#Pueblo people
tempest-melody · 1 year
Kansas: Scott Lake State Park
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ndnlook · 2 months
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shonvio · 2 years
New tees available in women’s and men’s fashion styles, in all colors, and sizes up to 5X.  Come see our cool store.
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nando161mando · 2 months
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"Carrefour apoya el genocidio del pueblo Palestino" (ES: Español)
"Carrefour supports the genocide of the Palestinian people" (EN: English)
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Kogi: The Indigenous people of the Colombian desert
The Kogis are one of the few indigenous people in South America who were able to maintain their pre-Columbian culture. Being a pacifistic ethnic group they never attempted to fight colonists and preferred to move to more isolated areas up the mountain, where they could continue to live their lives without much influence from western culture. They call themselves the “elder brothers” who are taking care of the “Heart of the World” (the Sierra Nevada) and protecting it from the “younger brothers” (non Kogi or Arhuaco Amerindians) who are destroying it. They believe if the “Heart of the World” get's out of balance it will affect the whole world. Having survived the Spanish colonizers, the [Colombian] colonials in the beginning of the century, the Marijuana bonanza of the 80s, the coca planting of the drug cartels and the armed conflict among guerillas and paramilitaries the Kogi are facing their biggest fear now, the destruction of “Heart of the World” due climatic changes.
- Alexander Rieser
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zfotos · 7 months
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Santa Fe Plaza, NM
harmony between the environment and the structures
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wordsofwisdomandsoul · 3 months
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arthurdrakoni · 9 months
Flag of the Pueblo Sultanate
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This is the flag of the Pueblo Sultanate. It comes from a world where the Ottoman Empire established colonies in the New World. The Ottomans began in the Caribbean, and soon went on to conquer Mexico. Eventually, the Ottomans made their way to the American Southwest, and subjugated the Pueblo peoples. Life was harsh for the Pueblo people under Ottoman colonialism. Pueblo people were forced to toil away in silver mines to feed the Ottomans’ hunger for precious metals. Several madrasas were established with the intent to convert the Pueblo peoples to Islam. In theory, the madrasas would provide aid, education, and social services to the Pueblo people. In practice, however, the imams often subjected their charges to horrific abuse. Despite this, Islam did manage to spread among the Pueblo peoples. The Pueblo peoples begged for a savior. But where could he be? 
The Pueblo people received their answer in the form of a charismatic preacher named Po’Pay. Despite the similar name, he is a separate individual from the Po’Pay of our world. This Po’Pay preached the highly syncretic religion that combined indigenous Pueblo beliefs with Islamic liberation theology. This was in sharp contrast to the Islam of the Ottomans, which frowned upon syncretism, and suppressed indigenous beliefs. Po’Pay teachings began to spread, and soon Po’Pay a revolt against the Ottomans. Though the fight was hard, at last the Pueblo peoples were free from the Ottoman yoke. The Pueblo peoples began to think of themselves not as a collection of disparate tribes, but as a united people sharing in a common destiny. 
 Po’Pay organized the tribes into a sultanate, with himself as the first sultan. However, the sultan would not rule alone. An assembly of tribes was created. Representatives of each tribe could voice the opinions and concerns of the tribe to the assembly. Thus, the Pueblo Sultanate became the first representative monarchy in the New World. The Pueblo Sultanate stretches over much of what would be he American Southwest.   The Pueblo Sultanate is famous for begin very tolerant, open-minded, and accepting of peoples with different beliefs. Most citizens practice Pueblo Islam, but don’t try to push it on other people. Most women do not veil, and most Pueblo citizen wear traditional indigenous-style clothing. to Po’Pay developed a written script based upon Arabic, and the Pueblo Sultanate is home to several libraries and other centers of learning. In fact, the Great Pueblo Library is world renown for its expansive collection of books. Qurans are written in the Pueblo script, and the call to prayer to announced in the various Pueblo languages. The Pueblo Sultanate is also quite famous for its cooking. Pueblo cuisine combines cooking techniques from the Eastern Mediterranean with spices and ingredients of the American Southwest. The Pueblo Sultanate has a noticeable minority of Greeks, Serbians, Bulgarians, and Amazighs. They are mostly descended from slaves brought over during the days of Ottoman colonialism.  
Also, the Pueblo Sultanate isn’t actually called the Pueblo Sultanate in-universe, but I couldn’t think of a better name.  The flag includes the sun symbol of the Zia people, and the crescent moon of Islam. This is a reference to the Sultanate’s mixed indigenous and Islamic heritage. The blue band represents turquoise, an important stone to many Pueblo peoples. The green band represents prosperity, and green is a color associated with Islam. The yellow band is there because it goes well with everything else. 
Link to the original flag on my blog: https://drakoniandgriffalco.blogspot.com/2022/06/flag-of-pueblo-sultanate.html?m=1
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visited the senckenberg museum of natural history in frankfurt and they have a pueblo indian skull on display in their mineral section.
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it’s literally just there with all the rocks. the most information about it is literally “pueblo indian skull with volcanic rock”
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karinyosa · 20 days
indie rock/folk (?) band at the local street festival covered bayan ko and leve palestina in tagalog and i had to choke back tears lmao a councilmember sponsored the event and someone had to come on after their performance to be like these works don't represent the views of [org] bc they performed immediately after the councilmember's speech hdhdjsb. anyway they're not on spotify but they're called araw tierra and this is the song they covered
and a lyricless version
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the-timeless-writes · 1 month
Six Sentences Tag
Tagged by @ink-enchanted (thank you ♥️)
Rules: post 6 sentences from a current WIP
“—No lo entiendo —dijo Siahn.
—Y nunca lo harás.
Porque él no era un descendiente de Sien.
No había pasado largas horas clavando sus rodillas en la piedra, sosteniendo las frías cuentas que marcaban las oraciones. No había escuchado las trágicas historias de aquellos a quienes llamaban santos. No había convivido con el dolor de los secretos y la condena de la magia.”
“—I don't understand —said Siahn.
—And you never will.
Because he wasn't a descendant of Sien.
He hadn't spent long hours kneeling on the hard stone, holding the cold beads that marked the prayers. He hadn't listened to the tragic stories of those they called saints. He had not lived with the pain of secrets and the curse of the magic.”
I'm tagging anyone that want to do it
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sigalrm · 2 months
Brunnen der Völkerfreundschaft
Brunnen der Völkerfreundschaft by Pascal Volk Via Flickr: Brunnen 1/3: Er ist in Betrieb.
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jasmineiros · 2 years
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Wany Tuxá 🏹
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inhumanheresy · 7 months
|| ooc || I'm RETURNED FROM VACATION baybee, so let's get this show back on the road!
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itsays · 1 year
you guys talk about how evil marketing is all day (not wrong) all while posting through your apple devices it's quite funny to me
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