#Pryo instead of Pyro
therantingsage · 1 year
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Super old oc time!! Current Sage as an entity technically has no use for assassination, but these guys still exist and remain, in case the need ever returns. They're her cool secret task force, technically.
When I was a kid, I had this cringe thing where all of them except Pryomania had a crush on Jelly and were competing for her attention in a really healthy way (not even saying that ironically). But love triangles with the girl trapped in the middle are boring to me now, so now they are a cool polycule, though once again not including Pryomania. Murder polycule and Pryomania, who is also there platonically.
Individuals and info under the cut.
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Jelly is an ordinary rabbit, considered especially cute by her partners and most others. She has a pair of invisible claw weapons, and she combines them with her unassuming and disarming appearance to deadly effect. Personality-wise, she is slightly mischievous, and her adorable attitude that she uses on duty is not an act, she genuinely is just happy a lot of the time.
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X is the last surviving member of his species. Ink creatures were known to be particularly deadly and dangerous, and were thus targeted and nearly wiped out during the Era of War. X was born to the previous last member of the species, who died soon after. In a post-war world, his particular powerset has few outlets, so he was recruited by The Sage as protection (for him and for others both). The dark teal bulbs on his body can emit inky spores, which in addition to being toxic, grow entrapping vines that grow faster when broken.
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Aestheno-Snakes come in two varieties; the wired and the non-wired. Wired Aestheno-Snakes can manipulate solids of any density as if they were clay using the wires attached to their bodies, and use them to fashion false limbs they can control with their minds. Sleon is a non-wired Aestheno-Snake, which are far, far rarer. Non-wireds are actually much more powerful; they can only control one kind of solid that is determined at birth...but they turn anything they touch into that solid, midas style (including living things, thus his role as a Moon Assassin). Sleon's solid is a putty-like substance. It can be smelted into an indestructible ceramic material, and The Sage makes extensive use of this fact. She's also put a spell on him and the other Moon Assassins that renders them immune to his material conversion. His helmet is made from the putty-ceramic, but the serrated blade on his tail is natural.
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Pang is calm and chill, but was not in their childhood. Their lightbulb-like tail is not characteristic of Sky Deer, leading to Rudolf-adjacent treatment by their peers. Unfortunately, the tail gathers feelings of stress and agitation inside them and manifests them externally as powerful bolts of lightning that target the nearest living creature. If you're sensing a theme here, yes, it is incredibly deadly. Exiled from their home, they eventually were taken in by The Sage and given therapy to help control their emotions and powers. When not on duty, they wear a cap on their tail made from Sleon's ceramic, preventing any accidents.
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Pryomania, being the only one here not part of the polycule, is a bit of an odd one out. Fire Lights are a subspecies of Light Creatures, a subset that is rare and dangerous. Their fiery forms are untethered, so they must confine themselves in a vessel of their choosing. He'd been living in a vase before The Sage found him. She commissioned the ball he now uses, allowing him to both roll around in it and fly, as it is very light. He is mute, as are most Fire Lights, but he has figured out how to use his body to blow-torch words onto surfaces in order to communicate with the others.
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cupidsdescendant · 2 years
Mercs helping with period cramps! (Part 2)
Hiya babes <3! I hope you all are having a happy holiday! If u don’t celebrate Christmas I hope you have a happy whatever-day!💗💗💗💗 thank you for all the support I’ve been getting on my last posts I appreciate it beyond words!
-clueless but considerate
-when he sees you struggling they try to help however he can
-pryo sees the world different from her view so whenever she sees you hurt or bleeding she believes that your period is a real life devil stabbing you
-yes ik it’s sorta weird but this is how I imagine pyros mind handling things
-usually he’ll punch the air as you lay on the floor or chop the wind believing they’re saving you
-you tell them to relax ! Explaining your menstrual cycle yourself to him in the simplest terms
-you give pryo a small list of what you need and he agrees
-he gets all the things you need in the…maybe more violent ways by killing the workers at the market in retaliation or not getting the stuff for free
-you know she loves you tho <3 and he tries his best!
-a respect full lad, but he doesn’t help much
-he doesn’t really know how to and he could care less
-“Dontcha got arms? You can get this yourself, mate” he says as he focuses on his rifle
-instead you insist he gets you things so he can visit you more often and hang out
-Spy him in the head after he saw Sniper ask if he was okay
-“YOU FOOL!” Spy says as he points to snipers chest and pushes him back a little
-“What the bloody hell is wrong with you, mate?!!” He says in retaliation
-spy gives him a lecture about being considerate to a woman and respectful blah blah and sniper reluctantly agrees
-Sniper legit tries but never gets the hang of it, he helps out in all sorta ways but it’ll always be wrong
-Months go by like this and Sniper always dreads when it’s your cycle because he feels bad he can never be the best for you
-“I can shoot at attah things” Sniper says as he shoots off the head of a Scout “but I cant finish the shot at this thing, doc.”
-Sniper begged Medic to come up to his camper to talk about it, reluctantly Medic listens
-Medic also teaches him how to be proper (spy also helps too lol) but after hours and days of training it’s no use
-Sniper will always tell you how much he loves you when he messes up at it and that he’ll try again next time, so rlly it’s the thought that counts <3
-Engi is already a sweet man and he’s even sweeter when you’re on your cycle
-he understands despite not having any experience with it before and he’s a wonderful listener
-he gets you everything you need no matter what, he gets them quickly!
-Engi will try to make devices to stop your cycle (all of them failing) but when you’re in bed with cramps he’ll sketch and write about a new design
-“it’s okay, pumpkin. This one will work I have a good feeling-!” He says as he kisses your cheek
-he feeds you southern dishes and foods in bed <33
-“uh ahuh-..uhm hello, darling..” Engi says nervously, he’s sweating like crazy and his entire face is red
-“yes Engi? Is something a matter?”
-“well..you see I have an ..idea for uhm..an “invention” he says with quotation marks “well it’s been done-e. befor-e.. but uh i’d like to customize it to fit you-..so I would-..l-like some measurem-ents…”
-“oh of course! What do ya need measured” Y/N says back with a warm smile
-“Uhm. I would need to-..measure your uh.. “ he clears his throat and whispers
“Your hoo-ha-“
“HE MEANS YA PUSSY!” Scout screams out as he laughs as a shook Engi
“WILL YOU GET OUT BOY!” Engi angrily yells back with
-You find out that Engineer wanted to measure your uh..yeah..so then he could make you a custom period cup
-you agree and in the end he makes it and gives it to you in a little bag with a bow
-“I’m very sorry, pumpkin. I should’ve been a lot more ..uh..better with the way I acted.”
-you kiss Engi on the cheek “it’s okay you didn’t do anything wrong. Thank you, hon”
Welp that’s all folks ! It’s currently 2:22 (make a wish <3) and I would love to sleep now from a long day. I hope you all stay safe and have a good day! Mwah! XOXOXO (part 3 will be out soon!)
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enddaysengine · 2 years
The Devil (Chronicles of Darkness, Alchemist)
He says the song’s about him. He insists he is the Devil, incarnated as human, using the alchemical arts to unlock his true powers. To mortals, he appears as a man in his 60s, with stringy grey hair and an ever-present fiddle, but all in all, rather unremarkable. Only Prometheans see the broken horns rising from his crown, the faint crimson hue to his skin, and the cloven hooves. Only they smell the brimstone on his breath as he sings and dances.
He goes by a million pseudonyms and assumes names all over North America but answers to only one: the Devil. Even though he doesn’t look like much, he is rich as sin and enjoys seeing what makes people tick. When he has the Pyros to spare, he uses it to “free” people from their inhibitions, so they do what they want instead of what they think is “good.” He firmly believes that a person’s flaws make them human and that trying to paper over them makes people lesser - a point of view he espouses to any Promethean he meets, whether they are interested in hearing it or not.
The Devil’s tools bewilder other alchemists. All he works with are a dozen Pyros-infused oils and his fiddle. He carefully mixes the oleaginous substances as he treats the fiddle’s strings. Once it is ready, he activates the Pyros through song. The few colleagues he keeps insist it has something to do with the vibrational frequencies resonating with the Divine Fire. The Devil just shrugs them off. What is music if not magic?
Rumours “Be careful; he’s not just an alchemist! He’s some strange hybrid of ghouls and fae-touched.”
This rumour is incorrect but gets at an essential truth about the Devil. Alchemy is his great love, and he will happily chatter at a throng for hours if they catch him in the right mood. But he doesn’t use alchemy exclusively. He knows he’s done for if an angry Titan catches him off guard. He scrounges every bit of occult lore, teaching himself Ceremonies and Open Rites. He summons angels, demons, ghosts, and spirits, binding them to his will. The Devil never puts all his eggs in one basket and always has a backup plan in case things go belly up.
“The Devil bound an angel in his basement, and now the God-Machine is hunting him down.”
The Devil has interfered enough times the God-Machine is on the lookout for him, although it won’t go out of its way without a solid lead. The Devil’s more significant problem is that the Lucifuge is hunting him down and is willing to go to considerably more trouble to kill him. As to what’s in his basement - he’s not telling.
“You can’t trust the Devil. He lies and will say whatever it takes to get you to agree to his bargains. The second he can get away with breaking his end, he will.”
The Devil is probably one of the safer alchemists for the Created. When he comes after a Promethean’s Pyros or Vitrol, he’s upfront about his actions. He always wagers them against something the Promethean wants: information, an introduction to important people, or an Anathor. If the Promethean wins, they get their desire. If they lose, they have to give up the resources they wagered. Despite the rumours (which amuse him endlessly), the Devil is a man of his word and will go out of his way to ensure he upholds his end of the bargain. He only tries to take Pyros or Virtol from Prometheans with violence or deception if they break their end of the deal first.
Virtue: Reliable Vice: Indulgent Attributes: Intelligence 2, Wits 3, Resolve 3, Strength 1, Dexterity 4, Stamina 2, Presence 4, Manipulation 4, Composure 4 Skills: Academics 2, Occult 5 (demons), Politics 3, Science 2; Athletics 1, Brawl 2, Drive 3, Larceny 2, Stealth 4; Empath 2, Expression 4 (fiddling), Intimidation 3 (curses), Persuasion 4, Socialize 4, Streetwise 3, Subterfuge 4 Merits: Resources 5, Perfect Recall Health: 7 Magnitude: 2 Distillations: Indulgence (all), Temptation (all) Dread Powers: Jump Scare, Know Soul, Scurry 5 Pryos/per turn: 6/2 Willpower: 7 Integrity: 4 Size: 5 Speed: 10 Defence: 4 Initiative: +8
Disfigurements: Much like Prometheans, the Devil possesses Disfigurements that shine through when he uses Pyros, which trigger Disquiet. The Devil may avoid flaring Disfigurements on any Distillation by taking the Callous Condition.
Occultist Extraordinaire: The Devil knows as many Ceremonies, Open Rituals, and mortal magics as the Storyteller desires. He also achieves an exceptional success on Occult rolls with three successes.
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chellerbelles · 10 months
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X-Men Sims 3 Adventures, Volume 12
Attempt #5.
Regan, as a Genie, ensorcels Pyro (because when you want a fire to happen, you call the professional).
Pryo, a witch, casts a Fire Blast at Apocalypse. But what's this? You only singe him? Ah, I see, I need to aim for the floor at his feet instead.
Yes, that worked. He's now on fire. Finally! The Gold Digger LTW is in my grasp!
And then Jason and Martinique decide to butt in and extinguish the fire. Whose side are you two on?
Ah well, got them out of the way. Pyro set another fire at Apocalypse's feet. Apocalypse is now dead.
Does Regan get the Gold Digger LTW?
No. No of course not. Even after a few sim days, no completion. Their relationship changed from married to engaged, and she lost the 'rich' tag. Ugh. This game is rife with bloody bugs. This is why you mod the crap out of this thing.
So I switched Regan's LTW out for an easier one, will complete that, and then change it back to Gold Digger. Because I went to a lot of trouble to complete it and I want the credit, damn it!
And that brings us to the end of Volume 12.
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scarletooyoroi · 2 years
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Another load of Thoma technique based HCs for your doorstep.
+ He's capable of flight! Compared to the ease in comparison to anemo energy holders. Thoma's technique on the matter is to use jet propulsion instead through by either his feet or through the use of the Crimson Ooyoroi. For the latter, the slots amidst the armor would be molded to allow powerful jets of roaring flame through, it can manipulated for high speed/maneuverability.
The trade off upon such technique is his shieldcraft. Outside of making a protective layer upon his skin (and even that starts off weak, needing to rev up with damage), he can't create any protective barriers while providing himself the constant blaze in order to let him fly about. Attacks with fire blast are easier, since they go on the same principle or just shooting at differing outputs.
(Tbh I find this possible for all pyro/electro/anemo users with their ends of expertise.
You know. Maybe Hydro holders could actually 'swim' in the skies on rainier days.)
+ I've touched on this before but Thoma is an active practitioner of Ki. This is an energy that isn't derived from any Vision usage, rather, it's a power that comes from being able to successfully hone and apply the spirit through bursts of willpower made manifest.
So concepts like those sword beams you see through blunt physical force is well within his skill set. Similar to the Kairagi frommmm--
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That fighting event from once upon a time! The only reason this is electro infused isn't due to any Vision properties. It's only the paper seals from the lost Kamuno arts that are literally spread all over Inazuma. So given that Kairagi themselves are capable of this due to their limited martial prowess, the higher scales within Teyvat can easily be capable of such feats.
So things like force slashes, force strikes has long since been added into his repertoire long before the gaining of his Vision.
+ Speaking on being of a tranquil mind. Thoma's mindset/spirit plays a very important part of how he manipulates the divine nature of his Pyro energy. Allowing it to differentiate as if it's extension of himself, allowing him to leave his enemies charred while any curtains of flame upon the land itself would leave it virtually unscathed (just a bit toasty) heavily depends on this practice.
Exercises such as meditation thus becomes an important part of his routine. Not only does it increase the potency of both shieldcraft and his offensive arts, it just allows his Pyro energy to defy the natural function it provides as if it's a switch to be played with. Losing this state of mind reverts to where it can be the all consuming flame it's originally fated to be. It's also how he infuse his companions with bursts of heat energy for the following--
+ Thoma's C6 is one of the most offensively inclined spells he's come to learn. By purposely fashioning the elemental energies within his allies, it allows for him to rouse their power to a blood boiling high. In turn, allowing for them to gain explosive bursts of strength while in his vicinity and underneath his blessing. While I have other ideas of what it does in my interp of playing with these powers, this is closer adherence to the canon.
He's gained a solid idea of the general baseline of what people can handle. Those underneath Pryo Resonance by working along with him, or just simply have a higher aptitude of handling intensity can get a more intense variance of this buff.
+ While he rarely enjoys using his abilities in this fashion. Thoma can also turn his shield onto opponents instead. Except, instead of a protective bubble, it's more of an enclosure that intends to pressure cook them. Unlike the ability of protecting others that resonates greater with his Vision's divinity, thus giving it more power, this alternative use of his ability demands a lot more out of him.
Enemies already have to be in a stunned state for him to successfully draw the barrier around them, on top of that, transforming the intent of his shield is a process that leaves him stationary as to keep them properly sealed for all the thrashing to follow. He normally keeps this as a teamwork based ability as his allies provide the openings. It's normally something he can never truly use on his own unless it's to finish a job.
+ I might've touched on this one before. Yet, smoke and steam are equally viable weapons to make use of within his hands. For smoke based attacks, it's an uncomfortable, itchy heat that doesn't burn, yet it heavily inhibits as his attention is to dwindle living opponents the use of their natural faculties. He normally saves this for crowd attacks by his lonesome, or to create ample get away moments.
Unlike his flames, this state of using this ability is dangerous at all, which is why he often forgoes it in team situations.
Meanwhile steam is a touch closer his essence of Pyro. This can be safely warded through and around by his allies, just being more of a humid hot to deal with compared to anything else. In comparison, the intention to his foes is to literally scald and melt the skin/construct off of their bodies, whether they're a living entity, mechanical or foes from the great beyond. The usage of divinity is what makes possible to more abyssal oriented foes.
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What do the mercs do to support and care for their s/o and what do they find you special. They show a lot of support towards s/o so let me explain a few. :)) A lot of this writing was inspired by @demomanmybeloved and is one of the reasons why I tried out writing! You should check them out! (If you are out there! I just wanna let you know your writing is awesome!! :))
He cracks jokes for you! He loves hearing you laugh, blush and smile! When he makes you laugh it is just the best moment in his life. When he cracks jokes with other people they ignore him and don't even care. But you! Always understand him. That is one of the reasons why he loves you!
He always helps you cheer you up. If you even say one word something bad about yourself. He will definitely support you! S/o! Let me say this...You are the most funniest, and the hottest person I have ever met! He really means this, it never fails you to give a little giggle at such a cute compliment.
This man...will always brag about you. If you ever feel insecure well fear no more! :)) You are a person who deserves respect...love...happiness...everything! He is very loyal. Trust me
He always helps you out in battle! Did spy screw you over? No problem let me beat him up for you :)) He always keeps you safe in battle! You got a little scratch? * inhale* *exhale* MEDIC COME OVER HERE AND HEAL S/O RIGHT NOW! THAT IS AN ORDER!!
He likes you because you help him calm down. You help him calm down and feel safe. He may seem scary on the outside but he is really a sweetheart in the inside :))
Always cheers you up! Do you feel a bit sad? Pyro got a whole playdate for you to enjoy! Tea party, campfire, everything!!
Do you feel cold? Just in a few seconds you now are fully warmed up. Campfire time!!! Pryo cares about you so much.
They like you since you don't get weirded out like others and don't call him mean names. You also enjoy his company so much!
Always fixes and makes stuff for you :)) (bob the builder) You favorite mug broke? No problem flex tape can fix it Your weapon is a bit weird? No problem! Do you feel a bit under the weather? flex tape can`t fix that but engi sure can fix that! :))
If soldier yells out to you and makes you cry a tear. OHHHH BOYY YOU ARE DEAD MEAT SOLDIER! He will purposefully make his centry hit/attack him. If soldier talks about it, he will pretend to fix it. This went for a whole week. :))) You mess with crush (s/o) you mess with him too.
He likes the fact you are so smart and interesting. The way you are passionate about your interest is so amazing! Your eye always sparkles when you talk about it.
If you ever feel sad, big bear Heavy will help! He bakes or buys your favorite snack/treat and sits down with you and talks. After an hour you feel better and is glad heavy is always there for you.
Protects you from everything. During battle instead of prioritizing his health, he will care for your first! (medic is shocked about this) If his crush is just one health bellow him, *sign* MEDICCCCCCC!!!!!!!! no heavy I am fine there is a health kit right there! No. Heavy will protect s/o.
He is happy that s/o isn`t like others and run off scared. Instead of judging his appearance you actually care for him! You even help him improve his English (which means a LOT to him)
He always helps you try out new things! You wanna try out a new hobby? He will 100% support you! He will maybe even help you/try out with you. If you wanna try out baking he will be your little assistant.
He likes the fact you even take time off your day to spend time with him! He was always alone, drinking....but now he has a person to share company with!
He always shows you beututiful scean/places. Star gazing, sun sets, the autum woods,idk. But anything beutiful in nature!
He likes how creative and funny you are. He was always alone in life...he is so happy that he met you. Your smile is something people shoud die for.
If you even have the smallest injury he will treat it like you will die or something. *GASP* S/O! THERE IS A SCRATCH ON YOUR ARM!! oh. This is nothing to worry abou....NO! THE GERMS WILL INFECT MORE AREAS. COME WITH ME!! *sigh* I am fine... medic...
He is your therapist. You feel sad. This man will do anything to see you smile Once he made you smile, he melts into happiness Mission accomplished
He likes the fact you enjoy his stories. Most people get grossed out and walk away but you always give full attention to him :))
He always helps you in battle. (obviously) Honestly a bit too overprotective...backstabs everywhere...
He often dances with you...The dancing is always so romantic and pleasant. Being able to connect with each other is very nice. He always compliments you while dancing. Chacha real smooth
He likes...everything about you! Your honesty, royalty, wholesomeness, kindness, smile, personality...the list could go on forever. He has had a hard life...it is nice to know there is someone who is willing to support him and get better. You still support him despite how things went out in the past...You know...not all relationships work out... and that`s okay. You are truly a gift in his life. *sniff* He truly believes you are the one who will support him even through the toughest times. :)
Damn...For spy, I did a whole ted talk...idk why...Anyway hope you enjoyed it. My back hurts...*crack*
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whaleofatjme1920 · 3 years
About my previous ask: Don't worry about saying no! It's perfectly fine, thanks for letting me know, man. I hope your recovery continues going well, too! Comfort over writing, I always say. INSTEAD, would Scout, Pyro and Medic comforting their S/O do instead? For example, maybe S/O was having a bad day or got into a fight with someone and their ways of attempting to make their S/O feel better?
Scout, Pyro, and Medic Comfort
[Warnings: Like, none? I mean, vaguely upsetting situations but nothing extreme.]
[AN: Thank you so much for understanding. I can do that for you.]
Jeremy doesn't always let himself feel bad days except when it comes to you. You come to him with the weight of the world on your shoulders and he melts instantly, wanting to do anything and everything to make you feel better.
Jeremy's way of dealing with problems is getting out and having fun. After you've laid everything out on the table, how all these bad things snowballed into how you feel now (entirely overwhelmed), he wants to take you out to do fun stuff. Bowling, going on a jog or watching a movie... All that cute stuff.
He'll try to handle whatever made you stressed that he can. Jeremy would move mountains for you. He also makes you some of his Ma's home cooked favorites because surprise, he has a knack for her cooking and literally only her cooking. It fills the soul.
Jeremy also takes a long nap with you when the whole day is over. Anything to get you to relax. He tells you really corny jokes, far fetched tales, does really off the wall things and makes you smile. He compliments you, makes sure things go your way. Whatever you wish, it's his command.
But mostly, the two of you go on some wild as all hell adventure around the city to get your mind off of it. It's how he works best, and he knows laughter is the best medicine.
They're way more aware of the world around them than anyone can see or they even care to admit. When you come to them crying about fighting with someone near and dear to your heart, it breaks theirs! They hate seeing you in such an uncomfortably soft state of mind.
They're very pampering. They will cover you in smooches, hugs, cuddle with you, and they'll also bake you things. They like baking sweets with you, so it kinda gets your head off of it!
Expect to have a relatively quiet, not too stimulating night in. They know your nerves are probably shot, so they put on a good movie, some hot chocolate or tea, orders take out, and also listens to you completely. It makes you feel safe, and secure. They bring you a bunch of their stuffed animals, wrap you up in blankets, all of those things to make you feel nested and secure.
Pryo would also run a bath for you. I don't think they're hydrophobic but they get weirded out by water on their skin or in their hair. But, that doesn't stop them from running a really nice bath for you. They really, really do pamper you completely.
Pyro also is a big fan of a nap when all is said and done. They like to pet you, and hum softly to you. If you want, you can get a little destructive they'll bring you to one of those rage zones. They sometimes find that freeing.
You come to him upset about grades, exams. Your mental health hasn't been in the best state and well, it's midterms and you're not exactly doing the best you possibly could. And it makes him pause. He wonders what the hell is going on in the education system that someone as hardworking as you could be that close to not hitting a mark. It makes him reel tbh.
Aside from wanting to help you academically, he has to remind himself this is an emotional matter, not necessarily a problem to solve. He steps back from himself for a moment and takes care of you in a still clinical, but soft manner. He takes you out into the town, holds your hand and spends time with you. A cafe, some light shopping, a farmer's market and so on.
It's peaceful and low energy because he knows how much you've been expending yourself elsewhere. At home, he will take care of everything else. Lets you rest, and gives you personal space. He probably makes food for you as well, comforts from Germany that his mother and father would make for him.
Out of everyone here, he's the most likely to give you proper space for yourself to recalibrate. He's also just as willing to cuddle with you and not say anything while you zone out. He thinks that's sweet too.
Even if you don't know about it, he's definitely handling your academics without you knowing. He helps you study in ways that work for you, reminds you of assignments from time to time, he finds a way to make it work in your favor. He's a good mix of personal and professional.
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tsarbomba567 · 3 years
Some Serpentine headcanons:
When a Hypnobrai hypnotizes someone, they see a basic glimpse into their mind, but this glimpse becomes more detailed the longer they have the hypnotized subject under their control. While for most this glimpse disappears once they stop hypnotizing their target, others may unknowingly form a unique bond with their victim, being able to read them mentally. This can persist even after those hypnotized are treated with antivenom.
Some Pyro Vipers suffer from pyromania. As such, they are kept under close watch so that they don't start any fires. The revived Pryo Vipers can eat and drink just like any other living thing, but they have to be careful not to burn what they're eating. (There's also the fact that it's possible that some of the previous Pyro Viper kings were revived along with there subjects, it's just that they're keeping a low profile.)
Some Fangpyre have a some type of mutation where they produce less venom, but said venom can't be cured by getting the victim's heart rate high enough, meaning that their only solace is the Fangpyre antivenom. Some Fangpyre also have a strange thirst for blood (both human and Serpentine), but they can also eat and drink normally (though they like the blood more).
There are a few Venomari who are born with six eyes instead of four, with the extra pair of eyes functioning normally. There's also some Venomari whom have either more acidic yet less hallucinogenic venom, or more hallucinogenic yet less acidic venom; those whom are afflicted with the more acidic venom may get acid burns, while those suffering from the more hallucinogenic venom may see hallucinations months after they get cured.
Some Anacondrai are born with legs instead of the usual tail. These individuals, while ostracized from Anacondrian society, learn that having legs may not be a necessarily bad thing, and that they might be able to do things that regular Anacondrai can't (ex. wall climbing). There are also some Anacondrai whom are born with a unusually long neck (like Pythor), which not only makes them stand out from their brethren, but also makes them more susceptible/prone to suffer vertigo.
Some Constricti are born with an extra pair of arms, and are slightly taller as a result. Those with this condition are more efficient at digging, as well as being a formidable foe in combat. There are also those whom suffer from Pica, which causes them to eat things such as rocks, dirt, sand, etc; these individuals have to be closely monitored, as they can eat something (ex. glass) that could cause sometimes fatal internal injuries.
Above all else, there is a small chance that any Serpentine can be albino, leucsitic, piebald; abundistic, or melanistic. Also, Serpentine can live up to 200 years, and grow up somewhat faster than humans.
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primalsouls · 3 years
albedo x m! reader
⚠️ : none but let me know!
theme: general
note: albedo albedo albedo albedo. i just love albedo and want to write something more general because usually the fics i read tend to be too fluff or too angst and sometimes other fics tend to feel like a super slow. like, im not trying to read an eassy. 💀 jkjk lol anyway, enjoy, hope you like it! and thank you for reading! let me know what you think. :)
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Dragonspine was never in their bucket list of places to visit. It was deadly cold. Monsters roamed around. Even the Fatui were presented. [Y/N] was surprised how he managed to reached the campus set out by the Chief Alchemist further up the mountain. One would think he would camp out with the group based at the bottom of the mountain. He was a skilled swordman and his vision kept him warm throughout the difficult journey as best as it could. He did broke a sweat when fighting a few monsters but all that was important was his destination. Thus meeting Albedo, the genius Kreideprinz. [Y/N] was new to the Knight of Favonius, started back a few weeks ago. Today he was ordered by the Acting Grand Master to assist the Captain of the Investigation Team in one of his experiments. Or alternatively, Jean worried about the alchemist not taking care of himself and potentially risking failed experiments turn to unwanted results in Dragonspine and Mondstadt.
It was his order to check on the man. But, by the Archons, does he had to camp this far up. [Y/N] groaned when he reached a broken bridge. How was he going to get to the other side? Ah, right. Gliding. With a good running start, he could jump just high enough and glide his way to the other half of the fallen bridge with no added injuries. A flawless plan.
A scream left his lips when he jumped as best as he could after his run. No wonder he did terrible at mathematics. His calculations were off. And now, he was going to pump down to his end. Just to check on some big-time, smart guy. [Y/N] should had decline. But he wanted to prove himself. For what now? Prove he can see the light firsthand? What a joke. He reached out, his hand inches away from the other broken part of the bridge. He was so focus on reaching something to grab on he didn't hear his own scream leave his mouth nor the abrupted tug on his hand held by another. He came to his senses when he smacked against the wall under the brigde harshly, letting out a groan. [Y/N] looked up. [E/C] eyes met bright teal eyes. Such beautiful eyes. It felt like he was staring into emerald instead. They outshined the blues around Dragonspine. Like sun if the clouds ever go away.
"Are you only going to keep staring or help me pull you up?" He heard, the soothe voice snapping [Y/N] out of their thoughts. A blush bloomed on his face as he cleared his throat, using his other hand to keep himself firm in their hold.
"S-Sorry..." [Y/N] mumbled as he was pulled up. Solid, cold ground was what he felt right away. He looked over his shoulder, grimacing at the sight of the long fall he could had experienced first and last. Cursing the fall away, the knight turned back to his savior, about to thank them until he stopped himself. Upon closer look, his savior was... handsome. Their ashy light blonde hair reached below their shoulders, pulled back in a braided ponytail. It lookes adorable. Soft, even. It makes him want to run his fingers through it. Realizing he was staring again, [Y/N] cleared his throat as he shook his head, his blush increasing in color. Eyes darted to stare at the ground instead. "Uh, thank yo-you... Thank you for saving me back there." The knight said with a small smile, looking back his savior only to see them walk away already. "What?" [Y/N] sat there forzen, not believing what happened. He chuckled weakly, now pissed for the rude manner. "Hey, wait up!" He stood up from the ground, dusting himself off from any snow as he ran up to catch up to the mystery person. "You know, it's really rude to jusf walk away like that!" [Y/N] complained, slowing down as he came up to a campsite. His eyes widen a bit. There were bookshelves lined up again the walls of the cavern. Tables filled with written pages and materials. A small set of art supplies in one area and an crafting table by his side. Did his savior lived here? Wait, was this...?
"Are you the Captain of the Investigation Team, Albedo?" The knight said, walking up to the alchemist who simply nodded with no reply. He was focused on his work, [Y/N] could see that. "Oh okay..." He muttered underneath his breath, raising a brow. Well, here he was. The alchemist looked alright. There was no sight of any failed experiments. Mondstadt was good to stay for another day. But [Y/N] wasn't leaving yet. "My name is [F/N]. I was ordered by the Acting Grand Master to check on you... Which is why I'm here..." Albedo only gave a faint hum. What a conversationalist. "Okaaay..." The young man looked around. He couldn't just leave after what he just experienced. He was still shaky.
"Where are you from?" [Y/N] asked, attempting to make a conversation.
"Here and there." Albedo replied bluntly.
"What do you do?"
"This and that."
"You ever-"
"Now and then."
"Gosh, you're just full of information." [Y/N] grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest.
"And you're just full of interruptions." Albedo fired back, finally looking away from his work and turned to the knight. His expression was stoic but his beautiful emerald eyes held a hint of annoyance. His comment made the other man pouted and rolled his eyes. "You done your quest. Now, you may leave."
"What the-? Huh?" He couldn't believe it. He was being kicked out? Reasonable, actually. But still. What a rude alchemist. "Okay, look, I have to actually make sure you're okay and Jean said to stay for a few days before I return, anyway." [Y/N] explained. Albedo sighed softly, disinterested from the interaction. The knight clicked his tongue. "So, no, I'm not leaving." The knight huffed, head held high. Albedo hummed again, already looking back at his work. "Oh my- really?" [Y/N] shook his head, running a hand through his hair. He kept studying the area they were in, trying to locate any sort of self-care going on. There was a cook pot but the burned woods look as if it had went out hours ago. "How long had you been working?"
Albedo shrugged, papers being moved around in his area. [Y/N] sighed. He went to stand beside the table, inches away from him to not disturb his work. With the closeup, [Y/N] saw fainted dark circles under his eyes. He looked a little pale, too.
"Have you eaten at all? Rest?" He asked softly, a frown on his face. His gloved hands rest on his waist. [Y/N] looked like a parent scolding their child. Albedo shrugged again. The knight groaned, head tilted back. The lack of responses were starting to pissed him off. "I'll make you something." He grumbled, looking into his traveling bag as he walked over to the pot. Using his Pryo vision, he watched the flames come to alive once more. He pulled out pre-packaged ingredients he made himself before he set off.
Albedo's concentration was fully on his project but the smell of a delicious meal wandered around his nose. It pulled him out of his priority. The scent made his stomach growled. The Geo user stopped what he was doing and turned around. His eyes spotted the knight crouched down beside the pot, stirring around the contents it cooked. The flames illuminated the small cave, the knight's face glowed from it. Hair swayed back, half-lidded eyes stared boredly at the pot. Soft lips pressed into a thin line. It was a pretty sight. A perfect picture. A gorgeous paint on a canvas. His canvas. The scenery needed to be painted in his canvas.
[Y/N] heard movements behind him but he didn't bother to look up. He figured the alchemist was still all over his experiments. Behind his back, Albedo set up his easel, an 18x24 canvas rest nicely on it. His paints, brushes, and palette laid beside him on a stool with a cup of water on it as well. He began to sketch out the sight, a concentrated frown on his face.
"Hmm... I think it's done." [Y/N] muttered to himself, smiling a bit at the cooked stew he made. He was about to get up but a shout stopped him.
"Don't move! I'm not done yet." He heard the alchemist. The Pyro user blinked, confusion written over his face. "Not done..." Albedo continued, his hand moving a brush around. [Y/N] swallowed, wondering what he was doing.
"Why can't I move?" He asked, still in the position.
"Because I'm not finish."
"Finish with what?"
"The painting... It's not finished..." Albedo trailed off, focusing more on the canvas. [Y/N] was dumbfounded. Ah, right. The alchemist had a set of art supplies. But why could he be painting? Was he painting him? He was just sitting around the cook pot, nothing else. What did he capture in his mind to had the urge to paint? So much questions ran through his head and his face rest back to how it was when the knight stared at the pot. Just what Albedo needed to complete his new piece.
Half an hour passed and the flames were small. the pot was sat beside it. No need to have burnt food. [Y/N]'s legs were starting to cramp.
"Are you do-"
"Done." Albedo finished for him, stepping back from his canvas. [Y/N] sighed in relief as he stood up and stretched his limps out, hearing a few joints popped. Surely didn't sounded good but felt good. He walked over to Albedo.
"Can I see, please?" He asked, tilting his head. Albedo stared at the canvas before shifting his eyes over to the knight. He suddenly felt flustered. What a foreign feeling. It was he was embarrassed. He was not embarrassed. His face felt warmed. Was he blushing? What was going on? [Y/N] waited for an answer, raising a brow as he sent a charming smile his way. Why did such a gesture made his chest tightened but in a good way? Like something fluttered inside him. Was his heart beat increasing? Impossible. Feelings were unfamiliar to him. So, why was he experiencing them right now? "Albedo..." His name rolled out of his mouth. It sounded perfect. Did he just noticed it?
"It's not finished..." Albedo replied quickly, throwing [Y/N] off guard.
"But you said-"
"It's not finished." Albedo repeated, clearing his throat. The knight nodded slowly.
"Okaay..." [Y/N] mumbled, looking back at the pot. "Ah, well, dinner is ready. C'mon, let's eat." He said, walking back at the pot to begin serving the meal for both. Albedo watched him, lips parted slightly. His teal eyes moved back to the canvas. Finished. It was finished. He just... didn't want to show the knight but why? It was beautifully painted. A pretty piece. The look he captured from the knight painted there. Admirable.
"Are you coming or what?" [Y/N] called out, already setting the other table for them to eat at. Albedo blinked and nodded a second later. He placed his brush and palette down, taking his gloves off as he made his way over. There they sat. In complete silence. It wasn't awkward, fortunately. It was comfortable atmosphere. No need to exchange words. Albedo seem to like that. Perhaps Jean did a good thing to sent someone out. It felt nice to have company over for once.
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koiblossom5 · 3 years
genshin impact: tokyorev edition
itakemichi: anemo sword user
all anime protags automatically get slapped w the good ol’ anemo vision + sword i don’t make the rules
mikey: pyro claymore user
imagine being a hilichurl or some rando and this 5′3′ middle schooler starts beating the shit out of you while swinging a big ass sword 
draken: geo claymore user
he’s one of the buffest dudes in the show so may as well make him tough as hell. 
baji: pyro sword user
goes apeshit and proceeds to destroy everything within a 20 mile radius bc he’s a menace. also he was literally committing arson when he was a kid so there’s that too ig??
chifuyu: anemo bow user
idk man i just think he’s neat
mitsuya: hydro catalyst user
barbara 2.0 but with a gucci belt
hakkai: cryo claymore user
he’s best buds w mitsuya so naturally he’s gotta have the cryo + hydro pairing! he probably hates his vision bc it’s the same as tajiu’s. in contrast, yuzuha has a pyro vision, which would probably be symbolic in some way if I had the brain cells
smiley: pyro polearm user
duo w angry! will not hesitate to kick ass with a smile on his face. will throw hands anytime anywhere
angry: hydro polearm user
he received a hydro vision after reigning hell when some bullies made him cry. to keep his powers in check, smiley tells him not to cry so he doesn’t accidentally kill someone. constantly has to stop smiley from exterminating hilichurl camps
inui: pyro sword user
received a pyro vision after the uh, incident. he despises his vision and rarely uses it, relying on physical strength. he has little to no control over his vision and will accidentally burn down smth when he’s feeling angry or conflicted
koko: dendro catalyst
instead of brute strength, he uses poison to slowly weaken his enemies and sap their energy rather than get his hands dirty. received his vision at the same time as inui. he doesn’t like his vision very much either and wishes he had a hydro vision so he could’ve save akane
pah chin: geo claymore
basically the same thing as draken but i literally cannot see him as anything else so
peh yan: geo polearm
geo duo w pah-chin! two idiots who share one brain cell, what chaos shall they cause 😈
kazutora: electro polearm user
he can summon a tiger familiar made of thunder to aid him in battle! he makes a destructive duo w baji, because they end up causing a lot of explosions and property damage that gives mikey headaches. dw, chifuyu is there to keep them in check 
kisaki: dendro catalyst user w/ pyro elements
rarely uses his vision unless absolutely necessary. his powers are weak, but his intelligence is his best weapon. he uses pyro elements to aid in his malicious schemes, aka burning hina to death in literally every timeline
hanma: electro claymore user
partners in crime w kisaki. honestly I would pay to watch a fight w genshin impact mikey vs hanma just bc it’ll look dope
hina: pryo catalyst user
you thought I wouldn’t include best girl?? well you were WRONG. hina solos 💪🥱
izana: electro claymore user
I take back what I said before, I wanna see a fight between mikey and izana. izana’s techniques would probably be really similar to mikey’s.
kakucho: pyro sword user
what do two pyro + electro duo’s have in common? :))) (hint: one of their partners is probably six feet under)
rindou and ran: electro catalyst users
I feel like they would both have similar weapons and visions. ran is a little more skilled in terms of technique because he’s older. he cares a lot about rindou and gets super worried when he sees his little brother getting too reckless
sanzu: pyro polearm/sword
honestly I couldn’t decide whether sanzu would use a sword or polearm. he likes to get a little crazy and wild in battle, so he won’t hold back.
senju: hydro claymore
in contrast to her brother, senju has a hydro vision. she’s strong in her own right, perfectly balancing physical and elemental strength. she also uses a claymore, mimicking mikey. girlboss ig
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kayohisei · 3 years
Tumblr media
"Crimson Flurry" Tatsuko (Pyro)
Weapon: Polearm
Constellation: Sanguine Vexillum
Intended role: DPS
Region: Liyue
A street performer in Liyue Harbor. She was formerly a worker at Yuehai Pavillion, but left for reasons unknown.
Elemental Skill: Slams her polearm on the ground, draining 10% of her max HP entering a Sanguine Frenzy state. While Sanguine Frenzy is active, she will recieve an ATK and Crit Rate bonus equal to 40% of her max HP. Additionally, Tatsuko's charged attacks will deal a burst of Pyro DMG. If Tatsuko is below 60% HP, the Pyro Burst will deal an extra 10% of her missing HP.
Elemental Burst: Consumes 30% of Tatsuko's current HP and swings her polearm around her, dealing Pyro DMG and entering Bloodthirst. In this state, Tatsuko's auto attacks are infused with Pyro and hitting enemy units will regenerate 8% of her current HP for each hit and increase her ATK by 10% of her missing HP. The ATK buff effect cannot stack. Killing a unit will instead regenerate 16% of her current HP and increase her Crit Rate by 30% of her max HP.
Pass 1: Decreases climbing stamina by 20%.
Pass 2: Tatsuko's auto attacks and elemental skill receieve a DMG bonus based off of 2.3% of her Max HP.
Pass 3: Tatsuko gains a 40% PHYS and Pryo DMG bonus when her HP is below 50%.
1: While Sanguine Frenzy is active, charged attacks and sprinting consume 50% less stamina.
2: Tatsuko's 4th basic attack will deal a bonus burst of Pyro DMG equal to 3% of her max HP.
3: Increase Elem Burst by 3 lvs.
4: Tatsuko gains 60% more DEF and 20% Phys and Elem RES when she is below 30% HP.
5: Increase Elem Skill by 3 lvs.
6: When both Sanguine Frenzy and Bloodthirst are active, Tatsuko will drain 15% of enemy HP and transfer it onto herself. Should she reach below 10% HP, the drain will increase to 25% and Tatsuko will gain 50% extra ATK Spd.
Best in slot weapon: Banner Of Devotion
Tatsuko's another easy to translate one, esp considering quite a few liyue charas already have an outfit like her base one! I did put some phoenix themes here and there just to put a bit of extra flair in there. her gameplay cocept is based around her bloodlust; the more she gets injured and the more she injures others, the stronger she gets. kinda like hu tao in a way?
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windblooms · 4 years
Hi I'm back bc I lost your blog for a while and couldn't find you again but this is Diluc won't come home anon. I looked through your recent posts and I think tumblr might have eaten my followup ask you you but things changed anyway. Diluc still refuses to come home >:( like what? But I have a few questions and I apologize in advance bc this will take several asks. 1 My Keqing and Xiao are level 70 and I'm starting to stock up on stuff for Diluc so I haven't leveled up anyone much. 1/?
How should I go about leveling up the other characters you suggested for the team builds? Should I just pick one and only level those ones up? 2 do you have recommended weapons for Diluc/Keqing (my only good staff is Homa so Xiao will keep it). I got two wolf's gravestones and uh, some sword that sometimes heals when I attack? I forget the name. I've been using that w/Keqing. 2a should I refine wolf's gravestone since I have two or keep it for someone else? 3 which talents should I focus on 2/?
I have Keqing at C3. Should I strive for (but not whale for oof) any constellations for her/Xiao/Diluc over time? 5 do you know the names of the artifacts best for any of them? All guides just use tiny icons and idk what everything is... Finally not a question but I just want to thank you for your advice and willingness to help! Seeing everyone else asking makes me feel less alone for not super "getting" things about the game. I hope you're having a nice day/night. :) (3/3)
hi!!  yes, i think your ask did get eaten by tumblr orz,, and that diluc won’t come home to you ;; i’ll try and make your time here worth while urk
typically you want to focus on leveling your dps/main damage characters first!  but i wouldn’t recommend leveling your dps characters to level 90.  keep them capped at level 80 because the amount of mora/exp books you need to use to upgrade from lvl 80-90 is atrocious.  
most supportive or non-dps characters are fine at level 50 for overworld gameplay (in the abyss floors 9-12, try getting them to at least level 60).  
diluc’s best weapon is wolf’s gravestone!  i would say refine it (so combine the two you got), unless you have another claymore user who you will use as dps.  supportive claymore users like chongyun don’t need wolf’s gravestone.
diluc’s a bit tricky with talents, but you want to focus his skill > normal attack > burst.  skill then normal attack because diluc uses a pryo damage bonus goblet, and i believe diluc’s skill hits harder than his normal attack, and is already a pyro ability.   
artifact set combos for diluc go: 2 piece crimson witch of flames + 2 piece gladiator > 4piece crimson witch of flames.  lawawalker is okay but not as strong.
artifact main stat prio goes hp flower, atk feather, atk% timepiece, pyro bonus damage goblet, and crit rate/damage circlet.
artifact substat prio goes crit rate/damage > atk% > atk.
keqing’s best swords go blacksword > aquila (physical, but its stats are high enough to be good on electro keqing) > skyward blade > lion’s roar (electro keqing) > prototype rancour (physical keqing). 
keqing talent focus goes normal attack > skill > burst.
artifact set combos for keqing go 4piece thundersoother (hybrid electro and physical) > keqing 2piece thundering fury + 2piece gladiator (electro keqing) > 2piece bloodstained + 2piece thundering fury (beta hybrid keqing) > 2piece bloodstained chivalry + 2piece gladiator (physical keqing). 
electro keqing with 4piece thundersoother has been mathematically proven to be the best build for her with the highest damage output.
artifact main stat prio goes hp flower, atk feather, atk% timepiece, electro bonus damage goblet, and crit rate/damage circlet.  you can use a physical bonus damage goblet instead but i really don’t recommend it (from personal experience lol).
artifact substat prio goes crit rate/damage > atk% > atk.
uhh after refreshing on their constellations, i would heavily discourage you from going for more keqing constellations.  order of best constellations (in my opinion) go diluc > xiao > keqing.
at c6, i think xiao is more busted than c6 diluc.  but the only reason i put diluc’s constellations as better is because starting at c2 (and especially more noticeable at c4) diluc comes online and is much more better than c0 diluc, ie you’ll unlock more of his potential at a sooner point, whereas with xiao, his constellations 1-5 don’t really . . . make him that much better imo?  i’ve debunked xiao’s constellations here if you want to see why.  so yeah. you gain more return in investment sooner with diluc’s constellations than with xiao’s.  
keqing . im gonna . they did her so dirty ahdljaf.  keqing constellations do make her better, don’t get me wrong, but they’re nothing impressive like xiao’s or childe’s.  like if someone said “skill tree”, keqing’s constellations are as basic as it gets.  
thank you for the sweet words as well! orz  you don’t have to “get” things about genshin, most people who fuss about aritfacts and particular builds are slaves to the game (i am so guilty of this orz).  at the end of the day, genshin should be for fun!  and i do hope that you are enjoying yourself with the game. ♡
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@sebastianshaw​  Hey, remember when I said that Potoroo Park was the dumbest thing I’ve ever written?  I take it back.  It’s this.  This is the dumbest thing I’ve ever written.  You have my deepest apologies. 
Pyro was wearing one of his very old outfits – tight-fitting white pants that flared out at the ankles and a shimmery purple shirt. That was his first clue that something was wrong.  The second clue was that he appeared to be standing in the sand at Bondi Beach, one of Sydney’s most famous and popular tourist spots, instead of his familiar cabin on the Marauder.  
The third clue was the crowd of people rushing past him, screaming in terror.  
“What – “  A panicked surfer slammed into him before he could even get the question out, knocking him into the sand.  For a moment, Pyro was furious because the pants stained so easily, and he’d spent most of his paycheck for that last article on this outfit, and then he remembered that he hadn’t worn any of these clothes in decades.  They’d all gotten sold off at second-hand shops when St. John Allerdyce was packing up his civilian life and running off to become Pyro. He’d worn a lot more red and orange after that.    
The stampede continued around him as he picked himself up, and he could hear voices in the crowd.
“Emus!  The emus are coming!”  
“Emus, mate!”  One of the fleeing beach-goers stopped for a moment to push him along, and Pyro found himself running in spite of himself.  “They won the war and now they’ve turned on us!”  
“And they’ve allied with cassowaries!”  
“Oh, fuck!”  And then Pyro was running in earnest.  Tourists were always fooled by cassowaries, with their vibrant blue heads that were so very pretty.  To hell with those those murder peacocks.  They were basically feathered dinosaurs, and they’d kick your guts out like an extra on Jurassic Park.  
The fact that none of this made any sense at all did not occur to Pyro.  He was too busy flailing as an errant foot sent him down into the sand again, this time getting stepped on by a few people.
“Augh!  Fuckin’…….gettoff!  Gettoff ya cunts!”  He pushed himself up, dazed, as the crowd receded into the distance, fully intending to burn every god damn one of them, which they totally deserved for trampling him into the dirt like that.  Although he might have to burn a few cassowaries, first.
Two booted feet suddenly appeared in the sand before him.  Pyro looked up, and immediately regreted it.  
The man wore thigh-high black leather boots, and what appeared to be a red diaper held up by odd suspenders crossed over his chest.  And nothing else.  Pyro was not a prude, or someone disgusted by the male body (quite the opposite, in fact). But he had no desire to see anyone dressed like that.  Especially not Fabian Cortez.
“You poor dear, those brutes have left you behind! Are you hurt?”  With a dazzling smile, Cortez offered Pyro a hand up, and the threat of murderous birds on their heels was enough to make him take it.
“Not to worry, my beauty,” Fabian continued before Pyro could even respond.  “I’ll save you!  You can be part of my harem when I defeat the emu army and am declared emperor for life!” He swept Pyro into his arms with surprising ease, and began sprinting down the beach.  
“Put me down, you sleazy piece of – “  Over Fabian’s shoulder, Pyro saw a cloud of dust on the horizon behind them.  The ground rumbled with the sound of powerful, clawed feet.  “Never mind, please keep carrying me.  And run faster.”
“Haha!  Don’t fret, my precious flower!  Those birds are no match for the mighty thighs of Fabian Cortez!”  
“Uh-huh, that’s great.  But I’ll just torch a few to discourage them from getting too close, shall I?”  The dust cloud was getting bigger, and Pryo could faintly see beady eyes and geaming claws in the mass.  He felt in his pockets for his lighter.  Then he felt again.  Then he desperately ran his hands all along his body, praying that he had it in some shirt pocket, even tucked away in his shoe.  
“Stop fidgeting, my cuddly koala!  I know you must be going nearly mad with desire, being so close to me, but please control yourself until I can deal with this crisis. Then I promise I’ll give you full and complete satisfaction, until you faint from sheer delight.”
“Where’s my bloody lighter you wanker?”  Pyro yelled, yanking on Fabain’s long red braid. “I need my lighter!”  
“You don’t need that!”  Fabian argued.  “You only need me!”
“I.  Need. My.  Fucking.  Lighter,” Pyro growled, punctuating each word with another yank on the braid.  He tried to focus on the anger, and not on the panic that was bubbling up in his chest.  No lighter meant he was completely and utterly exposed.  His powers meant fuck-all without fire for him to grab hold of. Because God forbid the fire-manipulating guy actually be able to create fire, right?  That would make things too easy.  
“Don’t get hysterical, my darling wallaby!  Upon my word as a gentleman and supreme mutant, I’ll protect you.  We just have to get to the high ground!”  
“What high ground?”  Pyro exclaimed, but suddenly they were right in front of the Sydney Opera House.  Which was miles away from Bondi Beach, nowhere near running distance, but what the hell.
“We shall climb to safety, my exquisite dingo. And from there I can come up with a strategic plan to save the country –“  Fabian was interrupted as a cassowary charged at him, kicking and squawking.   He jumped back with a rather undiginified squawk of his own.  The birds were all around them now, jabbing and kicking with beaks and claws.  
“Never mind, Allerdyce, it’s every man for himself! I’ll remember your sacrifice, my dearest Tasmanian devil!”  Fabian dropped Pyro, leaped onto the wall and began climbing.
“Wait just a damn minute, you piece of – “   Pyro began climbing himself.  It shouldn’t have been possible to scale Sydney Opera House, but somehow he was doing it, and very quickly went from the main building up onto the shell-like half-domes that protruded up from the roof.
“We’ll be safe up here, my sweet funnel-web spider! Emus and cassowaries are flightless birds!”  Fabian called down.
“I know they’re flightless birds, I’m from this country!”  Pyro looked down for a moment, at the dark mass of birds gathered below him.  There were thousands of them.  Which wouldn’t be a problem if Pyro just had his damned lighter, but of course he was one of the few mutants that needed some outside “help” to use his powers. Fuck genetics right up the arse.  
But it was okay, as long as they stayed up high on the building.  
Wait.  There was a flurry of activity down below, and Pyro saw, to his disbelief, the birds starting to stand on each other’s backs.  
“Climb faster, Cortez!” he yelled up, but soon they reached the tip of the tallest shell, and there was nowhere else to go.          
“I don’t suppose there’s the slightest chance you’ve got some matches in that diaper of yours, is there?”  Pyro asked in despair.
“I’m afraid not, my beloved duck-billed platypus. The only hot thing inside my pants is – “
“Shut UP, Cortez!”  Pyro looked down, and immediately regreted it.  The emu-cassowary “ladders” were working their way up the building.  
“Look!  Up in the sky!”  Fabian pointed at a dot far in the distance.  “Is it a bird, or perhaps a plane?”
“That’s not really a pressing issue right now, Cortez!” Pyro snapped, but he paused to look at the dot all the same.  It was quickly getting bigger, as if approaching them.  In a moment, it took shape, revealing the sillouhette of a man.
That in itself wasn’t so strange.  There were all sorts of mutant flyers, both men and women. But there was something especially odd about this one.  There were thin, wing-like appendages that seemed to be protruding out of his face. Then the figure came close enough to recognize, and Pyro groaned.  This was the only thing that could make his day worse.
“Greetings, friends!” exclaimed Sebastian Shaw, looking far cheerier than usual.  “It seems as though you need some assistance!  Let me read to you from the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People!”  
He was wearing his usual rich-as-fuck business suit, but…his hair.  Pyro realized with growing disgust that Shaw’s sideburns had grown freakishly long and seemed to move of their own accord, like the tentacles of some deep-water sea creature.  It appeared to be the primary thing holding him aloft.
“Shaw, what the fuck?!”
“Who is Shaw?”  Sebastian looked innocently confused, a completely alien expression on his face.  “I am the Flying Capitalist, my friends, and I’m here to help people help themselves! I know that with the proper encouragement, you two can overcome adversity, just as I once did!  I worked 13-hour shifts in the foundry starting at age 9, and it made me the man I am today!  Here, have some applications for a management training program!”  Shaw tossed paper down at them.
“Or maybe you could carry us out of here?” Pyro asked.  “Since you can fly and all that…..somehow.”  The sideburns fluttered like pennants for the world’s most disgusting baseball team as Shaw bobbed up and down with the air currents.
“Yes, save us, Flying Capitalist!”  Fabian begged.  “Or at least save me, if there’s only room for one!”    
“Oh, I could carry you to safety.  But would that really be helping you?”
“Yes!”  Pyro exclaimed.
“Nonsense!”  Sebastian waved a hand.  “The real assistance is to help you help yourself.  After all, give a man a fish and he eats for a day.  Teach a man to fish, and he becomes your competitor. But, teach a man to sweep floors and carry buckets of cod, and you can employ him at minimum wage in your fish processing plant!  Everyone wins!  But especially me!”  
“What the absolute bloody fuck are you talking about?”
“There are no free rides in this life, son,” Sebastian continued, now looking stern.  “I’ve done all I can at this point.  You’ll have to get yourself out of this.  Just pull yourself up by your bootstraps and levitate!”  
“That’s completely impossible!” Pyro said.
“Nothings impossible if you’ve got will and drive! It’s the American way!  They said I’d never bring sideburns back, but look at me now!”  
Pyro was trying not to.  The horrible, undulating waves of hair stretched too far across the sky.
“Just pull yourself up, Allerdyce!  You can do it!  Actually, I doubt you can, but it doesn’t matter.  Progress and industry don’t slow down for the incompetent.” Sideburns flapping, Sebastian started to rise into the air again.  “Read Atlas Shrugged!”
“Shaw, have you got a lighter?  At least toss me a lighter!”  Pyro called after him.
“Boooootsraaaaaps……”  came Sebastian’s voice, faint on the wind as he flew away into the clouds.    
For a moment, Pyro and Fabian looked at each other, then back down at the ground.  The emu and cassowaries, piled atop each other, had created a massive living wall that was now dangerously close.
“Maybe we can negotiate?”  
“With who exatly?”
“I think that’s their leader!”  Fabian pointed at a small figure, perched atop the head of the central cassowary.  If Pyro squinted, he could see that it appeared to be wearing a tiny crown and mantle.
“Oh look at it, it’s so cute!”  Fabian gushed.  “Look at its little whiskers and paws!”  
It was cute.  The tiny rodent – Pyro thought he remembered it having some silly name….pootalo?  Poorooto? – gazed up at them with unreadable black eyes.  It twitched it’s adorable little nose, and held out a tiny paw.  Then it turned the paw in a very clear thumbs down gesture.  
“Oh, for fucks sakes!”  Pyro exclaimed as the emus surged forward, up towards them.  
“Maybe we can appease them with a sacrifice!  Forgive me, my petite salt-water crocodile.  I’ll never forget you!”  Cortez grabbed Pyro and attempted to shove him off the ledge.
“Like, hell, Cortez!  You’re coming down with me!”  Pyro wrapped his hands around Fabian’s neck and held on as they tipped forward past the point of no return.  For an instant they were tumbling down towards the sea of birds and the cold dark eyes of King Potoroo –
Then, Pyro jerked awake and felt himself hit the floor.  He flailed around frantically for a moment, and realized that he was sprawled in his cabin on the Marauder  
“Ugh…..”  Pyro lay still while the wave of nausea that always accompanied his hang-overs washed over him.  This time it was accompanied by a sense of relief as the nightmare faded.
“What the god damn hell was that all about?”  Pyro muttered aloud.  Was it some kind of extremely problematic expression of suppressed guilt for living in a country founded on colonization?  Pyro didn’t really dwell on it, but he was well aware of Australia’s bloody history.  Was it his own underlying insecurity about his powers, which at times seemed to reduce him to “guy with flame-thrower”?  Was it a twisted version of his latest romance novel, first draft still halfway completed?  Was he somehow punishing himself for past crimes by dreaming about the two worst people in the entire world?
As his vision came into focus, Pyro spotted the bottle lying next to him.  Tequila, laced with mescaline, which Shinobi had acquired on the black market.  Shinobi, who was still on the bed, snored peacefully, with every inch of the sheets wrapped around him in a satin cocoon.  
Well, that explained it.  Throwing on a pair of shorts, Pyro staggered out to the top deck, and tossed the bottle overboard.  Never again. 
FYI: Fabian is wearing this outfit from the terrible sci-fi movie Zardoz.  I’m so sorry.
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kessielrg · 5 years
[Mighty Number 9] Kaberi’s Patch
Summary: In which Troilus convinces Leilani to enter Dr. White's laboratory in order to fix Cryosphere's Cabbage Patch doll Kabi.
Rating: K
Word count: 2,401 words
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. . .
A cold chill ran up Leilani's spine, and it wasn't just because of the winter air. Beside her, a xel-bot that looked more like a single eye attached to a stick man body made from slim, metal piping didn't seem to notice. This bot, named Troilus, was one of Leilani's oldest friends, and he had just suggested to her one of her worst nightmares.
“Please come with me Doc, it'll be a riot with you there!” he tried to goad her, despite being distracted by a bird not far off from them.
“I think you mean a riot will break out.” Leilani retorted with a grimace. “We've talked about this Troilus- there's nothing you can do to get me into Doctor Blackwell's lab to bump elbows with the Mighty Numbers.”
Troilus turned to look at her, his eye sparkling with amusement. “Ah, but Doc, Beckie loves you. You'd make his day just by breathing in his direction!”
The young woman had to look away from her friend as she pursed her lips together. “Hard pass.” she decided in a stiff tone.
“Not my favorite photo filter.” Troilus then playfully mused. “More of a transparency kinda guy.”
Leilani let out an exasperated sigh in response.
The two continued their walk in silence for a good amount of time. It wasn't until the path led to a crossroads that they turned to look at each other again.
“Whelp, last chance Doc.” Troilus told Leilani. “I'm telling you, Beck would love to see you. Pyrogen would love you too if you gave him the chance!”
“Troilus,” Leilani then begged, taking the robot by his thin hands, “I can't enter the Mighty Numbers' lair. Just thinking about the place makes me sick- if I had to enter it, I'd probably pop a blood vessel. Don't make me enter that place unless there's something that only I can solve. Okay?”
The tall Colosseum bot gave the young woman a thoughtful blink. “Your loss.” the bot finally decided with an indifferent shrug. His eye then glittered with amusement as he gave her a little boop on the nose. “See you later Doc!”
Trying to hide her blushing face, all Leilani could do was shake her head. Troilus pretended not to notice as he gave his favorite robotist a wave before leaving for the White compound.
The main headquarters for the Mighty Numbers was a tall steel building that tended to grow with each new Number. Each Mighty had their own floor, with Doctor White's room on the floor of the current Mighty Number. It was a far fancier sight than what Troilus lived in, what with his creator and owner a mechanic than an actual robotist, but he still enjoyed coming over now and again to see the improvements done over the years.
The only thing he hated about the Mighty Numbers' compound was that he had to be buzzed in. Every. Single. Time. You would imagine that being a family friend would mean something- but nope, Troilus had to wait to be allowed into the compound as if he were the delivery man.
“Sorry for the wait.” Mighty Number One, Pyrogen, apologized to his friend as he let Troilus in.
“It's no problem.” the other bot handwaved. “One of these days I'll crack that lock and just let myself in!”
Pyrogen gave a small chuckle as he led the two into the Mighties home. On their way to Pyrogen's room, there was some activity from the other Mighty Numbers. Troilus was only able to give a small nod to each Mighty he passed- it was Cryosphere that actually came within earshot. In fact, she almost bumped into Troilus as she tried to quickly scuttle past him and Pyrogen.
“Heya Cryo.” Troilus greeted in passing.
“Hi~!” Cryosphere replied with a side wave- she had her own business to do today, and having a guest was not going to change that much. Pyrogen noted something that sat on top of Number 2's water tank, but by the time he decided to question what she was doing, Cryosphere was out of eyesight. Instead, Mighty Number One turned his attention to his friend.
“Did you notice that she had her doll with her?” he asked in a stern tone.
“I did.” Troilus cheerfully agreed. “Sure picked a good day to come over, right? If Cryo's got her little dollie with her, then trouble is sure to follow!”
Pyrogen did not seem as thrilled at the idea as Troilus was, but decided to keep silent about his opinions for now. Trouble would follow whenever Cryosphere decided to 'play' with her Cabbage Patch doll. It wasn't necessarily how she played with the doll, it was who she played with that was the most worrisome…
. . .
You would think that by now, Beck would have developed a sixth sense for when Crysosphere got out her Cabbage Patch doll. It was well known among the Mighties that he hated that thing the most- what with its half squashed face and blank brown eyes staring straight into your soul. Oh no, when Beck realized that the doll was out, it had already been too late.
What a way to find out that your worst nightmare was free when you turn around and its just sitting right there like a dead body. Suffice to say, Beck screamed.
Pyrogen was quick to react to his youngest siblings' distress; it was so quick that Troilus only blinked and Pryo was out the door. It soon became apparent that they were a bit too late to the party. Beck stared at Cryosphere with wide, fearful eyes as Mighty Number Two cradled her doll. On closer inspection, you could see that one of the doll's arms had been ripped off.
“You broke her Beck!” Cryosphere whined. “Oh my poor Kabi- she never did anything wrong! Look at what you did!”
“I… I...” Beck stammered, but couldn't think of anything else to say. All the poor bot could do was stare at Cryo's doll in shock.
“What's going on?” Pyrogen demanded once he had formed a suspicion on what had just occurred. Both Cryo and Beck flinched at his voice and immediately turned their attention to him. Beck notably became paler at seeing the older Mighty Number.
“Beck broke my doll!” Cryosphere told her brother, holding up her doll for her and Troilus to better see.
Without wasting a second, Pyrogen then asked, “And did you use it to terrorize him?”
Cryosphere shifted a bit. “Well… yes. Yes I did, but that's only because it's so much fun!”
“Not for me.” Beck grumbled under his breath. Pyrogen looked at him for a moment before turning his attention back to Cryo.
“Cryosphere,” Pyrogen then told his sister, “You know you can't go around scaring Beck with that thing. Whatever happened in the fallout is your problem.”
“But Pyro...!” Number Two started to argue, but was instantly shut down by the glare her brother gave her.
“Come on Troilus,” Pyrogen then told his friend, “There's nothing else we can do here.”
Giving his friend a skeptical glance, Troilus shrugged and started to follow the Mighty Number out. Cryo watched them in contempt- there was no way she would let this end here.
“Someone needs to fix her!” Cryosphere blurted out in a full out whine.
At the doorway, Mighty Number One hesitated. “We could ask Doctor White...” he suggested in a still, calm voice.
“But he'd never agree to it.” Beck whispered darkly under his breath. “Everyone hates that thing...”
A small silence then fell over the group in agreement. It didn't take long for that silence to be broken, however.
“I have an idea!” Troilus suddenly declared- startling Beck in particular. “I know someone who can fix Kabi!”
“You do?!” Cryosphere happily questioned as Beck gave a pitiful whimper of fear.
“I'll be right back!” the wire frame bot promised as he headed out the door.
“Hurry!!” shouted Cryo just before Troilus was out of earshot.
. . .
Something about the cafe was far too relaxing for Leilani. For once, everything just seemed at peace as she held the steaming cup of hot chocolate under her nose. But, like all things in her life, that peace was short lived as Troilus sat opposite of her.
“Heya Doc.” the bot greeted. The human gave her greeting with a small glance before turning her attention back to soaking up the hot chocolate's warmth. Troilus wasn't blind to this, so he took it as a sign to continue.
“Okay, so, Cryo was using her doll to scare Beck, see? But in the process Beck broke the doll and it's in need of a good fixer-upper. Could you do the honors Doc? Pretty please?”
Leilani made Troilus watch in slow agony as she set her cup down on the table. For a moment, she considered her words before saying, “Sounds like Number Two deserved it.”
“I'm not the judge of that,” Troilus admitted, “But one favor could lead to a better one later, and boy would Cryo be indebted to you if you help her out this once!”
To this, the human placed a hand against her chin. “I dunno...” she mused.
“You're good with your fingers Doc.” the bot then begged. “Please help Kabi!”
Leilani gave an unflattering snort. “I'm a pianist and violinist, how is any way does that translate to 'seamstress'?” she noted with a raise of her eyebrow. After a few seconds, she then questioned, “The doll has a name?”
“Well, it's full name is Kaberi Patch, but yeah. Isn't it cute?”
That was when she looked back at him in faint horror. “What does he program his bots for?” she questioned in wonder.
“Fun, obviously.” Troilus humorously suggested, completely missing the point. Leilani then took in a deep breath. There was no way he was going to stop goading her- that much was obvious.
“Fine.” she agreed. “Take me to the doll. Kaberi. Take me to Kaberi.”
Troilus's eye glittered with excitement as he dragged the human out of the cafe. Back at the Mighty Numbers' compound, Beck impatiently paced outside of Cryosphere's room. He only looked up when he heard the sound of Troilus returning- and moments after that he realized who the bot had brought back with him.
“Leilani?!” the young bot squeaked. “What are you doing here?”
“I'm about to ruin everything.” she replied with a mischievous smirk.
“She's going to help sew up Cryo's dollie.” Troilus corrected, setting his hands down on Leilani's shoulders.
“D-do you have to?” Beck nervously questioned. Noticing that Leilani had cocked an eyebrow at his fear, Beck then tried to stammer, “I-it's just that the thing's so old. You know? It… it might be able to be fixed, yeah?”
Troilus let out a loud, and incredibly amused, laugh. “It's a fabric doll Beck, not a Gateway!”
“Leilani!” Cryosphere happily squealed when she saw the human. Pyrogen was with her, and he did not look as pleased to see the young woman there. Before anyone could properly react or even greet each other, Mighty Number Two was already leading Leilani into her room. “Oh, you're perfect for fixing up Kabi!” Cyrosphere giggled. “And at the same time, there's something I've always wanted Kabi to have- you're just perfect for it!”
The girls left the boys behind; Cyrosphere not even trying to be decent by slamming the door behind her.
“Now what?” Beck asked to no one in particular.
“Now we let Doctor Lei do her stuff.” Troilus replied; his eye twinkling with amusement. Beck let out a small whimper- why did that not inspire confidence in him? What upgrades could Cryo want with a fabric doll anyway?
. . .
They didn't have to, but the boys waited diligently for Cryosphere and Leilani to come back out. It was well over an hour before the door to Cryo's room opened up.
“Introducing…!” Cryosphere announced in a loud, boastful voice, “The new and improved Kaberi Patch!”
The boys turned to see what Cryosphere was talking about and saw the doll. Beck's artificial heart stopped in noticing that the old thing looked good as new; it's face no longer squashed, the painted eyes replaced with inset ones instead, the fabric of the doll's body looked cleaner and unstained. It wasn't until the doll blinked at him that Beck knew his greatest fears had been realized. Beck wasn't the only one to have seen the doll blink either- Pyrogen immediately looked at Cryo with wide, horrified eyes.
“What did you make Leilani do, Cryosphere?” he accused.
Cryo opened her mouth to happily reply, but Leilani beat her to it. “It's got an A.I. now.”
“What?!” the boys responded at the same time- Troilus notably sounding more amused than the horrified Pyrogen and Beck. Leilani gave a careful shrug of her shoulder.
“It's not a very smart A.I.” she then claimed. “A little less than the Patch units- like one of those robot toys you get for kids where you usually end up controlling it with a remote somewhere. Along with that, Kabi can walk on her own and is generally invulnerable to most blunt-force trauma.”
“Is that allowed, considering your parole?” Pyrogen questioned. Again, Leilani shrugged.
“I just followed Cryosphere's instructions.” she replied. “Your creator (or even Sanda, really) could have done it himself if he wanted to. Whatever no-good-deed related incident comes of this, it'll be reflected toward Sanda Tech more than myself.”
Pyrogen looked at her for a moment, then gave a small sound of agreement. The two brought their attention back to Cryo- the Mighty Number happily letting her rejuvenated doll dance in place. Leilani found herself giving a small smile at the display before turning to Beck. Mighty Number Nine did not look pleased in the slightest. Without a second thought, the human walked over to him and held out a small button.
“I suggest hiding this behind your ear.” she said to Beck, “Only press it when Cryo's trying to get at you with Kabi.”
Beck worryingly looked at the button and then to Leilani. As he took the button from her and did as he was told, he had to ask, “Why?”
A smile formed on the human's lips -not quite malicious but not entirely generous either- before she said, “It's Kaberi's only weakness; the off switch.”
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squandereduniverse · 6 years
I just made a post detailing a few AUs I had on mind after watching so much Steven Universe and finishing Steven Universe Blackthorned. If it's not an issue, could you take a look at that list and give me your thoughts?
Modern AU?
Characters from the main universe transplanted to Modern AU
Well the issue is, they’re pretty close to the present day, aren’t they? I don’t think it’d change all that much. Unless you mean everyone’s human, which is also a fun idea.
Canon-eqsue AU?
What if the Gem race was a dying race? (Thus, a group of Gems were sent to Earth, and Earth is similar to our own because Gems haven’t influenced it.)
That one could be interesting. In the first season it kinda felt like they were the last of their kind, and no one really cared or noticed them, so that could be an interesting take if they were actively trying to hide
What if Lapis was “evil sealed in a can”? (Lapis would have different origin.)
This could be interesting. But another twist could be that she was a leader of her own rebellion, and the Diamonds managed to capture her and seal her before her honeyed tongue could lure anyone else into her rebellion
What if Stevonnie was the main protagonist? (Older protagonist)
Like Stevonnie as their own dude, or as a perma fusion like Garnet. Because if we’re just going older character, that could be fun to play with, but I don’t really like the idea of Connie and Steven being a perma fusion. That’s closer to marriage and they’re basically infant children.
What if Pearl actually demanded her freedom from Rose/PD shortly after Rose got pregnant with Steven?
This one I can party with. Because this gives us the renegade Pearl who belonged to nobody I crave. Going against her orders to be her own person. 
“Fusion Cuisine” rewrite
I don’t really know if I could rewrite that episode. Not because it’s perfect, but because if they had just gotten Garnet to go because she answered the phone, or if they had just been upfront about Steven’s mom passing and him living with his aunts because his dad can’t afford a house.
“Gem Harvest” rewrite (Let’s be honest, Naive Newcomer!Andy would be perfect to ask some questions for once!)
If I were to rewrite Gem Harvest, I’d have it be more about Greg telling Steven about how he left his old family and never looked back, and how sometimes family are the people you find along the way that care about you, not the people that create you.
What if there were more Gem-Human hybrids due to the Human Zoo?
With how the zoomans looked in the episode, I don’t think they’d be present enough to consent to anything. Though the possibility of Crystal Gems taking in gems that couldn’t fight to protect them, and then those gems finding love with humans despite all odds might work a little better.  
Pearl is forced to go therapy after the events of “Rose’s Scabbard”.
Maybe we’d get an actual Pearl arc instead of episode #138 of Pearl cries because she’s nothing without Rose.
The Diamonds discover Rose is Pink earlier than canon
This actually should’ve happened in the show. We know that they have advanced tech and those gems look different enough like what happened.
Steven discovers his Diamond origins earlier due to a “Lion 3: Direct to Video” rewrite
Steven should’ve been told earlier because them gems told him because Rose told them, but the healing from that schism would’ve healed a lot more naturally and better if they had done it earlier on.
Crossover AU?
These are always cute. Tricky to write for though.
Metroid? (Samus vs the Diamonds)
I know nothing about metroid other than Samus is a girl.
Team Fortress 2 (Complete Crossover overlay)?
Heavy - Jasper
Scout - Stevonnie
Pryo - White Pearl
Spy - CG Pearl
Sniper - Garnet
Engineer - Peridot
Medic - Priyanka
Demoman - Bismuth
Solider - Eyeball Ruby
Ms. Pauling - Kiki Pizza
Mann Brothers - Blue and Yellow Diamond
Saxton Hale - Greg Universe
Administrator - Holly Blue Agate
Personality wise, none of these characters line up. Though role in the show against the role that the characters play, maybe a little bit more accurate. I’d put Amethyst as the Soldier Role and Ruby as the Pyro, because quartz soldiers and rubies can do fire stuff. White Pearl would be better off as Ms. Pauling and White Diamond as the Administrator. Greg doesn’t really fit the mark as Saxton Hale, none of the characters are aggressively masculine. Yellow and Blue don’t line up well either because if I remember correctly the Mann brothers were feuding and thats why theres a red and blue team, and those two are close. Garnet doesn’t feel like she’d make a good sniper, but I guess with future vision and rocket gauntlets she could. No one really makes a good sniper because most of them are close range fighters.
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How do the mercs react to their (s/o) patting their head. Head pats are nice. This time in the writing I am going to write in bullet points for you guys to read easier. I realized how messy it is and rambling it is for my other posts sorry.
Um hell yes! When you patted his head he blushed like mad. Did you just pat my head? No...I don't necessarily dislike it either. He loved head pats okay? They feel nice, the team teases about it but he just instead brags about it :/
He will never ask for head pats (due to pride)... But he will lower his head around you. That is usually a signal for a head pat! One head pat coming up :))
I mean...he is wearing a helmet so.....head pat but not really at the same time. Helmet pat?? Idk. But when you did helmet pat his helmet. He was just there like Ummm? WHAT ARE YOU DOING?
After explaining he just kinda chill for them like sure. Why not. If you enjoy giving them why the hell not. He would prefer giving hug tho.
Um yes! I guess. They wear a mask so....Idk. They do enjoy them tho! When you first did it they were a bit confused but still liked it :))
Instead Pyro enjoying giving the head pats to you!! They would do it for hours...pat pat pat pat pat pat... umm Pryo you ok? *nods* *continues head pats*
Awww hell YES! He likes giving them so much! If you give it to him he still enjoys it too but prefers giving it. Oh! But he does like back rubs/pats!
If you ask for a head pat he will happily accept and give you a lot of head pats. Aww, Come here, darling! Let me give you a pat on the head! If someone talks crap about it, he will make them suffer... Don't you dare talk crap about my lovely partner! mind your own business Pal!
He is definitely the type to give them. If you give it to him he is also fine but much prefers giving than receiving. Come here s/o. Let Heavy pat you :)) It will go for hours.
If somebody comes in while head patting he will just continue on and tell them to screw off. I wonder who that somebody is... (scout)
Sure! He enjoys them a lot. He sees it as a great way to connect with your lover. Getting head pats after a hard day of work is nice. If you want to be specific he prefers giving them while you are on his lap and just talking :))
He might ask them if he is really drunk. It's a 50/50. Hey *hick* Umm s/o! Could you give...me...zzz....some.....heat pats? You obviously accept while he slowly drifts to sleep. Good night demo!
He's cool with it (loves them but anyway) If you give him head pat he will 99% definitely sleep or become sleepy. So yeah quickest way to make him sleep is 1. Head pats.
He is definitely asking for them (very subtle tho) He puts his head in your neck and nuzzles against it. I feel sleepy...do you want to rest with me? (Give him head pats!!!!)
Maybe just maybe I really don't know. He neither hates nor likes them but oh! If you give them in the morning or just before sleeping tho...he LOVES it! Morning head pats are very nice.
*yawn* Good morning s/o...I like it when you...pat my head...zzz I have to get up tho... So yeah he loves morning head pats, it's just nice when you stroke his hair.
He loves them! (secretly) It is just sooo perfect when you pat his head while he lays on top of your lap. It is VERY nice. pat....pat...pat...
Will he ever ask them? No. But! He will subtlety ask for them...when he is laying on top of your lap, it is the law to head pat him lol. If he can't lay on your lap then he nuzzles in your neck. Basically, neck nuzzles = pls cuddle and head pat me pls. It's just a law you both don't mention it just the way it is and you both like it.
He will definitely give it to you 100% :)) If you are on his lap chilling he will give it to you. pat....pat...pat.
HEAD PATS!!!!! They are so nice :)) I remember receiving a lot of head pats from grandma. I would just lay on her lap or just lean on her shoulder and give me head pats. Ahh yes, the good old day I do dearly miss them.
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