#Pet fostering
blutrickle · 7 months
"From Hobby to Hero: The Benefits of Providing a Safe Haven for Animals in Need
Pet  fostering is a beautiful tapestry of love, compassion, and hope. It's an opportunity to make a meaningful impact on the lives of animals and your own.
Hobbies & Pursuits Part XLIPETS FOSTERING What  exactly  is  Pet Fostering Pet fostering is a heartwarming and rewarding experience that allows individuals to provide temporary homes for animals in need. Unlike adoption, pet fostering involves taking care of animals for a limited period, typically until they find their forever homes. This act of kindness not only benefits the animals but also…
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Fostering a Pet: The Pathway to Finding Forever Homes
Fostering a Pet: The Pathway to Finding Forever Homes https://centraltexasrescuersclub.com/fostering-a-pet-the-pathway-to-finding-forever-homes/ Fostering a pet is an amazing experience that helps both the animal and the person… #AnimalLover, #BridgeToForeverHomes, #EmotionalRewards, #ForeverHomes, #FosterCaregiver, #FosteringAPet, #HomelessPets, #LifelongConnections, #LocalAnimalShelters, #MakeADifference, #PetFostering, #RescueOrganizations, #ShelterAnimals, #TemporaryHome
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wolfchanw · 2 months
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Looking like cats! Three weeks old tomorrow!
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defilerwyrm · 8 months
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I looked down just in time to see him finish settling in and give this deep, satisfied sigh
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fjordfolk · 1 year
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Unless: You want the action to repeat itself because it's super cute and there is nothing inherently wrong with rewarding contact-seeking behaviour, and shockingly it is actually possible to both teach and learn more nuanced ways to communicate with your dog than simply "no" and "when i say so"
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thegayneapigs · 22 days
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this sweet boy is Perry 💟
he was recently surrendered to the rescue. this foster piggie is super curious and affectionate! he goes to the vet today for a pre-neuter well check.
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beaft · 2 months
they say it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a poor man to enter the housing market
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suitetarts · 7 months
the way astarion smiles at jaheira... getting a compliment from mom for real
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bayoubluebirb · 5 months
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Kermit hates everything. Kermit is biting your blog.
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melestopheles-art · 9 months
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i promised you more collins content didn't i?
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shyhandart · 4 months
Your comms help me spoil little guys like this rotten btw
Video id: Patella, a black and white mouse sits in my hand and gets scritches from my thumb. I pull my thumb away for a second and he stretches out to follow it. I concede and return to petting his head, and he nestles his chin back into the crook or my finger contentedly /end id
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This is Patella, he's the mouse i'm fostering through @tinywhiskersanimalrescue here and on instagram. He also has several brothers also available through the rescue. They provide shelter for hamsters, gerbils, rats, guinea pigs, ferrets, and i think one chinchilla(?). Theyre located in Minnesota if youd like to donate, volunteer or adopt :3!
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phantom-of-the-memes · 9 months
Has anyone on here seen this creature yet??
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tam-shade-song · 7 months
Things in KOTLC universe that are canon, actually, I'm Shanon's keyboard
Keefe is not a natural blond. He started dying his hair in his second year.
When Fitz and Keefe were in their second year, a rumor arose that Biana was the result of an affair, and because Lord Cassius was starting to get associated with the Vackers through their son's friendship, he didn't want any rumors to spark about his own son. To make Keefe look more like him, Cassius had Keefe start dying his hair.
Sophie was named at birth Sophia, but since no one ever calls her that she accidentally gave Alden the name Sophie when her legal papers were being made. Now she's just gaslighting the entire lost cities into believing her name's Sophie and the only one who knows is Dex, Biana, and Tam.
Tam has a lisp. Keefe used to tease him about it until Tam shoved him down a flight of stairs.
Rayni has killed three people. The first time she used her ability, and for a while, she hoped that the black swan member survived, but later she learned through Tam he died. The second time she set someone on fire like how you can use a magnifying glass to start fires with light. The third time she stabbed a girl around her own age in the chest. Rayni held her hand as she bled out.
Rayni is the tallest out of the Solroof kids. She's five-seven, Wylie is five-six, Linh is five-two and Tam is five feet even.
During the time that Dex wasn't involved much, like around flashback, he hit a massive growth spurt and is almost as tall as Fitz, but because of his bad posture, he looks shorter.
Dex also didn't get a haircut for a while, so for a short period of time, he had a mullet off-screen.
Tam is trans ftm. He managed to keep it a secret from Tiergan and Wylie for a while, but when Tiergan had to enroll him in Foxfire he found out. By then, he had already come out to Rayni.
Tam and Linh didn't actually dye their hair with metal. They would occasionally sneak into the lost cities and shoplift out hair dye.
Tam and Linh talk to each other in Vietnamese when they want to have private conversations.
If we're going off the normal high school languages, (Spanish, German, French, and Mandarin) I think Sophie would choose German. If her school had extra, (I have a friend whose school offered Japanese, Arabic, ASL, and maybe some more, but she goes to a private school) I think Sophie would be on the fence between Arabic and ASL, before ultimately choosing Arabic. She read Frankenstein and saw Clerval's love for Arabic poetry and wanted to understand it herself, but at the same time, because she was always surrounded by noise, she liked the quiet. She picked Arabic because it would be more useful.
Upon manifesting as a Polyglot, Sophie really wanted to learn ASL but found out her ability wouldn't instantly make her fluent bc it wasn't something she heard.
Rayni talks to herself in Hindi
Wylie does actually know ASL, and Sophie was absolutely delighted. She made him teach her a bunch of words.
The Diznees speak to each other in English all the time, partly for privacy and partly to annoy their snotty customers.
Tam's dead name is Tien.
Tam and Linh both took piano lessons. Linh liked learning the music, but Tam preferred to either make stuff up or sound out his favorite songs. Later, Tam learned to play guitar, and he mostly played bass.
Rayni can play piano, violin, and cello. She wanted to be a musician and introduce more human-style music to the lost cities.
Rayni never graduated, but Tiergan tried to get her to return to Foxfire so she could enter the nobility.
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wolfchanw · 6 days
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Successfully (ish) got some eyeball photos! Cantaloupe has the white bib, Dragonfruit is the perfect angel baby sitting peacefully in my hand, and Banana is screaming at me to unhand her!
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bluestempigeons · 11 months
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Sooty laid a fucking monster of an egg again. Looking like she's gonna be a one-egger old lady! Hasn't had a two egg clutch for about half a year now
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thegayneapigs · 3 months
it's #fosterfriday! these boys have had a busy wheek flipping houses, zooming around, screaming for food, and generally causing mayhem 😂💕
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