Okay so after the mountain breakup and makeup, jaskier has a new horse. He super excited to introduce Geralt “horse girl” Riviera to his sweetheart of a horse, Pegasus. He talk about how well mannered and precious his horse is; and how he just had to buy him off of his old owners who didn’t treat him right — “ I mean they didn’t even give him apples, Geralt, who does that?? —
Geralt is expecting a dainty normal horse, maybe with ribbons in his hair, like his owner. But they get to the stables and jaskier skips over to this behemoth of a war horse. (I’m thinking like a shire horse type breed).
Jaskier is just absolutely besotted with the “sweetheart” and Geralt is petrified. This horse is bigger than roach. It’s glaring at Geralt with the rage of hellfire. Geralt is like 57% sure it’s a hell horse.
It’s also super protective of jaskier and it hates Geralt. Pegasus is always moving in between the two and when Jaskier starts giving Geralt attention Pegasus whines and Jaskier will go back to him.
Geralt is not jealous no matter what anyone says. He tries to tell Jaskier about how his demon horse keeps glaring at him and bumping him off the road. But everytime he tries to point it out Pegasus has the most innocent look on his face.
It would be so funny to see a horse and a Witcher try and fight for Jaskier attention
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spielzeugkaiser · 1 year
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Ciri feels a bit like she's been in the way, once Geralt and Milek become closer - like she held him back somehow.
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The thing I think is crucial about this - things went wrong and Geralt missed out on seeing Milek growing up - but Geralt is a dad. The parallels are there.
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tielmamon · 7 months
"The White wolf himself! It's an honor to finally meet the man Jaskier never shuts up about." Radovid gracefully presents his hand for the witcher to kiss. Geralt does not. Instead, he stares at the prince with an eerily blank expression and takes a step forward. Then another. Then another. Until Radovid feels the rough, painfully jagged texture of the cave wall against his back. He looks at the witcher, now looming before him in the shadows. Bright yellow eyes- those of a predator pierces through the darkness like a knife and stab through his chest like a cold chill.
"I'm sure you are well aware of my...fondness for Jaskier. We've travelled together for almost 25 years now. He is, in his own ridiculous words my very best friend in the whole wide world."
Radovid chuckles, which seems to be the wrong response because Geralt's eye twitches and the hand near Radovid's side curls into a fist so tight he hears the leather of the man's glove whine.
"S-Sorry, I didn't mean to-"
"Now, with that I must lay down a few things for you to remember, your highness. Lest you overstep and find yourself upsetting my bard." Radovid swallows, blood running ice cold.
"If I ever catch wind of you mistreating, manipulating, or abusing Jaskier in anyway, a few things will happen to you."
"First, I will find you, wherever you are on this continent and I will kill you. It will be a very sudden, painful and very violently death. A coach suddenly pushed off a cliff, an unexpected kikimora loose in the castle, poison in your morning tea that feels like acid down your throat. I don't know, haven't really decided yet."
"Then after that, I will watch as your spirit becomes vengeful and restless, transforming into a wraith- a monster born out of gruesome, untimely deaths. Then I kill you again, for the second time. This time not by my blade, but by my fire. I will burn you, and watch as your spirit, your very soul wails in agony, turning to ash at the sight of your charred, desecrated bones." Geralt leans in close, stopping just shy of the pale prince's hear and whispers.
"And that's not even mentioning what unspeakable horrors my daughter and her mother are sure to do to you beforehand." Radovid shakes under the cold intensity of Geralt's gaze. They both hear the bard in question singing just an earshot away from where they stood. Radovid flinches so hard that his back is scratched by a particularly sharp rock. Geralt, on the other hand mearly turns to the sound, smiling softly for a moment before facing the prince once again.
"Have I made myself clear, your highness?" His smile never leaving his face, Geralt bares his teeth to show the sharp canines that look more lion than wolf.
"C-Crystal." Radovid stutters.
"Geralt? Have you seen- Oh! There you are, dear."
"Hmmm" In a blink of an eye, the witcher is a considerable distance away from the terrified prince. Already walking toward the bard, Geralt claps a hand on his shoulder as he passes him to reach Roach. Radovid watches Jaskier lean against the friendly touch, beaming.
"How are my two favorite men in the world? Getting along well, I hope?"
"Oh, we get along just fine. Don't we, your highness?" He looks at him now with casual disinterest, but there was a glint in the man's eye. It sends a shiver up the prince's spine and he all too suddenly remembers the moniker the man used to have before Jaskier came along.
"Absolutely. "
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larkoneironaut · 1 year
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The Kaer Morhen theme plays in the distance
Nah, I’m kidding, it’s actually Drink Up, There’s More, because that’s the only tune my last brain cell plays on it’s tin whistle
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everyone's rightfully talking about jaskier's "get rid of him" and Trauma-Rooted Finger Fidgeting about rience but what about "I'll come find you when rience is dead" "or he'll find me once you are" like. jaskier is absolutely fucking terrified of rience coming for him again and I'm in fucking shambles
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Prompt 116
Geralt wakes up one stormy night to the scent of his bard's distress. His eyes snap open, and he instinctively reaches for a dagger, but is stopped when he can't move his arms. He glances to the side and sure enough, his bard is clinging to him. Jaskier has his eyes scrunched close, and his mouth is in a pouty frown. Geralt sighs a bit, and curls his free arm over and around Jaskier, cuddling him closer. Perhaps it was a bad dream. Geralt sniffs the air and nods to himself. "It'll rain soon." Jaskier whips his head over to him with horror. "RAIN!? RAIN!? I just did my hair, and this is one of my best doublets, and-" "We'll be inside by then." "Oh thank gods, Geralt." Geralt and Jaskier are traveling a very windy day, clouds begin crowding above them, darkening the sky. Jaskier has been on edge since he woke up to the harsh winds, but Geralt had just assumed he was cold and worried for his hair. But then lightning flashes in the distance, and Jaskier honest-to-gods yelps in fright. That's when Geralt finally figures it out. His bard is afraid of storms.
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ellieslittleburrow · 9 months
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Geralt Headcanons
Painrings : Geralt of rivia x daughter/ Geralt x platonic! Reader
Warnings : none
A/N : hello peeps, i tried my best to make them broader and not just limit them to father daughter stuff, we can turn one of them into a little ficcie if desired. Alsoo Comments are much much appreciated. Enjoyyy 🥀
You and Geralt had found each other on destiny's commands. It wasn't easy, suddenly being under somebody's wing, having to trust them and listen to them.
Whenever danger was felt, Geralt would place a hand on your shoulder, his own little protective move, prepared for whatever's about to come.
When you're out in a market or somewhere he deems to be dangerous, he makes sure to always be somewhere behind you. No matter how far you get away, he's always somewhere close watching over you.
After a few of your nightly freakouts, Geralt offered up a little spot beside him every night. He doesn't order you to come over. He doesn't ask if you want to come over. He just settles down on whatever bed he's sleeping on and puffs up a little pillow he keeps beside him. If it's a whole seperate room. Then the same line is growled :"I'll keep my door open in case i am needed."
A boy smiles at you and the witcher is there to smile back. Not in a possessive way. Not in a she is untouchable kind of way. Just a simple smile, to assert his threatening presence. A smile that says if she is hurt, you're fucked.
Mornings are your least favorite time of the day. Geralt is always at the foot of your bed, gently swinging your foot left and right, in an attempt to wake you up. It surely annoys you but it's not until he grabs your wrist and pulls it upwards that you start getting annoyed. And then comes the full pull, when he grabs you from under the armpits and drags you out. You groan in unpleasentness but let go anyways.
Late nights are for sure your favorites, though. Just a grumpy old guy running after you and pleading for you to go to sleep. You dodge his reaching arm, giggling at his frowning features. He growls your name and sighs, giving up. And you just stand awkwardly, triumph radiating out of you.
What you reeeally dislike, though, is those little fights you and Geralt have about your future and your training. Him not wanting you to get in harm's way. You doing everything possible to get in harm's way. He yells at you. You never ended up crying or anything like that. You just bottled it up and sat in your little corner, getting slowly eaten up by the deafening silence that reigns the space. But then one of you breaks it. And everything slowly goes back to normal.
All in all, life with the witcher is not easy. But how could you deny the warmth that coated your broken heart, the warmth that filled it with love. The warmth that filled it with the father, brother, protector that you never had.
End of poem. I could never use such methodology for my own school work, goddammit. Anyway, i hope yall like this ❤️❤️❤️🥀🥀🥀
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can we talk about Geralt breaking Riences hands. Was it because he burned Jaskiers hand probably not but i live in my delusions and think yes.
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not-your-bro · 1 year
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THE WITCHER 3: BLOOD & WINE ribbon ending vs. prison ending
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yeraskier · 1 year
thinking about how when geralt finally kills rience he won't just be protecting ciri, he'll also be avenging jaskier
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renegadesstuff · 1 year
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spielzeugkaiser · 1 year
Hi! So.... How is Zombie!Aiden doing nowadays? (As you can tell, I've found your necromancer au, and I'm hooked)
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A continuation of this from my necromancer!au. With the skeleton guys in the beginning (something that this Jaskier doesn't remember) it was more lighthearted. And it isn't the first time that corpses start to get reanimated it Jaskiers proximity too, but this time he pulled Aiden out of the afterlife and well- this is more of a warm bodies scenario and he is under Jaskiers thrall, if Jaskier likes it or not. lambert is so not going to be amused
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tielmamon · 2 years
pov: you try flirting with a cute singer at a bar but then his biker husband and goth bestie show up
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dailyau · 1 year
Turns out your animal companion is actually your child/friend/partner that was cursed and now I get why you’re so protective AU
- (ANON)
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Prompt 104
Jaskier likes his flat. It's a nice one, all things considered, he believes. He just wishes there weren't so many spiders in the summer. He doesn't care if they're "harmless", if they're "nice", if they keep away other bugs, they are freaky, and he wants them burned with a flamethrower before they even look at him and his home. One frankly embarrassing morning, he screams at a particularly fast spider, and he apparently did so loud and bloodcurdling enough that it worried his neighbor. He opens the door to a very concerned man that CLEARLY descended from heaven itself to bless this earthly plane with just how hot he fucking is. "I'm Geralt, from the next few doors over, is everything alright?" "Y- yes, sorry, Didn't mean to worry anyone, so sorry, that's my bed- I mean bad- How long have you lived here? Have you always lived here? So close? I mean- There was a spider, see, and it was so fast, and it had so many disgusting little legs-" Super-sexy-neighbor-man - Geralt, Jaskier's mind helpfully catches him up - chuckles a bit and nods. "Alright. I'm glad you're okay." And then just fucking WALKS AWAY? Jaskier fans himself, and swoons against his door. And then he spots the demon under the couch and he screeches again. Whoops. "SORRY!" Geralt comes home one day to find that one neighbor of his in the hall, the door to his flat wide open. "Um- Are you alright?" "No!" The man shrieks at him, and points at his flat. "There's a giant arachnid looming over my kitchen! I need someone to kill it!" The colorful man pleads, and Geralt sighs and walks into the flat. Just as he thought. A common pest-eating spider that doesn't harm humans. He supposes they could be scary to someone afraid of bugs, though, and his neighbor seemed quite the fearful man. Geralt gently scoops up the spider, walks past his neighbor, and deposits it outside. He comes back and proudly announced the 'terrifying giant arachnid' has been removed from the premises. His neighbor squeals in delight and hugs him. "Oh thank you, Geralt! Thank you! Thankyouthankyouthankyou! My knight in shining armor!" His neighbor blows him a kiss before walking back into his now-spiderless-flat and disappears as the door shuts. Geralt hopes he isn't evil for hoping there'll be another spider he can remove for the beautiful man sometime soon.
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ellieslittleburrow · 3 months
Summary : Geralt wants to help you. You don't want his help.
Warnings : A father caring for his child.
A/N : Your name is Rivvie/Raven. It's genderneutral and i chose it for you!!!!! Took me a while to come up with it so shush
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Steps pierced your ears as they stormed closer to your aching stiff body.. You shrunk in fear, retreating into yourself, unsure of who it was or what they were going to do to you. But when a familiar silhouette emerged from the trees-
"Geralt..." Your body unconsciously jolted up to a sitting position. It hurt, but you lifted your head up anyway. "I'm..I'm okay." You huffed, swallowing the pool of blood that coated the borders of your lips. You straightened your back, attempting to look as composed as you could. But the browns and reds smeared across your face proved otherwise.
The man who stood before you extended his hand out to you, his eyes piercing through to your soul. But when you didn't comply, anger contorted his features and he sucked his lips inwards in a refraining manner. "Get up."
You hesistantly took his hand, wincing as he pulled you up to your feet, but you didn't have to react before the latters betrayed you, ending up in a loss of balance and a striking pain starting at your knees and traveling all the way up to the rest of your body. Thankfully, Geralt's quick reflexes saved you from fully hitting the ground. As you were falling, he crouched and wrapped his hands around your waist., holding your upper body close to him before forcing you up again.
"No!" You yanked yourself from your father figure, a confident frown on your face. "I can walk on my own..." The words struggle to leave your throat. Geralt sighed.
"Come on, chil-"
"I'm not a fucking child Geralt." You instinctively pressed your hand against the tree your back has been hugging throughout the whole ordeal. "i can take care of myself. I don't n-"
"Yes you do."
You winced at the sudden rage that filled his voice. Through gritted teeth, he continued. "You do need me- Look at you, you can barely stand-"
"Don't yell at me." But despite the fear that washed your body cold, you yelled back in response. You don't need his help. You can defend yourself. He reached for your hand but you slapped it away with more force than intended. You are not a child.
Or maybe...You are because the witcher's features contorted even more, his eyes darkening subsequently-You discreetly leaned away, shrinking slightly more.
"Then you shall stop acting like one..." The words raged out of his lips. "Look at you, all bruised up and refusing help. You know i don't mean you any harm, i just don't want you to get hurt." The veins on his neck growing more prominent.
You....You did know that, but you didn't care. He won't be there forever. "I can take care of myself." You insisted, turning on your heels.
You head for the forest, the direction home may have been unknown to you, but senses work in a magical way, making it so that you never needed to know. You just felt.
You limped through the forest, passing by clusters of fallen logs and traps, steadying yourself whenever you could reach a tree. You'd gladly rather die there than ask for help from Geralt, who lazily but firmly marched behind you.
He called your name a few times. Even yelled. But you were persistant this time. He will not make you apologize. You weren't sorry. You needed to prove to him-that you did not need his help.
"Are you going to keep ignoring me?" The witcher spoke again and unconsciously, your head almost twisted over your shoulder.
Aren't you allowed to be angry?
"That's not the behaviour of a grown individual, Rivvie." Geralt's voice dripped with provocation, firing up your aching body into a hot boil. But you still didn't ans-
"That's enough, Raven." A sudden authoritary growl thundered through the forest. "I just want to help you. And i'm not asking." Before you had the time to protest, your feet were swept off the ground and you found yourself nailed to Geralt's chest.
An awkward position for you to jerk your body, he wouldn't have dropped you, you'd just jolted and thrown your body up and down in vain. Geralt's strong. His arms alone wrapped around you so tightly you'd actually feel claustophobic. You would if it were somebody else's arms. But...Geralt's your...safe haven. You just don't want him to know that.
You huffed, growling as you turn your head away from him, burying your chin into the acromion shaping his shoulders. "I don't need your help." You groaned, stressing your words in an attempt to sound...more stern.
But Geralt simply grunted a cold and blank "Okay." causing you to uncomfortably shift in his embrace. He lifted you up a bit to adjust your body, causing a ached whimper to leave your lips. "Sorry.."
"I..." You start but....maybe you shouldnt push it? After all, he really just wants you to be okay. "It's okay..." You readjust your head back to your frontal view, eyeing Geralt, whose face was only inches away from your own.
"T-thank you.." You hide your face into your chest, unable to furthur embarass yourself.
Geralt stayed quiet for a moment, but then he grunted, a silent "you're welcome" you're familiar enough with.
With that, you rested your head on his chest, finally accepting the situation. You gripped his shirt as softly as you could and closed your eyes. Maybe having them there wasns't so bad after all.
I read somewhere that most *readers* are white-fied. And it just opened my eyes. I hope this does indeed include all and everyone. I hope this was pleasant to read for all of you guys, comments are much appreciated. See ya in the next one! ❤️❤️❤️🥀🥀🥀
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