#Prosthetic lekku
gahmah-raan · 2 years
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My first piece of concept art for Neur from 2013.
Name: Neur (no codename given) Homeworld: Dathomir Species: Human-Twi'lek hybrid (cyborg) Gender: Female (Transgender; AMAB) Age: 400+ years (biological age: 21) Weapon: Lightsaber Affiliation: Nightsisters (reject), Valkoran Empire Other information: She's normally cheerful and sociable, but due to a forced lobotomy during her incredibly abusive upbringing with the early Nightsisters, her mental integrity is nearly dependent upon her cybernetic lekku. If her lekku were to malfunction, her mind would regress to that of a violently insane child. In this state, she won't react to injuries received until minutes later, accumulating with several other injuries she received within her whole life. Sees Machinus, the lead engineer for the Valkoran military, as her surrogate father. Unlike cisgender human-Twi'lek hybrid women that are dominantly Twi'lek, she has rounded ears like a human instead of ear cones, obscured by her headband. Current advances in Twi’lek gender reaffirming surgery are unable to alter ears without potentially damaging the patient's hearing.
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swan2swan · 2 years
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iinmysights · 2 years
GOD art is hard i fucking hate making it. gonna keep doing it tho
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cawsceries · 6 months
May I know more stuff about knight Avry and captain Arlo?
(I'm going to combust, your ocs look so delightful)
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of course!! thanks for asking <3
avry (she/her)
early 20s
transitioned & was knighted at age 20, knighted ~3 weeks before AOTC (no experience as a knight outside of the clone wars, oof)
yellow-green lightsaber
transgender & bisexual
created because i wanted to explore how trans twi'leks deal with various aspects of twi'lek sexual dimorphism & gender
her teeth are sharpened, so she avoids smiling with teeth around acquaintances and strangers.
her headdress supports her lekku in a more upright (feminine) position, it gives her headaches if she wears it for too long. think binder equivalent in terms of necessity for passing and comfort. she has ones that don't do that as well though
left handed, jedi symbol on left shoulder
her forehead shape is closer to tcw cham syndulla than bib fortuna- i was looking at
eyebrows are painted on and purposefully thick- amab twi'leks don't have eyebrows. personally i hc that afab twi'lek don't either & they're painted or tattooed on, but that's just my interpretation lol
ear cones are prosthetic/attached to headdress. kind of. i flip flop between saying that they're definitely prosthetic and saying that the fact that gendered ear cones/humanoid ears is stupid and all twi'leks should have ear cones. so that's kinda up to interpretation lol
she usually has one lek draped over her shoulder! before she transitioned she tended to drape it across her chest (like, the same way that bib fortuna drapes his lek) but i hc that that's a more masculine style. we definitely see it a lot more on male twi'leks!
arlo (ct-9884)
i've got a lot less written about her unfortunately.
she'll eventually realize that she's a woman and start using she/her pronouns. however, that has not happened yet. like if you asked him for his pronouns rn he would default to he/him. but she's a fictional character so you can use any pronouns for him lol.
transgender and bisexual and she does not know EITHER of those things about herself. he is not thinking about it
her hair absolutely gets in the way sometimes but avry said she liked it long so it's not like he's going to cut it.
i draw her hair 100% based on vibes rn. the shaved sides stay constant but consistency is a problem for another time lmao
she's got a scar on the left side of her head from shrapnel- he would've bled out from it if avry hadn't pulled him out of the rubble in time with the force. the squiggle on the left side of his helmet is a tribute to that, it mimics avry's markings!
the "im probably nonbinary but i have a job so idrc about that rn" post is where the inspiration for arlo came from. avry probably explained what being transgender is and he thought about it for about five minutes, figured out that he's a woman, and then shrugged it off and went back to cleaning his armor. he's got bigger things to be worried about lmao
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phoenixyfriend · 2 years
Shiny Rainbow Knife
In which Anakin is a newfound girl, Obi-Wan is a panicking dad, and Rex is falling in love.
Read on AO3
For @rexwalkerweek! Belated entry for:
Aug 1st: Kamino | Form I: Determination, Tradition, Divergence
Starts out Ani&Obi focused for backstory, but the second, longer chapter is entirely Rex POV on falling in love with Ani.
(Semi-related to Tiniest Assistant Teacher.)
When Anakin is twelve, and Obi-Wan has only just started to truly gain his bearings about having a padawan, there is something of a shift.
“Um. I met Master Sesseni today.”
Obi-Wan takes a moment to put it together. “Ah, she’s the one you’ll be assisting her for your Advance Course Modules, right? I’ve worked with her before, she’s a phenomenally intelligent woman, and she’s had the supervisory role for students like yourself before.”
Anakin nods, but keeps focused on the floor.
“I um…” Anakin fidgets. “I thought it would be rude to ask.”
“To ask about… her prosthetic hand?” Obi-Wan guesses.
A head shake. Anakin plays with a loose tunic thread. “The… um… I thought only boy twi’leks could have four lekku. And she has ears, not cones.”
“Master Sesseni has traits that are generally associated with males of the species due to having been born such,” Obi-Wan says. “The term, if you are unfamiliar, is assigned male at birth.”
Anakin looks up at him, and then… keeps looking. Maybe this was more than just uncommon on Tatooine, or discouraged, or… Obi-Wan doesn’t know.
“When she realized that she did not identify as such, she took steps to transition into a woman, socially and medically. Some aspects of this were, I imagine, more ‘worth it’ than others. As lekku contain brain matter, and rewiring of the ears to be cones would have been risky, she has refrained,” Obi-Wan explains. “She could wear a headpiece that covers her ears with artificial cones, but I understand she means to deliberately send up a signal to youngsters who are questioning such things, so they know she is safe to speak with.”
Anakin looks down, hands curling. “So she was born a boy, but didn’t want to be a boy, and she gets to be a girl.”
“To greatly simplify it, yes.” It’s not the terminology Obi-Wan would use, but it’s the first step to explaining it to his padawan. “She is a transgender woman.”
Anakin fiddles. Obi-Wan waits.
“Okay, Master. What are we doing for dinner?”
(Continue on AO3)
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ahsokasupremacy · 11 months
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My thoughts on the new Ahsoka trailer that just dropped a few days ago:
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Interesting, looks like it’s a race to find Thrawn. Maybe this is what the cast meant when they said the show could go on for another season?
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“We are no Jedi.” Makes me think that we might actually get a pro-Jedi arc instead of Filoni’s Gray Jedi agenda? Or is that too hopeful?
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Hera looks good! As expected, Mary Elizabeth Winstead is killing it and fits right into the character. Y’all are just haters
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The green eye contacts are a bit 👁️👄👁️ though Kinda reminds me of the Miley Cyrus blue eyes meme
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Hilariously enough, Hera’s lekku look way better than Ahsoka’s. Not her getting eaten up in her own show
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Hera and Ahsoka interaction, 10/10. +++
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Ahsoka looks a bit more like herself without the cloak covering her shoulders (sorry, I can’t recognize Ahsoka unless the guns are out).
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I can kinda see what the actress is going for, and she does fit the vibes of battle-hardened Rebels Ahsoka. Still sorta wish they recast her with Laura Harrier though
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ANAKIN mention had me going feral... please, Hayden Christensen, be in here for longer than five seconds...
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“Just like I walked away from Sabine” WOW JUST STAB ME IN THE HEART WHY DON’T YOU
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“You never made things easy for me…Master” GHFKSKSMKDKD??? CASUAL LORE DROP??? Does this mean we are getting Jedi Sabine?
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Thrawn looks a lot better than I was expecting him to be in live action, thank god. Whoever decided to give him eyebrows? You are my savior.
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The evil guy namedropped Anakin personally? Okay… interesting, would like to find out how they know each other
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Overall, super excited to see what the show will bring. Huge improvement in the Montrals prosthetics, and looking forward to see a women-centric Star Wars show. I'm calling it, everyone is gonna be Team Hera/Soka by the end of this.
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moonstone-blues · 9 months
Was researching Twi'lek stuff for my Jedi Master OC only to stumble upon A STAR WARS CHARACTER WHO HAS MY WEIRD FIRST NAME SPELT THE SAME WAY!!!
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Rianna Saren!!!
She's so cool! I love her ❤ Recommend looking her up though I'm pretty sure she's not Canon anymore if she ever was (She originally stole updated Death Star plans so :/ )
She has a prosthetic lekku and she's a sexy cool thief.
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gaeasun · 9 months
Ok I have watched both episodes of Ahsoka so gonna make a list of pros and cons. will be much more serious cons than serious pros. Not spoiler free!
pros first:
there is a very cute loth-cat. adorable. stole my heart. best live action tooka creature so far.
All or most of the human casting and portrayal was very spot on. Ryder was great and so nice to hear a familiar voice, Sabine was good, also chopper was spot on in everything.
actually all of the droids carried the humor for the episodes. very funny.
the lightsabers look and sound cool.
the non-lightsaber fight was good (and by that i mean sabine kicking around those droids)
sabines art skills are relevant. love it.
yeah thats it i think. sry if you were here as an optimist.
they've got to stop stabbing people with lightsabers without killing them. star wars medicine was already inconsistent, this is pushing it.
where is jacen syndulla. If ahsoka is going to take an apprentice why not him? WHY SABINE THAT MAKES SO LITTLE SENSE.
yeah going on that again. she was training to be a jedi without force. BUT WHY. Sabine has always been a Mandalorian, shes been so proud and happy to be a Mandalorian. she literally threw that away to be a jedi. she hid her armor and grew out her hair and there was no mention of her Mandalorian family? the one she reconciled with?
the casting for hera and ahsoka is not good, the makeup and prosthetics are worse than that, but worst of all they do not actually sound like the characters at all! going into those in detail:
ahsoka and hera just do not have the face shape of their counterparts. i do get that it can be difficult since no one has anime eyes that big. but the face shapes look wrong and every time i look at them it doesnt look or feel like im watching beloved characters brought to life
the prosthetics and the makeup on hera and ahsoka look like either that department got a pittance or they just didnt care that much. even simple details that wouldn't effect stuntwork. like the circle patterns on Hera's lekku, or like how Hera's lips are much too dark and Ahsoka's are much too light. Ahsoka and heras head-tails are way to short as well. if you want to explain it with stunt reasons, than why are heras so short as well? also somehow there is zero texture on hera's lekku, but Ahsoka's look like an old rubber hose that shriveled up? and her montrals are so short and point backwards. if the people making this show are going to take such beloved characters and put them in irrevocable media, these details should have been figured out! if it wasnt feasible than they should never have made it live action in the first place.
the actors for ahsoka and hera do not sound like them. i dont mean their voices sound the exact same, but i mean the inflection and the wordings sound nothing like the animation. a good actor should try to mimic that but it wasnt done. ahsoka especially had such emphatic and varying tone in clone wars and rebels, while live action ahsoka sounds like shes trying to win the stoic master of the year award.
ahsoka apparently learned an entire new lightsaber style! because she only held her lightsabers in reverse grip one. time. and also when she was a kid she was flipping circles and cartwheeling and handspringing and theres none of that here. if yoda can do it in 2008 they can figure out a way for her to do it too
listen. ahsoka has gone through way too much character development to be constantly looking like she doesnt know what shes doing. shes struggling too much in fights, and she doesnt seem to understand sabine at all. she has been a very strong character in the past, and this is because she has gone through many experiences that gave her incredible development.
the plot does not make sense. how on earth does an ancient device know where thrawn went? why is this connected to the dathomirians? are they going to bother explaining this? probably not.
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rheolybet · 2 years
I'm not sure how active you are on here anymore, but if you see this I'd love to get your opinion on how lekku and montrals would look and be affected after being cut with a lightsaber? My idea is that it'd look cauterized but I'm not sure how the scar tissue would heal. Also, would it be painful in the long term? There's a canon instance of a Togruta named Selda losing a lek in the "Ahsoka" novel. However, I can't get a grasp on how it'd visually look.
Sorry for the delay, here's a page to answer your question:
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Scar tissue heals small areas most easily, but sometimes surgical skin grafts are required to seal larger or more complex wounds, especially cauterised ones in which the cells have been burnt and killed. As with any scarring, discomfort can vary (scar tissue is not as stretchy as skin), but since lekku don't experience a lot of movement, this doesn't often escalate to pain. Creams can be used to reduce any discomfort and pain that does occur, to an extent. There are recorded instances of phantom limb syndrome in amputated lekku, which can cause pain and/or a change in sensation, as if the lekku is still there and being damaged. This is generally the worst the injury itself can do in the long-term, given modern core-world healthcare standards. Selda, the togruta you refer to, suffered several mechanical amputations in a farming accident, as pictured on the left (without prosthetics on the other limbs, to compare scarring), which were therefore not cauterised during the incident, and sealed and healed with medical attention.
I hope this helps!
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detestedmuppet · 1 year
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@laz-laz-ace-pilot i finally drew them!
echo w his boyfriends!! i just want him to be happy bro
no they dont have names yet but the twilek and pantoran are married!!
i had a fun time designing the twileks lekku henna! its not the most original but i think he came up w it himself as something unique enough but also easily replicated for future reapplication/a partner putting it on themself
u cant see it cause how i cut the image off but the pantoran has the same henna design translated onto his arms and echos got it on his flesh arm, and he has the pantoran family tattoo painted on the back his prosthetic hand
im actually rly proud of this lol
theyre all wearing echos dogtag! they both have copies of his name version and he has his original name and ct number ones
i had to give echo his melanin back! honestly tho the bar is low lol i also gave him some burn scars promenintly on his right side cause that was the side faced towards the explosion
the pantoran works at a university on corusant and the twilek works as a mechanic for the corries alongside another of my clone bf ocs lol
they met in college and became friends, started dating and moved in together, and by time they had both graduated they were engaged, it was a very sweet romance
they all love each other very much!!
i havent quite exactly worked out how they met echo lol
theyre both in their mid thirties, but the pantoran is slightly older
i swear echo isnt that short (5’7) his bfs are just Tall lmaoo
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retrob0t · 9 months
i finally pushed through my fears and watched the first 2 episodes of Ahsoka... I have thoughts™️
LA Ahsoka is still quite flat for me, sadly. Ahsoka use to be my absolute favorite character, and now I barely recognize anything about her that I use to adore. There's small, small bits and pieces here and there, but she feels so boring and emotionless at times. Is there a reason for this? I honestly cannot think of one, especially not after how quippy and sweet she was in Rebels. Not to mention, physically she just defaults to standing with her arms crossed and looking judgey. I'm hoping this can be expanded upon and maybe show us why she's now so different, but I'm nervous that there wont be any, since most of the Mando related shows & such lately has just been so devoid of any actual interesting character work. I'm not asking for much when I say I want character work, I just want her to feel like a character again, if that makes sense. 2. The music was quite good! Nothing wowed me, but I liked it! 3. Another thing that breaks my heart is just how bad Hera looks. Her eyes take me out of nearly every scene she's in. MEW is doing a decent job at Hera, but with how cakey her makeup is mixed with the contacts and rubbery lekku, it's just a bit jarring and depressing. 4. I'm also just not a fan of the makeup/prosthetics for MEW or Dawson, I honestly can't believe this is the best they could do. 5. Sabine being Ahsoka's Padawan is... is just so odd to me. Maybe as it goes on it'll make more sense and they'll tell us why Ahsoka started training her in the first place, but it's not entirely my jam. It doesn't help that I can barely remember a single line of dialogue between them in Rebels, so it feels even more out of place. 6. biggest nitpick in the world but they perfected the visual look of lightsabers in the sequels, I honestly don't understand why they decided to regress here. like legit, the blade doesn't have much energy to it. I know it's such a small thing but like, I just rewatched the sequels and man oh man did those blades look glorious. 7. My last thought because my heart can't take this and I really hate being negative, but thankfully this is like, a half positive: I adore Baylon & Shin and would absolutely read a book about them. No joke, I'm way more interested in them than Ahsoka & the gang, which makes me horrifically depressed, but at least I get some more edgy/mysterious force users to obsess over (as long as they turn out to be interesting in the end, but we only have 8 episodes, which is ALWAYS a perfect amount of time for characters to grow and develop) and they will probably be the main reason I continue to watch, just due to how rad they are. I truly wish I didn't feel so negative about these first 2 episodes, especially since Ahsoka & Hera (and Rebels) has been so precious to me for years. it just feels so blank with the returning gang. I dunno, man. maybe I'll rewatch the episodes soon and I'll probably try and stay up to date, but I'm more nervous then anything...
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socialpoison · 2 years
If you’re willing, serenade me with more Knights of Ren ideas and content
You ask, then you shall receive! So, the Knights of Ren I think make the most sense as being Ben's closest friends and allies when they were all Luke's students, and I think many of them have issues they all had to grapple with that led them to the darker path they're on now! I think Kuruk, sharpshooter, and to me, Kylo's lieutenant and his voice of reason, was a young girl Leia rescued from an Imperial Remnant facility. They were appalled to find her the way they did, strapped down to a machine designed to reprogram her into a stormtrooper. As far as they could tell, her parents were both Imperial Officers and Remnant loyalists, not that they were ever found. She didn't even have a name. They called her 'Rook' because the serial number she was left with was RK-2026.
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Ushar on the other hand, was the youngest son to an Iridonian Zabrak family. After his eldest sister died in the Galactic Civil War, his family's military expectations only grew, falling on him and his older brother. When he was discovered to be Force-sensitive, he leapt at the chance to live away from his family, to be something of his own. He is loyal to Kylo, and has a close bond with him.
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Ap'Lek was a Twi'Lek who was sold by her family to a Pirate. He resented every instance that she tried to express herself, and (CW abuse and mutilation) punished her severely for it, going as far as to remove her tongue, and her Lekku. When Luke found the ship, he was horrified to find her situation. He rescued her, and made sure that her former master would never be a problem again.
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Trudgen was a scavenger from Bracca, living along, with only droids for friends. Numerous accidents had replaced much of her body with bionic prosthetics. Luke found her and convinced her to come with him, have a family with the Jedi Temple.
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Cardo was a child of the watch who was separated from her parents when the Covert on Nevarro was attacked by Imperials. She was hunted for her Beskar as she made her way away from the planet. She was wounded and slowly dying, until Luke managed to convince her to remove her helmet to let him treat her wounds. Now an apostate to the Watch, Candra Ordo accepted the Jedi way.
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Vicrul was from a Mirialan group that worshiped the force hid themselves during the purge and the Galactic Civil War. When they heard of a new Jedi Order, they sent their most worthy chosen to study under Luke. A little cryptic, strange, and sheltered, they were valued for their unique way of thinking, and their deep connection to the force.
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hanleiaquotes · 2 years
Tatooine Ghost | Troy Denning | 2003 | Legends Universe
Part 14
He slipped an arm around the back of Leia’s chair and began to stroke her prosthetic lekku. The head-tail responded with an appreciative squirm. “You know,” Han said, “you never did tell me who the kid in the holocube reminded you of.” “He didn’t remind me of anyone. Only his eyes.” “Sure,” Han said. “If you say so.” Leia was not taking the bait. “I do.” “Come on. You can say it. I thought the kid was cute, too.” “What makes you think I found him cute?” “I saw the way you looked at him.” Leia shot him a glare that could have frozen a sun. “So?” “So, maybe there’s a reason.” Leia narrowed her eyes. “What kind of reason, Han?”
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mistergreatbones · 23 days
Okay, since I’m always making long critiques, I thought I’d make a post of all the little Star Wars things I love:
Baby Anakin’s yippees.
The way Ahsoka’s Padawan beads move when she walks
Chewie stroking Han’s hair when he's blind
Rex saying “Commander Ahsoka”
Jango and Boba speaking Mando’a
Obi-Wan having to shift his robes when shaking Anakin’s hand in Phantom Menace
Ezra riding Chopper
The dip in Yoda's ear
Padmé giving Anakin a blanket
Hera’s lekku movement
Leia’s messy hair
Trace’s accent
Rafa’s fur coat
Echo’s eyelashes
Rey, Finn, and Poe hugging
“You never even met a girl”
Pav-ti’s scream
The way Zeb's knees bend
Poe and Finn being Generals
“Rex ol’ boy”
Han hugging Chewie’s son
Rey's freckles in Forces of Destiny
Rex being the 501st’s dad
Padmé and Ahsoka’s face rub
Kanan and Chopper holding hands
The bruise on baby Leia’s forehead
Child Leia’s gap teeth
Reva’s hair
Echo putting his prosthetic on Omega’s shoulder
Leia and Obi-Wan holding hands
Han calling Jabba a human being
Rex checking up on Tup
Sabine’s blue hair and pronouns
Wicket's tongue
Jar Jar getting help during the battle
The Mandolorians’ geometric hair
Gungi's tooth
Omega’s purple poncho
"sorry Commander"
The ribbon in Fennec's braid
Satine’s throne lighting up
Wrecker putting his hand on Omega's forehead
Leia’s fit change at the Ewok village
Rey’s rebel pilot helmet
Omega's hand wrap
Cindel's curly hair
Trace's curly hair
Han giving Rey a blaster
Tech’s bouncy leg
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wreckerslula99 · 11 months
The Styling of Live-Action Ahsoka Tano
I have many thoughts about the styling of Ahsoka Tano in the Mandalorian (for now, we will be ignoring the Ahsoka trailer's & show's existence, just to make it easier to focus on one thing and because the Ahsoka show isn't out yet either), so I will be going through these thoughts here.
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DISCLAIMER: I have no issue with the casting, I think Rosario does a good job at portraying Ahsoka as an adult in a live action show! I think she fits the character so well, acting wise, feature wise and voice wise etc.! This is solely about the styling, mainly about the make-up and the headtails and stuff like that, and not the clothes.
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Picture 1: Ahsoka is 14 (s1-2 of Clone Wars + the movie) Picture 2: Ahsoka is 15-16 (s3-5 of Clone Wars) Picture 3: Ahsoka is 17-18 (s7 of Clone Wars) Picture 4: Ahsoka is 33 (Rebels) Picture 5: Ahsoka is 45 (Mandalorian)
As you can see, throughout the different seasons and shows, Ahsoka ages and grows. Her clothes change, she gets taller, her face grows more mature, but something else that changes are her lekku & montrals (+ the markings on those) and her facial markings. Let's ignore the live-action Ahsoka from Mandalorian for a second, and focus on her evolution in animation.
Ahsoka's lekku go from being just past her shoulders, to down to her stomach / past her ribs. Her montrals go from barely visible to tall and pointy. The markings on her lekku & montrals grow thinner and more intricate with time, which is a bit hard to tell up until Rebels, but this is a fact supported by Tales of the Jedi:
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Ahsoka (1 year old) in Tales of the Jedi.
As you can see, the markings on her headtails are thick and clunky, no real detail to them. While you're already looking at this picture, take a look at her facial markings. We'll get to those in a second.
Another reference picture for the lekku & montrals growth +the markings on them:
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Ahsoka as a young child.
Her lekku are already growing larger, and you can see her lekku markings, as well as her facial markings, starting to take form.
Speaking of her facial markings, you can see how they go from being mere dots on her face, to rough outlines, to continuing to become larger and more detailed and intricate the older she grows. By season 7 of Clone Wars, you can see the marks on her cheeks starting to pull out more towards her cheekbones, which we see the full result of in Rebels.
So, having just discussed these facts about Togruta biology, how they age and grow, it's time to question the live-action version of Ahsoka.
Why are her lekku the same size when she's supposed to be 45, as they were when she was 15? Why are the marks on her cheeks so small and oddly thin? Why do the marks on her lekku/montrals make no sense? Why are her montrals the same size as when she was 17-18, but they're sagging backwards?!
It's no secret that Disney doesn't care much about continuity, but this is so lazy.
"Well it would be hard for her to do stunts etc. if she had longer lekku!" 1. How do you know that? 2. Is Disney not a multi-billion corporation with access to world class prosthetics and CGI? If they wanted to, they could. If they wanted to, they would. 3. So much harder problems have been solved in films throughout the times. They did it with Shaak Ti in episodes II and III. They did it with Twi-leks back in the 80's! "It's a completely different medium! You can't expect her to look like an ANIMATED character!" 1. I don't, that's why I'm not shaking my head complaining about how her eyes aren't as big as the animation (lol). 2. It's not so much about "animation accuracy", more like universe accuracy? This is how a Togruta ages. This is how their lekku/montrals and markings grow. This is fact and also raises an important question of continuity. If it didn't matter, why would they go through the trouble of showing her markings and lekku/montrals slowly growing the older she gets? "Maybe she's a sub-species of Togruta." 1. A sub-species where her lekku grow and grow down past her ribs, then suddenly when she reaches the age of 45 they shrink back up to the same length they were when she was 15? Ah, yes, this makes plenty of sense... 2. Stop making excuses for Disney?? They're just lazy, cosplayers do a better job than they do at most of the live action adaptions of previously animated characters (Hera Syndulla? Need I say more...). 3. Referencing Shaak Ti's appearance real quick, we know Ahsoka and Shaak are both Togruta, but Shaak's facial markings are quite different from Ahsoka's. This could be because she's older than we ever see Ahsoka (until live-action...), or also maybe because of VARIATIONS in species. There are so many different coloured togrutas, with so many different looking facial markings. But their lekku and montrals all grow about the same, even if their shapes differ slightly here and there. (See: Ahsoka's family from Shili and the people of Kiros. Don't act like Ahsoka and Shaak Ti are the only Togruta we've ever seen in Star Wars.) "They kept her facial markings simple to make it easier to touch up on the make-up and to do it every day of filming, several times a day etc.!" 1. Have you seen Jennifer Lawrence get into her prosthetics & make-up for Mystique (X-Men)? Dave Bautista for Drax (Guardians of the Galaxy)? Karen Gillian for Nebula (Guardians of the Galaxy)? Jamie Campbell Bower for Vecna (Stranger Things)? Jim Carrey for the Grinch? Oscar Isaac for Apocalypse (X-Men: Apocalypse)? This is such a weak argument lmao. 2. Stencils...? Temporary tatoos...?
It just sucks that with all the technology we possess nowadays, Disney can't even do something remotely as good as we've already seen in Star Wars movies before??? Like, 1-6 were all masterpieces. They were beautiful, things looked real and accurate and had so much afterthought put into every little thing. It was a passion project. But now, it feels like it's all only about the money, which is why they're putting out shows right and left. Don't get me wrong, I love how much content we are getting, but it gets frustrating when they don't put full effort into it. It's clear they're only doing it to earn more money, and not to keep telling the stories of characters fans have grown to love. If they cared about that, they would care enough to make the characters accurate to Star Wars lore.
Notable mention: Shaak Ti was 40 years old when her lekku were all the way down past her hips and her montrals were larger than her head. She was also in both Star Wars Episode II and III, and she had her lekku & montrals animation (togruta biology) accurate! And she still fought with them. And this was in the very early 2000's.
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Ahsoka was 5 years older than Shaak Ti was (when she died) in Mandalorian and her lekku were literally tiny. Her montrals as well, and even worse, they were sagging backwards so bad.
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Also, why are her lekku so flimsy??? Do they know lekku are organic matter............ which is heavy.......... not saying they wouldn't move at all in the wind, but that much...?
God, Rosario is so beautiful though, it's such a shame. It would've been so cool to see a new era of Ahsoka, to see how her lekku and montrals would've continued to grow in the 12 years between Mandalorian and Rebels, as well as her facial markings. I just feel like it's so painfully obvious that it's a headpiece, especially with the way it looks like the brown headband/headpiece is squeezing her???? It just looks so odd. Very disappointing.
Feel free to tell me your thoughts! <3
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sleepyboglife · 4 years
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