#Meticulous Documentation
since i'm once again on a TOS binge, here are some of my favorite Bill Thiess creations. truly the best to ever do it. the pink number from "Who Mourns for Adonias" that is only held up by the weight of the train??? sensational
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after his death, Thiess's estate auctioned off a lot of these pieces and donated the money to charity. if you ever want to feel insane read the prices some of it sold for. that metallic halter top + cape fit??? $173. are. you. kidding. me.
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danganronpa96 · 5 months
Hope You Had A Good Day, Saw Asks Was Open So :D
Here's A Question (Sorry If You Already Answered It Or Something Like It) But When You're Going Into Writing A Chapter, Where Do You Usually Start? Do You Start From The Beginning, Work Your Way Backwards, Write Motives/Free Times, Etc? Or Like a Mix?
Anyway Some Tangents, I Played YTTD Because I Was Curious After Reading Dr96. Great Game And Everyone Should Play At Least Once (It's Free So Why Not??) + Gin Is The Best Boi Prove Me Wrong
Also The Pure Acid Trip I Had When I First Saw Saiki's Inclusion Like 0.0, Rest In Dark Peperonis Kaido ;_;
Hope That Everything's Going Well Irl And That You Have A Great 2024!
When I write a chapter, I always start with a plan. This plan will basically just start off with a very rough idea of what key moments will consist in each day up until the murder. Then, I'll move to plan each day out in more detail, such as important dialogue or development on some scenes.
The murder case is usually planned at whatever point I feel necessary. For example, for a case I already had the plan in advance for, I can flesh that out pretty easily. But for times where I haven't, I may do it later.
So, I do mostly work in order from daily -> investigation -> trial. I'm not really sure if I could do any work on a trial without having the previous as everything is supposed to build up in order.
Things such as motives and FTEs however were all done in advance. The motives were planned before the chapters are worked on, and I wrote all the FTEs just after I finished working on the prologue. So each time I needed to add a FTE in a specific slot in a daily life, I'd leave a little note, then copy and paste the needed FTE into it's place.
Also, I heavily agree about your sentiment on YTTD. It's a completely free game, and you can even just play it in your browser!
And thank you very much! 2024 is definitely doing uh, something! 👍
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themthistles · 1 year
we talk about how juwon is both smart AND stupid somehow but i think a better way to say this is that he is book smart but street stupid.
hyuk directly calls him out on it when he tells juwon that dongsik will always run circles around him because unlike our boy dongsik didn't learn about the world from a textbook, he has firsthand experience dealing with people. and hyuk is so right because then juwon goes and tries to emulate dongsik and fucks up tremendously.
he graduated top of his class and that is completely in line with his character. single minded, obsessive memorization of text to the point that he knows it by heart, he is known to do that. but past the point of graduation we have no indication that juwon was a particularly outstanding detective. like he is a big time crime solving cop in seoul city, sure but he's also a nepo baby and his father definitely influenced his position. i don't even mean directly, just people trying to get on han kihwan's good side by treating his son well (i imagine they kept a lot of what they thought about juwon and his shining personality to themselves too)
so juwon is fresh out of the academy, he's top student, he's never been told off much, if at all. he has a very high opinion of himself. thing is: he knows the law well, he's quick thinking and determined but he's also extremely stubborn, unsociable and impulsive, so frankly i don't think he was a very fun person to work with and therefore not a very good employee. i can imagine heated fights and frustration of his colleagues whenever they disagreed on something. i think he was hyper aware and fed up with people's opinion of him in that 'i'm not a bad detective, everyone just gets in my way and if only they listened to me, we wouldn't be having these problems' type of way. he then proceeds to get obsessed with a certain case, goes completely rogue with no oversight and supervision, no doubt thinking that he's going to nail this and he'll show them and they're all gonna be sooo impressed and well.. we all know how that one ends.
he's so set on being right that he sees no alternative. and even when he turns out to be wrong again and again, it takes a painful amount of time for him to have an epiphany. his belief that he's the smartest person in the room comes from arrogance and entitlement and his arrogance and entitlement come from his rigid belief that if he's such a smart boy with good grades then he cannot be wrong because then what does that degree even mean, what does it all mean, who am i -> identity crisis. that's why he can't admit at first that his father is a criminal who doesn't play by the rules because then juwon's an idiot who's followed them for no reason expecting entire world to do the same. that's why he keeps running to dongsik with clues and flimsy proof expecting him to turn himself in like they're in scooby doo and dongsik's gonna go 'ahh you got me' as juwon takes off his mask. when you solve a mathematical problem you don't expect the numbers to suddenly leap up and change around or tell you to fuck off. juwon's main arc is seeing the grey between the black and white but it's also realising that humans are much more complex than a theoretical exercise and sometimes the solution is to set the textbook on fire.
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wickedhawtwexler · 2 months
guys i legitimately think i have found my ideal job
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pochapal · 11 months
tomorrow i will have been reading umineko for one whole year
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salemoleander · 6 months
I am now 8 cards away from having a full collection of one of every card in the HC TCG! :D
Just missing common Impulse (STILL. SOMEHOW. I HAVE NINE VINTAGEBEEF COMMONS.) as well as rare Cub, False, Iskall, Ren, Scar, and Xisuma, and the crossbow effect card!
Most excitingly from my boosters that arrived today:
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Signed rare Bdubs!!!!! Cannot stop smiling, I adore Bdubs (and DevilArt2199's style) and getting this was such an amazing surprise
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istherewifiinhell · 7 months
Wahhh victory god ginrai. They drew him so cute whadda hell
Like okay. Masterforce. A nice looking robot [yes possibility of the flesh shot is the best ive got]
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[ID: Transformers Super-God Masterforce [88 anime] shot of God Ginrai, an autobot that looks a lot like g1 optimus. In his super and god power up modes he's much larger and his head is blockier. This shot shows him aiming down the barrel of his gun, towards the camera. The angle on the "brim" of his helm gives the affect of a cross brow, eyes narrowed. He is saying "No, wasn't Devil Z afraid of the possibilities of the flesh!?" END]
Victory. baby. this is a baby.
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[ID: Transformers Victory [89 anime] shot of God Ginrai. The blockiness on the side of the helm have been drawn wider, there's an extra set of ''antenna" like protrusions. The angle on the brim is tilted up, like an expression of concern, his eyes wilder. He's saying "You'll make your injuries worse." He has another bots [Star Saber's] arm over his shoulder. END]
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twilightarcade · 1 year
Love it when people are reduced to statistics
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froqgy · 1 year
I had a dream i was soo excited abt finding ib merch in a store
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lepetitfruit · 10 months
Just had a panic moment bc I was doing finances and scrolled down to see I somehow spent $700 on food so far this month???? WHAT THE FUCK??? but actually everything was fine I had put my flight in the wrong column I have spent a normal ass amount on food
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jmflowers · 1 year
Here we go week of shoots!
The week ahead will be a good taste of life in the industry post graduation.
Day 1, we’re shooting an action sequence project for school. We’ve set our call time for 8am on location with the hope to wrap by 2 or 3pm and save us all from trying to fight with the light. I’ll be part of the direction/DP/continuity team for this half of the sequence.
Day 2, half the team is gathering to rehearse the fight scenes for the second part of the sequence. The forecast is calling for rain, so we’ll be in holding on a final decision for location of our shoot on day 3 until the evening.
Day 3, we’ll be shooting the second half of the action sequence. Thankfully, I get to step back a bit on responsibilities for this section as the other half of our team will be taking on the high stress roles while my partner and I function as their crew. Hoping we’ll wrap earlier in the day for this one, too, but I don’t think they’ve finalized their call time yet. (I must remember to read the script for the next project before bed on this day!)
Day 4, I begin night shoots on a short film! I’m tasked with picking up some actors and crew to drive to location for a 4pm call time, so I’ll have to disrupt my sleep schedule a bit to be able to function through this one. I’ll be a PA (production assistant) for a crew I’ve not worked with before, but who are doing some pretty cool things. I’m excited! Hoping we’ll wrap before 4am so I can get some sleep in between, but not holding my breath. Public transit likely won’t be running by the time we wrap, so my driving responsibilities will include dropping everyone in my car at their homes.
Day 5, will be the second day of night shooting, this time in a different city at a secondary location. Again, pickups. Again, drop offs. Again, hoping for a decent wrap time.
Day 6, all I’m presuming I will want to do is sleep. Which is great, because I’ve got to be back in class at 8am on Monday morning.
Prepared to run on a weeks worth of adrenaline, lack of sleep, and catered food. And the reminder to myself that this really is what I want to do, in some capacity.
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the-algebra-thing · 1 year
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current coat progress. old prototype (drafted yesterday) got back and front panels plus a sleeve (this afternoon) before I figured I had enough info to redraft (just now), so the old stuff and scraps are in those back piles, and the new pattern is ready for me to cut and test out tomorrow. once I get the fit of all that squared away I think I'm gonna test some small scale shapes for the full back panel and the sleeve flares to see how they drape instead of making them big to add to the full size one, in order to save scrap fabric for the future. if I'm lucky, I will be able to finish that tomorrow as well, estimate the full size measurements for the georgette and voile, and then order those asap so they arrive sometime after Christmas, hopefully around when I'll be getting back.
I figure I can worry about fully laying out my order of operations after the fabric is on its way, and I can probably put off my Joannes visit until after Christmas as well so that I'll have time to plan some of the embroidery and then obtain the floss I'll need on my trip to get the linen for the outer layer
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Thinking about daneel getting really involved in the burgeoning art scene on baleyworld and every few days he brings home a different painting or item of clothing or amateur holofilm and tells elijah in detail about the artist and how they made it and where they came from and elijah just listens to him like
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synergyconsult · 3 months
Meticulous and precise data entries, especially in Oasis submissions, are key in the healthcare administration. Now, when you think of reliable healthcare billing services Nationwide you understand there’s no room for mistakes.
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afloweroutofstone · 3 months
The Boeing whistleblower who "died" under "mysterious circumstances" got blackballed by the company for doing his job too well
The bosses hit [John "Swampy" Barnett] with a new initiative called “Multi-Function Process Performer,” through which quality inspectors were directed to outsource 90 percent of their duties to the mechanics they were supposed to be supervising. This was supposed to speed up production and save Boeing millions once it successfully shed the thousands of inspectors it intended to axe. Swampy believed relying on mechanics to self-inspect their work was not only insane but illegal under the Federal Aviation Administration charter, which explicitly required quality inspectors to document all defects detected, work performed, and parts installed on a commercial airplane in one centralized database. Swampy knew he was caught in a prisoner’s dilemma. If he went along, he was breaking the law; if he didn’t, whistleblowers who complained about unsafe practices were routinely terminated on grounds of violating the same safety protocols they had opposed violating.
Swampy calculated that it would be a bigger pain for Boeing to fire him for doing the right thing than following orders, so he kept his head down and continued managing his inspectors as though he were back in Everett, taking special care to meticulously record every episode of noncompliance (and nonconformance, which is similar but not identical) he encountered. He documented his discovery that machinists installing floor panels had been littering long titanium slivers into wire bundles and electrical boxes between the floorboards and the cargo compartment ceiling panels, where they risked causing an electrical short. A series of mysterious battery fires had already caused the FAA to ground the 787 for a few months just over a year after the first plane had been delivered. He wrote that 75 out of a package of 300 oxygen masks slated for installation on a plane did not actually pump oxygen. His team compiled a list of 300 defects on a fuselage scheduled for delivery, and he discovered that more than 400 nonconforming aircraft parts had gone missing from the defective parts cage and likely been installed on planes illegally and without documentation, by managers and mechanics desperate to get them out the door.
...Swampy got an email informing him that he’d been put on a 60-day corrective action plan four weeks earlier. His alleged offense constituted using email to communicate about process violations; the HR file noted, fictitiously, that his boss had discussed his “infraction” with him earlier.
Swampy was no fool. “Leadership wants nothing in email so they maintain plausible deniability,” he wrote in the “comments” space on his corrective action plan paperwork. “It is obvious leadership is just looking for items to criticize me on so I stop identifying issues. I will conform!” He immediately applied for a job on the graveyard shift, whose supervisor promised the gig would go to the manager with the most seniority on the Final Assembly team. But the job went to a manager who had transferred to Final Assembly all of a week earlier, which is when Swampy began to realize he’d been institutionally blackballed from the only company he’d ever worked.
He got two more internal job offers rescinded after that, including one from a group that was literally desperate for someone with Barnett’s breadth of experience. “They didn’t care how bad I wanted him,” the senior manager told one of Swampy’s friends. “They said John Barnett is not going anywhere.”
Finally, in early 2017 Swampy happened upon a printout of a list of 49 “Quality Managers to Fire.” The name John Barnett was number one. Swampy decided to go on a medical leave of absence, which turned into early retirement on March 1. He called a labor lawyer he knew from a colleague’s case, and together they began the seemingly unending process of filing an aviation whistleblower complaint detailing his seven years at the Charleston plant. It made him sick to think that the value of his Boeing shares had tripled over the same period during which he’d watched the company get so comprehensively dismantled. But it was downright surreal to watch the stock price nearly triple once more during the two years after he left the company. Nine days after the stock reached its high of $440, a brand-new 737 MAX dove into the ground near Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, at nearly 800 miles per hour, killing 157 people on board, thanks to a shockingly dumb software program that had programmed the jets to nose-dive in response to the input from a single angle-of-attack sensor. The software had already killed 189 people on a separate 737 MAX in Indonesia, but Boeing had largely deflected blame for that crash by exploiting the island nation’s reputation for aviation laxity. Now it was clear Boeing was responsible for all the deaths.
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odinsblog · 8 months
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A humanitarian crisis is what happens after a natural disaster like a tsunami, or a hurricane, or an earthquake. A humanitarian crisis is when an unexpected accident happens. A humanitarian crisis is what happens to marginalized communities in a pandemic. Indiscriminately bombing a population of noncombatant civilians and then intentionally depriving them of food, water and medical access is a deliberate war crime, NOT some random act of nature. Words matter. Calling the aftermath of bombing civilians “a humanitarian crisis” is no different than using the passive voice to describe Israel’s war crimes without directly attributing them to Israel. Please do not let the well documented displacement, and the meticulously planned out ethnic cleansing and genocide of Palestinians… don’t allow that to be whitewashed and erased away into some kind of unfortunate “accident” of nature.
And don’t even get me started on the tired media trope of labeling non-white starving people, “looters” when they take food to feed their families…
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