#Psychiatric diagnosis
sunflxwerelfgirl · 2 years
yesterday I was officially diagnosed with bipolar disorder
honestly I’m relieved to finally have a diagnosis instead of being told I’m “just emotional” or “just a bratty person”
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creativitytoexplore · 2 years
Diabetes Drug Linked to Lower Risk of Dementia, Study Finds
Diabetes Drug Linked to Lower Risk of Dementia, Study Finds
Photo: Shutterstock (Shutterstock) New research this week is the latest to suggest that some drugs meant to treat type 2 diabetes might also help prevent dementia in high-risk groups. The study found that older people who used a relatively older class of antidiabetic medication were less likely to develop dementia than those who used other common antidiabetic drugs. The findings might warrant…
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mindwellpsychiatric · 4 months
Psychiatric Evaluation and Diagnosis in Las Vegas, NV
Psychiatric evaluation and diagnosis are essential steps in understanding and addressing mental health concerns. A mental health evaluation is the initial assessment conducted by a mental health professional. So, to gain insight into an individual’s emotional, psychological, and behavioral well-being. After that, the primary goal is to gather information about the person’s mental health, including their symptoms, personal history, and current life circumstances.
Visit us: https://mindwellpsychiatricservices.com/psychiatric-evaluation-and-diagnosis/
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thelunarforest · 6 months
Hi! This is going to be a short talk about self diagnosis (specifically about general mental health diagnoses), feel free to ask questions, add your opinions, etc.
So: to get a few things out of the way, 1: Not everyone can get professionally diagnosed, whether it be due to lack of resources or lack of viable doctors, or lack of people willing listen in the first place, plus loads of other reasons. I'm sure you all know this by now, and if not, well now you do. 2: If you believe that people should self diagnose, then you probably also believe that adequate research should be put in before self diagnosis, though of course, how you might define "adequate research" varies from person to person.
So, I personally think that self diagnosis is good and a useful tool when used properly. But I'm kind of caught up on what "used properly" means. As mentioned before, you need to do research. But who's to say what "enough" research or doing the "right kind" of research means?
And what's the difference between self diagnosing and seeing a problem that you deal with and working towards accommodating yourself and helping yourself? But also, if the label fits, why not use it to describe yourself?
I personally feel like diagnosis in general is...
1: A way of explaining what's going on with you to yourself (in which professional diagnoses can be useful if you want to know, or need medication, but why shouldn't you notice a problem and deal with it as you see fit, regardless of a (self or professional) diagnosis? Why should someone need a diagnosis of depression in order to get therapy or ask others for help? I understand needing a professional diagnosis for medication, but if you aren't looking to get medication, then why not just deal with the problem? I think people are scared of asking for help when they feel like others have it worse than them, and getting a diagnosis is a way for them to prove to themselves that they deserve help, at least partially. Of course, there are other reasons to pursue a diagnosis, and not everyone feels the same way as what I just rambled about here.)
2: A way of explaining what's going on with you to other people, it makes things faster, and (sometimes) makes people be more understanding. (Though it's also important to note that a lot of people will not be understanding if you are not professionally diagnosed, which I think is sad.)
3: To get needed accommodations from workplaces or schools, or other places. (this one you might need a professional diagnosis for.)
4: To find resources of how you should help yourself, or how others should help you. Though, as mentioned before, in some situations you could probably look for help with specific problems, though in other situations how you treat the problem depends entirely on the diagnosis, which also makes getting a diagnosis, whether it be professional or personal a bit scary, as if you/they get it wrong, then you might be treating it the wrong way. At that point though, just changing the course of treatment would probably work.
Diagnosis in general is a tricky thing, because a diagnosis is just a categorization of complex tendencies that occur in people. You might get it wrong. Professionals might get it wrong. As long as what you're doing works, that's what matters. (at least to me)
Anyway, just felt like ranting about this a bit, but yeah, I'd like to hear other people's thoughts. (of course though, please don't hate on me or others. Sharing a different opinion is NOT the same as hating on someone, sharing your opinion is fine.)
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emohorseboy · 4 days
thinking about it it’s very telling that the only thing i said that my recent psych worker was willing to believe without twisting my words so far beyond recognition that she may as well have just never met me and made the whole thing up was when i said that i feel like i alienate people. i meant that i feel like i am an inherently evil person who hurts people just by association and but she asked no further questions, wrote that i ‘alienate people with [my] behaviour’, and recommended a structured ‘personality disorders assessment’. fucking sinister that the only thing i said they were willing to even slightly believe was the bit where i said i was a terrible person lmao.
needless to say that is the last time i will ever be talking to a psych ‘professional’ of any kind. this last stint under mh services has truly broken me and at long last i have learned my fucking lesson.
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giritina · 5 months
Is it a hot take to say hard line anti-psychiatry is definitely reactionary and anti-science and bad
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Alice Through the Looking Glass (2016, James Bobin)
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transvampireboyfriend · 4 months
guess who's not dying 😬
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bonni · 4 months
when I want to reblog a positivity post that applies to me but it uses the phrase "schizophrenia spectrum"
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yellowyarn · 1 year
why dosent the American Psychiatric Association make a version of every criteria in the DSM where it sounds like normal English?? people trying to figure out if they have a condition would rather not spend a week trying to decode your fancy medical talk.
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sunflxwerelfgirl · 2 years
Y’all want a clingy psycho mentally ill girlfriend til she starts showing clingy psycho mentally ill behaviors
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piplupod · 23 days
...if bpd is on my diagnoses list then why am i not receiving any treatment for it and have only received more mistreatment -_-
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landgraabbed · 27 days
i shouldn't look at the notes on posts that i disagree bc the brainrot i find in them..... ooh boy
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puppydolled · 9 months
seeing people on here spin the arion kurtaj story as "this is why you never get diagnosed for autism" makes it want to kill. yeah sure the prison complex which would have given him a life sentence anyways and fined him for millions in damages if he didnt have autism and without the help of advocates and attorneys trying to get him off light would have totally been easier on him if he wasnt diagnosed autistic. sure.
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strang3n1ghts · 1 month
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lottieurl · 10 months
one of my controversial opinions is i won't stop using the word narcissist in a way its been used my whole life because of a psychiatric label/diagnosis that shouldn't be called that in the first place
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