#Plague Crawler
cookie-nigel-dolan · 2 years
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Resident Evil ∅ / Biohazard ∅  (2002)
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sketching-houseplant · 7 months
Queen Leech, Plague Crawler and Proto-Tyrant sketches.
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Really need to remember the My Art and Sketch Art tags each time. The Resident Evil 0 stuff, I've done this year since I ended up doing a couple runs of that game in a row and felt inclined to draw the monsters from It. Still kind of want to do stuff from It and do another run this year.... RE0 is a good game play It.
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lynaferns · 2 months
Hi, hello. Did you say big bat vampire dca au? As in, they’re big bats? 👀
That sounds really cool!
Yeah, although I don't have a clear image of them yet.
I made a doodle of the three half(?) transformed
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They are mixed species but each resemble one more than the others. (I messed up eclipses ears, drew the wrong shape)
(whoops little ramble about bats)
Sun is an Indian Flying Fox, a fructivore bat. They are one of the bigguest (1 to 2 ft tall and 4ft wingspan (great for hugs/j)) and helps with the forest pollinization. They can fly 40km in one night. They lack echolocation but has a better eyesight than other bats. It's endangered due to humans haunting them for their meat.
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Moon it's a Common Vampire bat (and a bit of White Winged bat for the colors), they eat mammal blood. There are 3 vampire species: the common, White-winged and Hairy-legged, the common can eat blood from any mammal while the other two eat mainly from birds and humans. The common vampire is a good crawler, so they'll prefer to get close to their prey from the ground. The white-winged has these glands in its mouth that uses to spit a really nauseating smell when its being molested (like skunks but these spit on you), there is sulfur in the spit.
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Eclipse has the more clear mixes to see and it's the smallest of the three, its a Welwitch bat (it has freckles!!), a big eared and has part of canyon bat (because of the colors too). It's insectivorous, they help with plagues. They pretty much just vibe, just leave them be eating half their weigh in bugs and both of you'll be happy.
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Nor the vampire or fruit bat has tails.
And they all can give you
Rabiessssss ✨
I didn't look into every especie there is of bats, first of because there are like 1,000, most of them insetivorous, and second because there is varely any info about any especie that aren't the common ones.
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tmae3114 · 22 days
So there's this theory I've had bouncing around in my head for *checks notes* about three years now and, well, it does not have nearly the level of evidence I tend to prefer before I make a theory post - it is, in fact, Predominantly Vibes Based - but it has, again, been bouncing around in my head for three years and I refuse to be alone with it any longer
(...also, if I'm right, I wanna be able to go "I KNEW IT" and have a timestamp to point to XD)
OKAY. So. Basically.
I think Alinua might be a twice-born.
Hear me out:
We know that Cloud Elves live pretty much exclusively on the Archipelago Nimbus and are isolationist (Extra Lore: The Three Elder Races - "The Islands have minimal contact or trade with the outside world, [...]" & "These Cloud Elves are unique in many ways, most notably their isolationism [...]" and Page 1.6.12 "I suppose a cloud elf outside of the Archipelago Nimbus is fairly unusual-") but Alinua has been down on the surface since before she can remember
That suggests unusual circumstances. Isolationist people who have minimal contact with the outside world don't just lose a baby in said outside world
Alinua's theory for this is that her birth parents "probably reasonably assumed [she] had the Chimeric Plague and dropped [her] over the edge" (Page 1.6.13) but, crucially, there is no actual evidence of this. It's what she assumes probably happened but she has no memory of the actual events (Page 1.6.23 "I don't even remember it. I've never met my birth parents […]")
Therefore, it is entirely possible that Alinua is wrong about how she ended up not on the Archipelago Nimbus. And I, personally, think it's pretty likely that she's wrong because we know that the Archipelago Nimbus can sometimes be even higher up than the peak of the Throne of the World (this post) and even with it usually being lower down than that, I find it... somewhat doubtful that an infant (toddler, at best) would survive that fall. Not impossible in a fantasy setting but... doubtful.
We know that the Chimeric Plague was Life attempting to connect with a vessel who could be her eyes and give her perspective (Pages 1.20.20 - 1.20.23)
Even before Life finally broke through, Alinua was incredibly unusual for a carrier of the Chimeric Plague. She didn't even find out she was one until she was about ten (Page 1.6.13 "I had a normal life and family for ten years- and then I learned I was a chimera bomb [...]") when most die before they turn five (Page 1.2.10 "I shouldn't have made it past five years old" and Extra Lore: The Chimeric Plague "[...] it is inevitable in every case that the child will lose total control of their magic within the first few years of their life [...]"). She was twice the expected age of a carrier when she found out.
We don't know why Alinua is the successful attempt that finally worked. Not only do we not know, Alinua herself brings it up while talking to Life (Page 1.20.23 "I… don't know if there's anything special about me that kept you from overwhelming me like the others, or if I'm just the lucky one you finally got right."). The question is open: is there something special/unique about Alinua that allowed her to survive where none of the other children did? And if so, what is it?
So. Carrion crawlers.
We have not actually met any in the story itself yet, only heard Caliban bring them up in the context of an insult (Page 1.12.10 "Twice-born son of a carrion crawler! You had a plan this whole time?!") but fortunately! the Aurora tumblr exists! so we have additional information!
Carrion crawlers eat dead things and sometimes give birth to baby clones of one of their recent meals, which are called twice-born. A twice-born is a healthy infant, identical in every way to how the original would've been as an infant, and age normally for the species they were produced from. Additionally, they have no memories from their source material (so to speak) and develop their own, unique soul, though if they came from a mage, their soul will develop the same channels (this post and this post)
...now, I mentioned at the start that this theory does not have as much evidence as I would like and is mostly Vibes Based, and we have now hit the point where I run out of evidence and switch to vibes. I do not have any evidence which actually points to a connection between any of this.
However, I do still Have Thoughts
We know that Alinua was adopted had a happy (or, at least, "normal") childhood prior to figuring out she was a chimeric carrier (1.6.13, see above) and seemingly doesn't think about her birth family very often. It's entirely possible that she didn't ask questions about where she came from as a child. It's not been brought up yet how her adoptive family found her but, given that she assumes she was thrown off the edge of the Archipelago Nimbus, the possibility that they found a seemingly-abandoned baby just lying around doesn't seem too out there. And if Alinua is a twice-born, yet clearly doesn't know that herself, her family may also not have known that... or may have known and opted to keep it hidden, even from her, given that twice-born are generally considered "deeply unnerving and grotesque" (this post).
As for how Alinua came to be in this theorised scenario, there's two possibilities I've considered.
The first is that an adult life mage cloud elf was outside the Archipelago Nimbus for Some Reason, died somewhere where there are carrion crawlers, and things went from there.
The second, much sadder, possibility is that the "Chimeric Plague carrier baby thrown off the edge of the flying islands" possibility did happen... the baby in question just wasn't Alinua because the fall was, in fact, not a survivable one. And then, just as a twice-born will inherit being-a-mage, Alinua inherited having the Chimeric Plague.
And, in either of these cases, something about being twice-born subsequently protected Alinua from being overwhelmed by Life.
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midnightsapphire · 1 year
What Once Was (Chapter Six)
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Pairing : Aemond Targaryen x Strong!Reader
Warnings : Targ!cest, future nsfw, mentions of violence & death, slow burn, reader insert but slight oc! Descriptions, Aegon being Aegon
Feedback is appreciated! Much love!
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Death was inevitable. 
It followed the Targaryens like the plague. First had been the fires of Harrenhall, the smoke burning into the sky as (Y/N) watched with horror alongside her family, who ushered her away from the scene as she thrashed against her mother’s grip. “No! No!” She screamed until her throat was raw, clawing at the arms that restrained her as she felt the clench in her heart. 
The word has spread quickly, the slow death of Ser Harwin Strong, alongside the hand of the King. Burned to death, they had said. Nothing but ash and bone found along the scene as (Y/N) felt herself fall to her knees when bared the news. Denial filled her as she covered her ears, ignoring the pleas of her mother, who wanted to comfort her but did not know how without revealing their true lineage, as if she hadn’t already known.
“How long do you wish to play these games, mother?” She whispered, her voice almost foreign to herself as she glanced at Rhaenyra with glassy eyes. Her hands clenched along the fabric of her dress, practically threatening to rip it at the seams as her mother stood arms length from her, kneeling down to meet the young girl’s gaze as she cupped her face. 
“There are no games, sweetling-”
“Then why do you not give us time to mourn? To reach Harrenhall and pay our respects to the Strongs. We need to be there.” 
“We are but strangers to the house Strong. The Velaryon’s are our kin, they are not. It is forbidden-” 
“He was my father!” (Y/N) screamed, pushing her mother’s hands away as she rose to her feet, the tears free flowing down her face as she grew red with anger. “Look at me! At Jace, Luke, Joffrey! We are not like you or father. We are Strong, we have his blood flowing through us, we are his-”
“That is enough!” Rhaenyra’s voice boomed along the stone walls around them, surprising both her daughter and herself as she stood straighter, collecting herself quickly as she held her chin high. “We shall not speak of this any longer. You are forbidden from visiting Harrenhall and that is final, (Y/N).” She ordered, narrowing her eyes at her daughter as the girl scoffed. 
“You love to claim that blood is all we have. But when we are needed the most, you cower and hide away.” (Y/N) spat, brushing past her mother as she angrily left her chambers. She felt the seabreeze hit her skin as she followed her kin down the halls, sighing to herself as she wiped the tears that burned at her skin. 
It was a funeral after all, tears had been normal. Welcomed even, but not the funeral she had wished to attend. 
Leana Velaryon. 
The aunt she had barely known, passed in a burst of flames instead of falling to death in the clutches of childbirth. (Y/N) met the somber eyes of her brother, who stood alongside Baela and Rhaena on the bench as the two girls mourned their mother. Baela, who’s hand was clutched against Jace’s, tightened when Aemond had stood in front of them, offering them a sympathetic smile as her brother’s stare only hardened at the blonde. 
With a sigh, he had walked away, eyes brightening as they met (Y/N)’s. The small glimmer only faded as he was whisked away by his older brother, who reeked of ale and desperation as he ogled at the many maids surrounding them. “She’s an idiot.” He repeated for the thousandth time Aemond has heard. The older Targaryen’s face curled into a sneer as he glared daggers at their sister’s oblivious back, far too engrossed in the crawlers on the floor. 
“We have nothing in common.”
“She is to be your future queen.” 
“You marry her then.” He scoffed as Aemond’s eyes casted downward, biting at the inside of his cheek as he glanced in the direction of (Y/N), who glared at her mother’s back from a distance, too far from her own siblings and family. 
“I..” He hesitated, hands tightening behind his back. “I would perform my duty, if only mother had betrothed us.” 
“If only, then our sweet niece would have been graced to wed me instead.” Aegon smirked from the rim of his cup, his eyes following his brother’s as they landed on her. Aemond tensed from beside him, knowing very well the indiscretions his brother had against the women of the keep, the amount of tears that were shed from his doings alone. 
“I heard from our mother, they had wished to wed you to our sweet niece once you are both of age. Father says it would be a wonderful alliance! To keep the Valyrian blood pure, keep alliances… strong.” Aegon snickered as he nudged his brother, who stiffened further as his eyes widened at the news. 
“Do not make such jests.” Aemond grumbled under his breath, glancing back at their sister that mumbled on her own. 
“On the bright side, I did find one similarity I share with our dear sister.” Aegon hummed, his neck craning as his smirk grew wider, leaning towards Aemond’s ear. 
“We both fancy creatures with very.. long legs.” He mumbled under his breath, following a servant that had served another jug of wine. 
“Wench! Bring me another!” He called out as Aemond rolled his eyes, excusing himself from his sister’s presence as his pace quickened to catch up to his niece, who warily watched the flittering glances of her great uncle and her mother. 
“At a funeral, no less. Have they both no shame?” (Y/N) sighed to herself, feeling the presence of another next to her as she glanced at them from the corner of her eye. The wisps of blonde hair made the corner of her lips upturn slightly, turning her head to meet Aemond’s piercing gaze. 
“It is not befitting of a future queen to be scorning her predecessor.” Aemond scolded playfully, tilting his head to meet her eyes for the first time since the ceremony had begun. Her own eyes softened as she reached her hand out to him, their fingers intertwining behind the cloaks that had kept them warm from the stinging sea breeze. 
“It is not befitting of a future queen to galavant while she is still married, let alone with a widower.” She scorned, rolling her eyes out of disappointment as she had seen her mother stalk away, coincidentally followed by her great uncle. Though young, she knew exactly the pursuit her mother was after, knowing already she had mothered children out of her own wedlock, it no longer surprised her to see the two sneak off. 
Aemond’s eyes followed her own, detesting the very dishonor his half-sister yet again does to their family name. His hands tightened against (Y/N)’s as he pulled her attention away, bringing them to the middle of the crowd as they watched, bowing their heads out of respect to the casket being dragged into the water. 
His heart raced in his chest as she stood closer to him, their shoulders resting against each other as he mumbled soft prayers under his breath. He had only paused once he had heard the distant, yet sorrowful roars of a dragon in the far distance, his attention peaked as he leaned closer to (Y/N)’s ear. 
“Do you trust me?” He whispered, nudging his head towards the shore as (Y/N) looked over her shoulders, sharing a small smile with him as they dashed down the cobble steps, passing a drunken Aegon that was too far into his cups to recognize the pair. 
“They say Vhagar had been patrolling the beaches, now left without a rider.” Aemond spoke gleefully as he tugged (Y/N) down the sand with him, her eyebrows furrowing as she tried to register his words. 
“Vhagar is still along the coast?”
“It is what was said, not that the Velaryon has passed away. She is free to be claimed.”
“But.. they said she was meant to be Rhaena’s, was she not?” 
“Not if another beats her to it.”
“Wait here for me, shall I be successful, then you will know.” Aemond whispered along the walkways, his head covered by his hood as he kept his hands planted on (Y/N)’s shoulders, who looked at him with uncertainty of his plan. 
“Aemond, I’m not too sure about this. People are grieving, is it really time to stake out a hundred year old war dragon?” She mumbled, her hands reaching up to grip his tightly, almost pleading him to discard the foolish idea he had conjured in his head. But the determination burned through his violet hues as he kissed her knuckles, cheeks turning a soft pink. 
“I had sworn to be your protector, claiming this dragon is bringing me- bringing us one step closer to that. I swear to you, I will be back.” He said softly as he slowly let go of her hands, not entirely letting go until their fingertips no longer brushed against each other. 
“Do not break that swear, Aemond.” She had warned as he gave her a firm nod, dashing down to the beaches as if his life depended on it. 
“Fuck.” He had cursed, tripping over his own boots in the sand as he neared the gargantuan beast slumbering on the sand. His eyes widened at how the giant beast towered over his smaller body, ducking behind any shrub or rock that concealed him enough to keep from startling the she-dragon as he neared it. 
He took deep breaths, staring at the ropes that rested along her saddle, the way her body rose with every deep breath she took. To Aemond, the beast was mesmerizing. He took gentle steps towards the beast’s saddle, his hand barely grazing the ropes that cascaded down her body before a golden eye narrowed at the blonde. 
Aemond quickly retracted his hand, his heart almost stopping in his chest as Vhagar’s body rubbled with a deep growl, her head rising from the sand as Aemond, still frightened, retreated from her large body. He firmly stood his ground, not daring to move a muscle aside from his labored breathing as Vhagar turned her head away from the boy. 
Once again, he reached a hand towards the ropes, this time with more vigor in his movements. Vhagar’s head whipped towards his, her eyes narrowing into slits as her large mouth opened, a faint orange glow forming at the back of her throat as Aemond raised a hand to her snout. 
“Dohaeras! Dohaeras, Vhagar! Lykiri! Lykiri! Lykiri.” He spoke, trying his best not to flinch at the hot breath that blew his hair back, Vhagar’s golden eyes burning into his own as he tried again, this time climbing upon the ropes that led to the saddle on her back. Aemond felt his heart nearly about to burst as he settled himself into the seat, gripping onto the reins as he panted from the long climb. 
The view from dragonback knocked the wind from the boy’s chest as he tried to fight the smile from growing on his face. There was still no time for celebration as he felt the dragon’s rumble flow through his entire body. “Soves! Dohaeras, Vhagar! Soves!” He called out, letting out a yelp as the dragon slowly rose from it’s laying position, body shaking the sand off itself as Aemond stumbled, his grip faltering as he felt himself slipping off the saddle. 
He felt himself letting out a yell as Vhagar’s body shook the ground beneath them, his own rocking side to side as he no longer felt the seat under him, his legs kicking as he tried to ground himself back to the seat as Vhagar took flight. Aemond frantically yelled, pulling at the ropes as Vhagar dove towards the ground below them, his shouts soon turning into cheers as the dragon rose higher into the sky. 
“(Y/N)!” He yelled in triumph, his head falling back in amusement as he let the wind whip at his face, the sting no longer bothering him as he circled around the island. 
(Y/N) felt the anxiousness creep upon her the longer Aemond took. She had resulted in biting the ends of her nails, peeking from the opening of the halls as footsteps neared them. “(Y/N)!” She heard Jace call to her, her cousins and younger brother all in tow as they frantically ran down still in their sleepwear. 
“What are you all doing awake? Go back to your chambers.” She ordered, trying her best to hide the fear she had, knowing it would cause an uproar had they known what Aemond had done. 
“Someone stole Vhagar!”
“What are you doing up? How did you get here before us.” Jace questioned, narrowing his eyes at his elder sister as he held a hand out to hold the sisters behind him. (Y/N)’s eyes flickered between all of them, picking at her nail beds as she opted to stare at her shoes. 
“I.. heard a commotion and took it upon myself to see what it was.” 
“Well, who was it?’
“It was me.” (Y/N) heard Aemond speak, whipping her head to see the disheveled blonde. Her eyebrows furrowed at the aura that now surrounded him as he sauntered his way past her, barely glancing at her as he stood defiantly in front of Jace. 
“Vhagar was my mother’s dragon.”
“Your mother’s dead.” Aemond spat without hesitation, causing (Y/N) to gasp as she tugged at Aemond’s arm. 
“Watch what you say. Simply because you claimed a dragon, it gives you no right to act like a twat.” (Y/N) scolded as she harshly pulled him back, creating a bigger distance between them as Jace turned his glare to his own sister. 
“You knew about this?” He accused as (Y/N) tore her eyes away from him, only gripping onto Aemond tighter as he smirked smugly. 
“Of course she knew. And now Vhagar has a new rider.”
“She was mine to claim!”
“Then you should have claimed her. Maybe your cousins will give you a pig to ride instead. It would suit you.” Aemond said smoothly as he rolled his eyes, his hand lowering to intertwine with (Y/N)’s as she pulled away, just out of his reach. His eyebrow furrowed as he glanced at her, disbelief in her eyes as she avoided even his eyes. 
“Aemond, stop. You’re being cruel.” She whispered, hands tugging at her sleeves as his words burned into her, not having a dragon to call her own either. It was as if he had become as spiteful as Aegon and her brothers had been in the dragon pits now that he had a claim of his own. 
A cry broke them out of their stares as Baela swung at Aemond, who effortlessly pushed her onto the ground. “Come at me again and I’ll feed you to my dragon!” He spat, a feral glint in his eyes as (Y/N) shrunk away, covering her ears as the shouts and hollers began. 
Punches were thrown, bodies were constantly falling to the ground as blood began to pour from Luke’s nose after a solid hit from Aemond. (Y/N) screamed at them all to stop, none heeding her words as she felt herself being pushed and hit on her own for aiding Aemond in his theft. “You knew she was my mother’s! You’re just as much of a traitor as he is!” Baela growled, pulling at (Y/N)’s hair as she felt another hand, who she assumed was from Rhaena, slap at her face, crying out about her betrayal to them. 
Aemond watched from his spot, punching the young Lucerys in the nose with a sickening crack as he grabbed the older brother with a sneer on his face. Push after push, he knocked the boys down as they let out frustrated yells, each louder than the last as they aimed to knock the other over. 
He felt the wind be knocked out of him as the other three, Rhaena, Luke and Jace each turned their attention to him, catching him off guard as they punched and kicked at him. But his eyes remained on the fallen (Y/N), curling her body into a ball as Baela relentlessly kicked and punched at her body, yelling curses and strews of insults of helping him. 
The blonde found it in himself to kick Jace against his chest, knocking him back as his hand pushed Rhaena away from him. 
“Let her go! Less you want to die screaming in flames just as your father did!” Aemond threatened, blood seeping down his nose as he held Luke by the collar of his clothing. (Y/N) gasped when she had seen the raised rock in his hands, glaring daggers at all of them as the the girl released (Y/N). 
“Let my brother go, Aemond.” She said softly, grunting as she scrambled onto the floor. The blonde narrowed his eyes at her, his grip on Jace’s collar tightening as a flicker of rage passed through his violet irises. “Just a while ago, you were rejoicing in the thought of me claiming a dragon, and now you’re taking it back?” 
“I did not rejoice, Aemond! Had I known you would become.. this?! I would have never encouraged it.” She reasoned, watching as Aemond’s glare faded momentarily, his eyes glazing over as he felt the betrayal in her words, his heart conflicted as he glanced down at the blood dripping from the corner of her lip. 
“Why are you choosing their side? We had spoken of this. With my dragon we could have sailed the seven realms.” He said with clenched fists, rage building in his heart at how quickly she had turned, eyes hardening as she tried to reach out to him. 
She didn’t care. She only spoke lies. Aegon had warned him, his mother had warned him. Her entire existence in itself had been built off a lie. 
“You’re just like them. Nothing but filthy, lying bastards.” He hissed, hands tightening on the rock as he swung it over his head. “And you- a whore just like your mother.” He spat, (Y/N)’s jaw dropping at the vile insults as Luke whimpered in his grasp. 
“My father is alive!” 
“He doesn’t know, does he, Lady Strong?” Aemond hissed as (Y/N) flinched at his tone, how effortlessly he spat the very words she would confide in him that pained her the most to hear. She knew then that there was a line that had been far crossed between the two of them, barely able to look him in the eyes as her hands clenched at her sides. 
Jace’s glare hardened at Aemond, for not only insulting their parents, but his sister as well. The heartbroken gaze in her eyes was enough for him to bring out a dagger from his sleeve, aiming it towards their uncle. “Jace, do not.” (Y/N) warned when she had seen the glint of the blade reflect the light from the torches. Her hand hesitantly reached out to grab the weapon from his hand as he pushed her side, mindlessly swinging the dagger at Aemond has he narrowly dodged each swipe. 
He sent another punch at Jace’s face, knocking the boy off his feet as he raised the stone above his head, smirking smugly as he faced his cousins and nephews, his eyes hesitating before they stopped at (Y/N), who’s breath hitched when he only raised it higher. Luke scrambled onto the floor, knowing the blonde had been far too distracted, Jace only catching the movement from the corner of his eyes as he threw sand in Aemond’s eyes.
It had all happened too quickly, (Y/N) running to catch Luke, but froze when she heard the painful slide of the blade as Luke cried out, slashing Aemond across the face blindly as the dagger fell to his side. 
He let out a harsh cry as (Y/N) ran to her brother, pushing them both behind her as Aemond clutched his face, the blood pouring from his hands and onto the ground beneath them. Her eyes flitted towards the dagger, patting herself down as she realized it had been the one gifted to her from Ser Harwin. 
Her breath quickened as she looked down at the screaming Aemond. So desperately had she wanted to run to him, to give him aid but the hand on her wrist from Jace stopped her, all of them backing away as the kingsguard frantically separated the children. 
“Cease this at once! My prince, let me see, let me see.” She heard Ser Harrold speak softly to Aemond, sucking in a breath as she had seen the blood pool from his hands, hugging both Jace and Luke against her chest as she faintly saw the long wound that occupied half his face.
“Gods be good.”
The adults had flown into the chambers as quick as they could, each grasping the children as cries and yells soon filled the room. Rhaenyra burst through the doors, rushing to collect her boys and her daughter as the maester rushed to carefully sew the wound on Aemond’s face. His back was turned to them as (Y/N) gripped at her skirts tightly, her own eyes strewn shut as the yelling commenced, each blaming one another as they tried to find out what had been the start of the fight. 
“They attacked me!”
“He attacked Baela!”
“He broke Luke's nose!”
“Enough!” Viserys yelled, his chest heaving as his decaying body hunched over as he glared at his children and grandchildren. His eyes cast themselves towards (Y/N), who had yet to meet his own gaze as he limped over to his only granddaughter. 
“My sweet, you are the only one who has not spoken this entire time. Tell your grandsire what had occurred.” Viserys reasoned as (Y/N) hesitantly looked up, meeting his eyes before turning to Aemond who had shifted in his chair to look at her briefly before turning his eye downward. 
“He called us bastards.” Jace spoke instead, finding his sister unable to speak as all eyes turned to him. She had faintly seen the upwards curl of Aemond’s lips at the insult, snickering to himself as (Y/N) clenched her hands, the bile rising to her throat at how.. smug he had looked. 
“And he..” Jace hesitated, looking from his mother to his sister. “He called (Y/N) a whore.” He whispered as gasps filled the room, (Y/N) breath quickening as she hid herself behind Jace, biting on the inside of her cheek to stop the tears that threatened to fall from her eyes. The burn ached at the back of her throat as she dared to take a glance at Aemond.
The boy she had sworn she had loved before she knew what love was, the one who had sworn to be the one protecting her, the one who was meant to stand by her side, now almost a stranger to her as she looked at the cold shoulder he had given her. 
“I will have the truth of what happened.”
“What truth? Your son has been maimed. Her children are responsible.”
“It was a regrettable accident.”
“Accident? Prince Lucerys brought a knife to the ambush, the very knife owned by the Princess (Y/N). Your children meant to kill mine!”
“It was my children who were attacked and forced to defend themselves.” Rhaenyra spoke as he held onto Luke’s hand, the smaller boy hiding his face in her skirts as she affectionately rubbed her thumb along his skin. 
“The legitimacy of my children’s birth has been put loudly to question.” She said plainly as Viserys visibly looked confused. (Y/N) fought the urge to roll her eyes, hiding behind her mother as she felt the burning stare of Aemond from across the hall. She knew he wanted her to look at him, to see the visible wound her brothers had left on his face, but with the growing wound in her heart, she couldn’t bring herself to find any comfort in his gaze. 
“He called us bastards.” Luke spoke softly, looking at his mother as she gave him a nod of approval. “And.. he called (Y/N) a whore.” 
“What?” Viserys scoffed, his eyes trained to his son as a smirk grew on his face. (Y/N) caught a slight glimpse of the upturned curl of his lips, allowing Jace to hold her hand tightly as he gently pushed her behind his body. He knew of their closeness, saw firsthand how the vile insults had hurt her the most knowing Aemond had been there for her especially when their legitimacy had been questioned by the lords and ladies of the court.
“This is the highest of treasons, your grace. The Prince Aemond should be sharply questioned so we might learn where he heard such slanders.” She warned as the young blonde turned in his seat, glaring at his older half-sister in disbelief.
“Over an insult?” Alicent gasps out. “My son has lost an eye-”
“You tell me now, boy. Where did you hear this lie?” Viserys questioned harshly, Aemond pursing his lips into a thin line as he averted his gaze away from his father’s. (Y/N) clenched her eyes, knowing Aemond no longer had any reason to protect her, she had been the one to come to Aemond day by day to speak of her illegitimacy, the way they spoke of her and her brothers, how she knew she was of Strong blood.
The king ignored his wife’s distractions, blaming the rumors on a simple jest between the boys that had long gone overboard, but his harsh gaze remained on his son. “Your king demands an answer.” He pressed further, watching in shock as his son’s gaze went to his mother. 
(Y/N)’s heart fell as she followed his sight, her hand slipping out of Jace’s as she looked to the Queen, who knew she was caught in her actions. But she knew Aemond had a deep love for his mother, hence why it didn’t surprise her when he had shifted the blame effortlessly to Aegon. 
“Me?” He asked in shock as Viserys quickly went to his eldest son, practically screaming in his ear.
“And you, boy. Where did you hear such columnies?” He spat, his rage growing as he yelled in Aegon’s face. 
“We know, father. Everyone knows.” Aegon said in exasperation, still in disbelief at the charade his father continues to play only to save face of his eldest child. “Just look at them. (Y/N) herself is aware that her lineage isn’t what you try to convince everyone to believe.” 
Viserys shook his head, slamming his cane onto the stone flooring as he glared at everyone in the hall. “This fighting must cease! We are a family!” He yelled desperately, his voice growing shaky as he shook his head. “Now.. make your apologies to one another. Your father, your grandsire, your king demands it!” He ordered as Alicent furrowed her eyebrows. 
“And let it be known, anyone that dares to question the birth of Princess Rhaenyra’s children should have their tongue removed.” He threatened as Rhaenyra thanked her father, pulling her children close to her as Alicent looked at him in shock. 
“Viserys, he is your blood! There is no justice when your son has been maimed!”
“I know, Alicent, but I cannot restore his eye.”
“Then we shall have one of theirs. Allow Aemond to choose, the gracious choice that he was not given when her children attacked him.” Alicent ordered as she nudged her head to Ser Cole. “Prince Lucerys or Princess (Y/N), neither matters.” 
The uproar only commenced again as Ser Cole surged forward, only to be stopped by Daemon that had stood in his way. Rhaenyra pushed back her children as she held onto Alicent’s arms, who had grown desperate at the lack of justice for her own child. 
(Y/N) gasped as the blade shook dangerously close to her mother’s face, Jace holding onto the back of her dress to keep her from running to her mother’s aid as they mumbled amongst themselves. “Now you take my son’s eye, and to even that you feel entitled.” Alicent said shakily, nobody daring to get in between the grieving mothers. 
“Exhausting, isn’t it? Hiding behind a cloak of your own righteousness, but now they see you as you are.” Rhaenyra whispered as Alicent thrashed against her grip. (Y/N) grunted, listening to the rip of her dress as she threw herself out of Jace’s grip, running towards her mother just as Alicent swung the blade down. 
The young girl let out a scream as she pushed the Queen’s wielded arm, Rhaenyra barely managing to move her daughter out of the way as she held (Y/N) close. “Let me see, let me see it.” She said in a panic as Alicent dropped the blade in shock. 
(Y/N) sobbed as she fell to her knees, her hands clutching her collarbone as the blood seeped into her clothing, whether it was from her own wound, or the one now adorned on her mother’s wrist, she no longer knew. 
They had both turned to Alicent, who mumbled to herself that she “hadn’t meant to”. Aemond took it upon himself to take his mother’s arm, resting his head onto her shoulder. “Do not mourn me mother, for I have gained a dragon.” He reassured her as she held him close to her chest. 
“In return for my eye, I ask for one thing.” He mumbled, turning his one eye towards (Y/N).
“My bride.”
< Strikes means tumblr wouldn’t let me tag :c  please tell me if you’d like to be removed! >
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theresattrpgforthat · 5 months
Hi, do you know any games that include traversal/spatial puzzles? Say, a character needs to figure out how to get from point A to point B in a room that has a certain sequence of puzzles: find this ball, take that ball to another room, jump over an abyss to get the ball into some slot, and a door opens. Something like in Darksiders 2 video game or other action-adventure games.
THEME: Spatial Puzzles
Hello friend! I have a feeling most of this recommendation list is going to be dungeon crawlers, because those games have so many pieces that emulate the levels of action-adventure games. The OSR has a lot of stuff that you’re probably going to like, but I think I can also include a few games that explore dungeons in different ways, in case you want some additional rules alongside your dungeon exploration. Also, keep in mind that there are a lot of system agnostic dungeons out there that can be used for a lot of different kinds of games, so even if there’s a game that doesn’t have a lot of adventures pre-written for you, they might still be a good fit for these pre-written dungeons!
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Forgotten Ballad, by coolwayink.
Forgotten Ballad is a minimalist Adventure Game - TTRPG, if you prefer - heavily inspired by The Legend Of Zelda series and the OSR movement. Its simple system uses only d6 and is built around the character's items and inventory, encouraging creativity and exploration based on how the players describe their approach to problems. 
This game is an excellent example of the core pillars of the OSR movement, and draws inspiration from one of the most iconic action-adventure games with especially memorable dungeons. It’s a beautiful game and while the base game has only one starting dungeon to work with, it also includes tables to help you generate your own dungeons, as well as links to supplements such as Sudden Swamps and Buried Power, which are (respectively), a goblin dungeon and a procedural adventure/dungeon-creator.
If you want a taste of the rules before picking up the full game, you can also check out the pamphlet version of the rules!
Derelict Delvers, by Cezar Capacle.
Derelict Delvers is a thrilling, action-packed sci-fi roleplaying game that immerses players in a struggle for survival and profit. The game takes place in a galaxy overrun by monstrous alien creatures, who have destroyed humanity's peaceful exploration and diplomatic efforts.
The players take on the roles of elite space troopers, scientists, and engineers who must explore derelict spaceships and space stations in order to scavenge for supplies, salvage for weapons and valuable resources, and ultimately, hunt down the monsters that threaten the very existence of mankind. They are a team of skilled specialists, who are on a mission to help humanity, but also themselves.
With a unique blend of fast-paced combat and challenging perils, players will have to work together (or alone!) to overcome the dangers of the derelict ships and outsmart the deadly aliens lurking within. They will also have to make difficult decisions that will affect the outcome of their missions, their potential profits, and their very survival.
This game can be played GM-less or even solo, but I can see it being useful for dungeon design due to the roll tables that help the GM put the rooms of the empty spaceships together. I can even see the tables being useful for other space horror games, such as Mothership. You roll for the room shape, as well as for the difficulties plaguing each room. The attached actual play on the game page showed the creation of a room with blocked vents, a jellyfish monster, and a radiation leak, which all probably need to be dealt with before the characters can move on to the next room.
Fight, Item Run, by Whimsy Machine.
Fight Item Run is a Powered by the Apocalypse tabletop roleplaying game that smashes action-packed combat and magic together with dynamic character and relationship exploration. The party begins in a chamber and there are monsters; once they’ve defeated the monsters, they proceed to the next chamber where there are more monsters. Chambers also have items, treasures, puzzles, and mysteries. When the party has collected the adequate gear to advance to the next level of the dungeon, they come to the chamber with the passage, staircase, portal, or alien warp pad to continue forward.
This game is dungeon-crawling as well as Powered-by-the-Apocalypse, which is a really interesting mix for me. It’s inspired by platforming and action-adventure games, and has a unique method of encouraging the group to collaborate in dungeon design, at least to some extent. When it comes to theme and atmosphere, the group is encouraged to collaborate - do they want to explore a crashed spaceship? A volcano temple? An icy cave system?
However, the chambers of the dungeon have special advice for the GM. There’s a whole section on creating puzzles, including 6 different puzzle types, and a series of steps to generate puzzles in the dungeon that you’re exploring. Players will have to use different moves to engage with these puzzles, such as Apply Force, Manipulate Components, or Navigate Danger. On top of this, you can populate your dungeon with monsters, sages, and key items.
The Tomb of Xul Lan Kwat, by Madeline.
10,000 years ago the god-queen Xul Lan Kwat was buried here, but now her leaking dreams threaten the world above. Animals and people awake to their skin paling, their hair falling out, their eye sockets closing over. You have been given a lead-lined chest in which you must seal the god- queen’s brain and heart to stop the flow of dreams.
This is a stat-less dungeon like I mentioned in the introduction to this rec post. It’s 7 pages long, with a grid map and details for each room. Some of the obstacles in this dungeon are combat related, such as mushroom women or pale monkeys. However, there are also interesting features such as mirrors that can give you a sneak peek into other rooms, sudden loss of vision, and crystals that could fall on curious, unsuspecting adventurers. I’d recommend using a game like Cairn or Durf for this. Cairn fits the gritty tone, and gives the GM a lot of freedom on how to adjudicate challenges, and Durf gives you a bunch of example NPCs that you can use as templates for the creatures you find in other system-agnostic settings.
Tomb of a Thousand Doors (Mausritter), by ManaDawn Tabletop Games.
Gather up picks and shovels and prepare packs as you delve deep into the forgotten stronghold of a mad mouse king - the Tomb of a Thousand Doors. A megadungeon for the rules-light fantasy adventure roleplaying game Mausritter.
It’s a deep and dark dungeon down there, and it will not be fair on a little mouse. But if you are cautious and maybe a bit daring and reckless, you may be able to retrieve unnumbered riches. And if you delve for long enough, you may just uncover the greatest treasure of all mousekind.
This dungeon is so big I think you could probably run an entire Mausritter campaign in here, and each mini-dungeon has its own unique pieces. I stopped at a random one, and landed on the Chamber of Flames: 8 octagonal connected chambers, walled with mirrors, with traps that shoot flames through each archway if you step too heavily on pressure tiles. I can see the players trying to figure out ways to avoid walking on the tiles, or making themselves super-light in order to get to the end of this tunnel.
As a system, Mausritter is fairly light in rules, so it’s easy to learn, and the emphasis on inventory means that your characters will have to learn how to use what’s in their toolbox to help them get from point A to point B. I think it’s got a lot of what you’re looking for because on top of this Megadungeon, there’s plenty of other Mausritter supplements to explore and enjoy.
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peachmilkuniverse · 20 days
Peachshot! 🍹🧊 [1]
First of many!
Someday, I’ll have the courage and patience to write the entire Slam Dunk fanfiction that’s on replay in my head. I was worried that I’d never be able to start something so big, so I thought I’d begin with these small exercises in writing.
It’s unlike me, because I live to cram and do things all at once. But I want to push myself this time— inspired by all the Slam Dunk content I’ve consumed these past few months, both official and fan-made.
For this peachshot, I didn’t want to feel paralyzed about which character I’d feature first. The one closest to my heart? My second favorite? Have I even ranked them? I love all the characters in different ways!
Somehow, this felt right. Instead of that need to get everything right from the outset… I want to be just like Kogure, growing and learning and working hard, day by day, little by little.
I hope these peachshots are refreshing, go down easy, or maybe even sting sometimes.
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夏桃 [Summer Peach]
Slam Dunk Oneshot | Kogure Kiminobu x Reader Oneshot | Kogure Kiminobu x You
One hot summer day…
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You were backing out slowly from the classroom where you had just had your meeting, engaged in a staring contest with the cockroach that managed to weasel its way inside. A sign of the summer season, marked by the sound of cicadas, but plagued by all sorts of crawlers crawling… well, everywhere.
Avoiding any sudden movements, you made it past the sliding doors, only to knock into the firm shoulder of some innocent passerby. You mumbled an apology, eyes still locked on the big brown insect.
“F/n-san? Is something the matter?” You look up to see that you had in fact, bumped into Kogure’s firm shoulder. Staring up at him and pointing at the unwelcome intruder, you managed to breathe out “Ah.. s-s-senpai, it’s just that…”
Kogure’s eyes flicked to the insect, and then back to you. He leaned down, smiled at you gently and spoke close to your ear, “Do you want me to help you deal with it?”
Reaching out your hand to tug on the sleeve of his summer uniform, you nodded, looking at your shoes. You sighed, you’ve had enough of looking at the movement of the insect’s antennae.
Still smiling, his eyes closed behind his wire frame glasses and he let out a soft laugh. You released your hold on his shirt as he moved between you and the offending brown bug, his broad back obscuring the view from the classroom door frame.
He bent down to take off one indoor shoe. Raising it carefully, counting softly three, two, one, and launching it forward. He got the insect with the first hit (yay!) he’s a sharp shot, after all.
You exhaled in relief. All the while feeling a little embarrassed that a creature so small was causing you trouble just a few minutes prior.
Taking a thick piece of paper from the ream on one of the desks, he gingerly scooped up the insect’s corpse to dispose of in the trash. You tried not to look at its abdomen, exposed clearly on the stark white sheet, and focused instead on the the weapon (Kogure’s indoor shoe) lying overturned in the middle of the classroom.
“I’m sorry, I meant to get a broom from the supply closet and deal with it myself,” you said quietly by the doorway. You reached into your skirt pocket and brought out a mini pack of wet tissues, “Please, let me clean your shoe at least.”
Kogure walked back to you — only a sock on his left foot and all. He grinned, “I can’t let the vice president do that now can I? There’s nothing on it, but I’ll still give it a wipe down. Here, let me.” His right hand gently closed around yours and flipped it, extracting a single wet wipe with his left as you gripped the pack. “I’ll take one, okay?”
Using the thin fabric to clean the sole, he opened his mouth to speak, “When I was younger, I spent many summer breaks with my grandparents in the countryside. I’m used to dealing with all sorts of insects, F/n-san. Don’t worry about it at all.” He looked at you reassuringly.
You pouted slightly, “I treated you like an exterminator.” Kogure’s eyes followed the movement of your lips, blinking as he replied, “Haha! F/n-san, tell you what. Buy me some milk and we can call it quits. Sound good to you?”
You brightened. “Really? Hurry up and come with me then, senpai.” Pleased that you could return the favor, you smiled a happy little smile.
So cheerful. How cute, he thought.
⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆
You two were walking outside the building to the school store. Kogure raised a questioning brow and asked, “The student council had a meeting during lunch time?”
“Mm, it was an emergency meeting. We talked about proposing a budget reallocation this summer for our sports teams. Everyone seems to be doing well,” you clapped your hands excitedly, “The basketball club came up too. Congratulations for winning the game last Saturday, Kogure-senpai!” You lightly tapped his back while walking beside him.
A bit of pink dusting his cheeks, he rubbed his neck self-consciously, “Ah, our team’s been working hard. Thank you.”
But you missed the way his cheeks flushed, because you were looking up ahead, scanning the contents of the store refrigerator.
Smiling, you turned to the upperclassman, “Can you wait for me here? I’ll get us the milk.” He nodded and sat down on a nearby stone bench shaded by towering green trees. The noontime sun was high, but the wind was breezy. He watched the soft whipping of your hair as you chose from the selection of milk flavors.
And you came back with two cold cartons of peach milk.
“F/n-san, you got my favorite.” You turned the carton over in your hands, confused, “Hmm? Don’t they all taste the same?”
Poking the straw through the foil opening, Kogure replied, “There’s a rabbit on the box, so this one’s the best.”
Watching him sip the milk, you suddenly burst into laughter, sweet like musical chimes, “You act like a grown up sometimes, but you’re a kid just like me, aren’t you, senpai?” You covered your mouth with a slender hand.
“Don’t tell me you show up for training with a bunny shirt on.”
His glasses glinted in the sunlight. “Maybe? You’d have to watch me practice to see that, F/n-san.”
Your eyes met his. Glittering. “Oh? I’ll start coming then.”
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Played some of the Coil activity and OHHHH IT'S A DUNGEON CRAWLER. It's almost like... a joke that the Vex are here. Goblins. Minotaurs, Hyrdas. Taken (ghosts) and scorn (zombies), the Black Garden, fire and ice, a castle dungeon, plague stuff, Iron Lords, we are on some goblins and ghouls, knights and wish-dragons shit
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kaushibael · 2 years
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hi everyone!! so for the past 2 weeks i’ve been helping to playtest an english patch for PS1′s baroque - distorted delusions! it’s finally done so you can try it yourself :~D
baroque is a dungeon crawler where you kill god. you play the amnesiac mute koriel 12, sent on a quest to purify a mad world in the aftermath of an apocalyptic heat event, plagued by a guilt you can’t place. people have become distorted, retreating into themselves to cope with what’s become of the world, and monsters roam the nerve tower, getting stronger and stranger the lower you go. the only way to survive is to keep your feelings alive.
hold Baroque inside yourself.
https://twitter.com/Plissken___/status/1547601925880745986 <- the very talented person who hacked the english translation into the game. and as always a special thank you to nervetower on neocities for translating the game’s text in the first place :~)
https://mega.nz/file/0NUFnCAR#Cc35QA1s3tNwaED0Lz6VBI_5w6zZlJh45uBPbxb6xno (patcher for if you have a jpn copy already)
https://cdromance.com/psx-iso/baroque-jpn/ (prepatched)
check it out!!! and you can join the discord here: https://discord.gg/n9vp4yhs5r
(also if you’re using epsxe like me, give it a minute to load. it works just fine but takes a hot second to kick into gear)
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eyeofthestorm888 · 5 months
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Death Guard, Lord of Virulance, wip
His name is Gothela, legend has it he was close to Mortarion during the creation of the Plague Burst crawler, thus he has such an affinity to those machines.
His eyes sealed shut from the gifts of our grandfather, he inhales deep the gas that spews out from the gas vents of his armour. An endless thick cloud of The Graying, as the guardsmen called it.
Everything that fog touched turned pallid and gray, all life seeped out of them and absorbed into the fog, and back into the armour.
He is closely followed by a handful of zealots and his Plague Burst Crawler, named The Fist of Entropy.
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myth-lord · 9 months
If I could create my own D&D Monster Manual
It would look something like this:
The names with the little dot before them are sub-species/variations of the name above, like Kenku, Nagpa, Tlacatecolo and Vrock are variants of the Aarakocra.
Air Elemental
Invisible Stalker
Animated Broom
Flying Sword
Guardian Portrait
Living Tome
Rug of Smothering
Craud (Sea Ankheg)
Blood Hawk
Assassin Vine
Choke Creeper
Astral Defiler
Astral Dreadnought
Astral Filcher (Temporal Filcher)
Astral Marauder
Astral Slayer
Astral Stalker
Axe Beak
Babau (Blood Demon)
Balor (Pit Demon)
Barbazu (Bearded Demon)
Id Fiend
Rock Reptile
Eye Tyrant
Gauth (Spectator)
Black Dragon (Deepwyrm)
Black Pudding
Void Ooze
White Pudding (Snowflake Ooze)
Blink Dog
Moon Dog
Yeth Hound
Blood Amniote (Bloodrot)
Bloodthorn (Vampire Rose)
Blue Dragon (Stormwyrm)
Bugbear (Boogeyman)
Hezrou (Pod Demon)
Carrion Crawler
Rot Grubs
Cave Fisher
Clay Golem (Terra-Cotta)
Clockroach (Clockwork Horror)
Iron Cobra
Cloud Giant
Fog Giant
Storm Giant
Cloud Ray
Copper Dragon
Coral Golem
Cranium Rats
Crawling Claw
Soul Shaker
Crystal Dragon
Black Willow  
Darkling (Dark Creeper)
Deadly Dancer (Impaler)
Death Knight
Deva (Angel)
Angel of Decay (Rot Harbinger)
Erinyes (Fallen Deva)
Justicator (Order Deva)
Planetar (Battle Deva)
Solar (Light Deva)
Dire Angler
Light Devourer
Dire Ape
Dire Bat (Mobat)
Fire Bat (Inferno Bat)
Sinister (Shadow Bat)
Dire Bear (Cave Bear)
Dire Beaver (Afanc)
Dire Boar (Tusk Terror)
Dire Catfish (Namazu)
Dire Chameleon (Ambush Drake)
Dire Constrictor (Titanoboa)
Dire Crocodile (Deinosuchus)
Hatori (Sand Crocodile)
Dire Eel (Abaia)
Cave Moray
Dragon Eel
Lightning Eel
Dire Elephant (Mammoth)
Dire Elk (Megaloceros)
Dire Gar 
Dire Hippo (Behemoth)
Dire Lion
Sea Lion
Dire Otter (Dobhar-Chu)
Dire Pufferfish (Kalothagh)
Dire Ram 
Dire Rat
Dire Rhino (Karkadann)
Gulgar (Diamond Charger)
Dire Seahorse (Hippocampus)
Dire Shark (Megalodon)
Dire Skunk (Aniwye)
Dire Sloth (Megatherium)
Dire Tiger (Smilodon)
Dire Whale (Leviathan)
Dire Wolf (Worg)
Winter Wolf
Dire Wolverine (Gulon)
Displacer Beast
Dragon Turtle
Dwarf Ancestor
Earth Elemental
Galeb Duhr
Sandman (Sandling)
Tomb Mote (Necromental)
Eladrin (Spring Eladrin)
Autumn Eladrin (Bralani)
Summer Eladrin (Firre)
Winter Eladrin (Ghaele)
Evistro (Carnage Demon)
Feyr (Fihyr)
Firbolg (Wood Giant)
Fire Elemental
Belker (Smoke Elemental)
Magma Hurler (Magma Elemental)
Magmin (Lava Child)
Fire Giant
Flesh Golem
Rot Ripper
Eldritch Giant (Fomorian Noble)
Plague Spewer
Frost Giant
Kapoacinth (Reef Gargoyle)
Gas Spore
Gelatinous Cube
Devourer (Soul Eater)
Ghast (Witherstench)
Lacedon (Drowned)
Giant Anemone
Giant Ant
Abyss Ant
Giant Antlion
Giant Assassin Bug
Giant Beetle (Boring Beetle)
Bombardier Beetle (Fire Beetle)
Deathwatch Beetle (Slicer Beetle)
Siege Beetle (Rhinoceros Beetle)
Water Beetle
Giant Centipede
Giant Clam
Giant Crab
Carcass Crab (Cadaver Collector)
Kalka Kylla  (Giant Hermit)
Giant Dragonfly
Giant Eagle
Giant Firefly (Firefriend)
Giant Frog
Giant Jellyfish (Man-o-War)
Death Embrace
Giant Leech
Giant Mantis
Giant Moth
Tenebrous Worm
Giant Octopus
Darktentacles (Swamp Octopus)
Decapus (Tree Octopus)
Silt Horror (Sand Octopus)
Giant Owl
Noctral (Celestial Owl)
Giant Raven (Valravn)
Giant Salamander
Frost Salamander
Giant Scorpion
Giant Slug
Bone Whelk
Flail Snail
Metalmaster (Sword Slug)
Giant Spider
Bristle Spider
Darkweaver (Shadow Spider)
Phase Spider
Snow Spider
Tomb Spider
Giant Starfish
Giant Strider
Magma Strider
Giant Tick
Bloodsilk Tick
Soul Tick
Giant Toad
Fire Toad
Ice Toad
Giant Urchin
Land Urchin
Giant Wasp
Advespa (Hellwasp)
Spider Eater
Gibbering Mouther (Chaos Beast)
Skybleeder (Abyssal Mouther)
Gith (Githyanki)
Glabrezu (Deception Demon)
Flind (War Gnoll)
Marrash (Pestilence Gnoll)
Witherling (Famine Gnoll)
Gold Dragon
Gorgon (Khalkotauroi)
Gray Jester
Gray Ooze
Gray Render (Skindancer)
Green Dragon (Grovewyrm)
Green Slime
Arcane Ooze
Greenvise (Mantrap)
Annis Hag (Death Hag)
Bheur Hag (Frostwind Virago)
Green Hag (Bog Hag)
Night Hag (Nocnitsa)
Sea Hag
Hamatula (Barbed Demon)
Hell Hound
Death Dog
Hoard Scarab
Hook Horror
Intellect Devourer (Brain Mole)
Brain Collector (Neh-Thalggu)
Cerebrilith (Mindshredder)
Iron Golem
Adamantine Golem
Shield Guardian
Knucklehead Trout
Carcass Eater
Skull Lord
Lillend (Muse)
Luck Eater
Werefox (Foxwoman)
Mind Flayer
Elder Brain
Shocker Lizard
Skirr (Mummy Lord)
Dark Naga
Guardian Naga
Spirit Naga
Water Naga
Nightwalker (Death Giant)
Shardsoul Slayer
Dryad (Wood Nymph)
Lampad (Shadow Nymph)
Nereid (Aquatic Nymph)
Oread (Mountain Nymph)
Sylph (Sky Nymph)
Obliviax (Memory Moss)
Ochre Jelly
Oni (Ogre Magi)
Osyluth (Bone Demon)
Abyssal Maw
Pech (Deep Gnome)
Pixie (Sprite)
Allip (Doom Whisperer)
Caller in Darkness (Mindstorm)
Pseudo-Dragon (Orange Dragon)
Faerie Dragon (Purple Dragon)
Purple Worm
Masher (Blue Worm)
Ravid (Rage Drake)
Red Dragon (Hellwyrm)
Ruin Demon (Swarm Demon)
Rust Monster
Kuo-Toa (Skum)
Satyr (Faun)
Ankylosaurus (Macetail)
Brontosaurus (Mokele-Mbembe)
Ceratosaurus (Bonesnapper)
Deinonychus (Scytheclaw)
Dilophosaurus (Spitter)
Dimetrodon (Bloodseeker)
Mosasaurus (Gambo)
Plesiosaurus (Coast Stalker)
Pteranodon (Razorbeak)
Stegosaurus (Mbielu)
Stygimoloch (Charger)
Triceratops (Ngoubou)
Tyrannosaurus Rex (Fang Titan)
Sea Serpent
Shadow Demon
Shadow Dragon
Shadow Mastiff
Shambling Mound
Tumbling Mound
Sibriex (Craft Demon)
Silver Dragon
Mercury Dragon
Crypt Thing
Giant Skeleton (Gashadokuro)
Skin Kite
Skiurid (Soul Nibbler)
Slithering Tracker
Spectre (Ghost)
Banshee (Wailing Ghost)
Sphinx (Gynosphinx)
Steel Predator
Stone Golem
Gelugon (Ice Demon)
Hundred-Handed One (Hecatoncheires)
Tlincalli (Scorpion-Man)
Saguaro Sentinel
Tri-Flower Frond
Rot Troll
Twig Blight
Umber Hulk
Ecalypse (Dusk Unicorn)
Vampiric Mist
Crimson Death
Violet Fungus
Phantom Fungus
Wastrilith (Styx Demon)
Water Elemental
Caller from the Deeps
Chraal (Ice Elemental)
Poison Weird (Poison Elemental)
Web Golem (Adherer)
White Dragon (Frostwyrm)
Winter Wight (Entombed)
Will o Wisp
Helmed Horror (Helmed Wraith)
Sword Wraith
Trap Haunt (Trap Wraith)
Wood Woad (Wood Wraith)
Abyssal Drake
Yellow Dragon (Sunwyrm)
Yellow Musk Creeper
Corpse Flower
Wendigo (Famine Spirit)
Zombie Clot
HUMANOID: Aarakocra / Kenku / Abeil / Bullywug / Cloud Giant / Storm Giant / Cyclops / Darkling / Drow / Duergar / Eladrin / Autumn Eladrin / Summer Eladrin / Winter Eladrin / Firbolg / Fire Giant / Frost Giant / Gith / Gnoll / Goblin / Hobgoblin / Hadozee / Lizardman / Kobold / Tortle / Werebear / Wereboar / Wererat / Wereshark / Werewolf / Ogre / Orc / Sahuagin / Tabaxi / Thri-Kreen / Yuan-Ti
ABERRATION: Aboleth / Astral Defiler / Astral Dreadnought / Astral Filcher / Astral Marauder / Astral Slayer / Astral Stalker / Banderhobb / Beholder / Eye Tyrant / Gauth / Mindwitness / Slaad / Carrion Crawler / Rot Grubs / Ulgurstasta / Choker / Skulk / Chuul / Uchuulon / Cloaker / Cranium Rats / Deadly Dancer / Deepspawn / Destrachan / Digester / Dharculus / Phane / Doppelganger / Derro / Feyr / Fomorian / Remorhaz / Froghemoth / Death Embrace / Puppeteer / Darktentacles / Decapus / Silt Horror / Darkweaver / Dustdigger / Gibbering Mouther / Argos / Boggle / Gray Render / Braxat / Grell / Grick / Intellect Devourer / Brain Collector / Kraken / Meenlock / Mind Flayer / Elder Brain / Ulitharid / Mohrg / Nothic / Shardsoul Slayer / Otyugh / Neothelid / Roper / Piercer / Kuo-Toa / Morkoth / Swordwing / Protean
UNDEAD: Tlacatecolo / Ragewind / Blood Amniote / Fog Giant / Crawling Claw / Soul Shaker / Black Willow / Death Knight / Dullahan / Angel of Decay / Sinister / Hullathoin / Fetch / Tomb Mote / Plague Spewer / Ghoul / Berbalang / Devourer / Ghast / Lacedon / Bone Whelk / Tomb Spider / Soul Tick / Witherling / Meazel / Carcass Eater / Lich / Demilich / Dracolich / Skull Lord / Mummy / Grisgol / Skirr / Nightwalker / Bodak / Splinterwaif / Poltergeist / Allip / Caller in Darkness / Shadow / Shadow Demon / Shadow Dragon / Shadow Mastiff / Tumbling Mound / Skeleton / Boneyard / Crypt Thing / Flameskull / Giant Skeleton / Skin Kite / Spectre / Banshee / Hangman / Rot Troll / Vampire / Nosferatu / Vampiric Mist / Crimson Death / Vargouille / Caller from the Deeps / Wight / Boneclaw / Winter Wight / Will o Wisp / Trilloch / Wraith / Helmed Horror / Sword Wraith / Trap Haunt / Wood Woad / Zombie / Atropal / Dustblight / Revenant / Zombie Clot
FEY: Almiraj / Behir / Blink Dog / Cooshee / Yeth Hound / Bugbear / Bagman / Grung / Carbuncle / Centaur / Corollax / Couatl / Osquip / Gulgar / Kirre / Winter Wolf / Displacer Beast / Eblis / Eldritch Giant / Blindheim / Gloomwing / Tenebrous Worm / Flail Snail / Aranea / Quanlos / Spriggan / Gray Jester / Gremlin / Annis Hag / Bheur Hag / Green Hag / Sea Hag / Harpy / Siren / Korred / Nightshade / Leprechaun / Clurichaun / Luck Eater / Werefox / Dark Naga / Nuckelavee / Nymph / Dryad / Lampad / Nereid / Oread / Sylph / Oni / Owlbear / Winterclaw / Pixie / Nixie / Quickling / Redcap / Satyr / Gambol / Troll / Scrag / Unicorn / Ecalypse / Zorbo
FIEND: Vrock / Mihstu / Achaierai / Babau / Balor / Barbazu / Hezrou / Catoblepas / Armanite / Chasme / Erinyes / Barlgura / Fire Bat / Fhorge / Rylkar / Maurezhi / Durzagon / Evistro / Immolith / Abyss Ant / Adaru / Dybbuk / Draudnu / Tlexolotl / Hellstinger / Bebilith / Voracia / Magma Strider / Advespa / Skybleeder / Glabrezu / Marrash / Barghest / Quarrak / Night Hag / Hamatula / Hell Hound / Canoloth / Death Dog / Howler / Imp / Mephit / Quasit / Cerebrilith / Kyton / Larva / Lemure / Rutterkin / Abishai / Jarilith / Goristro / Phycomid / Spirit Naga / Nightmare / Cauchemar / Yochlol / Tanarukk / Osyluth / Abyssal Maw / Fiendwurm / Ruin Demon / Skulvyn / Sibriex / Simpathetic / Skiurid / Solamith / Succubus / Incubus / Rakshasa / Gelugon / Hundred-Handed One / Twig Blight / Thorny / Wastrilith / Abyssal Drake / Wendigo / Marilith
ELEMENTAL: Air Elemental / Invisible Stalker / Earth Elemental / Crysmal / Galeb Duhr / Mud-Man / Sandman / Fire Elemental / Belker / Magma Hurler / Magmin / Jann / Dao / Djinn / Efreet / Marid / Pech / Salamander / Shardmind / Water Elemental / Chraal / Poison Weird / Xorn
OOZE: Black Pudding / Reekmurk / Void Ooze / White Pudding / Gelatinous Cube / Gray Ooze / Green Slime / Arcane Ooze / Corrupture / Mimic / Trapper / Ochre Jelly / Slithering Tracker / Ghaunadan
DRAGON: Basilisk / Id Fiend / Pyrolisk / Rock Reptile / Black Dragon / Blue Dragon / Copper Dragon / Crystal Dragon / Hatori / Dragon Turtle / Zaratan / Gold Dragon / Green Dragon / Hydra / Drakkoth / Pseudo-Dragon / Faerie Dragon / Ravid / Red Dragon / Sea Serpent / Silver Dragon / Mercury Dragon / White Dragon / Wyvern / Yellow Dragon / Yrthak
BEAST: Axe Beak / Boobrie / Cloud Ray / Dire Angler / Dire Ape / Dire Bat / Dire Bear / Dire Beaver / Dire Boar / Dire Catfish / Dire Chameleon / Dire Constrictor / Dire Crocodile / Dire Eel / Lightning Eel / Dire Elephant / Dire Elk / Dire Gar / Dire Hippo / Dire Lion / Dire Otter / Dire Pufferfish / Dire Ram / Dire Rat / Dire Rhino / Dire Seahorse / Dire Shark / Dire Skunk / Dire Sloth / Dire Tiger / Dire Whale / Dire Wolf / Dire Wolverine / Giant Anemone / Giant Ant / Giant Antlion / Giant Assassin Bug / Giant Beetle / Water Beetle / Giant Centipede / Megapede / Giant Clam /Giant Crab / Kalka Kylla / Giant Dragonfly / Giant Eagle / Giant Firefly / Giant Frog / Giant Jellyfish / Giant Leech / Giant Mantis / Giant Moth / Giant Octopus / Giant Owl / Giant Raven / Giant Salamander / Giant Scorpion / Giant Slug / Giant Spider / Bristle Spider / Snow Spider / Giant Starfish / Giant Strider / Giant Tick / Giant Toad / Giant Urchin / Land Urchin / Giant Wasp / Jaculi / Knucklehead Trout / Muckdweller / Quipper / Ankylosaurus / Brontosaurus / Ceratosaurus / Deinonychus / Dilophosaurus / Dimetrodon / Mosasaurus / Plesiosaurus / Pteranodon / Stegosaurus / Stygimoloch / Triceratops / Tyrannosaurus Rex
MONSTROSITY: Nagpa / Ahuizotl / Amphisbaena / Ankheg / Craud / Arrowhawk / Blood Hawk / Aurumvorax / Bulette / Cave Fisher / Avalancher / Chathrang / Chimera / Cockatrice / Light Devourer / Girallon / Boalisk / Cave Moray / Dragon Eel / Sea Lion / Disenchanter / Drider / Ettercap / Bombardier Beetle / Deathwatch Beetle / Siege Beetle / Carcass Crab / Steelwing / Roc / Thunderbird / Frost Salamander / Metalmaster / Phase Spider / Bloodsilk Tick / Fire Toad / Ice Toad / Spider Eater / Flind / Nilbog / Gremishka / Griffon / Hook Horror / Jackalwere / Krenshar / Lamia / Leucrotta / Pterrax / Troglodyte / Manticore / Minotaur / Shocker Lizard / Water Naga / Brohg / Ettin / Merrow / Tulgar / Peryton / Purple Worm / Masher / Rust Monster / Sphinx / Stirge / Su-Monster / Tarrasque / Tlincalli / Umber Hulk / Yeti / Abomination / Medusa
CONSTRUCT: Animated Broom / Carrionette / Flying Sword / Guardian Portrait / Living Tome / Rug of Smothering / Scarecrow / Azer / Bladeling / Clay Golem / Clockroach / Iron Cobra / Coral Golem / Dwarf Ancestor / Flesh Golem / Rot Ripper / Gargoyle / Kapoacinth / Margoyle / Scaladar / Gorgon / Hoard Scarab / Iron Golem / Adamantine Golem / Shield Guardian / Steel Predator / Stone Golem / Eidolon / Juggernaut / Web Golem
PLANT: Ascomoid / Assassin Vine / Choke Creeper / Bloodthorn / Orcwort / Quickwood / Gas Spore / Greenvise / Kelpie / Myconid / Obliviax / Shambling Mound / Tendriculos / Treant / Saguaro Sentinel / Tri-Flower Frond / Violet Fungus / Basidirond / Phantom Fungus / Yellow Musk Creeper / Corpse Flower
CELESTIAL: Moon Dog / Deva / Justicator / Planetar / Solar / Phoenix / Noctral / Hollyphant / Lillend / Guardian Naga / Pegasus / Lammasu / Empyrean / Kirin / Nyth
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cookie-nigel-dolan · 2 years
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Resident Evil ∅ / Biohazard ∅  (2002)
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go-to-the-mirror · 1 year
Before I get into the relisten: hot jon rights.
This is going to be another stream of consciousness ramble. Maybe I'll say something good, maybe I won't.
(The official transcript.)
CW for a little bit of paranoia inducing rambling about Alternates from TMC.
BREEKON That's right. Just wanted… to… to drop off a package.
The way Breekon speaks, all broken up. It's just so sad :(
BREEKON Dunno. ‘s not right on my own. Not right. No point in doing it on my own. Dunno what happens now. Thought I might kill you. Missed my chance. Thought I might just deliver something. So, here’s a coffin. In case you want… to join your friend.
It's sad about Breekon hours :( How are you supposed to mourn for a part of yourself? How are you supposed to heal when you're literally incomplete.
BREEKON Make me. [A whooshing noise starts to rise with Breekon’s words, but immediately ceases when the Archivist speaks] ARCHIVIST Stop. [Heavy static rises] BREEKON What’re you doing? BASIRA Jon, what are you doing? BREEKON What’re you— Stop it. Stop it! ARCHIVIST No. [Breekon winces in pain] BREEKON Enough! Stop looking at me! [Breekon lets out a final cry and flees, a door is hear distantly. Static diminishes]
HOT JON RIGHTS!!!! I love this part it's so cool!!! He's so cool.
We started in a plague. Not like the nasty crawlers, but like bringing any other doom.
Fun fact about me, when I learned about the bubonic plague in primary school I was terrified. Not really of getting sick, though I think it was part of it, but of a red cross painted on a door, a mark of death. I was scared of the certainty that if I was infected, I would die. And no one would try to help, for fear of their own demise.
Not really relevant, but there it is.
Two strangers rolling towards them, unstoppable and uncertain, wearing faces they would only half remember, bringing a fate they would beg their god to forget. They could not hate us any more than they might have hated the rock that falls on them from a crumbling cliff. They did not know us, but they knew what we might do to them, what we might bring them.
This! This is the fear of The Stranger that actually gets me. Not the clowns or the mannequins or whatever, I'm not actually that freaked out by those, and I have yet to find art of Nikola that would actually freak me out or scare me. It's this kind of stuff and the Strangers from WTNV. Standing, staring, they could be right behind you, they're not doing anything but they might, they might at any moment attack. They're unfamiliar and strange and you have to be on your guard because you don't know what to expect, but they don't do anything, they just wait, as your dread grows ever higher.
Horror like that makes me very paranoid. I have a page in my notebook of trying to convince myself that the Alternates from The Mandela Catalogue weren't real, and what I was most freaked out about with them was that they could be anywhere. They could be posing as your friends, they could be in the corner of your room, they could be a puppet show on TV, they could be right behind you.
Don't turn around.
He squeezed its first owner until they stopped, and dumped them in a river, and I stayed with the second until they didn’t know who they were any more than they knew what they were.
The Stranger is weird. <3
The winter in Russia was cold, and in the icy air the absence of our breath was clear for all to see.
I like imagining that, something subtly wrong, you don't even notice it until you do, and when you do, you can't stop noticing it.
I have never known hate before. I have never known loss. But now they are with me always, and I desire nothing but to share them with you.
Don't know what to say to this. Just... :(
BASIRA And don’t open the coffin. ARCHIVIST It is addressed to me… … Yes, alright. You’re right.
I like his sense of humour. It's similar to mine sometimes.
Anyway! This is over! I only said a couple things of worth, but I hope you enjoyed the look into my mind regardless!
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soraka-in-warhammer40k · 11 months
I am always baffled at reddit's ability to totally misjudge the strenght of stuff on the tabletop
It's almost like they spend so much time online whining they barely know how the game goes anymore. I made a post about AdMech before, but for a moment lets talk about Death Guard, who are currently considered the "weakest" Index, which I find to be pretty dang bullshit.
You see, to win the primary game in 10th, all you need to do is hold 3 of 5 points - there's no "hold 2 hold 3 hold more" anymore . Your homefield and 2 others - and Death Guard has absolutely no issue to just put a giant stinking BRICK on those two points each that most armies would spend quite some time to crack even when they got the tools for it.
So here's the list I - a total amateur - threw together in the App and that I knowing my own armies would have some serious trouble dealing with:
BRICK #1: Typhus with 20 Poxwalkers. You try digging through 20 models with -1 to hit and a 5+ Feel No Pain that RESPAWN whenever Typhus kills something with his mortal wound ability - completly ignoring the fact that when there's 21 models on a point, there's not much space for anything else.
BRICK #2: 10 Plague Marines with a Surgeon (brings back 1 per turn) and a Icon Bearer (gives all units +1 OC) in a Rhino. Good luck removing that in a timely manner, especially when the transport shields them in turn 1 and defensive strats like "Minus 1 to hit" are reserved for them.
And note here that this is just the stuff the army would use to hold points. Here's what I used:
3x Plageburst Crawler with Mortarion in the middle, giving them the "ignore all or any modifiers" aura AND "rerolls 1s to wound"
paired with
A Lord of Virulence guarded by six Deathshroud terminators.
The combo is pretty dang insane: whatever the Lord can see, the Indirect Fire mortars can fire at without penalty, +1 to hit AND "Ignores Cover". Just for reference, take a look at the Mortar's profile:
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Now imagine three of these having a free choice of target every turn while hitting even better and forcing battleshock rolls - and that's JUST THE BONUS - there's plenty of other guns on these, Morty shreds in melee, and Terminators are, well, still Terminators - except in this case due to being full flamers with full rerolls they will just delete something whatever they can use Overwatch.
You can take all this and you would STILL have 75 points over to do with whatever you wanted - a Tallyman for command points, enhancements, 10 more Poxwalkers, your choice really. How the ACTUAL FUCK do people consider this a "weak faction"?
This is not even a spam/cheese-list either. The only thing taken the absolute maximum off is the Crawler - otherwise what are we looking at? Some Poxwalkers, 10 Marines, a bunch of different HQs, a Rhino?
This list looks as regular as they come, and boy would I not want to fight against it.
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mog-moment · 7 months
Final Fantasy I: Randomizer
have you ever felt that FFI is too easy of a game?
would you like to make it easier? what about harder? want to remove the world map? what about completely redesigning the world map? what about changing entrances around, moving from Gaia to Mt. Gulg in a single doorway?
then you should try the Final Fantasy Randomizer!
the FFI randomizer will completely restructure the classic NES RPG to however you wish to play it, completely new ways to play it in any way you can think of.
there's a selection of randomization preset options, between "beginner" selections to make the randomization more easy if you're newer to the game, to "intermediate/expert" options if you're more familiar with the world of FFI.
Improved Vanilla and Beginner are the best selections for starting the randomizer. Beginner works by changing the game just enough to get you to be more familiar with how the randomizer works and functions, while IV fixes bugs that were present in the original, as well as adding quality of life fixes present in the later FF games.
Procedurally Generated Overworld is just what it sounds like - your stock-standard FFI experience, but the world has been completely randomized, areas will never be in the same spot twice.
Floaterless removes the airship, adding extra docks to the upper continent near most noteworthy areas.
Oops, All Loose! and Shard Hunt add key items and completion objectives into the item pool, chests will now carry items you need to finish the game! Shards themselves are the objective rather than the Orbs you need to collect to reach the Temple of Fiends.
Entrance and Floor Shuffle is exactly that. Doors will never lead to their original locations, you can go from one area to another without knowing where you go until its too late.
the beginner options are all simpler, they make the game just tricky enough to add a new challenge, and improve EXP and gold gain accordingly! but that's not all, the intermediate/expert options make the game all the more confusing.
Chaos Rush unlocks the Temple of Fiends immediately. your classes are pre-selected, and all methods of travel and upgrades unlocked. you level up much faster to compensate the end of the game being thrust upon you. how fast can you beat Chaos?
Deep Dungeon turns the game into a dungeon crawler. Coneria Castle turns into a 52 floor dungeon with Chaos waiting for you at the bottom, and different towns peppering the floors to make your trek a bit easier.
Free Enterprise models the experience after FF4: Free Enterprise. you start with 2 party members, and you get the opportunity to recruit more as the story progresses. there's quite a lot to this one!
Over Randomizer changes everything! new weapons, spells, enemies, bosses. anything that can be changed will be.
Hidden Chaos is my personal favorite. where is Chaos? who knows! you have to find him, trapped in a random chest somewhere in the entirety of the world!
Lich's Revenge changes the story, with the Fiend of Earth taking over, rather than Garland. all of humanity has fallen under the necromancer's plague of death, attacking you once their job has been done. bikke will strike as soon as you recieve his ship, as will the dwarves under mt. duergar, and even the king of dragons will challenge you once you prove your might as champions.
NOverworld is the final preset - not as a final challenge, but probably the hardest in my eyes. every village, castle, and dungeon is connected via staircase. the challenge comes from memory, and exploring every nook and cranny of the world to find out where the hell you need to go to get to Mirage Tower.
overall? FFIR is an incredible experience. all the presets change the game in a fun way, making everything so much more than the original game. not to say the original FFI is a bad game, it's a blast! but you should take some time to try FFIR, experiment on some of the extra options as well!
transmooglification? custom sprites? melmond zozo-fication? random vampire attack? major item shuffling? the world is yours to randomize - play FF1R with your own legally acquired ROM.
have fun!
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bubblewonderabyss · 7 months
When/if the tADC cast is shown in human form, I really hope they don't visually resemble their avatars, for a few reasons -The program forces them to forget their own names, clearly anonymity was a priority here -The avatars are clearly reflecting their personalities, not their physical bodies -It's such an overdone and frankly kind of lazy trope in the trapped-in-a-video-game genre, I'm tired of it
(Nothing against those who do draw them that way of course, it's just not my preference)
And since I hate complaining without offering an alternative, here's my (PROBABLY WILDLY INCORRECT) speculation on what they might have been like when they were human under the cut
(cw: self harm, animal death)
Pomni -Had long blonde hair which she wore down, she would have preferred it short but [insert loved one here] loved it, so long it was. Also doubled as a convenient curtain when she was outwardly freaking out -On the skinny side, flat as a board even, strong legs though -Well dressed in an understated way, she didn't like to stand out -Was really into gymnastics as a kid, moved onto jogging once she got older and busier -Ate a lot of neon colored tv dinners/poptarts/fast food as a kid, avoided it like the plague in her teen years and beyond because "it's gross" -Had a rabbit once, but it escaped and what was left of it was found in her back yard a week later, she never had the heart to get another pet after that -Part of a friend group, but didn't hang out with most of them individually -Watched American Idol religiously
Gangle -Chubby and really tall, yet always felt small, so her posture was really bad -Either lived with her parents or spent most of her time holed up in her apartment, didn't get much sunlight either way -Dressed modestly to cover up some self inflicted scars -Anime was not really part of the western cultural consciousness in the late 90's, most people assumed it was either just kid stuff or just porn, so she probably didn't have many friends outside of a few fellow anime fans -Very quiet and withdrawn but could talk for hours about her new favorite anime (and yes, she preferred subs to dubs) -Loved trying different kinds of snacks -Her keys had a shit ton of keychains and charms attached -Drew a lot and kept it all in a big binder
Zooble -Kinda short -Exceptionally good posture -Moved around a lot as a kid, their favorite place was an apartment one block off from a park where they met their best friend -Alt fashion sense (mostly hand me down clothes so they had to get creative anyway) with a preference for button up shirts -Socks MUST match, down to the brand -Mall crawler, but rarely bought anything -Bead collection -Read so many sci fi books
Kinger -Dad bod -Could see fine but kept his reading glasses in the front pocket of his (usually hawaiian, sometimes plaid) shirt at all times -Was something of a chess and checkers legend at his local library, the "I bet you can't beat that guy" guy. Would let his opponent win if they seemed like they were really stressing about it though -Big nature guy, went hiking or camping once every couple weeks at least -Had a pottery kiln in his garage -Met his wife at a movie theater and movies were the go-to date night ever since
Ragatha -Average proportions, other than being slightly 'blessed in the chest' -Her least favorite season was summer, because she couldn't wear her sweaters then -Her parents loved her but were on the strict side -Most of her disposable income went to her porcelain doll collection, which she hid from friends and family because "it's creepy" -Didn't realize wanting to kiss girls wasn't a universal experience for the longest time -Had a busy social life, was rarely home because she always had someone to see and somewhere to be -Dated around a lot but never settled down with anybody -Was big into fantasy stuff, especially the renaissance faire
Jax -Average proportions, like imagine a Normal Guy (non-hollywood version) he looked like that -Dyed his hair an unnatural color like green or pink -Struggled with an eating disorder, less because he hated how he looked (though he might have) and more to assert control in a life where he had very little -Wore band shirts of bands he didn't listen to as a little private joke. His actual music taste leaned more classical but he wouldn't tell a soul about that -Quite friendly and social, but couldn't maintain more than a couple close friendships at a time -Loved baseball -Watched every horror movie he could get his hands on
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