#Private Investigator analyses
Why Are Private Investigator Companies So Important?
Private investigation companies are there to guide you in cases of suspicion and fraud. They mainly aim to assist the legal, business and individuals. From uncovering the truths to background checks they do take the lead to solve the unsolved intricate mysteries. So let’s move on and see why private investigation companies turn out to be the real saviour.
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Private Investigators Have Great Expertise And Skill
Private investigation companies have the real skill, expertise, and experience in solving various genres of cases. They work hand in hand with intelligence, investigation departments and law enforcement to reach the root of the mystery. They conduct investigations and garner various proofs to uncover the truth that may provoke the situation.
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Using The Specialised Type Of Services For The Best
Private investigation companies offer wide arrays of specialised kinds of services customised to the situation. Whether it’s for conducting the surveillance operation or background check, forensic examination private investigators do offer a customised way out to meet the unique objectives and challenges.
Working With Confidentiality And Maintaining Discretion
Confidentiality is the most important keyword when it comes to private investigation. Private investigation companies operate with ultimate professionalism and discretion. They ensure that the sensitive information is protected without breaching confidentiality. Thus, on the whole, the investigation process stays shielded.
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Accessing The Right Technology And High-End Resources
Private investigation companies can access wide arrays of resources that include surveillance tools, high-end technologies, and forensic equipment. These resources are the most valuable when it comes to garnering information, or following the leads. Remember that private investigators are well aware of how to apply the information rightfully, besides they try to make sure things follow the right course.
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Private Investigations Do Analyse The Cases Impartially
The private investigator follows a strict ethical code and conducts cases impartially. They stay unbiased in any situation and don't get persuaded by anything or anyone.
Final Say
Thus, these are the various good sides of hiring private investigation service providers.
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So apparently some Swiss company found out that Brazilian blood has more immunoglobulin (which is used in some medications made by pharma companies) than European blood, and now international pharma companies are lobbying to change Brazilian law to allow them to use our blood as a resource
There is no current evidence that those things are related, but it just so happens that at the same time there is also another law being discussed that would get rid of "bureaucracy" when it comes to ethics analyses of trials on humans. It would also remove the right, which all brazilians currently have, to access to the medication resulting from the trials they participated in
Both sources are in Portuguese because both news have been recently broke by a Brazilian investigative news agency, but if you don't speak it, you can always use automatic translation
I know there's a lot of fucked up shit happening in the world right now, but please pay attention to medical rights in Brasil right now. Especially if you're European, because virtually every company related to this is from your continent and plans to benefit you above all
ETA: using blood as a resource for these medications is not new; however, current law in brasil only allows that use to come from donated blood (because it comes from the plasma and apparently not all of it is used in blood transfusion; I'm not a doctor so I'm not clear on the details but that's the gist of it) and to be processed and used by Hemobrás, the State-owned company that handles this type of medical technology. The new law would allow for private companies to buy our blood from blood banks for their use. It is worth noting that at least one company has already explicitly stated that they won't be making the resulting medication available in the Brazilian market, so, essentially, they will be taking blood Brazilians donated to help other Brazilians and using it to treat immunocompromised Europeans, to the detriment of immunocompromised Brazilians that need the medicine. In the process, they will be making it harder for our State-owned company to use that same blood, forcing us to import from them and therefore making the medication more expensive. They also want to make it possible for Brazilians to sell their own blood - a deeply ethically questionable practice that is discouraged by the WHO and that has led to HIV outbreaks in Brasil in the past
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raindrops-on-concrete · 11 months
Wei WuXian and Lan WangJi work so well as a team and it's a big part of why their dynamic is so enjoyable.
They have very different skill sets, but they both know their own strengths and limits. And, at least later on after WWX is reincarnated, they also understand each others strengths and limitations.
WWX let's LWJ fight a lot of his physical battles for him, because he knows that he himself wouldn't be able to handle them but LWJ is more than capable to. A beautiful example of this is in Yi City when LWJ swoops in to fight Xue Yang, and tells WWX that he has the fight handled. WWX then analyses the situation and realizes he's of more help by bringing the Juniors to safety and investigating some more. Lan JingYi even brings this up, asking why they don't lose any words over WWX leaving LWJ behind in battle. And WWX tells him that he trusts LWJ has the situation handled so there would be no use in losing any more words over it.
On the other hand, WWX always does the talking for the two of them. When performing Inquiry, LWJ relays WWXs questions without hesitation.
When they are conducting research in the secret library in the Cloud Recesses and WWX decides to take a break, LWJ takes over his stack of books without hesitation or asking him to continue his work. WWX recognized that he needed a break and LWJ respects that and does his work for him since he still has the energy to keep researching.
They also respect each other a lot, even if they don't agree with each other. After WWXs reincarnation, LWJ never questions him about his demonic cultivation, even though he probably still doesn't quite approve of it. As for WWX I can't think of a specific example after his reincarnation rn, but I really love the scene where he drinks LWJs liquor for him at Jin GuangYao's private banquet, because the Lan Sect are not allowed to drink alcohol.
There's not a leader and a follower between them. They always listen when the other is talking, and depending on the situation one or the other takes the lead. In that way, they are equals and see each other as equals. They are not equal in any particular skill or even cultivation level, but through their different skill sets they can add onto each other skill sets.
TL;DR WWX and LWJ work so well as a team bc they know their own and each other's strengths and limitations very well, and know how to use them accordingly. They have a lot of trust and respect for each other even if they disagree. They see each other as equals and their skill sets add onto each other very well.
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hogoflight · 22 days
HOUGH I NEED a fic with TOA Apollo (god of truth, prophecy, medicine, hunting) having a stint as a Private Investigator in a very overdramatic, eccentrically “him” way with Meg McCaffery as his partner (and muscle. And person with connections to the Triumvirate’s whole crime deal) being assigned stuff by the police being rude and nasty who clearly just want him to incriminate someone specific / close the case / cover up their shady stuff, so he goofs around, casually breaks reality and mocks old detective shows and Film Noir stuff to mess with them and generally waste their time and money BUT comes to the actual conclusion with incredible detail and accuracy so that they can’t COMPLAIN or argue against him AND THEN is very purposefully empathetic, gentle and efficient with cases for other people who are looking for and need help (in a very Columbo way. ACTUALLY OML INSTEAD OF REFERENCING HIS WIFE APOLLO CONSTANTLY REFERS TO HIS HUSBAND HYACINTHUS AND IT’S VERY UNCLEAR WHETHER HE’S ALIVE OR NOT (TOA paradox of Hyacinthus tuxedo)!)
it works really well! He would:
have good knowledge of analysing a crime scene bc medicine,
find people and put himself in suspects’ shoes bc hunting,
interrogate very very easily bc truth (again mostly he just messes with the actual culprit),
have hunches about where they might be bc prophecy,
be dramatic enough to loudly announce twists,
knows plenty of interesting people to “know a guy” (other gods, his children old and young, exes),
be beautiful enough and slutty enough (with love) to sustain a romantic subplot / inevitable tension (divorced) with “guys he knows” that he must dramatically call in despite their “complicated past” because he has “no other choice”. I could go on.
and Meg constantly resisting his dramatics and as the plot convenient way to resolve any emotional drama with Apollo (“but Meg, what if he hates me!” “Shut up. Do it.” “Okay! 😊”) and stop him going off on tangents if he drifts TOO far. It’s great!
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cool-fancier · 1 year
Cherries of Mystery
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Synopsis: Fans were left in a state of speculation as you and Bada subtly hinted to your relationship on Instagram with cryptic cherry-themed posts. You two took joy in the anticipation as fans analysed every aspect, knowing that the cherry symbols meant for your humble and wonderful love for one another.
Even the slightest actions can excite fans in the world of social media and K-pop idols. Keeping your relationship a secret had become somewhat of an art form for you, a famous K-pop idol, and Bada, her equally famous choreographer and secret girlfriend.
You made the choice to have some fun one nice afternoon by subtly hinting at their relationship on Instagram. You uploaded a picture of yourself with a sneaky, amusing grin on your lips and said, "Lips taste like cherry." You and Bada were making a small inside joke, so it was meant to be mysterious.
Bada, who was aware of the situation, couldn't help but chuckle when she read your post. She made the decision to join in and start her own rumour. Bada took a photo of herself with a cherry-flavored lip balm, the brightly coloured container shining in the dim light. With the caption "Trying out some new lip products today! 🍒💄  #CherryKiss #NewFavorites," she posted the photo to Instagram.
Fans started making connections in only a few minutes. Comments began to flood in on both of their posts.
@Y/NLoveNotes:"Did anyone else notice that they both posted something about cherries today? 👀"
@BadaDanceLovers: "I smell a conspiracy here! 🕵️‍♀️"
@DancingLovebirds: "OMG, my shipper heart can't take this. Are they trying to tell us something?"
@BadaxY/NAdmirers:"I'm convinced there's more to this cherry story! spill the tea, queens!"
As fans examined every aspect of the posts in an effort to figure out the secret message, the interest and excitement reached an all-time high. Even if it was vague, the cherry symbolism was enough to spark their imaginations. It was a clever method for you and Bada to tease fans without drawing attention to your relationship.
The cherry-themed mystery held fans attention throughout the day on social media pages. They investigated Bada's and your posts more and more, getting more and more engrossed in the puzzle.
@BadaEnthusiasts:"Okay, hear me out. What if 'lips taste like cherry' means they've been kissing? 👄🍒"
@BadaSecretAdmirers:"I see you with that theory, but what about Bada's lip balm pic? Is she hinting that she tasted cherries too?"
@Y/NMagicFans:"This is like a K-pop Da Vinci Code. I'm invested!"
You and Bada, meantime, found the fan theories and the amount of attention their posts were getting to be very amusing. You had a nice laugh over the situation in a private.
You: "Babe, it seems like they've onto us. The cherry game is strong."
"Haha, we're turning into quite the mystery queens," said Bada.
You: "But seriously, I really like how they're enjoying themselves. And they have no idea how much fun we're having too!"
Bada: "Our secret is safe, and they're none the wiser."
The mystery behind your and Bada's cherry-themed social media posts only grew as the days went by. Fans couldn't resist acting as amateur investigators in an effort to unravel the meaning of these cryptic messages.
@Badaismine:"Okay, guys, new theory! What if they're just messing with us? Maybe there's no hidden meaning at all!"
@Y/Nwife:"But why the sudden cherry obsession? There's gotta be something more."
@Bada_isY/nwife:"I heard they're working on a new project together. Maybe it's related?"
The speculation ranged from the plausible to the utterly fantastical, and you and Bada couldn't help but smile at the frenzy you had unintentionally created.
You say, "Babe, our cherry posts are the talk of the town!"
Bada: "I find it unbelievable that they are still trying to solve it. It's just too much fun."
You: "Should we drop a hint for them? Or do we let them keep guessing?"
Bada: "Let's keep the mystery alive a bit longer. We'll watch to see how inventive they can be."
And so, the cherry-themed mystery continued to swirl in the K-pop fandom. Every aspect of your and Bada's posts relating to cherries was argued, theorised about, and examined by fans. Was it a humorous tease, a sign of their secret love, or just a joke between them?
The cherry saga was not resolved as the weeks passed. The real significance of those cherry posts may never be revealed to the public, but Bada and You understood that they stood for your love, which was sweet and unassuming like the cherries yourself. That was ultimately all that mattered to you both.
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shiyorin · 1 year
What do you think it would be like if primarchs used social media?
Lion El'Jonson:
Private account, doesn't accept follower requests
Rarely posts, usually just sunset or forest photos
Uses emojis sarcastically in replies
Has 20 followers but thinks it's way too many
Aesthetic pictures pose artfully depict exotic hobbies and runway couture 
Filters all photos to perfection  
Constantly debates high art vs pop culture 
Thirst traps cause monthly massacres
"Like for a follow back 🔥" 
Photos are exclusively poorly-lit fortress blueprints 
Bio is 25000 character treatise on siege tactics
Follows exactly 12 history scholars 
Hates everyone and everything on the site 
Actually ran some incisive political commentary bots before being banned
Jaghatai Khan: 
Only posts the sickest motocross and extreme sports clips
Videos have insane views but no captions 
Fans think he's a cryptid until rare livestreams 
Hijacks Fulgrim's comments to hype rad stunts
Leman Russ:
Changed his name to 'Wolf Daddy 🐺'
Shirtless hunting/drinking photos get 10K likes
Roasts everyone in comments but they love it  
Followers think he's a viking hipster meme page
Follows biker gangs, sled dog accts, scholars of old Terra 
Rogal Dorn:
Only posts are architectural blueprints and records of fortifications
Gets into epic debates about structural principles in comments  
No one knows if he actually loads new content or just archives old
Somehow gains tons of followers thirsting for DILF
Konrad Curze:
Pure darkness and screams in hazy JPEGs 
3 followers and they're all bots
Posts disturbing ‘prophecies’ and murder puzzles
Under investigation for doxxing
Angelic selfies bring all the followers to his page    
Flowing locks and golden abs get 20K likes instantly   
Quotes poetry in every reply but no one understands 
Only follows animal shelter and children's hospital accounts
Ferrus Manus:
Only follows engineering/robotics pages
Posts heavily filtered machine shop mini-documentaries 
Photos of custom machines that make engineers weep
Comments are unintelligible techno-babble  
Somehow gains huge gym bro following thirsting for muscle
Gets banned monthly for graphic content and abuse
Posts angry rants about society in broken caps
Got suspended after sending death threats to Guilliman
Only follower is Khârn who comments 'THIS' on everything  
Roboute Guilliman:
Shares updates on the latest Codexes 
Only follows serious history/philosophy lecture pages
Posts long analyses of governance strategies 
Constantly lectures others in comments
Has blocked half his followers for trolling
Aesthetic is grimy gas mask selfies in back alleys
ONLY reposts plague doctor memes from 2003
Bio is endless copypasta about essential oils
Gains cult following of goths, metal heads and preppers
Endless livestreams talking about theoretical magic at 3AM with 2 viewers. 
Tries making TikToks explaining sorcery but the videos are an hour long each.
Overexplains memes and emojis in long-winded threads
Memes and facts threads blow up as the most esoteric
Horus Lupercal:
Selfies showing off abs get him 50K followers in a week
Posts stunning photos from across the Imperium with #blessed captions
Fan club is half the mankind 
DMs from people asking for selfies blow up his notifications  
Lorgar Aurelian:
Aesthetic is dark robes and candlelit monasteries
Constantly reposting zealot sermons out of context
Accidentally starts wars of faith whenever he livestreams
Got suspended for uploading hardcore Slaneeshi hymns
Still has 10 alt accounts all named Brother [REDACTED]
Only follows puppy accounts and craft bloggers
Posts Happy Holiday baking tutorials and dad jokes
Likes and comments positivity on everyone's posts
Followers think he's the nicest DILF ever online
Secretly the biggest wholesome meme page
Corvus Corax:
Only darkness, shadow puppets and cryptic poems
No one knows if he's real or a myth on the deep web
Internet detectives can’t trace his true identity  
Only sends encrypted coordinates in mysterious DMs  
No one has any idea what he's trying to say  
1 follower is Alpharius who only replies 'No, I'm Alpharius'
Constantly pretending to be other online  
No one knows their true forms or agenda 
Takeovers of government sites spark conspiracies
Leaves clues implicating everyone else’s schemes
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eksvaized · 8 months
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[ Previous ┃ Next ] part 2
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Simon last spoke with you three and a half days ago, which is approximately 72 hours and 720 minutes, according to his count.
By the time he paid for your coffee, learnt your name and had a brief conversation with you, the weather had cleared up. Despite the growing force of the wind and the encroaching grey clouds, you decided to tempt fate and venture out. You said goodbye to Simon, your hand brushing down his arm as you offered him a faint smile, before leaving the coffee shop, hoping to reach home before the rain started pouring.
The first night he came home, he tossed and turned in bed, struggling to fall asleep, desperately attempting to erase thoughts of you. But the image of your face was etched deep in his mind.
The next morning, he kept himself busy with various tasks, too. However, when he would least expect it and his guard would be down, thoughts of you would pray their way into his head. He recalled the innocent look you gave him, and how your cheeks blushed with a rosy hue as you thanked him for the coffee. You promised to find a way to pay him back, or at the very least return the favour the next time you crossed paths.
He intentionally avoided using his phone for the whole two days and even went to the extent of refusing to enter or spend time in his office. However, in the end, he gave up and broke the promise he made to himself, his resolve crumbling under the weight of temptation.
One early morning, after brewing himself a cup of strong black coffee, over-sweetened of course, he began searching for you on the internet.
Simon only had your first name, which made it seem like a challenging and almost impossible task - not for him, though. He had to scroll endlessly, refresh the pages every so often and then meticulously analyse every single profile on every single social media platform. Despite the tedious process, after hours of sitting in his dimly lit office, staring at the computer screen, he finally achieved his goal. He found you.
Most of your stuff was private; he had to find a way around it.
For various reasons, he didn’t want to use his personal account, which was old and neglected, as he wasn’t fond of sharing every detail of his life, including his identity, where he worked, or what he liked.
So, he set up a burner account. There was a slim chance you would accept his follow request, but after a day of waiting and anxiously checking his phone every five minutes for new notifications, one finally popped up. Apparently, you didn’t find it strange that his new account didn’t have a picture or a name, and you added him.
Simon stayed up all night analysing your photos. Aside from the fact that you enjoyed documenting every second of your life, nothing stood out too much. You posted about your trips. Every time you went out with your friends, whether it was a night out in a club or a brunch at your favourite restaurant, taking a picture was mandatory. He suppressed a low chuckle as his eyes skimmed the captions under some photos. He had a dry sense of humour, yet he thought you were adorable and witty, even if your jokes only consisted of silly puns.
He was completely infatuated with you, even though you were still a stranger to him, a woman he coincidentally encountered on a gloomy fall day. The voice in the back of his mind kept urging him to slow down, telling him he needed to take a break, slow down and breathe. If he keeps himself glued to the computer, his fixation is bound to transform into a poisonous obsession.
He emptied his mind, casting aside all the righteous thoughts out of his head, and surrendered himself to the darkness, fully embracing his twisted nature as he continued to act on his impulses.
Simon also investigated your friends as well, but again, he couldn’t uncover anything useful apart from the fact that you and your two closest girlfriends had a habit of going to the local nightclub every other Friday night. He found the address of it and jotted it down on his notepad in messy handwriting, thinking it could come in handy.
Maybe the next time you see him, it will be in a crowd, while loud music blasts from the speakers and the scent of alcohol and sweat mixes and lingers in the air. You might feel lightheaded from the drinks, so when your eyes would settle on Simon, you will recognise him and hopefully have enough courage to approach him.
He rubbed his eyes, which were strained from staring at the computer screen for too long. Simon was ready to go to bed, but just as he scrolled a tiny bit lower, he stumbled upon a picture of you with a man by your side: his hand affectionately wrapped around your shoulder, drawing you closer to him as his lips pressed to your cheek.
Anger. Jealousy. Confusion.
That was all he felt. His mind was a whirlwind of emotions, causing chaos within him. He didn’t know you. You two were strangers. And he had no right to be possessive of someone he had met once. However, his infatuation with you consumed him and compelled him to act irrationally.
If he believed he had finished for the night, he was mistaken. Now he had a new target to investigate.
Unlike your private profile, the man in the photo had all of his accounts open to the public. After doing some digging and finding some very old posts and pictures, he discovered that Matt – that was his name – was your ex-boyfriend, your high-school sweetheart with whom you separated after you moved to a different city.
You and Matt hadn’t seen each other in a very long time. However, his most recent photo revealed that the two of you recently went out for dinner to reconnect and catch up; it seemed like your ex-boyfriend was back in your life.
Simon wanted — needed — to know more, but there was only so much information he could gather while sitting in front of a computer.
After crawling into bed, he lit a cigarette, aware that the nicotine would help him unwind, before falling asleep.
He knew he had to come up with a plan, and figure out a way to get to know you. Countless questions and thoughts were swirling in his mind, but one thing was absolutely clear to him: he had plans for the Friday night, which involved him, for the first time in a while, dressing up, going out and stepping his foot inside some dingy nightclub.
Simon went through your profile again before closing his eyes, absorbing every detail. Despite his frustration, the sight of your face, your lovely smile, and your bright eyes peering at him through his phone screen caused a sudden surge of heat to spread throughout his entire body.
As his intense desire for that sweet release grew stronger and stronger, a fiery sensation ignited in his abdomen. It was wrong and vile, but his hand, slowly and tauntingly, made its way down his torso and slipped into his boxers. His imagination ran wild and conjured a variety of promiscuous scenarios, which included you, on top of him, rolling your hips in sync with his, as your soft voice whispered his name, letting it echo off the bedroom walls; your words barely audible as you begged him not to stop.
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leiflitter · 6 months
Hi I'm doing a research paper on antiheroes and I'm using Oliver as one example. Could you maybe tell me why he appeals to you as a character despite the murdering and the scheming etc
You come into my askbox while I sleep and make me think? First thing in the morning? BUT I SHALL ANSWER
won't make any sense probably but HEY!
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I think the main reason I love Oliver is because I can see a lot of myself in him.
Cut bc this will be long af
Granted, my perspective on the character is... I spend a lot of time thinking about that idiot, so this is fully based on my interpretation of him buttttt
Okay, so the murders and scheming are firstly... Ambiguous. Elspeth is the only one we see as it happens- not in a flashback, big-twist, oh it was my evil plan all along #classwarfare #girlboss #theyhatetoseeabadbitchwinning way- and she's so far gone she's on a ventilator and just dies without it. How did she get so sick? It isn't mentioned. Honestly, as someone with long covid, she's wandering around London without a mask. LADY. YOUR LUNGS.
Everything else? The spiked bottle. The razorblades. They're shown to us at the end, this big gotcha moment... From someone who has clearly spent every moment since Felix Catton died trying desperately to gather some small piece of him.
His home is decorated like Saltburn. He's immediately trying to get back in. The moth battering itself against the window.
Whether or not Oliver Quick is an evil, scheming murderer is entirely down to your interpretation of that reveal montage. Mad props to Emerald for that.
My interpretation of it is... Not to say he's innocent, but that he's a sad, sad man grasping at straws to give himself more agency. He's spent years dwelling on and analysing the worst time of his life, and as a good Eng Lit student (dude was doing essays on Browning) he's turned it into a narrative.
If we stop suspending disbelief, then we have:
Oliver put some cocaine in a bottle (as evidenced by Oliver having the same sort of vial Farleigh has in the main hall). Oliver drank some. Felix drank some. He threw up, Felix died.
I have probably said this before, but Felix's death cannot be directly attributed to Oliver's actions.
Felix was in the bathroom, and although we don't see him doing lines, he's not just hanging out there for funzies. He's going hard, probably mixing drugs and booze. He's so off his tits that he doesn't notice how bad/bitter the booze Oliver gives him tastes. Plus there's a reason people snort cocaine; it's efficacy is highly reduced when eaten, and it takes far longer to reach the brain. How long would Felix have just stood in the maze? Waiting there like a sim with no activities queued until he keeled over?
It's likely that Felix overdosed, but it's really unlikely that Oliver was the sole cause, if he was the cause at all.
He left razorblades near her. That's literally all we see. From Oliver as a character, I don't think he has the guts to actually, directly kill- and it wouldn't make sense to. He'd be found out immediately if he did- any sign of violence and the Cattons would have private investigators and all sorts at their disposal. He was in the next room. It'd be open and shut. I do think, from the blood on the floor, that she tried to go to his room for help and he ignored her- but!
Leaving something sharp near someone in distress is another shitty scheme. What was he going to do if she didn't notice them? What if she knocked them off the side of the tub accidentally? Was he going to leave her a post-it note like HI V PLS KYS LUV OLLIE to make sure she noticed them?
Another thing that often is kinda... Glossed over... Is that Oliver is a fuckin teenager, and he isn't as smart as he portrays himself.
Olls. Why would you fool about with Felix's sister in plain view of the house? Ollie. What exactly did you expect one email to do? Erase Farleigh from existence? Oliver. Mate. You left your phone in the bathroom? Where Felix "no boundaries" Catton could find it? Why? Did you need to play Snake in the bath THAT BADLY? Oliver. Why would you lie about something so easily disprovable? Oliver Quick, you started digging a hole and it became Felix's fucking grave.
Older Oliver has turned what happened into a narrative where He Has Agency. He did it, and he did it on purpose, because HE WASN'T IN LOVE WITH FELIX (he was in love with Felix). He had a plan, you see, it wasn’t him being desperate and trying anything, everything he could to stay close to Felix.
He wasn’t a weird, awkward teenager who went away from home, fell in love with someone entirely unobtainable- due to socioeconomic bracket, gender, the year, all of that- and was so desperate to be near Felix that he built an unsustainable web of lies that fell apart. I think the maze scene is Oliver at his most honest, because he doesn't understand why his performance is any different, other than the amount of effort he's put in.
No, he was evil. A bad guy. A wolf in sheep's clothing, Felix his innocent victim. He's a genius... Because what is the alternative for Oliver Quick?
Admit that he was little more than a child, lashing out, unable to accept his own feelings- as he's unable to accept them as an adult- and now...
The immutable fact is that Felix died, and Oliver will never be over it.
What's the safer option?
I was a mess and I might be responsible for this and I was lashing out and I might have killed the thing I loved most because I fucked it all up.
I did it all on purpose.
And... To bring this back to the question.
I have been Oliver Quick in the bit before the bike scene. I've watched people I'd like to be friends with, living a life I was too shy or scared to go after. I can remember desperately wanting to be cool, to have a backstory, to be compelling...
I just never got desperate enough to lie. And I'm doing pretty good now, but I fucking get it. To want that connection so badly, to yearn for the life you see other people living, to want to be someone other than yourself.
So y'know
That's why I love him.
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tiredsurvivoronmain · 27 days
Hi!! I love your Lycan Chris art omg. LFMSLKJ was wondering how'd he become a Lycan in your mind? Or some Lycan!Chris headcanons in general?? Feel free to ignore just curious! Ty!
Thank you!! ;w; I haven't figured out how he became a Lycan yet; maybe sometime before the events of RE8 when he and his team were investigating the village Chris gets jumped by a Lycan and bitten however because he's been dealing with numerous BOWs for nearly 25 years his natural resistance for viruses and genetics has mutated, his body is capable of tanking the virus and is compatible with it. There may be a connection to Wesker and his enhanced immunity but I'm working on it.
When he doesn't fully turn he goes to look for Rebecca to consult her privately (to avoid the BSAA finding out). She takes blood samples to analyse and create a vaccine or a suppressor so he doesn't fully turn and lose himself to the virus.
But for now he has to deal with it on his own.
His height increases to 7ft and can move on all fours when going full 'beast' mode; he sort resembles a hybrid of a lycan and a Varcolac
He can't always control the transformation but he's still mostly in control of his thoughts, emotions and actions, but the urge to bite someone and pass on the virus is still there so he has to be fully aware of what he's doing at all times and not accidently bite someone.
The way he transforms acts the same way as a cat extending and retracting it's claws; his finger nails grow into claws and back to fingernails, fur grows rapidly all over his body (the neck in particular has thick fur like a wolf's) and sheds, excess enamel grows (making the teeth pointed) then breaks off, ears become pointed then rounded again, muscle mass increases and decreases etc.
Has high speed regeneration and can survive a headshot
Can run up to 25-30mph
His strength increases drastically; strong enough to throw a truck 30ft
When in beast mode his bite is strong enough to remove heads and tear off limbs
His sense of smell and hearing is enhanced which can make it difficult for him to concentrate (overstimulated by sounds and scents)
Stroking the fur on his neck has a calming effect on him (should someone think to do that)
Becase his body size increases he will usually take his clothes off to avoid ruining them. He'll try to keep his underwear on if he can but sometimes he'll have to resort to going nude. Thankfully the fur gets thicker around his crotch so his bits are mostly obscured.
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wenjunting · 4 months
nxx role-swap au:
luke as a psychologist (vyn). is still also a secret agent, but went into the patented Secret Agent Psychology Track to, idk. unnerve people. analyse them to further the nsb's goals. believes that his understanding of people is most useful to those around him, as compared to other skillsets— it helps him predict things, pre-empt any harm to those he loves instead of trying and failing to fight it off. seems to know everything about everyone, except how to deal with his own illness and his own history. is unnerving. is too kind, in the eyes of those he interacts with. but always too kind and never not kind enough.
artem as a private investigator (luke). in this au he doesn't hold the same regard for law as an effective form of justice; ergo, he makes his own justice. still has a near-encyclopaedic knowledge of the law because he was raised into it. is scared that he is betraying his parents' ideals. still struggles with whether his choices are right, and whether he can trust himself, but finds it better than systems that can easily be manipulated. [based off his 2nd birthday card, i think? will check ref] has seen terrible things happen and go unpunished in his forays into the darker parts of the world; distrusts law even more because of this. thinks he Always Has To Be Right otherwise the consequences will be devastating. doesn't really talk to anyone because of the solitary nature of his job, and hence suffers even more awkwardness & isn't quite good with teams, though he does sincerely try. is incredibly observant and always ready to help with anything he perceives needs it. instead of an antique shop his other job is film reviewing. his investigation business is also called mockingbird.
vyn as an artist (marius). in opposition to using psychology to understand the world, he uses art. motivated by a long-standing love for the beautiful. perfectionistic in terms of never being satisfied with his art; control freak in terms of seeing his art as the only thing he can control. to that end, is also a master of random tricks like his introductory card tower; sees these as a demonstration of being in control. wants someone to see the world the same way he does: the potential for something beautiful. the potential to create something beautiful, all by yourself. still good at reading/judging/manipulating people, but mostly to that end of understanding. still has two doctorates for some inexplicable reason. also, heir running away to become an artist trope.
marius as a lawyer (artem). in direct opposition to the artem of this au, he sees law as one of the best ways to make things right. partially motivated by spite: he was given law as a challenge by the members of pax group who believed he would never make it in anything serious. proved them incredibly wrong. as a super-prodigy-law student, he didn't have much time to spend with his father and brother when he was younger; heavily regrets this, but also thinks that he cannot let that lost time go to waste, i.e. he might as well— must— make the most of his studies of law. still loves art. sacrifices it in order to keep at his job, following in his brother's legacy of doing something, anything, good.
codenames: artem keeps libra, because he's still pursing justice. marius keeps king because he's still heir of pax; it shows power, including his strength in law. luke takes adjudicator instead, because he prides himself on judging people and their intentions, on preventing the crime before it ever happens.
vyn takes 涂鸦, luke's cn codename, which does not actually mean raven; it means grafitti. fitting for an artist and also his sense of humour regarding his art. unless i read the cn codename wrong in which case i apologise :[
on non-mc relationships:
original nxx!! oh boy this is interesting. like, it would make much less sense for it to be vyn with giann/neil because he's "just" an artist, even if he was still friends with giann. luke is definitely out because of nsb things; artem is out because without the law connection to neil, he wouldn't know anyone there. so marius, maybe, as giann's brother with a useful occupation? or artem through a family friend sort of connection to neil, with the necessary skillset?
right now my thinking is giann/neil/marius -> marius/vyn (out of concern for giann, and mentor connection to marius) -> marius/vyn/artem (through neil, and maybe prior contact with either of them? entering later because of a lesser degree of connection to neil) -> current nxx. that leaves artem as a pseudo-outsider, joining the pair who already know each other. but also lessens the gap between them because he wasn't as close to neil to begin with, so he wouldn't defend neil against them to such an extent either. much to consider.
the vyn-marius teacher-student relationship would stay around the same, the only difference being that marius would constantly go "why do you know this aren't you an artist" and vyn would smile enigmatically. also would bond over art but would never ever admit it.
artem-marius: this has no canon basis, i think, but au!marius would definitely seek out artem to help in a case at some point. he would go "hey heard you do investigations i will pay you a million dollars to help me out here" and law background artem would immediately go "Ok." they would bond over law maybe. wow marius has so many friends.
luke is lonely whoops.
on mc relationships:
luke still has the childhood best friend and unexpected reunion deal. added bonus of mc being the only person who doesn't find him unnerving. he does not understand how she still believes so much in good; he is trying to understand her, still.
artem takes on vyn's role in that marius sends her to him, to judge whether she wants the right thing; they end up working together on a case that she brings up during that meeting. he is terrified that the law that she loves so much will fail her. she wants to show him that justice can be delivered through law; that he can trust.
vyn is accused of murdering someone and requests her defence, partially because of how marius and artem have described her, partially because he would rather rot in hell than get marius to defend him. he sees her as a beautiful thing. she wants to show him that this whole world is beautiful; that it could be.
marius is her work partner. basically artem except that she finds him infuriating. the pursuit of justice, of making a difference, together. she drives him to rest; to explore all the things he missed as a prodigy.
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onigiri-dorkk · 2 years
Onigiri Compilation List!
Rivamika Fanfictions:
(New!) Aubade (3.3k): Of all people, Levi’s loyal horse takes a liking to her. OR: Levi and Mikasa go on a horseback ride in the early morning. (Fluff/Comfort)
Bending and Breaking (5.7k): A strange discovery in her room leads Mikasa to stay in Captain Levi's quarters for one night. When their imaginations run rampant, they convince themselves that it's okay to bend a rule or two. "...You only said we couldn't touch."
For Tomorrow (2.5k): While at work tending to land damaged years ago in the rumbling, two unexpected visitors rush to deliver the news to Levi: Mikasa is visiting tomorrow. A short, drabble/one-shot inspired by the newly released Attack on Titan Vol. 35 cover of post-war Levi with Gabi and Falco. (Fluff/Comfort/Humor)
Deep in the Mess Hall (7.5k): Levi discovers the doors of the Mess Hall cracked open; lights flickering, chatters echoing, voices familiar enough to tempt him to press his ear to the door. Intending to finish his business and leave, he didn't mean to overhear them talking about that, and he certainly didn't mean to get dragged into it like this. His honesty gets him into a deep mess. (Fluff/Smut/Humor)
104th's Top Cadet (4.5k): Word spreads quickly amongst regiments about a single trainee of the 104th Training Corps: twenty-years-old from Shiganshina, perfect scores on all counts. Adamant about claiming the top cadet's skills for the Survey Corps, Commander Erwin orders Levi to investigate whether the rumors are true, leading him to witness a shocking showdown between two unexpected cadets. (Humor/Romance/Action)
The Perfect Brew (5.5k): A single, hot cup of coffee helps Levi and Mikasa realize what home is to them after a life of war. (Fluff/Comfort)
Tea and Chocolates (3.3k): If there was one thing Captain Levi wasn't good at, it was remembering his squadron's damn birthdays. Guilty about forgetting his best soldier's birthday, Levi shows up at Mikasa's door to deliver a gift... a few days too late. (#rivamikamonth Week 2 Submission)
Microcosmos (81k, Rated E): After Eren disappears in Marley, Paradis Island’s strongest pair venture back to enemy land undercover to bring him home. On their lone journey across the world, Levi and Mikasa—a brooding captain cursed to tragic love and loss, and a woman afraid to let go of the fading love she’s always known—navigate uncharted waters of new love and healing amidst the war. Each clue, familiar face and enemy that comes their way leads them closer to Eren’s tail. Where could he be? What is he planning? And will they find him before it’s too late? (Fluff/Angst, Comfort/Hurt, Romance, Adventure)
Lonely Nights (5k/Rated E): On a night at sea traveling alone together to Marley, Levi accidentally finds something in Mikasa’s satchel. (Pure Smut lol)
This Isn't a Date (4.4k/Rated M): After the Ackermans are extended a private invitation to Mitras' biggest gala of the year, Commander Erwin assigns Levi and Mikasa to attend as dates. But to be clear: this isn't a date. (All Fluff)
Four More Hours (3.4k/Rated E): After a nighttime sparring session, the two insomniacs find themselves trapped in the equipment room when all are asleep. Levi and Mikasa are forced to wait until morning. Can they survive the night stuck together? (Smut, Angst)
AO3 || FF || Wattpad || Twitter
Writing Behind-the-Scenes: #onigiriwrites
Drawings/Edits: #onigiridraws #onigiriedits
Analyses: #onigirianalyzes
Figurines: #onigirifigures
(New!) Japan Travels: #onigiritravels
Anti's Fights: #onigiribitch lol!
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Microcosmos story cover by @daseindigital
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Microcosmos art by @AntermarisArt (Commission)
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This Isn’t A Date fanart by @lucymeyer5 🤍
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Microcosmos fanart by @binibchielq 🤍🤍🤍
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(New!) Deep in the Mess Hall fanart by @byhimawari
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novumtimes · 1 month
She Was the Brightest Star in the Department: Seniors Recollect Memories With Kolkata Rape-Murder Victim
Doctors and nursing staff protest against the recent the rape and murder of a woman doctor inside the RG Kar Medical College and Hospital in Kolkata. (PTI) Seniors of the 31-year-old said they were sure she would rise to the top and now, all their energies were focused on ensuring justice for her “She was a bright and sincere student who always wanted to do something new” — This is how seniors of the 31-year-old doctor raped and murdered in Kolkata’s RG Kar Medical College and Hospital remember her. The case has sent shockwaves across the country, with the medical fraternity taking to the streets to oppose the attacks on medical personnel. Trying to come to terms with the horrors of the case, the doctor’s seniors said they were sure she would rise to the top in the profession. Hasan Mushtaq, who was senior to the victim and from the same department, told News18 that she was a competent doctor. “She was very bright. In fact, she was better than us. She always wanted to do something new. We used to say she will rise to the top. I am unable to sleep, eat or do anything.” Recollecting the day when he heard the news, Mushtaq said: “One of our seniors from the department came rushing and asked me if I had heard the news. He looked shocked and just said two words — death and her name. I thought some patient had died by suicide and went inside the seminar room to check since I saw some PGTs were there who were crying. They pointed me to the direction where a body was lying on a make-shift bed. I could not see the face as it was covered with a bedsheet. I was shattered and shocked beyond belief.” Safikul Alam, another senior, said the main motive was to bring the culprits to book. “We are in a state of shock. She was an extraordinary worker and never had problems with hard work. We would tell her that she would become the best doctor.” LATEST IN THE CASE The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has taken over the case, re-registering the FIR of the Kolkata Police. The experts are likely to go through the autopsy report and analyse its videography, if any, besides visiting the crime scene where the body was found. The medics at RG Kar, AIIMS, Indira Gandhi Hospital and other resident doctors’ associations, including the Federation of All India Medical Associations (FAIMA), said on Tuesday that their stir would continue until a central law to curb attacks on medical personnel is implemented and a concrete solution found. The body of the postgraduate trainee was found on Friday morning and the preliminary autopsy report suggested that the doctor was sexually abused and murdered. It stated that the victim was bleeding from her eyes, mouth and private parts. There were also injuries on her left leg, neck, right hand, ring finger and lips. The Kolkata Police had arrested 33-year-old Sanjoy Roy who joined the Kolkata Police as a civic volunteer in 2019. The police had alleged that he was married at least four times and was a known “womaniser”. The accused, who is a trained boxer, got close to a few senior police officers over the years, following which he was moved to the Kolkata Police Welfare Board and posted at the police outpost at the state-run RG Kar Medical College and Hospital where the incident occurred. Kamalika Sengupta Kamalika Sengupta, Editor, Digital East of News18, is a multilingual journalist with 16 years of experience in covering the northeast, with specialisa…Read More Source link via The Novum Times
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catinheadlights · 2 months
Do you potentially have the Official Player Warning PMs in full? I know the important part was the AI admittance but I'd like to analyse it in full. I for some reason never got it.
- @sylestia-archive
Yes! I screenshotted the entirety of the PMs on the day I received them. I believe they were sent out on December 12th, 2022 based on when they were saved.
Under the cut because it's A Lot.
Not directed at you specifically, but to clarify for others who may be reading these without context: some of it is highly exaggerated and shaky at best, and some of it is stupid to complain about on its face. My memory is bad and I did not witness every conversation everyone has had about this stuff, so I can't speak on how true every single claim is. I have seen people say things that I felt were overly rude and mean-spirited in private towards a third party, though that isn't harassment. Do not harass or assume ill of anyone named in the PM. Despite the wording, there was not a Horrible Evil SJW Cult on the site that got busted, Krin just decided everyone he sent it to was basically a monolith for some reason. Not everyone who received the PM participated in any of it at all. The reason I got it was because: 1) I assumed the AI art wasn't AI and said in a private discord server that it was a waste to unnecessarily commission new, heavily detailed item icons. 2) I also said that some of the avatar items and a theme name were Bad, Actually (will stick avatar item images in after the PMs).
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In regular text (copied and pasted, typos included):
This is PM 1 of 2 on this topic.
This PM is being sent to a group of individuals who are part of ongoing investigations into the source of targeted harassment, toxic behavior, and borderline illegal activity. If you are receiving this message, we have determined with certainty that you have been involved in these activities, supported these activities, promoted these activities, or schemed about these activities.
The players, Tisquares and Limor, have been permanently banned for the following reasons.
Tisquares: Sought out sensitive, personal information regarding site administrators and shared said personal information both in a shared Discord group channel and through private DMs. This is extremely beyond any semblance of acceptable behavior and we, as a private business, do not wish to serve any individual who takes such actions; let alone any individual who would even contemplate such actions. This is such a gross violation of our privacy. I also want everyone to be aware that doxxing is against the law. We will absolutely not hesitate to take legal action if this happens.
Limor: Created a social media account impersonating an official Sylestia Twitter account and then used said fake account to post negative and potentially damaging slander towards both Sylestia and its administrators. This is extremely inappropriate behavior where the individual intentionally was attempting to cause harm to Sylestia and/or its administrators. There is zero tolerance for such behavior and we do not wish to serve any individual who seeks to intentionally damage our site or its staff/players.
Other gross invasions of our privacy that we have received include being harassed on our own private, personal social media accounts, being stalked on our own private, personal social media accounts, and receiving harassment to our own private, personal email accounts. This type of behavior is extremely inappropriate and borderline illegal. If you think that these types of actions are not a big deal, then I highly advise you to read up on cyberbullying and cyberstalking laws. For a group of players that champions themselves on being a voice for minorities, these types of actions are beyond hypocritical. If you want to continue with these types of actions, we will not hesitate to issue more permanent bans; let alone to seek legal actions against the individuals involved.
Throughout our investigation into these matters, we have seen a plethora of misinformation, misunderstood motives, and just flat out made-up information that we have absolutely no idea who sourced it. I would like to take some time to address some of the misinformation that we saw. Clearly, there is some immense amount of misinterpretation going on here.
Faiona's Role with Sylestia: Reading through countless ridiculous claims, slander, and disrespectful messages about Faiona was extremely disheartening. Sylestia would literally not exist without her work. Since it seems to be a very hot topic amongst this group, I would like to address some things - even though it really is not anyone's business how work is distributed amongst staff.
Firstly, no, Faiona is not a coder. Blaming her for anything coding related is absolutely ridiculous. There literally is zero overlap.
Secondly, no, Faiona is not an artist. Mocking her for the site's original artwork is also equally as ridiculous. The original artwork was created by a contracted artist, just like all of the site's art. The few exceptions are items and site assets created by me. These would include things like the original Experience Orb, random check marks, plus signs, etc.
Thirdly, yes, Faiona is still heavily involved in the development of Sylestia. While I maintain mostly a front-end position and write all of the code, she works almost exclusively on content-creation. She works daily with our artists working on new artwork. She spends dozens of hours every Festival on picking out Themed Pets and she spends a dozen hours every Festival on Forum Games. In addition to those main roles, her and I consult each other on virtually any minor or major Sylestia-based decision. It also should go without saying, but her and I's work relationship is absolutely nobody's business but our own. We maintain a great working relationship. Some people are mature enough to be able to separate their personal life form their work life. Sylestia would absolutely be worse off without her hard work and input. If you think otherwise, you quite literally have no idea what you're talking about.
Other ridiculous claims that I recall seeing...
Majority of Admin Themed Pets?
I mostly create them or heavily edit them. Also, in general, the official Admin Themed Pets do very well. Not all of them, of course. But easily 2/3 or 3/4 are successful and generate a lot of sales related activity.
Forum Games posted early?
I specifically request it so that players have something to do until the actual Festival begins.
The naming of Admin Themed Pets, Pet Traits, or Avatar Items? 95%+ are named by me, not Faiona.
Banning of players?
I am literally the only person to have ever banned an account in any capacity. 
Logging into my account? 
Seriously? No. 
2021 Summer Festival - Mermaid Caller Puffadore Raffle: I am not sure exactly what happened, but it seems clear that we missed the Puffadore Raffle on this one. My best guess is that I thought Faiona was going to do it and she thought I was going to do it and, in the end, neither of us did it. Yes, Unstaeble contacted me on December 17th of 2021 regarding this issue. I legitimately thought that we had already parsed it and told Unstaeble as such. When Unstaeble questioned my response, I responded by saying that I would investigate further when I had a chance. Unfortunately, I never got around to it, forgot about it, and that was the last that I heard about it - until this investigation. For some reason, this was considered to be gaslighting on my part? I am not sure how that was the conclusion reached. The middle of December is an extremely busy time for me. At that time, I was currently out of town on vacation to visit family. While on my holiday vacations, I am stuck on a laptop coding for hours, putting in artwork for a dozen+ hours, trying to handle a massive influx of support issues because it's always the busiest time of the year, and also trying to enjoy my actual vacation and visit with family. I am sorry. By the time I returned home, I had forgotten to check up on it. It was absolutely nothing more than a small honest mistake. I am sorry that this was somehow determined to be gaslighting and something malicious. It was nothing more than simple human error. Anyone could have easily just sent me another reminder PM and I would have happily parsed it properly. As such, now that we are aware of it, we will go ahead and parse it now.
Shamrock Warden Luffox/Lagoon Mermaid Zolnixi/Admin Themed Pets in General: Both of these noted Themed Pets and their Restricted Trait Sets were highly popular and profitable. It may come as a surprise, but there are thousands of players who make up the entire player base and not all of them will share the same design opinions as all of you. You don't have to like every single design that we release. It is absolutely in our best interest to release popular designs. Believe me, that is always our goal. It is kind of how the business makes its money.
2022 Summer Festival Sudoku: I cannot believe this generated so much malcontent. Up through the 2022 Summer Festival, we have always used an online tool to generate our sudoku puzzles. No, we don't create them by hand. No, neither of us are sudoku masters. This was just an honest mistake. And yes, a lot of the sudoku puzzles that we have released over the years end up with multiple viable solutions. It is very easy to figure this out when we grade them - we will receive a proper solution from a player that does not match our answer key. Sometimes, a puzzle has even had two or three different solutions. Clearly, the one from the 2022 Summer Festival was really bad. When this was brought to our attention, we went and purchased a large book of official sudoku puzzles that we will be using from now on. The drama related to WickedPixie has already been discussed (and shared amongst you all already, it seems), but it was extremely unwarranted and inappropriate over something completely innocent and minor.
WickedPixie's Ban: No, the ban is not being lifted nor shortened. We absolutely have enforced retroactive bans before on players for offenses reviewed well after the time of the initial infraction. No, WickedPixie's apology was not sincere and they do not still seem to regret the action itself, but only instead that they are now being reprimanded for it. I quote, "I just need help bullsh*tting an apology."
Glaselk Conspiracies: No, nobody has any relationship with Glaselk. No, they are not treated any differently than others are. No, I personally do not think that they are trolling. Show some empathy towards others who may not be able to communicate as well as yourself. I would expect a group that champions on the cause of social injustices to have more empathy towards others.
Experience Orb and Magical Pie Art: No, no artist time was spent nor wasted on these assets. No, we did not divert any site resources to the specific creation of these assets. We were learning and testing with artwork created by Al and these were our initial test projects. The end results actually ended up being pretty decent, so we decided to use them. No, we are not going to replace any artists with Al artwork. However, we most definitely are looking to supplement where we can so that our artists can continue working full time on more important projects. I think that we are aware of how to properly budget our time and resources. We have been doing this for a decade now. And yes, our artists are aware that we are using Al artwork.
Continued in PM 2 of 2. 
This is PM 2 of 2 on this topic.
Pow Wow Costume Avatar Items: We have already renamed these to Deerskin so any further argument about this is moot. We meant absolutely no offense nor any type of cultural appropriation with the creation of these items. Personally, I love learning about Native American culture and heritage (and all cultures in general). I have visited a handful of Native American reserves throughout my life and have really enjoyed each experience. I believe that culture is meant to be cherished and shared and judging by my personal experiences, this is shared amongst the Native Americans that I have personally met. Creating items for the game that I own and operate is the easiest way for me to do that. We do not really profit from the vast majority of our avatar items. The vast majority are just a business expense to give our players a better experience by allowing them to make their experience on Sylestia feel more real. A lot of players enjoy customizing their avatar to be a representation of themselves. The Pow Wow items were created exactly for that reason. The one thing that I would agree with is that using the word "costume" was a poor choice and was the driving factor for us changing the names. 
Wendigo Morkko: We are well aware of your input regarding this Themed Pet. It has been noted. Wendigos are used throughout popculture and ficiontal works. You can find a show, movie, game, or book about wendigos virtually for every year going back decades. Major shows, games, and movies have referenced these mythological creatures. This Themed Pet was also submitted by a player; it was not named by us. Wendigo is on the same line as any of the plethora of other mythological creatures that we have referenced throughout the site. Three people complaining about this issue, who are conspiring off- site to continue pressing this issue, does not equate to us being racist. That is such a gross and extreme conclusion to draw. Not everyone has to agree with your viewpoints all of the time. You have stated your opinion. You have made it known. Continuing to intentionally spam about this issue will just result in Forum Strikes or other appropriate responses. Sylestia is a browser game. We are not a political action committee. We are not attempting to take any political stances. Play the game and have fun. If you don't like something, don't collect it.
Condoning Hate Speech: There seems to be a massive misunderstanding of our stance on this issue. No, hate speech of any kind is not accepted on Sylestia. It never has been, it never will be, and players who do it will be disciplined appropriately. However, just because you know or suspect another individual has a different world view than your own does not give you the right to harass said individiual. Stalking people's twitter accounts, facebook accounts, deviant art accounts, or anything of that sort is beyond inappropriate and stops now. If we see this type of behavior continuing towards any of our players or staff, we are just going to permanently ban those involved - period. If you don't like someone or don't agree with them and don't want to associate with them, then block and ignore them. You absolutely do not resort to bullying, harassing, or stalking them. If someone is saying or doing something inappropriate on Sylestia, report it to me. We are aware of more than a handful of players who have literally quit Sylestia entirely or have ceased participating in its community specifically due to the harassment and bullying done by or witnessed by this group. And no, I am not talking about so called 'racists', 'sexists', or 'pedophiles'. I am talking about legitimate, upstanding members of the community. I think everyone here needs to look in a mirror and ask yourself if this type of behavior is having a positive effect on the community. Because the answer is that it is not. Treat others with the same respect that you want to be treated with. And if you think maintaining and using a 'public' blacklist is appropriate, it is not. You are doing nothing but feeding more hate.
As a final summation, everyone can consider this a one-time warning. If there is any continuation or escalation of these core issues towards myself, Faiona, our artists, or our players, you will just simply be met with a permanent ban. If anyone continues down the road of doxxing myself or Faiona, we will not hesitate to take legal action.
I implore all of you to carefully think upon all of the people that you have mocked, harassed, bullied, and stalked and really ask yourself, "How would I feel if someone was doing this to me?" I have heard, so many times, from many of you about your concern for Sylestia's future. Do you really think this type of behavior is going to result in a better Sylestia? You are directly working to damage the very thing that you claim to so deeply care about. Both Faiona and I were extremely disappointed to see many of the individuals involved in these acts. You all should be ashamed of yourselves. If you are unsatisfied with Sylestia as a game or community, then just simply spend your time elsewhere. Nobody is forcing you to be on Sylestia.
I hope this will serve as a learning experience for everyone involved. There are appropriate and inappropriate methods of getting your points across and handling disagreements of opinion. I really hope that it is glaringly obvious why all of the actions taken here are grossly inappropriate and there absolutely are consequences to such inappropriate actions. If you do truly care about Sylestia's future, then be the solution and not the problem.
[End of Sylestia warning PM transcription]
There's... a lot to unpack and a lot of context, both stuff that I know and stuff that I don't. I don't really have the energy to dissect it line by line or anything, but that's what he sent in its entirety.
There's also More Stuff related to that PM that might interest you:
Here are the avatar items he was getting defensive about (shown in the default colors, they're recolorable):
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They were announced in this thread along with pilgrim avatar items. The images are broken now, but if you use inspect element, you can find their names in the image links. The outfit is epic rarity, and the headbands are rare.
His claim that taking "pow wow" out of the item names and renaming the outfit item to "deerskin outfit" makes it 100% fine comes from this forum post. Chicken Smoothie had a similar issue and renamed their own outfit item to "deerskin outfit", while also allowing players to exchange the item for a different one that was released during the same event as it. It was not possible to obtain new copies of the CS deerskin outfit after the event. In Sylestia, the name was changed and nothing else. It can still drop from retired avatar item chests.
You might also be interested in this old thread about racial representation and the Lost Grove plotline. I also messaged Krin about the WW mork thread which you posted about and the other one that was closed with it:
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That's all I can think of at the moment, good luck in getting all the info you can. I might remember more stuff later, idk.
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readyforevolution · 1 year
Fishing is an ancient practice in Africa, dating back 100,000 years, when modern humans started moving into coastal environments. The remains of thousands of fish bones and shellfish from sites on the southern African coastline dating to the Middle Stone Age testify to its antiquity. At the same time that human populations in Africa were developing more sophisticated terrestrial hunting technologies, they were also acquiring innovative and productive fishing and riverine hunting skills. Humans in Central Africa used some of the earliest barbed points, like this harpoon point, to spear huge prehistoric catfish weighing as much as 68 kg (150 lb)–enough to feed 80 people for two days. Later, humans used harpoons to hunt large, fast marine mammals
Archaeological research has shown that aquatic environments have been exploited for both subsistence and cultural purposes for tens of thousands of years. The Semliki harpoon, also known as the Katanda harpoon, refers to complex harpoon heads carved from bone. It is from an archaeologic site on the Semliki River in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (formerly Zaire) which dates back 90,000 years. It seemed to substantiate that fishing and an “aquatic civilization” was likely in the region across eastern and northern Africa during the wetter climatic conditions of the early to mid-Holocene, as shown by other evidence at the lakeshore site of Ishango.
The site is littered with catfish bones and the harpoons are the size to catch adult catfish, so investigators suspect the fisherman came to the site every year “to catch giant catfish.” It is unlikely that the harpoons are much different from those used today (see reference for photos). The archaeologic site coincides with the range of the Efé Pygmies, which have been shown by mitochondrial DNA analyses to be one of the oldest races still existing on earth.
A project exploring the role of East Africa in the evolution of modern humans has amassed the largest and most diverse collection of prehistoric bone harpoons ever assembled from the area. The collection offers clues about the behaviour and technology of prehistoric hunter-gatherers. "The area around Lake Turkana is extraordinarily rich not just in fossils, but also in artefacts used to exploit the ecology of the area. In the case of aquatic resources from the lake, these artefacts are often harpoons or points made from bone. The harpoons range in date from around 13,000 years ago – late in the geological epoch known as the Pleistocene – to around 6,000 years ago, the middle of the current geological epoch known as the Holocene. The researchers used radiocarbon and other dating techniques on samples of shell and sediment surrounding the harpoons to place them in time.
Carved in wood, is the the figure of king Tut gessoed and gilded. The ends of the painted papyrus skiff were also gilded. The harpoon which the king holds in his right hand and the coiled rope in his left are made of bronze, like the slippers he wears, the uraeus (serpent) attached to his crown, and the inlaid eyebrows.
On the walls of many private tombs both before and during the New Kingdom, the owner is often shown on a small raft fowling or fishing in the marshes. While the action illustrated by this statue is similar, the king hunts neither fish nor fowl, but the hippopotamus, the animal sacred to the god Seth. Like many other objects in the tomb, it relates to the traditional spirituality restored by Tutankhamun
1. Yellen, JE; AS Brooks; E Cornelissen; MJ Mehlman; K Stewart (28 April 1995). "A middle stone age worked bone industry from Katanda, Upper Semliki Valley, Zaire". Science. 268 (5210): 553–556. Bibcode:1995Sci...268..553Y. doi:10.1126/science.7725100. PMID 7725100.
2. "Katanda Bone Harpoon Point". Smithsonian Museum: What does it mean to be human?. Retrieved Oct 8, 2016.
3. Brooks, Alison S.; Smith, Catherine C. (December 1987). "Ishango revisited: new age determinations and cultural interpretations". The African Archaeological Review. 5 (1): 65–78. doi:10.1007/BF01117083. S2CID 129091602.
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Moon into Cancer | MBTI Analysis PAC
The following types will have to confront their shadow: INTJ, ENTJ, INTP, ENTP
This is a bit of a different PAC as it actually works like a psychometric test 0____0
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Yor counterpart shadow function is a feeling function, ruled by lunar energies. Maybe not every thinking type may believe in astrology but the unconscious and concept of the shadow or hidden personality is a framework of these concepts that kinda tends to appeal to thinking types more as it doesn't require you to believe in energies etc.
PICK a pack based on what you feel describes you best
🐚 Lavender - you often suppress feelings, only to find them bursting out at inopportune moments
🌹Rose - You allow yourself to feel your feelings, but only in private
🏺Honeysuckle - You intellectualise your feelings, and may have a tendency to over analyse them
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🐚 Lavender - Queen of cups. At the moment the moon into cancer makes your feelings more sensitive, meaning that they are more likely to surface. However, this energy also makes it easier to sort through and confront them. As an NT type, lean on your intuition to be able to tune into your lesser used feeling functions - you will find it easier.
🌹Rose - your ability to keep your feelings contained can sometimes be both a blessing and a curse. There may come a time when you question and examine why it is so. However, for now, this is an introverted, personal energy. You could allow yourself to investigate your ability - or lack - for opening up. But you could also choose this time to do other shadow work, following your instincts wherever they may take you.
🏺Honeysuckle - You may think you are sharing your feelings with others, but in reality, you may just be going round in circles. If it feels that way, this emotional time is a change to take stock of what you really feel without putting it into intellectual language. You may also find it is helpful to meditate or use tarot cards in order to separate your feelings from what may just be rumination.
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zot3-flopped · 8 months
It’s true that a lot of Larry-type thinking is about people (for whatever reason) not wanting Harry and Louis to have their own romantic lives, but it’s so much darker than that. They don’t want them to have any life that they don’t know about. Everything is up for investigation: their love lives, their random shags, who they party with, who they stand next to at a party (immediately those people become ‘friends’ - come on), their families, their friends, their families’ friends, their friends’ families, their music business dealings, their other business dealings, their promotional strategies, their homes, their gym, where they walk to and why. It’s exhausting.
And when the information isn’t forthcoming - which for the most part it isn’t because either that’s their private lives, or it’s business sensitive, or it’s nothing at all of significance, then they just lie lie lie and draw conclusions about things they have no understanding of. They don’t accept, or perhaps they can’t imagine, that they have absolutely no control over any of this, and they only see about 1% of Harry and Louis’ lives, most of which is not explained to them. So they bake things into the ‘canon’ and decide for these adult men that certain things were motivated by certain needs: not a shred of evidence or even fact but now they can spread those things as ‘reality’.
And what is it for? Some of them were maybe discovering they’re queer at that young age when romance seems very important - young teens - and they were sold a really potent story of forbidden love. I get it, but they have got to grow out of it!
Some of them are older women fetishising gay sex between young men (but let’s not forget Harry was a boy at the beginning of 1D; this is not some easy fantasy, it’s bloody dark). Those older women seem to want to shepherd the younger ones in some way, which is fucking creepy.
All of them seem to be really invested in fan fiction, like to a worrying degree. I wish they’d funnel that creativity in a way that didn’t perpetuate these fantasies for others.
Some of them just hate beautiful women, I think. I come from the UK and for me, the idea of shagging around a bit in your late teens/early twenties/late twenties is just kind of fine, some people do it and others don’t. I can see that if you come from a country where that’s a no, or a deeply conservative family in the US, say, then drivelling on about ‘stunts’ might make some warped sense. It’s phenomenally misogynistic, but they don’t seem to ever be able to analyse that for themselves. (I always think of Letdown nasty mod as one of these.)
But you know what’s saddest of all? That Harry and Louis are not even close to being special, throughout all this. Chris Evans fans are the same. Benedict Cumberbatch fans are the same. Outlander fans are the same. Supernatural. Name almost any male actor/tv series that appeals to online fans and the loneliest, most online of those fans are quietly generating a shit ton of crap. It eventually somehow becomes so intrusive that the object of their disrespect has to either say something, or conspicuously do nothing to pander to it. Cue more meltdowns every time. Larries are just another sad little group, out of a whole load of sad people who visit this disrespect on people they claim to love, but don’t know at all and never will. None of it is original. And then they wonder why famous people put on a bit of a persona: it’s to keep people like them away from their real lives 😖
Thank you for this! I agree with every word.
Many Larries do seem alarmingly puritanical. They believe that when Louis accidentally got a woman he'd only known a few months pregnant it was some deadly sin, but their notion that Louis is employing a child to fake being his son (which is illegal under child labour laws) is somehow fine because 'that's what happens in the entertainment industry.'
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