#slam dunk oneshot
delfloyd · 8 months
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Niko fu*kin ballin
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saintescuderia · 7 months
(a pancakes oneshot!)
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AKA - carlos tries the local food in jeddah without you - and suffers as a result
series masterlist here :)
the pancakes recipe here :)
A/N: this was written as a coping mechanism for the fact that carlos is sick and might not make jeddah
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“Please tell me what you were thinking.” 
You walked into the room to see the Spanish driver sat on the bed, rubbing his eyes from the nap you had just woken up him from. Good. You had seen his Instagram story and the bragging of the 50km bike ride around Jeddah. With the Ferrari contract coming to an end, Onoro was working overtime. Carlos’ schedule was now jam packed with all these PR moments, both official in having meetings and dinners, and unofficial and his Instagram was now becoming his CV. 
Case in point, let me show off my athleticism. 
“I wanted to go for a bike ride.” Carlos said simply. His ran a hand through his bed hair, wild from his nap, and then his eye adjusted to you. “Don’t dump your bag there.”
“Then don’t keep your shoes here.” You retorted as, of course, his shoes were right by the door. You two had often argued about it, him haphazardly taking them off as he walked into the hotel and you tripping over them and then nagging him about it as you kicked them to the side. As now, you nagged at him and kicked the white sneakers out of your path. 
However, in doing so, you stopped and bent down to pick up the shoes. You looked at him and then back at the shoe with the Nike swish. A surprised smile found its way on your face, distracting you from the issue at hand. 
“You went out in dunks?” 
“You bought them for me to wear.” He said as if it were obvious. “Girlfriend affect.” He waved a dismissive hand in the air and you couldn’t help but smile at how cute that was. For a second, the whole thing disarmed you and made your forget why you had rushed to the hotel room in a huff. 
Then Carlos reached for some pills on his bedside table and it all came rushing back. 
It wasn’t like you disagreed with all the extra stuff Onoro had his cousin do. Carlos needed to start working now if he wanted to find another seat for next year. You all agreed to it. What you didn’t agree to was Carlos taking stupid risks with his training and doing stuff like a 50km bike ride in Saudi Arabian weather without you. The heat stroke alone was enough to knock him out and prevent him from actually racing that weekend. 
Case in point, right now. 
“Alright kids I gotta get to work, if I don’t input those numbers… doesn’t make much of difference.”
You snorted, immediately tuning into the iconic voice of one Chandler Bing. You look to where the TV was playing one of the earlier season of FRIENDS, the cast looking especially younger. You looked back at Carlos and frowned, eyeing him suspiciously. 
“What? You always say I should watch it.” He said. 
It wasn’t that Carlos was watching FRIENDS. It was the fact that he was in bed watching FRIENDS. If there ever was someone more pedantic about sleep hygiene, it was him. If he had just woken up from a nap, it wasn’t planned. Suddenly, your worry about his wellbeing overtook your anger. 
“How are you feeling?” You asked as you came to sit on the edge of the bed he was still reclined in. You brought a hand to his forehead and noted his temperature. Nothing alarming. Though, he was shirtless and the AC was on. You also noted the green gel of aloe vera he had likely stolen from your own suitcase. At least he was taking care of himself. 
“Better now that you’re here.” He said and reached up to bring the hand that was feeling his forehead to bring it to his lips. He pressed a kiss to your fingers. You rolled your eyes but still couldn’t help but smile. 
“You’re not going to get out of this.”
“Out of what?”
“Carlos, I saw your story.” You said. 
“One second mi amor.” Carlos flipped the bed sheets back and then climbed out of bed. He rushed to the bathroom and slammed the door shut behind him. You stared at him confusedly as suddenly there was music playing from inside the bathroom. You were really at a loss with this one. Especially since you recognised the song and wondered since when your boyfriend willingly listened to Metro Boomin? 
Carlos was particular about his bathroom time and if he was playing music, you could only assume he wasn’t in there just to take a piss. Evidently he was going to be in there for a while and that meant you would have to occupy yourself until then. 
There was a coffee machine at the small kitchenette that was calling your name. You had woken up earlier than usual to help Oscar through some drills before the race weekend and the need for caffeine was all too real. As you popped the pod into the Nespresso machine, you realised the spread of half-eaten food Carlos had likely ordered - and dumped into the kitchen sink. 
You knew his diet well since you had been the one to essentially create it. It had been a painstaking process to carefully craft a regime that allowed Carlos to hit his protein goals - and indulge in his love for food. Because man, did Carlos love food. He had pretty much wept at the sight of you poached chicken breast all those many months ago. Since the relationship between the two of you had shifted on from the strictly business of a trainer-driver relationship to becoming a fully fledged romantic couple, Carlos had taken you out to countless restaurants. He had a list in his Notes app of all his favourite restaurants, bars and cafes all around the world and had decided to take you to every one come a Grand Prix weekend.  
You thought it was stupid since he needed to work but one could never be mad at those eyes. It was how he managed to get you to let him eat all that he did. 
So to see that Carlos Sainz, the Spanish foodie Carlos Sainz, had ordered a lunch of plain fruits and plain toast— you were immediately confused. Suspicious even. Carlos eating plain toast was… unfathomable. 
You made your coffee and opted to just wait until Carlos could explain his choice of breakfast. The way you saw it was that he was restricting himself with such low calorie foods in the hope of shedding weight and hopefully then bettering his race. 
The coffee had finished pouring and you huffed as you picked up the cup and went to sit on the bed. 
“I can’t stop smiling.”
“I can see that. It’s like you slept with a hanger in your mouth.”
Sitting on the bed, you blew on your coffee and tried to focus on Rachel and Monica on the TV - and not how Carlos was currently his own worse enemy. It was no use to tell him off now. Reyes had told you how the Junior was like the Senior in the toilet being a sacred space. You don’t bother Carlos on the toilet. 
You had done that once and it was the only time Carlos had ever snapped at you. 
Something buzzed in your pocket. It was likely Oscar asking about lunch and so you went to set the coffee on the bedside table to free up your hands and respond - when you saw it. 
You recognised the Ferrari water bottle with the personalised 55 decoration. 
You also recognised the Antinal box of pills that were half opened beside it. 
Suddenly all the puzzle pieces clicked into place. The plain foods, the lack of forewarning as he jumped to the toilet, the impromptu nap. Carlos wasn’t unfit for Jeddah because he was overworking himself, Carlos was unfit for Jeddah because he had diarrhoea.  
Looking down at the familiar bottle of pills, your only question now was how in the fuck Carlos knew to take it. Sure, Antinal would’ve been your go to if you were hit with gastro or food poisoning or whatever it was that was now plaguing your boyfriend. Your auntie used to have a hoarded stock of the medication in her cupboard above the microwave. You swore that the stuff was magic. It was better than any of the medication you had found in the US or UK. Though, how Carlos had managed to get hold of Egyptian diarrhoea medication was beyond you. 
You looked back at the white dunks by the door and remembered how while you had been training with your brother, your boyfriend had been doing some PR for Saudi Arabia and touring the local streets. 
The door finally opened and out came Carlos, patting his stomach. You said nothing as he came to sit on the bed beside you, not questioning how you took his side. He wordlessly climbed back under the covers and you felt all the anger, all the worry wash out of you. All you felt now was genuine fondness for the sick boy beside you. 
“You tried the local food without me.”
It was a statement but Carlos still curled up beside you and mumbled an affirmative “Yes.” to your side. Your arm came up to wrap around him and start playing with his hair. 
“How the fuck did you find Antinal?”
“I asked Oscar.” 
“Oh, habibi.” You couldn’t help but croon as you had to imagine Carlos going to your brother, someone he admittedly didn’t get along with all too well and asking for help because he had stomach problems. Still, you knew Oscar wouldn’t have said anything or made jokes. No matter his feelings towards Carlos, Oscar wasn't like that. Besides, you had taught the young driver enough.
For example, to always have gastro medication. No matter what. 
Carlos didn’t saying anything and you didn’t feel the need to add anything. Instead, you slowly got up from sitting on top of the covers and came to slide yourself underneath them. You brought your arm back around Carlos and resumed your comforting massage as he rested beside you, eyes closed. You, however, were sipping on your coffee, half your attention on the 90s sitcom currently playing - “I can’t believe you didn’t know it was a line!” - and the blue and grey text bubbles between you and the driver you considered your little brother.
Oscar was now asking if dinner was an option since lunch was evidently now forgone that Carlos was asleep next to you. 
“I’m sorry.” 
Or so you thought was asleep. You blinked, looking down at the boyfriend you thought had drifted off again. 
“For what?” You said, dropping your phone and sliding down to bring your face to his. You lightly traced his face and saw the way his frown between his brows eased, his lips lifted slightly. 
“Ricciardo made a joke about my contract in front of Lewis. It’s why I went out for that bike ride and posted about it.” He admitted. You bit back any of the words that immediately came to mind and how you wanted to rip into the stupidity of letting someone like Daniel Ricciardo getting to him. Sure, there was some clear bad blood but you really had hoped Carlos wouldn’t have let it get to him. Danny was just a scorned ex after all.
“If anything, I should be mad that you went to explore restaurants without me." You said lightly. "What happened to us having one couple date a weekend?”
Carlos’ eyes blinked open at that as his smile grew. You felt warmth inside you bloom seeing that beautiful, beautiful smile of his. Your phone buzzed again and you turned over to pick it up and read the message from Oscar. You snorted. 
“What?” Carlos asked. 
“Oscar says he hopes you feel better.” 
“That’s nice of him.” Carlos said, sitting up slightly to reach over you and go for his water bottle. This made you sit up also and now you both had your backs to the headboard, sitting up in the bed. 
“I think he just wants you to race so he can get payback for Spa last year.” You said. Oscar’s next text thread confirmed this and you chuckled and went to pick up your coffee to take a sip. Carlos shook his head and went back to lay his head on the pillow. 
“When does this kick in?”
“The antinal?” You asked, grinning as you still couldn’t believe Carlos Sainz was using your Middle Eastern auntie’s magical cure for anything stomach related. “Maybe an hour after taking it, depending on how bad it is.” Carlos frowned and closed his eyes, shifting a lot as he tried to get comfortable back in the bed. Your grin fell slightly and you brought your hand back to his hair. 
“Sleep it off, habibi.”
“What are you going to do?” 
“Watch FRIENDS.” You said with a shrug. 
“I was supposed to watch it.”
“Not my fault.” You sassed back. “I’ll rewatch it with you again later. You just work on fixing your stomach and I’ll read through race strategies and debrief you later in case you can race.” You paused and took a sip of your coffee. “I also need to convince Lando to come to dinner.”
“Since you and I haven’t had dinner and I was supposed to be with Oscar for lunch but I’m here with you.” You explained. "He's wanting dinner plans."
“He saw you all of yesterday and this morning.” 
Carlos' complaints made you smile. “We’ll go out us four. You two can bond again.”
He only huffed. “When have we ever bonded?”
“When you got over yourself and asked him for antinal because you wouldn’t stop shitting?”
Carlos’ response was to reach his hand up and flick you on the nose. 
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demigod-shenanigans · 22 days
Snippet from an entry for my canon divergent oneshot series that I’m still working on (idk why this is in present tense, either, that might change in the actual fic, we’ll see):
Reyna watches them for a moment.
Leo is splashing Jason, showing no signs of stopping and loudly complaining that it’s no fun if Jason doesn’t retaliate. She waits for Jason to tell him to knock it off.
He doesn’t. He smiles serenely, then raises a hand and uses the winds to push a whole bunch of water right in Leo’s face.
“Dude! Foul!” Leo splutters, but he’s laughing. He makes a very poor attempt to dunk Jason—he doesn’t have the arm strength to do any real damage—but Jason lets himself fall backwards, and then they both go under.
When they reappear they’re both laughing.
Jason is looking down at Leo, beaming, and something clicks into place in Reyna’s head, a puzzle piece that hadn’t seemed to fit suddenly slotting in perfectly.
“You good?” Piper asks when she reappears at her side, now wearing a baseball cap and slightly smudged sunscreen.
Despite the responsibility she so obviously holds for the other campers—expertly demonstrated by every fight she’s broken up between their respective camps these past few weeks—her expression is utterly carefree in this moment. The concept seems foreign to Reyna, but there’s something incredibly powerful about it, too. With the sun illuminating her from behind, Piper looks almost celestial.
“I’m- yes. I’m alright.” Reyna realizes she’s been staring, and judging by how she’s smirking, clearly Piper has noticed. Reyna swallows, forcing herself to direct her gaze back to Jason and Leo, who are still busy splashing each other.
“I’ll resist the urge to tease you because I’m nice.” Piper could have said it smugly, but halfway through her tone melts into something much softer. “I never asked before, but from how you two interact, I get the feeling that this Jason is pretty different from the person he was before Leo and I subjected him to our combined chaotic energy. That has to be hard.”
And it is hard, to look at the best friend that’s been missing for months and find him, suddenly, a stranger. To realize you might never get him back.
This Jason has always seemed wrong to Reyna, somehow. Like some part of him broke that she doesn’t know how to fix.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen Jason laugh like that,” she says, and the moment the words leave her mouth the truth of what’s changed slams into her like a boulder. He’s different because he’s happier. This Jason that laughs freely and thinks of childish retaliation as a perfectly acceptable response to Leo’s splashing is whole in a way no version of him Reyna knew had ever been. Things don’t seem off to her because there’s anything wrong with Jason—it’s because they grew up with twin holes in their chests, and now his heart beats vividly while her chest still rings hollow. “I can’t remember the last time I let myself laugh like that, either.”
She doesn’t mean to admit that last part out loud, but it slips out regardless, like it so startlingly often does with Piper. It’s been happening more and more since she’s first offered to share Reyna’s burden.
Something about being around Piper gets her talking, emotions bleeding out of her like through an open wound she doesn’t know how to staunch. A wound she isn’t sure she wants to staunch, if she’s fully honest with herself. It makes her feel light-headed.
“I can get you into the lake, too, if that’s what you want,” Piper offers immediately.
Reyna raises an eyebrow at her in amusement. “You could not push me in if you tried.”
“No, but I could always use my charmspeak.” Piper grins. “It is really hot today. And they look like they’re having fun, don’t they? Why don’t we join them?”
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eyeshields · 3 months
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Illustrations celebrating Eyeshield 21 21st anniversary/the release of the BRAINxBRAVE oneshot (part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 4 / part 5).
Artists from left to right, top to bottom:
Eiichiro Oda (One Piece)
Akutami Gege (Jujutsu Kaisen)
Masashi Kishimoto (Naruto)
Tite Kubo (Bleach)
Kohei Horikoshi (My Hero Academia)
Boichi (Dr. STONE)
Osamu Akimoto (Kochikame)
Takehiko Inoue (SLAM DUNK)
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mint decavitator! or perhaps charcoal if thats more your style
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By extremely popular demand, it's sword time!
Decavitator is just a complete slam dunk of a weapon, no notes. It's a goddamn electric toothbrush sword that does iaijutsu slashes and has a god-tier pun for a name. I love how weighty and deliberate this weapon feels to use, and landing oneshots is just super satisfying.
Of the two kits I prefer Mint, if only because I like having a bomb more than I like having a wall (though I am sure me being pretty bad at Inkjet doesn't win Charcoal any points on that front)
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Ocho OctoPhones Blancos / Chilly Mountain Coat / White Arrows
18K Aviators / Barazushi Peacoat/ N-pacer Au
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lexosaurus · 2 years
Lexx pray tell what is Phantom Phight Club?
I'm so glad you came to me. Let me take you on a little story of our Phandom History.
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So the tl;dr is that it's a Danny Phantom shitposting tournament. There are 64 entrants who go head to head over 6 rounds. It's a stereotypical tournament style, so head to head rounds until there is just one final Phight Club Champion.
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The history of this epic tournament is that in 2018, @ectopusses and @raycr0ak (formally rayhoosier) challenged me to an epic phight behind the Denny's. We trash talked for a while before @dannyphandump (aka Tali) started a Betting Booth on me vs ectopusses, which was then coined as an official phight.
After the idea gained popularity, Tali made a post to see if people wanted to set up a genuine, Hunger Games style shitpost tournament. @catalystofthesoul then set up how the tournament would work, and Tali and Vic (@babypop-phantom) then worked to bring it all together for January 2019.
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2019 came with the FIRST Phight Club. @reallydumbdannyphantomaus won, @heyheyitsstillgay came in second, and I came in third.
Here are some amazing examples of the hilarity to come out of this event.
An incredible Danny outfit change by @heyheyitsstillgay
A Conlang Ghost Speak I made in one day
Danny reveals himself via snapchat by @punkhalfghosts
Danny cooks an egg by @reallydumbdannyphantomaus
2020 came next, and it was another slam dunk year. @ecto-american won, @auroraphantasma came in second, and @grimgrinningghoul came in third.
2020 also had some fantastic content:
A Clockwork Animation by @auroraphantasma
This Fenton Washer/Dryer Infomercial by @half-dead-half-wit
The time Danny convinced everyone he was being kinned by @grimgrinningghoul
When Vlad revealed himself by becoming Butch Hartman by @lumanae
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So then 2021 came, and unfortunately both Tali and Vic needed a break. The events were always massive and involved essentially two full months of festivities, including art making, ghostsonas, oneshots showcasing epic battles, fake jobs and fake workdays, and more. Then 2022 came and went with no phight club even mentioned.
At this point, many of us just assumed that Phight Club was a thing of the past. A fun little thing we participated in for a few years that had stayed in that era of the phandom along with the famous Apocalypses and other meme-y events.
Well that was, until Last Night where Vic mysteriously posted this ominous flickering Denny's sign, the first peep this blog has had in the past few years.
Then shortly after, they changed their header to say this.
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So is a Phight Club 2023 in the works?
Are we going to get an epic reunion?
Well, let's find out.
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aoioozora · 4 months
Everything I've Written
Here's a list of my fanfiction, drabbles, oneshots, and casual stuff I've written across platforms for easier navigation! Tag: #aoioozora writes
I only write fics for women/fems, and I don't write any smut :)
Call of Duty
Mortal Kombat
Red Dead Redemption
Other Fandoms
Wattpad - Hetalia, BTS, One Punch Man
Quotev - Jujutsu Kaisen and Slam Dunk oneshots
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37ºC, 2 p.m. (Imagine Mitsui Hisashi)
Hello people! How are you?
I'm so happy to bring this brand new Slam Dunk fanfiction for you guys after 8 years without writing anything besides headcanons for this fandom! And to restart, it's obvious I would choose my ultimate Slam Dunk husband, Mitsui Hisashi! I really hope you guys like it! But hold on, because there's more coming!
Posted on Spirit Fanfictions, Wattpad (all Portuguese version. Translated using AI with some personal adaptations) Word count: 1.9k Oneshot| College scenario Warnings: fem!reader, couple argue, anxiety mentioned Cover by rakolniskov
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Synopsis: Mitsui catches his girlfriend attempting to do insane tasks in extreme conditions once again. While he tries to make her aware of the risks she’s taking, a message from a freshman turns everything upside down.
“Are you mad!?”
Even with headphones on, [Name] heard it, which made her throw the plastic Becker she had in her hand up in the air. She looked startled towards the entrance of the greenhouse, finding a breathless version of her boyfriend, Mitsui Hisashi. The hair falling over his forehead and the Tokyo University jersey accused that he had just come from practice.
“Do you know how hot it is in here!?”, he continued, striding determinedly towards his girlfriend.
[Name] frowned at Mitsui and, picking up the plastic Becker she had thrown, hit him on the shoulder three times.
“You are mad! You almost gave me a heart attack!”
“Me, mad?”, exclaimed Mitsui, holding her by the shoulders.”It’s 37 degrees in here!”
[Name] blinked, processing her boyfriend's words. Then she looked around and then up. The exhaust fan was running at full power, as was the humidification pad.
“But I turned on the cooling system”, she countered, thoughtfully.
Her attention seemed to finally detach from the task she was performing before Mitsui's interruption and returned to herself. Her clothes were drenched in sweat. Drops were pouring from her hairline and must have ruined the foundation she had put on that morning. The latex gloves she was wearing were covered in soil and stuck uncomfortably to her hands.
“Oh”, she unconsciously let slip.
The anger and indignation on Mitsui's face clouded over. With a long sigh, he said:
“One day, your hyperfocus is going to be the death of you. Look at you. How did you not realize it's boiling in here? Come on”. He opened one of the plastic bags hanging from his arm and took out a tangerine Gatorade, [Name]'s favorite flavor. “Drink.”
Mitsui unscrewed the cap and handed the bottle to his girlfriend, who drank it in one gulp. When the cold liquid started to flow down her throat, [Name] felt a wave of relief and freshness, making her realize how hot and thirsty she actually was.
“Ah, that’s delicious!” she said, lowering the empty bottle. “I was really thirsty.”
Mitsui stared at her, serious.
“No wonder.” His gaze wandered around the greenhouse and stopped at the huge bags full of soil that [Name] had apparently been handling. “Are you dealing with all that soil by yourself”.
“I need to fill the pots to set up the experiment for Friday”, replied [Name], already jumping to the justification.
Mitsui widened his eyes at her, indignant.
“What did I tell you the last time I caught you autoclaving those 110 pounds of soil by yourself?”
[Name] whimpered, stomping her field boots on the cracked concrete.
“Hisashi, I can't keep depending on you to do the heavy lifting for the experiments. It's a lot of work! Besides studying and attending classes, you also have to practice for the games.”
“And don't you have to do the same!?”, he exclaimed, throwing his arms out and slapping his thighs impatiently. “That's why you've been so exhausted! Look at the crazy things you've been doing, [Name]. You spent two weeks lifting those heavy soil cans by yourself until I found out! And that was right before the summer nationals qualifiers.”
“And you don't tell me anything! You didn't mention the technicians' strike, you didn't say you were doing everything alone! I can help you, you know that!”
“Hisashi, I-”
At that moment, they heard three knocks against the wall of the greenhouse, sounding close to the door. They turned and saw a figure crouched behind the worn translucent plastic sheeting.
“Come in”, said [Name].
She immediately recognized the newcomer as soon as she tilted her head to make her face visible in the doorway.
“Ah, Etsuko-chan!”She was one of [Name]'s freshmen. “What is it?”
“Masako-sensei said tomorrow's game has had a time change. It'll be at 2 o’clock. Since you said you weren't going to practice today, she asked me to come and tell you.”
[Name] felt her boyfriend's silhouette stiffen beside her, and she was sure she was definitely in trouble.
“A-ah! Thank you, Etsuko-chan! See you tomorrow!”
She waved nervously at the freshman, who sensed the growing tension between the two and left as quickly as she could without appearing to flee.
There was a moment of dense silence in the greenhouse before Mitsui's voice thundered against the sheeting:
“You have a game tomorrow!?”
“I, look Hisashi, I can…”
All attempts to explain herself vanished from [Name]'s mind the moment her eyes met Mitsui's.
For there was a pain there that she did not expect to find.
[Name] fell silent, waiting expectantly for the next reaction. However, Mitsui's stormy stance dissolved like a cloud suddenly blown away by a strong gust of wind. His broad shoulders fell, and deep sadness creased his face.
“You…”, he started again in a sullen tone. “You don't ask for help when you need to do something here in the greenhouses. And now you don't even tell me the dates of your games... [Name], is something going on between…”
She understood what he meant before the sentence was finished. Instinctively, she moved towards her boyfriend in one swift motion and held his face with both hands. Her eyes were brimming with tears, and her heart was pounding.
“No! It's not what you're thinking, Hisashi!”, she exclaimed, clearly shaken. Just the mere idea made her heart race with nervousness. “There's nothing wrong between us, I... it's just…”
Finally, the tears came.
Tears of exhaustion.
[Name] covered her face with her hands, crouched down, and broke into sobs.
“I swear I'm trying!”, she cried between sobs. “But it's so much... So much... But I can't…”
Alarmed, Mitsui knelt beside her and wrapped her in an awkward hug. Seconds later, he gave up on the position, sat on the ground, and pulled her onto his lap. [Name] cried for nearly ten uninterrupted minutes, clinging to Mitsui's jersey. Finally, the sobs grew less frequent until they ceased.
“You've always been like this since junior high. Too quiet. Too stubborn. Why do you still insist on doing things alone?”
[Name] sniffled and, after a few moments of silence, responded:
“I don't like bothering others with my problems.”
“Oh, so I'm ‘others’?”
“It's not that!”, protested [Name], giving Mitsui a light punch in the abdomen, which made him stifle a groan. “Sorry. It's just that I don't... want to be a burden.”
“Hey!”,  Mitsui held [Name]'s chin with his index finger and thumb, lifting it so he could look her deeply in the eyes. “Your problems, my problems. Isn't it you who keeps quoting that verse up and down every time I refuse your help to study, "and they shall become one flesh"?
[Name] felt her face flush at the quote, and her heart seemed to skip a beat. Why did he always remember every detail of what she said?
In her embarrassed silence, Mitsui reinforced:
“You will never, ever be a burden to me. So please, let me help you. That way, you won't be so tired.”
He hugged her tightly against his chest, and she nestled against his jersey. After almost a minute of silence, [Name] said:
“I feel like my brain is unlearning how to think. There's so much information to manage, so many important decisions to make... Alone. My advisor is very busy. My co-advisor helps a lot, but he has his own students to supervise. I've never put together an entire research project by myself, let alone execute one. It's difficult... I'm afraid I won't be able to finish on time. And then there's the team... Even though I'm not in the sports-related courses, Masako-sensei counts on me a lot as a player. And I feel the pressure, you know? I wonder if the other players are jealous... There are girls in physical education who sit on the bench! And then there's the worries at home...
She let out a long sigh and buried her face in Mitsui's jersey.
“I'm sorry for forgetting to tell you about the game. I can't take so many memory lapses anymore... I'm so tired…”
Mitsui kissed the top of [Name]'s head and adjusted her on his lap so he could lift her in his arms as he stood up.
“So, today, you're going to rest. No more messing up with this soil. After the game, you can finish this. I'll come to help you.”
[Name] let out a long sigh, resigned.
“Okay. Let me just get the tools to return them to the mechanization area.”
She swung her legs, signaling she wanted to get down. Mitsui set her on her feet with another kiss, this time on the side of her head.
“Get everything and give it to me. I'll-”
Mitsui couldn't finish his sentence because, at that moment, all the roof sprinklers turned on simultaneously. Within seconds, a thick cloud of water droplets filled every inch of the stuffy greenhouse air. [Name] had stopped mid-stride and turned. Now, she was staring at Mitsui with wide eyes. Slowly, her hands rose to cover a smile that insisted on curving her lips.
“It's…”, she ducked quickly, as if dodging a ball that had just passed close to her head. “It's 2 o’clock.”
“What?”, Mitsui replied, confused. “2 o’clock... But isn’t the game tomorrow?”
[Name] stifled a giggle.
“No! It's just that I had done a programming test earlier with the micro-sprinklers for 2 p.m.... And I forgot to turn off the automatic setting!”
The two exchanged astonished looks and suddenly burst into laughter. [Name] hugged her belly, doubling over with laughter. The water ran cold over her body, bringing a strange sense of relief. The temperature inside the greenhouse dropped generously, making the air feel lighter.
Feeling a pleasant warmth in his chest, Mitsui watched [Name] laugh for a few moments, then finally walked over to her. Water dripped from her hair and ran down her makeup-smeared face to the curve of her smile, which redirected the droplets.
It was the most beautiful smile he had ever seen, and he would do anything to protect it.
Gently, Mitsui held [Name]'s face with both hands and gazed deeply into her eyes.
“I know I may not be as smart as you, but I want to help you in any way I can.”
[Name] gave a small laugh and a light slap on Mitsui's chest.
“Don't say that. You are smart. And you've always helped me, much more than you ever thought you could.”
Mitsui smiled and, without another word, touched [Name]'s smiling lips with his own.
She stifled a smile as she thought about how her boyfriend had an incredible ability to say so much even when he said little. Mitsui tended to be direct when he spoke, but he left many subtleties unsaid in each touch. And [Name] felt and understood each one of them, hidden in that kiss.
The four fingers gently encircling the side of her neck said, "I know you're feeling weak. I'll support you." The thumbs on her cheeks that made light caresses on her skin said, "I'll take care of you." The distance he kept between his chest and hers said, "You don't fully belong to me yet, and I recognize and respect that." The slight tremor in his lips said, "I'm afraid I won't be able to help you," but the continuous, gentle, and affectionate touch said, "I love you."
A few tears welled up in [Name]'s eyes, camouflaged by the droplets from the micro-sprinklers. Gently, she raised her hands and placed them tenderly on Mitsui's jaw. She made a slight movement with her lips, intensifying the touch for a moment, then pressing them against his.
Looking deeply into his eyes, she said with a smile:
“I love you, Hisashi. Thank you…”
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lyloneliness · 1 year
Thanks @nnakahara sweetheart for tagging me (≡^∇^≡)
people you'd like to know better:
last song: Kitani Tatsuya - cute aggression and Miyavi - Other Side (does anyone here knows Id:invaded ?)
fave color: All kind of blue, and black. Blood red is not bad either
currently watching: Link click s2, jjk s2, sugar Apple fairy tail s2, dekiru Neko wa kyou mo yuuutsu, zom100, undead girl murder face, AI no idenshi, Jojo diamond is unbreakable (again), slam dunk (read all the manga recently and watched the first slam dunk so now I want to watch the anime too (。>ㅅ<。) ), and I'm certainly forgetting something but that's already a lot ^^'
currently reading: Lost in the clouds, lots of weekly manga series on manga+, Under ninja by Hanazawa Kengo, 55 minutes, rereading dazai's entrance exam. Also rereading Everything had changed yet the moon was still there by Fifi_writes (one of my fav skk fics (๑✪ᆺ✪๑) )
sweet/savory/spicy: Definitely sweet (﹡ˆ﹀ˆ﹡)♡
relationship status: It's sooo complicated (T^T)...! (You can skip this if you want)
Well, I figured not that long ago that I'm polya, and that it's the reason all my relationships, be it friendship or love (and for me that line is very blurry), are chaotic. And I'm still in a weird 'very affectionate sex friend' and 'work partner' relationship with my ex, but I've got a reciprocate crush on a friend I met recently and we kiss everytime we see each other but I don't think they want something very serious...? Also flirting with whoever I want all the time so yeah.. I don't really have a 'status' (。>ㅅ<。)💦sorry…
current obsessions: Bsd ofc. Skk as always. Also, the reason I'm rereading the light novels is because I want to understand dazai at the deepest level... Like I want to know what's the hole of the donut. Also, my satosugu obsession is coming back full force because of s2... And togaraka ((T^T)).
last thing I googled: 19 days scan, because of the new chapter (*´꒳`*)
currently working on: A LOT of things... I have two manga oneshots (like... 55 and 40 pages) I'm working on, some characters development in a long-term manga I do with the ex I mentioned earlier that we're trying to fix, a story I've been trying to write for months but it only works with certain peaks of energy, aaannnd a few bsd theories and analysis waiting in my drafts (╥ω╥`)
Anyway! Thanks again for tagging me, I liked doing this a lot, and here are some ppl I'd like to know better :
@lovelyalicorn @originalaccountname @imfailingmyacademics @frenchonionsoop @dazaistabletop @easy-revenge @deafeningdetectivesoul @starlightt8 @sleepytownez @inamagicalhallucination
No pressure to do it, or maybe you've already done it but I didn't see.. So yeah (ʘᴗʘ✿)
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shih-coulda-had-it · 2 years
Deku somehow gets teleported into Toshinori yagi’s timeline meets prime Torino and the 7th user of one for all they try and see how he got here and much of one for all he can control and he probably meets chiyo while he’s at it 😂
I already have something like this, though it’s less of a wip and more of a ‘eh, it has the trappings of a oneshot.’ So instead I’m just going to use this as an opportunity to spin other wheels, because, anon, this is another case of you giving me the outline instead of manifesting it yourself, for me to enjoy.
Villain Hunt!Izuku is arguing with All Might when he is slam-dunked into his mentor by a Time Displacement Quirk gone awry. The user’s motivation is that Deku is CLEARLY doing so much more than Small Might, so maybe Japan wouldn’t have gone to hell if Deku was in charge from the start! This has the intended consequence of Izuku being shot back in time to when Toshinori JUST received One for All at age thirteen.
This has the unfortunate, also intended consequence of Izuku possessing Toshinori’s body. He reacts as any traumatized teenager bearing the burden of the world would--that is, badly. Monitoring the situation is Nana and Sorahiko; the former is confused and scared for her would-be successor, and the latter is just ‘Of course this happens. Of course. That’s just our luck.’
Izuku has brought back the decades’ accumulated stockpile in One for All (vestiges included!), and it truly is a testament to Toshinori’s Quirkless genes that enable him NOT to break when Izuku lets fly his first Smash. Nana is flabbergasted. Sorahiko is reconsidering his early assessment of Toshinori-turned-Izuku. Then, Izuku taps into the rest of One for All, and all three of them proceed to have an intense discussion of (1) how to use this opportunity to demolish AfO, (2) whether or not young Toshinori remains, and if he can be retrieved, and (3) if Izuku is here permanently.
They relocate to Recovery Girl’s office in U.A. so she can run a physical on Izuku, and who do they find there but TOSHINORI, mid-50s, Quirkless as ever and vastly terrified of facing his dead oshishou and Prime Torino. The reunion is painfully awkward, except in the case of Toshinori seeing his younger self possessed by Izuku. There’s at least one joke about Izuku’s fanboyism going too far.
Toshinori is determined to meddle in this timeline, a period when governmental paperwork is practically ornamental and sooo easy to manipulate, especially when you have Nana (experienced in illegally redacting documents) and Sorahiko (unconcerned with things like ‘Hey, maybe murder isn’t the way’) by your side. The first thing he does is fish young Toshinori!Izuku out of the foster system, and claim him as his son.
Additional points of interest:
Toshinori also fosters Kotarou, and persuades him that there was a genuine danger that Nana had to protect him from, but don’t worry, it’s going to be taken care of and everything will be fine.
Toshinori takes control of the HPSC, and pulls Nana into it too. They endeavor to find some alternative way of keeping the pro-hero career alive and not gamified.
Izuku gets to be an even more feral teenager, trained by Prime Torino and Seventh Wonder, and actually sat down and tutored by Toshinori to make sure All Might, Pillar of Society, doesn’t become the ONLY Pillar of Society Japan will have.
Everyone scores a hit on AfO before he dies. Even Quirkless, mid-50s Toshinori.
Is Nanahiko a thing? Everyone’s wondering. Even Nana and Sorahiko.
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fefuckability · 9 months
I think you should put all the ugly oneshot bosses in one qualifier, the artist for Path of Radiance even says their boss told them to make the minor bosses, ugly.
So over the lifespan of this bracket (we've finished 3H, Fates, Awakening, and Binding Blade) I've done it both ways. The ugly one-off bosses are kind of a damned if you do, damned if you don't lol. If you quarantine them all on their own polls it tends to inflate their numbers (since a lot of people will vote on every poll regardless, even if they don't really like any of the options). That usually means a more popular character who had stiffer competition gets kicked off the bracket, only for the one-off boss to get slam dunked into the dirt round 1 by whichever playable they're against. But yeah if you pit them against playables in the qualifier they kind of wind up being dead slots, and that's not exactly fun either
If I could stick them all in one poll I probably would have, but since there's so many of them in PoR/RD they would have wound up with like 6 polls just to themselves. I think most people would probably prefer to have the popular characters more spread out so they have a better shot of making it to the bracket, rather than have essentially 6 polls of one-off bosses most people don't really care for
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sukunasun · 1 year
hey anon! ive been busy ngl, work is work, i wish i didn't have to do it but oh well...
when it comes to writing, mma geto was a struggle to push out because ive been so caught up and had less time but im glad its finally posted. i feel most comfortable writing oneshots or hcs but i'd like to challenge myself to build something up and flesh it out as a chapter-by-chapter thing. looking forward to writing more mma stuff, especially for the sukuna girlies who cant get enuf.
besides that, i rewatched slam dunk this past week and was hit with a wave of nostalgia and feels...(shivers at the memory of all the mitsui fics ive written...shut up i had a thing for reformed bad boys...actually maybe i still have a thing for bad boys—sans reformed because the evil-er the better >:))
anyway, stay tuned for more stuff and do send an ask if you want, love seeing all your messages!
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ritzy-reminiscence · 2 years
─🏀─ Slam Dunk : criminally pretty
⸝⸝ summary : - kicchou fukuda quips an unnaturally smooth one-liner about your appearance.
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"You look like you just got released from jail," Fukuda states, his hooded eyes darting up and down your figure. You take a sip of your drink and look down at the clothes you were wearing: a short orange cardigan over a black tank top, puffy orange pants with rips on the side, black heeled boots with silver accents. You look up at him. "In jail for being pretty," you say, coupling your one-liner with a goofy smile. Fukuda didn't laugh, nor did he crack a single smile. He merely looks at you, unblinking. Your smile quickly fades off your face. Pouting, you lean against the metal railings of the overpass, looking at the view below. "He doesn't know how to take a joke," you grumble to yourself. Fukuda copies you, resting his forearms on the railing. A light breeze sweeps through the overpass, rustling his hair. You could feel his gaze on you, and so you turn to meet his eyes. "I know, it was a bad joke," you say, giving in to his silent disappointment in your punchlines. "The point of a joke is to make people laugh with exaggerated stories," he replies, his eyes not breaking contact with yours. "Your 'joke' is just a regular statement." It was a couple of seconds before you realize what he meant ; you feel the blood rush into your cheeks. Fukuda turns his head, now looking at the cars passing below the overpass. Was it just you or were his cheeks turning red? He shrugged. "I don't know about others, but if prettiness were a crime, you'd definitely be at the top of the watchlist."
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The Barrel incident - Disney Descendants fic - Huma oneshot
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*page from D2 side Book - Mals spell book
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Uma did her best to ignore the taunts of the purple-haired girl behind her, the market crowd snickering to themselves as they went on with their day as the word “shrimpy” spit from Mal's lips once more.
Harry tapped his hook against his thigh in barely contained anger as he listened to Mals continuing insults towards his friend. “I can't even believe you’re even risking being out here like this! If I smelled like that I wouldn’t even step outside my room!” Mal cackled, cocking her hip and putting her hand on it as she bumped her elbow into the giggling Evie, who covered her mouth and glanced off to her side.
Harry grit his teeth as Uma slammed down the rotten mango she was holding and started to turn to leave the market, just wanting to get away from Mal, the imp grinning at her “victory” she opened her mouth to taunt Uma once again but paused as Harry handed his hook to Uma, looked Mal dead in the eyes, and started to walk towards a large barrel just off the edge of the market place near the docks. “Harry?” Uma whispered, her grip on his hook tight as she watched him, still making eye contact with Mal, flipped open the lid of the barrel, and sit on the edge.
And while he flipped off Mal, he fell back into the rotten sludge of fish. Mal, Evie, and Uma just stared as Harry's form disappeared into the barrel of rotten fish.
“i-“ Mal stuttered, unable to come up with a single retort to what Harry had just done. Evie covered her mouth and stared wide-eyed as Harry emerged a moment later, gave Mal a sharp grin, and strut back towards Uma, who continued to gape at him.
The market crowd glanced at Mal, expecting a new insult or name towards Harry for what he had just done, but they soon realized Mal wasn’t going to come up with anything.
Harry had beat Mal at her own game, he had humiliated himself before she could, he had taken away any power she had held in that situation. And now Mal was left speechless as Harry took his hook back from Uma, and guided her out of the marketplace, the smell of rotten fish easily overpowering the years old faded smell of rotten shrimp that hardly clung to Uma nowadays.
Uma looked up at Harry as they walked out of the publics' eye, pressing her lips together as she tried to formulate her thoughts “why?” Uma asked finally, Harry humming and raising his brow at her “why humiliate yourself…just to get her off my back?”
Harry just smiled, not one of malice or teasing, but a true smile for his friend “I woul’d do any’thin’ fer yeh Uma”
Uma just stared at him with wide-eyes as Harry looked back ahead of him and started to whistle a random tune in his head. “you’re a dumbass” Uma laughed, pushing at his arm as he cackled.
“im yer dumbass!” He hollered, tossing his arm around Uma's shoulder and pulling her into his side, snickering as she gaged and pushed him away from her.
“alright no touching me until that smell is gone, god that’s even worse than me!” Harry cackled again, and the two continued to Ursula's chip shop. In which once they arrived Ursula forced Harry outside of the restaurant, yelling for the teen to take a shower before he chased all the customers away.
A month later, Mal tried to taunt Uma once more, but now her words had no effect against the crowd, they only chuckled at the memory of Harry dunking himself in rotten fish guts as he flipped Mal off.
Mal's cheeks turned pink in embarrassment as the crowd muttered and laughed about “the barrel incident” Harry grinning at her and taking a bow, guarding Uma as he always did as Mal stormed away with her “friends” behind her.
Harry Hook, the isle already knew he was Uma's ride or die.
But now they knew he was her dumbass as well.
@ishiphumasohard​ i loved writing this thank you for indulging in my dumbass post earlier XD 
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abuelitnt · 4 years
Mi experiencia con Saezuru Tori wa Habatakanai
A pesar de que no casi nunca publico nada en Tumblr, solo lo uso para informarme de mis cosas favoritas... de alguna forma, necesito expresar lo que me hizo este manga y considero que este es el mejor lugar... quizás a nadie le importe lo que opine alguien que no está familiarizada con el género BL sobre esta historia, pero, de todas maneras, quiero desahogarme, sacar todas las sensaciones por las que me hizo y me hace pasar esta historia.
Lo que pienso del BL y yaoi
Como les dije anteriormente, no soy para nada fan del género BL ni del Yaoi, a pesar de que cuando era más joven me ponía leer fanfic yaois de Slam Dunk, pero siempre era fiel a una autora. Después quise avanzar hacia el manga, pero me di cuenta de que me parecían historias que son cortadas con la misma tijera, protagonistas que en apariencia uno toma el rol masculino y el otro el femenino. De los pocos que he leído, siempre me decepcionan en ese aspecto y no me dan ganas de seguir leyendo. Además, si quiero ver una historia sobre amor homosexual entre hombres, quiero ver a dos hombres y ver como sienten el amor como hombres que son, no sé, quizás busco más cercano a la realidad, no lo sé... es mi problema. No digo que odie el género ni que sea malo, pero quizás deba escarbar mucho para encontrar algo que me agrade, como me pasó con Given y Links de Natsu Kizu (me encanta como retrata las relaciones humanas) y la saga de Doukyusei de Asumiko Nakamura (me gusta como construye la relación de los protagonistas, además me gusta lo cursi). Tampoco lo tomen como una crítica al género, solo quiero establecer un punto para que logren dimensionar el impacto que tiene Saezuru para alguien que tiene esta opinión del género al cual pertenece
¿Cómo encontré Saezuru Tori wa Habatakanai?
Como no soy muy fan de género, ni siquiera se cuáles son las historias más populares o las historias cumbres, por decirlo de alguna manera. Así que un día de febrero del 2021, buscando algo que leer debido a la pandemia, una cercana me dijo que lo leyera... me la describió y comencé a buscar información para ver de qué iba, pero en todo lo que encontraba había una palabra que se repetía y me detenía para comenzar a leerlo, masoquismo... y no me van a creer lo ingenua que fui al pensar que sería algo como 50 sombras de Grey (sí, ríanse...)
¿Qué me impulsó a leerlo?
Me puse a buscar las otras obras de Kou Yoneda, como NightS, Reply, Doushitemo Furetakunai y Soredemo, Yasashii Koi o Suru (las dos últimas, comprados de forma digital en inglés) y me parecieron muy buenas historias y con un precioso dibujo, ahí sí sentía que estaba viendo a lo que estaba buscando, pero también sentía que para nada eran cercanos a lo que es Saezuru, quizás NightS, ya que ambas se ambientan en el bajo mundo, pero sabía que no eran similares. Hasta que encontré los dos oneshot que inician Saezuru, Don't Stay Gold y Tadayoedo Shizumazu, Saredo Naki mo Sezu, especialmente el último y eso me dio el impulso para seguir y saber cómo era el futuro de Yashiro
¿Qué me impulsa a expresar mis sentimientos hacia Saezuru Tori wa Habatakanai?
Hace mucho tiempo que no sentía que una historia me impulsara a buscar toda la información posible, todas las opiniones posibles, en fin, a buscar todo lo que tuviera que ver con esa historia. Este sentimiento, esta hambre de saber cosas, por así decirlo, me había pasado cuando compré mi primer manga, Card Captor Sakura de CLAMP, cuando comencé seguir semanalmente Naruto de Masashi Kishimoto y Bleach de Tite Kubo, cuando leí y vi Emma de Kaoru Mori y la última vez fue cuando vi y leí Versalles no Bara de Riyoko Ikeda y eso fue hace 11 años (calculen mi edad, además de sonreír con la referencia de Yashiro al ending de ese anime en el primer capítulo) y querer expresarlos, compartir opiniones con otras personas que lo siguen... me gusta sentir esto, me hace sentir como si aun tuviera tantas cosas que descubrir en el mundo del manga
¿Qué me parece la historia?
Simplemente me voló la cabeza, en esa frase se puede resumir, tiene todo lo que podía pedir en una buena historia. La trama yakuza es un gran trasfondo, además de apasionante e interesante, le da un gran marco para los personajes que están en ese mundo. Puedes ver como la intriga y las ganas de ascender a cualquier costo, incluyendo traicionar a lo que están más arriba de tú en esta jerarquía tan difícil de modificar y el precio que debes pagar si te descubren, Yoneda logra plasmar muy bien ese teje maneje, sin dejar de mencionar que no se guarda nada, muestra lo violento que puede ser ese mundo... bueno, eso es al menos en la primera parte ¿Que nos deparará la segunda? Quizás se avecine una guerra entre grupos por conflictos de intereses, venganzas de un grupo a otro... no lo sabemos
Los personajes también son un gran punto a favor, con jefes que son conscientes de su poder, sabiendo que hacer en el momento preciso, siempre pensando más allá y ver lo que es mejor para sus intereses a futuro, asegurándose de que las personas que tengan a su lado sean realmente leales a ellos, y si no lo son, solo pregúntele a Hirata, me encanta ese juego de ajedrez que comienzan a jugar. Algunos subordinados que son tan leales que son capaces de dar su vida por su kashira, o incluso de mantener lejos cualquier cosa que lo moleste o cumplir el más mínimo de sus caprichos, además de cumplir con sus órdenes. Ese tipo de características me atraen a saber más de ellos, de que me importe los que le vaya a pasar en el futuro. No es que me sienta identificada con ellos, es que me gusta mucho su dinámica, si les llega a pasar algo a ellos, me sentiría mal por su jefe
Los protagonistas... ¿Qué puedo decir de ellos?
A Yashiro, lo amo y lo odio con la misma intensidad. Lo amo porque es perfecto, es guapo, inteligente, astuto, gracioso, tiene una personalidad magnética, te atrae, quizás esa sea la forma de la armadura que creó para poder sobrevivir todo este tiempo, además te gustaría saber más de él, saber en qué piensa (sobre todo ahora, que no hemos tenido acceso a sus pensamientos en mucho tiempo) y qué siente frente a ciertas situaciones. Tenía todo para ser alguien exitoso en la vida, pero su traumático pasado cortó todo eso, es un sobreviviente y es resiliente, eso es lo que tenía que hacer para seguir adelante en ese mundo en el que fue prácticamente obligado a entrar y estaba bien con eso, estaba conforme y cómodo en la posición en que lo encontramos en el inicio del manga, hasta que le pasan dos cosas, el ofrecimiento de Misumi de escalar en la yakuza y la llegada del ser más adecuado para él, diría que su sombra y ahí su armadura comienza a romperse poco a poco y logramos ver ese lado vulnerable que siempre quiso esconder y vemos a un persona que aún no es capaz de superar verdaderamente sus traumas pasados, incapaz de sanar sus heridas, además de no poder aceptar que alguien lo ame tan profundamente, que le muestra una nueva forma del amor y de no saber qué hacer con sus sentimientos hacia ese alguien, me encanta verlo así, me encanta que lo saquen de su zona cómoda, pero lo odié cuando quiso rearmarse, cuando quiso quitarse todo lo que lo volvía débil, quizás volver a refugiarse en una posición que lo volviese invulnerable nuevamente. También lo odio cuando quiere llevarse todo el peso (recuerdo las palabras del inicio del capítulo 33 "Él no necesitaba nada ni a nadie"), siendo incapaz de confiar en las personas, cosas que aún no puede superar, siempre acostumbrado a hacerlo todo solo...
A Doumeki, lo amo con todo el corazón. Tiene una personalidad tan tranquila, pero de alguna forma te hace sentir segura cuando estás a su lado, además de observador con todo lo que le rodea al objeto de su afecto (darse cuenta del amor de su jefe hacia Kageyama y el afecto de Ryuuzaki hacia su patrón). Yashiro se ve que al principio se podía relajar con él, ya que puede reír con todas las ganas posibles, en algún momento, creo que a él le gusta escuchar cómo se ríe, a pesar de que sea a su costa, además de que no él se inmutaba cuando su jefe intentaba darle placer, aun sabiendo de su impotencia. Pero después del atentado hacia su jefe, la intensidad de su amor comenzó a crecer junto con la incomodidad de su kashira con sus honestas declaraciones y su inquebrantable lealtad y después con sus acciones. Cualquiera estará feliz de tener a alguien que te ame tanto como él ama a Yashiro, de hacerle saber de qué a pesar de que lo trate como trate, siempre estará para él, que no está solo si está con él. Es capaz de arriesgarlo todo, capaz de denigrarse, de torcerse a sí mismo si eso significa poder quedarse al lado de la persona que ama, pero me alegro que se haya dado cuenta que su amor por él también era peligroso, que significaba una carga a Yashiro si seguía a su lado, además de sentir su rechazo. Independientemente si su kashira le corresponde de la misma forma o no, siempre lo echaría de su lado porque Yashiro no está dispuesto a renunciar a la imagen que ha construido todo ese tiempo para sí mismo, a todo lo que ha creído todo ese tiempo… Además, carga con el hecho de haberlo herido por el solo hecho de haberle hecho el amor, creo que nunca olvidará esas lágrimas…
¿Qué espero del capítulo 44?
Ojalá Yashiro le diga no, pero mientras más releo el manga, más convencida estoy que le dirá que sí, porque él ha estado intentando olvidarse de él por más de 4 años, aunque haya sido en vano (su imagen en su mente puede haberse vuelto borrosa, pero los sentimientos siguen ahí presentes y persistentes) ¿Qué mejor declaración de intenciones hacia Doumeki que aceptar su propuesta para que se de cuenta que ya no siente nada por él? También, él esta enojado por lo que le dijo, se puede dejar llevar por esa ira y cuando estamos bajo ese efecto, nos podemos arrepentir de lo que decimos en ese momento. ¿Y qué haría Doumeki frente a esa respuesta? Lo rechazaría… Algo que me ha estado dando vueltas es el compromiso que le hizo en el auto antes de que fueran a buscar a Hirata, que no le haría nada, perfectamente le puede reafirmar eso, diciendo que nunca más lo tocará y se lo diría de la forma más sensual posible, ya que este muchacho está celoso y esa es una forma de herirlo, dejarlo con las ganas, ahora que Doumeki evita cualquier contacto físico directo debido a sus guantes… no sé…
Pero como bien saben, soy nueva en esta historia y se que lo más veteranos se han llevado cada sorpresa con este manga… veamos como sigue, ya no falta mucho…
En pocas palabras, este manga me ha hechizado como hace tiempo no lo hacía una historia… para mi es fácilmente uno de los mejores mangas que he leído a lo largo de mi vida, además de cambiar la forma en que leo mis mangas, porque este sí que me ha hecho trabajar mi mente.
Se que quizás esta especie de declaración no la lea nadie, ya que está muy larga, pero me conformo con haber sacado todos mis pensamientos con respecto a Saezuru
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kitokokun · 3 years
Fic Writer Review
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 wordcount?
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
I wrote a lot for anime fandoms when I started (16 years ago or so). I can't remember all of them, but I was mostly writing for Hunter X Hunter, Slam Dunk and Naruto. I'm having a flashback of a Rurouni Kenshin oneshot. Wow. I think they still exist, but I don't have access to those accounts anymore (and they were on AmorYaoi and Fanfiction.net).
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
1. Longview: My first fic for the MCR fandom, still going strong with 392 kudos.
2. Settle for me: My attempt at angst. Second chaptered fic I did.
3. Custom Made: BBB2021 fic. Had the worst time writing it, but it had a great reception.
4. Instant Crush: A birthday present for someone very special to me. I still love how it turned out.
5. The Ballad of Gerard Way: I still get the song stuck in my head every time I read the title. Good thing is on the top 5, because I have a second part planned out.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Always. It's important to me to let people know how happy reading their comments make me and, honestly, most of the time people in my comments are too funny to ignore. Well, not that I'd ignore them, but you get it.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Currently, I'm only into happy endings, but I wrote a few Major Character Deaths when I was a teenager.
7. Do you write crossovers? If so, what’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Not right now, I mean, unless you count having people from different bands do cameos in fics (guys from Thursday in Dinner at Frank's, for example), but again, I wrote a crossover with Gravitation, Hunter X Hunter, Harry Potter, Slam Dunk and I can't remember what else a lot of years ago. It was set and told as a reality show. It was awful.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Not on any current ones.
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I do, a lot. I guess it's kind of fluffly, always with a lot of communication, consent and balanced dynamics. This is the smutiest one I'm writing right now: As long as you love me.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not entirely, but a couple of lines.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have! A few have been translated into Russian.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have, long ago. It was terrible. I do have two collaborations set up in the future that I feel will be great.
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
It always changes, but I guess the ones that have stuck for a very long time are Kurapika x Leorio, Bubblegum x Marceline and Sherlock x Watson.
14. What’s a wip that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I left a bunch of fics without finishing before my 10-year long hiatus and only gave one an ending, so those are never getting anything else lmao. This time, I'm working on one thing at a time to avoid doing the same again.
15. What are your writing strengths?
I plan things out a lot, it's very unlikely that I'll start writing without an outline, and I let things simmer until they make complete sense to me. I think I do well on characterization too, and I love writing dialogues so I hope I do it well.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Besides what comes from not being a native English speaker, I absolutely can not do edits. I can't. If something is not working, then I'll delete it all and start again. It's a huge waste of time.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I think it's kind of corny? I mean, it depends on the intention, and I just read a fic where they spoke to each other in Italian for romantic purposes and... Idk, weird. I'm sure there are ways to make it work though.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
...Dragon Ball.
19. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
I think it's D is for Dangerous. That's the one I've had most fun with in a long time and it's also living in my head, begging for a second part.
Thanks for tagging me @pyrchance <3
Tagging @rylescoe, @headrub-enthusiast and @raehub
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