#animal shifters
mottemort · 11 months
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Jason as a Tiger-Shifter
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masoena · 7 days
Paws & Claws - Reposting :D
Because the amazing @aomasade made such gorgeous art for it. 💕
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To read the adorable bobcat shifter Sam and Veterinarian Dean story and see the amazing art post that belongs to this please use the links below. Title: Paws and Claws
Word Count: 5000 words
Pairing: Unrelated Wincest; Sam Winchester/Dean Winchester
Rating: Mature (this post is Gen story is rated mature)
Key Tags: Meet-Cute, Veterinarian Dean, Shifter Sam, A/B/O
Link to art: AO3 | Tumblr
Link to fic: AO3
Dean is pulled out of bed early on a Sunday morning, on-call as the local vet, he helps a shot bobcat in Central park and takes him to his clinic for better treatment. The little rascal escapes the next morning scratching Dean up in the process. The incident is swiftly forgotten when he meets the new barista at Gabe's coffee shop. The meet-cute encounter swiftly grows into more, much more than either had bargained for. Sam is a lot more than a student at NYU trying to finish up his law degree while doing shifts at his uncle Gabe's coffee shop to finance his way through his studies.
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batfsm · 1 year
You know how the Batfamily are shifters in alot of stories? How the fuck do they not get found out? Like really, one has Dick as a sugar glider and the whole time I'm reading I'm wondering how Dick doesn't get found out? Like, does he change colors or something?
I think Alfred would be the easiest to hide because, unless he wants it, he isn't really seen to the citizens and heroes, it seems, just his family.
Really, how do they keep their identities secret as shifters?
Especially if they don't change fur colors or anything like that?
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halfbakedideas · 4 months
tiny paws up the hill
Regeneration wasn’t the only ability that the Time Lords had.
When the Doctor gets stuck in their fox shift after a nightmare, Donna helps them get unstuck.
this isn’t the fic i mentioned i’d started writing, but i realised i’d never posted this here.
Title from What Does the Fox Say? by Ylvis.
I have no idea if animal shifter fics are a thing in this fandom but this idea wouldn’t leave me alone. So here, a fic.
Regeneration wasn’t the only ability that the Time Lords had. There was another, the ability to shift — to transform — into an animal form, regardless of whatever form they normally inhabited.
While this particular ability had never been banned or prohibited, it certainly had never been particularly celebrated. This secondary form was always an animal, it was never humanoid. And it could be any animal from any planet in the galaxy, regardless of if you had seen or knew what it was.
Humans didn’t have an animal shift. They, like most species considered to be ‘primitive’ by the Time Lords, were restricted to one form for their entire lives.
The ability to regenerate meant that the animal that a Time Lord could shift into changed with each incarnation. For example: where once you may have been able to shift into a bird, you now found yourself shifting into a mammal.
Which was why the Doctor stood here in the Temple-Nobles’ kitchen watching a sparrow flitter around the grass through the window, the sight echoing memories of the shift form belonging to one of their past incarnations.
Their thoughts wandered into wondering what animal form they currently had. Despite having their old face back for all of the past five days, eleven hours, and nine minutes, it was very unlikely that their corresponding shift of a 21st century Earth red fox had also come back.
…They could always just shift and see.
But Donna and her family didn’t know about their animal shift, and they were bound to wake up and come downstairs any moment now. What would they think of finding a seemingly random animal in their kitchen? Even one that was potentially alien?
They could go into the TARDIS and shift in there. Then none of them would see them. But Donna had banned them from the TARDIS for the next week, and even dead asleep upstairs she would know if they even entered the TARDIS.
“Doctor?” The redhead’s voice was startlingly loud in the quiet kitchen when it rang out behind them.
Too late.
Any thoughts of wondering what their shift was slipped from their mind as the flurry of activity that was breakfast in the Temple-Noble-Doctor household.
The Doctor shot up from the bed, their hearts beating out of their chest. Fear and panic still had its claws in their mind. Blinking unseeingly against the darkness of the room.
Their bed felt much larger than it had been when they had gone to bed hours ago.
They reached a hand up to run it through their hair, which was bound to be a rat’s nest.
Or they had tried to.
Instead they found a distinct lack of fingers. And hair.
Paw met fluff. Fur?
Ice trickled down their spine as the Doctor found the edge of the bed and made to stand up.
…Only to fall to the floor in a heap when their legs weren’t in the place that they had expected the limbs to be.
As they lay in a heap, the Doctor took stock. They had shifted in their sleep. And their shift form was fluffy. Definitely a mammal. Quadruped. A dog, or fox of some kind.
They shut their eyes, not that it made much difference in the dark room, and focused. Searching for the xxx within this form that contained their humanoid form. For the anchorpoint that they could get a grip onto to be able to shift back.
They find nothing.
Well okay that was a lie.
It was still there, just barely. And every time that they reach for it, it slips further out of their reach.
A thought struck them, they’re stuck in their shift. For an unknown amount of time.
Been a while, since that had happened.
Billions of years, really.
The Doctor ignored the memory of another redhead and a Roman and an obsession with bowties and an Earth leopard shift that the thought brought up, by getting to their feet. All four of them.
There was no way that they were going to try sleeping again. Not just because of the nightmare they had just woken up from but also because sleeping risked them getting stuck in their shift for even longer.
So after a measure of difficulty with manipulating the door handle in this form, they venture out into the house.
Donna had been having a rather nice dream when she’s suddenly awoken by a feeling.
A feeling that something is wrong.
The last time that she had been woken by this feeling, she had discovered the Doctor in the kitchen with the burnt remains of something in the bin and the toaster on fire.
Shaun was still very much asleep next to her.
Then she hears it.
A scratching.
It’s faint. Very faint.
She had to really listen to be able to hear it over the howl of the wind outside.
It sounds like claws scratching against wood.
What on Earth could be making that sound at — Donna glanced over at her bedside clock — 2:28 in the morning?
They don’t have any pets. And she had checked that all the doors were locked when she had gone to bed at ten.
Her curiosity won out and she climbed out of bed to go investigate, being careful not to wake Shaun up as she did.
Clicking open their bedroom door, Donna had been expecting to find an empty hallway and maybe the hall table on the ground. That was not what she found; instead she was greeted with a bundle of red fluff knocking against her legs.
It wasn’t fluff, it was a fox.
Why was there a fox in her house?
“How did you get inside here?” she asked.
Donna wasn’t sure if she had imagined it but the fox looked offended at her question, before it barked at her and took off.
It stopped after a few steps to turn back to look at her with a huff. Like it wanted her to follow.
Once it saw that she was indeed following, the fox continued on its way. Heading towards the Doctor’s room, the door to which was ajar.
The fox disappeared inside and Donna poked her head into the dark room. She found rumpled sheets and no Doctor. It was sitting on the bed, watching her as she crossed the room to the window.
Had they snuck off to the TARDIS to go on an adventure while everyone else was asleep?
But a check of the garden through the window disproved that thought, the TARDIS was still there, parked in her spot on the grass.
So if the TARDIS was still here and their room was empty (minus fox), then where was the Doctor?
Donna turned around, headed back out to the hallway, and downstairs. The click of nails against the wood followed her down.
“Doctor?” she called out quietly as she passed through the doorway and into the kitchen.
When she found no sign of her Doctor there, she moved onto the living room. Being careful not to wake her grandad asleep in the sun-room as she went.
The fox followed close behind her the whole time. Even as she left the house and crossed the grass to the TARDIS.
If the Doctor wasn’t in the house, then they had to be in the TARDIS. The door were unlocked when she pulled on it and the lights came on as she stepped over the threshold.
The fox even followed her inside the TARDIS. She hummed softly as Donna stepped inside, although it felt different this time…not like something was wrong, just different.
“Doctor?” she called again as she walked deeper inside.
The blindingly white console room was empty too.
She hadn’t had much time to have a look around this new TARDIS so she hoped that the rooms were in the same configuration as the last time she had ventured this far.
Each and every room she checked was empty.
Her fluffy red shadow disappeared at one point, the click-clack sound of its claws against the metal flooring vanished. She assumed that it had finally grown tired of following her around the endless hallways and wandered off.
Donna eventually found the library. But just as she was about to enter, a sound rang out startlingly loud against the quiet TARDIS. A muffled bark. So the fox hadn’t left after all.
“What do you want?” she asked, turning around.
Anything she was going to say next died on her tongue.
The fox was carrying — more like dragging, really — the Doctor’s coat. It had gone back into the house, upstairs to their room, grabbed the coat, and came back into the TARDIS with it. Why?
It dropped the coat to bark again at her, the sound wasn’t muffled this time. It nudged the garment with a paw. Then leveled her with the most unimpressed look she had ever seen on a fox (not that she had many to compare it to).
“Oh my god,” Donna breathed, as a realisation hit her. “You’re the Doctor, aren’t you?” she asked.
The fox yipped at her and closed the distance between them, although not before picking up their coat again. Compared to their bark, the sound was less sharp and more happy.
The TARDIS’ hum had turned warm — pleased? — she noted absently.
So she had gotten it right.
“But why are you a fox?” she questioned. “Are you cursed, or something? Did you sneak off to another planet while I was sleeping and piss someone off, and now you’re stuck like this?” the redhead rambled.
The fox — the Doctor frowned and moved forward. Until they were standing just shy of Donna’s feet. Then they reached out a paw to touch her foot, which was still bare because she hadn’t thought to put on any slippers or socks when she had gotten out of bed.
The moment that their paw made contact, Donna’s mind exploded with colour and memories that weren’t her own. Telepathy.
Memories of exchanging skin and two legs for fur and four, or even scales on a handful of notable occasions.
The Doctor was showing her that no, they weren’t cursed. And that this was something that they could do, much like how they regenerated. Only, unlike regeneration, this ‘shift’ could be done whenever they wanted.
Then the Doctor showed her images of somebody sinking into quicksand, of thick molasses, and of a bird frozen in ice.
“You’re stuck like this?” Donna asked, blinking herself back into her present in the TARDIS library.
The Doctor yipped the affirmative, keeping their paw on her foot. They showed her the image of a lady nodding. Yes.
“So how do you get un-stuck?” she asked. “Is there something that I can do to help?” she added.
A red ‘x’. No.
But then a green tick, and a question-mark. Maybe?
“Okay…” Donna trailed off as she thought. “Is there something specific I should do or—“ She cut herself off. “—Why are you stuck? Maybe if we know why you got stuck it’ll make it easier to get you unstuck,”
Donna got a barrage of images in response. Screaming. Shadowy figures that look suspiciously like Dalek or even herself once, for the briefest moment. Fear. Inky panic. A nightmare.
The Doctor had a nightmare and had woke up as a fox.
If a nightmare had been what had gotten them stuck as a fox, then maybe safety and comfort would get them unstuck?
As fantastic as the TARDIS was, Donna didn’t quite fancy having her family wake up and think that she and the Doctor had gone off galavanting somewhere. And she didn’t feel like wandering through all those hallways again to find her old room, if it even was still here. The two of them ended up returning back into the house. Off to the couch it was.
Much like when Donna had searched for them earlier, the Doctor followed her back inside.
Donna glanced at the clock on the microwave as she went…5:04 am…no point in either of them going back to bed now, they might as well stay up.
The Doctor paused when they saw Donna beckon them over after having sat down on the couch, their front paws just barely on the carpet.
“I’m assuming because it was a nightmare that got you stuck like this, that maybe feeling safe would work to get you unstuck?” she explained. “And that you don’t want to go back to bed just yet either?”
The Doctor whined and frowned again. No, they did not.
After a moment of lingering, most likely considering, they crossed the carpet and bounded up onto the couch to settle next to her.
When the Doctor next woke up hours (one hour, forty-seven minutes, and eleven seconds) later, they were confused. They had fallen asleep while stuck in a shift, that never ended well.
The Doctor sat up. Realising as they did that they were back to their proper size. Skin and clothes back where they all should be.
They weren’t a fox anymore.
They had fallen asleep while in a stuck shift and had woken up unstuck for what had to be the first time ever.
They ran a hand through their hair and found that it was indeed a rat’s nest.
Only then did they notice the noise. Voices, the scrape of ceramic against the countertop, timelines tangling over and around each other in the corner of their eye. And the sunlight streaming in through the windows.
Morning. Breakfast time.
“Morning, brainbox,” Donna greeted, appearing in the doorway.
“Morning,” they returned. “Sorry, about…“ the Doctor trailed off.
“What? Letting me search the whole house and a good part of the TARDIS while you were behind me the whole time? Yeah, it was two am. But falling asleep on me?” the redhead questioned. “Don’t be sorry for that,” she added. “Were you ever going to tell me that you can become a fox whenever you want to?” Donna gestured at them with the serving spatula in her hand as she spoke.
“Uh…no?” they said.
“Did all of the Time Lords shift into Earth foxes?” she asked, pulling a face at the name. “I would have expected something more alien,”
“No. I am the only one whose shift ever took on that particular animal,” the Doctor explained. “And our shift changes with each regeneration, it’s supposed to, this isn’t the first time that my shift has been a red fox,” they added.
“Your old face wasn’t the only thing that came back, was it?”
Sylvia poked her head in. “Oi, Donna, your pancake is burning,” she told her.
Donna turned on her heel and hurried back into the kitchen with a muttered “Not again”.
The Doctor chuckled as they stood up and headed to the kitchen just in time to watch the redhead save her mostly-fine pancake.
Days later the two of them, the Doctor and Donna, were sitting side-by-side out in the garden. The sun was just beginning to set, painting the sky in vibrant oranges and pinks.
It wasn’t quite the right time for tea but the Doctor had been craving the choc chip chai that they had recently discovered and Donna had joined them.
“It'd been years since I’ve shifted before that night, when you found out,” they said.
“How long? How many years?” Donna asked instead of commenting.
The alien was silent for a long moment before they said “Four and a half billion, or nearly two thousand,” They shrugged. “Depending on who you ask,”
Donna frowned. Regardless of which measure was correct, that was still such a long time.
“You hadn’t shifted at all in that time?” she asked.
“Nope,” the Doctor confirmed. “And, no, I’m not supposed to go that long without shifting,” they added, reaching for their mug.
The two lapsed into silence again, watching as the sky grew darker and darker. Neither of them said anything until the sun was nearly gone from view completely.
Once it had, they returned inside to where the light was, just in time to find the rest of the family getting started on dinner. As they passed, the Doctor stole the stack of plates out of Rose’s hands, much to her protest.
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strummingmyheart · 3 months
well i dont normally use tumblr n i deleted my last account because i hated everything about it !! so anyway, you can call me finney, rody or clem, any pronouns but he/it by default, please & thanks yew, i really like sea life especially koi fish or magnapinna squid, n my favorite animal is probably either cats or giraffe's. im in alot of fandoms so I'm only gonna name a few rn, !!
i really like the dcu although mostly batfam and young justice (both the comics & the cartoon), vocaloids !! (mostly kaito, len kagamine, gumi, luka, miku and gakupo), l the mcu although mostly spider-man,deadpool n daredevil, mcyt (ex; life games, hermitcraft, empires smp, etc.), studio investigrave (ex; dead plate and cold front), omori, ensemble stars, random story games i find (like literal storys that are interactive, i usually find them on itch.io and dashingdon, like infamous by amy ^^), bungo stray dogs (the mangs, the anime & the mobile game !!!), project sekai [my favz r tsukasa, mafuyu, shizuku n basically all of wxs, !!], VIVINOS [ex; alien stage and pink bitch club], flcl, vkei (ex; malice mizer, gulu gulu, Yuugure GIRL SUICIDE, etc.), danganronpa, bandori, twisted wonderland, d4dj, the guy she was intrested in wasn't a guy at all, good omens, hi3, yttd, fe (fire emblem) [the entire franchise], persona, n so so many more, so many.
my favorite colors are yellow, red, black and pink. i read alot of fanfiction but im terrible of writing, my favorite book is the goldfinch n I'll probably post one of my old mini rants about it,[ i also might post my when twilight strikes lore dump... wtv I'll get 2 that later!!!11 ], while my favorite book series is percy jackson or the tim drake: robin series if comics count :3.
i like drawing but im really bad at drawing already existing characters, i appreciate constructive criticism but if ur just gonna be rude abt it, don't.
examples of my art !! ;;
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the first oc is mei lynn, her whole backstory is basically that she's SUUPER unlucky, like really REALLY bad luck, and on her way 2 school she did isekai'd, fell through the air, landed in a lake and broke her leg ^^
n the second oc is florian, his nickname is driam, hes a dragon shifter, meaning he has a full dragon form (which i haven't drawn yet), a half dragon-half human form, and a fully human form (i haven't drawn this yet either), n his backstory is that his parents who were also dragon shifters [and unapollogetically so] were killed by discriminatory humans who beleive shifters shouldn't be aloud rights called hunters, so he usually just parades around as a human, the only people who know hes a dragon shifter are his partners, (havent drawn them yet but he has 2 partners; his boyfriend abbie who's a cat shifter and his girlfriend mira, whos a mage that specializes in ice, water, and healing magic) and bestfriends, (elliott, a freelance programmer who beleives everyone deserves rights, shifter or not and protests these rights happily. piper, florian's roomate before he moved in with his partners, a human who lightly dabbles in plant magic but she wouldn't consider herself a mage, her apartment is above her flower shop which she named ' The Bluebell ', its her pride and joy and she hired mira to set up protection runes around the shop that activate when they close up for the night. and mikhail, whos a demon that refuses to make a deal with anyone for anything out of fear theyll hurt them because a deal with a demon always backfires on the person making the deal with them because a demon always wins in the deal they make, and demons are just angels who were abandoned by their patron god/goddess, mikhail's patron goddess was the goddess of the night and stars, he was abandonded by her out of hope that the mistreatment he got for being an angel would lessen and in a way it did because in the end he found a family.)
this post wasnt sposed 2 b about my ocs but it was fun to write about...
next post i do will most likely be alot of headcanons for alot of different fandoms !!
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a-whispering-echo · 6 months
side profiles for shifters <3
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so, theyre a bit messy and not my best work, but i drew out some side profiles for my shifters au <3 i tried, if you notice to make their side profiles somewhat match their animal, with the shape and everything <3 <£
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puppetmaster13u · 1 year
I want people to know that I had the wonderful sleep deprived idea of people being able to shift into animals. And of Batman/Bruce being a capybara surrounded by his small kids or his JL teammates who are usually very big dangerous creatures.
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thenixkat · 1 year
Having some werewolf thoughts. Currently thinking about voracious people nomming, the benefits of being undead, and alike amalgam werewolf packs (think that music vid Du Riecht So Gut). Some vampire/sorcerer stuff added like being able to turn into lots of different things and swarms of things.
So. Lupines! Moonkin! Animalfolk! Werewolves! Call em what ya want, I’m using lupines cause I think its fun.
A ‘species‘ of shapeshifting magical beings or humans afflicted with a magical curse or people bless by the moon? Who the fuck knows, they don’t. They don’t even agree on what they’re called. Some are born with the power, some acquire it during their life, some after their death. Can turn others into lupines under certain circumstances, tho the transformation can fail partway through and cause the infected to turn into a vampire instead.
Basic Abilities:
1. Shapeshifting.
All lupines can shapeshift. Typically into a furry carnivorous beast of similar size to their base form. Transformations initially triggered by exposure to the light of a full moon or seeing a full moon, strong emotions, and extreme hunger. As the lupine grows in experience they can triggers transformations voluntarily and even include their clothes into the transformation and avoid being naked when transforming back to their human shape.
Shapeshifting makes lupines hungry b/c their body is using a lot of energy to turn into something else.
Lupines can gain larger transformations by accumulating mass either via overeating or merging with another lupine member or their pack/coven/troop. Lupines are prone to overeating while moondrunk (forced to transform by the full moon) and tend to be bigger the day after the full moon.
Lupines are not restricted into turning into furry carnivorous beasts. The most common transformation is wolves and dogs due to similarity in size, that most have seen or heard off a wolf/dog, and or there being local cultural links to wolves and moonlight or nighttime. In places where bears, big cats, or hyeanas are more commonly the ‘big dangerous furry thing‘ then lupine uncontrolled transformations will lean in those directions. 
Lupines can transform into any kind of animal but are unlikely to be able to turn into a specific individual without merging with them. Trying to transform into an animal smaller than the lupine can result in several outcomes depending on the level of control or lack of it the lupine has. For example trying to transform into a crow could result in:
- human sized crow - a crow sized crow that weighs as much as their base form - turning part of themselves into an entire crow and the rest into an insensate blob of flesh detached from the part that became a crow - turning into a flock of crows weighing the same amount collectively as their human form
If part of their body is destroyed when transformed into a smaller creature with most of their mass just sitting around as a flesh blob or transformed into a swarm of small creatures they can only regain that lost mass by consuming more mass. If part of a werewolf remains detached for more than 24 hrs it becomes its own organism.
2. Healing.
Derived from their shapeshifting abilities, lupines can heal from just about any normal injury with enough time, food, and shapechanging. If worse comes to worse a lupine could loose most of their body and survive in a small form and regenerate from there by consuming enough food.
Injuries caused by magic (either blessed materials, certain kinds of plants, some kinds of metals like silver) can disrupt a lupine’s magic making healing and shapeshifting difficult leading to things like scars, missing limbs, loss of senses, and brain damage.
3. Near Immortality.
Lupines are incredibly difficult to kill due to their shapeshifting and healing. They do not die of old age. They don’t necessarily stop aging but might not age if they don’t think about it/aren’t around nonlupines much. Lupines are not immune from getting sick but they won’t die from it.
Alone, decapitation could not kill a lupine. But setting every part of the lupine on fire until there’s nothing but ash can kill them.
4. Merging.
Lupines can learn to merge with other living beings. The most common use of this ability is for packs of lupine to merge together, sharing mass and information and power to transform into larger shapes or help injured packmates heal.
Lupines can merge with nonlupines but if the lupine doesn’t cancel out the merge within a few hours the nonlupine ends up getting digested and added to the lupine’s mass. Nonlupines that merge with lupines frequently enough can end up getting infected with lycanthropy and becoming lupines (if originally humans) or monster beasts/animal gods (if originally nonhuman) over time.
Lupines with very high skill can merge with vegetation or inanimate objects to hide.
Changing others.
Lupines can transform humans into lupines (successful) or vampires (unsuccessful). Merging repeatedly has a high chance of turning a human into a lupine. Other methods involve consuming lupine flesh (moderate chance of turning) and blood or saliva contamination in wounds/mucus membranes (low chance of turning).
Certain bodies of water or types of flowers flowing/growing near lupine graves has a very low chance of turning someone.
Humans infected with lycanthropy can fail to become lupines and instead turn into vampires. Vampires are boneless creatures ruled by their hunger and exist entirely in a moondrunk state. They are nocturnal and have a difficult time holding onto a shape if they haven't recently eaten. Vampires can be disoriented by bright lights (including very bright sunlight) and like to hide in small enclosed spaces like tree hollows and graves. Vampires have the same weaknesses as lupines but can be more easily injured by sharp objects. Vampires will turn into who or what they’ve most recently eaten, few are able to hold onto their pre-vampirization memories. Vampires can be a major vector for disease depending on their diets and grooming habits.
Like, lupines vampires are good at accumulating mass and healing from just about everything. They can also merge with other vampires to make larger forms.
Social habits.
Lupines are not much different than humans socially. While they can form packs/covens/troops not belong to one isn’t particularly harmful to their health. Some lupines can go their entire life without running into another of their kind and aren't particularly bothered by it.
Hierarchy formation runs similar to that of human groups. Leader type folks tend to lead, leaders aren’t strictly necessary or even form in every group. While there are lupines that might use alpha/beta/etc titles those tend to be ones that didn’t grow up around other lupines or they don’t know much about how wolf packs are run. Some lupine raised lupines might use such terms as a joke, usually to make fun of someone.
Lupines share just as much capacity for being decent people or evil shits or just regular folks as humans. Unfortunately for them, the majority of folks dedicated to hunting ‘monsters‘ tend not to care if the monster in question is a decent person or not. As to most monster hunters, being nothuman/not a natural creature is a good reason to try to kill them.
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mermaybethisislove · 4 months
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misslevy · 1 year
@mayyak can you confirm that you could smell the colors? Bshshsbs
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esotericc-angel · 6 months
the BEST & FASTEST way to manifest
yes thats it.
all you need to do is just affirm in the present tense, and PERSIST. no matter what you see, or hear in the 3D, you need to persist. don't stop repeating to yourself that you ALREADY have what you want. there is no magical method. just affirm. what works the best for me is mindless robotic affirming. i don't wine or complain or think about anything else, i just stay completely focused and i keep repeating the same thing over and over again.
i'd get my manifestation in 1-2 days, a week at most. i've never had to wait longer than a week for my manifestations with robotic affirming. there's no need to "feel it real" or do "SATS" or take any action in the 3D. the 3D is a dead mirror. once you react to unfavorable circumstances in the 3D, all you do is reaffirm your old unfavorable beliefs, since your outer world is a reflection of your mind. remember that in order to see change in the 3D, you need to change your thoughts IMMEDIATELY. as soon as something unfavorable pops up, affirm the opposite. affirm every second that you possibly can. affirm whenever you don't need to focus on something and give it your full attention.
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ixzotica · 1 month
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cxcosmos · 5 months
You heard me!!
I'm sick of people thinking they need anything to shift, you don't. Just know where you want to go, focus on it and decide it is done. You desire will come straight to you, it's that simple. Accept that your desire is yours, accept that you can get what you want instantly, this doesn't only apply to shifting, it applies to many many things.
It's literally how I manifest and I've been manifesting since I was a little kid, cause manifesting is just that easy.
You don't need methods, or even affirmations. They can help but, you just need to accept it. Accept that you did all you needed to do to shift or manifest whatever thing that you wanted. You don't need to do anything else, don't overcomplicate it.
There's nothing holding you here, not your mindset, not some homework you forgot to do, or the noise in the background, you can shift during literally any circumstance. Accept that nothing can hold you back, be as lazy as you want to be, you don't wanna do that method? Don't do it then, you'll still shift and I think a lot of people forget you shift every second, only difference with shifting is you choose to where you want to shift.
Shifting can either be as easy or as hard for you, it's up to you to choose how you want to view it.
If you can shift back easily from your dr to your cr, you can shift from your cr to your dr the exact same way. You are not trapped here, there's nothing holding you here, you are not tethered to this reality, you're free to shift anywhere you want and I mean anywhere.
Free yourself!! You are infinite, shifting is infinite!!
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jgvfhl · 2 months
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Welcome to *checks notes* what happens when Owlie's fav books growing up featured various therian characters being cool n stuff. ANYWAY animal shifter/therian cod mw au???? Created with the help of my dear friend @worldseer i lub u. Lore is below the cut!
So mammalian therians can shift further into animal forms than avianthropes or other branches of the animal kingdom, hence why Gaz can't just... turn into a bird. homologous structures, people!!!!! But yeah, I fully admit to feeding the selkie!soap allegations, and Ghost is just. a lycanthrope. cuz why not? Also I made Gaz's plumage and coloration slightly darker than the average peregrine, bc um. *gestures to him* He Has Melanin.
When they aren't changed at all, most therians retain small features of their alternate form: Ghost has the ears, claws, sharp canines, and a tail; Soap has spots, whiskers, and sharper canines; Gaz has grey feathers mixed in with his curls and avian feet (can't wear shoes, poor guy). When shifted, is is very common for the animal form to retain the human eye color, like Soap here. So yeah!
Nik & Price || Alejandro & Rudy || Phillip Graves
@cod-dump @gomzdrawfr @daftdrac @totally-not-fandom @midnight193
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When i get more MHA and shifting tiktoks after affirming that I'm already in my dr >>>>>>
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But it doesn't matter cause I'm already in my dr. And my 3D reflects instantly all the time
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a-whispering-echo · 1 year
A very Dusty meetup
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these are my children and i love them.
Uh, i havent actually posted anything with some of them, but they exist, and as such are here now.
Uh, yeah, they are all my creations.
also, ik the proportion of Heathers!Dust is weird, i couldnt find a ref of anything even remotely similar, so i winged it from memory (dont questions why theyre so tall, that was a stylistic choice and definitely not a mistake i made and then it was too late to back out, no sir, not at all)
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