fatandnerdy30 · 2 years
This is an IronDad story idea I had. Sorry if this has been done before. But during a mission, Tony finds a lot of his father's research stored in where he and the group are. Looking through the files on the computer he suddenly finds something that makes his skin go cold.
Howard Stark had been working on another soldier serum but was killed before he could complete it. Stane found it and changed the compound to make the ultimate soldier. And had it tested on kids.
Steve was checking the checking the base when he comes across a child staring down at him from the corner of the ceiling, curly brown hair falling upward as brown eyes meet blue
Another IronDad story I had was this:
There's a law that mutants have to be chipped and have an ID on them at all times.
Peter, a six year old mutant was too scared to have the chip shot into him so he runs and climbs up a large tree to hide with police chasing him.
A while later Tony and Pepper are jogging through the park only to have a small boy fall from a tree into their arms and have to make the decision to hide him or give him up.
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jj-scottsbee · 4 years
Who’s Loki? (pt. 2)
Part One
Prompt: You're the baby of the team only being 18 years old. You are young and have much to learn, but you can't help but get yourself in mischief.
Warnings: BIG smut, language.
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"I invited you to stay for a small while, not to seduce the youngest of us." Thor scolded his younger brother, who had his back against the counter rolling his eyes. "Oh please, she began that," Loki sneered crossing his arms. "Had you waited a moment longer, you would have seen more of a show." "I do not wish to know what you were about to do with young Y/N, but brother I will warn you now...If you make another advance on her or so much as make a suggestive comment towards her, I and the rest of the team will not hesitate in striking you down where you stand." Thor threatened a dangerous look in his eye. Usually, Loki would make a smug remark but decided it would be better to keep quiet. He simply nodded in understanding and that was the last of it. Thor told no one of what he had walked in on and he said nothing else to Loki or you. He had shown Loki to a spare room and shut him in it for the rest of the night, not wanting him to wander about freely. Thor knew Loki understood his threat, but he didn't know the mischief his brother may start when he was not being watched. The next day you woke up, pushing the events of the night before to the back of your mind. You walked anxiously down the hall, scared to face Thor. You feared that he had told the whole tower about the position he had caught you in, but you didn't show your embarrassment. You exited the elevator, now wearing spandex under your big t-shirt. You let out a yawn as you walked into the kitchen, heading straight for the fridge. You ignored anyone who stood in the kitchen, searching through the fridge for some fruit. As you picked out a box of strawberries, you shut the fridge only to be met by an all too familiar face. Loki stood, sipping a cup of coffee, a small smirk on his face. You jumped a little at his sudden appearance. "You that desperate for the good-good?" You chuckled, bringing the container to the counter. You watched as he gave you a confused look, not understanding what you meant by 'the good-good'. "I assume you're making some sort of mortal reference to the events of last night? As I would love to engage in that discussion, my dear brother has already threatened my life. You have been deemed off-limits." He spoke nonchalantly, taking another sip of his coffee. He put his back against the fridge, waiting for you to respond. "Sucks to suck," You retorted, biting into a strawberry. You made direct eye contact with the god as your lips folded around the fruit. Your comment and your sudden actions took Loki by surprise, his mind immediately beginning to wander. He began to wonder about how your lips would look wrapped around hi-... he snapped himself from his thoughts. Before he could respond you were already walking away. As days went on, the more you would figure out ways to tease Loki right under the noses of the team. No one, but you and the two gods knew anything of what had taken place between you and Loki, but whether they knew or not they were still protective over you. They didn't leave Loki alone with you often, Thor did his best to always be in the room with you two if no one else was. The flirtatious tone you held in your voice and the small comments you would make towards Loki raised no concern with the team. You had always loved to make people uncomfortable and figured that was what you were doing to Loki. The things that went completely unnoticed by the team, were the small touches you would lay on the raven-haired god. The way you would curve your lips around certain foods, the way you would suck your fingers clean of food, as you stared intensely at Loki. They took no notice to the fact that you always seemed to be next to Loki when you two were in the same room. Even if they did notice your eyes lingering on the younger god, they wrote it off as curiosity or a harmless crush.  As you walked into the kitchen, hot and sweaty from your recent training you were quick to place your eyes on Loki. Once again he stood in the kitchen, with Wanda this time. You saw a chance to tease him, you walked towards the two. You wore only spandex and a sports bra, carrying your water bottle. "Pardon muah," You smiled at Wanda as you shuffled between the two, acting as if you were trying to give Wanda space. You made sure to push your butt out just enough to have it slide across the black jeans that sat on Loki's hips. Your actions going unnoticed by a laughing Wanda as you blew kisses at her when you passed. You walked to the sink and began filling your bottle with water. "How was training?" Wanda started to make conversation with you, as you approached the fridge. "A bitch, but I think my butt may be getting fatter, look," You steadied yourself on the fridge and began bouncing up on your toes, making your butt jiggle, "Imma bounce this ahhs for a rich ass bitch!" You began to yell the song as you began to throw some ass, Wanda threw her head back laughing. The two of you were close in age and you were pretty close friends, so you acting like this was nothing new. However, you knew she wasn't watching you the way he was. You could feel his eyes, admiring your body. You stopped dancing, laughing, as you opened the freezer and grabbed an ice cube. "God, Y/N what a darling you are," Wanda said sarcastically as you rubbed the ice cube on your chest as if you were just trying to cool yourself down. You stuck your tongue out at your friend, rubbing the ice lower and lower, acting as if were simply innocent. As you and Wanda talked a little more, Loki watched as you guided the ice across your skin. He took in the way your spandex hugged you just perfectly, the way your bra exposed just enough of your chest for him to admire. As he stared he could feel himself growing, ideas of what he could do to you when the two of you were alone, ran through his mind. As Wanda and you laughed over something stupid you had said, Loki abruptly excused himself to the bathroom. You smiled as you saw him trying to discretely cover himself. "I gotta go shower, I smell like shit and I need to cleanse myself," You excused yourself and headed towards the elevator, but took a hard left down the hallway instead of going up to your room. You swiftly reached the bathroom, trying the door, you turned the knob and pushed yourself into the smaller room. You put your back against the door as you made sure to lock it, you were greeted by an annoyed Loki. He stood in front of the mirror trying to adjust himself in his tight pants, he held his green sweater up with his other hand. "You are quite evil," He grunted trying to readjust to make the tent in his jeans less obvious. A dangerous smile covered your face as you admired his exposed torso, he was toned and all you wanted to do was run your tongue over his abs. "What's the matter? Something in your pants?" You teased as you walked over to him. You gently grabbed his hands pulling them away from his body, placing them on your hips. You glided your hands over his torso, but he was quick to grab your wrists. "Darling, you're breaking the rules." He whispered as he held your wrists in both of his hands. Every ounce of him screamed at him to spin you around, rip off your spandex and shove himself inside of you, but he argued with his instincts. He took in a deep, uneasy breath trying to settle himself. "I make the rules," You said slyly, as you slipped one wrist from his hand and began to undo his jeans. He willingly let go of your other, letting you get into his pants faster. "You're not off-limits to me." You slipped one of your hands into his pants, grabbing him. Once again he let his head roll back, as you ran your thumb over his second head. A small smirk crept onto your face as Loki fought to keep his hands off you. You knew he wanted you, just as bad you wanted him and the fact that he had been banned from you, made things so much sweeter. You abruptly removed your hand from his pants, buttoning them back up. You quickly moved to unlock the door and pulled it open. Loki looked at you completely confused, you made your way back over to him and quickly told him to crouch. You tore the ponytail from your hair and began to mess with his. Loki utterly confused went to protest but was interrupted by you faking a laugh. He stared in the mirror at you utterly terrified. "What's going on?" Came Steve's voice as he walked into Loki's view in the mirror. Steve looked at the two of you, confused as to what was happening. "What? I'm giving this bad bitch a ponytail, sorry you're not cool enough to have long hair." You said in a matter of fact tone, as you continued to put Loki's hair up into a pony. "You're too old to understand, ask Bucky." Steve stared at you, slightly offended at the fact that you had called him old. You shrugged your shoulders muttering 'I don't make the rules, sorry' as you walked past Steve, leaving him to stare at Loki. Loki still stood crouched down, a low pony resting on his neck. "She's correct you know." Loki agreed, as walked past Steve as well. Leaving the super soldier to mess with his hair in the mirror. You had avoided Loki the rest of the day, purposely of course. Your little bathroom adventure, almost got you two caught...again. You thanked every god you could think of, that you had been able to hear the ding of the elevator. You weren't sure who the footsteps belonged to, but you heard them heading towards the bathroom and you acted quickly. You now sat in your bedroom, laying in a tight tank top and your underwear. You didn't much like clothes and if you could you would walk around every day in your underwear. You flipped through Spotify on your tv, trying to figure out what you wanted to listen to. Since your little touching fest with Loki earlier, you had been damp. In the shower, you had tried to relieve yourself of your needs but were unable too. You had felt how large Loki truly was and now you knew you wouldn't be happy until you had him. You settled for The Weeknd, Wicked Games the first song that began to play as you hit shuffle. You placed your tv remote on your bed stand and laid back. You slowly slid one hand into your underwear, as the other groped the pillow behind your head. Your mind immediately went to Loki, you closed your eyes so you could see his face better. You softly rubbed your bud, thinking of the things you would love him to do to you. Then you quickly dipped a finger inside yourself. You moaned as you pleasured yourself. "Very bold of you to believe your hand is an equivalent to myself," came Loki's voice from the foot of your bed. You gave him a lust-filled smiled, as you kept your exact position. You lay on your back, one hand gripping the pillow behind your head, the other still inside of you, and one leg brought up to give you easier access. "Bold of you to assume you're the one on my mind right now," You stared at him, your hand still slowly moving. You stared at him from your position, as he stood watching you at the end of your bed. You took your eyes off Loki letting out a seductive moan as you arched your back, gripping the pillow harder. "After this, I will be the only one to occupy that mind of yours," Loki growled, in a blink of an eye he had ripped your hand from your underwear and brought both your wrist above your head. You watched him carefully as he knelt back between your legs, pulling his sweater over his head. He then grabbed for your underwear, admiring the wet spot where you had soaked through. "I'd like to see you try," You dared him as he slipped off your underwear, throwing them to the side. He held a dangerous look in his eye, as he grabbed your legs dragging you across the bed so you laid completely flat. "You dare to speak to a god like that," He hissed as he angrily undid his pants. In less than a moment, Loki was hovering over you once again. He took in the way you looked, the way you writhed underneath him, he could feel your need for him. "You like to tease darling, so I shall make you beg." He slowly dipped into the crook of your neck and began kissing, you could feel Loki's length resting on between your legs. You could tell he was big, big enough for you at least. He trailed kisses all over your neck, as one of his hands traced circles on your inner thighs. With each circle, he brought his finger closer to your heat. You could feel yourself dripping by now and you bucked your hips towards his hand. You needed friction, any kind, you just needed something. "Fuck me already," You hissed as you looked him dead in the eye. He looked angry by your outburst as he pulled his hand from between your legs and flipped you over. His brute strength turned you even more. "You want to talk like a dirty whore, then I shall fuck you like one." He raised your hips into the air, as he used one leg to kneel in the bed and the other to stand on the floor. One hand gripped your hip and the other shoved your shoulders into the bed, without a second breath he shoved his way into you. He gave no warning and no time for you to adjust, you screamed in pleasure as he jammed his way into you. "Show me what it really means to be a god," You said breathlessly, as you gripped the blankets of your bed tightly. Loki smiled deviously, as he drove himself in and out of you. You could feel every inch of him inside you, you were a moaning mess. "Take it, you wished for me so deeply and now here I am," He said, "Say my name." You moaned his name, as he gripped your hair, pulling you onto all fours. With one hand in your hair and one on your hip, he pounded into you mercilessly. You could hear his moans as he reached deep into you, he felt every time you squeezed him. He wanted to see your face, he wished to watch you moan as his cock was buried deep in you. He swiftly pulled out and flipped you onto your back once again, once he saw your eyes he pushed himself back into you. Both of your legs sat on each of his shoulders, he kissed your legs as he fucked you. He bent you easily, as he leaned over you, your legs still on his shoulders. You sat with your mouth open staring at him, your face contorting into pleasure-filled ones. You could feel the knot growing in your stomach, it wouldn't be long before you came undone. Loki was so close to undoing you, but the voice of Steve interrupted your moans. Loki was quick to pull out of you dragging you into the bathroom that was connected to your room, you grabbed his clothes as you ran to the bathroom. You shut the door just as Steve knocked 4 times hard and fast and then entered your room. "Y/N?" Steve called, once he saw your empty bed. "I'm in the bathroom what's up," You said trying to calm your breathing, you leaned over the counter top, staring at Loki in the mirror. You watched as an evil smile covered his face, as came up behind you. "I can too put my hair into a ponytail, I admit it doesn't look the best. But it's here." He said in a matter of fact tone, as he sat on the foot of your bed. "I wanted to show you." "Alright, I-I'll meet yOU in the living rooommm," You struggled to speak clearly as Loki slowly pushed himself back into you from behind. Your voice got higher and lower, and it was almost obvious that you practically moaned the word 'room'. You gasped quietly as Loki pushed back into you deathly slow. "I don't wanna make you leave your room, I can just wait. You alright though kid?" Steve questioned as he heard your weird speech pattern, you let out an annoyed breath as Steve offered to stay and wait for you to finish. Loki watched your face as you struggled to talk to Steve, as he slid in and out of you. "Can you just go get someone, I'm not feeling the best." You accidentally yelled the first excuse you could think of. Loki had begun to thrust harder into you, as one of his hands reached around and began to play with your bud. "O-oh, yeah." Steve got worried, thinking something was very wrong. He quickly left the room but stuck his head back in. "Boy or girl, do you need a girl or boy?" He called not sure if he should get Nat, Pepper, or Wanda or Tony, Bruce, or maybe Thor. "Just go!" You yelled as Loki slammed back into you, as Steve's footstep disappeared, Loki slammed into you as fast and hard as he could. You moaned loud as he thrust roughly into you. Both of you were so close to the edge. You leaned over the counter more, laying more over the sink now as Loki repeatedly hit just the right spot. His thrusts became sloppy, but they were still rough. He grabbed your shoulders, giving a few last hard thrust moaning as he buried himself deep inside of you. He held you on his throbbing cock. You came just as he did, contracting around him as you yelled in pleasure. He rode out his high inside of you, your legs shook as he slowly slipped out. He reached over your shoulder, grabbing your jaw and smashing his lips on yours. It was a deep and feeling-filled kiss, but it was quickly interrupted by the bathroom door being kicked in. You grabbed the nearest towel covering yourself as Steve, Bucky, and Sam ran into the bathroom. Loki scrambled to yank his boxers on, managing to do it just in time. "Y/N the girls aren't home I-...." Steve began apologizing, his hair still up in a little makeshift ponytail on top of his head. He looked at the state you were in and then he looked at Loki, who stood only in his boxers. Both of you still breathing hard. "This better be a fucking joke," Thor yelled from behind the 3 other heroes.
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dragoqueen · 3 years
Whoops! Wrong Way 5/8
Summary: Peter has been living at Avengers Tower for 2 years, known to the workers and Avengers as Peter Parker-Stark-Rogers.  When his teacher announces that they're going on a field trip to Avengers Tower, or SI,  he's going to have to attempt to survive a day of embarrassment and keeping a secret identity.
Words: 2068
“Go away you old man! You’re ruining the moment!” Peter shrieks at Steve. Steve only chuckles and finishes walking over to Peter’s table. Turns out, Bucky is with him too, and they've brought food. “Chill out kid, we were just bringing some more food.”
“Yes! Give it to me then git.”
“That’s kind of rude. We’re providing food.”
“Yeah but you’re ruining the field trip! I just want to live normally please.”
“Fine kid. We’ll see you soon.”
“Wait, what do you mean ‘soon’”?
“Your tour is going to the training room. Must I say more?” Steve asks. 
“No!!! Please don’t let them kill anyone too much,” Peter groans. 
“Alright. See you kid.”
They leave with Wade after placing a small bag of cookies. Peter grumbles something about “boyfriend stealer” while munching on more of the cookies and sliding a few over to MJ and Ned to let them try them. Just as Mars announces that it’s time to go onto the next part of the tour they’ve finished all of the cookies. They line up at the elevator and step in once Mars has finished the head count. “FRIDAY, take us to the training room please,” Mars asks.
“It appears that you do not have clearance to go here.” 
Mars sighs, “uh, Peter can you tell FRIDAY to take us to the training room. Apparently they didn’t fix my clearance to take you guys there and you’re the only one that’d be able to bring us up.”
“Oh, sure. Uh, FRIDAY? Can you bring us up to the training room please?”
The elevator lurches up in response causing a few kids to stumble at the sudden movement. Peter chuckles, reminiscing of the time he did the same thing the day he met Bucky in the elevator. He was too busy fanboying to remember how fast the elevator traveled. He ended up falling into Bucky, leaving both of them apologizing up until they made it to the intern labs where Peter got off red as a tomato. Stark often reminds them both of it because Bucky had entered the penthouse freaked out that he had accidentally hurt a child. 
His laughter results in a few embarrassed glares, but he still thinks it’s worth it. FRIDAY announces that they’ve aived on the training food so they all step out and travel down the exceptionally long hallway to the end where there’s a glass door, Mars peers through and goes pale, “uh�� it appears that some of the Avengers are currently training in here so give me a second to make sure it’s okay we come in.” He slowly cracks the door open and peers his head in, “umm… I’m here with the tour group from Midtown, Our schedule has been changed and we were supposed to come here after lunch, is that okay?”
“Midtown? Isn’t that Peter’s school? Sure you guys can come in!” Steve announces from inside. 
Peter sighs, knowing that they’ve definitely had this planned all along. The class lines up against an empty wall, watching in awe at the battle taking place. At the moment, Natasha is in the middle of sparring with Clint. They go back and forth, exchanging hits and blocks. Eventually Natasha manages to swipe Clint’s feet from underneath him. She traps him on the ground and a few seconds later he taps out. “Alright guys, that was a successful spar,” Natasha says to the class in between sips of water, “no one got hut… too badly. Bird Brain over here could obviously never beat me without a few injuries on both of our parts. Anyway, because you are here and because you are the class of our favorite маленький паук (little spider), we are going to teach you some basic self defense and give some of you the chance to spar with one of us. To start I’ll show you what to do, then partner up and practice. MJ, can you come up here please?” 
MJ smirks and slides off her jacket and hands it to Ned before stepping into the small ring. Many of the students wondered why Natasha knew MJ by name and was asking her for help. MJ often sparred with Nat and was actually quite good at it. Peter was sure that if she was enhanced like him she could easily take him down. 
Since they’d previously sparred before, MJ knew exactly what to do. Natasha first demonstrated a punch, knowing that MJ would show the proper way to block. Afterwards, she showed a kick. After they're done MJ returns to the group, punching Ned on the arm when he keeps staring at her, amazed that she just “fought” Black Widow. Natasha tells everyone to partner up and announces that the four of them would be walking around and making sure everyone was doing good. Peter pairs up with MJ, which Ned is actually happy about because he knows that they would easily be able to beat him. He spent most of his time at SI in the labs with Bruce rather than learning to fight so he partnered up with someone who also didn’t really know what they were doing. 
Natasha walks by while Peter and MJ are practicing the different punches and kicks and tells them that they can practice with the bo staff in the arena if they want. Nat had been giving them lessons on different fighting techniques and weapons and currently they were working on the bo staff. They take turns practicing different blocks and strikes, and even a few spins to show off. They end their mini-practice session with a spar. Both start on opposite ends before they begin circling each other. 
Peter makes the first move by making a jab motion with the staff aimed at MJ’s chest. She blocks it and twirls his staff with her own before knocking it to the ground. She follows that by using the staff to pole vault herself towards Peter and kicks him in the chest. He falls back with a grunt, using her moment of appreciation to quickly analyze the situation before standing up and flipping over her to regain possession of his staff. He spins around in time to block a hit from her. He follows that by spinning in the air and kicking her mid-air. She stumbles backwards, trying to regain balance. He moves forward to continue but suddenly stops when he hears Natasha talking, “alight guys, that’s enough. Time for some of you guys to spar with us. Get some water if you need it, then line back up.” 
Peter turns around and becomes suddenly aware that everyone has been watching him and MJ fight. He offers a sheepish grin before following Nat’s instructions. He puts the staff away and grabs some water, sipping on it as he rejoins the group of students, who have stopped staring at him and have returned to paying attention to Natasha. “Alight, this is how this is going to go. You’ll raise your hand if you want to spar with one of us. I’ll call on you one by one and you can stay who you want to spar and we’ll go from there. Sound good?” she’s met with a bunch of nodding heads so she continues, “okay who’s first… how about you right there,” she points to Flash, “who do you want to spar with?” 
“Alright then, step up,” 
He walks into the ring confidently, “don't go easy on my, I can take it. In fact, I’ll try to go easy on you, don’t want to hurt a girl.” 
Peter, who up until this point had been trying to hold in a laugh, knowing fully well that Flash was going to get absolutely pummeled, couldn’t contain his laughter and ended up choking from laughing so hard, Flash glares at him while Natsha sends him a playful grin, knowing exactly why he was laughing, “маленький паук (little spider), hush now, see what he can do!” 
Flash, assuming she’s telling Peter off, immediately returns to smirking, he turns back to Natasha and sees that she has assumed a fighting stance, he gets into a fighting position of his own, waiting for Steve to tell them to start. Natsha notes all the incorrect things about his pose from the beginning. As soon as Steve says, “start,” she’s ready. Flash runs at her, expecting to be able to tackle her immediately. Instead, she grabs him and swings him around before slamming him down onto the ground. He ends up with the wind knocked out of him. He lays there for a few minutes, struggling to catch his breath. Then, finally, he stands up and limps out of the arena. 
After that, most of the students are afraid to volunteer. However, oce the next person goes and the Avengers go much easier on them, more people are willing to try. Once everyone who wants to has gone Natasha begins scanning the coed of students for Peter. Sheinds him near the back and smiles, “Peter! Why don’t you come up here and show your classmates what a real spar looks like.”
“Uh, no thanks Nat. I’m good.”
“Come on маленький паук (little spider), pleasee? For me?”
“Seriously, тетя таша (Aunt Tasha), I’m fine.” 
“Хорошо, тогда ты просто присоединишься к нам в битве с твоим хулигано (Fine then, you'll just join us in a nerf battle against your bully there).”
“мама паук, пожалуйста, нет (Mama Spider, please no).” 
“Она права, Пит. нужно за себя постоять, да к тому же это то или мы сами его избиваем (She's right Pete. You need to stand up for yourself. And besides, it's this or we beat him up ourselves) , “Bucky adds, having been listening to their conversation that no one else understood. 
“Хорошо, но я могу выбирать команды (Fine, but I get to choose teams).”
They turn their focus back to the rest of the group and realize they’re staring, again. 
Good freaking job, Peter. Now they all know you speak Russian. You freaking idiot.
Don’t start thinking like that again Peter.
What? Wanda? What are you doing inside my head and where are you?
Outside the training room. Natsaha connected to me via our private mind link and told me to send a group of us down for a nerf battle. 
Oh no. How many of there are you? 
Me, Clint, Sam, Scott, Wade, Nebula, and Pietro.
Oh, this is going to be awesome. 
Peter feels her leaving his mind and is thankful that she doesn’t bring the comment back up. Natsha begins explaining to the rest of the class that they’re going to see one of the training exercises that the Avengers do. She also explains how she’s going to choose two people who each can create a team of 6 people, a mix of Avengers and students, to take part in the training exercise.
As she finishes her explanation, the group of Avengers that Wanda mentioned walk through the door and join Bucky, Steve, and Natasha at the front of the room. Natsha smiles at the room of star-struck children before calling out the  team captains of the training exercise, “Flash, Peter. You two are going to be the team captains of the training exercise. Peter, you can choose first. Come up here, the both of you, and go back and forth choosing. 
“I want Nat.” Peter says. 
“I’ll take Hawkeye,” Flash chooses. 
“Bucky.” “Captain America,” 
“Falcon.” “Wanda.” “Pietro.” “MJ.” Peter says, leaving Flash with a confused look, wondering why Peter would choose a student over an Avenger. 
Wade gives his boyfriend a hurt look. Peter gives him puppy dog eyes and mouths,” he’d be sad. You’re fine.” Wade sticks his tongue out but joins Flash’s side of the room. “Alright guys these are the rules- if you’re enhanced, no using your powers. If you get hit you’re out, leave the arena and join the tour group in the spectator section. Don’t cheat, FRIDAY will be reffing and will call you out. 
With that, she presses a button, revealing an entire arena of parkour and bunkers. There’s nerf guns spread out all around the arena, as well as more ammo. The closer to the center you get the better guns there are. Each team has a starting base where each person has a pistol with two bullets to start. 
“To your starting bases! FRIDAY announces. 
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dragoqueen · 3 years
Whoops! Wrong Way 6/8
Summary: Peter has been living at Avengers Tower for 2 years, known to the workers and Avengers as Peter Parker-Stark-Rogers.  When his teacher announces that they're going on a field trip to Avengers Tower, or SI,  he's going to have to attempt to survive a day of embarrassment and keeping a secret identity.
Words: 1558
“Okay guys here’s the plan, mostly just protect Peter because he and that idiot Flash kid need to be the last ones so Peter can do something cool and get him out. That’s your only goal- get everyone out and protect Peter, alright?” There's a chorus of yesses that confirm her plan. She nods and motions for them to spread out around the base to be ready to run to better guns when the round starts. Just in time too. Right when they get to the starting positions FRIDAY begins counting down, “three… two… one… begin!” there’s an airhorn sound and the Avengers start their nerf gun battle.
Peter immediately starts climbing up the floating parkour platforms, dodging a few bullets while he’s at it. He jumps from platform to platform till he reaches a giant automatic nerf gun with a strap attached to it. He slings it over his shoulder and continues climbing until he gets to a high point where he can see the entire arena. There’s a snipe with extra ammo there, which he takes before laying on the ground to start sniping the other side. 
His first target is Sam. he’s at a disadvantage because he can’t use his wings in the nerf arena. He’s grounded and without a good gun. Peter smiles as he steadies his gun, focusing on Sam he takes a shot.
He quickly reloads while Sam begins looking around wildly, trying to figure out where the first bullet came from. Peter aims at Sam again and before Sam can retaliate, there’s a second bullet and he’s out, “Bird Brain #2 is out.” Friday announces. 
“Dang it Sam,” Steve calls out from across the arena, “already?” 
“Shut it, the kid freaking sniped me, you know how he is in these games,”
Peter laughs and begins looking for his next target. Meanwhile, Scott has shrunk down and begun sneaking over to Peter’s side. He turns back to normal size right behind Ned, quickly shooting him with the starter pistol. FRIDAY announced that Ned is now out. MJ takes the advantage of Scott celebrating and not paying attention to sneak up behind him and shoot him. He groans in frustration as FRIDAY announces he’s out, and goes to join Ned and Sam in the spectators section. 
Peter watches the commotion behind him and shoots MJ a quick thumbs up before returning to watching the opposing team, oblivious to the merc slowly making his way towards him. For some reason, his spidey-sense doesn't alert him of Wade until he’s jumped in front of him with the pistol aimed right at him. Peter puts his hands up and yells dramatically, “just kill me now!”
Wade chuckles, “I’m not here to kill you, BabyBoy. I’m here to team with you. I’m still mad at you for now putting me on your team, but I also hate my team. So, here I am!” 
“Heck yeah! Unfair advantage for the win. Great to have you on out- HOLY CRAP, watch out babe!” 
Their teaming is interrupted when a bullet hits Wade straight in the head. “Ha! Headshot it doesn’t count!” he announces glaring at Natasha who had shot him from behind one of the bunkers. She’s still smirking and a few seconds later they figure out why, “unfortunately, Deathboy, headshots are counted in this game. You are out.”
“You’re the worst Natasha! I was going to team with you!”
“That’s payback for stealing Peter from me during Hair Club.” she announces smugly. 
“Nat, really? Did you have to get my boyfriend out?” Peter asks. 
“Sorry маленький паук (little spider) he’s from the other side.”
“It’s alright мама паук (mama spider), ready to get the rest out?” 
“Let's do it.” 
Peter picks up his sniper and rushes off the platform, jumping towards a rope. He swings from rope to rope until he gets to another platform. He jumps and does a flip before landing and getting back in a sniper position he sees a flash of blue before he gets shot with a bullet. “I’m hit, dang it! FRIDAY who shot me?” 
“Turbo shot you. Although, you are still in because he used his powers so he is disqualified.”
“What the heck FRIDAY? How did you see that?”
Peter laughs, realizing that the update that he had been working on and uploaded on FRIDAY last night had upgraded her ability to see Pietro while using his powers. He watches Pietro exit the arena, leaving his guns by the door. Wanda and Nebula decide to take this moment to go get Pietro's guns and extra ammo. Wanda grabs the gun while Nebula covers for her. 
Suddenly, a bullet comes out of nowhere, hitting Nebula. Wanda turns around when FRIDAY announces that Nebula got shot, only to get hit by another bullet. Peter looks  across the arena and sees Clint in a dark corner with a piece of the arena covering him as a shield. He wants to tell him that he’s cheating but he knows that Clint will probably just shoot him anyway, so he remains silent. 
Steve finally decides to emerge from his bunker. Since he’s not allowed to use his shield, he’s taken to using a giant nerf gun instead. He runs across the arena, way too fast for Peter to be able to snipe him, towards MJ. all of her shots ricochet off of the giant gun he’s carrying until he’s within shooting range. Then, he pulls out the starter pistol and shoots her square in the chest. “That’s cheating, Cap.” she tries telling him until FRIDAY announces that she’s out. She glares at him as she exits the arena, and Peter knows that the next time there’s a prank war Steve is as good as dead. 
Meanwhile, Bucky creeps towards Steve, who’s currently looking for his next victim. He jumps out from behind one of the bunkers and uses his automated gun to shoot Steve. Around 100 bullets hit him, one after another. FRIDAY announces his ‘death’ and just like that it’s down to 5, 2 on Flash’s side and 3 on Peter’s. 
Clint and Peter are still on their perches, hidden from one another by a large tower at the center of the arena. Bucky is still creeping around where Steve got you and Natasha is a few feet away, hidden by a bunker. She appears to be strategizing. Flash is still hidden and hasn’t come out the entire game, so only Clint knows where he is. 
Peter detects movement out of the corner of his eye and turns to watch Clint slowly creep out of his corner; he silently places the piece of the arena on the platform before jumping away to another. He moves closer to the center of the arena to get a good aim of Bucky before Peter can shout a warning, Clint fires. Bucky’s out and it's now a 2 vs 2. 
Peter looks down towards Natasha, trying to signal to her they need a plan. She motions towards him and the huge tower at the center where he would be able to make a clear shot on Clint. He nods as she grabs Bucky’s fun and begins running from bunker to bunker, shooting at Clint every once in a while for good measure. 
Meanwhile, Peter moves silently throughout the arena, parkouring from platform to platform and swinging from a few ropes until he makes it to the tower. He jumps through the window and rolls to the food before jumping back up and moving to the window that has the best view of Clint. Just as he gets the shot lined up he hears FRIDA announce, “Scary Woman #1 is out.”
Three things happen in the moment one, Natasha shouts to Peter in Russia, “avenge me spider child, then get the bully out. I believe in you!” Two, Clint shouts, “I’m coming for you kid!” at the same time as, number three; Peter shoots Clint. 
Dramatically, Clint falls to the floor on his knees yelling, “No!” while FRIDAY announces that he's out. Peter grins, shouting, “I have avenged you мама паук (spider),” before returning his focus to winning the game. Flash is definitely going to stay hidden unless he’s been keeping track of- “Come out Parker! It’s just you and me. Don’t be a coward!” Flash announces, emerging from his bunker with two of the starter pistols. 
Nevermind, Peter thinks, this is going to be easier than I expected. And, as an added bonus, I’ll show off because I’m pretty sure Aunty Nat will run me through drills until even my enhanced healing can’t keep up if I don’t. 
He watches as Flash walks confidently around, trying to find where Peter is hiding. Just as he walks underneath the tower, Peter lets out a loud “whoop” sound and flips out of the widow. Flash looks up in panic, trying to find whatever devilish creature had just decided to rein it’s terror upon him. Instead, he’s met with the sight of Peter doing several flips as he falls towards him. 
Flash just manages to dodge out of the way, as Peter lands gracefully in front of him in Black Widow’s famous superhero pose. Flash falls to the ground and just lays there in school. Even when Peter walks towards him, grins maliciously and pulls out the giant gun that had been strapped to his back the entire game, pointing it directly at him. 
Before he can even think to react, Peter presses the trigger, causing all 150 bullets to hit Flash, rapid fire. 
There’s momentary silence as Peter runs out of ammo where only his heavy breathing can be heard. Finally, FRIDAY announces, “Eugene Thompson has been eliminated, Team Parker wins!” 
He noise in the arena suddenly explodes as Peter’s team and the tour group run in, congratulating Peter on his epic win, tormenting Flash for not doing anything, and talking about how awesome that battle was. Flash still hasn’t moved or talked, opting for sitting on the floor, his mouth opening and closing, gaping like a fish out of water. MJ uses this moment to sketch Flash in her crisis notebook. 
Peter, on the other hand, is grinning like a mad man and soaking up the attention for once. When everyone first came in it was surprising. His super senses weren’t too happy about the sudden explosion of noise, but Natasha had quickly yelled at them after seeing how distressed her baby spider appeared. 
After that, the questions come barreling in one after another. 
“How’d you learn to do that” (training with the Avengers)
“Why’d you act like that when getting Flash out?” (dramatic entrance) 
“Why’d you do Black Widow’s superhero pose?” (because it’s freaking awesome) 
The pose story actually was much longer than that. Some guys were harassing Nat one time about her pose and began to be super sexist and what not. After that the guys had all made their poses similar to Nat’s and even at one point all got dresses personally designed for each of them to wear to a special event. It was pretty awesome. However, that’s a lot to explain for one question so he left it at that. 
Finally, Nat tells them all to leave and meet the tour guide in the hallway, and that Peter and Flash would be with them shortly. They filed out, leaving their two classmates with the group of Avengers. 
Once they're all gone, Steve walks over to Flash and offers him his hand. Flash takes it, gratefully, and is lifted about halfway into the air before being dropped back on his butt. “Don’t mess with my kid again! I don’t condone bullying and, unfortunately for you, neither do any of the other Avengers.”
“I… what? Uh, I.. I di- didn’t. No sir!: Flash manages to stutter out before standing up and running to join the tour group. 
“And you, don’t think we aren’t aware that this kid has been bullying you for who knows how long. Your father, you, and I will be having a conversation about  it tonight.” Steve tells Peter sternly. 
“On that note… that was amazing! You finally listened to  advice on how to make a grand entrance! 
“Figured there'd be some sort of consequence if I didn’t.” “You’re dang right, маленький паук (little spider). Now go join your class.”
He nods, leaving after a quick hair ruffle from Bucky and a kiss from Wade. Ned grins at him as he rejoins the class, too starstruck from having a nerf battle with the Avengers to be able to talk. Flash, who Peter hadn’t previously noticed walking strangely close to him, begins slowing his pace until he’s directly behind Peter, “next place we go, meet me in the bathroom… or else it will be 10 times worse when we get back to school.” 
Peter mentally groans at the last part even with his enhanced healing Flash could cause some serious bruises and leave him limping, something Peter didn’t want his family seeing. So, when they arrive at the higher-up intern labs and Flash asks to go to the restroom, Peter waits a few minutes before also excusing himself to the restroom.
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fatandnerdy30 · 5 years
The Itsy Bitsy Spider 9
The house the limo pulled up to was a stylish one, deep in the suburbs of Long Island and Justin had to whistle. "I like this man's taste," he appreciated. "A bit too flashy for me," Ward said. "But, to each his own. This is where I leave you, Mr. Hammer. But, you have the number of the driver, correct?"
"I do, Mr. Ward. But, I do hope we get to talk again. This was fun, a learning experience, if you will. Take care." With that, he climbed out of the limo, waiting for it to drive off before starting up the stairs of the beautiful home. On the stoop, he fixed his tie, ran his hands through his hair, then rang the bell, tugging on his suit jacket. The door opened and there stood the most beguiling young beauty Justin had ever seen. The man put on his most charming smile, leaning on the door jamb. "Hello, young lady. My name is Justin Hammer. I was wondering if Mr. Toomes is home?" The girl blushed a little under his smile, which made his stomach flutter with excitement. The girl was gorgeous."Um...y-yeah...My dad is home, Mr. Hammer. Could you wait just a moment?" The man nodded and the girl turned and yelled into the house, a male voice calling back a second later. "So, what may I ask is your name?" Just licked his teeth, eyes pouring over the girl. "Umm...it's Elizabeth," she stuttered. "But, my friends call me Liz ." "Well, Liz, if I may call you that, it's a pleasure to meet such a beautiful young lady, and there he is!" Justin took his eyes off the girl the moment her father was in view. "Mr. Toomes, what a wonderful moment it is to finally meet you." He extended his hand to the man, wincing at the hard grip as they shook. "I recognize you. You were the one who created those murderous robots at the Stark Expo a few years ago." "Oh, that was all the work of a Russian madman who hacked my project. I had nothing to do with that, I assure you." Adrian narrowed his eyes at the man. He thought he'd been given a twenty year sentence, but it seemed that hadn't been correct. Just then, the man's greedy eyes flicked to his daughter, and Adrian stepped in front of her. "Honey, go tell your mother we have company and set out the new china that we just bought, will you? I'm sure your mother will thrilled to use it, eh?" He smiled at Liz as she nodded and ran off. "Won't you come in, Mr?" "Oh, where are my manners. Hammer, Justin Hammer. And you have a lovely home," he said as he stepped inside. "And an even lovelier family. Hello, Mrs. Toomes, correct? What a beautiful wife you have." He took the woman's hand and placed a kiss on the top. "Oh, well aren't you charming? Coffee will be brewing in just a minute. Adrian, where are those cakes I bought yesterday?" "In the pantry, second shelf was where I left them. Hopefully there's still some left." He smirked as his wife smacked his shoulder. "We'll be in my study, Doris." He heard the woman answer and nodded his head to Justin, who followed. Once he closed the door, Adrian took on a serious look. "Who sent you?" "Whoa, whoa....take it easy, Mr. Toomes. I'm just here to talk to you, that's it. You see...I'm a bit of a fan, per say. Especially of someone who wants to bring down Tony Stark." He grinned, and the door opened to reveal Doris with a silver tray in her hands. Adrian leaped up and took it from his wife. "Thank you, honey. We'll be done in a bit, okay?" The woman nodded."Will you be staying for dinner, Mr. Hammer?" Adrian gave him a stony look and the man smiled. "I have to decline, Mr. Toomes. But, maybe another time?" Doris smiled and excused herself from the room, leaving the two men alone to talk. "How much do you know?" Toomes all but slammed the tray on the desk, his green eyes cold and hard as he stared at Hammer. "Only enough to make you want to listen to my proposition." Hammer filled a cup with coffee, adding sugar and milk. "And the offer I intend to give you." Adrian made his way behind the large desk and sat, leaning back and crossing his arms over his chest. "And if I don't?" Hammer smiled as he sipped his coffee. "Oh, I think you know what's on the line if you don't. That daughter of yours, is absolutely stunning, but I'm sure you knew that, didn't you? I would hate for something to happen to that lovely face of hers...or any other part of her, to be honest. Oh, this is good coffee. You'll have to tell me where you buy yours." Toomes could only stare in horror at the man who threatened his family, his daughter, then asked where they bought coffee. He stared at the man with both anger and fear in his eyes. "Alright....but I will ask you again. Who sent you?" Hammer put his cup down. "Octavion Bloom sends his regards. I heard he's tried to recruit you more than once, and each time you turned him down. For what, I couldn't imagine." "I don't work for murderers, Mr. Hammer." Adrian scowled. He would rather be dead than kill wantonly like the group Hydra did. All he did was steal from the rich and powerful and give to his family for them to have a better life, a life they could be proud of. "Have they murdered? Huh, I wasn't aware. But, you see, unlike Mr. Bloom, I don't have sneaky, underhanded ways of making people talk. I simply take what's most precious to them. So, tell me Mr. Toomes....who do you love more? Your wife, or your daughter?" He picked up his coffee cup, taking a sip. "Please tell me quickly, because I will tell you, I'm losing my patience." His finger twitched. Adrian could only stare at the man in shock before he stood. "I am not letting you take either of them, Hammer." He growled, fists curling at his sides. "Oh? Pity...Oh well. I guess I'll just take my leave then." Hammer stood, tugging on his suit jacket to straighten it out, then pulled out his phone, calling a driver. "Yes," he said after a moment. "I'm ready. Oh, and make sure there's room for two guests, also." With that, he hung up and smiled at Adrian, who was already running out of the office. But, Hammer had the upper hand and walked slowly out of the room behind the man. "It's too late, Mr. Toomes." As he said that, an explosion came from the front door, followed by female screams. "Oh, man! They could have at least left the door. Oh well." He stepped over the splintered wood and shattered glass and jogged down the stairs, looking behind him to see men carrying out a struggling Doris and an unconscious Liz, which he frowned at. "Could you at least be a little more gentle with her, please? Jeez, it's like you're all animals, I swear." Suddenly there was a crash from behind the house and a whirring noise made everyone look up to see a large mechanical bird hovering above them, green glowing eyes looking through the darkened sky eerily. "So, that's why he's called the vulture, huh? Not bad." Hammer slid into the car after the two women were tossed in. "Take care of him," was all he said to the Hydra agents, not looking back as the car drove away. "Oh, don't look at me like that, Doris. It's not like I didn't give your husband a chance to save you. Now just sit back and enjoy the ride." He sat back and closed his eyes, listening to the muffled sobs of the woman. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Clint walked down the hall with his fingers curled around Peter so he wouldn't fall. The boy was still shaking, feeling the effects of his panic attack. "I've seen people die, too," he said suddenly. Peter looked up, but all he could see was Clint's chin, he couldn't gauge his facial expression. "I've seen a lot of people die, actually. And, truth be told, they all affect me the same way as you." He chuckled. "But, I don't let it show in front of the others. I'm supposed to be the sniper, after all. But in private, or with my wife, that's when I break down. It's hard to process. Friends, gone right before your eyes...." he sighed and looked down to find the teen looking up at him with sorrow and and gratitude. "It'll be hard, for a while. You'll keep seeing their faces in everything, everyone. But, after that's done, you'll learn to let them go...and in your case, to know it wasn't your fault." He brought his finger to the kid's head, grinning when he tried to push it away as Clint gave him a noogie. "And if you need help, you can always come to your uncle Clint." Peter had laugh to out loud at that. "Uncle Clint?" he asked in amusement. "Of course, kid. No matter what, I'll be there for you. I'm sure everyone will be, especially Tony and Pepper. Oh, and we can't forget Morgan." he smiled at the little girl's name. They traveled the rest of the way in amicable silence, but Clint was glad that Peter had stopped shaking. Soon he came to Pepper's door and knocked, waiting for the bid to come in. "Hey, Pep, I'm here to drop off Peter." She gave him a confused face as he walked in, depositing the boy on her desk. "He had a little meltdown in the middle of a meeting," Clint explained. "He's okay though, right buddy?" "Sure, 'Uncle Clint'," the boy laughed. "I'm alright. Just shaken up." He smiled up at Pepper, who watched him worriedly. "I promise." "Well, you're spending the rest of the meeting in here with me," the blonde told him, shuffling some papers in front of him. "Besides, I could use the company." She lifted her pen. "Thanks, Uncle Clint," she teased. "We'll be fine." The archer nodded and left the room. Pepper watched Peter walk around her desk for almost five minutes, sometimes stopping to pick up a paperclip and study it before placing it down. "You seem bored," she said, resting her head in a palm. Peter turned and set wide eyes on her. "NO! I-I'm not bored at all...well, maybe I am..it's just, I'm feeling a little cooped up. I guess...I don't know. I'm feeling calmer, but I feel like I have to move....I have to get out of here." He sighed and sat on the edge of the keyboard. "It's been six months since I've stepped foot outside," he pushed the space bar, the button not even moving. Pepper smiled sadly, then an idea came to her and she covered the papers. "You know what, I need a break, too. Come on." She set her hand palm up next to the boy, trying to hide a shiver as Peter climbed on. "How about we get Morgan and go outside for a while, hmm?" The boy felt his heart soar at that. "You mean it? Actually go outside?" He was a ball of energy in the woman's hand, his legs tapping against her skin. Pepper only laughed as she left her office. It made her see him as he was. A child that needed some 'play time'. "Yes, actually outside. I want you to get some sun, and plus I love the outdoors. When I need to de-stress, I like to take walks, go hiking. But, mostly I only go to annoy Tony." She smiled. "He absolutely hates hiking, or anything to do with the outdoors. I once took him camping before Morgan was born, and the entire time he complained that there was no wifi." She shook her head, listening to the small laugh. "Morgan!" she called, wincing when Peter held his hands up to his ears. "Sorry." "Yes mommy?" the little raven haired girl came running a few seconds later, dressed in jeans and a pink shirt with a headband with a pink bow. Pepper had to thank Tony for giving Friday her fashion advice program, or Morgan would never leave the house. "Peter and I were going to go play outside. Do you wanna come?" Her daughter's eyes lit up and she nodded."Yes! Can I bring my dolls?" Pepper nodded. "Be right back! Oh, and I have something for Peter! I was working on it while I was in my room." She turned and ran back to her bedroom, running back a few seconds later, arms laiden with dolls and a small cloth bag. "I'm ready!" "All right. Let's go. Maybe we can coax daddy into coming out with us later." If it weren't almost fall, they could have gone swimming, but the weather was getting too chilly to get wet, but it was perfect to spend a few hours without a jacket. Pepper felt her daughter grab her hand and she smiled, looking down at Morgan and then at Peter, who waved at the little girl from his spot in Pepper's palm. She had to say, if this is what it was like to have more than one child, maybe she would have 'the talk' with Tony at some point. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To say Peter was amazed, was putting it lightly. Being outside for the first time in six months was absolutely wonderful! He took a deep breath, and shivered when a breeze passed over him, rubbing his arms a little. But, it was the smell of the trees, the sound of water behind them lapping against the bank of the river. Sure there were buildings obstructing nature, but to someone who was used to seeing skyscrapers this was heaven. "Maybe this was a bad idea," Pepper said lowly, watching him. Peter turned and shook his head. "No! Please....I can handle a little cold. Please..." He pleaded with her, eyes big. The woman nodded. "Okay. But, if you get too cold, you can always sit in my pocket," she patted her suit jacket pocket. "Okay?" The  boy nodded and turned outward again. "Mommy, can we go to the park?" Morgan asked, looking longingly at the swings visible in the distance. "That's exactly what I was thinking. Sound good to you, Peter?" "Sure. Let's go." The small boy punched the air and Morgan giggled, running ahead of the woman and stopping to look back every few feet until Pepper reached the small playground. "Where would you like to sit?" She looked around as she asked Peter. "Do...do you think maybe I can be on the ground? I haven't really had a chance to walk around...just put me somewhere I won't get crushed?" He said with a shrug. "I don't know...I mean, anything can happen. We do have wild animals on the grounds." "Oh, yeah...well, I won't go far. I promise. Please?" Finally the woman conceded and walked to a bench, sitting on the stone and lowering her hand. "Don't go too far," she said sternly, and Peter rolled his eyes. "Yes mom," he laughed. "Very funny." Peter climbed off the woman's palm. He watched the pretty intimidating sight of a hundred foot tall woman unfold in front of him and turn to sit. The teen stood still as she kept him in his sights, then her phone went off, distracting her. Now was his chance to explore. He walked under the bench, looking up at it, then out of the corner of his eye, he saw the grass looming before him. Grinning, the boy did what anyone would do in his situation. He ran into the chest high jungle, laughing as he parted the blades of grass like bushes. Suddenly he jumped when a green caterpillar passed him, the insect coming up to his waist. He leaned down to pet it. "You're cute," he said. "I wanted a dog, but my aunt's building doesn't allow pets. Maybe I could sneak you in, huh?" The insect nudged his hand for more pets, using it's antenna to 'smell' Peter, and lifted half it's body up to tackle him, making the laugh. "Okay, okay, get outta here," he pushed the insect off him and stood, walking away, determined to explore more. About three minutes of exploration later, he came across a tree, the bark looking like a brown wall. Looking back, Peter could still see Pepper, so he guessed it was safe to climb. He was still near her, plus he had his sticky abilities. He would be fine. He folded his costume over his arms and legs again, making sure his hands and feet were able to touch the wood over the clothing, and the little teen set to climbing up the tree. It took what felt like forever, but Peter guessed it was only ten minutes, but he was finally able to sit on a branch miles above the ground, breathing heavily. He looked out over the grounds. Through the leaves he spotted Morgan playing on the swings, and beyond her he was able to look over some of the compound. He could see a river behind them, which would explain the smell of the water, and a dock that lead down into the river for the Avengers underwater missions, he guessed. It was then he noticed a spider crawling near him and jumped. The insect paused, as if sizing Peter up with its eight eyes, then decided he wasn't worth it and scurried off under the branch. When the boy spotted it again, it had reached its web situated in the corner of the branch and the trunk. Something touched his back lightly and he whirled around to see a bit of white thread blowing in the breeze. Curious, he reached out and touched the thin line of white, grinning when it didn't stick to him at all like other things. It amazed him that this was the substance Hydra had wanted him to make out of his own body. He also thought it was strange...but then, he got an idea. He studied his own hand. It would have to be lightweight and versatile, plus it would have to house a synthetic spider silk. Turning, he tugged on the drag line thread, pleased to see it didn't break from the pressure. He'd read in textbooks that spider silk was the strongest substance in the insect world, and one strand alone could hold up to one point three GPa, which was stronger than steel by unit of measurement if he really thought about it, which was awesome in of itself. Knowing it would't break from his weight, the boy began climbing, just to test the strength. It seemed the spider thread went on forever, until he found where it ended and grabbed the small twig, hefting himself up to sit on it to think, keep the thread in his hands. The whole thing would be to make something small enough for his own hands to control...and then, he would have to talk to Mr. Stark about going into the lab. That was the hardest part for him. The boy heaved a sigh and started to figure out plans in his head, when suddenly he heard someone calling Morgan. Mr. Stark came walking up to his wife, leaning over to kiss her, then grabbing his daughter when she threw herself at the man. A pang of jealousy went through Peter. He'd never known the love of a mother and father. Sure, he had May and before his uncle was murdered, he had Ben. But, it just wasn't the same. He wished he could have someone like Mr. Stark to go running to with his problems and get manly advice. Like he said, May was great, but she wasn't a guy, and he felt he had to be strong for her all the time. Peter was the man of the house, even though he hadn't gotten a job yet. He heard a giggle and that pang went through him again and he sniffed, feeling something in his throat that made it hard for him to breathe. He wasn't going to cry, dangit! He was a man, and men don't cry...did they? He didn't know, but he was sure they didn't. He focused instead on his project, thinking of different formulas to make something with spider web consistency that he didn't even notice Mr. Stark was calling his name. "Peter!?" his voice sounded worried, so that meant it was time to go. Giving up his thoughts for the moment, the boy started to climb down, using the spider web. Suddenly, when he was about half way down, he felt something snap and looked up. The wind wasn't strong, but the gentle breeze had shifted some of the silk strand to a pointed part of the twig and it was sawing away, and Peter's weight wasn't helping. With a gasp, the teen tried to hurry, but that made his situation worse and suddenly the thread snapped and in the next instant he was falling. His screams came a second later, feeling his stomach come rushing up to his throat. Suddenly hands closed around him, leaving him in darkness, being tossed around as his prison tumbled to the ground. Peter lay on his back, panting, his heart hammering in his chest. Light began filtering when the fingers opened and a gold head of hair met the boy's eyes before one blue and one black eye stared at him. "What is this?" a deep, booming voice asked, loud at even a whisper.
@letsbeinspiredby @sparrowrider @6inchicon @carttorchdeatth
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fatandnerdy30 · 5 years
The Itsy Bitsy Spider
Sean was late. Brown eyes glanced at the clock for like the hundredth time in five minutes. Sean was never late. It was three-forty-three, thirteen minutes after the Scottish scientist was supposed to show up for their lesson. 
Like Peter, Sean was also a captive of Hydra. The man had told him one day that Hydra had his family being watched, and that they could hurt them any time they wanted, or any time he didn't do what they wanted. Sean was a lot nicer than the others in the facility. He didn't grab Peter like he was a doll, with force that bruised his ribs at times. And he didn't give him any of those stupid shots. Well, there was that one time when Peter first was taken to the facility. He'd been normal sized then, just a regular teenager. Then, the serum was administered. Peter hated that day, remembering the pain he felt of his body shrinking in on itself, his mass almost doubling as his bones broke and then healed stronger. But, he couldn't think about that right now. He was worried about Sean! He began to pace in the small hamster cage they'd given him, blue and red uniform hanging off his shoulders. Peter wasn't alone in the room. There were others like him. Well, not exactly like him, but they were experiments, too. There was a noise, almost like a crash, followed by someone cursing. The girl across from Peter stared at him with fearful wide eyes, the feathers on her wings puffed up. Suddenly the door slammed open and in ran a squadron, all with guns drawn. One by one they stopped in front of the 'cages' they were in. Peter was rooted to the spot, staring at the barrel of a gun that looked like a gaping hole. They were there to kill them... In unison the guns went off, and all the experiments fell in their cages, blood splattering across the walls. Peter, however, was able to dodge the bullet aimed for him, flipping to the side, grabbing onto the bars of the cage. The soldier looked at him with hate filled eyes and began shooting round after round into the little hamster cage, but Peter was able to sense them all, dodging them, but wasn't able to predict the cage would fall to the floor. The boy crashed to the floor and slid across the floor, under a table. He was dazed, but he saw the men were looking for him and hurried to crawl to the underside of the silver table, hiding in the shadows of the leg. A pair of knees crashed to the ground and searched under the table. "I think it's dead," a man with a thick German accent said. "There's no way it could have survived that fall, plus the bullets." The knees disappeared and Peter breathed again. Only to stop when he heard another voice. It sounded cocky, like it was the best in the world. "Hey guys. You having a party and didn't invite me? I'm hurt." There was a whistle and suddenly all the soldiers fell, their lifeless eyes staring up. "Oh my god.." Peter heard the man whisper. A pair of red and gold feet began stomping through the room, surveying the damage. "Cap, we got casualties in here...I don't even know if you'd consider them human anymore." The feet slammed close to the table Peter was hiding under, the vibration enough to make the boy lose his grip and fall to the ground with a small 'oof'. Instantly those feet moved, and machines were heard powering up. "Whoever's there, come out. I don't want to get caught in the rubble if I have to shoot." Peter was too scared to move, his breathing coming in short gasps. "D-don't!" he finally called. "I-I-I'll come out...just please....don't hurt me." That voice sounded young to Tony's microphones allowing him to hear inside the suit."I won't, kid. Just come on out." The machines powered down. Peter took a deep breath and stepped toward the edge of the table. He'd never been on the floor before in his current state, so to see a person towering one hundred feet above him didn't do much for the boy's fear level. The billionaire was worried about the child's state, was he hurt? "Where are you, kid?" Peter watched the man's head look around high above him. Suddenly another person came into the room, but this person was even bigger than the metallic man. "Oh my god..." His voice was deep as he looked around the room. This man scared Peter even more than the metallic man, with his very large muscles bulging against the red, white and blue of his outfit. He clutched a very large-to Peter anyway- circular shield with the same colors as his suit that had a single star in the middle. "I had no clue Hydra were doing this," the muscle bound man whispered, shaking his head and looking down. Right at Peter. The boy's eyes widened and he shook, taking a step back as the muscled man yelled, "Tony! Don't move!" Tony? Why did that name sound familiar....then it clicked. He had this person on his wall in his bedroom back in Queens. This was Iron-Man...the red and gold, the voice...Peter felt relief blossom through his chest. The Avengers had come to save them! Then he realized, he was the only one of the experiments that was going to leave here alive today. "What's wrong, Spangles? Why can't I-oh." Tony's helmet crawled away from his face as he looked down where Steve was staring. "Oh man..." Slowly he knelt down, hand over his knee, groaning a bit as he got down. "Hey, there, um...little guy..." Peter could only lift his hand, too star-struck-and scared- to speak. Mr. Stark was looking right at him! "Are you okay?" Mr. Stark asked. He brought his face closer, close enough so that Peter could see every twitch of his expression change through shock to worry, then back to shock. The boy nodded, but took a step back. "Hey, don't do that. Wouldn't want you getting lost before we got you out of here." As slowly as he knelt, Tony lowered his hand to the floor, resting it palm up in front of the boy. "We don't have a lot of time, and I don't want to hurt you by grabbing you. Can you climb on?" Peter could only stare at the hand in front of him, the size of it making him feel even smaller. "Come on, kid," Mr. Stark said impatiently. "This position isn't exactly easy for someone who hasn't done pilates in years." Peter was shook out of his fear by a far away explosion, and ran up to the hand, climbing up on to the cold metal, shivering when his bare feet touched it. "Hang on," Mr. Stark muttered before the boy felt himself pressed down, the wind rushing around him as the man stood and turned. "Are you the only one that's alive?" the man asked, his helmet crawling over his face. "Y-yes, s-s-sir," Peter finally spoke, flinching when the other man jerked in surprise. "Okay. Let's blow this capsicle stand." The boy could only hang on as the man started walking out of the only room Peter had seen in six months. He was brought into a very large, very long corridor, his eyes taking everything in when suddenly someone came running up to them, red and white streaked hair flowing behind her. "I grabbed a few things from the labs. The scientists there were very...generous," she smirked holding a few tubes with orange liquid in them. Then her gaze landed on Tony's palm. "What the hell is that?" "Not important," Tony said. "I'll tell you on the plane. Where's Banner?" "He made his way back to the plane a few minutes ago." Natasha couldn't keep her eyes off the little person who was clinging to Tony's thumb. "Good. Let's go." Tony started almost running, forgetting the little person he carried on his palm. Peter felt his hands and feet stick to the metal, keeping him from falling, but at the same time, he could feel eyes on him and looked back to see the Black Widow staring at him with awe and suspicion. He looked forward, eyes only on the way they were going. For the first time in months he was going to breathe fresh air, and Peter was so excited.
 @sparrowrider @letsbeinspiredby @carttorchdeatth
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fatandnerdy30 · 5 years
The Itsy Bitsy Spider 23
I have food poisoning!! Woe is me!! But, I am updating for you all because I’m a horrible person who misses deadlines HAHAHAHA!!!!
"This is it!" Peter pointed down to a building they were flying over. If he wasn't scared out of his mind, he would be so impressed by Hope and her wings. "Okay, I'm bringing us down." Slowly Hope lowered them to the roof, setting Peter on top of it before growing to her natural size. "I didn't realize how small they made you," she told the boy who stood little higher than her foot. "I've gotten kind of used to it, actually." He smiled and shrugged, then turned to the door. "Can we get outta here before we get seen, though?" Hope smiled and made a motion towards the door. "You're the one that lives here, so show me the way." The minute Peter started moving though, she knew it was a bad decision to allow him to lead the way. She had to wait at least five minutes before she even took a step. It was going so slow. "Peter!" The boy's head snapped up and he smiled when a blue suit came at them, landing a good distance away from the small boy. "Oh my god, Peter, are you alright? We heard the lock down code and I didn't know what was going on, then Tony called me...." She fell to her knees, face mask popping up as she bent over to look him over. "Oh, honey, what happened to your side?" "It's nothing, Pepper, I promise! It's already healing, see? Scab's almost gone." He showed her the thin line that was visible under the scab. "I'm all right." Pepper's eyes shone with tears as she scooped the boy into her cupped hands. "When I heard you were kidnapped, I feared the worst...I thought...Never mind what I thought, I'm just glad you're safe. You don't know how much Tony and I love you, Peter." She sniffled and pressed him close to her cheek. Peter blushed and grabbed onto Pepper in the only sort of hug he could do. He couldn't wait to get to his normal size so he could hug everyone who helped him. "Thank you," he managed to get out. "As much as I love these mushy lifetime moments, I think we'd better get inside." Hope's head swiveled back and forth as she looked around. Pepper nodded and stood slowly. That was when Scott appeared from the ground, shooting up like the proverbial weed." Hey there," he waved. "Let's go, Scott." Hope pushed his shoulder to the door and they all ran inside. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pepper was currently out of her suit and sitting on the couch, Peter on the arm looking around with a nostalgic smile on his face. Suddenly her wrist bands lit up and Tony's very breathy voice came out of one. "Pep, you're gonna have to get out of there now! I really screwed the pooch on this one, and Big Bird got away, but he knows where you are! I'm gonna have you contact Clint, tell him to let Laura know you're on your way to his farm. Piss Ant, you tell Hank where you're going. Be in touch right after I kick this chicken to the ground." Peter's face went white and he jumped onto Pepper's shirt as she stood up, clinging to the material for dear life. "Tony, no! You can't go anywhere near him without the team!" Pepper said, peeling Peter off her shoulder. "I'm not going anywhere, dear. He has my reactor. I..I let my guard down for one second and he tore it out. The suit's out of juice. Hon, I just need you to make sure you and Peter stay safe. I know I promised I wouldn't put you in danger, and here I am doing it again. Just go as fast as you can, Happy's coming to pick me up, and we'll go back to the compound so I can get another power source. Just, promise me you'll be careful." "I promise, Tony. And you make me the same deal, you hear me? Morgan still needs you." She was already tapping her bracelets to let her suit crawl out of them, placing Peter down near her chin as the bots closed around her body. "You got it, Pep. After this, we're gonna need a long vacation. Bring both the kids and just go somewhere we can have fun." Pepper didn't want to correct him that they only had one child, because they didn't at this point. Peter actually felt like theirs and she liked it. "You got it, Tony. I love you." "Love you too." That was the last of their conversation. She turned to see Scott and Hope getting their suits ready. "You're coming with us, right?" Hope shook her head. "No. You go, we'll hold off these guys, give you a head start." "Yeah," Scott added. "What she said, right honey?" The woman simply rolled her eyes. "I'll send you the address as soon as I'm done talking with Clint." The face plate closed around her and Peter, the boy fitting snugly against the woman's face. "You ready, Pete?" He nodded, face still red from what Tony had said, and she climbed the windowsill and took off, grimacing when Peter's scream echoed in the helmet. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ May heaved a tired sigh as she exited the elevator and got her key out. Already she missed Peter now that she knew he was alive. She had the number to the compound, but she didn't want to bother them, especially if Peter was in 'training' to control his new abilities. The one they called Happy had been calling her a lot, though. She didn't mind him. He was actually kind of handsome. The woman unlocked her door and walked in. And saw two people in weird suits standing in her living room. "Who are you?" she asked, slowly making her way into the apartment and grabbing a vase, holding it above her head. "I know Iron Man and I will call him!" "Miss, calm down," the winged-wait, wings!?-came forward, her hands up. "We're friends of Tony's too. We're here helping Peter." "How can I confirm that?" She raised the vase more when the man lifted his face plate and smiled. "Can I call Happy?" "Of course, yeah, go ahead. Would you like me to call him for you?" The man asked, giving her a lopsided grin. "No...I'll call him." She pulled out her phone and dialed the number, still holding her 'weapon'. "May? What's wrong?" Happy's voice came over the phone, his worried tone making butterflies in her stomach. "There are two odd people in my apartment that claim to know Tony, as well as Peter. One has wings." "Hey Happy," the man waved at the phone. "They're good. But you have to get out of there, May! Some bad people took Peter, but we were able to get him back. Pepper has him and is on her way to Clint's farm with him. I'll send you the address and you get here as quick as you can. You need to leave the city just in case this asshole has something on you." The winged woman cursed as she looked out the window, seeing a blue camarro screech to a halt in front of the building. "Looks like we're out of time." She turned back to May. "Miss, my name is Hope Van Dyne, and what you are about to see may seem weird to you, but know you are safe." She then looked to the man. "Ready Scott?" "Oh you know it." His face plate went down and he pressed a button on his hand and disappeared! "Where did he go?" May asked in a freaked out tone, raising the vase higher. "He's still here, he's just the size of an ant right now. It's a lot to take in, but know we're here to protect you. Now, go over to the window and we'll get you out of here." The woman did as she was told, cautiously making her way to the window, weapon still in hand. "Just listen to what they say and you'll be fine. I'm picking up Tony, but once we have what we need, we'll be heading to the farm as well. Just wait for me." May was nodding when suddenly she felt herself lifted and screamed when she was passed through the window by an unseen force. She fell, screaming the entire way, until she landed in Scott's arms, clutching his neck. "It's okay, I gotcha." When she had her bearings, May started smacking him. "Never do that again!" "Ow! Ow! Okay, okay! Stop hitting me!" Scott blocked every one of her strikes. When she moved to hit him again, that's when he noticed the man coming at them, fist glowing and an angry look on his face. "Down!" He shoved the hysterical woman to the side and shrunk to avoid the sparking punch aimed at him, then grew to kick him and shrunk again. He played this game until the attacker grew tired of it and headed towards the wide eyed woman, determination in his eyes. Herman flicked his wrist at her, sending a spark of energy towards her, watching as it zapped her arm just enough to attach the tracker Phineas had given him before he left. And just in time. "Oh no you don't!" Scott grew and grabbed the man's denim coat collar and threw him back, adding insult to injury with a kick to his solar plexus. "Didn't your mother ever teach you it's wrong to hit women?" The only response he got was a groan. "Miss, are you all right?" May nodded shakily. "Yeah....yeah, I'm okay..." She still had the phone tight in her grip, hearing Happy's voice calming her down. "I'm okay, Happy. Scott was here. I'm going to my car now. I'll see you there." And she hung up, turning to Scott again. "Thank you, for everything." "You're welcome, Ma'am. It's all part of the job." She smiled and ran to her car. A second later, Scott answered an incoming call. "Listen here, you little shit, I saw her first and you'll leave your grubby mitts offa her, you hear me?" "Happy?!" Scott answered in a shocked voice. "Yeah, it's Happy. And you'll leave May alone, or so help me, there will be no unshrinking from where I'll send you. Got it?" "Um...yeah, I got it...." Scott gulped as the line went dead. "That was weird." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Glancing at his watch, Tony had to tap his foot in impatience. He had watched Adrian Toomes take off in the direction of his wife what felt like two hours ago and here he was, still waiting for Happy to turn up. He knew it was a long drive from the compound, but this was ridiculous. Suddenly, he saw a black car speeding to where he was, spinning out on the pavement until it stopped right next to him. "Sorry I'm late, boss. But, had a few things to pick up." "Daddy!" Morgan's smiling face came around Happy's grump. "Really?" Tony asked as he went around to the passenger side. "You do realize I'm going to have to go back to the compound, right? To pick up another nano-reactor?" Bruce suddenly appeared, looking a little ragged. "Scott actually called us not too long after your fight with Toomes, so Happy thought to bring a couple, just in case." He patted the case next to him. "And this is why I so would have married you over Pepper, but you  didn't accept that night when I asked." Tony slid in and took the case from the scientist's hands. "Did you grab the stealth-" "We grabbed everything." Happy told him, starting to drive. "And, if you recall, which you probably won't, you were so drunk that night you asked a lamp post to marry you." He glanced back. "Morgan, sweetheart, you're gonna have to buckle up. Uncle Happy has to drive like a maniac." The little girl nodded and she did as she was told. "Is Peter okay?" Tony's heart leaped a little at that question. "Yes, honey. Peter is just fine. We're gonna go see him, okay? He's at Uncle Clint's farm." Or, at least he hoped he was. His bots had just finished crawling into the new nano-chamber. He lifted his shirt and placed it onto the electromagnets in his chest. He'd opted to keep them in from his first reactor for future designs. "What was going on at the compound?" he asked as the last of his suit stored itself. "Well....Justin Hammer was in the process of....blowing up parts of the building to get in." Bruce said lowly. "What? And you just left him there with all my research?" Tony was agreeably angry now. "Well, it's not like we had a choice," the scientist said nodding at Morgan. "Plus I'm sure Friday has all of your files locked down in an impenetrable system." "Fri, lock down all my files and seal the file room," he said to his phone. "Already done, Boss. Justin Hammer has not gotten past my defenses, but he has done considerable damage to the inner frame work." Tony sighed. "And this is why we can't have anything nice. All right, keep him out as long as you can. I'm on my way." Happy put a hand to his chest. "Not without the team you're not," he told the billionaire. "Last time you fought Hammer, you had Rhodey to help you, and you two barely made it out of that one alive." "Okay, one you're exaggerating. Two, my tech has gotten so much better since then. And three, where are we gonna stay?" "We could go home," Morgan said lowly in the silence of the car. "Yeah, but it's too far. Remember how Uncle Happy said it was too far?" "Maybe for you," Tony said. "So, we'll wait for the team to be done with their little side quest, gain the experience points and we'll all go face the dragon in the cave together." "Thank you," Happy stated and they drove in silence. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pepper saw the farm in the distance and heaved out a sigh. Getting the address from Happy, she had asked Friday to plot out the shortest flight plan. Nonetheless it took them almost five hours to get to the safe house and she was sure Peter was uncomfortable being pressed against hard metal and her chin. "A call is coming in from Ms. Laura Barton," Friday informed her. "Answer," she said, wincing when her speaking made for an even tighter space for the teen. "Peter, are you okay?" "I'm fine, Pepper. Just a little cramped." the boy groaned out after the vibrations surged through him. "Mrs. Stark? Is that you coming towards us?" A female voice came over the phone line connected to her suit. "Yes. You must be Laura, right?" The suit automatically slowed its propulsion and she landed softly on the grass. A dark haired woman came out of the large house, worry on her face as she looked over the blue suit. "Mrs. Stark?" Pepper touched her bracelets which held her suit and felt it crawl over her skin. Still a new and weird feeling to her. The minute the bots withdrew from her face, she reached out a hand to catch Peter as he dropped. "Hello, Laura. Call me Pepper, please. It's nice to finally meet you." The blonde climbed the stairs, looking at the beautiful porch, so much like her own home. "You have a gorgeous house." "Oh, uh thank you. And I assume this little guy is Peter, right?" Laura bent down and smiled at the boy sitting in Pepper's palm. "Um, hello, Mrs. Barton. It's, uh, nice to meet you." Peter blushed under the very pretty woman's gaze. "It's Laura. Any friend of Clint's is a friend of mine, especially the ones who protect the world." She had to love this boy, from his red face to his manners. If only Clint would learn from someone. "Well, it's nice to finally meet you, Laura. Tony and Clint talk about you a lot, so it's nice to see a face. Are your kids home?" Pepper tried to see past her into the house. "Fortunately, no. They went over to a friend's to play some kind of video game. I don't know who's worse, them or my husband." The two women shared a laugh over that. "Please, come in," Laura stepped aside and let the woman in the door. "This place is completely off anyone's map, besides the Avengers, of course. So, you're safe here." "Thank you so much. We really do appreciate you opening your home to us like this." "Like I said, any friend of Clint's is a friend of mine. And speaking of Clint, he said he was on his way home. The others told him to leave and come here." "Clint also said something about Dr. Banner coming as well." She liked the shy doctor, and thought he was a perfect match for Natasha. It was just a shame they wouldn't be able to have their own children. They could always adopt. But, she didn't know what the 'other guy' would think of children running around. "Yes, Dr. Banner will be coming here, along with Tony and Morgan. And, I think three more people." Pepper didn't have a chance to ask Scott and the other woman if they were going to join her. Laura's face fell a little. "Oh." Was all she said. She liked this house and didn't want it being blown up by some psychopath. "It's okay. Trust me, Tony would only allow someone he trusts to work on Peter." The only thing was, he had to trust this Pym guy, and she didn't know him. So, she was hoping that she didn't just lie to this woman.
@sparrowrider @letsbeinspiredby @6inchicon @ixlovexirondad @carttorchdeatth @midas-or-khaos
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fatandnerdy30 · 5 years
The Itsy Bitsy Spider 30(final)
Well, this is it...I hope it's better than my last fic's ending, and not so rushed. But, 30 chapters..Nothing I've written has been this long before! It's been a wild ride, and with readers like you, I have had the most fun writing this! You've encouraged me so much to keep writing, no matter how bad I thought this was, and how crappy I felt a chapter was. I just want to say thank you! Now, onto other things. I have decided to take a little break with Irondad to plan out my next fic and...my next original! This original won't be G/t, but it will have a supernatural element to it! I won't say anything, but it has to do with wolves lol. So, be on the lookout, okay? I'll be working on My Tiny Pet, and a few other things. And as always, if you liked this chapter, please leave a comment down below! I love each and every one of you, reader, commenter, and favoriter!
"Eyes on the target," Maria said, her deep voice serious in tone. "Permission to fire, sir?" Fury sat at the console, watching the small aircraft. He didn't know if the boy was on that plane, but, he couldn't afford to let Bloom go for any reason. With a sigh, he nodded, turning his head. Maria nodded once. "Fire!" she said loudly into the comm-link in her ear. Seconds later, two missiles were set loose on the plane. One just grazed the side, while the second hit the wing dead on. "Confirmed hit, sir! Permission to fire again?" This time, Fury shook his head. "No, they won't be able to get very far like that." At the moment, the plane started loosing altitude alarmingly fast, and that's when he noticed they hadn't just struck the wing, but the engine as well. "Follow them," he said and sat back to watch. "But, keep a lock on the plane just in case Bloom as something up his sleeve." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tony had been chasing the target for about twenty minutes when Friday's voice broke in. "You have ten minutes of air left, and Nick Fury is on the line." "Well why didn't you tell me that first? Put him through." Fury's face came up on the HUD, serious as always. "Stark...why is your position two hundred feet below the ocean?" "Because I'm hunting Moby Dick, why else? I'm trying to get Bloom before he gets away with one of my kids!" At that Fury smiled, like he knew something Tony didn't, and that pissed him off even more. "What do you want, Fury? I'm kind of busy." "Oh, just to tell you I found Bloom trying to make an escape on a plane thirty miles away from where you are." Tony came to an almost screeching halt, staring at the trail of bubbles. It couldn't be...were they following a dud? The man cursed under his breath. "Rhodey!" he called and the silver suit stopped, looking back. "Tony! Why did  you stop? We're getting close, I can feel it!" "Have you noticed, we've been getting close for the past fifteen minutes....and there's always nothing there. It's like we're following a ghost. Or," he looked around. "Friday, do a scan of the area." "I am detecting multiple devices that are made to make bubbles, boss." "Shit...you were right, Fury. He had us following breadcrumbs. Where are you?" "We're just passed Anacapa...in fact, I think I see where your house used to be." "Very funny...just don't do anything until I get there, Fury...I mean it." He gave the man a glaring look. "Are you giving me orders now? It doesn't work like that, Tony. I do what I want when I want." That didn't sound good to Tony. "Just don't hurt my kid," he pleaded, already breaking the surface and heading up as fast as he could go. "I'll try....I can't promise anything." Then in the background he heard 'permission to fire?' "I have to go." And with that, the line went dead. "Fury!? Fury, if you hurt him, I swear I'll kill you!" He tried calling the man back, but it was like he shut his line down, because didn't ring at all. "Dammit! Rhodey, we have to hurry!" "On it!" Came the colonel's reply and they broke the sound barrier together as they shot towards Fury. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Octavion was about to put the empty needle into seventy-three's abdomen when he felt what he thought was turbulence. Waiting for it to pass, he lifted the needle again and just started drawing out the boy's blood when the explosion shook the aircraft. "What was that!?" he shouted, looking towards the window and seeing nothing but smoke. "What have we hit?" Ward was at the pilot's door, speaking in raised volumes with him. "Well loose them!" "I can't, sir! They have us on lock and we're losing altitude!" "What's wrong?" Bloom shouted, covering the subject with a plastic dome, a hose attached to the top that kept pumping oxygen mixed with anesthesia in to the boy. "Why are we losing altitude?!" "A missile hit the engine!" the pilot yelled over the screaming alarms. The ocean, which had been hundreds of feet below the plane, was now hurtling towards them. "We have to get out of here!" Bloom rushed for the boy, hastily taking off the done and pushing him into the glass cage. "Hurry! Help me get my equipment!" "We don't have time!" Ward rushed for the parachutes, throwing one at Octavion, who dropped the cage, letting it clatter to the floor. "You idiot!" He threw the parachute to the ground and picked up the cage, then the parachute again. "You could have killed him! Then where would my experiments have gone?" He put the pack on and went to the now open door, looking down nervously at the incoming ocean. "What do we do now?" "We jump," Ward said. "What? Me? Jump into the air? No!" He shook his head,  backing away from the door, eyes wide. Ward grabbed the man's arm in a harsh grip and pulled him forward. "Yes, you. Now. JUMP!" He pushed the man from the plane, waiting a few seconds before following. He wasn't sure if there was another parachute for the pilot, and right now he couldn't care less. He was out to save his own hide right now. He checked on Bloom, not surprised to see him clutching to the case like it was a teddy bear and not paying attention to his rip cord. Well, like he'd said. Not his problem. But, it would prove useful to him if he could get the experiment away from Octavion, Ward would be able to able to take it apart and study it. With a sinister look, he pulled his own cord and was pulled up, all the while watching Bloom struggling to find his cord, but it was too late for him. Even if he was able to pull his cord, he would still hit the water too hard and it would be like concrete, snapping any and all vital bones that would be able to power through the waves to keep the man afloat. The only problem was if it was that hard, it would shatter the box. Ward would have to find experiment seventy-three quick so it wouldn't be lost to the waves. As predicted, when the scientist found the cord, by the time he pulled it, there wasn't enough air under the parachute to lift him and he was going too fast. With a crack, Bloom hit the blue calmness of the ocean. He bobbed for a minute with the buoyancy of the cage, but the cracks were too much for the water and the outside shattered, sending the scientist's lifeless body below the serene waves. Too slowly Ward drifted through the air, finally hitting the water hard enough to bruise a few limbs. Looking around, he saw pieces of glass drifting away. Where was the experiment? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "I want people in the water now!" Fury yelled as soon as the plane hit the water. "Search and rescue! And remember, your target is small. First to find it, call me immediately. NOW MOVE!" He never yelled, but now he raised his voice enough for the crew to know he meant business. Dozens of SHIELD agents ran past him through the battlecarrier and to the subnautical vehicles held below. "Sir? Is everything all right?" Maria asked, her brows furrowed in concern. "Yes....just something in that plane that I need. I just hope we're able to find it." He wasn't too sure how small Peter was when talking to Bruce, only that he was tiny. A great description on his part. On a second thought, he stood and he pulled out his phone and sent a picture  he'd found after a quick search of the boy's name, to all the underwater subversive agents as he made his way to a boat, Maria following him. He hoped the boy lived, because Fury knew Banner hadn't been fully truthful about the boy, and Fury wanted to meet him in person. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Something wet was touching him, that was how Peter woke. Blinking, he stared up at the blue sky, sun beating down on him. But, something about the sky seemed different. It was almost like he was staring at it without a barrier. Suddenly  he shot up with a start and almost fell off the piece of reinforced glass he was floating on. What happened? The last thing he remembered was being in the cage banging on the glass trying to get free. Now, it seemed like he was out of the clear cage....was he dead? Had Dr. Bloom actually killed him? No, because if he were dead, he'd be on a cloud, not in the ocean, surrounded by millions of miles of blue water. Looking around, he saw the shore wasn't that far...well, to normal sized people anyway. The boy knew he had paddle, he had to find a way to the the shore. He had to get away, and find his way back to safety, to Tony...to his dad. "Okay, Peter....you can do this....." Taking a deep breath and not looking at the clear bottom, the boy used his hands to start paddling. But, he didn't make it too far before a something massive hit the water, causing him and to capsize. In his current state, it was hard for him to tread water, his lung size not enough to keep him afloat. But that didn't matter, for a hand was wrapping wrapping around him. When Ward hit the water, he'd found where the boy was and aimed for the glass he was using as a body board. Hitting the water caused enough waves to flip the glass, and Ward had removed his parachute before it dragged him down. Reaching out a hand, he grabbed the experiment, but instead of bringing him above the waves, Ward held the small thing just under the water. He grinned at the struggles he felt, so insignificant. It made him feel like a god, holding a small baby bird in his palm. The boy's struggles lessened, and the bubbles coming from his mouth increased. He was almost gone! Finally, this tiny being would be his to take apart and discover what secrets he had hidden in its blood! Suddenly, he felt something blunt rest against his head and the man froze. "Raise your hands slowly," a deep voice said into Ward's ear. The man did as he was told, bringing his hands, and the tiny being, above the water. "You're too late," he laughed, the limp form in his hand speaking volumes, when suddenly he heard a gunshot and nothing else as his body slipped beneath the water. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Floating. That was what Peter was doing at the moment. But, there was something persistent hitting him in the chest. What was it? "Breathe kid!" It was a stranger's voice calling to him. Who's was it? Slowly Peter's body came into focus, and through the haze, he saw a man above him, one of his eyes covered by a black eye patch. Peter would have cheered, but he could only cough as air forced itself into his chest, expelling water like a fountain. "Glad you could make it back, Peter." "Who," he gasped. "Who are you?" Salt water did not taste good coming up. "Nick Fury." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tony's mind was was thinking about fifty thousand thoughts at the moment, most of them not good. He thought about what Peter was going through right now, where he was. Was he scared? Was he hurt? All these thoughts just kept repeating themselves over and over, driving the man crazy. "Tony, you need to calm down, man," Rhodey's voice was firm in the comms. "Friday's over here annoying me about your blood pressure." The billionaire smirked at that. "What do you know, I did program her right if she annoys you. Good job, Friday." "Tony, I'm serious. You have to calm down. We'll find Peter and he's going to be fine." He wasn't so sure about that, but he trusted what Rhodey had said in the past, and it turned out to be right. "You're right...I just need to take a few breaths and think about something else." He inhaled deeply, eyes still stuck on the red dot that was Fury's location. "Have you heard from Banner or anyone back at the farm?" "Not yet, but I'm sure that means good things. Hopefully they're just busy getting what they need from the quantum realm, or whatever." Tony could only hope. "Yeah, I'm sure that's it." He just wished they would hurry and call. "Incoming call from Nick Fury. Should I put it throught?" Friday's voice interrupted. "Yeah, or else he's gonna hack my systems and get all pissy." "Damn right I will." The director's face popped up on the HUD. "And after all the trouble I went through to get you a present." Present? "Aww, and I didn't get you anything." "I'll bill you later. We're on route to your location now. Keep heading for us and we'll meet halfway." Tony nodded. "Whatever you say, you're the boss. But, does this mean you-" "Meet first, presents later," Fury had a knowing smile, then ended the call. "Damnit," Tony cursed and sped up, going through the sound barrier like it was butter. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peter sat shivering on the control panel, curled up on himself as he watched the giant man with the eye patch hang up on Tony. It had been a harrowing adventure, but Peter wanted to just leap into his dad's hands and feel the warmth and safety the man provided. "Here," the man said and dropped something on top of the boy, cloaking him in a world of white. "Tony would kill me if you got sick." Finally he poked his head out and saw it was a white handkerchief. Shivering, he quickly wrapped himself in it, letting out a content noise. "Thank you." "Don't mention it. Now, explain again what happened to you?" The giant leaned back in his chair, crossing his legs and leaning his head on a hand to stare at Peter. Sure the boy had grown used to it by now, but there was something about this man's stare that was disconcerting. Slowly Peter went into the story of how he was turned tiny, putting emphasis on the parts of the story that even he thought were ridiculous, but true. Finally, he began to wind down to how one of Fury's men found him and the shivering finally stopped. "So now, I have to wait for Sean to come and fix me." He smiled at the thought of his friend. "Sean O'Cleary?" The giant then turned in his chair to see a screen, typing in the name. "I have heard of him...but it says here, he's deceased. Died a couple days ago...I'm  sorry." At first it was shock that made the boy go quiet. Sean was... "No," he whispered, head shaking. "No, they wouldn't kill him...he said it himself, he was too valuable...only he knew his research." If he was dead, then how was Dr. Pym going to fix him? "Does it...does it say how?" Fury shook his head and closed the file before Peter could see what was written. "No. The report said he was found in an abandoned laboratory." Big, brown eyes started filling with tears. Peter blinked away the burning sensation, looking away from the giant man. "Thank you," he said lowly. "For telling me." He had lost another friend. True he still had Ned and MJ, but he wouldn't actually have them until he was back to normal. He was going to be stuck as a freak for the rest of his life, destined to stay in a lab to be studied by Dr. Banner until he came up with a cure. Suppressing a sob, he threw the handkerchief over his head to block anyone from seeing him. "Sir, Stark is within radar." "Thank you, Ms. Hill. Keep on course, open the hangar." Peter could tell the giant glanced at him and huddled into his white cave, listening to the giant man chuckle. He wanted Mr. Stark even more now. He needed the man's comfort. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The nanobots weren't even done crawling into his reactor before Tony was storming onto the large heliship. He didn't acknowledge anyone, kept looking straight as he traversed the well known hallways of the airship. Suddenly, he saw something that got his curiosity. Hammer was being marched through the halls of the ship in handcuffs. He had a deep scowl on his face, but when he saw Tony, that's when he started fighting. "I had him in my clutches!" Justin screamed, his face red under the spray on tan. "I almost bested you, the great Tony Stark!" "Apparently he knows you," a guard said, stopping to hold the man still. "Were there any others?" Stark asked, bristling as he stared into Hammer's eyes. "No. The little guy with Fury told us this was the second man with Bloom, and he was also in the car with the one that hit the girl. He is the one who threw the girl into the car, though." Instantly Tony saw red. He stared at the man, moving towards him, fury written on his face. "So, you like taking little girls, huh? Especially my little girl?" He stared at the smirking man for a second before, faster than even he thought he could move, Tony brought his fist up and punched the other in the face. "That was for Morgan. And this," he brought his foot up and landed a kick between the man's legs. "Is for Peter." He wiped his nose and turned. "I'll let you get back to bringing this scum in. Thanks." He walked away, listening to the man's grunting and the guards snickering, until he reached the bridge. "Where is he?" Were the first words out of his mouth when he saw Fury. "Hello to you too, Tony. Nice to see you again." Nick stood. "Is that so simple?" "I am in no mood for this, Fury. I want my kid, now." The director's eyebrows went skyward. "Your kid? I thought you only had Morgan..." "No. Mood. Where is Peter?" Now Tony was starting to get annoyed, and the other man could sense it. He didn't want to play games right now. "Okay, okay, I get it. Don't poke the bear. He's right here." Fury stepped away from the console to reveal Peter, staring up at Tony with such adoration, it actually hurt to see the kid's face. "Pete." Tony lunged forward and grabbed the tiny teen in one hand, bringing him close, closing his eyes as he felt the slight weight in his hand. Every little heartbeat, every breath, Tony adored. "I thought I lost you, buddy." "I'm so sorry, Mr. Stark....I messed up. I was selfish and wanted to go outside for a bit, and I got Morgan hurt, and I hurt you and Pepper...I'm so sorry.." Every apology Peter made went straight to Tony's heart and tugged. How was this kid selfish? He was actually the most kind person he'd ever known. "No...none of it was your fault. It was nobody's fault." "How is Morgan? Is she alright? I know she probably blames me, and that's okay, because I-" "Peter, breathe. She's not angry. No one is. I'm just relieved to have you back..." He sighed and hugged the boy as close as he dared, bringing his other hand up, cupping the boy against his shirt. Peter breathed in the comforting scent of Tony Stark. Coffee, motor oil and cologne stuck to the man's skin and clothing and Peter thought it was the best smell in the world. He gripped as much of the man's shirt in his hands as he could, pressing his face into the cloth. "I...I thought I was dead," he whispered, not even sure if the man heard him. "I thought I was dead, and I didn't get to say goodbye, and that made me feel so sad." He pulled away and looked up to see Mr. Stark's billboard sized face staring down at  him. "I never want to leave you, Mr. Stark....I know I have aunt May, and it's going to sound selfish...but..you think maybe I can spend the summer's with you and Pepper? Maybe we could go to the beach or something...Dad?" Tony smiled down at the boy, his eyes misting over so much he had to blink back the moisture. "Of course, kid. I wouldn't have it any other way." He looked up at Fury, who was watching the reunion with  a slight smirk. "Thank you," was all he said and turned. "I owe you one." "You owe me more than one!" the man called with a chuckle. Peter didn't pay much attention, because Rhodey came out of the hallway, panting. "This place is huge! I got lost looking for you." "Well, good thing you found us, because we're leaving. There's a few people back at the farm who are waiting to see you." Peter's eyes lit up and he smiled, hugging Mr. Stark's thumb tightly. Suddenly the nanobots started crawling under the boy and he gasped at the feeling of them crawling past his skin, his body trapped in Mr. Stark's fist. "Um..." "Don't worry, kid. Remember that pocket I was making?" Mr. Stark's suit then opened a bit to reveal a space just big enough for Peter. "Finally finished it the other day. Hop in, let's take it for a spin." Peter nodded and slid out of the man's grip and into the chest pocket, the suit closing over him, wrapping him in a cocoon of warmth. It wasn't until a few seconds later he heard Mr. Stark's heartbeat, feeling it against his body and he felt safe. "You okay?" The man's voice rumbled through and around him. "Yes! This is perfect." It wasn't too hot, like the pockets on the man's suits, the metal kept him cool. "Okay. Let's go." Peter felt the suit take off. The rumbling from the thrusters and Mr. Stark's heartbeat soon lulled the boy into a deep sleep, his body craving it after the hectic few days he'd had. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pepper was pacing after Tony's call, a sleeping Morgan in her arms while they all waited for the three to come back. It was late, but she didn't care. She wanted to see Peter, make sure he was all right, hold him in her hands. May watched her and after a while, the woman knew she needed to be comforted. Though she was a little sore about Peter calling her mom, but she knew Pepper loved Peter just as much as she did. Getting up, she walked up to the woman, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Hey, why don't you put Morgan to bed, and I'll make some tea. Sound good?" The strawberry blonde stared at May for a minute before nodding. "Yeah, yeah, sure." Pepper smiled slightly. "Thank you." May simply nodded and watched the woman walk off before letting out a breath and putting a kettle of water on. "I think what you're doing is very brave." Laura had walked up to her, setting down the phone after calling her kids at their friends houses, letting them spend the night again. "I don't know how I would react if the kids I raised called someone else 'mom'." May frowned and shook her head. "I don't know how I'm supposed to handle this. I've raised Peter since he was six...I don't know if I can handle it." Mrs. Barton smiled and took the kettle from the woman, putting it on the stove. The others were on the couch, all talking among themselves. "It can be hard to let someone else in. But, you're doing a great job with it." May had to laugh at that one. "You should have seen me the other night...I was ready to tear Pepper's head off when Peter called her mom." She took a deep breath and look to where the woman had gone. "But, then I saw the love in her eyes, as well as Peter's....and I knew in order for him to be happy, he needed both Pepper and Tony in his life." That was the moment she knew she had to stop being selfish with hr nephew and let someone else into the little circle she called family. "And that's all I want...is Peter to be happy." Laura smiled. "That's any mother's wish for her children. And though you're not his mother, you've been a great resource for him and you've raised him so well. You should be proud." With that, Mrs. Barton walked to the couch, joining in on the conversation. A noise had May turning to see Pepper coming down the stairs and she looked so weary. The woman walked over to the counter and sat heavily on a stool. "Pepper?" Said woman turned her eyes to May. "You do know everything is going to be all right, right?" May smiled. "I've been around Peter his whole life, and he's always gotten into some kind of trouble, but always he was able to pull himself out. Now, I don't particularly care for the method that he did it, but now, he's got more support than he ever did...and for that, I'm sure he's grateful. I know I am." And she truly was. It suddenly came to her, that as much a family as these people were to Peter, they were to her as well. "Thank you....I just want our boys to come home," Pepper said, her voice betraying how tired she was. "I know you do, too." May nodded. "Isn't that a fact. I just want to hold Peter and never let him go....when he first disappeared, and the police said he was dead, I was beside myself....I almost ended it all. But, there was something telling me that he was alive, and that he was coming home." "Oh May..." Pepper felt so bad for everything that they had done. True that in the beginning they all thought they were doing what was best, even Peter, but now she realized her mistake. "I promise, I won't ever try and take your place in his life. I really can't, because of everything that you've done for him. All that I can ask is to maybe let us be a part of his life? Share some experiences." The brunette nodded, wiping her leaking eyes. "Yeah, I can do that." "Pep, you there?" Tony's voice broke through the moment, making the two women jump. "Tony? Is everything all right?" "Perfectly fine. I'll be coming home with a tiny package in my pocket..who, Friday told me is asleep at the moment. The poor kid was bushed." "I can imagine. Just be careful, okay?" "Yes dear. I can see the farm now. Tell Pym I want to wait until the morning, this way Peter can get a bath before he does anything. The poor kid reeks like fish." Pepper and May laughed at that as they hung up, both women smiling at one another. Their family was coming home. !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The minute Tony touched down, he was grabbed by his wife in a strong hug. He felt her warmth through the metal as he hugged her back, his eyes closing as his cheek rested against her cheek, his beard tangling with her hair. "Hey Pep." "Hey yourself. Are you okay?" She pulled away to look into his eyes. "Yes, and I know of a little napping teen who wants to say hello." He tapped his reactor, Peter's sleeping form revealed against the man's chest. "I guess he's not up yet." May was there in an instant, her eyes glistening with tears. "Oh, my Peter..." she held her hands out, accepting the boy gratefully. "I'll put him to bed." Tony watched the woman retreat. "Does Pym have everything he needs?" "Yes. He actually finished getting the particles yesterday. Bruce was very interested." "Hm, I bet he was. Come on. I want to check on Morgan. How's her face?" Tony was still pissed at the man now in Fury's care. He was also mad he hadn't found out what happened to Bloom...but, if he was out there, Tony would find him. "She's doing better. Told me 'it looks worse than it feels'. She's so brave." Pepper reached her arm across his back, her hand sliding into his back pocket. "I know she is. Look who had a hand in raising her," he waggled his brows and she laughed as they walked inside. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "You ready?" Hank was standing over Peter on the table, in his hand a needle. He'd unshrunk a lab from his pack for him and Banner to work in, promising Mrs. Barton that everything would be the way it was later that night....maybe. The boy nodded, thought his face was ghost white, staring at the long needle and shaking. "I-I-I'm ready..." Tony stepped forward, giving Pym a harsh glare as he put his thumb over the boy. "Just feel my heartbeat, Pete. Follow it." Morgan peered around her father's arm, giving her 'brother' a smile. "Okay..okay, you can do this....okay, just do it, Mr. Pym!" Peter squeezed his eyes shut and gripped onto Tony's finger with all his strength, making the man wince. Hank nodded and slowly inserted the thin needle into the boy's arm, watching what he was doing in the magnifying machine. Once blood started flowing, the man waited a few seconds before withdrawing and held a piece of a cotton ball to the injection sight. "You did great, Pete." He smiled at the teen and walked to Banner, putting the sample into the computer. "What's that? It have molecular specs?" Stark was peering over Hank's shoulder, watching every move he was making. "Oh, what's this?" He made to touch a scale and Pym slapped his hand. "Do I have to tell you to get out, Stark?" he growled. "Maybe." The man grinned, but backed away with his hands up. "Okay, okay, I break I bought it. I get it." He walked back towards Peter and Pepper, who was scowling at the man playfully. "What a grouch," he stage whispered. Hank simply rolled his eyes, continuing to study Peter's blood. "This could be tricky," he told Banner, who nodded. "I thought the same, even without knowledge of the makeup of Pym Particles. And like I said, Sean buried the makeup so well I couldn't even find out what the particles were made of." Pym studied the blood more and smiled. "Sean, you son of a bitch....you couldn't find the particles because he didn't use my particles....He developed a whole new serum...." He shook his head. Now it would be easy to find out what the late scientist had done. "I just need a molecular view of the boy's DNA." "Oh, I'm already on that," Stark said, phone in hand. "Aaaaannnnddd....I'm in. Friday?" "On it." The AI took the image of the blood sample and magnified it, making it a hologram in order for the whole team to see. "This is why I can't stand your entire family, Stark...you just do what you want. Just like your father." Stark glared and took a step forward. Bruce was in between the men in a second, a hand on each of their chests. "Guys, let's not do this here. Remember Peter here is key priority. You can duke it out after we fix him." Tony nodded. "Yeah, yeah." He backed up, sniffing indignantly. "The kid comes first." He turned and picked up Morgan, hugging her close. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hours passed and the two scientists worked the entire time in silence trying to reverse the work Sean had done. Finally, when they had just about lost hope, Hank clapped his hands. "I figured it out!" He ran to the white board. "Why didn't I think of this before? You remember when the Kosmosians were discovered? And they brought the bridge?" Banner nodded, and suddenly his eyes lit up. "That's it! Hank, you're a genius! All we have to do is inject Peter with a reverse serum, then attach the bridge to him in some way." "And I know the perfect way," Hank said, a glimmer in his eye. "Bill Foster had an adoptive daughter, who was a victim of the first Quantum tunnel explosion. She was affected by the quantum energy and almost died from her phase shifting. He had built her a sort of container...anyway, when we healed her, I opted to hang on to the cabin, just in case we needed it for her. But, the healing particles have been a success. And once we inject those particles into Peter, we can put him in the cabin and attach the brige." "Okay, I get that, but, how does that help Peter? The bridge, I mean." "The Kosmosians have been working on a way to send their realm's energy here to this realm for a project we're working on. And no, you can't know the name of it." "I wasn't gonna ask. But, you're saying, you have a way of transferring energy from realm to realm?" "Well, almost. It's really a finite amount at the moment, but it may just be enough to do what we need it to do." Hank went to his bag and pulled out a small container, placing it in the middle of the lab. "Stand back." He pressed the remote and instantly there was a huge glass-like chamber.   "I'll never get over that," Bruce said with a smile. "Now you sound like Scott," Pym complained and went back into his bag, taking out a tiny pin shaped object. "I need you to attach this to the tube in the cabin. I'll continue working on the serum." Banner nodded and took the little object from Pym, observing it. "And don't drop it." "Hey, I only sound like Scott," Bruce laughed and went to the cabin to begin his job. Bruce checked the bridge was attached inside the tubing leading from the cabin. May was behind him, holding Peter close to her chest watching every move Banner made. "Hey, Pete," the scientist said as he turned, smiling at the tiny teen. "Now, this isn't gonna hurt, okay? Just a little stick and an injection. It's gonna take time for the serum to work, so don't expect any miracles." Peter nodded and gulped, then looked for Dr. Pym. "Mr. Pym?" the boy called and the man walked over. "Is...is there any way for you to fix my DNA too?" Bruce had been waiting for this. He and Pym had talked about it while the team was searching for Peter and they exchanged sorrowful glances. "I'm sorry," Hank told him. "It would be impossible to change your DNA back. It's been too long and the spider venom they injected you with has had too much time to fully form with your genetic code." Peter just nodded, his lower jaw wobbling. "But, I did hear that Tony had asked you to come back to the compound to train, right? I bet that's exciting." The teen nodded, smiling, though his face gave his thoughts away. "Y-yeah...it'll be awesome...I just...I was just hoping to be normal." Hank crouched a bit to look the boy in the eyes, his finger going under the boy's chin. "Now, you listen to me Peter. There is nothing wrong with being different. If all of us were 'normal', we wouldn't have the Avengers, now would we?" Peter shook his head. "No sir...I-I guess you're right. Okay....I'm ready." "Good. Miss? I'll need you to give the boy to Dr. Banner." Hank stepped aside for Bruce to step forward. Since he had known Peter longer, it was obvious he would be more comfortable with the boy. May slid her nephew into the scientists cupped hands, giving him a water smile. "You're so brave," she whispered then covered her mouth. "He'll be okay, May. A couple of hours, possibly a day or two in the chamber, and you'll have your nephew back." He gave the woman a smile and turned towards the empty glass box. "Now, Peter, you have to understand a few points. While your body is absorbing the healing particles from the Quantum realm, there will be a little discomfort, but no full on pain, okay? And, you can not speak. Once we start the process, you can't use your vocal cords at all, do you understand? If you do, your throat will continue to grow, but your vocal chords will cease to grow and eventually be absorbed into your muscles, leaving you mute and do some major damage." The teen grew pale, but he nodded. "I understand. And Dr. Banner?" The man turned his eyes to the teen. "Thank you, for everything." "You're very welcome, Peter." He climbed into the glass chamber and set Peter on the floor, backing out. "All right. Here goes nothing. Dr. Pym?" The white haired man nodded and started the chamber. "I think it would be best for everyone to leave." He nodded to Pepper, who put a hand on May's shoulder. "Come on. You can see him once it's over." She smiled at the woman, who nodded shakily. "I love you Petey-pie," she called before the door closed, leaving the two scientists alone. "Okay. Chamber door, secured." Banner told Pym, who gave him a thumbs up, inputting code into the computer. "All right....Injection ready." The white haired man walked over to the chamber, grabbing a syringe from the table. "Peter, I need you to walk towards the tube to your right." Peter nodded and jogged to the spot, holding his arm out, not making a sound. "You're doing great." He slid the needle into the tube. "Hold still.......and done. Good job." He slid the needle out and closed the latch, securing it. "How's it going on your end, Banner?" "All good here. Ready whenever you are." Hank nodded and rushed to his console, opening the bridge protocol. "Bridge connection in three......two......one.....NOW!" He pushed enter and instantly the chamber was filled with a dull, almost black light with gold specks floating in it. "Wow....that's....it's beautiful." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The air around Peter had grown thick and the boy was finding it harder to breathe, but not by much. But, was it enough to affect his vision, because everything was starting to turn black. He felt his breathing increase as he panicked, looking around. "Peter," came Dr. Banner's voice. "Your breathing is getting a little heavy. Everything you're seeing is normal, and we can see the black smoke, too. We're almost done, bud. Just a little more and you can come out." The teen nodded, even though he was sure the giant adults couldn't see him. Peter took a few steadying breaths, remembering the breathing techniques Mr. Stark taught him. It worked like the other times and Peter's breathing came back to normal. When he opened his eyes, he was suddenly struck with the most beautiful sight. Gold specks seemed to dance in the black around him, almost looking like stars in the universe. He stared up at them, even reaching out to touch a few that danced by him, laughing silently when they broke apart and melted back together around his fingers. This was amazing. He only wished his aunt could see it.   He sat on the floor and crossed his legs and waited, imagining himself normal again, the image making him smile. The lights suddenly stopped and all seemed to congregate around Peter before all shooting towards the teen. He cried out as his body was pummeled from the inside out and finally passed out. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hours passed and May was getting antsy. She checked her watch. Five hours! "How long is he going to be in there and why couldn't I be in there with him? What if he gets scared?" She had always been the one to comfort the boy when he came home, crying from being bullied and having his glasses broken or had gotten a black eye. Especially after Ben had died. Those were the days where they comforted each other. "I'm sure he's fine," Pepper smiled. "If he wasn't, Bruce or Hank would come get you. Have you eaten yet?" The brunette shook her head. "Well, you should. It would help with passing the time." May knew the woman was right as she made her way to the refrigerator, Laura smiling at her as she passed the woman. "I can't wait to see him," Clint wrapped an arm around his wife. "I mean, really see him. So far it's been like trying to read those little dolls...what are they? Polly something. Hate those things. They hurt worse than Lego's if you step on them." His wife elbowed him in the ribs at the face May made at him, her skin white as a sheet. "I promise I would never have stepped on Peter, though! He was pretty much always in one of our hands...except Natasha or Steve. They thought he was a spy for the longest time." Steve actually looked at the ground, his face turning red. "I do apologize about that...Once I met you, Mrs. Parker, I knew he couldn't have been a spy for Hydra." He paused and glanced at the woman. "He's actually a good kid." "Damn right he's a good kid," May retorted adamantly. "I raised him right." She finished making her sandwich and slammed the fridge shut. "I wouldn't doubt that, and the proof is in the boy." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Peter? Are you okay?" A voice screamed, banging against the glass. The air was still dense as Peter slowly opened his eyes. His body hurt like crazy, but it wasn't anything he couldn't handle. He sat up and winced, a hand going to his head as a dizzy spell hit him. "Peter! You have to talk to me!" Dr. Banner was pressed against the glass, but Peter was able to see him. It was almost like a two way mirror. "Yeah," the boy finally answered.  He looked at the walls and noticed they were a lot closer than they had been. "I'm okay...is it smaller in here?" The scientist smiled. "It should be. Pym! Close the bridge!" Peter couldn't see the man, but he guessed this 'bridge' was finally closed as the lights and the black fog went away. Soon, the chamber was empty, leaving Peter alone....and naked inside. "Holy crap!!" the boy shuffled into a corner and curled up, staring at Dr. Banner with scared eyes. "It worked!" "I can see that," Dr. Pym came beside Dr. Banner with a large towel on his arm. "I'm guessing Clint can loan you some of his boy's clothes, if not his own." He opened the door and handed the boy the cover, both men turning away as Peter stood to wrap himself. "Whoa..not used to seeing the ground so far away." The teen raised his hand out and laughed a little, examining his own body like it was some wonder. Well, to him it was. He gingerly stepped out of the chamber, the two man turning to him. "Wow...I can see eye to eye with you." "Welcome back, Peter," Dr. Banner said, clasping his shoulder. "Let's go get you some clothes." The boy nodded and they walked from the lab and to the house. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peter pushed open the door at Dr. Banner's insistence and stopped when several eyes landed on him. "Hello...everyone." Instantly May threw herself at her nephew, her tears soaking the boy's shoulder. "Oh Peter! My Peter!" She pulled away and grabbed his face, looking at him. "I missed seeing you like this." She pulled him to her again, squeezing him. "Well, kid. Looks like you're still short." Mr. Stark came over. "It's good to see you back to normal though. Just sorry it took so long." "No! Mr. Stark, I am so grateful for everything you've done! Thank you." The minute May let him go to find a tissue, Peter did what he wanted to do from the first week. Beckoning Pepper over with Morgan, he threw his arms around them in a strong hug, not noticing when Mr. Stark winced. "Peter," the man wheezed. "Let go, buddy..." Automatically the kid let them go, his face guilt stricken. "Maybe you shouldn't try hugs until the Capsicle can give you lessons on how to control your strength." "Sorry," Peter said lowly, playing with the hem of the towel. Clint came up behind the boy holding clothes. "Here. These might be a little big, but I'm sure you're used to that." He winked at the boy playfully and handed him the clothes. "Haha, so funny. But, thank you." Peter disappeared from the room to get changed. "Who knew Peter was such a cutie?" Natasha said with a glance at Bruce, who folded his arms in a pout at that. "But, I like green still." She winked at Banner, who smiled. Peter walked back into the room. "Everyone...I want to say thank you so much for everything...." He looked to Morgan, who was smiling, her black eye looking better, but still horrible. "You were all so brave...and I don't know what would have become of me if you hadn't come that day and rescued me. I'd probably be dead...." he wiped his nose. "So, thank you.." Steve walked up to the boy and offered a hand. "No thanks are necessary, Peter. We're just glad you're all right." The boy grinned at the captain and grabbed his hand tight, shaking it. "Now, what do you say about going out to eat? My treat," said Tony, who laughed when everyone agreed. "Moochers." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                 ---Three months later--- Peter sat in the back of the car, Happy driving him to the compound. Ever since he'd gotten fixed, Mr. Stark had invited him up for some training to control his new 'abilities'. He was a bit sad that Dr. Pym wasn't able to get rid of them, but they actually helped a lot in the long run. Even though the training hadn't allowed him to go back to his dance or gymnastics, he was learning a lot more, though it still freaked May out whenever he would walk on the ceilings. "You okay, kid?" Happy's voice entered his thoughts and Peter sat up. "Oh, yeah....I'm okay, Happy. Are we almost there?" The driver nodded. "Yep. You should see what Tony did to the compound, though," the man shook his head. "It looks like Christmas exploded all over the walls." Peter laughed. "I can't wait to see it!" He looked to the small pile of gifts on the seat next to him. With Mr. Stark helping May out with the food bills, there was a little extra money in the budget for him to do a little shopping for the holidays. It wasn't much, but he thought extremely hard what to get everyone. "Is dad there now?" "Yeah. He likes to come up every now and then. He asks about your training a lot." Peter blushed, pleased. "I'm doing good. I don't hurt May when I hug her anymore. I still break some things, like I broke a lamp the other day when I picked it up to move it." He chuckled at that. "May was angry...said it was her favorite lamp." The car fell into a comfortable silence until Happy pulled onto the road that lead to the compound. Instantly, Peter saw that the man wasn't kidding. There was still some snow on the ground from a storm that hit a few days ago, and that added to the winter wonderland scene that the compound was sporting. There was a giant inflatable Santa standing in front of the compound, waving in the wind. "Uncle Clint," he laughed and Happy nodded. "How'd you guess?" The man pulled up to the building and Peter jumped out, leaning to gather all the presents, Happy helping to grab some that fell. "Thanks! Two of those are yours, by the way. One from me and one from May." That made the man's face light up and he smiled as they walked. The minute Peter stepped in, he was surrounded by red and green everywhere. "Wow...you weren't kidding," he laughed, looking around. "Told you. If you want, Tony's up in his lab," the man said, handing Peter the presents except two. "Thank you, Happy." Instead of going up to the lab, Peter went to the elevator and went up to the common room to find a big tree sitting in the corner. Quickly, he placed the presents under it, but kept two of them in his hands. He turned and finally went to the lab, finding his kind of adoptive 'parents' standing side by side, the woman laughing at something her husband said. They turned when the door opened. "Hey Pete!" Mr. Stark said, joy in his voice. "Good to see you!" "Yeah, same." Peter hid the boxes behind his back, and leaned up on his toes. "So, how have you been?" "Kid, you act like we don't speak all the time on the phone. Get over here." The man held his arms open and Peter smiled, rushing over to give him a hug. "Hey, you're getting better at control. Hardly felt that one." "Yeah, Mr. Rogers is helping a lot, and so is Dr. Banner. He helped me develop a new webbing solvent that will work with the formula I created. It even fits in the new web shooters I designed. I was thinking of, you know....becoming a crime fighter?" He looked to Mr. Stark and Pepper for approval. "That's great, honey!" Pepper wrapped her arms around him. "I am so proud that you'll be using your abilities to do something good." "Yes, that is a good thing. Or else I would have built this for nothing." Mr. Stark stepped to the side to reveal a suit folded on the table. Peter stared at it for a minute before stepping towards it. He ran his hand over the mask, the web design around the eyes. Putting the boxes he held on the table, he picked it up and had to smile at the blue mixed in with the red. "It's perfect..." he whispered, tears gathering in his eyes. He bunched the material in his hands. "Thank you!" "Oh? What's this?" Mr. Stark had noticed the wrapped boxes and picked them up, shaking them. "For us?" Peter nodded, too emotional to speak. The man smiled and started unwrapping his, Pepper rolling her eyes, but doing the same. The minute Tony saw what was inside the box, he froze. It was an iron man plaque. He stared at the surface of it, reading the words "best dad ever" over and over, feeling his heart melt every time. He glanced at Pepper, who held hers up. It read "I love you Mom". The two put their presents down and went to their 'son'. "We love you, too, kid." Tony said and they enveloped him in a tight hug. This was the best Christmas they'd ever had.
@sparrowrider @midas-or-khaos @letsbeinspiredby @6inchicon @carttorchdeatth @ixlovexirondad
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fatandnerdy30 · 5 years
The Itsy Bitsy Spider 19
A big thank you to everyone who has reblogged this story, commented and everything!! I love all of you!!
Tony chose that moment to step forward, a strange look on his face. "That will not happen if I can help it," he groused. "But, you did good for your first try, kid. You even handled that sticky shit pretty well." Peter grinned and blushed. It seemed he was doing that a lot today. "Tests are over for today." Mr. Barton put Peter on his shoulder. "How about we order something in and take it outside?" He glanced at the happy face of the kid. "I'm getting a little cabin fever, and Morgan should be home by now, right?" Steve frowned. "I don't know. I'm still a little wary about bringing the kid outside, even if it's on the compound grounds." "Come on, man. We can't keep the kid locked up here like a prisoner! His aunt already thinks we do that now. Let the kid get some fresh air. We have all the soldiers on the grounds, plus we have all the weapons that were meant to shoot anything down that we say is a threat." "It's okay, Mr-I mean Uncle Clint." The man grinned. "If it's for safety reasons, we can stay inside." Peter was a little bummed out about not even being allowed on the grounds, but he understood. Somewhat. "No," Tony said said suddenly. "Bird brain is right. We all need a little relaxation, and think of all the nature that will be out there. And plus, I can't wait to see Peter here playing pretty pink princess with Morgan in the sunlight." He grinned at the boy who groaned and hid himself behind Clint's head, peeking out from behind the man's neck. Even Steve chuckled at that one. "All right. As long as we all go and we're on guard. We all know how badly Hydra wants Peter back, so be on your guard." Sam saluted the man and smirked. "Yes, sir your holiness!" That earned him a punch to the arm and Sam winced, rubbing his bicep. "Ouch, Cap." "Who's Fury?" May asked, her head cocked to the side. "The once leader of SHIELD," Happy said before anyone could answer, making everyone look to him. "What? I listen to people." "Well, he doesn't matter, since he's not hearing about Peter until he's either normal again, or if he doesn't want anything to do with any of this once that happens, then we forget about him." Tony butted in. "It's up to the kid once he's normal. But, before we can fix him, nothing is said to Fury." Peter was confused. "But why? I remember reading about SHIELD in my history class. It said they did nothing but good things, protected people, kept peace. They even helped the people of Sokovia after the Ultron incident, which is so not your fault, Mr. Stark. You were only looking for a way to keep people safe." Steve grimaced at that and sent a look towards Tony, who shrugged. "That may be true kid, but once he hears what you can do and of your predicament, he will make sure Hydra's training will get done. Not in the same style as they would have used, but it will get done nonetheless." The billionaire knew Fury wouldn't care about the kid's safety as much as he would. He wouldn't take care of the kid if he got caught in a tight place, nor would he send anyone to Peter's rescue if he got himself caught. "Fury's a...well, he's a dangerous player in a not so dangerous game. Let's just call it that." He stuck his hands in his pockets to keep from grabbing the kid off Clint's shoulder like he was itching to do. Lately when he found his hands were idle, he wanted to hold Peter. He didn't know why, but he enjoyed the feeling of the boy in his hands, knowing he was looking to the man as a...what? But, he already had Morgan, so he didn't need another kid. Right? Looking back at the small boy sitting on Clint's shoulder made a pang of jealousy ring through him. "Welcome to my world," May's voice cut through Tony's thoughts and he blinked. "Excuse me?" She laughed softly. "I see the way you look at him. He's found a way into everyone's hearts here, whether they know it or not. Which does make me feel like leaving him here would be the best thing for him for now." He looked back at the boy, love shining in her eyes. "I see the way he looks at everyone here, and especially at you." She sighed and started toying with the ring on her finger. "Peter...Peter hasn't had the best childhood." Tony's brow quirked. "Meaning?" "Meaning, he's lost a lot more than any other kid his age. His parents were killed in a plane crash while on a business trip, and his uncle Ben was shot. He died right in front of Peter." She sighed, the sound a little watery. "He hasn't had much luck when it comes to male figures to look up to. But, seeing him around so many good, kind hearted people who generally want the best for him, I can't help but be happy he's here. Even if he couldn't' call me." She gave Tony a half hearted glare. "Just, let him be himself while he's here." Her gaze then turned stee;y and she waited for everyone to pass before backing Tony into a wall, her finger pressed into his chest. "And if anything happens, and I mean anything, a scraped knee, bad dream, you call me or I will kick your ass. Do you hear me?" Tony silently nodded, licking his suddenly dry lips at the look in the woman's eyes. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Justin Hammer smiled as he signed for his delivery, watching as his droid shells were brought in, reveling in their beauty. Crate by crate they were brought in by machinery, until a half hour later, the last one was dropped off. He waved to the men and pressed the button to close the warehouse doors. "Finally." Now he could get to work. Going to a metal crate, he used the code given to him by his new partner. The bots inside were beautifully crafted and waiting for his programming. Screw Toomes. Ever since the man had 'kicked' him off the little team he'd been planning on going behind their backs. Now, with Bloom his only employer and the only one he'd have to worry about being on his team, he had more room to work. He didn't have to worry about the feelings of some middle aged man in a bird costume. Oh, he still planned on using Toomes' family against him. Maybe he would bring him onto team Hammer, or when Justin got the job done, off the man's wife and keep the daughter for himself. He would let Adrian live, though, just to play with the man's mind in the knowledge that Justin had his Liz all because Toomes wasn't strong enough to get the job done. The thought excited him. Booting up his computers, Justin pulled out his flash drive and plugged it in. The screen flashed blue for a moment, then his logo came up and the password prompt came up. "Fuck Tony Stark," he said to the computer. A second later it beeped. "Welcome Justin." A monotone voice said. "Thank you, darling. Let's get started on programming these, shall we?" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peter sat in the shade of a tree, resting against the bark, eyes closed and just enjoying the breeze. He felt the rumbles as the giants moved around, but he didn't care. He was safe where he was. Suddenly, he was jolted out of his relaxation by someone flopping next to him, the wind of their body enough to practically blow him over. "Hi!" Morgan said in a chipper voice. "Mommy said lunch is here." The boy used his arm to get up and shake the debris out of his hair. The quicker he was back to normal, the better. He hated being this small, and yet he didn't. It was odd. "Okay." Peter stood up and wiped his pants when he felt the ground move and watched the girl get up, her shoes digging into the dirt to create little pits. She crouched down and offered an open hand. "Want help?" The teen smiled and shook his head. "No, I think I'm gonna go alone. Thanks though, Morgan." He gave her a soft look to let her know he wasn't mad at her. Morgan simply shrugged and got up, running over to her parents, falling into Tony's arms with a giggle. Again the jealous feeling came over Peter and he watched with a slight scowl before shaking his head. No. That part of life wasn't made for him. He wasn't allowed to have a father figure in his life for some odd reason. He was meant to be...well, not alone. He still had May.   The world around him suddenly turned black and Peter cried out when he felt gravity force him into the soft, leathery surface he was gripped in before the hand opened to reveal the worried face of Mr. Barton. "Hey there, little man. Why the long face?" Peter was still gasping for air after that shock, but he calmed down quickly in the soft gaze of the archer. "I don't have a long face," he said lowly, not meeting the man's eyes. "I was just getting ready to walk over for lunch." "Mm-hmm.....Listen, they don't call me Hawkeye for nothing, little man. So, how's about we get something and take it somewhere we can eat in private and you can talk to me." The teen was tempted to say no, because he was feeling stubborn today, but, looking back at a squeal of laughter from Morgan made his heart hurt and he nodded. "Okay. We got Thai, by the way. Your aunt said you really like Larb, so we got that for you. I know you can't eat all of it, but I'm willing to put more food in me if it means no waste." Clint chuckled and transferred Peter to his shoulder, walking quickly up to the group. "Hey, Pete?" Tony turned to see the boy on Clint's shoulder, casting a worried look to the archer, who shook his head. "We're gonna talk for a minute. You know, trade manly secrets. But, food first please. We're hungry!" Pepper smiled and handed the man two boxes, smiling softly at Peter. "Just don't spread too much testosterone around. I don't think the world can handle any more." "Will do. Let's go, Pete. Off to beat the drums around the fire and tell war stories!" May gave her nephew a soft smile as she was passed her box, blushing a bit and saying thank you. "Just be careful, okay?" Peter nodded while he laughed. Always count on 'Uncle Clint' the make him feel better. The archer walked in silence until he brought them to a shady bench, sitting and bringing a hand up for Peter to climb onto, setting him on the bench next to him. "So," he began, opening the box of Larb and making a face at the almost magotty looking contents. "Ugh, how can you eat this?" he asked, pushing it towards Peter. "Easy. Just don't think about what it looks like. Besides, I like that it doesn't have too much flavor, you know?" "Okay, I get it. So. What were you thinking about by that root?" Clint dug out his chopsticks, and placed a napkin next to Peter, who didn't have any utensils at all. The boy paused in grabbing a piece of chicken, then looked down as he transferred it to the napkin to cool down, reaching in for a grain of rice. "I wasn't thinking anything, honest." Liar. "Liar," Clint said, reading the word all over the boy's face. "I can tell you were getting upset about something, so either tell me, or I'm letting Tony know something's bothering you. You're always around him, so if you're more comfortable talking to him, I can go get him and-" "NO!" Peter yelled, startling the both of them into a moment of silence. "No," he said softer. "I can't tell him what's on my mind...it's dumb." "Kid, if you won't talk to Tony, then I'm your best bet. I know how to keep a secret." Clint smiled mischievously, making Peter doubt that. "It's just, whenever I see Mr. Stark with Morgan, and see the way his eyes light up with her, I get a little jealous. I've never had a father figure in my life...the one's I had were killed..." Peter's eyes stung as he spoke. "And I know once I'm back to normal, or as normal as I can be, that Mr. Stark is probably going to start ignoring me because I won't need anymore help to get around. And besides, he's already got his daughter. What does a kid with no blood relation have on that?" Deep down, Peter was already starting to think of the mechanic as a father figure, a protector....and he didn't want to shatter that illusion, but that's all it was. An illusion. Clint chewed for a moment, then spoke. "Kid, I doubt Tony's gonna start ignoring you. I mean, have you seen the way he looks at you? If he could, I swear he would adopt you in a heartbeat, but seeing as you already have your aunt, he doesn't want to pull your family apart. I know he's hurting because he can't send you home with May just yet, but he still offered her a place to stay if she wanted to. Tony, in a weird way, already thinks of you as a son, I think. And if you wanna test that theory, I suggest a little 'experiment'." Peter was stunned to say the least at what Mr. Barton had said, but was very intrigued by the experiment idea. "What kind of...experiment?" he asked, nerves heard in his voice. "Next time you're alone with Tony, just pretend to slip up and call him 'Dad'. See what his reaction is, and that will tell you the truth." "I dunno, Uncle Clint....it seems a little...weird, right?" Peter wasn't too sure about the plan. What if it backfired and Mr. Stark hated him for it? "Trust me, kid. It'll turn out alright. I know, I watch...like a hawk." He nudged the boy with the tip of his chopstick, almost pushing him over. "Get it?" "Yeah, yeah I get it, now get that thing away from me. You spit all over it!" "Oh, get over it," the archer laughed, but pulled it away. "Seriously, though, what do you think would happen if you accidentally called Tony that, anyway?" "He'd hate me for it." The teen said without missing a beat. Clint stared at Peter before laughing. "Dude, he could never hate you. I don't think anyone could hate you. You're too cute right now." Peter threw the grain of rice in his hands at the man with a laugh. "Shut up." "See? Even that was cute! But, do you feel better now that you talked it out with good ol' Uncle Clint?" Peter was about to say something when he stopped and thought about it. The jealous feeling he got was lifted a little and he felt lighter. "Actually...yeah, I do. Thanks Uncle Clint. I LARB you!!" "Oh God, never say that in my presence again, seriously kid. I may have to throw you out of a tree." "Already did that," the boy stated smugly as he took a bite of his chicken. "Kid, you and I are gonna have to have another talk." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "I have to go now, Peter," May said, her voice cracking as tears filled her eyes. "Do you need anything before I leave? Maybe I can bring some of your books, or maybe your skateboard?" Now she was grasping at strings, almost as if she weren't allowed to come back without something for her nephew. "I'm fine, May." Peter stepped up to her and the woman lowered her hand for him to climb onto. Once he was situated, the woman rose and held Peter close to her bosom, her thumb coming to rub his back. "And you know you can come back just to visit, right? We already told you, I'm not a prisoner. If you want to see me, you can either call, or I can call you, or you can come any time." Peter looked back to see Mr. Stark nodding. "Okay. Just remember, I love you so much, Petey-pie. I'm glad you're here. Call me before bedtime and in the morning and once in the-" "May!" Peter laughed, hugging the woman's thumb. "If i call you that many times, you'll get sick of me. I'll call you before bed, okay? I love you so much. Have a safe drive, and we'll keep you updated on what's going on." May nodded and sniffled, bringing Peter's diminutive form to her chest in a hug, cupping the boy in her hands. "I love you too, Peter. Always." She then dropped a kiss to the top of his head, half of his face disappearing when she did. May turned to Tony and was about to hand him the teen, when Pepper stepped up and put her hand out for him. "We'll take good care of him," she promised the woman with a smile. "Thank you. For everything you're doing and have done." She looked to Peter, who was climbing onto the blonde woman's hand. "Remember to eat your vegetables every day, and change your underwear twice a day, okay?" "May!" Peter cried, blushing as the people around them snickered. "Okay, okay. Bye, Peter....." The woman wiped her eyes and walked out, Happy volunteering to walk her out. Peter watched her go with a sad face, his lower lip quivering. "This is for the best," Pepper told him, bringing him closer to her. "You'll see her again. And now you'll be able to call her, and when you're back to normal, you'll get to go home." Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Tony make a face. It was only for a second before he covered it up by picking up Morgan. "We gotta call it an early night," Clint said sadly. "We gotta go somewhere tomorrow and I don't know when we'll be back. So, we'll see you later, little man." He held up his pointer to Peter and smiled when he felt the kid smack it in a high five. "Be good, man." Peter smiled as most of the group left the room, leaving him, Pepper, Tony and Morgan alone. "So, who wants to watch a movie?" The man bounced Morgan on his hip. "How about you, little lady?" "Yes!" she shouted, giggling as her father made a face at her loudness. "Brave?" "Good choice. I always think the dad is like me in that." He grinned and started walking, but not before grabbing Pepper's hand and dragging her along. They got the movie set up and in minutes, both the children were out like a light. Peter was sleeping on Pepper's shoulder, his body curled up into her neck for warmth, and Morgan was stretched out over both of them. Both the adults looked to one another with loving smiles. "We need to have Peter here once he's back to normal," Pepper whispered. "I think I'll ask May if maybe he can spend the summers at the cabin. What do you think?" That got Tony to smile and nod. He liked that idea. He liked that idea a lot. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "You've gotta be kidding me," Hammer said, clapping his hands once and laughing. Almost all the Avengers would out of the compound the next few days, meaning the target would be even less protected. "Oh, Tony...you've got a lot of nerve thinking you could hide him from me for long." He smiled as he programmed more of the code he was writing. He wished he still had Ivan to write the code for him, but he was out of the picture, even for his employer. So that meant he just had to bite the bullet and do it himself. Which he didn't mind, he was just used to having people do this for him. But, that wasn't the problem. The problem was getting into the compound before Toomes, if the man even knew. He enjoyed a challenge. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The computer was beeping as Bruce walked into his lab that night. He walked over to it and looked at the screen. He almost dropped his cup of coffee on his lap. Hank Pym had actually contacted him! He'd seen the encrypted message and wanted to know what was going on with Peter. The doctor clicked on the link and was brought to a video chat where Dr. Pym was sitting behind a large desk, white hair slicked back. "Hello, Dr. Banner," he said with a nod. "Dr. Pym, I am so happy to hear from you. I assume you got the message?" The white haired man nodded."What I would like to know, is how much you know about the serum?" Bruce sighed. "Almost nothing," he replied truthfully. "This Sean guy Peter has mentioned is a genius, I'll tell you that. The fact that he had your particles, but also could hide their structure and data even when having the serum in front of you, which I don't understand. I'm stumped, but then again, it is your research. I wouldn't dream of looking too into it without your say-so. My name isn't Tony Stark." The man smirked. "That's the only reason I decided to contact you, Dr. Banner." "Thank you again, for that. Is there somewhere I can send you the data-though it's not much-on the serum I've got?" Pym shook his head. "No. I'll need to see the boy, see what they did to him, see if it is possible to reverse what Sean did." The man then turned as if hearing something. "I have to go. Expect me there about....I'd say, a two weeks." "That long?" Banner said with a forlorn expression. "Well, I do have other obligations," the man said with a chuckle. "Plus, I'll have to have Scott go into the Quantum Realm to collect some healing particles from inside, and that takes time to prepare for." Bruce's eyes widened. "You did it? In that case, It will be a privilege to meet you, Dr. Pym. Can't wait to meet with you." "Don't expect it to happen often. The Stark's and I don't get along." And with that, the man hung up, the screen going dark. "What a shock," Bruce said to himself as he got up to go back to his work on the serum. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Adrian Toomes sat at his work bench, carefully soldering wires together when something caught his eye. He stopped what he was doing and spotted one of his daughter's field trip slips he forgot to sign. Tears came to his eyes as he grabbed the paper and unfolded it. It was for today. But instead of going upstate, she was stuck who knows where probably scared out of her mind crying for him. His eyes went wide as he read where the trip was for. The Avengers Compound. "Phineas!" he called into the large warehouse. Seconds later he heard something fall over, then footsteps running over to where Adrian was. "Boss? What's wrong?" "Nothing...I just need to know, is my suit fixed?" Phineas turned his head quick to look back at the direction where he came from. "Um, I think so, but there's a few bugs I haven't been able to sort out yet since it was damaged. I'd like to make it a touch stronger so that you can survive the kind of attack Justin brought you to." At that name Adrian scowled. "Yeah, well he knows where he stands since that shit show of a disaster." Then he looked to the permission slip. "What about anything to help with a silent mission? You know, sneaking into a building and taking something." "Well, yeah I do have some things for that, but it all depends on what building you're going into. Like the white house, I can't do." "No, not the white house. I was thinking of the Avengers Compound." Phineas' eyes got bigger. "No, no way, Adrian. I helped you once and you failed, almost getting yourself killed. I won't let you put yourself in that kind of danger again." Adrian put a hand on his shoulder, and smiled an actual smile at him. Phineas wasn't like his other associates. He was more of a keep to the background kinda guy, which is what he needed right now. "I'm not asking you to send me anywhere. I'll be sending myself. I'm just gonna need you to hack into Tony Stark's data and create a personnel file for me, that's all." Phineas laughed. "That's all? If I could do that, don't you think I would have done it already, Adrian?" He would have done it for himself so he could get in there and see what Tony had cooking in that lab of his. "Well, I need you to be able to do it by tonight. Find any way in, any way, and get that file created. Please...for Lizzy's sake. This is my only chance to get my family back." Phineas stared into Adrian's pleading eyes for a long moment before sighing. "I'll see what I can do. I'm also going to create a remote for your suit so you can call it to you from where you are. Only if things get bad, okay?" Adrian nodded and squeezed his friend's shoulder before turning away, letting the programmer go and tinker away.
@sparrowrider @letsbeinspiredby @6inchicon @ixlovexirondad @carttorchdeatth @midas-or-khaos
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fatandnerdy30 · 5 years
The Itsy Bitsy Spider 27
So, I’m sad to say, I just finished writing TIBS...this has been a rollercoaster for me! We have 2-3 chapters left to go.
But, thanks to you readers who have commented on my work and really inspired me to keep going, I was able to finish 2 works already! Thank you all so much!
Breakfast was over, and Tony was getting antsy. "I'm going to check on Peter," he told the group and practically ran up the stairs. "Hey, Pete, just wanted to say hello and check on you." He walked into the bedroom where the boy was supposed to be and stopped, confused. Then his eyes widened and he checked the floor, his breath coming in panicked breaths as he picked up his feet to check the bottoms of his shoes. Finding nothing, he let lose an explosive breath and sat heavily on the bed. One question remained, though. Where was Peter? Getting up, he carefully made his way to the other guest room, thinking maybe he'd gotten the room wrong, but finding that empty as well, he began to worry. "Pete?" he called, checking each room frantically. Finding nothing, he ran down the stairs. "Is Peter down here?" Natasha shook her head. "No, we thought he was upstairs. He's not?" The billionaire shook his head. Pepper's eyes went wide and she threw back her chair. "Where's Morgan?" Her voice was panicked, eyes wide. Everyone shot into action then, calling out for both the missing kids until they came back to the kitchen. It was then through the open window, everyone heard what sounded like a shrill scream. "Morgan!" Tony cried, already out the door in seconds, his legs taking up a ground eating pace as he ran to where he heard the scream coming from, not even noticing everyone following him. "Morgan!" he screamed, but heard nothing. "Tony!" Clint's voice was heard from a distance and he ran over to the archer, sweat pouring down his neck by this point. "Did you find her?" The archer shook his head, but held out his hand. "I found this attached to a tree. It's signed J H." Tony reached out and snatched the note from the man's hand, his own shaky as he read it, growing angrier and angrier at each word. With a growl, he crumpled it up and threw it to the ground. "Now he's gone too far," he ground out. "Tony?" Pepper came through the trees, panting. "Anything?" Clint bent down and picked up the note, giving it to her, but Tony didn't give her a chance to read it. "Hammer has our kids," he growled out, not missing the way May flinched when he said the words, but he ignored it. "I'm not going to give him the option of jail this time. This time, I'm going to kill the bastard." He turned to Pepper, death in his eyes. "I want you to stay here. I'll call Fury, tell him an emergency came up and I need the team back here now." The woman could only nod, tears coming to her eyes as she read the note. May came forward and offered a shoulder for the woman to cry on, her own bottom lip quivering. "Find them," the brunette said, her voice hard. "No matter what, please....for both our families sake." Tony only nodded and jerked his head to Clint, his suit already starting to form over his clothes. "Pep, tell Bruce to stay here and give everything he knows about Pete to Hank. They need to get whatever they can together to help the kid as soon as we get back." Suddenly Hope and Scott materialized out of thin air. "Let's go," was the only thing Tony said, grabbing Clint. "Better catch a ride quick," the archer told the two size warriors, and they shrunk, quickly climbing into the man's front pocket just before Tony took off. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Justin stared at the girl cowering in the corner of the car with a friendly smile. "No need to be scared. I'm a friend of your dad's, your uncle Justin." The girl only shifted closer in on herself, hands closed around the small boy he was after. "Now, now, what did I just say? What's your name?" He was getting aggravated now. "If you're a friend, how come I've never heard of you before? And why don't you know my name?" Morgan asked, stubbornness in her voice. "This is pointless," Ward growled. "It's obvious she's too smart for you, Hammer. So, we'll just have to get the package by force." The man sat up and reached for the girl, watching her wide, scared eyes. "If you don't want to get hurt, let go of what you've got." Morgan shook her head and squeezed her eyes shut. "No! I won't give my brother up to you!" Ward made a sympathetic noise deep in his throat. "That's sweet, she thinks it's her brother." He leaned forward to get closer to the girl "You know it's just a lab rat, right? It's not even a real person, honey." The little girl shook her head, whimpering. "No! Peter's human and he is my brother!" She wasn't going to let go of the teenager for anything. That was when the fist came out of nowhere and all Morgan felt in the next moment was pain mixed with stars in her vision as the fist made contact with her head. She was sent flying, her hands almost opening, but she kept them clamped shut as tight as she dared without hurting Peter. "Morgan!" the boy's voice was muffled, and a hand was seen trying to get out of the girl's hands. "I'm not worth this! Please, just give them to me! I can't stand to see you hurt because of me." "No, Peter," the little girl told her hands, glaring at the pale man who had just knocked her silly. "I won't give up family for any reason." Ward smiled cruelly as he sat back, checking his red knuckles while Justin stared at him, shocked. "Hey, hey, we never spoke of hurting the kid." "She has what Mr. Bloom wants and she won't give it up for 'anything', or do you not remember those words coming from her a second ago? So, I tested her, and she showed she was telling the truth." Already a black eye was forming around Morgan's right eye, the swelling not too bad. "But still, Mr. Ward. She's only a little kid." "And I don't discriminate. If the person in front of me has something I want, I will do anything to get what I want. I won't kill the child, so don't worry. I think I'll just send a message to Stark about stubbornness in his gene line." Morgan whimpered and hid her face. "I'm sorry, Peter...I don't think I can keep you hidden for much longer." She sneaked a peek at the Ward man, the shadows from the moving trees making his face look more sinister even though it was daylight. "I don't care, Morgan! Just give me to them! They won't kill me, but they'll hurt you, and I can't stand that on my conscience. So please, just let me go, okay?" He couldn't stand hearing Morgan in pain, and seeing what they did would make him feel even worse. "No...no, I can't. Do you remember watching Lilo and Stitch? O'hana, Peter...you're my o'hana, and I won't leave you behind or give you up." "No! Morgan, please! Just open your hands!" Peter tried to pull the girl's hands apart, but he didn't want to hurt her so he couldn't pull with all his strength. "Please! Give me to them!" "No!" Morgan saw stars again when Ward's fist hit the side of her head again, this time making the world spin around her and grow darker before another punch made the world black out and her limbs go slack. Finally, Peter was in view, having tumbled to the floor of the fast moving car, dazed by the force he rolled and hit one of the men's shoes. He was in trouble. Hammer could only stare in amazement at the tiny figure that just rolled into his toe. "Whoa," he whispered, leaning forward to get a better look at the trembling being staring up at him in fear. "I've seen him before, on the bridge, but...I never realized how small they made him." He reached out and touched the small being, retracting his hand as if it were burned. "What else did Bloom have on this boy?" He watched as the teen dragged himself up and crawled over to where the little girl lay, unconscious on the floor. "Said he had some kind of chemically altered spider in him, he didn't say what kind, but he was sure that the kid has some kind of healing ability that's much faster than a normal human's." A glint came to Ward's eyes as he reached out and plucked the experiment up by the hood on his sweater. "I'd like to test that, though...see if there have been any," he grabbed the boy's thin arm between his thumb and pointer, "changes." Justin heard the bone snap then the kid screamed, and when the man let his limb go, it was bent in an unnatural way. Angry now, he reached out and grabbed the boy from the smiling man's grip. "I'm sure Mr. Bloom wouldn't want his merchandise harmed in our care, Mr. Ward. So, I will hold on to him from this point on." Hammer didn't realize how hard he was gripping the boy, but when he heard him struggling to breathe, he loosened his grip and saw him draw in a coughing gasp, head hanging down. "Please," the teen whispered as loud as he could. "Please, don't hurt...Morgan...anymore. You have...what you want now. Leave her alone." "Courage, I dig it. But, I promise you, we won't be touching her again." Justin sent Ward a warning look and the man put his hands up. "As long as you don't try to run or escape." The teen nodded. "Good." With one motion, he deposited the tiny teen into his jacket pocket. "Get some rest. It's a long drive to California." There was silence from his pocket, so Justin sat back and closed his eyes, falling into a light sleep for the rest of the trip. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ They had searched the entire farm and the surrounding areas, but there was no sign of Morgan or her kidnappers. And Tony was getting worried. It had been six hours and they could be anywhere by now. "Where are you, baby girl?" he whispered. "We'll find her, Tony," Clint said from the suit's arms. "We'll find them both. Let's regroup at the house and wait for the team to show up. Plus, it's starting to get dark and we can't keep looking in the dark." "Says the man with no night vision," Tony quipped back. "I can't. I'll drop you at the house, and I'll keep looking...I can't leave my baby girl out there any longer than she has to be. We don't know what Hammer may be doing to her right now." "I get it, man, but you can't be too tired to fight if it comes to that. You need to rest and recharge your batteries, technical and organic. Just go be with Pepper for a little while, eat some dinner, and then you both can look all you want, okay?" The billionaire only nodded and headed for the house. He was dreading what he was going to say to Pepper when he came in with nothing...no clues, no idea of where to look....the anger was beginning to recede, and now worry and heartbreak were taking its place, and boy did he want to crawl into a bottle right now. But, he couldn't, for Morgan's sake. Landing on the porch, he tapped his reactor and went in the house. Instantly he felt eyes on him, and Pepper got up from the couch, her red eyes finding Tony's right away. "Tony?" was all she asked and when the man looked down, she let out a sob. He rushed to her side and grabbed her close, beard tangling in her hair as he hugged her tight. "Where could they be?" she sobbed out. "I don't know, Pep, but I'm going to find out." "Wrong," a voice came from the doorway and everyone looked up to see the rest of the Avengers coming into the house. "They wronged all of us when they took Morgan and Peter." Steve's gaze was hard, a look on his face Tony hadn't seen before. "And it's time this man learned not to mess with the Avengers." Tony let out a shaky sigh, grabbing the man's outstretched hand tightly. "Don't mess with family." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Darkness still enveloped Peter as he tried to move around in the man's pocket. Worry had been his prime initiative from the moment he was dropped by the man. That and his arm, but in due time, that stopped hurting as his bones started to heal themselves. He had to set the bone, though, or else he'd never be able to use that arm again. So, with a scream, he pulled his arm until the bones aligned, but he passed out from the pain. The next thing he knew, he was being picked up by an orange stained hand, and he hoped it didn't rub off on him whatever it was.  He sat back, but shot up when a hand appeared above him, only to have orange stained fingers wrap around him. He hoped it didn't rub off on him. "Oh, you're awake. I'm glad. I have a few...inquiries while my partner is away from the car for the moment." The man smiled at him, making Peter shiver. "Well, I have one request before I answer your questions," Peter countered. "Please, elaborate." The man leaned back and picked up Peter's arm, a curious look on his face as he moved it around to look at it from every angle, oblivious to the boy's hisses of pain. "Marvelous." "First, let Morgan go. She's just a little girl and has nothing to do with this. Let her go and call her parents so they can take her home, and then you'll just have me to deal with." "Oh, I had no intention of keeping the little one. In fact, the minute she showed signs of waking, I let her go on the side of the road. I may be Tony Stark's rival, but there are certain things I won't do, and hurting kids is one of them...well, little kids anyway." He placed the boy on his knee, staring down at him. "So, since your little request is done, on to my questions." Tenderly Peter touched the spot with the broken bone and winced a little when there was a flash of pain but that was it. It was healing faster than ever. Probably because of all the food he was given with Tony and Pepper. He would have to ask Dr. Banner...if he ever saw him again. And if these two were bringing him to who he thought they were bringing him to, then he would never see anyone ever again. The scientists would keep him under lock and key...but at least he'd get to see Sean again. That was the only shining light out of this. "Alright....I'm ready." "What kind of spider did they use?" Justin leaned forward, crowding in on the kid to hear his answer. If he could get him to answer, then maybe he could make his own little spy for future reference. "To tell you the truth, I don't even know. The scientists at the labs weren't all that forthcoming, you know? But I do know they used some kind of radiation in the DNA they injected into me." "Great," Justin sighed, hands flopping down at his sides. "I'll have to ask Mr. Bloom. If he'll tell me." He was so annoyed right now! "Is that it?" Peter wanted off this man's body and onto the floor where he could curl up under a seat and be out of mind. He didn't want to think about what he'd lost for making a stupid decision. He looked up to see the man grinning at him. "Oh, that's not even the beginning." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Morgan had woken up on the side of the road alone. It was dark out and she wanted her mommy. Looking around and seeing no cars coming, she decided to walk down the long road in the dark, sobbing and cold until a nice man in a truck pulled over. "Oh my....sweetheart, are you all right? Did you have an accident?" He saw the swelling of her eye and the bruises littering her face. "No...I was taken, along with my brother Peter! They still have Peter!" Morgan screamed at the man, shaking in the now cold. "Calm down, sweetie. Let's call the authorities and you can tell them everything." "No, I have to call my daddy! He's an Avenger." That got a wide eyed look from the man. "An...Avenger?" he asked slowly, seeing the girl nod. "Okay....which one is he honey?" "Daddy is Iron Man. Mommy isn't an Avenger yet, but he built her a suit...but I have to call him and tell him where I am! Please, mister!" "Okay, okay....It's just I don't exactly have a one eight hundred Iron Man button on my phone." "I know my daddy's number. Friday had me memorize it a long time ago." She tried to climb into the cab, but the seat was too high and she had to wait for the man to come around. How did Peter do it so easily? "Okay, here you go. You call your Avenger daddy and I'll go to the nearest police station." The little girl nodded, already dialing and putting it on speaker just in case her father wanted to speak to the truck driver. "Hello? Who is this?" a man's voice came over the phone. "Daddy!" Morgan cried, tears welling up in her visible eye. "Morgan? I'm so glad to hear your voice. Are you alright? Did they hurt you? Where's Peter? Where are you?" "They still have him, daddy..I was on a road when I woke up and this nice truck guy stopped and let me use his phone." "Um, sir," the driver called. "Hi, I'm Eddie Fultun. I'm taking your daughter to the nearest police station and-" "Don't bother, I'm already tracking your phone and am on my way. Pep, did you get all that?" "You bet I did. We're coming, sweetheart, okay?" "Yes mommy...but...they took Peter with them....I couldn't save him. I tried, and they hurt me..." She started sobbing. "Morgan Stark, you listen to me. You did nothing wrong, okay? You tried to be brave for Peter and save him, and that makes you the strongest girl I know. Steve and the others are on their way, too, okay?" The whole team? Daddy had brought the whole team in to find her? She sniffled and felt so loved in that moment. "Please hurry, daddy...I'm scared." "I know, honey. Uncle Bruce is going to take a look at you as soon as we touch down, okay? I love you, and Mr. Fultun, please pull over, you're making it hard to catch up." The driver was still in shock at hearing the little girl's name, but he managed to nod. "Oh, um...yeah, sure...there's a rest stop not too far from where I am. I'll pull over there and get your little one something to drink." "Thank you, so much. Anything you want, you just ask and I'll deliver it. Or, ask my wife to make sure it gets done. Morgan, be a good girl, okay? I love you tons." The little girl sniffled again. "I love you three thousand." With that the line went dead and she erupted into sobs at the thought of because of her stubbornness, she might never see Peter again.
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fatandnerdy30 · 5 years
Little Orphan Spider 13(FINAL)
Tony was pacing in the living room, Pepper watching him go back and forth until she got dizzy. "Tony, you need to calm down. Peter won't be home until at least three-thirty. What are you going to pace until then?"
The man nodded, putting a hand to his mouth. "Yup, that's just what I'm gonna do. What if he doesn't want to stay here? What if he secretly hates us? What if he secretly hates me?" The man made a face at that. Pepper laughed. "It's been three weeks. I'm sure that if he hated you, you would have been the first to know. Trust me, Peter's not the kind to kiss your ass." She shook her head, getting up to take her nervous fiancee into her arms. "Just calm down. I'm sure he'll be so excited when you ask him. Let's just watch a movie, okay?" She pulled the man onto the couch and settled him next to her. "Friday play a movie, please." "Any preferences?" the Irish AI asked. "No, just something to keep our minds busy." Soon some action film was playing on the large screen TV, but it was obvious Tony wasn't paying attention. Every few minutes he would glance at his phone, checking the time, his leg bouncing. Why wasn't it three-thirty yet? He glanced at the woman next to him, who watched the movie with a somber face, but her lip twitched, telling the man she was nervous as well. That made him feel a little better, at least. They played movie after movie just to pass the time, but it was just going too slow for Tony. Finally, he shot up, startling Pepper, who fell over when her human pillow moved. "Tony?" she asked. "I can't wait anymore. I'm going with Happy to pick Peter up. You coming?" The woman smiled and stood, running to her room to get her shoes on and followed Tony out to where Happy had just turned on a car and Tony whistled. "Hey! Wait, wait, we're coming!" They jogged over to the car, getting in the back as the driver watched with a confused look. "Everything okay, boss?" he asked. "Yeah, yeah, everything's fine. You can go now," the billionaire told his guard, motioning for him to go. The man sent Tony a look, but backed out of the underground garage anyway. The last bell rang and students filed out of the building, Peter following the rush with his friends by his side. He was laughing at something MJ commented on and checked the area for any cameras. When nothing was in view, he stepped out of the building. Ever since that day they'd been chased, he was nervous to be seen. He spotted the black car parked in the pickup zone. "Hey, there's my ride, I'll see you guys tomorrow, okay?" He started him and Ned's handshake, giving MJ a low five when it was done and ran towards the car. "Hey Happy!" he called, throwing his bag inside and stopped when he heard an 'ouch' and peeked in the car. Sitting comfortably side by side were Mr. Stark and Pepper, who was smiling at him while the billionaire moved his bag with a groan. "What the hell do you have in there, bricks?" the man complained, checking his face. "Wh-what are you doing here?" Peter asked, still standing outside the car. "First, get in here," Tony reached over and pulled the teen into the car, his body falling over both their laps. Pepper laughed as she tried to set the teen right side up. "Second, we're going out. Yes, you can come too, Happy," he told the guard, who rolled his eyes. "Out?" Peter was finally sitting like a person, grabbing his bag to pull it next to him. "Out where?" "Well, we're going home first, but I wanted to come and get you, and Pepper just played follow the leader." The blonde smacked Tony's arm. "Ouch. So, what did you learn today?" The trio talked and laughed all the way home that when Happy pulled in, his face was red from laughter, glad Friday could drive the car for him at some points. "Okay, kid. Suit, tie, fancy stuff," Tony told Peter as they got out of the car. "Where are we going, Buckingham Palace?" said teen asked, brow quirked in a clearly Tony way. "Just go," the billionaire kicked Peter's butt playfully, grinning as the boy laughed and ran out of the room. "You're so good with him. I'm glad we're doing this," Pepper slid her arms around his front, pressing a kiss into his neck. "Seeing you like this makes me want to 'practice' a little before we leave." Tony's brows lifted and he turned in the woman's arms, bringing her face closer. "I think we'll have enough practice for ten kids," he growled. "Peter, Ned has been trying to get in touch with you," Karen's voice rang out as soon as the boy entered his room. "Why didn't he call me?" The teen pulled out his phone. "Because your cell is out of power," Friday input, almost sounding a little jealous. "Oh shit, it is. Okay, Karen, call him please.  Ms. Friday, can you help me out, please? I need help tying a tie." He blushed at that and looked down. "Certainly, Peter." "Peter! Peter, are you there?" Ned's voice sounded from the ceiling, which was weird to Peter. "Yeah, I'm here. What's up?" He picked out what he thought he'd seen Mr. Stark wear once, and the tie to match, then turned to the television to see the AI with a video on pause. "There's another drug bust near you this time, and I've heard a few comments about those alien weapons again." Ned sounded like he was panicking and also having a geek-gasm at the same time. "Oh shit...I'm going out with Mr. Stark and Ms. Pepper tonight...I'll wear my suit under my...suit." Ned gasped. "I need pictures of you in a suit or it didn't happen!" Peter laughed as he stepped into the Spider-Man suit. "Okay, okay. I promise. I'll have my ear piece in, which has my new AI implanted in it. Say hello, Karen." "Hello Peter's friend," the woman's voice spoke. "Whoa! Peter you're like...a mini Tony Stark!" Peter smiled to himself. "Yeah., kinda." He then started getting dressed, playing the video to tie his tie, but still messing up big time. "I suck at this," he said. Maybe he'd ask Tony to help. "Just be careful, spider," Ned called in a concerned voice. "Of course, yeah. Oh, and Black Widow and and Hawk-Eye know who I am...Ms. Romanoff figured it out, and Clint followed us to our training session last weekend." "WHAT? Dude, what happened?" "Well, Natasha heard me call Mr. Martin by his name....you know that was the guy on the roof that day, right?" Ned was quiet for a moment. "Yeah, I knew. I didn't want to bring it up, though.." Peter smiled at his friend's thoughtfulness. "Thanks. I haven't heard from him while I've been here though, and nothing on the news. Have you heard anything through the web?" "Umm...lemme check..." keys clicking could be heard, then Ned's whispered 'oh shit', which made Peter pause. "What? What's wrong?" "Don't get upset, but I just pulled up a police report and there's a missing person report for Martin Li." Peter fell silent. Mr. Li... "Okay," he whispered. "I'm coming." He ripped off his suit and pulled on his mask. "Friday! It's time for teenage rebellion!" "Of course, Peter." The window flung open and Peter jumped out, flinging a web out and swinging towards Ned's. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Hey, Peter, do you need help with-" Pepper gasped as she saw the window just closing and Peter's suit on the floor. She ran out to where Tony was standing, checking his phone with an annoyed look. "What's going on with the...Pepper, what's wrong?" The woman couldn't speak, tears in her eyes as she pointed to Peter's room. Tony ran and slid into the boy's room. "Friday!" he bellowed, seeing the boy's clothes on the floor. "What happened here?" "Peter had a desire for teenage rebellion," the AI answered. "What does that even mean!?" the man raged. "It means Peter threw himself out the window." Tony's face went white and he called Happy and all the Avengers, calling a Peter alert. Oddly, Natasha and Clint were the first to show up, worried look on their faces. "What happened?" "We need to go," was all Tony said, fear in his voice. Peter was alive, that was all he could tell himself, even though he knew it was impossible for the boy to survive a fall like that. Peter rushed to Ned's, ripping the mask off his face as soon as he got in. "What have you found out?" His voice was watery, as if he'd been crying. "Nothing yet, except what I've told you. I've been looking, but can't find anything more. But, on the drug bust, there's some talk that all the crates belong to a...Mr. Negative. Who's that?" Ned looked at his friend's face which was white. "That's Mr. Martin...or at least I think it is. He looked exactly like him. I could recognize him anywhere, and I'm positive that was Mr. Martin!" Peter started pacing, his fingers twitching. "Where was the drug bust?" "Near fifty-eighth street." Peter nodded and threw his mask on. "Keep me informed," he shouted as he shot a web and swung out the window. The wind was in Peter's face, but he didn't care. "Karen! Call uncle Clint or Auntie Tasha!" "Calling Mr. Barton." ~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Peter!" Clint shouted, catching everyone's attention in the elevator. "Peter!?" Tony shouted, grabbing for Clint's phone. "Where are you!? Do you know how worried we were when Friday told us you threw yourself out the window!?" The man had never been so upset. "Tell me where you are young man!" Peter had tears in his eyes as he heard Mr. Stark yell at him. "I'm okay," was all he said. "Bullshit! Tell me where you are!" "I-I'm heading toward fifty-eight street," he mumbled. "But don't come here! It's dangerous!" "Fine. So you know what, I will come there to tell you in person that this isn't working out, if you're going to be running off like this, keeping secrets and the like." He ignored Pepper's sobbing gasp. Peter almost fell from his web, but caught himself on a building. "No...no, Mr. Stark, please...I would explain if I could, but...I can't." "Which is exactly why this isn't working out. Stay where you are, I'll give you a lift to the group home tonight. We'll send your things in the morning." "Okay....but, I have something to do first. Uncle Clint!" he yelled. "I need you and Auntie Tasha!!" then he hung up. Tony fixed enraged eyes on what he thought were his two friends. "Tony, it's not what you think..." Natasha sighed. She shouldn't be telling the man Peter's secret, but after what he said during their last training session got to her. "Peter thinks of you two as his parents. He loves you so much, even though he's only been here for a small amount of time. And, yes, Peter has a secret..." Tony was getting angrier and angrier with each word from the red head, but he allowed her to keep speaking. "Tell me. Now." "Peter's Spider-Man," Clint blurted. All eyes went to him and he shrugged. "He was about to have an aneurysm, so I figured I'd say it." The billionaire was shocked to silence, looking between the two assassins. "I'm sorry," he finally stuttered. "He's what?" "Peter is Spider-Man. That boy has been the one you've been shooting your photon blasters at and sending all of us after." Natasha's eyes were narrowed. "Peter is the Spider-Man you almost killed in the park that night." Suddenly, Pepper was backing Tony against the wall in the elevator, her face filled with anger as she pointed her finger at the man's face. "You shot our son!?" she screamed. "W-well, I didn't know it was Peter...and wait, did you just say our son?" "Don't try and use sweet talk to get out of this. You go and you help our boy, or so help me, I will never sleep with you again, Anthony Stark, do you hear me?" Tony's eyes widened and he nodded. "Yes dear." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peter made it to his destination in record time, his emotions spurring him on. Tears had been burning his eyes the entire trip, but he knew he couldn't let them fall. He couldn't think that he was a failure and was being sent back. He had a job to do before he could think of that, then he could break down. He would go and check it out, then leave before Mr. Stark could get there. Seeing the man would cause tears to come, and that could get him killed. He arrived at the warehouse and landed silently by the window, peeking in. It was a drug ring, and there were the weapons, but there was no sign of Mr. Negative. Taking a deep breath, Peter went in, sticking to the roof. He saw a bunch of guys moving boxes, but no one was leading them. "This is so weird," he whispered to himself. He wished he'd been able to make Karen more better now. Dropping to a beam, he studied the men, but there was no one he knew. Well, at least he knew they all needed to go to jail. He stayed in the darkness, until suddenly a bright flash caught Peter off guard, followed by a hard punch that sent the boy flying. "I saw you!" a man cried laughing. Peter should have tried to darken his suit, like Ms. Romanoff said. "Welcome, Spider-Man." Mr. Negative seemed to melt from the shadows, hands behind his back, staring at Peter with contempt. "I was hoping you would show up, given I put that fake report out on the police scanner." He smiled, showing his strange white teeth. "And just like a moth to a flame, you came running to me." "Moths don't run," Peter said. "What?" "Moths. They don't run, they fly. How stupid can you get?" The boy shot to his feet. "Learn the animal kingdom, man." Mr. Negative's face was filled with fury. "Attack!" the white haired man yelled. Thugs began pouring from the shadows surrounding them, all headed towards the teen. "Oh shit!" Peter began shooting web after web at the men barreling towards him. "Here, hold this!" he told a thug who came too close, shooting a web up to the ceiling and attaching said thread to the man's chest and letting go. "Who's next?" he asked, then a second later he was punched in the face. "Ok, that was a cheap shot!" Peter saw a group coming at him, all with weapons in their hands. He shot a web and started running around them, while shooting webbing with his other hand at other incoming guys. "Duck...duck...duck....GOOSE!" Peter yelled, laughing as he strung the thugs he'd been wrapping up from the ceiling. "Wow, that really is a good web mixture! Uh-oh!" His senses told him to duck, which the boy did, suddenly sweeping his leg out and sticking the thug who attacked him to the floor. "Not nice!" "I am surrounded by idiots!" Mr. Negative yelled. "Shocker! Kill the spider!" Shocker smiled and started his arm gun up, sparks flying from it. "With pleasure." Peter crossed his arms over his arms, looking at Mr. Martin. "You know, you should learn to clean up your own messes, man." He saw the light before he ducked, trying the leg sweep, but the man was ready for it and slammed down on Peter's knee with a closed fist. The teen cried out, falling and holding his knee. "Too bad you tried that earlier. I would say learn some new moves, but I'm gonna kill you, so.." Herman brought his arm up, about to bring it down on Spider-Man's head, when suddenly the vigilante quickly snapped a web around the man's legs and was able to drag himself away from him. Peter was shaking from fear. Never had he faced a man he was ever scared of. He had to shake it off and face down this thug, but Mr. Stark's words kept getting to him. Tears blurred his vision, but he didn't know if it was from the memory of how much those words hurt, or the fear, or if it was both. "Come out, Little Spider!" Herman called, shooting boxes away with a laugh as they broke under his electric fist. "I just want to kill you!" Peter glanced from behind the box he was hiding behind. Shocker was just hitting random boxes, destroying them. He leaned back and put his head against the box. It was then he saw something flash on the ceiling and smiled. He had an idea. As quickly as he could, Peter crawled up the side of the warehouse, trying to blend in with the shadows, but the laughing man wasn't even paying attention, which suited Peter just fine. He crawled along a beam and sat above one of the sprinklers. "Hey! Stupid! Up here!" he taunted. Shocker's head tipped up and he smiled. "Bad move, Spider-Man," he laughed. Using the boxes as leverage, the man climbed until he was close enough to deliver a shock wave. "Say good-bye." "Good-bye!" Peter chirped and jumped as soon as the man let loose his attack, hitting the sprinkler system. "Really? What's that supposed to do?" he asked as the system was turned on. "You were never good at science, huh? Shocker, electricity and water don't mix, even little kids know that!" No sooner did Peter say that, suddenly the man screamed, his arm set on fire. "Ohh..that burns," the boy said. "Now, onto that other guy." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tony had never flown faster in his life, pushing his suit harder than he ever had. He tracked the others behind him, but his thoughts were on Peter. Brave, brave Peter. His heart ached from the words he'd said to the boy over the phone, now knowing he was diving head first into trouble. How could he have not seen it? "Tony, I got a sprinkler alarm trip at a warehouse on fifty-eigth street," Rhodey said said, letting Tony see the file. "Got it. Let's book it!" The man turned his suit, not caring anymore if the others were following. But, when he heard the Quinjet, he felt a feeling of relief. The whole team had fallen in love with the kid and were willing to protect him no matter what. That's why Peter belonged with them. He didn't care how much money it took, he was going to make the boy an honorary Stark. Finally the warehouse was in sight, smoke coming from the roof. "Going down," was all the man said before he aimed for the roof, breaking through in seconds. "Peter!?" he screamed through the smoke. His heart tensed when he heard someone screaming and ran in the direction of the sound, stopping when he saw a man trying to put his arm out, the flames quickly licking at the rest of his body and the boxes around him. Tony put out the flames, watching the smoking man collapse with relief, before his eyes went wide at who was staring at him. "Where is my son?" Tony growled, the suit's eyes going red. "I-I don't know!" the thug screamed. "Little fucker just set me on fire and ran off! I didn't see wh-UGH!" Tony stopped his blabber with  a punch to the stomach, the thug passing out. "Never talk about my son like that," he said and stood. "Split up, look for Peter!" Tony said, worried eyes checking his HUD for any sign of life. He was seeing nothing, until something flashed on the roof and he took off. "What is Peter doing here?" Sam asked, his fear getting to him for the small teen. "It's too dangerous!" "Peter is Spider-Man," Natasha said before running after Tony, leaving the rest of the group in shock. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peter skulked in the shadows, searching for his only father figure, before Tony, that is. His heart hurt, but he shook it off. He couldn't let Mr. Martin get hurt, no matter what the man did. "Mr. Martin!" he screamed, his eyes darting everywhere. "Answer me!" The smoke was getting worse. That shocker guy must have set fire to something, making Peter feel bad about leaving him on fire. "Mr. Martin!" Peter started hacking, covering his mouth with a gloved hand. Suddenly something moved to his right, and that's when the high pitched noise made Peter cry out, holding his head. It was worse this time for some reason. "K-Karen," the teen struggled. "Noise....cancel..." Instantly, the sound stopped, but so did all other sounds. When the boy sighed in relief , what he didn't hear was Mr. Negative running up to him with his black glowing knife brandished. It was only the feeling of something burning his side that got the teen's attention and he cried out, tears running down his face when the man tugged the knife from Peter's body. He glanced at the grinning black and white man. "Mr. Martin...why?" Peter held his hand to the deep wound, feeling hot liquid run down his hands. Mr Negative was saying something, but Peter couldn't hear him. "Karen, cancel off." "-and now you die, Spider-Man!" Mr. Martin's whole body began glowing a dark color, and Peter instantly put the noise cancellation on. But, he couldn't keep it on if he wanted to know when and where the man was coming from. "Karen, turn it off." The minute he said the words, his head started splitting. The boy wanted nothing more than to curl up in a ball, but he had to stop Mr. Martin. Peter crawled as quickly as he could across the beam he'd jumped to, when suddenly Mr. Negative was in front of him, giving him a pitying look. "Poor little Spider-Man....you look so lost....I am here to guide you!" The man pulled a sword from his belt-how had Peter missed that? He charged the blade, making Peter's head hurt more, and he cried out, trying not to hold his head. "Good-bye, Spider-Man!!" Peter watched as the man bring the black blade back and raised his hand, and when Mr. Negative swung, Peter let loose a a web, catching the man in the face. "Agh!" The man cried out, but it didn't do Peter any good, because the blade still hit its mark, sliding through Peter's chest like butter. Dark energy surrounded the boy's body, making him start seizing, and fall. Tony watched as Peter fell to the ground, the black and white man he'd been fighting wasn't far behind him, the only damage to him was a mess of webbing on his face. Peter though, had a sword through his chest. "Peter!" Tony cried, feeling a rush of fear as he caught the boy seconds before he hit the ground, pulling out the blade, his mask disappearing and he pulled off Peter's mask. "Pete, hey kid...come on..." He gently slapped Peter's face until the boy;s eyelids fluttered. Peter smiled up at him, a bit of blood leaking from his lips. "Hey...Dad..." he whispered, in too much pain to even censor his thoughts. The billionaire sobbed once. "Hey, son." "I'm..sorry I kept this from you...but...I'm Spider-Man..." Peter rasped, and coughed. "I think I lost..." Tony shook his head. "No, I'm sorry, kid...I shouldn't have said those things." He smiled. "You won, don't worry. But, you're gonna make it and we're gonna celebrate. There's something I wanted to ask you tonight at dinner, too." He took a watery breath. "Peter, will you become me and Pepper's kid?" Happiness spread over the teen's weak face and he nodded. "I'd love to....but, I don't think I'm gonna make the party." Already his eyes were closing. "No, no Pete, you stay awake, do you hear me?" Tony held the boy tight. "You hold on!" Mr. Negative finally cleared his face, wiping at the remaining webbing angrily, his eyes searching for Spider-Man. His eyes landed on Iron-Man crouching on the ground, holding a body. The man smiled. He'd killed Spider-Man! He silently walked around the two, wanting to see his handy work. But, as soon as he looked at Spider-Man's maskless face, he felt something fighting within him. His host was fighting to gain control. "No!" Martin cried, tears falling from his eyes. "No! Peter!" Black energy took over the man and he wiped his face with disgust. "You're weak, Li! You can never take me over by force!" He laughed and noticed Iron-Man staring at him with hate filled eyes. "I'll kill you," Tony said darkly, getting up, his blasters coming out in full. "You hurt my boy." Mr. Negative braced himself, when suddenly his head started splitting, and he cried out, grabbing his hair. "No! Li! I will not...allow...you! You can't have it anymore! I will win! I'm stronger than you!" The black light was struggling to stay lit over the man's body, but it was slowly receding until Mr. Li stood on shaking legs, panting and staring at Stark. "I...can help him..." he breathed, looking at the barely breathing teen. "Please....let me...help him...let me help...my son..." Tony scowled at that. "How do I know you won't hurt him more?" Martin smiled, struggling to stand up. "I can't keep the other me back for long..but I will go along with anything you want...please, bind me after I'm done healing Peter." The pleading look Martin gave him made Tony look back at the bleeding boy, who's breathing had started making a gurgling sound. "Save him," Stark said, lowering his guns. "Save my son...please." Martin nodded and made his way over to the boy, who looked at him with dazed eyes. "Mr. Martin," Peter said, blood on his teeth. "I'm so glad I found you..." "Hush now, Peter....just relax.." Martin winced when he felt his head ripping apart, his other self fighting for control. He had to hurry. The man placed his hands on the boy's chest, over the wound. It was a severe gash, and the blood pouring from it said he'd cut into an artery. "Please work," he whispered. He felt the black energy filling his hands, but this time it didn't feel menacing. It felt peaceful and warm. He brought the energy out and pushed it into Peter's body. Under his hands he felt the reparations being done, but they were going quicker than he'd expected. Already the skin was closing under his hands and he sat back, panting, feeling drained, which was not good. He couldn't be allowed to go on in this world with that other person inside him. "Mr. Stark, I know I don't deserve to ask anything of you, but please do me a favor....Please look after Peter for me." He smiled up at the man and grabbed the sword. "Take him into your family, love him like a son....be there for him. Please, do this for me?" Tony could only stare and nod. "I will...but you'll be able to see him," he said. "We have a doctor who has almost the same problem as you..he's still human..." The Asian man smiled dreamily. "I know, Bruce Banner, the incredible Hulk...I wish I were as strong as he is to go on, but I can't allow the other me, the Negative side of me, loose on the world." He felt the tingles in his legs, and knew he had to hurry. "Tell Peter I said good-bye, and I loved him..." The man closed his eyes and brought the sword up to his head. Tony tried to stop Martin, but it was too late. The man fell to the floor the second he made a move, the long blade sticking out of his head. The black energy that had been crawling up his legs slowly disappeared, the man's face kept changing from white to black, until Martin lay there. Tony lowered his head in respect, the other Avengers surrounding him slowly. "Holy shit, I thought you guys were lying," Sam whispered as he looked at Peter, unconscious on the ground. Tony didn't answer, he just reached down to pick the boy up, happy to hear him breathing. "I'm taking you home," he whispered. "Can you guys wait for the police? I've gotta take him to Bruce." The team nodded, Natasha running a hand down the teen's cheek. "Welcome to the family," she whispered before she helped move the dead man outside, the other thug was gone when they went to search for him. One out of two was fine, right? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tony rushed flew into Bruce's lab after ordering Friday to open the window. "Bruce!" he yelled, the nano-suit disappearing. "BRUCE!!" "I'm here, I'm here, what's-Oh my god..." His face was alight with shock. "What-when-huh?" "Peter is Spider-Man apparently," Tony said, panic taking over the sarcasm. "But he got stabbed. I need you to look at him. I don't trust what Martin did..." He laid the boy on the table and stepped back, looking at the limp teen with worry. The clacking of heels got his attention and Tony turned just in time to catch Pepper as she ran to him, a gasp coming from her when she spotted Peter. "Oh my baby," she whispered. "Is he okay? Is he alive?" Bruce had been listening to his chest and pulled back. "He was stabbed?" he asked Tony, who nodded. "All I see is a scar, that's all." He pointed out the shiny skin under the hole in the blue and red suit. There was blood around the scar, but that was all the proof that Bruce had. "I'll keep him overnight, watch him, do some tests." Bruce excused himself from the room, feeling odd being there. Pepper bent down and kissed the teen on the forehead. "Why didn't you tell us, you silly boy?" she whispered, sobbing a laugh. "We would have done anything for you, you know that?" She carded her hand through the boy's dirty curls. "I think he's going to find that out. In the morning I'm filing the paperwork to make him ours." He put an arm around his fiancee. "And here I thought we'd be married before we had our first kid. Hm. Amazing how things work out, huh?" Pepper laughed and pushed him away. "I'm still mad at you for trying to kill Peter...but I guess I can forgive you if you promise to help me plan the wedding." Tony groaned. "I'd rather have you pissed at me. OOF!" he rubbed his stomach where his fiancee had just elbowed. "Okay, okay, I promise." Pepper smiled, knowing in all reality he would forget and spend all his time in his lab, but it was the thought that counted. She turned her head when Bruce came back in, tubes and needles in his hands. "If you don't mind, Bruce, can I spend the night with him? I want to be here when he wakes up." Bruce smiled and nodded. "Oh, yeah, sure. If you agree to a bed yourself. In your condition, you shouldn't be sitting in an uncomfortable chair all night." "Wait, what?" Tony looked between the two, confused. "What's wrong with Pepper?" "Oh nothing...except she's pregnant." Bruce smirked at the billionaire's shocked face which turned to a look of happiness. "I get to name it!" he cried. "You talked me into getting Peter, I get to name our second kid." Pepper smiled and laid on the bed Bruce had brought in. "Yes, dear," she said with a pleasant smile. "I mean it. I get to name the kid." "Whatever you say, honey." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peter was nervous. It had been three months since he'd last worn a suit, and he was almost killed. He stood in front of Tony, copying the man's movements as they tied their ties, cinching it up when it was done. "Good job, bud," Tony ruffled the kid's hair, smiling at the noise he made. "But, I make it look better." He smirked when Peter glared at him. "What? Truth." They walked out into the compound's living room to see everyone waiting, all dressed up. "Ready?" Tony asked, looking at his phone. "We have an hour to get there. Let's go." The team all agreed and they walked towards the elevator, before the billionaire remembered something. Or, someone, as a matter of fact. "You guys go along without me! Gotta get Pepper!" He left the elevator and noticed someone walking next to him. "And where do you think you're going?" he asked the teen, his brow quirked. "To go get mom," Peter answered with a knowing smile. After he'd woken up, he asked if he could start calling them mom and dad. Of course Pepper was all for it, tears rolling down her face. Tony acted like it bothered him, but deep down, Peter could tell it made him happy. "It's about time!" a woman's voice called from a bedroom. "I thought you forgot me." "You? Never." Stark said with a guilty face. "That's why I am personally here." "I'm here too," Peter said from the door. "And he did forget you." He smirked at the look Tony gave him promising retribution. "Well, I hope you don't forget I'm as big as a house and need a little help getting my shoes on. I hate flats." Pepper frowned at the shoes on the floor. "Just a few more months, and our new kid will be here annoying Peter with all her crying when he gets up to do all the changing in the middle of the night." Peter balked. "Why not you? I have school!" He pushed the shoes towards his mom's feet, helping her balance as she put them on. "And? You're young, you'll bounce back," Tony teased, leaning in to kiss his wife. "Enough you two. Tony, do you have the papers?" She made a face as the man made a face. "What would you do without me, I swear?" she opened a drawer and got her copy out. This is why she asked the judge for two copies. "Okay, kid. If you're ready, let's go make you an official Stark," Tony said with a clap, rubbing his hands together as he did when he was excited. Peter's smile said it all as he was wrapped in a hug by his mom and dad. It was good to be Peter Stark, A.K.A. the neighborhood Spider-Man.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~THE END~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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fatandnerdy30 · 5 years
The Itsy Bitsy Spider 21
Before I start this fic, I will put this to rest. No, Dr. Strange will not be making an appearance in this fic because I have other plans for a different fic with him! That being said, I'm going to see if I have to not post on Monday, due to my lack of plot bunnies!!! But, we'll see what happens. Please remember to leave a comment if you liked this chapter!!!
Swiping his key card, Toomes was able to gain access to the experimental labs in the compound. He had spent most of his time searching for any sign of the boy Hydra wanted, but there was nothing. Getting annoyed, he slammed out of the last lab, his fist hitting the wall of the empty hall. How hard was it to find a tiny person!? It was then a voice made the man's back go rigid. It sounded like a tour guide. His daughter's class! True, while none of the kids had seen Adrian before, he knew he had to be stealthy. He was about to start walking the other way, but another voice joined the guide and the man cursed his luck. Tony freaking Stark was walking up to the class with a kid at his side, an arm looped around his chunky shoulders as the boy looked at him in wonder. Tony Stark didn't deserve the adoration! He had driven Toomes to the life he was living, the situation he was in right now!  He deserved to be punished, torn down from that pedestal he'd built himself! Movement came from Stark's pocket and Adrian had to take a double look as a tiny brown haired head popped out. It was for a second, but he definitely saw it. That was the kid he was looking for. Adrian knelt down, pretending to tie his shoe while the class was stopped, Stark talking to them in that pompous voice he used to bolster the unwitting. It would never fool him. When Stark moved away from the group, Toomes rose and followed quickly. He got a few paces ahead of the man, and suddenly his briefcase opened, spilling papers all over the floor in front of the 'hero'. "Oh, oh man I am so sorry! Mr. Stark, please let me clean all this up." Adrian made a show of gathering the papers into the case. "My wife has been asking me to get this fixed for weeks now, it just pops open whenever it wants, like it has a mind of its own." Stark had knelt down to help him, smiling at the anecdote. "I know wives," he said in a somewhat rushed tone. Adrian used the pen case opening to bring himself closer to the man. Slowly, he reached out until his fingers came in contact with the pocket. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peter was wondering what was going on when he felt the movement of heading down and jerking to a stop. He felt the man's subtle movements, but also heard a voice right outside the pocket. He stayed perfectly still. But, he wasn't expecting the giant hand suddenly filling his vision. It wasn't Mr. Stark's hand, and that scared him. But, before he could shout, the fingers wrapped around him, almost crushing the teen in a vice-like grip and drawing him out into the open. He was thrown unceremoniously onto paper and trapped in darkness in seconds, too fast for Mr. Stark to see. ] He stood and was knocked off his feet by the movement of whatever he was in. "Mr. Stark!" he called as he was bounced on the hard bottom of what he assumed to be a briefcase, if the pens around him were any clue. "Mr. Stark! Please!" He banged his fists, but with the soft cushioning, he knew he wouldn't be making much noise. His heart was beating too fast, and he was scared and being bounced around his mind just reacted, making him shout: "DAD!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The two men shook hands as they parted with a light laugh and Adrian felt his heart going a mile a minute. He did it. He had gotten the person who would help him get his family back. He walked quickly to the front doors, nodding to people as he went. Just a few more feet....come on.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "You're being very quiet," Tony said to Peter as he boarded the elevator. Reaching into his pocket, he thought to give the kid some air in the privacy, but his hand only came in contact with air. "Pete?" he called sternly. "Now is not the time to be playing games. Come on, Peter." He patted his jacket and pockets down, but there was no Peter. Had he fallen out of his pocket? "Friday, bring me back down!" he snapped. He couldn't wait for the doors to open, his hands already pushing them apart as he ran out of the doors. "PETER!?" Tony called, not caring if he looked like an idiot. "Friday, give me video of the past ten minutes!" Stark had started shaking, breathing heavily as he ran his hands through his hair. "Here they are boss," the AI said form his phone. Tony pulled out his phone and ran through all the footage, stopping when he saw the man who dropped the papers. He had gotten closer to Tony, but the man watched his hand as it reached into Stark's pocket and withdrew...he zoomed in. A very scared looking Peter and threw the boy into his briefcase before slamming it shut. Thoughts ran through the billionaire's head as he turned, looking left and right in a panic, people staring at him with worry and concern. Where did he go...THERE! "Friday! Put the building on lock down!" He said it too late, seeing the thief get through the doors jut as the AI did as he ordered. That man had his boy. That man was going to pay. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Adrian heard a shout and he felt his heart stop. Clutching the briefcase handle, Toomes practically ran to the exit and was able to get out just as Stark's AI issued a lock-down of the building. Getting his remote out, the man hit the 'call' button as he ran, watching the blinking light on the small device. Behind him he heard shouting and feet pounding as the guards chased after him. Seconds later, his wing suit came flying over the trees and he jumped up to grab onto it, the metal vest opening to allow him to climb into it. Strapping himself in, he hit the boosters, but apparently not fast enough, because in his way was a very pissed off Iron Man. "Give me back my Peter," Stark said in a threatening voice, made colder by the robotic inlay of the helmet. "Sorry, Stark, but I can't do that! You see, if I give this kid back to Hydra, I get my family back, and I can't risk their lives over your little pet. Now, stand down, tell your men to lower their weapons," he brought the briefcase up to his chest and pointed one of his latest weapons at it. "Or this little freak gets nice and toasty." He started up the gun, knowing Stark heard the high pitched whine. "And what makes you think I can't stop you before you pull the trigger?" "Because I know you'd never harm this boy. You've become his protector, his 'savior', although I have no clue why." Toomes was getting angry, and this wasn't the time or the place for it. "Now, stand down, or else." He powered up the gun even more and glanced at what it was at. He knew at this temperature, he could probably melt Stark Tower if it still existed. Iron Man sighed and held his hands up, only to lower them. "This isn't the end," he challenged. "No. It's my beginning." With that, Toomes was soaring high, the gun still pressed against the briefcase if anyone tried anything. He didn't notice, however, the small nano-tracker Stark had let loose as he was flying away to catch the inside of his pant hem. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peter curled into a ball inside the briefcase as he heard the wind whistling over it. Why would Mr. Stark give up that easily? He didn't understand, he only knew he was going to be sent back to the people who tried to kill him in the first place and he was petrified. He let out a yelp as his prison was suddenly set down, causing him to roll to his side as pens the size of him crashed into the boy. The floor of his container started rumbling, the vibrations going through him. Was he in a vehicle of some kind? A jerking movement told him the answer, so he simply let his senses do they're thing. He could hear every gear in the engine, but he didn't want that. He needed information, but he hadn't tried listening to one particular thing. He'd only heard a jumble whenever he tried. But, he needed information. Focusing he singled out a man's voice above the engine and the grinding gears. "You did a good job with that fake badge, Phineas. Thank you, for helping me get my family back. All we have to do is deliver the item to Hammer and we're good." "I'm glad. I miss Lizzy and Dorris. Especially her cooking," a stranger said with the sound of licking his lips. The first voice chuckled. "Well, when she hears what you did to get her and my daughter back safe, I'm sure she'll invite you to dinner for a year." Silence fell over the car, until someone kicked the briefcase and Peter shouted, hitting his head against the inside. "Careful!" Peter felt gravity push him down and vertigo made his stomach lurch. He was getting sick of this, literally. The case was placed broad side down on what seemed like someone's lap if the beating of someone's heart was the tell. Peter wanted to know what was going on. Where were they going? How long was he going to be kept in the dark? He moved and felt something brush against his wrists. His webshooters! He had no idea how he had forgotten about them. With the creation of his formula, he had them on at all times, just in case he had to get somewhere quickly without help, or someone accidentally dropped him, then he could latch on to the person's clothing. Adjusting them, he waited in the dark for the first sign of light. Then, he was out of there. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "It's okay, Tony. It's okay. We'll get him back." Bruce had been saying the same thing over and over to the man who was literally staring at the wall, gaze hardened in anger as he thought. "Tony, you need to stop beating yourself up and start tracking the guy who took Peter." The steel like gaze fell on the scientist. "You don't think I know this? I am tracking him, this very moment, but I can't go after him while he's moving with Peter. He held up some kind of, glowing gun to the briefcase, Bruce. If I had done something, even twitched a finger, Peter would be gone and I would be down a kid!" Tony didn't care about the slip up. He was worried and pissed that he'd put the boy in danger. He shouldn't have listened and made Peter stay with Bruce, make the scientist go up to the common room or something. And what a great time for the team to be on a mission! "Tony, nothing will come of you getting angry at me. Just take a breath." "Screw your breathing, Banner! If I wanted to learn how to breathe, I would go to Yoga classes! I just want my kid back!" He started pacing back and forth, eyes on the screen that held the moving red dot. They were getting farther and farther away, and yet he was there just watching the men do it. He wanted to rage at someone. He wanted to go and kill those sons of bitches. But, he had to keep watching the screen until it stopped. And it would stop. And they would get Peter back. And he would get his pound of flesh. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peter must have fallen asleep, because he was startled when the vehicle stopped and cried out when he was suddenly flipped back to the bottom of the case. Why couldn't these guys be more careful? "Do you think I could take a look," said the driver from the car. "Yeah. Just be careful. I have no clue what they did to it, but I know it's strong." Strong? Oh, Peter was going to show them strong, and smart. It was dark for a moment longer, but once the light peeked its way through, the boy fell into a crouch, one leg stretched out as a hand kept him balanced. Wait for it....A giant bearded face suddenly appeared and stared at Peter like he was an animal in a zoo. "Oh my," he said, his breath enough to knock the kid out. "You know, it's kind of cute. Hey, little guy!" He waved at the boy, smiling brighter when he got a smile and a wave back. The smile disappeared, however, when Phineas found his glasses covered in a white sticky substance. He cried out and fell back, trying to get the substance away from his eyes. Peter took his chance and curled his legs, feeling his muscles bunch under him and he jumped as hard as he could. From the corner of his eye, he caught the enraged yet fascinated face of his captor and another man. He hadn't heard the third man in the car. He had another pair of hands to stay away from, which made his escape harder. Looking around the warehouse, he spotted a beam and aimed his hand at it. Still not good with the activator, he almost knocked himself off course with the kickback, but he still caught it and swung to another beam while the giants below him struggled to coordinate. "Catch him!" His captor roared, running to a suit. As soon as he started it up, green eyes lighting up the darkness of the van. Peter almost froze in that gaze, the gaze from his nightmares, but he forced himself to move. A breeze washed over him and the teen looked up to see a large open skylight. He shot another web and launched himself out of the warehouse into the light of the afternoon. The sun was blinding after spending all morning sitting in the dark, but Peter wouldn't let that stop him. He landed on the roof and looked around at the junkyard around him. There were a million places to hide, but the question was could he get to one in time? A large noise almost made him fall over as he ran for the shadows of the building's vent system, pressing his back to the overly warm surface. It was times like this he wished he still had the darker Thor costume. "Do you see him?!" his captor said, startling Peter. That was the first time they had noted he was alive. "No...I'm so sorry, Adrian....I didn't know that he had a weapon." Peter stuck where he was as the breeze from the suit as it lowered tried to push him from hiding, but the boy gripped the concrete harder. "Well, get out there and look for him! I'll take the air. Remember, he's freaking tiny!" Suddenly the wind was back with a vengeance and Peter cried out as the rough surface tore at his fingers, trying to make him let go. And, just like that, it was gone and he watched the man disappear. The boy took that moment to run to the edge of the building and looked down at the ground that looked so far away. "Okay, Peter, you've got this. It's just like in the gym." Only there was no Mr. Stark waiting to catch him in a hand if things went bad. NO! He couldn't think like that. Everything was going to be fine, he would get away, and somehow, find a way to contact someone. Peter took a moment to see if he knew where he was. It was somewhere somewhat secluded, that was for sure, but if he focused he could hear the sounds of the city. The only problem was he couldn't tell how far away it was, and with the piles of cars and metal, he couldn't tell where he was. He would have to make it to the top of one to look around. With a nod he got on all fours and started scaling the building head first, which was scary to say the least. He froze when the blonde man from before came out. Another man, more intimidating, followed. Peter had to move soon, because the concrete of the building was hot in the afternoon sun and it was starting to burn his fingertips and feet. "Man, you're smart, but stupid at the same time. How does Adrian expect us to find a kid this big?" He held his fingers millimeters apart. "In a hurry," the blonde replied. "Go check the roof, I saw him go out that way." Shit! That sent the teen scurrying quickly down the hot surface, wishing there were shadows. He reached a ginormous open space and had to scale the building sideways in order to make his way around it. Peter saw his chance when the blonde man walked away and made his way down the side, scurrying as fast as he could before reaching the ground. In a panic, he looked left and right and chose to go left, because his senses told him going right was a big mistake. Apparently going right was a mistake, too, because not soon after he started running, he heard the man from the roof scream. "Phineas! There!" "You guys don't play fair!" The boy muttered. "It's no fun to gang up on a little person!" Peter shot another web onto the building and used the momentum to swing himself away from the thundering footsteps of Phineas running to catch him. In front of him was a very giant tower of junk, just what he needed. He made his way towards it. He veered to the left as he felt his neck tingle, and a giant hand tried to snatch him out of the air. "Thank you spidey tingle!" he shouted. Peter landed on a particularly hot piece of metal and yelp, shaking a foot with every step he took as he ran up the pile. "That's so hot!" Finally he found a shadow covered little nook and dove in, panting and fanning his red feet. His senses were quiet as rested, but he knew he couldn't stay there. In his bright outfit, he would be spotted no matter where in the shadows he went. He chanced a look outside the little cranny he had crammed himself into and saw a Phineas pass him and waited until the man disappeared around the pile. He knew he had to get out of the yard, but it was a risky move, but he was smart and nearly invisible. He knew he could't get to the ground, because he was too easy to pick up or get stepped on. So, he had to use the junk piles. Peter stayed as close to the pile he was in as he could as he exited his hiding spot, trying not to be weirded out by the pipe he had to climb over the was the size of a man's arm. "Crap," he had to jump into another nook as two of his captors met right beneath the boy.. "Have you found him yet?" the other man asked with a snap. "Not yet. I..I think he's gone," Phineas answered softly. Peter relaxed in his hidey hole. So they hadn't known what direction he could have gone in. That was good. He could hide in here for the remainder of the day and wait for- "He better not be!" the voice of Peter's captor, Adrian said from above, the sound echoing through the forest of metal. "Look harder!" Or he had to get out of there now. Peter gulped and looked around for a way to get away from the three giants, but there was no escape that he could take. If he moved in the junk pile, his outfit would give him away, the same thing with the ground and the air. He was stuck. Unless. He looked behind him and noticed there was a small sliver of light. He got up and jogged to it, finding an opening barely big enough for him to slip through. Taking a deep breath, he shimmied through the opening, gritting his teeth as he felt his side being cut open by the sharp edges. "Oh man. I really hope I had my tetanus.." Holding his wound, he made his way out of the opening, back pressed against the metal pile as Adrian flew overhead, those terrifying green eyes searching for Peter. He wished someone was there to help him. But, he was alone. Which, gave him the chance to prove himself to Mr. Stark and the others. But, he was still a kid in the end run. Well, it was time to grow up. With a grunt, he shot a web at the junk tower closest to him and began to swing through the junk. As he did, he realized that this would have been a great place for him to pick up wires and things for the projects he was doing before he was captured. Maybe he would come back, if this Toomes guy was caught. When Adrian passed, Peter let his webs fly. He had to admit, he was getting better at this. His arms didn't even hurt from controlling the kickback anymore. He had to hide a few more times, each one getting more and more dangerous as his captors became even more irritated that they couldn't find him. By that time it was getting darker, which was not a good thing for Peter. He swung to the last pile and chanced a climb to the top to peek and see where he was. Instantly he knew where he was, seeing the street sign of Houston blaring right in front of his eyes. He wasn't too far away from Bleecker street, which in turn meant civilization and maybe some help. Hopefully whoever he went to didn't think he was some radioactive mouse. Bunching the muscles in his legs, Peter made sure he wasn't in anyone's shadow before jumping to the street sign, slamming into it with a small 'plink'. "Ouch," he grumbled and climbed up to the top. Now, the whole thing was getting to where he needed to go without being spotted by one of the cats roaming the area. "Great."
@sparrowrider @letsbeinspiredby @6inchicon @ixlovexirondad @carttorchdeatth
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fatandnerdy30 · 5 years
The Itsy Bitsy Spider Chapter 2
Tony slammed through the opening, stopping short, and let his hands fall, but then barely heard the cry from his hand. "Oh shit, sorry kid. You okay?" He lifted his hand again and saw the little person nod, then heave. "Hey, no throwing up on my suit. You may be small, but it's still gross. We all here?" He looked at Steve and Natasha, saw them nod. "Okay, good. Initiating self destruct."
"Wait!" Peter yelled, looking up at the man in shock. "You can't! Sean's still in there!" "Who the hell is Sean?" Mr. Stark snapped, eyes boring right into Peter, who shivered. "He's a scientist...He was being held here against his will!" He looked to Ms. Romanoff, eyes pleading. "Please tell me if you saw him! He's got Red hair, and spoke with a Scottish accent!" Natasha was taken aback, but she shook her head. "There was no one in the labs that looked like that." Peter's relief was almost tangible, but then he tensed. Then that meant Sean was probably taken somewhere. He was the boy's only hope of ever getting back to normal. "No.." he sobbed. "Well, this has all been interesting, but I don't want anyone getting their hands on whatever's in this lab, so, once again, initiating self destruct in three.....two....one...And now we run." Peter held on as the wind-actual wind- rushed past him, the sun hitting his skin. The boy tried to breathe it in, but it was over in an instant before he was inside of a larger than life pane, the wind being cut off by the hangar closing, a large explosion shaking the jet. Mr. Stark walked over to a chair and threw himself on it, making the teen on his palm cry out as he slipped, managing to get his hands to stick to the man's chest. Again he felt eyes on him as he tried to get his breath, hands laying flat on the cold metal. "That was close," he breathed. "How the hell..." Mr. Stark's voice came from above Peter, who looked up to see the man staring at him with an odd look. The boy blushed, then brought his feet up, feeling them stick and he stood, waving his arms at the odd angle. "Okay, anyone else freaked out by this?" Tony asked, his hand waving to the circus act on his chest. "Very," Natasha agreed, watching the small thing begin walking down Tony's body to the arm rest. "That's better," Peter sighed. He stiffened and looked up to see three pairs of eyes staring at him. "Oh...um..." he scratched the back of his neck bashfully, feeling his face heat up. "I guess that was kind of freaky, huh?" They were all silent for a minute. "Uh, ya think?" Tony asked, tapping the reactor attached to his chest for his suit to crawl back into. "You basically defied the laws of every physics book in history. Explain." Peter started to open his mouth, but stopped when a man came into view. "Hey guys, how was the rest...what's the matter?" Bruce was very confused as to what everyone was looking at, until he followed their gazes to see a very small person standing on Tony's armrest. "Is that Scott?" he asked, coming closer to look, but stopped when he heard the tiny person scream, seeing them back up. "Apparently not. Who is it then?" "Tony found him in the labs along with the dead bodies of all the experiments being kept there," Steve said, not taking his eyes off the tiny thing. "There were at least eight of them killed, not including...him," he waved at the boy. "Oh man....I'm so sorry you had to see that, little buddy." The doctor took a seat next to Tony. "My name's Doctor Banner, but you can call me Bruce." Peter's shaking lessened once he heard the giant's name. This was Doctor Banner? There was no way. "The Hulk?" he asked suddenly, and his hands clapped over his mouth. "I-I'm sorry, Mr. Banner, I-I mean Doctor Hulk, wait.." His face flushed when he heard the large man chuckle and Tony snorted behind his hand. "Don't worry about it. That is the world's reaction too, then the running and the screaming," the man joked. The boy stood, and he could feel his heart about to explode out of happiness because, here in this very plane, were his childhood heroes in the flesh. He wished he'd had a pen...but then again, it would probably be bigger than him. "I-I've read all of your papers from Gamma Ray technology, to micro-plant biology! I'm a huge fan!" Bruce blushed and chuckled. "Well, thanks little one. I really thought there were no more people who'd actually read my papers." Peter was about to answer, when Mr. Stark crossed his legs, elbow crashing next to the boy, making him yelp at the closeness. "So kid, what are you? I mean, you look human, but, you know." He held up his and brought his palm close to the boy's head, fingers spread out. Peter had to shake himself from the vibrations of the man's arm and took a step back, tripping over a button. "Oof..ouch.." he rubbed his bottom. "I'm just a kid," he said, folding his legs, holding them close to his chest, laying his cheek on them. "I'm human, I mean." "There's no way," Steve began, his brows furrowed. "How old are you?" Peter looked up Mr. Rogers, flinching back from the look in the man's eyes. "F-fiteen," the boy stuttered. "I swear! I'm in high school!" "What's your name?" Tony finally asked, trying to get the kid away from tears. "P-Peter Parker." "Friday, run a scan on the name Peter Parker." "Yes, boss," the AI said. Peter was starting to get cold, his heart not beating fast enough to maintain his body temperature at this height and he hugged his legs closer, wanting to get closer to the man's arm, but hesitant at the moment. He caught the man staring at him, and looked away, trying to move to hide his face, exposing his arms. "What happened here?" Tony poked the boy's arm lightly, but that was enough to nearly push him back, his hands flying out, catching him and showing the man a lot more bruises. "That's from the IV's the scientists gave me," Peter turned his arms to look at the bruises, some of which were healing from the shots they gave him yesterday. "They didn't care if they hurt me they actually did it on purpose, to test my healing. I never really knew what was in the needles, but I heard snippets of something about 'spider DNA' or something, which gave me advanced healing, or at least that's what Sean said, Mr. Stark." Natasha snorted at the name Peter used for Tony, mouthing 'Mr. Stark' and making a face, to which said man flipped her off. "Bruce, think you can get a sample of his blood without killing him?" "Yeah, I'll just need one of your worker bots to help. And not Dum-E, that thing can start a fire just by standing in the same room as a match." "Match found," Friday informed the plane as they flew through the skies. "Displaying information." The plane dimmed and the holographic picture of the small teen was displayed, along with the missing persons file from... "Six months?" Tony's eyes widened as he looked down at the boy. "You were in that lab for only six months, and they were able to do all this to you?" Had it been that long? Peter didn't know, but it seemed like a good amount of time. "I-I guess," he said, looking down as Mr. Stark continued to look into his file. "Midtown School of Sciences and Technology, not bad, kid. Looks like you weren't lying. Oh, what's this?" Tony pointed to a picture of a very attractive middle aged woman. "May Parker. She your mom?" Peter shook his head, staring at the face of the woman he hadn't seen for so long. "N-no," he sniffled. "That's my Aunt May. She and my Uncle Ben took me in when my parent's died." Tony frowned. "She's married. Pity." That comment earned him a glare from Natasha. "And so are you, with a child. Watch it." "Yeah yeah, semantics. But, we'll bring you home, give you to your aunt and uncle, end of story." Tony sat back and closed his eyes. "Tone, I don't think that's a good idea," Bruce said. "I mean, look at him. What if the shock of seeing what he's become is too much on them? How would you feel if Morgan suddenly went missing, then she comes back the size of one of her dolls?" "First, do not bring Morgan into this, and second that would never happen because she has Iron Man as her father, and I would never allow that to happen." "But not everyone has a super hero for a father," the doctor argued. The billionaire stared at the doctor for a second then sighed disgustedly. "Fine, he can stay with us. But, once we find a cure or whatever, he's gone," he pointed at the boy beaming up at him. "You're healed, you're gone, got it?" Peter nodded. He couldn't believe it, he got to stay at the Avengers facility? This was going to be so awesome! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The jet landed softly on the landing pad. Bruce was the first to get up and stretch, his hands going miles into the air with a loud groan. "I need to hit the head," Natasha groaned as she walked off the plane, Tony rolling his eyes behind her. "Nice language!" he yelled, chuckling when she made a rude hand gesture. He glanced down at the kid sleeping on his arm rest. The man was at a loss. Yes, he knew how to hold a child, but not a child the size of a mouse. He sighed and poked the kid. "Hey, wakey time." Peter groaned and rolled over, shivering a bit. "Go 'way," he mumbled, swatting at the person trying to wake him. "I'm not ready for school." Stark chuckled. "I don't think you'll be ready for school for a while, Thumbelina. Come on." Being as careful as he could, Tony slid the boy into his palm held below the arm rest. When the teen fell, he gasped and Tony felt the sensation of his hands sticking to his fingers on bare flesh. It felt...weird. "Let go," he told the kid, shaking his finger. "S-sorry...I got nervous." Peter slowly relaxed his body and let go, falling into the man's waiting hand, a feeling of safeness radiating from his savior. "Where are we?" He felt the vibration of each of Mr. Stark's footsteps as he walked off the plane and into the sun, which made the teen smile. "We're home," Stark said thankfully. Suddenly a blonde head caught his attention and he smiled. "Hi honey, I'm home." "I see. How was your trip?" the woman leaned in, kissing her husband. "Exciting?" They started walking into the building together, Pepper not paying attention to anything but her husband's face. "Oh yeah, I even brought you something. Hold out your hand, but don't drop it!" He turned and waited for Pepper to give him her hand and dropped the boy into her waiting palm, hearing his cry as he fell. "Take him," he pointed to Peter, "to Bruce while I go say hello to my Morguna. Love you," he kissed the shocked woman's cheek and walked away. "Um..Tony, I don't...Tony!" Pepper could only stare at the tiny boy in her hand as he sat up, every move ticking her palm. "Um, hi," she said. Peter looked up after he'd gotten to his knees and let out a shocked gasp. "You're Ms. Potts! I mean, Mrs. Stark?" He didn't know anymore, he was still tired and his stomach hurt from hunger. "Um, it's Stark," she said. "I guess I have to bring you to Bruce's lab," she started walking, trying to make her footsteps as even as possible, but she didn't miss the look on the tiny boy's face. "What's wrong?" Peter shook his head, his hands sticking to the woman's hand, his eyes full of fear. "N-no more labs!" he stuttered, his voice shaking. "Please...don't let them touch me again!" He looked back at the woman who'd stopped walking, fear clearly written on his face. "I don't wanna go back into a lab, please." Tears began tracking down his face. Pepper was speechless, but then her mothering instinct took over and she brought the scared boy to her chest, giving him the best version of a hug she could, shushing the boy quietly. "It's okay," she soothed. "Bruce isn't a bad guy, I promise. And, if you don't want to be in his lab, we can tell him, okay? It's okay, stop crying, it's okay." She rocked back and forth, acting like she would whenever Morgan cried. Peter could smell Mrs. Stark's perfume, but also he could feel her heartbeat under him, and that, along with her voice sounding all around him, he could feel himself calming down. It felt just like when his Aunt would hold him and he had to smile at the memory, gripping the white silk shirt tightly. Finally his sobs became small hiccups and the woman pulled her hands away, the boy falling back into her cupped hands which folded around him, making him feel safe, protected. "Do you feel better?" she whispered, feeling better when the boy nodded. "Good. Come on, let's go get you something to drink first." She started walking again, occasionally glancing down at the passenger in her hands.
@letsbeinspiredby @sparrowrider @carttorchdeatth​ @6inchicon
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fatandnerdy30 · 5 years
The Itsy Bitsy Spider 3
"Hey Pepper," Sam's voice called from the library as the woman passed. "Got a minute?" "Sorry, I don't. Do you want me to send someone else?" She stopped, thinking nothing of it when the man started walking towards her, but jerked when she heard the gasp come from her palms.
"The Falcon?!" Peter yelled, eyes wide, then slapped his hands over his mouth. Sam tensed and looked down at Pepper's hands, his eyes narrowing. "Is that Scott?" he snapped, already reaching for the small figure, figuring to give him a piece of his mind, grabbing the body before the woman could pull away, glaring. "Scott, I thought you were in hiding with Hank....and you're not Scott." He got a look at the scared face of the teenage boy that he just realized was too large to be Scott, even if he was still small, hanging in front of him. "Who is this?" Pepper glared at the man, holding her hand out under the boy. "First, let him go," she demanded, staring the man down until he did as he was told. "Second, Tony just brought him from his mission." She turned from the man, feeling the small body shaking all over again. "It's okay, shh." She closed her cupped hands over the scared boy. "We need to be alone for a minute, so if you need help, get Thor or someone." With that she stalked away from the man, radiating anger at the way he treated the small teen. Peter's body stopped shaking by the time he and Mrs. Stark reached the communal kitchen. He watched her fingers start to lower, and she brought her hands to the white marble counter. Reluctantly Peter climbed down and shivered as his bare feet touched the marble. "Is tea okay, sweetie?" Pepper turned towards the boy with a slight smile. Now that she had gotten somewhat used to the strange teen Tony brought home, she had to admit that he was very adorable. Especially when he blushed, like now. "Um, do you have coffee?" Peter asked, having a craving for the caffeine he'd been missing. Suddenly the counter started vibrating and Bruce walked in. "Hey Pepper, where's Tony? I was expecting him to bring...oh, there you are." He walked to the counter. "I want to take some blood, so I'll need you down in my la-" "He won't be going to your lab," Pepper broke in as she rounded on the man. "He told me he just came from a lab, and now you want to take him into another one? I don't think so." She placed a mug of coffee on the counter, then paused. How was he going to drink it? "I understand Peter's fright, but I only need a little blood to see what they did to him. That's all," Banner argued, picking up the coffee, which he thought was for him and taking a sip. Peter watched as the large hand lifted the mug away from him, but he didn't care. It wasn't him, so he wasn't bothered. He spotted Pepper stepping closer to the counter and took a few steps towards her until he could feel the woman's body heat. "So, if you need blood, you can draw it here." She placed her hands on either side of the boy-Peter, she assumed. She felt silly for not asking his name, but she had been in shock. "I can't do that, Pep. I need to use some of Tony's bots to get the blood sample, since he's so small." The woman sighed. "Peter," she called gently, waiting for Peter to look at her. The boy shook, knowing what was coming, but he knew of one way to be able to do it. "I-I know this is a-asking a lot...but...can you come? Please?" He needed the woman's comfort if he was going to do this, and even though they had literally just met, he wanted her by his side. Pepper smiled softly. "Yes I can. Come on," she held out her hand to the boy, shivering when he hurried up and sat. "Okay, Bruce, you win. Let's go." The man nodded and walked out, sipping his coffee, not catching the way Peter glared at him for taking his drink. "I'll get you some coffee when we're done," Pepper said softly to the boy. She never thought she'd feel this protective of another child after Morgan, but she guessed once one became a mother, seeing a child in need, your instincts kick in. "I'm sure Morgan has a cup you can use." The brunette simply nodded, too scared to speak. He really didn't want to go into another lab, but this time he had a support system. Like Sean was for him when he was taken by Hydra. Peter was brought out of his thoughts by the wind of the doors opening hitting his small form, causing him to shiver. "Are you cold?" Pepper asked, cupping her warm hands around him. "I've found I'm always cold, now. The scientists didn't take into account that my heart wouldn't be able to pump as fast as a smaller creature in order to regulate my temperature. If they had done the calculations, I never heard it anyway." He shrugged and wiggled a bit to sit by Pepper's fingers, each one a body-length heaters, but also for comfort, seeing all the beakers and lab equipment which brought back bad memories. "Well, I'll try and fix that," Bruce said as he started setting things up on a table. He laid out a thick, fluffy towel. "Just put him here. It'll be warmer than him sitting on the cold metal. And more comfortable." Peter didn't want to leave Pepper's hands, but he had to get this over with. Peter stepped from the woman's hand and on to the towel, surprised to find it very warm, warmer than a towel should be. "I have a towel warmer in here," Bruce could see the surprise on the boy's face. "I have terrible allergies and that's the only way to get rid of them sometimes." Peter had managed to laugh at the absurdity of the Hulk having allergies. He couldn't picture it and told the doctor in a shaky voice, calming when the man smiled down at him. "Yeah, it's a little silly, huh?" Bruce chuckled and brought Tony's bots over, frowning when he saw the boy's size compared to the robot arm. "This cold be difficult," he breathed. "Peter, I'll need you to stand here, okay?" He pointed to the middle of the towel. "I'll need to observe this very closely and make sure you're okay." The boy shook and stayed where he was, shaking his head. He wasn't leaving the woman's side. The doctor sighed. "Okay, I understand. Then, I'll bring the machine over to you. Don't move, and this will be over in a second, okay?" He brought the magnifying machine over to the boy, placing it over him. He got a good look at Peter and the minute he did, he knew he couldn't ever hurt this boy. Big brown puppy dog eyes stared up at him with fear, from under a head full of curls that fell over thin eyebrows. He had a straight nose that fit perfectly in between his boy/man face. From what Bruce could tell, Peter was well built, but it was hard to tell under the blue and red romper-like outfit. It almost looked like a prison outfit. He'd have to ask Tony to make the kid a new outfit, especially when he spotted the silver Hydra sign on the back. "Okay, here we go." Peter watched as the fingers came at him with a cotton pad that hurt the boy's nose and eyes. He yelped at the temperature of it when the doctor swiped it over his arm, the alcohol stinging his skin. "Hold on," Bruce said and turned up the magnifying power. "Does your healing work this fast? It's only been twenty minutes since the last I saw you on the Quinjet." Peter nodded shakily. "Y-yeah...for bruises, anyway. Larger cuts take longer to heal." He stared up at Bruce's eye, made larger by the lens. "I'm sorry, but that's incredible," the doctor responded in awe. "Okay. I have to make another wound, but this will hopefully be the last time for a long while." He programmed the bot with the needle. Peter couldn't stop shaking as he watched the large, thin needle come closer and closed his eyes. He'd never stop being afraid of needles, especially when they were the length of his arm. He felt a pinch and whimpered, but then felt warmth around him. He opened one of his eyes and saw Mrs. Stark had laid her hand around him, her thumb in front of him, which he gladly gripped with the hand not being used. "Okay, got a vein. We just need...that's it." Bruce had the bot pull away and wiped the boy's arm with the alcohol swab, hearing him hiss. "Sorry. But, we're done. You can go, okay? And, you did really good." Peter sighed as the man pulled the magnifying lens away, practically collapsing on Mrs. Stark's thumb. "I hate needles, " he said, earning a chuckle from the adults. "I understand that one," Dr. Banner laughed. "I'll just analyze this and let Tony know what I found. See you later, Peter." Peter was lifted by Mrs. Stark, and for the second time that day, he felt safe when someone lifted him off the table. He grabbed the woman's thumb and held on when she tilted her palm to carry the boy that way in one hand, and she grabbed the now empty coffee cup from Bruce in the other. It was time she had a talk with her husband. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Oh Morguna?" Tony called as he made his way into the facility. He was glad his family had a place to stay and be protected while he was away on missions, which weren't many nowadays. And for that he was glad. A giggle from a room ahead of him made Tony smile. He walked faster and stopped at the open door, leaning against the door frame, watching Morgan have a princess party with all her dolls, wearing a tutu and a crown. "Friday, record," he whispered, smiling gently at his little girl's giggles. He lived for moments like this. Morgan twirled and stopped facing the door and her face broke out into a bright smile and she ran to him. "Daddy!" she cried, her arms out as she leaped at Tony, who caught her. "Hello, Morguna! How's daddy's girl, huh?" "I was having a dance party! I wanted Wanda to come, but she said she was going to visit Uncle Bucky." The excited sparkle in the little girl's eyes put a smile on Tony's face. "Well, maybe if you ask really nice, next time uncle Bucky will come too," he said with mock excitement. He couldn't wait to get a video of that. Ever since he'd had the accords abolished, the ex-Winter Soldier had been coming by more and more to 'visit' Wanda. "Hey, who wants a juice pop?" he asked, making an excited face when his daughter gasped and smiled. "Okay, let's go get a juice pop!" Tony listened to his daughter talk all excited the entire way to the kitchen, a smile on his face the entire time. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pepper made her way back to the communal kitchen, dropping Peter off on the counter. "I'll be right back, okay? Just stay there." She waited for an affirmative from Peter and went off to search her daughter's room for a cup for him to use. The teen walked in circles, pausing when he heard voices, and they were getting closer. He wanted to hide, but Mrs. Stark had told him not to move. Did that mean the spot or the counter? Thinking quick, the small boy ran to the coffee mug that towered over him. He climbed up the side and into the mug seconds before the group of people came into the kitchen, their voices echoing in the empty ceramic walls around him. "Okay, I know you want orange, because that is my favorite flavor." The man turned then saw something on the counter, but it was gone a second later, and instead he saw a mug in its place. He opened his juice pop and grabbed the empty mug on the counter, rolling his eyes. "I swear I live with animals," he mumbled. He was about to place it in the sink when he spotted something and almost dropped it. Peter hung onto the inside of the mug staring up at Mr. Stark, green in the face from the movement. The two stared at one another, until the billionaire suddenly looked towards where the small girl's voice Peter thought it was coming from. The boy sent him a pleading look. Though he hadn't been around any kids like this, he knew that they could be dangerous to him right now. Tony nodded and placed the cup down, turning and clapping his hands. "Okay, finish that up and then it's time to get ready for bed." He pouted when Morgan whined and whined back at her. "But you just came home!" Morgan said, her bottom lip wobbling a bit. Tony stuck his bottom lip out at her. "And I'll be home tomorrow, and the next day," he swooped down, picking up the now giggling girl, "and the next day. It's nice to know you missed me, though.Come on," he moved her onto his hip. "Let's go brush your teeth."
@letsbeinspiredby @sparrowrider @carttorchdeatth
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fatandnerdy30 · 5 years
The Itsy Bitsy Spider 29
Oh man....just one more chapter to go!! Then, I don’t know what I’ll do...but, I’ll keep you guys updated! Until then, please enjoy!!
Tony arrived at the base shortly after sunrise. After pushing his suit to the limits of its speed, he broke the sound barrier at least three times in succession, leaving the quinjet in the dust. "Tony, you have to slow down and think," Steve's voice came from the comms. "It won't do Peter any good  if you show up alone and start blasting your way into the facility. Think about his safety first." Of course the righteous Captain America was right, but Tony didn't want to hear it. "Calm down, old man. I'm going to scout the area before you get here." And if he got to smash a few heads,  that was all the better. "Only scout," Rogers told him, his voice serious. "Yes dad. End communications." "Tony you'd be-" the line went dead. "Friday, if I ever get that cranky in my old age, you have permission to end me." "Yes Boss," she replied a little too hastily. "Really? Well, that's rude." He focused on the facility as it came into view, the rapid movements on his HUD flicking, ever changing and giving Tony the information he needed. The mist from the early ocean breeze fogged his vision a little, making it hard for him to see. "Friday, scan for a shield or a power source for one." Already his defoggers were working to clear the helm. "Yes, Boss." The AI did a full scan of the facility as Tony passed over it, activating stealth mode so he wouldn't be seen. "They have the set up for it, but it has yet to be activated." Perfect. "Get me a body count outside of the facility." "I count fifteen guards, all armed." Fifteen? He could take that many in his sleep. He began landing procedures, his suit balancing out to hover just above the ground, his hands out. "Hey," Tony whistled to get the guard's attentions. "Yeah, you. Catch." His tracking system had targeted the men and he shot bullets from his suit, hitting each one in the kneecap, crippling them. "Told you to catch." With that, he flew up and took off his stealth mode just as the quinjet flew overhead, Steve jumping out even before it could land. He landed on one knee, slamming his shield into the ground to absorb the impact. "Just couldn't wait," he quipped. Tony didn't want to hear a whole speech. "Of course not, which is why I started the games early. They already lost. Friday counted fifteen, well, now twelve, guards on the ground. I didn't do an internal scan yet." "Make that ten," Natasha's voice came over the comms. "Eight," said Sam. They were knocking these guys out easily. Too easily. "Guys, don't you think this is too easy?" Tony voiced his fears. "I had noticed that...why do you think that is? I mean, they usually put up more of a fight than this." Sam had deployed Redwing and he shot four of the guards, watching them go down, unconscious. "Unless....guys! This isn't the main facility!" At that minute, something in the harbor splashed and Tony sped into the air to see a Hydra underwater vehicle race away, diving under the waves. "Oh no you don't. Guys, I'm going after it." "Tony, no! At least wait for Rhodey!" Steve's command was ignored and the mechanic raced to the harbor. "Friday, anything?" He was beginning to panic now. "No....It must have a stealth mode that makes me unable to track it." That made Tony's heart skip a beat. "Then we'll just have to look the old fashion way. How much air do I have?" "Thirty minutes. This model isn't made for underwater missions." "Remind to fix that." With that, he dove into the bay, his repulsors pushing him through the murky water, trying to find any trace of the black submarine. Was he too late? Suddenly, to his left he saw a trail of what looked like bubbles disappearing. "Found you trail of breadcrumbs..." He shot off in the direction of the trail. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Tony, I told you to wait for Rhodey!" Steve snapped, pressing his communicator in his ear. "How can I wait with one of my kids in danger?" Came the billionaire's answer. "Besides, Rhodey already has me on lock and on his way." "Could have told me that sooner," the captain muttered. "Just be careful. We'll check it out here. And Rhodey, make sure he doesn't blow up the ship. There might be more experiments on board." "Wasn't counting on letting him get that far," came the colonel's answer. With that, the line went dead and Steve sighed. "Avengers," he called to the team, waiting for them to group around him. "We've got no idea what could be inside, so once we breach, we'll have to be careful. Everyone, watch your backs." The group nodded and they broke up. Natasha went straight for the vents, slipping in silently. Sam went for an air approach and Steve....well, Steve took a page from Hulk. He smashed his way in. "I was right," Sam whispered over the comms. "There's nothing in here. It's just an empty building." Steve cursed under his breath. "Natasha? Anything from your end?" Suddenly, the wall was kicked in behind him and he turned, raising his shield. "The vents are even fake!" the assassin complained. "Who the hell goes to this much effort to create a building with fake vents? It's unnatural." Rogers sighed. "Looks like we're getting wet," he told the team and ran outside for the quinjet, the team behind him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peter sat in his cage, playing with the cold food at his feet. The bacon had begun to gelatinize and he was drawing in the grease when the door slammed open, making him yelp and jump. "Righ this way, Mr. Bloom." It was the man that hit Morgan's voice. Peter grew angry when he saw his face and shot up, running to the front of the cage, banging on the glass. "You! You bastard!" He screamed, anger written on his tiny features. "Well, well, Mr. Ward...It looks like number seventy-three doesn't like you very much." Bloom walked through the door and instantly the boy stopped his banging. His red face was suddenly white washed. "Hello, seventy-three. How pleased I am that you remember me." He took steps towards the small rectangular cage on the silver table, always looking down at the being inhabiting it. "I trust you are well?" He asked. But, Peter couldn't answer him. Fear had closed his throat and he found his legs too shaky to hold him up and crumpled to the floor. He watched as the man gripped the cage in his hands, his breath pumping from him in great gasps as his fight or flight instinct kicked in, but he couldn't run, and he sure as hell couldn't fight this giant man. He could only stare as the cage was brought up to Bloom's eyes. The cold, peering eyes of the scientist brought back bad memories and tears started leaking from the boy's eyes, his bottom lip trembling. "You look good. But, it seems you haven't finished your breakfast. That's a good thing, though. You'll have to have an empty stomach for the procedure." The eyes took on a sorrowful gaze. "I wish we could have kept you alive, but we need to extract everything and anything that contains your DNA." With that, he brought the cage down and tucked it under his arm. Peter felt every step, every beat of the scientists heart....but he didn't care. He didn't want to die in a lab, cut open like a high school experiment. With a sob, he threw himself at the glass. He did it again and winced as his shoulder grew sore. Again and again, he tried to get out, but every time he hit it, the glass was left unchanged. How? How could he not get away, even with his abilities? With a snarl, he stuck to the walls and climbed up to the sealed top and hanging by his arms, he kicked at the clear top. But, just like the sides, he couldn't break it. He couldn't even put a dent in it. He dropped to the bottom, staring at the walls, an incredulous look on his face. So, this was really it....He was going to die..... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "If I may, what's in the case?" Bruce picked up the circular case, turning it over carefully to study it as if it were some kind of puzzle. "It's where I store my cars," Pym gently took the case. "We need to be outside for this." He walked out onto the porch and down the stairs. "Where can I set this up?" Clint, who was leaning against the railing, pointed to the spot next to a tree with a target on it. "Over there, in that field. It doesn't have anything growing in it yet and has the most room." "Perfect." hank walked over and set the case down, opening it. "Oh, I forgot." He turned toward the plane sitting on the grass in the front of the house. Pulling out a remote, he looked to Hope, who nodded and started walking towards it. "Hope you're not gonna try and change the channel," the archer joked, squinting against the sun. Pym just smiled and pushed the red button. Instantaneously the plane disappeared, or it seemed to. Hope bent down to retrieve the small model sized toy looking plane from the ground. "We have to work on the weight ratio," she said with a strained voice. "It's much heavier than the cars." "I know, I just haven't had the time." Hank then pulled out a hideous(in his opinion) brown van and placed it on the ground, clicking the blue button this time. "Amazing," said Banner, awe in his voice as he watched the toy become a life sized car. "Absolutely incredible. Is this the van that powers the Quantum tunnel? How do you control it?" He inched closer to the van. Even though this wasn't his area of expertise, he was still a curious scientist. "Yes, the van powers everything. Unfortunately I lost my lab a while ago in an explosion actually pertaining to the tunnel. Luckily, I was able to shrink it to its present size. I fixed the van up with a high powered battery in order to power the tunnel efficiently." "That is really fascinating....Is the batter lithium powered or nuclear based?" "Neither, actually. It's powered by Quantum energy that Scott pulls out. Which, is what he's going to do today. As soon as we have Peter back, I'll be able to take some blood samples and run diagnostics on him. You said his blood is very interesting, which I can't wait to see." He hoped the team would be able to get him back soon. He was worried about the small teen. "I'm sure he'll be fine," Bruce laid a hand on Pym's shoulder. "Don't worry." Hank nodded and turned to the van. "Scott? Can you please turn it on?" Lang nodded and jumped into the driver's seat and turned the ignition on. "Just needs to warm up." As he was getting out, his hand accidentally hit the horn, sounding the playful tone. "Sorry.." Clint burst out laughing at the hat dance that played. "That's your secret weapon? Oh my God...Best blackmail ever." "Bruce, can you set these up over there?" Hank handed the doctor a few stands that were miniaturized. "And  don't touch anything until I say so." Banner nodded and placed the mini stands in the clearing, close enough to the van that they would be able to reach with wires. "Here?" Hank nodded and pushed the accelerator, unshrinking them. "Now, we attach the wires and Scott can go get the energy we'll need. I'm going to need multiple cans this time." Scott nodded and jumped into the passenger's seat and pressed a few buttons. A row of energy canister's popped up from the console and he grabbed the whole row, another row appearing behind it. "Is one row enough?" "Should be. Come on, I want to get this over with so we can help get Peter back!" Hank was already hooking the wires into the computers that lead to the van, booting them up. He typed in his code and  waited for the Pym logo to show up, then opened up the necessary files, inputting the codes. "All right, we're good to go. Scott, you ready?" "Ready and waiting." "Okay. Hope, I'll-" "You need me on the other computer, I know. Who's going to man the third, though?" "I can help, if you tell me what to do," Bruce said, taking a step towards the computers. "I'm actually really good with technology." "Good, then take the one next to Hope. She can tell you what to hit." He was going to be watching Scott's progress on the screen, as well as how much energy he was able to absorb. "We're ready," Came Hope's voice. "Ready here....okay. Going Subatomic in three....two...one..." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The process of going that small had freaked Scott out for the longest time, but now, as he passed through the tunnel, he found himself actually enjoying the peace and serenity of the space with no concept of time. As he shrunk, he stayed away from the dark tunnels,. not wanting to get caught in a vortex or in a different time line. Or even a different realm. That was the scariest part about this. Once he was clear of those, though, he kind of just floated. A rainbow of colors, turning through the ever shifting kaleidoscope of the space. "Scott, mic test," came Hank's voice over his comms. Scott immediately answered once he found his head. "This is a go for Scott Lang. Opening up the first container." He opened the absorber, watching the Leptons jump in and out of the crystalline particles shifting around him, reminding him of jumping fish, beautiful and hypnotic. Once one was full, he got another out, attaching the full ones to his belt until his waist was almost decked out. "I think Bruce would love to see this sometime. Maybe we can get him into a suit, hmm?" "Don't push it, Scott. How we doing? I see you've almost completely filled the last container." "Just finished loading up the last one. Ready to be extracted and back to normal." He said and looked around the terrifying beauty of the realm between realms. "Extraction in three....two....one..." Scott was assaulted by the vertigo from growing so quickly, but it passed once he was out of the tunnel. "All full and ready for you." He clicked open his mask and took a deep breath of fresh air. He had air while in the tunnel from his suit, but even after just a few minutes recirculated air got stale fast. "Thank you, Scott. Now, let's get going. We've got a boy to save." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bloom sat in the car, watching the scenery pass with a small smirk on his lips. By now, Stark was probably chasing down the dummy lab, now miles away from the shore line. And by the time the Avengers figured it out, Bloom would be safely in the air. It was a goof thing he kept a stash of his lab equipment with him. He would like to get started as soon as possible. Looking down, he saw the boy curled up in the corner of the glass cage, arms wrapped around his legs. It was then he noticed something on his wrists. "What is this?" Picking up the cage, he peered inside, squinting his eyes to see the boy's wrists. "Seventy-three. What is that on your wrists?" Angry brown eyes looked up at him for a fraction of a second before disappearing behind his knees again. Silent treatment? "Fine. I'll remove them eventually." Bloom sat back, placing the cage on the floor, and shoved it under his seat. If the subject didn't want to cooperate, then he would be in the dark. "How much longer until we meet the plane?" "About ten minutes," Ward told him, opening one eye. "Nervous?" "I am never nervous. I just do not like being so close to Stark and his team." He sat back, his foot hitting the case. He heard scrabbling from inside and then nothing. Whatever. He didn't have the patience to check on seventy-three. He wanted to board the plane and get off the ground. It was safe in the air. Ten minutes passed like nothing and soon, Bloom was reaching for the case, shoving it under his arm roughly and climbing out. "Get the engine started!" he screamed and ran to board it. "Hurry up, Ward!" "I'm coming, Mr. Bloom. Calm down." Ward climbed the steps and as soon as he was in, he reached behind him and pulled the chain to close the door, locking it in place. "Now we can go." "Take off!" he screamed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peter watched in horror as his last chance at escape was closed, pressing his hands to the glass he watched as the world became the inside of a small plane. Soon, he was shoved under the scientists seat. And there he sat, alone in the dark, dreading his future. Peter's ears popped, signalling they were rising and leveling out until it stopped. A sob caught in his throat and he curled up on his side in a fetal position, crying into his knees. "May...Mom.....Dad...." he whispered. He was scared. When they had been in the air for a while, Bloom pulled out the clear cage and leered in at the boy, who stared at him with wide, terrified eyes. "It is time." At that, Peter started shaking and once again tried to escape from the box, but like last time, he wasn't able to break the glass. Not even a crack. But, Bloom had to put his hand in, didn't he? That could be Peter's chance! It seemed like the Parker Luck was working though, as he watched a tube be attached to the top of the cage. What? Suddenly a small slit appeared and Peter felt air hit his head, which was odd. Then it hit him. That wasn't air! "No!" he screamed, beating his fists against the clear plates, begging Bloom with his eyes. "Please! Please, don't do this!" Slowly his muscles began to weaken as he felt his body slipping under the anesthesia. He tried forcing himself to stay awake, but it was impossible and soon blackness swallowed him.
@sparrowrider @midas-or-khaos @letsbeinspiredby @6inchicon @ixlovexirondad @carttorchdeatth
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fatandnerdy30 · 5 years
The Itsy Bitsy Spider 17
Hope and Scott enlarged themselves as soon as they came in the special door Hank had provided for them. Both of them were heavy hearted for the news they had to tell Hank.
"Hope?" he father called from the living room. "I thought I heard you. Did you bring...oh you did." Hank came walking out into the foyer and made a face at Scott, who smiled and waved. "Hey Hank. It's nice to see you again. OH! Ummm...thanks for the new suit. It fits perfectly." "Of course it does. We've been working together for almost two years. I think I should know your measurements by now. Now, where is Sean? His family is waiting to see him." Hope shook her head, looking sadly at the floor. "We...we lost him. He was killed by one of the doctors that was holding his family captive. I'm sorry..." Doctor Pym was speechless. "How?" he finally asked after a long silence. "There was another man in the room. He took us by surprise when we thought he was unconscious, but he still had enough life in him to manage to pull a knife on Sean and....stabbed him in the back." Hope took a deep breath. She usually wasn't this upset when they lost someone. But, this man had known her father, was her father's friend. She would have liked to get to know him. "In the end, Sean destroyed his files, all his research." took the small tablet out of her back pocket, using a blue disc on it. "We were able to save the tablet Doctor McCleary was holding, but that's all." She handed the bloody tablet to her father, seeing the face he made when he took it. "Thank you," he managed to say around the sudden lump in his throat. His one time partner was gone. He shouldn't be feeling this way, he hadn't spoken to the man in nearly thirty years. But, it still hurt. "Any luck getting in touch with Doctor Banner?" Hope asked. Hank shook his head. "I started to..but I've been thinking, and I don't think I want anything to do with the Avengers if Stark is anywhere near them." "What?!" Scott exclaimed. "So, you'll just leave a kid who used to be normal, the size of a mouse for the rest of his life, without helping? Not even sending Doctor Banner any information on the serum that could have been used?" Hank gave Lang an angry glare. "You have no clue what Stark is like! He's a user. He uses everyone and everything for his own gain!" Scott shook his head. "No. I don't agree with you. I met him, fought with him...he uses his technology to help people, not take them down! You're thinking of his father!" The white haired man glared at Scott, but didn't say anything. Nothing would change his mind on the Stark family. "I want you to bring the boy here, then. If we have him, we can at least tell if the serum is reversible." Hope and Scott looked at him with shocked faces. "Do you know how impossible that would be? Tony has an AI that monitors the entire building, and I'm pretty sure he has things in place for anything ant sized." "Well, I am not stepping foot in a Stark building, even if that means leaving a child the way he is now!" Hank was stubborn, but the thing was, so was Hope. "Well, I'll go into the building then, and have you on Video where you can see the kid, talk with him, ask him questions. Sound good?" "Not really. I don't want you anywhere near the Avengers." "This isn't going to solve anything. Just suck up your pride, Hank and go to see this kid! Or, at least contact Doctor Banner!" Scott had had enough of this. The two glared at one another until Pym sighed. "Fine. I'll go into Stark's tower. But, he's not getting any files or information from me." With that, the man turned. "Where are you going?" Scott yelled. He wasn't finished. "To tell Sean's family the news," was all Hank needed to say. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The news was playing on the screen in front of the nurses station. May wasn't really paying much attention to what was being broadcast as she did her filing, until something caught her eye. Turning to the television, she saw it was the Avengers taking fire from some super villain that could fly, the footage from almost a week ago. But, that wasn't what she was looking at. One of the camera men turned his attention to the Hulk, who had Tony Stark's daughter in his arms, but there was something on his shoulder. The camera zoomed in a little more and May thought her heart was going to stop. There, sitting the green giants shoulder, was Peter! The woman let out a small scream as she watched the monster grab him in his hand and close the fist. "May?" One of the woman's coworkers came over, worry on her brow. "What's wrong?" "Peter," she whispered. "Peter's alive!" She pointed to the battle on the screen. The woman was unable to wrap her head around it all. Her nephew was alive and was the size of a doll with Tony Stark. The Hulk was shown again, but this time his legs were caught in a metallic rope and he was sent flying to the ground, letting go of the Stark girl, but the camera couldn't pick up Peter. Until the little girl was about to fall to her doom. Her sleeve was being pulled by something, and the cameraman focused in on Peter as he grabbed her sleeve and managed to actually pull the girl to safety. May smiled, tears in her eyes. Just like her nephew to think of others! Suddenly, he was gone, a piece of asphalt landing where he was. She let out a scream and collapsed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "First things first." Steve was setting up to start training Peter. It was a little odd not to be using the equipment, but hey, work with what you've got. "We run some tests. First test: strength. Sam told us what you did on that bridge with Morgan, and let me tell you, that was no small feat. So, I want to see how much you can lift." He set up the smallest weights they had, which weren't light, but not too heavy either. "Start with the smallest, lightest one. Then move up until you can't lift anymore. Sound good?" Peter nodded with a smile as he jumped off Mr. Stark's palm, taking off the wrist straps and running up to the weights that were so much larger than him. But, he couldn't be put down by that, because this was his moment to show the Avengers what he could do! Rubbing his hands together, Peter grabbed the weight. Everyone watched with bated breath as the boy lifted the weight with ease above his head. That was ten pounds, no light weight. "Now what?" he asked, not about to just let the weight drop. "Just put it down and go to the next," Steve said patiently. Peter nodded and gently set the dumbbell down, moving on to the next one, which was fifteen pounds. Again, he easily lifted the weight above his head for about thirty seconds before setting it down again. Again and again he lifted the weights, but started struggling when he hit the fifty pound mark. At sixty pounds, he was literally shaking in his effort to lift it. At seventy pounds, he grunted as he tried to lift it, but could barely get it over his head before he dropped the weight, breathing hard, his face red. There were six more weights, so he moved to the next one, which was seventy-five. He struggled a lot with this one, this time barely getting it off the ground before he collapsed to his knees, panting. Peter felt the ground rumbling so bad he actually fell over, only to be met with several adults, all of them looking down at him from their towering, skyscraper heights. It was scary, but the boy couldn't move at the moment. Tony knelt down first. "You okay, Spiderling?" When the boy nodded, he smirked. "Well that was one helluva show, Thumbelina. Feel like you could do a little more?" Peter nodded. "Yeah...let me just catch my breath?" He let out a gasp as he was grabbed around his middle by two large fingers and lifted from the ground. A water bottle cap was thrust into his hands filled with sweet, blissful water by a smirking billionaire. The teen couldn't thank Mr. Stark before he started chugging the liquid down, not stopping until it was empty. "That's much better, thanks." He sighed. "So what's next?" "We want to see how well you're able to stick to things," Bruce came forward, excitement in his voice. "We've seen you in action on certain objects, but we want to test in what climate you would stick. Like, can you stick to wet surfaces, frozen surfaces, things like that. Can you handle it?" Peter nodded, but then paused. "I think the chemical should be done by now, too," he said thoughtfully. "But, I have nothing to put it in and I really wanted to test it out. I mean, I have something to put it in, but no container since I didn't have time to measure it yesterday while I was building the shooter." Tony smirked and held out his hand to Banner, dropping the teen into the doctor's palm. "Yeah, I already thought of that. While you two were playing mad scientist, I made something for the kid. Be right back." Peter gave Doctor Banner a confused look, to which the man just shrugged. "I can never tell what Tony's thinking," he replied. While they waited for Tony to come back, Bruce let Peter off his palm to stick to the nearest wall. The entire group watched in fascination as they small boy climbed all the way to the top of the ceiling. Wanda followed when he got too high as a safety precaution, ready to catch the boy if he fell. But, Peter had all his concentration on his hands and feet, making sure they stuck to the surface of the smooth wall. When he turned to look down, he was met with the smiling face of Wanda, who waved to him. "How long do they want me to stay up here?" he asked, and the girl repeated down to the others. "You can come down any time you want, son. You didn't even have to climb that high," Steve laughed, imagining Peter's blush. "Well that's something you should have told me," Peter grumbled. He wanted to test his own abilities too, and someone was there to catch him just in case. So, he turned around and slowly let his hands off the wall and straightened out so he could just walk down the wall like it was nothing. A few times he had to catch himself because of the weird angle, but he was sure it was a pretty cool sight. And it helped him understand that he could stick to more than just metal this way. "Reminds me of when we first rescued him," Natasha laughed. "Freaked Tony out so bad to see him just walk down his suit." Peter grinned at the memory as he stepped onto the floor. "I wasn't sure I could do it, because I had never used my new abilities before Mr. Stark came into the lab. I had been hiding under the table they put my cage on, sticking to one of the table legs after they..." Peter stopped himself, unable to think about what the soldiers did back then. It seemed like so long ago, but it had only been two weeks since then. "It's okay," Bucky said, kneeling down. "I understand more than anyone how messed up Hydra can be. But, if you ever want to talk about it, just let me know and I'll be there to listen." Peter smiled up gratefully at the man and nodded. "Thank you," was all he said, and that was all that needed saying. "What did I miss?" Mr. Stark asked as he walked back into the room holding a brown bottle and something in his fisted hand. "Well, Peter just climbed up to the ceiling and literally walked back down," Sam said. "Freakiest thing I've ever seen, and I fought Ant-Man." "Friday, turn the sprinklers on the wall please," Steve asked and suddenly Peter was almost swept away by the river streaming down the wall and onto the floor. "Woah!" he cried, falling on his butt and just going with the current, that is until Rhodey reached down and plucked him from the water like a drowning bird. "Easy there, Spider-Head," the man laughed, though it felt weird to have a something so small actually literally sticking to him. "A little warning next time, Cap?" he asked the wincing blonde. "Th-thanks Mr. Rhodes." "Hey, you don't have to call me that, kid. Just call me Rhodey, okay? That's what everyone calls me anyway, except when I'm at work, then they call me Mr. Rhodes, or General." Peter's face was priceless when he told him that, his eyes wide and his mouth shaped like the perfect 'O'. "You're a general? That's amazing!" He hadn't ever met a general before, and he had a million and one questions, but they were interrupted by Mr. Stark literally grabbing Peter from the man's hand. "Okay, time to see if you stick." Tony said with a smirk, the teenager squirming in between his pointer and thumb. He pressed the boy to the wall and waited a minute before slowly bringing his hand away, but keeping one palm up under him just in case. And Peter was glad for the hand, because the minute Mr. Stark let go, he slipped at least a foot-to him-down the wall before he was able to feel his fingertips grip. "Phew, that was close," he laughed, looking back to see the giant adults watching him with worried faces. "I'm okay, just took a minute. I'm gonna start climbing now." And Peter did just what he said he was going to do. But, he didn't get very far before he lost his concentration, thinking about how well this was going, and he fell. Tony was glad he'd had his hand out, because the kid fell right into the center of his palm, face pale and eyes squeezed shut. "You okay, Pete?" Peter opened one eye, then let out an explosive breath and nodded. "Yeah, yeah....I'm good...just lost my concentration for a second." "What do you mean?" Bruce asked, coming over to inspect Peter for any injuries. "Concentration?" Peter nodded. "Yeah. It's like, when I focus on sticking to things, I do it, even if it's in the back of my mind, as long as I'm thinking about it, I can do it. I don't really know how it works, but it does. I think anyway. I wasn't really able to use my abilities back in the lab, spending almost all my time in that cage, at least until Sean came in. He let me out and set up a little obstacle course for me to use for exercise." The team all had the same look of pity on their faces, to which Peter freaked out at. "It-it's no big deal!" he cried, eyes wide. "I'm not in there anymore, so that part of my life is over!" He was telling the truth about that. His life had gotten better than it ever had, even with May. Sure she was great, but ever since they lost Ben, he'd lost a father figure of sorts. But, now when he looked around the room, he had so many male role models. But when he looked at Mr. Stark, he almost felt like the man was his father in a way. He couldn't explain it, but whenever the man held him in his hands, he felt....safe. Protected. And in a way, loved. He liked feeling that way. "Boss," Friday's voice came from the ceiling. "Happy says there's a woman screaming at the gate of the Compound. She says her name is May Parker." Peter's face went white as he looked up at Mr. Stark with horror. Aunt May was here!?
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