#Physical abuse tw
traumawhomst · 19 days
Ok but yandere Orcs yes please
Tw: Physical abuse not done by a side character, and physical violence to a side character.
(1,300 words)
Part 1
There had been a “War” with the Orc Empire for as long as you could remember, but honestly from what you could tell it was really more along the lines of scattered boarder skirmishes, one side would take ground and the other would eventually get it back.
It wasn’t really talked about much, other than the soldiers who passed through your Uncle’s Tavern, who’d rather talk about cards or romantic exploits.
You’d come home late one night from working, only to one of the barn doors was propped up instead of hanging on the hinges. A closer inspection revealed that it had been pulled off its hinges and then leaned against the other door to make it look like nothing had happened.
It was probably due to the fact that you’d been awake for roughly eighteen hours that spurred you to grab an old carving (probably dull) knife and kicked down the barn door.
The door hit the floor and a thick cloud of dust rose up and around the fallen door. It got in your nose and eyes and you couldn’t help but sputter taking a step backwards.
Your mind froze when you heard another coughing before it then started to think of the worse possible scenario. You wiped your eyes clutching the hilt of the knife and looked into the dark barn.
To find an Orc only as upright as the back wall could support, one hand raised and the other pressed against what looked to be a stab wound. Blood seeped from between his fingers and soaked his shirt and pants.
There was no anger in his eyes, his body loose and defeated. He apologized for the door and the mess he was making, promising to leave as he tried to stand up. He couldn’t get further than a single knee before collapsing again.
You couldn’t speak or move as he tried to leave, your mind struggling to understand everything that happened. Well you didn’t move until he fell again, then you told him to stop moving and you’d be back.
You nor no one else ever said you were smart, and that’s the reason you gave yourself as you grabbed clean bandages and water. You sighed at yourself before also grabbing a blanket as well.
He’d stiffened when you silently approached him until you showed him the water and bandages. He almost laughed when you knelt next to him and started to do your best to clean it. He didn’t fight or argue though, at first watching you before closing his eyes and relaxing.
He was passed out by the time you’d finished, exhaustion and blood loss finally took its toll. You watched for a while making sure his chest rose and fall before you tossed a blanket over him and did your best to prop the barn door back to how it was before.
You overslept the next morning, no time to eat before running to your work much less check on a half dead orc.
You found yourself thinking about him often, wondering how he was feeling. If he was comfortable, if he was alive. The worry was enough to keep you awake for the hours of sleep you’d lost to him.
You took more food than you usually did stealing it off plates where it had been untouched, carefully wrapping it and hiding it before your uncle could see. Just in case.
He was not dead, when you returned and was more than surprised to see you splitting the food you’d brought silently handing half to him before you stood up.
That was the first time he touched you actually grabbing your wrist without any real force. You looked at him and could see a hundred questions swirling in his eyes. Instead of asking those he just asked to eat together. He’s not used to eating alone.
And you do, you sit back down and for the first night you eat in near silence, as you two got comfortable just being near each other. He didn’t stop from leaving a second time.
His face did light up when you wished him a goodnight though
So you fell into a comfortable if odd routine. You’d spend the day working, him trying to heal in your barn and then come together for dinner. You both were orphaned before the start of adulthood, and it was nice to speak to someone about it without worry of how it would spread.
He was funny and charming, you found yourself laughing and smiling more in those few nights than you had in the years since your father died. He was easy to talk to and he seemed to enjoy it as much as you did. It was probably the fifth night when you found yourself excited to go home and speak to him.
You knew that this was dangerous, the longer he stayed the more likely he get caught the more likely you’d be thrown in jail. You told him he could stay as long as he needs to.
On the eighth night you came home later than usual, a bounce in your step that you hadn’t had in years. Even the regulars at your Uncle’s pub had noticed and started to speculate on who or what had made you smile so much. You still had to hide it, any smile would be taken as offense by your uncle who seemed to think he owned your emotions along with your father’s debt.
But tonight you managed to get twice as much as you normally did and you were excited to sit and talk with him.
And he was gone.
Panic clawed at you as you looked hoping to find him in some corner tucked away but no. He was gone. Your heart sunk as you realized there was only two options.
Either he was found by soldiers. Or…
He left without saying goodbye.
Hurt threatened to tear open your chest as stand again alone in the silence. You try to tell yourself you were an idiot to think he’d say before leaving, of course he was always going to take what he could and run. A meaner part of yourself told you that this would happen with everything you loved and enjoyed.
You shoved the food in your mouth, not even tasting anything as you just tried to eat as much of it as you could. Your stomach hurt but you’d manage to stop crying by then. You told yourself how much you didn’t care.
You slept in the barn that night unable to sleep anywhere else.
You’d over slept for maybe the first time in years ending up showing late to your Uncle’s pub. He did not take it well, throwing things and screaming, hitting you more than once.
And then someone pries him off you, and you look up and see a massive figure in armor and boots that added at least three inches. He held your uncle up in the air one hand around his neck. You watched your uncle struggle and turn purple and only then to do you think to move.
You look at the figure again, and realize they’re wearing a helmet made to look like falcon completely covering their face. They turn towards you as you scramble, dropping your uncle to the ground.
You didn’t get very far before, one solid hand grabbed your shirt and yanked you towards him. You tried to fight but they was much stronger than you and there was nothing you could do to stop it.
They pull you to the door where two Orc Soldiers waited and moved when the figure pulling you barked an order.
Three massive horses waited outside and you tried to struggle again, firmly but gently you are pushed on the up on the horse, your captor behind and the four of you were off.
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punkstylerecovery · 1 year
Generally speaking, your parents often owe you a lot more than you're taught to believe. A lot of people are raised to believe that parents do not really owe you that much beyond food and shelter and that's not true. In fact, you can have parents who give you food, shelter, patience and kindness and STILL deserve more from them.
By being your parents, they've accepted a very special relationship and amount of responsibility for you. Do you know how many people I know whose parents have never genuinely apologized to them? How many people’s parents physically hurt them, how many people’s parents mock their insecurities, how many people’s parents don’t care for their children’s health, how many parents make their children (intentionally or otherwise) want to die? 
And so many people don’t give a fuck. We’re raised in cultures that more often than not treat us to respect our parents in spite of most anything while also teaching everyone that children don’t deserve shit. We’re raised in cultures that more often than not teach us to “respect our parents” in spite of most anything while also teaching everyone that children don’t really deserve shit. It varies but its so common that lots of people don’t even think twice about it. 
But children DO deserve more than they’re generally given. So much more! And so many things that are literally just abusive are considered normal parenting all around the world and that’s vile, especially considering children are the most severely affected by this and have no “societal power” to wield to put a stop to it beyond what they can scramble together through a combination of sheer determination, shock value, strength and fucking luck. 
Not to sound radical, but I think we owe children a fuck ton more than they’re being given now and I think people need to learn so much more about abuse and how that ties into the common underplaying of what we’re owed in parent/child relationships. 
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nerves-nebula · 7 months
it's sooo fun tossing around this idea tho, cuz like, every response i've gotten has perfect reasoning for why they think splinter would target who he would target.
leo, because he's supposed to tell splinter everything. and because he's the one who introduced them all to april.
raph, because he's supposed to be more responsible and take care of his brothers- but instead he let them all do this dangerous shit.
mikey or donnie, because they're his least favorites so he'd have less qualms about hurting or "damaging" them
but ultimately i think the proper response is, obviously, everyone. just to varying degrees and in different ways. under the cut cuz this got long
this is because splinter isn't like a calm mastermind or anything, he's a pissy emotionally fucked up old man who's furious with his children and will lash out at them in whatever way he can justify, which is Most Ways. Raph would probably get the most physical violence (slaps/smacks, harder training, more physical labour, less food) since Splinter considers him more physically sturdy than his brothers.
Leo would get a lot of emotional manipulation and guilt tripping for having not only disobeyed his dad but actively hid it AND was the one who brought his brothers into it. Splinter would talk a lotta shit about how if Leo led his brothers like this once Splinter dies then they'd all get taken by the US GOVERNMENT and prolly tortured and raped and all that stuff. and it would be leo's fault.
leo would also have some sexual & physical abuse stuff going on but i feel like that goes without saying at this point !
Mikey would get double the punishments for "being annoying/contradictory/not paying attention" even when he's not actively trying to piss off Splinter. frankly just being around Mikey would prolly piss off Splinter at this point, since mikey has always been the least likely to follow orders, so his presence is a constant reminder of his failure to control his kids.
I also think Splinter would go through mikey's art supplies and destroy/throw out anything April gave Mikey (he gets the boys around and asks which things were given by April and sorts them into two piles and then breaks/destroys/smashes anything in the april pile once he's done)
And last but not least, Splinter would find Donnie's anxiety and visible fear insufferable. He'd probably mostly emotionally lash out at donnie for being visibly weak. but he might also give him tasks that are either way too difficult, or that donnie can't be expected to complete in a given time frame, or stuff that Donnie just frankly needs more information about (but splinter is NOT gonna give him that information cuz if he's so smart he can just figure it out) and then when Donnie fails splinter will use that as an excuse to degrade him even more cuz "this should be easy for a genius"
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devildevotee · 8 months
sometimes i think about how my art teacher covered a wall in chalk board paint. i remember when i was just about to leave that school i drew a dragon on that wall. he told me time and time again that he'd always erase the wall so everyone could have a turn drawing something there. then came the time where i left a note on his desk on my last day, thanking him for being a positive figure in my life when my real parents were not. i told him they made me very sad, and for a short while, having him there encouraging me with everything i did was enough to make my life feel a little better. he was never my father, but it was still enough to make my heart hurt a little less when my actual father was cruel. he gave me warm coffee after afternoons where i'd been attacked by my best friend, he listened to my ideas, he helped nurture my passion for creating, he listened to my dreams and aspirations and told me i was going to make it, when nobody else had the gall to say that to me (i was struggling severely in high school, and i had no medication - very little people believed in me and thought i was a dead man walking). he was a good teacher, i think every teacher should be like him - especially for the kids who don't have good parents.
sometimes i think about me talking to someone who was just about to graduate from that same school, years and years and years later, and they told me about the pretty dragon that he refuses to erase from his chalk board wall. i didn't mean to ramble with this post, but to anyone who needs to remember this, people are kind. people are caring. and you will find someone who treats you with respect, compassion, and patience.
you will find people who remember you.
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Content warning for graphic descriptions of child abuse, animal abuse, and torture.
Seven children and five dogs have been rescued from a south Edmonton home, where police allege they endured years of physical and emotional abuse and torture at the hands of three adults. “Without question, this is one of the most disturbing cases of child abuse that our child protection investigators have ever seen,” EPS child protection section Staff Sgt. Ryan Tebb said in a statement.
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Tagging @politicsofcanada @abpoli
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i just wanted to get something off my mind and ask you for your opinion. my boyfriend loves his family and he is pushing me into contacting my mom. i lived with my mom and dad till i was 8. my mom was very abusive she hit me, yelled for no reason, called me a bitch, whore and so on. when she hit me she did hit me to places that can't be seen (places you can cover up with clothes) if i told my dad she would beat me harder or threaten me that she will kill herself so i stopped telling my dad. my mom was also known to (excuse the word but i can't literally say anything else) whore around. the apartment building where we lived most people knew (my dad knew also but he always forgave her) she would kick me out, she would yell GET THE FUCK OUT and i would have to go play in front of our apartment building when she had her fuck buddies coming to our apartment, of course at that time i had no idea why she was kicking me out.
after my mom left me and my dad i had no contacts with her, i had visits for 6 months - i was at her place every second weekend but later on i could stop going because she didn't want me there anymore. and i was more than happy with that!!!
she has a new family now my boyfriend saw pictures how happy she looks with her 2 kids and says she probably changed now.
my mom tried to contact me on social media, i blocked her on everything, she wasn't happy with that so her new husband was sending me nasty messages and she was also sending me nasty messages from his profile.
i said to my boyfriend if he forgot about the nasty messages she sent me (they were really insulting, she called me names she called me when i was a kid; retarded, stupid, bitch, whore...)
my boyfriend's response was that people just get mad and at the end of the day she is still my mom and she deserves another chance and she deserves my forgiveness.
i also found out that my mom and my boyfriend were messaging each other on fb, they were planning on meeting (he was convincing me to meet her)
i feel betrayed and honestly it makes me love him way less. him being close with his family shouldn't make me being close with my mom who abused me.
i told my best friend that i'm thinking of ending the relationship because for the past 3 months he keep pushing me into "you must forgive and forget, you must meet your mom". my best friend says i'm overreacting. i'm not overreacting to not wanting to meet my mom but i'm overreacting about dumping my boyfriend. she says that i'm crazy because he is loyal to me. but i feel that just being loyal isn't enough? great you're not sleeping around that's a bare minimum in my opinion.
he is my first boyfriend and i have been with him since i was 17 (i'm 22 now), looking back i think i overlooked so many red flags. he was always sweet to me, and as far as i know he has been loyal but he always pushed me into things that i wasn't into. i'm a horrible people pleaser and i say yes to things i don't really want but when it comes to my mom it's a NO and i'm never going ro change my mind.
he is guilt tripping me that i'm not a good person (not the exact words, he uses fancier expressions like "good people forgive") to a point i really think if i'm the bad one in this scenario.
it's such a long message and i'm so sorry about that but i just wonder if you or your followers think that trying to convince someone to re-connect with the abuser is a red flag or not?
my dad says i don't ever have to meet my mom but he also says by boyfriend has a point so i feel like everyone is against me.
I don't think you're overreacting, and I think it's highly inappropriate of your boyfriend to pressure you to forgive your mom when you've made it clear that you aren't feeling it. Interfering in that manner is not acceptable, and it's definitely a giant red flag. Especially after you've made it clear that YOU don't want to do this. Because it's YOUR decision
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boncorner · 8 days
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When the feeling's gone and you can't go on
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It's tragedy!
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With no-one to love you, you're goin' nowhere
I can't resist a good Beetlejuice reference ♡
In this verse, every time Mammon tears the Manager to pieces, he has to be put back together again. This is how he stays always so shining new, updated and pristine. Manager can't stand having other fizzies touch him after the events, be they because of a punishment when he's betrayed Mammon's trust (again), or simply because when they make love, he finds Mammon tearing him to pieces to be thrilling and exciting (Mammon really gotta wrack his brain to keep the punishments... punishing, when Manager's this into it).
So he tells them to go away. Shoo. He can do this himself.
Perhaps some aftercare from Mammon himself is in order?
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tea-and-secrets · 2 months
i have diagnosed ptsd from a past abusive friend and im constantly having flashbacks and nightmares
none of my irls understand the severity of it and im always being victim blamed + people consistently take his side (he is incredibly manipulative and victimizes himself to no end)
he brought knives to school and threatened me daily. how am i the aggressor here. he stalked me and crossed every boundary i placed. how am i the aggressor here. i fawned and did literally everything in my power to diffuse the situation but none of it worked. how am i the fucking aggressor
i feel so alone and worthless. i feel pathetic and less than human. with every biting remark from someone taking his side, i feel myself retreating back into my mind a little more. words cant describe how degraded and dehumanized i feel. i think that other abuse victims could relate to this
my friends and family all take my side and think that i did everything i could to stop him
everyone who hears my side of the story ends up taking my side
but none of them really understand the effect it has on me
they dont understand how i remember everything on a loop until the late hours of the night
they dont understand how my face pales when i think i see him in public
they just dont get it and i dont think they ever will
thats all for now. i hope everyone here is having a good day. remember to drink water, get enough food, and take care of yourself
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Story. Once
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[ID: 13 digitally sketched panels in b/w]
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[Panel 1: The Skull, pupils ringed intensely as he says disbelievingly, "You think Becile (italics) liked me?"]
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[Panel 2: The Skull hunches forward, his shoulders shaking, as he says, "(ellipses) Hahh (ellipses)" Dee leans forward from accross the table, her hands balled into fists, saying, "He didn't abandon you. Didn't put you in storage."]
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[Panel 3: The Skull lowers his head and gives a strained smile as Dee continues from off panel, "Hare told me all about you: Right hand. Guard dog." Hare, looking terrified, waves his hand at his throat in a beheading/stop it motion, small text above him reading "oh jeez no stop." The Skull replies to Dee, "He did, huh?" Dee continues, "Ignoring me must have been easy. Thadeus--"]
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[Panel 4: No image. Text in The Skull's font, reading, "He killed me, once."]
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[Panel 5: The whole table of players, sitting silently.]
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[Panel 6: The Skull smiles ruefully and points at the joint between his neck and his jaw on the right side. He says, "I hardly remember it. Just being in the workshop, him grabbing a poker, jabbing it in here (ellipses)"]
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[Panel 7: The back of The Skull's head. He taps his scalp on the upper left side, and says, "(ellipses) it popping out right about there."]
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[Panel 8: The Jack, looking on in distress, and Riker next to him, looking away from The Skull. The Skull continues, "I woke up on the floor as he was cleaning up the welds to hide the holes."]
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[Panel 9: Hare looks up at The Skull, whose mouth and shoulder are just visible in frame. The Skull says, "I was back to work in a few hours." Hare looks genuinely upset as he says, "I didn't know (ellipses)"]
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[Panel 10: The Skull glances down at Hare, in the viewer's position, and says, "Yeah. You wouldn't."
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[Panel 11: Dee says, "(ellipses) Lift me up." The Skull, looking tired, asks, "Why?" Dee points at her character sheet and says, "In the (italics) game. To get up to the balcony."]
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[Panel 12: Dee's hair parts around her eye slightly as she tilts her head, her expression sympathetic. She says, "(ellipses) If you still want to play."]
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[Panel 13: Dee and The Skull, sitting in silhouette, the others at the table gone. The Skull rolls a die and says, "(ellipses) We'll try it." End ID]
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npd is agreeing with a lot of things ppl say on here but not fully which makes you feel good cuz wow your experiences are soooooo unique but also seeing some sad messed up shit on here and feeling jealous because it feels like your trauma is smaller than an ant and not enough and you won't be taken seriously by anyone which always happens because every time you go in a space dedicated to traumatised individuals to vent you always see ppl who have it the absolute worst to the point where ur trauma feels like it isn't even trauma and you should be perfectly fine because how can a few beatings fuck you up so badly when everyone is out here surviving horrible things like rape and csa or even just beatings all the time/very often while you got mediocrely beat once in a while so you secretly wish and hope for the most terrible things to happen for an excuse and even trying to make it happen but failing and then you feel worse and you realise there will never be a place for you anywhere because ur too damaged to be around non-mentally ill ppl but when ur around mentally ill ppl ur trauma is so nonimportant and stupid and tiny you wonder how it exists at all
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resignedseraph · 6 months
I still can't get over the fact that growing up the cult's answer to "why is physically abusing kids bad" is "it's not socially acceptable" and not like. anything else
Also the fact that historical child physical abuse was lauded as something desirable and closer to what god wanted, and I don't mean historical as in 1950's-good-old-days, I mean like the 1700s stories they were having us read that included child physical abuse and was only vaguely disapproved of if someone asked about it
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coachbeards · 5 months
not to be like BEARD JAMIE!!!! again but imagine if jamie saw the way jane put her hands on beard
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system-of-a-feather · 6 months
WELP. That takes the cake for the most unapologetic overt public display of a dad (who looked and acted like he was on roids) abusing his kids.
Usually I pick fights when I see child abuse in public but that guy was 6' 4" and had forearms bigger than my thighs.
Still reported it and coordinated it with the manager of the place we were eating at but holy shit man.
If my triggers weren't behind 1) an asian accent requirement or 2) trusted person requirement that would have FUCKED me up so bad
Unfortunately, same can not be said about my fiance.
Jesus christ.
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hi this is kinna out of the blue and no one sent you an ask about this but today i gave myself my testosterone shot and i’ve been on T for two months and even though i haven’t had many changes yet for the first time in over a decade i’m feeling so much better about my body again. it took me until i was 34 years to transition despite knowing i wanted to since i was 19 because i live in the southern united states and they only NOW got informed consent in my state. i tried in my twenties and was put through the wringer, told my PDs or autism was making me “think” i was a man, i ended up in a domestic violence situation with a misogynist and transphobe i’m still recovering from, i had a child too, i went through drug addiction and alcohol abuse, i attempted suicide several times
AND i just wanted to spread the positivity to every trans person out there (trans men, women, nb people) that things DO GET BETTER! it makes me cry thinking about it and how i finally get to be the man, and father i always wanted to be and i am not an emotional person. if any other trans ppl no matter the age want HRT and feel like it’s never going to happen, don’t give up! keep fighting!! you won’t die this way! i don’t know how many times i imagined getting misgendered at my own funeral and dying known only as my assigned gender at birth.
keep going and stay strong and safe!!
I'm really sorry you've had to struggle through all that pain, bigotry and abuse - and it makes my day that now you're on T and feeling like it's all been worth the wait! ✊️
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valiumgf · 1 year
I am the ghost of the girl that was held against those glass doors, against beds, under the water. I wish I could pray for him more but sometimes my teeth grow sharp and I gnash and inflict my mouth on his shoulder, a twin scar for us. I promise if you bring him back I will hold him and console him, at least I really hope I would. I want to forgive, desperately, rabid dog with humanity foaming at its mouth. I wish it were easier, wish you hadn't been so cruel, wish whatever lost part of you came back and apologized. I know you are not your damage, but when I see your face in my dreams the vitriol comes up my throat and I scream, I scream, I cannot stop howling. my efforts to relate make me sick, humanizing the inhumane, let me understand the violence. I wish I could cut all of you out of me but my claws cannot seem to properly hold the scalpel. did you really think of me as a failure? is it funny when I cry and shake? is it better when I bark back? you love destruction, love when the cries come, love when the words I don't know how to say come out, hate when I call you what you are. I still remember seeing you on the porch. I still remember buying webkinz then when you, seated yourself comfortable and wild on the family couch. thrift store apologies. I say comfort him, he needs it. lay on the couch. I laugh I laugh I laugh. numb to the bone that he is entitled to chew. they couldn't relate to the force of nature he struck at me. "at least you have a dad" I defanged myself, I laid like a corpse. I thrashed, like a creature unsure if it can swim. I gasped for air like a suffocating fish. this was not fatherhood, this was not family, this was torture.
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boncorner · 9 days
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Note: The Mammon in question is canon divergent
Naturally, the Manager and Mammon have a power imbalance and Manager is simply a fizzy... he often breaks him to prove a point, or just because he feels like it. He always rebuilds him newer and better every time though.
The Manager is always hiding his side-operations from Mammon, does awful things to the other fizzies behind closed doors, and they're really just two awful people playing a cat-and-mouse game with one another. The fact that the mouse has developed feelings for the feline in question makes this extremely messy... maybe things can change?
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