#Placeholder Tech Tag
Fuck it, Tech's going on the list now
He has a Placeholder tag for the time being but I'll update the Carrd ASAP
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butchhansolo · 1 year
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witty caption
this post is scheduled to go up as im in the middle of writing my exam aheehee also ty to @wwheeljack for the ref request
++with ref and timelapse
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vinkandpaint · 6 months
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idk my bff rose
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abronzeagegod · 1 year
Meet Aeth
Aeth (pronounced like 8th) is a person who unsubscribed from the gender binary many years ago, and has worked in tech support for just as long. (it's a good job, they're good at it, it's a public service so they've got job security, they meet so many interesting people, and the union is very good) . They are also the protagonist of the third person version of this story.
They are smart, a bit soft and quiet, and an extremely good listener. Aeth had a bad time as child with some stuff that will be a mystery for us to get into later. They know tech, they know a bit of magic, and they have a lot of faith in things will get better (maybe).
Aeth really really likes their best friend Lyta (who was once named Lytha but the names changed slightly) but are not self-assured about any of this "romance with my best friend" thing so every little nice thing Lyta does is "oh she's so nice I bet she does this for all of her friends" (she doesn't).
Their luck: Bad, all the time
They really like:
their job
reading YA science fiction stories (they like the easy reading, the stories full of emotion and battles and identity, and none of that "grr i'm so dark look at all this murder and sexual violence" that comes with adult science fiction a lot of the times)
playing the fifth most populated MMO Future Myths but primarily as a farming and base building simulator and almost not at all for the combat
truly trashy tv like And the Fifth Rose was Black but that's only because Lyta got them into it
their coworker Lyta
their plants in their apartment
they are neutral on:
house pets, they don't like or hate them, they are always mildly concerned about their well-being in a way that makes them anxious (they very much want to pet someone else's pet though)
mangoes, for some reason every restaurant they've gone to in the last year or so has been doing mango everything and they don't get the hype, they're fine just not the greatest thing ever
most social media, they just don't really understand how to use it
bugs, they don't hate them or like them, Lyta hates them though
hats, they just don't have a strong opinion on hats
they hate vehemently:
raw tomatoes, they are bad and have no place on sandwiches
rodents, particularly the pest kind, it's bordering on a phobia actually
any and all dating apps
the writer Lo Wertophilous and their cookie cutter, by the numbers, bullshit stupid plots, bad characters, insulting """"""Controversial""""" messaging that is neither controversial nor interesting, they're a hack and they should feel bad (think Dan Brown of this world)
the season 2 finale of The Third Sun Rises, don't even get them started, the rant will last for at least two hours
the final entry in the Polarity game series, they don't hate it so much as they were just extremely disappointed which is somehow worse
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an-asuryampasya · 2 years
man one of these days I'll cave and end up making a post that romanticises the heck out of concrete
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welcometo79s · 23 days
Clones and what characters they are in this fandom
this is a joke post... okay half-joke
Hunter: the straight woman bait
Echo: the bad takes magnet
Tech: the reason the fix-it fics exist
Wrecker: the underrated one with the most dedicated fanbase
Crosshair: the "i can fix him" character, born sopping wet in a cardboard box
Fives: that one character nobody dislikes
Hardcase: the explanation for whenever something chaotic or random happens in a post
Tup: the soft and sensitive boi
Rex: gets put into every genre of fic, every scenario, every ship under the sun and every AU
Cody: that one character whose tag is 80% ship content
Jesse: placeholder in incorrect quotes
Kix: the nice one
Wolffe: baby's first yandere
Fox: the homicidal one who really likes head scritches and snuggles and being wrapped in a blanket—
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got some sketches of the band au
Note: these are not final, design's are likely going to change when i eventually clean them up. they all technically have 2 outfits (onstage n offstage) these are just the onstage fits
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idk what to make the tag for this au tbh "kinitopet band au" seems kinda boring... ANYWAYS! Have a terrible overview of the concept so far. n the band members too ig
Meet the KinitoBAND (placeholder name while i think, i'm open to suggestions though). They're a rather niche yet beloved band who play a multitude of different genres. all of their songs have a rather upbeat nature, or, they used to. lately they've been leaning more into rock and sometimes it just gets a little... strange... wonder why that is? they're actually more like vocaloids(???) that are programmed like Kinito with the react response algorithm (Kinito's i more advanced, but they've all got it) so if they ever did interact it'd be alright. the programmer (Sonny C) had initially only meant for there to be a vocalist but there was a decision somewhere to make a band (so there's a drummer and a guitarist too)
Let's get into the characters
Kinito The vocalist + tech Kinito is a fan-favourite, to be expected of the one who is always in view front 'n center. personality-wise he's similar to his canon counterpart, just a bit (emphasis on bit) more chill. i've imagined him to get a little... parasocial with his fans who probably just went for the music. he has a bit of a persona on stage, you could say. he's more energetic and in general might be a little more aggressive than usual, especially lately.
Sam The drummer Sam isn't quite as popular as Kinito, but he's got quite a few fans who might not gravitate towards Kinito like almost all the promotional material wants you to or people who like the drums. personality - Sam has a calm, almost 'cool guy' demeanor. he acts relitivley the same on and off stage. Jade the guitarist Jade, unfortunately, is the least popular member of the band. She's got a couple devoted fans, but noticeably less than the others. just as intended. personality- she's quite resourceful and the most upfront about things of the band. she's generally louder than the others, not on purpose, she's just not the best at maintain a good speaking volume.
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wilted3sunflowers · 1 year
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this family is cursed with the marking of overblot usually on the face, maybe a few other places but theyre not overblotted
This is one of the twisted ocs I always wanted to show but I never finished him enough to show him However since I'm cleaning out files I suppose now is as good as any to show both him and his younger brother.
Based around the myth of the cursed and unlucky black cats in a small part
The older brother is in diasomnia and has a very detached personality. Neutral and numb. He isnt ashamed of his family line but its not exactly a thing he finds pride in. He has great power yet never actually exerts it. Doesn't stop everyone from avoiding him anyways in the College. No matter where he walks almost everyone [exceptions of cater, Leona, some in diasomnia and of course his brother] will avoid him like the plague.
Oddly enough, he likes when people have enough audacity to be rude. His favorite games[…for the wrong reason] are tag and magishift. He likes being chased. I found the idea that cater isn't too intimidated with him if only because he's shown he has no bite unlike Leona, so cater sometimes capitalizes on him for his magigram for a unique picture of 'the family "responsible" for overblottings'
His younger brother who I had nicknamed as 'tech kitty' as a placeholder is your classic shitty online troll. He loves trying to ruin things for iida. He also takes advantage of his brothers reputation sometimes and when the stands are clear on one side all because his brother is sitting up there, it's free space to sit without the hassle. However he claims no relation to his brother to the student body and is quick to say
"do all catbeasts look the same to you?!" To make others backtrack and apologize. He doesn't want to deal with the social stigma that comes with being apart of this family. Tech kitty knows his brother is a freak much better than he himself knows since his brother doesn't do any self introspection and seems to barely even pay attention to the world itself.
It was said the first ancestor was the cause of someone overblotting, depending on the story it was them who kept pulling strings leading the person overworked and stressed/feeling hopeless and overwhelmed/ etc or another is that they were the one so put tortured by life they became the first person to overblot and ravaged the land leading to a sorcerer marking the family for eternity for their wretched doings being seen as the one to cause all others suffering with the threat of overblot its lost to time story if they caused someone else to overblot or if the first ancestor was the overblot victim its swayed to who tells it.
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The "Teacher is Teruko's Brother" Theory
(Before we properly start, I think I should say that I am using @xmicrophonyx's names when talking about the Alt-DRDT characters. I probably didn't have to say that because Teacher's name makes it the most obvious who he is, but just thought I'd get it out of the way) (Also, everyone seems to be using the tag #AltDRDT for talk about this new cast, so that is what I will be using as a placeholder name for the fangan until we get the actual name. I hope this won't be too confusing !! - From the day the Alt-DRDT cast was released, people have been theorizing that certain members of the cast might be siblings to the main DRDT cast. The most prominent one I see is that Scale might be Charles' dead older brother Elliot, which I do think has a bit more weight to it (see my previous post on Alt-DRDT for that) but I am on the fence of believing. A few of my discord friends theorized that Min and XF could be siblings due to their similar eye color, which I don't believe at all due to what we know of Min's homelife and what led to her encountering XF-Ture-Tech in the first place (though those two undoubtably have beef and I am so excited to see it) However, there is one sibling theory that I think has a massive chance to actually be canon in the DRDTverse, one that I've seen around a couple of times... ...Why the fuck am I trying to build suspense, you read the title. I think that Teacher is the brother that Teruko mentions in CH1-4.
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I think this has a lot more evidence surrounding it then the other sibling theories I've seen. So take a seat and let me explain why ! I mean duh that's what this post is about - In this post, I want to talk about their designs and how they contrast each other
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graphic design is my passion /joke /ref So there are already three, count-em three! Things that I think are very important For one, Teruko and Teacher basically have the exact same skin color.
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Teacher Other than the very very tiny difference in hue that you could basically only see if you squint, I think it's safe to say they have the exact same skin color. > "But Haru, you incredibly pretty sun demon ! Skin color isn't enough to consider someone related !" Firstly, thank you for calling me pretty :D. And second of all, I am aware. But in conjunction with my next point I think you will see why I decided to mention this first. Which leads me to my next point, and one that I've seen talked about quite a lot already: In all of the art currently out of Teacher, his eyes are closed. There's obviously his full-body which I just showed, but even in unrelated art, his eyes are shut
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Eyes completely sealed. Now, I don't think it's a stretch to say that DRDT-Dev really likes eyes, specifically hiding things related to a character in their eyes. And eyes in general have shown to be a very useful plot point on multiple occasions So the fact that Teacher's eyes are always closed definitely brings some attention, and part of me highly doubts it is just a design choice. There is a reason why Teacher's eyes have not been shown to us. Perhaps...sharing an eye color with someone? And with the first point acquired of Teacher and Teruko sharing skin colors, I don't think it's a stretch to say Teacher might be sharing Teruko's eye color as well. Now I will admit, that is mostly speculation. However there is undoubtably a reason as for why Teacher's eyes aren't shown, and with the added fact of the two sharing skin colors. It's definitely a likely possibility. - Now for my third point in relation to designs, which is the color schemes of both Teruko and Teacher
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For starters, their color schemes are actually not that different from each other when you really look at them, both comprising mostly of neutrals (white, black, brown, and grey) with one particularly popping color. And it's that color in particular that I want to talk about Teruko's color is green, meanwhile Teacher's color is red. And I bring this up for two reasons Firstly, green and red are the most well-known complimentary colors, and considering Fire and Ice (two characters that are speculated and basically confirmed siblings) also have main colors across the color wheel from each other, I find that decision to be very interesting But I didn't just mention this to nerd out about color theory...okay I kinda did but that's not the only reason I mentioned color schemes. Because there is one more point I want to make, and it's one I'm honestly surprised no one has mentioned yet Teacher's color is red. Do you guys remember the QNA? Specifically, do you remember the favorite colors question and what Teruko's answer was?
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Red. Reasoning: association. I think that in of itself is very revealing, but the extra information that red is Teruko's favorite color because of association is really the icing on the cake. > But Haru ! We haven't seen a design of Teacher from back then ! You can't be sure that that would be the reason for Teruko's favorite color ! True, but at the same time if we take this in consideration with the other two pieces of evidence, I highly doubt that this could be a coincidence. If Teacher really is Teruko's brother, then him being the association she has with the color red makes a lot of sense, especially considering red is literally the only non-neutral color in Teacher's design, and as such it sticks out like a sore thumb in combination with the rest of his design (in a good way). So yes, I do think this is intentional, and it works very well considering the other two pieces of evidence. And with all three combined, I think there's no denying that Teacher being Teruko's brother is a very, VERY likely possibility.
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thehistoriangirl · 9 months
Until Our Secrets Drift Us Apart [7]
I apologize because I'm rusty after taking so long in posting a new part of this story, but I hope I will catch the rhythm soon :D
Viktor x Fem!Reader---Modern AU/Marriage of Convenience--- 3.1K ---SFW
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> MASTERLIST <- Previous // Next ->
Summary: Upon the surprising death of the CEO of Daxer Corp., the battle for the presidential chair began with unexpected violence. Threaten to lose everything you’ve been working on during your entire life; it’s time you must find a desperate solution to grasp the control over your part of the emporium, and even your own freedom. Which better idea than solidifying your subsidiary's future than ally with the rising tech company, HexTech? And oh, what a special type of alliance it would be…  
Tags: Not-So-Forced Proximity| Marriage of Convenience| Strangers to Lovers| Drama & Romance| Eventual Smut| Domestic Fluff| Post-Wedding|  Not Really Unrequited Love| Fake Dating| Eventual Happy Ending
Chapter Summary: The hunt for your mother's lost will hasn't ended, but Viktor is there to give you words of comfort when you need them--and perhaps even more than that. If you're willing to take it.
7: What Blooms in Winter
Mrs. Emma Quivar was all business when you crossed the spotless threshold of her office outlined in stainless iron and black marble.
Gone were the days where she would greet you with a kiss on the cheek while visiting your mother for business; but you weren’t the same shy teenager wishing to take the least space possible in the enormous penthouse your mother called home anymore.
You still remembered your mother’s words when Emma gestured for you to sit down, with her stubbornly chastising you to erase the word ‘friend’ while regarding her business partners. At the time, you considered it like another of your mother’s quirks, but now you had understood it, a tad too late, maybe.
“My child, hello, hello,” Emma said, her hands gesturing away for you to sit across from her. “I didn’t think you’d have a lovebird tucked away from the eyes of the family.” She chuckled, her gaze miniaturized by her glasses, and yet still piercing to rummage your thoughts. “Your mother would have loved to know about him, that way she wouldn’t have left thinking you were all alone.”
You doubted your mother would care for such a thing if that would’ve happened.
She decided not to marry for a reason, despite the countless business proposals laid over her desk. Just as she thought that there were only business partners instead of friends, she thought so of romantic relationships, carrying in the memories of the Daxer’s tradition of marrying by sole mutual convenience instead of real feelings. Those were frivolities that not even the real frivolities of wealth and power could meet all the time.
Or else—that was something no Daxer was inclined to even consider.
“I see you have read the news,” you muttered. Or perhaps someone had let her know.
“I wonder how you kept it hidden from your mother.” Her black eyes pierced you as Quivar looked at you for the first time, adjusting her glasses to look away from the computer. “You only work and go home. Where did you meet him? He’s… somewhat attractive, I’d say.”
A scoff was about to break free. You were too tired from your family trip for these games.
“Do you keep a copy of my mother’s will? I need it.” Emma was a placeholder in the stock bureau, not much, but she would be interested in how the fight for the CEO position will develop. I know you were appointed with one copy.
Just as the other two ex-business partners of your mother, who preferred to bet on the more obvious winner of the competition, Mathieu.
"Hmmm. And how much will you value a thing such as that?" Emma said, with a hand on her heart. “I held your mother’s friendship very close to my heart.”
It was always about taking. Demand with an unfair deal—and you were also guilty of this, asking Viktor to fake a marriage with you, dragging him into this chaos for a menial reward.
Spend all those upcoming years with you when he could go on and live his life, find certainty instead of more questions after every not-so-accidental touch, the moments right after separating away from a kiss.
Your eyes hardened. “What do you want?”
She pointed at her computer with a sigh. “HexTech is such an ever-growing enterprise; from industrial mechanics to more specialized fields. It has a bright future." Emma smiled. "I hope some of its light can be cast upon me."
Your lips parted, the answer surprising you both.
“No.” Words stern and cold. “I don’t own HexTech, I can’t integrate a new shareholder without consulting it with the board.” Most importantly, consulting it with Viktor and Jayce. It was their dream, after all. You didn’t have any right to tamper with it. “I can give a percentage of my company, FireBird Security, but HexTech is off-limits.”
Emma crossed her arms, the red blazer she wore getting all wrinkled. “Why is that? Your husband won’t approve, by any chance?” She said, her eyes twinkling with mockery. “I thought he loved you dearly.”
“I love him dearly, that’s why I’m not doing anything behind his back.”
The silence hung heavy between you two, both your and her eyes widened,  lips slightly ajar at the sudden outburst.
Your heart picked up speed, skin got hotter, almost prickling with shame. What was that? Standing up with a jump, you decided to cut the meeting short as now it was clear that Emma wasn't on your side anymore—if she even was at the beginning.
Emma clicked her tongue. “You’re still very naïve,” she told you. “To think that man wouldn’t have accepted already if given the chance of being in your place.”
You conjured Viktor's golden eyes shining like molten gold against the evening sun, the chestnut locks of his hair moving with the soft breeze that smelled like grass and summer flowers as you cradled his head on your lap.
You chuckled, amused at Emma’s words, thinking that they had gotten out Léonie’s first, echoed in this office as your aunt poisoned her mind. 
“Say hello to my aunt once you reunite again,” you stated toward her, your eyes boring holes into her face as you glared at her from above your shoulder before closing the door with a slam.
It was so easy for Léonie to move across society picking her best moves while you struggled to even get a foot in this place, which one each day you were convinced wasn’t for you.
Would the voices that whispered usurper ever cease? Even if you got to sit in the CEO's chair? Because you could imagine them bouncing, reverberating with an endless echo inside such a big and quiet office.
What would have been of you if your mother had never adopted you?
For a moment, a childish part of you imagined you working in a suburban area of this bustling city, crossing paths with Viktor once by crossing a street, with either of you looking back.
You couldn't know if the strange sensation located in your chest was sadness, or the eerily unfamiliar sense of relief.
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The cozy apartment smelled like coffee when you opened the door, a warm air coming from the swinging door against the chill of the arriving autumn outside.
Viktor was hunched over the coffee table in the living room, papers scattered everywhere alongside a pen that had exploded, stains of blue ink shining against the lamp nearby. Rio was nuzzled against some blankets, deeply asleep.
His brows frowning in focus relaxed at the sight of you, his golden gaze turned toward your figure as you were taking your shoes off.
He smiled. “Hello,” he said, the pen held in his hands clicking in a rapid rhythm as he flapped it between his fingers. “I made coffee, please feel free to drink some.” Viktor chuckled. “It wouldn’t do good to, eh, drink it all by myself.”
“Thank you,” you said, taking off the coat that now was too warm inside the cocoon of the apartment. “I think I’ll take some tea, though.” You tried to smile when he looked at you. “I need something… relaxing.”
Viktor settled down the papers then, taking the handle of his cane tucked in the armrest. “Did your meeting go badly?” he muttered, standing up to walk toward you.
You nodded, trying to curve your lips upward without much success. You didn't wish to burden him with your problems—despite how much you had dragged him already. Sometimes such thoughts kept you up at night, looking at the dim golden light of the living room lamp on way past 1 AM. And you couldn't help but wonder if, in those hours when the silence ate you away, he was regretting his choice.
“I’ll make you a hot chocolate, hmm?” Viktor was already walking toward the kitchen.
“You don’t have to,” you heard yourself stutter. “I’m sure you’re busy.” Just like you, he always was.
Viktor gestured away. “Don’t worry about it. Jayce always tells me I have to take small breaks.” He looked at you with a little smile. “Maybe I’ll start following his advice.”
“With some luck, not all his advice,” you mumbled, which made him chuckle.
“If you think his advice is… questionable, you should wait to hear mine,” Viktor told you, an eyebrow raised.
“Please do tell,” you said, with him helping to pull out a stool in front of the breakfast bar.
“Well, I think—"
You decided the bad idea of opening a package of cookies that were lying there, the sound waking the cockatoo up, who squeaked “Viktor!” before flying to pose next to you in the breakfast bar, her little head bobbing side to side as she looked at your fingers sheepishly taking a cookie out.
“No, Rio. We’ve talked about that,” Viktor scolded her.
You raised the cookie toward the bird. “Here,” you told her in the softest voice you could manage.
Rio lounged at it, breaking the surface with its beak. But then she noticed that you weren’t pulling the treat away, only rotating it so she could bite into it again.
It could be that Viktor was surveilling her, but Rio started to bite slower, her head gently tilting toward the cookie. Even so, you gave Viktor the remaining core of it so he could feed her so close to his fingers. You could still remember the hot pain of the bird’s beak.
“Say thank you, Rio,” Viktor said once the cookie had gone into her stomach.
The bird flapped her wings, flying away toward Viktor’s room.
"It isn't necessary," you said, although amused by your (fake) husband's relationship with his pet. In other circumstances, you would've joked that Rio was that adopted daughter reticent of trusting her new stepmother. "Don't worry about it."
Rio squeaked, returning triumphant over the breakfast bar. She wobbled to step in front of you, dropping a sunflower seed near your hand and then flying away as quickly as she had arrived.
You looked at the seed. “This is for you.” You held it between your fingers, offering it to Viktor.
“Oh no, no.” Viktor was smiling, gently wrapping his hand over yours with shy fingers, a touch barely as light as the morning sun cast over your face in early spring. “That’s for you.” He chuckled. “A little gift.”
You felt his warm fingers beneath your hand slightly cold from just being outside, your eyes drawn to his in a gentle motion that still made your heart jump. “Maybe I should plant it, and see what blooms from it,” you muttered.
“I have a little pot,” he answered in the same tone, his hand still hovering over yours.
“Then it’ll be like our little child?” You couldn’t stop yourself from saying, feeling stupid as soon as the words were gone from your mouth and into the world.
Instead of hearing a mocking laugh, or to feel his awkward gaze, Viktor smiled and nodded. "Don't let Rio hear this but… yes," he said, leaning against you to mutter such a secret. "And something tells me that it will be as pretty as its mother.”
You giggled like a fool, feeling your face starting to feel hot.
It wasn't impossible not to take him, the way his face was highlighted by the dim golden light from the living room against the bright white bulb in the kitchen, how his eyes diverged from your eyes toward your lips.
Your fingers grabbed the edge of the bar to lean against him, closing the seemingly abysmal distance between each other’s lips.
Always taking.
Today, though, you wished to give.
Shyness tried to overcome your bold move, redirecting the motion of your lips to pose toward his cheek instead, in a mere fleeting peck. Yet, your resolution was higher, closing your eyes shut with force as if you were about to jump off a cliff.
He tasted like coffee, the motion of his open lips slow and unsure, scared you’d pull him away after realizing your mistake.
Though in this moment you could barely register the action like so. It felt… right, something supposed to be. And even if part of you stayed thrilled at the thought, the other was terrified.
Viktor's hand slipped into the curve of your hip, his fingers finding soft and aching skin, wishing for his touch without realization.
If you’d lived in a lie for the last couple of months, what would Viktor consider your relationship to be? Especially with so many blurry lines starting to conjoin and erase in unknown patterns to try and figure out the result—would it be chaos or art?
One moment, you were still in the kitchen with the purr of the milk starting to boil, and the other you were standing at the edge of the restaurant rooftop, with the wind blowing cold at your back and Viktor's warmth hugging you closer, both trying to take you in and to cover you from the harshness of the world.
Who knew what else you'd done if the stove wasn’t starting to hiss in anger from the abandonment of the milk that was threatening with spilling out the pot.
Viktor muttered a curse that you couldn't listen to, not between the cacophony of your beating heart and the sounds of your obnoxiously loud breath.
He went to pour a tablet of chocolate inside the milk, stirring the contents until the forming foam went away. You stayed sitting across from him on the breakfast bar, playing with the little seed inside your sweaty palms.
“Um…” you said, cringing at the sound of your voice in such a quiet room. "You said you have a piece of advice for me?"
Viktor’s cheeks were bright pink, eyes glued to the hot chocolate in the making.
“Eh, yes.” He cleared his throat. “Well, my advice may sound bland, but I think you can make good use of it. I’ve noticed that we have more in common than… ah—than we might initially thought.”
You blinked, it wasn’t at all surprising. You barely saw each other between the long journeys from work, the only sign of companionship being the slits of light filtering beneath the bedroom doors at night.
“Which is why I struggle with asking for help,” Viktor muttered, taking two cups from the cupboard and pouring steaming hot cocoa inside them. “Which is why I would like to offer you my help in anything you could… eh, need.”
You were about to protest, the phrase, ‘you don’t have to’ almost slipping out your lips.
“I don’t do it out of obligation,” Viktor stated, giving you one of the cups and settling in a seat across from yours. “I mean it.”
That was the scary part, because if he did—then what?
“I… I don’t know if I can give you that back. What you’re giving me.”
“I don’t seek retribution,” Viktor called your name, hands hovering as if trying to land atop yours.
“That’s unfair,” you said, thinking about all the passing deals and contracts you’d done in the past, all the infinite pile you’d do for the rest of your life, and how to think of Viktor like just a passing signature between all those pages made you feel.
“Perhaps.” He nodded. “But I won’t pressure you. I know what was getting myself into, and I abide by it, by all of it.”
It was the first time in the day that you smiled, lips curved and with your eyes crinkling close in half-moons.
“Thank you, Viktor.” His words had stirred an idea.
He copied your smile, the glimpse of his teeth glistening against the white bulb of the kitchen lamp. “Of course,” he simply said, sitting idly and silent until you had drunk all the hot chocolate and waiting for you to excuse yourself toward your bedroom.
You'd wish to say that night your dreams came easier, but instead, you felt your thoughts going in circles as fast as a hurricane's, pouring rain of ideas and possible paths to enter between the storm that was starting to form ahead.
The next day, Viktor and you took the day off due to a sudden snowfall that had covered the roads back to the metropolis.
You were ready to start with the preparations of your upcoming plan, yet alas, you knew you needed to visit someone in person to strike ideas first, especially after all the time you spent apart.
He knocked on your bedroom to give you a small plant pot on the side of your hand right after having breakfast together, the ambiance still charged with the unprompted kiss from last night.
“You can use soil from the plants on the balcony," Viktor told you, his cane tapping the floor. “I will go to buy some more later. Ah—yes, I put some of Rio’s seed peels at the bottom, like compost.”
Thanking him, you waited to hear his bedroom door close before emerging toward the living room, scooting to see if Rio was free before opening the balcony door, shivers running down your spine with the sudden freezing air blowing across your face.
“It’s too cold to put you outside,” you said to no one in particular, because the seed was inside your bedroom, over the nightstand. The sky was pure grey, and white snow starting to get dirty with the kids and the cars as the suburbs started to stir with life.
Then, you settled the little pot by the window, making a small hole in the middle with your finger, plopping the little, lonely seed inside, and then lovingly covering it with the black soil that was starting to make your fingers grow cold. It was humid already, so you let it be.
You hoped the plant would survive the inclement weather, that perhaps, once it grew bigger, you could get it another, bigger pot.
The only thing you could do was wait—perhaps the most terrifying thing in a world you were convinced would fail you.
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Dear Tech,
This is probably the sort of thing I should be having a face-to-face conversation with you about, I know. And yet, every time I think I'm brave enough to broach the subject, something cuts off the oxygen in my will. I hope this letter will suffice.
In the time we've known each other, you've left an impact on me that's difficult to describe in words. Nevertheless, I will make an earnest attempt.
I'm in awe of the way your mind works. You endeavour to understand as much as you can on any given topic. We're a lot alike, in that case. I would gladly take a seat with you as you tell me everything you know about a subject. And, if you'll allow me, I would love to add to the conversation. After all, what is understanding if not the consolidation of perspectives?
I hope you don't mind me saying this, but I love how much you care for the rest of the team. Blunt as you can be at times, it comes from a place of concern. You only want what's right by them; even if you stay out of their squabbles for the most part, when it counts, you're there for them. I know your brothers count on you to use your head, but you have a good heart as well. I hope you don't ever lose sight of that.
I've also taken notice of the tiny things that make you you. Your little smiles, the timbre of your voice, your attention to detail, all of it makes you the wonderful sum of wonderful parts.
Truth be told, it's gotten to a point where I struggle to imagine life without you. I want you to know that, whatever happens from here on out, I want to be there to fight at your side, lend you my hand whenever you need it, and cherish every moment of the time we have together.
You're the finest man I've ever known, my rock, my reason to keep going. Put simply... I'm in love with you, Tech.
If it turns out my feelings aren't mutual, that'll be fine. Regardless, you will always be my friend. I just wanted you to know the truth.
@cherry-bomb-ships Does it count as an F/O Letter if they're not an official F/O yet?
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d1gitaldreams · 6 months
intro post!!
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My name is Cyber, but you can also call me Moetron! :3
My pronouns are ze/nya/it/mew/beep, and I'm a 17 year old t4t genderfuck creature
I'm gay, non-binary, objectum (specifically for knives, tech and chainsaws) and robot+computerkin ^_^
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I'll mostly be posting/reblogging Cybercore, vaporwave, techcore, ultrakill, dialtown and robot/computerkin stuff ^w^
I absolutely love love love making new friends!!! So if you want to talk hmu!!
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I'm planning on releasing an object head dating sim soon-ish (give it like 2 years or so), so any updates on that will probably be on this blog as well, all posts about that are tagged #objectively in love! ^_^ (<- placeholder-not-so-placeholder name of the game)
Pics of me are tagged #meeeee :3
Dividers by voilentbudd!!
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vashtijoy · 1 year
index of meta posts, part three
possibly this is getting out of hand?
Indexes: [one] [two] [third semester] [akechi's confidant].
out-of-universe meta discussion
On Akechi's bodycount and how to interpret canon. (posted 2023/04/22)
Is Akechi obvious, or is Joker an unreliable narrator? (posted 2023/02/19)
On the "perfect victim" myth, and how Akechi does not consider himself a victim. (posted 2023/02/16)
Akechi's resemblance to Light Yagami is totally superficial and is meant to mislead you. (posted 2022/12/11)
cute things
Akechi uses the full title of the Featherman show, like Futaba. (posted 2023/04/26)
Goro, please carry an umbrella, you're killing me. (posted 2023/04/24)
What would Akechi's love language be? (posted 2023/03/25)
"Honey, I'm home": intimacy chicken with Joker. (updated 2023/03/26)
P5A: Akechi looks like a crow and shoots directly at Joker's head—and Joker laughs. (posted 2023/02/25)
"the fish are beautiful": Joker's impromptu diversion at the aquarium. (posted 2023/01/20)
sad things
NPC cop to drunk NPC: "Akechi-kun, your family is probably worried about you." (posted 2023/03/30)
The toy shop at the end of "Proof of Justice" is in Kichijoji. (posted 2023/03/014/09)
P5A: Akechi looks like a crow and shoots directly at Joker's head—and Joker laughs. (posted 2023/04/26)
Anon comment on Akechi getting dragged into the "found family" trope by the ankles. (posted 2023/02/18)
yes, there is gay subtext in your innocent waifu simulator. (posted 2023/02/07)
little details
[twitter] Akechi's main outfit is his school uniform. (posted 2023/06/23)
How did Morgana see Dome Town? Also, the RL TV studio. (posted 2023/05/30)
Akechi and the evil wristwatch he wears only on his own time. (updated 2023/05/03)
When does Akechi start using Joker's given name? (posted 2023/03/26)
Followup ask: can we pin this down more precisely? (posted 2023/07/22)
@somethingpersonarelated reviews Akechi's outfits [tags are mine]. (posted 2023/04/25)
Akechi's school uniform doubles as his day job uniform. (posted 2023/04/29)
The toy shop at the end of "Proof of Justice" is in Kichijoji. (posted 2023/04/26)
The toy gun, Proof of Justice, was likely conceived to be Akechi's palace treasure. (posted 2023/04/09)
tech stuff
[twitter] Material from the betas. (posted 2024/01/23)
[twitter] Technical requirements for Akechi's third awakening. (posted 2023/09/01)
Character signature colours and Yoshizawa's phone. (posted 2023/08/15)
Akechi's "cute wink" cut-in, and his "evil wink" cut-in, and when they're used. nb this is wrong and needs updating (posted 2023/04/08)
fic excerpts
Goro and his mother: Akechi at six. (posted 2023/11/30)
Goro and his aunt: Akechi at nine. (posted 2023/03/27)
Postcanon HCs and Ren finding Akechi again. (posted 2023/1/15)
Goro and his uncle: Akechi at thirteen. (posted 2023/04/26)
How would I like Akechi's story to continue? (posted 2023/03/21)
Shido confronts Akechi about the Metaverse. (posted 2023/03/04)
12/24: deduce, panic, kill: P5 as a comedy text adventure. (posted 2023/02/03)
other characters
How would Akechi and Mishima get on? (posted 2024/01/18)
Is Joker from the city or the country? (posted 2024/01/17)
Shido's Palace: what do the posters say? (posted 2024/01/14)
Deleted scene: Haru's hangout at Crossroads. JULIAN AND ANGEL WARNING. (posted 2023/12/14)
The Monabus was registered in Tsukiji. (posted 2023/11/20)
Haru: "we'll just take him out again". (updated 2023/10/19)
9/3: the Featherman allude to Haru on TV. (posted 2023/05/13)
How do we know Joker's grey shirt is sleeveless? (posted 2023/04/26)
@nardaviel's excellent guest post about Joker. (posted 2023/03/28)
On forgiveness: Haru's approach to Akechi. needs updating, sigh, that one Mementos line has at least another reply from Makoto. (posted 2023/02/12)
It's Yusuke who steps forward to tell Shadow Shido he was the worst dad. (posted 2023/01/02)
P5 initially used "Saki Konishi" (the corresponding character in P4) as a placeholder name for Shiho. (posted 2024/06/07)
Incorrect Persona: "There was more than one lobster present at the birth of Jesus?" (posted 2023/12/25)
Miel et Crepes is (obviously) a pancake café. (updated 2023/05/28)
Would Futaba make Danganronpa jokes to Akechi? (posted 2023/05/15)
Akechi and the Russian takoyaki. (posted 2023/05/04)
Akechi allegedly smells like the sleazy Veteran Pick-Up Artist on Central Street. (posted 2023/04/30)
The other Goro Akechi (and the food blog). (posted 2023/01/22)
Akechi and Joker height truthing. (posted 2023/01/01)
Akechi, stop staring at Joker's bed. (posted 2022/12/27)
word of god references (other people's posts, etc)
from @starfirexuchiha: Some new Akechi trivia: What's in his attaché case? Akechi wears the argyle to copy Naoto. What's his apartment like? What bike does he ride? How is he with spicy food? Why and when does he eat with his right hand? Yes, Akechi awakened to both personas at the same time.
PQ2: rival characters have a greater presence when they're calm, and also Akechi probably painted the mural.
P5A: "for us, we know he's a detective."
P5A: why there is more Akechi.
"Maruki does not have concrete proof that Akechi is dead." (incidentally y'all, I would love a better source for this one.)
"Akechi's confidant is the key to the third semester". [JP]
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tech-obssessed-shark · 10 months
Insert Intro Placeholder
Warning: Contrary to my transformers banner and my transformers pfp and my 559 transformers posts(at the time of June 12,2024) this is NOT a transformers blog but a little space where i get a little silly goofy- So follow me at your own risk
—————————————————————— I’ll work on this eventually but for now-
I lost my gender in the war(masc they/them) - AroAce(but women pretty)
Literally neurodivergent and a minor(16+)
OBSESSIONS RIGHT NOW(meaning I will post/reblog about them a lot): TRANSFORMERS and One Piece
Interests include: Transformers, Tmnt, Star wars, Star trek, Lego Monkie kid, Splatoon, The Owl House, Spooky Month, Murder Drones, Monkey Wrench, and lots of other things
Favorite Characters include: Breakdown, Soundwave, Swerve, Whirl, Waspinator, Blitzwing, Ratchet, Perceptor, Prowl, Strongarm, Blurr, Donatello Hamato, Cassandra Jones, Garazeb Orelios, Tech, Wrecker, Savage Opress, AP-5, IG-11, R1-J5(Bucket), CB-23, K-2SO, Redson, Mei, Mr. Tang, MK, Princess Iron Fan, Spider Queen, Scorpion Queen, Marie, Marina, Pearl, Frye, Acht, Spock, Gus Porter, Abed Nadir, etc.
Basically anything Sci-Fi really-
I mainly post about Transformers, art, funny things, and whatever else I am obsessed with-(Multifandom blog)- I have been starting to watch ONE PIECE I KNOW THE ONE PIECE IS REAL
I now post my art under the tag of “Techshark art” to help me organize things-
IF YOU FOLLOW ME FOR A SPECIFIC FANDOM- I post/reblog about literally anything so be warned! My interests will infect you!
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For Transformers Drawing References:
If you want me to post some refs of a character, just ask! I'll try to do my best! The tag is below too-
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2c75ff · 3 months
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ALIAS / NAME: I don't really have one proper. 'Miller' is simply an accepted placeholder that's stuck around for lack of a better option.
ZODIAC SIGN: Pisces, apparently.
HEIGHT: 5'5" / ~165 cm.
HOBBIES: Art. Reading. Approaching movies and shows as if I'm going to be expected to produce a critical essay about them afterward.
FAVORITE COLOR: I'm less interested in individual colors and more interested in the overall visual context of those colors. The colors inside a pomegranate play nicely together, for instance.
FAVORITE BOOK: Grendel (John Gardner)
LAST SONG: Don't Think Twice, It's All Right (Bob Dylan)
LAST MOVIE / SHOW: Lonesome Dove
RECENT READ: Call Him Demon (Henry Kuttner, C. L. Moore)
INSPIRATION: otherness in general. What defines a human. The repeating of old patterns to protect oneself leading ultimately back to being hurt again and again in the same old ways. Finding a place. Monsters/the inhuman, and those who adore them either in spite of or because of that.
STORY BEHIND YOUR URL: It's simply a HEX code for one of the shades of blue found on the 'Electric blue (color)' Wikipedia page.
FUN FACT: I worked with driverless cars for like five-and-a-half years. I’ve moved on from that industry now, but can still be rage-baited with a high rate of success if you invoke The Trolley Problem as it pertains to autonomous vehicle tech.
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tagged by: @kicharges
tagging: steal it the way God intended.
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sybaritick · 6 months
ok one more bulk PRMH post because your likes encourage me thank you guys <3
Short Explanation: Almost all of my originals take place in the same universe. It takes place in 2050s-2060s Newark, NJ which is being run by a tech megacorporation that treats the city as basically a company town. paying people in company scrip, etc. serving as a private police force. regulatory capture of the state government. libertarian runaway-climate-change hellhole. The city has. "improved" (in that it is now more expensive and fancy in many parts. gentrified) and also it is just worse (in every other way)
"What does PRMH stand for": Pork Roll Metal Halide (joke placeholder name made up when chatting with omii like 5 or 6 years ago that has of course stuck lmao)
there is this feedism/hypno kink quick oneshot on ao3
as for various totally unpolished horny snippets, there is this one where Lucian's pressuring her to submit to the cybernetics (this is before she comes out, so it has her previous name and pronouns) and hypnosis-mind-control related one with omii's oc in it and several feeding ones: (again warning that these below are feeding kink ones)
this m/m, same feeder (Lucian) but the feedee is a guy (omii's agonizingly hot oc Vale) and also it takes place during the apocalypse basically
and this one is also before ellie came out but it's the same character. just closeted. a "boy" :) and skinnier
and one where a friend of lucian very hornily makes fun of ellie for gaining a little bit of weight despite claiming she doesnt have the fetish. shes like "i understand it a little now". in the fic. it's stupid and funny
i also have like 15k words of story that is not particularly horny but i am not posting that here because it isn't "done" yknow
and any questions u have about the universe or characters u should totally ask me, like most people i love talking about my OCs :) i have also posted a bit of art a couple months back in my #prmh tag.
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