#Premature skin
It's a natural treatment for uncomfortable acne and pimples. Its antimicrobial powers kill germs trapped in the acne pus and cleanse the region. It clears acne, eliminates acne-causing germs, and prevents recurrence. It also eliminates dirt and pollutants from the skin. Pure Marjoram Essential Oil contains anti-oxidants that attach to free radicals, promoting premature skin and body aging. It also inhibits oxidation, reducing fine lines, wrinkles, and darkening around the lips. It also helps faster healing of facial wounds and bruises while reducing scars and blemishes. It is a natural tonic with a good impact on the endocrine system, which is in charge of hormone synthesis in humans.
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novaskincare123 · 1 year
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technicolourcowboy · 3 months
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Back on my metal AU bullshit 😼🙏 Hally would defo need some music lessons from Howdy lmao
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Lil air-guitar nerds ^ 🤭🤭
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drawing edgy confrontations is something that can be so personal
Oc lore tidbits… oc lore crumbs…
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The metal AU Holloways didn’t have the best home-life growing up :[ They both wanted OUT but Hudson only had enough money for one train ticket ✌️😔 you snooze you lose monster boy!!!
They’re around 20 and 15 here, and don’t form the band until about 7 years later :] teehee
+ parent reveal !
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we love terrible dads ‘round these parts
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yesyourstalker · 4 months
Mahi: ..….... *sleep*...........*sleep*...........*sleep*
Neta:......*eating*.....*eating*...... Really mahi?
News anchor: it's going to be a cloudy day today folks. low humidity with a slight breeze out we do have a slight chance of rain tonight and off of this week so enjoy this day while we have it
[beep beep]
Gai(deadbeat): I'm out side
Neta: I'll be out in a sec
Neta: mahi get up you're closing the store today remember. You're late
Neta: mahi!
Mahi: mmmmmm.....
Neta: mahi!.
Mahi: I'm up! I'm up ........ ...... can I get another pain killer before I go?
Neta: *sigh*...........there might be some in the cabinet
Mahi: alright.......... which bottles is it you have tons of pills in here
Neta:*sigh*.......with the yellow label in the white bottle...*huff* let me get it ..................here, this one isn't so strong take one
Mahi: alright. Cod ......
Neta: you're already running late. Just be at work by 4:00 okay? We need a manager to close the store
Mahi: yeah yeah. let me just take a quick shower and I'm off
Neta: alright. See ya in two days
Mahi: Where are you going exactly?
Neta: it's a long complicated story that doesn't concern you. See ya
Neta:.... alright sorry for the wait....
Gai: no worries. Let's get going..
[30min into the drive]
Gai:.....................................................................so...how have you been.
Neta: I've been fine Dad.
Gai: that's good.... you're really going to be surprised by the house we used to live in....
Neta: hmmmmm
Gai: we had plenty of space outside we were thinking of putting a playground for you when you got older.
Neta: wow that's nice...
Gai: the house is technically one story but we have a basement and an attic
Neta: uh-huh...
Gai: it's a 4 bed and 3 bath.... Maybe you might remember this place
Gai:. ..................hm
Mahi: Candi, can you fill in for me I still feel hungover
Candi: No Mahi. Go to work It's only 5 hours
Mahi: Please I really don't feel like gooooing
Candi: No mahi I'm not filling in for you. You think you're the first one to go to work hungover?
Mahi: Come on Candi! Please I barely ask you for anything. Can you just do this one thing for me?
Candi:......................... Okay Mahi fine.
Mahi: love ya Candi
Candi: Let me just get out of this hospital bed and leave my baby unattended so I can fill in for your shift.
Mahi: oh
Candi: Oh no! It's no problem really. I'm pretty sure Ona will be fine without me. She's only 2 days old, she should be fine.
Mahi: Nevermind...... I'm sorry
Candi: I'm in the car now. I sure hope my stitches are healed enough for me to stand for 5 hours
Mahi: Ok I get it! I'm going to work! fuck
Candi: Great have fun at work see you in 3 weeks
Mahi: alright....bye........... congrats on the new baby
Candi: awwww thank yoooou. bye!
Mahi: *sigh*.........fuck
Merv: son don't stand behind the manatees one kick from them and you're in the hospital.
Noiji: he's right you know. that's how I lost my eye. (POP). . see?
Warabie: UGHH!
Ikkan: heheh noiji stop heheheh that's gross
Noiji: hahahahahahahahah
Merv: noiji put your eye back in and stop goofing off
Noiji: ok ok..I'll stop hehehe
Warabie: .....you were joking right? That was a joke
Merv: he was just teasing you. These girls are quite peaceful and don't startle easily but still be cautious
Warabie: alright............ how did you lose your eyes? if you don't mind me asking
Noiji: I have this thing called Polycythemia and when I was 12 I had a blood clot-
Merv: boys prep the animals before you start conversations
Warabie: hello
Mahi: hey man
Warabie: hey mahi. what are you doing?
Mahi: oh you know folding shirts stocking chokers. what are you doing?
Warabie: prepping a manatee so it can get milked
Mahi:...................cool?......... I guess......
Warabie: Yeah...... Surprisingly, it's not as bad as it sounds first we have to sanitize their nip-
Mahi: yeah no I don't want that image in my head thanks..... Candi had her baby......what color is this?
Warabie: what?!? She had her baby already!?
Mahi: Yeah her ink sac broke while she was working and it left a stain on the floor in the bathroom. Everyone's fighting about what color it is. I think it's baby blue.
Anto: It's not baby blue! You fucking idiot!!
Warabie: let me see........ Awwww the baby is turquoise.
Mahi: that is not turquoise. Turquoise has like a little bit of green in it.....right?
Naomi: No that's teal
Vinny: It's obviously aqua
Anto: No it isn't! it's sky blue! You know that if your head wasn't suck up your ass
Vinny: Ay watch yourself mother fucker, I'm not scared to go back to prison
Fugue: The color is very obvious
Anto: Oh really? What color is it since you seem to know of more than anyone else here?
Fugue: It's cyan
Vinny:............pfffthh...hehehehehhahahaha what? What is that?
Anto: Oh shut the fuck up! Are you serious!
Fugue: that shade would be considered Cyan
Anto: iT's cYaAnN!! You always have to make yourself seem like the smartest person in the fucking room.
Mahi: I'll call you back later......... Cyan is a neon color right That's not bright enough to be cyan
[3 hours in the drive]
Neta:...... ...........................
Gai: have you been talking to your aunt lately?
Neta: yeah we're talking
Gai: she tell you she's talking to Eddie again
Neta: not Eddie
Gai: that's what I said
Neta: how many chances is she going to give this guy?
Gai: I don't know. I'm honestly getting sick of him showing up randomly.
Neta: is he at least sober?
Gai: hell if I know
Neta: *ugh*..............................my blood sugar I get low. I need something to eat
Gai: alright I could eat I saw a takeout place.
Gai: this Place is actually really good. I've been here before It's the best takeout I'm telling you lady oyster is the best takeout place they The crab and lobster in their house Special fried rice
Neta: ehhh ..... I wouldn't say that this is the best place. Ikkan and I used to eat at a place called jelly wok, they put a whole friend egg on top of their lo mein and fried rice
Gai:.. what color is the shrimp with lobster sauce there?
Neta: brown..... it's the good kind
Gai: oh....was it eel owned?
Neta: isopod owned actually. They snuck up to the surface 12 years ago and no one said anything so they stayed
Gai: huh....well I think this place is better
Neta:....*eating*........hm ...it's not bad......*eating*.... it's really good
Gai: see... it's good like I said
Neta: i didn't expect them to have the coconut cream shrimp you rarely see that on menus nowadays
Gai: yeah it's octarian owned..
Neta:..... I can tell it's delicious..... Surface takeout and underground takeout are so similar when it comes to rice and noodles....*eating*......but their main dishes.....*eating * we don't have soft shell crab down below....... Wish we did.........*eating*.....
Gai: .........*eating*............... welp let's get back on the road...you want to drive?
Neta: yeah
Gai: how do you grow your tentacles so fast
Neta: distilled water..... I wash it in distilled water....I also stopped dying it to the root so it grows faster now
Gai: I see.... Noticing you have a little bit of pattern now
Neta: yeah... I was surprised when it started to show up again. I've been dying it for so never thought it would come back
Gai: you have the same pattern as your mother.......
Neta:..oh........ really?
Gai: yeah just like it..hm...
Neta:............................................I don't remember that much about mom.............
Gai: you were too young when she passed............hehehe she loved you tho... When you were born she showed you off to everyone... Coworkers, neighbors, the mailman ..hahaha he haha.... We couldn't get out of the hospital without her making nurses and doctors stop to look at her baby hehehe.... She'd show you swimming in your little ink tank
Neta: oh shit I forgot!
Gai: what? what happened
Neta: nothing, nothing My friend just had a baby and I told her I was going to give her Cirrina's old ink take when she was a baby.......... Let's do a quick stop so I can make a phone call. We need gas anyway
Neta: mahi go to my room for a quick sec
Mahi: I'm already in your room
Neta:........................* Inhale* * exhale*...... Okay...... Go to my closet and you'll see an ink tank that needs to go to Candi... You think you can give it to her?
Mahi: this pink backpack thingy
Neta: yes... that I also have a box of diapers and clothes for her too. but I'll give that to her later
Mahi: I don't think the hospital will allow me in. I can see
Neta: just ask for Candi
Mahi: ok......... where are you anyway?
Neta: uhhhhh? Dad?
Gai: we just made it trout mountains..*yawn*..... Another hour and and we get a motel tomorrow we'll drive to the house
Neta: we're in the mountains....... it's really nice up here..... actually...... I can see the city from up here.
Mahi: cool ...... Can I use your car?
Neta: no
Mahi: but your car has Built-In splatify and gps!
Neta: just use your phone, Go to the hospital. Ask for Candi. Give the ink tank to a nurse, she'll know what to do with it.........oh ......and take a picture of the baabbyy. I want to see her... Oh she's probably so cute
Mahi: inkfish babies are kinda ugly
Neta: what?
Mahi: nothing I see ya bye
Gai:..........*huff*.......*huff*........... I'm gonna go back to the car .......*huff*......... little light headed
Neta: dad?........ Dad!....... hey hey .....you okay?
Gai:....*cough*.... yeah.... I'm fine just thin air I guess heh.......ugh......*ssssssssssss*
Neta: something wrong with your neck?
Gai: no
Neta: let me see
Gai: Neta-
Neta:oh cod! .....dad!
Gai: I'm fine
Neta: how long have you had that sore?
Gai: only a couple of weeks it's fine I usually put a bandage on when it opens up again
Neta:. again!................*huff*............... Do you have any bandages?
Gai: in my glove compartment there should be some bandages and gauze
Neta: *hmmm*..... I'll drive the rest of the way..... you said the motel is an hour away?
Gai: yeah
Mahi: yeah hi I'm here to visit Candi.
Nurse: who?
Mahi: oh uhhh Candice
Nurse: Candice????
Mahi: Temp. Candice Temp
Nurse: Mrs. Temp okay ..... well visiting hours usually end around 11:30 but I can call her room and see if she wants any visitors
Mahi: mk...
Nurse: you can see her now
Mahi: cool . ...um... I was told to give a nurse this ink tank thing
Nurse: yep I'll take that. Thank you
Candi: look at her
Donn: she's beautiful.... and so tiny
Candi: I wouldn't say that.. pushing for 6 hours......but she's so precious
Baby: *yawn*....
Donn: awwwww.....
Mahi:...*knock*....*knock*...... hey Candi
Candi: hey Mahi....you brought the maternity tank?
Mahi: yeah. The nurse has it.............so that's your baby?
Candi: Yeah....... Who else would she belong to?
Mahi:... I don't know.........hm.... Is it supposed to look weird and squishy?
Candi: yes she's mostly ink right now.....so yeah she's supposed to look weird and squishy. ......you want to hold her?
Mahi: no
Candi: please... you'll look so cute holding the baby
Mahi: fine
Candi: awwww
Mahi: emm...................... what's her name?
Donn: Ona.
Mahi: oh.... that's nice........you can take Ona back now............ you're not gonna be here for three weeks so Seth will be taking over until you return
Candi: That's the plans
Mahi: Okay great
Nurse: The maternity tank is all set up for you ma'am
Candi: thank you
mahi: All right I'm going to Head back home..... Neta wanted me to take a picture of the baby to show him
Candi: no need I'm planning on doing a professional shoot tomorrow
Neta: hello?
Ikkan: hey babe. I didn't expect you to be up I was going to send a voicemail
Neta: oh.... sorry...... what are you doing
Ikkan: nothing getting ready to start my day...you?
Neta: about to go to sleep.... just made it to a motel
Ikkan: that's good, get some rest. I love you
Neta: I love you too. tell crab cakes I said hi.....................
Gai: *sigh*....
Neta: ................
Gai: .........you seem tense
Neta: did you even think about getting treatment before it started to spread? Did you catch it early? Did you catch it too late? What's going on dad?
Gai: do I really need to talk about this right now
Neta: Yes we do....we need to talk about this........ Why are you doing this? Why do you constantly......*sigh*..........[pulling over]
Gai: I made my decision Neta. Are you still mad about that?
Neta: you really think it's just that?! You really think I'm only mad about that! Not leaving me alone in the house by myself so you can go drink, not dropping me at my aunt's house when you couldn't deal with me, or enrolling me in the military or abandoning me in a mental hospital for 10 months!!! You missed my first wedding, you weren't there for the birth of your granddaughter and you haven't reached out for 18 fucking years!!!! and now that you're sick and dying you think it's the perfect time to reach out to me!!!
Neta: I just want to know why!? Why aren't you getting help or medical attention?!?!
Gai: you don't understand.........I just want to use my last moments in life to be a father and make up for lost time
Gai: son I-
Neta: I'm a 35 year old man!! Where were you when I was 19 and got a girl pregnant!!?? I had to teach myself how to parent!! When I was in a band!? I was successful I didn't see in the crowd! My business was one news opening day not a single phone call nothing..........................*crying*........
Gai: neta
Neta: and now you're here. Things were actually working out we're talking and laughing things are going great.... I'm spending quality time with my Dad something I've wanted for years...................*sobbing*...... It just feels like you're leaving me all over again........... every time I think you're here to stay you always find a way to leave me.......*sobbing*.......or get away from me all .....the time
Gai:.....................................*sigh*......... Neta......... I'm tired ........ I really am
Gai:.................... I lost my career ... ...my friends.....my home ......my wife.......You...........I lost everything in one moment and it ........it ruined me.....
[flash back sequins]
Gai: so what we have to leave? Where do we go?! This is octoling Territory!
Inkling soldier 1: all residents within the 50 mile radius have to leave the property..
Inkling soldier 2: sorry I know this is an inconvenience but we've reclaimed this property. We will be mailing information about your new location and where you'll be placed
Gai:No! I just bought this house! this is on an octarian base!.... what about my job. How am I supposed to go to work?
Inkling soldier 2: all factories, stores and businesses have already been shut down. They closed this morning
Gai: are you kidding so I'm out of job!.........
Inkling soldier 1: my apologies sir.... I don't agree with it either
Gai:.. come on man......you can't do this to us .....we just moved here....... our kid isn't even a toddler yet. Is there any way we can stay? I don't have that much money I can try-
Inkling soldier2: the land has been reclaimed for inklings we have a copy of the treaty if you want proof
Gai:"reclaimed" it was never yours to claim!!
Sydney: Gai please
Inkling soldier 2: sir if you don't leave the premises within a month we will have to take it by force...
Inkling soldier 1: your new location will be sent to you in the mail. Have a nice day
Gai:........[SLAM]...............cod damn it COD DAMN IT! Why is always me?
Sydney: honey......hey.... we'll be ok .... things like this happen all the time we'll bounce back like we always do
Gai: alright........ Everything is packed.... Neta is asleep.... let's go......
Sydney: here it says that our new location is going to be bunker 6988
Gai: just when you think you made it to the surface they find a way to shove you back underground
Sydney: [kiss] we'll be back eventually
Inkling soldier: name?
Gai: Gai Vern
Inkling soldier: ID?
Gai: here
Inkling soldier: alright.. family of 3. ..step out of the car sir.....you too ma'am...... we'll direct you to the line for your placement
Gai: ok but what about our car? What are they doing with our car?!
Inkling soldier: sir we need you to get in line
Sydney: we have everything packed in there! Our clothes, my mothers cookware, baby supplies ..... Neta! His insulin! He needs that!
Inkling soldier: we're sorry to do this folks but no outside material once you enter the bunkers medical supplies will be given to you when needed
Gai: we're home.......if you can call it that
Sydney:..... it's a little small...... but we'll make do... just until we get back on our feet. You find a job and I'll work from home with Neta
Gai:.. ....
Sydney: we'll be ok....[peck]
Sydney:........*huff*.........*huff*..........*huff*......... ... .........*smile* ..............
Gai:...... we'll be ok.... we'll bounce back like we always do
Sydney: yeah. . .......... ..... ....... . . . .... yeah ..
Gai: it's only going to be for a couple months. Okay I just need you to watch him......
Kat: months?
Gai: he's been acting out so just put him in his room if he does something. He's going to a different school he got kicked out the last one
Kat: Gai......
Gai: I just need to get back on my feet..... I got another job and I just need to save enough money and I'm settled
Kat: you've been saying that for years
Gai: well what the fuck do you want me to do!? I'm doing my best!.... just look after him I got shit to do. I come back for em when I come back for em
Kat: .......*sigh*.... Alright...
Neta: [packing]....
Gai:........... ................*sigh*..... your first mission with a Splatoon. You should be proud you worked hard for this
Neta: not like I had a choice did I?.......
Gai: hay it was this or boarding school and we can't afford that
Neta: *heh*......... Let's hope you can afford my funeral. You're still paying debts off for Mom's
Gai: hey! Neta!
Neta: [SLAM] .......
[end of flashback]
Gai: when I saw you in the e-ward.... I guess I couldn't face you..... I didn't know what to do....felt like I lost everything and everyone... I honestly just gave up.......
Neta:......................................*inhale*.........*exhale*...................ok......... shit........................
Gai:.....*sigh*.....we're here.....
Neta: we are?
Gai: yeah follow this path.............up here............ they must have paved the road. It's a smooth drive...........here it is............*wh*............our house........oh wow
Neta:..... This was our home?
Gai: yeah......*sniff*..... This is it...... just how we left it..........*sniff*........ nothing has changed.....
Gai: I got the key. Just gotta jiggle it a little and.. there..........*chough*..*cough* a little dusty tho
Gai: the skylight is new along with the furniture.....well it's not really new but not ours......tho it's nice. So? what do you think?
Gai: speechless right
Neta: yeah.....hehe... you bought this?
Gai: yeah back in 78, It's in perfect condition...(Pat ..Pat)
Gai: almost perfect condition.......... Just needs a little bit of a repaint and diy and it should be fine
Neta: dad there's a hole in the ceiling
Gai: just have to put in another skylight it'll be fine
Neta: sure dad. which one was my room?
Gai: right here on the left...............looks like whoever owned this place turned it in an office...we spent weeks on the nursery.....*sigh*.....at least they kept the paint color the same.........
Neta:.hm .....
Gai: the basement seems the same the carpet is a bit darker than I remember
Neta: who owned this place? After you and mom left?
Gai: it was a vacation home for the first couple of years.....an inkling family moved in and then a urchin family owned it for a while...... that's all I know.....is that black mold?
Neta:..... what are you going to do with this place?
Gai: that's up to you.
Neta: what?
Gai: It's up to you. This land and this house is yours.... It'll take around a year for it to be restored. By the time I clean it, gut it, repaired and repainted I'll be in hospice
Gai: it's yours. you're a home owner now you should be happy
Neta:... yeah.... I am .... I'm happy....... thanks dad.......how much time do you have left?
Gai: A year and several months doctors told me.......
Ikkan: so he's not getting any treatment?
Neta: no he's made up his mind
Ikkan: I'm sorry babe....he has plenty of time
Neta: I know.....*sigh*...... I don't blame him though.........*sniff*....*sigh*
Ikkan: maybe if you spend more time with him maybe he'll reconsider
Neta: I can only hope.
Ikkan: what does the house look like?
Neta: you'd love it's that mid something you like so much
Ikkan: mid-century?
Neta: yeah yeah it's that..... It is kind of worn down though you might need to hire some people to fix it up
Ikkan: where is it located?
Neta: in the mountains like waaay in the mountains, if you drive another half an hour, you'll make it to camp triggerfish
Ikkan: so the arowana mall would beee.....uhhh........at least an hour away by train
Neta: Cirrina would have to walk down to get to the train station for school that's at least 45 minutes
Ikkan: we can install a spawn pad
Neta: yeah...... When you get back I take you to the house. Sound good?
Ikkan: yeah we can do that. I'd also like to meet your Dad if that's ok....
Neta: yeah I'd like that. Cirrina should see her grandfather at least once....
Ikkan: think he has enough time to see you get married?
Neta: I didn't ask. That's just going to be another disappointment when he doesn't show up
Ikkan: Neta... I understand........
Neta: I'll ask....... but we're putting his chair in the back
Ikkan: good because invitations go out at the end of the month. I hope you picked your best man we have 2 months left and-
Ikkan: shit ok uhhhh I'll call you.......... In the morning - my morning.. I have to go bye!........... I love you Neta!
Neta:.........ok..... love you bye.
Gai: what was that?
Neta: nothing...... Do you have anything planned for the next few months
Gai: no. why?
Anto, mahi and @fish-at-fish-fish-resort spent 30 minutes arguing over the color of the ink stain that was left on the bathroom floor....
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ch0sene · 7 months
“[…] loss of family (birth or found), fear of corruption (physical or spiritual), and lack of self-belief (the grove, the shadow curse). they’ve dogged him for years in different forms” I’M FINE
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watercolor-hearts · 1 year
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radical-thots · 1 year
Hate it when I’m watching a skin care video about Sunscreen/Sunblocks and the first thing they mention is anti aging and not preventing skin cancer. Like really? Caring about beauty over health? What a surprise.
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lukewarmblogs · 2 years
The Proper Way to Apply Sunscreen!
It is recommended to apply sunscreen on the eyelid and medial canthal area to provide protection from ultraviolet light. The skin in these areas is very thin and delicate, and is more susceptible to damage from the sun's harmful rays. 
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However, it is important to use a sunscreen that is specifically formulated for use around the eyes, as regular sunscreen may irritate the sensitive skin in this area. Look for a gentle, fragrance-free, and hypoallergenic sunscreen that is safe for use around the eyes. 
When applying sunscreen to the eyelid and medial canthal area, be gentle and avoid getting the product directly in your eyes. You can also consider wearing a hat or sunglasses with UV protection to further shield your eyes and the surrounding skin from the sun's harmful rays. 
it's important to apply sunscreen liberally to your face and body at least 15 minutes prior to sun exposure, even if you're staying indoors. This is because UV rays can penetrate through windows and cause skin damage even if you're not directly in the sun. 
It's also important to reapply sunscreen throughout the day, especially if you're in direct sunlight or if you've been swimming, perspiring, or toweling off. This is because sunscreen can wear off or be removed from the skin, reducing its effectiveness in protecting your skin from UV damage. 
Using a broad-spectrum sunscreen is crucial to ensure that you're protected from both UVA and UVB rays, which can cause long-term damage to your skin and health. UVA rays can penetrate deeper into the skin and cause premature aging, while UVB rays are responsible for sunburns and can contribute to the development of skin cancer. 
Lukewarm SPF50+ Sunscreen - This advanced, mineral-rich concoction provides the highest protection grade, PA++++ that shields you 16 times from UVA and Ultra Long UVA rays before tanning. While the SPF 50+ forms a ‘force-field’ defence against the onslaught of daily stressors, including UVB, HEVL, Blue Light and IRA rays – one of the primary contributing factors to fine lines, dark spots and hyperpigmentation.  
PA++++ is a rating system used to measure the level of UVA protection provided by Lukewarm sunscreen. The more plus signs a product has, the higher the level of protection against UVA rays. A sunscreen with PA++++ provides the highest level of UVA protection, which is important for preventing premature aging and reducing the risk of skin cancer. 
In addition to UVA and UVB protection, some sunscreens also provide protection against other types of light that can damage the skin, such as high-energy visible light (HEVL), blue light, and infrared-A (IRA) rays. These types of light are increasingly recognized as contributing factors to skin damage and aging, so it's a good idea to look for a sunscreen that offers protection against them. 
Finally, it's worth noting that mineral sunscreens, which use ingredients like zinc oxide and titanium dioxide, are generally considered safe and effective for all skin types, including sensitive skin. They work by physically blocking UV rays from penetrating the skin, rather than being absorbed like chemical sunscreens. 
If you’re planning a long day in the sun or at the beach, apply sunscreen as thoroughly as possible, and preferably cover yourself well! Also, wear a hat and sunglasses with UV filters for extra eyelid protection. 
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shodansbabygirl · 2 years
i hate aging i can't just pack away as much greasy pizza as i want anymore
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screampied · 20 days
✩ㅤ cw. fem! reader, unprotected, established relationship, vırgin nanami, cowgirl, praise, size kink, premature ejac, mdni.
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virgin nanami loses it once you tell him to ditch the condom.
“sweetheart, i—” he’d swallow, choking up on his words once cool air settles against his skin. he swallows, chewing on his bottom lip once he feels a brand new feeling. the rubbery latex wasn’t blocking him anymore, and he groans once his swollen tip smears up against your entrance. soaked, he grows quiet once he looks down to see your dripping pussy hovering over his reddened frenulum that’s tearing up with glossed pre-cum. “god, ‘s warm,” the blond sucks in a single quickened breath as a curling pout twists against his lips. “a- are you sure?”
“ ‘m sure, baby,” you whisper up against the hot shell of his ear. he’s so warm, his entire body arouse with temperature all because of the sweet sound of your voice. the center of your palm rubs against his cheek and he leans into your touch. metaphoric heart eyes form in his eyes as they dilate, his own thumping heart beating out of his chest. “ ‘s okay, inside.”
“f- fuck,” nanami’s head gradually tosses itself back, and with quick alignment, he’s back inside. he kisses his teeth once he feels the real thing, your silvery walls massaging around him. the glossy sweat that pours onto his skin shines against his body glimmers brightly. he groans, letting off a soft whine once he feels the brief tightness grow snug. “you’re gonna make me—”
and within seconds, he’s cumming, hard. nanami barely even last a second after you take off the rubber, and he’s an entire mess. with a firm grasp, he’s reanimating your hips with his hands as you slowly jerk and move. “please,” he gently pierces his teeth into your neck, shivering breath ghosting against your skin. “don’t stop, s- show me how to feel good, please.”
his words were like a broken rough whisper — you pause, staring into his eyes and he’s sincere.
nanami’s heavily panting, beads of sweat racing down each sides of his forehead. fawn kind eyes bore into yours before he glances down at your sprawled out legs. “so pretty,” he hiccups, and even his touch was delicate. he was always gentle, he didn’t want to hurt you. a few thick padded fingers drag and scurry down your hips before his lip quivers. “i- i want you, i want more.”
“so have me then,” you coo against his ear, the tone of your voice more teasing than anything. as your hips start to salaciously rock into him again, you grab onto both of his wrists, trying to guide him. “there we go, ‘ken,” you whisper, and you can hear a bundle of wanton whimpers leave from his lips—never has he had a feeling like this, ever. he was so weak from your touch, your body heat, your taste. as your fingers tenderly brush against his, you make him cling onto your rickety waist. “hold me, like this.”
nanami groans, and he’s still sensitive, very. he just came, ribbons of balmy hot seed shoots deep into you and it’s warm. it makes both of his ears ring and he only wants more, more, more.
“okay,” he replies in a husky voice, and you can see blond shaggy strands of hair glue across his forehead. “o- okay,” he repeats, his tone dropping a bit lower. the bed mercilessly creaks as your rocking accelerates, his bulbous tip jabbing around every part of your cunt. once you show him how to touch you, he just can’t keep his hands off of you. “i dreamt about this for so long, sweetheart,” and he watches your pretty lips contort into an amused simper. “s- sorry, is that too dirty?”
“it’s fine baby,” you plant a kiss near the inside of his neck. a long breath gets caught in his throat. he’s about to say something else but he pauses, pouting deeply. cute, he’s embarrassed. nanami’s cock continues to rummage through your doughy insides, so much pressure that you feel it everywhere. your sappy folds squelch within each solid thrust before your arms wrap around his broad shoulders. “you dream about me?”
“sometimes, yeah,” he huffs, and the irregular unkempt thrusts slowly transform into pure blissful sync. nanami looks so pretty, he’s losing the more you bounce on his cock. so good, his jaw tightens and he’s feeling every vein in his body prod. you were starting to grow dumb as each second past and your moans only grew louder right with him. nanami’s head buries itself into your neck before he lefts off a frustrated whine. “it’s hard not to when you’re so pretty,” and his voice cracks at the end. you feel the tip of his tongue swirl around near your collarbone and you gasp. “god, you’re even prettier inside t- too.”
“yeah?” you whisper, creating a trail of sloppy kisses down the slip of his exposed neck. he’s moaning more at your touch. you feel his beefy thigh start to bounce before his palm squeezes against your bare ass. “you gonna cum for me again, kento? ‘s okay, be a good boy ‘n make a mess for me.”
a sheepish smile stretches against his lips, though instead of sheepish smile—it’s more of a pussy drunk one.
as you stare at him, his dimples poke against both sides of his cheeks and he’s getting lost into the way your hips twirl around him. “your good boy, mhm. all yours, ‘m gonna cum a- again,” and his voice lowers significantly. your clit’s profusely getting thwacked and mashed up against his fattened tip and it’s so appetizing. with nanami’s soft mousy eyes flicking backward until it’s nothing but pure white in his sockets, he gives your ass a soft spank. “k- keep riding me like that ‘n i’m gonna fall in love.”
and it’s right as he said that — he came again.
this time it’s a lot more. it’s thicker and languidly, you feel it spew out in velvety strips. his entire base was flaccid and he’s just idle inside of you. nanami’s whimpering underneath you as his legs finally collapse. you watch him fall back against the cushioned pillows and he’s so flustered. “mhh,” he grouses as multiple jittery pants leave from his lips. nanami wraps strong burly arms around you, holding you close. “stay,” he rasps, still hearing the sloshes of his dribbling cum trickle in and out of you. he’s shivering, his teeth shattering and he’s never felt more sensitive. he’s definitely in love.
“okay,” you nod, feeling him hide his head into the crook of your neck again. he’s so clingy—but you didn’t mind, and his warm breath tickles against your skin. you get a brief scent of his rich cologne scent that drives forevermore drove you weak. sitting up to press a chaste kiss against his twitching ruby lips, you whisper shakily. “good boy.”
and nanami’s eyes were so half lidded, your praises—he couldn’t get enough of them. seconds later and he’s still pouring into you deep, painting your gummy walls with his pristine-white color. with droopy eyes and flapping long lashes taking in your beauty, nanami whines. “more, don’t stop fucking me,” and you let off a gasp once he suddenly lifts you off his lap, lying you flat on your back. you land with a soft ‘oof’ before he spreads your legs, gazing at the satiny masses of cum that race down the crevices of your thighs.
“please,” and you moan once he drags his tongue up your legs, stopping towards your puffy clit. “teach me h- how to eat this,” and his eyes rove towards your slobbering cunt. you feel butterflies build up in your tummy before nanami’s quite literally drooling right before you. not only was he probably in love, he was also hungry.
“please mistress.”
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It's a natural treatment for uncomfortable acne and pimples. It kills the germs trapped in the acne pus and cleanses the region. It also softly exfoliates and eliminates dead skin without being overly abrasive. Organic Mandarin Essential Oil removes acne and avoids recurrence. It contains anti-oxidants that attach to free radicals, promoting premature skin and body aging. It also inhibits oxidation, reducing fine lines, wrinkles, and darkening around the lips. It also helps faster healing of facial wounds and bruises while reducing scars and blemishes. It contains antioxidants and a high Vitamin C concentration, which help erase blemishes, scars, dark spots, and hyperpigmentation caused by oxidation. It increases blood circulation, making the skin plump and rosy.
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novaskincare123 · 2 years
Premature skin ageing symptoms and treatment
1.Fine Lines and Wrinkles
One of the most common signs of premature aging is the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes, mouth, and forehead. Wrinkles happen due to a loss in skin elasticity, which can be caused by sun damage, smoking, stress, or genetics. The best way to address these issues is through proper skin care such as using moisturizers and creams with peptides and antioxidant-rich ingredients that help stimulate collagen production in your skin.
2. Dark Spots
Dark spots or hyperpigmentation are another one of the signs of premature aging, typically found on areas that have been over exposed to UV light such as face and hands. According to several studies, factors such as pollution and hormones can also contribute to dark spots appearing on your face before time. Your best course would be exfoliation combined with hydroquinone use; this stimulates cell turnover allowing for vivid complexion revealing end results.
3. Dry Skin
Dry skin can lead to redness that increases wrinkles over time due to insufficient hydration levels within daily activities such as prolonged sun exposure, air conditioning or extreme cold weather conditions. Applying a good combination of hydrating creams mixed with natural oils (such as coconut oil) will replenish dry areas providing intense moisture levels the skin needs for preservation from further damage from environmental influences throughout the day. 
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4. Loss of Elasticity
Loss of elasticity happens when collagen production slows down significantly within mature skins due lack in vascular circulation under epidermal layers not being able to reach vital nutrients essential for regular skin repair process leading again towards early wrinkles formation. To stimulate collagen once more you could use retinol lotions people proven success rate in restoring elastic barrier giving back a youthful appearance without spending thousands on cosmetic facial treatments etc...
5. Uneven Skin Texture
Women often complaint about their uneven skin texture causing unwanted bumps or dullness looking aggeravate when doesn't well hydrated especially if lacking an effective Exfoliating routine used at least every other week with lactic acid cleanses helping diminish dead flakes achieve flawless finish starting days off look younger even avoiding unnecessary make up application since very little might necessary mask any underlying undesired aesthetic irregularities present overskin surface .
6. Sagging Cheeks
Sagging cheeks are usually caused by repeated muscle movement triggered by specific type expressions ususally done monotonously overtime sadly some times no preventive methods have taken account avoid premature wrinkles enjoy healthy firm visage avoiding surgical solutions facial implant procedures luckily injections barely painful somewhat invasive apply short term amounts botox pilling month reap rewards its effectiveness weakening nerve synapses causing contractions stop motion chronological aging having face still seemingly friendlier age 
7. Facial Volume Loss
Facial volume loss been major concern past decade many celebrities spending tremendous sum recuperate lifeless features attained times without necessarily opting expensive procedure like dermal fillers attribute simple concepts drinking plenty water keep system hydrated green tea pores refresh extra few slices cucumber momentarily tempted eat chocolate regularly fatty acids excellent wrinkle prevention asset physical exercise maintains adequate oxygen flow seek natural solution olive oil honey provide deep therapeutic massages possibly schedule sauna sessions anti aged effect let free radicals own nation prevent too much exposure environments dust smoke chemicals assure nutritious diet maximum longevity newfound beauty healthy habits maintained granted turn heads confidence highest form Self appreciation
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s0dium · 3 months
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Warnings: Creepy/stalker behavior, breeding kink, pussydrunk behavior, cumflation, stomach bulge, subspace, premature ejaculation, orgasms
You know it's wrong, so wrong to enjoy the attention of a creep.
At least, that's what people call him. But through the snickers and sidelong glances that surround him, there's something about him that intrigues you, attracts you, something you can't seem to get out of your head.
It starts off small, letting him eye you from across the room and flashing him a small smile. Then you notice he starts to get bolder, more confident in his advances. As the days pass, his presence becomes a constant in your routine. He waits for you after class, catches you alone in elevators, leans in closer during conversations, and even starts to find excuses to touch your arm or shoulder. Each interaction feels like a challenge, a test of boundaries that seems he's all too willing to push.
In the beginning, you almost listen to the unease flickering in the back of your mind, warning that maybe you are playing with fire. But as the tension builds, you find your resolve slowly melting, small touches on your arm turn grazes against your ass and the quick glances evolve into him blatantly checking you out.
So only you can be blamed for the situation you're in right now. Only you can be blamed for letting it get like this.
His hips snapped so fast you can't think, you can breathe. Pleasure courses through your body in electric flesh arrows and you could feel your pussy clench around his length in a futile attempt to adjust for his massive size. How could a creep like him be so big? Jesus, you could feel his mushroom tip press against your cervix every time he slammed into you. Countless loads of cum dripped from where you two were connected onto the white sheets below. At any given time he'd blow his load right into you and without much of a stutter fuck the liquid back into you, until he reached his high again and started the cycle over again.
"Mine," he grunts out, his breath hot against your cheek from the brutal mating press he has you in. The bed shook with every thrust, the head board banging against the wall from the way your cervix was getting absolutely abused. The friction, the way he filled you up so perfectly, his hot skin against yours, it was too much, too overwhelming, and your brain couldn't handle the pleasure. You could feel the euphoria absorb your body, making your toes curl and uncurl from the sheer pleasure.
"G-gonna cum in you again" He says through a moan, peppering kissed along your jaw. "Gonna fill you up, make you feel so so good." He doesn’t slow his movement, instead picking up one of your legs and throwing it over his shoulder so he can reach even deeper. He places his other hand on your belly, rubbing your skin with his thumb.
"You feel me?" He coos, pressing down on your stomach, intensifying the pressure of his cock inside you and making your moans grow even louder.
"I can feel you, I can feel you squeezing me, feel so good, better than my fist." He chuckles and grabs your throat, squeezing it so your brain goes fuzzy with the slight light of oxygen.
His breathing becomes jagged and with a soft whimper followed by a silent "oh-fu", he blows his load into your battered pussy. There is no warning when cums into you, only the slight stutter of his hips that does nothing to deter his brutal pace. You are soaked down there, his sticky cum leaking out of you as he pushes into you over and over again. But you couldn't be bothered to look right now, you couldn’t open your eyes and ignore the colors you were seeing behind your eyelids. Everything was good - so, so, so good. Your skin was buzzing, mind cloudy, and the only thing you could focus on was the throbbing that was taking over your body.
"You gonna cum?" He coos into your ear, punctuating his words with an extra sharp thrust. "Cum for me, please." 
As if on cue, you gasp, and let your orgasm wash over you. He doesn't stop his movements, instead, he fucks you through your orgasm until your crying for him to stop.
"Not gonna stop, gonna fuck you until m' shooting blanks okay?"
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satorena · 4 months
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bad ☆ summary. why won’t he let you suck his dīck?
warnings. explicit content. 18+. foul language. cunningulus. fīngerīng. premature ejacūlatīon. semi public sēx. usage of toys. facials. mirror sēx. dom/sub undertones. preestablished relationships. reader is a fiend for his dick. afab!reader. could be angsty at some point ? fwb to . . . lovers ? 7.4k words (kill me now).
rena's ☆ note. this idea came to me while i was drunk.
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you wonder if gojo thinks you have gingivitis.
that thought was unlikely, as he was always eager to shove his tongue down your mouth, tongues sloshing and secreting saliva as his hands roamed between your thighs, knuckles deep into your cunt.
then maybe he assumed you were a biter— which would be highly hypocritical of him, as he’s known to get on his knees in the nearest bathroom stall and flip your skirt up, push your panties to the side and plunge his canines into the flesh of your ass before tongue fucking you.
well, maybe he simply didn’t get off on pleasing you— yeah you knew it wasn’t that one, if the way he thrusted his bulge in the air whenever your thighs wrapped around his head for relief every time he ate you out said anything.
you simply didn’t understand— what man would refuse receiving head after giving the nastiest of it?
your fingers clawed at a snowy pile of hair, back arched as you ground your hips into his mouth. he ate your pussy like a starved man, sloppy and coordinated, as his lips latched onto yours as if he’d die without your taste in his mouth
his tongue swiped up your juices as he lapped at your folds, dragging the top of his wet muscles against your core, nibbling at your puffy clit. gojo was on his knees, moaning like a slut in between your thighs as you used him to chase your orgasm.
“ngh, fuck— right there baby,” you mewled, toes curling as your back hit the cold wall of the bathroom stall. his hands gripped at your ass, caressing and squeezing the mounds to pull you in tighter than you’d already been. your mind felt hazy, so overcome with lust that you were ready to burst your dam down his throat. “oh m’ goddd, so fuckin’ close toruuu!”
“give it all t’me pretty baby,” his words come out muffled, only pulling away just slightly. his rosy lips are glossed your arousal and his saliva, a consistency so thick it connects a strand of fluid from your bottom lips to his own. his skin is blotched in lust, cerulean eyes dazed in awe. “cum in my mouth princess, needa taste you.”
your orgasm washes over you before you can even register it, a sensation so powerful you cry out as your dam erupts. splurges of your essence shoots from your cunt down to his mouth, and as you roll your eyes to the back of your skull, you notice so does he. his fingernails dig into the flesh of your skin, pinning you down as he humbly welcomes your cum.
“s’gooddd, shit toru!” you feel your bottom lip quivering, limbs twitching from overstimulation as he continues to ravish you. your groin tingles in heat, body weak as it succumbs to the pleasure gojo gives it. you feel weak, a feeling you’re never able to adapt to no matter how much he attempts to prepare you for it. “uhn uhn— too much, can’t take it!” your head shakes from side to side, nails clawing at his scalp as you attempt to push him away.
the pad of his fingers slip from your ass to snake in between your legs, spanking your wet pussy thrice to keep you in check, and your knees crumbles. gojo latches his lips at your clit once more, and you feel the world blackout. “stop that— fuckin’ take it baby. i know my good girl can take it.”
he leaves you no choice, eyes trailing upwards to land on your figure, the dip in your back so sinful that you feel as though both your bodies have merged into one. his tongue works so deep into you, it feels as though you’re both puzzle pieces that were made to connect to one another. your thighs are quivering around his head, and you feel your back slipping against the wall. shit.
“mmhm, nooo, ‘m gonna cum again!” you pout, tears built at your lash line now streaking down your cheeks. it’s all too much— the sensation so raw that you look for an escape. you want to push him off, to take a breather and regain your composure. but he’s looking at you with such expectations, eyes shimmering with eagerness as he lifts both your legs onto his shoulder for support.
he manhandles your body like it’s nothing— like you weigh nothing. your limp body now slides upwards, higher up in the air than you’d been a second ago. gojo rises to his full height and motorboats into your dripping cunt.
you wail out, head throw back against the stall as a desperate mouth gnaws at your folds. you’re sure he’s dripping from his mouth to his chin, a mixture of fluids so prominent that it dribbles down to the marble floor. “haaah, oh shit— baby, i can’t— fuck, y’eat my pussy sooo fuckin’ good!” the praises flow past your tongue so naturally, hands torn between pushing and pulling away from the painful pleasure. “nghhh, i— ‘m gonna— holy shit!”
your back hits the wall in waves of full body twitches, your cunt clamping down on his tongue as you weakly splurts drops of more cum. fat tears stain your cheeks, blood rushing hotly from head to toe, spraying gojo’s face in your essence.
“atta fuckin’ girl.” he groans into your pussy, almost more drunk on the taste of you than you are. he flicks his tongue up and down, dragging your orgasm as far as he can, completely enthralled by the desperate thrusts of your hips into his face. you’re smearing his face with your fluids, and from the fucked out look on your face— eyes crossed and tongue lolled out, he decides this might be the best way to go. “there we go— yeah baby, jus’ like that, mhmm.”
the timeline from your coming down to actually coming down to the floor is all blurry, but you’re barely able to stand on your two feet when you feel his hand cup at your chin tightly. his index finger raises your face to stare up at his, all moist from fluids and humidity but you don’t think he’s ever looked prettier.
his lips meet yours desperately, lips sloshing over one another as the taste of your cum now sits atop your taste pallets. his free hand snakes around your waist, holding you still as you lazily loop your arms around his neck, deepening the kiss.
he’s so good at it all— the nibbles of his teeth at your bottom lip making your legs go weak, stomach churning in more lust. he smells like a mixture of you and his expensive cologne— so satoru like, that you’re positive if this keeps going, you may blackout on the cold floor of this bathroom stall in the club.
he kisses you like he’s got something to prove, and eventually your lungs are filled with his provided oxygen, and you truly believe you’re going to pass out. you pull just slightly away, much to his disdain. he whines, tip of your noses just barely an inch away as you pant over his cupid’s bow. “fuck.”
“mmhm, that good?” gojo teases, the corner of his mouth tugging into a smirk you’re too familiar with. you don’t have it in you to flick his forehead.
instead, you opt with sighing. “that good.” your hands trail down his nape, nails grazing at the sensitive skin beneath his undercut, scratching and lightly pulling at his locks. he shudders at your touch, leaning forward to rest his sweat forehead against yours.
your touches lower from his shoulders down to his chest, grazing your fingers over his perky buds, teasing his nipples. he’s so touch starved, jaw slackened as he moans— breath warm as it fans your face. your hands begins to lower down to his hips, seductive touches that has him biting his lips, hips instinctively jerking to meet with your light grazing.
you keep steady eye contact with him as your hands finally land at his raging bulge. the material over his hard-on is damp in his pre cum, and it feels hot beneath your touch. with a slight tilt of your head, “lemme take care of you, toru.”
you can see him battling his own thoughts. his pupils widen in lust, orbs swimming in excitement as you palm his erection more precisely. he’s twitching beneath your cupped hand, humping against your palm as his throat erupts a desperate pant.
you wonder if today’s the day he’s finally going to let you see his dick— to let you swallow him whole and please him just as he does with you. you want to get on your knees and take him so far down your throat that tears build and you force gags back down. you’re sure he’s all pretty and pink, a length to match his abnormally tall height and girth ready to stretch your throat muscles.
but as always, just like the night before, he chuckles and shakes his head. he’s refusing you again, hands gripping at your waist to push you away from him.
“you know i can’t do that baby,” he sighs, a small smile appearing on his wet lips. you can tell he’s frustrated with himself, so unsure as the pad of his thumbs rub the bare skin of your waist. you jut your bottom lip in annoyance, although expecting his refusal. “maybe next time, yeah?”
you’re annoyed as you push him away, pushing your skirt back down so it falls down your ass. and you’re sure he notices too. you don’t object when he grabs the toilet paper from the stall to clean the left over mess between your thighs— though your arms do cross over the flimsy material of your tight top over your chest.
“mhm, sure.”
☆ ☆
about a week later, you’re on all fours on his annoyingly large king-sized bed, hands clawing at his sheets as you push your hips back into his fingers. he’s scissoring your cunt open, knuckles-deep in and every precise thrusts has you seeing stars.
“yesyesyes!” you nod your head feverishly, babbles slipping past your tongue and dribbling down the damp sheets beneath you. “oh m’god, feels sooo fuckin’ good, ngh!” there you sat naked and exposed, getting the life fucked out of you by his fingers alone, a length so impossible that you’re convinced his index and middle finger eventually bump your cervix with how deep he works himself into you.
gojo lands a few kisses at the back of your thighs, kneeled down at the edge of his bed as he twists his fingers into your cunt. he’s enamoured by the sloppiness of your tight pussy gripping at his digits so desperately, a squelching sound so harmonious it has him rubbing his own thighs against one another.
“face down, baby.” gojo commands, his free hand coming up to press at your lower back. you obey his order, pressing your cheek down against his sheets, arms silently thanking the man for the break of supporting your body up. you mewl when you feel him plunging his teeth into the soft skin of your ass, before running a wet tongue over the stinging pain. “there’s my good girl. heh, such an obedient lil’ thing.”
you lay pressed against his bed as you take his ruthless pounding, the tip of his fingers reaching the gummy spot that has stars dancing at the back of your eyelids. god, he always knew how to make a mess out of you— your body his temple, a book he’s dead over a million times and has learned to memorize.
“cute lil hole jus’ seems sooo enticing,” you feel the warmth of his breath fanning against your twitching rim, waves of warm air tickling the muscle. it doesn’t surprise you when you feel his wet tongue caressing your tight hole with light touches, just pushing slightly past unspoken boundaries. your stomach tightens the more relaxed he becomes, lapping from the bottom of your cunt up to your asshole, savouring you whole as he works himself into your clingy pussy.
“t-toru, oh yes baby— ‘m gonna cummm!” you whine, sobbing when your orgasm finally does catch up to you— as if he hadn’t already known. you walls clamp down on his fingers for dear life, folds twitching as they secrete your honeyed essence all over his hand and down to his sheets.
gojo never lets up, stringing along as he encourages you even further, “that’s it babyyyy, there we go.” drool slips past his kiss-bitten lips and down to your sopping wet cunt, tongue still working its way at the tightness of your forbidden hole. you look so fucking cute all shaken up, barely keeping yourself together as your moans echoes off his walls and fade into the stillness of the night.
he’s so fucking hard it hurts, but he’d take seeing you wrecked and ruined by his hands alone over the selfish tendencies of asking you to take care of him back. and he knew you’d known that already, if the way your body immediately lurches forward to melt into the sloth ess of silk sheets beneath you said anything.
you feel large hands grip at your thighs, trailing up before landing on your ass. he spreads apart your cheeks, sticky residue spreading your pussy lips with a sinful sound. you shiver, the cold breeze hitting your cunt a mix of overstimulated senses hitting at once.
he collects your liquids at the pad of his fingers, before wrapping his tongue around the digits. he nearly cums at your taste alone, “fuckkk, y’taste so fuckin’ sweet, princess.” and he pushes forward to drag his tongue along the evidence of your orgasm on your thighs, trailing up to the cleft of your ass and to your cunt, cleaning up after his mess.
you know better, and yet you still try anyway. with a shy tilt of your head, you look back to the starved man between your thighs and offer the prettiest smile you can, cheeks flushed in heat and lips glossed in saliva. “y’gonna let me take care of you yet?”
it doesn’t surprise you when he chuckles, releasing the fat of your cunt from his mouth with a nasty pop! to rise up to his full height, bending over your body to entrap yours within his arms. your back arches as you tilt your head backwards to meet his gaze, boobs pressed up together.
he stares at you with an unreadable expression, though the prominent dimple sitting in his cheek pops. “this was more than enough for me, ya little minx.”
☆ ☆
“if we get c-caught, i’ll fucking kill you.” you whisper, hands curling at the edge of his office desk. your eyes repeatedly darted towards the unlocked door, right before you, where anybody could walk into his office and see their boss on his knees for you during his lunch break, eating you out.
he pulls away with a dreamy sigh, a firm grip on your ass jiggling the cheek. “a man can’t enjoy his lunch in peace? not my fault ‘m starving.” there’s a filthy string of your essence and his saliva that connects from his lips to your lower ones.
“get real!” you hiss at him, despite the familiar feeling of heat licking at your limbs. “you asked me to bring your lunch and— ohhh!” your words soon die in your throat as your head rolls forward, and your bottom lip now tucked beneath your teeth. the warmth slide of his tongue at your clit has your nails scratching the surface of his desk, and your back curves into him.
“you worry too much,” gojo mumbles, before pressing a kiss to your pussy. he feels it throb against him, as he hums and runs the pad of his fingers against your messy folds. you shudder at the stimulation, your hips subconsciously grinding down on his fingers to follow his wavelength. with a smug smile, “see? at least yer pussy’s honest wimme— just lemme take care of her.”
“f-fucking bastard.” you grit through your teeth, though you make no objections. you could act high and mighty all you wanted, you never pushed him away whenever he offered to please you. it was almost like he solely got off on it— your pleasure alone. “i h-hate you.”
“love you too, princess.” he smirks, and you decide to brush off the tight squeeze at your heart at his words.
his tongue fucked into your hole yet again, and your eyes roll to the back of your skull. you really couldn’t get enough of this— of him. you’d repay him your gratitudes if he’d let you. you’d push him back, lay him down and suck his dick eagerly if only he’d let you. you wonder the length of his cock, if it curves, how flushed his tip must get or how much pre leaks from his slit. you want it so bad, and fuck if only he’d let you. but,
he doesn’t.
he gives and gives but never takes. he’ll call you and tells you he’s in dire need of eating you out— of making you cum, and the minute you return the same energy, he finds an excuse to walk away. you’re slowly losing your mind— you crave the taste of him on your tongue, to hear how whiney he sounds once his tip hits the back of your throat, or how pretty he’d look with his eyes rolled to the back of his skull and hips thrusting uncontrollably into your mouth.
“toruuu,” you whine, tilting your head back. tears build in your eyes as they accumulate at your lash line. your bottom lip juts, a soft pout resting on your lips as you flutter your lashes at the man behind you. even with a mouth full of your pussy, his eyes never lie. “c’mon, lemme return the— ngh, favour,” you feel a beat of a pause at your words, and you egg it on further. “i know you’re rock hard. . . you c-can put it in, i won’t, mmhm—mind.”
he swears he cums. he swears he feels his balls tighten and release hot and thick strings of cum in his slacks, briefs tainted white with shame. you were going to be the death of him— you and your doe eyes, glossy lips and perky ass. it grows sticky between his thighs, but his hips twitch as his throat erupts a guttural groan.
“you can’t just fucking say that,” gojo whines, nuzzling his nose into the cleft of your ass. he’s whimpering against your skin, breath warm and moist as his panting grows heavier by the second. you shake your hips against his face, batting your full lashes, and he groans even louder. “you have no idea what you do to me—fucking hell.”
“enlighten me then.” you reach your hand out to fluff his pile of damp hair. he instinctively leans into your touch, peppering kisses all over your skin. you’d never thought you’d have the gojo satoru on his knees for you, demanding you let him please you. “let me suck your dick toru, ‘m real good at it.”
his breath hitches in his throat and you’re positive you’ve finally got him. he’s going to cave in and sit on his office chair, pull his pants down and let you handle his mess. he’s going to realize he’s wasted plenty of time pushing the idea away the second you swallow his length whole and—
“i’m sure you are,” gojo speaks, but you can tell there’s a but following. you sigh, and he offers a sheepish smile in return. “but you know ‘m good here. just wanna make you feel good— your pleasure is mine, i promise. trust me on that, yeah?”
all arguments are thrown out the window the instant his lips latch back onto your sloppy ones.
☆ ☆
“uhn uhn. . . ‘s too muchhh!” you whine, squirming in his lap in attempts to run away. your clit ached almost painfully, repeatedly abused by the vibrations of the toy gojo had stimulating. the soft hums of the vibrator echoed in the room in harmony with your pleads, but gojo was a sadist and unfortunately you might’ve been a masochist. “c-can’t cum anymore!”
“aweee, but of course you can!” he kisses the sensitive skin on your neck, before nuzzling his nose into the crook. his legs spread wider to further open your shaky ones, and his free hand cups at your breast. “you pussying out on me, baby?”
no, you were not. “of c-course not,” you muster to glare at him through the reflection of the mirror before you both. piercing blue eyes never left your body for a second, drinking up every reaction you had to offer him. you nearly felt . . . shy at his gaze. “just hurts a little, fuckkk, you mean b-bitch.”
“mmhm.” gojo nods, fingers tweaking at the buds of your stiff nipples. he rolls the bud between his knuckles, drawing out broken moans out of you as the consistent buzz of the vibrator at your pussy doesn’t let up. he presses another kiss, at your temple, “you’re my good girl, i don’t expect otherwise.”
you bite your lip, cheeks flushing in what feels like embarrassment. him and his damn praises. he knows what he’s doing to you, rosy lips tugging into that smirk as his facial expression scream smug. you wish you could punch the bastard right in the face, but that thought is quickly gone when he pinches hard at your tits.
“shittt,” you mewl, grinding your hips down on his. you feel his bulge poking at your ass— so hard and prominent, proof of his arousal. his lap is drenched in your juices, evidence of multiple rounds seeping into the material of his sweatpants. “so fuckin’ good, hnng, you’re sooo fuckin’ good to me.” you raise an arm to grab at the base of his neck, threading your fingers through his soft locks.
you ooze sex appeal, everything you do and say so erotic, and gojo is easily your slave. “yeah?” he mumbles into your skin, though he looks at your reflection through snowy lashes. your back arches sinfully, ass pressed so snuggly against his lap and your pussy leaking buckets worth of cum. “tell me, what else am i?”
the vibrator attacking your clit has your left leg shaking uncontrollably, the knot in your stomach quickly tightening. you chew on your bottom lip, eyelids resting shut as you focus on spewing your next words, carefully selecting them. you can’t help the chuckle that reaches your mouth instead of a moan, “a bitch.”
“oh?” gojo cocks an eyebrow, another chuckle now audible despite it not coming from you. he drags the vibrator down your slippery folds and all the way back up to your clit, and you tighten your hold on his hair. “those weren’t supposed to be your next words, sweetheart.”
“y-you’re a bitch,” you continue regardless, and gojo can’t deny he’s attracted to you for your sheer audacity. he’s always been a fiend for a good challenge. “won’t even let me give you head— ngh, thought i was the one with a pussy.”
“you’re wounding my ego here,” gojo slides his hand from your tits and trail it all the way up to your mouth. he spreads your lips with two fingers, before hooking them at the corner of your mouth. “callin’ me a pussy? that’s a low blow, baby.”
you squint at him through the foggy mirror, applying pressure to the bulge poking at your ass. you smile when he groans into your ear, “you got a small dick or somethin’? gotta say— fuck, s-sure doesn’t feel like you do.” you throw your head back onto his shoulder, lips grazing over the shell of his ear, “should i check for myself? hnng, see if satoru owns a pussy?”
there’s a click in the air and suddenly the humming of the vibrator stops. finally. had you finally blown his fuse? ironically, your clit secretes more liquid as the idea of him finally pulling his pants off and dicking you down comes to mind. once his pride deflates, he does whatever he can to prove otherwise.
you’re sure you’ve got him.
“heh, you’ve got some nerve.” gojo snorts, and you don’t register how he’s manhandle you to the floor, hands holding your entire upper body steady as your thighs now wrap around his shoulders. the position has your back arched like a cat, and you raise your head up to watch him confusedly through the glass mirror.
two firm hands grip at your ass cheeks, spreading them apart as he licks his lips hungrily, “it’s lookin’ like you’ll never know.” he bares his fangs at you, and you sigh before he feasts again.
☆ ☆
it doesn’t feel right. none of it does. it’s nowhere remotely near cheating, and yet, as this man litters your neck and chest with loving kisses, you feel your stomach churning in guilt.
here he is, offering himself to you, willing to give you what you’d been deprived off since you’d started your arrangement with gojo— willing to rock your world, bump hips and coax an penetrative orgasm out of you— but all you could think about was how wrong this all felt.
though a pleasant smell, these sheets don’t smell like him. they don’t feel like him either. instead of wide cerulean eyes and untamed white hair is stern brown eyes and kept blonde hair. where should be blotches of red on flawless skin is stress lines infused skin.
you felt awful, burning touches trailing between your thighs instead of that electricity that had your stomach twisting with butterflies.
“is everything alright?” the man pulls away from your legs, and questions. he’s so kind, willing to ask how you’re feeling in the midst of it all, and all you can think about is gojo.
no, nothing’s fine. “yeah, i’m good.” you lie, offering a smile. you’re a good liar, and it seems he falls for your words as he proceeds, pushing your panties to the side and works his tongue into you.
his movements are calculated and measured, paying attention to all areas of your cunt. he eats you out good, there’s no denying so, has your toes curling and back arching off his mattress. you lower your hand to tighten his locks, but even that feels wrong— it’s not as fluffy as gojo’s. you think you feel hair gel between your knuckles.
your mind runs a mile an second, overwhelmed by the sole idea that you were offering your body to another man. gojo wasn’t yours— not in the slightest, and yet, as he sucked on your clit and gripped at your thighs, your chest felt unreasonably tight.
you couldn’t do this any longer.
“wait— wait, please stop.” you push his head away, bottom lip quivering. he pulls away instantly, a string of saliva connecting from his lips to your cunt. you feel sick at the confused look on his face. “i can’t— i can’t do this. i’m so sorry.”
the man stares at you for a moment, though never maliciously, and you feel like wanting to crawl into a hole. he nods his head, before pushing your panties back to where they belong, and pushes himself up. silence fills the air for a while, and you’re holding back tears. you’re not sure why, though.
“it’s gojo, isn’t it?” he asks, though he’s not posing a question. he knows, surely everybody knows that you belong to him in both body and soul, but this has only been a recently found discovery for you.
your silence speaks volumes, and the man nods once more.
“yeah, that’s what i thought too.”
☆ ☆
to say he was surprised was definitely an understatement. he wasn’t expecting you to show up at his place, despite already having given you a key to his apartment.
you barged through his bedroom door, a location you were already too familiar with and unknowingly had become so accustomed to. your chest is heaving as if you’d ran a marathon before showing up here, and he wants to kiss the pout off your lips. “pants off, now.”
gojo rises from his bed to stand at his full height, a surprised smile stretching onto his face. “woah, at least take me out on a date first! i’m not just some whore.” his hands comically rise up in surrender, and your frown deepens.
“why won’t you let me give you head?” you ask him before you can even process your choice of wording. when his brows jump to his hairline at your boldness, you feel your face warm in embarrassment. “i mean seriously— am i the problem?”
“what?” gojo blinks, taking quick strides towards your fuming self. he shakes his head feverishly, “no, that’s not it at all—”
“then why do you keep rejecting me?” you cut him off, crossing your arms over your chest. you probably look and sound desperate, but the truth is you were. the first few times could be deemed funny, but there’s so much rejection a girl can take before it starts to become an insecurity. “why do you keep pushing me away? am i that unattractive to you?”
you’d never seen him look so panicked in his life. had it been under any other circumstance, you woulda laughed at the way his pupils blew widely and how his hands started waving all over the place, “no! jesus, are you kidding me— have you seen yourself? what sane man would think that—”
“what sane man wouldn’t want sex?” you bite back, and he’s taken aback. you see it in the way the words in his mouth die down, the way his body stills just slightly, the way his arms drop to his sides. you continue, “what sane man wouldn’t want head? what sane man solely focuses on pleasing a woman and not himself—”
“hey,” gojo frowns. “any sane man would aim to please his partner first and foremost.”
“well usually sane men accept the favour when offered back to them!” you counter, and once more, gojo was cornered into the wall. he remained quiet, an ideaology uncharacteristic to a man like himself, and waited for you to get it off your chest.
“it’s just. . .” you sigh, licking your lips. and he watches you, intently. you’re almost too embarrassed to say it, but enough was enough. “i just don’t get it! i’m thinking it’s because i’m unattractive to you but—”
“i’ve literally came in my pants from eating you out.” he interrupts, raising an eyebrow. your face deadpans as does his. he’s dead serious too. oh that bastard, “multiple times, may i add. try again.”
“then it has to be you think i’m dirty.” you assume, and he tilts his head to the side with an expression that screams ‘seriously’. your annoyance builds up the more he looks at you like you’re crazy for him denying you of his pleasure. “i can assure you i’m clean— i’m not some fucking whore.”
“and i can assure you that thought has never once crossed my mind.” gojo snorts, body language now looser. his hands sit in the pockets of his sweats, a taunting smile on his lips. “what’s the next excuse?”
“oh that’s rich coming from you,” you sneer, poking your finger at his chest. he snorts again, and you feel like you’re about to lose your mind. “what else could it possibly be? you’re so fucking confusing, toru, i have no idea what goes on in your mind!”
“you, all the time.” gojo shrugs as if it’s the most obvious thing. he says it as if you asked him if the sky was blue or if grass was green. “you go through my mind all the time. it’s that simple, really.”
“stop the bullshit, satoru.” you frown, pinching the bridge of your nose. your head was starting to ache, and you’d come for closure on this torment, but of course he had to stretch it out.
“but i’m being so serious?” he tilts his head. “it really is just you. you don’t think i want your lips wrapped around my cock? to feel how tight your pussy would be around me? seriously?”
“then why don’t you let me?!” you sigh exasperatedly, throwing your arms in the air. you didn’t understand this at all— you were both on the same page here, so why didn’t he let you? was he ashamed or something?
he goes quiet again, and you’re contemplating on storming out of his room. you give him a few seconds to collect his thoughts, to decide on whether he wants to finally tell you the truth or find another plausible excuse that would have you drive back home.
there’s this look of embarrassment all over his face, his eyes unable to look at you. he scratches the corner of his mouth, lips tugging into a sheepish smile. “i’m. . . scared. kinda.”
you blink at him. “wait— are you a virgin?”
“no!” he immediately defends himself, and you raise an eyebrow at his sudden eagerness. he waves his hands around again to affirm his statement, “i’m not!”
“so. . . you’re a slut?” you ask instead, and he face palms himself. the nerve he had, to face palm himself when he’s giving you the faintest of clues. what were you supposed to understand from that alone?
“y/nnnn!” he drags out your name childishly, the skin of his cheeks flushed a bright pink. he hides his face in the palms of his hands, as if to cower himself away from this discussion. you think the sight is cute actually— a grown man shy about his sex life. how ironic.
“just spit it out.” you tut and he peels his hands away from his face. your eyes narrow as you wait on his answer, watching him fidget with his fingers and shy his gaze away from you. the wall at your side had to be so damn interesting if he couldn’t hold eye contact with you.
you sigh, “i promise i won’t make fun of you.”
your word alone seems to offer some sort of comfort. his lips part to speak, but it feels like an eternity and a half before words finally come out. “i. . . i don’t wanna embarrass myself in front of you.”
now you’re confused. “whadya mean?”
he grumbles, lips falling into that pout he does whenever he doesn’t get something done his way. there’s a crease in his brows, a frown so deep you’re worried you said something wrong.
“i didn’t want to give you the ick, okay?” gojo finally sputters, the blush on his cheeks now spreading down the base of his neck. he can feel his heartbeat thudding excessively loud against his rib cage, and his hands are starting to get moist.
woah, he must be really embarrassed. but about what? was he insecure about his penis?
“why would you give me the ick, toru?” you speak slowly, not wanting to scare him off. you take a step closer to him when you notice he took one back, resting a gentle hand on his bicep. your thumb rubs at his skin in what you hope is a soothing manner.
his eyes shift from the wall to your gentle touch. his bottom lip quivers and he takes in a big breath, before redirecting his gaze on you.
“because you’re you and i’m me!” he starts off, as if ready to confess everything. you take it as a good sign however. “it’s you we’re talking about— god, you’re so pretty and sexy and kind, and so attractive it fucking hurts— i’ve literally busted to your taste alone! i’m so fucking whipped it’s embarrassing. i literally think about you all the time— in bed, in the car, in the shower— i think about how good you smell and how sweet you taste and how addictive your smile is! all i have to do is think about you and i’m instantly hard— i’m like a fucking dog you trained!”
for once today, you’re left speechless.
“and- and,” he continues, “i had to master self-control. me, satoru gojo, had to learn to hold myself back. do you know how many times i’ve nearly folded? hm? how many times i almost caved in and damn near ripped your clothes off with my teeth? you’ve turned me into an animal! i’ve wanted you for an eternity, but i know myself— i wouldn’t last a second with my dick in your mouth! that’s what i’m scared of, i’m scared of embarrassing myself to you and you’ll run off or something and i’ll end up rotting and dying alone from embarrassment and—”
“okay, okay.” you hold a hand up to cut off his rant. he was starting to babble, and soon he would flow into an inescapable hole of self-wallowing. “i think i get it now.”
he’s breathing heavy, pupils blown wide. his lips are quivering and you can tell he’s really anxious of your answer. you’d never seen him so shaken, as if your next words would make or break his entire world.
well, here goes nothing. “i hooked up with another man.” you think you heart his heart shatter in his chest. his face goes slack as does his body, and he immediately reverts his eyes away from yours.
you realize you could’ve started a bit differently. “it didn’t really go far, because i was so preoccupied thinking about you.” you sigh shakily. “everything felt wrong, even when i tried convincing myself it wasn’t, but i couldn’t help but think of you, even with another man around.”
gojo remains quiet, and you’re not even sure where you’re going with this. what are these feelings you’re feeling?
“listen, i don’t know what that guilt was but i know i never want to feel it again.” your hand proceeds to run at his skin. he hasn’t pushed you off yet, so you’re hoping it’s working. “this whole time i was thinking i was unappealing to you, and you’re afraid of flattering me?”
gojo shoots his head up at that, “flattering you?”
you snort, loving the dumb look on his face. he didn’t have a fucking clue, did he? “do you have any idea what that would do to my ego? knowing i was able to make you nut off of head alone?”
“heyyy, don’t go using it against me!” he whines, pouting. “’s your fault anyway— how is somebody that perfect? i don’t get it, you’re genuinely unreal. i almost don’t like it.”
well he surely knew a way around with his words. you giggle, sliding the hand around his bicep up to the back of his neck. your other arm mimics, as your fingers card through his undercut. you can feel him shuddering beneath your touch, and he instinctively cups at your waist.
“now that i know your reasoning, i’m not gonna pressure you into anything you don’t wanna do.” you stare him up through your lashes. you weren’t sure how you didn’t see it before, but now they everything is clear, you swear you see hearts swimming in his orbs. cute. “but, you wouldn’t scare me off, toru. i can’t believe i’m saying this but i might be stuck with you— you say you’re a trained dog, then what does that make me? thought about you while another man ate me out.”
he frowns at that. oops. “he wasn’t better than me. . . was he?”
“never.” you shake your head, and feel the way his shoulders sag in relief. “and if it makes you feel better, we didn’t kiss and i never gave him a blowjob.”
he’s still pouting, but his nose scrunches in the way he does when he wants you to drown him with attention. when had you start noticing these details? “it does. . . i guess.”
“toruuu, you have to forgive me.” it’s your turn to pout, nails scraping at his scalp as your lashes flutter. you rise to the tip of your toes to plant a soft kiss on his lips— lustless. there’s a soft smack that separates both your pair of mouths, and you see the corner of his mouth threaten to twitch into a smile. his hold on your waist tightens and pulls you in closer. “want me to show you just how sorry am i?”
“mhm,” he mumbles, eyes stuck on the plumpness of your lips. he wants them back on his, and that’s exactly what he does, leaning forward to seal another chaste kiss. when he does pull away, it’s just slightly, tips of your noses still grazing one another. he bumps noses with yours, “prove it t’me.”
your cheeks feel like they’ll split with how widely you’re smiling, but that ends as soon as it came, when he lunges forward to kiss you again.
his jaw slacks as he ravishes your lips, tongues sloshing as he releases pretty moans into your mouth. you fed him everywhere— his tongue dancing at the roof of your mouth, his hands caressing your ass, the rhythm of his heartbeat through his chest vibrating against your own.
you walk forwards, lips never leaving his, as his steps move backwards. he tastes as sweet as always, a faint cherry flavour resting on his taste buds. soon enough he’s laid on his back on his own bed with you hovering him, your thighs resting at his sides. his hands grip at the meat on your legs.
“‘m gonna make you feel so good,” you pull away from his lips and trail your hand down his torso, all the way to his briefs’ waistband. “you’ve never had anything like it.” surely enough, he’s harder than he’s ever been, the outline of his cock seeping through the material of his pants. your hand slides lower to cup at the bulge, feeling up on his dick through your fingers, and he whines into your mouth, hips thrusting up into your touch.
“p-please, i’m— oh fuckkk,” he begs, moans croaking out of his throat as you slip your hand into his underwear. your touches are light, wanting to tease him as you collect endless beads of pre cum at the tip of your fingers. his hips never cease to buck into your palm, desperate for more.
“enough waiting, hm?” you tug down at his undergarments, and immediately get slapped in the face. his dick is nothing to scoff at— you’d only seen and felt it through the material of his pants, but now that it was bare and right before your eyes? his length had nothing on your imagination. with a pretty pink mushroom tip, vein throbbing on the underside, heavy balls and a cute curve to the left, his dick undoubtedly had your mouth watering.
he’s twitching sans cease, as if it had a mind of its own.
“can’t believe you were holding out me, toru,” you lick your lips, laying flat on your own stomach, between his legs. he’s pushed up on his elbows, watching as you stroke his cock languidly. “you’re so mean.” your fists tightens at the top of his cock, thumb rubbing at his oozing slit, before loosening your hold as you lower to the base.
he gulps, hands scrunching at the duvets beneath him. you’re giving him these eyes, and your fleeting touches on his dick will surely have him lose his mind. “stop teasing meee, i’ll—nghh!” you kiss the tip of his cock,
and in the blink of an eye, he cums. your eyes shut as ropes of hot, white cum shoot at your face, from all different kinds of directions. he cums, and it’s a lot. it almost feels never ending, as does his cries. his back arches and his hips hump the air, cock twitching uncontrollably as it erupts.
“oh nooo— shit, ngh, fuck— can’t help it!” veins bulge in his forearm with how intensely he’s gripping onto the covers. you think it’s rather adorable, how easily overwhelmed he gets.
it takes a lifetime for his high to come down. and through it all, you’re pumping at his cock, milking him for what he has to offer. silently of course, you’re not even sure he’d be able to hear anything you have to say with how vocal he is.
when it all becomes too much, he starts shivering from oversensitivity, and his cock jumps weakly. you pull your hand away, and his dick falls onto his lower stomach. he’s breathing heavily, head thrown back as you clean the cum off your face. you pop a finger in your mouth, he tastes sweet. “hm.”
“just,” gojo pauses, taking another deep breath in. the ceiling must be real interesting for him. “just go on with it. but don’t say i didn’t tell you so.”
you smirk, now popping the finger out of your mouth with a wet plop! “you really weren’t kidding.”
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hmm can anybody guess who the “mystery man” you hooked up with is ? 🌚
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Achieving Work-Life Balance for Radiant Millennial Skin
Photo by Tatiana Syrikova on Pexels.com In the bustling rhythm of modern life, where the lines between work and leisure often blur, millennials are increasingly facing the challenge of maintaining a healthy work-life balance. This constant juggle not only affects mental and emotional well-being but also leaves its mark on our skin. Stress, lack of sleep, and poor lifestyle choices, often…
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