#Provincial Jurisdiction
Navigating the Complexity of CRN ABSA Application with Little P.Eng.
In the realm of engineering and industrial processes, safety and compliance are paramount. The proper functioning of boilers, pressure vessels, and other equipment is not only essential for operational efficiency but also for the safety of personnel and the environment. This is where regulatory bodies like ABSA (Alberta Boilers Safety Association) come into play, ensuring that the design and fabrication of pressure equipment meet rigorous safety standards. To operate in Alberta, Canada, manufacturers and suppliers of pressure equipment must obtain Canadian Registration Numbers (CRNs) from ABSA. However, the application process can be intricate and demanding, requiring a deep understanding of both engineering principles and the regulatory framework. That's where Little P.Eng. steps in - offering CRN ABSA application services that streamline the process and ensure compliance.
Understanding CRNs and ABSA
Before delving into the services provided by Little P.Eng., it's crucial to comprehend what CRNs are and the role of ABSA in the safety and regulation of pressure equipment.
Canadian Registration Numbers (CRNs)
CRNs are unique identification numbers issued by Canadian provinces and territories for the design and construction of pressure equipment. These numbers signify that the equipment complies with the relevant safety codes and standards. In the case of Alberta, CRNs are issued by ABSA, which serves as the provincial authority responsible for boiler and pressure vessel safety.
ABSA (Alberta Boilers Safety Association)
ABSA is an independent, not-for-profit organization that administers the safety codes and standards in Alberta. It plays a pivotal role in ensuring the safe design, construction, installation, operation, and maintenance of boilers, pressure vessels, and pressure piping systems. ABSA's authority extends to various industries, including oil and gas, petrochemical, manufacturing, and power generation.
The Complexity of CRN ABSA Applications
Obtaining a CRN from ABSA is a multi-faceted process, and the complexity of the application often poses challenges for manufacturers, fabricators, and suppliers of pressure equipment. This complexity stems from several factors:
Diverse Equipment Types: Pressure equipment comes in various forms, including boilers, pressure vessels, heat exchangers, and more. Each type may have distinct design and fabrication requirements.
Regulatory Landscape: ABSA follows a comprehensive set of safety codes and standards, including CSA B51, ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, and others. Navigating these regulations requires expertise.
Design and Documentation: Detailed engineering drawings and calculations are essential for demonstrating compliance. These documents must align with the safety codes and standards.
Provincial Jurisdiction: CRNs are specific to provinces or territories, and manufacturers must secure CRNs for each location where they plan to operate pressure equipment.
Quality Assurance: Manufacturers must establish and maintain quality control programs to ensure that their equipment meets safety standards throughout its lifecycle.
Timely Processing: Delays in the application process can impact project timelines and market entry. Efficient processing is crucial.
Little P.Eng.: Your Partner in CRN ABSA Applications
Little P.Eng. Engineering Consultant is a trusted name in the engineering industry, renowned for its expertise in pressure equipment design and CRN ABSA applications. With a team of seasoned professionals and a commitment to excellence, Little P.Eng. provides comprehensive services that simplify the complexities of obtaining CRNs from ABSA. Here's how they do it:
1. In-Depth Knowledge of Codes and Standards
Little P.Eng. possesses an in-depth understanding of the Canadian safety codes and standards, including CSA B51 and ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. This knowledge is foundational in guiding clients through the regulatory landscape.
2. Engineering Expertise
The firm's team of engineers brings years of experience to the table. They are well-versed in the design, fabrication, and quality control requirements for a wide range of pressure equipment, ensuring that designs align with safety standards.
3. Comprehensive Documentation
Successful CRN ABSA applications hinge on meticulous documentation. Little P.Eng. assists clients in preparing detailed engineering drawings, calculations, and other necessary documents, adhering to ABSA's rigorous standards.
4. Equipment Types
Little P.Eng. caters to a diverse clientele, including manufacturers and suppliers of boilers, pressure vessels, heat exchangers, and other pressure equipment. Their expertise spans various equipment types.
5. Provincial Considerations
Understanding the nuances of provincial jurisdiction is crucial. Little P.Eng. helps clients navigate the intricacies of securing CRNs for specific regions, including Alberta.
6. Quality Assurance
Quality control is an integral part of pressure equipment safety. Little P.Eng. assists clients in establishing and maintaining effective quality assurance programs, ensuring that equipment complies with safety standards throughout its lifecycle.
7. Efficient Processing
Timeliness is a critical factor in project execution. Little P.Eng. prioritizes efficient processing, minimizing delays and ensuring that clients can enter the market promptly.
The Benefits of Partnering with Little P.Eng.
Collaborating with Little P.Eng. for CRN ABSA application services offers numerous advantages:
Regulatory Compliance: Little P.Eng. ensures that all pressure equipment designs align with ABSA's safety codes and standards, guaranteeing compliance.
Streamlined Processes: The firm's expertise simplifies the application process, reducing administrative burdens and minimizing potential delays.
Risk Mitigation: By adhering to safety standards, clients mitigate the risks associated with pressure equipment operation, ensuring the safety of personnel and the environment.
Market Entry: Obtaining CRNs expedites market entry, enabling manufacturers and suppliers to provide their products and services in Alberta with confidence.
Efficiency and Cost Savings: Efficient processing and compliance translate into cost savings and optimized project timelines.
Navigating the complexities of CRN ABSA applications for pressure equipment can be a daunting task, but with the expertise and support of Little P.Eng. Engineering Consultant, the process becomes more manageable. As a trusted partner, Little P.Eng. brings a wealth of knowledge, engineering acumen, and a commitment to safety and compliance, ensuring that clients can operate their pressure equipment with confidence and peace of mind. With Little P.Eng. by your side, the path to CRN certification with ABSA becomes clearer, safer, and more efficient.
Regulatory Compliance
Engineering Expertise
Little P.Eng. Engineering Consultant
Risk Mitigation
CRN ABSA Application
Pressure Equipment Compliance
Alberta Boilers Safety Association (ABSA)
Canadian Registration Numbers (CRNs)
Safety Codes and Standards
Pressure Equipment Design
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Safety
Complexities of CRN Applications
Design and Documentation Requirements
Quality Control Programs
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
CSA B51 Standards
Efficient Processing
Provincial Jurisdiction
Market Entry
Safety and Environmental Protection
Streamlined Application Process
Timely CRN Certification
Meticulous Documentation
Quality Assurance Programs
Equipment Types
Compliance with Safety Standards
CRN Issuance
Engineering Drawings and Calculations
Efficient Project Execution
Little P.Eng. Benefits for CRN Applications
Engineering Services
Pressure Vessels Design Services
Located in Calgary, Alberta; Vancouver, BC; Toronto, Ontario; Edmonton, Alberta; Houston Texas; Torrance, California; El Segundo, CA; Manhattan Beach, CA; Concord, CA; We offer our engineering consultancy services across Canada and United States. Meena Rezkallah.
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arkipelagic · 4 months
The Spanish surnames of many Filipinos have often misled foreigners here and abroad, who are unaware of the decree on the adoption of surnames issued by Governor-General Narciso Clavería in 1849. Until quite recently in the United States, the Filipinos were classified in demographic statistics as a “Spanish-speaking minority,” along with Puerto Ricans, Cubans, Mexicans, and other nationals of the Central or South American republics. The Philippines, as is well known, was a Spanish colony when Spain was mistress of empires in the Western Hemisphere; but the Americans were “hispanized” demographically, culturally, and linguistically, in a way the Philippines never was. Yet the Spanish surnames of the Filipinos today—García, Gómez, Gutiérrez, Fernández—seem to confirm the impression of the American statistician, as well as of the American tourist, that the Philippines is just another Mexico in Asia. Nor is this misunderstanding confined to the United States; most Spaniards still tend to think of “las Islas Filipinas” as a country united to them through the language of Cervantes, and they catalogue Philippine studies under “Hispano-America.” The fact is that after nearly three-and-a-half centuries of Spanish rule probably not more than one Filipino in ten spoke Spanish, and today scarcely one in fifty does. Still the illusion lives on, thanks in large part to these surnames, which apparently reflect descent from ancient Peninsular forbears, but in reality often date back no farther than this decree of 1849.
Somehow overlooked, this decree, with the Catálogo Alfabético de Apellidos which accompanied it, accounts for another curiousity which often intrigues both Filipinos and foreign visitors alike, namely, that there are towns in which all the surnames of the people begin with the same letter. This is easily verifiable today in many parts of the country. For example, in the Bikol region, the entire alphabet is laid out like a garland over the provinces of Albay, Sorsogon, and Catanduanes which in 1849 belonged to the single jurisdiction of Albay. Beginning with A at the provincial capital, the letters B and C mark the towns along the coast beyond Tabaco to Tiwi. We return and trace along the coast of Sorsogon the letters E to L; then starting down the Iraya Valley at Daraga with M, we stop with S to Polangui and Libon, and finish the alphabet with a quick tour around the island of Catan-duanes. Today’s lists of municipal officials, memorials to local heroes, even business or telephone directories, also show that towns where family names begin with a single letter are not uncommon. In as, for example, the letter R is so prevalent that besides the Roas, Reburianos, Rebajantes, etc., some claim with tongue in cheek that the town also produced Romuáldez, Rizal, and Roosevelt!
Excerpt from the 1973 introduction to Catálogo de Alfabético de Apellidos by Domingo Abella
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The federal government is planning to reduce the volume of international students in certain provinces, according to a senior government source. Ottawa shares jurisdiction over Canada's international student program with the provinces. The federal government issues visas for students while provincial governments are responsible for regulating colleges and universities. The source told Radio-Canada that the government is looking at provinces that accept more international students than their housing stock can accommodate. The source specifically pointed to Ontario, British Columbia and Nova Scotia as possible examples.
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jedibongrip · 11 months
a 'notwithstanding clause' - a controversial IRL political tool to add for a bit of realism in fic
Ive noticed (in many fandoms/fic but especially) in star wars aus and fics, many people toss around a notion of a planet joining the republic, but is given special privileges that allow them to continue practices that may be illegal. Sometimes when an author is describing the situation, it seems as if they're struggling to convey what they mean and figure out a name for it. In an effort to relieve some of that stress, and to help add fic writers add a dash of realism to their fics, may I introduce you to: The Notwithstanding Clause
(Explanation under the cut)
First, I want to begin with saying: obviously not every fic must or wants to achieve realism! Many authors are happy with the political systems of their fics being completely removed from any contemporary or realistic grounding. If that's your case, do not feel like I'm bashing on you. I just think this is an interesting (an EXTREMELY controversial) political tool which others may draw on when creating their fictional systems. So, without futher ado
Bongrip, I hear you ask, WHAT is the nothwithstanding clause?
the "Notwithstanding Clause", also called an 'override power', is a section of the Canadian Constitution which allows the federal, or provincial government, to override certain section of the charter of Rights and Freedoms for a specific limited of time
OR: it allows a government to make laws that contradict or override (IE. notwithstanding) one or more of our fundamental rights (for a max of 5 years, in the Canadian context). This prevents the new law from being struck down in courts and allows provincial governments to act more freely than they otherwise could
While some other countries have similar theories or laws, none are as broad, supported both legally and politically (IE in a constitution), nor do they cause as much controversy as the Canadian Notwithstanding Clause
(If you're interested in why this law exists, long story short: the specific mix of colonial powers and legal/political traditions, mixed with cultural/linguist tension, and well as fights over jurisdiction and power between different levels of governments during the 1980s when Canada was trying to write a Charter of Rights and Freedoms, led to the Notwithstanding Clause being added into the Charter as a compromise. Since it's part of the Constitution, it is both a legitimate legal and political tool, so long as it is used in a way that does not exceed the limitations set out by the Charter [IE: does not exceed 5 years, does not attempt to override any inviolable rights, and names the specific rights that it does violate, so it cant just be at random])
DISCLAIMER: IRL the Notwithstanding Clause is EXTREMELY controversial and, as one might guess, given that it's a law that says "yeah governments can ignore these rights and freedoms that are constitutionally protected", often support conversation and extremely prejudicial systems, institutions, and norms! It is also, necessarily, a colonial law, from a colonial system, in a colonial state! this is not an endorsement of the law but just a tidbit to help w/ world building, given than not many people outside of canada even know it exists
But Bongrip, I hear you ask, WHAT does this piece of Canadian Legal/Political Tradition have to do with my Star Wars fic?
glad you asked
as I said, i see some fic writers try to involve world-building when it comes to the political systems, institutions, and procedures of the Republic. I commend that; I enjoy that! But sometimes authors lack the knowledge or language to describe WHAT they want
For example:
Do you want to write a fic where Never-A-Jedi!Anakin overthrows the Hutts and Tatooine joins the Republic, but does not have to follow certain customs or rules? BAM! Notwithstanding Clause! Either in the Treaty Agreement (Basically: Tatooine will join the Republic, but can do X, notwithstanding Z laws as upheld within the Galactic Republic)
Or maybe: A Jedi goes to a planet with warring factions and is tasked to bring peace and understanding between the different nations. They must find a way to make a system and laws that can unify all, while respecting their differences and, perhaps conflicting, ways of life. A notwithstanding clause could allow for one governing set of rules, while giving each group an opportunity to dispute and implement their own understandings and views, within a set of limitations
Or anything else you can imagine!
Primarily, this gives a NAME and a BASIS for fic writers to describe something that I've seen many people struggle to explain in their fics: the HOW can i make X interact with Y, when law A is still in place but this place wants to do B?
i hope this helps!!! if anything isnt clear u can hit me up or consult google lol. i hope to see and encourage more world building and consideration for the legal and political systems in a galaxy far, far away!!!
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December 4, 2023
Mr. Lunty: Madam Speaker, this bill’s goal is to prevent federal overreach across the entire province from a desperate and lurching Liberal government, but this legislation is acutely required to address one area in our province in particular. In August Edmonton city council voted in favour of the planning and development of a national urban park in Edmonton’s river valley. Going ahead with this development without the formal involvement of the provincial government would represent an unacceptable overreach by the federal government into provincial jurisdiction as currently the federal government has bypassed the province and is working directly with Edmonton city council on the creation and development of such a national urban park.
In fact, as recently as this past weekend a check on the city’s website regarding this initiative listed the provincial government as interested observers under the project partners section. Well, Madam Speaker, I can tell you that this government has no interest in merely being an observer in this important process, nor will we sit back and watch a city council in Alberta sign over an important part of their city to Justin Trudeau. Municipal relations are the exclusive jurisdiction of the province. Despite this indisputable fact, the federal government has taken it on themselves to not only develop a national urban park initiative but to then reach out to municipalities directly. This bill will correct these improper actions and hinder this federal overreach.
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ocean-sailor · 4 months
Alberta will block renewable energy projects on “prime” agricultural land and limit the placement of wind turbines to preserve “pristine viewscapes”, a decision that increasingly pits the western Canadian province against environmental groups pushing green energy – and the companies investing in it.
The decision, announced by the premier, Danielle Smith, and utilities minister, Nathan Neudorf, on Wednesday, follows a controversial six-month ban on new renewable energy projects that is due to expire on 29 February.
Alberta’s moratorium, announced in August, left energy companies uncertain about billions in future investment, even as the region, with its clear skies and an abundance of wind, led the country in new renewable projects.
Nearly a third of Alberta’s grid is now powered by renewables and the province has shifted away from coal at a far faster rate than expected.
But Smith has pushed back against federal rules that aim to reduce the greenhouse-gas emissions of provincial power grids.
Last month, amid recording-breaking winter temperatures, Albertans were sent emergency alerts asking them to conserve power as the electrical grid buckled from the cold. Smith and others in the province used the cold snap to express skepticism about the feasibility of renewable energy.
On Wednesday, she framed the decision to put limits on new projects as one designed to grow the industry in a “well-defined and responsible” way.
“Alberta has led the country in renewable energy investment, and we will continue to lead the country,” she told reporters.
Under its new rules, Alberta will ban renewable projects on private lands that it believes have “excellent or good irrigation capability” as well as land that can grow specialty crops.
Landowners can request an exemption if they can show crops or livestock can thrive alongside the project. Developers of projects will be responsible for cleanup costs and must secure a bond with the government.
Smith said that the new rules reflect what she called “errors” in the way liability for oil and gas companies was structured in the past – and has since led to mounting crisis in the province as officials contend with roughly 170,000 “orphaned” oilwell sites.
“You don’t correct a problem by compounding it,” the premier said.
In order to preserve its vast open prairie landscapes and sight lines of the Rocky Mountains, the province will put in buffer zones at least 35 kilometres (22 miles) separating what the government believes is a “pristine viewscape” and wind turbines.
Neudorf admitted there was no “universal definition” of the term, but cited other jurisdictions, including the United Kingdom, with rules surrounding buffer zones.
Neudorf also said the policy would apply to the “vertical footprint” of all wind turbines – but that other industries that physically alter the landscape, such as coal projects or clearcut logging, would be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
The government decision was met with skepticism by renewable energy analysts, who warned the vagueness of the new rules amounted to a second “soft moratorium”.
“By introducing three new regulatory frameworks without details, investors and developers are left wondering what this actually means for their projects. Investors required certainty, and the government offered confusion,” Jorden Dye, director of the Business Renewables Centre-Canada, said in a statement.
He called the “unprecedented” 35km buffer zone a “backdoor land ban” that could eliminate the possibility of projects in three-quarters of southern Alberta.
“Overall, today’s announcement extends the climate of uncertainty and leaves us with the task of analyzing how many projects and how much investment Alberta will lose to other provinces,” he said. “Further details are needed to pin down exactly what the fallout will be. Failure to provide those details in a timely manner will also shift investment to other provinces and countries.”
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yesireadbooks · 10 months
A Scalmropian Cyber Court is part of the Judicial System of Scalmropia. This has similar hierarchical significance as a High Court. This court has special provisions giving it special jurisdiction over internet and intranet matters, hence the name.
The Judicial Hierarchy is as follows:
Supreme Court
Court of Appeal
High Court | Cyber Court
Provincial Court
District Court
Full Explaination here:
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newsfromstolenland · 2 years
"Securing a boost in federal funding for health care is expected to be a top priority as all 13 provincial and territorial health ministers sit down with their federal counterparts in Vancouver today.
It comes months after Canada's premiers presented a united front of frustration over what they called a "crumbling" health-care system.
The first of two days of meetings kicks off Monday afternoon in Vancouver and is being chaired by B.C. Health Minister Adrian Dix.
It's the first time all of the health ministers from different levels of government have met in person since 2018.
“What we need coming out of this meeting this week is to have action, direction from the province's, territories and the federal government that they're willing to work together on a common cause,” said Dr. Alika Lafontaine, president of the Canadian Medical Association.
Lafontaine says there are many proven solutions to the issues Canada is facing.
“We know that when we improve working environments, which includes things like retention incentives, moving more time towards clinical care, and making sure we work in kind of a team based structure that deals with burnout, but also creates better experiences of patients within the healthcare system,” said Lafontaine.
This week’s meetings come after Canada's premiers met in Victoria last July.
They asked Ottawa to boost the Canada Health Transfer, the money each jurisdiction gets for health care, to 35 per cent up from what they said amounts to 22 per cent.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau responded by saying the federal government wants to make sure the billions of dollars transferred to the provinces deliver "real, tangible results for Canadians" with shorter wait times and better services.
Minister Dix has said the extra cash is needed as B.C. tackles nursing and doctor shortages, works to improve access to digital healthcare, and boosts mental health and substance-use services related to the toxic drug crisis.
"If the federal government doesn't want to be involved, or wants to continue to reduce its role then that's going to be trouble for every health system in the province, every patient, every nurse, every doctor. They just need to step up,” said Adrian Dix."
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masterofrecords · 7 months
The Ravages of Time episode 5
Well, it's been... a while. Had some questions regarding Tang dynasty administrative division and that made me come back to this episode's translation.
Next one is in the works, but might take a while. There are some things I want to focus more on for Lü Bu's episode and those might end up growing into their own separate post, lol
Episode 5
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Thirteen provinces of Eastern Han dynasty
In Eastern Han period, the whole country was divided into 13 provinces: Youzhou, Jizhou, Bingzhou, Yanzhou, Sizhou (under the military rule of the Colonel Director of Retainers), Yuzhou, Xuzhou, Jingzhou, Qingzhou, Yangzhou, Liangzhou, Yizhou, Jiaozhou (apart from Sizhou, all 12 provinces were governed by a provincial governor).
After the Yellow Turban Rebellion [1], thoroughly suppressed by the Emperor Ling of Han [2], the governors were assigned by the imperial court. Since then, provinces gradually became administrative divisions and the governors also became permanent military commanders, sowing the seeds for future power struggles.
In the period depicted in the story, the local government in Sizhou was located in the Luoyang county. Its area of jurisdiction corresponded to present-day south of Hebei, south of Shanxi and the plains of Wei river in Shaanxi. The province was divided into counties: Jingzhao magistrate, Henei county (home of the Sima family), West Fufeng, East Fengyi, Hedong county, Hongnong county, Henan magsitrate.
Reference material: “The Encyclopedia of China – History of China – Western and Eastern Han administrative Division”, “The List of Offices”, “The Book of Han – geography section”
[1] The Yellow Turban Rebellion, also translated as Yellow Scarves Rebellion was a peasant revolt that happened in the late Han dynasty. It started in 184 CE and wasn’t fully suppressed until 205 CE, although the main uprising only lasted until 185 CE. This rebellion is also the opening event of The Romance of the Three Kingdoms.
While the uprising was caused by the government corruption, diseases, natural disasters and poor crops, it must be noted that it was also a Taoist sect – the leader of the rebellion, Zhang Jue, was widely known as a healer and sorcerer, and he and his brothers originally garnered supporters through their religious beliefs.
A lot of the notable people of the Three Kingdom period (like Liu Bei, Cao Cao, Sun Jian) make an appearance in that period assisting the suppression of the rebellion, and these events set the stage for the later unrest, as many regions assembled their own military forces to fight the uprising and the government’s control of the provinces weakened.
[2] Emperor Ling of Han (Liu Hong) – the emperor during whose reign the Yellow Turban Rebellion happened. A distant cousin of the previous emperor who died without leaving a son, he ascended the throne at the age of 12, and his reign saw a rise in the power of eunuchs who dominated the government. His death kicked off the events shown in the donghua.
Spoilers time!
The soldiers of the Guandong Coalition are made-up, but the first two generals they are assigned to (Han Fu and Gongsun Zao) are real people who served under the Yuan family, although Gongsun Zao turned against Yuan Shao by the end of his life). The third general mentioned, Qiao Mao, also participated in the campaign, though I think he wasn't affiliated with the Yuans.
But this isn't what you're here for. You want to know if Yuan Fang is real or not.
He's not.
As for Sun Shu, well, this one's somewhat real (although as usual, heavily fictionalized). It is known that Sun Jian had daughters, although their names aren't known. One of them later married Liu Bei, but I don't know if that happens to Sun Shu in the manhua... The other two are basically only known by who they married. My bet would be on the one who married Liu Bei though, since she was somewhat known for being fierce and a troublemaker.
I'm also not sure if the move to Chang'an was as secret as is depicted, but this is something that I think was about as dramatic as is shown in the donghua. Dong Zhuo did ransack the imperial mausoleums as well as rich households and he did burn down the city after leaving it. Anyone opposing him - before or during the move - were disposed of, and many civilians died. Even if the banquet scene likely didn't happen, I think it was cool shorthand for the events in Dong Zhuo's court leading up to the move.
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mrbenvs3000w24 · 5 months
My Ideal Role as an Environmental Interpreter in Northern Ontario
In the heart of Northern Ontario, where pristine lakes mirror towering pines, and the air is scented with the earthy perfume of the wilderness, my ideal role as an environmental interpreter beckons. As someone deeply passionate about nature, envisioning myself as an outdoor recreation planner or park ranger in this untouched paradise sparks a profound sense of purpose and fulfillment.
My dream role unfolds amidst the vast expanse of Northern Ontario's untamed landscapes. I envision myself stationed in one of the region's enchanting provincial parks or conservation areas, where the boreal forests and crystalline waters create a haven for both wildlife and wanderers. Perhaps I'll find my calling overlooking the rugged beauty of Algonquin Provincial Park, or immersed in the tranquility of Killarney Provincial Park, with its windswept pines and the awe-inspiring La Cloche Mountains (see below!).
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Image credit: Gibson, S. (2011). Fall in the La Cloche Mountains [Photograph]. Flickr. https://www.flickr.com/photos/scott_e_gibson/5423666669
Role as an Outdoor Recreation Planner:
In the role of an outdoor recreation planner, my days would be dedicated to curating experiences that seamlessly blend adventure with environmental education. Crafting interpretive walks that wind through diverse ecosystems, planning immersive workshops on wildlife tracking, and organizing community events that foster a sense of stewardship would be at the core of my responsibilities. Collaborating with local communities and Indigenous groups to ensure cultural sensitivity and sustainability in recreational activities would also be paramount.
The job would involve meticulously researching and understanding the region's flora and fauna, historical significance, and geological wonders. By identifying key points of interest and creating engaging interpretive materials, I would aim to connect visitors with the natural world on a profound level. Guiding canoe trips along meandering rivers or leading starlit hikes through ancient forests, I would strive to instill a deep appreciation for the intricate web of life that Northern Ontario harbours.
Role as a Park Ranger:
Alternatively, as a park ranger, my responsibilities would extend to on-the-ground conservation efforts and ensuring the protection of the delicate ecosystems within my jurisdiction. Conducting regular patrols to monitor for signs of environmental degradation, managing wildlife habitats, and implementing sustainable practices for visitor use would be integral aspects of my daily routine.
Educating visitors on Leave No Trace principles, wildlife safety, and the importance of preserving the region's natural integrity would be an ongoing mission. Additionally, responding to emergencies, providing first aid, and collaborating with law enforcement to enforce park regulations would all be part of the multifaceted role of a dedicated park ranger.
Bonus - I'd have the opportunity to sport this awesome uniform:
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Image credit: Ontario Parks. (n.d.). How to Become a Park Ranger at Ontario Parks [Photograph]. https://www.ontarioparks.com/parksblog/apply-park-ranger/
Skills Needed:
To excel in these roles, a diverse set of skills would be imperative. Strong communication skills, both written and verbal, would facilitate effective interpretation and education. A deep understanding of ecology, conservation principles, and local cultural history would also be essential. Lastly, proficiency in outdoor survival skills, navigation, and first aid would ensure the safety of both visitors and the environment.
In conclusion, my ideal role as an environmental interpreter in Northern Ontario transcends the ordinary; it is a commitment to bridging the gap between people and the natural wonders that surround us. It is a dedication to preserving the pristine beauty of Northern Ontario for generations to come, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts of those who, like me, find solace and inspiration in the untamed wilds of this remarkable region.
As we reach the end of this exploration into my ideal role as an environmental interpreter in the enchanting landscapes of Northern Ontario, I want to thank everyone for tagging along on this imaginative journey. I hope it has sparked a sense of wonder and appreciation for the natural world that surrounds us!🌲🌿🌍 Until next time,
Madison B.
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terriwriting · 7 months
While it’s become relatively common for family members of gullible and mentally fragile senior citizens to block certain channels in order to prevent their loved ones from being radicalized, the families of politicians in their thirties and forties who are equally bad at discerning real news from reactionary propaganda have also had to resort to these protective measures.
“I should’ve known something was up when Pierre gave that speech accusing Trudeau of ‘imposing radical gender ideology’ on schools. It’s just word salad that makes no sense, especially considering Canadian schools are under provincial jurisdiction. I’m sure he heard something like it from one of those bobble heads on Fox News, and then parroted it,” said the anonymous family member.
“But when he started going on about terrorism in the House of Commons despite there being absolutely no evidence of terrorism in this tragic accident, that was the last straw. A man who is so out of touch with reality really can’t be trusted to choose his own cable channels.”
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strongermonster · 2 years
every once in a while i have to send safety emails to my american cohorts (updates mostly, but also when we've done something accidentally Bad, or, much more rarely, something accidentally Good), and it's my job to inform them of it + link to where it has relevant information in MY jurisdictions handbooks—which is the ontario occupational health and safety act, or ohsa, (¹) which you may or may not note is remarkably similar to osha (occupational safety and health administration), which is american only. there's lots of clauses and laws and paragraphs that are very similar, if not the same, but they are not the same governing body, at all, full stop.
from there, they're supposed to review whatever happened, find the corresponding laws from their own country/province/state/whatever, and decide if the bad thing that happened is worth correcting/the good thing that happened is worth implementing. it's a bit dry and time consuming work, but it's dead simple. google and government websites are free. the only possible way this could be easier is if i spoon-fed it to them.
and despite all of us present knowing how this works + there are multiple countries at play, i STILL get regular responses to emails that are like "sorry, you misspelled osha a bunch here", "i think your osha handbook is outdated? i can't find that information on that page." "oh your info is wrong, this links to a .ca domain, this should be for ohio."
you guys are killing me. i start off every email saying where i'm from. this ONLY happens with the americans. help me help you. please read the email. should i highlight/bold/italicize all the key information? should i send my emails as pdfs with custom backgrounds of the canadian flag and little dancing maple syrups?? what is it that i need to do for you Get it. the rest of canada has no problem finding their provincial version. the australians never complain. the ones who don't speak english as a first language do just fine. what is it that's not working here
¹ also ccohs/canadian centre for occupational health and safety, but i don't use that one even half as much for some reason?? i always forget it exists.
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Alberta to introduce $200 annual electric vehicle tax
Other new tax changes in the Alberta budget include a new tax on vaping products sold in the province, and higher taxes of tobacco products
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Electric car owners in Alberta will be forced to pay an annual $200 electric vehicle tax starting as early as January 2025. In Alberta’s 2024 budget unveiled Thursday, the province says the new tax will be applied when electric car owners register their vehicle and will be in addition to the current registration fee. The province says electric vehicles tend to be heavier and cause more destruction on highways and roads, while owners don’t pay a provincial fuel tax. The tax will not apply to hybrid vehicles, the budget says. During a Thursday news conference, Alberta Finance Minister Nate Horner said the tax rate is meant to be in line with the estimated fuel tax paid by a typical Alberta driver. Horner pointed to other jurisdictions that have moved forward with similar fees for electric vehicles.
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stroshe · 5 months
Expert Advice on Corporate Tax Returns and Personal Tax Filing in Canada
When it comes to tax season in Canada, both individuals and businesses face the challenge of navigating through the intricate web of regulations. Whether you're a corporation seeking seamless Corporate Tax Return Services Ontario or an individual looking for guidance on Personal Tax Filing in Canada, understanding the nuances is crucial. In this blog post, we'll provide expert advice on corporate tax returns and personal tax filing, shedding light on effective accounting and tax planning strategies.
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Understanding Corporate Tax Returns
Corporate tax returns demand a strategic approach. To optimize your financial position, it's essential to engage with a reputable Accounting and Tax Planning Company. Their expertise ensures that your business takes advantage of available deductions and credits, maximizing returns while staying fully compliant with tax laws.
Tips for Corporate Tax Returns:
Strategic Deductions: Identify eligible deductions relevant to your industry, ensuring you make the most of available tax incentives without overstepping boundaries.
Timely Record Keeping: Maintain meticulous records throughout the fiscal year to streamline the tax return process. This proactive approach minimizes errors and facilitates a smoother filing experience.
Ensuring a Seamless Personal Tax Filing Process For individuals, the Personal Tax Filing process can be intricate, with various credits and exemptions to consider. Seek guidance from experts who specialize in it to ensure accuracy and compliance.
Expert Tips for Tax Filing:
Utilizing Tax Credits: Explore available tax credits, such as those related to education, homeownership, or medical expenses. These can significantly reduce your tax liability.
Understanding Provincial Variations: Recognize that tax regulations can vary by province. Professionals specializing in Corporate Tax Return Services in Ontario, for example, can provide insights tailored to the specific jurisdiction.
Choosing the Right Accounting and Tax Planning Company:
Selecting the right Accounting and Tax Planning Company is pivotal for both corporate and personal tax matters. Look for firms that offer personalized services and stay abreast of the latest tax reforms.
Conclusion In the complex landscape of Canadian taxation, seeking expert advice is not just beneficial but essential. Whether you're a business owner requiring Corporate Tax Return Services in Ontario or an individual navigating Personal Tax Filing in Canada, partnering with professionals ensures a seamless and compliant experience. Keep these expert tips in mind to optimize your tax strategy and secure a financially sound future.
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April 8, 2024
Mr. Dach: Historically we have for decades had federal governments involve themselves in matters directly with municipalities without suffering these accusations that we now face by the United Conservative Party government on a regular basis. No matter what the federal government does, they’re accused of interfering in provincial jurisdiction. This is a refrain that, frankly, Albertans are tiring of very, very quickly.
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bantarleton · 2 years
The 1776 British Defence of East Florida
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Via the Boston Garrison Facebook page.
Thanks to Tomas G (East Florida Rangers) for today's post.
Q1. Can you explain the political landscape in East Florida in 1776? Did The Continental Congress view Florida as a possible "14th Colony" the way they did Canada? 
A1. On July 20th 1776, after learning of the Declaration of Independence an angry mob formed on the streets of Saint Augustine demanding Governor Tonyn to take action against the newly formed United States. The mob was so enraged that they burned effigies of Sam Adams and John Hancock! The Continental Congress actually invited both East and West Florida to send delegates to attend their meetings in Philadelphia in 1775 however both colonies declined! East and West Florida were relatively new colonial possessions by the start of the war in 1775 and lacked severely in population and infrastructure which contributed significantly to the lack of revolutionary sentiment. The population of East Florida consisted primarily of merchants and plantation owners who had no reason to rebel, taxes in East Florida were low and land was cheap and in plentiful supply. However, this doesn't mean that there weren't those who were suspected of favoring the cause of American liberty! 
Q2. In 1776, what military presence was in East Florida for the British? 
A2. In 1776 the military presence was very small, in late 1775 Tonyn was forced to send away the bulk of the 14th regiment  in Saint Augustine in order to assist Lord Dunmore’s campaign in Virginia. However, two companies  from Pensacola belonging to 16th soon replaced them. Later that year three companies of the 60th Regiment under Augustine Prevost arrived, significantly increasing the military presence in the colony. In addition to Regular troops, the citizenry of East Florida formed several militia regiments all under the jurisdiction of Governor Tonyn. 
Q3. Who was Patrick Tonyn? What role did he play in the defense of East Florida?
A3. Patrick Tonyn was born in 1725 in Ireland, he joined the British army in 1751 and served extensively in the Seven Years War. In 1774 Tonyn was appointed Governor of East Florida. Tonyn was an incredibly competent governor, and fought hard to secure the safety of his colony. In an attempt to alleviate the strain placed on regular troops Tonyn raised several militia regiments in 1776, most famously the East Florida Rangers commanded by Thomas Brown the future superintendent of Indian affairs. These militia regiments acted primarily as raiders and scouts, providing Tonyn with invaluable information and supplying the growing colony with a steady supply of cattle stolen from Georgia. In the summer of 1776 Tonyn also oversaw the establishment of a provincial navy which would patrol the coast and inland waterways. 
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Q4. We are familiar with the Fort at St. Augustine, beyond that location, what other major geographical locations were considered strongholds in East Florida? Were any of them major objectives to the Continental invasion of the Province?
A4. So besides from Fort Saint Mark, there were several other fortifications in East Florida, for example there was a sizable military installation at Cowpens (Modern Day Jacksonville), there were also small fortifications located along Florida’s many waterways, most famously  Fort Matanzas the site of the 1565 Massacre located just South of Saint Augustine. The Saint Mary’s River hosted several small fortifications like Fort Tonyn which was famously abandoned and burned by Thomas Brown and the East Florida Rangers during the second invasion of East Florida in June of 1778. 
Q5. Multiple attempts by the Continental Forces were made to capture Florida. What do you attribute to the British/Loyalist/Allies ability to hold out throughout the AWI era and remain part of the British Empire?
A5. Simply put, the loyalists in East Florida had a resolve that could hardly be broken, many of the individuals who had fought against the invading rebels were refugees who had gone through hell and back. The Floridas were a safe haven to those being persecuted for their loyalty to Britain, from 1775 to the end of the war in 1783 thousands of people fled or migrated to the colony, many of whom came with nothing!
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