#Portrait im Laden
familiesportrait12 · 6 months
Der zeitlose Charme eines Porträts
Im Zeitalter von Smartphones und digitaler Fotografie ist das Festhalten von Momenten mhelos und augenblicklich geworden. Doch trotz der Flut an Selfies und schnellen Schnappschssen hat die Kunst, ein Portr¦t zeichnen zu lassen, ihren zeitlosen Charme bewahrt. ᅵber die blo￟e Darstellung der k￶rperlichen Merkmale hinaus verfgt ein handgezeichnetes Portr¦t ber die einzigartige Kraft, Pers￶nlichkeit, Emotionen und ein Gefhl der Individualit¦t zu vermitteln, die ber das Klicken einer Kamera hinausgeht.
Den künstlerischen Prozess enthüllen
Beim Zeichnen eines Porträts geht es nicht nur um das Endergebnis; Es ist eine gemeinschaftliche und immersive Erfahrung. Wenn Sie einen Künstler beauftragen, laden Sie ihn ein, Ihr Wesen zu interpretieren und auf Papier oder Leinwand zu übertragen. Dieser Prozess beinhaltet häufig Gespräche über Ihre Vorlieben, die Stimmung, die Sie vermitteln möchten, und den Stil, der Sie anspricht. Im Gegensatz zu einem Foto ist ein handgezeichnetes Porträt ein personalisiertes Kunstwerk, das mehr als nur ein Bild einfängt – es fängt eine Geschichte ein.
Essenz jenseits von Pixeln einfangen
Fotografien frieren einen Moment ein, aber ein handgezeichnetes Portr¦t hat die F¦higkeit, das Wesen einer Person einzufangen. Der mit Bleistiften oder Pinseln bewaffnete Knstler taucht in die Nuancen des Ausdrucks ein und f¦ngt das Funkeln in den Augen, die subtile Kurve eines L¦chelns und die einzigartigen Details ein, die jeden Einzelnen zu etwas Besonderem machen. Auf diese Weise wird ein Portr¦t zu mehr als einer Darstellung; es wird zu einer Feier der Individualit¦t.
Ein durchdachtes und einzigartiges Geschenk
In einer Welt voller Massenware ist ein handgezeichnetes Portr¦t ein durchdachtes und einzigartiges Geschenk. Ganz gleich, ob es sich um das Portr¦t eines geliebten Menschen, einer Familie oder sogar eines geliebten Haustieres handelt, die Zeit und Mhe, die in die Erstellung eines individuellen Kunstwerks investiert wird, vermittelt ein Ma￟ an Sorgfalt, das seinesgleichen sucht. Es ist ein Beweis fr das Gefhl, das in die Auswahl eines Geschenks einflie￟t, das so einzigartig ist wie die Person, die es erh¦lt.
Erinnerungen mit Kunst bewahren
W¦hrend Fotos mit der Zeit verblassen k￶nnen, hat ein gut gemachtes Portr¦t das Potenzial, zu einem gesch¦tzten Erbstck zu werden. Von Generation zu Generation weitergegeben, dient es als greifbare Verbindung zur Vergangenheit und bewahrt nicht nur das Abbild des Themas, sondern auch die Emotionen und Geschichten, die mit diesem bestimmten Moment verbunden sind.
Die Freude an der Geduld wiederentdecken
In einer schnelllebigen Welt f￶rdert das Zeichnen eines Portr¦ts die Rckkehr zu Geduld und Wertsch¦tzung fr die knstlerische Reise. Zuzusehen, wie ein Knstler ein Portr¦t zum Leben erweckt, f￶rdert die Verbindung zwischen dem Motiv und dem Kunstwerk und schafft ein Gefhl der Vorfreude, das in der Unmittelbarkeit der digitalen Fotografie verloren geht.
Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass das Zeichnen eines Porträts mehr als nur ein kreativer Genuss ist; Es ist eine bewusste Entscheidung, die Kunstfertigkeit zu würdigen, den menschlichen Geist einzufangen. In einer Welt, die von flüchtigen Bildern dominiert wird, liegt der anhaltende Reiz eines handgezeichneten Porträts in seiner Fähigkeit, die Zeit zu überschreiten und Geschichten zu erzählen, die über Generationen hinweg nachhallen. Ziehen Sie also in Betracht, sich von der Kameralinse zu lösen und in den Bereich des künstlerischen Ausdrucks vorzudringen – lassen Sie sich auf Papier verewigen und genießen Sie die bleibende Schönheit eines handgezeichneten Porträts.
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Portrait malen lassen
Portrait zeichnen lassen
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fabiansteinhauer · 6 months
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Just by coincidence
Not by genes alone: Evolution ist Rhetorik, Rhetorik evolviert. Gerechtigkeit als Zufall erscheint in einer Welt, in der Natur und Kultur immer getrennt sind, schon weil beide trennen, immer zügige Linien ziehen. GUAC: das ist ein Vierletterwort, proteint, tainted law, frisch gestrichen, als käm' es frisch aus dem Urlob. GUAC, das ist Urlaub, Retraite, aber raus aus dem recht, raus aus der Kultur kommt man nur im vorbeigehen, nur im vorübergehen, nur im Beisein: also in dem man das Recht außer sich sein lässt. Wie groß und wie klein die Trennnung ist, lässt sich glückweise sagen, indem man skaliert und eskaliert, indem man Treppenszenen mitmacht.
Gerechtigkeit als Zufall ist schwer lesbar, leicht aber auch. Natur und Kultur sind durchgehend getrennt, die Trennung hört, aber nicht auf, sie geht, sie zieht, sie drängt und drückt, sie trägt und trachtet, sogar so, dass in der Retraite Portraits erscheinen können, wie dasjenige von Justice. Das ist nämlich nämlich, ein Name, Chief Justice hat einen Name, in einem Fall Potter Stewart.
I have reached the conclusion . . . that under the First and Fourteenth Amendments criminal laws in this area are constitutionally limited to hard-core pornography.I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material I understand to be embraced within that shorthand description; and perhaps I could never succeed in intelligibly doing so. But I know it when I see it, and the motion picture involved in this case is not that.”
It does not get better as it gets. Mehr als pornographisch-obszöne Justice kann man sich vorstellen, man kann sie sich ausmalen, kann die vor Augen stellen und vor Augen laden und laden lassen. Manche Kommentare zu dem Urteil Jabollis vs. Ohio haben geschrieben, die berühmt gewordene Passage des Richters sei unfreiwillig komisch gewesen, wörtlich: unintentionally comical.
Was ein Witz! Irgendjemand scheint immer noch nicht verstanden zu haben, was Pornographie, was Komik, was Intentionen, was der Wille, die Triebfeder und das Gesetz, was Freiheit und Natürlichkeit sind - und was das alles von einem will, man selbst damit machen will. Will man im Kommentar sagen, der Richte habe die Passage unfreiwillig komisch geschrieben, um zu sagen, dass er dumm sei und nicht wisse, was er tue, nicht sehe, was er sehe? Oder will man das schreiben, um zu sagen, dass er sehr klug sei, alles wisse, was er tue und alles sehe, was er sehe? Woher wissen Kommentare, was ein Richter will? Die können doch nur sehen wollen und ihren Willen sehen.
What you will. Wie immer: man haftet daran und haftet dafür. Das Recht muss von nichts und niemandem befreit werden, das Recht ist schon eine freie Assoziation. Das Recht muss nicht vague assoziiert werden, seine Geschichte ist, vague assoziiert zu sein. Das Recht kann vague assoziiert werden, das geht - und die Welt wird daran nicht kaputter gehen, als sie ist. Man kann frei assoziieren, man haftet ohnehin dafür und daran: mit und gegen die Welt, mit und gegen die Formel, die auch Josef Essers Formel war: 'Mit und gegen'.
Der Witz ist ein Meister aus Deutschland, grimmig. Schreibt eine Studentin, der sich gerade in der Ausbildung befindet, auf verbindliche Weise Verbindlichkeit herzustellen in der Klausur eine Klausur. Kommt der Korrektor, sagen wir mal, er hieße Dieter. Schreibt an den Rand: assoziativ! Danke, schreibt die Studentin daneben! Schreibt er darunter 3 Punkte, schreibt sie: Danke, mit ihnen kann ich jetzt nicht arbeiten und bella ciao. Grimmiger Witz.
Schön wäre es, wenn es so witzig wäre. Aber: Betonköpfe, die das Lesen und Scheiben beherrschen. Die Realität ist eine Betonkopf, der beherrscht sein will und beherrschen will. Das lässt prds pltz, wie Kanonen der Aurora und Knochen der Affen, denen man eine schwarze Stele vorstellt. Trost liegt im geteilten Leid, im Lied, das anstossend und anstößig bleibt. The scene i have seen, and i act so see the scene, oh scene!
Warum rede ich gegen Selbstreferenz und Ausdifferenzierung? Weil besser andere davon reden, andere davon besser reden, als ich es tue. Was habe ich mit Widerlegung zu schaffen, fragt Nietzsche? Gute Frage, weiß ich nicht,
Ich weiß für mich: nix. Ich habe nix mit Widerlegung zu tun. Kulturtechnikforschung setzt an. Vismann hat dazu 1999, ein Jahr nach Luhmanns Tod ein Buch mit herausgegeben,
Widerstände der Systemtheorie. Man kann der Systemtheorie widerstehen, weil die Systemtheorie auch widerständig ist. Wäre sie nicht widerständig, müsste man ihr nicht widerstehen. Der letzte Luhmann ist Luhmann selber, er wer der letzte, der Luhmann sein wollte; der hat sich davor gehütet, zu sein, was er ist. Gestorben wäre er auch so, aber so ist er mit Witz gestorben. You keep on pushing my love over the borderline, exakt über die Linie, durch die Linie, im Beisein der Linie, mit der Linie immer präzise und prästabil.
Viel Spaß bei der Einrichtung einer Kommission, die dafür sorgt, dass auf der documenta in Zukunft kein Antisemitismus mehr erscheint! Der Spaß ist auch so ein Meister aus Deutschland, immer ratternd wie die Dehnungsfugen der Gleise, und die nur einen Teil der Leute an Fahrten ohne Rückfahrtsticket erinnern und gerade darum nicht von dem Wissen lassen können, dass alles zurückkehrt, Dehnungsfugen, Todesfugen, alles flüchtig, ohne sich abschieben zulassen.
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craft2eu · 1 year
ControVersia- Gabi Veit: München bis zum 15.04.2023
Gabi Veit stellt in diesem Frühling als “Portrait im Laden” des Bayerischen Kunstgewerbevereins in der Pacellistrasse aus. Sie titelt ihre Präsentation  herausfordernd “ControVersia” und ködert damit unsere Verwunderung. Was soll das ein? Die Südtirolerin, auch im Italienischen Zuhause, kredenzt uns (k)eine Kontroverse, (k)eine Streitigkeit? Unsere spontane Stutzigkeit hofft  wohlmöglich das…
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ecoevoexo · 1 year
i hate the ai art debates so i dont wanna get too involved but like, ive studied art a lot, and ive been an artist my whole life. as a very disabled person i was trying to start making art my career last year, since its one of the few things i can successfully do, & im sort of giving up bc at this point it feels like a dead end.
ive also used AI art thingamabobs a bunch. its fun. its fun that you can say "femboy osama bin laden funko pop" and get something that looks like that back. at times it can be a useful way of playing around with composition, value, and palettes.
only... it's all kinda the same. because of how it works, it aggregates trends and turns them into norms. you end up with a lot of normative bodies in heroic poses in the well-lit center of a tableau.
and that's a genuine problem. not just because it weakens the visual culture & its variety, but because some of those elements (normative heroic individual) are a characteristic of conservative and fascist art.
now the question of the politics of aesthetics is a difficult one to pin down, but it's foolish to act as if aesthetics never has a political character. when i spend a lot of time engaging with AI generated images i start to have an uncomfortable nagging feeling i also get when i spend too much time looking at propaganda. i don't think this is intentional on the part of AI creators. my real worry is that it's a functional inevitable result of how AI works. the flattening of cultural output into certain unitary trends has an underlying politics, i think that can't be avoided, and that politics shows up in the content it produces.
this isn't my only problem w using AI generated images as art output, but it's one i haven't really seen people talk about. when people critique, for example, "bigtiddyanimegirltrendingonartstation" aesthetics, i notice that they rarely mention the fact that the composition of those pieces is uncomfortably uniform, and follows the same basic "heroic portrait" aesthetics one might expect from a painting of a US president, if he had big anime tiddies.
now the artist Andres Serrano is most known for his infamous work Piss Christ, but i personally find his entire output to be fascinating, because he's essentially engaging in a constant détournement of the heroic aesthetic in art. part of why Piss Christ is effective is because it is beautiful, because it shares the aesthetics of so many faithful loving representations of jesus. if you want to see what i'm talking about with fascist aesthetics, look at the pieces from Serrano's series named Shit. it's nothing but heroic photography of literal shit, and i think it's great because it enables us to examine the heroic form bereft of everything but its visual symbology.
now, there are times i quite like the heroic form. it has its place in scifi, fantasy, even in antifascist political art. i've been experimenting with using this imagery and symbology a lot in recent years while representing queer feminine otherness, as a contrast to the patriarchal world i normally find in art. the problem that i have is that our current totally-not-fascist-wink-wink era there's enough heroic art out there to dilute the reference pool. which is to say, when an AI is training, it is disproportionately exposed to art that can frequently have compositional aesthetics with a fascistic bent, and because those aesthetics are all shared (a "norm"), it will be more reinforcing on the AI's internal model than the many other potential compositional aesthetics. with a human, i can conscientiously choose to disregard the norm and try to make something different--and that's hard! it requires willpower. with an AI, everything is infected with norms.
and this doesn't just mean compositional aesthetics. it means body types, skin color, etcetera. the way these AIs currently work, at least, you have to be very skilled with your inputs to not get very normative outputs. you can see this, for example, in the nature of Loab, which essentially shows how an AI is learning to model the idea of disgustingness, and to give it a human face.
now normativity has always been a problem with art. but as we pass the creativity of the artist on to a process without conscious supervision, the risk increases.
i think some of the best most interesting AI art are failure pieces. stuff where the algorithm gets confused and limbs pop out of walls and a head is coming out of the ground, phantasmagoric morph scapes. these are things that are going to be increasingly lost with time, as AI gets more skilled. we should celebrate and explore them instead, it might help derail the machine of normativity.
i also think it's very interesting to do creative explorations of AI's internal reality, such as Loab. that's cool, genuine, creative stuff. that is, in my opinion, a good way to engage with these tools, exploring their internal structures and limits.
but i of course share concerns about the effect on artists--and it's bullshit to act like art directors won't preferentially use AI works over paying actual creatives, it's already begun to happen. the idea of the artistgeoisie that some people have is utterly out of touch with the precarious nature of creative labor in the 21st century. for more, read the book Capital Is Dead, Is This Something Worse?
i also have these aesthetic concerns. i've found most aesthetic concerns about AI to be, frankly, stupid. i don't care if it's soulless or ugly or if there's too many fingers. all those can be interesting. but i do worry that, like a lot of algorithm-based mechanization, it can function as a self-reinforcing echo chamber of some of the worst social constructs of our society.
and it raises an important question: what does it mean to bring an algorithm or a simulated neural net into the process of social construction? what are we doing to our society when we give up the reins to something that is a glorified mechanism?
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sibyllelienhard · 2 years
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Skizzenskribbelheft mit Eintracht Frankfurtpokaljubel, und Skizzen von Läden: das alternative Projekt, was nun nichts fürs stadtlabor geworden ist - eine Laden-Portraitserie der InhaberInnen und ihrem Geschäft in der Stadt und das Einzelhandelssterben, Zeichnen von der Skyline mit zoom in die Straße bis ins Geschäft hinein zum Portrait und der persönlichen Geschichte, als Teil der Stadt. Das braucht aber doch noch ein anderes und eigenes Format. Fürs stadtlabor war so viel Text nicht handhabbar. Danke an Halil Özak, dem ehemaligen Ladeninhaber von Schreibwaren Bayar auf der @bergerstrasse und so vielen Unternehmungen mehr für den ausführlichen Einblick und das Engagement, die Zeit und den Tee, ist alles nicht vergessen, das Thema nicht! „Die Tür ist nie zu. Sie muss immer einen Spalt offen sein.“ sagte er. Vielleicht für ein anderes Projekt @histmus ? Dann noch Café @lucille_frankfurt und Kneipen Skizzen im Stadtteil hier zwischen den Stühlen von Bornheim und Nordend, dem Bornend. Und ja, ich sollte besser auf mein Heft aufpassen und es nicht so ausfransen lassen. #skizzennebenan #skizzenheft #skizzenbuch #croquis #sketchbook #eintrachteuropapokal #eintrachtfrankfurtinternational🏆 #uskrheinmain #einzelhandelfrankfurt #ladenportrait #bockenheim #frankfurtbornheim #franfkurtnordend #bornend #schirmklippel #schreibwarenbayar #halilozak #ladensterben #einzelhandelportrait #englertbockenheim #klosterfraumelissengeist (hier: Frankfurt, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiiJX_sMzMX/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Gestern fiel mir zum ersten Mal das Antiquariat am Ende der Strasse auf. Um ehrlich zu sein hatte ich das Gefühl, das ganze Gebäude zum ersten Mal wahrzunehmen aber schob die Sache mit dem Antiquariat darauf, dass es ziemlich verlassen aussah.
Ich wollte nur meinen Schuh binden, als die Tür aufging und mich ein Mann mittleren Alters fragte, ob ich etwas kaufen wolle. Sein Akzent irritierte mich, oder vielleicht auch, das sein Gesicht jünger aussah, als sich die Stimme anhörte. Weil ich mich auf eine unangenehme Art überrumpelt fühlte, sagte ich nein und betrat gleichzeitig den Laden. Da zum einen die Dielen unter meinen Füßen bei jedem Schritt ächzten, zum anderen der Besitzer mich ansah, als wäre ich der erste Kunde jemals gewesen, warf ich die Mission den Laden nach wenigen Minuten zu verlassen, direkt über Bord. Das Ausklügeln einer Exit-Strategie wurde durch ein Pfeifen im Nebenraum unterbrochen. "Teekessel" murmelte der Herr und verschwand hinter einer dunklen Holztür. Ich betrachtete alte Landkarten, Koffer, Kerzenständer, ein Akkorden, Porzelangeschirr, Puppen, kleine Schatullen, Weinkaraffen. "Zucker" tönte es aus dem Nebenraum und kurz dachte ich, der Mensch rede mit sich selbst. "Zucker" donnerte die Stimme erneut, er musste mit mir sprechen. "Gut?" krächzte ich unsicher und dann erschien ein ausgestreckter Arm hinter der schweren Holztür und hielt mir eine Tasse Tee entgegen. Obwohl ich überhaupt keinen Durst hatte, griff ich nach der kleinen, gold verzierten Tasse. "Sehen Sie sich ruhig alles in Ruhe an" brummte mein Gegenüber und ich bezweifelte, dass ich es hätte eilig haben sollen, wo ich eindeutig der einzige Kunde seit langer Zeit war. Tee trinkend betrachtete ich Portraits aus den Jahren 1914. Die Blicke der Portraitierten haben immer etwas tief schmerzliches. In meinem Kopf lachen Menschen auf Bildern irgendwie erst ab den 2000ern. "Stört es Sie"? fragte der Besitzer hinter meinem Rücken, aber als ich mich ihm zuwandte hatte er bereits den ersten Zug der Pfeife inhaliert. Ich sah ihm dabei zu, wie er sich durch den Laden bewegte und nach und nach alle Globen anschaltete. "Sie besitzen wirklich viele davon" gab ich beeindruckt von mir und mein Gegenüber schien in Stolz zu zerfliessen. "Bin eben ein Mann von Welt". Fast wäre mir "und von knappen Sätzen" ergänzend raus gerutscht. "Wo wollen Sie hin?" fragte er und hielt mir einen Globus vor die Nase. "Russland" sagte ich und er drehte den Kreisel, bis Russland vor mir lag. "Und nun?" Ich überlegte. "Die Mongolei". Zu jedem von mir genannten Ort sagte er einen Reim auf. "Die Mongolei riss mir das Herz in zwei." Als ich meine Teetasse leer getrunken hatte und mich zum gehen wenden wollte, sagte er mit hervor geschobener Unterlippe und der Tonlage eines bockigen Kindes "ein letztes Mal noch". Ich stand schon an der Tür, als ich sagte "Wien". Er drehte den Kreisel und wir sahen beide auf die Stelle, auf die er den Finger legte. Ich wartete auf den Reim, aber er blieb aus. Stattdessen sagte er interessiert "warum Wien?" und ich erzählte ihm von dem Jungen im 15. Bezirk, der eine Pfeffermühle klaute und sich von nun an sorgt, es könne jemand durch seine Strasse ziehen und ihm auflauern, weil er die Pfeffermühle zurück haben wolle. Als ich schon mit einem Fuss aus der Tür war, harkte er erneut nach. "Und warum sind sie nicht bei dem Jungen, jetzt?" Ich musste verlegen lachen und schaute ihn dann unbeholfen an. "Vielleicht weil ich keine Pfeffermühle besitze" sagte ich und er schenkte mir zum Abschied das ehrlichste Lachen, das ich seit langem gesehen hatte.
Als ich heute auf dem Weg zur Bahn an seinem Laden vorbei kam, war das Schaufenster hell erleuchtet mit allen Globen die reingepasst hatten und ganz vorne in der ersten Reihe stand ein Gegenstand, von dem ich mich erst fragte, was das sei und im selben Moment die Antwort schon spürte. Eine riesig große, bronzefarbene Pfeffermühle. Neben ihr stand mit korkeliger Handschrift auf ein Stück Papier geschrieben: Zu verschenken.
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untaemedqueen · 4 years
Room 732 (M)
Mafia!Jeongguk x Courtesan!Reader
Jeongguk brought to you by The Bird Cage
WordCount: 10k
Genre: Angst, Smut, Fluff, Strangers to Lovers!AU
Warnings: Excessive Drinking, Excessive Swearing, Guns, Jeongguk Is Haunted By His Dead Girlfriend, Character Death (Lee), Mafia!Jeongguk, Shy!Jeongguk, Possessive!Jeongguk, Dom!Jeongguk, Sub!Reader,  Jeongguk Is Riddled with Guilt, Praise, Cunnilingus, Orgasm Denial, Fellatio, Throat Fucking, Deep Throating, Begging, Jeongguk Has A Huge Dick, Daddy Kink, Did I Say Possessive? Because Jeongguk Is Possessive As Fuck, Cum Swallowing, Degradation (Cum Slut), Marking, Unprotected Sex, Squirting, Multiple Orgasms, Creampie, Begging
A/N: Can Be Read As A Stand Alone But If You’ve Read TBC. There are fun easter eggs. OKAY. ENJOY.
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The mansion was silent on this Wednesday morning. Not a noise to be heard as Jeongguk pads down the right staircase of the large home. His sleep laden eyes drift to the brand new door before yawning loudly. His hand coming up to scratch at his bare tattooed chest as he makes his way through the sitting room. The perfectly white marble countertop of the island gives him a place to lean as he runs his hands through his black hair. He drank way too much yesterday with Taehyung to celebrate the birth of his new son. 
Everyone was finding love around him, starting families and here he was still a bachelor since his girlfriend Lee was murdered. He could sometimes still picture her, her black hair blowing in the breeze in the garden. Or, the way she used to wrinkle her nose at everything, a habit Guk had adopted from her. He sighs to himself before shoving off of the counter as he rounds the island to the liquor cabinet. Sometimes Lee visits him in his dreams, begging him to move on, to experience happiness like the others in his gang. But, how could he? He has this warped mind that only knows how to torture and kill. After she was gone there was no love, no yearning. He smiles, sure, at his nieces and nephews. He finds happiness in others' happiness but never his own.
Jeongguk jumps up on the counter, Johnny Walker in his right hand as Hawon runs into the kitchen. He smirks down at her before putting the bottle of alcohol behind his back. 
"Our Hawon." Her body sways as she does a little dance noticing her uncle. Jeongguk chuckles before hopping down off the island and picking her up. 
"Airplane?! Airplane, Uncle Guk!" Mirae enters not even a second later before sighing as Jeongguk throws Hawon up in the air. Her screech echoes throughout the kitchen as Jeongguk chuckles. See, this is a flint of happiness he obtains through the people around him. He can smile at the way Mirae becomes disheveled with the kids even though she has OCD and hates to be out of perfect form. He can smile at how Hawon is delighted to be with him. And yet, when he's alone the loneliness and anger gnaws at him, as if he has a constant leech on his body. Jeongguk spins around, hands grasping at Hawon's small body before putting her back on the ground. 
"Uncle Guk has to go to work. I'll see you later, hmm? We can watch that Tinkerbell movie." Hawon nods ecstatically at his promise before running out into the garden. 
"Just a ball of energy." Mirae mumbles before chasing Hawon out the kitchen door. Jeongguk smirks before grabbing the whisky and walking out of the kitchen.
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The blood tainted towel falls into Guk's lap as he sits down in the wooden chair in his warehouse. The blubbering and shaking of the man in front of him makes him sigh as he kicks the chair back on its hind two legs. His feet coming to rest on the blood stained wooden table in front of him. 
"Just tell me what I want to know." His tone was not to be taken lightly as he shakes his long hair out of his face. Assessing the pained body in front of the table, he tilts his head. 
"I didn't cut your tongue out for you to talk so you'd better do so, or I'll tell my boss you bit it off instead." This is what Jeongguk was best at. Jimin's wife on many occasions has stated that she couldn't believe the cute, tattoo riddled boy in front of her was such a fierce person. But, it's what he is best at. It's all he knows and he's damn good at it. 
"You-I...Ple-Please." The voice was hoarse as if they haven't had water in days. Jeongguk taps his fingers against his leather pants before looking up at the wooden ceiling of his warehouse. 
"Not what I want to hear. I want to hear from your mouth how you got the address." All he needs is a name, that's it. 
"I have nothing else to take from you, Kyung. I took your eyes, your dick, your fingers." The man sobs hopelessly as Jeongguk looks at the blood stained bandage over the top of Kyung's head. 
"Im Junggoo." Jeongguk sighs, his hands covering his face before nodding. 
"Yeah. I was afraid you were going to say that." Jeongguk's body moves gracefully as he jumps out of the chair. He whistles to himself as he pulls his gun out from the back of his waistband. His fingers roll the silencer onto the tip of the gun before sighing as he jumps up onto the table before sitting down crossing his legs. 
"This was fun, Kyung. Let's do it again sometime." He closes one eye, aiming at Kyung's head before pulling the trigger. The body falls, twitching slightly before stilling and Jeongguk can do nothing but set down the gun on the table and watch how the blood begins to pool into the reddened dirt around him. His blood covered hands lean back behind him as he looks up at the ceiling. He was damn good at his job.
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"You need to go get some relief of some kind." Jimin tells Jeongguk as he sits at his desk. Jeongguk looks over the rim of his whisky glass before furrowing his eyebrows. 
"Since you've stepped into this room your hands have been shaking, you have bags under your eyes and you can't stop bouncing your knee. You need to get some relief." The older man points at his knee, product of proof right in front of him that has Jeongguk rolling his eyes. 
"I'm fine." Jimin sips his coffee before leaning back in his chair, his crisp white shirt wrinkling as he does so. 
"I'm not asking you, I'm telling you." Jeongguk licks at his lips before folding his hands around the whisky glass in his lap. Jimin was the closest person to him since he was young. Jimin helped him find himself, made him who he is today and Jeongguk never takes that for granted. 
"I can't sleep. She comes to see me in my dreams." He tells his best friend as he looks down at the newly purchased Persian rug that replaced the old one after Jimin's wife killed someone in the office. 
"Lee?" Jeongguk nods to his question before downing the rest of his liquor. 
"She always tells me to move on, or be happy. Like that's such a fucking easy thing to do. Like I can't remember what her fucking body looked like when we came home." Jimin swallows thicky before looking up at the ceiling. 
"I get it. Really I do." Jeongguk's chest begins to tighten as he turns his head to look at the stained glass window. 
"It's not like I have a Kitten, like you do that magically transcends me into a different plane of existence and makes me better." Jimin takes a deep breath through his nose as he sets down his coffee. 
"Watch it. Your words are getting reckless." His eyes flicker shut, his heart beating in his ears as he sees Lee painted on the back of his eyelids. 
"I can see her. She's wearing that pink dress that I bought her for Valentine's Day. Her hair was in pretty curls. I can see her smiling at me." Jeongguk chokes on his own spit as his eyes open wide before standing up and walking over to the liquor caddy. 
"Guk." Jimin whispers as the alcohol sloshes into the crystal glass. 
"I'm fine." The lie slips right past his lips as he looks up at the portrait of all the guys behind Jimin's chair. 
"Go see one of Kitten's girls. It might help." A giggle bursts through the room as Jeongguk turns to his older brother. 
"Help? They aren't therapists. They suck cock for a living." Jimin sighs before putting his hand to his forehead. Jeongguk was stubborn, he always has been and probably always will be. 
"Then go see a therapist. You're getting out of control. I saw what you did to Kyung's body. You're lashing out." 
"I was doing my fucking job." Jimin clicks his teeth as the study door opens.
Jimin's wife stands in the doorway, one hand holding their son Minseok as the other rests comfortably on her growing belly. 
"Sorry. He wants daddy." She whispers before looking at Guk. 
"We don't cut people's eyes out." Jimin responds to Jeongguk before standing up and grabbing his son from his wife's arms. 
"I got it, Kitten." She hums before her eyes take in Jeongguk's disheveled body. 
"I was just doing my fucking job. Okay?" He looks over at Jimin's wife before raising his eyebrows as she stares at him. 
"WHAT?!" He screams to her as Jimin sighs gently.
"Jeon Jeongguk-" 
"Easy, Kitten." Jeongguk's head cocks to the side as Jimin rubs at her pregnant belly. 
"Go to a therapist, Guk. I'm not asking." The silence was palpable, eyes glancing here and there from all three people in the room before Minseok whines. How would Jeongguk even be able to process his thoughts? Let alone tell them to some quack who would just nod and ask him how he feels about it? Just give him snarky remarks before writing down a prescription for some soothing meds and telling him his hour is up. "I'd rather get my cock sucked."
Jeongguk stands in front of the Beasley Hotel. His eyes reading the same scripted letters on the facade of the expensive building for the thirteenth time before sighing. Of course, Jimin's wife immediately made an appointment with one of the girls for him. She asked Jeongguk what he liked and he didn't respond to her so she just set him up with someone new. Now, of course, all the girls that worked for her and her partner Hyunah were  incredibly capable. It takes a high standard to get into the Golden Cage. But, he couldn't bring himself to want to go through with the whole ordeal. Lee constantly springs to mind every step he takes. Could he really watch a girl get undressed, suck his dick or do anything to him without feeling guilty? He can't say he could. 
This girl would probably tell Jimin's wife he didn't go through with it and there would be hell to pay. He's getting a million dollar session for free. Jeongguk steps off the curb across the street before walking to the ritzy hotel in front of him. His hand digs into his black skinny jean pocket before producing a folded piece of paper. 
Jeongguk takes a deep breath through his nose. Just have to get it over with, right? He steps through the revolving door before entering the hotel. He pockets his tattooed hands as people bustle about in the hotel lobby. He receives a few strange looks, this was not the sort of grandeur hotel that usually has leather clad, tattooed men just waltzing in. His hand reaches behind him making sure to feel the comfort of his gun in his waistband before relaxing. His combat boots make a dull thudding noise against the marble flooring, the sound reverberating in his ears as he approaches the front desk. 
Orchards litter the large stone desk as he leans over it, a girl in a pants suit looks up before raising an eyebrow. 
"Can I help you?" Everything about her was dripping with disdain as Jeongguk cleared his throat. 
"Yeah, I'm here to see a guest in room 732." The front desk agent clicks her teeth before looking over his top half incredulously. This was the usual hotel for Golden Cage clients. 732 was always the room people would go to. It was common knowledge for most people in the hotel to know that a guest for 732 was going to get their rocks off. 
"Mkay." The agent mumbles before picking up the phone and pressing the numbers languidly. Her eyes never leave Jeongguk's face as he looks around the hotel lobby. This place was nice, really nice. Lee would have loved to stay here. See, this is the problem. Everything is Lee. Every waking breath he has he could equate something to his dead girlfriend, for years now. Even when he sleeps, all he sees is her. Whether that be alive, dead, dismembered, you name it he's had a dream of her doing it or being there. He pokes an orchard petal as the agent lets the girl in the room know she has a visitor. His body sways back and forth awkwardly as he looks towards the elevators. 
"You can go up." Jeongguk looks back down at the agent before nodding. "Thanks."
The hallway smells expensive, like lavender and warm vanilla. The chandeliers that hang from the ceiling exude the persona of this place and Jeongguk cannot begin to process how he came to be here. He nods his head to the Lee man who guards the door. 
"Arms up." Jeongguk clears his throat before doing as told. 
"I have a gun and two knives on me." He's courteous at least to tell him. He respects the Lees, they work quick and fast and have never given the Lions a problem. Especially since Yoongi just recently got engaged to Hyunah. The Lee man hums as he pulls the gun out from behind him. Jeongguk reaches down before pulling his knives from his boots and handing them over. 
"Have fun." He says before shoving the door open for him. Jeongguk looks into the room before clearing his throat and stepping inside.
The lights were dim upon entry, white furniture beckons him forward as he looks around the room. 
"Hello?" His voice was timid as he stepped towards the bed. The gold headboard catches his attention before turning to a noise in the bathroom. 
"Hello." There you stood, a grey satin robe covering your almost naked body as you take the tall man into your sights. Jeongguk runs his fingers through his long black hair, his eyes looking over your body before looking away as if it was inappropriate. He shifts awkwardly on one foot to the other, there was something cute about it. The tall, muscular man was seemingly nervous in your presence. You smile warmly as you walk past him, his muscles tensing as your satin robe brushes against his leather jacket. 
You sit on the bed, legs crossing as you lean back on your hands. The robe inches up, your bare thighs coming into view for his eyes as he pockets his hands. 
"You can sit. You know." Jeongguk opens his mouth before giving a small laugh. 
"Yeah." You pat the spot next to you and he slowly makes his way over. He sits on the edge, his butt barely connecting with the mattress as his shoulders tense up. He stares straight ahead at the black television screen. You lazily take in his features, big doe eyes and a perfect nose. Nice pink lips and a killer jawline grace your sight as you sit up. 
"I'm Y/N." Jeongguk turns to you before bowing his head. 
"Jeongguk." You hum to him before watching how his knee bounces in anxiousness. Why did your boss tell you to give him the plus treatment if he seems like he doesn't want to be here? 
"Drink?" You ask pointing at the liquor cabinet. Jeongguk takes his hands out of his pockets only to place them on his knees, his fingertips digging into the fabric of his jeans before nodding. 
"Sure!" He springs up before crossing the expanse of the room. 
Jeongguk takes a deep breath before opening the liquor cabinet. 
"Are you a virgin?" You ask as he pours two glasses of whisky. He chuckles, a sound that blesses your ears as you tilt your head. 
"No. I'm not a virgin." He turns back around to you, his black hair falling into his eyes as he smiles. He has a pretty smile, something about it makes you feel warm. Like nothing bad could happen when it was around. You find yourself smiling back as he hands you the glass. 
"You can take your jacket off, you know. I'm not going to immediately jump your bones, unless you're into that." He snorts, a simple exhale through his nose before shrugging off his leather jacket and throwing it onto the bed. 
"Good." You say before taking a sip of the whisky. The warm liquor soothes you, a fire producing in your belly as Jeongguk side eyes you. You were beautiful, he expected as much. Jimin's wife wasn't in the business of hiring ugly women. His gaze flickers to your bare thighs once more before looking anywhere else. You catch this within a second, and notice the discomfort he begins to feel. His body turning away from you out of instinct. 
You feel pity for him, something clearly isn't right with this situation he has been brought into. You grab at the duvet cover of the bed before throwing it over your legs. 
"Better?" You ask quietly as Jeongguk notices your movement. He looks back over at you, his doe eyes widening further. 
"I'm sorry. I must be being rude." You shake your head at his statement before giving him a smile. 
"It's okay if you don't want to do anything. I understand." He makes a noise in the back of his throat that you can't decipher before turning to you. You seemed like an understanding person. You didn't strike him as a courtesan to say the least. 
"I want to. But, I can't. My brain won't let me." He taps his index finger against his temple before taking a large gulp of the whisky. His teeth grit, neck veins fluttering as he swallows the whisky. You can sense his nervousness and it really doesn't look good on this handsome man. 
"I'll be right back." You whisper before standing up and heading for the bathroom.
"I fucked up." Jeongguk whispers before closing his eyes, he could see her. He could see Lee plain as day. She was frowning, her long black hair strewn over her shoulder as she folded her arms. Jeongguk couldn't move on, he was trapped in this miserable mindset. He wasn't even sure what it would be like to not see Lee or think of Lee at every given moment. It would probably terrify him. The bathroom door opens and you emerge in a long mocha brown sweater, black leggings shield your thighs as you smile at Guk. 
"I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to make you embarrassed or anything, I-" You cut him off with the shake of your head. 
"It's alright, you didn't offend me. Takes a lot more than that to make me offended." Jeongguk nods, his shoulders relaxing slightly as you jump on the bed. Your back connects to the gold headboard as you grab your glass. 
"Might be nice to not get fucked for once." He laughs gently before turning his body to you, the way his eyes crinkle makes your heart skip a beat. He's way too handsome. His hand pushes his hair behind his pierced ear before taking a sip of his drink. 
"You can have a drink and just chill out. Or, I can leave if you want." You suggest pointing your manicured finger at the door. Jeongguk is quick to shake his head, 
"No, no. Don't go. It's nice to just...just be able to sit and drink." He wholeheartedly means it. You felt comfortable to him. Nothing about this experience felt weird or strange which was a blessing in and of itself. Jeongguk scratches at the back of his neck and you catch the branding iron you've seen a few times before with a few clients. 
"You're a Lion." Jeongguk puts his hand down before giving you a small smile. 
"Yeah. I am. I'm one of the original seven." You hum before sitting up and putting your hand under your cheek. "I heard that you guys defile women and torture men." Jeongguk gives a carefree laugh as he fully turns to you. 
"Clearly that isn't the case. I made you go put your clothes on." You giggle before sipping the whisky and tapping your fingers to your temple. His smile doesn't fade as his warm brown eyes gaze upon your face. 
"I'm sorry your boss made you take me on as a client. I'm sure it's a waste of time." 
"You're not a waste of time. Don't say that. You're actually nice, compared to most people that enter this room." Jeongguk tilts his head before sucking air through his teeth. 
"I'll kill them if you want me to. The people that aren't nice to you." His eyes gleam with playfulness as you kick back your body before giggling. 
"Is that your way of flirting?" He takes a sip, the corners of his mouth quirked upwards as he stares at you. 
"So why are you here anyway? You said my boss made me take you on. Why?" Jeongguk clears his throat as he kicks off his combat boots before sitting cross legged on the bed. Now, he's uncomfortable. He looks past you to the pearlescent night stand as he puffs out his cheeks. 
"Because I, uh, can't function. My boss says I'm getting reckless." You hum as if you have any idea what he's talking about. After the hour you've been talking and drinking, you've kind of just assumed he's an enigma. He only answers what he wants to, he looks away at any given chance to not feel something. He seems like he doesn't want to feel. You wouldn't push him, it isn't your place. And yet, there's something about him that just makes you want to give him a hug. He seems so sad. You want to make him smile and laugh, he seems like he deserves that. 
"So they thought that you getting your dick sucked would make you better?" He laughs before looking down at his lap. 
"I think so." You sigh before sitting up and putting your hand on his knee. He stiffens, his eyes look up at you before relaxing his muscles. 
"Don't worry. I'm here to talk to you, if you want. I know my main job is to spread my legs for people but I'm a good listener." Jeongguk is quick to defend your honor to yourself. 
"Don't say that. Your main job is irrelevant to me. I'm happy I could sit here and just bullshit with you for hours. I feel kinda better than before." Your smile brings one to his own face. 
"Good. I'm glad." A knock comes at the door and you both turn your heads to the noise. 
"Time." You hear through the door and you sigh before standing up. 
"That's my cue." Jeongguk opens his mouth before nodding. For the first time in forever, he wants more time. He mentally chides himself, he spent so much time looking away and not answering that he didn't even get a real chance to speak with you. He regrets that. 
"Jeongguk. Hopefully I'll see you around." You say as you grab your bag from the bathroom. 
"Me too! Thanks, Y/N." You give him that warm smile he's suddenly become fond of before leaving the room. The Lee man enters before handing Jeongguk his weaponry and bowing his head. Jeongguk lays down on the bed before closing his eyes. Lee was like a faded print behind his eyelids.
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"How was she?" Jimin asks as they sit down for the meeting. Jeongguk smirks before putting his gun on the table. 
"Really nice." Jimin raises an eyebrow before folding his arms. 
"How do you know she's really nice if she had her mouth on your cock?" Jeongguk scoffs before matching his best friend's actions with folding his own arms. 
"Don't talk about her like that. She didn't need to suck my cock for me to know she's nice." Jimin's expression softens at Jeongguk's murmur. 
"Did you dream of Lee last night?" His question is point blank as the others file into the room. 
"Briefly." She had come and gone, Jeongguk for the first time in a long time didn't wake up drenched in sweat. He didn't feel compelled to tell Jimin every single detail of last night but there was one sentence that had Jimin bursting at the seams to know more. "I'd like to see her again."
Jeongguk walks down the hotel hallway, his gun and knives already in hand before handing them to the Lee man standing at the door. 
"Enjoy." Jeongguk has come to know the Lee man as Junkwon, he was nice and always escorted you. Junkwon opens the door, the lights are dim yet again. 
"Hey." Jeongguk sounds breathless as you sit in the chair by the large window, your body covered in just a beige lace bra with matching panties. You look up before covering your legs with a gasp. 
"Jeongguk! They didn't tell me it was you. I'm sorry." You say quickly grabbing your robe. Jeongguk has become really fond of this, fond of how considerate you are. How comfortable you make him feel when you're around just being yourself. 
"Don't worry." He says as you stand up. His eyes drink you in, your skin looking soft as butter in the dim lighting. 
"Let me go change." Jeongguk hums to you before licking his lips. He wasn't nervous or afraid to look at you, he didn't hate himself for it. Because, it was you. You rush off to the bathroom as Jeongguk walks over to the liquor cabinet. His eyes flutter closed and for once his eyelids were just black. No Lee. No smile. No frown. Nothing. He stumbles backwards as he gasps before his eyes open wide. 
"Lee?" He calls gently before closing his eyes again. There was nothing. And, this is what he was most afraid of. His tattooed hand grasps the wooden counter of the bar before choking on his own spit. 
"Jeongguk? You okay?" You ask as his legs shake. 
"She-I...I don't-'' He shuts his eyes once more before a ball begins to form in his throat, it's form ever expanding as his knuckles turn white from clasping the table so hard. 
"She left me." He whispers before opening his eyes and looking at you. 
"Hey." You whisper calmly to him, your feet taking ginger steps towards him as he whimpers. 
"She left me!" There was a small sob before a large one. His innocent eyes glossing over with tears as he grabs at his black t-shirt above his heart. 
"Jeongguk. Sit down." You say putting your hand on his arm gently. He rips his arm away from your grasp before faltering as he knocks the whisky bottle onto the floor. 
"Hey!" The concern in your voice reaches his ears as he falls into the seat you were previously sat in. His eyes were like a wild animals, flitting here and there while trying to grasp onto a thought. 
"Jeongguk. Do you need me to call my boss?" Jeongguk gasps as he leans back in his seat. 
"Don't! Don't do that." You could see his hairline beginning to sweat as you crouch down in front of him. 
"I think you're having a panic attack. Just take a deep breath. In through your nose and out through your mouth." You've had a few panic attacks in your time. It wasn't always cushy like it is now to work in this industry. 
Jeongguk takes a deep breath, his body visibly shaking as he stares down at you. 
“Just focus on something, let your mind begin to process.” You whisper running your thumb comfortingly over his bare knee through the cuts in his jeans. Jeongguk groans as he feels dizziness encumbering his mind, but he couldn’t close his eyes for fear that she wouldn’t be there. His eyes fall to your hand on his knee, he focuses on how soothing your thumb feels. How soft and delicate the touch you’re giving him is. You give him a small smile, eyebrows still knit with concern as he looks back up at you. 
“What color is my shirt?” You ask him quietly before pulling at the fabric. 
“Purple.” He whispers before taking a deep breath into his lungs as if his body was finally allowing him to breathe again. 
“Good.” Then there was silence for a while besides Guk’s heavy breathing. That was alright with you, as long as he felt better. He has only come three times before this and each time he came things were slowly becoming more relaxing. 
You would talk for long hours, sipping on whatever alcohol you decided on at the start of the session. You would laugh with each other, listen to how Jeongguk’s day went. You told him things you enjoy too like the beach and going to the seaside to fish with your dad. He told you about his nieces and nephews last time and it warmed your heart to see him smiling so widely when he talked about them. He was always happy talking about others but never about himself, you noticed. He never mentioned women or anything of that nature and that was okay with you too. Everything was very relaxing when you were with each other, like nothing else even mattered outside of this hotel room. Jeongguk flexes his fingers realizing they were numb only seconds ago. 
“I-I’m sorry.” He mumbles before putting his hands over his face, his palms becoming drenched in sweat as he leans back into the chair. 
“Nothing to apologize for.” His fast beating heart begins to slow as he lets out an exhale. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” You ask gently before standing up. Jeongguk looks up at you as he moves his hands away before clearing his throat. 
“Sit on my lap.” He whispers and you gasp gently. 
“What?” He’s never asked something like this before. 
“Sit on me.” You look at him hesitantly before slowly sitting down on his thick thighs. His strong arms wrap around your figure, his arms interlocking with each other as he lets out a slow breath. You sit still, eyeing him wearily as he looks up at you nervously. 
“Okay.” He mumbles before slowly closing his eyes. The back of his eyelids were still black. He sighs deflated before letting you go. 
“You can get up.” You stand up off of him before tilting your head. 
“I have to go.” He whispers before standing, his eyes don’t look towards you again as he rushes to the door. “Jeongguk!” He was gone.
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He had you sit on him to see if Lee would come back, but she didn’t that night. He went to sleep without a single dream. His unconscious mind reveling in the back wasteland of dreamspace. But, she did come back when he was black out drunk. He would have conversations with her as he lay sloped up against the wall of his room. 
“Don’t fucking l-look at me like that, babe.” He slurs to Lee as she sits in the chair across from his bed. 
“Koo, you have to let me go.” Jeongguk laughs loudly, the whisky in the bottle he holds sloshes around as he shakes. 
“Let you go?! You left me!” Lee sits silently, hands on her knees as her black hair falls in rivets over her shoulder. 
“I didn’t choose to leave you.” Jeongguk scoffs before gulping down the alcohol. 
“I’m not talking about when you fucking died, baby. I’m talking about when I went to see Y/N.” Lee’s lips press into a hard line as she leans back in the armchair. 
“Because you don’t need me when Y/N is there. She can take good care of you.” 
“YOU’RE FUCKING DEAD! WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT KNOWING WHAT I NEED?!” Jeongguk’s voice is a sharp, loud cry as he widens his drunken eyes at his dead girlfriend. He scoffs before holding the liquor bottle close to his body as he folds his legs underneath him. There was a quick knock at his door before the door went flying open. 
“What’re you screaming about at three o’clock in the morning?” Hoseok asks his younger brother before noticing just how drunk Jeongguk is. The way his body is slumped over against his headboard, black hair in his eyes so he could barely see. 
“Guk.” Hoseok mutters before stepping inside and shutting the door so as to not disturb anyone. Jeongguk didn’t realize he was crying until now, tears rolled off his jawline before leaving dark wet spots on his light grey sweatpants. Hoseok takes a seat where Lee was just sitting before looking at the drunk younger man. 
“She fucking left me. Y’know? I go see Y/N, what, four fucking times and Lee just abandons me.” Hoseok gives a gentle sigh before running his hands through his hair. 
“Maybe she left you because that’s healthy and you need healthiness.” Jeongguk laughs before taking another swig of whisky. 
“That’s what she said.” He mumbles, his tone warped with pain as he slams his head into the iron bed frame. Hoseok leans forward before grabbing the bottle of liquor and putting it on the floor. 
“This isn’t healthy. You’re a mess. If it helped you so much to see Y/N, you should go back and see her.” You probably hate him after seeing him at his weakest. 
“No. I don’t want to see her again.” He was afraid, afraid to be at such peace with you. Afraid to be able to smile.
Jeongguk sits at the meeting table. His feet up on the table as Jimin’s wife slaps him upside the head. 
“Just bought the table, feet down.” She mumbles before pulling on her cigarette. He mutters an apology her way as the rest of the guys enter the metal room. Namjoon enters with a cheery smile, his dimples deep as he pulls his gun out before presenting it on the table. 
“Oh! Jaebeom went to go see Y/N, thanks for the suggestion.” Jeongguk takes a deep breath before taking his feel off the table and staring at the t.v. screen above him. 
“She’s pretty, no?” Jimin’s wife asks as Jeongguk’s knee begins to bounce. 
“That’s what he says. He also says, she has a nice mouth for sucking cock.” 
“Stop it.” Jeongguk mumbles loud enough for Namjoon to hear drawing his attention to the younger member. Was this jealousy burning through his veins at a quick pace? He wasn’t even sure what the emotion was that filled him, but anger accompanied it. If it wasn’t for the black tattoos on his neck, it would surely be beet red. 
“You went to see her too, right Guk?! Man, I’m fucking telling you, Jae says those tits she has-” Jeongguk pulls his gun out of the back of his pants before aiming it at his older brother. 
“I said stop. Don’t fucking talk about her!” 
“WHOA!” Jimin yells upon entering as Namjoon holds his hands up, backing his chair up into the corner of the room. 
“Don’t fucking go tell anyone to see her! Tell him don’t look at her! Don’t touch her! Don’t you dare!” Jeongguk yells as he cocks the gun. 
“Easy, Guk. Easy.” Jimin whispers before stepping in front of Jeongguk’s gun. 
“Just because it’s her job doesn’t mean she likes it. When she was younger, she wanted to be a painter but no one would accept her into their colleges. Do you know that? She likes to go to the beach to feel the sand between her toes because it keeps her grounded. And, you have the fucking audacity to talk about her fucking dick sucking skills?! She isn’t someone you can easily talk about like this! She’s a fucking person! With feelings! She was there for me when I had a fucking panic attack. She took care of me. Don’t fucking talk about her!” Jimin slowly waves his hands as Jeongguk begins to foam at the sides of his mouth. 
“Alright. Jaebeom or anyone else here won’t go and see her. You have my word. Put the gun down.” Jimin was being gentle with him, Jeongguk recognizes his tone of voice as his wife rubs at Guk’s upper back. Jeongguk uncocks the gun before clearing his throat and leaving the room without another word. 
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Jeongguk stares at the bloody dirt of his warehouse, for once his warehouse was empty. It was dead quiet, you could hear a pin drop. He had left the mansion for a few days, just sleeping in the back of his car while he stayed out here. His mind was fucking him over, this much was certain. He left you in that hotel room and he felt guilty about it. He also felt guilty about feeling the need to have Lee around him when she wasn’t even on this plane of existence anymore. More than anything, he can’t help but think about your smile. How warm it is, how comforting it feels to have his eyes on you smiling widely. He remembers how soft your skin looks, how he would have been okay with you staying in that little amount of clothing before his panic attack. He remembers how soothing your thumb was on his skin. Jeongguk sighs before looking up at the wooden rafters of the ceiling. 
“Koo.” His breathing stops as he closes his eyes. 
“Why don’t you go and see her?” Jeongguk’s eyes begin to burn, he sniffles before pulling up his black hood and looking at his dead girlfriend. 
“I can’t.” A broken sob rips through his chest as he hangs his head low. 
“She probably misses you, you can’t be locked up in your own head anymore. I’m gone.” Jeongguk wails loudly putting his hands over his face. 
“I know. I’m just so afraid for you to leave.” 
“I’ll always be with you, in your heart. In your memories. But, it’s time to move on. You like her, I know you do. It’s okay to like someone else that isn’t me, Koo.” He scoffs as he pulls down his sleeves to make sweater paws. His sleeves meet his eyes as he sobs. 
“She probably fucking hates me. I left her there all alone.” 
“Look at me.” Jeongguk timidly lifts his head, his hands pushing his hair out of the way as he sniffles. Lee was in front of the table looking down at him.
“You deserve to be happy, Koo. You deserve to smile. You deserve to feel no awkwardness or fear.” He whimpers at Lee’s words as his bottom lip quivers. 
“Go and be happy. She makes you feel better.” 
“What am I going to do without you?” He asks, his voice cracking as he holds his arms out to her. 
“You’re going to smile.”  In an instant, she was gone. Lee’s form fades away in a sudden breeze that chills Jeongguk to the bone. He shivers before closing his eyes and swallowing. She wasn’t there either. 
“Lee?!” No answer but the sounds of birds chirping outside the warehouse. Jeongguk buries his face in his lap before taking a deep breath. Lee left him, after all these years. She just disappeared, to prove that Jeongguk didn’t need her anymore. He didn’t need to depend on her when you were around. He smiled and laughed, he felt relief. Felt at home. He clears his throat before pulling out his almost dead cell phone from his back pocket. He scrolls through his contacts before putting his forehead to the lip of the table as the phone rings. “Jina. Is Y/N working?”
Jeongguk steps out of the elevator on the seventh floor before looking down at Junkwon. 
“She’s with someone.” He tells Jeongguk as he walks towards 732. 
“Open the door.” His voice is brisk as he stares at the three gold numbers that hang on the door. He could hear moaning inside the room before cracking his neck. 
“I can’t Jeongguk, I’m sorry.” Jeongguk sighs before pulling out his wallet and pulling out a few hundred bucks. 
“Go away.” 
“You can’t just-” Jeongguk shoves the money into Junkwon’s semi-open hand before pulling out his gun. 
“Go away.” Junkwon counts the money before sighing and walking down the hallway. 
“Don’t hurt her.” Junkwon calls to Guk as he rings for the elevator. 
“Never.” Jeongguk shoves the door open. He takes you into his sights, you were on your knees jerking off some random guy. You looked bored and unamused before looking over and gasping. Jeongguk points his gun to the guy. 
“Get out.” “Jeongguk!” Jeongguk walks over, cocking his gun before grabbing your robe and throwing it at you. 
“You heard me? Get out.” The man scoffs before standing up and pulling up his boxers. 
“Hey man! I paid a lot of money for this!” You haphazardly put the robe on before stepping away from your client. 
“Jina will pay you back. Get out. I’m asking nicely.” You look up at Jeongguk, his black hair is fixed behind his ears. His domineering persona was something you’ve never seen before and you can’t say it didn’t intrigue you as you lean against the wooden table. 
“Okay! Okay! I’m going. Shit.” Jeongguk watches as the man fumbles to get his pants up from around his ankles. His eyebrow raises as the guy looks at you before stepping in front of your small figure. 
“Don’t fucking look at her. Get out. Now.” The man grabs his dress shirt before running out the hotel room door and slamming it behind him. Jeongguk uncocks his gun before putting it in the back of his pants. 
“Hi?” You say before sitting down on the edge of the bed. 
“Hi.” Jeongguk whispers before sitting down next to you. You sigh before looking at him out of the corner of your eye, taking in the way his black hoodie was two times too big for him. It was endearing. 
“Feel better?” You ask quietly as Jeongguk closes his eyes. 
“I do now.” You hum playfully before laying back on the bed. 
“That was hot.” You tell him as he turns towards you. He snorts before laying down beside you. 
“What was hot?” 
“Defending my honor like I don’t do this for a living.” Jeongguk chuckles openly before turning on his side to look at you. His warm brown eyes bore into yours before fingering at the white duvet cover. 
“I’m sorry I left that day.” How could you hold a grudge against him when he looks like this. His big doe eyes gazing into yours only shows how guilty he actually feels about it. 
“Wanna talk about it?” 
“Yes, I do.” His answer surprises you, he normally says no or looks away quite quickly. 
“Oh! Okay! Let me put some clothes on!” You go to sit up and Jeongguk’s arm cages you down onto the bed. 
“No, stay.” You take a deep inhale before turning on your side to face him. “Alright.”
Jeongguk gives you a small smile, the corners of his mouth quirk up as he stares at you. 
“You’re very beautiful.” Your cheeks heat up pink at his compliment, he's always looked at you like you were pretty but he's never said a thing before. 
"Thank you. You too." Jeongguk chuckles before laying his head down on the pillow. He clears his throat before taking off his sweater and throwing it elsewhere. His white tank top reveals all of his tattoos up to his chest and you can't help but look at the tasteful designs he has printed on himself. They look great on his honey colored skin. 
"I don't want to keep running away from you anymore. I like you. I just have some...undealt with issues." He takes some time before completing his sentence but you stay quiet as if to tell him to keep going if he chooses to do so. 
"Do you like me?" He asks, tilting his head into the pillow. 
"I do." You tell him honestly, making him smile. 
"Okay, good." You giggle at his beaming smile before he looks off past you. 
"Don't get...I don't know weirded out when I tell you my story." You nod to him before putting your arm under the pillow getting comfortable. He was different now, he was uncertain, sure. But, he was nervous or anxious to look at you. He wasn't fidgety and making himself uncomfortable, he was just him. And, it's really nice to see that. 
"Years ago I had a girlfriend-" Jeongguk clears his throat before sitting up suddenly, "-her name was Lee. I loved her, a lot. She was the first person I fell in love with. Um…" He looks down at his legs as he rubs his hands over his sweatpants. You put your hand on his knee before sitting up, your head tilts to the side as you watch him struggle to swallow. 
"Fuck. Fuck! Sorry." You shake your head as he takes a deep breath. 
"So, yeah, I loved her and she lived in the house I live in with my crew. One day I came home and called out for her and she wasn't answering me. Me and my boss, Jimin, he's been my best friend since we were younger. We ran upstairs and there were little drops of blood on the floor." You close your eyes as Jeongguk clears his throat again before squinting. 
"She was dead. In our room. Another gang had killed her and did stuff to her body." You put your hand over your mouth as he struggles to go on. 
"That was a long time ago, but she stayed with me. Like, a ghost. I would see her every night in my dreams and when I closed my eyes. She was always there. And, it started to get out of hand. I was drinking a lot and I was very angry. Guilty. I was so guilty. Y'know? What if I got home just ten minutes or twenty minutes before I did. What would have happened? It ate me alive, then I would see her and feel this fucking weight pushing down my goddamn chest every second of the fucking day. Everyone around me was getting married and falling in love and I was stuck in this sick little fucking sand glass that kept flipping over when the last piece of sand was about to fall." Jeongguk sighs loudly before looking at you, his hand grabs your wrist before pulling it away from your eyes. 
"But, then. I met you. And, I really liked you because you made me feel comfortable and I didn't feel like this anxious wreck anymore. But, I got scared because before you Lee was painted on the back of my eyelids every second of the day. After I met you she started to fade. Then she left me completely, that was the day I had the panic attack. I felt frightened because she wasn't with me anymore and I-I was so used to it that it made me terrified. I felt guilty that I pushed her away or something. But, I felt even more guilty that I might have pushed you away. That I fucked up my chance for you to like me when I left you that day. Lee was a big part of me that left because you made me feel safe. You make me feel comfortable. And I-I really l-like you. I want to get to know you and not have to feel guilty or worried anymore. I just want to be able to be myself and smile again. You make me smile." 
Jeongguk presses his lips together after he's done talking and he notices how glossy your eyes have become during his talk. You nod to him before giving him a small smile. You lean forward before enveloping him in a hug, he feels his body relax and he didn't even know that he was tense. His arms snake around you before hugging you back. You could feel how fast his heart is beating through his chest as he holds you tightly. 
"You make me smile, too." Warmth starts to seep through him, starting at his heart and spreading through his limbs as he holds you close. Jeongguk pulls back before brushing some stray wisps of hair behind your ear. 
"I'm going to kiss you." You nod at his chivalry before closing your eyes. He takes this moment to look over your features, how soft and angelic you look in this lighting. He thumbs his finger over your bottom lip before leaning in and kissing you slowly.
His kiss was soft and sensual. A small jolt of electricity runs through you as he places one hand to the back of your neck. You would never have assumed this drop dead handsome man could kiss like this. His tongue licks over your bottom lip and it produces a fire in your belly. 
A gasp emits from you, mouth opening as your nerve endings tingle. Jeongguk takes the opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth. His tongue, tasting and caressing every inch of you before mingling your tongue with him. His hand pulls you closer, his instinct to have you close makes you mewl as you grab onto his tattooed arms. He pulls away, only to take large breaths to fill his lungs before diving back in. His hands find your hips before flipping you onto him. 
His back hits the mattress with a thud as you lean down to smother him with more kisses. His large hands trail downward. The feel of satin wraps him in a cloud of pure pleasure as his hands come to rest on your ass cheeks. He groans into your mouth and the sound is so intoxicating that you feel your core seeping with liquid pleasure. 
"You're so fucking gorgeous." He whispers as you kiss down his neck, your teeth gently biting at his smooth skin. Jeongguk's hips buck upwards as his eyes close. Behind his eyes all he can see is you, the image of you above him is a welcome sight photographed onto the back of his lids. You tug at his shirt and it brings him back to reality as he opens his eyes. He sits up only to tug off the white article of clothing. Your eyes marvel at his tattooed chest, the way the planes of his eight pack highlight each tattoo perfectly. Jeongguk grabs at the robe belt before pulling it undone. He takes a sharp inhale of breath before looking up at your eyes. 
"Are you sure?" You ask quickly, his blown out pupils shake as he chuckles. "Kiss me, baby." 
You can do nothing but oblige as his hands begin to trail over your bare thighs. His fingertips knead at your skin as he sits up. You wrap your legs around his waist before feeling how hard he is underneath you. A gentle mewl leaves your lips as he kisses down your neck with heated fervor. 
"Feel how hard my cock is for you?" Your arms wrap around his neck as your head lolls back. Jeongguk playfully nips at your bust line before groaning as you thrust your hips to his. 
"I'm going to cum in my pants if you keep doing that." 
"You feel so hard." Jeongguk smiles against your skin before kissing at your cheek. 
"All for you, baby." This was serious whiplash. You could never have expected this. Jeongguk flips you over with ease, his thick thighs pining you underneath him as his lips lazily traipse down your chest. 
His hand snakes underneath you before taking a moment to unhook your bra. It was clumsy but he was determined to do it with one hand. 
"It's been a while." His admission makes you giggle as he finally unhooks your bra. Jeongguk groans as he throws your bra onto the floor. Your nipples become stiff at his longing stare. 
"Fuck." His warm lips envelope one, his tongue flicking at the sensitive skin as you whimper out his name. Something possessive flits across his gaze as he stares up at you. His fingers trail your thighs before swiping up your soaked panties. You could feel how they stick to you, almost embarrassing soaked. 
"Say that again, baby. Say my name again." He rubs your clit through your underwear. The silken fabric feels amazing against your sensitive nub as you moan out. 
"Jeongguk." He hums before bending down and pecking your lips. 
"That's right. That's who you belong to now. And, I don't share." Is he telling you to quit your job? You don't have much time to dwell on it, though as his fingers hook into the sides of your panties before peeling them off of you. The cool air of the room berates your sodden cunt as your skin produces goosebumps. 
"Look how wet you are, baby. Soaked." His voice is that of wonder as he spreads your legs wide. His tongue licks at his lips as if he's seen a feast in a great banquet. 
"Please." You whimper as he bows his body down. 
"What do you want?" His lips kiss at your pubic bone, teasingly slow kisses litter your skin and upper thighs as he intertwines both of your hands locking them to your sides. 
"I want you to touch me." Jeongguk looks up at you, his black hair beginning to stick to his forehead as he smirks. 
"Want me to touch you like everyone else that comes in this room? You think you deserve it, baby?" You wiggle your hips, trying to thrust them towards him. 
Your cunt was aching, a dull pounding reverberates through your lower half as you bite your bottom lip. "Your pussy is soaked and I haven't even started. What does that say about you?" You gasp as he kisses your clit. 
"Jaebeom was in this room not too long ago. You remember him? He touched your pretty little pussy I bet. You think you deserve my touch?" Jeongguk gives a flat swipe with his tongue to your pussy, your body sags into the bed as he pulls away. 
"Fuck, you taste good." 
"I'll be good! Please!" Jeongguk chuckles before suckling at your pussy lips. 
"Please, Daddy." His tongue gives two quick licks to your clit before blowing on your pussy. Your cunt quivers and throbs as the ache begins to drive you insane. 
"Please, Daddy! Please!" Your hands are squeezing his so tightly, he wonders where you get the strength from for it. "Good girl." 
His lips suckle at your clit, his teeth rake gently against the sensitive nub as you moan loudly for him. He hums in agreement as you lift your hips to buck up into him wanting to feel more. He lets your hands go only to push your hips back down into the bed. 
"You taste fucking good, baby girl." He relishes in how fucked out you look already and he hasn't even made you cum yet. He was good at this sort of thing, this sexual torture. He revels in it. 
"Fuck!" Jeongguk smirks before teasing your entrance. His finger slowly enters you as your head falls back. 
"Nuh uh. Watch me. Watch me eat your pussy so well." You whimper, fingers gripping at his black hair as he curls his finger inside of you. 
"Jeongguk!" He likes when you call his name so he takes pity on you and adds a second finger. Your walls begin to flutter, your orgasm approaching at a high speed. 
"I-I'm gonna cum!" He pulls away as you whine out. 
"Tell me what you're mine and that you won't share and I'll let you cum." 
"What?!" You pull at his head but he doesn't budge. 
"Tell Daddy that you're his and his only." He enters his two fingers into you again. Slowly pumping them in as your clit throbs. 
"Daddy, please! I w-want to cum!" Jeongguk hums before spitting on your pussy. 
"That's not what I want to hear." You keen for him as he soothes your clit with a gentle suckle. 
"I'm yours, Daddy! Yours only." Jeongguk sits up before looking at you with passive eyes.
"Yeah, you are and you better remember that, baby girl." You moan loudly as he begins to flick quickly at your clit. His fingers fucking into you so fast it almost knocks the wind out of your lungs. His fingers curl, finding that one spot inside of you that has you melting into the bed. Your orgasm comes back and full throttle as you whinge. 
"Daddy, please! I'm going to cum." Jeongguk moans as he feels your walls coax him. 
"Cum for me." As if he has given you the right to do so, you orgasm for him. Your eyes fill with spots as your thigh tremble with pleasure. 
"Good girl." He pulls away from your clit, his fingers slowing as you come down from your high. You looked gloriously fucked out before him, thighs and cunt still twitching as you lick at your swollen, kissed lips. He pulls his fingers out of you and you mewl at the loss before lifting your head. "We aren't done here. I'll fill your needy cunt, baby girl. Don't worry about that." 
Jeongguk stands up tall, his hands pulling down his sweatpants as you sit up on your elbows. His cock springs out, slapping his stomach and smearing it with precum that seems to be oozing like a never ending waterfall. His tip was an angry red as he strokes at his long length. Okay, you knew he was hard before but this, this is impressive. He had the length and the girth that has your mouth watering as you look up at him through your lashes. He chuckles at your surprise before sitting up on the bed, back resting against the headboard. His hand lazily strokes his cock before tilting his head at you. 
"Come suck on Daddy's cock." You're quick to scramble in front of him, your body falling between his open legs as he stares down at you. He nods his head simply before letting his cock go. 
"No hands." He says as you go to grasp him. You lean down, swirling your tongue around the tip earning a sigh from him as he grasps your hair into a makeshift ponytail. 
"Suck Daddy's cock better than you did Namjoon hyungs." With pleasure. You swirl your tongue around the base before bobbing your head up and down with quick movements. 
"Oh fuck." Jeongguk's teeth clench as he watches your cheeks hollow out. You gag on his cock, spittle and tears streaming down your face as you look up at him. 
"That's a good girl. Choking on my big cock like some cum slut." You whimper against him, his eyes falling between your legs as your arousal and cum drip down your thighs. 
"This is the only cock you'll be sucking so you better take good care of it." You moan against him and Jeongguk's eyes flutter shut. You gag on him once more and he taps at your throat. 
"Take it in." You whimper quietly before relaxing your throat for him. Wanting to do nothing but please him as he looks back down at you. You nestle your nose against his bare pubic bone earnings a hum from Guk. 
"Good girl, baby." He tugs at your hair gently, testing the waters only to be rewarded with a whine. 
"Mmm. Fuck. You like that? Like being pulled like a little fucking rag doll? Hmm?" He pulls harder and you moan against him, the reverberation has his cock thrusting gently into your throat. 
"You're so fucking pretty choking on my cock like this." He pulls your head up, before pushing it back down on his member. His toes curling in pleasure as he groans. 
He does this a few more times gently before beginning to thrust into your throat. "Fuck! That's it! Take this cock baby girl. No one else gets to fuck this throat but Daddy. You hear me?" You moan for him as his cock begins to throb. 
"I'm going to cum down your throat and you're going to swallow and show me that you're a good little girl that can follow instructions." You grab at his thighs as he puts his hand around your throat, squeezing gentle as he feels his cock pumping in and out of you. That's all he needs before he's groaning loudly. 
"Oh Y/N, shit! I'm cumming!" The way he moans your name has you fueled with desire, you greedily guzzle his cum as he streams ropes down your throat. 
"Fuck, baby! Fuck." Jeongguk gasps, his head lolling back as he eases up on your head. You pull off of him before showing him your empty mouth. He hums before wrinkling his nose and leaning up to kiss you. 
"Good." He lays you down before twirling his finger. "Get going." 
You flip over, face down and ass up as Jeongguk slaps your ass. "Who do you belong to?" You moan as he soothes the rub, "You, Daddy." Jeongguk kisses down your back before spanking you again.
"That's right. Good girl." You whimper as his slaps get stronger. 
"You let Namjoon hyung cum in your pussy?" His question sounds rhetorical but you answer him anyway. 
"No Daddy, everyone uses condoms." Jeongguk hums at the information before running his cock through your soaked lips. You moan gently burying your face on the mattress. 
"Does Daddy have to use a condom? Is baby girl on birth control?" 
"Yes, Daddy. I want you to fill me, show me I'm yours." Jeongguk takes a sharp breath between his teeth before smiling. 
"Aren't you just a perfect little girl, hmm?" You smile at his praise before rubbing your pussy on his cock. Jeongguk groans before stilling your hips.
“Be good, don’t make me punish you. I just became your boyfriend, don’t make me scare you off.” You laugh at his comment and he chuckles in response before bending over you and kissing you softly. He prods the weeping head of his cock to your entrance before slowly pushing in.
Your mouth opens with a groan as he stretches you, “Thank Daddy for his big cock.” You whimper as Jeongguk buries himself to the hilt. Your cunt begins to accommodate the intrusion by relaxing on him. 
“Thank you Daddy.” He moans gently, his fingers gripping at your hips so hard you know you’ll bruise by tomorrow morning. But, fuck if it doesn’t feel good. He pulls out, his eyes marveling at how sodden his cock has become with your arousal before thrusting back in slowly. 
“Fuck, you’re so wet on Daddy’s cock. Jesus Fucking Christ.” You moan loudly, your fingers gripping at the white sheets as you spread your knees wider wanting more. Jeongguk thrusts harder, his power would send you up the bed if he didn’t have such a tight grasp on you. 
“So tight on me, baby girl. Like your pussy was made for me.” Your eyes roll back as he begins to bulldoze inside of you. Your thighs quake at the pleasure as Jeongguk wraps his hand around the back of your neck pulling your body back onto his cock. 
“Fuck, you feel so good. Such a cum hungry slut.” You moan loudly, as he picks your body up to press flush against his chest. His fingers toy with your nipples, plucking and rolling the stiff peaks between his fingertips as he suckles harshly on your neck. He paints your neck with pretty red and pink patches before burying his forehead in the crook of your neck. 
“Mine. All mine.” 
“Yes, Daddy! Yours! Fuck! Your cock feels so good!” This angle is perfect for your pleasure as the bulbous head of his cock brushes against your g-spot. 
“Yeah? Shit, you feel good on Daddy’s cock, baby girl. Daddy’s gonna cum in your little pussy and claim what’s his.”  His words goad you on to your next orgasm as his fingers open your pussy lips before rubbing at your soaked clit. You sob loudly, head lolling back on his shoulder as he clasps his arm around your waist holding you in place as he fucks you to his liking. 
“Such a pretty little thing getting fucked right open. You’re going to take my cum nice and deep. Hmm? Walk around with my cum running down your legs so everyone knows who you belong to?” You grip at his hair as you feel your second orgasm approaching. 
“Yes. Fuck! Yes! I want people to see you drip down my legs.” Jeongguk lets out an almost inhuman groan as he kisses across your jawline. Your pussy begins to flutter around him, the action making his cock throb. 
“Daddy, gonna cum. Can I?” Jeongguk could fucking die right now and he’d be pleased. 
“Cum on my cock baby. You deserve it.” You moan loudly, ears ringing as you orgasm. Your cum coats the bed and Jeongguk can only choke on a moan as he looks down. 
“Fuck, you’re so hot. Christ.” Your cunt begins to milk him in the aftershock of your orgasm, Jeongguk’s grip on you tightens as he moans. 
“I’m cumming. Fuck. Take it like a good girl. Take it deep.” He gasps loudly before stilling inside of you, his warm seed filling you as he gives a few more short thrusts before gripping you tightly and falling onto the bed.
You giggle before closing your eyes as he kisses the back of your head. “Turn and smile for me.” You raise an eyebrow before turning with a genuine smile. 
“I love that. You’re so beautiful when you smile.” He wrinkles his nose once more before kissing you gently. His teeth gently nipping at your bottom lip lovingly before sighing. Jeongguk pulls out of you before looking down at the mess your pussy makes as his cum floods out. 
“Fuck, look at that.” He murmurs before smirking. You lay on your back, eyes taking in his tattoo riddled body before smiling. Who knew the nervous man you met a while ago would turn into this. Jeongguk stands with a before hearing feet outside the door. He’s quick to grab his gun from the floor and cock it at the door as you raise an eyebrow. 
“Who?!” Jeongguk yells walking over to the liquor cabinet, his eyes still trained on the door. 
“Fuck off.” Jeongguk calls back before uncocking his gun and putting it on the wooden table. 
“You’re kinda hot Jeon Jeongguk.” You tell him as you sit up against the headboard. He gives a whole hearted laugh, his back muscles tensing and releasing as he pours two glasses of whisky. 
“You’re kinda hot too, baby.” He turns back to you, eyes glued to your cum laden pussy before pointing at you. 
“I meant what I said. You’re mine. No one else's.” You sigh gently before closing your legs. 
“This is my job.” Jeongguk clicks his teeth before walking the expanse of the floor and handing you the whisky glass. 
“We’ll find you something else to do. Jimin’s wife was supposed to be a maid and look where she is now. She can teach you how to be a vixen like she is.” Jeongguk presses his lips to your temple before pulling your naked body to his. You ponder this for a second, you had told him before you never wanted to do this but it paid well. And, you trust him enough to not lead you down the wrong path. “Alright.”
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You stand with Jeongguk in his bedroom, his eyes flitting to the green dress he bought Lee that many years ago on the day she was murdered. 
"You don't have to do this, you know. I understand." You whisper to your fiance as you hug his broad back. His hand rubs comforting strokes at your arms around his waist before turning to you. 
"Yes, I do. I've moved on. I'm happy. We've been together for two years. It's time for this to go." You look over at the dress before looking up into his doe eyes. Although one is black and bruised from a fight he got into not long ago because someone looked at you too sexually they still had this innocent look to them. A look that melts your heart as he opens up your bedroom door. He holds his hand out and you take it without a second thought. He leads you down the hallway and down the staircase as you both pass Jimin's wife. 
"What're you doing?" She asks, raising an eyebrow as Jeongguk balls up the green dress. 
"Tying up loose ends." She hums in confusion before shrugging. 
"Have fun, meeting in thirty minutes. Y/N, I expect you to be there." 
"Yes ma'am!" You call back to her as Jeongguk continues to pull you. 
Jeongguk wraps his arm around your waist as you walk out into the garden. Your feet feel the green blades of grass underfoot as you walk out to the firepit behind the row of rose bushes. Jeongguk looks up at the orange sky before sighing. 
"Baby-" He throws the dress into the pit without another word before grabbing a book of matches from his pants pocket. He lights a match before throwing it into the fire pit and looking at you. 
"I love you, baby girl." 
"I love you, too." He sits down on the stone bench before patting his thighs. You sit on him sideways, your arms wrapping around his neck as he leans his cheek against your breast. He watches the green fabric blacken as it scorches to nothingness. He was finally happy, he was finally safe within the confines of someone's heart and he couldn't ask for anything more. He rocks you gently as you run your fingers through his hair. Lee never came back to visit him. Not in his dreams or anywhere else. But, he didn't need her to, he found his own happiness.
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kellerdrei · 4 years
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Als letzte Amtshandlung in diesem Jahr laden wir herzlich zum  ArtMart 2019​, dem vorweihnachtlichen Kunst-Markt, in den Keller Drei (Weidendamm 28, 30167 Hannover):
am 21. und 22.12. je von 12-18h könnt ihr bei uns Last-Minute-Weihnachtsgeschenke finden, Glühwein trinken und euch das  umfangreiche Programm ansehen. Dieses Jahr gibt es bei uns noch mehr als sonst!
Auf unseren 260 Quadratmetern findet ihr Stände mit:
Malerei ° Illustration ° Zeichnung ° Tattoo ° Kalligrafie ° Klecksographie ° Fotografie ° Poesie ° Scherenschnitt ° Collage ° Grafitti ° Comics ° Magazine ° Live Malen ° Portrait zeichnen ° Video/Film-Vorführung ° Live Musik ° Lesung ° Bastel-Ecke ° Flohmarkt ° Glühwein ° Kaffee ° Kuchen ° uvm
Kauft Kunst direkt von den Künstler*innen oder lasst euch noch schnell etwas anfertigen. Gestaltet und verpackt eure Geschenke direkt vor Ort selber am Basteltisch, entspannt euch mit Glühwein und Kuchen in unserer Kino-Ecke, lasst euch tätowieren, portraitieren, fotografieren oder eure Namen kalligrafieren: es gibt genug Auswahl und garantiert etwas, das ihr nach Hause nehmen könnt! Wer bereits alle Geschenke zusammen hat, kommt bei uns aber auch auf seine Kosten: der Markt ist ebenso gut geeignet, einfach eine gute Zeit zu haben und sich das reichhaltige Programm anzusehen!
Der Eintritt ist frei, Spenden natürlich willkommen!
Der jährliche ArtMart im Keller Drei bietet eine echte Alternative zu anderen Märkten: statt Weihnachtsdeko, Kunsthandwerk und DIY-Ware gibt es hier vor allem künstlerische Kleinigkeiten, Originale, Drucke, Aktionen und saison-unabhängige Besonderheiten. Damit möchten wir einen Einblick in die Kunstszene Hannovers geben und Gelegenheit bieten, diese zu unterstützen.
PS: wir nehmen wieder Kuchen-Spenden entgegen. Wer etwas dazu beisteuern will, kann einfach vorbei kommen und etwas abgeben.
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merrymessages · 2 years
Dezember 3, 2021: Lust auf mehr vom Guten
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Ja der Titel könnte mein Lebensmotto sein aber es geht hier um den Namen der Ausstellung im Forum Würth in Rorschach. Und er passt zum Tag 3 meines Adventskalenders. Eine meiner besten Freundinnen ist vom weit entfernten Adliswil bis über den Brodworschtgraben (grad hinter Winterthur) nach Rorschach gekommen, weil sie mich vor meinem Abflug nochmals sehen wollte. Und weil sie nicht gerne Grossveranstaltungen hat, an denen sie kaum zum Plaudern kommt mit mir,,. Aber die sind ja jetzt auch abgesagt.
 Wir haben es uns im schönen und feinen Restaurant Löwengarten richtig gut gehen lassen. Schöne Deko, edle Einrichtung und sehr feines Essen und Trinken. Wir haben uns ausgetauscht, viel gelacht, ein paar Rückblenden gemacht und uns ganz einfach gefreut drüber, dass unsere Freundschaft schon seit 1989 besteht. Ein echtes Privileg, wenn man sich einfach so mitten am Tag so etwas gönnen kann.
Danach sind war am See entlang spaziert und haben es genossen zu sehen, wie schön sich der See heute wieder präsentierte. Ein richtiger schöner Spaziergang bis zum Forum Würth. 
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Das letzte Mal hatten wir nämlich die Zeit unterschätzt und auch nicht eingerechnet, dass das Museum nur bis 17.00 Uhr offen war… aber dieses Mal sind wir früh. Wir werden von ein paar Dingen im Museums-Shop angezogen, gehen aber zuerst in die Ausstellung „Lust auf Mehr“. Wir Fachsimpeln über die Bilder, fragen uns bei manchen was sie wohl zu bedeuten haben. Über einige wusste ich auch schon mehr, weil ich ab und Veranstaltungen wie Filmvorträge oder Seminare besuche.
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Danach geht es zur Ausstellung Art Faces. Verschiedene Fotografen zeigen Portraits von Künstler:innen. So spannend, weil man zwar ein Bild von Dali oder Picasso hat aber weisst du, wie Ferdinand Hodler oder Matisse ausgesehen hat?
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Dann gibt es in der Cafeteria einen feinen Tee aus ganz schönen Tassen (kann man auch im ArtShop kaufen) und wir freuen uns einfach drüber, dass Rorschach ein so wunderbares Kulturangebot hat und ich einfach den richtigen Wohnort gewählt habe. 
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Durch die Foto Ausstellung von Barbara Dombroswki Tropic_Ice geht es dann nur ganz schnell, denn ich muss ja um 18.00 Uhr schon wieder auf dem Lindenplatz stehen…
Weil Advent ist dürfen wir uns im Laden noch ein Lösli nehmen und ich kriege noch eine tolle Wundertüte mit interessantem Inhalt geschenkt. Wenn das nicht Lust auf Mehr gibt, dann weiss ich auch nicht mehr weiter… Mehr Bodensee, mehr Freundschaft, mehr Kunst, mehr Kultur, mehr Dezemberwetter, mehr Rorschach, mehr Kreativität und getreu meinem Motto: ein bisschen Mehr von allem Guten!
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mythofasia · 3 years
Order Your Diamond Painting from Myth Of Asia™ Now!
\During the lockdown caused by COVID-19, there was a rapid increase in sale of diamond painting in Germany. This is because people were at home and had nothing to do in their spare time. Many of them discovered their hidden interests and have shown interest in learning different art forms. People who thought that painting was a difficult taskalso enjoyed learning and making a diamond painting. The process of making a diamond painting Deutsch is quite simple as it does not involve any messy colors and spoiling your hands and clothes. Myth Of Asia™is a store online where you can get your set of diamond paintings. This store is a place where you would find plenty of options when it comes to diamond painting. The store gives you an option to buy paint that you can create on your own or diamond painting that is already complete. You have a choice to pick from hundreds of themes or you can also place an order for getting customized painting as well. So, if you desire to surprise your loved ones, you can place an order for their portrait diamond painting. Myth Of Asia™ will prepare a stencil on the canvas and provide you with diamonds, needle, pen and other tools to complete the painting. If you want to see what people have done after buying paintings from Myth Of Asia™, you can see their experience and their journey’s on the social media handle of the company. Many customers shared that their experiences were quite emotional and refreshing. You can see their stories when you follow Myth Of Asia™ on Instagram and YouTube. You will get a better understanding of what it is going to be when you make a painting and buy it from this platform. You can order the painting and it will safely get delivered to your destination. All you need to do is add the products to your cart and when you will make payment, you can confirm your delivery address. To buy diamond painting in the store (diamond painting im laden kaufen) there is no better store than Myth Of Asia™that can promise you quality and affordability at the same time. So, what are you waiting for? Check the themes on which you would want to make a diamond painting and place an order immediately. For more information, visit https://www.mythofasia.de/ Original Reference: https://bit.ly/2L61tGt
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craft2eu · 3 years
Doris Bank - Portrait im Laden: München bis 03.07.2021
Doris Bank – Portrait im Laden: München bis 03.07.2021
*ERINNERUNGEN, DIE UNSER HERZ BERÜHREN, GEHEN NICHT VERLOREN* … und wir erleben, wie sehr wahre Freundschaft über den Tod hinaus reichen kann. Ute Kathrin Beck ist mit Doris Bank befreundet und sie ist auch die Anstifterin zu dieser posthumen Schau der exquisiten Keramiken und Porzellane von Doris Bank , die im Herbst 2019 starb. Mit Unterstützung vieler Freunde und Wegbegleiter wurde diese…
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sn-noir · 4 years
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Ich bin sehr an Menschen interessiert u. finde es total spannend Menschen zu porträtieren. Diese Aufnahme ist während eines Shootings im Laden von Michaela u. Stefan Weiss @weisswomenandmen in Kronach entstanden. Es war menschlich u. lichttechnisch ein schöner Samstagnachmittag u. das Photographieren hat richtig Spass gemacht. Ich verwendete eine Canon EOS 5D mit einer 100 mm Festbrennweite - ich mag u. schätze Festbrennweiten sehr. . . ‪#SNS #SaC #LyrikerAusKronach #DichterAusKronach #Denker #Dichter #Kronach #portrait #portraitphotography #schwarzweiss #blackandwhite (hier: Weiss women & men) https://www.instagram.com/p/CECJQJ3BXVS/?igshid=1qqrzg982brzq
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sibyllelienhard · 2 years
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Skizzenskribbelheft mit Eintracht Frankfurtpokaljubel, und Skizzen von Läden: das alternative Projekt, was nun nichts fürs stadtlabor geworden ist - eine Laden-Portraitserie der InhaberInnen und ihrem Geschäft in der Stadt und das Einzelhandelssterben, Zeichnen von der Skyline mit zoom in die Straße bis ins Geschäft hinein zum Portrait und der persönlichen Geschichte, als Teil der Stadt. Das braucht aber doch noch ein anderes und eigenes Format. Fürs stadtlabor war so viel Text nicht handhabbar. Danke an Halil Özak, dem ehemaligen Ladeninhaber von Schreibwaren Bayar auf der @bergerstrasse und so vielen Unternehmungen mehr für den ausführlichen Einblick und das Engagement, die Zeit und den Tee, ist alles nicht vergessen, das Thema nicht! „Die Tür ist nie zu. Sie muss immer einen Spalt offen sein.“ sagte er. Vielleicht für ein anderes Projekt @histmus ? Dann noch Café @lucille_frankfurt und Kneipen Skizzen im Stadtteil hier zwischen den Stühlen von Bornheim und Nordend, dem Bornend. Und ja, ich sollte besser auf mein Heft aufpassen und es nicht so ausfransen lassen. #skizzennebenan #skizzenheft #skizzenbuch #croquis #sketchbook #eintrachteuropapokal #eintrachtfrankfurtinternational🏆 #uskrheinmain #einzelhandelfrankfurt #ladenportrait #bockenheim #frankfurtbornheim #franfkurtnordend #bornend #schirmklippel #schreibwarenbayar #halilozak #ladensterben #einzelhandelportrait #englertbockenheim #klosterfraumelissengeist (hier: Frankfurt, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiiJX_sMzMX/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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go360photo · 4 years
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Ich bin ja nun wirklich alles andere als ein Influencer. Als Fotograf versucher ich seit über 40 Jahren mit Kreativität und Qualität durchs Leben zu gehen. Trotzdem, oder vielleicht gerade deshalb, arbeite ich auch immer wieder mit gesponserten Produkten. Die aktuellen Zusammenarbeiten mit Pedego E-Bikes, Ricoh Theta und anderen Firmen sind im Gange und nun kommt eine neue Marke hinzu. Xioami ist wohl im Moment die Erfolgsstory schlichthin. Noch vor Kurzem kannte niemand diese Marke und nun ist sie auf dem Weg zur Nummer Eins. Ich arbeite zur Zeit als Fotograf mit dem Model Mi 10. Die Kamera ist qualitativ mit nichts zu vergleichen. Dank 5G geht das rauf und runter laden in Lichtgeschwindigkeit. Deshalb freue ich mich sehr auf die weitere Zusammenarbeit mit Xioami. Bald werdet hier die ersten Bilder, aufgenommen mit dem Mi 10 gepostet. Seit gespannt! I am really anything but an influencer. As a photographer I have been trying to go through life with creativity and quality for over 40 years. Nevertheless, or maybe just because of that, I also work with sponsored products again and again. Current collaborations with Pedego E-Bikes, Ricoh Theta and other companies are underway and now a new brand is being added. Xioami is probably the success story at the moment. Not long ago nobody knew this brand and now it is on its way to becoming number one. I'm currently working as a photographer with the model Mi 10, which is a camera that can't be compared to anything else. Thanks to 5G it goes up and down at the speed of light. That's why I'm really looking forward to the further cooperation with Xioami. Soon the first pictures, taken with the Mi 10, will be posted here. Be curious! #googlestreetview #googlestreetviewtrusted #google #virtualtour #360photography #portrait #porträtfotograf #porträt #360photography #panoramic #go360.photo #photo #photography #dronephotography #photographer #360foto #foto360 #360photo #djimavic2pro #dji #djimavic #hasselblad #drone #dronephotography #drohne #drohnenfotografie #waldshut #badenwuertemberg #blackforest #germany #switzerland #pedego #ricoh #xioami @pedego @ricoh @xioami
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beiankunftauskunft · 7 years
24. Wohnungsdialoge (I)
24. Wohnungsdialoge (I)
- Und? (genervt) - Hi! Was und? - Wollt ihr schon bestellen? - Na ich weiß nicht. Hast du denn schon...? - Wenn ihr noch braucht, komm ich später... - Nein, nein. Ich nehme Panini mit Tomaten-Paprika-Creme, Walnüssen, Tomaten, Weichkäse und Rucola. - Okay. - Und ich nehme...ähm... die mit Couscous gefüllten Paprika am Jogurth-Minz-Dip mit Gurken. - Was trinken? - Ein helles Rollberg... - Für mich einen grünen Veltliner und eine Rhabarbersaft-Schorle. - ... - Boah! Wie ist die denn heut drauf? So maulig. Da bekomm ich gleich schlechte Laune. - Wer weiß, was die so gestresst hat. Das letzte Mal war sie eigentlich nett. - Und uneigentlich? - Uneigentlich auch. (lacht) - Eigentlich kann ich sie gut verstehen. Da guckst du aus dem Fenster und siehst drüben die reiche Konkurrenz. Der eigene Laden läuft nur so mittel und bei denen da tobt der Bär. Was sind das überhaupt für Typen? Kennst du jemanden, der schon dort war? - Nö. Im Neuköllner hab ich mal ein Portrait über einen Kerl gelesen, der wohnt Braunschweigerstraße. Dort, wo draussen am Hauseingang die Halbstarken und Dealer rumlungern. Der macht irgendwie was mit Mode und geht dort immer hin, weil der Kaffee gut sei. Er hat im Interview auch gesagt, dass er die Dealer immer grüßt. Ha! Wenn du das Foto von ihm gesehen hättest, würdest du wissen, dass das Angeberei ist. Ich kauf ihm das nicht ab. Never! - Aha. Weil der Kaffee gut sein soll, geht der dort hin? Und dafür haben die die Ladenfläche ein Jahr lang entkernt? Und eine übelst teure Hitech-Küche übelst aufwendig einbauen lassen? Inklusive Ablassventil für abgeschiedenes Fett direkt in der Hausfassade. Irre. - Dein Antifa-Freund hat sich dort neulich auch mit Edding auf den Tischen draussen verewigt. Verpisst euch very much steht da, glaub ich, drauf. - Skeeter? Der Typ ist nicht mein Freund. Wenn die Antifa wüsste, was der treibt, würden die dem den Edding wegnehmen. Oder die Finger brechen. Oder beides. Letztens hat er an der internationalen Kita nebenan irgendwas wirres mit Revolte, Gewalt und Leben gekrakelt. Der peilt es einfach nicht. Wahrscheinlich ist der genauso besoffen, wie die nächtlichen Pöbel-Trolle im Facebook. - Mit dem Unterschied, dass man den Besoffen-auf-Facebook-Kram am nächsten Tag wieder löschen kann. - Stimmt genau. - So. Einmal Panini, hier die Paprika. Ihr Bier. Bitteschön. Und der Wein und die Rhabarberschorle. Guten Appetit. - Danke. - Na dann. Lass es dir schmecken. - Dir auch. - ... - ... - Du, Ich hab mir die Wohung angeschaut, von der du erzählt hast. - Echt? Hast du? Und? - Anschauen ist fast zu viel gesagt. Da waren minimum einhundert Leute da. Alle wegen dieser einen Wohnung. - Wahnsinn. - Du hättest sehen müssen, wie die sich benommen haben. Auweia. Da tun sich Abgründe auf. Der Vormieter, also der, der die Wohnung jetzt weitervermieten will, hatte dort Zettel ausgelegt. Damit sich die Interessenten mit ihren Daten eintragen können. Da war ein Typ, der hat gleich mal einen Stapel ausgefüllter Zettel heimlich - so schwups -  in seiner Tasche verschwinden lassen. Andere hatten richtig beeindruckende Exposés über sich selbst mitgebracht, teilweise seitenlang und bebildert. Da fragst du dich erstens: Wer macht so was? und zweitens: Was soll das bringen, außer ein übersteigertes Ego auszustellen? Auch wie sich die Leute verhalten haben: mit so einer unterschwelligen Aggression. Einer blieb minutenlang in einem Türrahmen stehen und verwehrte damit den anderen Besuchern den Zutritt zu weiteren Zimmern. Dabei tat er so, als würde er geschäftig irgendwas mit seinem Handy machen. Der ließ die Besichtiger quasi von sich abprallen. Und so ein Büro-Mensch im Maßanzug stolzierte herrisch herum und fabulierte mit seinem Etepetete-Frauchen laut über die zukünftige Inneneinrichtung. Ein Paar bot dem Vormieter sogar einen Pachtgarten an, um den Zuschlag zu bekommen. Die festgelegte Ablösesumme von 7500 Euro sollte natürlich erlassen werden. Und ganz zum Schluss, eigentlich schon nach Ende der Besichtigungszeit, kreuzte - das glaubst du nicht - noch ein weiteres Paar auf. Du hättest die Frau sehen sollen: Kleines Schwarzes, Riemchen-Pumps, Möpse knapp unters Kinn geschnallt. Ihr Freund Schrägstrich Ehemann hat sie dann allein gelassen, damit sie sich "umsehen" könne. Ich bin dann auch gegangen, aber die Intention dieser letzten Besucher war schon ziemlich offensichtlich. - Schrecklich. Ich hab dir doch gesagt, dass die Leute in dieser Stadt immer seltsamer werden. Aber erzähl endlich: Wie war nun die Wohnung? - Die Wohnung ist schon toll. Keine Frage. Große, hohe Räume, Stuckdecken. Zwei Bäder fand ich ein wenig übertrieben, ist aber okay. - Also willst du sie nehmen? - Nein. - Warum nicht? - Wegen dem Rattenkönig. Von dem hat mir der Typ vom Späti unten im Haus erzählt. - Rattenkönig? Was ist das? - Musst du dir ein Rattennest vorstellen. In diesem Rattennest leben hunderte Ratten. Die verheddern sich irgendwann mit ihren Schwänzen zu einem riesigen Knäul. Und dieses Knäul ist dann sozusagen wie ein Organismus. Babyratten werden geboren, rennen draussen rum, schleppen Fressen an und verknäulen sich mit den anderen, wenn sie groß genug sind... - Ekelhaft. Gut, dass ich kein Fleisch bestellt habe. Das ist ja gruselig. - Eben! Der Späti-Typ hat weiterhin erzählt, dass unter der Brandmauer vom Haus ein verschütteter Keller ist. Dort lebt der Rattenkönig. Giftköder haben da keine Chance. Normalerweise müsste man unterirdisch aufwendig einen Mauerdurchbruch vornehmen und das Vieh dann mit einem Flammenwerfer... - Krass! Ich will's garnicht wissen... - Hm. Das mit dem Flammenwerfer geht aber nicht. Wegen der Statik von dem Haus. - Kann das sein, dass du mich gerade verarschst? - Ich? Niemals! Außerdem hat mir der Späti-Typ gesagt: nie im Leben  würde der Hauseigentümer einem Nachmietervertrag zustimmen. Ist ja klar, der ist ja nicht dumm, dafür aber geldgeil. Bei einer Neuvermietung kann der Eigentümer nämlich wieder dicke 20 Prozent mehr Miete kassieren. Bei einer Nachvermietung durch den Vormieter bleibt es bei der alten Miete. - War das Theater also komplett für umsonst? - Könnte man meinen. Jedenfalls hab ich mir noch andere Wohnungen angeguckt. Kannst du alle vergessen: entweder überteuert wie sonstwas oder langweilig und dunkel. Also bin ich zu meinem Vermieter und hab ihm nach zähem Ringen meine Wohnung und auch die leerstehende Nachbarwohnung abgekauft. Nächste Woche kommen die Handwerker. Die machen zwei Wände weg und mauern eine Wohnungstür zu. - Du bist verrückt. Du nimmst mich doch schon wieder auf den Arm! - Nö. Ich hab mir das ziemlich rational überlegt. Immerhin ist das die erste sechsstellige Summe, die ich investiere. Wir haben dann also 125 Quadratmeter und fünf Zimmer. Hier ist dein Schlüssel.
(Und Annabell so: *freu)
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wintersonnenblende · 7 years
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Nach der Fotosession ist bei der Fotosession. Selbst, wenn man nach einer kleinen Tour im Nachhinein noch zum Kaffeetrinken zusammen sitzt, liegen die Fotoapparate noch bereit und laden dazu ein, das ein oder andere Foto zu machen. Selbst, wenn die Lichtverhältnisse unter aller Sau sind. Macht aber nichts, wenn die Person dafür wunderschön ist. Da darf ein Foto ruhig mal rauschen. @mexicolita_ • • • • • #portraitphotography #hildesheim #portraits #portraiture #olympusomd #olympus #omd #em1 #woman #beautiful #silence #nocticron #yellow #portraitpage #portraitmood #makeportraits #portrait_perfection #portrait_shots #portraits_ig #face #rsa_portraits #portraitphotographer #pursuitofportraits #postthepeople #eyes #instaart http://ift.tt/2n6vzrQ
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