#Power of Payment
blog-eatos12 · 4 months
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rhapsoddity · 5 months
I know you said Spectrum is Emmet’s favorite for the gossip, but I feel like xer also a bit tired of just making ponchos for him
You'd be surprised how many ponchos Spectrum's llamas get through, Emmett's fabric provider finds it funny how much he's constantly buying
tbh but also Spectrum pays the best cus he's absolutely loaded
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bmoreisapunkrocktown · 2 months
It is such a petty and dumb thing to complain about, but the Biden administration dangling student debt relief in my face as a way to try to convince me to Vote Blue (TM) is part of the reasons I vote third party.
"If you apply for THIS plan, your payments could be $160 over the next 3 years, and then your loan will be forgiven." - Excellent, obviously I want that.
"But the meanies in Congress won't let us do that! So your payment is $305 for the foreseeable future, with no possibility of forgiveness. If only we had a Democrat-run Congress, then maybe we could implement our other plan. You know what to do!" - Fuck you.
I happen to know for a fact that there are all kinds of things that the Dept. of Ed can legally do regarding student loan debt (because I know their GC) that they simply don't want to do. They're just not interested.
Instead they're attempting to extort millions of borrowers by promoting low payments they know that they won't charge people and blaming it all on the "opposing party"
"But, M! It'll be worse under Trump!" Consider: If a pitcher tells everyone they're trying really hard to not hit people with the ball, but does, is that better than the pitcher who says they like it when they hit someone with the ball? To many liberals, the answer is yes, because intent matters, but we're still getting hit with the ball no matter what.
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sunderwight · 11 months
Scenario where Crowley, actually being crow-like rather than snake-like in this regard (or perhaps dragon-like) has spent a lot of his time on earth accumulating a hoard of supernatural treasures that he just sort of keeps shoved in a storage unit somewhere.
Most of it are things that other demons or angels have lost on Earth, or occult tools that humans have made that proved a little too effective at doing dangerous or inconvenient things that like, threaten to unleash the hordes of hell onto the world (Hell approves of intervening because the understaffing issue means they don't actually want a whole bunch of demons suddenly taking unsanctioned holidays on Earth). But basically if an angel accidentally drops their celestial harp or some guy comes up with a way to hack a direct line to Satan, Crowley goes and fetches the relevant artifact and then, because Hell's bureaucracy is a joke and they never actually check, he just sort of keeps hold of them instead of sending them back to head office.
Crowley's got his own unit somewhere full of Indiana Jones style treasures. Holy grail, Ark of the Covenant type shit. Half of it is broken and a lot of it even he is uncertain of the provenance of, whether it was made by angels or demons or humans in some cases is tricky to discern, and some of those things are just objects that were causing trouble or seemed liable to and so he grabbed them and stuffed them in a box and forgot about them.
Usually he brings the books to Aziraphale first, but there are some he's grabbed while they were in "not speaking to one another" phases of their relationship, and Crowley only cared to remember to show them to the angel if he thought that Aziraphale would find them interesting. (Crowley, despite having spent a lot of time listening to Aziraphale talk about books, still does not actually know a lot about books, and so is not always a good judge of what might be interesting.)
Basically where this is going is: Crowley has had the Book of Life moldering in his storage locker for decades, and he has no idea. It just looks like a kind of shabby, big old book! There isn't even a title on the cover, and he could never get it to open, so he thought it was a dud book or something (again, he doesn't really 'get' books). He got it off of some charlatan occultists in the 1500's who were running a con about being able to summon angels, but then actually did manage to summon Aziraphale, which annoyed Crowley (interrupted dinner) so he stormed in all demon-like, put the fear of Satan into them, and took away all of their stuff. He would have shown Aziraphale the book, but they got into a fight straight afterwards so instead Crowley just added it to his hoard of crap and completely forgot it existed. The renaissance was going on, there were a lot of distractions! How would Heaven even lose something as important as the Book of Life?
Anyway, this has led to a massive misunderstanding that coincided with Aziraphale's genuine interest in books, where the Metatron thinks that Aziraphale somehow figured out that the Book of Life went missing and has been covertly blackmailing him for centuries with the offer to discreetly find it (via various rare book dealers and underground book circles specializing in occult books, like prophetic tomes and etc), and Aziraphale just thinks he's successfully convinced Heaven's upper management that a bookshop is a perfectly good celestial embassy.
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screenshot-thoughts · 8 months
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$50/MONTH, 10 YEARS= $6,000”
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my mission to radicalize my Chinese immigrant neighbour named Jeff about landlords/rents continues
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kitwilsonsass · 9 months
sending an extremely karen email because my power company that said i didn't need to worry about anything because their whack ass bill was being corrected has now, without notice, put a SHUT OFF WARNING ON MY ACCOUNT THAT I ONLY SAW BECAUSE I LOGGED INTO THEIR WEBSITE TO SEE IF IT WAS CORRECTED YET SINCE IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE BY NOW
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missazura · 1 year
me watching the movie: what if I too, have been lead astray by the devil because I lost my faith in God to protect me. have I been doing things wrong,,, what have I done oh my god I have to repent and ask for forgiveness
Philip in my head:
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machinavocis · 8 months
let the record show that i hate computers & my career was a mistake.
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llycaons · 4 months
I don't rly mind hand-wavy bs to make the flashback era nice. I'm actually MORE annoyed by fix-its that try to make some characters better people and correct all the issues that led to nightless in the first place bc it's like the author thinks they can outsmart the situation and ummm you can't! point A was always going to lead to point D! otherwise the characters wouldn't be who they are and the political and social setting simply wouldn't matter! but if it's a silly canon divergence where nothing is rly explained that's fine ajehdjs
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Hmm. I’m having yakuza!Makoto thoughts
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anonymusbosch · 1 year
here's a tech tidbit for the day. in large part, the US's current lack of green energy isn't because the tech doesn't exist or that the tech isn't cheap/competitive with fossil fuels - it's because of bureaucratic tangles and permitting delays. Right now it can take new power projects five full years just to get approved to connect to the power grid. (On average, it's taking 3.7 years).
As of the end of 2021, there was over a terawatt of green energy storage waiting to get approval to connect to the grid. That's more than all the energy currently generated in the US. For the most part, these aren't completed projects waiting to connect - they're projects that are ready to build waiting for approval before they break ground, or are partially built and getting their application in so that they're not waiting between construction and transmission. Many requests in the queue will never get built (some because they can't afford to wait in line for five years, or lose land rights, or have their interconnect denied, or require costly restudies after design changes, or for unrelated reasons) but even if the historical rate of 25% of them were to succeed, that's still hundreds of gigawatts of power and enough to more-than-replace all the coal plants in the US.
That's not the only obstacle to construction (see also: transmission capacity, load balancing, environmental studies, permitting, and a host of other factors). To be clear: waving a magic wand and lifting this particular barrier wouldn't mean green energy right away forever. But this problem is a decent representative of the type of obstacle green energy faces. Generation and transmission of energy are - largely - cheap and efficient. Getting systems approved and integrated across a morass of local, state, and federal governments, utility companies, and ISOs? Slow and hard.
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sometimesanalice · 2 years
What’s In a Bedroom?
If you’re wondering what Bradley’s bedroom looks like in “What’s In a Name?” I’ve been working on a little something todayyyy 😏
I’ll share it a bit later tonight!
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fancylala4 · 9 months
Well I lost a follower for a reblog that says that we live under a one party system in the us government and voting for the lesser of two evils won’t save us. I used to believe that voting for someone of the lesser of two evils was a good idea and would make a difference. Even if the lesser of two evils is awful and a racist person. However, I see now that isn’t. Things have gotten bad to worse and the current people in power didn’t even do anything about it. They just let it happen and broke every single promise to us. How can things get worse if an awful guy wins over the less awful guy who’s in power now when the current guy isn’t doing anything to help us and is making things worse? And continues the same awful policies that the awful guy did and is going against what most people want? And most importantly Is currently backing one of the biggest war crimes in history right now? Newsflash dummy, we are already in hell and saying that the other guy is going to make things worse when things are already fucking bad is fucking stupid! No one should have to vote for an awful candidate who is not only part of the biggest crime we are seeing right now but isn’t doing anything to help us! We need better options and there are better options. Voting doesn’t always help. If you really think that voting for a “less” terrible candidate over another terrible candidate, you’re a damn fool. We saw what happened in 2016 elections ( they did that lesser of two evils shit and that didn’t work) and the same thing is going to happen next year if we’re going to have vote for the same shitty guy we currently have in office!
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maranull · 10 months
I bloody love my Poly build, therefore I'll talk about it again. First, a quick clip I found pretty smooth:
And a harder fight in this Youtube link cause Tumblr video quality is... not for this game. (not that YT is handling it much better, but hey, it is slightly better) I'm still not that used to the full melee gameplay, which is why I tend to forget that the charged dagger can and will catch dodging ACs much better than the normal attacks. But I'll get there :P
Build and changes under the cut.
I had to do some visual changes that I don't prefer over the original design (namely the torso and legs), but the gameplay boost is honestly worth it. I do like the new head though, it has a better "hair" look, I think.
Normally I would have a napalm launcher in her right hand, but it sends me over the EN load so I scrapped it. I also switched to hovering turrets, cause I can keep track of them better, and they serve the same thematic and functional purpose as the laser drones. And I feel like they do better consistent damage. All the frame changes (part from the head) are to accommodate the low EN output of the fast recharging generator and to give the arms the best melee attack possible.
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Also, just look at her.
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Badass looking Polyanna.
I'm so happy with this build. :D
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I do not believe those two face lying crooks in the senate who opposed Joe's student debt because they opposed all his other stuff before the election and were bought off and voted to pass all his awful policies that continue to hurt the American people. A big fuck you to Manchin and Sinema.
What are you on about? They both voted to kill Biden's student loan plan
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