#Pirates of the Caribbean birthday party
chukys-mouthguard · 4 months
Prompt 12. for Matt Rempe please :)
Prompt 12: “Ha, don’t think too highly of yourself. Just because I crave your company every now and then, doesn’t mean you’re my weakness. You’re not.”
Note: you didn’t specify what genre, so i took creative liberties and this ended up being angsty, i hope that’s okay 🫶🏼
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“And remind me why you chose to spend your Saturday night off with me and not go out with the guys?”
Questioning Matt as you plopped next to him on the couch with a bowl of popcorn. His face locked on the tv as he scrolled to find a movie for the two of you to watch. 
“I don’t know, I mean, I’m usually spending all my time with them. One night away from the boys isn’t gonna hurt anyone. Plus, I wanted to hangout with you. I’ve missed hanging out.” 
A smile creeping across your lips as you tried hiding it by bringing a handful of popcorn to your lips. 
You and Matt were….eh…friends. But also not friends. You’d met when Chris Kreider’s wife invited you to a party they had at their house for Chris’s birthday. That’s when you met Matt. Instantly swooning over the 6 foot 8 rookie, though you’d never admit that to him. Not needing to boost his ego any more than it already was with how he has blown up in the league over the last few weeks. 
There was something there between the two of you, but you could tell Matt was trying his best to focus on hockey. Despite the occasional nights where he’d text and want to go to dinner or have movie nights. Still attempting to have a little fun without all the commitment. 
“You know, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’ve got a soft spot for me Matty. I get to see you away from the rink, a whole different side of you. Maybe I’m your weakness or something? I’m the only one who can get these moments.” 
Matt immediately sitting up and setting the remote on your coffee table as he let out a snarky laugh. “Ha, don’t think too highly of yourself. Just because I crave your company every now and then, doesn’t mean you’re my weakness. You’re not.” 
Shooting him a playful smirk, he tried to continue his argument but you ignored him as you took over the responsibility of choosing a movie. 
Finally settling on Pirates of the Caribbean as you curled up not to Matt on the couch. Immediately sensing his nerves of you being so close to him. Normally the two of you just sitting next to one another, but never cuddling or anything like that. 
He awkwardly tensed up, not sure whether or not to put his arm behind you on the back of the couch. Or if he should scoot away altogether. Feeling how uncomfortable he seemed, you moved away. Leaving a bit of space between the two of you as you set the popcorn on the table, crossing your arms over your chest. 
The rest of the movie spent mostly in silence, occasionally the two of you laughing at something from the movie. Only to go back to silence shortly after. Your mind racing as you wondered what Matt was thinking. His body language still showing he was uncomfortable he was despite over an hour having past. 
“Okay, what’s the deal?” 
Pausing the movie you turned and looked at him. Arms crossed over your chest as you waited for his response. 
He shrugged but you saw right past him. Rolling your eyes as you pressed further. “Do you not like me like that? Do you just see me as a friend? Because the way you tensed up when I got close to you was pretty telling.” 
Shaking his head Matt stood up, trying his best to tell you it wasn’t that at all. “No, y/n. I do like you. I’m sorry if that came across that way. But, I can’t do this right now.” 
You watched him confused as he searched for his keys, quickly slipping on his shoes with no explanation as he headed for the door. 
“Matt! Stop, what’s wrong? Talk to me.” 
“Look, I’m sorry, I can’t do this. I, I need to go. I’m sorry y/n.”
Before you could stop him, Matt was gone with a harsh shut of the door. Leaving you in disbelief as you stared, hoping he’d turn around and come back in and explain. But after almost ten minutes, you knew he truly was gone. 
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ender-of-the-sender · 25 days
19. sleeping position?
21. obsession from childhood?
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?
55. favorite fairy tale?
64. favorite website from your childhood?
Dude these are such good questions omg-
Sleeping position: I am a fetal position sleeper im not gonna lie, and i sleep on my side. Its just more comfortable for my joints but also OUCH my back.
Obsession from childhood: pirates. Mainly Pirates of the Caribbean and Johnny Depp, but i was obsessed. For my 8th??? 9th??? birthday, i had a pirate themed party and i invited my whole class which was something id never done before. My mother made the cake a chocolate biscuit cake treasure chest and omg it was so cool.
Weirdest thing to happen to me in school: we thought there was a gas leak because we were sitting in the science lab and in the hallway outside there was a really strong smell. They evacuated the building and sent us home during second period or something. Turns out, the pipes were just gross and they had been sitting unused for a while so they just died i guess.
Favourite fairy tale: im not gonna lie, Rumpelstiltskin terrified me as a young child that i was almost certain remembering his name would be a genuine important thing i had to know or else. So maybe Rumpelstiltskin.
Favourite website from my childhood: i wasn't really allowed on the internet till i was like 10 but i spent an ungodly amount of time on my DS
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demigoddessqueens · 2 years
main masterlist V
Critical Role - multi-party kiss writing prompts // Bells and CK kiss + confession // multiparty mistletoe kisses // the parties being sick //
Vox Machina - revealing vampire fangs to them // rejecting their love //kitty cat antics // gift as a love language // Percy’s twin likes Vax // Vax + pastel pink lover // Vax’s “flirty” s/o // Percy + Vax forget s/o birthday // calm significant turned protective // Vax and easily sleepy s/o // y/n + Percy and Vax headcanons // Vox Machina baby holiday // Percy fluff + letter // Assassin!reader + leap of faith // dressing up for fancy event // Percy + getting turned into a statue // TINY ONE sees Orthax // Reader who is a WolfWalker // Percy + reader wholesomeness // Percy w/ modern!reader // Party with a werewolf!reader // whispering confession to them // the party + Cass & Archie w/ s/o and kid // VALENTINES HEADCANONS 💕// silver or gold? - Percy falls for a gunslinger // soulmate mark + Vax & Percy // expressing love // Scanlan being sweet fic + fluff headcanons // Percy and Vex + Black Canary!reader // “You” + crush romance reveal //
Side characters - Kashaw headcanons //
Mighty Nein - Caleb + s/o similar background // teen + found family // Polycule with Fjord //
Bell’s Hells / Crown Keepers - dariax & Ashton + accidental kiss // there was one bed // losing your memory + Vox Machina //
Castlevania - characters + dhamphir // helping s/o with anxiety // Trio with s/o singing // Trio + forgemasters w/ Little One // the men with a Bayonetta!reader // characters + modern!reader with a pool // CV crew + barbarian!reader //
Dracula - NSFW and SFW yandere // cuddling headcanons // kissing Dracula // jealous Dracula //
Alucard - Alucard ANGST // whisper love confession + other CV guys //
Hector - THING companion //
Styria Council - morana & striga + werewolf!reader //
A Christmas Carol (2022) - MY LADY, THE ARTIST
Assassin’s Creed - Arno’s twin with two suitors // Haytham + Shay’s sister!reader // part 2 // PART 3 // Vampire Haytham fic + headcanons //
Game of Thrones/House of the Dragon - phantom of the opera Aemond // love languages + MCU Namor // Aemond drabble // creature of darkness
Arcane Series (TV) - Ekko w/ painter!reader
The Dragon Prince - Soren falls for a moonshadow // reader is a WolfWalker
Star Wars - kissing as a distraction
✨GENSHIN IMPACT ✨ - Diluc 🍺 + s/o // part 2 - crying because they’re not “single” //
Monster romance(s) - satyr romance
Dragon Age - everyone likes Carver’s ex // fenris and Anders liking you //
Dragon Age Inquisition - mage reader in disguise // crew + an Umbra witch // inquisitor has a twin // Solas s/o + reincarnation //
Dragon Age Origins - Morrigan’s sister + everyone //
Pirates of the Caribbean - the captain and the witch //
Blood of Zeus - meeting Hermes // Olympus + hero!reader //
Marvel - Namor - mutant!reader who joins with Namor // kissing headcanons // dating (sort of) + jealous headcanons // cuddling headcanons // knowing me, knowing you //pregnancy headcanons // ALPHABET SMUT + FLUFF // not strong enough // SUN AND MOON - 5 times to kiss you // Namor smut - Worship // inbox request FIC // Namor + Wakanda youngest sibling // PART 2 - NAMOR + Wakanda sibling // WEDDING AND MARRIAGE HEADCANONS // Namor + reader with battle scars //
Tolkien/LoTR/The Hobbit - Bilbo’s daughter + the party //
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bimoonphases · 5 months
🌑 🌒 🌓 🌔 🌕 🌖 🌗 🌘 🌑
My Wolfstar microfics
At Least We Stole the Show - my Marauders one-shot collection on ao3, anything goes: canon compliant, non-war AU, muggle AU... check the individual tags for more infos
I Take My (Fire)Whiskey Neat (Laced with Veritaserum) - T - 1K -Sirius requested Spin the Bottle for his birthday party. Peter and James jump on the occasion to nudge him and Remus into finally confessing their feelings to each other. Shenanigans ensue.
Please Know That I Tried - T - 3K - Major Character Death - When James opens his door on Halloween, he immediately knows what’s going to happen. And he immediately knows why it’s happening. The memories don’t hurt any less.
My Boy Only Breaks His Favourite Toys - T - 2K - Major Character Death - Fix-it of Sorts - Why did Peter turn against his friends? And what could have made him turn back?
We Chose the Sea - M - multichapter - ongoing - Pirate!AU - 1717. Sirius Black, firstborn and heir to the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black, is gloomily making his way from London to the Caribbeans where he will be forced to marry his cousin and continue the bloodline of a family he hates. At this point he would do anything to escape his fate. Even being boarded by a pirate ship and held hostage sounds better than what awaits him at the end of the voyage. And seeing the captain of said pirate ship, it actually sounds way much better.
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buckets-and-trees · 2 years
Me, HP, and she who should not be named
I no longer financially supporting JK Rowling in any capacity and will continue to maintain that position unless we reach a day where she publicly comes out in an active reversal of her TERF and anti-semitic views (taking action, not just making a statement).
But the Wizarding World that was created...
It's personal for me.
I'm going to pour out a bit of my soul here because I need the catharsis and my own resolution, not because I'm looking to argue, persuade, or dictate to anyone on any level, but I need to make this post for me. There may be people out there who are grappling with the complications as much as I am, and so that's why I'm sharing this, but I will not be engaging in any arguments. Full stop.
I got the first book in paperback in an airport when we were flying to my grandma's house for Christmas, and I devoured it. Two weeks later, I asked for and received books two and three for my thirteenth birthday. Eighteen months later I eagerly waited for the postal worker to deliver Goblet of Fire to my doorstep from this website called Amazon that had made this insane industry-changing promise to have books in our hands the day it was released.
Three weeks later, my family was abruptly uprooted and moved to a new city. Harry, Hogwarts, and these books were my lifeline until I finally made new friends. I read Prisoner of Azkaban so much that the binding of my original copy split from being worn so much. I started writing my first ever fan fiction. It was pretty awful. I typed it and printed it out. I still have it in a binder on my bookshelf because ... it's the second thing I ever wrote. (The first thing was a two-page short story assignment in my eighth grade English class only a few months before.)
My oldest and longest best friend of my life? One of the girls I met during that tumultuous freshman year of high school when we discovered a mutual love for Harry Potter. My mom (single mother) and I had to drive a lot of places together, and I read the books aloud to her in the car.
I didn't get to midnight-release Order of the Phoenix, but I did get to with Half-Blood Prince.
I discovered online fan fiction through Lord of the Rings and Pirates of the Caribbean, but after HBP's release I went down the rabbit hole of the HP fandom. I got caught up in the "Romance > Other Pairings" category on a HP fanfic site that no longer exists but had quite an active community for many years where submissions for all categories on the site were moderated by real human fans. There was a forum with houses, challenges, a "book club" and a "review club", writing classes, fic exchanges, and annual awards. I became a mod on the site, taught a "Rare Pairs" class, was active in my house, was part of the elite review club...
But most importantly, in that era, I made lifelong friends that I still am in touch with. I met one of my best fandom friends who lived in the same city as my grandmother. I flew to Kentucky for a 4-5 day house party with four of those fandom friends. I went to the Phoenix Rising conference in New Orleans in May 2007 with three other fandom friends where I got to be a featured drabble writer during one of the sessions and met the guy who was "The Remus Lupins" during the heyday of Wizard Rock. At that conference, I got tapped to be part of a "readers discussion" Borders filmed ahead of the release of the final book where all we debated was "Snape: good or evil" for an hour. (When Borders ceased to exist as a company, there website and all content was wiped from the known internet world so...if you're wanting to internet sleuth it, be my guest, I would LOVE to ever see that footage again, but I've never been able to find it while scouring the world wide web.)
One of my best fandom friends flew to my house for a week for the release of Deathly Hallows so we could read and revel together. The next year I flew to Sweden to spend seventeen glorious days with two of my other best fandom friends who lived an hour outside of Stockholm.
I was one of the people who did the chance/lottery thing in order to be one of the only one million fans given the beta access to Pottermore when the site was first launched in 2011.
One of the things my stepdad and I initially were able to start bonding over when my mom got remarried was that he actually had read the books and loved them.
I watched A Very Potter Musical the first summer it came out on YouTube. Potter Puppet Pals. The shit show of content censoring on LiveJournal that spurred the creation of AO3 and a mass exodus to this fairly new social media thing called tumblr? I was there for all of it.
I went to DC and spent a week with another fandom BFF who I had not only a HP podcast with, but we also did a little over three years/four seasons of a Downton Abbey podcast together.
A couple of years after I graduated from college, did a year-long internship, then got my first full-time job, moved out, put a year under my belt there, and then started to realize I needed...hobbies and to meet new friends in my town, my aunt suggested I join some groups on meetup.com and I joined this one that was a HP book club on a silly goofy whim but I was like, psh, I'm not probably even going to go to that one... but the girl who organized it messaged me, personally invited me, they were only on the second week of the book club, and I decided to actually go and... went to that group of 25-30ish year old adult book club for three years. We cycled through the book series twice.
My first ever solo trip was to go to Harry Potter World in LA. I
That's the stuff I can define specifically for you when it comes to the deep roots Harry Potter has in my life.
But that's not even touching the deep roots it established in my identity and my worldview.
This was a world that launched my imagination as a CREATOR. I wrote hundreds of thousands of words in this fandom, created multiple WIP/AUs, established intricate head canons, and read absolutely more fanfics than I can even begin to count.
But the devastating thing for me - and I think so many of us...
This was a narrative that taught me about censorship, governmental corruption, acceptance, love, standing up for what was right. I remember when she came out saying Albus Dumbledore was gay and how controversial that was. That IRL adult Harry Potter Book Club? We fucking read Order of the Phoenix, Half-Blood Prince, and Deathly Hallows during the Trump presidency and at length discussed the horrors of the political similarities.
There are things now that I look back and see clearly were red flags... the name Cho Chang, lack of diversity in any major characters, calling Harry/Hermione shippers "delusional" in one of her biggest/most notable interviews by fans for fans and then coming out ten years later saying she was totally wrong and should have put H/Hr together...
Daniel Radcliffe wrote this essay for The Trevor Project in 2020 when the woman started to publicly make her reprehensible views known. He closes that essay in a way that resonated with me then and continues to be a balm to my soul now:
To all the people who now feel that their experience of the books has been tarnished or diminished, I am deeply sorry for the pain these comments have caused you. I really hope that you don’t entirely lose what was valuable in these stories to you. If these books taught you that love is the strongest force in the universe, capable of overcoming anything; if they taught you that strength is found in diversity, and that dogmatic ideas of pureness lead to the oppression of vulnerable groups; if you believe that a particular character is trans, nonbinary, or gender fluid, or that they are gay or bisexual; if you found anything in these stories that resonated with you and helped you at any time in your life — then that is between you and the book that you read, and it is sacred. And in my opinion nobody can touch that. It means to you what it means to you and I hope that these comments will not taint that too much.
Some people are boycotting the Wizarding World in its entirety - some on principle, some because it's too painful to entertain on any level - and I'm not going to tell anyone else what they should or should not do.
I'm doing what my soul longs for, which is a complete rejection of JKR and a reclamation of the parts of something that became irrevocably part of me and on so many levels made my life better. When I look at some of my merch, I get angry, want to give my sweatshirts away...
But when I think about the stories, the lore, the things that I wrote, the things some of my dearest friends wrote, the ideas that have recently percolated in my head? Those still bring me joy. Those still inspire me.
I think Harry Potter should get to belong to us - like Greek and Roman mythology, One Thousand and One Nights, Robin Hood, King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table.
If the Nicean Council got to bastardize/dictate/set the precedent for Christianity, why not us? And if you read down this far and are like, whoa, equating HP to a religion? That's a bit much... well. It was as personal to me as organized religion, which I'm also extricating myself from and have spent the past few years trying do sort out and define my own spirituality after coming to the point that I realized I needed to reject the organization I was born into and raised in.
As I said near the top of this post, I'm not looking for anyone to agree or disagree. I've documented some of what's been in my head and my heart here to sort it out for myself. There may be people out there who are grappling with the complications as much as I am, and so that's why I'm sharing this, but I will not be engaging in any arguments. Full stop.
And this is where I'll leave it.
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wolfpup026 · 1 year
7 of my comfort movies, thanks @cha-melodius​​ for the tag! 
Night at the Museum: It just makes me so happy
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Pirates of the Caribbean: I didn’t watch this when it first came out because I  was young and thought it’d be too scary. Then I watched the second movie at a birthday party and absolutely loved it.  
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Finding Nemo: Watched this a million times as a kid, it was the first movie that made me interested in 3D computer graphics, which is the field I work in now!
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Thor Ragnarok: My favorite Marvel movie! It’s so much fun. 
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Wedding Crashers: Owen is just too pretty in this
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Jurassic Park: Somehow I didn’t watch this until 2016 but I loved it immediately.
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The Last Jedi: I went from ‘Kylo Ren sucks’ after The Force Awakens to ‘he sucks and I love that about him’ after this movie
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caspianthegeek · 2 years
Ocean Tides
Crowley fell, the fake wooden sword held under his arm. The Them giggled as Adam rushed forward, hurrying to secure the prize they’d valiantly fought to win. The blond boy tugged the box that had been hurriedly painted to look like a treasure chest to where Aziraphale sat at a nearby picnic table.
“Sir Aziraphale, of the Royal Navy, do you vow to protect these valuables from all enemies?”
Aziraphale offered a small salute. “Why of course.”
Adam lowered his voice, “You’re not working with him are you?”
The angel made a show of placing his hand over his heart and looking insulted. “Who me? Never. Not in six thousand years would I even consider it.”
Crowley barked out a laugh and Adam narrowed his eyes and turned to dive back into the fray.
There was a thunk on the table next to Aziraphale as Anathema set her mug down just a little too hard, jarring him from his thoughts. The angel shook his head to clear it and turned his attention to the young lady at his side.
“Good afternoon, are you enjoying the party?” He asked politely.
Anathema waved to Crowley halfway up an apple tree surrounded by the band of children. “I am, though I’d say not as much as that lot. And your… partner?”
“Partner is as good a word as any,” Aziraphale agreed easily.
Anathema smiled. “He’s glowing with new relationship energy. Really you both are.”
“New?” His brows knit in confusion. “I’m afraid I don’t follow.”
“I thought that after the apocalypse…”
Aziraphale brightened. “Oh, things have changed. Perhaps the best explanation would be that we’ve found our freedom. Crowley’s more relaxed than I think I’ve seen him in ages, and we’re both ecstatic.”
Anathema took a sip of tea as she considered her words. “But your relationship… it’s not… maybe more physical?”
“Would it matter if it was?” Aziraphale took his time scooping up and taking a bite of the birthday cake that sat before him. “And what type of physicality? That move he’s using against Adam, I taught him that.” A simple memory of Crowley, a Caribbean ocean behind him and a ship under their feet. “I held his arms and guided his steps. Is that part of our relationship, or is it limited to only that which happens in a bedroom?” He paused and straightened the cuff of his jacket. “Not that activities need be limited to a single room.”
Their musings were interrupted by a battle cry from the children as they forced Crowley back onto a thin branch.
“I suppose it doesn’t matter, but for most people…”
With a soft pop, Crowley shifted into a snake, and wove his way higher in the tree, hissing at the children below him who started grousing that was cheating.
Aziraphale chuckled lightly. “Crowley and I, well, we’re not human. And we’ve been through so many societies. Even Adam and Eve decided to find a name for what they were. I suppose that’s natural seeing as they were tasked with naming, well, everything. There have been so many ways to describe relationships, and so many customs to dance around.”
Crowley fell to the ground in a heap before shifting back to his human form. There was a moment he stumbled and caught himself as he glanced up at Aziraphale.
“In the end, it’s only he and I. Or whatever pronouns we’re each using at any given time. Those can be a bit complicated as well.”
“But labels, they’re important. They’re how we figure things out, find each other.”
A memory of Crowley, ashen-faced and scared as they sat in the Ark and rain poured down, sprung to Aziraphale’s mind. He had asked the angel then, “But what are we?” Aziraphale didn’t have an answer. There were no others like them and perhaps never would be. Yet they’d tried over the years to explain themselves in human terms. Words were—
“Tools,” Aziraphale said softly. “Labels… are tools. When used appropriately, they bring understanding. But they must be ones we take up on our own, with the realisation that is who we are. Not thrust upon us.”
Newt slipped behind Anathema, haphazardly plonking a party hat on her head before joining the pirate-infused battle before them. She paused a moment, her hand resting on her own cheek as she watched after him. “I suppose some things are easier to put into words. Do you have a word that seems right to you?”
The word ineffable falling from Crowley’s lips. “Right now, ‘partner’ works as well as any. As we have been since we met on a wall in Eden, really.” He smiled softly as he took another bite of the cake. “Maybe one day there’ll be a word that feels perfect.”
Crowley slipped past the children and flopped on the chair next to Aziraphale, stealing a bite of cake with a mischievous grin. Anathema was right: he was happy and more relaxed. The angel hadn’t noticed, what with all the other rapid changes.
But that wasn’t new either, was it?
A gift given for the first time, an Arrangement made in a muddy field, and the gentle touch of Crowley’s hand. Their relationship, like the world around them, shifted to fit who they were becoming. And would that ever stop? How boring it would be to decide that you were at your final stage, with nothing else to experience or learn.
Crowley looked up at him, golden eyes bright. Aziraphale’s heart sped up in his chest, just as it had all those years ago. He hoped that would never change.
This story was written for Our Side Zine: Queer Enough, which you can still download here if you'd like.
You can also read it over on Ao3 here (kudos and comments always loved and appreciated).
As one of the production team on this zine, let me unequivocally again state: if you identify as LGBTQIA+ in any way you are enough. There's no litmus test you must reach, nor a specific action you must take. You are enough. And both Aziraphale and Crowley would reassure you of the same.
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glmtwnbrtz · 1 year
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hcrexcellency · 1 year
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☼☾ ( katherine mcnamara , 28 , she/her , cis woman , stuart 5 ) - have you seen JOANNA STUART?  we’ve heard through the grapevine that they’re GRACEFUL but also IMPATIENT. when you think of them , you think of A BOW AND ARROW CONCEALED UNDER A WARM CLOAK, THE SUN SHINING THROUGH A DEEP GREEN FOREST, AND HANDMADE JEWELRY OUT OF CRYSTALS.
"Mandy, are you playing Katherine McNamara as ANOTHER Scottish Royal?" Yes I am leave me alone jfeowaghawei
Name: Joanna Stuart Title: Princess of Scotland Age: 28 Birthday: November 27th (Sagittarius) Sexuality: Heterosexual Marital Status: Betrothed to Reuben Schellenberg Positive Traits: Graceful, creative, persistent, resourceful, intellectual Negative Traits: Impatient, stubborn, trigger-happy, arrogant. Hobbies: Archery, foraging, learning, crafting Family: King Graeme (father), Princess Isolde (sister), Princess Evelyn (sister)
The Story:
Joanna Stuart prides herself on not having much of her life's story be before her, rather than behind her. She grew up as the daughter of a great king, and therefore, she admired him as such. She was smart, in fact too smart for her own good, often times correcting people or offering up another perspective that could either make or break a conversation. It didn't help that she was sneaking into her father's counsel meetings as a young teenager, listening in on every diplomatic, political word. In her schooling, she was a gifted and quick reader and also learned several languages such as French, Italian, German, and, of course, Spanish. Joanna has been betrothed to the second Prince of Spain for as long as she can remember. It took all of her willpower to convince herself that she wasn't simply born and raised for the sole purpose of marriage. Joanna believes there can be more purpose to her than that. For instance, she took up archery as a hobby she can use to protect herself, but often presented it as a party trick to guests as Scottish Court or during their traditional festivals. But her defenses have fallen, her betrothal to Spain broken, and her future now looking to Liechtenstein. Regardless of where she is headed, she will always find a way to rise above those who underestimate her. Yet, fear creeps into the princess's mind about her future, as often as she wants to pretend she is optimistic that she can forge her own way. Now that she does love the man who will be her husband, the future is growing nearer and nearer, unsure if she is prepared for it all. Joanna's loyalty to Scotland and to her family comes first above the rest. It is evident in her father and sisters, and so that is her greatest desire as well. But what she truly wants is to be more promising than a marriage match, perhaps to one day fight for her country. In her spare time, Joanna (grateful for the ability to leave the castle) enjoys horse rides in the forest with her bow and arrow, she also likes learning, and can spend hours crafting little necklaces out of crystals. With her time in the woods, she has also learned how to dabble with poisonous herbs, but there is still room to learn more.
SIMILAR CHARACTERS: Kate Sharma (Bridgerton), Jasmine (Aladdin), Jane (Tarzan), Astrid (How to Train Your Dragon), Elizabeth (Pirates of the Caribbean), Katniss Everdeen (Hunger Games) Merida (Brave).
The Stuart Family. Chaotic and tumultuous, but loyal to their very core. Despite all their oddities, they share all the love in the world for each other. Graeme, her father, is the one she looks up to the most, but she worries for his health and his mind as his seer interferes more and more each days. Isolde, her eldest sister, is her best friend. She is the easiest to talk to, as they share similar secrets all the time. Evelyn, her second sister, is the one who makes her family, and Scotland, proud. Joanna could never hope to be as brave as her.
Reuben Schellenberg. Fiancé. After a masquerade ball ended in tragedy, Joanna met Reuben and they stole away to a trip in the woods, which lead to beginnings of a secret affair that burned to hot to stay hidden, or without true feeling, for very long. As rumors flew about the castle, their relationship came to a heartbreaking end, yet their story was not finished. Her father's spies caught them in one last embrace, and in his anger, made an honest betrothal out of their rebellious behavior. So they must make this torrid affair into a real marriage, but that does not come without its challenges.
Blair Gillies. Family friend. Raised alongside the Stuart sisters, Joanna views the Lord Blair as the closest thing she could ever have to a brother. Despite that, she has often teased him for his closeness with her sister, Evelyn, often predicting their inevitable wedded union. To this day, she still believes they love each other, but now she is not so bold to say it, knowing how they'd both react.
Valentina Markov. Best friend. She stuck out to Joanna upon asking her to dance in the rain in Paris, begging anyone who would listen to just forget the palace for one simple moment. She knew then that Valentina was a friend she wanted to keep around. Her selfish ambitions towards a new husband and crown only made her that much more impressive to her.
Jakob Hölm. Ex-Lover. A year ago, Joanna traveled to Austria for her studies abroad. But she met a kind Prince with a heart of gold and an inclination for archery, same as her. Their affair was for a Summer season, and she almost grew to love him, but when the Queen of Austria caught them, she was banished and forbidden from the relationship. She mourned their time together, but it sharpened her knives, making her much more politically-minded.
Conspirators. More advantageous than a marriage, to Joanna, is a political ally. They are gossips, exchanging intel and information to one another for their own gain.
Teacher. Though King Graeme is a wonderful teacher, Joanna is also excited to be in Versailles to learn from kings and queens around her (maybe even steal some of their tactics). If anyone is a master with poisons, they could definitely have something to teach her in that regard, since she is eager to learn more about that.
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progiftreview · 8 months
Disney Pirates Of Caribbean Hawaiian Shirt, Mickey And Friends A Pirates Life Summer Hawaiian
The Disney Pirates of the Caribbean Hawaiian Shirt is a trendy and fashionable clothing item that combines the magic of Disney with the adventurous spirit of pirates. This eye-catching shirt features bold and vibrant colors, making it the perfect summer staple for both men and women. One of the main reasons why this Hawaiian shirt is so popular is because it showcases iconic characters from the Disney franchise, Mickey and his friends, embracing the pirate lifestyle. The shirt's design beautifully captures their playful and mischievous personalities, as they are seen wearing pirate outfits and striking fierce poses. This unique blend of Disney and pirate themes makes this shirt a must-have for fans of both worlds. In addition to its captivating design, the Disney Pirates of the Caribbean Hawaiian Shirt is made using high-quality materials that ensure comfort and durability. It is crafted from a soft and breathable fabric, making it perfect for hot summer days or tropical vacations. The shirt's loose and relaxed fit also adds to its comfort, allowing for ease of movement and unrestricted enjoyment. What makes this shirt even more appealing is that it is a versatile piece of clothing suitable for various occasions. It can be worn casually for a day at the beach, a backyard barbecue, or even a themed Disney party. Its vibrant colors and unique design are sure to catch the attention of others and spark conversations about Disney and Pirates of the Caribbean. The Disney Pirates of the Caribbean Hawaiian Shirt is not just a fashion statement; it is also a great gift option for any Disney enthusiast or fan of the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise. Whether it's for a birthday, anniversary, or just to show appreciation, this shirt is a thoughtful and memorable gift that can be cherished for years to come. Furthermore, this shirt is available in a wide range of sizes, ensuring that there is one to fit every body type. It can be purchased online or at Disney merchandise stores, making it easily accessible to Disney fans around the world. Overall, the Disney Pirates of the Caribbean Hawaiian Shirt is a stylish and versatile clothing item that combines the magic of Disney with the adventurous spirit of pirates. Its captivating design, comfortable fit, and high-quality materials make it a perfect summer essential for both men and women. Whether you're a Disney fan, a Pirates of the Caribbean enthusiast, or simply looking for a unique and fun gift, this shirt is sure to delight and impress.
Get it here : Disney Pirates Of Caribbean Hawaiian Shirt, Mickey And Friends A Pirate’s Life Summer Hawaiian
Home Page : tshirtslowprice.com
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fireengineadventures · 11 months
As your kid is turning 12, it would be their last birthday before they join the teenage club. So, this is high time to get creative with Kids’ Party ideas in Melbourne and make it an epic celebration.
If you want to create a truly unforgettable experience for your kid on their 12th birthday, choose some innovative ideas considering their personality, preferences, and the types of friends they have.
Check out these 7 creative birthday party ideas that can make your 12-year-old kid’s birthday a massive success –
1.    Fantasy Wonderland
Children love to live with imaginations of fantasies. Let your child’s imagination run wild by creating a Fantasy Wonderland. Choose a story from your child’s favourite fantasy stories, such as Harry Potter, The Chronicles of Narnia, or Alice in Wonderland. You can also incorporate a tea party, themed dinner party, or magical potion station as Kids’ Party Entertainment in Melbourne and request your guests to dress up as their favourite characters.
2.    Laser Tag Party
Do you want to include some energetic entertainment for your large group of bunny guests? Then, arrange a laser tag party where these kids have guaranteed fun. Choose a spacious venue like an outdoor area or park for this theme party where they can have free access to bunkers and other objects to hide behind.
3.    Space Odyssey
Is your kid an astrophile or obsessed with all celestial things? Then, what about creating a Space Odyssey theme to take them on an interstellar journey? Include stars, planets, and other celestial bodies as your decorating items, and set up a telescope for star-gazing. Ask all kids to dress up as astronauts.
4.    Pirate Adventure
For all Pirates of the Caribbean fans, hosting a Pirate Adventure-themed birthday party would be an awesome idea. You can transform your backyard with necessary equipment like a treasure chest, a treasure map, and pirate dress with hats for scavenger hunts. Then, add some relevant activities like walking the plank or treasure chest decoration to make these Kids’ Birthday Parties in Melbourne more exciting.
5.    BTS Themed Party for A.R.M.Y
Everyone deniably loves BTS! If many of your twelve-year-old guests are also counted as the A.R.M.Y of BTS, then you can be creative with a BTS-themed birthday party. From selective soundtracks to balloon decorations and BTS-themed cake – include all their favourite K-pop elements in this theme party.
6.    Carnival Extravaganza
Let your 12-year-old kids feel the excitement of a carnival by setting up a carnival-themed party – Carnival Extravaganza! Include some carnival games, a cotton candy machine, a popcorn machine, and a mini-Ferris wheel in your backyard. Adding colourful decorations and clown artists would also make this Kids’ Party Entertainment in Melbourne more realistic.
7.    Fire Engine Adventures
Jazz up your party fun with an authentic fire truck! Hire a fire engine for your young guests and their parents and let them have the adventure of riding on a real fire truck. This creative theme is also hassle-free as professionals will help your guests ride on the truck and make them feel comfortable. To hire a red flashy fire truck, contact Fire Engine Adventures and create beautiful birthday memories to be cherished later.
Final Considerations
With a little research, preparation, and attention to detail, you can be creative with Kids’ Party ideas in Melbourne and will create unlimited fun and awesome memories for children. So, happy party planning!
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huahongtoys · 2 years
A simple face mask can go a long way to dressing a child up
  A marvel superhero party is the perfect time for your child to become their favorite webcrawler, mutant freak or god of thunder. Issue "back stage passes" to each of the lucky, little guests to this rock gig. Send out invitations to each of your child;s friends inviting them to dress as their favorite Lord of the Rings character. Remove Eeyore;s tail and have your blindfolded kiddies try to put it back in place.Planning your child;s birthday party is one of the most fun parts of being a parent. Add rock candy for kryptonite, Spiderman cupcakes, and pop art decorations. Delight them with sweet and delicious honey treats.
All you need now is a few little hobbits - luckily you have plenty of those! Winnie The Pooh There's nothing more adorable than Pooh and Tigger, except for your child dressed up in costume as them. A simple face mask can go a long way to dressing a child up as a superhero. Pooh loves honey and so do little kids. Its a time to be creative and give your child a unique experience they will remember for years. Of course every pirate themed birthday party also needs to have a treasure hunt for Spanish gold, and don;t forget X always marks the spot! Add a Pirates of the Caribbean bouncy castle for even more piratical fun. Kid;s birthday parties are an opportunity for you to let your imagination go wild. Pirates Of The Caribbean A birthday party is a perfect time to indulge in a little high sea piracy.
They love to sing and dance so why not give them an opportunity for their next birthday. Unlock your inner event planner and create a birthday neither your child nor their friends will soon forget!. If you are looking for a fun game to play, then how about "Pin the tail on Eeyore". Rock Star Party Kids are natural performers. Temporary pirate tattoos, skull rings and skull beaded necklaces make for great prizes for pass the parcel and pin the peg on the pirate. Pirate hats and matching eye patches can be picked up cheaply at your local dollar store or Walmart. Buy Winnie the Pooh coloring books, give the kids some crayon, and hand out prizes to the most artistically inclined. A rock star themed party can be real fun, even if a little noisy.
Here are five unique ideas to make sure that your child's next birthday is something really special. Comic books are of course the perfect prize for lucky children. Have a paper mache "Treebeard" at the entry to the party to invite all of the guests to Middle Earth. Remember to check out party rental companies for rentals and supplies they have that will complement your party theme. Rocker hair wigs and fake tattoos will set it up just right for them. Marvel Superheroes With an endless stream of Marvel movies at the cinema, children will love dressing up as their favorite comic book heroes. Use vinyl records, music notes and guitars Christmas inflatables manufacturers to set the right back drop for your party. Lord Of The Rings What child doesn;t love wizards and faires? So why not turn your backyard into a little piece of middle earth
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whalesloveyou · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Pirates Of The Caribbean charm Bracelet.
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Hello, again! I write book release posts on my book blog, China Sorrows. But I like them to be specifically for books I'm personally excited about. In looking for 2023 releases I came across quite a few books I don't want to read but which would probably be really exciting to other people, so here some are.
Quick note- because I'm not covering them on my blog I didn't hunt through various sources and if the one I found doesn't list a synopsis, I won't. I also don't list synopsis for sequels in case of spoilers.
On A Wire: A Novel by Ryan Lill-Washington (queer)
Night of the Living Queers edited by Alex Brown (queer)
Authors including Shelly Page, Kalynn Bayron, Sara Farizan, Kosoko Jackson, Tara Sim, Rebecca Kim Wells, Trang Thanh Tran, Vanessa Montalban
Things I'll Never Say by Cassandra Newbould (queer)
Ten years ago, the Scar Squad promised each other nothing would tear them apart. They stuck together through thick and thin, late-night surf sessions and after school spodies. Even when Casey Jones Caruso lost her twin brother Sammy to an overdose, and their foursome became a threesome, the squad picked each other up. But when Casey’s feeling for the remaining members—Francesca and Benjamin—develop into romantic attraction, she worries the truth will dissolve them and vows to ignore her heart. Then Ben kisses Casey at a summer party, and Frankie kisses another girl. Now Casey must confront all the complicated feelings she’s buried—for her friends and for her brother who she’s totally pissed at for dying. Since Sammy’s death, Casey has spilled all the things she can no longer say to him in journals, and now more than ever, she wishes he were here to help her decide whether she should guard her heart or bet it on love, before someone else makes the decision for her.
Star Tent: A Triptych by Amie Whittemore (queer)
poetry collection featuring alien abductions, black holes, and weird-ass sestinas
The Wicked Bargain By Gabe Cole Novoa (nonbinary)
On Mar León de la Rosa’s sixteenth birthday, el Diablo comes calling. Mar is a transmasculine nonbinary teen pirate hiding a magical ability to manipulate fire and ice. But their magic isn’t enough to reverse a wicked bargain made by their father, and now el Diablo has come to collect his payment: the soul of Mar’s father and the entire crew of their ship.  When Mar is miraculously rescued by the sole remaining pirate crew in the Caribbean, el Diablo returns to give them a choice: give up their soul to save their father by the harvest moon, or never see him again. The task is impossible–Mar refuses to make a bargain, and there’s no way their magic is a match for el Diablo. Then Mar finds the most unlikely allies: Bas, an infuriatingly arrogant and handsome pirate–and the captain’s son; and Dami, a gender-fluid demonio whose motives are never quite clear. For the first time in their life, Mar may have the courage to use their magic. It could be their only redemption–or it could mean certain death.
A Tale of Two Princes by Eric Geron (gay)
Edward Dinnissen leads a charmed life. He’s the Crown Prince of Canada, gets the royal treatment at his exclusive private school, and resides in a ritzy mansion. He thrives off being the perfect prince as he prepares for the Investiture Ceremony on his eighteenth birthday, the final step in his role as heir—and Canada’s future king. But this closeted Crown Prince has just one tiny problem: he’s unsure how to tell his parents, his beloved country, and his adoring fans that he’s gay. Billy Boone should be happy with the simple life. His family’s ranch is his favorite place in the world, he loves his small town, and his boyfriend is the cutest guy at Little Timber High. So why does it feel like something’s still missing? Maybe it has to do with the fact that this out-and-proud cowboy feels destined for more . . . When Edward and Billy meet by chance in New York City, they discover that they are long-lost twins, and their lives are forever changed. Together, will these twin princes—“twinces”—be able to take on high school, coming out, and coronations? Or will this royal reunion quickly become a royal wreck?
Last Chance Dance by Lakita Wilson (Black, bi)
Leila is crushed when Dev, her boyfriend of four years, breaks up with her right before graduation. Just when she’s thinking she wasted her entire high school experience on a dead-end relationship, her best friend Bree reminds her that Last Chance Dance is just around the corner. A high school tradition, the Last Chance Dance gives all the students one last opportunity to find love before they graduate. All Leila has to do is submit three unrequited crushes to the dance committee and if any of her crushes list her too, they’ll get matched. Presto: new relationship, just like that. To her utter amazement, Leila is matched with all three of her choices—and with someone she never expected, Tre Hillman, her chemistry partner and low-key nemesis.  Though at times skeptical, Leila embarks on her Last Chance Dance mission—trying out her matches and going on dates. If Dev wasn’t her true love—then maybe someone else is. She knows it’s definitely not Tre, even though he seems more and more determined to convince her he’s right for her. But as graduation and the dance approaches, and each date seems to change her mind (and her heart)—Leila must figure out what—and who—she really wants. It’s her last chance, right?
The Last Catastrophe: Stories by Allegra Hyde
A vast caravan of RVs roam the United States. A girl grows a unicorn horn, complicating her small-town friendships and big city ambitions. A young lady on a spaceship bonds with her AI warden while trying to avoid an arranged marriage. In Allegra Hyde’s universe nothing is as it seems, yet the challenges her characters face mirror those of our modern age. Spanning the length of our very solar system, the fifteen stories in this collection explore a myriad of potential futures, all while reminding us that our world is precious, and that protecting it has the potential to bring us all together.
The Principle of Moments by Esmie Jikiemi-Pearson (queer)
In self-deified Emperor Thracin’s brave new galaxy, Humans are not citizens. Instead, they are laborers indentured to the empire, working to repay the billions in debt they unwittingly incurred when they settled on Gahraan—a planet already owned by someone else. Asha Akindele has lived her whole life on Gahraan, eking out an existence between factory assembly lines and constant terror—studying stolen aeronautics manuals in the dead of night and trying not to get herself killed for mouthing off to a guard. Then she discovers she has a sister imprisoned by the Emperor, and is forced to make a choice: stay enslaved, but relatively safe, or escape and risk everything in the name of family. Obi Amadi is a time-traveller, sick with a legendary disease. Armed only with his prosthetic arm, his ever-constant melancholy, and the humour he uses to mask it, he has spent years travelling through time and space in search of a cure for the sickness currently unmaking him limb by limb. His mandate: Find the cure, go home. And maybe figure out along the way if the prince he thinks sometimes he might love could be that home. When Obi saves Asha’s life, they make a pact: both will do all they can to get the other to the Emperor’s stronghold unscathed. With the reluctant aid of Xavior, a mouthy deckhand with a mysterious past, Asha and Obi attempt to navigate a galaxy that hates them to find the things they both believe will make them whole. But a prophecy has started that has other plans, and not only is Asha forced to make a terrible choice, she must soon reckon with the legacy of an ancient religion and its heroes, who may be awakening, reincarnated in ways beyond her comprehension.
The Memory Eater by Rebecca Mahoney (sapphic)
For generations, a monster called the Memory Eater has lived in the caves of Whistler Beach, Maine, surviving off the unhappy memories of those who want to forget. And for generations, the Harlows have been in charge of keeping her locked up—and keeping her fed. After her grandmother dies, seventeen-year-old Alana Harlow inherits the family business. But there’s something Alana doesn’t know: the strange gaps in her memory aren’t from an accident. Her memories have been taken—eaten. And with them, she’s lost the knowledge of how to keep the monster contained. Now the Memory Eater is loose. Alana’s mistake could cost Whistler Beach everything—unless she can figure out how to retrieve her memories and recapture the monster. But as Alana delves deeper into her family’s magic and the history of her town, she discovers a shocking secret at the center of the Harlow family business and learns that tampering with memories always comes at a price.
Running by Lindsey A. Freeman (queer)
In Running, former NCAA Division I track athlete Lindsey A. Freeman presents the feminist and queer handbook of running that she always wanted but could never find. For Freeman, running is full of joy, desire, and indulgence in the pleasure and weirdness of having a body. It allows for a space of freedom—to move and be moved. Through tender storytelling of a lifetime wearing running shoes, Freeman considers injury and recovery, what it means to run as a visibly queer person, and how the release found in running comes from a desire to touch something that cannot be accessed when still. Running invites us to run through life, legging it out the best we can with heart and style.
The Librarian of Burned Books by Brianna Labuskes (queer)
Berlin 1933. Following the success of her debut novel, American writer Althea James receives an invitation from Joseph Goebbels himself to participate in a culture exchange program in Germany. For a girl from a small town in Maine, 1933 Berlin seems to be sparklingly cosmopolitan, blossoming in the midst of a great change with the charismatic new chancellor at the helm. Then Althea meets a beautiful woman who promises to show her the real Berlin, and soon she’s drawn into a group of resisters who make her question everything she knows about her hosts—and herself. Paris 1936. She may have escaped Berlin for Paris, but Hannah Brecht discovers the City of Light is no refuge from the anti-Semitism and Nazi sympathizers she thought she left behind. Heartbroken and tormented by the role she played in the betrayal that destroyed her family, Hannah throws herself into her work at the German Library of Burned Books. Through the quiet power of books, she believes she can help counter the tide of fascism she sees rising across Europe and atone for her mistakes. But when a dear friend decides actions will speak louder than words, Hannah must decide what stories she is willing to live—or die—for. New York 1944. Since her husband Edward was killed fighting the Nazis, Vivian Childs has been waging her own war: preventing a powerful senator’s attempts to censor the Armed Service Editions, portable paperbacks that are shipped by the millions to soldiers overseas. Viv knows just how much they mean to the men through the letters she receives—including the last one she got from Edward. She also knows the only way to win this battle is to counter the senator’s propaganda with a story of her own—at the heart of which lies the reclusive and mysterious woman tending the American Library of Nazi-Banned Books in Brooklyn. As Viv unknowingly brings her censorship fight crashing into the secrets of the recent past, the fates of these three women will converge, changing all of them forever. Inspired by the true story of the Council of Books in Wartime—the WWII organization founded by booksellers, publishers, librarians, and authors to use books as “weapons in the war of ideas”—The Librarian of Burned Books is an unforgettable historical novel, a haunting love story, and a testament to the beauty, power, and goodness of the written word.
The Family Fortuna by Lindsay Eagar (queer)
Beaked. Feathered. Monstrous. Avita was born to be a star. Her tent sells out nightly, and every performance incites bloodcurdling screams. She’s the most lucrative circus act from Texas to Tacoma, the crown jewel of the Family Fortuna, and Avita feeds on the shrieks, the gasps, the fear. But when a handsome young artist arrives to create posters of the performers, she’s appalled by his rendering of Bird Girl. Is that all he sees? A hideous monster—all sharp beak and razor teeth, obsidian eyes and ruffled feathers? Determined to be more, Avita devises a plan to snatch freedom out from under the greased mustache of her charismatic father, the domineering proprietor and ringmaster. But will their fragile circus family survive the showdown she has in mind? By turns delightful and disturbing, bawdy and breathtaking, horrific and heartfelt, this electric and exquisitely crafted story about a family like no other challenges our every notion of what it means to be different—subject to an earful of screams—and to step out of the shadows and shine anyway.
Infamous by Lex Croucher (sapphic)
Twenty-two-year-old aspiring writer Edith (“Eddie”) Miller and her best friend Rose have always done everything together—from climbing trees and sneaking bottles of wine, to extensive kissing practice. But Rose has started talking about marriage, and Eddie is horrified. Why can’t they continue as they always have? Then Eddie meets charming, renowned poet Nash Nicholson––a rival of Lord Byron, if he does say so himself––and he welcomes her into his world of eccentric artists and boundary-breaking visionaries. When Eddie receives an invitation to Nash's crumbling Gothic estate in the countryside, promising inspiration (and time to finish her novel, a long-held dream), she eagerly agrees. But the pure hedonism and debauchery that ensues isn’t exactly what she had in mind, and Eddie soon finds herself torn between her complicated feelings for Rose and her equally complicated dynamic with Nash, whose increasingly bad behavior doesn’t match up to her vision for her literary hero. Will Eddie be forced to choose between her friendship with Rose and her literary dreams––or will she be able to write her own happily ever after?
The Third Daughter by Adrienne Tooley (sapphic)
THE THIRD DAUGHTER is a sapphic YA fantasy out next summer about emotional girls doing desperate things to save their families/country/souls from a corrupt church intent on seizing the throne.
Cleat Cute by Meryl Wilsner (sapphic)
CLEAT CUTE is about a rookie and a veteran battling for a spot on the World Cup roster who realize cooperation may be better than competition, both on and off the field
Cassidy is Queen by Cameron James (sapphic)
Endpapers by Jennifer Savran Kelly (queer)
It’s 2003, and artist Dawn Levit is stuck. A bookbinder who works in conservation at the Met, she spends her free time scouting the city’s street art, hoping something might spark inspiration. Instead, everything looks like a dead end. And art isn’t the only thing that feels wrong: wherever she turns, her gender identity clashes with the rest of her life. Her relationship, once anchored by shared queerness, is falling apart as her boyfriend Lukas increasingly seems to be attracted to Dawn only when she’s at her most masculine. Meanwhile at work, Dawn has to present as female, even on the days when that isn’t true. Either way, her difference feels like a liability. Then, one day at work, Dawn finds something hidden behind the endpaper of an old book: the torn-off cover of a ‘50s lesbian pulp novel, Turn Her About. On the front is a campy illustration of a woman looking into a handheld mirror and seeing a man’s face. And on the back is a love letter. Dawn latches onto the coincidence, becoming obsessed with tracking down the note’s author. Her fixation only increases when her best friend Jae is injured in a hate crime, for which Dawn feels responsible. As Dawn searches for the letter’s author, she is also looking for herself. She tries to understand how to live in a world that doesn’t see her as she truly is, how to get unstuck in her gender, and how to rediscover her art, and she can’t shake the feeling that the note’s author might be able to help guide her to the answers. 
Sterling Karat Gold by Isabel Waidner (nonbinary)
Sterling Beckenbauer is plunged into a terrifying and nonsensical world one morning when they are attacked, then unfairly arrested, in their neighborhood in London. With the help of their friends, Sterling hosts a trial of their own in order to exonerate themselves and to hold the powers that be to account.
A Manual for How to Love Us by Erin Slaughter
Seamlessly shifting between the speculative and the blindingly real, balancing the bizarre with the subtle brutality of the mundane, A Manual for How to Love Us is a tender portrait of women trying their best to survive, love, and find genuine meaning in the aftermath of loss. In these unconventional and unpredictably connected stories, Erin Slaughter shatters the stereotype of the soft-spoken, sorrowful woman in distress, queering the domestic and honoring the feral in all of us. In each story, grieving women embrace their wildest impulses as they attempt to master their lives: one woman becomes a “gazer” at a fraternity house, another slowly moves into her otherworldly stained-glass art, a couple speaks only in their basement’s black box, and a thruple must decide what to do when one partner disappears. The women in Erin Slaughter’s stories suffer messy breaks, whisper secrets to the ghosts tangled in the knots of their hair, eat raw meat to commune with their inner wolves, and build deadly MLM schemes along the Gulf Coast.
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Pirates of the Caribbean Birthday Cake!
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thekenobee · 3 years
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Roger Allam born on 26th October 1953 🎂 (68 years of being terrific and brilliant)!
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