#Polar Animals Bingo
spanishplaydates · 1 year
Polar Animals Bingo Game - Your Gateway to Spanish Immersion Fun
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Polar Animals Bingo Game - Your Gateway to Spanish Immersion Fun!
Welcome to an exciting world of language and adventure. Dive into the frosty realm of Arctic creatures with our immersive bingo game in Spanish class. 🐧🌟
Explore the wonders of polar animals while enhancing your language skills. Join us for a thrilling journey where education meets entertainment.
Get ready for a bingo experience like no other. Subscribe now and let the learning begin!
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maddgical-boy · 4 months
maladaptive/immersive daydreaming ask game! (*¯︶¯*).。o○O☁️
send in a number (or multiple) and if you feel like it, an accompanying paracosm/para!
(apologies for how wordy these are. i am not a man known for my brevity)
reblog and have fun with these! (and if you reblog this or send me an ask, i'll send you one too)
how long have you been daydreaming for? (bonus if you can remember: what was your first daydream scenario/paracosm?)
if your paracosm had a popular fandom, what do you think it'd be like?
do you have any paracosms that aren't huge, but that you fall back on when The Time Is Right™️?
WOULD YOU RATHER: have your daydreams projected onto a screen attached to your head at all times OR be entirely unable to daydream ever again for the rest of your life?
what para of yours is most like you? self inserts and paraselves don't count!
how did you come up with your paras' names? did they come to you randomly or did you spend hours researching name websites?
imagine your paras have at least a basic knowledge of driving (or even just like, cars). can they parallel park? (bonus points if you explain it like in this post)
do you do extensive worldbuilding for your paracosms? if you do, what are some of your favorite elements?
if your paras found out you were their creator, how would they react?
if you have a self insert/paraself, how similar are they to you?
is there any time of the day where you can't/don't daydream?
are your daydreams linear and structured, or do you jump all over the place?
what's a song you've been daydreaming to lately, and what's your favorite moment in said daydream?
do your paras age with you, or are their ages static? does it feel weird to be older than a para you were previously the same age as?
if you had the opportunity to leave this world and live in your paracosm forever, would you? why or why not?
(if you have multiple) which paracosm of yours is most grounded in reality? which is most fantastical?
make one of those "[blank] spoilers without context" memes for your paracosms. then explain it (or don't :))
who is your second favorite para, and why aren't they your favorite?
what would your paras' typing styles be like? do they use lots of emojis? sign off each text like a letter? type with lots of weird spaces and ellipses?
do you move a lot when daydreaming, and if so, in what ways?
have you ever wanted to make a piece of media of your paracosm (comic, animation, visual novel, novel, tv show, etc.)? what are elements that would be apart of it?
when you actively want to start daydreaming, what is your mind's process? do you tune back in like it's a tv show? flip through imaginary files? let it come naturally?
do you ever daydream about yourself (not a self insert, just you)?
do you have any two paras that are polar opposites to one another? (they don't even have to exist in the same universe, just in general)
what para would you absolutely hate in real life?
FREEBIE! drop some long-winded lore or some memes or whatever you want ^▽^
when you experience a daydream block or crash, what are things you do to try and fix it? (or ways you cope. lmao i get it)
for fictparacosms, do your daydreams affect how you perceive the media and/or the fandom?
if you ever write down things about your daydreams (truly anything at all — notes, dialogues, descriptions, etc), share a random snippet with no context.
if your paras had madd/daydreamed immersively, what would they daydream about?
for any pairings (romantic, platonic, familial, whatever), what is the dynamic between your paras like?
if you could make a bingo of common elements of your daydreams (paracosm-specific or not), what would be on some of the squares?
if you have tried to make your paras in character makers (picrew, meiker, etc), what is an aspect of your para that these makers never/rarely have?
are your daydreams clear in your mind's eye?
if you have multiple paracosms, what would it be like if they had a crossover?
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dojunie · 1 year
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➥ PART 6 OF MESSENGER; a small smau about a stranger, a whole lot of animal pics, and a relationship you would never have expected to come from texting a random number written on a public bathroom mirror.
➥ WC: 4.4K
a/n: double update as a gift for taking a month to post this 🤠
current tl: @matchahyuck @theboyz-jacob @hoeshi17 @neoteez01 @hibernatinghamster @luvvsnae @shwizhies @skynightgalaxy @ihrtnyu @kunvibing @liliansun @txpxwxk @is4b3ll3s @rxnexxi @rum-gone-why @she-is-dreaming @chenfleur @haedgaf @twogyuu
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Doyeon— your team’s captain, your best friend, and currently the person you were hovering over as she jolted and tried to hide her phone under her jacket sleeve— startled so badly at your booming voice that she almost hit her head on the locker door. Almost. As it stood she narrowly missed cracking her pretty face open on the metal, swinging her sharp gaze around to glare at you instead.
You snooped shamelessly; her phone screen seemed to be lingering on a text message thread.
“You’re terrible,” you chided. “Almost ripped my ear off at practice today when I was on my phone, but look at you. Five minutes before the game and you’re doing this. If I wasn’t so personally hurt I’d surely report you to the NCAA—”
“I dragged you onto the court because you were literally up next in set,” she hissed, “So I don’t want to hear it, brat; and keep your voice down!”
...Hmm. Bingo.
You’d managed to deduce exactly the reaction you were looking for. She only did that wide-eyed small-mouth yelling when she was on the edge— which meant that she was stressed, even if she's been dodging your eyes all afternoon. Instead of replying to her name-calling like you usually would your eyes lowered into a squint, and then drifted to the phone she’d now tossed onto a shelf in her locker.
Your game against the Hanyang Tigers was set to start in a little under five minutes. Coach had gone off to do something last-minute and boring and official, like check the court for proper net height ordinances or something, which left you and the team wandering around the room to finish warming up before she returned and things became serious— but for now, the vibe in the SNU locker room was still pretty light. Light, besides the obvious cloud of agitation floating around your captain.
Doyeon’s shoulders were stiff. Her lips pursed, and her attention clearly elsewhere. 
“Did that loser do something dumb again?” you asked. The immediate slump of her shoulders answered your question before her mouth did.
“No,” she lied.
A beat.
“Or… I don’t know yet, should I say,” she added, dejectedly, when your eyes narrowed on her further. “And you know he hates it when you call him that.”
“I’ll say it like I see it,” you replied. “And until he gets his priorities straight, I don’t know about Donghyuck. I only know loser. What’d he do now?”
You didn’t actually dislike Donghyuck. You thought he was pretty funny, truthfully. Nice, clever, if not a little rebellious; the extrovert to reign over all extroverts.
You were the one to introduce him to Doyeon, even— after his incessant inquires about her began to drive you insane during the class you shared last semester, where you’d gotten to know him as your lab partner and then eventual friend (or should you say frenemy, since you both tended to argue more than not). Even though they seemed to be polar opposites on paper, Doyeon and Donghyuck actually ended up hitting it off a few months ago. They’ve officially been together for a few weeks now… but as many new couples eventually find, a spot of turbulence has begun to form in the waters of their relationship. (Namely, the one that was plaguing your best friend right now: his schedule.)
Donghyuck was a popular guy. Not to say that Doyeon wasn’t, the sweetheart and absolute knock-out she is, but Hyuck is in three clubs, a fraternity, and a sport; not to mention his affinity for spending every rare free moment doing something, being somewhere, having fun somehow.
It wasn’t a problem until it was a problem. Donghyuck missed a date he’d planned with Doyeon a few days ago, leaving your poor captain hanging out to dry at an arcade downtown because he’d lost track all eighty billion of the things he does during the week— and it wasn’t the first time he’d accidentally blown her off, either. But this was the worst and most recent of them, and it was obvious that day had stung your best friend pretty badly.
He's been groveling at her feet to make it up to her as of late, a definite step in the right direction, but as the best friend who'd had to hear her hold back tears on the phone afterwards? He was still on thin ice with you.
“I asked him to come to our game a few days ago, but he said he had a Nu Chi thing tonight that he wouldn’t be able to get out of,” Doyeon confided after a moment, eyes cloudy. “But now his location is off, and he’s not responding to my texts.”
"Oh,” you said. “Well. My eyebrows are... raised, but even I can’t crucify him for just that–”
“Me neither,” she cut in. “I wasn’t upset about that.”
“What I’m upset about, is that Yoojin just texted me and said he was at B-Block dorms like, ten minutes ago, just walking around with one of his friends. Y’know. On the other side of campus, where his frat is not?”
You blinked. Yikes. 
“Right,” Doyeon sighed.
You weren’t sure if it was a good thing or a bad thing that your coach returned then, smacking her clipboard against the bench to gather everyone's attention at the other end of the locker room. In an instant Doyeon’s expression changed, shifting into that of the captain who needed to gather her team and not of a girl who just found out that her boyfriend might be lying about his whereabouts.
You’d better not be doing anything stupid, Donghyuck, you thought unhelpfully, as you gave Doyeon the only thing you could think of— a weak pat on the back. I’ll kick your ass, motherfucker. I’ll make you wish you never met me.
Renjun is going to be completely honest; he had never really intended on actually meeting you.
The idea had surely crossed his mind, more often after that time you’d called him, recent nights going by where he found himself wondering in the lull between your messages if your laugh sounded higher or lower in person, or if you'd smell like the flowers you told him you press sometimes to use in your tea— but Renjun was nothing if not a realist, and knew that neither of you expected this messenger thing to go on for as long as it has.
He wasn't delusional enough to tell himself he didn't care about you, as he knew that whatever he felt in his stomach when your name lit up on his screen was not... normal, but he also knew that in the blink of an eye you could become too busy, or not find him as interesting, or simply find something better to do with your time that text him all day, and the thought of that made him nervous enough that he decided to prepare for the worst instead of hope for the best. Now, whenever you crossed his mind and he realized he was dwelling, wondering what you were doing, when you'd text him, what you might say or do or show him next— he reminded himself that you both were probably never going to meet, and forced himself to think about something else.
However. Because of this. Renjun has never actually allowed himself to think about what he’d do if he saw you in person.
Which is why he has no idea what the fuck would possess him to tell Donghyuck he’d go to your game.
He wasn’t even sure why he did it. Before Hyuck mentioned anything about volleyball Renjun had already been mashing his refusal into the keyboard, as on a normal afternoon Donghyuck’s request would have been met with a swift no, much less after a stressful weekend back home, two delayed flights, and an unedited essay waiting on his laptop waiting be turned in before midnight. The last thing he wanted to do was muck around some house party or fraternity kickback with a bunch of people he didn’t know.
I’d rather walk back to Jilin, he’d been typing, lips already pulled into a scowl, You have six hundred other friends who actually LIKE going to things like this, why do you always insist on harassing me with—
But then the next message that popped onto the screen had his fingers freezing over the send button.
Volleyball game, Hyuck had said. It was right there in the gray bubble. Staring back at him, surrounded by exclamation marks, like there was a chance he’d miss it.
Volleyball, he thought.
As in… the game taking place tonight? The one the women’s team is playing in?
The women’s team that you told him you were on?
And then everything happened so quickly. The part of his brain that controlled self-preservation flatlined, and before he could think better of it he told Donghyuck he’d go. 6 o’clock came in the blink of an eye and then all of a sudden Renjun was… here. Stuck to Donghyuck’s side in one of the many SNU stadium gyms, his stomach twisting in his body because his stupid, thoughtless desire to see you meant he didn’t realize until it was too late what he’d done— which was secretly show up here with the intention to watch you without you knowing, like a creep, potentially risking screwing up everything if you found out and—
Donghyuck nudged him out of his turmoil. "You want to see something cool?" he asked excitedly. Renjun followed his pointed finger to one of the banners hanging from the rafters on the walls.
He wasn't sure what he was looking at until the banner shifted against the wind of the airconditioning and the title became visible.
Women's Volleyball National Champions, 4X!
“Kim Doyeon,” Donghyuck had said proudly, “Mine, right there, number 22; but she was only vice captain, then! Now look at her. Moving up in the world…”
Renjun tuned him out as he looked over the banner, really looking over it, swallowing thickly as the letters danced against the breeze. This banner was from earlier this year. Your name was on there somewhere. Hyun Mijoo…? Could you be a Mijoo?
The buzzer rang then, a jarring sound that almost made Renjun leap out of his seat, but to everyone else in the stadium it must’ve signaled something exciting because the chattering amped up tenfold. 
Without warning, a little under a dozen girls streamed out of the tunnel to the far right of the court, and the entire half of the gym that they were sitting in erupted into cheers. Renjun’s stomach began to twist like he was committing some sort of crime.
Donghyuck was whistling, howling for his girlfriend like a man possessed; and Kim Doyeon, the girl who’s heart he was here to mend, was the first one in the pack. Renjun's eyes followed her as she walked onto the court, expression calm, long brown hair pulled into two braids on the back of her head. She was a real force of nature— and Renjun wasn’t only saying this because she was taller than him— but because as if she wouldn’t be sought after just for being tall and attractive; she was treasurer for the student government, studying to become a pediatrician, and genuinely very, very nice. The whole perfect triangle.
He was sure that half the guys in the bleachers were going to have their eyes locked on her for the whole evening despite the fact that Donghyuck was right here; because without trying, she just commanded that type of attention.
Though. If someone were to ask Renjun what color her knee pads were, or whether the hair-tie in her braids were black or white, he would draw a huge, blinking blank. Why?
Because right behind Doyeon, hair tugged into a ponytail and practically hopping down the court with a giant smile on their face, was you.
The selfie you’d sent him that first week you started talking hadn’t been nearly as mysterious as his. Even surprising himself, he recognized instantly the curve of your chin, the warmness of your skin; your eyes looked the same even from halfway across the room, shiny and bright and squinted into a grin as you and Doyeon and the other members of the team jogged to the center of the court.
In the span of a second, he stopped hating himself for being here just a little bit less.
“God,” Donghyuck whined, “Maybe this was a mistake. I can never think right when she’s in that damn uniform. Isn’t she just so…?”
He couldn't help but try to memorize everything he saw; to confirm or deny everything he'd ever wondered. From here, it didn’t look like you were that much shorter than Doyeon. The top of your head might hit around Renjun’s nose, maybe his top lip if the perspective was giving you another inch.
“Actually don’t answer that, unless you want to get bit. Only I get to think about how hot she is. Fucking hell.”
For some terrible reason he chose then to wonder if you were stronger than him. You’d been threatening to beat him up lately, your go-to response for whenever he said anything you didn’t like— like telling you to go to bed, and scolding you when you shucked off doing your classwork to wander around campus and prowl for animals to take pictures of— and Renjun always shrugged it off, positive that you were all talk, but now he wasn’t sure. He doesn’t work out. You look like you work out. Your legs looked awfully long in those shorts, and when he watches you stretch your arms above your head he notices the curve of your waist, too. 
He swallowed a second time— this one much more difficult than the first. 
“Hey… Hello? Earth to LunJeon? What the… Dude, tell me you’re actually not staring at my girlfriend right now?”
A whistle blew, the huddle broke up, and the crowd cheered again. A bunch of girls left the court. He wasn’t sure why only six remained from each team, the opposing school’s red and yellow uniforms on one side and Seoul National’s black and white on the other, but you happened to be one of the ones that stayed and that was all he really cared to notice.
“Or— Wait, is it— Are you looking at Y/N? Ponytail?”
It was like someone popped a rubber band right next to his ear. The sounds of the room snapped back into his mind, no longer muffled and distant— Renjun whipped around.
“You were looking at Y/N!”
Donghyuck must’ve read the startled look on Renjun’s face as confusion and not the horror it actually was from realizing he was staring so blatantly, because he quickly elaborated. “Number 10,” he hissed, “The libero!”
“I don’t know what a libero is,” Renjun said just as fast, instantly defensive, but on the inside his mind was going a hundred miles an hour. Your jersey had a big, silver 10 on the back. He really was talking about you.
Y/N? That's your name?
Donghyuck didn’t look fooled by this response in the slightest, still watching Renjun with clear alarm that he’d just found his friend paying attention to a girl for once, but before he could ask anything else Renjun scowled and turned his attention back to the game— careful, now, to pretend like he was looking at the opposing team.
“I was looking at her because I was trying to figure out why her shirt is a different color. I’ve never been to a volleyball game. I don’t know why—”
“Even if, you were like— super staring, dude. I was talking to you and you didn’t hear me!”
“Ignoring you is nothing new,” Renjun muttered. “Are you going to answer my question or not?”
“What question?”
“Why is number ten wearing white shirt, when everyone else is wearing black?”
His friend blinked back at the court, obviously skeptical, like he still wasn’t sure if he was really just asking about your clothing choice. “Y/N’s the libero,” Donghyuck eventually relented, “It means that her main job over everything else is just making sure the ball never touches the ground. You’ll see soon enough. She’s stupidly good at it. Gonna be flying all over this court.”
The whistle blew, the sound that signaled that the game was really about to start; And fly you did. But instead of the vague interest in your skill that he was expecting to feel, instead, within minutes of the match starting his stomach was in knots.
Cuts and bruises appeared to be the least of your concerns. Renjun watched, slack-jawed, as you tossed yourself all over the stadium; to the point that he started to lose track how many times you completely pancaked your body to the hardwood, an arm outstretched just in time to smack the ball into the waiting hands of another teammate— only to get back on your feet without a second of hesitation and do it again a moment later. The first time he’d seen it he was startled— by both the action, and the fact that everyone just kept going afterwards. Wasn’t anyone going to check on you? Or call a time-out, or something? There’s no way that wasn’t going to bruise; how was the game still on?
The second time you hit the ground led quickly into the third, and by the fourth time Renjun saw you dive to the hardwood, the sound of your body hitting the ground audible even from where he was sitting, his shock had transformed into something else: a cold, uncomfortable pit in his gut.
He was worried about you. And realizing this was as embarrassing as it was horrifying. Worried? Half an hour ago he didn’t even know your name. Who was he to get concerned about your health, to the point that every hit nearly made him wince?
This game was just more brutal than he thought; he'd be this worried about anyone.
(He chose not to think about his reaction to one of the harder times you’d fallen— how sharply his breath got caught in his throat when you’d hit the ground after a particularly long volley after halftime, a nasty spill that had the bleachers tittering in concern. You took longer to bounce back to your feet like usual, a grimace painted onto your face instead of your usual determination, and with each passing second that you didn’t get up Renjun’s lungs felt like they were being squeezed in someone's fist. Only after you rolled to your feet did he realize he’d been digging his nails into the seat— and when the realization hit him, the little knowing crescents left behind in the plastic, he’d gotten so embarrassed that he banned himself from looking at you again until the game ended.)
17 to 9.
Weakly, he watched you hop around with Doyeon on the court after the final whistle, hand in hand with congratulations to spare.
Despite his own guilt-caused exhaustion, seeing you smile was… nice. No matter how awful an idea it had been to come here, he couldn’t deny that. His stupid desire had been granted: Now he just had to find a way out of here without being seen. He'd usher Donghyuck to go find his girlfriend, tell him he needed to use the bathroom or something and just disappear into the night, and since everyone else was leaving now and you were thankfully standing on the complete opposite side from the exits, it probably wouldn't be too risky to just go now—
“Doyeon-ie!” Donghyuck wailed.
Half the people surrounding them turned, including a few faces from the court. Including Doyeon. Including you. 
And Renjun could only watch as your attention found his friend— and then, as Donghyuck sprouted to his feet and grabbed Renjun’s sleeve to haul him up too, how your wide eyes drifted to his.
Donghyuck bounded down the stadium stairs, madly waving his free hand around like you and Doyeon could have possibly managed to not hear his howling— and your best friend’s jaw all but dropped, disbelief written all over her face. You, however, only held back a sigh of relief. 
So you chose life, you thought, surprise instantly overtaken by satisfaction as he neared. Good. I guess I won’t have to stick my foot up your ass after all.
As Doyeon’s awe melted into a grin, what caught your attention quickly thereafter was the wide-eyed, absolutely horrified looking boy that Donghyuck was dragging along behind him. When they came close enough to touch and Donghyuck let him go to pull your friend into a whirling hug, he seemed to freeze in place.
“What are you doing here?” Doyeon asked, “I thought you said you had a frat thing...?”
“I did,” Donghyuck said sheepishly, “I do, actually, since it’s actually still happening right now, but I told Mark I had something I couldn’t miss tonight and kinda just… dipped? I really wanted to see you. I turned my phone off so he wouldn’t be blowing up my messages while I was here."
And in one fell swoop, Doyeon’s heart warmed over. If you weren’t happy for her you’d roll your eyes at his save; guy probably has no idea how close he’d just flown to the sun.
"You did great tonight, you know that?”
You rolled your eyes. “What about me, Hyuck? Did I do great?”
He doesn’t even look at you properly. Just glances at you over his girlfriend's shoulder.
“Could’ve done without all the showing off,” he said, devoid of all that sweetness he’d just been showering Doyeon in. Of course. Fucker. “Can’t say you didn’t carry tonight, though. Good save in the third quarter but Jesus, when are you going to stop putting your ribs on the line to save a point?”
“When it stops winning us games,” you shrugged. “Like you have the right to say that when you’re out there getting tackled every other week by angry little men in soccer cleats—”
“Soccer is different, stupid.”
“The hell it is. Not in this context—”
“Yes, in this context! There’s no way you should be risking knocking a lung out of place in a non-contact sport just to—”
“It’s the nature of the game! I don’t know what makes you think that because volleyball isn’t a ‘tackle-your-opponents’ type sport, that—”
“Guys,” Doyeon interrupted. You both turned to her. “Um. Are you going to introduce us to your friend, Hyuck?”
You blinked.
Oh. Right. Right. You turned your attention back to the new face.
Game-goers were passing through the court to leave the gym, now. Friends of the team were doing much like Donghyuck did, wandering down to the floor for congratulatory hugs and high-fives, which meant there were people pretty much everywhere; students, athletes, family and friends, team staff, a million people moving and talking and existing at once, but... But for some reason, this guy was only staring at you.
Unsure what else to do, you simply stared right back. 
Up close like this you couldn’t help but notice that he was actually quite cute. Very cute. In a cool, composed kind of way, even though he looked like he’d bolt out of the room if someone so much as dropped a water bottle near him right now. Wavy brown hair, big, dark eyes, an adorably downturned pout— You probably would have been more amazed by his beauty if the sickly look on his face wasn’t starting to make you worry.
Did you know him from somewhere? Is that why he was looking at you like this?
Donghyuck sighed as if Doyeon had asked him to run three times around the building instead of be a good friend. “I mean… I suppose I should, right? Fine. My dear Doie. Beelzebub.” You made a move as if you were going to punch him and he jumped to hide behind Doyeon. “Meet Junnie, my favorite social recluse, and pretty much the only reason I didn’t fail my classes freshman year. Thought I’d pop his university-outing cherry tonight.”
Oh? Wait a second. You perked up a little. “The roommate?” you asked. “The one you told me about that one time? Hoo..ang, something? Renjun?”
Renjun’s mouth opened a little, but no sound came out. You waited for him to respond. Doyeon stared at him. Donghyuck, as if only now sensing his friend's state, finally turned to look at him too. He only continued to stare back at you.
“Not much of a talker, huh? That’s fine. Doyeon likes to say I can talk enough for two on my—”
“Huang,” Renjun said suddenly. Startlingly. (Even his voice was cute. Much lower than you were expecting from a face like that.)
“My name,” he added quietly. “You said Hoo-Ang. It’s Huang.”
You couldn’t help the nagging feeling that he was expecting you to notice something just then— he stood there with almost visibly bated breath, rigidity in every feature as he watched you, but no bells were being rung. Maybe the kid was just… nervous? Just because you had no concept of social cues, able to befriend just about anyone and everyone given enough time with your unabashed personality, didn’t mean that others threw normal concepts like demurity to the wind too.
You shrugged, hit him with your best smile, and held your hand out. You weren't quite sure what his deal was, but something about him intrigued you.
After looking between your hand and you as if expecting you to snatch it back and laugh in his face or something, Renjun put his very, very clammy palm to yours. 
“Well, Huang,” you told him firmly, “It’s nice to finally put a name to a face, huh?”
(If you’d been privy to his thoughts then, the single word in his head that he wouldn’t have dared to say out loud— for multiple reasons other than the fact that he’d apparently forgotten how to fucking speak— you would have heard his weak, disbelieving, “Likewise.”)
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a/n: pls leave a like if you enjoyed! i'm finally out of writers block mfs
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muddyorbsblr · 1 year
Big Beasts #ReleaseTheHornyBitchesCut Master Post
A promise was made and now the promise will be fulfilled and chronicled in this one post. Each episode from Big Beasts will be trimmed down to an audio file that contains the most suggestive phrases uttered by its sexually apocalyptic narrator
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To the best of my abilities, I’ll take out the animal noises and leave only his voice.
And yes. There will be a big celebration when he finally says the words ‘stalk his prey’. Maybe we should have a Big Beasts Bingo Card as well because so far we have ‘intimidate’, ‘to breed’, and ‘it’s not easy being huge’. I may or may not be halfway tempted to make that, too, but one thing at a time 😂
#1 The Grey Whale #2 The Elephant Seal #3 The Giant Otter #4 The Gorilla #5 The Hippo #6 The Brown Bear #7 The Ostrich #8 The Orangutan #9 The Tiger #10 The Polar Bear
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sistersgrimandreaper · 3 months
tuesday is BINGO night
hello! long time reader of @girlfriendsofthegalaxy 's tuesday again no problem series and spinoffs, first time poster! i've wanted to do try this for a while and apparently today is the day!
format is subject to change. because i really wanted a fun name for this series and this is funny but not ideal. i don't even play bingo…
Best thing of the week: started a play by post ttrpg game with my partner! we're using the system dark heresy
musIc: king gizzard and the lizard wizard - catching smoke
makiNg: i have been crocheting! i am a beginner and i've been doing basic amigurumi patterns that i find on youtube and random blogs when i google free patterns. it's incredible how many things people will make into little plushies! i have scrolled past multiple crochet fried chicken buckets. i've been proud of some of these attempts (rose, whale, totoro) and i've frogged one or two (lumpy mouse) but i am most delighted by my attempt at following a polar bear pattern that turned into connetticut clark.
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i have made him shorts.
Gaming: mini metro! the mobile version. i've played mini motorways before but mini metro just plays better somehow? it's just the right sized bite of optimization fun for me. i started playing a bit over a week ago and it's been fun seeing my rank on the daily levels go up from bottom 30% to bottom 45%
loOking: watching spy x family with my family, and i really love the animation for the opening and closing credits with the different art styles. no further thoughts right now but it's good vibes.
free space: i'm excited to try keeping this up! i want some way to track the passage of time, because now that i'm done with school i want to make sure i'm regularly engaging with things that i like or at least think are interesting. but this can't be too high effort otherwise it will stop... we shall see how this evolves over time. for now, i got a BINGO this week!
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ferretseal · 5 months
I didn't want to draw last night because my shoulder was acting up
So I don't have drawings right now.
But I'm going to put some of my clown world building up. "Clown" is used as a blanket term for all types mentioned here, but I do explain a little about my thought process.
Anyway, a world where clowns(and any related person) are their own species. Complete with magical abilities.
So there's this clown in a circus(basically a large, traveling, preforming family). She's the smallest and youngest of the family, and her name is Big-Top(it's a contradicting name, but that's not too uncommon because it's funny)
She has an elephant that's actually a living plushie familiar thing. She made it, and with a little bit of magic it can come to life and become a full sized elephant. It's called Patchwork and it's what she performs with when she's not with her family or being the one selling treats and stuff.
General Magic includes, but is not limited to: pocket dimensions, bubble/balloon craft, "sound board", and y'know, classic clown stuff.
She falls in love with a mime. Mimes are mute(often by choice/traditions), and monochrome (black and white basically), and have strange magic that they can basically conjure up anything they want, but they must act it out and its always invisible. But these things can act on other people if the mime wants them to. Sometimes when the items come in contact with traditional clown magic they can become visible in grey scale, and even more rare they have colors. Mimes also have names, but they're not really known to anyone who's not fluent in mime. But ours is dubbed "Ruffles" by Big-Top's family because they got tired of calling him Mime, and he has unique ruffles on his sleeves and pant legs.
Mimes and clowns are like polar opposites, but also infuriatingly similar, and often don't get along, but at this point they're somewhat civil. Sometimes there's individuals who are friendly, but Big-Top and Ruffles are an anomaly and kinda have a forbidden romance thing going on.
I like the idea of a loud, boisterous and colorful person, and the silent, monochrome partner (but they're both joyful and playful) And Ruffles, for a mime, is "loud". He uses overly exaggerated charades to communicate (as mimes do), so to them he's pretty much yelling all the time.
Big-Top's family!
Her oldest sibling moved away when she was younger, and she doesn't really know them, but she does know that they now work at an amusement park in a Troup there. (A Troup is basically a non family circus that occasionally travels but traveling isn't necessary).
Her older sister(about 4 ish years older than her)is a performer who is often paired with Big-Top. Her name is Topsy-turvy because she does a unique act of doing anything in a handstand, the best one is when she does rope walking.
Then there's Big-Shot(about a year older than Big-Top), the middle brother who's actually a strong man, so he's y'know, HUGE.
(The parents had a naming scheme, if you can't tell.)
The parents are the ringleaders of this group, and are basically in charge. They're Candy(mom) and Casey(dad) and they're your typical clowns.
Then there's Uncle Buffo, he's the lion tamer and has a small army of plush animals that are the same kind of thing as Patchwork.
There's Auntie Velvet who does horse tricks, and her sister Auntie Bingo with her dogs and seals.
Then there's the cousins, Buffo and Velvets twins, Curly and Cheery. They're too young to perform, about 7 ish(clowns start performing at arpund 10-12, depending on the family) so they took over Big-Top's job of selling treats. Curly sells cotton candy and popcorn white Cherry does drinks like pop and slushies.
There's also Nanners, who's a cousin somewhere but to whom is kinda unclear, but they sell things like hotdogs, shaved ice, and makes sure the twins are being safe with the equipment.
Other stuff!
All types of clowns/jesters/mimes need a higher sugar intake than a human. Sugar is fuel and they need extra for the magic. Though mimes seem to prefer extra carbs instead (blame the French.). Big-Top's family keeps bottles of sugar water around and use it like Gatorade during shows. Big-Top herself also often snacks on cotton candy, while Big-Shot prefers marshmallows and Topsy-turvy enjoys hard candy.
Clowns cannot conjure up items, but can make nearly endless pocket dimensions.
They don't really use pens, unless they're the glittery kind, but tend to use markers or those large kids crayons for writing. It's fun.
Play is an important part of clown life. It's a need. You need to play. A clown that doesn't play has something very wrong with them. Even those with depression play, even if it's just passively talking though an improv game. If a clown doesn't play, it could go clinically insane. It's as important as sleep.
There are clowns in other professions though. Doctors, accountants, ect. They still look clown like, hair and face, but they just dress normally lol.
The face paint isn't actually paint. They're markings that are unique to the clown/mime. They cannot be removed. They develop and change with age though (babies are born without them, and should start showing their first marks at around 1 or 2 years old).
Any and all animals (apart from a few outliers with domestic dogs) in a clown run circus are the living plush animals like patchwork. This means that Uncle Buffo's animals aren't actually dangerous and the taming is just a trained act. They're actually very friendly and docile. Wanna have a picture with a tiger? Yup it's safe! Want a painting from patchwork? No problem, he likes to. They're living toys playing, and so no animals are harmed, and transportation is easy, they just get reverted back to a regular sized plushie and put in a toy chest.
Clowns have slightly longer, slightly pointed ears compared to humans, think of like a DND half elf. They're purely looks, but olden jesters are assumed to have had true elf ears that were mobile.
There are currently three types of clowns that stem from Jesters: Clowns(and any sub set such as sad and scary, as well as other unique roles that are magic based such as strong men (see Big-Shot)), Mimes, and magicians (slight of hand magic tricks). There are overlap between the three but each one has a distinct style and culture.
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duck-caake · 11 months
🦷 🦷 🦷 🦷
he/him Il 22 || regressor + cg
requests open!!! (list below!)
just a corpse paint wearing little guy that finds way too much comfort in animatronics, arcades, and pizza places.
please keep in mind this is a sfw coping blog for childhood trauma. however if it still bothers you that i reblogged something please just message and ill remove it.
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icon by @chocoperrito
dni banner by me :)
🦷 🦷 🦷 🦷
blog cw// horror movies (mild- usually no bl00d, i just have a lot of slasher/horror comfort characters), 420 ments, cursing, food, food talk (positive only, ARFID kiddo), stims, gifs (no flashing lights), illness talk (unresolved digestive issues, occasional tagged emeto ment)
this is a side blog! i follow back from @ la***-b*******m
fictional cgs/sibs/little guys
peppino spaghetti (dad), fake peppino (cg) || glamrock freddy (dad), freddy fazbear (baby sitter/sib), mike schmidt (dad), the daycare attendants (baby sitter), all bonnies (baby sitter/sib), and my springtrap/william afton hcoc (dad) || jason voorhees (little guy), tommy (little guy), brahms heelshire (little guy) || two-bit matthews (little guy)
comfort media
five nights at freddy’s, pizza tower, tmnt, sonic, tf2, spongebob, animal crossing, teen titans, wolverine, deadpool, spiderman, superman, minecraft, edward sissorhands, corpse bride, alice in wonderland, the rock-afire explosion, chuck e cheese, the simpsons, blues clues, bluey, dr. seuss, rainbow brite, classic horror (20’s-60s), horror movies in general, betty boop
comics, coloring, horror movies, videogames, cartoons, plushies/build-a-bear, animatronics/robotics
req masterlist
(check out my #🍕 :: portfolio)
- fake peppino from pizza tower outfit ✔️
- flip! donna from res evil 8 stimboard ✔️
- care bears outfit board ✔️
- fake peppino is a eldritch caregiver ✔️
- fake peppino dni banner ✔️
- the wrath from dbd agere flags X . X . X ✔️
- fake peppino from pizza tower flip headcanons ✔️
- bandit from bluey is an age regressor/playmate ✔️
- nightmare bonnie (fnaf4) cg icon ✔️
- bucky and steve (marvel) cg headcanons • • • LOADING
- nightmare bonnie (fnaf world) agere outfit
- green goblin from spiderman/marvel agere outfit
not requests:
- cg! peppino spaghetti from pizza tower mood board
- mario and luigi from the mario bros movie mood board
- mario bros outfit board
- peppino spaghetti from pizza tower outfit board
- bingo from bluey outfit board
- socks from bluey outfit board
- pizza tower fun farm level outfit board
- amanda young from saw is a caregiver
- peppino from pizza tower is a caregiver
- beef tobin from the great north is a caregiver
- bowser from mario bros is an age regressor/caregiver
- mario from the mario bros is a older sibling cg
- luigi from the mario bros is a age regressor
- pavel borsch from vodka! tower is a caregiver
- springtrap from fnaf is a caregiver
- the conductor from the polar express is a caregiver
- jason voorhees is an age regressor
feel free to request stuff on the “not a req” section to bump it up to next in the queue!
🌈 ☀️ 🌈 ☀️ 🌈 ☀️ 🌈
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lgbterrorist · 3 months
adachi for character bingo
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my polarizing little freak. i feel like he's a character that gets misunderstood both by his fans and by the people who don't like him. one of persona's best villains to date. he's an opportunistic little loser and i love him. what isolation and doomerism does to a mf.
maybe an unpopular opinion here, but i feel he's one of the only characters persona 4 did right by -- lots of the other characters from that entry of the series have good bones, but squandered potential, so close to being complete. i think adachi is one of the only ones who's fully realized in a way that i thought was satisfying. he was great in P4G, great in P4AU, great in the animated supplements -- he's edgy, he's funny, he has a big presence whenever he's on screen, and i love seeing him.
i want to squeeze him until he pops
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kaelio · 1 year
Marius for blorbo bingo please
okay so here's the mad wack thing about marius. I liked him about the same amount as i liked everyone else until the fandom got tired of Cancelling lestat and had to find their new person to Cancel. this is just so so dumb for every media property but it is so double one thousand superdumb for the vampire chronicles, which is literally predicated on the fate of being unsalvageably evil by a nature that very well may have been imposed upon you. and then a lot of people who were getting all hopped on it were clearly just pulling shit from the wiki and nothing makes me annoyed as like a living breathing animal like people pulling shit out of context from a shitty wiki. i gots'd negatively polarized. now he lives in my house
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monmuses · 6 months
Character Bingo: Miia from Monster Musume (because Tanith)
character opinion bingo - currently accepting!
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god i have... a lot of words about her as a character.
okay so i made the mistake (i'm calling this a mistake because i'm pretty sure this is what kind of drove my realization that i'm ace as a teenager and disliking of sexual content as a whole) of watching this anime. only reason was because i loved the monster girl aesthetic and thats what i based my blog on - NOT the sexualization. i knew it was a very dirty anime series and only watched it to get icons. i also read the comics! and uh. Yeah! Not For Me!
as for Miia, i like the stubborn personality she has and being a very committed woman. she's actually super protective of Kimihito and that i kinda fuck with. i just... wish it wasn't a harem anime. and wasn't so overly sexual. in every instance, it was just.. REALLY bad in terms of plot. i could rant about monster girl animes and how they risk story and plot for fan-service, and almost every single one is SO bad.
Miia herself is kind of one of the less worse girls in terms of the Shit They Do, but it doesn't exactly excuse her advances and how over the top she is with Kimihito. she's not my taste in terms of like... characters to enjoy. i'm not a big fan of anime girls entirely, but i get her style! she's actually one of the reasons why one of the first animals i tried to draw were snakes.
now if i were to talk about Tanith, she's a polar opposite and a whole mama; somebody who can keep up with the romantic side of Nagas (because Lamias are the WRONG species to call her - those are Literal Demons In Lore). i love her bunches and i can do a bingo card later.
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nwisblog · 2 years
Course A: Arctic and Antarctic Animals
Class: K4
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We learned more details about the Arctic today. We understood from reading about the Arctic that during the winter, the Arctic sky is enough dark for the Northern Lights to be visible under the best conditions, and as they looked at the sky, they were in awe of its beauty.
They also discovered that as the earth warms, ice is melting and animals are having a harder time finding food.
A bingo game helped us review the names of many Arctic and Antarctic animals
They practiced fine motor skills during craft by stringing beads onto pipe cleaners to create sparkling snowflakes.
Additionally, they made a polar bear using a variety of blue paint colors and supplies including sponges and bristle brushes.
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the-black-bulls · 2 years
zora and gauche for the ask game! thankyou <3
the pessimistic assholes! thank you for the ask!
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zora is another black bull with main character material who deserves a mini manga for his own (the other is charmy of course), he's a cool and great character, lowkey deserves to lead his own squad made of peasants-only.
I enjoyed seeing more of him with magna and with nero, love it when we got more fresh dynamics and teams.
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my uncontroversial favorite, "wow this guy is horrible!" / "..." / "oh shit he's ME!" = is how I'd sum up my initial reaction to his early character because, crazy as it might sound, I found him relatable.
I'd like to see him in more fights and share more moments with black bulls members who are not asta, grey, or gordon.
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disappearinginq · 3 years
Thomas Magnum?
First impression "My precious son"
Impression now "My precious son with layers and depth and eyes to die for with some serious need for therapy"
Favorite moment Any moment when he gets to be smart, competent, AND a little beat up - I actually really kind of like him in the episode where bad guys try to take over the immigration office and he takes one out and impersonates them, OR the one where he and TC go undercover at the office building and Thomas protects TC even though TC is like twice his size.
Idea for a story Oh, man, how much time do you have? 😅 In the works: the end of Wrong Side, the half formed idea of MacGyver/Magnum crossover, one where I get to have some fun with sharks, half of the Bad Things Happen Bingo card....one that's for Found Family Bingo, and it's them on their road trip across the states and they stop at a store where Thomas flat out forgets the English word for something and says it in Spanish - and then Faarsi - and just stares at Rick when Rick answers him reflexively in Russian and they just look like they're lost....so many.
Unpopular opinion I do not like him with Higgins. Period. Until season 4, she was a shit friend and mostly a shit person, and I think Thomas (if we HAVE to give a romantic interest) is better off with someone who doesn't think flirting is being douche or bi-polar in their affections with no decision making ability whatsoever.
Favorite relationship The BroTP between him and Rick and TC. I tend to lean more towards Rick, because that's just me relating better to Rick, but TC and Thomas having their heart to heart over their emotionally stunted friends was a sweet scene that I love.
Favorite headcanon Thomas's two favorite animals are sharks and horses. The horses because he grew up visiting his uncle's ranch (also, head canon is that it's stupid for Thomas's mom to be the white half of his parentage when his last name is Magnum after his dad and Thomas Sullivan Magnum is not the name of a first generation US citizen from Mexico, so his mom is the one from Mexico who grew up on a ranch in Sonora - anyway...) and the sharks because he just thinks they're grossly misunderstood and really cool.
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subzeroiceskater · 2 years
So I've been going through a bunch of Arctic books--short version: it's wondrous and depressing because of the whole climate crisis dealio--mainly for fanfic references, but that got me thinking and remembering:
I love Tundra Man but the thing that drives me crazy in MM11 is thematically, he's the outsider--all the other RMs' stages deal with their place of work or reference their whole deal-- You fight Bounce Man in Boing-Boing Park, Fuse Man in his electric plant, Impact Man continues the job he was assigned, Blast Man destroys Flower Land, Torch Man sets fire to his camp, Block Man makes a grand structure like he's always wanted...
Tundra Man, though? He freezes a city and takes over a museum. How does that thematically connect to his whole deal as a 1) polar exploration/development robot 2) who modified himself to be a figure skater???
It doesn't really, it's just a general ice theme. He takes over a museum, fossils abound, you fight a robot display that has a mechanical mammoth. All cute allusions to the general Ice Age and maybe an earlier ice robot with Freeze Man and T-rex boss fight.
Except nothing about Tundra Man’s profile has him working with fossils or the ice age or the museums. In fact, it has him working squarely in the present with him supposed to be observing and exploring of the Arctic. His name is Tundra Man where the TUNDRA at???
Well, apparently
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His theme is…turning the city into a “barren polar icescapes with permafrost”. That IS what tundra is, I suppose. “...A vast, flat, treeless Arctic region of Europe, Asia, and North America in which the subsoil is permanently frozen.” I certainly don’t see any trees. :U
Kinda random but nevertheless, mystery solved, I guess.
My man Tundra turns a city into a tundra, and somehow or the other, brings along a couple of animal friends to populate it. No one really asks where or how a stage’s enemies come from (reprogrammed by Wily? Made by Wily? Or do they just follow along the boss of any given stage?) Judging from their profile, Snow Robbits were probably made along with Tundra Man so presumably are Cossack Labs creations. Snow Robbits are obviously arctic hares.
But what about Ice Swans?
I love those things but I admittedly don’t remember swans being mentioned in any of the books I’ve read. I’m more likely to read about arctic terns or eider ducks or seagulls. So why swans? That’s so random. Is it because swans are associated with elegance and that’s kinda how Tundra plays?
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I read “Siberian Crane” and thought “oh hey a Russian arctic bird. I wonder why they didn’t choose something like that instead of swans. Why swans anyway?”
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Why yes I did lose my shit
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But wait! The pic above don’t really look like the swans in the game, right? It even says all-black bills.
The Ice Swans don’t even look like the general image of the swan, which are primarily mute swans. Maybe even black or trumpeter.
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Then again, it’s hard to say Snow Robbits look like actual Arctic hares, yeah?
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But, still, Ice Swans look a more natural than Snow Robbits. And if you check the swans above, whooper swans look a lot like Ice Swans. But whooper swans AREN’T tundra swans. So what gives?
I already had a sneaking suspicion, quickly confirmed by a Google search.
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There is ANOTHER kind of tundra swan!
Bewick's - Swan Specialist Group (swansg.org)
Best of all? BEST OF ALL!
Bewick’s Swans spend the summer in arctic Russia, on a narrow band of tundra stretching from the Kanin Peninsula west to the Chukotka Sea. Three populations have been identified based on their winter distribution: the Northwest European, the Eastern and the Caspian.
Bewick’s swan is specifically the ARCTIC RUSSIAN one.
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The black-and-yellow-bill, the arctic habitat, the smaller size compared to the other swans…
Ice Swans–Tundra’s SWANS–are very specifically the ARCTIC RUSSIAN ones. I’m so, so utterly delighted by this. That is SO ADORABLE omggggggggggg
So, yeah, so while I’ll always be a little driven crazy by how Tundra’s stage isn’t so neatly thematically perfect like the rest of the MM11 crew, discovering this specific detail just turned that around for me.
Tundra Swans for Tundra Man! Russian Arctic ones, even!
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coyote-kid-alex · 4 years
Is it true you can name every single stuffed animal in your apartment? Can you name them all? - Jane
YES!!!! *cracks knuckles* >:3
Build a bear collection!
Elsa, Penelope, Luna bun, Love-n-hearts, pizza rolls, candy corn unicorn, pastel, lagoon, polar stars, plum, raspberry, Aro, Diego, Jack skellington, chase, everest, tracker, toothless 1 & 2, nightlight 1 2 3, lightfury, pumpkin 1 & 2 *eevee and vaporen*, thunder, pixie, minty, sherbet, peppermint glisten, kings island the racer, sam. Klousey.
Giants/big stuffies
Easter, Todd, Mama, A.x.l
Others/non build a bears.
Coco, cream, jingles, star-belly, lamblamb, puppybun, minty bun, foxy, lovely, prism, wolfie, pillow, Esme, Charlie, sven, vanilla, bingo.
Coyote plushies
Thor, lokie, hala, Oscar, Yip-Yap
Sneezy sniffles, pinkie pie, apple jack, twilight sparkle. I had more but they got lost when we moved 😔
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tisfan · 5 years
Title: Gotta Fly before You Can Run Square: Tony Stark Bingo K3 – Anthropomorfic Bucky Barnes Bingo - C5 Bucky Bear Warning: animal shifters, social commentary, save the planet Pairing: Tony/Bucky Summary: Today is the day everyone finds out what animal they’ll be able to shift into for the rest of their lives. Tony is sure he’s going to be a dung beetle. Word Count: 2216 To: @monobuu and @rebelmeg Art by Monobuu For: @tonystarkbingo and @buckybarnesbingoLink: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20124472
The Choosing ceremony was, like many ceremonies, Very Serious, solemn, and Important. Which meant long, boring, and ostentatious.
Tony looked around at all the initiates. Most of them were not paying attention to the Speaker for the Animals, either. They were chatting with their friends, or placing wagers, or worriedly pacing around the amphitheater. Some were near the walls, talking with family members who were leaning over the edge to give an encouraging hand (or snack) to a prospective child.
If nothing else, after the Ceremony, Tony was rarely -- if ever -- going to have to deal with his father again. Unless he turned out, also, to be a weasel.
“If I turn out to be a weasel, I am going to go pick a fight with Loki,” Tony said to his group of friends. All, you know, three of them. Loki had been one of their classmates, until his Choosing came early, in the form of a bright, emerald green snake. Very poisonous.
“Pretty sure that’s a mongoose and not a weasel, Tony,” Pepper said, smoothing out her skirt. “You’re not a weasel.”
“I could be,” Tony said. “Howard’s a weasel.”
(more under the cut)
“Kids only got like a twenty-five percent chance of takin’ after a parent, if that high. And you don’t act like Howard,” Bucky Barnes said, reasonably. “You’ve got just as much chance of being a dove, like your ma.”
Tony was pretty sure the peaceful, contented, beautiful dove wasn’t going to suit him; not at all. He was not the sit around and coo after someone else’s achievements type. 
Tony loved his mother; he didn’t want to be his mother. Being a dove might almost be worse than taking after Howard. Honestly, it was a wonder Howard hadn’t eaten his mom in one of those cross-breed mating goes wrong stories that always came up on the news.
“Easy for you to be relaxed,” Tony said. “You’ve got like a four hundred percent chance of being a bear.”
Bucky leaned back in the grass and looked up in the sky. “Barnes’ have been bears since there were Barnes’ and bears. Which doesn’t mean anything. I got a cousin who’s a horse. The Avatars make their own choices.”
“What if I’m something tiny and stupid, like a field mouse, or… or… or a shrew?” Tony worried. “You can’t be boyfriends with me if I’m a shrew, you could eat me for lunch.”
“If I’m a bear,” Bucky said. “Besides, if I was a bear, and you were a shrew, you’d be a lot too small to be lunch. You could pull thorns out of my paw or something.”
“That’s just a bunch of speciest garbage anyway,” Pepper said. “My parents are a cat and a bluebird and Mom has never, ever even threatened to eat Dad, even when his bluebird of happiness routine was getting on everyone’s nerves.”
“Somehow, I always thought your mom was the bird,” Rhodey said. “Don’t worry, Tones, you’re gonna be something amazing. Like a moose.”
“Ha ha, I’m not even Canadian,” Tony said. “What do you think you’re gonna be?”
“I am going to be a skunk, and then none of you motherfuckers are gonna mess with me, like ever again,” Rhodey said.
“Skunks are cute,” Pepper said. “Well, they are--” she defended when Rhodey and Bucky and Tony all burst into laughter.
“What do you want to be, Tony?” Bucky asked him.
“That’s the romantic garbage,” Tony said. “The idea that you can pick your animal. The Avatars choose, we don’t get a say in it.”
Like everything else in his life; Tony didn’t know why he continued to rail about it being unfair. With the general state of unfairness he’d thus far experienced, he didn’t know why one more unfair thing was such a shock.
“Yeah, but that’s not what I asked you. I asked you what you wanted to be,” Bucky said. “You can tell a lot about a person by what Avatar they think would suit them.”
“I dunno,” Tony said. “I’ve been so busy thinking about what I don’t want. Knowing me, I’ll probably be something little and useless and weird. Like, I dunno, a marmoset.”
“Why are you so worried about being little? It’s not like you have to spend your whole life in your animal form or nothin’.”
“Look at you,” Tony said, waving at Bucky… well, everything. “You’re huge. Your Avatar’s gonna be huge, and I’m going to be some rinky dink little critter and…”
“I will still want you to be my boyfriend if you end up being a dung beetle.”
“Is that possible?” Tony wondered. “-- does anyone actually become a bug?”
“Janet Van Dyne is a wasp,” Pepper said. 
“Great. I’m gonna be a dung beetle,” Tony said, mournfully. 
“And I’ve already said I will still want to date you,” Bucky pointed out. “Besides, if you’re a dung beetle, Howard won’t want you in the house at all. You’ll be free of him, at least. And, dung beetles are great astronomers. Like, all the great ones were beetles.”
“You’re making that up,” Tony said.
“Am not. It’s like most of the astronauts in the US are all from Ohio. It’s a statistic. Don’t you read the pamphlets we get for this shit?” Bucky asked.
“No?” Like, how was that even a question? It was like reading the assignments for your body and you in middle school. Tony already knew what a boner was, and to be smart and wrap it up before sticking it in someone, so what was 5th grade life sciences going to teach him? Turned out, nothing and all wrong anyway, so there was that.
“You think they’ll make us line up alphabetical order?” Pepper asked, suddenly. “I don’t want to. I want to stay with you guys until the very last minute.”
“Nah, we just line up,” Rhodey said. “Carol told me. She went last year.”
“They’re finally done talking,” Bucky said. “Come on, stand up. I want to get this over with. I hear the party after is amazing. We’ll all be actual adults and stuff.”
“An adult dung beetle,” Tony said. “Sure, why not? Should be fun.”
Bucky let Pepper and Rhodey pull ahead. “Nothing is gonna change how I feel about you, doll,” he said, seriously. “I don’t even care. We could be cats and dogs, living together, the end of the world, and I’d still want to spend it with you.”
“Even if I’m something revolting?”
“You won’t be anything revolting,” Bucky said, “because you’re going to be you, no matter what animal you are. None of the Avatars are revolting.”
“Howard is revolting,” Tony said.
“That’s because he’s Howard, not because he’s a weasel. He could be a damn golden eagle and he’d still be a shit human being,” Bucky said.
“What about a spider?” Tony demanded. “I hate spiders. I could end up being a spider and I’d literally freak myself out, like constantly.”
“Tony, it’s gonna be okay.”
“Promise?” Like Bucky could ever promise such a thing.
“I promise.”
"Stark, Anthony Edward," someone said, checking him off the list of this year's kids. Handed Tony another pamphlet. Your avatar and you: your new responsibilities as the representative of your animal.
They'd almost destroyed the planet and everyone in it when the first Choosing happened. One in every hundred or so people became psychically linked to a dying species, able to transform at will, able to communicate with the animals that were dying.
When the president of the United States became a god damn polar bear on national television, people started getting serious about saving them.
"I hope I don't become a cow," Tony said to the official. "I'm not ready to give up eating meat."
"Go down that hall and pick an open door," the official said. 
"Any door? What if it's the wrong one?"
"Name?" The guy moved on to the next person in line. Well maybe if Tony picked the wrong door, he wouldn't get an Avatar at all. Were there any people left who were rejected by the entire animal kingdom? Trust Tony to be a pioneer in the field of screwing up, yet again.
Tony passed the first open door, because obviously the first one was the wrong choice, no matter what the deciding factor actually was. Couldn’t be too eager. He walked down the hallway, and he couldn’t see anyone and he couldn’t hear anyone else, and some of the doors were open and some were closed, and really, this building was not so large, he should have come to the end of the hall, eventually. 
He looked back, but all he could see was empty hallway.
“This is some sort of test,” he decided. Psychics. God.
Tony ran for a while, thinking he could possibly outrun the test; scientific method. Discard the easy solutions first.
That didn’t work. 
Tony knelt down near the wall, peering at it. “It’s curved. It’s an illusion, this hallway is a giant circle!”
“Come and talk to me about it, Master Anthony,” a familiar voice said, and Tony found himself headed for a door without even thinking. Jarvis, oh, god, he’d missed Jarvis, so much, these last few years.
He stopped at the edge of the door. “No, this is a trap, this is a test.”
“This is a familiar form,” the not-Jarvis said from the middle of the room, and he didn’t look much like the white-haired old butler that Tony knew, but a young man in his prime. The man Howard Stark saved on a battlefield during the War. “And one that you know, to talk about-- all this. Someone you trust.”
“I certainly don’t trust you, if you’re taking on that form.”
“Would you prefer another, darling?” And that was his mother.
“Not really, no,” Tony said. “What’s with the tricks, the pretending. I thought you just made your choice.”
“You’re difficult,” and that was Howard. Tony’s hands balled up into fists at his sides. “So clever. So capable. You’re one… one who could change the world.”
“Yeah, I get that all the time, since I was four, not living up to my potential, right,” Tony said.
“We know how to nurture your potential. All you have to do is say yes,” another voice said. He didn’t know that one, and he turned to look.
She smiled at him, in a way that he would never have thought a smile could happen, a sense of a smile, and not a mere upturn of lips that anyone could fake. A real smile. A pure…
It was strange, how many of his friends Tony recognized, even in their Avatar forms. There was Clint as a scruffy yellow dog, and Steve as a huge bald eagle. Sam was another bird, this one a falcon. 
“Tony!” A fluffy ball of red fur barreled over to him. “You were gone for, like, ever in there, what happened?”
Tony turned and ruffled his feathers a little.
The red panda -- Bucky, quite obviously -- startled backward, arms and legs flailing as he gasped in shock. He rolled around awkwardly on the ground for a moment, before getting up onto hind feet to shriek at Tony.
“Oh, god, stop being so dramatic, I didn’t scare you.” Tony tipped his head to inspect a shiny bit of metal on the ground.
“You’re a--”
“Attempted murder,” Rhodey said. “Murder of one?”
“Raven,” Tony said. “Ha, ha. What happened to skunk?”
“Hey, male platypuses have damn poison sacks in their dew claw. I’m not complaining,” Rhodey said.
“You look like a duck got together with a ferret,” Tony said.
“Don’t make me hurt you, bird-brain,” Rhodey threatened.
“Oh, would you two stop, you know you love each other, best friends forever, right?” Pepper fussed at them. 
“Wow, okay, wow, you are a very big lady cat,” Rhodey said, staring up at the lioness.
“I don’t love him, are you kidding?” Tony said, shaking his tailfeathers a little. “I love Bucky.”
“Look at me,” Bucky said, running around in a little circle, showing off long black legs, a cute little mask and a puffy tail. “Also, I’m arboreal, which means we won’t have much problems with living, because you’re a bird, and you live in trees, and I’m a tree climber--”
“Also, terrified of falling, I remember reading that somewhere,” Rhodey said. “Which seems a bit dumb for a species that lives in the trees, but you do you, fuzzbutt.”
“Of course my butt is fuzzy, I’m a panda. Which is not a bear, but don’t tell my sister that, I’ll never live it down.”
“You are not exactly lacking in the butt fuzz either, here, weirdo,” Tony said. “In fact, I am the only one of the group who does not have a fuzzy butt.”
“Also, you can fly, that’s totally cool,” Bucky said. “Go one, take a lap.”
“Sometimes you gotta fly before you can run,” Tony said.
“That does not make any sense,” Pepper protested, but Tony launched himself into the air, stretching muscles he didn’t even know he had. He made a circle around the room and then landed on Bucky’s head. 
“I can fly!”
“You certainly can,” Bucky said, reaching up one soft-seeming paw to pat him gently. “You can fly.” 
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