#Language Development
pixierainbows · 1 year
Pixie have question for all people what use any kind of AAC since childhood .
want to know if used AAC to “babble “ , Like babies do . if it help to play with AAC device, if help with learning to communicate . or , If use for stimming .
and if persons think any of That help with learning to communicate with AAC device later .
Pixie say thank you to everybody what answer or reblog very appreciate !
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generallyunskilled · 2 months
And if you’d like, please reblog your answer and state in tags if you have/had any conditions/neurodivergence that affected language development. And your first word if you know what it was. I’m curious about the language development of tumblr users.
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caffeinated-frog · 10 months
I did an overhaul for my conlang and made a new alphabet
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I’ll likely make a better chart later
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hebrewbyinbal · 10 months
Discovering Tastes and Flavors in Hebrew! 🍔🍰🍕
Learning a new language is like savoring different tastes and flavors. Just like the subtle nuances between 'greasy' and 'sour,' Hebrew introduces you to a rich palette of sounds and characters 🗣️📚
In this linguistic adventure, we dive into the sweetness of foods and the spiciness of others, all while navigating the intricacies of pronunciation, reading and writing.
Each word is a flavor waiting to be explored, and every character a unique ingredient in this linguistic recipe 🍽️📖
And if you're eager to experience these flavors firsthand in Israel, don't miss out on my practical course, 'Practically Speaking Hebrew'
It's your passport to confidently get around and immerse yourself in the vibrant culture of Israel 🇮🇱✈️
So, join me on this journey where we embrace the diversity of tastes and flavors, both in language and culture 🌍📝
Go to learn.hebrewbyinbal.com
Or ask me for the link and I will message it to you 💙🤍
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capricorn-0mnikorn · 5 months
Hey, so right about the time I've been posting about sign languages, and ...
... a day after I answered that poll about whether babies are cute, this video popped up in my YouTube subscription feed:
Eye contact. Proper Closed Captions in English. ~10 minutes.
Summary: Professional linguist and parent of a toddler, explains what Baby Sign is, how it differs from ASL (and other natural sign languages), and discusses his family's experience with using Baby Sign with his own daughter.
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frank-olivier · 4 months
Intertwined Cultural History and Language Development in East Asia
The cultures and languages of China, Korea, and Japan are closely intertwined through a long, complex history of mutual exchange and influence. China, as one of the earliest advanced civilizations in the region, exerted an immense influence on the development of Korean and Japanese cultures due to its geographic proximity, sophisticated statehood, and technological innovations.
Both Korea and Japan adopted the Chinese writing system - Korea used Chinese characters until the 15th century, while Japan still uses a mix of Chinese characters and indigenous scripts. The Chinese philosophy of Confucianism was adopted as a governing principle for state and society in both countries. Architectural styles, clothing, hairstyles, music, and aesthetics in Korea and Japan were heavily influenced by China during the Tang Dynasty. Technologies ranging from agriculture to civil engineering were transmitted from China.
Korea played a crucial role in mediating the cultural exchange between China and Japan, incorporating major Chinese elements into its own culture before passing them on to Japan. Buddhism, for instance, was introduced to Japan via Korea.
Although the flow of cultural influence was primarily from China, there was also a reciprocal exchange, with China absorbing innovations from its eastern neighbors over time. The shared use of Chinese characters also allowed for some degree of mutual intelligibility between the languages.
Despite these close connections, the Chinese, Korean, and Japanese languages developed into separate, mutually unintelligible idioms due to their distinct origins. While their vocabularies contain many Chinese loanwords, their grammars and pronunciation systems are markedly different, as following comparison of Korean and Japanese sentence structures with Chinese shows.
Similarities with Chinese:
- All three languages follow a Subject-Object-Verb (SOV) word order at the basic level.
- They use particles/markers to indicate grammatical roles like subject and object.
- Adverbs generally precede the verb they modify.
Differences from Chinese:
- Korean and Japanese have more complex systems of particles/markers compared to Chinese.
- Korean allows frequent omission of subjects when implied by context, which is less common in Chinese.
- In Korean, adjectives are conjugated like verbs following the SOV order. In Chinese, adjectives precede the nouns they modify.
- Japanese adjectives also precede nouns, similar to Chinese, but verbs still come last following SOV.
Unique Aspects:
- Korean has an extensive system of speech level markers built into the grammar to indicate formality/honorifics.
- Japanese uses different particles (wa/ga) to indicate the topic/subject in a nuanced way.
- Chinese relies more on word order than case markers to convey grammatical roles.
So while the three languages share the core SOV typology, Korean stands out with its flexible subject omission and verb-like adjective conjugations. Japanese sits somewhere between Korean and Chinese in its sentence structure. The similarities arise from millennia of Chinese linguistic influence in the region.
Neneh Cherry - Twisted
Tuesday, May 14, 2024
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Together with the more abstract manual gestures, a total of at least 25 signals used during sex have been identified.
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"Biological Exuberance: Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity" - Bruce Bagemihl
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It's back-to-school time. Are you ready to transform your classroom with the power of American Sign Language? Then this webinar is for you!
Join us every Wednesday at 7 pm EST for our FREE Supporting Sign in the Classroom webinar series. Each week we will be discussing new topics.
Save your spot today!
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helpspeech · 10 months
Embracing Autism
The Power of Acceptance, Understanding, and Inclusion
In embracing autism, we unveil the beauty of diversity—fostering a world where every individual, regardless of neurodiversity, finds acceptance, understanding, and inclusion.
Find our more in our blog here.
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bethanydelleman · 10 months
Read your longer post about your career and saw you had an interest in Language Development. Would you happen to have any recommendations on reading material on DLD's in young adults?
I am teaching English as a second language to students age 16-20 and a lot of my students have a diagnosed DLD but I was not given information to go with it. I have tried speaking with the student counselor and some of the students themselves but came away with no real answers. DLD's was also not something really covered during my MA studies and my interests were mostly in reading comprehension and how language skills affect how you read.
My psychology educated friend sent me some materials but her specialty is something else and what she sent me and the information I have found seems to be mostly focused on young children. (I have not had much time to look this up either so...)
If I understood it better I think I might be able to accommodate these students better. Yet I'm also unsure how much what I do helps because in the fields I've done a deep dive in First language skills are the basis for any additional languages.
I'm sorry, my focus was language development in babies. I did learn about some later language development but only in a first language. I wouldn't know where to begin any better than you.
Best of luck, that sounds like a tricky teaching position! Maybe if you could find a Speech-Language Pathologists or if you have Kid's Ability in your area?
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ravens-confused · 2 years
i think i might post updates about my OS here because i kinda wanna talk about it but i dont wanna but my friends so here goes
Rosehip (derived from the fruit of the rose bush, a metaphor for it being the fruits of my labor since my name is Rose) is a 16-bit operating system designed for legacy BIOS on the x86 architecture.
Notable factors being that all processes will run in kernel space, users can modify the entire device, and the whole OS is written in a combination of raw assembly and my own language(s).
You can find the source code at
and the WIP language i'm planning to use here
At a certain point I want to have a text editor and a simple compiled stack-based language so that I can write programs for the OS in itself.
I also have a reallly old toshiba laptop (32 bits for context) that I want to boot Rosehip on for shits & giggles
anyway yeah rant over thanks for reading
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hebrewbyinbal · 11 months
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In a rapidly changing world, innovation stands as a beacon of hope and progress. It's the driving force behind humanity's ability to adapt, evolve, and thrive.
At its core, innovation is the art of thinking differently, of challenging the status quo, and of bringing new ideas to life.
Innovation isn't confined to grand, groundbreaking inventions; it exists in the everyday solutions that make our lives easier, more efficient, and more enjoyable.
It's the theory of relativity transforming our understanding of the universe, the polio vaccine safeguarding generations, and the navigating app that guides you wherever you are in the world.
This transformative power of innovation isn't limited to technology. It extends to various aspects of our lives, from healthcare and education to the arts and culture. Innovators see problems as opportunities, not obstacles, and they're driven by a desire to make the world a better place.
So, as we embrace the ever-changing landscape of the modern world, let us remember that innovation is our ally, our guide, and our source of inspiration. It is the key to solving the challenges that lie ahead and shaping a world where progress and transformation are constants on our journey into the future.
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Bilingualism is an increasingly valuable skill in today’s globalized world, especially within a preschool in Brooklyn, New York. Early exposure to more than one language can significantly enhance a child’s cognitive development. Studies show that bilingual children often demonstrate superior problem-solving skills and advanced comprehension abilities compared to monolingual peers. In a preschool setting, bilingualism promotes not only language proficiency but also critical thinking and adaptability.
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incognito-princess · 8 days
Because the beginning of 3rd grade is the end of 'learning how to read' we still do phonics warm up. One of the things we do is 'phonemic transformations'. It looks like this-
pla ab plab
(the first is an open syllable w/ a long vowel, the next two are closed with a short vowel. These are predictable segments of words in English and the rules are reliable in >85% of English words.) Each day we do 5 rows- one for each true vowel.
Anyway, today my class realized that if we mix them up randomly, it sounds like we're speaking an alien language. So if you need to make-up a language, there's a rule you can use. Honestly, a lot of the time, it sounds like Dr. Seuss words!
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whats-in-a-sentence · 2 years
Numerous other experiments followed around the world, and it soon became clear that mirror neurons explained many previously unexplainable aspects of the mind, such as empathy, imitation, synchrony, and even the development of language.
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"The Body Keeps the Score: Mind, brain and body in the transformation of trauma" - Bessel van der Kolk
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nupalcdc · 8 days
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Discover the power of effective communication with our personalized speech therapy sessions. Our skilled therapists are here to help you or your loved ones speak with confidence. Book today!
Book your appointment today! https://tinyurl.com/4fy75d3p
🤙Call us at +91 9910388103
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