#Pluto is a planet and I will die on this hill
deadsquidstudios · 1 year
ATHF Headcanons: Alien Wildlife Special
All of the species found on Earth’s moon originated from Atari using time travel to dispose of a crapload of unsold video game cartridges. Because of this, they don’t really follow a proper organized body plan or phylogenetic tree or pretty much anything that makes sense in biology. There are also only 100 species of non-sapient animal life found on the Moon, and 101 species when you include the Mooninites themselves. Lunar lifeforms often resemble ungainly chimeras of various Earthly species, or are practically just creatures ripped from arcade-era video games.
I’m actually planning on drawing all 100 of the non-sapient creatures and making a sort of space bestiary at some point so stay tuned for that.
Meanwhile, life on Pluto began roughly around the same time as it did on Earth (somehow...let’s just say that God spilled some of the building blocks of life on Pluto whilst putting Earth together. Yeah, let’s go with that.) , but adapted to very, very different conditions. Because of this, it’s actually possible to tell what evolved from what when it comes to Plutonian lifeforms. Most, if not all, of the species found on the (dwarf) planet (Personally, I consider it a planet. I will die on this hill.) display bilateral symmetry and all are adapted for Pluto’s frigid low-gravity environment. They look more typically alien, a bit like something out of Wayne Barlowe’s Expedition, or Star Wars, or James Cameron’s Avatar, or Subnautica (because yes, in the universe of ATHF, Pluto has oceans. They’re covered in a layer of ice for the most part, save for a couple of volcanic regions where the volcanoes manage to melt through some of the ice.)
Plutonians also measure the passage of time by Earth-Years instead of Pluto-Years, because entire generations will pass over the course of a single orbit of Pluto around the sun. They’ve been doing this since before they discovered Earth was a planet and not just a tiny blue thing that orbited around the same star that they do. The reason why they decided to use Earth specifically has been forgotten about over time.
The Plutonians as a species also pride themselves on being one of only two* sapient species in the Solar System to inhabit a planet and not a moon. (*Nobody’s told them that Earth is also home to Appalachian Mud Squids, Snake-People, Jersey Devils, and probably a multitude of other sapient species that have yet to reveal themselves to the outside world). It’s probably for the best that they haven’t been told that the humans decided Pluto doesn’t count as a proper planet.
[The other sapient species in the Solar System are the Mooninites, the Titanians (from Saturn’s moon Titan), the Ionians, also known as the Jovians, or in their own native language they are called the Oronizkwywlk Tvyulolnyuk (don’t ask how it’s pronounced, even I don’t know.)(Which translates roughly to “People of the Shining Night” (from Jupiter’s moon Io, their native name comes from the fact that Jupiter reflects so much damn light that the nights on Io are often nearly indistinguishable from the day). All three of them are from moons rather than planets. The Frat Aliens’ species is from a planet orbiting Proxima Centauri B rather than Sol.]
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coldgoldlazarus · 1 year
It's genuinely so hilarious to me that the supporters of the IAU Pluto reclassification, act like they're standing up for scientific integrity in the face of elementary school nostalgia. Like, I get it, reclassification and adjusting our understanding in response to new developments is a necessary part of science and something the public should get more comfortable with... but this really ain't it, chief.
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i didnt like the results of the last one so im making another.
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lesbian-cowpoke · 7 months
As a man of science:
Water is wet and Pluto is a planet it would be easier to convince a wall
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mistmarauder · 10 months
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our first custom unit, Mercury彡๑VR :)
meet the members :D
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the first silly little group, four more to go :3
i named the VR platform runiverse (rune + universe) because i plan on their SEKAI being a bit magic-y looking? their sekai is like an outdoor planetarium (hence the "alter ego" names being planets) (pluto is a planet and i WILL die on that hill)
i imagine their music being kinda fast paced and intense, with the lyrics tending to have deeper meanings that you'd have to look really hard for, only to be surprised that you hadn't already realized it
(i'd imagine that they'd cover songs like Casino by Azari, God-ish by Pinocchio-P, or Coin Locker Baby by MARETU)
(idk your honor they're just my little scrimblo scromblos)
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gryffinwall · 1 year
The Five Hills I'd Die on for Girl Meets World
Soooo, it’s been a minute since I’ve written anything. I fully intended to get this up on the blog at least a month ago, but you know how it goes. This has been sitting in my drafts for quite some time, so without further ado, I present to you the five hills I will die on when it comes to Girl Meets World. In (mostly) no particular order:
Lucas picked Maya originally
I’ve written about this in the past, so I won’t spend a ton of time rehashing everything. But to this day, I am fully, completely sure that Lucas originally picked Maya in Upstate. Go back and watch that scene with the perspective that he was going to pick Maya, and then watch it again with the perspective of him picking Riley. See which one tracks and which one doesn’t. It was Maya, 100%. If nothing else, that smirky, flirty expression Lucas has on his face when Maya grabs his shirt is a dead giveaway. That is not the face you make when you’re about to reject a girl for her best friend.
Of all the hills on the list, this is THE hill I will die on if I could only pick one, that’s how strongly I believe it.
Riley & Farkle were endgame
The above may be my number one hill, but this entry isn’t too far behind. I know I’m not alone in believing that had the show been renewed, even for one more season, we would have seen a development in the Riley-Farkle relationship. Throughout the show, and especially in the third season, we see Riley and Farkle have a deep connection, a much deeper one than she has with Lucas (and deeper than what Farkle has with Smackle. Yeah, I said it!). They truly, deeply, genuinely love each other, and based on what we saw in the third season, it looked like the writers were setting it up for them to develop romantic feelings as they got older. In Boy Meets World, Topanga’s dad admits he used to be scared that he’d find Topanga in the basement (i.e., making out) with Shawn but realizes it was Cory he should have been afraid of all along. My hunch is that we would have gotten a similar callback had the show gotten renewed.
There are also some fascinating parallels between Topanga and Farkle, and I’m totally sold on the argument that he is the Topanga of GMW, not Lucas. But that’s another topic for another day.
The girls’ friendship was actually kind of toxic
We can all agree that the Rilaya friendship was one of the best parts of the show. They loved each other, supported each other, and would do anything to help the other out or spare their feelings. However, they each did something to the other that was ended up being pretty hurtful.
Riley, of course, is largely at fault for getting Maya to believe that her (Maya) growing up, maturing, and wanting to be a bit more responsible was somehow a bad thing, something that needed to be “fixed.” Maya was finally embracing hope and taking herself more seriously…and Riley put a quick stop to that because it “wasn’t her.” Oof. It ended up reverting Maya to her season 1 self, which is not a place Maya really wanted to be.
Maya, meanwhile, was the co-founding member of the Riley Committee, which sheltered Riley from life’s harsh realities and disappointments to the point that her growth was stunted. Despite Riley being a smart girl living in New York City, she apparently had no idea about war, poverty, homelessness, famine, etc. Maya and the others made sure her feelings were protected – they didn’t tell her about Pluto losing its status as a planet because they knew she’d get upset - but it resulted in Riley being immature and naïve to the point of being ignorant. Not a good look.
Neither girl had malicious intent; in fact, they both thought they were in the right to say and do the things they said and did. They would never do anything to intentionally hurt the other, but it ended up happening anyway. I would have loved to have seen this get addressed on the show, but alas, it wasn’t meant to be.
Girl Meets Belief is a super interesting insight into all dynamics of the core four’s relationships
Full disclosure, the original draft for this post ended up being significantly longer than it is currently, and it’s all because of this hill. It made me realize that I want to write a separate post about it, simply because I find said insights so fascinating. So I won’t go into too much detail right here and now. All you need to know is that I think this is a crucial episode to the series since it explores the relationships between our main four so perfectly. We see every iteration of the characters paired up together, and we see why every dynamic works the way it works. Idk, I’m kind of obsessed with it, and I will have more on that soon.
The story wasn’t finished
My last hill, and it’s a big one: I don’t think the story was finished. And not in the sense that it got cancelled somewhat unexpectedly; I mean that I personally think had the show gotten renewed, we would have seen some of the stories from season 3 come back in a future season. I wholly believe we were going to come back to the “Maya became Riley” story and find out that she, in fact, did not become Riley, that Riley was wrong about all of this, and that it was a simple case of Maya growing up. And that while Riley has undoubtedly been a significant influence on her, Maya did all the work herself to become a better person.
I also believe it was going to get revealed that Riley and Lucas didn’t act like a couple for a reason. They were going to learn the important lesson that perception of a thing doesn’t make it so, particularly when feelings are involved. In other words, they were going to find out that their sweet seventh grade crushes didn’t translate to genuine love between two teenagers – and that’s okay! Their lack of chemistry and lack of seeming like an actual couple, to me, was a pretty big hint that there was something more going on beyond “bad writing” and Disney channel restrictions. A shame we’ll never know for sure, but this is my gut feeling on the matter.
And there you have it! If you have any hills you’d die on, send them my way, I want to hear them. Hope you all had or are having a wonderful holiday season, and cheers to 2023!
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If I Were...
...a rich man (ya ba dibba dibba dibba dibba dibba dibba dum)
Tagged by @lady-merian
A month I'd be: September. My preference is for late September/early October but I don't know an alternative calendar off the top of my head to indicate that specific time so September it is
A day of the week I'd be: Tuesday
A planet I'd be: Pluto (I may not die on this hill but I am going to contest it from time to time just to be obnoxious)
A sea animal I'd be: blue whale
A piece of furniture I'd be: a fainting couch; fancy and extra-dramatic!
A gemstone I'd be: an asscher-cut blue sapphire
A flower I'd be: An astilbe (I've been looking at flower garden stuff again the choices are overwhelming I want them allllllll...)
A kind of weather I'd be: a chilly fog with the frost on the trees and the sun just rising to tinge the haze with periwinkle and pink
A color I'd be: burgundy, or something close to the shade of my favorite astilbes
A fruit I'd be: raspberries
An element I'd be: iodine
A place I'd be: a little spring in the woods near the Cedar River
A taste I'd be: clover honey
A scent I'd be: sun-ripened tomatoes
An object I'd be: a marble statue with lots of skillfully executed folds and semi-translucent drapery
A body part I'd be: an ear
A song: Bring Back Home by Angie Hardy
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hi!!! 🪐 + 🔑 for the ask game? <33
hey!!!! ty for the ask!!
🪐 ooo ok favorite planet. ive gotta say neptune or pluto. idk what it is abt neptune i just love the vibes. and pluto is a planet!!!!! i will die on that hill, i love pluto.
🔑 favorite scene!!! omg this is rly difficult but uhhh top 3 (in no particular order): 1. the deskset scene in dps, theyre just so <33 2. the goodbye scene between luca and alberto in luca. ive seen it countless times and every time it makes me cry. my dad makes fun of me for it on the regular. 3. the bookshop fire in good omens. i just love the angst of it all
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newsofthenight · 3 months
Letters to the Editor #6, The Littlest Planet That Could
In the vast cosmos of astronomical debates, one celestial body stands resilient against the scientific snubbery it endures and that planet is Pluto. I stand with those that would recognize the little dwarf planet as a member of our planetary family. I’m here to declare, with unwavering conviction, that Pluto is indeed a planet, and I’ll gladly set up camp on that distant, icy hill, and then die…
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crusadingspacewarrior · 6 months
Pluto is a planet, tomatoes are vegetables, the "g" in "gif" is pronounced like "giraffe", and it's "Christmas" not "X-mas". I will not die on these hills because I will stand atop these hills and fight anyone.
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cold-cuppa-jo · 1 year
Pterodactyls are dinosaurs. Pluto is a planet. This is the hill I will die on.
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fuqer · 1 year
pluto was an important enough discovery that we should still call it a planet and i will die on this hill
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gludgenbell · 2 years
Do you think Pluto should have remained a planet?
yes I do
I don't care about the reasonings anymore I think it deserved to be a planet and counted as one and I'll die on this hill
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writer59january13 · 2 years
Mark my word...
Das fuhrer Donald Trump will return with a vengeance
Trump wracked up an impressive $122.00 million war chest accumulating $82.00 million merely proffering impish grin between January and June of 2021; now he sets his sites and will most likely aim
to garner coveted commander in chief come 2024,
his household name
offers him a strategic advantage
against lesser known contenders,
which rivals best announce their intention to vie for president of United States
after results of 2022 midterms elections
(less than five months away)
define politicians favorability.
The glory of Republican Party
will once again heat up at Mar-a-Lago resort, where agitation poised to strike on the brink
presidential election 2024 jabbering incites gotcha -
ha ha ha, he heinously cackles
humiliation, nauseation, repudiation... (courtesy Taj Mahal size erected gonads)
goads desecration as fete accompli chink
in hammered armor
of Democratic rubric, constituting:
capitalistic ethic, generic iconoclastic,
kinetic magnetic opportunistic quixotic
socialistic universalistic webbed world, nor budging an inch when
manipulated masses swallow
his electric kool aid acid drink what tha huff huck, –
this belligerent, dominant and fervent hellraiser doth bungle in the jungle decreeing tacit Marshall law
fast as a shutterfly eyewink
as his cosmic crotch grab
doth put Venus under his sway with his Mercury hill temperament
pitches the orbit of planet Earth
tubby comb out of balance infected by hiz anti Jupiter
damnations, excoriations, fulminations Huzzah sing how whiz derriere
didst Saturn simultaneously crushing crucible as an Uranus
indiscriminately plopping unapologetic xenophobic
two hundred fifty pounds of flesh dub bling down humming his favorite Neptune
that dost affect Pluto hoc crass sea
repeating a self coined motto –
I yam almighty, therefore no fink
simply commandeering the reins of control, a one man military intelligence groupthink
hut triad and true dyed in the wool
rip pug in ant guise zing rogue rejoicing tuff fool, governing and hoodwink king the die hard fans of dictatorial,
linkedin and monarchist ink cube bus thriving on
wielding indomitable aggression practiced in the Art of the Deal
incorporating an unanticipated jink iron fist rule reigning down vis a vis
pro pens heave lee and prop hen city flashing hiz seal of approval,
which scribbled signature doth not smooth monkey
serve hay puzzling kink
boot his frenzy to bulldoze
catastrophic, formulaic, and illogic
spells these United States of America
twill become hell in a handbasket worth repeating
with nary a trace of the grit of link
kin, the sixteenth president,
(whose ruggedly pioneering frontier existence) found him steady and strong,
plus soft hearted as pelt o’ mink; the epitome of former forty fifth
elected commander in mischief touting nepotism with figurative plink ousting progressive liberal officeholders who decried January 6th, 2021 insurrection
hashtagged violent rebellious usurpers
as hooligans violating hallowed halls of democracy
courtesy using sanctioned government property name attacking Capitol building
in Washington, District of Columbia
and emptying their bowels
using said complex edifice as commode
causing a big stink!
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thoriffix · 4 years
For the obscure asks - 16: if you could pick any planet besides earth, where would you live?
pluto!! or mars or jupiter i like the aesthetic
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