art-appreciation-dog · 7 months
Common perspective mistakes (proko)
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plantaagomaajor · 6 months
thinking about Kavinsky, who's almost convinced himself that he's God, only realizing just how powerless he is when Proko dies and he can't do anything about it. oh, he can dream copy after copy after copy but none of them are quite right. none of them are Proko.
no matter how powerful Kavinsky is, he can never do the one thing that he wishes for the most. Proko, the real Proko, Kavinsky's Proko, is gone forever
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mossynebula · 5 months
Am I projecting my issues onto my fav character? More likely than you think
Here are the boys and their mental and physical disorders/disabilities cause I'm projecting.
Jiang is autistic: He has EDS
He stims with a butterfly knife, his voice is mostly monotone except when he unmasks around the others. He wears compression socks and KT tape on knees and elbows
Skov is AuDHD: he has fibro
He cant sit still, he bounces his knee or drums on swans arm, he takes regular pain meds, he wears a TENS machine during school, he bundles his jumper up to put at his lower back to take pressure off
Swan has counting and hoarding OCD: he has eczema
He collects wine corks and bottle caps, he can't get rid of old school materials and cried when K tried to bin them, he has to bring cream with him everywear, he counts his steps, counts the boys heads to check if they're all there, he has intrusive thoughts frequently
Kavinsky has BPD: he has arfid
He is surprised the boys have stayed around this long, he has an extremely short fuse, when he gets bouts of depression he doesn't leave his bed and the boys need to carry him to the bathroom, he struggles with texture in food mostly, he thinks bugs are in some of his food, if there's not one of his safe foods (Bulgarian food mostly) in the house then he doesn't eat until the boys figure out he's not eating and make him his safe food
Proko has dissociation and depersonalization : he has scoliosis
He is frequently dissociated, he sometimes feels like he is in 3rd person watching someone else pilot his body, he doesn't feel real, the boys help ground him (skov does stupid dances and k strokes his hair, and swan reads to him and Jiang has found if he keeps eye contact proko “snaps” back) his shoulders are lopsided due to his scoliosis and he gets a lot of back pain, when R!proko was a kid he would get made fun of for the way he walked, D!proko makes fun of himself (K gets mock offended)
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kettls · 2 years
I accidentally tripped and fell into my iPad and Apple Pencil for some sketching and skin tone practice while watching a Proko tutorial. And I had an Andy Farrant reference kicking around, sooo...
Andy Duchovny, anyone?
*"I want to believe, Scully."* - Andy, probably
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trainyourart · 6 months
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forgottenbones · 4 days
5 Pencil Sharpening Techniques for Pros
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boringsideeffect · 9 months
K is tired.
it sits deep inside his bones, with claws like something he’s pulled out of his nightmares sinking into his tissue, replacing his blood with the slow flow of concrete.
fuck this.
at times like these, his vitriolic mood has a tendency to turn even more caustic, kicking and biting around itself inside his own chest until it turns into something approaching self-pity. fuck this. he tries his best to pinpoint the origin of the feeling, unravel it like a tangled piece of thread until next to nothing remains, but he can’t find where it starts, just knows it has grown throughout his whole body while he wasn’t looking and now it’s made a home in his joints. they feel like crushed ice. he feels like clawing his way out of his own skin. fuck this.
he considers calling Swan. Swan with his big, strong arms and steady voice would surely be a better choice than… other choices. but Swan is with Skov because Swan never strays far from Skov, and K is usually actually quite happy for them but it’s hard to channel that happiness now through the stained glass tableau of bitter resentment. despite that bitterness, he doesn’t take Swan away from Skov.
Jiang is out of town, therefore out of question (and probably in D-Lynch’s pants. or something.)
the thing is, K would love to take something but he’s out of everything and there is no way in hell he’s falling asleep to dream something up right now. fuck this.
he’s gonna deal with this shit by himself. nevermind that he’s spent so long collecting specific people so that he wouldn’t have to deal with this shit alone. maybe it’s made him weak. it’s not self-pity if it’s self-loathing first, right?
he’s not gonna call Proko.
because Proko would come. because he’d hold K against his body and place one warm hand on the small of K’s back and the other on the back of K’s neck. he’d hum an old folk song or a lullaby, slightly out of tune but painfully familiar nonetheless. he’d press his skin into K’s; such visceral, primordial comfort that would warm K’s ice-cold veins, as long as he would touch him.
embarassing, broken little pleas whispered in the middle of the night when the real world is a nightmare but the ones lurking inside K’s head are even worse than that and he can’t fall asleep, he can’t, he can’t, he mustn’t
(don’t let me, please, don’t let me, don’t let me fall asleep, don’t let me go)
fuck this.
he’s not weak. he’s got this. he’ll fight this off and live to fight another day because that’s what he’s always done and he’s a god and he won’t be scared of his domain.
(he’s trying not to think about how maybe all gods are)
he’s not gonna call Proko. Proko, who has seen K at his absolute worst and still remains by K’s side like an immovable force of nature. K isn’t sure if he loves or hates him for it.
the hours stretch and K’s anguish with it. it’s the middle of the night. he’s shaking.
he’s not gonna call anyone.
turns out he doesn’t have to. because sometimes comfort finds you whether you want it or not. whether you deserve it or not. the thing with finding solace within other people is that they come with their own free will, instincts and feelings tangled up inside, even if you’ve dreamt them up.
one day, K thinks, he’ll deal with his own shit by himself. he tells Proko, even as Proko takes off his jacket, wet with rain, and wraps himself around K, solid and warm and uncompromising. alive and breathing despite it all. it’s them against the whole world.
a living boy and a boy alive. a dreamer and a dream.
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ferdifz · 3 months
The Truth About Perspective
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ephirae · 9 months
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first anatomy study!
did fairly okay but still have a lot more to learn!
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marislittleworld · 2 years
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I’m loving proko’s tutorials aahhhh
I will never stop using this painting method
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bad-draw · 11 months
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part 17
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art-appreciation-dog · 2 months
How to use the rule of thirds
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sireninamaiddress · 1 year
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I learned gestures a few days ago, and this is a practice i did
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pharanbrush-log · 1 year
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I was updating CharwellP and BeakwellP, and considering keeping the Side version and just naming the new ones CharwellP and BeakwellP WITHOUT the "side" suffix.
The motivation behind the update is that the side versions that are currently out
1. tend to generate a lot of streaky noise when you fill an area. and
2. draw shadow edge that's too sharp for a quick and convenient terminator suggestion.
The solution seemed to be that Proko video showing how to sharpen a pencil. The problems above are precisely mentioned in the video: an aspect of it is that if it's fully almost fully on the side, a sharp tip causes a sharp and dark edge. It gives the pencil more flexibility if you have the tip curved away from that angle so it doesn't make that sharp edge.
The aspect of flexibility isn't fully captured by CSP though, as tilting the real pencil uses different parts of the lead tip. But tilting in CSP will always use the same brush stamp/shape.
Changing the size will be a decent approximation for most uses though.
As is usually the case in CSP, the aspect of flexibility isn't fully captured the program, since tilting the real pencil uses different parts of the lead tip. But tilting in CSP will always use the same brush stamp/shape.
Changing the size will be a decent approximation for most uses though.
I might take these pencils for a spin a few more times to see if the "tip" feels rounded out enough. And make some more adjustments as needed. Feels like it's already pretty close though, after all the work I already did on it.
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cacodaemonia · 2 years
Proko is doing a 20% off sale on their art courses. The code is BLACK20
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arctic-hands · 2 years
Yippee! One of my favorite art tutorial YouTubers came out with a new video a few hours ago and–
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