#Professionally Petty
Follow Up pt 4
This dour mood followed Angelina for the rest of the car ride and doubled when pushed into the morgue to find the medical examiner already there with Peitro’s Proxy.  The Rosselini took one look at her and then her gaze slid to Pietro standing just behind her. Angelina knew she had been dismissed out of hand and the anger seethed.  Such a thing had happened many times before.  When people went to meet the Donna of Grenoble, they expected a woman in her prime, perhaps one aged into wisdom, all demure silk velvet over maternal steel.  When they saw a slight girl frozen forever at 18, round face still carrying the memory of childhood, they discounted what they saw and turned to Pietro as the continuing authority, he having been her voice and direction up until the moment of their first meeting.
Pietro, well schooled and endless amused by this bitter bit of theater, stayed where he was and said nothing, waiting for Diana Rossellini to figure out the silent error she had made.  Angelina did not wait for those brown eyes to widen, or the face go ashen to realize she had dismissed the one that had given permission to be Proxied and that permission could be revoked.
“What did you find?”
The Proxy caught herself, startling to be addressed, but not looking alarmed to be caught out.  “Donna Angelina, a pleasure to - “
“Yes,” Angelina agreed, a great pleasure to meet yet another family member that would have to be taught respect and comportment.  “Your findings?”
Angelina could feel Pietro’s amusement behind her, like a wave of warmth coming off a fire and she made a mental note to address his instigating these awkward introductions at a later time.  One did not humiliate one’s enforcer.  Not if one wanted to keep their good humor and loyalty.
The medical examiner cleared her throat from where she stood on the other side of the table, a skeleton, white and unweathered, laid neatly on a steel topped table.  “I’ve been able to narrow it down to three missing persons.”
“A three way tie?”  Angelina asked, brows raised as if mildly curious about the outcome and the examiner flushed, turning a faintly accusatory stare at Diana.  
“I had just arrived with the dental records, Donna.”  Diana handed them to the examiner, as cool as you please.  The way the other woman snatched them out of the Proxy’s hands suggested that the files had been withheld, either for spite or for testing of the examiner's skill in reading the bones.  It wasn’t that Angelina disapproved of testing the academic might of the people called upon to perform a service, just that at this moment, Angelina wasn’t in the mood for delays.  Or for anyone to decide now was the time for a power play. 
Hurriedly, the woman took out the x-ray images, the shaded transparencies hung up on the light box to be studied.  They waited, Angelina not unaware of the Rosselini’s subtle attempt to size her up, comparing what she saw to what she had imagined.  For her part, she let it go.  There would be time later to put Pietro’s Proxy in her place if necessary.  
“This one, Ms. Giovanni,” the medical examiner said, hurriedly.  Taking down the transparency, she slid it back into its file and handed it to Angelina over the table holding their mysteriously departed.  “I’ll give you a moment.”  Stripping off her gloves, the woman left.  
“Simeon Boucher,” Angelina read aloud before putting the file down on the metal table.  “One parent still living, two siblings living abroad, no spouse, no children.  Cause of death, blunt force trauma.”
“That would be consistent with what we saw when we dumped his body,” Diana confirmed.  “We - “
But Angelina wasn’t interested in the explanations or stories the Rosellini was quick to give.  Ignoring her, she stripped off her own gloves and set the soft black leather aside, concentrating on the well ordered bones before her.
“Simon Boucher,” she murmured under the self-aggrandizing chatter of the Proxy.  “Let’s see if you’re still here.”  Angelina laid both hands on the bones, one hand cradling around the smooth curve of the skull, thumb tracing along the zygomatic arch where a spider web of fractures hinted at the violence of the man’s final moments.  The other hand rested on the cracked and ragged remains of the sternum.
She wasn’t surprised to feel that Simon’s soul still lingered.  A death as sudden as violent as his had been, often made spirits bound to this world.  Ones so bound were unable to let go of their former lives and find whatever peace was beyond the Shadowlands.  Angelina called to the spirit gently, testing to see at what strength the contest of wills between her and the unwilling dead, and while she hadn’t been surprised to know he lingered, she was surprised at the promptness of his response.
Simon’s soul manifested as suddenly as switching on a light, vivid and clean as if drawn on her vision by some bold artist with only a faint transparency to suggest that he wasn’t of this world.  Whatever chatter Diana had been engaging in stopped and Angelina had blessed silence in which to contemplate the spirit.
“You’re like her,” it whispered, voice coming from some other place.
“Like whom, Mr. Boucher?” Angelina asked, hand absently stroking the smooth bone of the skull, as if petting a cat, or soothing a child.
“I assume he’s talking about Elizabeth,” Diana put in unnecessarily.  “I didn’t think little Miss Princess could do the family business.”
Angelina set her jaw, cross that the Rosselini dared to speak, but before she could order her cousin to silence, the sad and despondent shade of the late Simon turned to survey the room.  Once his eyes fell upon the disdainful Diana, it flared, a shadow behind a flame, blown to grotesque proportions and flickering as if caught in a hot and terrible wind.
“You left me to die!” It roared, leaning towards the shocked Rosselini, mouth agape and hands turned to grasping claws.  “YOU KILLED ME!”
Sternly, Angelina bound the enraged wraith of Simon Boucher so it could not attack the stunned woman.  But, with a bit of satisfied spite, she let it slowly drift in her directly, forcing Diana to back up a step.  Aloud, she said, “Perhaps your recounting of your mission wasn’t entirely correct, Ms. Rosselini?”
The look that Diana shot her before looking back at her slowly stalking wraith was murderous.  “No, Donna.  We found him dead and - “  The wraith roared, cursing.  “He was beyond saving!  I could see that just by looking at him!”
Angelina believed Diana when she said that she had seen the man’s fast approaching death.  It was her family curse, after all.  Everything was on the cusp of death to her and everyone that had the Rosselini gift.  She did not, however, believe that Simon had been beyond saving.
“He might have been more useful alive, Ms. Rosselini,” Angelina said, sounding disapproving of Diana's protests and indifferent of her discomfort. 
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brucewaynehater101 · 6 months
I can't get the image out of my head of:
Damian: "Drake."
Tim: "No names in field."
Damian: "Cease your whining, Drake."
Tim: *takes a measured breath in and out before realizing that he has a solution that doesn't resort to murder* "Alright, bet."
This is the true reason behind the Drake vigilante persona
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Clone Wars Headcanon: I can do it with a broken heart
Literally obsessed with TS’ song “I can do it with a broken heart” and just…
Imagine that as Cody when Kenobi went on that Hardeen mission
He wasn’t privy to know Obi-wan was undercover and while he has his suspicions, it’s wiped clean by how Anakin acts
Fox sees this and how the 212th are on leave but worries for his brother so he invites Cody on one of his missions
Cody goes with Fox and they go infiltrate a Seppie base for information
Cody seems fine; and to any other Vod, he would be but Fox knows his Ori’vod and so he waits
And waits till Cody cracks
And Cody’s sad but that comes out in anger because if he was there with Kenobi, he would make sure his Jedi never got shot
And he’s confused because Kenobi’s reckless but not stupid. How could he have gotten killed?
And he’s pissed because he’s dead and Cody can’t seem to let go of this feeling that Obi-wan can’t be gone. He can’t
And it’s a mixture of emotions that fight for their way to the front and Fox just sits and listens
“I’m sorry,” Fox tells his brother and Cody just humorlessly laughs.
“For what?”
Fox shrugs. “For not being able to grieve in private.”
Cody hates how true his brother is cuz they’re both Head Commanders. They can’t grieve publicly even if they wanted to.
And Cody just sighs and agrees. “Yea, me too.”
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fluffypotatey · 2 months
The fact Javi legit sat there with his lil snackie, waiting for his new situationship to evolve into it's final form. "Attaboy :)" SIR???
I fucking see you, Javier, Mr. "My Tornado Twists Both Ways"
also, Javi and Scott read like exes to me. or in their own situationship but previously broke up because Javi wasn’t over Kate like 🤨
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comfortcomes · 26 days
when @conven1encestorewoman and i create our hollywood handbook spinoff podcast parodying contemporary lit social climbers where every episode begins with a fake anecdote starting with ex. "so it was me and ocean.......VUONG"
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emmavakarian-theirin · 7 months
i know as a garrus fan i can't really talk and i don't want to cause a whole Dilemma but the artwork for the mass effect board game is pissing me right off because it's so clear 90% of the effort went into liara and then everyone else is just tweaked screenshots and they claim there's no use of ai but shepard's face doesn't look right either or it's cut/pasted off something
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Okay but like Dinluke au to the last episode!
So this would be in an alternate universe where Din and Luke decided to share custody of Grogu! And when Din decided to go to Mandalor to redeem himself but couldn’t find a suitable droid, at the last moment he remembered that Luke has R2D2 an Astromech droid!
So he goes to the planet where Luke and Ashoka are setting up the new Jedi temple. He roles up like “hey I’m going to Mandalor to bathe in the living waters so I can redeem myself in the eyes of my people. And I need a droid. Y’all wanna tag along?!” And Luke and Ashoka just kind look at each other like what the fuck? Did he really just say what I think he said?! Then they realize he did and that he’s serious and he’s gonna bring Grogu with him too. And they’re just like fuck we better go with him so he doesn’t get killed.
So Luke, Ashoka, and R2 go with Din to Mandalor. And maybe Din makes an off hand comment about Bo-Katan not wanting to join him and how she was sulking on her throne. So Ashoka has them make a pit stop so she can drag Bo-Katan off her depression throne and and to Mandalor with them.
The episode hijinxs ensues only Din and Grogu have Luke, Ashoka, R2, and Bo-Katan with him from the start when he gets to Mandalor. And honestly Luke and Ashoka are so glad they decided to go along cause otherwise Din definitely would have gotten his himbo ass killed on this trip if he’d been alone!!!
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levitatingbiscuits · 2 years
very little is funnier to me than anakin having absolutely no clue that cody hates him, but one thing that scores higher is cody continuing to hate vader for extremely petty reasons after order 66
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another weekend, another job rejection!
#and now no more positions are open to apply to! for now at least. some more will probably drop soon. fuck i hope so.#love just. being fucking unable to even make it into the interview phase for my extraordinarily lofty career goal#Of Working In A Fucking Library#just. so thrilled.#kazoo noises#anyway tomorrow morning i have to find a time to talk to my rabbis bc if i dont figure shit out i have to pick between becoming jewish or#graduating on time and i have fucking NO ONE i can talk to this about and ive used up like all of my good will in all of my personal#relationships already and i am So Fucking Sick of feeling mean and petty and evil all the time but my options are either fucking smile and#be noticeably fake optimistic when i get called on my bullshit or burn like all three of my last remaining bridges#i just dont see why i cant even make it to interviews. like i can accept not being the right fit or whatever. but like. it really kinda is#everyone but me whos employed by now.#man. like listen. its not my professors fault. i get that i've got her in a bad position.#but she said ''sometimes we have to pick between sources of joy'' like MAN--#do NOT speak to me about that. absolutely the FUCK not.#you! are employed and have been in this field for over a decade and i work in a grocery store with no sign of luck changing.#i need to be in this section bc 1) im not fucking doing academia with a gun pulled on me#2) i need to actually get some kind of professional experience since its clear i can't actually get a job on merit so i guess i will pay to#go further into debt#anyway no one is around to talk to me about this and i hate bitching to my friends about how fucking hopeless i feel all the fucking time s#everyone please look away from my diary posting and think of me as sexy and fun and bubbly <3333#like. its literally no ones fault so i should not be this fucking resentful.#and yet.#yeah im probably not getting classed as a good person for another several years. shame. ive always wanted to be good.#library travails
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theravequeen · 4 months
Btw Raimiverse Peter Hater until the day I die
Tasm, MCU, get behind me I'll bite him for you
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elitehoe · 1 year
Every time punk falls Kenta is nothing short of a petty bitch and I truly admire that what a funny man
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unohanadaydreams · 1 year
The most insane work drama has been going on this month, invading ALL of the USUALLY peaceful meetings, and my only solace is imagining all of this going down with the Gotei 13 captaincy.
Can you fucking imagine team building exercise lead by Yamamoto and mediated by some hyper-zen advisor they outsourced from the royal clans because she has handled some of the fieriest melt downs to happen since everyone was have panic attacks over chopping up the Soul King.
How does that make you feel, Soi Fon-taicho? Could you rephrase that in a more constructive way, Kurotsuchi-taicho? I heard the feeling in your voice, Hinamori-taicho, thank you for sharing.
I think I can manage a full Bleach break from reality by the end of the month.
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astramachina · 8 days
*holds up a finger* boy do i wish that was me tho ngl
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bluemoonrabbit · 18 days
My team is really great 🥹
There has been an unexpected issue this week where an "I'm new and don't know what I don't know" moment resulted in students not being alerted of a fee until it was time to pay. To be clear, we did email them a reminder months in advance, and the fee and its due date are listed in multiple places they know about, they just didn't get the extra "okay, payments are open now" alert.
I didn't think it was a huge deal, and since I'm the face of the team, I wrote to the students explaining the situation and making it sound like fully my mistake. I was happy to take the blame assuming the students would be aware of the fee thanks to the other reminders, and at most be mildly inconvenienced. Well, the students blew UP– apparently they forgot all the other reminders, didn't budget for the fee, and now they're in a pickle. Their level of not-coolness was frankly shocking and I felt both terrible for them, and like they were being unfair– but I also didn't know how to defend myself or fix things without sounding, well, defensive.
I said that last bit to my team, and they immediately circled the wagons. They recognized that this is not a me mistake, but that I had become the target of the students' ire anyway. They helped me come up with a solution and fully understood that fixing my reputation with the students is a priority. They even validated me being a frustration-crier, something I've always been ashamed of as unprofessional.
I still feel both sorry for and mad at the students, but feel so good about my team right now.
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dittolicous · 5 months
they reorganized the area behind the front desk at work and im.... not a fan. the temp manager saw my expression and asked me about it, so i told her i didnt like what they did snd she fyckin. said 'what? cleaned and organized it?'
fuck you????? i literally DID have it organized and was the one constantly cleaning up after others. *i* was the one who organized where all the bags wents, where all the photo goods were kept, made sure like items were together. it was organized, you just didnt like the way it was.
god. fucking backhanded bull. the only reason i even spoke my mind was because i was taking a chance to trust her..and boy do i gucking regret that
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crocodilenjoyer · 5 months
i’d kill to see king and queen interact outside of fighting just to watch them bitch at each other from across the room. everyone hates them.
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