#Pokemon not part of an evolutionary line
botherbug · 10 months
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Farfetch'd stimboard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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some-zer0 · 11 months
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They got that matching bowtie drip
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marywoodartdept · 4 months
Designing a Pokemon
Stepping outside her comfort zone, Nicola tried her hand at drawing creatures for a project that called for illustrating a three part Pokémon evolutionary line. This learning process included watching movies and lots of sketching #MarywoodArt #Animation
For my Animation for the Illustrator class, we were tasked with designing a three part Pokémon evolutionary line. To prepare, we watched the first Pokémon movie, Pokémon: The First Movie – Mewtwo Strikes Back. Technically, there are three segments to this movie: Pikachu’s Vacation (which was added later and appears unrelated to the main plot), Origin of Mewtwo (which was also added later), and…
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justiisms · 9 months
"Pokémon are caught in Pokéballs but some trainers let theirs roam without them ever going back into their ball after they're caught... Plus there's an entire category dedicated to ghost types which is full of incredibly mischievous Pokémon... Hmm..." *yuma is mumbling to himself as he stares at the book of death before his gaze flickers towards shinigami! he wonders if it's just a string of coincidences or if most spirits end up developing a bizarre sense of humor...*
("Hmm hmmm~?") Shinigami is curiously hovering over Yuma's shoulder as he looks at her book, wondering what he's mumbling about!
("Heh, I guess I do look like a partner Pokemon, huh? I mean the basically was my 'pokeball' before you released me. I'd be the cutest and most powerful Ghost-type, wouldn't I?! Plus you know you wuuuv me for my adoringly mischeviousness, Master~!") She coos, teasingly nuzzling against him~ ("Thouuugh I'll always prefer being a Death God. Reaping souls and haunting you forever is just too much fun!")
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songue85 · 3 months
Songue85 plays... a Pokémon Emerald Nuzlocke
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I'm doing it vanilla, following Da Basic Rules, you know,
You can only catch the first Pokemon you encounter in any area;
If you fail to catch this Pokemon for any reason then you may not attempt another capture;
You must nickname any Pokemon.
plus 'Dupes Clause' for Rule 2 (If first PKMN found in Route is a copy of one I previously caught or part of evolutionary line of a previously caught 'mon, I may ignore it).
It's been quite a long time I've done a Nuzlocke, getting myself ready for a hardcore run. Currently training in the first Routes.
Recent catches:
Torchic ♀ named Chicktita;
Poochyena ♀ called Darlene; and
Wurmple ♂, Biff, recently evolved to Silcoon.
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(I had caught another Wurmple ♂ before, Bufford, but he evolved and died due to a Marill crit'ing it, so new route, caught Biff, because I can catch repeats or just ignore them.)
Will post screenshots later.
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yanderes-galore · 5 months
Yandere Iron Valiant with trainer Darling Concept?
It's a bit difficult as there isn't any PokeDex entry I can go off of. So this is speculation on my part. Sorry for image quality, it's a close up of a Pokemon card... couldn't find good official art.
Overprotective! Iron Valiant with Trainer! Darling
(FT. Gardevoir or Gallade)
Pairing: Platonic (With Rivalry Elements)
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Overprotective behavior, Violence, Implied murder, Blood, Clingy behavior, Forced/Dubious companionship.
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Iron Valiant is a Future Paradox Pokemon that appears to have combined features of a Gardevoir and Gallade.
They are robots that we can assume were meant to act as guardians for humanity in the future.
Perhaps you caught this Pokemon once it was sent to the present?
Or... since they are a robot... you helped fix them up?
Granted, any major injury/damage can't be fixed perfectly... but you try your best.
I like to imagine Pokemon Violet's Paradox Pokemon are more robot than Pokemon.
Which means, When you fix the robot they register you as their new master.
Pokeball or not, this Iron Valiant follows you around like a maid or butler.
Technically they're both.
Imagine if you already had a Gardevoir or Gallade in your care?
They'd be so confused about their robotic counterpart.
Even more so if your new Iron Valiant tried to replace them.
Y'know what, to prevent all these Overprotective Pokemon concepts from feeling the same... you have either a Gardevoir or Gallade as your Pokemon partner.
Imagine if your Iron Valiant saw your original Pokemon partner as inferior.
They are far superior, a combination of the best parts of the evolutionary line.
Why do you still care for these... biological creatures?
Your Gardevoir/Gallade often gives you concerned looked, seeing how the glowing pink eyes of the robot scan them up and down.
You can try to make them get along... but your Iron Valiant is often the problem.
You can order them... but there's always tension between them and your original Pokemon partner.
Your robotic partner always judges your partner, glaring at them with glowing pink irises.
For the most part, they're behaved.
Although... your current Pokemon partner probably won't stick around for too long.
What I mean by that is... You Iron Valiant may just get rid of your Gardevoir/Gallade.
After all, why do you need them?
Unlike robots... they can die.
With a robot partner you'll always be safe.
So... that means your current partners are inferior...
Which means your Iron Valiant will exterminate them for you.
Imagine waking up one day and all your partners are gone.
You're looking everywhere... but they're just gone.
However, when you call for your Iron Valiant... they respond.
With an excited beep or two, the run up to you with a happy gaze...
Covered in blood.
You stay silent... staring...
They don't seem to care.
If you try to run, they'll follow.
You can't escape them... you're trapped...
After all, they're superior!
Their master only deserves the best.
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pokemonshelterstories · 6 months
Hiya!! Really adore your Pokemon facts. Just want to ask if Spinda is bothered by its dizziness. There’s a kid I tutor sometimes that gets really upset when she sees Spinda because she feels sorry for it. Thanks!!
for the most part, no. their tottering steps are actually an evolutionary advantage! their spotty pattern, in combination with their unpredictable movements, makes it much harder for foes to target them with success. it's hard not to see things from our human perspective, but studies have shown that spinda process the world differently than we do and have a different sense of proprioception than we do. they are, to themselves, effectively walking in a "straight line."
what we have also determined, though, is that movement is more taxing to spinda than it is to us. their stumbling movement is much more energy intensive than a more regular form of locomotion, both physically and mentally. spinda get tired more quickly and require longer periods of recovery. so, it does have an impact on them, but it's a trade-off that has worked out for them so far. so, no need to feel sorry for them!
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ringtownrangerlark · 2 months
Class: Evolution and Age
Hello everyone! I'm Ranger Lark, feel free to just call me Lark, I use he/they pronouns. And this here is my partner, Sedge- she/her. I'm hear to teach about evolution, particularly some common misconceptions about it, and how it can be different across different Pokemon species.
Now, some of you may already be familiar with evolution. Especially those of you with more experience training and battling. How many of you have had a pokemon evolve?
Now, many people think of evolution as a developmental stage- like a baby growing into an old person. This is actually a common misconception! Most unevolved Pokemon are fully adults!
Now, there are some species for whom evolution is a necessary part of the life cycle. This is especially common in bug types. Female combee need to evolve into Vespiqueen, for example, to reproduce. And as a scientific term, the category of "Baby" pokemon, including pokemon like Magby, Budew and Mantyke, doesn't just mean young or newborn pokemon. It refers to pokemon that are incapable of breeding at that stage of evolution.
Now, the belief that evolution is a growth stage goes hand in hand with the misconception that evolution is necessary for every pokemon. And that's just not true! Most wild pokemon live perfectly healthy and full lives without ever evolving. Here are some photos of elderly but unevolved pokemon! [IDs in Alt]
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So if evolution isn't about growing up, why do pokemon evolve? Well, that's going to be different for every species! For a lot of pokemon, evolution is only necessary as a kind of battle-form, for pokemon that deal with threats frequently. For example, in the Olive Jungle of my homeland in Fiore, you can find squads of Treecko, with one or two Grovyle, and very rarely any Sceptile. The evolved grovyle act as protectors for the rest of the group, and the rest of the Treecko live their lives without needing to fight many wild pokemon, and not evolving.
This is why evolution is so common among the pokemon who belong to trainers! Evolution is adapted primarily for battling, or similar high-need situations. So a pokemon who is frequently battling and competing in gyms is very likely to evolve, because it simulates an environment in which the high energy cost of evolution is worth the strength benefits. For the vast majority of wild pokemon, they're not in combat enough to need that boost.
Rockruff are another great example of a species using evolution for a specific niche. Rockruff and lycanroc packs are actually families. There are usually two lycanroc parents- 'Alphas', to use the outdated term- and their children. The most successful packs often have a mix of forms, one day and one night lycanroc, so the young are protected around the clock. As long as there's a leader, the rockruff won't evolve. They are actually able to hormonally suppress and delay evolution for this purpose. It's only when a rockruff goes out to seek a mate and start its own pack- or takes over as leader from their elderly parent- that a rockruff will evolve into a lycanroc. The biological evolution comes with taking the ecological role.
So if a pokemon isn't evolved, that doesn't mean it's underdeveloped or unhealthy. When you see an evolutionary line like Chikorita, Bayleef, and Meganium, try not to think of the stages as "Baby", "Teenager", "Adult". It's often a lot more like "Baker", "Martial Artist", "Soldier". All three are adults, they just have different jobs and specialties, with different experience with defense and battle. Any questions?
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pokemon-ash-aus · 1 year
Thank you for the lecture Professor Peach! Honestly you brought up some really interesting points I'd never even considered when thinking of those Paradoxs so thank you for talking to us about them
To move away from the frustration of Paradoxs do you have any theories on pokemon that might have shared ancestors in the past actually rooted in science and logic and not fiction? Or any pokemon that make sense in their evolutionary root/changes via type change ect
Peach: Not so much rudimentary typings, but I do have a confusion over Gendered evolution.
Peach: Now, take note- as a Two, and partial Mew, Gender doesnt really process in our bodies the way it does in other pokemon, so its always a fascination to me when it evolves into pokemon
Peach: I understand Nidorans, two gendered speicies usually offset by the visual differences between them. I dont doubt that there is an intersex species that takes on both visuals or maybe just one or the other.
Peach: But then we have gendered evolutions like the Ralts line. Why are males only able to evolve into Gallade? Do they create a certain pheremone- do they have a certain dna strand that allows them to evolve that Gardeviors dont? But if that's the case, why can they still evolve into Gardeviors?
Peach: Why does the Bounsweet line only consist of females? Was the an advantage? Or do we as a species cant differentiate the difference between male and female. Are they even gendered? Is it entirely possibke that we're applying gender on this pokemon simply because it makes us uncomfortable to not label a living pokemon as nongendered?
Peach: Why are some males unable to evolve at all? Like the Salazzle line or the Combee line? The females are such a low probability of even hatching, so you would presume that the males would be able to evolve in order to protect the colonies better. Do they have a seperate reproduction that we arent aware of just yet?
Peach: "Why does the reproduction matrer so match? That seems sort of inappropriate." Fuck you, I'm a biologist, thats the shit i look at! That's how species survive! But it doesnt seem to make sense that there is such a low female to male hatching rate unless there was a reason for it!
Peach: But here's the catch- cause i know the fucking answer and yall are about to sit down and fucking listen to me!
Peach: Species that are male dominated are primarily due to the environment around them- these are species that are strained in some way or another. Its literally pokemon that are so stressed that Males WILL be geneteically produced more because it makes more sense. This is especially true to those that are environmentally stressed.
Peach: And Female dominant species are usually because they have a certain chromosone within their body that can alternate between producing an equal 50/50 to a more skewed 80/20 for females!
Peach: But then that does bring the question, why do we have Fully female species and fully male species.
Peach: My biggest bet so far is that we're missing something important. We're missing a crucial part within the sex of pokemon that produces all male and all female species!
Peach: Wait, i was talking about evolving- FUCK
Peach: Evolving is an entirely different branch that im not super adversed in, but ive prodded other professors about it so hopefully we come up with something to replicate or figure out why it happens the way it does!
Peach: I wonder if there's the possibility of multiple genders within a pokemon that we arent aware of and we're only looking at the base level in comparisons to humans... I dont know i'll look into it!
Peach: Peace!
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monsoon-of-art · 1 year
Sorry if this bothers you, but I've been thinking about how PokeRus would handle single gender pokemon who's trainer is an incompatible one. It's established they remain whatever they identify as, so my solution is two-fold:1) Turn into a different part of the evolutionary line if applicable (Guy w/ vespiqueen becomes a combee) 2) Break the single gender convention of the species (Girl w/ tauros becomes a female tauros). They're not meant to be normal pokemon anyways and tend to go "off-model"
That's absolutely what would happen! Gender is a construct rarely followed in the wild anyway
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raptorfae53 · 2 months
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Ãrohwan Trapinch, Vibrava and Flygon. (Bug - Dragon)
Far removed from its mainland relatives desert origins, this pokemon line is adapted for a life in the trees, sporting an extra set of arms,clever nimble claws and long prehensile tail,with their wings vestigial and osteoderm-like, rendering these pokemon flightless.
These pokemon sport voracious appetites and have made themselves an enemy of farmers since humans first arrived in Ãrohwa by devouring all manner of crops. With the advancement of technology in the aftermath of the great cataclysm however these pokemon have grown wary, with their numbers declining rapidly as a result of their former victims ire to the point they have been considered extinct a few times in the last century. (Every time a search is put out a few are found,with one particularly sparse search ending after a flygon,relaxing on a particularly brittle branch,fell out of a tree and onto a passing conservationist)
To those with the luck (or lack thereof) to be training an Ãrohwan Flygon, this food based motivation is everything to training one of these pokemon. Like many dragon types training can be long and drawn out, not helped by the self centered attitude most Ãrohwan Flygon have. Having experience with strong pokemon and having said strong pokemon on hand as well as instilling a rewards system for a job well done are known to work exponentially in training this evolutionary line, and if trained well can result in a strong battler and companion,just make sure you keep snacks on hand!
Design inspiration down below:
Flygon is a personal favourite pokemon of mine and it seems the eternal middle child of the 2000s pokemon games dragons. No fancy mega evolution/temporal variant like fellow hoennite (hoennese?) Dragons salamence and altaria and the misfortune of being the same type as garchomp with lesser stats,hence folks gravitating towards it or the plethora of other hoenn or sinnoh dragons (including a trio of actual gods) over it, so I felt it fair to throw the poor guy a bone as well as finally bestow upon it a regional variant with the bug typing people have been confused it didn't have since 2002 (something something antlions).
The main reasoning for said typing is one of its primary inspirations, the coconut rhinoceros beetle.
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Native to mainland Asia but introduced to much of the Pacific including Samoa and Tonga where parts of Ãrohwa are based upon. This beetle has been a scourge of these islands crop plantations since it arrived, munching through palm plantations with reckless abandon, free from predators such as shrews and click beetles since the beginning of the 20th century, a voracious creature befitting a dragon.
The other inspiration for this regional form are mekosuchine crocodilians .
You're first reaction to that information was probably what on earth a mekosuchine is?
Simply put mekosuchines were a family of crocodilians found in Australia and the Pacific until as recent as 3000 years ago (with a specimen belonging to the family found in the same St Bathans assemblage as the inspiration for an earlier 'mon koikekkai,hence the inclusion in a NZ based region) that encompassed a wide range of niches both semi aquatic like you'd expect a crocodile to do, and terrestrial, with the genus the family is named for, mekosuchus itself speculated by some to be arboreal:
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Anyways I hope you like the first of the regional variants I've thought up for this region because these three won't be the first or last, unlike some (paldea), see you soon with some more art!
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botherbug · 8 months
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Kangaskhan Stimboard!
Pokemon not part of an evolutionary line #2
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izzieg3987 · 4 months
Fire Types
Cinderace (F)
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Percy got Cinderace as a Scorbunny from Professor Magnolia at the start of her Galar journey. She learned that her accent was a Galarian accent and she got her accent from her mother, which meant that she was from Galar. This meant that Percy was at least Part Galarian, so she wanted to learn about her roots by having a complete journey in Galar.
Shiny Alolan Marowak (M)
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Percy was searching for an Alolan Marowak on her Alola vacation after she saw one dancing on Poketube and she found one in Wela Volcano Park on Akala Island. He and his friend Braixen are very popular in Pokemon Contests for their Fire Dance.
Kantonian Rapidash (F) (Flare)
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Percy and Flare met when the Fire Horse Pokemon just came out of her egg as a Ponyta. She imprinted on Percy, so naturally, Flare followed her wherever she went. Now Flare adores her trainer, the others not so much, she has a very fiery temper (pun intended). She didn't get her name till she met her mate Sylas.
Shiny Kantonian Ponyta (M) (Theo)
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Theo is the eldest of the Ponyta twins, he's a very competitive young pony also he is very protective of his younger twin sister Winona. He likes running on grasslands and sugar cubes.
Hisuian Typlosion (M)
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Typhlosion was given to Percy by Professor Elm as a Cyndaquil at the beginning of her Johto adventure. He evolved into a Quilava in Johto but reached the end of his evolutionary line in Hisui as he evolved into the Hisuian variant of his kind thanks to the energy emanating from Mount Coronet.
Pyroars (M&F) (Davina and Dante)
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Dante was the leader of their pride once, he had the brightest and the most beautiful mane but he wasn't the best fighter. No, that title solely belonged to his mate Davina, who was a fighter through and through. But when a younger and stronger male Pyroar stepped up they had to leave their pride and ended up in The Friend Safari, where Percy caught them. Her first target was Dante because his beautiful mane and noble appearance were amazing for contests but to catch him she had to get past Davina to do that and that's exactly what she did. She wouldn't separate them anyway, they were a mated pair after all.
Shiny Charizard (M)
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Percy caught Charizard as a Charmander in the Charicific Valley Natural Reserve during her Johto journey. He was just a Charmander at the time, the runt of his clutch. He was weaker than his brothers and sisters. They used to bully him a lot both because of his unusual looks and for being weak. But then came Percy, she was up to the challenge of training him *Que the lengthy training montage*. She did manage to get him to the point that he was able to beat the first of his siblings who evolved into a Charmeleon. Seeing that Percy's training regiment was the best one working for him, he joined her. He is cold to everyone but his trainer, in whose hand he turns to putty.
Shiny Braixen (F)
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Percy caught Braixen from the Friend Safari too. She was searching for a Fennekin because she liked their sly and mischievous nature, but what made Percy pick this particular Fennekin was because of her unique coloring. If you couldn't picked up by now Percy certainly has a fondness for the strange and unusual. Braixen is one of her Contest Pokemon, after she learned how to dance with fire, she and Marowak became a duo. 
Arcanine (M)
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Percy caught him as Growlithe in the Volcanic Cave in Sinnoh. He got separated from his littermates and got lost. Long enough for it to get hungry, but then he smelled something delicious from the depths of the cave and followed his nose. Which is how he found Percy, she was camping and making dinner when suddenly this little Growlithe came in whimpering while giving her Lillipup eyes and you know what they say if you give scraps to a stray it will never leave you.
Skeledirge (M)
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Percy chose Fuecoco at the beginning of her Paldea journey because she knew that he would eventually evolve into Skeledirge who was a semi-ghost type. She also named the little bird resting on top of his head Sonata. He likes to sing lullabies to the baby Pokemon.
Ceruledge (F)
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She is one of Percy's knights. She, Aegislash, Escavalier, and Iron Valiant trained under Sir Wikstrom of Kalos' Elite Four in the Castle of Chivalry to learn how to protect their queen better. She and the rest of the knights are very loyal and protective of their queen, like how Sebek is with Malleus, only quieter.
Can you guys tell that I run out of ideas for some of them?
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positivelybeastly · 6 months
Astonishing Beast and Present Hank (the one that’s not dead(?). I’ve got a question about your evolution.
First, what could make you evolve? Despite past circumstances for evolutions, would the normal trigger for mutant growth work with you? Like heightened stress which is typically associated with  puberty. Or maybe your evolution functions like Pokémon do; gain more experience to eventually become stronger?
Second, why does your eye color change? Sometimes it’s yellow with black pupils and other times it’s regular eye color with blue pupils? I guess this have something to do with your evolutionary line, but if the yellow and black symbolize more animal like qualities, why does the current version of you have blue pupils despite every evolution making you look more…beastly?
"Oh. This looks rather involved, do you think you should - ?"
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"I'll take it, kiddo. Feel free to jump in if you have any input, but for the most part, I think this is going to be a me question."
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"In answer to your first question - my mutation responds primarily to mutagenic agents and severe trauma. Mutagenic agents in this instance referring, but not limited, to Mutant Growth Hormone and powers like those that Sage possesses, i.e. the ability to jumpstart secondary mutations.
The trauma aspect . . . I have a theory that my mutation tries to adapt to whatever hurt me badly enough that my X-gene triggered in response. It tries to correct the 'flaw' that led to me being injured, often by reverting to forms 'concealed' within my genome. A form of adaptive, defensive, atavistic mutation, as it were.
If heightened stress did it, I'd never stop mutating."
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"What's Pokemon?"
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"A video game - not one I've had occasion to play, though the students often like to bring it up in genetics class. From what I understand, it has an, interesting, approach to evolution."
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"Hn. Perhaps I can order a copy of it to Simon's apartment - I could use something to do while I'm sitting on my keister. Let's see what's on the old Amazon . . ."
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". . . As for my eye colour, well, it tends to vary depending on my emotional state, ever since I mutated into this feline form - and, from what I understand, it persists into forms past this one.
When I'm calm, centred, pleased, the like, the yellow and gold fades back to my original eye colour. When I'm . . . perturbed, incensed, inconvenienced, angry, the gold returns, and I lose the blue, often for black."
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smash-64 · 9 months
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2023 Game of the Year Countdown #5 Pokemon Trading Card Game  (and also the Pokemon Trading Card Game Neo! romhack by Cataclyptic that added Gen 2 Pokes) Nintendo GameBoy Color, 1998
This entry will include two games, but one is simply a romhack by a fan. However, that romhack is probably the best romhack I’ve ever played. First, the original.
Pokemon Trading Card Game came with the addition of GameBoy games to the Switch online subscription, and for many, it was their first experience with the TCG. My best friend and I taught ourselves to play back in the day, but we were poor kids with little allowance to spend on cards and never had any good decks. I used to read about really expensive decks filled with holographics and rares that won tournaments and always wished I could make one of my own. The pinnacle was always the Haymaker deck: a deck built around a few Pokemon with high HP and cheap attacks that could KO opponents before they could do anything about it.
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The thing is, the Haymaker deck is so hilariously powerful, you can essentially stomp the CPU without even putting together a complete version of the deck. The best versions rely on Energy Removals and Super Energy Removals to hamstring opponents, and Gusts of Wind to force your opponent into switching to suit favorable matchups. I never pulled a single Super Energy Removal at all, and was lacking full sets of numerous Pokemon that were staples in the Haymaker deck, yet I was still able to absolutely blast the CPU. It was easy, but it was also fun.
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However, the true experience came from the romhack created by Cataclyptic. The romhack creates a full set of new cards, removing most of the old ones from Base Set, Jungle, and Fossil. Instead, we get all the Johto Pokemon, as well as a few returning cards that have been balanced. I found the balanced cards to be wonderfully tailored to be good, but never TOO good. It was surprising to see that almost every card felt useful. Many were based on other cards, and I fell into a Meganium and Bellossom deck. There were two Meganiums, with one able to heal status conditions and the other able to shuffle energy cards among your Pokemon. Meanwhile, Bellossom was clearly based on the Do the Wave Wigglytuff of Jungle lore. However, this Bellossom felt more balanced since it was a stage 2 evolution, and the attack required grass energies, not colorless. As a result, it took longer to both fully evolve, and power up your Pokemon, since you couldn’t utilize the Double Colorless Energy.
I was also a fan of Jumpluff, as the entire evolutionary line only required a single grass energy for every attack. As a result, you had a whole line of Pokemon that felt true to their original design of being lightweight, quick Pokemon. I loved the attention to detail on this sort of thing.
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Additionally, the cards themselves were created in the same GBC sprites that the original game had. Some look better than others, but I think almost all look better than their original counterparts. Clearly crafted with love by Cataclyptic.
Finally, before I get inundated with messages and comments telling me about the official TCG sequel that was only released in Japan, I did also try the fan translation of that game. However, I didn’t enjoy it much at all because they severely restricted so many things. Part of what was fun about the game to begin with was being able to get booster packs at a rate significantly above what my poor childhood self could afford. However, the very premise of Invasion of Team GR! is that they’ve taken all the Pokemon cards, making them very scarce. As a result, you can’t get cards nearly as easily. And with the extra sets added to the game, you can’t get the ones you want very easily, either. 
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Additionally, the entire strategy behind most of the Team Rocket cards is to disrupt play, and while that might be similar in one way to the Haymaker strategy I previously praised, the Pokemon themselves are all pretty weak. It feels like you’re just playing Trainer cards and nothing else. I’ve seen some strategies that make people discard most of their deck instead of KOing their Pokemon. It very much fits the MO of Team Rocket, but it just isn’t quite for me. However, if you like blue decks in Magic the Gathering, you might enjoy this one. 
If you like the TCG or the original game, play Cataclyptic’s romhack! I’d buy a physical cart of it, if I could.
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sincerely-sofie · 5 months
Sorry if this has no relation with your pmd series ( that I find very cool btw !!! You put so much passion onto your writing/art it's inspirational,, ) but out of curiosity have you ever designed a fakemon ?
Thanks for your kind words, and no worries! My inbox is open to all kinds of asks :>
I have oodles of fakemon concepts written down because I like to daydream about making my own game that’s similar to pokemon. However, I haven’t ever drawn many of them— it was in the last few of months that I actually drew some pen sketches of a few ideas!
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Some notes on a few of these first-pass designs:
Waterprowl (the honchkrow-lookalike heron in the upper right) would be a water/dark-type that hunts by using its wings to make shadows over water to conceal their presence, like real herons do. It has three evolutionary stages— it starts out as a generic chick fakemon that wears part of its eggshell on its head as a hat and is a reference to “bad eggs”, then a fledgling crow-looking fakemon that sneaks around in the shadows and pulls other fakemons’ tails.
Munchbowl (the trick-or-treat pail thing that’s running in the upper middle) is a cauldron steel-type that changes its secondary typing based on what the last berry it consumed was. It doesn’t evolve.
Stitchcraft (the patchwork witchy gremlin in the lower middle) would be a fairy-type that uses a needle with thread looped through it as a wand to cast spells that allow it to control the fabric of the universe.
Bomboardier (the cartoon bomb pig with an eyepatch) is my baby and I love its little curly fuse tail.
I’ve also got a lot of other concepts that I haven’t drawn yet, with some of my favorites being:
An ice-type lion with a snowflake for a mane.
A line of three ducklings that are always squabbling about who gets to be the leader and evolves into a three-headed goose hydra called “dukduktruce” akin to dodrio.
A sea slug that evolves into a sea butterfly.
A living geode that is shy and appears to be only a rock before it opens up more as it evolves with various levels of high friendship and becomes extremely loyal to those who saw its inner beauty before it flaunted all its stunning crystals.
A decks of cards that has an ability that randomly changes its form and appearance to a different face card when it enters battle.
A wriggly baby bug based on a mosquito nymph that has a gender-split evolution into aggressive, high attack stat females and docile, high speed stat males.
A ghost/grass-type pair of fakemon akin illumise and volbeat called Booquet and Corpsage.
A creepy ghost-type that communicates via charades called Phantomime.
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