VS Karna (Fate)
Shintarou Midorima (Kuroko no Basket) VS Kim Dokja (Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint)
Roronoa Zoro (One Piece) VS Junpei Tenmyouji (Zero Escape)
Sig (Puyo Puyo) VS Kanata Shinkai (Ensemble Stars)
Kyoujurou Rengoku (Demon Slayer) VS Yugi Mutou (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
Legoshi (Beastars) VS Gaien "Enkidu" Enkidou (Under Night In-birth)
Doppo Kunikida (Bungou Stray Dogs) VS Hiroshi Odokawa (Odd Taxi)
Kusuo Saiki (The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.) VS Katsuya Serizawa (Mob Psycho 100)
Nagito Komaeda (Danganronpa) VS Haruhito Yano (Odd Taxi)
Yotasuke Takahashi (Blue Period) VS Manjirou "Mikey" Sano (Tokyo Revengers)
Kyouya Onodera (Talentless Nana) VS Misumi Ikaruga (A3!)
Miles Edgeworth (Ace Attorney) VS Shu Itsuki (Ensemble Stars)
Meguru Bachira (Blue Lock) VS Ren Mihashi (Big Windup!)
Ranpo Edogawa (Bungou Stray Dogs) VS Kaito (Vocaloid)
Zero (Puyo Puyo) VS Masayoshi Hazama (Samurai Flamenco)
Genos (One Punch Man) VS Jotaro Kujo (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)
Vivia Twilight (Master Detective Archives: Raincode) VS Sora Harukawa (Ensemble Stars)
Satori Tendou (Haikyuu!!) VS Miles "Tails" Prower (Sonic X)
Houtarou Oreki (Hyouka) VS Kabane Kusaka (Kemono Jihen)
Ghiaccio (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure) VS Tenya Iida (My Hero Academia)
Malleus Draconia (Twisted Wonderland) VS Tetsuya Kuroko (Kuroko no Basket)
Kensuke Aida (Neon Genesis Evangelion) VS Goku (Dragon Ball)
Shinichi Kudou/Conan Edogawa (Detective Conan) VS Toya Aoyagi (Project Sekai)
Rei Suwa (Buddy Daddies) VS Gin Ibushi (Your Turn to Die)
Jade Leech (Twisted Wonderland) VS Akihiko Sanada (Persona 3)
Xiao (Genshin Impact) VS Loid Forger (Spy x Family)
Souya "Angry" Kawata (Tokyo Revengers) VS Sabro Sabnock (Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun)
Apollo Justice (Ace Attorney) VS Tobio Kageyama (Haikyuu!!)
Kurapika (Hunter x Hunter) VS Saitama (One Punch Man)
Sol Badguy (Guilty Gear) VS Langa Hasegawa (Sk8 the Infinity)
Subaru Natsuki (Re: Zero) VS Yusei Fudo (Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds)
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annoyingblondebracket · 6 months
Round 1 | Poll 4
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~ Note: This poll is being done out of a genuine love and affection for these types of characters! Please keep that in mind when adding commentary.
Propaganda under the cut!
~ Likes to talk loudly in public spaces about the illegal things he and his friends are doing.
~ He’s a little shit - he is super talkative, very obnoxious, has dumb catchphrases and never thinks before he acts. He is weirdly unpopular in the jpn fanbase and is constantly beaten up in canon and fanon, but he’s pretty well loved in the western fandom!
~ He’s a little slow on the uptick and has a tendency to talk first think later. He’s also a lot less aware of his surroundings, once accidentally outing himself as a Phantom Thief to someone (yes she ended up being a good guy and joined them but still). He’s also a part of a fairly annoying plot point when one member of the team goes missing thanks partially due to his actions, though the fandom has mostly forgiven him for that.
~ Omfggg where to begin Tamaki thinks hes the main character of a romance anime and like true but he also really annoying. And makes puppy dog eyes every time he wants something. The host club mostly ignore him when hes talking about how beautiful he is even though hes the club president
~ Pretty much all the main characters admit to finding him annoying because he can be silly and overly dramatic.
~ He is completely oblivious to everything going on around him and he is rich and doesn't understand anything about regular life
~ Dear god EVERYTHING about this man is Blond and Annoying. I love him <3
~ Literally the entire show and everyone in the cast thinks hes annoying af [ included a youtube link that i unfortunately had to omit because this won't show up in the tags otherwise </3 ]
~ Tamaki is the most insufferable motherfucker in the world. He’s homophobic. He thinks he’s hot shit. He’s stupid. He talks too much. He sulks endlessly when upset. He has no boundaries at all. His only skills are piano and flirting. He insists that the gnc female lead should be more feminine frequently (for a very long time anyway, he stops eventually). Said lead’s first impression of him was “obnoxious.” For these reasons be brings me joy.
~ "It's not everyday God creates a perfect person like moi, beautiful both inside and out." Loves romance but can't recognize his own feelings as romantic. He thinks of his emotions towards Haruhi as "fatherly love" and therefore refers to himself as her "daddy".
~ cmon this is the Ouran website. tamaki sweep. he is Exhausting god bless
~ overdramatic stupid self-obsessed rich boy (affectionate)
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djkibrit · 1 month
Persona Characters’ School Years (Party-members and Students Only)
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So, as a result of curiosity, I decided to organize every student and/or party-member of the Persona series by the school grade they were in while their game happened!
- General Observations:
 1. I’ve only played Persona 1, 2 Duology and 4 as of now. So I’m not as familiar with P3 and P5 characters. With that in mind, I had to use the SMT Wiki to learn about every student present in the series and what grade they were. So, if you find any inaccuracies, feel free to correct me
EDIT: So, as expected, I did put something wrong (I'm very sorry). As @kotopeachii pointed out, Nozomi is actually a third-year, so I've edit this post to change the image and to correct calculations I've made (Once again, thank you very much for correcting my mistake, kotopeachii ^^)
 2. Also, I’m not considering characters found only in the spin-offs
 3. I only included the students and party-members since they are the main subject of this analysis (and it’s kind unnecessary to put every single adult in the series in this lol)
 4. I made this organization with this tier list made by miru (go check them out!). However the tier list didn’t contain all the characters I needed, so I edited the image and added the rest of the cast (I will put the “sprites” I made in Read More if anyone else want to use them)
 5. There are still some characters in the series we know are going to school during the games but which year they are in is still a mystery. They are: Tadashi Sotomi (the creator self-insert present in P1), Tsutomu Kurouri (better known as Devil Boy from P1), Ken (Eikichi’s friend from P2), Mamoru Hayase (the Star SL from P3)
 6. There are also characters that we can only discover their grade by analyzing information not found explicitly in the games. They can be found by examining: their birthdays (Tamaki from P1 and Mitsuo from P4) or some of their sprites (Yasuo and Sugimoto from P2)
- What Can We Learn From This:
(For the calculations of average, I’m using: Child = 0, First Year = 1, Second Year = 2, Third Year = 3, and Adult = 4. I’m not going to count the non-humans for this)
 1. The Persona Series is predominantly composed of 2nd Years (which make up for 60,7% of the characters included in this tier list). What makes a lot of sense since it’s the “middle” stage of high school, the one that symbolizes the transition of childhood to adulthood (one of the main theme of the series)
 2. The only cast to not include a 3rd Grade character (be it as a party-member or as an npc) is P1 while P4 is also one that doesn’t present a 3rd Year party-member. On the other hand, P4 is the only entry that had 1st Grade party-members in their base game (with Sumire only being added to P5 with Royal)
 3. Persona 1 is the only game to have an entire party made only by people in the same school year (with all the nine party-members not only being in their 2nd year but also being in the same class).
 4. Futaba is the only teenager party-member to not attend school during their main game. Although she starts going to Shujin Academy by the time P5 Strikers takes place (where she is in the 2nd Year)
 5. The oldest overhaul cast (including the adults) is obviously P2. However, even if not including characters that don’t go to school in this, P2 continues to be the oldest (with an average of 2,25)
 6. The oldest party is (to the surprise of none) the one from P2:EP (with an average of 3,86) and, if only counting party-members that are students, the oldest would be, by technicality, P2:EP again (since there’s only Tatsuya - a 3rd Year - although he kind of dropped out). If we were to considered only parties with more than one student, Persona 2 continues to be victories with P2:IS (that has an average of 2,5)
 7. The youngest overhaul cast (including children) is P4 (with an average of 1,81). And even when only counting party-members, P4 is still the youngest (with an average of 1,57), which makes a lot of sense since the IT has three 1st Years
 8. General Cast from youngest to oldest: P4 (1,81) < P1 (1,93) < P3 (2,04) < P5 (2,08) <  P2 (2,89)
 9. Party-members only from youngest to oldest: P4 (1,57) < P1 (2) < P3 (2,01) < P5 (2,11) <  P2:IS (3) < P2:EP (3,86)
- Obs: So, after the edit, P3 general cast (2,13) surpass P5 (2,08) if you exclude Ken
So here are the "sprites" I edited :D
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katsona-the-katsequel · 3 months
Persona Timeline Pt. 2: 1996-1998
This part covers SMT: if... and Persona 1. I went with the Reiko route for If..., since that felt like the one with the most lore sharing and resolution. More loyal to Tamaki's character. Yumi's route will remain canon only to Nobu.
January 19
- Kanji Tatsumi was born (Game: Persona 4).
Between February and March
- Reiji transferred to St. Hermelin High School (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
? ??
- Stephen uploaded the Demon Summoning Program into Karukozaka's computers in hopes of finding the messiah (Game: Shin Megami Tensei: if... / Game: Shin Megami Tensei: if... Hazama's Chapter).
- The students of Karukozaka ignored the Demon Summoning Program, thinking it was a prank (Game: Shin Megami Tensei: if... Hazama's Chapter).
- Knowing Maki had a crush on him, Chisato began to date Naito, only to actually fall in love with him (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
April ??
- Tamaki and Reiko began attending Karukozaka High School (Game: Shin Megami Tensei: if...).
- Tadashi began attending St. Hermelin High School (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
Between April and August
- Elly transferred to St. Hermelin High School (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
- Maki was hospitalized again (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
- Yukki was reformed from her yankī ways by Saeko (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
- Hazama created the first COMP to better use the Demon Summoning Program (Game: Shin Megami Tensei: if... Hazama's Chapter).
- Using the COMP, Hazama tried to summon a demon to school, accidentally ending up in the Expanse (Game: Shin Megami Tensei: if... Hazama's Chapter).
- Hazama took over the Expanse as the Demon Emperor, refusing to hear what Stephen had to say (Game: Shin Megami Tensei: if... Hazama's Chapter).
- The Demon Emperor transported Karukozaka to the Expanse (Game: Shin Megami Tensei: if...).
- Tamaki teamed up with Reiko and, using the Demon Summoning Program and a COMP, defeated the Demon Emperor (Game: Shin Megami Tensei: if...).
- Reiko stayed with Hazama in the Expanse, while the rest of the school was transported back to the physical world (Game: Shin Megami Tensei: if...).
- Tamaki met Stephen, who had a private chat with her (Game: Shin Megami Tensei: if...).
- There was a small sensation by the students who disappeared in the Expanse, but was quickly forgotten by the public (Game: Shin Megami Tensei: if...).
- The old gymnasium at St. Hermelin was demolished (Manga: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
Between April and May
- Maki was hospitalized again (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
May ??
September ??
- Tamaki transferred to St. Hermelin High School and met Tadashi (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
July ??
- Kandori and Mayo created a faction conformed of the younger people in power in the Saeki Group to fight against the corruption of Executive Director Morikawa (Novel: Megami Ibunroku Persona: Kandori no Yabo).
- Maki's subconscious connected to the DVA System (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
- Naito and Chisato were transported to the DVA System (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
- Demons began to crawl in from the DVA System, causing unexplainable deaths all over Mikage-cho (Novel: Megami Ibunroku Persona: Kandori no Yabo).
- Takeda awoke to his Persona (Novel: Megami Ibunroku Persona: Kandori no Yabo).
- Kandori betrayed his faction to Morikawa, including Mayo to make the DVA System a top priority (Novel: Megami Ibunroku Persona: Kandori no Yabo).
October 20
- Kandori made a contract with Nyarlathotep for power, with Mayo's life as the payment. He immediatly regretted it (Novel: Megami Ibunroku Persona: Kandori no Yabo).
- Yoshida was voted out of his position (Game: Persona 5).
- Owada won his fourth term as a legislator.
October 28
- Kandori kidnapped Maki from the hospital to control her ideal world (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
- Naoya, Mark, Nate, Elly, Brown, Yukki, and Yuka awoke to their Personas and met Philemon (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
- The DVA System transported half of Mikage-cho to Maki's world (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
- Maki's subconscious was divided into Ideal Maki, Mai, and Aki. Aki decided to follow Kandori, seeing him as the father she never had (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
- Philemon granted a Persona to Reiji (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
- Class 4 met Ideal Maki, believing her to be the real one, magically out of the hospital (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
- Class 4 rescued Naito and Chisato (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
- Saeko put on the Snow Queen Mask, and became a victim of Tomomi's spirit. Class 4 defeated all the victims of the Snow Queen Curse and rescued Saeko (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
- Naoya confronted his Shadow Self, who had taken the appearance of a grown Kazuya (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
- Class 4 defeated Kandori and Nyarlathotep (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
- Aki was eaten by Pandora, an empty version of Maki, who Class 4 had to defeat to unite all of Maki's psyche (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
- Maki woke up and Mikage-cho was restored (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
? ??
- Tamami Uesugi was born (Game: Persona 4: Dancing All Night).
BETWEEN 1996 AND 1998
April ??
- Shimazaki began to attend Seven Sisters High School (Novel: Innocent Sin).
BETWEEN 1996 AND 1999
? ??
- Saeko transferred from Mikage-cho to Sumaru City, teaching instead at Seven Sisters High School (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
? ??
- Upon applying to Seven Sisters, Tatsuya found out about his father's supposed corruption. The fact that Katsuya followed in his footsteps made Tatsuya lose trust in both of them (Novel: Persona 2: Tsumi ga Ataeshi Batsu).
January 2
- Kanami Mashita was born (Game: Persona 4: Dancing All Night).
March ??
- Yukki graduated from St. Hermelin High School and moved to Sumaru City (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
April ??
- Tatsuya, Anna, and Jun began to attend Seven Sisters High School (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
? ??
- Yukki became a photographer at Kismet Publishing.
- Anna became a star track athlete (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
- Zephyrman began airing (Game: Persona 5 Strikers).
- Konoe's father revealed he'd killed his mother for money, so Konoe killed his father and made it look like a robbery gone wrong (Game: Persona 5 Strikers).
BETWEEN 1997 AND 1999
? ??
- Jun got expelled due to injuring his bullies with his Persona. He was enrolled in Kasugayama High School instead (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin). 🟠
- For reasons unknown, Jun transferred to Kasugayama High School (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment). ⚪️
BETWEEN 1997 AND 2006
? ??
- Chie met Yukiko while the latter was running away with a dog her parents didn't let her keep. The two became friends and Chie kept the dog, naming him "Muku" (Game: Persona 4).
March ??
- Yumi, Charlie, Miyamoto, Hazama, Akiko, and Ryuichi graduated from Karukozaka High School.
- Maki, Mark, Reiji, Elly, Nate, Naoya, Brown, Yuka, Chisato, and Naito graduated from St. Hermelin High School.
April ??
- Lisa, Sheba, Mee-ho, and Kozy began to attend Seven Sisters High School (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
- Michel and Sugimoto began to attend Kasugayama High School (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
April 23
- Makoto Niijima was born (Game: Persona 5).
June 2
- Goro Akechi was born (Game: Persona 5).
June 24
- Ken Amada was born (Game: Persona 3).
December 5
- Haru Okumura was born (Game: Persona 5).
? ??
- Maki won a major art exhibit, was cured from her illness, and became a psychiatrist's assistant at Hiiragi Therapy in Sumaru City (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona / Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
- Mark left for New York to study art (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
- Reiji became a door-to-door salesman in Sumaru City (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
- Elly became a model (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
- Nate took an incognito salesman job in his future company and learned how the 99% lived (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
- Brown became a TV host and comedian (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
- Yuka became a secretary (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
- Michel became the "Death Boss" of "Cuss High" (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
- Shu Nakajima and Nozomi Nakahara were born (Game: Persona 4).
BETWEEN 1998 AND 1999
April ??
- Noriko began to attend Seven Sisters High School (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
? ??
- Reiji got his live-in girlfriend pregnant (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment).
- Yuka married a salaryman she met at work (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
- A Sevens student named Yoko developed a rivalry with Lisa, with the former claiming Lisa "stole away" Tatsuya after being rejected (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin). 🟠
- Michel created the band Gas Chamber (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
? ??
- Nate left to study in England (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
- Anna was injured in a hit and run accident by Daisuke Kaneda, ending her dreams of athletic stardom (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
- Anna became friends with Shimazaki (Novel: Innocent Sin).
- Daisuke Todoroki was possessed by Kuzunoha and became a Devil Summoner (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
- Maya awoke to her Persona, believing it to be her guardian angel (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment).
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Gayest Persona Character, Round 1
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izzuku · 2 years
➥ welcome to the club
hey i'm Ash and welcome to my acc
For my presentation: I'm bi, trans / use he|they pronouns and I'm 19 ! ٭ ٭ ٭ click "read more" for the rules and masterlist! [Stopped writing fics for now]
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rules !
1 If you're under 16 please do not follow me. I have been engaging more and more in NSFW content and I don't want any minors reading my stuff :) and if I find out you're I'll block you (IF YOU DON'T PUT YOUR AGE I'LL IMMEDIATELY BLOCK YOU THANK YOU)
2 Do not repost my fics. I know they're not much but I just want to make it clear for everyone.
3 No transphobia, homophobia or racism is tolerated here. That also includes if you're a weirdo/pedo you'll be immediately blocked and reported.
▵ ▵ ▵ ▵
side note: I do not mind women/female aligned people on my account but keep in mind one thing. This account is mostly for the male audience and non binary/ gender not conforming people. I have decided that I'll not write for women since I'm not comfortable with it and it makes my dysphoria a big problem. Please do not ask me for it and search for someone who will do it gladly.
IMPORTANT: I've stated this before but I'm gonna remind you. Fem aligned people are welcome to my account, after all I mostly do gn reader but what I'm not that comfortable is with them liking posts DIRECTED towards cis men/ trans men. I do understand that it might be good written for you, but please, these are for them. Not for you. I know I don't have the power to tell you what to do. But I can block you. So understand that if I see someone like She/her - she/they (with also lesbian on their bio) liking my male reader posts I'm gonna be uncomfortable.
redacted + other art stuff twt acc ⁉️
content I'm okay with writing!
⊹ NSFW, fluff, angst, crack, common/ mild kinks, character x character, reader x multiple characters, monsters, vtubers (not making it like it's real), one shots, head canons & series about character x reader
content I'll not touch!
⊹ Adult character x child reader/character (as in a romantic aspect), real people (I'll only take vtubers online persona), incest, non-con, really explicit kinks, disturbing ideas that people might ask, furries (monster fucking doesn't count I guess), pedophilia, hate speech towards minority groups
specific exceptions :
✂ dub-con but only if people are okay with it (my other account has dark content if you're interested), heavy kinks only if I'm comfortable (somnophilia for example), monsters (like fucking a tentacle monster, a werewolf, etc) and I think that's it.
some fandoms I've written for:
☕︎︎ MHA:
- Boys Headcanons
- Deku (Angst/Fluff)
- Tamaki (Appreciation Post)
- Boys (Small details)
-Izuku (With Love)
- Let me be (Izuku 1)
- Let me be (Izuku 2)
- Let me be (Izuku 3)
- Let me be (Izuku 4)
- Let me be (Izuku final)
- Zhongli (messy outcome remake) 🔞
- Tighnari (Cursed fantasy) 🔞
- Tighnari (Silhouette) 🔞
- Dainsleif (Aimed to Kill)
- Kazuha (Fluff)
- Pantalone (Teasing) 🔞
- Zhongli (Dom Reader) 🔞
- Kaeya (Heacanons) 🔞
- Diluc (Flames) 🔞
- Xiao (Angst)
- Xiao (Brat tammer) 🔞
- Albedo (Body Open) 🔞
- Albedo (Fluff)
- Albedo (Succubus) 🔞
- Thigh Riding 1 🔞
-Thigh Riding 2 🔞
-Thoma (Is that so) 🔞
- 707 (Stargazing)
- RFA Eyes
- Wounds 1 (TW sh)
- Wounds 2 (TW sh)
- Late Confessions 1
- Late Confessions 2
- Ike (Killer High heels) 🔞
- Ike (4 am)
- Luxiem hot 🔞
- Vampire Luxiem 1 🔞
- Vampire Luxiem 2 🔞
- Needy Shoto 🔞
- Mysta (Brat tammer) 🔞
- Kyo (Slow your grind) 🔞
- Gavin Fanart 🔅
- Gavin Fanart 2 🔅
- Redacted Headcanons 🔅
- Redacted Headcanons 2 🔅
- David Fanart 🔅
- David Fanart 2 🔅
- Redacted Art Dump 1 🔅
- Redacted Art Dump 2 🔅
- Oc's reunion (Darlins) 🔅
- Red Redacted 🔅
others I'm interested in include ── kimetsu no yaiba / attack on titan / obey me / nu carnival / ouran high school / saiki k
ෆ Hope this clears up any questions you have! ෆ
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ifellinlovewithpersona · 10 months
Okay so maybe that's the thing that only me cares and wonders about but there are some rumors from some leakers that Atlus plans P1 remake to be the next remake after P3Re and if that would be truth, I really wonder how they're gonna handle a rather controversial situation with Tamaki and Tadashi tbh (basically for people who don't know about the controversy - in original classicsona, the writer made his self-insert named exactly like him to ship with SMT If femc - who was only 15yo in her OG game btw- after naming her after irl popular 90's japanese actress (which I imagine had to be very uncomfortable and creepy for the actress btw) 🤮 and it already was perceived as controversial in the time classicsona came out)
Like the most realistic scenario is probably that they just leave it as it is, since they also did nothing to remove equally as controversial Ken's romance route in P3P port or they will remove that girl entirely (which is the thing I really fear for, that they would bury every link to SMT persona ever had ;_;)
Ideally, imo OG persona's writer (if he'd be involved in P1 remake but imo he should be) should just move on from his actress simp era and in the remake, design another character at Tadashi's place with entire different name and backstory and actually make their relationship with that new character less toxic (because imo their relationship was toxic af in classicsona, they always argued even about the most mundane things and he ran away from her at the end - I don't mind character being in toxic relationship though as long as authors don't glorify it and ideally let the character move on from it after some time and show that it was toxic -I just think that girl deserves much better)...or just make Tamaki strong and independent girl that doesn't need a man lol
But an acceptable scenario for me would be if they at least changed his name to something else to break the link between the character and the writer tbh, even that would make this entire situation less creepy tbh
Also if they'd "neofied" classicsona in the remake (which I pray they wouldn't, but seeing P3Re got pretty much "P5-fied" in almost every aspect makes me almost sure they will do ;_;) - Tamaki better got her Social Link, I swear. As much as I hate the idea of "neofying" classicsona, I think it would be very interesting and a good chance to learn her own perspective of the SMT If story and what happened to her between If and P1 (since we only somewhat know male protag's perspective because of Kahn manga, but never hers)
So yeah, I think she deserves better than her treatment in the original classicsona trilogy and I hope she'll get the better and less controversial treatment in P1 remake if the rumors are true and it will really came out one day ;_;
But realistically I know Atlus will pull an Atlus and either won't care or never make P1 remake and the rumors will turn out to be false 😭
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loopingpyre · 4 months
You may think you're down bad for a silent protagonist, but you'll never be as down bad as Satomi Tadashi, the writer of Persona 1/2.
He put the female protagonist of 'Shin Megami Tensei if...', Tamaki Uchida in Persona 1. Which also features a student named Satomi Tadashi. Who has a crush on her.
By Persona 2, the two are dating. By Persona 2-2, Tadashi is on the run from assassins (possibly a representation of the people who don't like his self insert).
Never give up on shipping your self-inserts with canon.
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heartheaded · 5 months
"What if Kaoru & Haruhi kissed?" — meme is linked but for SCIENCE... i might send a few....
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🍑 < ❝--so you really want to? I'm a little offended you won't just take me at my word... I'm shy.❞
Kaoru holds up his hands in mock surrender as he's questioned, any onlooking eyes on the edges of their seats. It's another Host Club day, another ridiculous theme to conform to. Around Valentine's day, a kissing booth is situated in Music Room #3, that no one but their resident commoner batted an eye to.
Any girl could request any host for a harmless 1 second cheek or hand kiss, in case any authority caught wind and thought it was more debauchery than tomfoolery.
Surprisingly, Kaoru hadn't been requested yet, not that he was complaining. In fact, he was absolutely relieved in a way he can't explain. Something about all those strange girls getting way too close to his face... he was mainly here for Hikaru and Tamaki, after all.
... but when Haruhi asked, even with his knowledge of her being a girl, she didn't set off the same bells... although Haruhi didn't have a habit of looking too feminine, in his experience.
There's reasons though, that the twins were the first to know, and all of them had to do with when Haruhi requested him. Kaoru, sitting by himself and reading a textbook. He was not enthused about this event, and she was only the first to witness it as the boys have the year prior. It was simply her turn to find out.
And he was okay with this method, because at least it meant he got closure... on what he hoped Haruhi would be, not that he would ever impose that on her, but the booth was getting closer and his thoughts were narrowing until they were sitting separated only by the shitty cardboard stand.
He feels that legendary lightbulb in his head go off the same way that it did the day they met. Their lips meet, and the kiss is soft and definitely not what the club agreed on, but the shocked and pleased screams of the girls in the background spoke louder than the words in his mind. He presses in, lets it last well past the 1 second mark and even holds her face for delicate measure. Kaoru is still a gentleman, even so.
He still gets it when their kiss ends, and she would possibly never know what Kaoru could've learned from that. He presses her hair down and grins, pleased.
🍑 < ❝Maybe in another life, Haruhi? Although... it was still nice...❞
His cheeks redden, Kaoru slightly preening himself to keep up with the bashful persona. A large part of him is truly taken aback though, at a loss with that dopey little smile on his face.
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konpeiiito · 6 months
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. . . ⇢ scarab, 27yr, egyptian, third gender xe/xem. . . . ⇢ 21+ partners preferred for smut themed things. . . . ⇢ i write most of my characters as trans, be okay with that, or don't write with me. your characters do not need to be trans !! ( unless my ad says otherwise !! ) . . . ⇢ don't mind somewhere between rapid fire replies, or once every few days replies. super chill vibes. ( i'm currently down to 1-2x a week replies ) . . . ⇢ probably talk ooc quite a bit too between writing and replies. i like making friends with people i write with !! . . . ⇢ i use irl fc's, you don't have to. you can also request for me to use an animated fc, i'll gladly find one !! . . . ⇢ discord server writing only !! . . . ⇢ smut / nsfw are welcomed !! . . . ⇢ dark themes are things i'm v chill with, i don't have a lot of triggers !! . . . ⇢ silence doesn't mean disinterest, if you talk to me ooc, i will reply, i just don't always have juice for ic stuff !!
canon fandoms i write and characters i write are in bold:
demon slayer: tanjiro kamado, yushiro, muichiro tokito
sally face: sal fisher
assassination classroom: nagisa shiota, karma akabane, maehara hiroto, isogai yuuma, sugino tomohito, itona horibe, ritsu, karasuma tadaomi
tokyo revengers: manjiro sano, baji katsuki, kazutora hanemiya, nahoya kawata, souya kawata, chifuyu matsuno, rindou haitani, akuun/atsushi sendo, mitsuya takachi, takemichi hanagaki, sanzu haruchiyo, hakkai shiba, inupi seishu
my hero academia: izuku midoriya, jin bubaigawara, shinsou hitoshi, mirio togata, shoto todoroki, amajiki tamaki, shoto aizawa, hizashi yamada, eijiro kirishima, denki kaminari, hanta sero
toilet bound hanako-kun: hanako-kun/yugi amane, kou minamoto, mitsuya sousuke, tsukasa yugi
promare: lio fotia, gueira, meis 
hxh: kurapika kurta, killua zoldyck, feitan portor, shalnark
disgaea series: flonne, mao, adell, zed, laharl, almaz, taro, emizel, yukimaru, zeroken, christo, raspberyl
dc: klarion bleak, garfield logan, billy batson
monster prom: damien lavey, sawyer, oz, brian
dream daddy: damien bloodmarch
bleach: ryunosuke yuki
buddy daddies: rei suwa
blue exorcist: rin okumura, amaimon
saiki k: saiki kusuo
night in the woods: greggory lee
camp camp: david, daniel, max
resident evil: rosemary winters
tokyo mew mew: bu-ling huang (purin), taruto
zom 100: akira tendou
ranma 1/2: ranma saotome
persona 5: joker, mishima yuuki
hades: hypnos
dragon ball: supreme kai, trunks, tapion, tarble, dende, android 17
the boy and the beast: ichirohiko
ouran high school host club: mitsukuni haninozuka, haruhi fujioka
magi: the labyrinth of magic: cassim, aladdin, alibaba, jafar, judal
panty & stocking with garterbelt: stocking anarchy, briefers rock
soul eater: soul evans, chrona
sonic the hedgehog: shadow the hedgehog, sonic the hedgehog, silver the hedgehog, mighty the armadillo, miles “tails” prower, espio the chameleon
check, please!: eric bittle
league of legends: ezreal (heartsteel)
+anima: cooro, husky
if i reach out to you about any fandoms that AREN'T on here, that doesn't mean it was a mistake or i don't actually rp them, i just rp them so little, i didn't think to list them !!
i have an extensive list of ocs, here are basics !! most of my oc’s are asian or arab and some are trans !! i rp regular verses, and abo upon request !! dark topics, nsfw, and heavy things welcome !!
vampire ocs
about 20 different angel ocs
lab experiment ocs
assassin ocs
cult ocs
a bakery shop owner
7 different mafia gangs
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nekorenge · 6 months
Let’s talk about the Dorama/Ouran Live Action TV Series !! (Nekozawa/Renge)
You may be asking why I decided to delve into this adaptation of Ouran tonight.
Why did I? Because it is the host (no pun intended) of another important piece of Nekozawa/Renge ship content. When you don’t have much to work from in the vein of interactions, every interaction matters, but this one ESPECIALLY does, because ….
…Renge canonically finds Nekozawa attractive!
Or at least, in the world of this one adaptation. But there’s no reason to think any differently for the other versions. Anyway.
If you go to Nekozawa’s character wiki, he has a section on his relationship with Renge. Of course, it lists out their interactions in Big Brother is a Prince, and then it mentions the dorama for this one interaction. This is where i had first found out about this, years ago.
Because I’m a nerd, let’s go step-by-step in this interaction to talk about it.
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1. This takes place in Renge’s debut episode, so she’s directing the Host Club here. Tamaki asks her how his performance is, and if he should create more “shadows”. I’m including this bit for scene context and also because it confirms that there is a parallel to be drawn between Renge’s fascination with adding “dark side”s to characters and Nekozawa’s general association with shadows, darkness, dark sides, etc. I thought I was reaching before, but by including Nekozawa with this setup, I think my connection now holds more weight!
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2. See! Nekozawa materializes out of nowhere behind Tamaki, and Nekozawa continues the “shadows” talk. He has a creepy filter over his voice and fitting music, fully engulfed in his persona/probably liking antagonizing the frightened Tamaki. He asks Tamaki to join his dark side and Tamaki runs away.
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3. Here’s where it gets interesting!! Renge approaches Nekozawa, slowly, and she almost seems curious. Nekozawa’s creepy music is still fading out and his grin is likely in part still leftover from the last interaction.
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4. Her smile as she says this!! She didn’t have to say this, and it all is so out of left field. She just curiously walks right up to the guy who just materialized out of the shadows and frightened away Tamaki and says he’s good looking. What!!
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5. That’s what I just said! What?? But okay, let’s analyze this. His spooooky mannerisms have completely fallen away in this moment. No music, no voice filters, no evil laugh, he has nothing except “what?” His smile has fallen but he looks intrigued, if i had to describe it. He looks surprised but not in a bad way, it seems like it’s something pleasant that has blindsided him. He’s leaned into her, looking straight into her eyes, and he is both shaken out of the persona he is so used to keeping up and intrigued all at once.
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6. There’s a pause where he’s still smiling, looking at her, still leaned into each other, silent as she reaches to remove his hood. To me, i dont think he even notices she’s removing his hood until the sun beams down on him. Why? Was he distracted? :O
And when he realizes, he screams and covers his head. She looks away in fear/surprise.
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7. Now that they’ve been shaken out of the moment, he’s back to his usual self. After saying this he books it out of the scene. This is 100% my biased read on this but… wouldnt it be POSSIBLE… that he’s mad not only because she removed his hood, but because she had him so off-guard in the moment that he hadn’t even noticed? Is he mad at himself for being stunned in the moment, and leaves in a huff from that?
And Renge says nothing. Renge? Nothing?? How?? Literally, Nekozawa leaves the scene and then Renge doesn’t even acknowledge what just happened. Is she just as thrown off? Who’s to say!
Anyway that’s all, thank you for reading if you did. I’m so glad to have actually finally watched this scene. (Also, this is all very “phantom of the opera”, isn’t it? Interesting interesting.)
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