#Probably not but maybe
inkedroplets · 9 months
Doubt I will flesh out the idea but I keep coming back to Supercorp AU idea where Kara is an old God, the personification of Rao. There are no more prayers or offerings or worshippers for her and it leaves her empty in an indescribable way. She is alone and living as little more than a shadow.
Lena is a new God. One that knows her existence is ephemeral. The prayers and the belief and the people who revere her will vanish someday. And maybe that's why she takes such interest in Kara. An old God that refuses to stop holding on. Stubborn but not prideful.
Blah blah blah, I basically want to write it because I want Lena to offer to worship Kara.
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hazelcephalopod · 10 months
While I’m ok with -and actually really like- the backstory Redemption gave Eliot I do agree it doesn’t totally meet up with the implied backstory from OG Leverage. However I have a way to remedy the issue as I see it -actually I have several but I’ll just mention this one I think is kinda interesting. This one is pure hc because it contradicts the stated canon.
Eliot is adopted at a young age, from an abusive home. Perhaps as a young child he was left badly hurt at the hospital and his to be mom bonded with him and decided to foster and later adopt him. Not perfect, but I think it gives better connectivity between the OG and sequel series.
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brennacedria · 3 months
I wanna play dragon age again already (go figure, start it back up once and it starts to become my personality again), but I don't wanna play it on gamepass :( but I also don't want to go to the hassle of switching the ps4 for the ps3. But if I do, then I can re-finish Elissa on playstation, including all dlc which I don't have on game pass. then I can play da2 with Ria with THAT dlc. THEN THEN I can go back to origins and play the mage save that I actually want to play today. Playing the others will give me time to decide which mage to play, Vrania or Neria. but first I have to clean up the other saves, ofc.
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rubeslovesthesmiths · 4 months
Would Journaling in a pretty book with pretty pens like the pretty boy I wish to be solve my mental health issues
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I heard about that one au. With Grian who knows Minecraft mechanics but nobody else does-
Sounds interesting. Please give
(If you still wanna share it)
Boy am I glad you asked!!!!!
So the premise is that grian’s a watcher and kind of a god? Sorta? At least partially. And he’s been building on a private server of his (as one does) for a few millennia, and he starts to get a little bored, and decides to join a multiplayer server, because player interaction is good every once in a while. And it’s been forever since he’s seen kristen (the goddess of death) so he joins her server!
But when he joins, he notices that everything’s a little. Strange? He didn’t get a communicator on login (which always happens, so he’s very confused) and when he asks some players walking by they look at him weird and ask if he means a ‘phone’ (which he has no clue what that is). Plus, everything’s just kinda… odd. Off. The lighting’s too dim for a place with that many people (which, wow), there are barely any trees and no one’s punching any (even when some say they need wood for a project they just walk past), and no one’s using their inventories.
So grian checks out the details of the server, and hardcore is on. He’s confused at how this many people are still playing with hardcore on, especially with skipping nights by sleeping off, and with such poor lighting. And there’s a huge death count to something called ‘old age’, which he’s never heard of before, and the server-wide pain reception is set to max, and apparently no one had logged in and all of them were bred like passive mobs??? And the only reason he could join like normal was because he was a god and kristen had whitelisted him before the changes were made?????? At least it’s on peaceful mode???
As grian has a very minor meltdown on a bench a chunk away from the empty lot of land that is spawn (which was even more confusing because there’s always some sort of welcome at spawn) and this very polite man with a lovely mustache who introduces himself as mumbo (though grian can see that, since even though name tags are turned off too, he can still see it due to watcher/god) asks if he’s alright, then offers to house grian until he finds a job and can get his own place.
Grian, while at first a little confused at having to buy a house (why not just build one?), he does quickly come to learn that the land costs ‘money’ (why not just use diamonds as currency, like everyone on every server ever??), so the next day (mumbo insisted that he sleep for some reason) he announced that he was going mining a thousand blocks out or so, and left to find a relatively untouched piece of land (leaving a very confused mumbo jumbo in his wake).
He mines for most of the day, and due to the server being on peaceful mode, he is unbothered by monsters, and though he’d assumed that there wouldn’t be anything valuable left to mine due to all the players, all the recourses were practically untouched! Which is also worrying, but he won’t complain if it makes him wealthy! So he returns to mumbo’s home, already having forgotten that land costs ‘money’, and asks mumbo where and how he should build, as the city has a general cohesiveness that he doesn’t want to interfere with.
So mumbo reminds his new friend(?) about the cost of land, and the existence of money, and takes grian to a place that would buy his numerous diamonds, all of which are carbon copies of each other, to a place that would buy them for a fair price, and not ask how he got his hands on them, or how they’re all indistinguishable from one another.
Thus, mumbo whisks grian away to a pawn shop that is admittedly quite seedy, and run by a man named quackity. At first, the man seems to think he’s being targeted by a shabbily-made scam, but once mumbo convinces him to test the diamond’s validity, he becomes thrilled to buy each and every one, his grin somehow widening with every diamond confirmed real. He didn’t ask where the diamonds came from (in a literal sense, as grian brought them out of his inventory one-by-one), and mumbo didn’t ask how buying all these diamonds wasn’t making him bankrupt. A fair trade in many ways.
So grian then uses his new money to buy the largest adjacent plots of land available (which is quite a few, in the richest-people section of the city, where very few people live, which is on the edge of the city and pretty much the middle of nowhere), and he gives half of the rest of the money to mumbo as thanks for helping him out, then sets off to build his new home!
~visual signal that the rest of this is no longer part of the story~
At present, I have 10,761 word of bullet notes of plot points, so I have a full plan for what will probably end up being ~50k words at minimum to the most recent events I have planned, since I tend to drabble on, plus I’ll have to be less vague for… everything! Even what I’ve written here’ll be expanded on a lot when I write it for real, I’m just really excited to talk about it :D
Thank you so much for the ask!! I’ve been wanting an excuse to talk about it for a while, and I’ve only now realized that talking about the stuff I really want to would be spoiling it. But I have so much planned, and it includes so many things!!! I’ll want a beta reader to make sure my plan is coherent first, but even without one, I’ll get it done eventually.
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emmafallsinlove · 2 months
but daddy i love him, my boy only breaks his favorite toys, i can fix him (no really i can) are very literati to me.......
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kestrels-nook · 3 months
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reaperkaneki · 1 year
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@swordtsukiyama UNCALLED FOR
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alia-atreideez · 1 year
I could kill John Wick with a slippery banana peel.
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lyekisses · 1 year
i didn’t get a single assignment done today and now im sooooo sleepy 😞 oh well there’s always tomorrow (the day they’re all due)
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phthalology · 1 year
gonna double the length of this fic just to expand on the canon line “He didn’t like the idea” 
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technologyvoid · 1 year
did u know. that.
I LOVA U <333
i hope u feel more ok soon <3 take care of urself!!! i care abt u more than u think
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Thanks <2
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tobacconist · 2 years
actually i wonder if ‘dem’ and ‘dat’ in jamaican patwa is a holdover from old english ‘þǣm’ and ‘þæt’
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trashy-greyjoy · 5 months
really love dynamics that are like 'it honestly doesn't matter if you view them as romantic or platonic, the point is that they love each other. the type of love is inconsequential, all that matters is that it's there'. gotta be one of my favorite genders.
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sabertoothwalrus · 2 months
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UHMMMMM what if T4T labru
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jakeperalta · 4 months
I'm curious. what job would you do if money was no object (you just automatically had an income you could live comfortably on)? including work like volunteering, studying etc. please share in the tags :)
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